0sse ssss4 ee tessss1ses i8e ayers

0SSe S 1 i8e > ee SSSS4 se teSSSS1SeS J- 8tstst j I e t i I Crutcher and Tribole s S- S 1s Gents Furnishers Se M e To Reduce Stock L S I s To reduce our stock b > July Jst before taking invoice we Ia Iare offering our entire stockof r uJi Shoes oqd Geits furnishings iii 141 11- S ig l I At Greatly < r Reduced Prices I gi p iJJ FOR CASH ONLY fi s l 1 E Call in and get our prices and you will be convinced S IS o 11 PJJ CRUTCHER TRIBBLE j l S S s 11 Is S Main Street Richmond KentuckyI l4 I 0 S SSlSSlS SSSlSlS SSSUSS SSSSSSSS SS S lUSISeISSSS SSSSOSS OS OSS 4 SSOS SS SSSSOS QSSSSSSSSS SSS SS SSS L The Richmond Climax DHTIBHCUCVEKY WBDNHflllAY BT The Climax Printing Co Incorporated y RNAUtJI 1 i MILLER Editor t pwelltI DEMOCRATIC TICKET FOR PRESIDENT ALTON B PARKER of New York FOR VICE PRESIDENT Kx U S SENATOR DAVIS of West Virginia tI ATTORNEY GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA WM JENNINGS B1YAN- of Nebraska LAST Thursday Heron Van Plenhve lOi Mim Minister of Interior was kill d hJa bomb beint thrown under his friage near Warsaw station in St I rburg The assassin waa eaptur cl and is said to be ft Jew Intense vxritrniont prevailed Von Plehve is rn > i Jered second only to the Cur in iMipirtaBee He has been minister nee 1902 later reports announce V a4aasin deadi IT is announced that Miss Pauline Ator daughter of W W Astor and hi i ess to 100000000 will wed H siMnderClay of london Poet nup ¬ tial advice will probably MJ it was- H rrvSpeederMoneyTIlE used to yell Hurrah for Jeff Davis will havo no- d i ftiulty in attuning their voice to Hurrah for H G IavisMttc- rJing SentinelDemocrat WILLIAM JKNNIMU BKYAS held ev crvnne spell bound by his speech lie fore the St louis Convention He asked for a suspension of the time which was granted It is said that as he proceeded tbe great hall became as silent as a church a tribute that had hern paid no man since the Demo ¬ cratic Convention bad opened After stating that twice he had borne tbe standard for the party Bryan contin- ued ¬ I come tonight to this Demo rate Convention to return tha com ¬ mission and say that you may decide whether I fought a good light You may dispute whether I have finished mv course but YOU cannot deny that I have kept the fa- ithBrowers Summer Furnitureat r prices 10 per cent off on Old Hickory Goods Vudor Porch Shades other porch furniture etc 25 per cent off all Furniture A rare chance to get goods at a lOW price This week Cash only CFBrowerSiCo Exclusive Sole AgentsJ MAIN AND BROADWAX p LEXINGTON KY- JIIJ < 4 ED BLANTON C- Lumber t and Coal3- rd Street opposite L A Depot TEUEPHOIVD 425 WP are authorized to announc JOHN W KALLARD a candidate for Sl rinof Maditou county subject to the notion nf the Democratic par- tyPERSONAL Mr Phil Willging spent Sunday in Fraukfort Miss Sue Deathorage is with friends n Lexington Mr Tom B Crutohor spent Sunday in Xieholasville Mrs Hugh MuLollan returned Sun ¬ day from Mt Sterling Miss Mamie Piokels is in Lexington visiting Miss Martha Dunn Miss Elton Eagle is entertaining Miss Kate Kodd of Crab Orchard Mr J H Haseldon of Lexington has been in this city for several days Rev and Mrs J W Crates left las I Friday for a visit to friends in Millers burgMrs Silas Yoagor of Lexington i visiting Mrs Louis Schlegel near town Miss OHio Pigg of Lexington spent last week with her aunt Mrs Charlie PlggMrs Georgo Simmons has returned from Louisville where she visited re- latives ¬ Miss May Wallace Ballard has re ¬ turned from a visit to friends in Mt Sterling Mr C W Turner of Paris was the guest ot Miss Eula Jackson ThursdayMr M Nelson of Lexington was tbe guest of MigJ Elfyn Gilbert Wednesday Mr William McKay of Macon Ga was hero lat week visiting MleaUai tie Letohor Mr John Warfield left yestordav for Richmond Sundays Lexington DemocratMr Mrs Joo Myers returned last week from a short stay at the Worlds fair Miss Agnos Frances of Lexington 1 was here lost week visiting Mrs Louis Schlegel Dr T J Taylor went over to Pine Grove Sunday to ste his sister Mrs Tevis who is ill Miss Aline Watts has returned to Chilpsbnrg after a visit to her sister Mrs II M Wanton Mrs B II Luxon returned Suntla Deafness Cannot be Cures v By local applications as they cannot reach the diseased portion of the ear There is only one way to curedeaflJ S- and that is by constitutional remedies Deafness is caused by an inflamed con- dition ¬ of the mucous lining of the enetachlan tube When this tube is In- flamed ¬ you have a rumbling sound or imperfect hearing and when it is en- tirely ¬ closed deafness is the result and unless the inflammation can be taken out and this tube restored to Its nor ¬ mal condition hearing will be destroy ed forever nine cases out of tan are IIgbut COOK services We will give One Hundred Dollars or any case of deafness caused by ca ¬ tarrh that cannot be cured by Halls Catarrh Cure Send for circulars free F J CttE EY < Co Toledo O velsiiikiJp rljthllbIIh ta i f > night from n two weeks visit to her mother in Cincinnati Mrs Joe Harris and Miss Margaret Clayton of Beattyville were in the citya few hours Friday Miss Katie Mahoney a very attract- ive ¬ young lady from Lexington is the guest of Mrs M F Enright Professor I C Hunt of Thomasvl lIe Ga was here last week visiting Mrs William Crowe and his wife who is summering here Mrs K G Wiggins entertained at tea on last Friday Mesdames Ward White Clay and Dodge Miss Margaret Parrish of Cinci n ati was called to this city by the seri- ous illness of her mother Mr A D Miller went to Indianap ¬ oils Friday to attend the funeral of his cousin Miss Pearl Miller Mr and Mrs Andre Scanlan were called to St Louis last week by the death of the formers mother Rev and Mrs Orland Beck hadas their guests last week Misses Kate and Florence Beck of Stanford Miss AHio Stewart of Red House left last week for a two weeks visit tc friends in Newport and Cincinnati Mr and Mrs Ed Cornelison have moved from Mis A C Wells on the Summitt to the Henderson house ° Mr Lee Smitha formerly of this city but now of Athens Fayette Co > was among the Courtday visitors hareMiss Marguerite Dykes entertained at an elegant dinner Friday in honor of Mrs R L Gentry Jr of Nashville Tenn Miss Janie Pryor returned to Paris last Friday after a two weeks visit to her cousinsMasters James and Rob- I LeedsMiss Smith was welcomed home last week from an extended visit to relatives in Columbia and Fayette Missouri Miss Ruth and Master Willie Zerr of Frankfort are the pleasant guest of their aunt Mrs George Nelson on East Main street Mrs W C French who has been so seriously ill is now rapidly recov- ering ¬ much to the delight of her fam ¬ ilyand many friends Miss Dove Embry came over from Lexington yesterday to visit friends She will go with a party from here to Crab Orchard Springs Miss Helen Doyle of the P A C Infirmary will leursunday for Col un > us 0 to spend her vacation and enjoya much needed rest Mrs R L Gentry Jr and little son Newton will leave Saturday for their home in Nashville after a months visit to relatives in this city Mrs A D Miller entertained tea on last Thursday evening in honor of Mrs R L Gentry Jr of Nashville > and Miss Ollie Pigg of Lexington Mr and Mrs M H Hubbard are spending week at Estill Springsaod will also visit relatives and friends in Richmond Ky Lexington Leader Mrs John Arnold is at the bedside of her mother Mrs Henry Jones I a- Mt Sterling Mrs Jones ls very ser ¬ expectedy Miss Grace Lockridgo goes to Rich- mond today where she will be a member of Miss Mary Ballards house partyMt Sterling SentinelDemo crat Chlca1Mrs jo ty and Miss Allie Hensloy of West Bern are guests of Rev and Mrs G W Shepherd Professor and Mrs J W McGarvey yhave ton people and left yesterday for St Louis to attend the fair Miss Mary Barrett Smith entertaIn delightful j t 4- ic < Dancing aid refreshments were the features of the evening Miss Van Greenleaf who recently underwent a very serious surgical operation has recovered sufficiently to be at home She returned Sunday much to the delight of her many fiiends Senator and Mrs McCreary of Rich ¬ mond have returned home after a visit in the city to their relatives Mr nnd Mrs John McDowell Ross They pro just back to Keitncky from St Louis where the Senator attended the Democratic convention and both en ¬ joyed the Exposition Lexington Leader The engagement bf Rev W O Shewmaker pastor of the Prcsbytcri ian church rt Pisgah Voodford COlD ty and Miss Annie Dudley of GeorgeA town has been announced ¬ ding to be celebrated August 9th Mr Shewmaker well known here havingattended Central University for a number of years His affianced bride is the daughter of Dr R M Dudley on fitlast yoThe quests included the members of the younger set who made merry until a late hour Elegant refreshments added much to the enjoyment of all present and each one departed voted their hosts many thanks for such a pleasant timet ExGavernof and Mrs William O Bradleyannounce the engagement of their daughter Miss Christine Duncan Bradley to Dr John Glover South of Frankfort The date of the wedding has not been fixed nor have anyof the arrangements been made except that it will take place in the fall at the Warren Memorial Church at Louisville Miss Bradley is one of the most popu lar girls in Kentucky Dr South is one of the leading physicians in Frank fort He is the son of the late Barry South who was a prominent polltiC clan and brother of Mr Jerry of Arkansas at one time Lieutenant Governor of that statec Announcement has been made of the engagement of Mr Charles Wag ¬ ers of Station Camp Estill county to Miss Willie Joe Hamilton of Irvine the wedding to occur 11th at 1the prospective bride who is a very at tractive woman is a petite blonde and is much admired for her sunnyand lov- able disposition She is well known hWagers Wagers and is a young man of sterl- Ing qualities He is one of Estill countys prosperous young farmers lIe is a brother to Superintendent J W Wagers of this city The CLIMAX extends congratulations in advance 1851 BPWB 1904 Mr and Mrs William B Smith request the presence of your company Wednesday evening August the tenth from eight until Eleven oclock Richmond Kentucky Plca e reply The above invitation engraved in gold has been issued to hundreds of friends of this estlmabecouplewhos- hsppy married life has reached the fiftieth anniversary The Smith home on the Summitt has been the scene of manycharming at homes and other forms of entertainment both for young and old and this golden wed ding celebration promises to be per- fect in its appointments and details The venerable couple will be assisted by their children and it is the wish of their numerous friends that they may live to celebrate many more anniver saries of the day that William Smith made Elizabeth Parks his happy bride The CLIMAX extends hearty congratulations for their Golden Wed ding To the Democracy of Madison Countys Some weeks since I announced my candidacy for County Judge subject to the action of the Democratic partyt After advising with many am being urged by many members of my party I feel It my duty to offer my ser vices to my connty feeling confident should my party give me the nomIna- tion and I should be finally elected I could be of benefit to the entire people The fact that my opponent seems to think that only the emolument of the office is in question and that I am try- ing ¬ to take from him what he says hrs been customary with his predecessors makes it incumbent on me to explain in a general way some matters that are or should be of interest to all of our citizens In the first place it has not been ens tomary to elect County Judges i Mod ison county to scoeed themselves When th preset Judges term 01 office expires he wilt have acted as County Judge longer than any of his predecea sors for the past forty years save two In the second place nearly everything that comes before a County Judge in- volves to a certain degree a legal propo- sition and the incumbent should have sufficient legal training so contended by those who wish me to run not to require at all times a legal adviser if he expects to give anything like get ral satisfaction In the third place and the most weighty of all in the manner iu which our economic and fiscal affairs are now and have been conducted for several years past The present court maintains a system of working he turnpikes of the county which I and those who urged my can- didacy believe to beillegal and abso lutely wrong If theDemocracy of the county believe it ts be the proper sys- tem then I should not be the nominee of tbe party I am certain that the present system ia the direct cause of the large indebted ness of Madison county and II con tinned the pmsentbondedindebtedness of the county will remain as a heritage tb the children of this generation I can and do frankly say that it was with Kreat hesitancy that I determined to run for this office I realize the labs rious duties of the office if faithfully andefficiently performed I know however that the people of my county are entitled to better service in this office neat oppoto We each have a record of public ser ¬ vice and our records are public prop erty and all have a right to discuss thand they are evidences of our tIeoI J u l < t > < Ayers Dont try cheap cough medi- cines Get the best ac Cherry Pectoral What record it has sixty years Cherry Pectoral cures I Ask your doctor if he doesnt use it for coughs colds bronchitis and allH throat and lung troubles hue found that Cherry Pectoral I e Ohitli M WDDCAJT esec IIIoo JC ATZnCO ll dniealt forLnwII Mail I Bronchitise Correct any tendency to constipab tlon with small doses party believe that my conduct of public affairs would be of much greater bene ¬ to our county than that of my oppo ¬ nt I think it would be generous in u to indorse him am and those who urged me to- n ru are absolutely opposed to any member of the Fiscal Court being con ne cietl with any contract directly or indirectly the compensation for which has to be allowed by said court I be lieve it to be illegal and wrong for the members of the Fiscal Court to draw wo dollars per mile out of the public treasury for simply iookine after the turnpiEes In their respective districts I am opposed to a sinking fund com- missIoner ¬ and I would abolish that office if in my power so to do and if unable to abolish the office I would urge the commissioner to invest all moneys that might come to his hands in retiring Madison county bQnds The foregoing errors as I see them in the management of our county affairs I hope to correct it nominated and eected Their continuance I be- lieve ¬ will be a far greater burden to the every year than the salary of a ounty Judge for an entire term But for the relief I hope and believe I can nd will bring to the taxpayers of my- onnty I would not be a candidate JOHN C CHENAULT Why is it that women are permit- ted to propose in leap year Hero is the answer as given in a contempor- ary It appears that in the yeas I 288 a statute was published by the S cotch Parliament ordaining that dur- ing ¬ that during the reign of Her Maist Blessit Majesty Margaret every maiden and lady of high or low estat should have liberty to the man shiS liked If he refused to take her is wifeshe should have the privilege f fining him 1100 or less according to his estate unless he should make it appear that he was betrothed to an- other ¬ woman in which case he would be free to refuse After the death of Margaret the women of Scotland be- came so clamorous for their privileges and to appease them another ac of Parliament allowed them to propose every four years Faster Time To Texas Cotton Belts Improved Ser ¬ vice Between Memphis And Southwest 15 To Texas And Back Train No 3 now leaves Memphis at 746 p m anti makes a fast run to Texas It carries Pullman sleepers parlor cafe cars and free reclining chair cars Reached Texarkana Dallas Ft Worth and Waco several hours earlier than heretofore Makes direct connec tionsfor Paris Bonham Wbitesboro Marshall Longview Palestine Austin Shreveport Beaumont Houston San Antonio Train No 1 leaves Memphis 840 a m carries parlor cafe car and chair cars 1 Pullman sleepers from Fair Oaks to Dallas Ft Worth Vaco Corpus Christi and South Texas points Cheap homeseekers tickets on sale first and third Tuesdays of each mouth one fare plus 2 for the round trip i topovers both ways and 21 day return limit SPECIAL On august 9 and 23 anti September 13 and 27 homeseekers tckets at rate of 15 for the round trip from Memphis to Dallas Ft Worth Waco Houston Galveston San Anton ¬ iOr Cornus Christi Brown wood Ama la RUlnah and intermediate points literature ¬ E W Laheaume G P T A Cotton elt St Louis > Mo Free Reclining Chair Cars to the- Worlds Fair The Southern Railway tiaQi Udujurated nthe without ¬ coachesJ These are brand new vestlbnled cars Includln ate washrooms for ladles and gentlemen reclin1I1 r yarevery chairs can be turned back and used In ¬ witliotany ovothe in these cars a TOlIl11f Old Point Comfort Ocean View and the Seashore l 5 OQouteAT- URDAY S AUG 13 041 12from Lexington train I Lex at 740 pm Fiankfort 13 Morehead 11a Winchester 11 50 Mt Sterling 11 Tee famous White Sulphur Springs istoric City of Richmond delightful Old Point Comfort Fortress Monroe Navy Yards at Portsmouth Va Beach cean View are among the attractive atures Side trips at low rates from Old Point Surf bathing boating and fishing can- e enjoyed at Old Point Stopover privileges will be granted ast of Kenawha Falls on return trip Sleeping car rates will be 350 for erths Lexington to Old Point For reservations and other informs lion address G W BARNEY D P A Lexington Ky or C O agents The Greatest Summer Trip Tickets will be good returning Aug 27 H W Fuller G P A Washington G W Barney D P A Lexington Week End Excursion Kates to tstill Sprints Commencing at once and continnag until September 30 the L A will sell round trip tickets from all stations to Irvine each Friday and Saturday good for return until the following Monday at rate of one and onethird fares for the round trip H R Smith G F P A Annual Personally Conducted Excursion to Niagara Falls VIAa C H and D Mich Gen or D13Steamcr- AUGUST H J904 Tickets good 12 days 7 from Cincinnati Cheap Side Trips to Toronto Alexandria Bay and Montreal These excursions are very high classed carrying through sleeping care They are recommended for ladies and child ¬ ren who can depend upon every care anti protection while with the excur ¬ sion partv By making your rceervn Tonhe sionists have choice of route trom De- trOit ¬ rail or water via D B palatial steamers Eastern and Vestern States For tickets sleeping car reservations and other particular information de ¬ sired Mil on yonr nearest G> H D Agent or address D G Edwards John R McCortl Pass Trfr Mgr Excursion Agent Cincinnati 0 Public Sale OF Land and Personal Property As Executor of Mrs Marion F Yates the undersigned willat the old Yates home place near Crooksville ladison county Ky on Saturday SepL 3 04 at 10 oclock a m proceed to sell at public outcry to the highest and best bidder the following property viz A Farm on Muddy Creek near IraokRville in Madison county Ky containing Two Hundred and Seventyeight 278 Acres and adjoining the hinds of Mrs Lidi Harris B F Crooke Mrs Martha B Manpin and others and known as the placeThe anti is well watered and in a high state nf cultivation shout IS acres now in orn remainder in grass Said place has a good dwelling house on it and ill necessary outbuildings Also at the same time and place there will be soul One Tract of Timber Land near Red Lick Springs in Madison county Ky adjoining the lands of W J Gooch Robert Hill and others This is a well timbered tract of mud without improvements containing 226 acres Anyone desiring to see tlieue places will call on J C Yates near Urooksville Ky Sold lands will be sold separately to the highest and best on equal credits of six and twelve months with six per cent interest from January 1st 1005 until paid The purchasers tn give bond with approved spcuri y and n lieu to be retained on said land uni iI all the purchase money is paid Poss- ession to be given on January 1st 1905 The purchaser to have the right to sow grain thIs fall Also at the same time and place we will sell the Personal Property twohorse household and kitchen furniture All sales of personal property for less amounttime provided a note with good security is given No personal property to be removed until paid for or satisfactory note ar ranged J C Yates Mrs Margaret Bales Executors CO h F I II C 4 IW 1 Great Sweep Out rpy Beginning I > Friday July 29th I at 2 oclock andcontinuing until 5th at 12 oclock 3 we will put our entire stock on sale at such prices that Rich Jff mond has never before seen < 3 r IE Nothing Reserved 1this sale but goes at Sweepout Prices complete our arrangements for this Sale our store will be closed from Thursday noon till Friday noon 0 r 5 71 We have too many hoods and we need the money for them j and we have made the knife cut deep that we may get quick 4 I returns This is an of a life time and you will regret it if you miss it < < < ffi 7w YOURS FOR BARGAINS 71 Rice Arnold Main street Ky F t 71 7I 7I I 7I7II 787 Sale I will Oder for sale piMicly my farm situated 6 miles from Richmond on the Barnes Mill pike on SaturdaYtSept 3 04 at JO oclock am The farir consists of 157 acres 40 acres for torn and tobacco 10 acres for wheat and the balance in grass Good Grist Mill 2 cows and calves 5 vear ling heifers 2 brood mares 1 good ferns pigsfarming kitchen furniture If not sold on above date will rent partlculars ¬ J C BRONSTON or Mrs Minerva Barnes Costs Nothing Unless Cured A Fair Oiftr Ride by BL Middelbm to All Sufferers From Citarrh- Hf L Middelton is selling Hyomel on a plan that has caused considerable talk amongst his customers The plan is different trom that fol ¬ lowed by other remedies but the rem ¬ edy itself is different also This treat- ment for the cure of catarrh has such an unusual record of cures to its credit that B L Middelton offers to refund the money if it does not give the desired benefit This is certainly one of the fairest offers that can be made and any one who has catarrh and does not take advantage of it is doing himself or her ¬ self an injustice Do not suffer any longer with tick- ling ¬ smarting burning eyewatering troubles that afflict those who have ca ¬ tarrh Hvornei wi lcnre you but if you should not find it adapted to your case B L Middelton will return your money Auctioneer My services as an auctioneer can be secured by leaving word at the State Bank Trust Co or by writing 27 j U T D Chetianlt Terrill Ky Telephone 350M Credit is a fine thing Thrift is betterDeposit with State Bank Trust r- 1m 4 4 ESTILL SPRINGS fromfar Most Beautiful Scenery Refreshing and Medicinal Waters Sulphur < The Best of Cooks Finest Ball Room in the Stat r Splendid Music and the society of the most charming people in Kentucky and adjoining States The season is now at it height or SEPTEMBER is coming to be one of the most popular months at the 0 Springs Special rates are made after September first and moreand more guests avail themselves of this each year For further information address THE ESTILL SPRINGS ZCORFOAD j W R ItIN K II 11l s J1 < 1 p < o I 4MWl August everything opportunity and Richmond Public Baths THOMAS IIa If you Love your Wife Dont Roast Her her a Gas Range This Joke a in wood for J breakfast a in Trvingto the firethe wot patience exhausted 8 a m No fire no breakfast A family quarrel brewing c breakfast 9 a m A cold bite Nothing hot the days work Still no JI 10am Bluer than a whetstone What is the remedy A I Detroit Jewel Gas Range The Raven whispers only that and nothing L W moreI 12 n Selecting a Gas Range from the large stock displayed 1 p m Demonstrations and explanations very satisfactory setting2p Range uptodate p m Street service and piping nearly finish Competent c workmen pushing the installation 3 p m Work completed with light over stove early end late meals 5pm Full instructions and demonstrations given with a full line of printed instructionswith a large assortment of cooking receipts t 6 p m A full and perfectly cooked home meal piping hot from the cop upper antI lower ovens complete at the same time No J waiting With peace and happiness with the evening J smoke and romp with the ones c Richmond Water Light I I ct Decorating a Room Isnt very expensive when one buys his Paints and Papers I to the best advantage and has the done by competent reliable workmen who do not make a job out ota short one But there just one way to be sure ot securing the best materials and the besl workmen at the best prices that is by letting the whole job to us Give us the dimensions of your room and the paper and we will tell you exactly what the total will be We guarantee all of satisfaction Geo M IJVillging 209 W next Madison Natl Bank Paints Oils Window Shades Picture Frames Glass Etc eilksoille School cff1os act 5s G P Simmons Principal MARK S FEOHAM Aat frill MISS ADA ALLEN Frin Dept of Mask Payable in Tuition fees II Frfmarv S 10 00 Term I A Primary and II Grammar J5 00 A Grammar 15 00 I High 20 00 Department of Music Indondinf Instruments for Practice 20 00 x Enrollment last year We expect to increase IL largely this ¬ From Monday to Friday f 1 75 G P 1 KY For sale FriTatdT i I wilt ebll privately my house and lot j j For particulars see 15jtf Alfred Douglas Sr Met I desire to say to the people of Madi ¬ county that I have sold my saloon way I have opened a saloon on the same str jt just below Mike Enrights old stand and I am now ready to ac commodaVe Customers Please call and ieo trie Brspt Ijan Q5W M CREEKMOBE D W AND REAL ESTATE AGENT Your Business SiltcUM Satisfaction Guaranteed RtQRiND I Ifl- I LI T A Buy is no J 6 Chopping 7 nurse kindling news ¬ papers all burned J for 3 for all prevailing Co so work long is select expense kinds Main st to All tirades Incidental FeesI All Fees per School 101 year deitiingwhat controlled 50Send SIMMONS Principal KIRKSVILLE allnecessary Tike son Brotherl1w mv TRIBBLE AUCTIONEER LOst In this city or last Friday a Key Ring with four or five keys attached Liberal reward for return osaIneIo undersigned Dr M Dunn jlySOtf Royal Saloon FIRST STREET iIi refreshingdrinks modating uptodate clerks I Finest Wines r r Whiskies and Cigarse sllitill IL

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Post on 23-May-2022




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Page 1: 0SSe SSSS4 ee teSSSS1SeS i8e Ayers

0SSeS 1 i8e >eeSSSS4 se teSSSS1SeS J-8tststj I et iI Crutcher and Tribole

s S-

S1s Gents Furnishers

SeM e

To Reduce StockL


Is To reduce our stock b> July Jst before taking invoice we


Iare offering our entire stockofr

uJi Shoes oqd Geits furnishings iii14111-



IAt Greatly



Reduced Prices I gi



1 E Call in and get our prices and you will be convinced S

IS o





Ss 11


SMain Street Richmond KentuckyI


L The Richmond Climax


The Climax Printing CoIncorporated

y RNAUtJI1 i MILLER Editor tpwelltI





Kx U S SENATOR DAVISof West Virginia





LAST Thursday Heron Van PlenhvelOi Mim Minister of Interior was kill

d hJa bomb beint thrown under hisfriage near Warsaw station in St

I rburg The assassin waa eapturcl and is said to be ft Jew Intensevxritrniont prevailed Von Plehve isrn > i Jered second only to the Cur in

iMipirtaBee He has been ministernee 1902 later reports announce

V a4aasin deadiIT is announced that Miss PaulineAtor daughter of W W Astor and

hi i ess to 100000000 will wed H

siMnderClay of london Poet nup ¬

tial advice will probably MJ it was-


used to yellHurrah for Jeff Davis will havo no-

d i ftiulty in attuning their voice toHurrah for H G IavisMttc-rJing SentinelDemocrat

WILLIAM JKNNIMU BKYAS held evcrvnne spell bound by his speech liefore the St louis Convention Heasked for a suspension of the timewhich was granted It is said that ashe proceeded tbe great hall became assilent as a church a tribute that hadhern paid no man since the Demo¬

cratic Convention bad opened Afterstating that twice he had borne tbestandard for the party Bryan contin-



I come tonight to this Demorate Convention to return tha com ¬

mission and say that you may decidewhether I fought a good light You

may dispute whether I have finishedmv course but YOU cannot deny thatI have kept the fa-




prices10 per cent off on Old HickoryGoods Vudor Porch Shadesother porch furniture etc

25 per cent off all

FurnitureA rare chance to get goods ata lOW price

This week Cash only

CFBrowerSiCoExclusive Sole AgentsJ



< 4



and Coal3-rd Street opposite L A Depot


WP are authorized to announcJOHN W KALLARD a candidate forSl rinof Maditou county subject tothe notion nf the Democratic par-

tyPERSONALMr Phil Willging spent Sunday in

FraukfortMiss Sue Deathorage is with friends

n Lexington

Mr Tom B Crutohor spent Sundayin Xieholasville

Mrs Hugh MuLollan returned Sun ¬

day from Mt SterlingMiss Mamie Piokels is in Lexington

visiting Miss Martha Dunn

Miss Elton Eagle is entertainingMiss Kate Kodd of Crab Orchard

Mr J H Haseldon of Lexingtonhas been in this city for several days

Rev and Mrs J W Crates left las I

Friday for a visit to friends in Millers


Silas Yoagor of Lexington i

visiting Mrs Louis Schlegel neartown

Miss OHio Pigg of Lexington spentlast week with her aunt Mrs Charlie

PlggMrsGeorgo Simmons has returned

from Louisville where she visited re-


Miss May Wallace Ballard has re¬

turned from a visit to friends in MtSterling

Mr C W Turner of Paris wasthe guest ot Miss Eula Jackson

ThursdayMrM Nelson of Lexington

was tbe guest of MigJ Elfyn GilbertWednesday

Mr William McKay of Macon Gawas hero lat week visiting MleaUaitie Letohor

Mr John Warfield left yestordavfor Richmond Sundays Lexington

DemocratMrMrs Joo Myers returned

last week from a short stay at theWorlds fair

Miss Agnos Frances of Lexington 1

was here lost week visiting MrsLouis Schlegel

Dr T J Taylor went over to PineGrove Sunday to ste his sister MrsTevis who is ill

Miss Aline Watts has returned toChilpsbnrg after a visit to her sisterMrs II M Wanton

Mrs B II Luxon returned Suntla

Deafness Cannot be Cures vBy local applications as they cannot

reach the diseased portion of the earThere is only one way to curedeaflJ S-

and that is by constitutional remediesDeafness is caused by an inflamed con-dition


of the mucous lining of theenetachlan tube When this tube is In-


you have a rumbling sound orimperfect hearing and when it is en-tirely


closed deafness is the result andunless the inflammation can be takenout and this tube restored to Its nor¬

mal condition hearing will be destroyed forever nine cases out of tan areIIgbutCOOK services

We will give One Hundred Dollarsor any case of deafness caused by ca¬

tarrh that cannot be cured by HallsCatarrh Cure Send for circulars free

F J CttE EY < Co Toledo O


tai f


night from n two weeks visit to hermother in Cincinnati

Mrs Joe Harris and Miss MargaretClayton of Beattyville were in thecitya few hours Friday

Miss Katie Mahoney a very attract-ive


young lady from Lexington is theguest of Mrs M F Enright

Professor I C Hunt of Thomasvl lIeGa was here last week visiting MrsWilliam Crowe and his wife who issummering here

Mrs K G Wiggins entertained attea on last Friday Mesdames WardWhite Clay and Dodge

Miss Margaret Parrish of Cinci nati was called to this city by the seri-ous illness of her mother

Mr A D Miller went to Indianap ¬

oils Friday to attend the funeral ofhis cousin Miss Pearl Miller

Mr and Mrs Andre Scanlan werecalled to St Louis last week by thedeath of the formers mother

Rev and Mrs Orland Beck hadastheir guests last week Misses Kateand Florence Beck of Stanford

Miss AHio Stewart of Red Houseleft last week for a two weeks visit tcfriends in Newport and Cincinnati

Mr and Mrs Ed Cornelison havemoved from Mis A C Wells on the

Summitt to the Henderson house °

Mr Lee Smitha formerly of thiscity but now of Athens Fayette Co >

was among the Courtday visitors

hareMissMarguerite Dykes entertained

at an elegant dinner Friday in honorof Mrs R L Gentry Jr of NashvilleTenn

Miss Janie Pryor returned to Parislast Friday after a two weeks visit toher cousinsMasters James and Rob-


LeedsMissSmith was welcomed

home last week from an extendedvisit to relatives in Columbia andFayette Missouri

Miss Ruth and Master Willie Zerrof Frankfort are the pleasant guestof their aunt Mrs George Nelson onEast Main street

Mrs W C French who has beenso seriously ill is now rapidly recov-ering


much to the delight of her fam ¬

ilyand many friendsMiss Dove Embry came over from

Lexington yesterday to visit friendsShe will go with a party from here toCrab Orchard Springs

Miss Helen Doyle of the P A C

Infirmary will leursunday for Colun > us 0 to spend her vacation andenjoya much needed rest

Mrs R L Gentry Jr and little sonNewton will leave Saturday for theirhome in Nashville after a monthsvisit to relatives in this city

Mrs A D Miller entertained teaon last Thursday evening in honor ofMrs R L Gentry Jr of Nashville >

and Miss Ollie Pigg of Lexington

Mr and Mrs M H Hubbard arespending week at Estill Springsaodwill also visit relatives and friends inRichmond Ky Lexington Leader

Mrs John Arnold is at the bedsideof her mother Mrs Henry Jones I a-

Mt Sterling Mrs Jones ls very ser¬

expectedyMiss Grace Lockridgo goes to Rich-

mond today where she will be amember of Miss Mary Ballards housepartyMt Sterling SentinelDemocrat

Chlca1Mrs joty

and Miss Allie Hensloy of West Bernare guests of Rev and Mrs G WShepherd

Professor and Mrs J W McGarveyyhaveton people and left yesterday for StLouis to attend the fair

Miss Mary Barrett Smith entertaIndelightful j




Dancing aid refreshments were thefeatures of the evening

Miss Van Greenleaf who recentlyunderwent a very serious surgicaloperation has recovered sufficientlyto be at home She returned Sundaymuch to the delight of her manyfiiends

Senator and Mrs McCreary of Rich ¬

mond have returned home after avisit in the city to their relatives Mrnnd Mrs John McDowell Ross Theypro just back to Keitncky from StLouis where the Senator attended theDemocratic convention and both en ¬

joyed the Exposition LexingtonLeader

The engagement bf Rev W O

Shewmaker pastor of the Prcsbytcriian church rt Pisgah Voodford COlD

ty and Miss Annie Dudley of GeorgeAtown has been announced ¬

ding to be celebrated August 9thMr Shewmaker well known herehavingattended Central Universityfor a number of years His affiancedbride is the daughter of Dr R M


onfitlastyoThequests included the members of theyounger set who made merry untila late hour Elegant refreshmentsadded much to the enjoyment of allpresent and each one departed votedtheir hosts many thanks for such apleasanttimetExGavernof and Mrs William O

Bradleyannounce the engagement oftheir daughter Miss Christine DuncanBradley to Dr John Glover South ofFrankfort The date of the weddinghas not been fixed nor have anyofthe arrangements been made exceptthat it will take place in the fall at theWarren Memorial Church at LouisvilleMiss Bradley is one of the most popular girls in Kentucky Dr South isone of the leading physicians in Frankfort He is the son of the late BarrySouth who was a prominent polltiCclan and brother of Mr Jerryof Arkansas at one time LieutenantGovernor of that statecAnnouncement has been made ofthe engagement of Mr Charles Wag ¬

ers of Station Camp Estill countyto Miss Willie Joe Hamilton of Irvinethe wedding to occur 11th at1theprospective bride who is a very attractive woman is a petite blonde andis much admired for her sunnyand lov-

able disposition She is well known

hWagersWagers and is a young man of sterl-

Ing qualities He is one of Estillcountys prosperous young farmerslIe is a brother to Superintendent JW Wagers of this city The CLIMAX

extends congratulations in advance

1851 BPWB 1904

Mr and Mrs William B Smithrequest the presence of your company

Wednesday evening August the tenthfrom eight until Eleven oclock

Richmond KentuckyPlca e reply

The above invitation engraved ingold has been issued to hundreds offriends of this estlmabecouplewhos-hsppy married life has reached thefiftieth anniversary The Smith homeon the Summitt has been the sceneof manycharming at homes andother forms of entertainment both foryoung and old and this golden wedding celebration promises to be per-fect in its appointments and detailsThe venerable couple will be assistedby their children and it is the wish oftheir numerous friends that they maylive to celebrate many more anniversaries of the day that William Smithmade Elizabeth Parks his happybride The CLIMAX extends heartycongratulations for their Golden Wedding

To the Democracy of Madison

CountysSome weeks since I announced my

candidacy for County Judge subjectto the action of the Democratic partytAfter advising with many ambeing urged by many members of myparty I feel It my duty to offer my services to my connty feeling confidentshould my party give me the nomIna-tion and I should be finally elected Icould be of benefit to the entire people

The fact that my opponent seems tothink that only the emolument of theoffice is in question and that I am try-ing


to take from him what he says hrsbeen customary with his predecessorsmakes it incumbent on me to explainin a general way some matters that areor should be of interest to all of ourcitizens

In the first place it has not been enstomary to elect County Judges i Modison county to scoeed themselvesWhen th preset Judges term 01 officeexpires he wilt have acted as CountyJudge longer than any of his predeceasors for the past forty years save two

In the second place nearly everythingthat comes before a County Judge in-

volves to a certain degree a legal propo-sition and the incumbent should havesufficient legal training so contendedby those who wish me to run not torequire at all times a legal adviser ifhe expects to give anything like getral satisfactionIn the third place and the most

weighty of all in the manner iu whichour economic and fiscal affairs are nowand have been conducted for severalyears past

The present court maintains a systemof working he turnpikes of the countywhich I and those who urged my can-didacy believe to beillegal and absolutely wrong If theDemocracy of thecounty believe it ts be the proper sys-tem then I should not be the nomineeof tbe party

I am certain that the present systemia the direct cause of the large indebtedness of Madison county and II continned the pmsentbondedindebtednessof the county will remain as a heritagetb the children of this generation Ican and do frankly say that it was withKreat hesitancy that I determined torun for this office I realize the labsrious duties of the office if faithfullyandefficiently performed I knowhowever that the people of my countyare entitled to better service in thisofficeneat oppoto

We each have a record of public ser ¬

vice and our records are public property and all have a right to discussthand they are evidences of ourtIeoI

J u l

< t

> <

AyersDont try cheap cough medi-cines Get the best acCherry Pectoral Whatrecord it has sixty years


cures I Ask your doctor ifhe doesnt use it for coughscolds bronchitis and allHthroat and lung troubles

hue found that Cherry Pectoral IeOhitliM WDDCAJT

esec IIIoo JC ATZnCOll dniealt forLnwII Mail I

BronchitiseCorrect any tendency to constipabtlon with small doses

party believe that my conduct of publicaffairs would be of much greater bene ¬

to our county than that of my oppo¬

nt I think it would be generous inu to indorse him

am and those who urged me to-

nru are absolutely opposed to anymember of the Fiscal Court being connecietl with any contract directly orindirectly the compensation for whichhas to be allowed by said court I believe it to be illegal and wrong for themembers of the Fiscal Court to drawwo dollars per mile out of the public

treasury for simply iookine after theturnpiEes In their respective districts

I am opposed to a sinking fund com-


and I would abolish thatoffice if in my power so to do and ifunable to abolish the office I wouldurge the commissioner to invest allmoneys that might come to his handsin retiring Madison county bQnds

The foregoing errors as I see themin the management of our countyaffairs I hope to correct it nominatedand eected Their continuance I be-


will be a far greater burden to theevery year than the salary of a

ounty Judge for an entire term Butfor the relief I hope and believe I cannd will bring to the taxpayers of my-

onnty I would not be a candidateJOHN C CHENAULT

Why is it that women are permit-ted to propose in leap year Hero isthe answer as given in a contempor-ary It appears that in the yeas I

288 a statute was published by theScotch Parliament ordaining that dur-ing


that during the reign of HerMaist Blessit Majesty Margaret everymaiden and lady of high or low estatshould have liberty to the man

shiSliked If he refused to take her

is wifeshe should have the privilegef fining him 1100 or less according

to his estate unless he should makeit appear that he was betrothed to an-


woman in which case he wouldbe free to refuse After the death ofMargaret the women of Scotland be-came so clamorous for their privilegesand to appease them another ac ofParliament allowed them to proposeevery four years

Faster Time To Texas

Cotton Belts Improved Ser¬

vice Between MemphisAnd Southwest

15 To Texas AndBack

Train No 3 now leaves Memphis at746 p m anti makes a fast run toTexas It carries Pullman sleepersparlor cafe cars and free reclining chaircars Reached Texarkana Dallas FtWorth and Waco several hours earlierthan heretofore Makes direct connectionsfor Paris Bonham WbitesboroMarshall Longview Palestine AustinShreveport Beaumont Houston SanAntonio

Train No 1 leaves Memphis 840 a mcarries parlor cafe car and chair cars 1

Pullman sleepers from Fair Oaks toDallas Ft Worth Vaco CorpusChristi and South Texas points

Cheap homeseekers tickets on salefirst and third Tuesdays of each mouth

one fare plus 2 for the round trip itopovers both ways and 21 day returnlimit

SPECIAL On august 9 and 23 antiSeptember 13 and 27 homeseekerstckets at rate of 15 for the round tripfrom Memphis to Dallas Ft WorthWaco Houston Galveston San Anton ¬

iOr Cornus Christi Brown wood Amala RUlnah and intermediate pointsliterature ¬

E W Laheaume G PT A Cotton elt St Louis >

MoFree Reclining Chair Cars

to the-

Worlds FairThe Southern Railway tiaQiUdujuratednthewithout ¬

coachesJThese are brand new vestlbnled carsIncludlnate washrooms for ladles and gentlemenreclin1I1 ryareverychairs can be turned back and used In ¬witliotanyovothein these cars



Old Point ComfortOcean Viewand the Seashore

l 5 OQouteAT-


12from Lexington trainI

Lex at 740 pmFiankfort 13 Morehead 11aWinchester 11 50 Mt Sterling 11

Tee famous White Sulphur Springsistoric City of Richmond delightful

Old Point Comfort Fortress MonroeNavy Yards at Portsmouth Va Beach

cean View are among the attractiveaturesSide trips at low rates from Old PointSurf bathing boating and fishing can-

e enjoyed at Old PointStopover privileges will be granted

ast of Kenawha Falls on return tripSleeping car rates will be 350 for

erths Lexington to Old PointFor reservations and other informs

lion address G W BARNEY D P ALexington Ky or C O agents

The Greatest Summer TripTickets will be good returning Aug 27

H W Fuller G P A WashingtonG W Barney D P A Lexington

Week End Excursion Kates to tstill Sprints

Commencing at once and continnaguntil September 30 the L A willsell round trip tickets from all stationsto Irvine each Friday and Saturdaygood for return until the followingMonday at rate of one and onethirdfares for the round trip

H R Smith G F P A

Annual Personally ConductedExcursion to

Niagara FallsVIAa

C H and DMich Gen or D13Steamcr-

AUGUST H J904Tickets good 12 days

7 from CincinnatiCheap Side Trips to

Toronto Alexandria Bayand Montreal

These excursions are very high classedcarrying through sleeping care Theyare recommended for ladies and child ¬

ren who can depend upon every careanti protection while with the excur ¬

sion partv By making your rceervnTonhesionists have choice of route trom De-trOit


rail or water via D B palatialsteamers Eastern and Vestern States

For tickets sleeping car reservationsand other particular information de ¬

sired Mil on yonr nearest G > H DAgent or addressD G Edwards John R McCortl

Pass Trfr Mgr Excursion AgentCincinnati 0

Public SaleOF

Land and PersonalProperty

As Executor of Mrs Marion FYates the undersigned willat the oldYates home place near Crooksvilleladison county Ky on

Saturday SepL 3 04at 10 oclock a m proceed to sell atpublic outcry to the highest and bestbidder the following property viz

A Farmon Muddy Creek near IraokRville inMadison county Ky containing TwoHundred and Seventyeight 278 Acresand adjoining the hinds of Mrs LidiHarris B F Crooke Mrs Martha BManpin and others and known as theplaceThe antiis well watered and in a high state nfcultivation shout IS acres now inorn remainder in grass Said place

has a good dwelling house on it andill necessary outbuildings

Also at the same time and place therewill be soul

One Tract of Timber Landnear Red Lick Springs in Madisoncounty Ky adjoining the lands of WJ Gooch Robert Hill and othersThis is a well timbered tract of mudwithout improvements containing 226acres Anyone desiring to see tlieueplaces will call on J C Yates nearUrooksville Ky

Sold lands will be sold separately tothe highest and best on equalcredits of six and twelve months withsix per cent interest from January 1st1005 until paid The purchasers tngive bond with approved spcuri y andn lieu to be retained on said land uni iIall the purchase money is paid Poss-ession to be given on January 1st 1905The purchaser to have the right tosow grain thIs fall

Also at the same time and place wewill sell the

Personal Property

twohorsehousehold and kitchen furnitureAll sales of personal property for less

amounttimeprovided a note with good security isgiven

No personal property to be removeduntil paid for or satisfactory note arranged

J C YatesMrs Margaret Bales





IW 1

Great Sweep Out


Beginning I

> Friday July 29th I

at 2 oclock andcontinuing until 5th at 12 oclock3 we will put our entire stock on sale at such prices that Rich Jff

mond has never before seen <3


IE Nothing Reserved1this sale but goes at Sweepout Prices

complete our arrangements for this Sale our store will be closedfrom Thursday noon till Friday noon 0 r5

71 We have too many hoods and we need the money for them j

and we have made the knife cut deep that we may get quick 4 I

returns This is an of a life time and youwill regret it if you miss it < < <


Rice ArnoldMain street KyFt 71 7I 7I I 7I7II 787

SaleI will Oder for sale piMicly my

farm situated 6 miles from Richmondon the Barnes Mill pike on

SaturdaYtSept 3 04at JO oclock a m

The farir consists of 157 acres 40acres for torn and tobacco 10 acres forwheat and the balance in grass GoodGrist Mill 2 cows and calves 5 vearling heifers 2 brood mares 1 good fernspigsfarmingkitchen furniture

If not sold on above date will rentpartlculars ¬

J C BRONSTONor Mrs Minerva Barnes

Costs Nothing Unless CuredA Fair Oiftr Ride by B L Middelbm to All

Sufferers From Citarrh-

Hf L Middelton is selling Hyomel ona plan that has caused considerabletalk amongst his customers

The plan is different trom that fol ¬

lowed by other remedies but the rem ¬

edy itself is different also This treat-ment for the cure of catarrh has suchan unusual record of cures to its creditthat B L Middelton offers to refundthe money if it does not give the desiredbenefit This is certainly one of thefairest offers that can be made and anyone who has catarrh and does not takeadvantage of it is doing himself or her¬

self an injusticeDo not suffer any longer with tick-


smarting burning eyewateringtroubles that afflict those who have ca ¬

tarrh Hvornei wi lcnre you but ifyou should not find it adapted to yourcase B L Middelton will return yourmoney

AuctioneerMy services as an auctioneer can be

secured by leaving word at the StateBank Trust Co or by writing27 j U T D Chetianlt

Terrill KyTelephone 350M

Credit is afine thingThrift is






ESTILL SPRINGSfromfarMost Beautiful SceneryRefreshing and Medicinal WatersSulphur


The Best of CooksFinest Ball Room in the Stat rSplendid Music

and the society of the most charming people in Kentucky and adjoiningStates The season is now at it height or

SEPTEMBER is coming to be one of the most popular months at the0

Springs Special rates are made after September first and moreand moreguests avail themselves of this each year For further information address





11ls J1 < 1













If you Love your Wife

Dont Roast Her

her a Gas Range

This Jokea in wood for Jbreakfasta in Trvingto the

firethe wotpatience

exhausted8 a m No fire no breakfast A family quarrel brewing

c breakfast9 a m A cold bite Nothing hot the days work Still no JI10am Bluer than a whetstone What is the remedy AI Detroit Jewel Gas Range The Raven whispers only that and nothing L

WmoreI12 n Selecting a Gas Range from the large stock displayed1 p m Demonstrations and explanations very satisfactorysetting2pRange uptodate

p m Street service and piping nearly finish Competentc workmen pushing the installation

3 p m Work completed with light over stove early end latemeals

5pm Full instructions and demonstrations given with a fullline of printed instructionswith a large assortment of cooking receipts t6 p m A full and perfectly cooked home meal piping hot fromthe cop upper antI lower ovens complete at the same time No Jwaiting With peace and happiness with the evening Jsmoke and romp with the ones

c Richmond Water Light I

I ctDecorating a RoomIsnt very expensive when one buys his

Paints and Papers I

to the best advantage and has the done by competentreliable workmen who do not make a job out ota shortone But there just one way to be sure ot securing the bestmaterials and the besl workmen at the best prices that is byletting the whole job to us Give us the dimensions of yourroom and the paper and we will tell you exactly whatthe total will be We guarantee all of satisfaction

Geo M IJVillging209 W next Madison Natl Bank

Paints Oils Window Shades Picture Frames Glass Etc

eilksoille Schoolcff1os act 5s

G P Simmons PrincipalMARK S FEOHAM Aat frill

MISS ADA ALLEN Frin Dept of Mask Payable in

Tuition feesII Frfmarv S 10 00 Term I

A Primary and II Grammar J5 00A Grammar 15 00 I

High 20 00Department of Music Indondinf

Instruments for Practice 20 00 x

Enrollment last year We expect to increase IL largely this


From Monday to Friday f 1 75


For sale FriTatdT i

I wilt ebll privately my house and lot j


For particulars see15jtf Alfred Douglas Sr

MetI desire to say to the people of Madi ¬

county that I have sold my saloon

way I have opened a saloon on thesame str jt just below Mike Enrightsold stand and I am now ready to accommodaVe Customers Please calland ieo trie Brspt




Satisfaction Guaranteed

RtQRiND I Ifl-





is no J6 Chopping

7 nursekindling news ¬

papers all burned Jfor








selectexpense kinds

Main st to

All tirades

Incidental FeesIAll Fees



101 yeardeitiingwhatcontrolled50SendSIMMONS PrincipalKIRKSVILLE






In this city or last Friday a KeyRing with four or five keys attachedLiberal reward for return osaIneIoundersigned Dr M Dunn



iIirefreshingdrinksmodating uptodate clerks IFinest Wines r

rWhiskies and Cigarse
