06-march 24-2011

Cyan Magenta Yellow Black fear of interacting socially, it prevents many people from going down this road. So when therapy is not an option, people with SAD have two methods of seeking help: the first one being self-help books that will teach methods of overcoming SAD (teaching control of the over active thoughts); or there are several Internet forums created so people with SAD can work out their issues with other sufferers and experts without stress and anxiety. So the next time you’re scared of standing in front of that classroom, imagine how much worse it would be to feel like that any time you have to talk with a stranger. Prisoners continued from page 3 otherwise, but by lengthy description. Take for instance, the phrase “How are you?” If it contains the emoticon “:)” for “smile” or “:D” for “big smile” suggests a friendly question while “:(“ for “frown” or “:O” for “sad” and “shock” denote concern for the receiver’s wellbeing. Though I do not use emoticons often, I can see the benefits of using them in certain situations to promote ac- curate communication. An interesting note on emoticons, according to the May 2010 issue of National Geographic Magazine , cultural differences are pronounced in these simple figures. The article “Say it with Parentheses” com- pares eastern (Asian) emoticons with western (Europe, U.S.) emoticons. The eastern symbols focus on the eyes (ex: sad is “(;_;)”) while the western versions are “big- mouthed” (ex: sad is “:(“) this shows what features each culture considers most important to facial communication. Also, some suggest that the sideways forms of the west is due to the efficiency of typing the emoticon compared to the more elaborate eastern emoticon, meaning that westerners are more in a hurry and that time is a bigger factor in the west. Now we come to the part about Lincoln. In 2009, The New York Times discovered something very peculiar in their transcript of a speech given by Lincoln in 1862. The controversial text was, “…you being here yourselves, (ap- plause and laughter ;) and I offer…” see anything unusual? Imbedded in the line is what looks like the emoticon for smiling and winking (“;)”). At first, many thought it was simply a typo, but Vincent Golden, of the American Antiquarian Society, said, “At that time, type was still set piece by piece. So the typesetter would have had to pick up the semicolon and set it in the line then pick up the closed bracket and set it next. My gut feeling is it wasn’t a typo.” Others agreed, saying it would be easier to leave something out than to accidentally add a typo. Still, there are those on the other side of the debate who claim that the printer was running out of brackets (which are used frequently throughout the article) and had to use parentheses while others say it was a typo because the printer mistakenly switched the places of the semi-colon and the parentheses. Though we may dislike emoticons or take them for granted, they are an important part of our society as we adapt to the world of new technology and communica- tion, they are like a whispered apology or a look of contrition for those interacting with people a room or a half a world away. And what of Lincoln? Did the printer of that 1862 address create the first emoticon or was it a simple mistake? The debate rages on, but there is one thing for sure, Lincoln will always be tied to emoticons by at least one string, this: “=]:-)=”. The great man himself is summarized into his own simple emoticon. Emoticons continued from page 3 Logo continued from page 3 Marriage continued from page 3 are a long way off for me. We have a lot of things we’d like to do before committing 18 years to a new life. Besides, Eeyore is enough for us to handle right now. As it turns out, Henry knows as much about what’s good for us (and me) as I do, even though sometimes my ego doesn’t always want to admit it. So I’m trying really hard to be open minded about the plans I’ve always been kind of set on, like when Henry told me we should take a year off school and move to California. At first I was a bit mortified: another year of putting off school, another year before our bachelor’s degrees; this seemed like a very silly idea. But the more we talked about it, the more I understood that this was exactly what I wanted – time to chase my dreams with no strings attached. Henry knew this about me even as I was blinded by what I thought I wanted. The biggest decisions I’ve made in my married life have been very different than what I thought they would be, but just like the decision to spend my life with Henry, I am pleased and excited about all of them. Lying continued from page 3 In order for a program to receive funding, they must develop connections with the authorities that dictate where the funding goes. In order for one to receive a promotion in a job, it may very well come down to who buys the drinks this weekend. It is life. Though we complain and dislike it, we know deep inside, that there isn’t a way to escape it. For instance, in our economy there is a better chance for someone to get a job if they have a connection in the company, rather than cracking open the classifieds and having an immaculate resume. As this is so common, we hardly think of it as politics or playing the game, but it is. To simplify, life is high school, exactly the same, excluding brick walls and mandatory physical education classes. So, to all of the readers that are great politicians, I salute you. To all of the people who are not, I sym- pathize. Those of us that are elitist and feel we are too enlightened to play into the hypocrisy, unfortunately, have some serious struggle ahead of us. Hopefully we are of the small numbers of people that are exceptional in whatever it is we wish to pursue. Otherwise, we better invest in some chap stick for the butt kissing we will need to do in order to survive. man want you? Third and final Key Idea- Don’t act like yourself. Men--(not boys)--can tell when a woman is faking something, (Yes, I just went there). One of my biggest pet peeves is when people try to be someone else around a group of people to gain acceptance. Men don’t want to be around fake people; men don’t want to play games. If you find yourself at home on a Friday night without a date; maybe, just maybe, you’re doing one of the 3 Key Ideas of the pre-emptive no. Let’s go over them again for all my hard of learning friends; If you don’t want a date: 1. Have no Hygiene. 2. Act like a drunken red-neck and drop the “F” bomb every other word. 3. Have no self respect for who you are. There are 3 really key ideas that you can use when trying to get a guy not to ask you out. Just make sure you use them wisely because more than just him maybe watching. In this article you saw me refer to the difference between a “man” and a “boy.” What makes a man is not the money he makes, the car he drives, or any other worldly possession. It’s the ability in our hearts to love our fellow man, or woman. That’s the measure of a man and the main difference between the two. One more thing is bothering me; people calling me names or telling me to shut my mouth. One of the most basic principles of freedom we have is free speech. Free speech is one of the things that separate us from places like Russia and China. Does it bother me that you don’t know me but call me names and tell me to shut my mouth? Yes. Will I call you names or tell you to shut your mouth? Never. I will protect your right to call me names all day and night. This is what America is all about; the freedom to have a different view without being wrong or right and the ability to express those views. So grow up. -James Justice Pre-emptive continued from page 3 The name of the school is now officially Utah State University-Eastern, or USU-Eastern. A name that both recognizes the new, while keeping in touch with its College of Eastern Utah roots. A name that I believe we can all be happy with. So there is no more need to wonder what exactly this college’s name is anymore. Everyone can sleep easy knowing that the merger didn’t strip the school of its identity and leave it nameless and confused. USU-Eastern is a fine name. And those that want to discover some hidden message lying within the new name are probably going to have to work a little harder and be much more creative. Valeria Moncada staff writer [email protected] The Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County is an after school and summer program for ages 6 to 18. The club’s main purpose is to provide a safe place for students to be that is fun and where they can just go to be a kid. The club in Price is a program for teens, currently open and serving stu- dents 13 to 18 years old. “Although, we do hope that in the next couple years we can add the 6-12 year olds to our daily programming,” said McKell Warburton, executive director of Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County. Warburton has been working for the Boys & Girls Club for the past 7 years. Before coming to Price, she worked in Ogden for the Weber-Davis Boys and Girls Club. “When they opened the position here, I applied because one, I love the program; but two, it was the next step for me. I grew up in this area. I knew that there was a need for a positive place for teens, something that they could call their own, something that would keep them away from the things that show up in small towns sometimes,” she said. Warburton wanted to get back home, but she really wanted to help the kids. “I love working with kids, especially the teen population. There wasn’t a lot here and there still isn’t a lot here, but it’s something to keep them busy, I’m excited the Club is here and is open to them, grateful to get the program up and running and continuing to keep it stable for them,” said Warburton. The Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County has been open since Aug. 30, 2010. Although it is new, the pre- planning has been in the works for the last three years. Some clubs across the United States have been around for 50+ years. “I am excited to work on an organization that will last a really long time,” said Warburton. There are 49 members in the Club as of now; there is a goal set to have 100 teens regis- tered into the Club by the end of the school year or even over the summer months. “We have a lot of volunteer opportu- nities and we love our partnership with the Sun Center at the college. We really rely a lot on volunteers,” Warburton said. If anyone is interested they can contact her at 435-613-5766 or e-mail at [email protected]. Applicants must complete an application form, back- ground check and interview. “We have to make sure that everyone is screened and safe to be around the kids. We also work with their current schedules and are open to volunteers coming in anywhere from one hour a week to several hours a week. If any students or community members are interested, we would love to have them,” Warburton said. The biggest accomplishment for the Boys & Girls Club is opening the doors, Warburton was hired in May 2010 and worked over the summer to promote and market the club. “Just getting doors open was a big thing for us,” she said. The daily programs are based off of five core areas: Character & Leader- ship, Edu- cation & Career, Health & Life Skills, the Arts & Sports and Fit - ness & Recreation. Every day the kids get at least one activity from several of these program areas. Every day it’s something new, something different. The club also provides tutors to help the students with school work during the daily Power Hour program. They provide a cooking club to teach basic cooking skills in case they are on their own. They also have art, photography, pottery, a drum circle and club tech, which teaches the basics of a computer. The club has WiseGuys and SmartGirls, which are gender specific awareness programs; Triple Play, and other Sport, Fitness and Recreation activities to try to get its members to be active and healthy. The club tries to do a service project at least once a month. The goal is to teach students to give back to their community. There is also a games room or social recreation where they can relax and play all sorts of games. “We just want them to have fun and be kids. There is a lot of pressure, but it’s nice for them to relax and be kids while they are at club,” said Warburton. Any teen or child can participate. There is a $20 membership fee but the club will work with families if there is an issue in paying the fee. Anyone interested in registering for the club will need to complete an application. Applications are available at the follow- ing schools: Carbon High, Lighthouse Learning Center, Mont Harmon Junior High, Helper Junior High and Pinnacle Canyon Academy. They can also be found in the administrative office for the club which is located at the BDAC in RM 115. The club is held at Mont Harmon Ju- nior High in room 115, Monday through Friday from 3-6 p.m. Transportation is available to and from the club each day. For more information please contact McKell at (435) 613-5766. “I’m excited to be here and appreci- ate the college and the students because they are so willing to work with us and what we do,” Warburton said. without leaving Price,” stated Allen. Most business courses are taught from USU- Logan and offered through interactive broadcast at the Price campus. Thanks to Allen, students have the chance to enroll in face-to-face interac- tion classes. Students interested in pursuing a business degree should speak with Dan Allred, the business adviser. Few students enroll in upper-division business classes on the Price campus. In the past, students have transferred to other colleges or universities around Utah to obtain their bachelor’s in business. Now students have the opportunity to stay. The goal is to see more students achieve their bachelor degrees from USU-Eastern. Opportunities are available constantly for students with business degrees. Allen noted that students will “have the ability to go as far as your ambition and your dedication to hard work is going to take you. There are a lot of employment opportunities in any of the areas. It provides a background for students to be prepared to step into good job opportunities.” It is no longer necessary to transfer to receive this four-year degree and studying at USU-Eastern is cost effective. “Business is really the prime source of employment. It’s oriented toward pre- paring you for a career,” Allen added. Bachelor’s continued from front page if enrollment increases, tuition rev- enue will increase. This also means that if enrollment decreases, money will decrease. As for academic scholarships, two-year scholarships will still be honored according to the original commitment. Peterson reassured students, “We see you as partners. We are eager to do as good a job as we possibly can. We’re eager to save you and your families as much money as much as we can. We’re playing all the angles.” Tuition continued from front page Mosaic of Community Literacy; and Gateways to Empowerment. The accomplishments Bioteau values most are the two adult children she shares with her husband of 37 years. Together they enjoy family, fly-fishing, kayaking, hiking and gardening. The afternoon speaker is Sokol, a national pre- senter, author and Internet radio host of “LIFEChange Live!” She is best known for helping women create and live balanced and beautiful lives. A regular columnist for the Deseret News and Utah Valley Magazine, she is a former host of “Ask a Woman” for Bonneville Communications and TV host for “Standing Up.” She quips that with her left toe she wrote “Are You Ready for a LIFEChange?” and “Life is Too Short for One Hair Color,” as well as numerous talk tapes. She is president of LIFEChange, an online coaching program helping women. She admits that surpassing her passion for LIFEChange, she marinates in time spent with her family consisting of six children and eating decadent treats. Besides speaking at national and local professional and community conferences, she has taught at Utah Valley University’s continuing education, Thanksgiving Point’s LIFEChange series, Brigham Young University’s Educa- tion Week and Best of Especially for Youth. Cost of the conference is $20 and includes lunch. Register online at www.ceu.edu or send a check to USU- CEU Women’s Conference, 451 East 400 North, Price, Utah 84501. For information contact Dr. Susan Polster. Conference continued from front page Boys & Girls Club provides safe environment for teens Care Complex parking $16.3 million. Utah Valley University can bond $40 million for a Student Wellness Building and $8 million for a parking structure. Snow College can bond $15.7 for student housing, WSU (Davis) classroom building $8.4 million, USU Athletics practice facility $7.5 million, Art Barn renovation $2.5 million and Farmington Courthouse $3.9 million. Division of Natural Resources Lee Kay Archery Center $2.3 million and UCAT Administration and Training Building $1.2 million for a total of $228 million. In one-time funding, $2 million was given to USU Animal Sciences, $50,000 for USU’s music department and $500,000 for Southern Utah’s Shakespeare Festival. The legislature approved consolidating funding for the U of U Health Sciences and added $2.3 million in one-time funds. Operating and maintenance funding was given to the U of U Business School Building, USU Agricultural Building, UVU Science/Health Sci- ence Building, Dixie State College¹s Centennial Commons and SLCC¹s Digital Design/Communi- cations and Instructional/Administration Complex. Snubbed continued from front page elementary schools in previous years for his children’s grades. Krum thought that they should expand on this learning experience. Chappell and his anatomy assistants visited grades two through six for Castle Heights, Wellington, Creekview, and Sally Mauro Elementary schools. The first grade class from Castle Heights was also included in the workshop. “I thought that it would be much more beneficial to let small groups of students actually get to see and hold and unfortunately smell the science of anatomy and physiology up close. So each grade was broken down into four groups which then rotated through the tables for 15 minutes each,” Chappell said. USU Eastern students involved were: Trisha Larson, Kelton Wells, Corey Roberts, Daniel Quick, Hannah Lartey, Sheridan Hewitt, Miranda Gold, Kaitlyn Reaves, Laren Kulow, Julie Mathews, Kristie St. Pierre, Jennifer Chiara, Sarah Kenison, Kaitlin Reeves-Taylor and Tanner Hackney. They talked for five to six hours straight each day. “I’m happy we did it. It was a lot of work, but my students held strong,” stated Chappell. Four booths were set-up to display body parts: 1) human brain, sheep brain and cow eye; 2) elk heart, pig heart and sheep heart; 3) plastic torso model for the structure and function of the basic internal organs; and 4) plastic bones. Chappell’s students discussed the anatomy and physiology of certain organs as well as the different regions of the brain that are responsible for personality, higher cognitive processing, thoughts, dreams, the cortical areas responsible for our senses of touch, smell, vision, audition and more. The elementary students reacted positively for the most part. According to Chappell, a few students did not seem to enjoy the workshop; a small percentage became a little sick and light headed; only two threw up; and nobody fainted. There were about 1300 students in all that were able to participate in the demonstrations. “I hope they’ll be more interested in science. We hope we left a good impression. We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback.” They have received e-mails of thanks from parents. According to Chappell, the elementary students learned a lot. “They seemed really interested and asked really great questions.” Chappell expects next year’s subject to be chemistry or physics. They’d like to rotate the subject each year. It was a very positive way to spend spring break. Biology continued from front page On March 11, 2011 the biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began 140 years ago struck the northeast coast, generating a tsunami that swept away everything in its path and killed at least 10,000 people. The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 and the Japanese National Police Agency has officially confirmed 8,805 deaths, 2,628 injured, and 12,664 people missing across eighteen prefectures. 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed. The earthquake and tsunami caused extensive and severe structural damage in Japan, including heavy damage to roads and railways as well as fires in many areas, and a dam collapse. Imagine all of this destruction and devasta- tion going on in your home country; meanwhile you are attending school in another part of the world. This is the scary truth for a few students attending our college. Many of USU Eastern Japanese students have the daily fear of worrying about their family back in Japan. They wonder if they will be ok and they deal with the frustration of not being able to help their country. Yuko Watanabe, a student who attended CEU last year, remained in contact and provided information about her country during the events of the earthquake and tsunami in her country to one of her friends here in Utah. Her story will be in the next Eagle newspaper. Students from Japan discuss their homeland after quake Kristen Zarucchi Mize staff writer March 24, 2011 page 6

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page 6 Mosaic of Community Literacy; and Gateways to Empowerment. The accomplishments Bioteau values most are the two adult children she shares with her husband of 37 years. Together they enjoy family, fly-fishing, kayaking, hiking and gardening. that if enrollment decreases, money will decrease. As for academic scholarships, two-year scholarships will still be honored according to the original commitment. Peterson reassured continued from page 3 continued from page 3 continued from page 3


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Cyan Magenta Yellow Black

page 5

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fear of interacting socially, it prevents many people from going down this road. So when therapy is not an option, people with SAD have two methods of seeking help: the first one being self-help books that will teach methods of overcoming SAD (teaching control of the over active thoughts); or there are several Internet forums created so people with SAD can work out their issues with other sufferers and experts without stress and anxiety.

So the next time you’re scared of standing in front of that classroom, imagine how much worse it would be to feel like that any time you have to talk with a stranger.

Prisonerscontinued from page 3

otherwise, but by lengthy description. Take for instance, the phrase “How are you?” If it contains the emoticon “:)” for “smile” or “:D” for “big smile” suggests a friendly question while “:(“ for “frown” or “:O” for “sad” and “shock” denote concern for the receiver’s wellbeing.

Though I do not use emoticons often, I can see the benefits of using them in certain situations to promote ac-curate communication. An interesting note on emoticons, according to the May 2010 issue of National Geographic Magazine, cultural differences are pronounced in these simple figures. The article “Say it with Parentheses” com-pares eastern (Asian) emoticons with western (Europe, U.S.) emoticons. The eastern symbols focus on the eyes (ex: sad is “(;_;)”) while the western versions are “big-mouthed” (ex: sad is “:(“) this shows what features each culture considers most important to facial communication. Also, some suggest that the sideways forms of the west is due to the efficiency of typing the emoticon compared to the more elaborate eastern emoticon, meaning that westerners are more in a hurry and that time is a bigger factor in the west.

Now we come to the part about Lincoln. In 2009, The New York Times discovered something very peculiar in their transcript of a speech given by Lincoln in 1862. The

controversial text was, “…you being here yourselves, (ap-plause and laughter ;) and I offer…” see anything unusual? Imbedded in the line is what looks like the emoticon for smiling and winking (“;)”).

At first, many thought it was simply a typo, but Vincent Golden, of the American Antiquarian Society, said, “At that time, type was still set piece by piece. So the typesetter would have had to pick up the semicolon and set it in the line then pick up the closed bracket and set it next. My gut feeling is it wasn’t a typo.” Others agreed, saying it would be easier to leave something out than to accidentally add a typo. Still, there are those on the other side of the debate who claim that the printer was running out of brackets (which are used frequently throughout the article) and had to use parentheses while others say it was a typo because the printer mistakenly switched the places of the semi-colon and the parentheses.

Though we may dislike emoticons or take them for granted, they are an important part of our society as we adapt to the world of new technology and communica-tion, they are like a whispered apology or a look of contrition for those interacting with people a room or a half a world away.

And what of Lincoln? Did the printer of that 1862 address create the first emoticon or was it a simple mistake? The debate rages on, but there is one thing for sure, Lincoln will always be tied to emoticons by at least one string, this: “=]:-)=”. The great man himself is summarized into his own simple emoticon.

Emoticonscontinued from page 3

Logocontinued from page 3

Marriagecontinued from page 3are a long way off for me. We have a lot of things we’d like to do before committing 18 years to a new life. Besides, Eeyore is enough for us to handle right now.

As it turns out, Henry knows as much about what’s good for us (and me) as I do, even though sometimes my ego doesn’t always want to admit it. So I’m trying really hard to be open minded about the plans I’ve always been kind of set on, like when Henry told me we should take a year off school and move to California. At first I was a bit mortified: another year of putting off school, another year before our bachelor’s degrees; this seemed like a very silly idea. But the more we talked about it, the more I understood that this was exactly what I wanted – time to chase my dreams with no strings attached. Henry knew this about me even as I was blinded by what I thought I wanted.

The biggest decisions I’ve made in my married life have been very different than what I thought they would be, but just like the decision to spend my life with Henry, I am pleased and excited about all of them.

Lyingcontinued from page 3

In order for a program to receive funding, they must develop connections with the authorities that dictate where the funding goes.

In order for one to receive a promotion in a job, it may very well come down to who buys the drinks this weekend.

It is life. Though we complain and dislike it, we know deep

inside, that there isn’t a way to escape it. For instance, in our economy there is a better chance for someone to get a job if they have a connection in the company, rather than cracking open the classifieds and having an immaculate resume.

As this is so common, we hardly think of it as politics or playing the game, but it is. To simplify, life is high school, exactly the same, excluding brick walls and mandatory physical education classes.

So, to all of the readers that are great politicians, I salute you. To all of the people who are not, I sym-pathize. Those of us that are elitist and feel we are too enlightened to play into the hypocrisy, unfortunately, have some serious struggle ahead of us. Hopefully we are of the small numbers of people that are exceptional in whatever it is we wish to pursue. Otherwise, we better invest in some chap stick for the butt kissing we will need to do in order to survive.

man want you?Third and final Key Idea- Don’t act like

yourself. Men--(not boys)--can tell when a woman is faking something, (Yes, I just went there). One of my biggest pet peeves is when people try to be someone else around a group of people to gain acceptance. Men don’t want to be around fake people; men don’t want to play games.

If you find yourself at home on a Friday night without a date; maybe, just maybe, you’re doing one of the 3 Key Ideas of the pre-emptive no. Let’s go over them again for all my hard of learning friends;

If you don’t want a date: 1. Have no Hygiene. 2. Act like a drunken red-neck and drop

the “F” bomb every other word. 3. Have no self respect for who you are. There are 3 really key ideas that you

can use when trying to get a guy not to ask you out. Just make sure you use them

wisely because more than just him maybe watching.

In this article you saw me refer to the difference between a “man” and a “boy.” What makes a man is not the money he makes, the car he drives, or any other worldly possession. It’s the ability in our hearts to love our fellow man, or woman. That’s the measure of a man and the main difference between the two.

One more thing is bothering me; people calling me names or telling me to shut my mouth. One of the most basic principles

of freedom we have is free speech. Free speech is one of the things that separate us from places like Russia and China. Does it bother me that you don’t know me but call me names and tell me to shut my mouth? Yes. Will I call you names or tell you to shut your mouth? Never. I will protect your right to call me names all day and night. This is what America is all about; the freedom to have a different view without being wrong or right and the ability to express those views. So grow up.

-James Justice

Pre-emptivecontinued from page 3

The name of the school is now officially Utah State University-Eastern, or USU-Eastern. A name that both recognizes the new, while keeping in touch with its College of Eastern Utah roots. A name that I believe we can all be happy with.

So there is no more need to wonder what exactly this college’s name is anymore. Everyone can sleep easy knowing that the merger didn’t strip the school of its identity and leave it nameless and confused.

USU-Eastern is a fine name. And those that want to discover some hidden message lying within the new name are probably going to have to work a little harder and be much more creative.

Valeria Moncadastaff writer

[email protected]

The Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County is an after school and summer program for ages 6 to 18. The club’s main purpose is to provide a safe place for students to be that is fun and where they can just go to be a kid.

The club in Price is a program for teens, currently open and serving stu-dents 13 to 18 years old. “Although, we do hope that in the next couple years we can add the 6-12 year olds to our daily programming,” said McKell Warburton, executive director of Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County.

Warburton has been working for the Boys & Girls Club for the past 7 years. Before coming to Price, she worked in Ogden for the Weber-Davis Boys and Girls Club. “When they opened the position here, I applied because one, I love the program; but two, it was the next step for me. I grew up in this area. I knew that there was a need for a positive place for teens, something that they could call their own, something that would keep them away from the things that show up in small towns sometimes,” she said. Warburton wanted to get back home, but she really wanted to help the kids.

“I love working with kids, especially the teen population. There wasn’t a lot here and there still isn’t a lot here, but it’s something to keep them busy, I’m excited the Club is here and is open to

them, grateful to get the program up and running and continuing to keep it stable for them,” said Warburton.

The Boys & Girls Club of Carbon County has been open since Aug. 30, 2010. Although it is new, the pre-planning has been in the works for the last three years. Some clubs across the United States have been around for 50+ years. “I am excited to work on an organization that will last a really long time,” said Warburton.

There are 49 members in the Club as of now; there is a goal set to have 100 teens regis-tered into the Club by the end of the school year or even over the summer months.

“We have a lot of volunteer opportu-nities and we love our partnership with the Sun Center at the college. We really rely a lot on volunteers,” Warburton said. If anyone is interested they can contact her at 435-613-5766 or e-mail at [email protected]. Applicants must complete an application form, back-ground check and interview. “We have to make sure that everyone is screened and safe to be around the kids. We also work with their current schedules and are

open to volunteers coming in anywhere from one hour a week to several hours a week. If any students or community members are interested, we would love to have them,” Warburton said.

The biggest accomplishment for the Boys & Girls Club is opening the doors, Warburton was hired in May 2010 and worked over the summer to promote and market the club. “Just getting doors open was a big thing for us,” she said.

The daily programs are based off of five core a r e a s : Character & Leader-ship, Edu-cation & C a r e e r , H e a l t h & L i fe S k i l l s , the Arts & Sports and Fit-

ness & Recreation. Every day the kids get at least one activity from several of these program areas. Every day it’s something new, something different. The club also provides tutors to help the students with school work during the daily Power Hour program. They provide a cooking club to teach basic cooking skills in case they are on their own.

They also have art, photography, pottery, a drum circle and club tech, which teaches the basics of a computer. The club has WiseGuys and SmartGirls,

which are gender specific awareness programs; Triple Play, and other Sport, Fitness and Recreation activities to try to get its members to be active and healthy.

The club tries to do a service project at least once a month. The goal is to teach students to give back to their community. There is also a games room or social recreation where they can relax and play all sorts of games. “We just want them to have fun and be kids. There is a lot of pressure, but it’s nice for them to relax and be kids while they are at club,” said Warburton.

Any teen or child can participate. There is a $20 membership fee but the club will work with families if there is an issue in paying the fee. Anyone interested in registering for the club will need to complete an application. Applications are available at the follow-ing schools: Carbon High, Lighthouse Learning Center, Mont Harmon Junior High, Helper Junior High and Pinnacle Canyon Academy. They can also be found in the administrative office for the club which is located at the BDAC in RM 115.

The club is held at Mont Harmon Ju-nior High in room 115, Monday through Friday from 3-6 p.m. Transportation is available to and from the club each day. For more information please contact McKell at (435) 613-5766.

“I’m excited to be here and appreci-ate the college and the students because they are so willing to work with us and what we do,” Warburton said.

without leaving Price,” stated Allen. Most business courses are taught from USU-

Logan and offered through interactive broadcast at the Price campus. Thanks to Allen, students have the chance to enroll in face-to-face interac-tion classes. Students interested in pursuing a business degree should speak with Dan Allred, the business adviser.

Few students enroll in upper-division business classes on the Price campus. In the past, students have transferred to other colleges or universities around Utah to obtain their bachelor’s in business. Now students have the opportunity to stay. The goal is to see more students achieve their bachelor degrees from USU-Eastern.

Opportunities are available constantly for students with business degrees. Allen noted that students will “have the ability to go as far as your ambition and your dedication to hard work is going to take you. There are a lot of employment opportunities in any of the areas. It provides a background for students to be prepared to step into good job opportunities.”

It is no longer necessary to transfer to receive this four-year degree and studying at USU-Eastern is cost effective. “Business is really the prime source of employment. It’s oriented toward pre-paring you for a career,” Allen added.

Bachelor’scontinued from front page

if enrollment increases, tuition rev-enue will increase. This also means

that if enrollment decreases, money will decrease.

As for academic scholarships, two-year scholarships will still be honored according to the original commitment. Peterson reassured

students, “We see you as partners. We are eager to do as good a job as we possibly can. We’re eager to save you and your families as much money as much as we can. We’re playing all the angles.”

Tuitioncontinued from front page

Mosaic of Community Literacy; and Gateways to Empowerment.

The accomplishments Bioteau values most are the two adult children she shares with her husband of 37 years. Together they enjoy family, fly-fishing, kayaking, hiking and gardening.

The afternoon speaker is Sokol, a national pre-senter, author and Internet radio host of “LIFEChange Live!” She is best known for helping women create and live balanced and beautiful lives.

A regular columnist for the Deseret News and Utah Valley Magazine, she is a former host of “Ask a Woman” for Bonneville Communications and TV

host for “Standing Up.” She quips that with her left toe she wrote “Are You Ready for a LIFEChange?” and “Life is Too Short for One Hair Color,” as well as numerous talk tapes. She is president of LIFEChange, an online coaching program helping women.

She admits that surpassing her passion for LIFEChange, she marinates in time spent with her family consisting of six children and eating decadent treats.

Besides speaking at national and local professional and community conferences, she has taught at Utah Valley University’s continuing education, Thanksgiving Point’s LIFEChange series, Brigham Young University’s Educa-tion Week and Best of Especially for Youth.

Cost of the conference is $20 and includes lunch. Register online at www.ceu.edu or send a check to USU-CEU Women’s Conference, 451 East 400 North, Price, Utah 84501. For information contact Dr. Susan Polster.

Conferencecontinued from front page

Boys & Girls Club provides safe environment for teens

Care Complex parking $16.3 million.Utah Valley University can bond $40 million

for a Student Wellness Building and $8 million for a parking structure. Snow College can bond $15.7 for student housing, WSU (Davis) classroom building $8.4 million, USU Athletics practice facility $7.5 million, Art Barn renovation $2.5 million and Farmington Courthouse $3.9 million.

Division of Natural Resources Lee Kay Archery Center $2.3 million and UCAT Administration and Training Building $1.2 million for a total of $228 million.

In one-time funding, $2 million was given to USU Animal Sciences, $50,000 for USU’s music department and $500,000 for Southern Utah’s Shakespeare Festival.

The legislature approved consolidating funding for the U of U Health Sciences and added $2.3 million in one-time funds.

Operating and maintenance funding was given to the U of U Business School Building, USU Agricultural Building, UVU Science/Health Sci-ence Building, Dixie State College¹s Centennial Commons and SLCC¹s Digital Design/Communi-cations and Instructional/Administration Complex.

Snubbedcontinued from front page

elementary schools in previous years for his children’s grades. Krum thought that they should expand on this learning experience.

Chappell and his anatomy assistants visited grades two through six for Castle Heights, Wellington, Creekview, and Sally Mauro Elementary schools. The first grade class from Castle Heights was also included in the workshop.

“I thought that it would be much more beneficial to let small groups of students actually get to see and hold and unfortunately smell the science of anatomy and physiology up close. So each grade was broken down into four groups which then rotated through the

tables for 15 minutes each,” Chappell said.USU Eastern students involved were: Trisha Larson,

Kelton Wells, Corey Roberts, Daniel Quick, Hannah Lartey, Sheridan Hewitt, Miranda Gold, Kaitlyn Reaves, Laren Kulow, Julie Mathews, Kristie St. Pierre, Jennifer Chiara, Sarah Kenison, Kaitlin Reeves-Taylor and Tanner Hackney. They talked for five to six hours straight each day. “I’m happy we did it. It was a lot of work, but my students held strong,” stated Chappell.

Four booths were set-up to display body parts: 1) human brain, sheep brain and cow eye; 2) elk heart, pig heart and sheep heart; 3) plastic torso model for the structure and function of the basic internal organs; and 4) plastic bones. Chappell’s students discussed the anatomy and physiology of certain organs as well as the different regions of the brain that are responsible for personality, higher cognitive processing, thoughts,

dreams, the cortical areas responsible for our senses of touch, smell, vision, audition and more.

The elementary students reacted positively for the most part. According to Chappell, a few students did not seem to enjoy the workshop; a small percentage became a little sick and light headed; only two threw up; and nobody fainted. There were about 1300 students in all that were able to participate in the demonstrations.

“I hope they’ll be more interested in science. We hope we left a good impression. We’ve heard a lot of positive feedback.” They have received e-mails of thanks from parents. According to Chappell, the elementary students learned a lot. “They seemed really interested and asked really great questions.”

Chappell expects next year’s subject to be chemistry or physics. They’d like to rotate the subject each year. It was a very positive way to spend spring break.

Biologycontinued from front page

On March 11, 2011 the biggest earthquake to hit Japan since records began 140 years ago struck the northeast coast, generating a tsunami that swept away everything in its path and killed at least 10,000 people.

The earthquake had a magnitude of 9.0 and the Japanese National Police Agency has officially confirmed 8,805 deaths, 2,628 injured, and 12,664 people missing across eighteen prefectures. 125,000 buildings damaged or destroyed. The earthquake and tsunami caused extensive and severe structural damage in Japan, including heavy damage to roads and railways as well as fires in many areas, and a dam collapse.

Imagine all of this destruction and devasta-tion going on in your home country; meanwhile you are attending school in another part of the world. This is the scary truth for a few students attending our college.

Many of USU Eastern Japanese students have the daily fear of worrying about their family back in Japan. They wonder if they will be ok and they deal with the frustration of not being able to help their country.

Yuko Watanabe, a student who attended CEU last year, remained in contact and provided information about her country during the events of the earthquake and tsunami in her country to one of her friends here in Utah.

Her story will be in the next Eagle newspaper.

Students from Japan discuss their homeland after quake

Kristen Zarucchi Mize staff writer

March 24, 2011page 6