003. details of how veloptive processes works

A Veloptive process/Velopt, a process running on a computer. The process is based on an input/start and “expounds/expands the informa- tion”. Based on the input/start (which you enter in the machine) (Data/rules about how the process will take place), develops the topic/subject itself. The course is developed by having, on the basis of short (perhaps visually designed) regulations. The rule regulations contain knowledge concerning Structure-Based function theory. So: Some short rules, which describes basic shapes, and to some extent: Density. Anyway the rules softness, hardness, and concave/round- ings, and convex/sharpness. And how it behaves in the room. This is not one program people are going to sit in front to use. This program will run on giant server computers . Note: I have no understanding of how much Veloptive code, is possible for an average machine, to Velopt. Anyway: The machines will, super fast; go through the process, of how the code operates as a 3DSoftware/Acts as live 3D//My new concept: Real Life StructaFunctionDeveloping/Coding (Maybe it’s easier if all functions are encoded into one common programming language). In this language, you can: visually sculpture: Code/StructaFunctions. The infliction network around code snippets, operates in one 3D land- scape. Each code-data/StructaFunction affect the classification of StructaFunction‘s, it indicated that it will affect, and in what setting/when it will be affected on the regulations, and the regulationmentprocess/the Veloptive process. This is not a software i concider, in near time will complete a Veloptive process, or continually achieves, to operate as to enter something and get up all the information about the input. The program must be able to stand on machines specially designed for “Maintaining a constant relationship in the room, or in one take”. Or make a “Basic Understanding Of Time = Space Velopt“, to the extent of “whether one universal symbol/visual mapping of contents may include logical understanding“. A formula for this, today, for most of us, a basic formula: Method to arrive at something. To make an assumption. Finally, if you have a good enough formula within the field, you will achieve a trance where you “exist in space inside/outside“//Have a specific idea around the thought/function that “Time is Space“, and operate as “ God in space“, where one in trance, understand the word “influence“ , and has a general idea about what is going on around reactions that can occur historically, or in the shape of reactions in one math. Structure Features/StructaFunction. When you are in such a trance, often work with long-term projects in the field/mindset, I try to explain to you, working with scientists annual method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method): This is done by proving/disproving a theory/setting you have on the basis of previous understanding, and perhaps for the development of other theories/settings/Structure Functions/StructaFunc- tions. If you have the resources, and knowledge you need, there are no limits to what you can develop. I have now, since: http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=152092 4 & p = 20873326, tried to explain, by appropriate educational and creatively stimulating input from people like Geir Gru- som. I have explained: One method to achieve what the program I describe in the first post, does. - New summaries and plan for further work. About: Velopt. The written de- scription of how a Velop- tive process works.

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Page 1: 003. Details of how Veloptive processes works

A Veloptive process/Velopt, a process running on a computer. The process is based on an input/start and “expounds/expands the informa-

tion”. Based on the input/start (which you enter in the machine) (Data/rules about how the process will take place), develops the topic/subject

itself. The course is developed by having, on the basis of short (perhaps visually designed) regulations. The rule regulations contain knowledge

concerning Structure-Based function theory.

So: Some short rules, which describes basic shapes, and to some extent: Density. Anyway the rules softness, hardness, and concave/round-

ings, and convex/sharpness. And how it behaves in the room. This is not one program people are going to sit in front to use. This program will

run on giant server computers . Note: I have no understanding of how much Veloptive code, is possible for an average machine, to Velopt.

Anyway: The machines will, super fast; go through the process, of how the code operates as a 3DSoftware/Acts as live 3D//My new concept:

Real Life StructaFunctionDeveloping/Coding (Maybe it’s easier if all functions are encoded into one common programming language).

In this language, you can: visually sculpture: Code/StructaFunctions. The infliction network around code snippets, operates in one 3D land-

scape. Each code-data/StructaFunction affect the classification of StructaFunction‘s, it indicated that it will affect, and in what setting/when it will

be affected on the regulations, and the regulationmentprocess/the Veloptive process. This is not a software i concider, in near time will complete

a Veloptive process, or continually achieves, to operate as to enter something and get up all the information about the input.

The program must be able to stand on machines specially designed for “Maintaining a constant relationship in the room, or in one take”. Or

make a “Basic Understanding Of Time = Space Velopt“, to the extent of “whether one universal symbol/visual mapping of contents may include

logical understanding“. A formula for this, today, for most of us, a basic formula: Method to arrive at something. To make an assumption.

Finally, if you have a good enough formula within the field, you will achieve a trance where you “exist in space inside/outside“//Have a specific

idea around the thought/function that “Time is Space“, and operate as “ God in space“, where one in trance, understand the word “influence“ ,

and has a general idea about what is going on around reactions that can occur historically, or in the shape of reactions in one math.

Structure Features/StructaFunction. When you are in such a trance, often work with long-term projects in the field/mindset, I try to explain to

you, working with scientists annual method (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_method): This is done by proving/disproving a theory/setting

you have on the basis of previous understanding, and perhaps for the development of other theories/settings/Structure Functions/StructaFunc-

tions. If you have the resources, and knowledge you need, there are no limits to what you can develop.

I have now, since: http://www.diskusjon.no/index.php?showtopic=152092 4 & p = 20873326, tried to explain, by appropriate educational and creatively stimulating input from people like Geir Gru-som. I have explained: One method to achieve what the program I describe in the first post, does.


New summaries and plan for further work. About: Velopt. The written de-scription of how a Velop-tive process works.

Page 2: 003. Details of how Veloptive processes works

I’m trying to develop a software through a universal formula/universal recipe for a Scientifically Excellent method, which will contain formulas

that describes the functions, operating as tools for processes within the scientific method regarding processing and categorization of information,

eg. a language. We can set the software to run all the possible outcomes of PROCESSING. Again: Of different outcomes of tools that deal with

different outcomes of the features that can be compared to the current existing words. Then you will, after a period of time, varying depending

on how long it takes for a computer to develop this.

Let’s say I go through a Veloptive phase again, where I write all the weird things that can contribute to the next step in the process, with the goal

to reach the experience, a software in the long term, have developed all understanding around all the different combinations of reasons, former

in a 3D image, and then set the same way, in 2D, in forms of symbols, which symbolizes by a language that is based on rules that come the

SymbolFunctionRuleSetting: Velopt to be different compositions of geometric basic shapes in 3D experiments, where each 3D image experi-

ment, equals one such symbol. in: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voxel, just much larger and more detailed descriptive and inclusive a variable

rules softness/hardness and concave/convex.

-But wait a second! Lets say, i read the heading: Scientists Identify Molecules in the Ear that Convert Sound into Brain Signals, and swap the

words: “Brain Signals”, and “Sound”, it will then, be natural to archive the teachings, known as: Telekinesis. Telekinesis may be the key to even

more advanced mind-features. Like the ability to duplicate, and work with several brains. I, who have schitzofrenia, know these abilitys, among

with many other tricks. These abilitys are part of what has made me able to develop Velopt.


The understanding of multiple atom’s dances, and the fact that the heading in a text, opens for: Space. This science suggests there is a minimal

particle. The Higgins particle/Gods particle. I have contact with such particles, and they tell me: Like something exists, as the smallest in space,

there is also a ultimate Veloptive symbol/formula/driving answer. I dont think we need to run bruteforce-processes, in order to define: Veloptive


I can see similarities between the foundry to develop a Veloptive process, and the ultimate: Veloptive symbol. Like the process has been given

the task, to develop: Ultimate Veloptive symbols. Based on earlier Velopted symbols, coming from defined inputs and outputs, set up against

each other. Inputs and outputs defined as correct, Veloptively.


The alphabet is founded through history, like this: The knowledge about structure based function-theory, which is a result of tons, of histories/ex-

pressions about settings, which over the years as the deatails have been forgotten, gets interprented in the shape of different: “Living Structure

Functions”, which may be performed by: “Setting a trap for a process, yet force forth some result”. Likely the same result, which comes from a

“trick, who proves the impossible”.

This may bring you to the teachings about “cheating” learning-processes/skipping, or fast-forwarding in learning processes/do magic/have a

talent or a gift.

A particullary specially chosen, Roman: Visual geniouses and artists, have, been picked out to draw the alphabet, based on general knowledge/

knowledge of general learning about how to maintain knowledge. For examble by only looking at fractals, or reading the text: Time = Space.

“Learn by playing-tasks”.

This is why i believe the alphabet, among with many other aids, can be helpful in the development of Velopt.

If you now have understood, general Veloptive teachings, you might be able to see the software, stripped down to a few simple tasks. Ie. the

software will run smoothly, without needing any significant amounts of hardware power.