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1 2009 TOCICO. All rights reserved. TOCICO 2009 Conference TOCICO CONFERENCE 2008 TOC Games Learning How to Teach Systemic Improvement Presented By: James R. Holt Date:June 6-9, 2009 Slide 2 2 2009 TOCICO. All rights reserved. TOCICO 2009 Conference What is A Good Game? Games should have a PURPOSE. Good Games are QUICK. Good Games have EASY SET-UP. Good Games are FLEXIBLE. Good Games deliver DEEP UNDERSTANDING. Good Games have many OPTIONS. Good Gamers include REFLECTION. Slide 3 3 2009 TOCICO. All rights reserved. TOCICO 2009 Conference Summary of Game To Discuss Dice Game Variability, Interdependence Nickel Game Batches, Queuing, Efficiency Dollar Game Priorities, Communication Job Shop Game Buffer Management, Choke Assembly Game Feeder Buffer, Bench Reserve Alpha-Number-Shape Multi Tasking Sixes Game Cutting Task Duration, Bench Slide 4 4 2009 TOCICO. All rights reserved. TOCICO 2009 Conference Dice Game--Source: The Goal, The Match Game http://public.wsu.edu/~engrmgmt/holt/em530/Docs/DiceGames.htm http://public.wsu.edu/~engrmgmt/holt/em530/Docs/DiceGames.htm Purpose: Understand the negative impact of interdependency combined with variability. Min/Max Participants: 5/6 on the line. More for monitors. Min Set-ups: 5/6 fair die, 50+ tokens Min Time: 5 mins. Best Set-up. Have a recording sheet for each person to record their goals and WIP for each of the ten days. Discuss mean and variance of a die. Expectations of ten rolls shifting the uniform distribution to normal distribution. Suggest Rewarding high performers. Slide 5 5 2009 TOCICO. All rights reserved. TOCICO 2009 Conference Dice Game Basic Instructions: Set-up 5 with a fair die. Put cup of tokens at one end. The play is for ten days. Each day, the person nearest token rolls die and removes that number of tokens from the cup and moves them to between himself and the next person. The next person rolls a die and moves the lesser of the roll or the number of tokens available to before the next person in line. This continues for all five people. The end person puts the production for the day in a Finished Goods cup. Anticipated Outcome: After ten days, 20 to 30 tokens will be in the FG cup; much less than 35. (Note: with ten rolls of a single fair die, the Mean=35, Standard Deviation 5.9, so