001-071 civil procedure

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  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure



    Promulgated by the Supreme Court of the Philippine

    Effe!ti"e #anuary $% $&'(


    Rule $ to )$

    Too, effe!t on #uly $% $&&)% in a!!ordan!e -ith the reolution in .ar /atter No0 123 adopted by the Supreme Court in .aguio

    City on 4pril 1% $&&)

    Puruant to the pro"iion of Se!tion 5 paragraph 5 of 4rti!le 1 of the Contitution% the Supreme Court hereby adopt and

    promulgate the follo-ing rule !on!erning the prote!tion and enfor!ement of !ontitutional right% pleading% pra!ti!e and

    pro!edure in all !ourt% the admiion to the pra!ti!e of la-% the Integrated .ar% and legal aitan!e to the underpri"ileged6

    RULE $


    Se!tion $0 Title of the Rule0

    Thee Rule hall be ,no-n and !ited a the Rule of Court0

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    Se!tion0 80 In -hat !ourt appli!able0

    Thee Rule hall apply in all the !ourt% e9!ept a other-ie pro"ided by the Supreme Court0

    Se!tion 30 Cae go"erned0

    Thee Rule hall go"ern the pro!edure to be ober"ed in a!tion% !i"il or !riminal% and pe!ial pro!eeding0

    :a; 4 !i"il a!tion i one by -hi!h a party ue another for the enfor!ement or prote!tion of a right% or the pre"ention or

    redre of a -rong0

    4 !i"il a!tion may either be ordinary or pe!ial0 .oth are go"erned by the rule for ordinary !i"il a!tion% ub

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    Thee Rule hall be liberally !ontrued in order to promote their ob

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    4 party may in one pleading aert% in the alternati"e or other-ie% a many !aue of a!tion a he may ha"e againt an

    oppoing party% ub

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    4 real party in interet i the party -ho tand to be benefited or in

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    4 ne!eary party i one -ho i not indipenable but -ho ought to be

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    @here the plaintiff i un!ertain againt -ho of e"eral peron he i entitled to relief% he may

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    @hen a publi! offi!er i a party in an a!tion in hi offi!ial !apa!ity and during it penden!y die% reign% or other-ie

    !eae to hold offi!e% the a!tion may be !ontinued and maintained by or againt hi u!!eor if% -ithin thirty :32; day after

    the u!!eor ta,e offi!e or u!h time a may be granted by the !ourt% it i atifa!torily ho-n to the !ourt by any party that

    there i a ubtantial need for !ontinuing or maintaining it and that the u!!eor adopt or !ontinue or threaten to adopt or

    !ontinue the a!tion of hi prede!eor0 .efore a ubtitution i made% the party or offi!er to be affe!ted% unle e9prely

    aenting thereto% hall be gi"en reaonable noti!e of the appli!ation therefor and a!!orded an opportunity to be heard0

    Se!tion $10 In!ompeten!y or in!apa!ity0

    If a party be!ome in!ompetent or in!apa!itated% the !ourt% upon motion -ith noti!e% may allo- the a!tion to be

    !ontinued by or againt the in!ompetent or in!apa!itated peron aited by hi legal guardian or guardian ad litem0

    Se!tion $&0 Tranfer of interet0

    In !ae of any tranfer of interet% the a!tion may be !ontinued by or againt the original party% unle the !ourt upon

    motion dire!t the peron to -hom the interet i tranferred to be ubtituted in the a!tion or

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    property% the proper do!,et and other la-ful fee hall be aeed and !olle!ted by the !ler, of !ourt0 If payment i not made

    -ithin the time fi9ed by the !ourt% e9e!ution hall iue for the payment thereof% -ithout pre

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    Se!tion (0 @hen Rule not appli!able0

    Thi Rule hall not apply6

    :a; In thoe !ae -here a pe!ifi! rule or la- pro"ide other-ie? or

    :b; @here the partie ha"e "alidly agreed in -riting before the filing of the a!tion on the e9!lui"e "enue thereof0

    RULE 5


    Se!tion $0 Uniform pro!edure0

    The pro!edure in the /uni!ipal Trial Court hall be the ame a in the Regional Trial Court% e9!ept :a; -here a

    parti!ular pro"iion e9prely or impliedly applie only to either of aid !ourt% or :b; in !i"il !ae go"erned by the Rule on

    Summary Pro!edure0

    Se!tion 80 /eaning of term0

    The term A/uni!ipal Trial CourtA a ued in thee Rule hall in!lude /etropolitan Trial Court% /uni!ipal Trial

    Court in Citie% /uni!ipal Trial Court% and /uni!ipal Cir!uit Trial Court0


    DRule ' to 3&

    RULE '

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    Se!tion $0 Pleading defined0

    Pleading are the -ritten tatement of the repe!ti"e !laim and defene of the partie ubmitted to the !ourt for


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    +efene may either be negati"e or affirmati"e0

    :a; 4 negati"e defene i the pe!ifi! denial of the material fa!t or fa!t alleged in the pleading of the !laimant eential to

    hi !aue or !aue of a!tion0

    :b; 4n affirmati"e defene i an allegation of a ne- matter -hi!h% -hile hypotheti!ally admitting the material allegation in

    the pleading of the !laimant% -ould ne"erthele pre"ent or bar re!o"ery by him0 The affirmati"e defene in!lude fraud%

    tatute of limitation% releae% payment% illegality% tatute of fraud% etoppel% former re!o"ery% di!harge in ban,rupt!y% and

    any other matter by -ay of !onfeion and a"oidan!e0

    Se!tion '0 Counter!laim0

    4 !ounter!laim i any !laim -hi!h a defending party may ha"e againt an oppoing party0

    Se!tion )0 Compulory !ounter!laim0

    4 !ompulory !ounter!laim i one -hi!h% being !ogni=able by the regular !ourt of

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    4 !ounter!laim may be aerted againt an original !ounterB!laimant0

    4 !roB!laim may alo be filed againt an original !roB!laimant0

    Se!tion $20 Reply0

    4 reply i a pleading% the offi!e or fun!tion of -hi!h i to deny% or allege fa!t in denial or a"oidan!e of ne- matter alleged

    by -ay of defene in the an-er and thereby

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    RULE )

    P4RTS OF 4 PLE4+IN7

    Se!tion $0 Caption0

    The !aption et forth the name of the !ourt% the title of the a!tion% and the do!,et number if aigned0

    The title of the a!tion indi!ate the name of the partie0 They hall all be named in the original !omplaint or petition? but

    in ubeuent pleading% it hall be uffi!ient if the name of the firt party on ea!h ide be tated -ith an appropriate

    indi!ation -hen there are other partie0

    Their repe!ti"e parti!ipation in the !ae hall be indi!ated0

    Se!tion 80 The body0

    The body of the pleading et forth it deignation% the allegation of the partyG !laim or defene% the relief prayed for%

    and the date of the pleading0

    :a; Paragraph0 B The allegation in the body of a pleading hall be di"ided into paragraph o numbered a to be readily

    identified% ea!h of -hi!h hall !ontain a tatement of a ingle et of !ir!umtan!e o far a that !an be done -ith

    !on"enien!e0 4 paragraph may be referred to by it number in all u!!eeding pleading0

    :b; Heading0 B @hen t-o or more !aue of a!tion are

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    :!; Relief0 B The pleading hall pe!ify the relief ought% but it may add a general prayer for u!h further or other relief a

    may be deemed

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    The plaintiff or prin!ipal party hall !ertify under oath in the !omplaint or other initiatory pleading aerting a !laim for

    relief% or in a -orn !ertifi!ation anne9ed thereto and imultaneouly filed there-ith6 :a; that he ha not theretofore

    !ommen!ed any a!tion or filed any !laim in"ol"ing the ame iue in any !ourt% tribunal or uaiB

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    Se!tion 30 Condition pre!edent0

    In any pleading a general a"erment of the performan!e or o!!urren!e of all !ondition pre!edent hall be uffi!ient0

    Se!tion (0 Capa!ity0

    Fa!t ho-ing the !apa!ity of a party to ue or be ued or the authority of a party to ue or be ued in a repreentati"e

    !apa!ity or the legal e9iten!e of an organi=ed ao!iation of peron that i made a party% mut be a"erred0 4 party deiring to

    raie an iue a to the legal e9iten!e of any party or the !apa!ity of any party to ue or be ued in a repreentati"e !apa!ity%

    hall do o by pe!ifi! denial% -hi!h hall in!lude u!h upporting parti!ular a are pe!uliarly -ithin the pleaderG


    Se!tion 50 Fraud% mita,e% !ondition of the mind0

    In all a"erment of fraud or mita,e% the !ir!umtan!e !ontituting fraud or mita,e mut be tated -ith parti!ularity0

    /ali!e% intent% ,no-ledge or other !ondition of the mind of a peron may be a"erred generally0

    Se!tion '0 #udgment0

    In pleading a

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    Se!tion 10 Ho- to !ontet u!h do!ument0

    @hen an a!tion or defene i founded upon a -ritten intrument% !opied in or atta!hed to the !orreponding pleading a

    pro"ided in the pre!eding e!tion% the genuinene and due e9e!ution of the intrument hall be deemed admitted unle the

    ad"ere party% under oath% pe!ifi!ally denie them% and et forth -hat he !laim to be the fa!t? but the reuirement of an

    oath doe not apply -hen the ad"ere party doe not appear to be a party to the intrument or -hen !omplian!e -ith an order

    for an inpe!tion of the original intrument i refued0

    Se!tion &0 Offi!ial do!ument or a!t0

    In pleading an offi!ial do!ument or offi!ial a!t% it i uffi!ient to a"er that the do!ument -a iued or the a!t done in

    !omplian!e -ith la-0

    Se!tion $20 Spe!ifi! denial0

    4 defendant mut pe!ify ea!h material allegation of fa!t the truth of -hi!h he doe not admit and% -hene"er pra!ti!able%

    hall et forth the ubtan!e of the matter upon -hi!h he relie to upport hi denial0 @here a defendant deire to deny onlya part of an a"erment% he hall pe!ify o mu!h of it a i true and material and hall deny only the remainder0 @here a

    defendant i -ithout ,no-ledge or information uffi!ient to form a belief a to the truth of a material a"erment made in the

    !omplaint% he hall o tate% and thi hall ha"e the effe!t of a denial0

    Se!tion $$0 4llegation not pe!ifi!ally denied deemed admitted0

    /aterial a"erment in the !omplaint% other than thoe a to the amount of unliuidated damage% hall be deemed admitted

    -hen not pe!ifi!ally denied0 4llegation of uury in a !omplaint to re!o"er uuriou interet are deemed admitted if notdenied under oath0

    Se!tion $80 Stri,ing out of pleading or matter !ontained therein0

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    Upon motion made by a party before reponding to a pleading or% if no reponi"e pleading i permitted by thee Rule%

    upon motion made by a party -ithin t-enty :82; day after the er"i!e of the pleading upon him% or upon the !ourtG o-n

    initiati"e at any time% the !ourt may order any pleading to be tri!,en out or that any ham or fale% redundant% immaterial%

    impertinent% or !andalou matter be tri!,en out therefrom0

    RULE &


    Se!tion $0 +efene and ob

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    :b; Relief from order of default0 B 4 party de!lared in default may at any time after noti!e thereof and before

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    Se!tion 30 4mendment by lea"e of !ourt0

    E9!ept a pro"ided in the ne9t pre!eding e!tion% ubtantial amendment may be made only upon lea"e of !ourt0 .ut u!h

    lea"e may be refued if it appear to the !ourt that the motion -a made -ith intent to delay0 Order of the !ourt upon the

    matter pro"ided in thi e!tion hall be made upon motion filed in !ourt% and after noti!e to the ad"ere party% and an

    opportunity to be heard0

    Se!tion (0 Formal amendment0

    4 defe!t in the deignation of the partie and other !learly !leri!al or typographi!al error may be ummarily !orre!ted by

    the !ourt at any tage of the a!tion% at it initiati"e or on motion% pro"ided no pre

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    @hen any pleading i amended% a ne- !opy of the entire pleading% in!orporating the amendment% -hi!h hall be indi!ated

    by appropriate mar,% hall be filed0

    Se!tion 10 Effe!t of amended pleading0

    4n amended pleading uperede the pleading that it amend0 Ho-e"er% admiion in upereded pleading may be

    re!ei"ed in e"iden!e againt the pleader? and !laim or defene alleged therein not in!orporated in the amended pleading

    hall be deemed -ai"ed0

    RULE $$


    Se!tion $0 4n-er to the !omplaint0

    The defendant hall file hi an-er to the !omplaint -ithin fifteen :l5; day after er"i!e of ummon% unle a different

    period i fi9ed by the !ourt0

    Se!tion 80 4n-er of a defendant foreign pri"ate

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    @here the plaintiff file an amended !omplaint a a matter of right% the defendant hall an-er the ame -ithin fifteen :l5;

    day after being er"ed -ith a !opy thereof0

    @here it filing i not a matter of right% the defendant hall an-er the amended !omplaint -ithin ten :$2; day from noti!e

    of the order admitting the ame0 4n an-er earlier filed may er"e a the an-er to the amended !omplaint if no ne- an-er

    i filed0

    Thi Rule hall apply to the an-er to an amended !ounter!laim% amended !roB!laim% amended third :fourth% et!0; party

    !omplaint% and amended !omplaintBinBinter"ention0

    Se!tion (0 4n-er to !ounter!laim or !roB!laim0

    4 !ounter!laim or !roB!laim mut be an-ered -ithin ten :l2; day from er"i!e0

    Se!tion 50 4n-er to third :fourth% et!0;B party !omplaint0

    The time to an-er a third :fourth% et!0;B party !omplaint hall be go"erned by the ame rule a the an-er to the !omplaint0

    Se!tion '0 Reply0

    4 reply may be filed -ithin ten :l2; day from er"i!e of the pleading reponded to0

    Se!tion )0 4n-er to upplemental !omplaint0

    4 upplemental !omplaint may be an-ered -ithin ten :$2; day from noti!e of the order admitting the ame% unle a

    different period i fi9ed by the !ourt0 The an-er to the !omplaint hall er"e a the an-er to the upplemental !omplaint if

    no ne- or upplemental an-er i filed0

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    Se!tion 10 E9iting !ounter!laim or !roB!laim0

    4 !ompulory !ounter!laim or a !roB!laim that a defending party ha at the time he file hi an-er hall be !ontained


    Se!tion &0 Counter!laim or !roB!laim ariing after an-er0

    4 !ounter!laim or a !roB!laim -hi!h either matured or -a a!uired by a party after er"ing hi pleading may% -ith the

    permiion of the !ourt% be preented a a !ounter!laim or a !roB!laim by upplemental pleading before

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    .efore reponding to a pleading% a party may mo"e for a definite tatement or for a bill of parti!ular of any matter -hi!h

    i not a"erred -ith uffi!ient definitene or parti!ularity to enable him properly to prepare hi reponi"e pleading0 If the

    pleading i a reply% the motion mut be filed -ithin ten :$2; day from er"i!e thereof0 Su!h motion hall point out the defe!t

    !omplained of% the paragraph -herein they are !ontained% and the detail deired0

    Se!tion 80 4!tion by the !ourt0

    Upon the filing of the motion% the !ler, of !ourt mut immediately bring it to the attention of the !ourt -hi!h may either

    deny or grant it outright% or allo- the partie the opportunity to be heard0

    Se!tion 30 Complian!e -ith order0

    If the motion i granted% either in -hole or in part% the !omplian!e there-ith mut be effe!ted -ithin ten :l2; day from

    noti!e of the order% unle a different period i fi9ed by the !ourt0 The bill of parti!ular or a more definite tatement ordered

    by the !ourt may be filed either in a eparate or in an amended pleading% er"ing a !opy thereof on the ad"ere party0

    Se!tion (0 Effe!t of nonB!omplian!e0

    If the order i not obeyed% or in !ae of inuffi!ient !omplian!e there-ith% the !ourt may order the tri,ing out of the

    pleading or the portion thereof to -hi!h the order -a dire!ted or ma,e u!h other order a it deem

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    4 bill of parti!ular be!ome part of the pleading for -hi!h it i intended0

    RULE $3



    Se!tion $0 Co"erage0

    Thi Rule hall go"ern the filing of all pleading and other paper% a -ell a the er"i!e thereof% e9!ept thoe for -hi!h a

    different mode of er"i!e i pre!ribed0

    Se!tion0 80 Filing and er"i!e% defined0

    Filing i the a!t of preenting the pleading or other paper to the !ler, of !ourt0

    Ser"i!e i the a!t of pro"iding a party -ith a !opy of the pleading or paper !on!erned0 If any party ha appeared by !ounel%

    er"i!e upon him hall be made upon hi !ounel or one of them% unle er"i!e upon the party himelf i ordered by the

    !ourt0 @here one !ounel appear for e"eral partie% he hall only be entitled to one !opy of any paper er"ed upon him by

    the oppoite ide0

    Se!tion 30 /anner of filing0

    The filing of pleading% appearan!e% motion% noti!e% order%

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    or the regitry re!eipt% hall be !onidered a the date of their filing% payment% or depoit in !ourt0 The en"elope hall be

    atta!hed to the re!ord of the !ae0

    Se!tion (0 Paper reuired to be filed and er"ed0


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    If er"i!e of pleading% motion% noti!e% reolution% order and other paper !annot be made under the t-o pre!eding

    e!tion% the offi!e and pla!e of reiden!e of the party or hi !ounel being un,no-n% er"i!e may be made by deli"ering the

    !opy to the !ler, of !ourt% -ith proof of failure of both peronal er"i!e and er"i!e by mail0 The er"i!e i !omplete at the

    time of u!h deli"ery0

    Se!tion &0 Ser"i!e of

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    Se!tion $30 Proof of er"i!e0

    Proof of peronal er"i!e hall !onit of a -ritten admiion of the party er"ed% or the offi!ial return of the er"er% or the

    affida"it of the party er"ing% !ontaining a full tatement of the date% pla!e and manner of er"i!e0 If the er"i!e i by ordinary

    mail% proof thereof hall !onit of an affida"it of the peron mailing of fa!t ho-ing !omplian!e -ith e!tion ) of thi Rule0

    If er"i!e i made by regitered mail% proof hall be made by u!h affida"it and the regitry re!eipt iued by the mailing

    offi!e0 The regitry return !ard hall be filed immediately upon it re!eipt by the ender% or in lieu thereof the un!laimed letter

    together -ith the !ertified or -orn !opy of the noti!e gi"en by the potmater to the addreee0

    Se!tion $(0 Noti!e of li penden0

    In an a!tion affe!ting the title or the right of poeion of real property% the plaintiff and the defendant% -hen affirmati"e

    relief i !laimed in hi an-er% may re!ord in the offi!e of the regitry of deed of the pro"in!e in -hi!h the property i

    ituated a noti!e of the penden!y of the a!tion0 Said noti!e hall !ontain the name of the partie and the ob

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    The ummon hall be dire!ted to the defendant% igned by the !ler, of !ourt under eal% and !ontain6

    :a; the name of the !ourt and the name of the partie to the a!tion?

    :b; a dire!tion that the defendant an-er -ithin the time fi9ed by thee Rule?

    :!; a noti!e that unle the defendant o an-er% plaintiff -ill ta,e

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    Se!tion '0 Ser"i!e in peron on defendant0

    @hene"er pra!ti!able% the ummon hall be er"ed by handing a !opy thereof to the defendant in peron% or% if he refue

    to re!ei"e and ign for it% by tendering it to him0

    Se!tion )0 Subtituted er"i!e0

    If% for

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    @hen the defendant i a minor% inane or other-ie an in!ompetent% er"i!e hall be made upon him peronally and on hi

    legal guardian if he ha one% or if none% upon hi guardian ad litem -hoe appointment hall be applied for by the plaintiff0

    In the !ae of a minor% er"i!e may alo be made on hi father or mother0

    Se!tion $$0 Ser"i!e upon dometi! pri"ate

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    @hen the defendant doe not reide and i not found in the Philippine% and the a!tion affe!t the peronal tatu of the

    plaintiff or relate to% or the ub

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    If the er"i!e ha been made by publi!ation% er"i!e may be pro"ed by the affida"it of the printer% hi foreman or prin!ipal

    !ler,% or of the editor% buine or ad"ertiing manager% to -hi!h affida"it a !opy of the publi!ation hall be atta!hed% and by

    an affida"it ho-ing the depoit of a !opy of the ummon and order for publi!ation in the pot offi!e% potage prepaid%

    dire!ted to the defendant by regitered mail to hi lat ,no-n addre0

    Se!tion 820 *oluntary appearan!e0

    The defendantG "oluntary appearan!e in the a!tion hall be eui"alent to er"i!e of ummon0 The in!luion in a motion to

    dimi of other ground aide from la!, of

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    4 motion hall tate the relief ought to be obtained and the ground upon -hi!h it i baed% and if reuired by thee Rule

    or ne!eary to pro"e fa!t alleged therein% hall be a!!ompanied by upporting affida"it and other paper0

    Se!tion (0 Hearing of motion0

    E9!ept for motion -hi!h the !ourt may a!t upon -ithout pre

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    E9!ept for motion reuiring immediate a!tion% all motion hall be !heduled for hearing on Friday afternoon% or if

    Friday i a nonB-or,ing day% in the afternoon of the ne9t -or,ing day0

    Se!tion 10 Omnibu motion0


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    @ithin the time for but before filing the an-er to the !omplaint or pleading aerting a !laim% a motion to dimi may be

    made on any of the follo-ing ground6

    :a; That the !ourt ha no

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    4t the hearing of the motion% the partie hall ubmit their argument on the uetion of la- and their e"iden!e on the

    uetion of fa!t in"ol"ed e9!ept thoe not a"ailable at that time0 Should the !ae go to trial% the e"iden!e preented during the

    hearing hall automati!ally be part of the e"iden!e of the party preenting the ame0

    Se!tion 30 Reolution of motion0

    4fter the hearing% the !ourt may dimi the a!tion or !laim% deny the motion% or order the amendment of the pleading0

    The !ourt hall not defer the reolution of the motion for the reaon that the ground relied upon i not indubitable0

    In e"ery !ae% the reolution hall tate !learly and ditin!tly the reaon therefor0

    Se!tion0 (0 Time to plead0

    If the motion i denied% the mo"ant hall file hi an-er -ithin the balan!e of the period pre!ribed by Rule $$ to -hi!h he

    -a entitled at the time of er"ing hi motion% but not le than fi"e :5; day in any e"ent% !omputed from hi re!eipt of the

    noti!e of the denial0 If the pleading i ordered to be amended% he hall file hi an-er -ithin the period pre!ribed by Rule $$

    !ounted from er"i!e of the amended pleading% unle the !ourt pro"ide a longer period0

    Se!tion0 50 Effe!t of dimial0


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    If no motion to dimi ha been filed% any of the ground for dimial pro"ided for in thi Rule may be pleaded a an

    affirmati"e defene in the an-er and% in the di!retion of the !ourt% a preliminary hearing may be had thereon a if a motion

    to dimi had been filed0

    The dimial of the !omplaint under thi e!tion hall be -ithout pre

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    If% for no

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    :a; The poibility of an ami!able ettlement or of a ubmiion to alternati"e mode of dipute reolution?

    :b; The implifi!ation of the iue?

    :!; The ne!eity or deirability of amendment to the pleading?

    :d; The poibility of obtaining tipulation or admiion of fa!t and of do!ument to a"oid unne!eary proof?

    :e; The limitation of the number of -itnee?

    :f; The ad"iability of a preliminary referen!e of iue to a !ommiioner?

    :g; The propriety of rendering

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    It hall be the duty of the partie and their !ounel to appear at the preBtrial0 The nonBappearan!e of a party may be

    e9!ued only if a "alid !aue i ho-n therefor or if a repreentati"e hall appear in hi behalf fully authori=ed in -riting to

    enter into an ami!able ettlement% to ubmit to alternati"e mode of dipute reolution% and to enter into tipulation or

    admiion of fa!t and of do!ument0

    Se!tion 50 Effe!t of failure to appear0

    The failure of the plaintiff to appear -hen o reuired puruant to the ne9t pre!eding e!tion hall be !aue for dimial of

    the a!tion0 The dimial hall be -ith pre

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    :f; The number and name of the -itnee% and the ubtan!e of their repe!ti"e tetimonie0

    Failure to file the preBtrial brief hall ha"e the ame effe!t a failure to appear at the preBtrial0

    Se!tion0 )0 Re!ord of preBtrial0

    The pro!eeding in the preBtrial hall be re!orded0 Upon the termination thereof% the !ourt hall iue an order -hi!h hall

    re!ite in detail the matter ta,en up in the !onferen!e% the a!tion ta,en thereon% the amendment allo-ed to the pleading%

    and the agreement or admiion made by the partie a to any of the matter !onidered0 Should the a!tion pro!eed to trial%

    the order hall e9pli!itly define and limit the iue to be tried0 The !ontent of the order hall !ontrol the ubeuent !oure

    of the a!tion% unle modified before trial to pre"ent manifet in

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    Se!tion 30 PleadingBinBinter"ention0

    The inter"enor hall file a !omplaintBinBinter"ention if he aert a !laim againt either or all of the original partie% or an

    an-erBinBinter"ention if he unite -ith the defending party in reiting a !laim againt the latter0

    Se!tion (0 4n-er to !omplaintBinBinter"ention0

    The an-er to the !omplaintBin Binter"ention hall be filed -ithin fifteen :$5; day from noti!e of the order admitting the

    ame% unle a different period i fi9ed by the !ourt0

    RULE 82


    Se!tion $0 Calendar of !ae0

    The !ler, of !ourt% under the dire!t uper"iion of the

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    RULE 8$


    Se!tion $0 Subpoena and ubpoena du!e te!um0

    Subpoena i a pro!e dire!ted to a peron reuiring him to attend and to tetify at the hearing or the trial of an a!tion% or

    at any in"etigation !ondu!ted by !ompetent authority% or for the ta,ing of hi depoition0 It may alo reuire him to bring

    -ith him any boo,% do!ument% or other thing under hi !ontrol% in -hi!h !ae it i !alled a ubpoena du!e te!um0

    Se!tion0 80 .y -hom iued0

    The ubpoena may be iued by6

    a; the !ourt before -hom the -itne i reuired to attend?

    b; the !ourt of the pla!e -here the depoition i to be ta,en?

    !; the offi!er or body authori=ed by la- to do o in !onne!tion -ith in"etigation !ondu!ted by aid offi!er or body? or

    d; any #uti!e of the Supreme Court or of the Court of 4ppeal in any !ae or in"etigation pending -ithin the


    @hen appli!ation for a ubpoena to a prioner i made% the

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    No prioner enten!ed to death% re!luion perpetua or life imprionment and -ho i !onfined in any penal intitution hall

    be brought outide the aid penal intitution for appearan!e or attendan!e in any !ourt unle authori=ed by the Supreme


    Se!tion0 30 Form and !ontent0

    4 ubpoena hall tate the name of the !ourt and the title of the a!tion or in"etigation% hall be dire!ted to the peron

    -hoe attendan!e i reuired% and in the !ae of a ubpoena du!e te!um% it hall alo !ontain a reaonable de!ription of the

    boo,% do!ument or thing demanded -hi!h mut appear to the !ourt prima fa!ie rele"ant0

    Se!tion (0 uahing a ubpoena0

    The !ourt may uah a ubpoena du!e te!um upon motion promptly made and% in any e"ent% at or before the time

    pe!ified therein if it i unreaonable and opprei"e% or the rele"an!y of the boo,% do!ument or thing doe not appear% or if

    the peron in -hoe behalf the ubpoena i iued fail to ad"an!e the reaonable !ot of the produ!tion thereof0

    The !ourt may uah a ubpoena ad tetifi!andum on the ground that the -itne i not bound thereby0 In either !ae% the

    ubpoena may be uahed on the ground that the -itne fee and ,ilometrage allo-ed by thee Rule -ere not tendered

    -hen the ubpoena -a er"ed0

    Se!tion0 50 Subpoena for depoition0

    Proof of er"i!e of a noti!e to ta,e a depoition% a pro"ided in e!tion $5 and 85 of Rule 83% hall !ontitute uffi!ient

    authori=ation for the iuan!e of ubpoena for the peron named in aid noti!e by the !ler, of the !ourt of the pla!e in

    -hi!h the depoition i to be ta,en0 The !ler, hall not% ho-e"er% iue a ubpoena du!e te!um to any u!h peron -ithout an

    order of the !ourt0

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    Se!tion '0 Ser"i!e0

    Ser"i!e of a ubpoena hall be made in the ame manner a peronal or ubtituted er"i!e of ummon0 The original hall

    be e9hibited and a !opy thereof deli"ered to the peron on -hom it i er"ed% tendering to him the fee for one day

    attendan!e and the ,ilometrage allo-ed by thee Rule% e9!ept that% -hen a ubpoena i iued by or on behalf of the

    Republi! of the Philippine or an offi!er or agen!y thereof% the tender need not be made0 The er"i!e mut be made o a to

    allo- the -itne a reaonable time for preparation and tra"el to the pla!e of attendan!e0 If the ubpoena i du!e te!um% the

    reaonable !ot of produ!ing the boo,% do!ument or thing demanded hall alo be tendered0

    Se!tion )0 Peronal appearan!e in !ourt0

    4 peron preent in !ourt before a

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    Se!tion $20 E9!eption0

    The pro"iion of e!tion 1 and & of thi Rule hall not apply to a -itne -ho reide more than one hundred :$22;

    ,ilometer from hi reiden!e to the pla!e -here he i to tetify by the ordinary !oure of tra"el% or to a detention prioner if

    no permiion of the !ourt in -hi!h hi !ae i pending -a obtained0

    RULE 88


    Se!tion $0 Ho- to !ompute time0

    In !omputing any period of time pre!ribed or allo-ed by thee Rule% or by order of the !ourt% or by any appli!able tatute%

    the day of the a!t or e"ent from -hi!h the deignated period of time begin to run i to be e9!luded and the date of

    performan!e in!luded0 If the lat day of the period% a thu !omputed% fall on a Saturday% a Sunday% or a legal holiday in the

    pla!e -here the !ourt it% the time hall not run until the ne9t -or,ing day0

    Se!tion0 80 Effe!t of interruption0

    Should an a!t be done -hi!h effe!ti"ely interrupt the running of the period% the allo-able period after u!h interruption

    hall tart to run on the day after noti!e of the !eation of the !aue thereof0

    The day of the a!t that !aued the interruption hall be e9!luded in the !omputation of the period0

    RULE 83


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    Se!tion $0 +epoition pending a!tion% -hen may be ta,en0

    .y lea"e of !ourt after

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    :a; 4ny depoition may be ued by any party for the purpoe of !ontradi!ting or impea!hing the tetimony of deponent a

    a -itne?

    :b; The depoition of a party or of any one -ho at the time of ta,ing the depoition -a an offi!er% dire!tor% or managing

    agent of a publi! or pri"ate !orporation% partnerhip% or ao!iation -hi!h i a party may be ued by an ad"ere party for any


    :!; The depoition of a -itne% -hether or not a party% may be ued by any party for any purpoe if the !ourt find6 :$;

    that the -itne i dead? or :8; that the -itne reide at a ditan!e more than one hundred :$22; ,ilometer from the pla!e of

    trial or hearing% or i out of the Philippine% unle it appear that hi aben!e -a pro!ured by the party offering the

    depoition? or :3; that the -itne i unable to attend or tetify be!aue of age% i!,ne% infirmity% or imprionment? or :(; that

    the party offering the depoition ha been unable to pro!ure the attendan!e of the -itne by ubpoena? or :5; upon

    appli!ation and noti!e% that u!h e9!eptional !ir!umtan!e e9it a to ma,e it deirable% in the interet of

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    Se!tion )0 Effe!t of ta,ing depoition0

    4 party hall not be deemed to ma,e a peron hi o-n -itne for any purpoe by ta,ing hi depoition0

    Se!tion 10 Effe!t of uing depoition0

    The introdu!tion in e"iden!e of the depoition or any part thereof for any purpoe other than that of !ontradi!ting or

    impea!hing the deponent ma,e the deponent the -itne of the party introdu!ing the depoition% but thi hall not apply to

    the ue by an ad"ere party of a depoition a de!ribed in paragraph :b; of e!tion ( of thi Rule0

    Se!tion &0 Rebutting depoition0

    4t the trial or hearing% any party may rebut any rele"ant e"iden!e !ontained in a depoition -hether introdu!ed by him or

    by any other party0

    Se!tion $20 Peron before -hom depoition may be ta,en -ithin the Philippine0

    @ithin the Philippine% depoition may be ta,en before any

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    In a foreign tate or !ountry% depoition may be ta,en :a; on noti!e before a e!retary of embay or legation% !onul

    general% !onul% "i!eB!onul% or !onular agent of the Republi! of the Philippine? :b; before u!h peron or offi!er a may be

    appointed by !ommiion or under letter rogatory? or :!; the peron referred to in e!tion $( hereof0

    Se!tion $80 Commiion or letter rogatory0

    4 !ommiion or letter rogatory hall be iued only -hen ne!eary or !on"enient% on appli!ation and noti!e% and on u!h

    term and -ith u!h dire!tion a are

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    4 party deiring to ta,e the depoition of any peron upon oral e9amination hall gi"e reaonable noti!e in -riting to e"ery

    other party to the a!tion0 The noti!e hall tate the time and pla!e for ta,ing the depoition and the name and addre of ea!h

    peron to be e9amined% if ,no-n% and if the name i not ,no-n% a general de!ription uffi!ient to identify him or the

    parti!ular !la or group to -hi!h he belong0 On motion of any party upon -hom the noti!e i er"ed% the !ourt may for

    !aue ho-n enlarge or horten the time0

    Se!tion $'0 Order for the prote!tion of partie and deponent0

    4fter noti!e i er"ed for ta,ing a depoition by oral e9amination% upon motion eaonably made by any party or by the

    peron to be e9amined and for good !aue ho-n% the !ourt in -hi!h the a!tion i pending may ma,e an order that the

    depoition hall not be ta,en% or that it may be ta,en only at ome deignated pla!e other than that tated in the noti!e% or that

    it may be ta,en only on -ritten interrogatorie% or that !ertain matter hall not be inuired into% or that the !ope of the

    e9amination hall be held -ith no one preent e9!ept the partie to the a!tion and their offi!er or !ounel% or that after beingealed the depoition hall be opened only by order of the !ourt% or that e!ret pro!ee% de"elopment% or reear!h need not

    be di!loed% or that the partie hall imultaneouly file pe!ified do!ument or information en!loed in ealed en"elope to

    be opened a dire!ted by the !ourt? or the !ourt may ma,e any other order -hi!h

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    being ta,en may order the offi!er !ondu!ting the e9amination to !eae forth-ith from ta,ing the depoition% or may limit the

    !ope and manner of the ta,ing of the depoition% a pro"ided in e!tion $' of thi Rule0 If the order made terminate the

    e9amination% it hall be reumed thereafter only upon the order of the !ourt in -hi!h the a!tion i pending0 Upon demand of

    the ob

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    Se!tion 880 Furnihing !opie0

    Upon payment of reaonable !harge therefor% the offi!er hall furnih a !opy of the depoition to any party or to the


    Se!tion0 830 Failure to attend of party gi"ing noti!e0

    If the party gi"ing the noti!e of the ta,ing of a depoition fail to attend and pro!eed there-ith and another attend in

    peron or by !ounel puruant to the noti!e% the !ourt may order the party gi"ing the noti!e to pay u!h other party the

    amount of the reaonable e9pene in!urred by him and hi !ounel in o attending% in!luding reaonable attorney fee0

    Se!tion 8(0 Failure of party gi"ing noti!e to er"e ubpoena0

    If the party gi"ing the noti!e of the ta,ing of a depoition of a -itne fail to er"e a ubpoena upon him and the -itne

    be!aue of u!h failure doe not attend% and if another party attend in peron or by !ounel be!aue he e9pe!t the depoition

    of that -itne to be ta,en% the !ourt may order the party gi"ing the noti!e to pay to u!h other party the amount of the

    reaonable e9pene in!urred by him and hi !ounel in o attending% in!luding reaonable attorney fee0

    Se!tion0 850 +epoition upon -ritten interrogatorie? er"i!e of noti!e and of interrogatorie0

    4 party deiring to ta,e the depoition of any peron upon -ritten interrogatorie hall er"e them upon e"ery other party-ith a noti!e tating the name and addre of the peron -ho i to an-er them and the name or de!ripti"e title and addre

    of the offi!er before -hom the depoition i to be ta,en0 @ithin ten :$2; day thereafter% a party o er"ed may er"e !roB

    interrogatorie upon the party propoing to ta,e the depoition0 @ithin fi"e :5; day thereafter% the latter may er"e reBdire!t

    interrogatorie upon a party -ho ha er"ed !roB interrogatorie0 @ithin three :3; day after being er"ed -ith reBdire!t

    interrogatorie% a party may er"e re!roBinterrogatorie upon the party propoing to ta,e the depoition0

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    Se!tion 8'0 Offi!er to ta,e repone and prepare re!ord0

    4 !opy of the noti!e and !opie of all interrogatorie er"ed hall be deli"ered by the party ta,ing the depoition to the

    offi!er deignated in the noti!e% -ho hall pro!eed promptly% in the manner pro"ided by e!tion $)% $& and 82 of thi Rule% to

    ta,e the tetimony of the -itne in repone to the interrogatorie and to prepare% !ertify% and file or mail the depoition%

    atta!hing thereto the !opy of the noti!e and the interrogatorie re!ei"ed by him0

    Se!tion 8)0 Noti!e of filing and furnihing !opie0

    @hen a depoition upon interrogatorie i filed% the offi!er ta,ing it hall promptly gi"e noti!e thereof to all the partie% and

    may furnih !opie to them or to the deponent upon payment of reaonable !harge therefor0

    Se!tion0 810 Order for the prote!tion of partie and deponent0

    4fter the er"i!e of the interrogatorie and prior to the ta,ing of the tetimony of the deponent% the !ourt in -hi!h the

    a!tion i pending% on motion promptly made by a party or a deponent% and for good !aue ho-n% may ma,e any order

    pe!ified in e!tion $5% $' and $1 of thi Rule -hi!h i appropriate and

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    :!; 4 to !ompeten!y or rele"an!y of e"iden!e0B Ob

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    for deiring to perpetuate it? :d; the name or a de!ription of the peron he e9pe!t -ill be ad"ere partie and their

    addree o far a ,no-n? and :e; the name and addree of the peron to be e9amined and the ubtan!e of the tetimony

    -hi!h he e9pe!t to eli!it from ea!h% and hall a, for an order authori=ing the petitioner to ta,e the depoition of the

    peron to be e9amined named in the petition for the purpoe of perpetuating their tetimony0

    Se!tion0 30 Noti!e and er"i!e0

    The petitioner hall er"e a noti!e upon ea!h peron named in the petition a an e9pe!ted ad"ere party% together -ith a

    !opy of the petition% tating that the petitioner -ill apply to the !ourt% at a time and pla!e named therein% for the order

    de!ribed in the petition0 4t leat t-enty :82; day before the date of the hearing% the !ourt hall !aue noti!e thereof to be

    er"ed on the partie and prope!ti"e deponent in the manner pro"ided for er"i!e of ummon0

    Se!tion0 (0 Order and e9amination0

    If the !ourt i atified that the perpetuation of the tetimony may pre"ent a failure or delay of

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    If a depoition to perpetuate tetimony i ta,en under thi Rule% or if% although not o ta,en% it -ould be admiible in

    e"iden!e% it may be ued in any a!tion in"ol"ing the ame ub

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    The interrogatorie hall be an-ered fully in -riting and hall be igned and -orn to by the peron ma,ing them0 The

    party upon -hom the interrogatorie ha"e been er"ed hall file and er"e a !opy of the an-er on the party ubmitting the

    interrogatorie -ithin fifteen :$5; day after er"i!e thereof% unle the !ourt% on motion and for good !aue ho-n% e9tend or

    horten the time0

    Se!tion0 30 Ob

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    RULE 8'

    4+/ISSION .> 4+*ERSE P4RT>

    Se!tion $0 Reuet for admiion0

    4t any time after iue ha"e been

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    Se!tion0 (0 @ithdra-al0

    The !ourt may allo- the party ma,ing an admiion under thi Rule% -hether e9pre or implied% to -ithdra- or amend it

    upon u!h term a may be

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    Se!tion $0 @hen e9amination may be ordered0

    In an a!tion in -hi!h the mental or phyi!al !ondition of a party i in !ontro"ery% the !ourt in -hi!h the a!tion i pending

    may in it di!retion order him to ubmit to a phyi!al or mental e9amination by a phyi!ian0

    Se!tion0 80 Order for e9amination0

    The order for e9amination may be made only on motion for good !aue ho-n and upon noti!e to the party to be e9amined

    and to all other partie% and hall pe!ify the time% pla!e% manner% !ondition and !ope of the e9amination and the peron or

    peron by -hom it i to be made0

    Se!tion0 30 Report of finding0

    If reueted by the party e9amined% the party !auing the e9amination to be made hall deli"er to him a !opy of a detailed

    -ritten report of the e9amining phyi!ian etting out hi finding and !on!luion0 4fter u!h reuet and deli"ery% the party

    !auing the e9amination to be made hall be entitled upon reuet to re!ei"e from the party e9amined a li,e report of any

    e9amination% pre"iouly or thereafter made% of the ame mental or phyi!al !ondition0 If the party e9amined refue to deli"er

    u!h report% the !ourt on motion and noti!e may ma,e an order reuiring deli"ery on u!h term a are

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    RULE 8&


    Se!tion $0 Refual to an-er0

    If a party or other deponent refue to an-er any uetion upon oral e9amination% the e9amination may be !ompleted on

    other matter or ad

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    Rule 81 reuiring him to ubmit to a phyi!al or mental e9amination% the !ourt may ma,e u!h order in regard to the refual

    a are

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    Se!tion0 '0 E9pene againt the Republi! of the Philippine0

    E9pene and attorney fee are not to be impoed upon the Republi! of the Philippine under thi Rule0

    RULE 32


    Se!tion $0 Noti!e of trial0

    Upon entry of a !ae in the trial !alendar% the !ler, hall notify the partie of the date of it trial in u!h manner a hall

    enure hi re!eipt of that noti!e at leat fi"e :5; day before u!h date0

    Se!tion0 80 4d

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    Se!tion0 (0 Reuiite of motion to potpone trial for illne of party or !ounel0

    4 motion to potpone a trial on the ground of illne of a party or !ounel may be granted if it appear upon affida"it or

    -orn !ertifi!ation that the preen!e of u!h party or !ounel at the trial i indipenable and that the !hara!ter of hi illne

    i u!h a to render hi nonBattendan!e e9!uable0

    Se!tion0 50 Order of trial0


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    :g; Upon admiion of the e"iden!e% the !ae hall be deemed ubmitted for de!iion% unle the !ourt dire!t the partie

    to argue or to ubmit their repe!ti"e memoranda or any further pleading0

    If e"eral defendant or thirdBparty defendant% and o forth% ha"ing eparate defene appear by different !ounel% the

    !ourt hall determine the relati"e order of preentation of their e"iden!e0

    Se!tion0 '0 4greed tatement of fa!t0

    The partie to any a!tion may agree% in -riting% upon the fa!t in"ol"ed in the litigation% and ubmit the !ae for

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    .y -ritten !onent of both partie% the !ourt may order any or all of the iue in a !ae to be referred to a !ommiioner to

    be agreed upon by the partie or to be appointed by the !ourt0 4 ued in thee Rule% the -ord A!ommiionerA in!lude a

    referee% an auditor and an e9aminer0

    Se!tion0 80 Referen!e ordered on motion0

    @hen the partie do not !onent% the !ourt may% upon the appli!ation of either or of it o-n motion% dire!t a referen!e to a

    !ommiioner in the follo-ing !ae6

    :a; @hen the trial of an iue of fa!t reuire the e9amination of a long a!!ount on either ide% in -hi!h !ae the

    !ommiioner may be dire!ted to hear and report upon the -hole iue or any pe!ifi! uetion in"ol"ed therein?

    :b; @hen the ta,ing of an a!!ount i ne!eary for the information of the !ourt before

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    .efore entering upon hi dutie the !ommiioner hall be -orn to a faithful and honet performan!e thereof0

    Se!tion0 50 Pro!eeding before !ommiioner0

    Upon re!eipt of the order of referen!e and unle other-ie pro"ided therein% the !ommiioner hall forth-ith et a time

    and pla!e for the firt meeting of the partie or their !ounel to be held -ithin ten :l2; day after the date of the order of

    referen!e and hall notify the partie or their !ounel0

    Se!tion0 '0 Failure of partie to appear before !ommiioner0

    If a party fail to appear at the time and pla!e appointed% the !ommiioner may pro!eed e9 parte or% in hi di!retion%


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    It i the duty of the !ommiioner to pro!eed -ith all reaonable diligen!e0 Either party% on noti!e to the partie and

    !ommiioner% may apply to the !ourt for an order reuiring the !ommiioner to e9pedite the pro!eeding and to ma,e hi


    Se!tion0 &0 Report of !ommiioner0

    Upon the !ompletion of the trial or hearing or pro!eeding before the !ommiioner% he hall file -ith the !ourt hi report in

    -riting upon the matter ubmitted to him by the order of referen!e0 @hen hi po-er are not pe!ified or limited% he hall et

    forth hi finding of fa!t and !on!luion of la- in hi report0 He hall atta!h thereto all e9hibit% affida"it% depoition%

    paper and the tran!ript% if any% of the tetimonial e"iden!e preented before him0

    Se!tion0 $20 Noti!e to partie of the filing of report0

    Upon the filing of the report% the partie hall be notified by the !ler,% and they hall be allo-ed ten :l2; day -ithin -hi!h

    to ignify ground of ob

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    @hen the partie tipulate that a !ommiioner finding of fa!t hall be final% only uetion of la- hall thereafter be


    Se!tion0 $30 Compenation of !ommiioner0

    The !ourt hall allo- the !ommiioner u!h reaonable !ompenation a the !ir!umtan!e of the !ae -arrant% to be

    ta9ed a !ot againt the defeated party% or apportioned% a

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    RULE 35

    SU//4R> #U+7/ENTS

    Se!tion $0 Summary

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    If on motion under thi Rule% THEREOF

    Se!tion $0 Rendition of

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    Se!tion0 80 Entry of

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    Se!tion0 '0 #udgment againt entity -ithout

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    The motion hall be made in -riting tating the ground or ground therefor% a -ritten noti!e of -hi!h hall be er"ed by the

    mo"ant on the ad"ere party0

    4 motion for ne- trial hall be pro"ed in the manner pro"ided for proof of motion0 4 motion for the !aue mentioned in

    paragraph :a; of the pre!eding e!tion hall be upported by affida"it of merit -hi!h may be rebutted by affida"it0 4 motion

    for the !aue mentioned in paragraph :b; hall be upported by affida"it of the -itnee by -hom u!h e"iden!e i e9pe!ted

    to be gi"en% or by duly authenti!ated do!ument -hi!h are propoed to be introdu!ed in e"iden!e0

    4 motion for re!onideration hall point out pe!ifi!ally the finding or !on!luion of the

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    4 motion for ne- trial hall in!lude all ground then a"ailable and thoe not o in!luded hall be deemed -ai"ed0 4 e!ond

    motion for ne- trial% baed on a ground not e9iting nor a"ailable -hen the firt motion -a made% may be filed -ithin the

    time herein pro"ided e9!luding the time during -hi!h the firt motion had been pending0

    No party hall be allo-ed a e!ond motion for re!onideration of a

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    4n order denying a motion for ne- trial or re!onideration i not appealable% the remedy being an appeal from the

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    Se!tion0 (0 Order to file an an-er0

    If the petition i uffi!ient in form and ubtan!e to

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    @here the denial of an appeal i et aide% the lo-er !ourt hall be reuired to gi"e due !oure to the appeal and to ele"ate

    the re!ord of the appelaed !ae a if a timely and proper appeal had been made0

    RULE 3&


    Se!tion $0 E9e!ution upon

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    :b; E9e!ution of e"eral% eparate or partial

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    Se!tion0 '0 E9e!ution by motion or by independent a!tion0

    4 final and e9e!utory

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    :a; If the e9e!ution be againt the property of the

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    :b; Satifa!tion by le"y0 B If the

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    :a; Con"eyan!e% deli"ery of deed% or other pe!ifi! a!t? "eting title0 B If a

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    Se!tion0 $80 Effe!t of le"y on e9e!ution a to third peron0

    The le"y on e9e!ution hall !reate a lien in fa"or of the

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    :h; One fihing boat and a!!eorie not e9!eeding the total "alue of one hundred thouand peo o-ned by a fiherman

    and by the la-ful ue of -hi!h he earn hi li"elihood?

    :i; So mu!h of the alarie% -age% or earning of the

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    .efore the ale of property on e9e!ution% noti!e thereof mut be gi"en a follo-6

    :a; In !ae of perihable property% by poting -ritten noti!e of the time and pla!e of the ale in three :3; publi! pla!e%

    preferably in !onpi!uou area of the muni!ipal or !ity hall% pot offi!e and publi! mar,et in the muni!ipality or !ity -here

    the ale i to ta,e pla!e% for u!h time a may be reaonable% !onidering the !hara!ter and !ondition of the property?

    :b; In !ae of other peronal property% by poting a imilar noti!e in the three :3; publi! pla!e abo"eBmentioned for not

    le than fi"e :5; day?

    :!; In !ae of real property% by poting for t-enty :82; day in the three :3; publi! pla!e abo"eBmentioned a imilar

    noti!e parti!ularly de!ribing the property and tating -here the property i to be old% and if the aeed "alue of the

    property e9!eed fifty thouand :P52%222022; peo% by publihing a !opy of the noti!e on!e a -ee, for t-o :8; !one!uti"e

    -ee, in one ne-paper ele!ted by raffle% -hether in Englih% Filipino% or any ma

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    may be enfor!ed againt the bond unle the a!tion therefor i filed -ithin one hundred t-enty :$82; day from the date of the

    filing of the bond0

    The offi!er hall not be liable for damage for the ta,ing or ,eeping of the property% to any thirdBparty !laimant if u!h

    bond i filed0 Nothing herein !ontained hall pre"ent u!h !laimant or any third peron from "indi!ating hi !laim to the

    property in a eparate a!tion% or pre"ent the

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    4ll ale of property under e9e!ution mut be made at publi! au!tion% to the highet bidder% to tart at the e9a!t time fi9ed in

    the noti!e0 4fter uffi!ient property ha been old to atify the e9e!ution% no more hall be old and any e9!e property or

    pro!eed of the ale hall be promptly deli"ered to the

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    Se!tion0 830 Con"eyan!e to pur!haer of peronal property !apable of manual deli"ery0

    @hen the pur!haer of any peronal property% !apable of manual deli"ery% pay the pur!hae pri!e% the offi!er ma,ing the

    ale mut deli"er the property to the pur!haer and% if deired% e9e!ute and deli"er to him a !ertifi!ate of ale0 The ale

    !on"ey to the pur!haer all the right -hi!h the

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    Su!h !ertifi!ate mut be regitered in the regitry of deed of the pla!e -here the property i ituated0

    Se!tion0 8'0 Certifi!ate of ale -here property !laimed by third peron0

    @hen a property old by "irtue of a -rit of e9e!ution ha been !laimed by a third peron% the !ertifi!ate of ale to be iued

    by the heriff puruant to e!tion 83% 8( and 85 of thi Rule hall ma,e e9pre mention of the e9iten!e of u!h thirdBparty


    Se!tion0 8)0 @ho may redeem real property o old0

    Real property old a pro"ided in the lat pre!eding e!tion% or any part thereof old eparately% may be redeemed in the

    manner hereinafter pro"ided% by the follo-ing peron6

    :a; The

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    Property o redeemed may again be redeemed -ithin i9ty :'2; day after the lat redemption upon payment of the um paid

    on the lat redemption% -ith t-o per !entum thereon in addition% and the amount of any aement or ta9e -hi!h the lat

    redemptioner may ha"e paid thereon after redemption by him% -ith interet on u!h latBnamed amount% and in addition% the

    amount of any lien held by aid lat redemptioner prior to hi o-n% -ith interet0 The property may be again% and a often a

    a redemptioner i o dipoed% redeemed from any pre"iou redemptioner -ithin i9ty :'2; day after the lat redemption% on

    paying the um paid on the lat pre"iou redemption% -ith t-o per !entum thereon in addition% and the amount of any

    aement or ta9e -hi!h the lat pre"iou redemptioner paid after the redemption thereon% -ith interet thereon% and theamount of any lien held by the lat redemptioner prior to hi o-n% -ith interet0

    @ritten noti!e of any redemption mut be gi"en to the offi!er -ho made the ale and a dupli!ate filed -ith the regitry of

    deed of the pla!e% and if any aement or ta9e are paid by the redemptioner or if he ha or a!uire any lien other than

    that upon -hi!h the redemption -a made% noti!e thereof mut in li,e manner be gi"en to the offi!er and filed -ith the

    regitry of deed? if u!h noti!e be not filed% the property may be redeemed -ithout paying u!h aement% ta9e% or lien0

    Se!tion0 8&0 Effe!t of redemption by

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    Until the e9piration of the time allo-ed for redemption% the !ourt may% a in other proper !ae% retrain the !ommiion of

    -ate on the property by in

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    If the pur!haer of real property old on e9e!ution% or hi u!!eor in interet% fail to re!o"er the poeion thereof% or i

    e"i!ted therefrom% in !oneuen!e of irregularitie in the pro!eeding !on!erning the ale% or be!aue the

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    !orporation% or other

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    If% upon in"etigation of hi !urrent in!ome and e9pene% it appear that the earning of the

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    Satifa!tion of a

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    :b; In other !ae% the

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    Se!tion $0 @here to appeal0

    4n appeal from a

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    The perfe!tion of the appeal and the effe!t thereof hall be go"erned by the pro"iion of e!tion &% Rule ($0

    Se!tion0 50 4ppellate !ourt do!,et and other la-ful fee0

    @ithin the period for ta,ing an appeal% the appellant hall pay to the !ler, of the !ourt -hi!h rendered the

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    If an appeal i ta,en from an order of the lo-er !ourt dimiing the !ae -ithout a trial on the merit% the Regional Trial

    Court may affirm or re"ere it% a the !ae may be0 In !ae of affirman!e and the ground of dimial i la!, of

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    :d; 4n order diallo-ing or dimiing an appeal?

    :e; 4n order denying a motion to et aide a

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    The appeal hall be ta,en -ithin fifteen :$5; day from noti!e of the

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    Upon the filing of the re!ord on appeal for appro"al and if no ob

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    Se!tion0 $20 +uty of !ler, of !ourt of the lo-er !ourt upon perfe!tion of appeal0

    @ithin thirty :32; day after perfe!tion of all the appeal in a!!ordan!e -ith the pre!eding e!tion% it hall be the duty of the

    !ler, of !ourt of the lo-er !ourt6

    :a; To "erify the !orre!tne of the original re!ord or the re!ord on appeal% a the !ae may be% and to ma,e a

    !ertifi!ation of it !orre!tne?

    :b; To "erify the !ompletene of the re!ord that -ill be tranmitted to the appellate !ourt?

    :!; If found to be in!omplete% to ta,e u!h meaure a may be reuired to !omplete the re!ord% a"ailing of the authority

    that he or the !ourt may e9er!ie for thi purpoe? and

    :d; To tranmit the re!ord to the appellate !ourt0

    If the effort to !omplete the re!ord fail% he hall indi!ate in hi letter of tranmittal the e9hibit or tran!ript not

    in!luded in the re!ord being tranmitted to the appellate !ourt% the reaon for their nonBtranmittal% and the tep ta,en or

    that !ould be ta,en to ha"e them a"ailable0

    The !ler, of !ourt hall furnih the partie -ith !opie of hi letter of tranmittal of the re!ord to the appellate !ourt0

    Se!tion $$0 Tran!ript0

    Upon the perfe!tion of the appeal% the !ler, hall immediately dire!t the tenographer !on!erned to atta!h to the re!ord of

    the !ae fi"e :5; !opie of the tran!ript of the tetimonial e"iden!e referred to in the re!ord on appeal0 The tenographer

    !on!erned hall tran!ribe u!h tetimonial e"iden!e and hall prepare and affi9 to their tran!ript an inde9 !ontaining the

    name of the -itnee and the page -herein their tetimonie are found% and a lit of the e9hibit and the page -hereinea!h of them appear to ha"e been offered and admitted or re

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    The !ler, of the trial !ourt hall tranmit to the appellate !ourt the original re!ord or the appro"ed re!ord on appeal -ithin

    thirty :32; day from the perfe!tion of the appeal% together -ith the proof of payment of the appellate !ourt do!,et and other

    la-ful fee% a !ertified true !opy of the minute of the pro!eeding% the order of appro"al% the !ertifi!ate of !orre!tne% the

    original do!umentary e"iden!e referred to therein% and the original and three :3; !opie of the tran!ript0 Copie of the

    tran!ript and !ertified true !opie of the do!umentary e"iden!e hall remain in the lo-er !ourt for the e9amination of the


    Se!0 $30 +imial of appeal0

    Prior to the tranmittal of the original re!ord or the re!ord on appeal to the appellate !ourt% the trial !ourt may motu

    proprio or on motion dimi the appeal for ha"ing been ta,en out of time0

    RULE (8


    Se!tion $0 Ho- appeal ta,en? time for filing0

    4 party deiring to appeal from a de!iion of the Regional Trial Court rendered in the e9er!ie of it appellate

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    forth !on!iely a tatement of the matter in"ol"ed% the iue raied% the pe!ifi!ation of error of fa!t or la-% or both%

    allegedly !ommitted by the Regional Trial Court% and the reaon or argument relied upon for the allo-an!e of the appeal?

    :d; be a!!ompanied by !learly legible dupli!ate original or true !opie of the

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    If upon the filing of the !omment or u!h other pleading a the !ourt may allo- or reuire% or after the e9piration of the

    period for the filing thereof -ithout u!h !omment or pleading ha"ing been ubmitted% the Court of 4ppeal find prima fa!ie

    that the lo-er !ourt ha !ommitted an error of fa!t or la- that -ill -arrant a re"eral or modifi!ation of the appealed

    de!iion% it may a!!ordingly gi"e due !oure to the petition0

    Se!0 )0 Ele"ation of re!ord0

    @hene"er the Court of 4ppeal deem it ne!eary% it may order the !ler, of !ourt of the Regional Trial Court to ele"ate the

    original re!ord of the !ae in!luding the oral and do!umentary e"iden!e -ithin fifteen :$5; day from noti!e0

    Se!tion 10 Perfe!tion of appeal? effe!t thereof0

    :a; Upon the timely filing of a petition for re"ie- and the payment of the !orreponding do!,et and other la-ful fee% the

    appeal i deemed perfe!ted a to the petitioner0

    The Regional Trial Court loe

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    If the petition i gi"en due !oure% the Court of 4ppeal may et the !ae for oral argument or reuire the partie to ubmit

    memoranda -ithin a period of fifteen :$5; day from noti!e0 The !ae hall be deemed ubmitted for de!iion upon the filing

    of the lat pleading or memorandum reuired by thee Rule or by the !ourt itelf0

    RULE (3




    Se!tion $0 S!ope0

    Thi Rule hall apply to appeal from

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    The appeal hall be ta,en -ithin fifteen :$5; day from noti!e of the a-ard%

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    The failure of the petitioner to !omply -ith any of the foregoing reuirement regarding the payment of the do!,et and

    other la-ful fee% the depoit for !ot% proof of er"i!e of the petition% and the !ontent of and the do!ument -hi!h hould

    a!!ompany the petition hall be uffi!ient ground for the dimial thereof0

    Se!tion 10 4!tion on the petition0

    The Court of 4ppeal may reuire the repondent to file a !omment on the petition% not a motion to dimi% -ithin ten :$2;

    day from noti!e% or dimi the petition if it find the ame to be patently -ithout merit% proe!uted manifetly for delay% or

    that the uetion raied therein are too unubtantial to reuire !onideration0

    Se!tion0 &0 Content of !omment0

    The !omment hall be filed -ithin ten :$2; day from noti!e in e"en :); legible !opie and a!!ompanied by !learly legible

    !ertified true !opie of u!h material portion of the re!ord referred to therein together -ith other upporting paper0 The

    !omment hall :a; point out inuffi!ien!ie or ina!!ura!ie in petitioner tatement of fa!t and iue? and :b; tate the

    reaon -hy the petition hould be denied or dimied0 4 !opy thereof hall be er"ed on the petitioner% and proof of u!h

    er"i!e hall be filed -ith the Court of 4ppeal0

    Se!tion $20 +ue !oure0

    If upon the filing of the !omment or u!h other pleading or do!ument a may be reuired or allo-ed by the Court of

    4ppeal or upon the e9piration of the period for the filing thereof% and on the bai of the petition or the re!ord the Court of

    4ppeal find prima fa!ie that the !ourt or agen!y !on!erned ha !ommitted error of fa!t or la- that -ould -arrant re"eral

    or modifi!ation of the a-ard%

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    Se!tion $80 Effe!t of appeal0

    The appeal hall not tay the a-ard% 4PPE4LE+ C4SES

    Se!tion $0 Title of !ae0

    In all !ae appealed to the Court of 4ppeal under Rule ($% the title of the !ae hall remain a it -a in the !ourt of

    origin% but the party appealing the !ae hall be further referred to a the appellant and the ad"ere party a the appellee0

    Se!tion 80 Counel and guardian0

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    The !ounel and guardian ad litem of the partie in the !ourt of origin hall be repe!ti"ely !onidered a their !ounel

    and guardian ad litem in the Court of 4ppeal0 @hen other appear or are appointed% noti!e thereof hall be er"ed

    immediately on the ad"ere party and filed -ith the !ourt0 :8a% R(';

    Se!tion 30 Order of tranmittal of re!ord0

    If the original re!ord or the re!ord on appeal i not tranmitted to the Court of 4ppeal -ithin thirty :32; day after the

    perfe!tion of the appeal% either party may file a motion -ith the trial !ourt% -ith noti!e to the other% for the tranmittal of u!h

    re!ord or re!ord on appeal0

    Se!tion (0 +o!,eting of !ae0

    Upon re!ei"ing the original re!ord or the re!ord on appeal and the a!!ompanying do!ument and e9hibit tranmitted by

    the lo-er !ourt% a -ell a the proof of payment of the do!,et and other la-ful fee% the !ler, of !ourt of the Court of 4ppeal

    hall do!,et the !ae and notify the partie thereof0

    @ithin ten :$2; day from re!eipt of aid noti!e% the appellant% in appeal by re!ord on appeal% hall file -ith the !ler, of

    !ourt e"en :); !learly legible !opie of the appro"ed re!ord on appeal% together -ith the proof of er"i!e of t-o :8; !opie

    thereof upon the appellee0

    4ny unauthori=ed alteration% omiion or addition in the appro"ed re!ord on appeal hall be a ground for dimial of the


    Se!tion 50 Completion of re!ord0

    @here the re!ord of the do!,eted !ae i in!omplete% the !ler, of !ourt of the Court of 4ppeal hall o inform aid !ourt

    and re!ommend to it meaure ne!eary to !omplete the re!ord0 It hall be the duty of aid !ourt to ta,e appropriate a!tionto-ard the !ompletion of the re!ord -ithin the hortet poible time0

    Se!tion '0 +ipening -ith !omplete re!ord0

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    @here the !ompletion of the re!ord !ould not be a!!omplihed -ithin a uffi!ient period allotted for aid purpoe due to

    inuperable or e9tremely diffi!ult !aue% the !ourt% on it o-n motion or on motion of any of the partie% may de!lare that the

    re!ord and it a!!ompanying tran!ript and e9hibit o far a"ailable are uffi!ient to de!ide the iue raied in the appeal%

    and hall iue an order e9plaining the reaon for u!h de!laration0

    Se!tion )0 4ppellant brief0

    It hall be the duty of the appellant to file -ith the !ourt% -ithin fortyBfi"e :(5; day from re!eipt of the noti!e of the !ler,

    that all the e"iden!e% oral and do!umentary% are atta!hed to the re!ord% e"en :); !opie of hi legibly type-ritten%

    mimeographed or printed brief% -ith proof of er"i!e of t-o :8; !opie thereof upon the appellee0

    Se!tion 10 4ppellee brief0

    @ithin fortyBfi"e :(5; day from re!eipt of the appellant brief% the appellee hall file -ith the !ourt e"en :); !opie of hi

    legibly type-ritten% mimeographed or printed brief% -ith proof of er"i!e of t-o :8; !opie thereof upon the appellant0

    Se!tion &0 4ppellant reply brief0

    @ithin t-enty :82; day from re!eipt of the appellee brief% the appellant may file a reply brief an-ering point in the

    appellee brief not !o"ered in hi main brief0

    Se!tion $20 Time for filing memoranda in pe!ial !ae0

    In !ertiorari% prohibition% mandamu% uo -arranto and habea !orpu !ae% the partie hall file% in lieu of brief% their

    repe!ti"e memoranda -ithin a nonBe9tendible period of thirty :32; day from re!eipt of the noti!e iued by the !ler, that allthe e"iden!e% oral and do!umentary% i already atta!hed to the re!ord0

    The failure of the appellant to file hi memorandum -ithin the period therefor may be a ground for dimial of the appeal0

    Se!tion $$0 Se"eral appellant or appellee or e"eral !ounel for ea!h party0

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    @here there are e"eral appellant or appellee% ea!h !ounel repreenting one or more but not all of them hall be er"ed

    -ith only one !opy of the brief0 @hen e"eral !ounel repreent one appellant or appellee% !opie of the brief may be er"ed

    upon any of them0

    Se!tion $80 E9tenion of time for filing brief0

    E9tenion of time for the filing of brief -ill not be allo-ed% e9!ept for good and uffi!ient !aue% and only if the motion for

    e9tenion i filed before the e9piration of the time ought to be e9tended0

    Se!tion $30 Content of appellant brief0

    The appellant brief hall !ontain% in the order herein indi!ated% the follo-ing6

    :a; 4 ub

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    :f; Under the heading A4rgument%A the appellant argument on ea!h aignment of error -ith page referen!e to the

    re!ord0 The authoritie relied upon hall be !ited by the page of the report at -hi!h the !ae begin and the page of the report

    on -hi!h the !itation i found?

    :g; Under the heading ARelief%A a pe!ifi!ation of the order or

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    Se!tion $0 Filing of petition -ith Supreme Court0

    4 party deiring to appeal by !ertiorari from a

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    Se!tion 50 +imial or denial of petition0

    The failure of the petitioner to !omply -ith any of the foregoing reuirement regarding the payment of the do!,et and

    other la-ful fee% depoit for !ot% proof of er"i!e of the petition% and the !ontent of and the do!ument -hi!h hould

    a!!ompany the petition hall be uffi!ient ground for the dimial thereof0

    The Supreme Court may on it o-n initiati"e deny the petition on the ground that the appeal i -ithout merit% or i

    proe!uted manifetly for delay% or that the uetion raied therein are too unubtantial to reuire !onideration0

    Se!tion '0 Re"ie- di!retionary0

    4 re"ie- i not a matter of right% but of ound

  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    If the petition i gi"en due !oure% the Supreme Court may reuire the ele"ation of the !omplete re!ord of the !ae or

    pe!ified part thereof -ithin fifteen :$5; day from noti!e0

    Se!tion &0 Rule appli!able to both !i"il and !riminal !ae0

    The mode of appeal pre!ribed in thi Rule hall be appli!able to both !i"il and !riminal !ae% e9!ept in !riminal !ae

    -here the penalty impoed i death% re!luion perpetua or life imprionment0

    RULE ('


    Se!tion $0 Title of !ae0

    In all !ae originally filed in the Court of 4ppeal% the party intituting the a!tion hall be !alled the petitioner and the

    oppoing party the repondent0

    Se!tion 80 To -hat a!tion appli!able0

    Thi Rule hall apply to original a!tion for !ertiorari% prohibition% mandamu and uo -arranto0

    E9!ept a other-ie pro"ided% the a!tion for annulment of

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    The petition hall !ontain the full name and a!tual addree of all the petitioner and repondent% a !on!ie tatement of

    the matter in"ol"ed% the fa!tual ba!,ground of the !ae% and the ground relied upon for the relief prayed for0

    It hall be filed in e"en :); !learly legible !opie together -ith proof of er"i!e thereof on the repondent -ith the original

    !opy intended for the !ourt indi!ated a u!h by the petitioner% and hall be a!!ompanied by a !learly legible dupli!ate

    original or !ertified true !opy of the

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    Se!tion '0 +etermination of fa!tual iue0

    @hene"er ne!eary to reol"e fa!tual iue% the !ourt itelf may !ondu!t hearing thereon or delegate the re!eption of the

    e"iden!e on u!h iue to any of it member or to an appropriate !ourt% agen!y or offi!e0

    Se!tion )0 Effe!t of failure to file !omment0

    @hen no !omment i filed by any of the repondent% the !ae may be de!ided on the bai of the re!ord% -ithout pre

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    Se!tion 30 Period for filing a!tion0

    If baed on e9trini! fraud% the a!tion mut be filed -ithin four :(; year from it di!o"ery? and if baed on la!, of

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    The pro!edure in ordinary !i"il !ae hall be ober"ed0 Should a trial be ne!eary% the re!eption of the e"iden!e may be

    referred to a member of the !ourt or a

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    RULE (1


    Se!tion $0 Preliminary !onferen!e0

    4t any time during the penden!y of a !ae% the !ourt may !all the partie and their !ounel to a preliminary !onferen!e6

    :a; To !onider the poibility of an ami!able ettlement% e9!ept -hen the !ae i not allo-ed by la- to be !ompromied?

    :b; To define% implify and !larify the iue for determination?

    :!; To formulate tipulation of fa!t and admiion of do!umentary e9hibit% limit the number of -itnee to be

    preented in !ae falling -ithin the original

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    OR4L 4R7U/ENT

    Se!tion $0 @hen allo-ed0

    4t it o-n intan!e or upon motion of a party% the !ourt may hear the partie in oral argument on the merit of a !ae% or on

    any material in!ident in !onne!tion there-ith0

    The oral argument hall be limited to u!h matter a the !ourt may pe!ify in it order or reolution0

    Se!tion 80 Condu!t of oral argument0

    Unle authori=ed by the !ourt% only one !ounel may argue for a party0 The duration allo-ed for ea!h party% the euen!e

    of the argumentation% and all other related matter hall be a dire!ted by the !ourt0

    Se!tion 30 No hearing or oral argument for motion0

    /otion hall not be et for hearing and% unle the !ourt other-ie dire!t% no hearing or oral argument hall be allo-ed

    in upport thereof0 The ad"ere party may file ob

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    :a; Failure of the re!ord on appeal to ho- on it fa!e that the appeal -a ta,en -ithin the period fi9ed by thee Rule?

    :b; Failure to file the noti!e of appeal or the re!ord on appeal -ithin the period pre!ribed by thee Rule?

    :!; Failure of the appellant to pay the do!,et and other la-ful fee a pro"ided in e!tion ( of Rule ($?

    :d; Unauthori=ed alteration% omiion or addition in the appro"ed re!ord on appeal a pro"ided in e!tion ( of Rule


    :e; Failure of the appellant to er"e and file the reuired number of !opie of hi brief or memorandum -ithin the time

    pro"ided by thee Rule?

    :f; 4ben!e of pe!ifi! aignment of error in the appellant brief% or of page referen!e to the re!ord a reuired in

    e!tion $3% paragraph :a;% :!;% :d; and :f; of Rule ((?

    :g; Failure of the appellant to ta,e the ne!eary tep for the !orre!tion or !ompletion of the re!ord -ithin the time

    limited by the !ourt in it order?

    :h; Failure of the appellant to appear at the preliminary !onferen!e under Rule (1 or to !omply -ith order% !ir!ular% or

    dire!ti"e of the !ourt -ithout

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    Se!tion 30 @ithdra-al of appeal0

    4n appeal may be -ithdra-n a of right at any time before the filing of the appellee brief0 Thereafter% the -ithdra-al may

    be allo-ed in the di!retion of the !ourt0

    RULE 5$


    Se!tion $0 @hen !ae deemed ubmitted for

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    Se!tion 80 .y -hom rendered0


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    No error in either the admiion or the e9!luion of e"iden!e and no error or defe!t in any ruling or order or in anything

    done or omitted by the trial !ourt or by any of the partie i ground for granting a ne- trial or for etting aide% modifying% or

    other-ie diturbing a

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    Se!tion $$0 E9e!ution of

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    In the Court of 4ppeal% a motion for re!onideration hall be reol"ed -ithin ninety :&2; day from the date -hen the

    !ourt de!lare it ubmitted for reolution0

    Se!tion (0 Stay of e9e!ution0

    The penden!y of a motion for re!onideration filed on time and by the proper party hall tay the e9e!ution of the

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    Se!tion (0 Pro!edure in ne- trial0

    Unle the !ourt other-ie dire!t% the pro!edure in the ne- trial hall be the ame a that granted by a Regional Trial


    RULE 5(


    Se!tion $0 +itribution of !ae among di"iion0

    4ll the !ae of the Court of 4ppeal hall be allotted among the different di"iion thereof for hearing and de!iion0 The

    Court of 4ppeal% itting en ban!% hall ma,e proper order or rule to go"ern the allotment of !ae among the different

    di"iion% the !ontitution of u!h di"iion% the regular rotation of #uti!e among them% the filling of "a!an!ie o!!urring

    therein% and other matter relating to the buine of the !ourt? and u!h rule hall !ontinue in for!e until repealed or altered

    by it or by the Supeme Court0

    Se!tion 80 uorum of the Court0

    4 ma

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  • 8/3/2019 001-071 Civil Procedure


    The pro!edure in original !ae for !ertiorari% prohibition% mandamu% uo -arranto and habea !orpu hall be in

    a!!ordan!e -ith the appli!able pro"iion of the Contitution% la-% and Rule ('% (1% (&% 5$% 58 and thi Rule% ub

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    :b; La!, of merit in the petition?

    :!; Failure to pay the reuiite do!,et fee and other la-ful fee or to ma,e a depoit for !ot?

    :d; Failure to !omply -ith the reuirement regarding proof of er"i!e and !ontent of and the do!ument -hi!h hould

    a!!ompany the petition?

    :e; Failure to !omply -ith any !ir!ular% dire!ti"e or order of the Supreme Court -ithout

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    RULE 5)


    Se!tion $0 7round upon -hi!h atta!hment may iue0

    4t the !ommen!ement of the a!tion or at any time before entry of

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    4n order of atta!hment may be iued either e9 parte or upon motion -ith noti!e and hearing by the !ourt in -hi!h the

    a!tion i pending% or by the Court of 4ppeal or the Supreme Court% and mut reuire the heriff of the !ourt to atta!h o

    mu!h of the property in the Philippine of the party againt -hom it i iued% not e9empt from e9e!ution% a may be uffi!ient

    to atify the appli!antG demand% unle u!h party ma,e depoit or gi"e a bond a hereinafter pro"ided in an amount eual

    to that fi9ed in the order% -hi!h may be the amount uffi!ient to atify the appli!antG demand or the "alue of the property to

    be atta!hed a tated by the appli!ant% e9!lui"e of !ot0 Se"eral -rit may be iued at the ame time to the heriff of the

    !ourt of different

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    The reuirement of prior or !ontemporaneou er"i!e of ummon hall not apply -here the ummon !ould not be er"ed

    peronally or by ubtituted er"i!e depite diligent effort% or the defendant i a reident of the Philippine temporarily abent

    therefrom% or the defendant i a nonBreident of the Philippine% or the a!tion i one in rem or uai in rem0

    Se!tion '0 SheriffG return0

    4fter enfor!ing the -rit% the heriff mut li,e-ie -ithout delay ma,e a return thereon to the !ourt from -hi!h the -rit

    iued% -ith a full tatement of hi pro!eeding under the -rit and a !omplete in"entory of the property atta!hed% together -ith

    any !ounterBbond gi"en by the party againt -hom atta!hment i iued% and er"e !opie thereof on the appli!ant0

    Se!tion )0 4tta!hment of real and peronal property? re!ording thereof0

    Real and peronal property hall be atta!hed by the heriff e9e!uting the -rit in the follo-ing manner6

    :a; Real property% or gro-ing !rop thereon% or any interet therein% tanding uponthe re!ord of the regitry of deed of

    the pro"in!e in the name of the party againt -hom atta!hment i iued% or not appearing at all upon u!h re!ord% or

    belonging to the party againt -hom atta!hment i iued and held by any other peron% or tanding on the re!ord of the

    regitry of deed in the name of any other peron% by filing -ith the regitry of deed a !opy of the order% together -ith a

    de!ription of the property atta!hed% and a noti!e that it i atta!hed% or that u!h real property and any interet therein held by

    or tanding in the name of u!h other peron are atta!hed% and by lea"ing a !opy of u!h order% de!ription% and noti!e -ith

    the o!!upant of the property% if any% or -ith u!h other peron or hi agent if found -ithin the pro"in!e0 @here the propertyha been brought under the operation of either the Land Regitration 4!t or the Property Regitration +e!ree% the noti!e hall

    !ontain a referen!e to the number of the !ertifi!ate of title% the "olume and page in the regitration boo, -here the !ertifi!ate

    i regitered% and the regitered o-ner or o-ner thereof0

    The regitrar of deed mut inde9 atta!hment filed under thi e!tion in the name of the appli!ant% the ad"ere party% or

    the peron by -hom the property i held or in -hoe name it tand in the re!ord0 If the atta!hment i not !laimed on the

    entire area of the land !o"ered by the !ertifi!ate of title% a de!ription uffi!iently a!!urate for the identifi!ation of the land or

    interet to be affe!ted hall be in!luded in the regitration of u!h atta!hment?

    :b; Peronal property !apable of manual deli"ery% by ta,ing and afely ,eeping it in hi !utody% after iuing the

    !orreponding re!eipt therefor?

    :!; Sto!, or hare% or an interet in to!, or hare% of any !orporation or !ompany% by lea"ing -ith the preident or

    managing agent thereof% a !opy of the -rit% and a noti!e tating that the to!, or interet of the party againt -hom the

    atta!hment i iued i atta!hed in puruan!e of u!h -rit?

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    :d; +ebt and !redit% in!luding ban, depoit% finan!ial interet% royaltie% !ommiion% and other peronal property not

    !apable of manual deli"ery% by lea"ing -ith the peron o-ing u!h debt% or ha"ing in hi poeion or under hi !ontrol%

    u!h !redit or other peronal property% or -ith hi agent% a !opy of the -rit% and noti!e that the debt o-ing by him to the

    party againt -hom atta!hment i iued% and the !redit and other peronal property in hi poeion% or under hi !ontrol%

    belonging to aid party% are atta!hed in puruan!e of u!h -rit?

    :e; The interet of the party -hom atta!hment i iued in property belonging to the etate of the de!edent% -ether a heir%

    legatee% or de"iee% by er"ing the e9e!utor or adminitrator or other peronal repreentati"e of the de!edent -ith a !opy of the

    -rit and noti!e that aid interet i atta!hed0 4 !opy of aid -rit of atta!hment and of aid noti!e hall alo be filed in the

    offi!e of the !ler, of the !ourt in -hi!h aid etate i being ettled and er"ed upon the heir% legatee or de"iee !on!erned0

    If the property ought to be atta!hed i in !utodia legi% a !opy of the -rit of atta!hment hall be filed -ith the proper

    !ourt or uaiB

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    4ny peron o-ing debt to the party -hoe property i atta!hed or ha"ing in hi poeion or under hi !ontrol any !redit

    or other peronal property belonging to u!h party% may be reuired to attend before the !ourt in -hi!h the a!tion i pending%

    or before a !ommiioner appointed by the !ourt% and be e9amine on oath repe!ting the ame0 The party -hoe property i

    atta!hed may alo be reuired to attend for the purpoe of gi"ing information repe!ting hi property% and may be e9amined

    on oath0 The !ourt may% after u!h e9amination% order peronal property !apable of manual deli"ery belonging to him% in the

    poeion of the peron o reuired to attend before the !ourt% to be deli"ered to the !ler, of the !ourt or heriff on u!h

    term a may be

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    other-ie% the atta!hing party may oppoe the motion by !ounterBaffida"it or other e"iden!e in addition to that on -hi!h the

    atta!hment -a made0 4fter due noti!e and hearing% the !ourt hall order the etting aide or the !orreponding di!harge of

    the atta!hment if it appear that it -a improperly or irregularly iued or enfor!ed% or that the bond i inuffi!ient% or that the

    atta!hment i e9!ei"e% and the defe!t i not !ured forth-ith0

    Se!tion $(0 Pro!eeding -here property !laimed by third peron0

    If the property atta!hed i !laimed by any peron other than the party againt -hom atta!hment had been iued or hi

    agent% and u!h peron ma,e an affida"it of hi title thereto% or right to the poeion thereof% tating the ground of u!h

    right or title% and er"e u!h affida"it upon the heriff -hile the latter ha poeion of the atta!hed party% and a !opy

    thereof upon the atta!hing party% the heriff hall not be bound to ,eep the property under atta!hment% unle the atta!hing