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    PROJECT 1 ..................................................................................................................................... 3

    THE ICE BREAKER .................................................................................................................. 3

    I THOUGHT YOU KNEW BETTER ........................................................................................ 4

    SELF INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 7

    MYSELF ..................................................................................................................................... 9

    PROJECT 2 ................................................................................................................................... 10

    INTROVERTS VS EXTROVERTS ......................................................................................... 10

    BULLYING .............................................................................................................................. 13

    MACHU PICCHU .................................................................................................................... 14

    PROJECT 3 ................................................................................................................................... 16

    STRESS ..................................................................................................................................... 16

    I SAW RED ............................................................................................................................... 19

    KEEP YOUR ROOM CLEAN! ................................................................................................ 21

    STOP COMPLAINING MALAYSIANS ................................................................................. 23

    THE VALUE OF FRIENDSHIP .............................................................................................. 26

    PROJECT 4 ................................................................................................................................... 27

    TYPES OF PEOPLE DURING THEIR CULTURE’S FESTIVAL ......................................... 27

    RAINFOREST .......................................................................................................................... 29

    HEALTHY EATING ................................................................................................................ 33


    THEM........................................................................................................................................ 35

    PROJECT 5 ................................................................................................................................... 38

    CORONAVIRUS ...................................................................................................................... 38


    EFFECTS OF WATCHING CARTOONS ............................................................................... 41

    THOMSON AND MR COCKROACH .................................................................................... 43

    PROJECT SPEECH 6 ................................................................................................................... 46

    15 7 2020 BACK TO HELL ..................................................................................................... 46

    PROJECT 7 ................................................................................................................................... 50

    BENEFITS OF CORONA VIRUS ........................................................................................... 50

    WESTERN DINING ETIQUETTE .......................................................................................... 52

    OPTICAL ILLUSION............................................................................................................... 56

    PROJECT SPEECH 8 ................................................................................................................... 60

    STOP! PROTECT YOUR SLEEP ............................................................................................ 60

    MY PET .................................................................................................................................... 64

    PROJECT 9 ................................................................................................................................... 67

    DEATH PENALTY SHOULD BE ABOLISHED ................................................................... 67

    OWNING A PET ...................................................................................................................... 71




    Hi everybody, my name is Abigail Ashwini Das. I am 15 years old. I

    study at SMK Banting. My father’s name is Anthony Das a/l

    Sinappan and my mother’s name is Angeline Das. I have 2 siblings,

    Anne who is 8 years old and Abner who is 6 years old. I have many

    friends and my best friend is Felonia Melva Francis. I love Italian

    cuisine for example pizza and pasta because it has a lot of flavour.

    Moving on, my favourite drink is lemon coke because I love the sour

    and the soda taste of the drink. My favourite subject is Chinese. My

    favourite place to travel would be my recent place that I visited which

    is Sri Lanka. I loved the scenery and the art structure of the temples.

    When I grow up I am going to help a lot of people.

    Abigail Ashiwini Das (15)



    In a big forest, humongous trees, beautiful flowers. There lived a

    monk under a tree, a lady runs up to him and says “I want

    happiness”. The monk takes a deep breath and says “Lady, first take

    out the I that’s ego, then take out the want and that’s selfishness at

    last you are left with happiness”.

    Good evening ladies and gentleman, I am sixteen years old and my

    name is Abigail Ashwini Das. And my true self is yet to be discovered.

    In my life I met so many people with different mind sets and colours.

    By discovering and observing, I have learnt plenty of lessons that

    changed my life.

    But today I will share with you the lesson I have learnt that turned

    my life around. During my primary schooling, I didn’t have many

    friends. I would say I was clueless; I wouldn’t blame anyone because

    I was the odd among everyone. Being in a Chinese school was not easy

    for me. I had less friends and it was hard to keep up. But when I

    graduated and went to secondary school. That was a great eye

    opening; everything was cooler because I started to gain some

    attention. As for the teenage, hormones and the rebelling energy. I

    went on hanging around with the wrong crowd, that had a bad

    influence on me.

    So one bright Saturday morning, I was so bored. Without permission

    I invited some of the friends who I was mingling with to my house.


    Without permission, they all were boys and were older than me. In

    that moment nothing, my head was only processing the euphoria I am

    going feel when I am enjoying time with them. So I sneaked them into

    the house and we were hanging out. Later after a few minutes, one of

    my friends suggested that we should go out and grab some food, first

    I opposed the idea but later they convinced me and I quickly ran up

    to change my pants. But when I was coming down the stairs, I heard

    this manly voice that didn’t sound like my friends, and when the voice

    got louder, I realised that it was my dad. My heart sank, stopped,

    turned, everything you could imagine.

    When I went downstairs, my dad looked at me. I thought he was going

    to punish me physically but instead he sends the boys out and when

    he came in he looked at me with this disappointing face and said. I

    thought you knew better. At that moment, I had Niagara Falls

    happening in my eyes. I cried so hard to the point my body would run

    out of water.

    I felt horrible breaking my father’s trust and misusing his freedom

    he gave me. He didn’t speak to me for a while, and that hurt the most.

    But one day, he took me for a drive and spoke how he felt and gave

    me options to choose. He gave me the advice to always make the right

    decision. It’s ok to make mistakes but it’s not ok if you don’t try to

    rectify it. I learnt that a single decision can affect your life very

    seriously. So remember to always think about others and try to


    emphasize with others so you know where they are coming from.

    Remember the monk’s advice and always don’t be self-centred.

    Abigail Ashwini Das (16)



    Hi, everyone. My name is Chua Thomson. I’m 16 this year studying

    Form 4 at SMJK CHUNG HWA KLANG. My favourite subject is

    add maths. In my own opinion add maths is like a puzzle, you have to

    solve the clue one by one to get the answer, although it can be

    complicated sometimes, but that’s what I like about it. I like the

    feeling of accomplishment whenever I finally solved it. I also like

    facing challenges as I feel that life without challenges is meaningless.

    My hobby is to learn MMA. MMA means mixed martial art. What’s

    different from other combat sport is that it is a combination of

    striking, grapping and ground fighting, made up from various

    martial arts like Muay Thai, Boxing and Brazilian jiu-jitsu. I just

    joined this sport about a month ago, so I still have much to learn and

    it is really fun learning MMA. I would say it’s a good stress reliever.

    I have also made new friends. The main reason I chose MMA, is to

    strengthen my body while learning some useful skills to protect

    myself in case I’m in danger. Although I like MMA and there are also

    many famous and successful fighters in the world, I am not going to

    become a professional fighter, because even though I enjoy exercising

    my body while fighting, I wouldn’t want to fight for a living.

    Currently, I’m learning how to become a trader. I would like to share

    the difference between investor and trader. One of the obvious

    difference is an investor takes a long-term approach to the market,


    whereas a trader is likely to be short-term. My aim is to be able to

    master this skill before I graduate.

    When I was a kid, I spoke in English most of the time, so I was very

    fluent in English. However, as I started studying in primary school,

    most of my classmates speaks Chinese, so I spoke less English and

    more Chinese. After many years, I noticed my English level dropped,

    thus I decided enough I need to step out of my comfort zone so I joined

    this class. Another reason I joined this class is my desire to further

    study at Western country, to be able to do that I have to strengthen

    my English and my ability to speak proper English with confidence.

    My dream is to become a successful entrepreneur or businessman, to

    be creative and innovative, to become a leader that can lead my

    people to areas or path that they couldn’t have gone on their own and

    most importantly to solve the problems in the society. Although I

    know it’s hard to fulfil my dream, I will continue to work hard to

    become the guy that I want to become. The quote that inspired me the

    most is “suffer what others can’t suffer and you will achieve what

    others can’t achieve”. I’m glad to join this public speaking class. I

    also hope that I will learn much things and become a good public

    speaker. Thank you. Thomson (16)



    Hi, my name is Makhathi A/P Thangavelu. I am 12 years old. I was

    born 20th March 2008. I’m studying at SK BUKIT TINGGI. My

    favourite subject is Mathematics. Mathematics is easy for me because

    I do a lot of activities to make me understand. My hobby is painting

    and sketching some random pictures. My ambition is to be a doctor.

    I also like martial art. I am attending Karate class with my brother.

    Speaking about my brother, his name is Jaikaran. He is 17 years old

    this year. He is studying at SMK RAJA MAHADI. His hobby is to

    play badminton. His ambition is to be an engineer.

    My father’s name is Thangavelu. He is an engineer. He is 43 years

    old. His hobby is to play football. My mother’s name is Gunavathy.

    She is a teacher. She is teaching in a kindergarten. She is also 43 years

    old. Her hobby is to cook. I have one best friend. Her name is

    Thayaani. The subject she likes is Science. During the weekends she

    goes to her grandmother’s house at Seremban. She has a pet hamster.

    She likes to spend time with her pet hamster.

    Now let’s continue about myself. I joined public speaking to clear my

    stage fright and build the confidence in me. It will also make me speak

    proper English. I hope I will be a good public speaker like my trainer

    Mrs Vasanthi Francis. Thank you. Makhathi (12)




    Before I start my speech, I would like to ask what do you call a person

    who is shy Introvert? and what about a person who is outgoing?

    Extrovert? What if I tell you that’s a misconception? What if I am a

    mix of introvert and extrovert? What should I call myself? Today as

    I present my second public speech project I would like to answer your


    So, what exactly is introvert and extrovert? As we return back to

    history the word introversion and extroversion is popularized by Carl

    Jung, a Swiss psychiatrist. He believes that introversion is someone

    who direct their interest towards inward toward their own feeling,

    extroversion towards other people and the outside world. So, as we

    come back to the present, researchers conclude that introvert is

    someone who recharge spending time alone, on the other hand

    extrovert is someone who gain energy from other people or

    socializing. Like I said in the beginning, a shy person is always

    labelled as an introvert but scientist states that someone who is shy

    are just scared of being judge and as we know everyone can be afraid

    of being judge, so a shy person is not equal an introvert.

    However, there isn’t any pure introvert or extrovert in our world said

    by Carl Jung. He said someone like this would end up in the mental


    hospital. Introversion and extroversion is like my ruler. Extrovert is

    like the right side of a straight line where else introvert is the left side.

    You see most people are either slight right or left around 50 to 60%

    in the world. But, of course there are also people who are extremely

    to the right or left, but they will never be 100 %. Well, for people who

    are around the middle what do we call them? There is a new name

    that is called--- ambivert. If you are an ambivert congratulation as

    study shown that ambivert is to success in their life. However, if you

    are introverts or extroverts don’t feel dejected there is also many

    successful introvert such as: JK Rowling, Isaac Newton, Warren

    Buffet, Mahatma Gandhi and successful extroverts such as: Bill

    Clinton, Steve Jobs and Muhammad Ali.

    In life we will meet many different person and we can’t avoid

    socializing, as a human we need friends. Here I would like to share a

    story: There were two girls who are roommates and always meet each

    other but they have a huge difference, A is an extrovert and B is an

    introvert. Whenever the A enters B’s room, B would be angry as A

    did not knock the door before entering, she felt that A did not respect

    her privacy, where else A would be angry as she feels annoying when

    B knocked the door before entering. This type of scene is everywhere

    in our life. So how do prevent this thing to happen? Firstly, we need

    to understand introversion and extroversion are natural preference,

    so we couldn’t change them and should not try to remake them. We


    should respect introverts’ privacy and don’t interrupt them. We

    should also give them a prior notice of changes in their life. For

    extroverts we should allow them to talk and shine.

    About few months back, I was hit by the question of how many

    extroverts, introverts and ambiverts are there in my class. So, I

    conducted a survey. The result was 6 introverts, 27 extroverts and 10

    ambiverts. You see even in a small class I have to encounter with

    different types of people, so always be caring to others and think of

    others before doing action as you may have hurt or annoyed

    unknowingly. Also, when I asked my friends they need to think for a

    long time before answering my question. This portrayed something:

    People in the society now are too busy to understand themselves. So

    my fellow friends why don’t you use this valuable time to

    communicate with your inner-self.

    Thomson (16)



    Bullying is not someone punching others face. They are a lot of types

    of bullying which are verbally, physically, indirect and cyber

    bullying. There are about 200 million children and teens are getting

    bullied? It’s true that much people are being bullied.

    What is physical bullying? Physical bullying is hurt someone with

    force. For instance, punching, kicking and more. For example, if

    someone shoved you to the ground that would be physical bullying.

    Even minor movements like poking and pinching.

    Next verbal bullying, verbal bullying is nay calling and making

    offensive statements about someone like their name, gender and

    religion. 46.5% of bullying in schools is verbal bullying. Verbal

    bullying brings a lot of health complications and it often leads to

    fighting or quarrelling.

    Next is indirect bullying. For example, spreading rumours about

    someone and making stories about them that are not true. Indirect

    bullying is 18.5% of all types of bullying. Even making assumptions

    and judging someone is indirect bullying.

    In conclusion, the bully feels better after bullying others. Bullying is

    not an option to show off for popularity. And to prevent this, everyone

    here has to step up and stand up for people that are being bullied. So

    please be careful with the words you say and speak it might end up

    hurting someone. Abigail Ashwini Das (15)



    Hello, today I am going to talk about an ancient place.it is Machu

    Picchu. Five hundred years ago, Machu Picchu was a vibrant city

    high on a mountain top in Peru. Archaeologists think it was built by

    the Incas around 1460.Then, in the early 1500s, Machu Picchu was

    deserted. Thick jungle plants covered the city. It was forgotten for

    hundreds of years. The city was rediscovered in 1911 by the explorer

    Hiram Bingham.

    Hiram Bingham also discovered The Mysterious Nazca Lines. The

    Nazca Lines are huge images that were craved on the ground in Peru

    centuries ago. Many of these images are animals, and others are

    enormous geometric shapes. Scientists believe the lines were created

    by ancient Nazca people nearly 2000 years ago. Why the lines were

    made is still a mystery. Some astronomers the lines could be a star

    map. Some scientists think the lines may be a map that shows where

    Nazca farmers could find underground sources of water. No one

    knows for sure! Since we were speaking about Machu Picchu, now

    let’s talk about the explorer Hiram Bingham.

    Hiram Bingham was born on November 19, 1875 in Honolulu,

    Kingdom of Hawaii. He died on June 6, 1956 at the age of 80 in

    Washington, D.C. Hiram Bingham is an Aviator, an Archaeologists,

    a Politician, an Army officer, an Educator and an Explorer. No one

    in the world knows what made Machu Picchu deserted for years.


    Some of them think that there was a disease and some thinks there

    was a war. The full story of Machu Picchu remains a mystery. Thank


    Makhathi (12)




    9xy2 + 12y divide by 4xz3…

    “Why are there alphabets in maths? Aren't maths just numbers. The

    numbers I can see that do not decrease are the numbers of pages. This

    makes me so stressed.”

    Everyone undergoes stress situations. The word stress has become

    very famous among people even among kids. First of all, what are we

    stressed about? Doing an uninterested job, studying subjects that are

    hard to understand, death of a loved one and workload. Even just

    listening to the stress makes people feel stress. Actually there are

    some ways to reduce stress.

    Exercise is one of the most important things you can do to combat

    stress. It might seem contradictory, but putting physical stress on

    your body through exercise can relieve mental stress. The benefits are

    more effective when exercising regularly. People who exercise

    regularly are less likely to experience anxiety than those who don’t

    exercise. There are a few reasons behind this. First, exercise lowers

    the body's stress hormones such as cortisol in the long run. It also

    helps release endorphins, which are chemicals that improve your

    mood and act as natural painkillers. Secondly, when you exercise


    regularly, you may feel more competent and confident in your body,

    which in turn promotes mental wellbeing.

    The next way to reduce stress is to have better sleep. Everyone knows

    stress can be caused due to lack of sleep. This vicious cycle causes the

    brain and body to get out of whack and only gets worse with time. So,

    make sure to get the doctor-recommended seven to eight hours of

    sleep. Turn the TV off earlier, dim the lights, and give yourself time

    to relax before going to bed. It may be the most effective and easiest

    stress buster. But don't sleep more than you need. This makes you

    feel lazy.

    Last but not least, eat the right food. Stress levels and a proper diet

    are closely related. When we’re overwhelmed, we often forget to eat

    well and resort to using sugary, fatty snack foods as a pick-me-up.

    Some people try to reduce stress by drinking alcohol or eating too

    much. These actions may seem to help in the moment, but actually

    may add to stress in the long run. Caffeine also can compound the

    effects of stress. Consuming a healthy, balanced diet can help to

    combat stress. Fruits and vegetables are always good, and fish with

    high levels of omega-3 fatty acids have been shown to reduce the

    symptoms of stress.


    With many ways to release your stress at your disposal, one wonders

    why we are still stressed about something. Stop thinking about bad

    things and look towards the bright side of your life. This may help

    you to have good vibes around you. It's easy to get rid of stress but we

    should take action to reduce it. Everything is in your hand.

    To write it down. While recording what you’re stressed about is one

    approach, another is jotting down what you’re grateful for.

    Gratitude may help relieve stress and anxiety by focusing your

    thoughts on what’s positive in your life.

    Thank you.

    Kayalvili (16)



    If a person would say I see blue, the person is probably feeling a sense

    of calmness, but if someone would say I see red how do you think the

    person is feeling? The person is probably feeling angry. Good evening

    to my fellow friend. Over the past few years as I grew older I tent to

    see red most of the time. I don’t know why. Even Though I was

    blessed with clothes to wear, food to eat and a beautiful family,

    something was still missing in my life. I felt dissatisfied and

    persuaded. Let me paint you a picture of a typical day. Early in the

    morning, at 7 I will be dressed in a school uniform holding a school

    bag. As I stepped out of my house, I would see my neighbour Mrs.

    Darren next door water the plants. Mrs. Darren would ask me the

    silliest of questions. She will look at me and ask “Hey Shakthi going

    to school”. I was thinking 7 in the morning dressed in a school

    uniform and holding a school bag where else could I be going? I just

    tell her “oh no i am not going to school but to your house”. And once

    my mother’s car had a flat tire. Mrs. Darren asked “Hey Shakthi flat

    tires?” I felt like telling her “Oh no the other three were stolen”. So

    you see my friends at the start of the day I saw red. And at school I

    saw red as well. Once I didn't finish my homework and my teacher

    knew that too. But she asked me if I had finished my homework. This

    was my reply “Goodbye, see you next time”. And at home when I

    thought finally I could have a peace of mind. My grandmother would


    make me see red as well. Because my grandma is learning how to use

    the internet by the way would interrupt me at the worst time possible.

    There was once I was busy working on my project my grandma asked

    me how to log on the internet. I say “Grandma just click on the

    internet explorer icon”. “Which one is the internet explorer icon” I

    said “That with the E and internet explorer at the bottom. “Should I

    left click or right click on the mouse?”. “Just click on the left side of

    the mouse” I replied. “Which finger should I use to click?” Which

    finger! “Just click with your finger that you have”. So you see my

    friends at the start of the day till the end I would see red and just as I

    was about to be distressed and depressed in the vicious cycle of

    redness. I came to see the light. From that day onwards I learned to

    be more patient next. So boys and girls whenever you see red please

    be patient and think wisely. Thank you.

    Shaktiveeran (15)



    We know the phrase “go clean your room” probably brings back

    some bad childhood memories, but did you know that cleaning your

    room can actually help reduce things like dust mites and other bed

    bugs, keep you less stressed. Not to mention making your bed every

    day can help you feel more accomplished and organized.

    Are you starting to think that maybe mom and dad were right? Even

    though cleaning your room can be a tedious process, the results are

    worth the hour of cleaning and laundry. Doing a deep cleans of your

    dirty room, can also tidy up your brain. This will also enhance the

    power towards studies. This will help clear out any clutter and keep

    your room as well your thoughts organized. Even though cleaning

    your room may feel like a mundane task, it will help you feel the sense

    of accomplishment, happiness and pride. After we clean our room, we

    can get clean indoor air for example the air which comes from the air

    conditioner will be cleaner than usual because the air is cleaner. We

    can also sleep better. Clean sheets mean better sleep. We should at

    least clean our room once a week. Sometimes we don’t change the

    sheets every week so we must change the sheets at least two weeks

    once. We also should dust the ceiling twice a week because our face

    always faces towards the ceiling when we sleep and the dusts won’t

    make us get flu. We could also prevent our self from getting allergies


    which involves dust. Always clean your room and remember to listen

    to your parent’s advice. Thank you.

    Makhathi (12)



    Tak boleh lah Malaysia. Next time you got money faster move out.

    My fellow friends I would like to ask you, have you ever heard

    something like this. Sadly, I experienced this before where one of my

    schoolmates said this to me. It is a very pathetic situation in our

    society as people are always complaining a lot about the nation called

    Malaysia or other name the country of complaining. Through this

    speech I would like to prove why Malaysia BOLEH.

    We are humans not robot so we will definitely fell sick. Let’s say one

    of your family member fainted and you need to call the ambulance.

    What's the cost the ambulance service? Well it’s 200 to 2200 dollars

    in the leader of the world USA. What about the tak boleh country. It

    only costs around 200 ringgits. I’m sure most of us would hesitate if

    you face this situation in America as we wouldn’t want to be broke

    just by calling an ambulance, but that’s what happening in many

    countries. They even have to pay a huge cost to treat illness. Thus,

    causing many middle and lower classes to avoid going to the hospital

    despite getting sick. We should be grateful that as Malaysians, we

    don’t have to suffer this type of problem as we have public hospital

    that is affordable. Complainers would say that is because Malaysia

    health service is low quality so it is cheap. But do you know that we

    have a good healthcare system indeed that is even ranked No.1 in the


    Health Care category of the international Living Annual Global

    Retirement Index.

    We all live in country with a diversity of culture, race and religious.

    We have Indian, Malay, Chinese, Kadazan, Iban and so on. That’s

    why we have variety of local foods from the national food—nasi

    lemak, to the nasi briyani at the mamak stall and even the Bak Kut

    Teh at Klang. That some more, as one of the strategic location and

    attraction places in the world, Malaysia attracted many foreigners to

    come in Malaysia and bring their culture in of course including their

    own unique food. Thanks to that we now have unending variety of

    food to choose form. Now, let’s imagine you are sitting in a hawker

    centre. There is satay at the left side of you, there is a cendol in front

    of you and a plate of nasi lemak with ayam goreng at you right side.

    Do you still think Malaysia Tak Boleh?

    During the last school holiday, my dad brought our family to Japan

    for a vacation. It was a fun and wonderful trip. At there we usually

    use public transport to travel around or either use the free

    transportation our feet because the price at there is really high. Even

    the cheapest of all the public transport the railway is about 180 yen

    that is 7 ringgits. Something more surprising is the food there is really

    expensive. My favourite food there must be the Ichiran Ramen. When

    I was in Malaysia I always saw many videos about the Ichiran Ramen

    describing it as a so delicious dish. So, I told my father and we walked


    to there and it was queuing outside. When it was finally our turn to

    use the machine to print out our order ticket and I remember the face

    of my father when he saw the price on the machine. He was like.

    Luckily my brother and I successfully persuaded him. Overall it’s

    very. But, keep in mind a normal bowl of Tonkotsu ramen costs 1000

    yen that is about 40 ringgits. Oh My God. Back in Malaysia let’s say

    a bowl of Laksa only cost about 5 maybe 6 ringgits. You might think

    it’s expensive because the ramen is well known. But being there for

    about two weeks, I noticed that most things are very expensive and so

    it makes me appreciate that Malaysia things are more reasonable and

    affordable in a way. So my friends do you still think other country is

    always better than our country?

    Malaysia, our beloved country that is going to celebrate its 63

    birthday in few months has given many gifts to us from the free

    education system to the flora and fauna in our country. Despite this,

    we can’t ignore that Malaysia have its own flaws but my brothers and

    sisters Malaysia it is in our hand to fill up these flaws. My fellow

    Malaysians, in this time of MCO let us use the time to really think is

    Malaysia really Tak Boleh?

    Thomson (16)



    We all have friends, but what is friendship? Friendship is a

    relationship between friends that create closeness and bonds. A friend

    is when she or he lends a shoulder to cry, supports you in your good

    and bad times. They give all their time to hear your ups and downs.

    Actually when you first meet your friend you would feel awkward

    and weird but when time flies you start conversing. Did you know the

    value of a friend is priceless? Because no one in the whole wide world

    can buy the effort your friend exerts to make you the happiest person

    in the whole universe.

    Moving on, some people think when they get in a conflict the

    friendship between them will never be the same but trust me if you

    overcome that conflict your bond with your friend will become

    stronger and greater.

    Friendship is a give or take relationship. I tell you today the value

    about friendship never can be described by word every single one of

    you have to feel and find that feeling in you

    Before I end this speech, I want to reflect on this quote, the greatest

    value of a friend is not what you get from them but the better person

    you have come because of them

    Abigail Ashwini Das (16)




    Hi, now on Earth there are many cultures. Each culture has a festival

    specialized for them. For an example, Hari Raya for the Malay,

    Deepavali for the Indian, Chinese New Year for the Chinese and

    Christmas for the Christians. During all this festival, every adult will

    start their cars head to their hometown. This also causes road traffic

    but all this festival once comes once a year so no one will be angry.

    When others think it will take an hour and a half to reach Seremban

    but then here comes the trill …………the father’s say “Ok today we

    will be late to reach Seremban”. Every child will list down items to

    snack on in the car. Sometimes the adults will rage and start to

    blabber. So here is my advice to all adults please don’t get angry and

    scold people just like that. Every single human needs happiness in

    their life and that happiness only come when their family is happy so

    these festivals are the only thing they are looking forward to make the

    family happy. As the saying goes “THE GREATEST HAPPINESS IS

    FAMILY HAPPINESS”. There are people who always care about

    time and they will make their move to the destination early in the

    morning. No matter what time you make a move to your destination

    it will always be a problem……. traffic is traffic and blabber is


    blabber. Take my advice and quit getting angry always. This will

    make you happy too. Thank you.

    Makhathi (12)



    Let's start the speech with a riddle. I am an area of tall, mostly

    evergreen trees and a high amount of rainfall. I am earth’s oldest

    living ecosystem for at least 70 million years. I am incredibly diverse

    and complex, home to more than half of the world’s plant and animal

    species even though I cover just 6% of Earth’s surface. This makes

    me astoundingly dense with flora and fauna. For example, a 10-

    square-kilometer of me contains as many as 1,500 flowering plants,

    750 species of trees, 400 species of birds and 150 species of butterflies.

    Can you all suggest who am I? Yes. I am rainforest.

    Rainforests thrive on every continent except Antarctica. The largest

    rainforests on Earth surround the Amazon River in South America

    and the Congo River in Africa. The tropical islands of Southeast Asia

    and parts of Australia support dense rainforest habitats. Even the

    cool evergreen forests of North America’s Pacific Northwest and

    Northern Europe are a type of rainforest.

    Most rainforests are structured in four layers which are emergent,

    canopy, understory and forest floor. Each layer has unique

    characteristics based on differing levels of water, sunlight and air

    circulation. While each layer is distinct, they exist in an

    interdependent system. The top layer of the rainforest is the emergent

    layer. Here, trees as tall as 60 meters dominate the skyline. The

    animals living in the emergent layer of the Amazon rainforest include


    birds, bats, gliders and butterflies. Large raptors, such as white-tailed

    hawks and happy eagles are its top predators.

    Beneath the emergent layer is the canopy, a deep layer of vegetation

    roughly 6 meters thick. The canopy’s dense network of leaves and

    branches forms a roof over the two remaining layers. The canopy

    blocks winds, rainfall, and sunlight, creating a humid, still, and dark

    environment below. Trees have adapted to this damp environment by

    producing glossy leaves with pointed tips that repel water. Fig trees,

    common throughout most of the world’s tropical rainforests, may be

    the most familiar fruit tree in the canopy. In the Amazon rainforest,

    canopy fruit is snatched up in the large beaks of screeching scarlet

    macaws and keel-billed toucans, and picked by barking spider and

    howler monkeys.

    Located several meters below the canopy, the understory is an even

    darker, stiller and more humid environment. Plants such as palms

    and philodendrons, are much shorter and have larger leaves than

    plants that dominate the canopy. Understory plants large leaves catch

    the minimal sunlight reaching beyond the dense canopy. Many bats,

    birds, and insects prefer the open airspace the understory offers.

    Amphibians, such as dazzlingly coloured tree frogs, thrive in the

    humidity because it keeps their skin moist.


    The forest floor is the darkest of all rainforest layers, making it

    extremely difficult for plants to grow. Leaves that fall to the forest

    floor decay quickly. Decomposers, such as termites, slugs, scorpions,

    worms and fungi, thrive on the forest floor. Organic matter falls from

    trees and plants and these organisms break down the decaying

    material into nutrients. The shallow roots of rainforest trees absorb

    these nutrients and dozens of predators consume the decomposers!

    Rainforests provide us with many products that we use every day.

    Tropical woods such as teak, balsa and mahogany are used in

    flooring, doors, windows and cabinetry. Fibres such as raffia, bamboo

    and rattan are used to make furniture, baskets and cords. Cinnamon,

    vanilla, nutmeg and ginger are just a few spices of the rainforest. The

    ecosystem supports fruits including bananas, papayas, mangos and

    cocoa and coffee beans. Rainforests also provide us with many

    medicinal products. According to the U.S. National Cancer Institute,

    70% of plants useful in the treatment of cancer are found in the


    Even though rainforests provide us benefits, they are disappearing at

    an alarmingly fast pace, largely due to human development over the

    past few centuries. Once covering 14% of land on Earth, rainforest

    now make up only 6%. Since 1947, the total area of tropical

    rainforests has probably been reduced by more than half, to about

    6.2 to 7.8 million square kilometres. Many individuals, communities,


    governments, intergovernmental organizations and conversation

    groups are taking innovative approaches to protect threatened

    rainforest habitats. But without our support it is going to extinguish.

    So, let’s save the rainforest for the world’s benefit.

    Thank you

    Kayalvili (16)



    Today my topic is about healthy eating. Some people think when

    someone is one a diet it means that person does not eat and wants to

    lose weight, but being on a diet means to eat a proper balanced meal.

    Today I will explain how and why we have to eat healthy and follow

    a proper diet.

    Frist of all, in a meal you must have these types of food which is

    carbohydrates which provides us energy, protein helps us build new

    cells and tissues, fruit and vegetables which provide us has fibres.

    Next fats that help maintain our body temperature. In a balance diet

    the food is not only an important thing but water is also important.

    We have to drink up to 8 glasses of water a say.

    Moving on, here are the steps you need to eat healthy every day. Step

    1 you have to set your mind set, sometimes we do fail but what’s

    important is that we don’t give up. Step 2 is to list down a timetable

    or download an app that will segregate foods and their calories so you

    would be organized. Step 3 is to enjoy the cooking and preparation

    time because when you put love to your food the love goes to your

    stomach as well.

    Last but not least, why do we have to follow these tips and tricks? It

    is because we will get health complications when we are growing

    older. Let me list down a few types of sickness which is dehydration,

    constipation, obesity and worse is kwashiorkor.


    If we follow and eat healthy our stamina will become stronger and we

    will be far from these deadly sicknesses that eat up our precious time

    in the future.

    We have to have a balance diet not to maintain a sexy body but to

    keep our health in good condition. It’s not too late to start now and

    make a difference we all can eat and keep our body fit and healthy.

    Abigail Ashwini Das (16)




    Due to the Covid-19, our government decided to cancel the UPSR and

    PT3. As a 16-year-old student a one year past PT3 and past 4 year

    UPSR candidates, would I feel jealous? YES, OF COURSE YES, A

    100%YES. Thinking back all my sweat and tears shed (beat by mum),

    those decks of extra work books that I did, all the essays that I wrote

    for studying these exams OF COURSE IM JEALOUS. Sigh*Cry*

    But as a senior this makes me wonder what is the life of my junior

    like. Thinking pose*Hmmm.

    They must be really having an unending fun and relaxing moments

    now. Waking up when the sun starts to dawn sleeping when the sun

    rises enjoying and living the American time. Then, eat their breakfast

    with their parents who are eating their dinner. Next, here comes the

    two most important part of the day called the game time and movie

    time a period of time for them to play games like MBL, COD, Clash

    Royale and watch movie from YouTube or Netflix. And of course the

    inevitable time where they are scolded by mum for sleeping and

    waking up so “early”. You know why do this sounds familiar? Have

    I experienced this. Never mine. Let’s continue.

    There must be also the super hardworking and disciplined students.

    The students who wakes up earlier than the sun rises and sleeps

    before the sun dawns. Putting up and following a timetable strictly to


    do their homework and revision despite not having any exam this

    year. Maybe they are preparing for their next year syllabus Wait!

    Maybe even for their SPM. Having stacks of book and revision paper

    beside them that should be done in this week. What is game

    addiction? They only knew study addiction. Their life is without

    entertainment or we can say that they cannot have entertainment.

    They are the neighbour’s son who your mum always mentions or

    compare with you.

    As a little senior of the PT3 and UPSR candidates. I would like to

    share a little bit of my thoughts to them. In the recent three years I

    have experienced being these two types of students. Let’s be honest,

    being the relaxing students is really fun, fun, fun, fun, fun but being

    the hardworking student is really boring, boring, boring, boring,

    boring. But after my experience being in those two situations, I

    decided to become the 3rd type student, the student that balances

    study and fun in their life. This is because I realise both things are

    needed in our life. You can have fun every day and do not learn

    anything in your life but deeply regret all the knowledge you missed.

    You can study hard every day and don’t have fun but deeply regret

    all the experienced you missed. Fun and work is not incompatible,

    they can exist together, not to mention with proper time management

    they can even complement each other. Fun inspires you to work


    harder and the work you have done rewards you with fun and


    My fellow juniors maybe you have been the relaxing students or

    maybe you have been the too hardworking students during the first

    half of 2020, it doesn’t matter you can always try to be a better person

    in the next half. If you have been the relaxing one, why don’t you try

    adding some study in your time. If you have been the too hardworking

    one, why don’t you try adding some fun in your time. If you think

    your way is most suitable for you then lives with it. The PT3 or UPSR

    may be gone but this is the new KBAT question that requires you to

    answer. The question is: Is it stated that the first half of the 2020 year

    has passed. With the whole year without any exams how are you going

    to live the next half of 2020? Type 1, type 2 or type 3? Please support

    your answer with actions.

    Thomson (16)




    When I just cough, everyone around me was “Give me hand sanitizer

    faster…”. Another guy, “I think the virus went inside my body”

    (started to drink sanitizer). Everyone is terrified and scared when

    they see people coughing or sneezing. It's all because of Coronavirus!

    First, what is coronavirus? This question was asked to a few people.

    One said “corona is world war 3, the bio-war attacked by China.”

    Another person said “corona is a virus that kills people that bring

    negative vibration to the earth”. But, we should also know that covid-

    19 also gives us a lot of benefits. I can feel the audiences’ negative

    feedback towards my statement. Take a step behind and think for a


    At ‘Movement Control Order’ (MCO) period, we were all forced to

    stay at home. Not for a week or a month, we’re forced to STAY AT

    HOME for more than 2 months. People started to feel like their life

    was spent in prison. But they didn't realise this lockdown period gave

    us an opportunity to spend time with your family members. In usual

    days’ parents often have work and don't have enough time to spend

    with family even though it's the weekend. But now, parents can watch

    TV with their kids, cook together, play together and many more.

    Even though parents have online work, still they have plenty of time


    to spend wisely with their kids. If we spend our time during the MCO

    period, we won’t feel alone.

    Not just inside the home, peek through the window and see nature

    outside. Can you see the pollution had reduced out there? Yes, this is

    because humans are inside and the birds flying freely outside. This

    shows the pollution we made and how far it caused nature. Not only

    on the road also on sky we released carbon monoxide, which is very

    harmful. Moreover, we cut down the millions of millions of trees that

    produce oxygen to living things and absorb carbon dioxide. But

    during the lockdown period, see how beautiful nature is. This shows

    us that without humans the earth will be very beautiful with various

    types of flora and fauna. So are we going to pollute nature?

    Not just that, most countries are becoming like Japan in this Covid-

    19. Everyone is carrying hand sanitizers, wipes and tissues to keep

    themselves clean. Furthermore, people are told to wash their legs and

    hands with turmeric water before entering the house. Even when we

    open the TV the government always reminds us to be clean and

    hygienic. Those days, washing legs and hands was a habit. As

    technology grows, we forget to do all. But now, the coronavirus

    reminds us to keep ourselves clean and hygiene. See the power of



    Everything has pros and cons on this earth. Don't cry over a split milk

    and stop blaming others. Take proper precautions. Even though

    coronavirus is killing people out, it also educates us a lot. STAY AT

    HOME and spend your time wisely.

    Thank you.

    Kayalvili (16)



    Children have become much more interested in cartoons over many

    years and it has become a primary action to some lives. Cartoon

    network has a tremendous influence on how children view the world.

    Normally, they begin watching cartoons on TV at an early age of 6

    months, and by the age of 2-3 years become enthusiastic viewers. Up

    to the age of 10 or 12 years they prefer to watch cartoons over other


    A positive aspect of this habit is the opportunity to see different

    lifestyles and cultures but cartoon networks are more fantasies than

    anything else. Their marketing has a subliminal messaging and it is

    targeted toward the children to cause them to view cartoons on a

    regular basis. The marketing strategy today is to produce any cartoon

    for which a child will throw a tantrum until parents give up and

    purchase it. This has become a problem because many children

    watching cartoons have become violent and addictive. Unfortunately,

    children watch cartoons which are not appropriate for their age

    group. Those who watch too much cartoons are more likely to have

    mental and emotional problems, along with brain and eye disorders,

    and an increased risk of physical health.

    Three major effects have been proven by psychological studies viz.

    child may become less sensitive to the pain and suffering of others,

    the child doesn’t fear nor is bothered by violence, and is more likely


    to become aggressive. A child’s brain development is a dynamic mix

    of nature and nurture; so it is important to choose a healthy

    environment for him. A tremendous amount of childhood

    involvement with electronic media can limit social interaction.

    Watching cartoons with the screen at least five feet away and in a

    lighted room is not a danger to the eyes; otherwise eye fatigue results.

    For the brain, children who view 3-4 hour of cartoons daily, have 30-

    40% risk of developing attention deficit than the children who do not.

    Today in many cartoons, characters jump, dive and fall from very

    high heights and then land without being harmed. Falling off a tall

    place or being shot with a gun in the face and walking from these

    incidents with barely a scratch or none, give a false sense of reality

    and can really affect young children, as they want to imitate the

    superheroes of the cartoons. So please limit your kids cartoon time.

    Makhathi (12)



    It was a normal day at a normal place at a normal time and in a

    normal situation. The end. That was what I thought. But who knows

    it will be the first day that I met him, at a rather weird place, at a

    weird time, in a weird situation. It happened on the first day of July,

    at my bathroom, when I really needed to use the bathroom. This is

    what happened I switched on the light and opened the door. It seems

    like there's a black thing on the floor. Ermmm 6 legs oh its Mr


    So, I am the type that is not afraid of the cockroach when I saw it, but

    if the cockroach starts to brag with me how he can fly. Doomsday OK

    doomsday. I'm going to shut the door close the light run out of my

    room and ask for help. Luckily after about few serious minutes of

    observing it seems like this fella has not activated his flying power.

    Thank God I'm saved. I finished using the toilet and I started to have

    a serious discussion with him. Hey man u got to get out of here

    yourself OK be brave go see the outer world jump into the toilet bowl

    and find your new world. But it seems like he is too arrogant to do

    that. I have no choice but to close the door switch off the light and

    hopes that my friend here will disappear.

    The next morning, I woke up forgetting my friend's existence. Till the

    afternoon when I needed to use the bathroom I saw my dear friend

    again. He didn't leave he chose to stay at my bathroom. Idk if I should


    be happy or getting crazy. But I noticed that he has a strange

    delightful behaviour when I needed to shower he would disappear.

    When I need to take a leak he would hide behind the poles or face the

    wall. Otherwise he would stare at me. It seems like even my friend

    here knows how to respect others privacy better than some human

    being. Of course, I did not waste this chance I continue to do my

    motivational speech to him. Hey man you must brave up. Your life is

    not limited at my bathroom. Move and see the new world. Thinking

    back maybe this didn't work because I always called him man. I

    should have tried Mr Cockroach. However, it seems like my day after

    day continuously motivational speech did not anyhow work. He had

    grown bigger day by day into an adult cockroach starting to cause the

    awful cockroach smell in my bathroom.

    I'm left without any choice, tomorrow will be the battle of Thomson

    and Mr Cockroach. The winner will have this bathroom and the loser

    will be gone forever. It has been hard for me seeing him day by day

    seeing him grown, his adorable behaviour of respecting others

    privacy, all those motivational speeches that I gave him wanting me

    to involve in this is hard. But there will be no any in this battle there

    will be no personal emotions.

    The day has come. I chose to battle at the evening time as it was the

    time when I first met him. It was the battle of human and cockroach.

    The battle started with me using a bin to strike but he dodged it with


    a smooth move. I did not let him rest and continue to strike him. I

    strike he dodged I strike again and he dodged. The battle went around

    a minute with me trying to hit him with the bin and him dodging

    around. I would say it is quite an intense battle and at last I won. My

    feeling was very special at that moment, because I felt a little sad and

    a little relieve. Sad that my friend is gone relieved that there won’t be

    any smell in my bathroom. But now I have to clean up the battlefield

    and the carcass of my friend Mr cockroach. To give him a good way

    to leave the world. I chose to flush him off as a remembrance of the

    smooth move that he showed at his last battle. At last, the story

    between me and Mr cockroach ends here a short but unforgettable

    story. Farewell my friend Mr Cockroach.

    Thomson (16)



    15 7 2020 BACK TO HELL

    “Pigeon oh Pigeon it seems like I’m finally back in school. Oh yes and

    now I have to suffer your loud unending noise and crowd, Goodbye

    my precious time staying on the rooftop Goodbye my personal quiet

    time.” “Ishh as though you are the only one that is suffering. You have

    to suffer our noise but we have to suffer the teachers scream and

    shout. Your time on the rooftop is gone so as my cool relaxing sleep.

    Your personal quiet time is gone so is my personal quiet undisturbed

    no homework morning.”

    Just as I’m continuing to quarrel with the pigeons on who is having a

    worse day. I heard someone calling me Thomson! Thomson!

    Thomson! It seems like someone is invading my daydreaming empire.

    Just as I turned my face to see the enemy. I saw an angry face eyes

    filled with anger staring at me while loading her throat with bullets

    to continue fire at me. It’s my PJPK teacher. Mayday! Mayday!

    Mayday! We have lost control. It is official the army of my

    daydreaming empire is defeated. The enemy did not show any

    empathy and continue attacking with her loud screaming. My face is

    at here or outside. Look in front and start copying what is on the

    whiteboard. It was a huge defeat for the daydreaming empire.


    This is what happened only on the first period of first day at school.

    And what is the most irritating thing. The first day started with PJ, a

    period that I should be down there wearing my sportswear playing

    basketball, but just because of this Covid-19 pandemic I have to stay

    at class copying how to play basketball.

    But before all this something even more terrifying happened. I’m

    sure most of us here knows what is the new norm like. We walk into

    the school took our temperature sanitized our hand. Then, we queued

    in line went back to our classroom. On the way, I was very excited to

    be able see my friends face to face after such a long time. But the next

    thing that happened is something that I will never forget in my entire

    life. This is what happened. (Walk inside stop observe come out see

    on top Go in rub my eyes) Yes it’s my class and I don’t remember the

    world facing any zombie infection. The class is extremely quiet and

    with the mask on everything seems so depressed and everyone looks

    like a walking dead everyone’s face is facing down and just as I enter

    the class 36 eyes stared at me. This was very different with what I was

    expecting. I was expecting everyone to be happy chit-chatting.

    Everyone sharing their life during the MCO. You sharing how you

    got bit by your mom. You sharing how a dog chased you. None of this

    happened. The class is nothing but scary silence. Luckily, as time

    passed my usual noisy energetic always compared to the zoo or the

    night market class is back. The only way to explain why this happened


    is because most of the students still couldn’t get used to waking up so


    But this horrible day did not stop here. Because of the new SOP our

    school have us to sit according to our names. I noticed my best friend

    are all sitting at the other side of the class far from me. With the mask

    on it is even harder for us to chat. We have no choice but to use the

    most basic way to communicate our hands. (show some sign language)

    Anyone would like to guess what I’m showing. It means do you want

    to go down to the canteen to buy food. Ok but let me go to the toilet

    first. For the whole day me and my best friend used our hand to

    speak. Of course there are some times when it is too complicated to

    use our hands too show so in order to let my best friend hear what

    I’m saying I have to increase another level compared to my usual

    volume. Increase voice volume.

    Luckily when god closes a door he opens a window. Although the day

    seems to be a horrible one, there was something pleasant that is my

    crush is sitting right in front of me and I. Something normal right.

    Most of us will have a crush on someone else. Imagine you did not see

    her or him for months and when you come back she sits right in front

    of you. The only words that I can use to express my feeling is oh yeah.

    Suddenly, all the bad feelings and experience are just gone like that.


    Ladies and gentleman, through this story of mine we can see life is

    like a trade. You suffer some bad things or experiences in exchange

    of a gift or reward. The whole day has been a bad one, but in exchange

    my crush sits in front of me. Hence, if you feel sad or unfair about

    what you encountered especially during this special period,

    remember your rewards is on the way and is late because it is a huge

    one. It might arrive late but it will never miss.

    Thomson (16)




    Good evening to my teacher and dear listeners. Today I would like to

    share some benefits of coronavirus. Coronavirus is a world war 3. The

    bio war attacked by China to themselves. Corona virus is also known

    as covid-19. The virus was found in Wuhan, China. Some of the

    people said that coronavirus kills people and brings negative

    vibration to the world. But wait, why these people are only looking at

    the negative part. Take a step back and look into the positive sight. If

    you can’t get it let me share some.

    First, the government ordered us to stay at home. It was called the

    Movement Control Order (MCO). The MCO was not just for 2 to 3

    weeks, but it was about 3 to 4 months. Can’t you feel how stressful it

    is to stay at home for 4 months? But wait! Why can’t we all see the

    positive sight of the MCO? How many of your parents are talking

    with you for more than 3 hours in a day? The government made, oh!

    No! No! The coronavirus made our family together for 24 hours. See

    how the Covid works.

    Let me tell you the second benefits of the coronavirus. Don’t stay in

    the house and see the four walls around you. Sneak through the

    window and look out. Before the corona virus came, how polluted the

    world was. But during the MCO period there was no pollution in the


    world. Why? Because humans stay inside and animals stay outside.

    The pollution was not only on the road but in the sky. We released

    carbon monoxide which is very bad, but in the MCO period

    everything changes. Can’t you see how beautiful nature is? This

    teaches that without humans the world will be very beautiful and

    clean. So, are we going to continue this attitude or cut it off? Think

    about it.

    My final benefit of corona is it made us more disciplined. How?

    Before the corona came most of them didn't take care of themselves.

    They didn’t wash the hands and legs before entering the house. But

    now you can see most of them using turmeric water to wash their

    hands and legs. But wait! Using turmeric water was not found two

    days ago. It was found thousands of years ago. So, why the attitude

    was not applied in our daily lives before the corona virus came.

    Because of the technology. When technology started to begin, that

    time attitude was gone. See how Covid brings the attitude again.

    So, boys and girls don’t just look in the negative sight of the

    coronavirus. Take a step back and look into another angle. I think

    you will get better energy than negative. Thank you.

    Shaktiveeran (15)



    Proper Western Dining Etiquette

    First, I would like to know how do you eat mashed potato? For those

    who used a fork can you raise up your hand. Ok thank you. Now what

    about spoon? Why would I ask this question this is because a few

    years back when I was at a western restaurant I finished all the dish

    except for the mashed potato because I came from a family where

    anything that needs to be scooped is eat with a spoon and the waiter

    just took it away. I'm left with a fork and a knife. What to do? When

    in question, question Google. A survey by buzz feed stated that 70

    percent uses a fork, 29 percent uses spoon and only 1 percent uses

    their hands. So, I followed the majority problem solved.

    After this experience I decided to do research on the basic western

    dining etiquette to prevent something like this to happen again. I read

    some website and watched a few videos. Here I would like to share

    some of the basics. Let’s start off with all the No’s. First of all,

    everyone hates being interrupted while enjoying their meal or during

    a conversation. In every ten people 6 of them hates others having

    using their phone on table the most, so no phones ok put your phone

    to silence or if you have some important message coming in just turn

    on vibration and put it in your pocket. Now the most important one

    No ASMR. No one wants to hear how loud you can chew and how you

    express your chewing process with your facial expression. No leave us


    alone nobody is going to come and say hey man nice chew. You will

    only receive a slapping warning (hilarious). So eat politely and

    silently. Also, No eating while talking. The person can wait for your

    response so talk after swallowing the food. These are some the most

    important No’s.

    Next, will be how to use the two most common cutlery knife and fork.

    There are two ways, the American way and the continental way. They

    are almost the same fork in your left hand knife in your right hand.

    Then, use the fork to ensure the meat won’t slip and cut just a few

    bite sized pieces of food. Here comes the difference you can put down

    you knife on the top of your plate and switch the fork to your right

    hand to eat your food that is the American way or eat food with the

    fork still in your left hand that is the Continental way. Personally, I

    prefer the second way as it is easier and less troublesome I don’t need

    to continuously switch the fork to the other hand and then switch it


    Now, let’s get to the special situation that might happen. What to do

    if you have to spit something out maybe a chewy meat or cartilage.

    The polite way is if the food went in with a utensil, it comes out with

    a utensil, if it went in with your fingers, it comes out with your finger.

    Just place the item at the side of your plate. What if you have

    something stucked in between your teeth. Please don’t floss it in front

    of everyone. Excuse yourself to the toilet and settle it there. Have you


    ever experienced where you are full but others are still continuously

    adding food to your plate? It might look bad or awkward if you

    straight away reject the person. What to do? Just put your knife and

    fork handles resting to five o’clock and tips pointing to ten o’clock. It

    sends a signal hey man I am full Don’t even try to add more food into

    my plate. Go show your kindness to others.

    The list for dining etiquette goes on but even having to follow these

    few mentioned sounds tiring and troublesome. But let’s take a step

    back and see why do we have dining etiquette. Try imagine you are

    at a great restaurant and the food came just as you are about to eat

    your long-waited dish. The table beside you ate the lamb chop with

    his hands chewing the food like it’s been years since he ate food. Oh!

    The whole mood will be affected; you won’t have appetite. So,

    following proper dining etiquette is actually a respect to your food

    and others who are beside you. Of course this does not mean we look

    down on them just because they don’t know some dining etiquette.

    Another reason why we must follow is because it makes impression

    whether bad or good. Many employers hire people after having a

    meal with them, because your dining etiquette reflects how you are in

    real life. Actually all the dining etiquette comes with a logical reason.

    For instance, eating in a slow pace is to ensure you don’t eat in a

    terrible hurry cutting your food in bite sized is because by this way

    you can truly taste the food. So, Ladies and gentleman now that you


    have learnt some of those dining etiquette why don’t apply it when

    you are having dinner with others. Who knows it might come useful


    Thomson (16)



    Your eyes are amazing organs. Did you know if you have blue eyes,

    you share an ancestor with all other blue-eyed people on the planet?

    That’s because blue eyes are a genetic mutation that appeared more

    than 6,000 years ago. All humans originally had brown eyes. If you

    take a step beyond the interesting stories your eyes tell, you will

    discover how they actually work. Your eyes work in constant unison

    with your brain, which is why you see the world as you do.

    For example, the retinas in your eyes – the layer where visual images

    are formed – actually “sees” images upside down and backwards.

    Your brain flips them, so you see images right side up and reversed.

    Every single time. Yes, your brain is the original Photoshop genius.

    Plus, your brain controls your entire nervous system. You would

    think it always reigns supreme, but sometimes it doesn’t. Once in a

    while your eyes are capable of tricking your brain into seeing things

    that aren’t really as they appear. Or are they? This is called an optical


    The fascination with optical illusions has spanned the globe for

    centuries. Greek philosophers like Plato described them as tricks

    played on us by our senses and our minds. By the 19th century, a

    famous cartoonist W.E. Hill embraced the phenomena of optical

    illusions by skilfully sketching a picture that was simultaneously two


    images. The figure you saw was determined by your perception. It

    was either a young girl or an old woman.

    There are three main types of optical illusions including literal

    illusions, physiological illusions and cognitive illusions. All three types

    of illusions have one common thread. The perception of the image

    given to the brain doesn’t measure up. That’s why optical illusions

    are referred to as a “trick” of the eye.

    The first type of optical illusion is literal illusion is when the image

    you see is different from the images that make it up. For example, the

    illustration Hill created which is actually two images strategically

    drawn to look like one fluid image is a literal illusion. Think of it as a

    reversible figure. The end result you see in a literal illusion is based

    on your perception. Both images exist.


    The second type of optical illusion is physiological optical illusions.

    These types of optical illusions are more complex because they reply

    on the over stimulation of the brain’s senses. The eye “sees” so much

    light, movement, colour, dimension and size that it confuses the brain.

    The mind benders you see like geometric illusions and impossible

    pictures are physiological optical illusions. At first glance, a two-

    dimensional figure looks like it’s three-dimensional. That’s because

    the brain immediately interprets it to be that way. Upon further

    investigation, the brain realizes what the eye is actually seeing. The

    image in question does not exist in nature.

    Last but not least, the third type is cognitive optical illusion. This type

    of illusion is the most researched by scientists and psychologists

    because it is the most complex type of trick the eye can play on the

    brain. Unlike other optical illusions, these illusions rely on what the


    subconscious mind thinks and how it relates one object to another. In

    other words, what you see is believed to give insight into the depths of

    your thinking. A cognitive optical illusion uncovers what your brain

    infers and understands about something that has not been explained.

    As a conclusion, we earned three types of optical illusions which are

    literal optical illusion, physiological optical illusion and cognitive

    optical illusion. From that, we know that we should not conclude what

    we see. We should look before we leap and learn to see in different

    view of point before conclude the issue.

    Thank you.

    Kayalvili (16)




    (Sleeping……. Phone alarm rings) Oh its 5 am. (Look around very

    tired) Well how many of you are like this in the morning? When I was

    in primary everything is more important than sleep, now sleep is

    more important than anything(SOFT). But nowadays its harder for

    us to protect our sleep there are always thieves out there that want to

    take away our sleep they are the homework and electronic gadget.

    One threatens us to give them our sleep, whereas the other one steals

    our sleep without us even knowing. I did a survey in my class and

    found out 70 percent sleeps less than 8 hours that is the recommended

    sleep by National Sleep Foundation whereas a survey that is

    published at statista.com provided by Ipnos states that only 47

    percent Malaysian respondents felt they get enough sleep. That is a

    really low number. We have to do something to stop this situation.

    First of all, what is this thing? What is sleep? Sleep is not just (show

    how you sleep) and you wake up. Your whole night of sleep actually

    goes through a few cycle of sleep. (Give out the paper) Each cycle

    consists of four stages. Like what you see here we have the NREM 1

    That means Non rapid eye movement stage 1. This is the stage where

    you first fall asleep and is very short usually less than 10 minutes.

    Basically the first two stages are light stages of sleep. Now here comes


    the most important stage of the whole cycle the NREM 3 that is also

    called deep sleep. It is the part that lets you feel refreshed the next

    day. Have you ever taken a nap and woke up really tired? Chances

    are you woke up in this stage because in this stage your body is fully

    relaxed and your brain have not fully awakened. The cycle end with

    REM Rapid eye movement where you can know from the name of

    this stage your eye moves rapidly in this stage this is also the stage

    where you usually dream.

    Well, why must we protect our sleep? The most obvious reason is

    after a tired day, sleep helps the body to repair, regenerate and

    recover. Furthermore, good sleep can improve our problem-solving

    skills, enhance memory performance and ensure we have high

    alertness and concentration. I know many student likes to burn the

    midnight oil the week before exam thinking that this will bring a huge

    boost to our result. But, unknowingly only the opposite will happen

    we are actually harming our exam results. You couldn’t focus and

    fully remember what you have learnt because your brain is too tired

    to process this information. Also, sleep can improve our athletic

    performance. Your action will be faster and you will feel stronger.

    For example, LeBron James NBA champion sleeps an average of 12

    hours a day whereas Cristiano Ronaldo sleeps 8 hours at night and

    takes 5 naps a day with each nap about 90 minutes. Of course we

    don’t need to sleep as long as them but this shows that sleep is really


    important for our body. Besides that, our sleep affects our emotions.

    If you observe, you will notice when you have lack of sleep you will

    feel grumpier and more sensitive. Mental health issue like depression

    are also very much related to poor sleep quality.

    Now, we know that sleep is very important. But how can we protect

    our sleep not only the quantity of it but also the quality of it? The first

    one is by making our sleeping environment as comfortable and as

    relaxing as possible. Try to minimise the light and the noise in your

    room while keeping it in a temperature that suits you the most. If you

    have been having a bad sleeping schedule and you want to change you

    can try setting a fixed wake up time. This means that you wake up at

    the specific time no matter how late you sleep the day before, by doing

    this your body will slowly adapt to this new sleeping schedule.

    However, don’t make sudden huge adjustment to your sleep. For

    instance, for the past few months you slept at 7 in the morning but

    now you want sleep at 9 pm the next day. That is impossible Your

    body cannot react and adapt so quickly. So if you want to change your

    sleep schedule change it gradually maybe an hour or 30 minutes

    earlier every day. Here comes the hardest part for many of us, don’t

    touch your gadget 30 minutes before sleep. Living in a generation

    where we wake up with a phone in our hand and with the phone still

    on our hand before we sleep this is really very hard. But, it really

    brings much different to our sleep. Our sleeping quality will increase


    and we tend to sleep faster. This is because the blue light from these

    devices will block the production of melatonin that makes us feel


    Sleep is really important for us, but we tend to neglect it and never

    really put in effort to improve and protect our sleep sometimes we

    just complain that our sleep is not enough but everyone have an equal

    24 hours every day. So ladies and gentleman we are the one who have

    the power to stop now and protect our sleep. Have a nice day and a

    nice sleep tonight.

    Thomson (16)


    MY PET

    Pets are a great blessing in anyone’s life. They are the only ones who

    love us unconditionally. Pets always offer us everything they have

    without asking for anything in return. The main aim of any pet’s life

    is to make their owner happy. Nowadays, even the term ‘owner’ is

    changing. People prefer their pets as kids and to themselves as

    parents. This is how the relationship between pets is evolving. The

    most common pet you can find at anyone’s place is dogs. A man’s best

    friend and the most faithful animal: a dog. I also have a pet dog

    named Kay.

    We got her when she was a little baby and have watched her grow

    into a beautiful dog. My father bought Kay when she was 2 months

    old from a breeder in Rawang. She belongs to the breed of Malinois

    also known as Belgium shepherd. Kay was golden brownish in colour

    with her cute little paws and eyes. We couldn't stop gushing over her

    beauty. My siblings used to fight with each other as to who will get

    maximum time to play with Kay.

    As Kay grew up, she learned various tricks. We trained her to follow

    our instructions. For example, Kay is not allowed in the house unless

    someone invited her in. She is also not allowed to dispose of her waste

    in house territory. In return Kay gave us something that no one can


    give. For instance, she has been my security guard when I am alone

    at home. She does not allow anyone in except our family members.

    She even won’t allow small animals such as lizards and flies in her

    territory. She will kill it.

    Moreover, Kay made me a responsible person. When she was a

    puppy, we used to put in a cage and she pooped in it. Every evening

    after school I need to bath her under the hot sun. After it grew up, I

    used to bathe her twice a month and I don’t know why dogs hate to

    bathe? My dog will be very upset when water splashes at her. I also

    used to bring Kay for walking every evening with my brother and she

    loves to go walking for a long time as there’s not much place for Kay

    to play around in my house. Kay also helped my brother, Shakthi to

    lose weight as he always brings Kay for a walk.

    Furthermore, Kay is best companion. I used to spend most of my time

    playing ‘police and thief’ with her when I’m stressed. Plus, we are

    now more compassionate towards animals. There was one instance

    where the stray dogs were going to harm a kitten, and to our surprise,

    Sasha saved that little kitten and got her home. Sasha’s obedience

    inspired me a lot to be kind to my parents.

    Kay changed my life to be a better person. Naturally, dogs are very

    loyal to their masters. We should not take granted and treat our pets


    as our slaves. We can scold them when they misbehave like bite shoes.

    But we shouldn’t mistreat them. Maybe to solve the problem you can

    buy some toys for them. My pet, Kay, is a very mischievous sibling

    tahna hakthi. But then she is a very lovable cute sister too. Hope your

    pets are meant more than your friend.

    Kayalvili (16)




    We have heard or read about the Hanging Gardens of Babylon which

    is one of the wonders of the world. Babylon is well known for the

    wonderful marvellous architecture. But do you know that the

    birthplace of death penalty is Babylon? The first established death

    penalty laws date as far back as the Eighteenth Century B.C in the

    Code of King Hammurabi of Babylon, which codified the death

    penalty for 25 different crimes. Then it spread throughout the world.

    But is death penalty being a good way to reduce the criminals in the

    era? And the answer is no, death penalty should be abolished!

    The first reason is because death penalty is irreversible. An absolute

    judgment may lead to people paying for crimes they did not commit.

    For instance, Texas man Cameron Todd Willingham was executed in

    Texas in 2004 for allegedly setting a fire that killed his three

    daughters. Following his execution, further evidence revealed that

    Willingham did not set the fire that caused their deaths. But it came

    too late. The judge can’t bring Cameron’s life back. But wouldn’t he

    be in pain as a father who was accused when he was killed?

    Secondly, there’s no ‘humane’ way to kill. The 2006 execution of

    Angel Nieves Diaz, by a so-called ‘humane’ lethal injection, took 34

    minutes and required two doses to be death. Doc