1 the potential of hydrogen in a climate-constrained future tom kreutz princeton environmental...

Download 1 The Potential of Hydrogen in a Climate-Constrained Future Tom Kreutz Princeton Environmental Institute Princeton University Presented at the 2005 AAAS

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1 The Potential of Hydrogen in a Climate-Constrained Future Tom Kreutz Princeton Environmental Institute Princeton University Presented at the 2005 AAAS Annual Meeting, Symposium: Sustainability - Energy for a Future without Carbon Emissions 19 February 2005, Washington, DC Slide 2 2 CMI Project Areas: - Carbon capture (Kreutz, Larson, Socolow, Williams) - Carbon storage (Celia, Scherer) - Carbon science (Pacala, Sarmiento, GFDL) - Carbon policy (Bradford, Oppenheimer) -Integration (Socolow, Pacala) Funding: 15.1$ from BP, 5 M$ from Ford The Carbon Mitigation Initiative (CMI) at Princeton University, 2001-2010 Slide 3 3 Brief sketch of the hydrogen landscape Overview of our work on production of low- carbon H 2 and electricity from fossil fuels (primarily coal) A potential role for centralized H 2 production in an emerging H 2 economy Outline of Talk Slide 4 4 Drivers for the H 2 Economy H 2 is abundant and can be utilized relatively and cleanly (via combustion, electrochemistry) Energy security Air pollution Climate change Common clean chemical energy carrier from: - renewables, - fossil fuels, - nuclear power, - fusion, etc. Slide 5 5 Difficulties with the H 2 Economy Efficiency losses during production Safety Cost: - distribution - storage (at both large and small scales) - utilization - safety Storage Slide 6 6 H 2 Issues Zealotry Safety Straw men Poorly designed systems Pie in the sky Different goals, time scales Response to climate change Oil prices, politics of nuclear power Other ways to solve the problems H 2 is a package deal Slide 7 7 The Case for Hydrogen - Climate Change 1.Most of the century's fossil fuel carbon must be captured. 2.About half of fossil carbon, today, is distributed to small users buildings, vehicles, small factories. 3.The costs of retrieval, once dispersed, will be prohibitive. 4.An all-electric economy is unlikely. 5.An electricity-plus-hydrogen economy is perhaps a more likely alternative. 6.Hydrogen from fossil fuels is likely to be cheaper than hydrogen from renewable or nuclear energy for a long time. Slide 8 8 Brief sketch of the hydrogen landscape Overview of our work on production of carbon-free H 2 and electricity from fossil fuels (primarily coal) A potential role for centralized H 2 production in an emerging H 2 economy Outline of Talk Slide 9 9 Motivation for Studying Coal (vs. Gas) Plentiful. Resource ~ 500 years (vs. gas/oil: ~100 years). Inexpensive (low volatility). 1-1.5 $/GJ HHV (vs. gas at 2.5+ $/GJ). Ubiquitous. Wide geographic distribution (vs. middle east). Carbon intensive. Potentially clean. Gasification, esp. with CCS, produces few gaseous emissions and a chemically stable, vitreous ash. Ripe for innovation. Globally significant. For example: China: extensive coal resources; little oil and gas. Potential for huge emissions of both criteria pollutants and greenhouse gases. Slide 10 10 Annual U.S. Carbon Emissions (2002) Lets focus for a moment on the power market... Slide 11 11 Process Modeling Heat and mass balances (around each system component) calculated using: Aspen Plus (commercial software), and GS (Gas-Steam, Politecnico di Milano) Membrane reactor performance calculated via custom Fortran and Matlab codes Component capital cost estimates taken from the literature, esp. EPRI reports on IGCC Benchmarking/calibration: Economics of IGCC with carbon capture studied by numerous groups Used as a point of reference for performance and economics of our system Many capital-intensive components are common between IGCC electricity and H 2 production systems (both conventional and membrane-based) Slide 12 12 Commercially Ready Coal IGCC with CO 2 Capture CO 2 venting: 390 MW e @ 1200 $/kW e, LHV = 43.0%, 4.6 /kWh CCS: 362 MW e @ 1500 $/kW e, LHV = 34.9%, 6.2 /kWh Slide 13 13 An example of such a plant... Slide 14 14 Our Reality... Slide 15 15 Economics of Coal IGCC with CO 2 Capture and Storage (CCS) Coal IGCC+CCS becomes competitive with new coal plants at ~100 $/tC Slide 16 16 Coal IGCC+CCS Coal IGCC + CCS is a hydrogen plant! Slide 17 17 H 2 Production: Add H 2 Purification/Separation Replace syngas expander with PSA and purge gas compressor. Reduce the size of the gas turbine. Slide 18 18 H 2 Production from Coal with CCS 1070 MW th H 2 LHV (771 tonne/day) + 39 MW e electricity, efficiency LHV =60.9%, H 2 cost=1.04 $/kg Slide 19 19 Disaggregated Cost of H 2 from Coal with CCS Typical cost is ~1 $/kg (note: 1 kg H 2 ~ 1 gallon gasoline) Slide 20 20 The carbon tax needed to induce CCS in H 2 production from coal is significantly lower than that for electric power Economics of H 2 from Coal with Carbon Storage Slide 21 21 H 2 Production from Coal with CCS Incremental cost for CO 2 capture is less for hydrogen than electricity because much of the equipment is already needed for a H 2 plant. Slide 22 22 Where Might that H 2 be Used? Displacing traditional H 2 from NG (1% of global primary energy). At 200 $/tonne C, H 2 for industrial boilers, furnaces, and kilns becomes competitive with gas at 4 $/GJ. Slide 23 23 System Parameter Variations System Performance: -gasifier/system pressure -syngas cooling via quench vs. syngas coolers - hydrogen recovery factor (HRF) -hydrogen purity -sulfur capture vs. sulfur + CO 2 co-sequestration - membrane reactor configuration - membrane reactor operating temperature - hydrogen backpressure - raffinate turbine technology (blade cooling vs. uncooled) System Economics (Sensitivity Analysis): -membrane reactor cost (and type) -co-product electricity value, capacity factor, capital charge rate, fuel cost, CO 2 storage cost, etc. Slide 24 24 Membrane System Results Summary No matter how hard we work, the cost of coal-based H 2 with CCS is ~1 $/kg! Slide 25 25 Hydrogen in the Transportation Sector Slide 26 26 Production Cost of H 2 (Scale=1 GW th HHV) Slide 27 27 Add CO 2 Transport and Geologic Storage... Slide 28 28 Add H 2 Storage and Distribution Pipelines... Slide 29 29 Add H 2 Refueling Stations... Slide 30 30 Add the Incremental Vehicle Cost... Switching to H 2 as a transportation fuel is expensive! The cost of H 2 production is only a small piece of the whole. Slide 31 31 Brief sketch of the hydrogen landscape Overview of our work on production of low- carbon H 2 and electricity from fossil fuels Is there a role for centralized H 2 production in an emerging H 2 economy? Outline of Talk Slide 32 32 Slide 33 33 H 2 DEMAND DENSITY (kg/d/km 2 ): YEAR 1: 25% OF NEW Light Duty Vehicles = H 2 FCVs Blue shows good locations for refueling station Slide 34 34 H 2 DEMAND DENSITY (kg/d/km 2 ): YEAR 5: 25% OF NEW LDVs = H 2 fueled Slide 35 35 H 2 DEMAND DENSITY (kg/d/km 2 ): YEAR 10: 25% OF NEW LDVs = H 2 fueled Slide 36 36 H 2 DEMAND DENSITY (kg/d/km 2 ): YEAR 15: 25% OF NEW LDVs = H 2 fueled Slide 37 37 What is this Curve? Time Consumption Slide 38 38 The Elephant-in-the-Snake Problem Le Petit Prince, Antoine de Saint Exupry or How does Ohio swallow a 1 GW th H 2 plant? Slide 39 39 2004 NRC Report: The Hydrogen Economy: Opportunities, Costs, Barriers, and R&D Needs Among the major messages of the report: -The (50 year) transition to a hydrogen fuel system will be best accomplished through distributed production of hydrogen, because distributed generation avoids many of the substantial infrastructure barriers faced by centralized generation. (pp. 117) -It seems likely that, in the next 10 to 30 years, hydrogen produced in a distributed rather than centralized facilities will dominate. (pp. 120) Slide 40 40 2004 NRC Report: Consensus Slides Distributed production of hydrogen by SMR is likely transition strategy Potential role for natural gas conversion to supply hydrogen both in transition (small, distributed) and long term (large, centralized generators) Focus DOE program on development of mass-produced hydrogen appliances for fueling stations (SMR and POX/ATR) Downsize effort on centralized generation Slide 41 41 Likelihood of a H 2 Economy Primary drivers for a U.S. H 2 economy: 1) secure energy supply, 2) improved air quality, 3) reduced greenhouse gas emissions. H 2 via distributed SMR provides only one of these (#2). Will a H 2 economy emerge in this scenario? H 2 from coal IGCC+CCS satisfies all three drivers. Yes, large scale, dedicated H 2 plants from coal with CCS are economically problematic in the transition. However, slipstream H 2 from coal IGCC+CCS is not. Slide 42 42 Coal IGCC+CCS Coal IGCC + CCS is a hydrogen plant! Slide 43 43 Slipstream Hydrogen System Design H 2 production piggybacks off of coal IGCC+CCS: - H 2 is economical (marginal production cost ~0.8 $/kg) and has a stable price relative to natural gas-based H 2. -H 2 flow rate is flexible (only PSA, compression and storage change to match increasing demand). Assume medium-sized refueling stations (1 tonne/day H 2 ) for commercial/government fleet vehicles -Begin with a handful of plants, and increase to many over time. Slide 44 44 An Alternative Scenario The U.S. gets serious about climate change in the next quarter century (before fusion, large-scale renewables). The cost of CO 2 emissions becomes high enough to force significant reductions in the power sector (~100 $/tC). CCS is shown to be a safe and economical strategy. All new coal power plants are IGCC+CCS, built near demand centers (cities). Arbitrary quantities of low-carbon H 2 is available to those demand centers for industry and transportation. The H 2 economy builds from this base. Slide 45 45 Scenarios Investigated Temporal: early fleet phase through commuter phase Geographic: two limiting cases (Ohio case study): - city gate plant Cincinnati, 24 driving miles -distant plant Columbus, 106 driving miles (91 rural) Slide 46 46 -Slipstream H 2 from coal IGCC+CCS is competitive with distributed SMR. Preliminary Results Slide 47 47 Preliminary Results - At low demand (< 20-50 tonne/day), trucked H 2 from CGCC+CCS is lowest cost option; pipelines thereafter. Slide 48 48 NRC Report Results Our work agrees with theirs. Slide 49 49 Preliminary Results Dont upsize the gasification train! Displace or replace power instead. Slide 50 50 Year 2000-2003 data:CincinnatiColumbusOhio Population (million people)2.01.611.4 Light Duty Vehicles (million) LDV gasoline (10^6 gal/day, at 20.1 mpg)2.52.014 LDV H 2 use (tonne/day, at 60 mpge)8286644675 LDV H 2 requirement (MW th HHV H 2 )135810907673 HPQ plants needed for all H 2 116 Electric capacity (GW e )6.65.332.3 EPQ / (total electric demand)6%7%1% EPQ plants needed for all power181589 (Coal for H 2 ) / (coal for electricity)10% 11% H 2 from EPQ+X% (tonne/day H 2 )48 55 Fraction of total H 2 from "extra" coal (i.e. HHV = 33.9% 37.7%) 48% Electricity and H 2 Plants with CCSEPQHPQ Coal input (MW th, HHV)10361962 Power output (MW e )36239 H 2 output (tonne/day)-771 Efficiency (%, HHV)34.9%68.4% Product cost (/kWh, $/kg H 2 )6.21.0 How does this play out in Ohio? Slide 51 51 Slipstream H 2 Upshot Slipstream H 2 with compressed H 2 truck delivery is an economical (~2 $/kg, delivered), flexible source of low- carbon H 2 from indigenous coal. This H 2 can be used by fleets of (and commuters with) H 2 ICVs (and later, FCEVs). It requires nearby IGCC+CCS, and associated high carbon prices. Since the former is an oft-cited outcome of a serious climate management regime, a H 2 economy for transportation seems to me much more likely than before because it aggressively addresses climate change.