1 lecture 7 ch 6: distillation & boiling points this week in lab: ch 5: extraction, procedure 2...

1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: • Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 • Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: • Ch 6 PreLab due • Ch 6: Procedure 1 & Procedure 2 (if time) • Quiz 3

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Page 1: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Lecture 7

Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points

This Week In Lab:• Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2• Ch 4 Final Report Due

Next Week in Lab:• Ch 6 PreLab due• Ch 6: Procedure 1 & Procedure 2 (if time)• Quiz 3

Page 2: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Distillation:• Purification technique• Used to separate components of a liquid mixture or to purify an impure liquid• Several basic types/variations:

• Simple distillation• Fractional distillation• Simple, high vacuum distillation• Steam distillation - used to co-distill compounds with water

Boiling Point:• Physical property of a compound• Used to identify an unknown

Distillation & Boiling Point

Page 3: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


The Distillation Experiment: Ch 6

A two-day lab

Day One: Procedures 1 & 2• Steam distillation of a spice• Bioassay of spice oil to assess antibacterial property of oil• Analyze GC-MS data of spice oil

Day Two: Procedure 3• Microscale fractional distillation of an unknown mixture• Identify the two components of the mixture via boiling point

& solubility tests

Outside of Lab Time: Procedure 4• Work with two data sets: simple distillation data and

fractionaldistillation data

• Compare simple and fractional distillations

Page 4: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


The Distillation Experiment: Ch 6

Day One:

Steam distillation of a spice (Procedure 1):• Choose a spice: clove, tumeric or nutmeg• Build the steam distillation set-up: see Figure 6.3• Spice oils will co-distill with water! Each oil will contain at

least two main compounds.

Extract oil from water using dichloromethane (same technique used in

extraction of caffeine).

Page 5: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


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Steam Distillation Set-Up

Page 6: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


The Distillation Experiment: Ch 6

Day One or Day Two:

Bioassay of spice oil (Procedure 2):• Use prepared sterile agar plates • Inoculate plates with a Bacillus cereus solution.• Share an agar plate with your hood mate!• Observe any inhibition of bacterial growth around the spice


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Assess results after 24 hrs to1 week.

Measure the distance ofinhibition

Page 7: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


GC-MS Data

You will be given the GC-MS data for your spice oil.

Look at the GC chromatogram:• Look at the number of major signals (25% relative abundance or higher). The number of major signals = the number of main compounds in the oil. • Look at the retention times. In general, the higher the retention time, the higher the boiling point/FW of that compound.

Look at the mass spectrum:• Look for M+ (molecular ion peak); M+ equals the FW for that compound.• You will determine the identities of the compounds in your oil by looking at the list of possibilities.

Page 8: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


GC-MS DataPossible compounds in the oils:



EugenolFW = 164

bp = 254°C

CaryophylleneFW = 204

bp = 262-264°C


Ar-TumeroneFW = 216


TumeroneFW = 218O





Allyl methoxybenzodioxoleFW = 192

Allyl trimethoxybenzeneFW = 208

CurloneFW = 218

Page 9: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Nutmeg Oil GC-MS Data

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.

Gas chromatogram of Nutmeg oil

Two major compounds:A & B

Note retention times &Relative abundances:

A is 14.14 minutes, 100%B is 14.49 minutes, 40%

Most likely, B has a higher bpand/or FW than A.

Page 10: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Nutmeg Oil GC-MS Data

Mass Spectrum of A

M+ at 192

Compound is:

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are needed to see this picture.




Allyl methoxybenzodioxoleFW = 192

Page 11: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Nutmeg Oil GC-MS Data

Mass Spectrum of B

M+ at 208

Compound is:

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.OCH3


Allyl trimethoxybenzeneFW = 208

Page 12: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Steam Distillation: Natural Product Isolation

Steam distillation of citral from lemon grass oil

Citral (oil) comprised of:








Uses of citral:• Defense pheromone for ants• In perfumes for lemon-like scent• Precursor to vitamin A





Vitamin A

Page 13: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


The Distillation Experiment: Ch 6

Day Two:

Procedure 3: A microscale distillation of a 50:50 unknown, two-component mixture.

Based on the observed boiling point data, determine the identities of the two components in your unknown mixture. Graph data in Excel. Be sure to correct the bp’s for the lab’s atmospheric pressure! Adjust bp for pressure:Add (or subtract) 0.5°C for every 10 Torr the lab’s atmospheric pressure is below (or above) 760 Torr. Typo in page 164’s sample calculation!!

Also, do solubility tests on each of the purified liquids to confirmidentities.

Possible unknowns: acetone, methanol, hexane, t-butanol, water, toluene,1-butanol

**Insulate your set-up with glass wool and be sure to use the correct column (distilling column) from your microscale kit!!!**

Page 14: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Simple vs. Fractional

Simple Distillation:• Used to separate mixture into pure components• Works best if components’ boiling points differ by at least


Fractional Distillation:• To be used when components’ boiling points are closer

together• Unlike simple, uses a fractioning column; this column may

be packed with material so as to increase the surface area for heat exchange, thus increasing the number of theoretical plates.

• The more theoretical plates, the better the purification/separation.

Theoretical Plate: one cycle of vaporization and condensation

Page 15: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


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Procedure 4:

1. Adjust bp for pressure:Add (or subtract) 0.5°C for every10 Torr the lab’s atom. pressure is below (or above) 760 Torr.

2. Plot data usingExcel. Be sure to superimpose both sets ofdata on one graph. Should end up with 2 curveson one graph.

3. Compare simple vs.fractional distillations.

4. Which of the two achievesthe best separation of liquids?

Page 16: 1 Lecture 7 Ch 6: Distillation & Boiling Points This Week In Lab: Ch 5: Extraction, Procedure 2 Ch 4 Final Report Due Next Week in Lab: Ch 6 PreLab due


Simple vs. Fractional

Prediction:Fractional distillation is a more effective purification technique than simple distillation.

An example Excel graph with two data sets superimposed:

QuickTime™ and aTIFF (LZW) decompressor

are needed to see this picture.Simple distillation

Fractional distillation

A two-componentmixture:A & B

bp of pure B

bp of pure A

Drops of Distillate




