09 mujeeb mobility study (5)

 Appl Phys A (2009) 97: 521–526 DOI 10.1007/s00339-009-5397-6 RAPID COMMUNIC ATION Meyer–Neldel rule in fullerene eld-effect transistors Mujeeb Ullah  ·T .B. Singh  ·H. Sitter  ·N.S. Sariciftci Received: 7 August 2009 / Accepted: 17 August 2009 / Published online: 2 September 2009 © Springer-Verlag 2009 Abstract  The tempe rature dependen ce of the eld-e ffec t mobility is inves tigated in vacuum evapora ted C 60 -based or- ganic eld-effect transistors. The results show a thermally activated behavior with an activation energy that depends on the eld-induc ed char ge carrie r densi ty in the transisto r channel. Upon extrapolation of the data in an Arrhenius plot we nd an emp iri cal rel ati on, ter med the Me yer –Ne lde l rule, which states that the mobility prefactor increases exponen- tially with the activation energy. Based on this analysis a characteristic temperature is extracted. The possible impli- cations of this observation in terms of charge transport in fullerene-based eld-effect transistors are discussed. PACS  73.61.Ph · 72.20.Ee · 72.80.Le · 73.20.-r · 71.38.Ht 1 1. Intr oducti on The charge transport mechanism in organic eld-effect tran- sistors (OFET) has been subject of intensive research for some years [110]. Although the temperature (T ) and gate- volt age (V G )  depe ndenc e of the char ge carri er mobil ity M. Ullah · H. Sitter Institute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, Johannes Kepler Univ ersity Linz, Linz 4040, Austria T.B. Singh · N.S. Sariciftci Linz Institute of Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Institute of Physical Chemistry , Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz 4040, Austria Present address: T.B. Singh () Molecular and Health Technologies, CSIRO, Bayview Ave., Clayton, VIC 3168, Australia e-mail: Birendra.sing [email protected] (µ FE ) of OFETs has been reported [17], the charge trans- port mechanisms in these organic devices are still not fully understood. Observations from thermally activa ted behavior [2,  3] to  T  independent transport [4,  5] are reported. It is difcult to obtain an accurate picture of the nature of the transport due to large variations in the experimental data on even nominally the same samples [4,  6]. Studies of contact resistant as a function of applied  V G  helped to estimate the mos t accura te mob ili ty [7, 1012]. Spec i c to OFETs, T  and V G  dependent  µ FE  are expl ained in terms of multi ple trap- ping [3], hopping [8], and Coulomb blockade [9]. A com- mon factor in all these models is the  V G  dependence of the activation energy,  E A . Many organic materials have been reported to follow the Meyer–Neldel rule (MNR), which is a phenomenological model to describe the observed behavior of the material. The Meyer–Neldel rule for eld-effect mobility is de- scribed as [1315]: µ FE = µ o exp E A k B T   (1) where  E A  is the gate-voltage-dependent activation energy, T  is the absolute temperature,  k B  is the Boltzmann constant. The prefactor µ o  depends exponentially on  E A : µ o = µ MN exp  E A k B T MN  (2) Equation (2) which gives the relation between the mobility prefactor µ o  and the activation energy is called the Meyer– Neldel rule. Inserting (2) into (1) gives: µ FE = µ MN exp E A  1 k B T 1 k B T MN  (3) As can be seen from ( 3) at  T  = T MN  all µ FE  coincide in one value, namely µ MN , independent of the E A  or  V G . This

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  • Appl Phys A (2009) 97: 521526DOI 10.1007/s00339-009-5397-6

    R A P I D C O M M U N I C AT I O N

    MeyerNeldel rule in fullerene field-effect transistors

    Mujeeb Ullah T.B. Singh H. Sitter N.S. Sariciftci

    Received: 7 August 2009 / Accepted: 17 August 2009 / Published online: 2 September 2009 Springer-Verlag 2009

    Abstract The temperature dependence of the field-effectmobility is investigated in vacuum evaporated C60-based or-ganic field-effect transistors. The results show a thermallyactivated behavior with an activation energy that dependson the field-induced charge carrier density in the transistorchannel. Upon extrapolation of the data in an Arrhenius plotwe find an empirical relation, termed the MeyerNeldel rule,which states that the mobility prefactor increases exponen-tially with the activation energy. Based on this analysis acharacteristic temperature is extracted. The possible impli-cations of this observation in terms of charge transport infullerene-based field-effect transistors are discussed.

    PACS 73.61.Ph 72.20.Ee 72.80.Le 73.20.-r 71.38.Ht

    1 1. Introduction

    The charge transport mechanism in organic field-effect tran-sistors (OFET) has been subject of intensive research forsome years [110]. Although the temperature (T ) and gate-voltage (V G) dependence of the charge carrier mobility

    M. Ullah H. SitterInstitute of Semiconductor and Solid State Physics, JohannesKepler University Linz, Linz 4040, Austria

    T.B. Singh N.S. SariciftciLinz Institute of Organic Solar Cells (LIOS), Institute of PhysicalChemistry, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz 4040, Austria

    Present address:T.B. Singh ()Molecular and Health Technologies, CSIRO, Bayview Ave.,Clayton, VIC 3168, Australiae-mail: [email protected]

    (FE) of OFETs has been reported [17], the charge trans-port mechanisms in these organic devices are still not fullyunderstood. Observations from thermally activated behavior[2, 3] to T independent transport [4, 5] are reported. It isdifficult to obtain an accurate picture of the nature of thetransport due to large variations in the experimental data oneven nominally the same samples [4, 6]. Studies of contactresistant as a function of applied V G helped to estimate themost accurate mobility [7, 1012]. Specific to OFETs, T andV G dependent FE are explained in terms of multiple trap-ping [3], hopping [8], and Coulomb blockade [9]. A com-mon factor in all these models is the V G dependence of theactivation energy, EA.

    Many organic materials have been reported to follow theMeyerNeldel rule (MNR), which is a phenomenologicalmodel to describe the observed behavior of the material.

    The MeyerNeldel rule for field-effect mobility is de-scribed as [1315]:

    FE = o exp(EA



    where EA is the gate-voltage-dependent activation energy,T is the absolute temperature, kB is the Boltzmann constant.The prefactor o depends exponentially on EA:

    o = MN exp(



    Equation (2) which gives the relation between the mobilityprefactor o and the activation energy is called the MeyerNeldel rule. Inserting (2) into (1) gives:

    FE = MN exp[EA


    kBT 1



    As can be seen from (3) at T = TMN all FE coincide inone value, namely MN, independent of the EA or V G. This

  • 522 M. Ullah et al.

    characteristic temperature named as MeyerNeldel temper-ature and usually reported in terms of the MeyerNeldel en-ergy as T MN = EMN/kB. The validity of the MNR has beenobserved in a wide variety of physical, chemical, and bi-ological processes [9]. However, the microscopic origin ofthe MNR and, therefore, the physical meaning of EMN arestill a topic of discussion in literature [1315].

    Among the available charge-transport models for theamorphous materials, multiple trapping and release model(MTR) based on trapping and detrapping of charge carrierswith a high concentration of trap states in a narrow energyband can describes the same behavior of the mobility as theMNR assuming an exponential distribution of the densityof states. Another theoretical model based on the percola-tion theory of hopping transport and the field-effect modelof transistors was developed by Vissenberg and Matters usedto explain the charge carrier transport in amorphous organicmaterials which usually have a DOS with large number oftraps or localized states [8]. Although the MTR model isbased on a large number of traps as variable range hopping(VRH), it carries the assumption of a mobility edge witha constant mobility above it and a trap-limited transport ofcharge carriers in localized states below it and according tothe VRH model, the charge carrier transport occurs by hop-ping of carriers from one site to other site. Another analyt-ical model based on PooleFrenkel effect gives an inversevariation of the activation energy versus the square root ofthe electric-field strength [16].

    Among the n-type organic semiconductors, fullereneswith a symmetric structure and a low ionization poten-tial (3.4 eV) show the highest charge carrier mobility0.66 cm2/Vs [17, 18]. Until now investigations of trans-port properties of C60 were concentrated on diodes [19],OFETs [2022], and single crystals of C60 [23]. Uchinoet al. [21, 22] used extended models of VRH and Paloheimoet al. used MNR [19, 20] to describe the charge transport inC60 thin films. The drawback of their work is that Uchinoet al. were unable to explain the data at T above 100 K andPaloheimo et al. [19, 20] had done the evaluation of EMN bymeasuring the sheet conductance of the respective devices.However, the extraction of EMN using the sheet conduc-tance is under debate because it may lead to inaccuracy dueto a decrease of the effective accumulation channel thick-ness with increasing V G [15, 24]. In our previous work [17,18, 25] we have demonstrated that crystalline quality of C60films could be increased by elevated substrate temperaturesduring hot wall expitaxy (HWE) growth. Subsequently thefield-effect mobility could be increased by factor of ten upto 6 cm2/Vs.

    In this work we report on the systematic investigations onthe V G and T dependence of FE in C60 based OFETs. Fieldeffect mobility, FE, is found to be thermally activated withan activation energy strongly dependent on the charge car-rier density, N . By extrapolation of the data in the Arrhenius

    plot according to MeyerNeldel formalism, the characteris-tic T MN and EMN were evaluated.

    The paper is organized in this fashion: First we describethe evaluation of FE in the linear regime as well as inthe saturation regime as a function of charge carrier den-sity. Then we evaluated the T dependence of FE with theMeyerNeldel formalism.

    2 Experimental procedure

    The device scheme of the bottom gate-top contact OFET isshown in the inset of Fig. 1b. Details of device fabrication

    Fig. 1 The output characteristics of the OFET device shown at differ-ent fixed V G (a) at 300 K. Inset shows linear output curves at 300 K.(b) At 77 K showing a sigmoidal curve indicating presence of contactresistance. Inset shows the device scheme of the field-effect transistorbased on C60

  • MeyerNeldel rule in fullerene field-effect transistors 523

    step employed except the deposition of C60 are reported pre-viously [17, 18, 25]. In this case the deposition of the C60was done at RT using a Leybold Univex system at a basepressure of 106 mbar. The resulting C60 films were poly-crystalline in nature. C60 devices which are grown on BCBdielectric without further surface treatment are found to besuperior to devices with C60 films grown on surface treatedSiO2 dielectric [17, 18]. The reason to choose the top con-tact geometry in the present experiment is because of lowcontact resistance of this geometry than the bottom contactgeometry as indicated by sigmoidal type IV characteris-tics [18]. The completed devices were loaded for electricalcharacterization in an Oxford cryostat under N atmosphereinside the glove box to avoid exposure to ambient condition.All measurements were carried out at a vacuum of around106 mbar and T was changed in a range from 300 to 77 K.The measurements were conducted with a temperature stepof 10 K. Between every temperature step there was a timedelay of 1 h so that the device got thermally stabilized.The transistor characteristics were recorded by Agilent 2000SMU.

    3 Results

    3.1 Evaluation of mobility

    Linear regime: The applied gate field in this regime is muchlarger than the in-plane drift field, which results in an ap-proximately uniform density of charge carriers in the activechannel. At low VD, ID increases linearly with VG and is ap-proximately determined from the following equation:

    ID|VDVG =W

    LFECiVD(VG Vth) (4)

    where L is the channel length, W is the channel width, Ciis the capacitance per unit area of the insulating layer, V this the threshold voltage, and FE is the field-effect mobility.The latter can be calculated in the linear regime:

    FE,lin = LWCiVD



    Saturated regime: Similarly, FE in the saturated regime isgiven by:

    ID|VDVG =W

    2LFECi(VG Vth)2 (6)

    Further analyses were done by checking the validity of (6)via local approximation assuming V G independent of FE:

    FE,sat = 2LWCi





    Fig. 2 (a) Linear transfer characteristics (symbols) of the C60 FETwith V D = 2 V at various temperatures from 300 to 77 K along withthe theoretical fit (lines) using (4). The parameters used for theoret-ical fit are V th = 11, 13.5, 14.5, 15.5, 15.5, and 15.5 V; FE = 0.6,0.35, 0.17, 0.082, 0.04, 0.014 cm2/Vs for T = 300, 260, 220, 180, 140,100 K, respectively; (b) The transfer characteristics of device in thesaturation regime V D = 40 V at different temperatures (symbols) alongwith the theoretical fit (lines) using (6). These devices has W = 2 mm;L = 35 m with Ci of 1.2 109 F/cm2. The parameters used fortheoretical fit are Vth = 8, 12, 13.5, 15, 15.5, and 16 V; = 0.61, 0.5,0.36, 0.22, 0.14, 0.08 cm2/Vs for T = 300, 260, 220, 180, 140, 100 Krespectively

    Figures 1a and 1b shows linear and saturated output char-acteristics of the device at 300 and 77 K at V G of 20, 40,and 60 V, respectively. The transistor transfer characteristicsin both linear and saturation regime at different T is shownin Figs. 2a and 2b, respectively. The experimental data forV G above the V th are well fitted with the theoretical curvesusing (4) and (6) for linear and saturated regimes respec-tively. We further plot experimental FE by taking the localslope according to (5) and (7). Such a plot for linear and sat-urated regimes at various T is shown in Fig. 3a and Fig. 3b,respectively. V G dependence of FE will be considered inmore details in the later section. FE in both, linear and sat-urated, regimes is strongly dependent on V G for VG < 16 V

  • 524 M. Ullah et al.Fig. 3 (a) Linear FE as afunction of carrier density andthe V G at different T by takingthe local slopes for the datashown in Fig. 2a. (b) SaturatedFE as a function of carrierdensity and the V G at differentT for the data shown in Fig. 2b

    Fig. 4 The Arrhenius plot ofFE (symbols) in (a) linearregime at gate voltages of 10 to25 V with linear fit in the higherT regime. The common point is(T MN,MN) = (408 5 K,3.25 0.1 cm2/Vs). The linesdrawn at lower T regime is aguide to the eye. (b) FE insaturation regime at gatevoltages of 15, 20, 25, 30, 35,40, 45, 50, 55, and 60 V. Thecommon crossing point is(T MN,MN) = (330 5 K,0.8 0.05 cm2/Vs)

    and almost V G independent FE for V G > 16 V. Unlikeour previous studies on HWE-grown C60 OFETs [25] thepresent devices show weaker T -dependent FE for satura-tion regime and stronger T -dependent FE for the linearregime as shown in the Arrhenius plot of average FE(T )for both regimes in Fig. 4. Details of FE (V G) and FE (T )are discussed later.

    3.2 Temperature dependence of mobility

    In this section we present our data in the framework of MNRwhich is usually attributed to disorder in the material with anassumption of exponential distribution of trap states. Withinthe framework of MNR, EA is strongly dependent on V G.The Arrhenius plot of the FE in linear regime is shown inthe Fig. 4a. A linear fit to the data and extrapolating the fitlines we got two set of EA depending on the range of T . Atlower temperatures (T < 160 K), the mobility fit lines are al-most parallel to each other. It is evident that a clear transitionof two EA occurs at T 170 K. The observation of differ-ent EA with different range of T is unclear. It has also beenobserved previously in 6 T and 8 T semiconductors [26]. Athigher T (300180 K) the fits to the data merges to a one

    point (TMN,MN) which corresponds to (T MN = 408 K,MN = 3.28) with EMN = T MN/kB = 34 meV. It is to benoted that previous studies have reported similar EMN of36 meV for C60 [19, 20]. Usually the EMN of the organicmaterials is found in the range of 40 meV [15]. The ob-servation of MNR in OFETs is usually reported in linearregime where the charges are uniformly accumulated (lowV D). Surprisingly we have observed MNR in saturationregime as well (high V D) as shown in Fig. 4b with a lowEMN = 27 meV, although there is no well-defined accumu-lation of charges due to pinch off.

    V G-dependent EA have drawn a considerable attentionin the past due to the fact that it provides the information ofnature of charge transport for the given material [12, 2528].A plot of EA versus VG as shown in Fig. 5a for present de-vices also shows a strong V G-dependent EA. As indicatedin Fig. 4a with two distinct slopes give rise to two differentEA over the two T regimes. Between the higher T regime(300170 K), EA of 300 meV are reduced to 100 meV uponapplying V G = 515 V. For the lower T regime (17077 K)a lower EA of 4020 meV is observed. Such an observationof strong V G and T -dependent EA can be explained usinga model which assumes a semiconductor with Fermi level

    AkashSticky Notelinear mobility is greater than saturation mobility





  • MeyerNeldel rule in fullerene field-effect transistors 525Fig. 5 (a) V G-dependent EAevaluated using the data fromFig. 4a in two different rangesof T . (b) Plot of empiricallyfound o verses EA (symbol)and theoretical fit (line) to thedata according to (2)

    closer to the band edge and upon applying V G the Fermilevel moves through the distribution of band tail states. As aresult EA is reduced as reported in the literature [29]. Simi-larly other models can be applied to this observation wheresemiconductor is assumed to have a mobility edge [28].Charge carriers are assumed to have constant mobility abovethe mobility edge. Transport of carriers is trap limited witha distribution of localized states that acts as traps. Upon in-creasing the V G the Fermi level moves up more and moreand trap levels are filled. As a result EA is reduced as thedensity of injected charge carriers are increased above themobility edge [2730].

    Although our studies have shown the V G-dependent EAand subsequent models can be applied to explain the obser-vation, the exact picture of DOS is yet to be investigated.As according to the formalism of MNR, from the plot ofprefactor o and EA provides information of whether thesemiconductor used is having exponential DOS with largenumber of trap states [27, 29, 30]. A plot of empiricallyfound prefactor o against the activation energy is shownin Fig. 5b with a theoretical fit line according to (2) whichgives a straight line indicating that the MNR holds for theFE of C60 based OFETs. On extrapolating the data we canfind the prefactor in (2) MN which gives the same and con-stant value MN = 3.28 cm2 V1 s1 as we can determine itfrom the common crossing point. The device shows strongactivated behavior above 180 K and below this temperaturedevice shows much weaker activated behavior which agreeswith results of Paloheimo et al. [20] where the observationof activated behavior is above 250 K and below 200 K, aweakly activated behavior was observed. The V G depen-dence of field-effect mobility is explained by several mod-els, i.e., polarons-like states [31], VRH model for exponen-tial distribution of traps [8], extended state conduction withMTR model [32, 33], energy barrier at grain boundary [34],and charge concentration effect at insulator-semiconductorinterface [33, 35].

    4 Discussion

    BCB-based C60 OFETs with LiF/Al contact with W/L ra-tio of 57 resulted in well-saturated transistor output char-acteristics as shown in Fig. 1a. As shown in the inset ofFig. 1b, linear characteristics show straight line IV char-acteristics at higher V G which is an indicative of fairly lowcontact resistant. In contrast to this finding, when C60 filmswhich are grown on surface treated SiO2, IV characteris-tics show sigmoidal nature which indicates a larger contactresistance [17, 18]. However, the resistance in BCB-baseddevices also gets larger at lower temperature as reflected inFig. 1b by the nonlinear (sigmoidal type) IV characteristicsat low V D. Transfer characteristics at linear regime as shownin Fig. 2a shows a strong T dependent and large shift of theV th at lower T . Similarly, at saturation regime, a transfercurve with on-off ratio of 105106 with saturated on cur-rent as high as 0.03 A/m at T = 300 K. Plot of V G (orN )-dependent linear FE shows a strong V G and T depen-dence which can be attributed to defect-induced charge trapsin the active semiconducting layer. The basic assumption isthat there is a distribution of localized states close to theband edge. At thermal equilibrium, these states are filled upto the Fermi level. As the absolute V G increase, the Fermilevel gradually moves towards the band edge as results moreof the empty traps become filled due to charge injection. Ac-cordingly the ratio of free to trap carriers increases, so the ef-fective FE increases too. Once the these traps are filled theFE reduction at higher V G is commonly observed which isattributed to the fact that at higher V G the charge carriers aremore close to interface hence more influenced by the interfa-cial roughness and Coulomb interaction with fixed chargesin gate insulator. However, our observation indicates a weakreduction of FE once obtained the trap-filled regime.

    5 Conclusion

    C60 OFETs devices are demonstrated to follow MeyerNeldel formalism with respect to their charge transport prop-

  • 526 M. Ullah et al.

    erties for a selective range of temperature. At low tempera-ture charge transport properties could not be explained byMNR. At lower temperatures lower activation arises whichleads to almost temperature-independent behavior. As such,a detailed model which explains charge transport in bothregimes of temperature will be of further work.

    Acknowledgements We acknowledge G.J. Matt, C. Simbruner,Christoph Lackner, and Nifatamah Makaje for stimulating discussionand helps. Financial support for this work was provided by FWF, theAustrian Foundation for Science and Research (NFN projects S9706and S9711).


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    Meyer-Neldel rule in fullerene field-effect transistorsAbstract1. IntroductionExperimental procedureResultsEvaluation of mobilityTemperature dependence of mobility


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