1 the adaih county news ue -...

h THE AD AIH COUNTY NEWS 1 VOLUME 3 COLUMBIA ADAIR COUNTY KENTUCKY WEDNESDAY AUGUST 29 1900 NUMBER 46 POSTOFFICE DIRECTORY J M Russell Postmaster Office hours week days 700 a m to 930 pm COURT DIRECTORY CmcuiT COURT Three sessions a year Third Monday In January third Mpnd311n May and third Monday in September Circuit Judge W W Jones Commonwealth a AttorneyN H W Aaron Sheriff J W Hurt Clerk Jno B Coffey 1 CODMTY CCCUT First Monday in snob month JudgeJ W Butler County AttorncyJaeOamettJr- ClerkT B Btnlts JailerS H Mitchell Assessor Q A Bradshaw SurveyorR T McCaffree School SuptW D Jones CoronerLeonard Fletcher ITT COUBT Rcgnlbrcourt second Monday in each month JdgeJ W Atkins orneyGordon Montgomery CHURCH DIRECTORY PRESBYTERIAN BURKSTILLB STXBXT Rer T F Walton pastor Services second and fourth Sunday n each month Sundayschool atfl a m every Sabbath Prayer meeting every Wednesday night METHODIST BUKKSYIXUI STREET Rev JX Kilgore pastor Services first Sunday in each month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 am Prays meeting Thursday nightBAPTIST GRBBKBBUBO STREET Ber E W Barnett pastor Services third Sunday in each month at 9 L m cimeeting OHBISTIANC- AMPBELLSVIIXE PIKE Elder L Williams Pastor Services First Sunday in sach month Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 am Prayer meeting Wednesday night LODGES grMASONIC COLUMBIA LODOB No 08 F and A MReguI lar meeting in their hall over bank on Fri day night on or before the full moon in eac month Q A KEMP W M T B STOWS Sccy hiCOLBMOLt first Monday night in monthJ II P T B Stults Secret- aryc8ras a snnSS Conover Hotel JOHN N CONOVER Proprietor Columbia Kentucky HIS Hotel is one of the best in this 1 section of the State It is a large ew brick containing twentyeight ooms all elegantly furnished Good ample rooms and the table is su plied with the best provisions the coun ¬ try affords Bates very reasonable Hancock Hotel p BURKSVILLE STREET Columbia Ky JUNIUS HANCOCK Prop 0 j BThe above Hotel has been re- tted ¬ repainted and is now ready for tho comfortable accommodation of Titb with the be- theeiilfaketaffords Rates reasonable flood sample room Feed stable at he- dEUIMIIRIkL HOTEL JAMESTOWNfKY HOLT VAUGHAN Proprietors 0 openland < es Holt looks after the culinary department and sees that the table Is supplied at all with the very beet the market affords The proprietors smtlotrooms very polite to ruests Good and the dl- is nonvenlentto the business houses Fir aethe class livery attached to the hotel Terms very tessonable eknon Steam Laundry LEBANON KY 0 THOROUGHLY equipped modern 1 laundry plant conducted by exp er¬ ienced workmen and thing as high grade work as can be turned out any- place in the country Patronize a home institution Work of Ada ron Russell Taplor and Green solicited WR JOHNSTON 60 Pro REED MILLER Agents Columbia Kentucky To prevent La Grippe take a dose onwaed el Dr Restorative Nervine daily Ladies Favorite Morleys Little Liver Pills for Bilious Jto aro the ladies favorite because small eas r taken and do thdrqjftprk quiet bat cffectBaUy Ono 06c SoM by 1V TRAVESTY ON RELIGION The Sanclificatlonlsts Employ Hypno ¬ tism In Their Religious Worship Mr Jo Smith of Honey Grove Tex ¬ as an old citizen of Columbia who has been visiting in Adair county for the past two months handed us the folio wingarticle for publication It is from the Honey Grove Tex Citizen For sometime past the socalled sanctified people have been holding services in the tent west of the square near Uncle Joe Smiths home but the groans of the man Bryant accompa ¬ nied by his cries to the Lord for help became a nuisance and the people of fire were asked to vacate and have now taken possession of the grounds near the Morgan gin The Citizen is ready at all times to give a good word to any denomination of Christian peo- ple who are striving to do the Masters will and live the life of the righteous but should a minister of any church of this city continually make a tirade upon the other pastors and members of respective churches calling them tbives and hypocrites and the busi- ness ¬ men a gang of thieves and rob- bers we then as publishers of a gen ¬ eral newspaper have a perfect right to a n expression o n such matters When the sanctified third fire preachers began their abuse and criti ¬ sm just at that stage of the game did they lay themselves open to criti ¬ cism and as they have seen fit to criti ¬ cise our citizens generally its minis ¬ ters members of churches and business men they must expect criticism in re ¬ turn Much had beeu said as to the dis ¬ aceful acts at the tent and for three consecutive nights the CITIZEN was yoh to the attempt of Bryant to preach and explain the scripuras but s attempt in each case was futile making dismal failure of it He adI mits his illiteracy and ignorance but itwas unnecessary for him to announce such a startling fact as every words and expression proved it He used to be better known through this section as a flyingjenny manager and when he met a couple of men of this city a short time since who knewt him as such he made the statement to them that he had found an eas ¬ ier way of making a tying now than running a flyingjenny and that he was sure getting the coin These men arc well known in this city an will substantiate our assertion and unquestionedp The denunciation of all religious people who do not believe as their fa- natical ¬ hypnotists do has caused a gebeen whole tent outfit after a certain luur in the evening proceedings has been taken in charge by a lot of young Amer cas who have made the whole tent show that of ridicule and derision Such sccns arc naught but mocker c and blasphemy x f the teachings oh Christ and the scenes at the bench when they claim that the spirit of God prost trating with the fire Is a fraud of the first wateII Last Thursday night Miss Wagoner daughter of one of the preachers w prostrated with the lire and so teremained told when she awoke to cat a good hearty meal this making the scum or third time she had been hypnotizedt with this fire On Saturday alit itsafe penitents were getting to the fro litthat very slowly but Mrs Wagoner went the bench she being the wife of one preachers and mother o f MIscJ Wagoner She was after a reason blc length of time upon her kneesI surrounded by Bryant Wogoncr and Johnson who closed in on their victim and Bryant called upon the Lord tois send the spirit of fire to burn from crown of her head to her toes and while this was goinRon the hypnotists were getting in their work and she soon began to totter and was caught by her husband who stretched her out the ground after which the three left her while the fire act was got ngour on One very noticeable feature is that Bryant wants no one to get near to seemany their work butonSaturday night eIrthe work was so course that it was detect ¬ as a party unknown tojthera sto within three feet seclug the work Bryant always cles out fur police protection if any onahappuris to stand flycent them too long while they are firing llulr victim with hi 1niutin l It is nothing more nor less than base hypocrisy for men to pretend in the n lme of their Creator to prostrate when it is only done through them ¬ selves thus becoming the work and promptings ofjthe devil in thus trying to deceive the unsuspecting Now that the public and those who are atttending these meetings to see the fun may know that we mean just what we say we will take a man of this city one known to be a worldly man and in the eyes of these preach ¬ ers one posssessed of the devil because he has not been fired as they have and will appear with him on the pu lie square or in the tent at the option of these preachers and will prostrate our victims just the same and when they have had a good dose of the fire hypnotism will cause them to shoo and pray or sing as loud as any one We will see that they give a firstclass performance while Brother Will Bird leads the choir There will be o charge for admission nor n taken up Neither will there be any deception as the performance will be in the presence of all and the ¬ ers can rest assured of front sea while the performance is going on We only make this proposition to show the people that the prostrating by Bryant Wagoner and Johnson is done by themselves and not in answer to any of tkcir prayers as they would make the unsuspecting believe and is noth- ing ¬ more nor less than a fraud perpe- trated ¬ on an unsuspecting people Wears ready to carry out our propo- sition ¬ any night if these preachers will notify us stating place and hour they desire performance to be given Quaker Reflections Lots of people are found out when u go to call on them No man needs to be instructed in theart of spending money No Maud dear garden hose should be worn at a lawn party Some men arc such deep thinker- that their thoughts never get to the If some people would try the work cure perhaps there wouldnt be so much need of the rest cure Sillicus There is nothing new under sun CynicusThen what would you advise via to do with the bill foT my wifes new hatP Look at me exclaimed the indus- trious ¬ father 1 havent a lazy bone wormd son Wigtvag You see some queer things in the IIercs a slot ass ¬ cause he thought ho was too happy Henpcck Humph Why didnt he t married insteadR Money Unaccounted For Wiled Auditor Coulter went Into the office vacated by Auditor Sweeney he called Gov Bcckbams attention to c ¬ uoaY no to show ow the money was spent He asked that Slate Inspector HInes be ordered Thens it was that Collier after waiting three months carried alleged bills and re ¬ to Auditor Coulter accompani ¬ allegens d balance from the 10014 13 The mat ¬ r was outof Auditor Coulter hands and was in the hands of the fate in ¬ bunditd d papers up and put them in the The accounts show however the money was paid out late Cto ¬ Beckhaof ° 1 was only after the Investigation was demanded that Collier admitted ha t ¬ any money belonging to the State and that he offered to pay It back In the adjutant generals ofllcc there not the scratch of a pen to showfor what the money was expended It is pointed out that 10000 is quite a smart little pile of money for a man to prey cheat with him when he has no legal right to it During the civil war as well as in late war with Spain diarrhoea was one of the most troublesome diseases the army had to ecu tend with In instnqccs it became chronic ° old soldlcrsslill buffer fromit Mr David Taylor of Wipd Ridge Greene uod es Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di ¬ arrhoea Remedy and says he nee found anything that would give hi such quick relief It is fur sale by M e lo s luravens y KNIFLEY Wheat threshing is in progress in this section and the yield is very good Mr Thomas Cloyd returned from visit to Somerset last week Miss Nannie Hovious is visiting a Middleburg for a few weeks Willie Humphrcss is erecting a new dwelling which will add greatly to the appearance of our little village JT Hovious returned from Hus tonville last Friday MIss reb lag this weekM The writer will cast his first vote in the coming election and it will be cast bt e Uncle George Hardin a respected old colored citizen died on the 17th opo There is more sickness in this sec- tion ¬ than was ever known before at- one time littleis year son A Hovi- ous ¬ died on the 17th after an illness of ten days W R Hovious who ret- urned to Nashville on the 10th was called back just in time to be present attheburyfng The Democrats are very much en ¬ thused over the ticket and some of the Republicans have termed Gov Beck ham as the little Goebel which is just right for he has the pluck and energy of the original Goebel and the Repub- licans will find that Beckham is larger than they think- Endured Deaths AgonicsI Only a roaring fire enabled J M Garrcttson of San Antonio Tex to He down when attacted by Asthma from which he suffered for years He writes his misery was orten so thes agonies of death but Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption wholly cured him This marvelous medicine is the only known cure for Asthmdu as well as Consumption Colds and all Throat Cbestand LungJ troubles Price 50c and tOO Guaranteed Trial bottles free at E Paulls Drug Store- Stampeding to Bryan There is much alarm in Republican ranks over continued and increasing defections for Bryan So pronounced is this movement that it has attend sumed the proportions of stampede striking terror to the souls of the Re ¬ publican managers Following art the of a few Jibe most prominent who have in the pas few weeks declared for Bryan ExCongressman and ex Governor George Boutwcll of Massachusetts Governor Boutwcll has been a leading Republican for fortyfive years United States Senator G C Wel ¬ lington of Maryland Congressman Henry U Johnson a Richmond Ind Gen William Birney of Washing- ton ¬ MajorGeneral the Union army and a lifelong republicano Col Chas James Washington col ¬ lector of the port of Sau Francisco un ¬ der President Lincoln Webster Davis Assistant Secretary of the Interior under President Me Klnlcy P Tocumseh Sherman son of the late Gen W T Sherman Chi i ¬ cago editor of The Citizen Edwin F Walker secretary of the Yotiug Mens Republican Club of Evanston Ind- ExLieutcnantGovernor Fclb of Kansas ExUnited States Senator J B Hen ¬ derson of Missouri Henry F Keean author otliThe Money Makers Trajan and many other works- President Brown of the Northern Indiana College Dr W A Crowfutt who cast his first vote for Lincoln and stumped Maryland for McKinley in 1896 Besides theseall Republicans to the manner borna host of lesser lights dare turning from McKinley to Bryan Beyond all doubt Democratic chances are daily brightening To Cure Liii Grippe In Two Days erTitkc Laxative Brpmo Quinina Tab rolets All druggist refund money the if it falls to cure E W GrovcsfilVna ture oucvcry box ilccujs j 4r Mannas Historic Hand Students of character as portrayed by the human hand would have been anatoa ¬ mists in a plaster cast of the hand of deploredt the taking of the cast which was re- quested ¬ of him by a woman lart anat- omist A cast of Hannas hand would have formed an attraction in any museum Even the person who could not distin- guish between a line of life and a thin dline of heroes would pause and before a cast of the hand of ark Hanna This then he would tell himself is the hand of Americas Warwick Here is the hand that gave the Amer- Ican ¬ people the only emperor who ever ruled in along line of Presidents Into this hand poured the rapid succession of checks that put the trusts into full ssession of the United States On this palm fell the fat hot from the fry¬ ing and the beans hot from the baking and it flinched not This is the hand that spanked the mighty Roosvelt for that St Paul speech in which he ac- cused the Democrats of cowardly shrinking from duty abroad and from this hand passed all the wires that guided the actions of the Philadelphia convention delegates These would be simply the sentiI mental reflections of a casual museum visitor How much more the palmist might have gleaned from an inspection of the pudgy fingers and a scrutiny of the network of lines will never be known Hanna refused to allow the making of the cast It may be thatI Hannas sound business head prompt ¬ ed this course Hanna needs his hand all the time during a canv3ssStc Louis Republic Nothing Going On It is surprising how many people a newspaper man meets who have no ap¬ preciation or conception of news I very frequently approach a man who declares that he knows absolutely at all worth printing and then ring the casual conversation that follows drops a clue to the most im- portant event of the week which re- minds ¬ me of the story of the country editor and farmer friend Uncle Billy told by Ralph Bingham the lecturer who visited Midway and Troy last winterI II Uncle Billy walked quietly into the editors room one and after beI lu Fg lvap3e No nuthin goin on in Decstrict No 10 atall I never seen it so dullI IIaint nothin goin on What birthst sicness runaways nobody hurt no extra big watermelons this season II No nuthin You know I am your friend read your paper every week and would give you any news just to help you along if I had any but there haint none yof u town so early this week You usually do not come in until Saturday Oh the hired gal on the place ad mine killed a man with a butch ¬ r knife and throwcd the body in the well an Im just in to see the coroner and sec what hes gain to do about it Thats all Ex We have heard of stingy taco that will steal bungholes and then beg a cooper to make them a barrel around it free of charge we have heard of a milkman who would skim the milk on top and then turn the bucket bottom upward and skim the milk at the bot ¬ tom of a man in Ttxas Mho had a wart on the back of his neck was too stingy tu buy a collar button and used the wart for that purpose but such arc liberalhearted men compared with those who will pick up every possible and impossible objection to a paper and then go around and swipe their neighbors paper and cuss it to boot Subscribers who have paid their mon- ey ¬ and arc bona fide subscribers can help this enterprise a great deal closing their free reading rooms appreciate sample copies being rea but what we object to is the man w abuses our paper and then commits petit larceny to get to read ltEx To Cure A Cold In One Day Take Laxative BromoQuinincTablulS All druggists refunded the money if it falls to cure E W Groves signature on evorj box 2J5c lomaviUv hUB one aulguti fur tiy wry 281 people I n We Should Suffer Most HThougfitful Americans realiz- very distinctly the plain truth that they themselves have more to fear from the McKinley policy of imperialism than even the weaker aliens of foreign lauds who may feel the rule of Empire as institut- ed ¬ by this Government under that papolicy With the United States once committed to a career of conquest the difference then existing be ¬ tween the American Government and the monarchies of Europe will be a difference in name only We may call this country a Republic but it will be an Empire in fact- s It distant colonies their affairs administered by American Pro ¬ consuls will be colonies of Empire just as are those of Great Britain It will be compelled to sustain big armies for the pacification of sub ¬ jugated peoples and for the spread of its dominion just as are th monarchical Powers of the 01 World Its men of fighting ag will be increasingly snject to mil- itary ¬ service just as are the men of Europe Its people of all occu- pation ¬ will be burdened with the evergrowing weight of taxation necessary to the support of the ar- mies ¬ of Empire It will face the continual menace of war the hat ¬ red and jealously of other land grabbing Powers just as those Powers have always lived in hat ¬ red and strife and bloodshed The glory that has been peculiar- ly ¬ the glory of this Government since its establishment by the lib ¬ ertyloving patriots of 177G wit depart forayer when we shall ac cept the policy of Empire as our policy Our Government will no longer stand in the world as the hope and promise of universal- freedom justice and the rights o- man We will proclaim to the world instead that the splendid Washingtois Kinley The love that has gone out to Old Glory wherever unhap- py ¬ men yearned for liberty will be changed to hatred That 8 ¬ Rfreedom of freedom when it waves over peo- ples ¬ whose rights ore denied the aud who are governed by fort without their consent We wi not be able longer to celebrate the ourth of July without hypocrisy or to read the Declaration of In ¬ dependence without blushing for our faithlessness to its utterances These unhappy facts of the cer- tain ¬ results of Empire are bacon very plain to Americans proud of their country and jealous of its Rrile Republic be betrayed to The protest of Americans against such betrayal will be voiced at the polls in November And of its ef ¬ fectiveness there will be left no ground for doubt even in tl minds of trio imperialists the selves who shall then bo tbest public Is Life Worth Living Sleeplessness debility nervousness and palpitation of the heart arc not diseases they are symptons Intl ing that the various vital organs a riot working in harmony Morle Liver and Kidney Cordial restores ° Ilcr and rids the body of all waste products tbat clog the system It in fires sound digestion sound nerves and sOund bleep Mr Thad Proctor Buncomb Ills says I sold 187 bottles of Morleys Tasteless Chill Syrup during this last year and did not have one failure the lot My customers say It is the best Chill Syrup ever sold in this com ¬ tonallyTloty is that for a rcco Sold by W M Bell Joppa Ky HunterVe rad ¬ au ¬ cohot list ho had beeumurdered Frank Smith a aixteen Yoar boy of Louisville was riding on freight train when he was can between cars and mashed so that he died tin hour later byli r I Ue + Blacksmiths + AND WooctvvOrker Columbia Ky I am prepared to do all kinds of wore in my line and if you need re ¬ Buggiesor I keep for sale wagon and buggy tires rims spokes and all kinds of andMtlsfactIon ¬ Newly Furnished American Plan SLOfl Per Day 3ie Fosters 3Cotcf MEALS 25c 523 W Market SI LOUISVILLE KY NIC BOSLER ngr Wilmore Hotel Propd Kentucke THERE is no better place to stop hotelGood Feedstable GORDON MONTGOMERY QYYl17om o mw a COLUMBIA KY adjoiningunties drugstore 1DR M 0 SALLEE DENTIST L CarefUl attention Riven to me ¬ dentistryf CoffcyHuntcr COLUMBIA KY FRANK M BALLENGER IT- IIRoninsonNorton Go WHOESALE Itoe 11LOUISVILLE K Now is Tne Time to REPAIR HOUSES o leDo not allow your house to injure for the lack of Guttering or a Leaking Roof JfcWI make oofing and Guttering a specialty ofe repairwork in my line I use good material and do my work lit bedrock prices Call on me Tinnerril Life insurance Go- OF HARTFORD CONN CHARTERED 1820 Assets 54000000 Surplus 8000000 cato rcThe Aetna will write you a 15 Pay lessy companies rtwill write you a 20 Payment Life Policy thereby guaranteeing to save you 5 full premiums and 5 years in time On the basis of equal cost the 33TNA GUARANTEES more insurance greater extensions greater cash and loan values and greater paidup val ¬ ues at the end of equal periods of time than any other company InoPuliclesabsolutely incontestable af ¬ one year after two cars on limited pay policies firstrd For further information call on or address W D JONES aColumbia Ky i R Rf AURA NT old7d1fE3BIE Proprietor ICYht This stand located near the de ¬ pot and meals are furnished at all bestby gant sitting rooms for teilie < I i Y ff

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Page 1: 1 THE ADAIH COUNTY NEWS Ue - …chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069496/1900-08-29/ed-1/seq-1.pdf · TRAVESTY ON RELIGION ... will and live thelife of the righteous ... with this



POSTOFFICE DIRECTORYJ M Russell PostmasterOffice hours week days 700 a m to 930 pm


CmcuiT COURT Three sessions a year ThirdMonday In January third Mpnd311n May andthird Monday in SeptemberCircuit Judge W W JonesCommonwealth a AttorneyN H W AaronSheriff J W HurtClerk Jno B Coffey


CODMTY CCCUT First Monday in snob monthJudgeJ W ButlerCounty AttorncyJaeOamettJr-ClerkT B BtnltsJailerS H MitchellAssessor Q A BradshawSurveyorR T McCaffreeSchool SuptW D JonesCoronerLeonard Fletcher

ITT COUBT Rcgnlbrcourt second Monday ineach monthJdgeJ W Atkins

orneyGordon Montgomery



BURKSTILLB STXBXT Rer T F Waltonpastor Services second and fourth Sundayn each month Sundayschool atfl a m every

Sabbath Prayer meeting every Wednesday




pastor Services first Sunday in each monthSundayschool every Sabbath at 9 a m Praysmeeting Thursday


GRBBKBBUBO STREET Ber E W Barnettpastor Services third Sunday in each month

at 9 L mcimeetingOHBISTIANC-

AMPBELLSVIIXE PIKE Elder L WilliamsPastor Services First Sunday in sachmonth Sundayschool every Sabbath at 9 amPrayer meeting Wednesday night


grMASONICCOLUMBIA LODOB No 08 F and A MReguIlar meeting in their hall over bank on Friday night on or before the full moon in eac

month Q A KEMP W M


hiCOLBMOLtfirst Monday night in monthJ II P

T B Stults Secret-

aryc8rasa snnSS

Conover HotelJOHN N CONOVER Proprietor

Columbia Kentucky

HIS Hotel is one of the best in this1 section of the State It is a largeew brick containing twentyeightooms all elegantly furnished Good

ample rooms and the table is suplied with the best provisions the coun ¬

try affords Bates very reasonable

Hancock Hotelp


JUNIUS HANCOCK Prop0j BThe above Hotel has been re-


repainted and is now ready fortho comfortable accommodation of

Titb with the be-

theeiilfaketaffords Rates reasonableflood sample room Feed stable at





Holt looks after the culinary department andsees that the table Is supplied at allwith the very beet the market affords Theproprietors smtlotrooms very polite toruests Good and the dl-is nonvenlentto the business houses Fir aetheclass livery attached to the hotel Terms verytessonable

eknon Steam Laundry

LEBANON KY0THOROUGHLY equipped modern1 laundry plant conducted by exp er¬

ienced workmen and thing as highgrade work as can be turned out any-

place in the country Patronize ahome institution Work of Ada ronRussell Taplor and Green solicited


Columbia Kentucky

To prevent La Grippe take a dose onwaedel Dr Restorative Nervine daily

Ladies Favorite Morleys Little LiverPills for Bilious Jto aro the ladiesfavorite because small eas

r taken and do thdrqjftprk quietbat cffectBaUy Ono 06c SoM by



The Sanclificatlonlsts Employ Hypno ¬

tism In Their Religious Worship

Mr Jo Smith of Honey Grove Tex¬

as an old citizen of Columbia whohas been visiting in Adair county forthe past two months handed us thefolio wingarticle for publication It isfrom the Honey Grove Tex Citizen

For sometime past the socalledsanctified people have been holdingservices in the tent west of the squarenear Uncle Joe Smiths home but thegroans of the man Bryant accompa ¬

nied by his cries to the Lord for helpbecame a nuisance and the people of

fire were asked to vacate and havenow taken possession of the groundsnear the Morgan gin The Citizen isready at all times to give a good wordto any denomination of Christian peo-ple who are striving to do the Masterswill and live the life of the righteousbut should a minister of any churchof this city continually make a tiradeupon the other pastors and membersof respective churches calling themtbives and hypocrites and the busi-



men a gang of thieves and rob-bers we then as publishers of a gen ¬

eral newspaper have a perfect rightto a n expression o n such mattersWhen the sanctified third firepreachers began their abuse and criti ¬

sm just at that stage of the gamedid they lay themselves open to criti ¬

cism and as they have seen fit to criti ¬

cise our citizens generally its minis ¬

ters members of churches and businessmen they must expect criticism in re¬

turnMuch had beeu said as to the dis¬

aceful acts at the tent and for threeconsecutive nights the CITIZEN wasyohto the attempt of Bryant topreach and explain the scripuras but

s attempt in each case was futilemaking dismal failure of it He adImits his illiteracy and ignorance butitwas unnecessary for him to announcesuch a startling fact as every wordsand expression proved it

He used to be better known throughthis section as a flyingjenny managerand when he met a couple of men ofthis city a short time since who knewthim as such he made the statement tothem that he had found an eas ¬

ier way of making a tying now thanrunning a flyingjenny and that hewas sure getting the coin Thesemen arc well known in this city anwill substantiate our assertion and

unquestionedpThe denunciation of all religious

people who do not believe as their fa-


hypnotists do has caused agebeenwhole tent outfit after a certain luurin the evening proceedings has beentaken in charge by a lot of young Amercas who have made the whole tentshow that of ridicule and derisionSuch sccns arc naught but mocker

cand blasphemy x f the teachings ohChrist and the scenes at the bench

when they claim that the spirit of Godprosttrating with the fire Is a fraud of

the firstwateIILast Thursday night Miss Wagonerdaughter of one of the preachers w

prostrated with the lire and soteremainedtold when she awoke to cat a good

hearty meal this making the scumor third time she had been hypnotizedtwith this fire On Saturday alititsafepenitents were getting to the frolitthatvery slowly but Mrs Wagoner wentthe bench she being the wife of one

preachers and mother o f MIscJWagoner She was after a reasonblc length of time upon her kneesIsurrounded by Bryant Wogoncr andJohnson who closed in on their victimand Bryant called upon the Lord toissend the spirit of fire to burn from

crown of her head to her toes andwhile this was goinRon the hypnotistswere getting in their work and shesoon began to totter and was caughtby her husband who stretched her out

the ground after which the threeleft her while the fire act was got ngouron

One very noticeable feature is thatBryant wants no one to get near to seemanytheir work butonSaturday night eIrthework was so course that it was detect ¬

as a party unknown tojthera stowithin three feet seclug the work

Bryant always cles out fur police

protection if any onahappuris to standflycent them too long while they are

firing llulr victim with hi 1niutin


It is nothing more nor less than basehypocrisy for men to pretend in then lme of their Creator to prostratewhen it is only done through them ¬

selves thus becoming the work andpromptings ofjthe devil in thus tryingto deceive the unsuspecting

Now that the public and those whoare atttending these meetings to seethe fun may know that we mean justwhat we say we will take a man ofthis city one known to be a worldlyman and in the eyes of these preach ¬

ers one posssessed of the devil becausehe has not been fired as they haveand will appear with him on the pulie square or in the tent at the optionof these preachers and will prostrateour victims just the same and whenthey have had a good dose of the firehypnotism will cause them to shoo

and pray or sing as loud as any oneWe will see that they give a firstclassperformance while Brother Will Birdleads the choir There will be o

charge for admission nor ntaken up Neither will there be anydeception as the performance will bein the presence of all and the ¬

ers can rest assured of front seawhile the performance is going onWe only make this proposition to showthe people that the prostrating byBryant Wagoner and Johnson is doneby themselves and not in answer to anyof tkcir prayers as they would makethe unsuspecting believe and is noth-ing


more nor less than a fraud perpe-trated


on an unsuspecting peopleWears ready to carry out our propo-


any night if these preacherswill notify us stating place and hourthey desire performance to be given

Quaker Reflections

Lots of people are found out whenu go to call on themNo man needs to be instructed in

theart of spending moneyNo Maud dear garden hose should

be worn at a lawn partySome men arc such deep thinker-

that their thoughts never get to the

If some people would try the workcure perhaps there wouldnt be so muchneed of the rest cure

Sillicus There is nothing new undersun CynicusThen what would

you advise via to do with the bill foTmy wifes new hatPLook at me exclaimed the indus-


father 1 havent a lazy bone

wormdsonWigtvag You see some queer things

in the IIercs a slotass¬

cause he thought ho was too happyHenpcck Humph Why didnt he

t married insteadRMoney Unaccounted For

Wiled Auditor Coulter went Into theoffice vacated by Auditor Sweeney hecalled Gov Bcckbams attention to

c ¬uoaYno to showow the money was spent He asked

that Slate Inspector HInes be orderedThens itwas that Collier after waiting threemonths carried alleged bills and re ¬

to Auditor Coulter accompani¬allegens dbalance from the 10014 13 The mat ¬

r was outof Auditor Coulter handsand was in the hands of the fate in ¬

bunditd dpapers up and put them in the

The accounts show howeverthe money was paid out lateCto¬

Beckhaof ° 1

was only after the Investigation was

demanded that Collier admitted ha t ¬

any money belonging to the Stateand that he offered to pay It back

In the adjutant generals ofllcc therenot the scratch of a pen to showfor

what the money was expended It is

pointed out that 10000 is quite asmart little pile of money for a man toprey cheat with him when he has no

legal right to it

During the civil war as well as in

late war with Spain diarrhoea was

one of the most troublesome diseases

the army had to ecu tend with Ininstnqccs it became chronic °

old soldlcrsslill buffer fromit Mr

David Taylor of Wipd Ridge Greeneuod es

Chamberlains Colic Cholera and Di ¬

arrhoea Remedy and says he neefound anything that would give hi

such quick relief It is fur sale by Me lo sluravens



Wheat threshing is in progress inthis section and the yield is very good

Mr Thomas Cloyd returned fromvisit to Somerset last week

Miss Nannie Hovious is visiting aMiddleburg for a few weeks

Willie Humphrcss is erecting a newdwelling which will add greatly to theappearance of our little village

J T Hovious returned from Hustonville last Friday

MIssreblag this weekMThe writer will cast his first vote inthe coming election and it will be castbt e

Uncle George Hardin a respectedold colored citizen died on the 17thopoThere is more sickness in this sec-


than was ever known before at-

one time

littleisyear son A Hovi-



died on the 17th after an illnessof ten days W R Hovious who ret-

urned to Nashville on the 10th wascalled back just in time to be presentattheburyfng

The Democrats are very much en ¬

thused over the ticket and some of theRepublicans have termed Gov Beckham as the little Goebel which is justright for he has the pluck and energyof the original Goebel and the Repub-licans will find that Beckham is largerthan they think-

Endured Deaths AgonicsIOnly a roaring fire enabled J M

Garrcttson of San Antonio Tex toHe down when attacted by Asthmafrom which he suffered for yearsHe writes his misery was orten sothesagonies of death but Dr Kings NewDiscovery for Consumption whollycured him This marvelous medicineis the only known cure for Asthmduas well as ConsumptionColds and all Throat Cbestand LungJtroubles Price 50c and tOO

Guaranteed Trial bottles free atE Paulls Drug Store-

Stampeding to Bryan

There is much alarm in Republicanranks over continued and increasingdefections for Bryan So pronouncedis this movement that it has attend

sumed the proportions of stampedestriking terror to the souls of the Re¬

publican managers Following art theof a few Jibe most prominent

who have in the pasfew weeks declared for Bryan

ExCongressman and ex GovernorGeorge Boutwcll of MassachusettsGovernor Boutwcll has been a leadingRepublican for fortyfive years

United States Senator G C Wel ¬

lington of MarylandCongressman Henry U Johnson a

Richmond IndGen William Birney of Washing-


MajorGeneral the Union armyand a lifelong republicano

Col Chas James Washington col ¬

lector of the port of Sau Francisco un ¬

der President LincolnWebster Davis Assistant Secretary

of the Interior under President MeKlnlcy

P Tocumseh Sherman son of thelate Gen W T ShermanChi i ¬

cago editor of The CitizenEdwin F Walker secretary of the

Yotiug Mens Republican Club ofEvanston Ind-

ExLieutcnantGovernor Fclb ofKansas

ExUnited States Senator J B Hen ¬

derson of MissouriHenry F Keean author otliThe

Money Makers Trajan and manyother works-

President Brown of the NorthernIndiana College

Dr W A Crowfutt who cast hisfirst vote for Lincoln and stumpedMaryland for McKinley in 1896

Besides theseall Republicans to themanner borna host of lesser lights

dare turning from McKinley to BryanBeyond all doubt Democratic chancesare daily brightening

To Cure Liii Grippe In Two DayserTitkc Laxative Brpmo Quinina Tabrolets All druggist refund money the if

it falls to cure E W GrovcsfilVnature oucvcry box ilccujs j


Mannas Historic Hand

Students of character as portrayedby the human hand would have beenanatoa¬

mists in a plaster cast of the hand ofdeploredtthe taking of the cast which was re-


of him by a woman lart anat-omist

A cast of Hannas hand would haveformed an attraction in any museumEven the person who could not distin-guish between a line of life and a thin

dline of heroes would pause andbefore a cast of the hand of

ark HannaThis then he would tell himself

is the hand of Americas WarwickHere is the hand that gave the Amer-Ican


people the only emperor who everruled in along line of Presidents Intothis hand poured the rapid successionof checks that put the trusts into full

ssession of the United States Onthis palm fell the fat hot from the fry¬

ing and the beans hot from the bakingand it flinched not This is the handthat spanked the mighty Roosvelt forthat St Paul speech in which he ac-cused the Democrats of cowardlyshrinking from duty abroad and fromthis hand passed all the wires thatguided the actions of the Philadelphiaconvention delegates

These would be simply the sentiImental reflections of a casual museumvisitor How much more the palmistmight have gleaned from an inspectionof the pudgy fingers and a scrutiny ofthe network of lines will never beknown Hanna refused to allow themaking of the cast It may be thatIHannas sound business head prompt ¬

ed this course Hanna needs his handall the time during a canv3ssStcLouis Republic

Nothing Going On

It is surprising how many people anewspaper man meets who have no ap¬

preciation or conception of news Ivery frequently approach a man whodeclares that he knows absolutely

at all worth printing and thenring the casual conversation that

follows drops a clue to the most im-portant event of the week which re-


me of the story of the countryeditor and farmer friend Uncle Billytold by Ralph Bingham the lecturerwho visited Midway and Troy lastwinterIII Uncle Billy walked quietly intothe editors room one and after beIluFglvap3eNo nuthin goin on in Decstrict No10 atall I never seen it so dullIIIaint nothin goin on Whatbirthstsicness runaways nobody hurtno extra big watermelons this season

II No nuthin You know I amyour friend read your paper everyweek and would give you any newsjust to help you along if I had any butthere haint noneyof u

town so early this week Youusually do not come in until Saturday

Oh the hired gal on the place admine killed a man with a butch ¬

r knife and throwcd the body in thewell an Im just in to see the coronerand sec what hes gain to do about itThats all Ex

We have heard of stingy taco thatwill steal bungholes and then beg acooper to make them a barrel aroundit free of charge we have heard of amilkman who would skim the milk ontop and then turn the bucket bottomupward and skim the milk at the bot¬

tom of a man in Ttxas Mho had awart on the back of his neck was toostingy tu buy a collar button and usedthe wart for that purpose but sucharc liberalhearted men compared withthose who will pick up every possibleand impossible objection to a paperand then go around and swipe theirneighbors paper and cuss it to bootSubscribers who have paid their mon-


and arc bona fide subscribers canhelp this enterprise a great dealclosing their free reading roomsappreciate sample copies being reabut what we object to is the man w

abuses our paper and then commitspetit larceny to get to read ltEx

To Cure A Cold In One DayTake Laxative BromoQuinincTablulSAll druggists refunded the money if itfalls to cure E W Groves signatureon evorj box 2J5c

lomaviUv hUB one aulguti fur tiywry 281 people


We Should Suffer MostHThougfitful Americans realiz-

very distinctly the plain truththat they themselves have more tofear from the McKinley policy ofimperialism than even the weakeraliens of foreign lauds who mayfeel the rule of Empire as institut-ed


by this Government under thatpapolicyWith the United States oncecommitted to a career of conquestthe difference then existing be ¬

tween the American Governmentand the monarchies of Europe willbe a difference in name only Wemay call this country a Republicbut it will be an Empire in fact-

sIt distant colonies their affairsadministered by American Pro¬

consuls will be colonies of Empirejust as are those of Great BritainIt will be compelled to sustain bigarmies for the pacification of sub ¬

jugated peoples and for the spreadof its dominion just as are thmonarchical Powers of the 01World Its men of fighting agwill be increasingly snject to mil-itary


service just as are the menof Europe Its people of all occu-pation


will be burdened with theevergrowing weight of taxationnecessary to the support of the ar-mies


of Empire It will face thecontinual menace of war the hat ¬

red and jealously of other landgrabbing Powers just as thosePowers have always lived in hat¬

red and strife and bloodshedThe glory that has been peculiar-


the glory of this Governmentsince its establishment by the lib ¬

ertyloving patriots of 177G witdepart forayer when we shall accept the policy of Empire as ourpolicy Our Government will nolonger stand in the world as thehope and promise of universal-freedom justice and the rights o-

man We will proclaim to theworld instead that the splendid

WashingtoisKinley The love that has goneout to Old Glory wherever unhap-py


men yearned for liberty will bechanged to hatred That 8 ¬

Rfreedomof freedom when it waves over peo-ples


whose rights ore denied theaud who are governed by fortwithout their consent We winot be able longer to celebrate the

ourth of July without hypocrisyor to read the Declaration of In ¬

dependence without blushing forour faithlessness to its utterances

These unhappy facts of the cer-


results of Empire are baconvery plain to Americans proud oftheir country and jealous of itsRrileRepublic be betrayed toThe protest of Americans againstsuch betrayal will be voiced at thepolls in November And of its ef¬

fectiveness there will be left noground for doubt even in tlminds of trio imperialists theselves who shall then botbestpublic

Is Life Worth LivingSleeplessness debility nervousness

and palpitation of the heart arc notdiseases they are symptons Intling that the various vital organs ariot working in harmony MorleLiver and Kidney Cordial restores °Ilcr and rids the body of all wasteproducts tbat clog the system It infires sound digestion sound nervesand sOund bleep

Mr Thad Proctor Buncomb Illssays I sold 187 bottles of MorleysTasteless Chill Syrup during this lastyear and did not have one failurethe lot My customers say It is thebest Chill Syrup ever sold in this com ¬

tonallyTloty is that for a rccoSold by W M Bell Joppa Ky

HunterVerad ¬

au ¬cohot listho had beeumurdered

Frank Smith a aixteen Yoarboy of Louisville was riding onfreight train when he was canbetween cars and mashed so thathe died tin hour laterbyli



Ue+ Blacksmiths +AND

WooctvvOrkerColumbia Ky

I am prepared to do all kinds ofwore in my line and if you need re ¬BuggiesorI keep for sale wagon and buggytires rims spokes and all kinds of

andMtlsfactIon ¬

Newly Furnished American Plan SLOfl

Per Day

3ie Fosters 3CotcfMEALS 25c



Wilmore Hotel

PropdKentuckeTHERE is no better place to stop

hotelGoodFeedstableGORDON MONTGOMERY

QYYl17om o mw aCOLUMBIA KY




CarefUl attention Riven to me ¬dentistryfCoffcyHuntcr




Now is Tne Time toREPAIR HOUSES


leDo not allow your houseto injure for the lack of Gutteringor a Leaking Roof JfcWI make

oofing and Guttering a specialtyoferepairwork in my line I usegood material and do my work litbedrock prices

Call on me

TinnerrilLife insurance Go-



Assets 54000000 Surplus 8000000catorcThe Aetna will write you a 15 Paylessycompaniesrtwill write you a 20 Payment Life

Policy thereby guaranteeing to saveyou 5 full premiums and 5 years in time

On the basis of equal cost the 33TNAGUARANTEES more insurancegreater extensions greater cash andloan values and greater paidup val¬

ues at the end of equal periods of timethan any other company

InoPuliclesabsolutely incontestable af¬

one year aftertwo cars on limited pay policiesfirstrdFor further information call on oraddress W D JONESaColumbia KyiR Rf AURA NT

old7d1fE3BIE Proprietor

ICYhtThis stand located near the de¬

pot and meals are furnished at allbestbygant sitting rooms for teilie<

I i

