1. details of the institution 2013-14.pdf11. loi for submitting naac ssr was sent to naac on...

Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 1 The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC All NAAC accredited institutions will submit an annual self-reviewed progress report to NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to detail the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the institutional IQAC at the beginning of the academic year. The AQAR will detail the results of the perspective plan worked out by the IQAC. (Note: The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013) Part – A 1. Details of the Institution 1.1 Name of the Institution 1.2 Address Line 1 Address Line 2 City/Town State Pin Code Institution e-mail address Contact Nos. Name of the Head of the Institution: Tel. No. with STD Code: Mobile: 0422-2614320 09487846535 Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences Karunya Nagar Coimbatore Tamil Nadu 641 114 [email protected] Dr. C. Joseph Kennady Registrar 09487846535 0422-2614320

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 1

The Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) of the IQAC All NAAC accredited institutions will submit an annual self-reviewed progress report to NAAC, through its IQAC. The report is to detail the tangible results achieved in key areas, specifically identified by the institutional IQAC at the beginning of the academic year. The AQAR will detail the results of the perspective plan worked out by the IQAC. (Note: The AQAR period would be the Academic Year. For example, July 1, 2012 to June 30, 2013)

Part – A 1. Details of the Institution

1.1 Name of the Institution

1.2 Address Line 1

Address Line 2



Pin Code

Institution e-mail address

Contact Nos.

Name of the Head of the Institution:

Tel. No. with STD Code:


0422-2614320 09487846535

Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences

Karunya Nagar


Tamil Nadu

641 114

[email protected]

Dr. C. Joseph Kennady Registrar



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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 2

Name of the IQAC Co-ordinator:


IQAC e-mail address:

1.3 NAAC Track ID (For ex. MHCOGN 18879)

1.4 NAAC Executive Committee No. & Date:

(For Example EC/32/A&A/143 dated 3-5-2004. This EC no. is available in the right corner- bottom of your institution’s Accreditation Certificate)

1.5 Website address:

Web-link of the AQAR:

For ex. http://www.ladykeanecollege.edu.in/AQAR2012-13.doc

1.6 Accreditation Details

Sl. No. Cycle Grade CGPA Year of

Accreditation Validity Period

1 1st Cycle B 2.70 2014 5 years

2 2nd Cycle 3 3rd Cycle

4 4th Cycle 1.7 Date of Establishment of IQAC : DD/MM/YYYY 1.8 AQAR for the year (for example 2010-11)




[email protected] [email protected]

Dr. S. Darius Gnanaraj



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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 3

1.9 Details of the previous year’s AQAR submitted to NAAC after the latest Assessment and Accreditation by NAAC ((for example AQAR 2010-11submitted to NAAC on 12-10-2011)

i. AQAR 2012-13 submitted to NAAC on 28.09.2013 (DD/MM/YYYY) ii. AQAR 2011-12 submitted to NAAC on 29.09.2012 (DD/MM/YYYY)

iii. AQAR 2010-11 submitted to NAAC on 28.09.2011 (DD/MM/YYYY) iv. AQAR 2009-10 submitted to NAAC on 29.09.2010 (DD/MM/YYYY)

1.10 Institutional Status

University State Central Deemed Private

Affiliated College Yes No

Constituent College Yes No

Autonomous college of UGC Yes No

Regulatory Agency approved Institution Yes No (eg. AICTE, BCI, MCI, PCI, NCI) (Declared as deemed to be University under section – 3 of UGC act 1956) Type of Institution Co-education Men Women Urban Rural Tribal Financial Status Grant-in-aid UGC 2(f) UGC 12B Grant-in-aid + Self Financing Totally Self-financing 1.11 Type of Faculty/Programme Arts Science Commerce Law PEI (Phys Edu)

TEI (Edu) Engineering Health Science Management

Others (Specify)

1.12 Name of the Affiliating University (for the Colleges)


- NA -











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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 4

1.13 Special status conferred by Central/ State Government-- UGC/CSIR/DST/DBT/ICMR etc

Declared as deemed-to-be University under section 3 of UGC act 1956

Autonomy by State/Central Govt. / University

University with Potential for Excellence UGC-CPE

DST Star Scheme UGC-CE

UGC-Special Assistance Programme DST-FIST

UGC-Innovative PG programmes Any other (Specify)

UGC-COP Programmes

2. IQAC Composition and Activities

2.1 No. of Teachers

2.2 No. of Administrative/Technical staff

2.3 No. of students

2.4 No. of Management representatives

2.5 No. of Alumni

2. 6 No. of any other stakeholder and

community representatives

2.7 No. of Employers/ Industrialists

2.8 No. of other External Experts

2.9 Total No. of members

2.10 No. of IQAC meetings held





















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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 5

2.11 No. of meetings with various stakeholders: No. Faculty

Non-Teaching Staff Students Alumni Others

2.12 Has IQAC received any funding from UGC during the year? Yes No

If yes, mention the amount

2.13 Seminars and Conferences (only quality related)

(i) No. of Seminars/Conferences/ Workshops/Symposia organized by the IQAC

Total Nos. International National State Institution Level

(ii) Themes

2.14 Significant Activities and contributions made by IQAC

1. Best School Awards to two Schools, Best Department Awards to two departments were given.

2. Best Teacher Awards were given. 3. Implemented Student feedback on faculty members through myKarunya 4. Performance analysis of schools and Departments were carried out 5. Analysis of External Academic Audits carried out 6. Annual Report placed in IQAC for approval. 7. Academic Staff College – preliminary steps taken 8. NTS skills development – suggestions given 9. Promoted cordial relationship between schools & departments in sharing the

research facilities. 10. A procedure was developed for Vice Chancellor to select Academic Auditor from a

panel. 11. LoI for submitting NAAC SSR was sent to NAAC on 31.7.2013 and accepted on

August 7, 2013. NAAC SSR was uploaded on 27.12.2013 in the University website. Hard copies of NAAC SSR were submitted to NAAC, Bangalore on 3.2.2014. Preparations for receiving NAAC Peer Team carried out from 3.2.2014 to 4th August 2014. Co-ordinated the NAAC Peer Team visit during 5-7 August, 2014.

12. Formed a Gender Audit Committee and conducted Gender Audit twice 13. Women Care Rooms were identified one per academic block and facilities like cot, sofa,

medicines, wash basin, etc. are provided. 14. Formed a Green Audit Committee and conducted Green Audit twice 15. Action Taken Reports on IQAC scores were received from Directors/ HoDs. 16. A statistical Analysis of IQAC scores for the past 5 years was done. 17. Training Programmes conducted for Teaching Staff and Non-Teaching Staff were

nominated. 18. IQAC Activities for the period April 2014 to March 2015 planned. 19. IQAC Committee was expanded based on NAAC Guidelines.






- 1

- - - - -

Student representatives



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20. Suggestions were given for conducting remedial coaching and arrear coaching for helping academic weak students. A few departments have implemented.

21. Suggestions were given for training junior faculty members through training programme or by asking them to attend classes taught by senior Faculty members.

22. Suggestions were given for collecting feedback from final year students. 23. Analysis of external Research Audit carried out. Suggestions were given for improving the

quality of academic research. 24. New procedure for receiving feedback on every subject and on every faculty member

suggested. 25. Suggestions were given for protecting green Environment in campus. 26. Training sessions were conducted twice to faculty members on the use of Learning

Management System. 27. Suggestions are given to make Ph.D. regulations more stringent.

2.15 Plan of Action by IQAC/Outcome

The plan of action chalked out by the IQAC in the beginning of the year towards quality

enhancement and the outcome achieved by the end of the year *

Plan of Action Achievements

1. Best School, Best Department, best Teacher, best Researcher Awards to be given.

2. Submission of NAAC Self Study Report (NAAC SSR) for Accreditation of the University.

3. Training Programmes for teaching and non-teaching staff to be conducted.

4. Academic Audit and Research Audit to be conducted. 5. Annual Quality Assurance Report (AQAR) for the academic

year 2012-13 to be submitted to NAAC. 6. Committees for Gender Audit and Green Audit to be formed

and Audits to be conducted. 7. Prepare the campus, infrastructure, staff and arrange the

documents in the proper order to receive the NAAC Peer Team.

8. Conduct IQAC Committee meetings once in 3 months and send recommendations to Administration for improving the quality in processes carried out by the University.

• Best School, Best Department and Best Researcher Awards were given.

• NAAC-SSR was prepared and submitted on time. NAAC Peer Team visited the Institution.

• Reviewed Academic, Research, Green and Gender Audits and gave recommendations.

• AQAR submitted on 28.9.2013

• IQAC meetings conducted on 16.8.2013, 15.3.2014 and 25.6.2014

* Attach the Academic Calendar of the year as Annexure. (Please see Annexure – i)

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 7

2.16 Whether the AQAR was placed in statutory body Yes No

Management Syndicate Any other body

Provide the details of the action taken

AQAR of 2013-14 is approved by the Academic Council held on 27.9.2014. The following suggestions were given by the members of the Academic Council.

• Learning Management System (LMS) can be reported as one of the best practices of the University in AQAR for the academic year 2014-15.

• Once in 6 months progress to be reviewed. Matrix wise growth has to be shown to everyone by IQAC. Feedback analysis and control has to be in place.

• IQAC and CTO are to work together to collect all information. Faculty members are to be trained in Quality by Professionals

• Adequate man power can be given to IQAC to document, analyse and to carryout Quality assurance activities.

AQAR was placed in the Board of Management on 9th October 2014. The Board of Management (BoM) has approved the AQAR and the following directions were given to IQAC.

• IQAC has to develop quality profile for Directors and HoDs of the University. • Performance Analysis of Directors & HoDs are to be conducted by IQAC. • Appraisal forms used for assessing the performance of faculty members are to be

upgraded by IQAC incorporating new criteria related to the use of ‘CMS’ and ‘myKarunya’

• The Criteria for assessing the performance of faculty members receiving personal pay are to be upgraded by IQAC. The performance of Faculty members receiving personal pay are to be reviewed by IQAC.

• The Criteria for assessing the performance of faculty members receiving Ph.D. Incentive pay are to be upgraded by IQAC. The performance of Faculty members receiving Ph.D. Incentive pay are to be reviewed by IQAC.

Part – B

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 8

Criterion – I

1. Curricular Aspects

1.1 Details about Academic Programmes

Level of the Programme

Number of existing


Number of programmes added

during the year

Number of self-financing programmes

Number of value added / Career

Oriented programmes

PhD 19 - All our programmes are self financing programmes.

- PG 29 1 - UG 12 - - PG Diploma 2 - - Advanced Diploma - - - Diploma - - - Certificate - - 15 (Add on

Programme) Others 2 - -

Total 71 - -

Interdisciplinary 4 - - - Innovative - - -

1.2 (i) Flexibility of the Curriculum: CBCS/Core/Elective option / Open options (ii) Pattern of programmes: 1.3 Feedback from stakeholders* Alumni Parents Employers Students (On all aspects)

Mode of feedback : Online Manual Co-operating schools (for PEI)

*Please provide an analysis of the feedback in the Annexure (Please see Annexure – ii) 1.4 Whether there is any revision/update of regulation or syllabi, if yes, mention their salient aspects.

Pattern Number of programmes

Semester 71

Trimester -

Annual -

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 9

Yes. All subjects taught to II year B.Tech. programmes are revised to fit into CBCS pattern. All subjects are given 3 credits. There is a regular updatement in the curriculum and syllabi of the subjects. From 2013 batch we are into a scheme of CBCS pattern where in all the subjects are revised based on the following salient aspects.

Ø Most of the subjects are framed for 3 lecture hours per week (3 credits)

Ø The curriculum is drafted with several components like Program Core, Soft Core,

Elective, Engineering Sciences and Technical Arts and Basic Sciences.

Ø The list of subjects under the criterion Program Core, Elective, Engineering

Sciences and Technical Arts and Basic Sciences are compulsory for the candidate.

Ø Under Soft core for under graduate students five different streams are identified.

Out of all the five soft cores, the student can narrow down to a particular soft core

or learn across all the different soft cores of the department based on his/her choice.

Ø The elective subjects can be chosen by the candidate from his/her department

across the schools.

Ø Specialization in PG programmes increased for improving the career prospects of


Ø Industrial relevance, Ability to solve social problems, Exposure in cutting edge

techniques used in modern industries, Scope for innovative research, Compatibility

with curriculum of foreign universities, more chance to do inter disciplinary

research were considered.

Ø Curriculum matched with recent trends to make the student industry oriented.

Ø Common subjects with other departments are merged

Ø Curriculum revamped to make the programme more practical and creative.

Ø Curriculum framed based on inputs from industry, academic experts, faculty,

students, alumni and parents.

Ø The syllabus is revised and updated according to the needs of the students thereby

facilitating them to be proficient in workplace communication.

1.5 Any new Department/Centre introduced during the year. If yes, give details.

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 10

1. NOVELL Centre of Excellence- Department of Information Technology

2. Centre for Research in Metallurgy – Department of Mechanical Engineering

3. BEC – Open Centre – Department of English

4. Nano Electronics / Nanofabrication – Department of Nanoscience and


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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 11

Criterion – II

2. Teaching, Learning and Evaluation

2.1 Total No. of permanent faculty

2.2 No. of permanent faculty with Ph.D.

2.3 No. of Faculty Positions Recruited (R) and Vacant (V) during the year

2.4 No. of Guest and Visiting faculty and Temporary faculty

2.5 Faculty participation in conferences and symposia:

No. of Faculty International level National level State level Attended Seminars/

60 362 32 Presented papers 202 173 2 Resource Persons 10 62 30

2.6 Innovative processes adopted by the institution in Teaching and Learning:

Total Asst. Professors Associate Professors Professors Others

416 318 46 36 16

Asst. Professors

Associate Professors

Professors Others Total


45 - 2 - 1 - 3 - 51 -


The faculty use innovative teaching approaches or practices to improve teaching in KITS. Besides the chalk and talk method of lecture, the faculty uses the following methods (a) Interactive method: case study, brainstorming, communication games and

activities, focused group discussions, panel discussions, role play and debate.

(b) Project based learning: A mandatory component for all the UG and PG programmes of KITS. The project work under the faculty helps the student to review the outcome and impact of research. It also helps the students to pool the findings and arrive at solutions. Students were exposed to hands on experiences at outside laboratories and field environment visits for virtual learning.



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2.7 Total No. of actual teaching days during this academic year

2.8 Examination/ Evaluation Reforms initiated by the Institution (for example: Open Book Examination, Bar Coding, Double Valuation, Photocopy, Online Multiple Choice Questions)


1 Students carry out class mini projects, working models, survey and term paper related to the subject to earn marks through quality assessments.

2. Question paper preparation workshops are conducted once every year. Junior

as well as senior faculty members are asked to attend the workshops. Faculty members are trained to set more analytical questions compared to knowledge based questions. As a result, the analytical skills are tested through tests/exams.

3. HoDs check the quality of internal test questions before sending the question papers for photo copying. The question papers are improved based on the comments from HoDs which has resulted in reasonably tough question papers.


c) Experimental learning: The field visits, on-site learning and internships were arranged for the students. Every department organizes an industrial visit for their students and the faculty involved in the clubs used to arrange field visits to encourage experimental learning. Students understand the problems associated with the society and find solutions.

d) Computer assisted learning: Each department is well equipped with state-of-art modern electronic podiums. Most classrooms are fitted with LCD projectors and used for interactive sessions and power point presentations (smart class rooms) by the faculty members. Broad band internet facility is available through Wi-Fi across the campus encourages the faculty to fit with computer assisted learning. The faculty members have well developed collection of e-content for most of the courses in order to facilitate knowledge flow to the learners. Computer aided design and computer based training are regularly used by the faculty members. The language lab of the English Department is effectively used to enhance communication skill, a much needed ability for student’s placement. In the communication labs, the faculty use role plays and group discussions as techniques to enhance communication skills of students. The University subscribes to INFLIBNET (N-LIST) & DELNET to have an access to the e-resources. The faculty uses the central library which is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of CD-ROM, On-line databases (like EBSCO, Proquest etc), e-journals and audio video cassettes to supplement classroom teaching.

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 13

2.9 No. of faculty members involved in curriculum restructuring/revision/syllabus development as member of Board of Study/Faculty/Curriculum Development workshop 2.10 Average percentage of attendance of students 2.11 Course/Programme wise distribution of pass percentage :

Title of the Programme

Total no. of students appeared


Distinction % I % II %

Reappearance required % Pass %

UG 1245 14.10 64.34 5.94 15.66 84.3 PG 883 26.27 70.22 0.45 3.06 96.9

2.12 How does IQAC Contribute/Monitor/Evaluate the Teaching & Learning processes:

IQAC conducts performance review of departments once in a year. Academic audits are conducted once in a semester. Feedback on syllabi and the level of laboratory experiments are obtained from Academic auditors and provided to curriculum development cells (CDC). CDC takes steps to develop curricula enhancing quality of curriculum and syllabi.


4. The university has implemented Online Exams as a part of the Choice Based

Credit System for its students from 2013 batch (UG) onwards. All Internal Assessment Exams (Five per subject) have online multiple choice questions along with the off-line essay question. The performance and analytics of the tests are provided to the students and faculty members to help them improve their teaching-learning process.

5. The End Semester Examination process is also automated with the

generation of Question Paper through software from 2013 batch onwards. Online Question Bank is maintained by each faculty member for this purpose. Academic audit is done to improve the quality of the questions.

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2.13 Initiatives undertaken towards faculty development

Faculty / Staff Development Programmes Number of faculty benefitted

Refresher courses 13*

UGC – Faculty Improvement Programme 1*

HRD programmes 2

Orientation programmes 66

Faculty exchange programme 0

Staff training conducted by the university 125

Staff training conducted by other institutions 54

Summer / Winter schools, Workshops, etc. 206*

Others 40*

*Including the participation of faculty members in the programmes conducted by other Institutions.

2.14 Details of Administrative and Technical staff

Category Number of Permanent Employees

Number of Vacant


Number of permanent

positions filled during the Year

Number of positions filled


Administrative Staff 168 - - 10

Technical Staff 69 - - 6

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 15

Criterion – III

3. Research, Consultancy and Extension

3.1 Initiatives of the IQAC in Sensitizing/Promoting Research Climate in the institution

3.2 Details regarding major projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted Number 14 37 15 7 Outlay in Rs. Lakhs 590 960 304.8 633

3.3 Details regarding minor projects

Completed Ongoing Sanctioned Submitted Number 54 23 - - Outlay in Rs. Lakhs 5.77 6.1 - -

3.4 Details on research publications

International National Others Peer Review Journals 479 37 - Non-Peer Review Journals 14 0 - e-Journals 17 1 - Conference proceedings 161 173 7

3.5 Details on Impact factor of publications: (from 1st January 2013 to September 2014)

Range Average h-index Nos. in SCOPUS

3.6 Research funds sanctioned and received from various funding agencies, industry and other organisations

Nature of the Project Duration Year

Name of the funding Agency

Total grant sanctioned


Major projects 3 years SERB,DBT ICMR

Rs.304.8 Lakhs

Rs.169.2 Lakhs

Minor Projects - - - - Interdisciplinary Projects - - - - Industry sponsored - - - - Projects sponsored by the University/ College One Karunya

University Rs.11.87

Lakhs Rs.11.87

lakhs Students research projects (other than compulsory by the University)

- - - -

Any other(Specify) - - - - Total Rs.316.67 181.07

0.211 to 9.907

IQAC analyses the external Research Audit reports submitted by the Controller of Examinations. Suggestions are given by IQAC for improving the quality of academic research carried out by the University. School Research Committee (SRC) is functional in every School and monitors Research Activities of the School. Board of Research and Consultancy (BRC) regulates research R&D and Consultancy works. Seven proposals are sent to funding agencies expecting a grant of 6.33 crores and 2 Patents are filed with the Government of India by faculty members.

1.68 8 417

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3.7 No. of books published i) With ISBN No. Chapters in Edited Books

ii) Without ISBN No.

3.8 No. of University Departments receiving funds from


DPE DBT Scheme/funds

3.9 For colleges Autonomy CPE DBT Star Scheme

INSPIRE CE Any Other (specify)

3.10 Revenue generated through consultancy

3.11 No. of conferences

organized by the Institution

3.12 No. of faculty served as experts, chairpersons or resource persons

3.13 No. of collaborations International National Any other

3.14 No. of linkages created during this year

3.15 Total budget for research for current year in lakhs :

From Funding agency From Management of University/College


3.16 No. of patents received this year

Level Inter-national National State University College Number 6 20 1 13 - Sponsoring agencies

Self/University Sponsored, CA, IEEE


CA University

Type of Patent Number

National Applied - Granted -

International Applied - Granted -

Commercialised Applied - Granted -








- - -

- - -





304.8 423.5 lakhs

728.3 lakhs

8 3

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3.17 No. of research awards/ recognitions received by faculty and research fellows Of the institute in the year

3.18 No. of faculty from the Institution who are Ph. D. Guides and students registered under them 3.19 No. of Ph.D. awarded by faculty from the Institution 3.20 No. of Research scholars receiving the Fellowships (Newly enrolled + existing ones)

JRF SRF Project Fellows Any other

3.21 No. of students Participated in NSS events:

University level State level

National level International level

3.22 No. of students participated in NCC events:

University level State level

National level International level

3.23 No. of Awards won in NSS:

University level State level

National level International level

3.24 No. of Awards won in NCC:

University level State level

National level International level

Total International National State University Dist College 32 6 13 2 10 - 1




20 10 4 19





88 -

05 -

Nil Nil

Nil Nil

- -

- -

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3.25 No. of Extension activities organized

University forum College forum

NCC NSS Any other

3.26 Major Activities during the year in the sphere of extension activities and Institutional Social Responsibility

Being located in a predominantly rural milieu where substantial population consists of tribals and villages, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences is bestowed with an opportunity to make positive changes in the rural community who are still steeped in the feudalistic way of life riddled with casteism, untouchability amidst dwindling natural resources negatively impacting their standard of life. Since its inception Karunya University has been taking proactive steps in reaching out to the less privileged sections of the society and marginal farmers in its proximity. In addition to being the biggest employer of local community, Karunya has an active social engagement with the communities around it in education, healthcare and Self Help Groups through SEESHA. Its community welfare arm is a registered society.

Non Academic activities are conducted outside the regular academic programme and these included in the courses offered so as to broaden the scope of education. The chief objectives of non academic activities offered include total and integrated personality development of students, preparing students for future life, by developing qualities such as cooperation, team spirit, leadership, discipline and development of creative talents, boosting self-confidence as well as to enhance the social interaction, inter-personal communication skills and develop emotional maturity of students. Involvement in these activities helps develop social commitment and to expose the students to get sensitized to social realities and to build a link between the student community and the wider community. Extension activities are particularly focused on the four social concern areas of Karunya, viz, food, health, energy and water.

Every student has to acquire specified number non-academic credits to qualify for a degree. The non-academic credits can be earned by engaging in any of the following activities:

Code Programmes Controlling Authority

NA01[S] National Service Scheme (NSS) Co-ordinator NA02[S] Community Health Service (CHS) Co-ordinator NA04[S] Karunya Arts Literary Association

(KALA) Co-ordinator

NA07[S] Music Club Co-ordinator NA10[S] Rotaract Club Co-ordinator NA12[S] Photography & Video Club Co-ordinator NA14[S] Bethesda Service Co-ordinator NA17[S] Youth Red Cross Co-ordinator NA21[S] Advanced Leadership Course Co-ordinator NA22[S] Science – Faith Dialogue Club Co-ordinator

265 N/a

Nil 40 Nil

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NA25[S] Foods and Nutrition Club Co-ordinator NA27[S] Journalism Club Co-ordinator NA30[S] NCC Associate NCC

Officer NA31[S] Nature Club (Aqua, Environment, Green

Campus and Solid Waste Management units)


NA33[S] Y’s Youth club of Karunya Co-ordinator NA 38[S] Astronomy Club Co-ordinator

National Service Scheme-NSS Ø Blood Donation Camps Ø NSS Special Work Camp- 12 Villages Ø Construction of Kitchen shed Seengampathy Anganwady Ø AIDS awareness Rally Ø Exposure visit to Wayanad

Nature Club

Ø Ozone day awareness Rally Ø Exposure visit to Valparai

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Programmes conducted

S.N. Programmes 1 NSS Special Camps 2 Literacy Programmes in adopted Govt Schools in nearby Villages – Spoken

English, Basic Computer, etc 3 Awareness Programmes 4 Govt. Schemes / Plans 5 Medical/ Health Camps 6 Village visits/ Literacy Programmes – Karunya Outreach 7 Tribal Livelihood Studies 8 Village Health Profiling 9 Observation of National/ Intl days of significance

10 Orphanage / Old Age Homes visits 11 Medical First aid training 12 Disaster Management training

The University gives special emphasis in conducting outreach programmes with a view to improve the quality of life of the target group which include farmers, women self help group members, rural women, villagers as a whole, school students, graduate and under graduate students of different colleges, inmates of orphanages and old age home, home for the HIV positive, and tribals. These activities are taken up to inculcate social commitment in the Karunya students enabling them to come out as socially conscious and committed engineers and graduates. Each department of Karunya has been conducting training programmes relevant to their field of academic curricula and expertise. Thus Department of Electronics & Media Technology has conducted several programmes such as exhibitions and seminars for school children on media related issues. Department of English has held programmes for English coaching of school students. Department of Food processing has been conducting training programmes on the preparation of bakery products for the members of women self help groups and unemployed rural women and few of the trainees have become entrepreneurs. Department of Extension and Continuing Education has been conducting training programmes on vermi-composting, fresh waster pisciculture value addition of sea foods and soft skills utilising the expertise available in different departments. Students

CHS- Community Health Service

Ø Bone density screening camp Ø Diabetes Haemoglobin screening camp Ø Wellness Camp Ø H.A.N.D Ø Village visit Ø Medical camp Ø Staff initiated camps and student led

other programmes

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from underprivileged sections have immensely benefitted from the computer education provided by the Karunyans. Sharing and caring for the inmates of the orphanages, old age homes and HIV positive centres, arranging visits for the orphans to the Karunya campus in order to motivate them to achieve greater heights in the life are regular programmes in Karunya. Visits are arranged for students from the rural schools to Karunya campus to expose them to the opportunities available in technical education. Medical camps, eye camps, veterinary camps, cancer awareness rallies, AIDS awareness campaigns and blood group testing camps are regular programmes conducted by Karunya. Sometimes the number of participants crosses four figures. Karunyans regularly donate blood in blood donation camps. Tree planting, plastic eradication rallies, seminars on solid waste management and water conservation are conducted to create environmental awareness.

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Criterion – IV 4. Infrastructure and Learning Resources

4.1 Details of increase in infrastructure facilities:

Facilities Existing

Newly created (2013-14)

Source of Fund Total

Campus area 720 acres - KITS** 720 acres Class rooms 126

(10618 sq.m)

34 (2502) KITS

160 (13120 sq.m.)

Laboratories 68 (13108 sq.m)

15 KITS 83

(15212 sq.m.)

Seminar Halls 15 (2904 sq.m.)

2 (400 sq.m.) KITS 17

(3304 sq.m.)

No. of important equipments purchased (≥ 1 lakh) during the current year. 5972 73 KITS 6045

Value of the equipment purchased during the year (Rs. in Lakhs) 4185.01 257.7 KITS 4442.71

Others - - -

**Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences 4.2 Computerization of administration and library


Campus Management System (CMS) focuses on excellent coordination between university and students, making e-education scenario "a reality". CMS provides the detailed structure of the KITS and its departments. It covers all aspects of the University, Students, Faculties, Schools / Departments, Assessment Marks, Attendance, Examination Time Table, Results, Placements and other Co – Curricular and Extra - Curricular activities. KITS provides various information about staff and students through the website: www.karunya.edu.

‘mykarunya’ is a new addition to CMS which helps the Faculty members, Parents and Students of KITS to keep track of the day-to-day activities such as Attendance Management, Mentee Management, Management Information System (MIS), Internal Assessment Management, Reports generation etc. The following are some of the highlights and best practices of our user friendly package mykarunya System.

1. The process of Course Registration, Student Registration, Mentee Registration is simplified in mykarunya system.

2. The attendance marking system in mykarunya is very user friendly. 3. The online leave submission, OD submission, Medical leave submission and their

corresponding approvals are decentralized. P.T.O.

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4.3 Library services:

Existing Newly added (2013-2014) Total No. Value Rs. No. Value, Rs. No. Value, Rs.

Text Books 67363 1,25,62,969 1205 4,37,293 68568 1,30,00,262 Reference Books 10829 1,08,29,000 366 4,40,000 11195 1,12,69,000

e-Books - - 930 11,59,000 930 11,59,000 Journals

6565 1,41,10,246 - 8,49,717 (renewed charges)

6565 1,49,59,963

e-Journals Science direct -347 Springer -586 EBSCO -800

Scopus (Abstract)

1,19,63,813 IEEE -161 46,85,028

Science direct -347

Springer -586 EBSCO-800

Scopus (Abstract) IEEE -161


Digital Database

Proquest online thesis 18,02,790 - - - 18,08,790

CD & Video 3300 3,33,000 173 17,300 3473 3,50,300

Others (specify) - - - - - -

4. The change/delete attendance, late attendance entry, internal assessment correction/deletion goes through automated hierarchical approvals.

5. The attendance and the internal marks are transparent and can be viewed by students, parents, teachers and HoDs. This information is also disseminated to parents through SMS.

6. Mentors are provided with an efficient reviewing system for their mentees. 7. A reminder through SMS helps the mentees to enter the attendance on time. 8. Color coded report facilitates the mentors to easily track the reviewing/

status/approval processes. 9. The internal assessment reports can be generated from the myKarunya system itself

which will then be sent to parents through postal communication.

The Central Library provides the central support services. The library homepage provides electronic access to various full text and bibliographical databases. The Central library is well equipped with modern facilities and resources in the form of CD-ROM, On-line databases, e-journals, e-books, audio video cassettes, books, journals, project reports etc. Links from the home page gives information on library policies, hours, collections and services. The mission of the Central library is to provide information services and access to bibliographical and full text digital and printed resources to support the scholarly and informational needs of the Institute user community.

Digital Library

In addition to the above, the ‘Digital Library’ with 25 PCs with broad-band hi-speed Internet connection enables users to access and download information. The access to 3528 CD-Rom database collection is enabled through a server to all computers. The Library is a member of DELNET, which provides access to more than one million records globally and article services. Intranet library web portal is created to provide e-services.

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4.4 Technology up gradation (overall)

Total Computers

Comp-uter Labs Internet Browsing

Centres Computer Centres Office Depart-

ments Others

Existing 1582 20 200 Mbps 15 3 3 - -

Added 525 4 - 4 0 0 - -

Total 2107 24 200Mpbs 19 3 3 0 0

4.5 Computer, Internet access, training to teachers and students and any other programme for

technology upgradation (Networking, e-Governance etc.)

LMS Workshops were conducted on 28.4.2014 and 21.7.2014 National /

International &

Conference/ Symposium /


Title of the Conference / Symposium /


Name of the Resource Person (s) with

Designation & Company

No. of parti-


Date of the Conference / Symposium /


National Workshop

Web – O - Master

Mr. Prateek Gupta, CEO of Innovians Technologies,

Noida 100 26/02/2014 &


National Workshop

National Workshop on

NS2 - 150 19/10/2013

National Workshop

Big Data Analytics

using Hadoop

Mr. Srikanth Maru, Associate Consultant,

Mr. Nelson Arasu, Systems Engineer and

Mr. Dinesh Kumar, Systems Engineer from M/s. Tata Consultancy

Services, Chennai.

180 21/02/2014


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Name of the Programme Sponsoring Agency Duration

Workshop on NS3 - IEEE STEP Event IEEE GOLD Affinity Group 14.12.13

National workshop on Evolutionary Optimization Techniques for solving Multidisciplinary problems

- 06.12.13 to 07.12.13

National Workshop on The Application of Advanced Learning Techniques for Medical Image Diagnostics (ALTMID’14)

- 14.02.14 to 15.02.14

Android Workshop held with National Level Technical Symposium – Techagon ‘14

State Bank of India, Coimbatore

Technova Solutions, Coimbatore


National Workshop on Cloud Driven Appication Development - 18.03.14 to 19.03.14

International Conference on Informatics and Communication Technologies for Social development.

- 13.03.14 to 15.03.14

4.6 Amount spent on maintenance in lakhs :

i) ICT ii) Campus Infrastructure and facilities iii) Equipments iv) Others: Land Furniture Transport Total :

Name of the Programme Name of the Board / Details Duration

National workshop on Image Processing, Computer Vision and Machine Learning KITS 5 December 2013-

6 December 2013 National level Technical Symposium KITS 24 January 2014 National Workshop on Data warehousing and Cloud Data Integration KITS 31 January 2014

National Workshop on “Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe) Agile Testing and Practices – An Industrial Perspective

KITS 07 March 2014




77.68 11.75



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Criterion – V 5. Student Support and Progression

5.1 Contribution of IQAC in enhancing awareness about Student Support Services

5.2 Efforts made by the institution for tracking the progression

5.3 (a) Total Number of students

(b) No. of students outside the state

(c) No. of international students

Men Women

Demand ratio 5.6:1 Dropout % : 1%

UG PG Ph. D. Others 5720 1868 439 M.Phil.-34

No % 4930 61

No % 3131 39

Last Year (2012-13) This Year (2013-14)

General SC ST OBC Physic-ally


Total Gen-eral

SC ST OBC Physically Challenge



3672 300 133 3886 - 7991 3455 323 142 4141 - 8061

The external expert member of IQAC has given suggestions for giving support to students who are academically weak. Remedial coaching classes and arrear coaching classes are suggested and implemented. CBCS system provides flexibility in choosing the number of credits for avoiding the overload experienced by slow learners.

Alumni Cell is functioning effectively. A full time Alumni Co-ordinator contacts the passed out students and finds out the progression of students after the graduate. The University provides one Mentor for 22 students. The mentor counsels their mentees based on their academic performance and see that they progress well in their period of study.



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5.4 Details of student support mechanism for coaching for competitive examinations (If any)

No. of students beneficiaries

5.5 No. of students qualified in these examinations


IAS/IPS etc State PSC UPSC Others

5.6 Details of student counselling and career guidance

Students are encouraged to write competitive exams. Centre for Placement and Training provides support by arranging training programmes. CAT/GRE Coaching classes by T.I.M.E. Institutes are arranged. Department like ECE provides coaching classes for GATE with the help of Senior faculty members. Department of CSE conducts free GATE coaching classes by a qualified person.

Mentoring System Mentoring is a youth development strategy that can create a path to successful adulthood` and career for the students.

• A mentor will have a maximum of 22 students (MENTEES) or 30 in PG classes allocated to him/her.

• The mentees will be attached to the same mentor for the entire course of study, except during PEP. (Pre Engineering Programme/ I Year B.Tech.)

• The mentors shall meet the mentees regularly and record the outcome of the meetings in the Computer system. The details about each mentee will be recorded and periodically updated in the Computer system.

• The mentors shall update the mentee’s parents about the progress of the mentees. • If a student violates the code of conduct, his/her mentor shall be a member in the

disciplinary Committee. Aspects of Mentor’s Review of His/Her Mentees Attendance The mentor shall take care of the attendance of the mentee. The attendance in assembly and class has to be ensured following the guidelines in this Policy. Also, mentors are responsible to monitor and advise and take necessary follow-up actions with regard to students, who are on ‘out of rolls’ (If a student does not pay the tuition fees, he is out of rolls until he/she pays the fees dues) and those absent from residences.










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Academic matters The mentors shall also attend to the academic matters of mentees dealing with previous academic performance, internal assessment marks, semester results and arrear coaching, if relevant. Other areas of care The mentors shall also look into the following areas with regard to their mentees:

• Behavioural and discipline matters • Physical health • Spiritual growth • Achievements, talents, scientific achievements • Extra, co- curricular achievements


§ In the review meeting, immediately after the Internal Assessment tests and the

semester results, the mentor shall appreciate the mentees who have performed well. This will be placed on record in the Computer system.

• The mentor shall interact with the mentees who have not done well or failed in the internals and advise them to improve their performance. The mentor shall extend all possible assistance to improve the academic performance of the mentee. This will be recorded in the Computer system.

• In both the cases mentioned above email/post will be sent to the parents / guardians by the system on the performance of their son / daughter / ward.

Care and Counseling

• The mentor during the periodic review meeting shall counsel the students. The well behaved students shall be appreciated and others shall be properly cared for and counseled.

• In cases where expert care and counseling is required , the mentor shall consult the residence counselor and identify the counselor/expert to whom the mentee should be referred. The details of the mentee shall be communicated to the counselor/ expert by the mentor.

• The mentee will also be informed about the counselor/expert by the mentor. • The Counselor/ expert shall directly talk to the mentee for further follow up.

Personality Development

• The mentor shall encourage the mentee to develop and channelize his/her skills and talents through an appropriate forum or activity of the University (fine arts, sports, extension activities, workshops, conferences, DoVE, association activities, etc.).

• These are aimed at the overall development of the personality of the student so as to make him ‘Arise and Shine’.

• Career guidance to students are given by mentors and Senior Residence Advisors. Career guidance cells are established in a few departments.

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No. of students benefitted

5.7 Details of campus placement

On campus Off Campus Number of

Organizations Visited

Number of Students Participated

Number of Students Placed

Number of Students Placed

85 1577 758 77

5.8 Details of gender sensitization programmes

Women empowerment program has been organized (As part of Women’s day celebrations). A Motivational talk on “Uniqueness of womanhood” by Mrs. Hashy Timothy was organized on 8th March 2014.

Several special programmes are conducted for women students and faculty. These include special retreats, prayer festivals, counselling sessions on marriage and family life, career counselling, effective management of work and home environment, stress management, etc. Elaborate physical arrangements are in place to ensure the comfort of women students on the university campus and in the hostels. Gender Audits are conducted and recommendations are given to the University administration. Based on the recommendations, Sexual Harassment Cell and Women Care Rooms in all block are established and they are functional.


During the year 2013-14 placement training programmes were given by the following training providers.

i. Talent Sprint ii. T.I.M.E iii. Six Phrase iv. Innovative Services v. I-Point

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5.9 Students Activities

5.9.1 No. of students participated in Sports, Games and other events

State/ University level National level International level

No. of students participated in cultural events

State/ University level National level International level

5.9.2 No. of medals /awards won by students in Sports, Games and other events

Sports : State/ University level National level International level

Cultural: State/ University level National level International level

5.10 Scholarships and Financial Support

Number of students Amount Rs.

Financial support from institution 16 13,10,000

Financial support from government 281 88,68,800

Financial support from other sources - -

Number of students who received International/ National recognitions

16 -

5.11 Student organised / initiatives

Fairs : State/ University level National level International level

Exhibition: State/ University level National level International level

5.12 No. of social initiatives undertaken by the students



04 Nil

33 6 -

01 Nil 114 Gold 157 Silver

6 5 -


4 0

5 0


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5.13 Major grievances of students (if any) redressed: There is no major /serious grievance reported during the year 2013-14. However, 39 day-to-day grievances were addressed during the year 2013-14 in the table given below:

S.No. Type of grievance

No.of grievances addressed

1 Academic related such as Admission fee refund, Attendance, Assessment, Library facilities, Special/Remedial coaching classes, Issuance of certificates, Add-on courses, etc.


2 Extension & Extra-curricular such as Extension activities – Clubs registration, Awarding of non-academic credits, Physical Education - Playgrounds, Sports & Games, etc.


3 Amenities & Maintenance such as Allocation of rooms, Standard of meal, Wi-fi internet connectivity, Laptops warrantee/servicing, Utility-stores in the hostels, Computer facilities, Drinking water , Sanitation & hygiene, Maintenance, Medical facilities, etc.


4 Placements & Internships such as On-campus or off-campus interviews, IAESTE internships, etc.


5 General administration such as Collection of fee, on-line fee payment gateway, Updating of CMS &My karunya, ID cards, etc.


6 Other issues such as Emergency services, Safety & Security, etc.




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Criterion – VI

6. Governance, Leadership and Management

6.1 State the Vision and Mission of the institution

6.2 Does the Institution has a management Information System

Karunya’s Vision

True to its name Karunya which means ‘compassion’. Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences shall be a deemed to be university with a social concern which will address the problems of humanity through teaching, research and extension in socially relevant areas.

The students and faculty of KITS will be imbibed with spiritual discernment and a zeal to serve humanity and to eventually become leaders of society.

Karunya’s Mission

To accomplish the vision, Karunya Institute of Technology and Sciences – a Christian Minority Institution will be committed to transform lives through the following objectives:

§ To raise undergraduate and post graduate students and research

scholars to serve humanity by attaining high levels of academic excellence, professional competence, exemplary values and spiritual empowerment.

§ To find solutions to human problems in areas relating to Water, Food, Health Care and Energy through scientific, social and technological research as well as policy formulation.

§ To set up care homes for physically and mentally challenged as well as the elderly and the terminally ill to enable the students to understand the human needs and pain, by participating in the services rendered to them on campus and thus to dedicate themselves to work towards solving those problems through research, development, policy making at high levels or through providing spiritual care.

Yes, the institution has Campus Management System (CMS). The details are as follows:

One of the important innovations which KITS has introduced is Campus Management System (CMS). Campus Management System is a compact package, designed to provide a sophisticated, state of the art web technology, aimed at bringing about total quality in Education management. CMS focuses on excellent coordination between university and students, making e-education scenario "a reality". CMS provides the detailed structure of the KITS and its departments. It covers all aspects of the University, Students, Faculties, Schools / Departments, Assessment Marks, Attendance, Examination Time Table, Results, Placements and other Co – Curricular and Extra - Curricular activities. KITS provides various information about staff and students through the website: www.karunya.edu.

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6.3 Quality improvement strategies adopted by the institution for each of the following:

6.3.1 Curriculum Development

6.3.2 Teaching and Learning

CDC, Board of studies and Academic council meet twice every year. Every year new subjects are framed based on the curriculum structure prescribed by NBA, AICTE guidelines. The course feedback is collected from teaching staff, alumni, industrialist and academicians and incorporated in the subsequent curriculum development exercises continuously. Course syllabi are reviewed and recent developments in the subject areas are incorporated in the syllabi. Recently published text books/reference books are used for preparing the syllabus. The following are the features of Curriculum developed:

1. To make the student ‘industry ready’ and to improve employability 2. Choice Based Credit System has been introduced. The students have a high degree

of flexibility to choose the subjects and their area of specialization with more interdisciplinary soft core.

Academic audit is conducted at the end of every semester by external experts, evaluating every subject handled by the faculty. Class committee meetings are conducted with the student representatives to get feedback on syllabus coverage and other grievances. The following strategies are introduced:


‘mykarunya’ is a new addition to CMS which helps the Faculty members, Parents and Students of KITS to keep track of the day-to-day activities such as Attendance Management, Mentee Management, Management Information System (MIS), Internal Assessment Management, Reports generation etc. The following are some of the highlights and best practices of our user friendly package mykarunya System.

1. The process of Course Registration, Student Registration, Mentee Registration is simplified in mykarunya system.

2. The attendance marking system in mykarunya is very user friendly. 3. The online leave submission, OD submission, Medical leave submission

and their corresponding approvals are decentralized. 4. The change/delete attendance, late attendance entry, internal assessment

correction/deletion goes through automated hierarchical approvals. 5. The attendance and the internal marks are transparent and can be viewed by

students, parents, teachers and HoDs. This information is also disseminated to parents through SMS.

6. Mentors are provided with an efficient reviewing system for their mentees. 7. A reminder through SMS helps the mentees to enter the attendance on time. 8. Color coded report facilitates the mentors to easily track the reviewing/

status/approval processes. 9. The internal assessment reports can be generated from the myKarunya

system itself which will then be sent to parents through postal communication.

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6.3.3 Examination and Evaluation

6.3.4 Research and Development

The Internal question papers are scrutinized by a group of senior faculty members. Result analysis is done after every internal exam to evaluate the class pass percentage and the fair correction of papers.

Computer technology centre helps in updation, registration of subjects and gives prompt Exam intimations like the exam dates, time table with the exam hall number through the university website.

The examination has become rigorous with Choice Based Credit System wherein the student will be assessed continuously at the end of every 10 lecture hours and evaluation process has become simpler with online test.

Research project proposals are being sent to funding agencies for receiving research grant.

School Research Committee (SRC) monitors and manages the research project carried out in the respective schools.

External Research audit takes place once in a year to assess the performance of research scholars.

Seed money for faculty, U.G. and P.G students for carrying out their project works. The following are the activities for promoting Research and Development:

• Research Oriented workshops are organized. • Research audits are conducted periodically • Financial assistance and special casual leave for paper presentation in National and

International Conferences. • School Research Committee monitors the progress of Ph.D. and M.Tech. students.

1. Multimedia based teaching learning, online course enrolment by faculty and students, continuous assessment.

2. E-learning is adopted, faculties are encouraged to participate in faculty development programme, training programme, orientation, mission10X. Faculties conduct additional coaching classes

3. Additional hands-on-training class are conducted both within and beyond the syllabus.

4. Arrear coaching classes are conducted by a few departments.

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6.3.5 Library, ICT and physical infrastructure / instrumentation

6.3.6 Human Resource Management

6.3.7 Faculty and Staff recruitment

6.3.8 Industry Interaction / Collaboration

The Cenral Library is open in all the working hours i.e. from 8.50 am to 11.00 pm The following facilities are available in the library:

i. 25 Computers with internet facility ii. Access to digital library

iii. Reading room iv. Project reports v. Journals

vi. LCD Projectors vii. Webminar on latest technologies.

Faculty receive VI Pay Commission pay. Incentive pay is given to Ph.D. Degree holders for promoting research activities. Faculty avail Summer and Winter vacation, Earned Leave, Special Casual Leave, Medical leave, Sabbatical and Study leave. Systematic performance appraisal is carried out every year. Workload is assigned to faculty members and non-teaching staff based on their capabilities. Staff Benevolent Fund and Mediclaim Policy are the welfare schemes extended to all staff members.

Recruitment of faculty and staff is done by a peer committee taking various attributes into consideration for recruitment. Only highly potential faculty and staff are recruited through various selection scrutiny processes. An online written exam is conducted for evaluating the technical and nontechnical skills. The candidate is evaluated based on different components during the personal interview. An external expert will evaluate the technical knowledge of the candidate. Based on their qualifications, experience and research contributions, faculty are recruited for their applicable cadre, if vacancy exists

The departments have interacted with various industries and tied up for joint project proposal, recruitment etc.

1. Departments have signed MOUs with core companies. 2. Experts from industries are invited as resource persons for various events.


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6.3.9 Admission of Students

Admission of students to various courses is based on merit and is transparent with the single window system. Ø Efforts are made to ensure that all students seeking admission to the various courses

stay informed through different modes of publicity. Ø The Institution has developed its own website for the convenience of students

seeking admission to the University. Ø The college strictly adheres to the government norms in the admission process

giving chance to the meritorious students belonging to the various sections of the society.

Karunya Entrance Examination(KEE) is conducted by Karunya University in different locations across India during the month of April. The Admission for all B.Tech. courses is made based on KEE rank only. The admission for B.Tech. courses is conducted at Karunya University Campus through Single Window Counselling.

For M.Tech admission, the eligible candidates are called for attending online test and interview in the University Campus. Based on the marks scored by the candidate in UG degree (50%), online test (25%) and interview (25%), the PG admission is provisionally made.

M.Phil. / Ph.D.

Ø Master's Degree of this University or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in the fields of study notified from time to time by this University. Minimum eligibility is 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA. However 5% relaxation is given to the candidates belonging to SC/ST for admission into Ph.D

The University has signed MoUs with the following Universities: Karunya University, Coimbatore has entered into Memoranda of Understanding with the Ben-Gurion University of Beer Sheva, Technion of Haifa and Institute of Archaeology of Hebrew University of Jerusalem. These MoUs were officially exchanged by Dr. Paul Dhinakaran, Chancellor of Karunya University and the Professors of the Universities in Israel on 3 November 2013 at the Internal Convention Centre, Jerusalem. Prof Yoram Oren of the Zuckerberg Institute of Water Research of BGU has been serving as a Visiting Faculty at Karunya University and established a laboratory in the area of electrochemical methods for water treatment. The laboratory focuses on electrochemical techniques for water and waste water treatment. Some of the areas of focus are removal of fluoride and treatment of effluents from textile industries. Karunya University is in the process of formulating joint projects with Technion in the areas of food processing and aerospace engineering. A Centre of Excellence with focus on History and Archaeology of the Land of Bible is planned to be established with the support of the Institute of Archaeology of Hebrew University. Faculty and student exchange programmes are also envisaged as part of the MoUs.

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6.4 Welfare schemes for

6.5 Total corpus fund generated

6.6 Whether annual financial audit has been done Yes No

program Ø Master Degree in Arts, Science, Computer Application and Management of this

University or any other qualification recognized as equivalent thereto in the field of study. Minimum eligibility is 55% of marks or equivalent CGPA. However 5% relaxation is given to the candidates belonging to SC/ST.

Ø All eligible applicants will be called for a written entrance test and interview. The admissions will be based on a merit list based on the consistent academic record and performance in the entrance test and interview.

Ø The candidates will also attend an interview in the concerned department.

Ø The candidates are ranked based on the academic records / performance as given below:

UG – 5 marks; PG – 20; Experience – 5 [half a mark for each year of service]; Publications – 5; [2- for International refereed Journals, 1 – National refereed journal / Conference conducted by Professional Associations]; Entrance test – 40 [Part A - 15 marks for common test and Part B - 25 marks for departmental test to be conducted together]; Interview by the Department – 25.

Ø School / Department wise merit list will be uploaded in the Karunya Website.

Teaching Staff welfare Fund , Staff Benefit fund, MediClaim, Employee Provident Fund, Quarters, Hospital services, Water, Wifi, Transport, Gratuity, Pension benefits

Non teaching

Staff welfare Fund, Mediclaim, Employee Provident Fund, Hospital services, Welfare fund. Educational facility for children, Gratuity, Accomodation, Pension benefits

Students The students are enrolled in a Health care program where they get both outpatient and inpatient facility at a subsidized cost. Wifi, hostel, water, power, scholarship to students who excel in sports, Separate Gym for Boys and Girls are available in the University Hostels, IASTE, Hospital, Bank, post office facilities are available



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6.7 Whether Academic and Administrative Audit (AAA) has been done?

Audit Type External Internal

Yes/No Agency Yes/No Authority

Academic Yes Senior faculty members from

Premier Institutions

No -

Administrative No - Yes Faculty Members

6.8 Does the University/ Autonomous College declares results within 30 days?

For UG Programmes Yes No For PG Programmes Yes No

6.9 What efforts are made by the University/ Autonomous College for Examination Reforms?

6.10 What efforts are made by the University to promote autonomy in the affiliated/constituent colleges?

6.11 Activities and support from the Alumni Association

1. Online exams were conducted for objective type questions as a part of Internal Assessment.

2. Supplementary exams were conducted at the end of every academic year to make the students to clear the arrears in the same academic year itself.

3. Semester Exam results are published within one month after the end of all exams. 4. Degree certificate are issued within one month after the completion of all exams. 5. Continuous Assessment, Quality Assessment, CBCS, online examination system,

Multiple choice questions for evaluating analytical skills, continuous assessment system, personalised question paper system are introduced.

6. Choice based credit system where the individual faculty can give marks for internal assessment as well as end semester exam for the subjects they are handling

Not Applicable

The expertise of alumni is utilized for department seminars, workshops, guest lectures, career counseling, placement training, placement, curriculum reformation, research and admission into foreign universities and as a member of Board of Studies (BoS)



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Departmental Alumni meets are conducted. In the departments which conducted Alumni Meet, about 70 members comprising of alumni and their family members participate in the meet.

During the Alumni Meet, videos are played to show the the development of the department, its facilities, well equipped Laboratories and other activities. Alumni Co-ordinator shares about Karunya Alumni Cell. The alumni introduce and interact among themselves. They share their past and unforgettable memories in Karunya and the impact of Karunya in their corporate life. Alumni suggest their feedback on various issues like curriculum and development of department. .

The alumni placed in companies help the University by bringing their companies for recruiting the final year students. Alumni Meet conducted during the year 2013-14.

S.No. Date Event 1 27

th July 2013 Silver Jubilee Meet of 1988 batch

2 21st Sept 2013 Aerospace alumni Meet

3 9th

Nov 2013 MBA Alumni Meet 4 14

th Dec 2013 Civil Alumni Meet

5 26th

Dec 2013 CST Alumni Meet in Tirunelveli 6 18

th Jan 2013 EEE Alumni Meet

7 25th Jan 2014 Mech Alumni Meet 8 8

th Mar 2014 Bio Info Alumni Meet

9 8th

Mar 2014 USA Alumni Meet 10 15

th Mar 2014 FPro Alumni Meet

11 20th

Mar 2014 MCA Bangalore Alumni Meet 12 22

nd Mar 2014 EMT Alumni Meet

13 12th

April 2014 ECE Alumni Meet 14 14th June 2014 Civil Alumni Meet

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6.12 Activities and support from the Parent – Teacher Association

6.13 Development programmes for support staff

Parents’ meets are held in different locations of the country to address the grievances of parents. The mentors communicate with parents regularly regarding the progression of their wards. Progress reports are sent to the parents after every internal exam.

1. Parents meet organized on 24th May 2014 at Ranchi (Please see a report in Annexure -iii)

Departmental Parents’ Meet are organized in the following fashion. A video is projected to show the development of the department, its facilities, well equipped Laboratories and other activities which actively involve the students to be trained in both academics and extracurricular activities. Director & HoD address the parents with Karunya Updates which includes Mentoring, Disciplinary procedures, CMS and Arrear Coaching. This session has an open forum in which parents and Director/HoD have interaction regarding various issues. All the issues are addressed and answered by Director/HoD. Parents appreciate the department for conducting the parents meet and want to have one meet every semester.

Mentors of each class are introduced to parents. Parents and mentors have an interactive session. Feedback is collected from parents in which few suggestions and comments are very useful for improving the quality of departments.

Parents regularly express their valuable suggestions for the development of the students through Phone Calls, Personal Visits and the teachers take efforts to implement the suggestions effectively.

The following developmental programmes were conducted for the supporting staff during the year 2013-14: 1. Training programmes for English communications and computer knowledge. 2. Talk show on “Handling day to day issues”. 3. Workshop on ‘Personal Effectiveness & Group Effectiveness for Non Teaching Staff’

held at Karunya University, Coimbatore from 18th June 2013 to 19th June 2013. 4. Workshop on ‘Effectiveness Enhancement Programme (English Communication) for

Non Teaching Staff’ held at Karunya University, Coimbatore from 20th June 2013 to 21st June 2013.

5. An activity based training programme “Bridging the Gap” was conducted for Non Teaching Staff at Anaikatti, Coimbatore on 31st August 2013.

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6.14 Initiatives taken by the institution to make the campus eco-friendly

• Vehicles are not allowed inside the campus (except a few) and electric car is available for commutation.

• Paper work is reduced. Instead, sms and emails are used for communication with faculty, students and parents of the students.

• Various activities through Nature club are carried out by students to keep the campus green.

• Unwanted usage of electricity is avoided by conducting awareness programmes. • Students are motivated and encouraged to keep the campus litter free. • The use of polythene bags within the campus is avoided. • Training programmes on vermi composting are conducted. • Rain water harvesting is done in all the buildings to save water. • A Biomass plant is installed in the hostel to generate biogas from the wastes from mess

and hostel kitchen. • Solar powered lights are used in the parking lot. • Campus is fully covered by trees and plants and more trees are being planted on regular

basis. • Solar powered water heaters supply hot water in all hostels. • The students and faculty are motivated to keep environment clean and free from

pollution through the Competition on Waste Recycle and Craft Making.

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Criterion – VII

7. Innovations and Best Practices

7.1 Innovations introduced during this academic year which have created a positive impact on the functioning of the institution. Give details.


On-line Internal Test.

On-line evaluation of multiple choice questions (MCQ) has been introduced this year to II B.Tech. students. The internal Test questions have two parts viz. Part A and Part B. Part A has 20 multiple choice questions and Part-B has one essay type question. The students have to reach the venue (Computer Lab) at least 5 minutes before the test and log on to a system. At the specified time, the system supply the Part-B question. The faculty who teaches the subject is required to give 5 different questions, so that the system will allot the question to students randomly. Students get different questions and this method prevents students from copying. The invigilator supplies a sheet of paper and the student has to write the answer within 20 minutes.

Exactly after 20 minutes, the system will permit the students to open Part-A questions. For each student the questions are jumbled up and even the choices are jumbled. 20 minutes are given to student to complete Part-A. They need to answer the questions following the sequence. They have to answer Q1 to move to Q2. As soon as he answer one question, the answer is saved. There is no possibility of going back to correct the answer given. At the end of the test, the system gives the marks scored by the student for Part-A.

The positive impact of this innovation is two fold. Copying is almost prevented by this practice. Faculty has to correct only Part-B and not Part-A. Time spent on correcting answers for Part-A, totalling, entering in the attendance book and personal computer are reduced to a great extent.

Innovation -2:

Automated SMS/e-mail for class attendance

Automated sms/e-mail system in the Campus Management System (CMS) of e-governance is a system to monitor the attendance of students. Since our University is a fully residential University, Parents stay in the city or away from City or even away from the Country. University would like to intimate the attendance details to the parents who are away in different cities and countries. After the class is over, when the faculty makes attendance entry and saves the data, the system will send sms to all parents of the students who are absent. Parents take immediate action to contact their children and counsel their children to attend all classes without fail.

The positive impact of the system is that students are attending the classes regulary. Since the mentor of the student is also informed through sms, he/she spends enough time with the students and see that they attend all classes without fail. This system facilitates the University to develop professionals who will be going to work regularly and punctually and work sincerely to solve problems of humanity.

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 43

7.2 Provide the Action Taken Report (ATR) based on the plan of action decided upon at the beginning of the year

Action Taken Report for the Academic year 2013-14

1. Best School and Best department Awards were given on 27th June 2013 during the staff retreat. School/Department of Civil Engineering got the 1st place and School of Biotechnology and Health Sciences got the second place. Department of EEE got the second place. Best Researcher Award was given to 19 faculty members on 02.8.2014.

2. NAAC SSR was submitted on 3.2.2014 and NAAC Peer Team visited the University during August 5-7 2014. The University is now accredited by NAAC with ‘B’ grade ( CGPA 2.70).

3. The following programs were conducted for Teaching and Non-Teaching staff.

Staff Training Programs conducted since 10th June 2013 By Staff Training Department For Teaching Staff

Sl No

Date Topic/ Details Resource Person No. of faculty


From To

1 10 Jun 13 14 Jun 13 Faculty Induction Program Various senior faculty 40 2 18 Jun 13 20 Jun 13 Question Bank Preparation Dr Lethi, Trichy 35 3 17 Jun 13 21 Jun 13 Faculty Pedagogy Training

Program Various senior faculty 31

4 22 Jul 13 02 Aug 13 Fast Track Faculty Induction Program

Various senior faculty 57

5 24 Aug 13 - Workshop on Research Regulations

Vice Chancellor Dr Darius Gnanaraj


6 19 Oct 13 - Workshop on Writing Research papers

Dr Darius Gnanaraj Dr Godson Asirvatham


7 09 Nov 13 - Workshop for Wardens & SRAs on counselling

Dr Tanya Machado 121

8 18 Nov 13 22 Nov 13 Workshop for Mentors Dr Vincent, Mr Franklin Ebenezer, Mr Jeyaprakash


9 26 Nov 13 - Workshop on Self Renewal & Revisiting the Institutional Vision

Dr Lethi Chacko 88

10 28 Nov 13 Short capsule on “Critical Thinking” for Deans, Directors & HoDs

Air Cmde Winston Chinniah


11 29 Nov 13 - Workshop on Mind Mapping Air Cmde Winston Chinniah


12 31 Jan 14 - Team Building Exercise (MBA Faculty)

Dr Stanley Oliver 30

13 08 Feb 14 - Outdoor Activity Based Training for Teaching Faculty at Breakthrough Camp at Anaikatti

Mr Vivian and Mr Sam


14 26 Jul 14 Faculty Induction Programme

VC and other senior Faculty


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4. External Academic Audit Reports were analysed and placed in the 8th IQAC meeting held on 25.6.2014 and recommendations were disseminated. External Research Audit Report were analysed and placed in the 8th IQAC meeting held on 25.6.2014 and recommendations were disseminated.

5. The Annual Quality Assurance Report for the year 2012-13 was submitted to NAAC on 28.9.2013.

6. Committee for Gender Audit formed on 6th January 2014. The composition of Committee is as follows.

i) Dr. J. Jannet Vennila, HoD- Biotech – Chairperson ii) Dr. D.S.Robinson Smart, Director – Campus Life iii) Dr. J. Andrew Franklin Prince, HR Manager iv) Dr. A. Albert Rajan, Deputy Registrar (Student Affairs) v) Dr. D. Jeya Sundara Sharmila, HoD – Bioinformatics vi) Mrs. Amutha Dhanaraj, Chief Warden – Ladies Hostel vii) Mrs. G. Nisha Malini, Asst. Professor – SBLM

Gender Audits are conducted twice and reports are placed in IQAC Committee meetings. Committee for Green Audit formed on 6th January 2014. The composition of the Committee is as follows:

i) Mr. Joe Paulson, Deputy Chief Engineer – Chairman ii) Dr.D.S.Robinson Smart, Director – Campus Life iii) Dr. A. Immanuel Selvakumar, HoD – EEE iv) Dr. M. Sekar, HoD - Mechanical Engineering v) Dr. P. Jegathambal, Professor – Water Institute vi) Dr. Jibu Thomas, Assistant Professor (SG) – SBT & HS vii) Mr. S. Reeves – Electrical Engineer

Green Audits are conducted twice and reports are placed in IQAC Committee meeting.

For Non-Teaching Staff Sl No

Date Topic/ Details Resource Person No. of faculty participated From To

1 18 Jun 13 19 Jun 13 Effectiveness Enhancement Program

Dr. Pauline Dass, Associate Prof., English Dept., Dr.S.Jeyachandra, Associate Prof., English Dept.


2 20 Jun 13 21 Jun 13 Personal Effectiveness & Group Effectiveness Workshop

Dr. Sankaran Kutty, Soft Skills Trainer


3 31 Jun 13 - Bridging the Gap Outdoor activity based training at “Breakthrough” Anaikatti


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7. The University campus and hostels were prepared well for receiving the NAAC Peer team. Paver blocks were laid in car parking areas and in the areas around schools. The Vice Chancellor’s room and conference rooms were given a face-lift. A few laboratories were relocated and upgraded to match international standards. Central Research facilities were brought to one location. Aerospace department was given ample space for conducting teaching and research works. Water Institute was housed in the school of Civil Engineering. Documents were arranged properly in files. Posters were made to display the research works, infrastructure, achievements by students as well as by staff. NAAC Peer Team visit was handled professionally in the best possible manner.

8. IQAC meetings were conducted on the following dates:

6th IQAC Meeting on 16.8.2013 7th IQAC Meeting on 15.3.2014 8th IQAC Meeting on 25.6.2014

7.3 Give two Best Practices of the institution (please see the format in the NAAC Self-study Manuals)

*Provide the details in annexure (annexure need to be numbered as i, ii,iii)

7.4 Contribution to environmental awareness / protection

Please see Annexure -iv

Energy conservation steps are taken in saving electrical energy, usage of water and by using energy efficient devices. Energy audits were conducted and the outcome of the audits were used for conserving energy. Solar energy is used for supplying hot water to students staying in hostels. 129.94 tons of CO2 emission per year is prevented by solar water heaters. KITS is situated in the foothills of Siruvani and surrounded by green environment. KITS maintains coconut trees, Eucalyptus trees, Neem trees, Tamarind trees, Cotton trees and Mango trees apart from maintaining lawns and flower plants. Hazardous wastes are separated before disposing waste water from laboratories into soak pits. Polythene bags and plastics are separated before burying the organic waste. Old computers/printers are donated to schools if they are in usable conditions; otherwise they are sold to vendors for recycling.

2nd Green Audit was conducted on 24th June 2014. The following are the recommendations of the Green Audit committee:

• Changing Copper choke of tube lights by electronic chokes during replacements. • Evergreen trees like neem, poonga trees in University and Hostel campus to be

increased • Complete ban on use of polythene bags, plastic cups, disposable plates (thermocoal or

alumina coated) within University and Hostel Campus. • Awareness on energy & savings and banning on usage of plastic products to be

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Annual Quality Assurance Report 2013-2014 Page 46

7.5 Whether environmental audit was conducted? Yes No

7.6 Any other relevant information the institution wishes to add. (for example SWOT Analysis)

SWOC Analysis of KITS


• Good Academic system with International standards • Highly qualified, dedicated and committed faculty members with Ph.D. degrees with

rich experience in teaching. • Good infrastructure for teaching, learning and research • More Publications in journals indexed by SCOPUS and in peer reviewed journals with

high impact factors • Excellent maintenance of student discipline through mentoring and hostel SRA system. • Campus wide Wi-fi connectivity which facilitates seamless connectivity for 9000 users

in the campus to access internet and intranet from any part of the Institution. Weaknesses

• Less number of funded projects / sponsored projects / consultancy works • Lack of interdisciplinary research clusters and collaborative research projects with

Institutions having MoU • Industry – Institute interaction needs to be strengthened further. • Employment opportunities are limited to government R&D labs for students passing out

of academic programmes based on emerging areas of research. • The teaching, research and consultancy facilities available in collaborating institutions

are under-utilized.


• Collaborative academic and research programmes with premier institutions. • Exchange of students with foreign universities through IAESTE • Industry oriented Add-on programmes by renowned training providers • Conducive environment for faculty members to pursue Ph.D. degree on Part-time basis. • Availability of seed money for new faculty members and for student research projects.

increased • Use of 5 star rated electrical equipments certified by BEE. • Use of paper for communication to be minimized • Replacement of street lights by timer based tube lights proposed.

Environmental Awareness is created by the following methods: • Placing signboards to educate staff and students on the importance of rain water

harvesting. • By installing solar powered lights • By installing and using solar water heaters • By installing and using Biomass plant to produce biogas from food waste • By arranging lectures and hands on sessions for cleaning up polythene bags through the

Centre for Extension Activities. • By conducting Competition on Waste Recycle and Craft Making during Department

Association inauguration on 5.8.2013


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• Ample opportunities for students and faculty to contribute to society through extension activities.


• Placing students in core companies by preparing them to meet industrial requirements. • Competition from other Universities and premier Institutions • Competition in receiving funded research projects • Receiving consultancy works based on the expertise of the faculty members • Innovative processes or product developments leading to Patents.

8. Plans of institution for next year 2014-2015

1. Establishment of TRIBES (Translational Research Institute for Biomedical and Engineering Sciences)

2. Placement for more number of passing out students in relevant industries with higher salary.

3. Expansion of the Central Library to provide more space for students to read.

4. Expansion of the Computer Technology Centre to accommodate many labs for conducting online internal tests.

5. Accommodating all administrative offices in the main building

6. Face-lift to all laboratories attached to departments in a phased manner

7. Making Ph.D. / M.Phil. regulations more stringent to increase the output quality of Ph.D. scholars.

8. Improvement of the hygiene of the Hostels by conducting awareness programmes.

9. NBA accreditation for a few programmes and accreditation status for the University from NAAC

10. ‘AAA’ (Administrative and Academic Audit), Research Audit, Green Audit and Gender Audit to be conducted

11. Number of Training Programmes to Teaching Staff and non-teaching staff to be increased.

12. Best Teacher Awards, Best Researchers awards, Best School Awards and Best Department Awards to be given for motivating faculty members.

13. IQAC to conduct Refresher Programmes in collaboration with a few departments under the banner of ‘Academic Staff College’

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14. Performance analysis of all schools and departments to be conducted.

15. Curricular, Extra Curricular and Co-curricular activities to be conducted to train students in line with the vision and mission of the University.

16. As per the guidelines of NAAC, Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) shall evolve mechanism and Procedures for

a) Ensuring timely, efficient and progressive performance of academic, administrative and financial tasks;

b) The relevance and quality of academic and research programmes; c) Equitable access to and affordability of academic programmes for various

sections of society; d) Optimization and integration of modern methods of teaching and learning; e) The credibility of evaluation procedures; f) Ensuring the adequacy, maintenance and proper allocation of support structure

and services; g) Sharing of research findings and networking with other institutions in India and

