1 northeast area mailing industry focus group presentation 10/14/2014

1 Northeast Area Mailing Industry Focus Group Presentation 10/14/2014

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Northeast Area Mailing Industry Focus Group




Periodicals PS Form 3526 Update Marked Copies Other PAG discussion items

DMM Changes – Streamlining

Booklet Self Mailers – Revision

Folded Self-Mailer Information

Mailpieces With Sample Packets - update


PS Form 3526

Why file PS Form 3526 Required by Statute

Determine continued eligibility

Record of ownership and management

Distribution and circulation

Statement of Ownership Management and Circulation

PS Form 3526

Who must file -

All Periodicals publications, including

Foreign must file

PS Form 3526

When and where to file

Once each year

“On or before” October 1st

At the original entry Post Office

PS Form 3526

Publishing Standards

General and Requester only

Publisher must publish information from PS

Form 3526

Must publish timely according to the frequency

of the publication

PS Form 3526

Publishing Standards

More frequently than weekly (e.g., Daily) - Not

later than October 10

Weekly or less frequently, but more frequently

than monthly (e.g., Biweekly) - Not later than

October 31

PS Form 3526

Publishing Standards

All other publications – in the first

issue whose primary mailed

distribution is produced after

October 1


PS Form 3526

PS FORM 3526

File using the latest version of PS

Form 3526 (July 2014) Publishers with Electronic copies must

complete page 3


PAG Proposals

Other Periodicals Advisory Group (PAG) related items:

Specific products that are used for reply purposes would be allowed even if they display a price

Increased weight of automation flats that are in a comail pool to 24 oz

Product samples on full sheet attachments that are in poly

Clarify standards for “Catalogs”


PAG Proposals

Eligibility of Products :

Allow a product in a Periodicals publication (e.g. Greeting Card) if the product will be a reply or “re-mailed” mailpiece

If publishers want to do this they would submit the proposal to the PCSC for determination

USPS will then review and approve on a case-by-case basis.

The number of incidents that are filed with the PCSC and determine need to change standards


PAG Proposals

Currently we are looking to test these flat-size mailpieces over 20 oz up to 24 oz

Allow up to 24 oz Flats to be comailed with Auto Flats


PAG Proposals

3.4.2 Prohibited Material Material that contains any one of the following printed

items or that is referred to in a component of the Periodicals mailpiece (by the use of one of these items) is ineligible to be mailed at Periodicals prices:

b. The word “catalog.”

Make it clear that enclosure is identified as a “Catalog”

Clarifying the Verbiage for the Catalog


PAG Proposals

Currently product samples cannot be on the cover of the pub or supplement

Now allowing product samples on the card stock cover if polywrapped piece is still flat and product sample is not facing outwardExample – tipped on a full size sheet

with sample facing inward

Product Sample on Insert


DMM Streamlining


DMM Streamling

In case you haven’t noticed the DMM has a new look.

To eliminate redundancy many sections were eliminated/consolidated

For example, DMM 200 deals with letters, flats, parcels, and Periodicals.

Some hyper-links still not functional

DMM Streamlining / Reduction

DMM Streamlining

Reduce the size of the DMM without changes to content to

make it quicker, easier, and more convenient to use.


Ultimate Goal:



Step Down Pages


Currently, the cover-to-cover format is the only format that allows for shorter inner pages.

Cover can be no longer than ⅝” from the inner pages.

Step Down Booklets

Booklet Mailpieces with Step Down Pages


Step Down Booklets

Booklet Mailpieces with Step Down Pages

Cover-to-Cover Cover extends no more than 5/8 inch beyond inner pages.   Seal with a continuous glue line as described in 3.11h.


As a result of testing, certain formats with inner pages shorter than ⅝” may be approved for automation letter prices on a case by case basis.

The key is overall streamline design.

No bulge at the center of the mailpiece.

Submit step down designs to the PCSC, via your local BMEU.

Step Down Booklets

Booklet Mailpieces with Step Down Pages

Folded Self-Mailer Information



Originally, only perforated pull open strips and pop out panes are permitted for automation prices

Now permitted on address or non-address side of mailpiece if: Host piece made of cardstock

Perforations have a cut to tie ratio of 1:1

If perforation extends to edge of mailpiece, or an a fold, it has to end with a tie

If perforation is on address side, at least 1” clearance from any address element


Mailpieces with Perforations


Originally, attachments must have 1” clearance from any edge

If attachment is made from same paper stock as host piece, and is attached to an inside panel it could be defined as a panel if:

Same size as the other panels on three side and no more than 1” away from the other

Referred to as a “secured” panel




Originally, tri-folds must be addressed on the center panel, with final folded panel creating the non-addressed side of the mailpiece

New – Address allowed on any panel if an additional seal (tab, wafer seal, glue) id added to the lower right edge, ½” from the bottom of the mailpiece

Tab/Wafer seal preferred method, if glue, must be adhered to the inside panel from the address panel

Open edge is always at top of mailpiece




Alternate sealing methods for oblong pieces instead of 3 glue spots on trailing edge is permitted if two glue spots are placed on the trailing edge and a third is placed at the center of the top edge.




Reference material on RIBBS shows intermediary fold must be on right edge.

DMM does not address the intermediary fold.

Until a Federal Register Notice is published addressing this issue, the intermediary fold can be on either the right or the left edge and be eligible for automation letter prices.


Quarter Fold FSM


For the full list of FAQs visit FSM home page at RIBBS:



Similar allowances for booklet self-mailers.

Provides booklet mailers an opportunity to have perforations, die-cuts, etc on the outside cover.



Testing was completed, however, publication of standards still pending.

Approvals are based on Sample Packet Matrix

Applies to letter and flat-size mail containing sample packets

Does not apply to the Simple Sample Packet incentive program, which are parcels

Sample Packet Mailpieces


Classified as small volume (up to 0.20 fl. oz.) or large volume (up to 0.35 fl oz.) packets

Packet Size

Packet Orientation

Clearances from edges of mailpiece – 1” lead edge, ½” from all other edges

Opening device facing the top edge

Change in burst strength for letters - 22 psi as per ASTM-F1140

PSI for flats remains at 3,000

Sample Packet Mailpieces


Currently, all sample packet mailers must be sent to PCSC for approval

Local office cannot approve

Sample Packet Mailpieces


??? Questions ???


Peter Pagano

Classification Specialist


[email protected]