1. knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. knee concentric/eccentric flex...

1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your affected knee, bringing your heel towards your buttocks. Hold and then slowly lower back to the start position and then repeat. 2. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in standing 01 1 Set / 1 Rep Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold on to something for support. Bend your affected knee, bringing your heels towards your buttocks. Start with a small movement and gradually increase the size. Terry Kane Registered Physiotherapist Registration #1726 Calgary, AB Knee Strength Exercises Knee Strength Exercises printed on 11/03/2020 Page 1 of 20

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Page 1: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01

1 Set / 3 Reps

Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your affected knee, bringing your heel towards your buttocks. Hold and then slowly lower back to the start position and then repeat.

2. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in standing 01

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand with your feet shoulder width apart. Hold on to something for support. Bend your affected knee, bringing your heels towards your buttocks. Start with a small movement and gradually increase the size.

Terry Kane Registered PhysiotherapistRegistration #1726Calgary, AB

Knee Strength Exercises

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 2: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

3. Knee flex pulling foot under chair while sitting 01

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Sitting up straight in a chair, end your symptomatic knee, pulling your heel back under the chair.

4. Alternate knee extension hold in bridge position up on toes

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Lie on your back and bend one leg in at a time, keeping your feet on the floor and maintain your legs at hipswidth apart. Move up into the bridge position by lifting your hips upwards until you have a straight line from your shoulders toyour knees. Holding this position, raise the ball of one foot off the floor. When you are stable in this position, lift the other leg off the floor, straightening it out in front. Hold this position, ensuring you do not allow your hips to drop or your body to twist. Lower the elevated leg and repeat on the other side.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 3: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

5. Alternate lifting knees while in a shallow wall squat against a stability ball

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Stand with the ball between a wall and your lower back. Your feet should be placed in front of you at a comfortable distance so that when you squat down from yourhips, your knees stay in line with your heels. Activate your deep stabilizing muscles and gently squat a quarter range. � Gently tense your bottom muscles at the bottom of the squat and keep them tense as you transfer your weightfrom side to side. � Make sure you don't let your hip drop to the side.� As you continue to practice, lift one leg off the floor as you move to the opposite direction. � Hold this position and then swap sides.

6. Alternate lifting knees while sitting on a stability ball, marching 2

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Find pelvic-neutral sitting on a stability ball. Maintaining this position and keeping your tummy muscles tightened, pick one foot up and hold this position,then lower. Repeat the movement with the other leg ensuring you maintain good posture throughout.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 4: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

7. Arabesque hamstring control - weighted

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold / 0.1kg weight

Stand up straight balancing on your affected leg. Hold a weight in your opposite hand. Lift the other leg and hold it straight behind you. Bend forwards at the hip so that your body moves towards the foot on the floor. Your elevated leg should move backwards at the same rate. Make sure you move through the hip and that you keep your spine in neutral. You may feel the back of your legs working particularly on the way down. Move at a steady rate before you slowly return to the standing position again.

8. AROM knee flexion in standing

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Stand up straight facing a wall or stable surface. Take your weight onto one leg and keep your thighs parallel. Bend your other knee, bringing the heel of this foot towards your buttock. Control the movement as you lower this leg back down and repeat with the same leg.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 5: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

9. SLSq to heel raise

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Balance on your symptomatic leg. Do not allow your legs to rest against each other. Keeping your balance, bend your stance knee a little, then straighten. Rise up on to your toes, lifting your heel off the floor, then lower back down to the floor and repeat.

10. Lunges - bodyweight

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand straight with your arms to the side or on your hips. Take a large step forwards on your affected leg, then drop your hips directly down between both feet, bendingyour hips and knees to a 90 degrees. Push back up to the starting position, and repeat. Make sure you take a large enough step that your front knee does not travel over your foot, and ensure yourknee travels directly forwards. Keep your body up straight throughout the movement.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 6: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

11. IRQ in long sitting

1 Set / 1 Rep

Lie on your back with a roam roller or rolled towel under your knees and let your legs hang over in acomfortable position. Straighten your affected knee by tensing the thigh muscles, so that your heel comes off the table and the kneestraightens. Hold this position, then control the movement back down to the start position and repeat.

12. Shallow squat with chair support 2

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand behind a chair or table and place your hands onto the back rest. Keeping your back straight, bend both knees into a semi-squatting position, allowing your hands to slideforwards. Your hips should travel backwards as you counterbalance by leaning your chest forwards. Push through your buttock and thigh muscles as you return to standing, and repeat.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 7: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

13. SLSq eyes closed

1 Set / 1 Rep

Balance on your affected leg, do not allow your legs to rest against each other. Lift your arms out to the side for balance. Close your eyes and hold in this position. Bend and straighten the stance knee. Repeat the movement trying to stay as steady as possible. Open your eyes and return to the neutral position.

14. Curtsy slide with sock

1 Set / 1 Rep

Place a sock on one foot and stand on a hard surface like tile or a wood floor. Slide your foot out to the side, and then swing your foot back around you and bend your stationary leg as if youwere to do a curtsy. Make sure the knee of the stationary leg bends directly forwards over the toes. Bring your foot out to the side straightening your stance leg, then repeat the movement.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 8: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

15. Dynamic lunges-stepping to pattern [09110]

1 Set / 1 Rep

Take a large step forward into a lunge by bending through both hips and knees.� As you straighten up, bring your legs together.� Step forward with the other leg and continue to lunge, travelling along the room. Make sure your knee is travelling directly forwards throughout the lunge, preventing it from dropping inwards.

16. Grapevines slow

1 Set / 1 Rep / 10 sec duration

Stand upright in the neutral position. Move your left leg in behind your right leg so your feet are slightly closed over. Transfer your weight onto your left leg, at the same time move your right leg one pace sideways to end up in theneutral standing position. Perform for the required duration and then repeat in the opposite direction.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 9: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

17. Grapevines fast

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand with your legs hip-width apart. Step one leg out to the side, and then step the second one across and in front of the first leg. Step the first leg out to the side again, and step the second one across and behind the first. Repeat this movement at a fast pace and change direction.

18. Gluteal activity with ball moving against the wall, hip flexion and extension[08065]

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand side onto the wall with the ball between your thigh and the wall.� Press the ball up against the wall using your thigh and hip muscles and then lift your leg off the floor with yourknee bent and gently push the ball against the wall with this thigh. In this position, cross your arms and move the leg that is holding the ball forward and as far backward aspossible by moving through the hip. Keep your hips square and your pelvis and lower back stable. As you move the ball backwards, be sure not to change the position of your lower back. �Repeat and then swap legs.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 10: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

19. Hop - figure of 8 around the grid

1 Set / 1 Rep / 10 sec duration

Stand up straight with a four square grid on the floor in front of you. Start in the back left square of the grid. Transfer your weight onto your affected foot and lift your unaffected foot from the floor Hop diagonally across to the square to your front right landing lightly on your foot. Immediately hop across the line to your left side then diagonally across to the square to your back right andfinally across the line to your left side in quick succession. Repeat.

20. Isometric wall sit

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Stand up straight with a wall positioned behind you. Lean your back and buttocks against the wall, then walk your feet forward. Slide down the wall until you reach a 90 degree angle at your hips and knees. Ensure your back and buttocks remain in contact with the wall. Hold this position.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 11: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

21. Isometric VMO strengthening

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Lie on your back with your elbows supporting your upper body. Place a foam roller underneath your affected knee. Turn your hip on the affected side outwards slightly. At all times keep the heel of this leg in contact with the bed. Push your knee downwards into the foam roller, keeping the heel in contact with the bed. Hold this contraction relax and repeat.

22. Isometric VMO SLR

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Lie on your back with your affected leg straight and the other leg bent for stability. Turn the affected leg out, tighten the thigh muscles to fully straighten the knee and lift the leg off the bed,keeping the knee completely straight. Hold this position, ensuring the leg is still turned out. Control the movement as you lower the leg back down, and allow it to roll back in to the neutral position.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 12: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

23. Knee extensions (leg weights optional)

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold / 0.1kg weight

Sit up tall in a chair with your shoulders back and down. Straighten the affected leg out in front of you, attempting to fully straighten the knee. Control the movement back to the start position and repeat. You can add leg weights in this exercise, as your range of movement and strength improves.

24. Quad set

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Sit upright and clench your thigh muscles, pushing the back of your knee into the bed so your leg straightens. Relax and repeat.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 13: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

25. Quad set (20 degrees flexion)

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Lie on your back with your legs straight. Place a rolled towel underneath your knee on the leg to be exercised. Your heel should rest on the ground with your toes pointing directly up towards the ceiling. Tighten your thigh muscle and push the back of your knee into the towel. Your leg should remain still as you tense your thigh. Hold this position. Relax, and repeat.

26. Quad set (towel under knee)

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Lie on your back with your resting leg bent. Place a rolled towel under the knee of your affected leg. Pull your toes on your exercising leg towards you. Clench your thigh muscles, pushing the back of your knee into the towel. You should feel your thigh muscles tighten. Hold this position, relax and then repeat.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 14: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

27. Quad set (with dorsiflexion)

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Sit with your resting leg bent. Pull your toes on exercising leg towards you. Clench your thigh muscles, pushing the back of your knee into the floor so your leg straightens. Hold this position, relax and then repeat.

28. Resisted hip abduction / external rotation – crab walk

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand up straight with your feet together. Tie a resistance band around your legs, just above your knees. Engage your deep abdominal muscles throughout this exercise. Keeping your spine in neutral and your knees above your ankles, hinge at your hips to send your buttocksbackwards whilst maintaining your balance. Push your knees apart to put tension in the band to form a diamond shape with your legs. Maintain this position as you take a few small steps to one side then the other. Repeat.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 15: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

29. Resisted hip abduction sit to stand

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Sit up straight on a chair with a resistance band tied just above your knees. Keep your legs just wider than hips width apart, with some tension in the band. Cross your hands over your chest and stand up, pushing your knees outwards against the resistance of theband. Control the movement as you sit back down. The slower you do this exercise, the harder it is.

30. Resisted hamstrings in prone

1 Set / 1 Rep

Lie on your front with a resistance band tied securely around both ankles. Keeping your unaffected leg straight, bend your affected knee, pulling against the resistance of the band. Take your heel steadily in towards your buttocks as far as you can, then control the movement as you lower theleg back down to the starting position. Repeat this movement, making sure you keep your body relaxed and thighs hips width apart.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 16: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

31. Single leg shallow squat

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand on one leg, keeping control through your pelvis and hip region and maintain your balance. Perform a controlled one quarter to one half squat by bending through your hip, so your pelvis moves back andyour knee stays in line with your toes. Squat only in the range where you can maintain balance and control through he hip, knee and lower leg andreturn to the standing position. Repeat this squatting movement consecutively to build endurance.

32. Single leg sit to stand from chair

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Sit up straight with your buttocks to the edge of the chair. Lift your unaffected foot off the ground and keep it in front of you. Try to do this exercise without using your hands. Keeping your affected knee in line with your toes, stand up by pushing down through your foot until you arecompletely upright. Hold this position and then gradually sit back down. Control this movement and then repeat. Make sure your knee always points directly in front of you.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 17: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

33. Single leg sit to stand from perched

1 Set / 1 Rep

Sit upright on a stool so that your hips are higher than your knees. Bring your buttocks to the edge of the stool. Lift your unaffected foot off the ground and keep it in front of you. Try to do this exercise without using your hands. Keeping your affected knee in line with your toes, stand up by leaning your body forward and pushing downthrough your foot until you are completely upright. Hold this position. Control the movement as you sit back down and then repeat.

34. SL body hinge

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand on your affected leg with the opposite leg extended behind you. Tighten the abdominal and leg muscles as you hinge forward at the waist and raise the back leg. Keep your body and leg in line with one another.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 18: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

35. Sit to stand no arms

1 Set / 1 Rep / 10 sec duration

Sit in a chair with your feet flat on the floor. Cross your arms in front of your chest so you are not tempted to push off of your thighs for momentum. Stand up, then slowly sit back down and repeat a number of times.

36. Sit to stand without arms

1 Set / 1 Rep

Sit upright with your shoulders back and down. Move forwards so you're sat at the edge of the chair and tuck your feet back underneath you. Stand up, without using your hands. Control the movement back down to sit on the chair.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 19: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

37. SLR in crook

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold

Lie on your back with your legs bent and feet flat on the floor. Straighten your affected leg out so that it is flat. Tighten your abdominal and thigh muscles, and lift this leg directly up, keeping the knee completely straight. Ensure your stationary leg stays still with the knee pointing to the ceiling. Control the movement as you lower the leg back down onto the floor.

38. SLR in long sit with ankle weight

1 Set / 1 Rep / 1 s hold / 0.1kg weight

Sit up straight with your legs straight out in front of you. Have an ankle weight attached to your leg to be exercised. Tighten your thigh muscles, pressing the back of you knee downwards. Next, lift your leg up, ensuring you keep your knee completely straight. Hold this position. Control the movement as you lower the leg back down. Repeat.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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Page 20: 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 · 2020. 3. 11. · 1. Knee concentric/eccentric flex in prone 01 1 Set / 3 Reps Lie on your front with your legs straight. Bend your

39. SLSq - buttocks to wall

1 Set / 1 Rep

Stand up straight with your back and heels in contact with a wall. Take a small step forward on your leg to be exercised. This step should be around half to one foot distance away from the wall. Stand on this leg keeping your elevated leg away from your stance. Gather your balance, tightening your abdominal muscles and gazing directly ahead. Keeping your back straight, bend your stance leg, allowing your knee to travel directly forwards over your toes. Push your hips back behind you so that your buttocks touch the wall. Your body will lean forwards a little. Return to the starting position and repeat.

Knee Strength Exercises

printed on 11/03/2020

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