1. call to order - knights of columbus · i would like to welcome all the new brothers to the...

Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119 1005 Wilbon Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526 www.kofc12119.org Monthly Business Meetings are held at St. Bernadette Church on the 2 nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm Page 1 of 12 Meeting minutes for: March 11, 2014 Prepared by Chris Eby, Recorder 1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by GK Bill Barry at 7:30pm. 2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards (Bro. Jim Burke): All present are in possession of a current membership card. 3. Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was led by GK Bill Barry. 4. Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by GK Bill Barry. 5. Roll Call of Officers: Grand Knight Bill Barry Present Chaplain Fr. Roch Drozdzik Excused Deputy Grand Knight Sonny Butler Present Chancellor Nick Longo Present Recorder Chris Eby Present Financial Secretary Michael Zazzeri Excused Treasurer Bob Mayen Excused Lecturer/Advocate Tony Perna Present Warden Jim Burke Present Inside Guard Lou Mennona Present Outside Guard Robert Langendoerfer Present 3 Year Trustee Chris Craney Excused 2 Year Trustee Steve Raedy Present 1 Year Trustee Mark Leuver Excused 6. Opening Ode: Omitted. 7. Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Bro. Drew Bevis and seconded by Bro. Tim Chetney to approve the minutes of the February meeting. Motion was passed by unanimous verbal consent.

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Page 1: 1. Call to Order - Knights of Columbus · I would like to welcome all the new brothers to the Knights of Columbus and the brothers who have ... least one outing to watch them play

Father Albert J. Todd Council 12119

1005 Wilbon Road Fuquay-Varina, NC 27526


Monthly Business Meetings are held at St. Bernadette Church on the 2nd Tuesday of each month at 7:30pm

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Meeting minutes for: March 11, 2014 Prepared by Chris Eby, Recorder

1. Call to Order: The meeting was called to order by GK Bill Barry at 7:30pm.

2. Warden’s Report on Membership Cards (Bro. Jim Burke): All present are in possession of a current

membership card.

3. Opening Prayer: The Lord’s Prayer was led by GK Bill Barry.

4. Pledge of Allegiance: The pledge was led by GK Bill Barry.

5. Roll Call of Officers:

Grand Knight Bill Barry Present

Chaplain Fr. Roch Drozdzik Excused

Deputy Grand Knight Sonny Butler Present

Chancellor Nick Longo Present

Recorder Chris Eby Present

Financial Secretary Michael Zazzeri Excused

Treasurer Bob Mayen Excused

Lecturer/Advocate Tony Perna Present

Warden Jim Burke Present

Inside Guard Lou Mennona Present

Outside Guard Robert Langendoerfer Present

3 Year Trustee Chris Craney Excused

2 Year Trustee Steve Raedy Present

1 Year Trustee Mark Leuver Excused

6. Opening Ode: Omitted.

7. Reading of Previous Meeting Minutes: A motion was made by Bro. Drew Bevis and seconded by Bro.

Tim Chetney to approve the minutes of the February meeting. Motion was passed by unanimous

verbal consent.

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8. Report of Admissions Committee and Reading of Applications: Bro. Rob Phillips read the

applications for John Chorman, Michael Nunez and John Semanick, the readmission application for

Peter Majewski, and the transfer applications for Ken Lentz and Albert Pucciarelli.

9. Balloting for Membership (New members, readmissions, reapplications, transfers): A motion was

made by Bro. Dave Dillman and seconded by Bro. Steve Raedy to approve the applications of John

Chorman, Michael Nunez, John Semanick, Peter Majewski, Ken Lentz and Albert Pucciarelli. Motion

passed by unanimous verbal consent.

10. Initiations: GK Bill Barry suspended the business meeting at 7:39pm for the exemplification of the First

Degree. GK Bill Barry reconvened the regular business meeting at 8:23pm.

11. Chaplain’s Report: We welcome Fr. Pious, who came from Kenya to Rochester, NY in 2001 but later

moved away from the snow and was at the Cathedral from 2001 – 2005 while working on his master’s

degree at NC State. From 2005 – 2009 he was in this deanery and remembers helping with penance

services during Fr Mark Betti’s time at St. Bernadette’s. He has been in Roanoke Rapids since 2009 and

is Chaplain of Council 3232.

12. Grand Knight’s Report (GK Bill Barry):

Worthy Brothers All,

Thank you all for coming out tonight.

I would like to welcome all the new brothers to the Knights of Columbus and the brothers who have

transferred into our council.

We need to begin preparing for the officers for the next fraternal year. All third degree members can be

considered for an officer’s position and if you have any interest in becoming an officer please see one of

the trustees. The trustees can answer any questions you may have about an officer’s position. Per our

by-laws a Slate of Officers needs to be submitted next month.

The State council is having a membership blitz this month and requesting all councils to get new

brothers into their council. To help you with recruiting new members I have created this flyer which

the membership director will be passing out. As an incentive we will be giving a shirt with council

name and knights of Columbus logo along with a hat to the brother who brings into the council the

most new members by the April council meeting. For second place a shirt and third place a hat.

Later in the new business section, we need to vote on two delegates and two alternates for the State

Convention in May.

Vivat Jesus

13. Treasurer’s Report (Bro. Bob Mayen): Omitted during the meeting, but included in the Addendum.

14. Reading by Grand Knight of Receipts of Treasurer to Financial Secretary:

Receipts – See attachment to these minutes.

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15. Reading of Bills and Communications:

Bills (Warrants from Financial Secretary to Treasurer) – See attachment to these minutes.

Communications – See attachment to these minutes.

• Thank you note from Lisa Notini re: pasta dinner to help fund confirmation retreat

16. Financial Secretary’s Report (Bro. Chris Eby for Bro. Michael Zazzeri): We currently have 139

Associate Members, 72 Insurance Members and 6 Inactive Insurance Members for a total of 217

Members. Included in the total are 3 Honorary Members and 14 Honorary Life Members.

For our Fraternal Year to-date we have had a Net gain of 3 Associate Members – our quota is 15 and a

Net gain of 4 Insurance Members with a goal of 5.

17. Report of Auditors and Trustees: Omitted due to Financial Secretary’s absence.

18. Chancellor’s Report of Vocations (Bro. Nick Longo): As we now have 5 new members, it’s

appropriate to talk about the Mentoring program we’re starting. A council can only grow and survive

if we help the new members to grow with the council and continue to add to our numbers. Many of us

learned about things on our own, but think how great things could have been if someone was with you

along the way, explaining things and helping answer any questions you may have had.

19. Report of Service Program Committees (DGK Sonny Butler):

Culture of Life (DGK Sonny Butler for Bro. Joe Lee): We made approximately $3298 from the Baby

Bottle campaign and during our Officers and Directors meeting last week, got the following

breakdown for the distribution of funds:

Diocesan Pro Life $1500

Lifetree $1200

Moravia (formerly RATI) $ 598

Church (DGK Sonny Butler for Bro. Jim Lawson): We are now supporting two seminarians, although

Bro. Sonny Butler has yet to successfully link up with Austin Faur in an attempt to arrange an event

similar to the one we had with Brian Fegley.

Below are links to the profiles for both of the seminarians we are sponsoring:



Council (DGK Sonny Butler for Bro. Al Munno):

Talent Show: The 2014 Talent Show was a successful event and could not have been made possible

without the generous support of our sponsors and boosters. I would especially like to thank Al Meryl,

Florian Howaniec and Jim Burke who “pounded the pavement” and brought in the sponsors. Also, the

kitchen help who worked from 9am to 6pm, Maria and Sandy Costa, Mike Zazzeri, Bennie Burns and

Cheryl Mauro (Bob Mayen’s daughters) and Chris Eby and family, and bartenders Bob Mayen and Jim

Burke who took care of beverages and whatever was needed to set up the bar area. And a special

thanks to Chris Craney and Mike O’Neill and many other brother Knights too numerous to mention

who also helped make this event a huge success.

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Family (Bro. Rob Phillips): The Durham Bulls’ season starts April 2nd and we will be looking into at

least one outing to watch them play.

Youth (Bro. Jim Burke):

Essay contest: The 3 winners were honored during last month’s Social.

Basketball Free Throw contest: Due to the weather we only had a couple participants last Friday at the

Apex council and unfortunately did not have any winners advancing to the next round.

Community (Bro. Joe Beiras): Color me Rad 5k event coming up on April 5th in support of Special

Olympics. Numerous volunteer opportunities exists for both Friday, April 4th and Saturday, April 5th at

Time Warner Cable Pavilion. Will be happy to coordinate car-pooling if necessary.

Membership (Bro. Rob Phillips): New fliers have been created that can be easily handed out to

potential candidates you may encounter, whether it be at mass or out in the community. We’re hoping

to schedule a membership drive in the not too distant future, but a date has not yet been determined.

We are planning a donut social and are hoping for a pulpit announcement to help drive attendance.

20. Report of Standing Committees:

Blood Drives (Bro. Dave Dillman): Next drive is scheduled for 2:00pm – 6:00pm on Thursday, May

1st. You can sign up on the website or even just show up! We are looking to increase participation from

in the 20s to between 40 and 50.

LAMB (DGK Sonny Butler for Bro. Rich Bodnar): Bro. Rich Bodnar was able to learn that the $500

donation we made to LAMB was distributed to TDSN (Triangle Down Syndrome Network) based here

in Raleigh. Bro. Michael O’Rourke and WGK Bill Barry elaborated that Operation LAMB stands for

Least Among My Brothers and collects donations in support of people with intellectual disabilities,

most often accompanied by passing out Tootsie Rolls in front of cooperating business establishments.

Golf Tournament (Bro. Steve Raedy): Registration forms are available in the back of the hall for the

upcoming Golf tournament to be held at Devil’s Ridge Golf Course on May 12th. Registration deadline

is May 5th. We’re looking for sponsors, golfers and volunteers!

21. Unfinished Business: At last month’s meeting, Bro. Raul Barbeito made a motion that we donate the

proceeds from the State Raffle to the Cancer Research Center of St. Jude Children’s Hospital. Bro. Rob

Phillips seconded. After discussion, Bro. Raul amended the motion to be for the amount of $750 and

Bro. Lou Mennona seconded. After additional discussion, a vote was held and the motion passed by

unanimous verbal consent.

22. New Business: Bro. Nick Longo encouraged all brothers in attendance to take additional copied of the

new fliers that were passed out earlier during the meeting.

Bro. Jim O’Donnell made a motion that GK Bill Barry be primary delegate and DGK Sonny Butler be

secondary delegate for the upcoming State Convention. Bro. Tony Perna seconded. Motion passed by

unanimous verbal consent.

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Bro. Tony Perna made a motion that Bro. Rob Phillips be alternate primary delegate and Bro, Joe Beiras

be alternate secondary delegate for the upcoming State Convention. DGK Sonny Butler seconded.

Motion passed by unanimous verbal consent.

23. Report of the Fourth Degree: GK Bill Barry reported that there are 64 candidates scheduled for the

upcoming 4th Degree scheduled for March 15th at Fr. Bragg. The next 4th Degree is scheduled to be in

Waynesville in May and another following in November.

24. Insurance Field Agent’s Report (Bro. Michael O’Rourke):


Having the right type of life insurance is every bit as important as having the right amount of life

insurance. Many times when I sit with Brother Knights, they assume they are covered because they

have a good amount of insurance, but having the correct type is just as important as the amount, if not

more important.

Have you purchased a Universal Life or a Variable Life Insurance contract? These contracts are

sometimes sold as “whole life insurance and an investment”. With these policies the actual cost of

insurance is increasing while your premiums remain the same. As the cost grows larger than the

premium, they deduct the difference from your cash value until the money runs out and the policy

lapses. That means for these policies there is a very real risk of losing coverage when it is needed most!

Have you purchased a term life contract? Term Insurance is typically used for a specific purpose such

as paying off a mortgage, or providing funds for college education in the event of a death. Term is a

temporary solution for short term needs. It is not a long term insurance solution, especially since as

you age the rate becomes exceedingly unaffordable.

My mission as your Knights of Columbus Field Agent is to help ensure that you have the “Right Type”

of Life Insurance coverage that will provide guaranteed cash values and death benefit so that coverage

will ALWAYS be there for your loved ones.

As a brother Knight, I have your best interests at heart. With this said, let’s make it a point to meet

with one another so that I can educate you on the “Right Type” of Life Insurance coverage for your

specific situation.

Vivat Jesus

Our worthy Field Agent can be reached at:

Michael O’Rourke

Phone: 919.845.5595 or 919.612.5559

Email: michael.o'[email protected]

25. District Deputy’s Report (DD Tom Eifler):

Worthy Grand Knight, Reverend Fr. Pious, Brothers, I bring you greetings from our Supreme Knight

Carl Anderson, from the Board of Directors of the K of C and our worthy State Deputy Jack Murray.

I’d like to welcome our new brothers and congratulate you. Just know that the Fuquay and Cary

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councils that you have joined are both very active councils. Also please know that the Knights of

Columbus was founded in 1882 by Fr. Michael J. McGivney. We’ve been around for 132 years so we

must be doing something right to have lasted this long. I encourage you to attend meetings and learn

about the various events we participate in and if you have the opportunity to sign up and get involved,

please do, it’s a great way to not only help out, but also get to know your fellow brothers. Thanks to

the degree team, who did a great job as usual. Here is a list of upcoming degree exemplifications:

Mon, April 28th 1st & 2nd degree in Cary

Mon, May 5th or 12th 1st & 2nd degree in Apex

Reminder that delegates to the State Convention in Charlotte need to be voted on as well as application

for State-level awards are due soon. Training for new Grand Knights is scheduled for June 7th. The

annual Bocce tournament is also coming up Sunday, April 27th at Cardinal Gibbons.

Vivat Jesus

26. Good of the Order: Prayers were requested for:

• Bro. Ed Undercoffer and his wife Marilyn

• Bro. Joe Lee

• Bro. Bob Mayen

• Bro. Mike Frieda’s wife

• Bro. Harry Douglas

• Bro. Wally Chaplin

• The repose of the soul of Bro. Matt Molesworth’s brother Chip

• The repose of the soul of Bro. Bruce Meyer’s father Kenneth

• All military personnel, both home and abroad

Family of the Month (March): Bro. Doug Notini and Family

This family shows us the values taught by our church and our order with their involvement in bingo,

the pancake breakfast and the success of the pasta dinner fundraiser to send the confirmation students

on a weekend retreat.

27. Chaplain’s Summation (Fr. Roch Drozdzik): Omitted.

28. Closing Prayer: The closing prayer was led by Fr. Pious.

29. Closing Ode: Omitted.

30. Adjournment: The meeting was adjourned by GK Bill Barry at 9:21pm

31. Attendance drawing: Omitted.

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Addendum: Financial Secretary’s Report, Treasurer’s Report and Communications

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