0-intro_course to droit droit

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  • 8/11/2019 0-Intro_course to Droit Droit


  • 8/11/2019 0-Intro_course to Droit Droit



    NOTE: To fully understand what a Deed of Trust is and what role you really play in this amazing instrument, study


    Droit Droit is a private remedy based upon the current system the banks use to take possession of your

    property without going to court when the bank claims you breach the contract (mortgage or deed of trust) for

    nonpayment. They know there is no money, but they count on your voluntary cooperation to play the game and

    pretend there is money to payoff the 30-year loan of credit with federal reserve notes. The banks have used this

    system for 70 years and it works every time.

    Droit Droit utilizes the principles of this proven system to reverse the process on the bank (duplicate what they

    do), when you exercise your exemption by using an instrument of your choice to redeem the debt. But before we go

    any farther, we will define exactly what Droit Droit really means.

    Droit. [LL directum legal right, law; from directus made straight, dirigere, di utterly + rec rule]

    A legal right or claim; the body of rules constituting the law.

    Droitural. [F droiture equity, uprightness] Law. Pertaining to right of ownership as distinguished from right of


    Droit. French law. Right, justice, equity, law, the whole body of law; also a right; This term exhibits the same ambiguity

    which is discoverable in the German term recht and the English word right. On the one hand these terms answer

    to the Roman jus,and thus indicate law in the abstract. On the other hand, they serve to point out a right; that is, a

    power, privilege, faculty, or demand, inherent in one person, and incident upon another.

    Droit Droit. A double right; that is, the right of possession and the right of property. These two rights were, by the

    theory of our ancient law, distinct; and the above phrase was used to indicate the concurrence of both in one person,

    which concurrence was necessary to constitute a complete title to land.

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    Title. The right to or ownership in land. Every right is a title, though every title is not a right for which an action lies.

    Basically, Droit means to rule utterly. This term would suffice if it were not for the fact that we are operating

    through our strawmen in the public, in the illusion, and in the matrix. The public has a two-part title system. To have

    complete title to land, it is necessary to obtain a right of possession AND a right of property.

    Property. That which is peculiar orproperto any person; that which belongs exclusively to one; in the strict legal

    sense, an aggregate of rights, which are guaranteed and protected by the government. The term is said to extend to

    every species of valuable right and interest. More specifically, ownership; the unrestricted and exclusive right to a

    thing; the right to dispose of a thing in every legal way, to possess it, to use it, and to exclude every one else from

    interfering with it. The word is also commonly used to denote everything which is the subjectof ownership, corporeal

    or incorporeal, tangible or intangible, visible or invisible, real or personal; everything that has an exchangeable value or

    which goes to make up wealth or estate.

    Possession. The detention and control, or the manual or ideal custody, of anything which may be the subjectof

    property, for ones use and enjoyment, either as owner or as the proprietor of a qualified right in it, and either held

    personally or by another who exercises it in ones place and name. Act or state of possessing. That condition of facts

    under which one can exercise his power over a corporeal thing at his pleasure to the exclusion of all other persons.

    Possession is used in some of the books in the sense of property. A possession is an hereditament or chattel.

    Notice a similarity in the two definitions. Property is the subject of ownership, and Possession is the subject

    of property. Is subject the actual ownership of the property? No, it is not.

    Subject. To form basic matter of thought , a cause or ground; Philosophy That which thinks, feels, perceives,

    intends, etc. as contrasted with the objects of thought, feeling, etc.

    It is the thought, feeling, perception, and intent that is the subject, as contrasted to the object of the

    thought, feeling, perception, and intent, which would be the objects of the subject.

    The subject of something would be that which forms matter of thought or that which thinks

    rather than the objects themselves. So, the subject is what you think something is whatever you form in

    your mind. Why do you think the courts have SUBJECT matter jurisdiction? Because it is all SUBJECT

    MATTER! You see, the courts cannot see object matter, because that is real. The public can only operate on

    the matter of the illusion. The matter does not exist until two people agree that IT exists. Subject matter

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    exists even if two argues that IT does not exist. That is why the courts are so successful they use your mind

    and your mind makes it real.


    to have and to hold- to possess legally; have permanent possession of: The house, with the mortgage finally paid,

    was at last their own to have and to hold. The Random House Dictionary of the English Language, have, 1967

    So, Droit Droit would mean in the public, a right to utterly rule what you think or perceive is your

    property. This definition would include what others think or perceive is your strawmans property as well, as

    long as you agree their perception is valid. The real property is always held in your strawmans name in the

    pubic records.

    When you argue with the bank about their rights to your property, you have just validated their right. The

    debt validation process through the Fair Debt Collection Practices Act validates their right, simply by

    acknowledging the debt exists and claiming there was some impropriety in the way it was created. By

    accepting the way it was created, because it also works in your favor, you can use their own paperwork to

    establish they are in breach of their contract with your strawman. You can use your strawman too. It was not

    created for the banks to use it. It was created for you to use it.

    What if YOU could perform an action that would appear in the public showing you legally took property

    away from a bank? That is the purpose of Droit Droit! You can created the right of property and the right of

    possession using the same process the bank uses to do the same thing to you. The foundation for the statutes

    was not created by the statutes. It has always existed in the unwritten law. You are not directly taking

    advantage of corporate statutes by using this process. You are using the laws of nature. Your strawman is in

    the matrix. Thats just the way it is. You never have been and never will be in the matrix, but you can use

    your strawman to operate in there for you.

    In the public system of illusion and fiction that we are in today, we must remember that we cannot operate in

    that system in our private capacity. We must use our interface, our mask, our vessel that has already been created for

    us by the state, commonly called a strawman. So, to rule any given situation, we must consider how to rule in the

    public as well as the private.

    Remember in the movie The Matrix, whenever they entered the Matrix they had to use their digital selves.

    They could not physically (privately) enter the Matrix. That is why your strawman and all of its property have numbers

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    and titles assigned to them -- because that is the only way the public can see you and your substance. You must use

    your numbered strawman to operate by the numbers with digits digitally.

    Most people who are learning this commercial process want to own their own property without government

    interference! While their independence is admirable, we are faced with a fact that everything as we know it, is

    happening in the Matrix. Until we can figure out how to function totally in the private, we must learn to use our

    strawman to operate in the public. We might as well duplicate and understand the system to the extent that there is no

    significance to it no good or bad, no right or wrong.

    When acceptance is fully understood, you will start seeing the world change before your very eyes. The

    system that you once fought, becomes a system designed specifically to provide you with your every need and desire.

    There is a process already in place that allows you to discharge debt or to redeem the credit (a security termed

    a promissory note) you issued by using your signature. The process is called Redemption.


    Redemption. [L redimere, red back + imere to buy, purhase] 1. to buy or pay off; clear by payment; 2. to buy back

    as after a tax sale or a mortgage foreclosure. 3. to recover something pledged or mortgaged by payment or other

    satisfaction; 4. to convert (paper money) into specie; 5. to discharge or fulfill a pledge, promise, etc.; 6. to make up

    for; make amends for; offset(some fault, shortcoming, etc.); 7. to obtain the release or restoration or, as from

    captivity, by paying a ransom. 8. Theology to deliver from sin and its consequences by means of sacrifice offered for

    the sinner.

    The Sinner? Who (or what) is the Sinner? It is a person who has a debt, who offers an offering. The

    strawman! And what does the strawman represent? Who created it? That is correct United States. Could one say

    that United States and all sub-corporations are sinners? They are the ones making the offers arent they?

    Remember what mortgage means? Thats right DEAD PLEDGE! That does not sound like a very good

    bet does it?

    To even the odds, you now have a secret weapon. The weapon was first formed in June 5, 1933 in House

    Joint Resolution 192 called the Abrogation of the Gold Clause. The provisions replaced payment with substance

    with discharge in an amount in money of the United States measured thereby.

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    Just what was the other currency? The key words are amount and measured thereby. As long as you

    use an instrument that exhibits an amount measured in U.S. money, you can use whatever instrument you

    want. Your substance was taken away and held in trust, so another system was introduced to pay debt. Since

    YOUR substance is backing up the new money, you are EXEMPT! You can discharge any public debt as long

    as it is dollar for dollar total duplication.

    Every obligation. Shall be discharged upon payment, dollar for dollar, in any coin or currency which at the

    time of payment is legal tender for public and private debts.

    What is the legal tender that you can use to discharge public debt now that United States is using your

    collateral? It is the same thing that you used when you created the debt in the first place your signature! You can

    exercise your exemption to offset the debt.

    Redemption. The realizationof a right to have the title of property restored free and clear of the mortgage;

    performance of the mortgage obligation being essential for that purpose. The right of the debtors and sometimes of a

    debtors other creditors, to repurchase from a buyer at a forced sale property of the debtor that was seized and sold

    in satisfaction of a judgment or other claim against the debtor, which right usually is limited to forced sales of real

    property. The reacquisition of a security by the issuer pursuant to a provision in the security that specifies the terms on

    which the reacquisition may take place. A security is called for redemption when the issuer notifies the holder that the

    redemption privilege has been exercised. Blacks 6th

    It is very interesting that the term realization of a right is used in this circumstance. You may HAVE a right, but

    unless you realize it or make it real by exercising it, it is worth nothing. You may have just recently realized that you

    are a creditor of the debtor that we term the strawman. What you may have assumed is your debt, is actually the

    debt of the strawman, and as its creditor you can redeem that debt - but only if you exercise that right.

    Right of Redemption. The right to disencumber property or to free it from a claim or lien; specifically, the right

    (granted by statute only) to free property from the encumbrance of a foreclosure or other judicial sale, or to recover

    the title passing thereby, by paying what is due, with interest, costs, etc., not to be confounded with the equity of

    redemption, which exists independently of statute but must be exercised before sale.

    Equity of Redemption. The right of the mortgagor of property to redeem the same ( i.e., save from foreclosure) after

    it has been forfeited, at law, by a breach of a condition of the mortgage (i.e.,default in mortgage payments), upon

    paying the amount of debt, interests and costs.

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    The primary difference between the above two redemption processes is the right of redemption is exercised

    BEFORE a breach and equity of redemption is exercised AFTER a breach. We will be exercising both of these

    processes depending on your situation.

    You can redeem the debt or security (promissory note) that you issued by exercising your exemption. But there

    is another important action that you must take, and that is you must notify the holder. Since you have issued the

    promissory note, YOU must send a notice to the holder (the bank) that you have redeemed the security. You do this

    by signing the note as the Settlor (one who furnishes consideration for a trust), registering the security and sending the

    notice to the bank.


    Financial institutions. An insured bank; a commercial bank or trust company; a private banker; an agency or

    branch of a foreign bank in the United States; an investment banker; an issuer, redeemer, or cashier of travelers

    checks, checks, money orders, or similar instruments; a dealer in precious metals, stones or jewels; a pawnbroker; a

    loan or finance company;

    Believe it or not, since your forefathers had the only substance after the United State had a national emergency

    in banking, they were considered financial institutions. They were private bankers foreign to the United States.

    They used their precious metal to invest in a corporation called United States, by making a loan to the

    international bankers. So who is the creditor and who is the debtor???

    And now, since you have remained in the same system, you have approved your property to be used by the

    Treasury of the United States ! When did this happen? March 9, 1933 at the 73rdCongress -- they were discussing

    the basis on which to govern the issuing of the new money.

    MR McFADDEN: Will the gentleman say how much it is possible to be issued, or is contemplated to be


    MR STEAGALL: No ones knows. It is not an arbitrary expansion. The purpose is to provide an elastic

    expansion to meet the exigencies and development of banking and business conditions.


    MR BRITTEN: From my observation of the bill as it was read to the House, it would appear that the

    amount of the bank notes that might be issued by the Federal Reserve System is not limited. That will

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    depend entirely upon the amount of collateral that is presentedfrom time to time for exchange for bank notes. Is

    that not correct?

    MR McFADDEN: Yes. I think that is correct.

    MR BRITTEN: So that it might run to $20,000,000,000?

    MR McFADDEN: In the discretion of the President and the Secretary of the Treasury. These notes are to be

    secured by assetsthat are approved, that are turned over by fi nancial i nstitutionsto the Treasury of the

    United States. [pause]


    MR PATMAN: Under the new law the money is issued to the banks in return for Government obligations,

    bills of exchange, drafts, notes, trade acceptances, and bankers acceptances. The money will be worth 100

    cents on the dollar, because it is backed by the credit of the Nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the

    homes and other property of all the people in the Nation.

    MR PATMAN: The money so issued will not have one penny of gold coverage behind it, because it is really

    not needed.

    You may be saying, But I didnt approve the collateral and turn my property to the Treasury of the United

    States! Wanna bet?

    Approve. To be satisfied with; to confirm, ratify, sanction, or consent to some act or thing done by another.

    Distinguishable from authorize, meaning to permit a thing to be done in future.

    What did you do when you signed the Deed of Trust or Mortgage given to you by the banks agent, the title

    company? Did you consent to it? Of course you did! That is the only way you were going to get a house; and what

    did the agents of the bank do? They recorded it, didnt they? That act put your assets in the public domain to be used

    by the public. You see, the county recorder accounts for all of the property of the people and then turns it over to

    the county assessor, who makes a tax assessment which is actually the REAL first mortgage on your property -- put on

    by the state. This property is then channeled to the Treasury of the United States where it is collateralized for thebankruptcy.

    You approved and turned in your assets as a financial institution to be used by the Treasury of the

    United States as the collateral for the new money!

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    Have you ever asked yourself why the Deed of Trust is recorded and not the Promissory Note? That is

    because the bank is using the Note on the private sid;e and if they were to register it, the note would become the same

    specie as Federal Reserve Notes, and the loan would be paid at the time the note was recorded. Now we couldnt

    have that could we?

    OK, so what about the Deed of Trust how is this security used? Like Mr. McFadden said, These notes are

    to be secured by assetsthat are approved, that are turned over by fi nancial in stitutionsto the Treasury of the

    United States.

    You are the financial institution that has approved an asset for use by the Treasury of the United States.

    And you thought you pledged your soul only once? Noooooooooooo!

    March 9, 1933, 73 Congress, Page 83:

    MR. PATMAN: It (the new money) will be worth 100 cents on the dollar and will be backed by the credit

    of the nation. It will represent a mortgage on all the homes and property of all the people of the nation.

    You pledged your property to be mortgaged by the United States to be used as collateral for the bankruptcy

    money. AND you pledged a legal description to back up your promissory note to the bank. I count two two mints

    in one!

    Because of this duality, you will redeem your Promissory Note AND your Deed of Trust in the same notice.

    One copy will go to the bank, one copy will go to the trustee on the trust, and one copy will go to John Snow as the

    Trustee of the bankruptcy. You can now request that the bank send the reconveyance to your strawman, since the loan

    is now discharged in the PUBLIC ANDthe PRIVATE.

    The instrument that accomplishes all of these purposes is called a NOTICE OF REDEMPTION AND


    Once you have sent this instrument, the bank is obligated to release its interest in the real estate. This is in the

    contract called the Deed of Trust or Mortgage. So what if the bank does not fulfill its obligation of the contract? It is

    in breach of contract.


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    The bank can foreclose on a mortgage or deed of trust for non-performance, which is considered by them

    and re-enforced by you, to be a breach of contract. Since the bank does this action thousands of times a day, most

    people think that only they, themselves, can breach the contract. But, is that really true?

    What action is the bank required to do to fulfill the contract?

    Defeasance clause. That provision in a mortgage which assures the revesting of title in the mortgagor when all the

    terms and conditions of the mortgage have been met. A clause which permits the mortgagor/borrower to defeat the

    temporary and conditional conveyance by discharging the debt and thus causing a release of any interests in the

    real estate.

    All mortgages or deeds of trust have some form of a defeasance clause where the bank has agreed to

    release any interest in the real estate once you have discharged the debt. Once you have discharged the debt by

    using your exemption, the bank is obligated by its own contract to release its interest in the property and reconvey the

    deed back to the borrower.

    Breach of contract. Failure, without legal excuse, to perform any promise which forms the whole or part of a

    contract. Prevention or hindrance by party to contract of an occurrence or performance requisite under the contract for

    the creation or continuance of a right in favor of the other party or the discharge of a duty by him. Unequivocal, distinct

    and absolute refusal to perform agreement.

    You will give the bank a reasonable time to perform their promise requisite under the contract to discharge

    their duty. You will give them several opportunities to perform; however, if you observe the unequivocal, distinct

    and absolute refusal to perform the agreement, then you have a right to remedy private remedy.

    The title company that is acting as Trustee for the Deed of Trust is holding the title. Once the trust has been

    breached by the bank and its trustee, it is a dead pledge (mortgage). Now you as Settlor, have the power to act for

    the Trustor (strawman) by substituting the Trustee with another Trustee, as executor of the estate, with the power of

    sale for the liquidation of the trust property.

    The substitute trustee can transfer the right of property by holding a Trustees Sale, but the trustee will have to

    create a right of possession to pass the complete title to the highest bidder.


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    As you know, with the Deed of Trust, the bank has set up the title company as the Trustee to hold the title for

    the Trustor (the strawman) and beneficiary (the bank) until the loan has been satisfied. If the contract is breached by

    the Trustor for nonpayment to the bank, the bank starts a private remedy to allow the Trustee to pass the title to the

    top bidder at a Trustees Sale. This action results in a right of property for that top bidder .

    However, neither the trustee nor the bank has right of possession to the property at the time of sale, unless

    they do another action. This private remedy is termed creating a right of possession.

    When the bank has properly created a right of possession (step #5) and has conducted the Trustees Sale

    properly, it can pass title to the new buyer with both right of property and right of possession, hence the term Droit

    Droit. Interestingly, the bank NEVER warrants the title the top bidder receives after the Trustees Sale, but you can

    warrant the title the top bidder gets at YOUR Trustees Sale. You are one of the principals in this country. The bank

    is not. You have powers you never dreamed you had. You are just learning what they are and how to use them now.

    Since the banks use this remedy successfully thousands of times every day, wouldnt it be a good idea if we

    started using it as well? Duplication is the name of the game.

    Now that the substitute trustee has passed both parts of the title, the right of property and the right of

    possession, the new owner (Buyer A) has Droit Droit!


    Now you are ready to evict the bank! Wow, in all these years have you ever heard of such a thing? What a

    switch! You are turning the world upside down actually you are turning it RIGHT SIDE UP!!!

    The bank probably still thinks it has an interest/right/title in the property. The person that bought the property at

    the Trustee Sale will send an eviction notice to the unwanted tenants of the property. And who are the unwanted

    tenants? Why the bank of course!

    The notice will be served the same way that the top bidder does after he has succeeded at the banks Trustees

    Sale. The new owner serves the eviction notice through a process server. The process server serves the address only,

    even if the interested party does not live in the building. You see, it is NEVER about people it is about illusion!

    It is always about an address with numbers. It is about a Property Identification Number. It is about a

    Book and Page Number. It is about the loan number. It is about. The digital Matrix!

    But it is never about the man or the woman or the earth. You know real things.

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    You might be saying, You mean the guy that bought the property is now going to serve me at my house and

    evict me? No, he is going to serve the digital illusion. You just perceive that your house is attached to the

    address and the other numbers. You assume that you are the tenant. Well, this time the bank is the tenant.

    The banks have it so easy! They suggest the points to view -- the subject matter on a piece of wood pulp, and

    we CONNECT THE DOTS! They dont have to create the third dimensional object. They dont make it real


    In Arizona, the time allowed for the tenants to deliver the premises or to leave the property in seven days.

    This will vary between the states. After the allotted time given to the tenants to vacate the premises, you will

    go around the house looking for the bank. Look in every nook and cranny they are very very sneaky. But

    when the bank is nowhere to be seen, they get an acknowledgement, thanking them for vacating the premises.

    They get copies of the Notice to Vacate AND the Certificate of Service of process as well.

    The bank should go away after this is done; however, if they want to dishonor and threaten, the one who

    bought the property at the substitute trustees sale can go into court and evict the bank judicially.


    Hereafter, if you should receive an instrument from the bank threatening you in any way to get you to remove

    yourself from the legal description that they assume they are in possession of. You can file an action in the state court

    called Forcible Entry and Detainer.

    Entry.Practice means to place anything before court, or upon or among records, and is nearly equivalent to setting

    down formally in writing, either in full or abridged form but it may be used as meaning supply to file or duly deposit. In

    criminal law, entry is the unlawful making ones way into a dwelling or other house, for the purpose of committing a

    crime therein. In cases of burglary, the least entry with the whole or any part of the body, hand, or foot, or with any

    instrument or weapon, introduced for the purpose of committing a felony, is sufficient to complete the offense.

    Dwell. [ME dwellen to lead astray, stun, abide, dwellan go astray, hinder] to live or stay as a permanent resident,

    reside; to linger over, emphasize, or ponder in thought, speech, or writing; to be motionless for a certain interval

    during operation.

    Dwelling. In criminal law, means a building or portion thereof, a tent, a mobile home, a vehicle or other enclosed

    space which is used or intended for use as a human habitation, home or residence.

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    Resident. Any person who occupies a dwelling within the State.

    The word subject means what one thinks. Dwell means to ponder in thought, speech, or writing. Dwell

    also means to lead astray, stun or hinder has anyone you know ever been in this condition where he is confused by

    thinking that he IS the strawman?

    So, where do you think the strawman lives? If you pondered in writing where the person could reside, it

    would have to be on a piece of paper, whereever that name is to be printed, typed or written. The only place

    the resident can live, since it is a person (fiction), is within the State (another fiction).

    Instrument. A formal legal document in writing, such as a contract, deed, will, bond, or lease. A writing that satisfies

    the requisites of negotiability prescribed by UCC Article 3. A negotiable instrument or any other writing which

    evidences a right to the payment of money and is not itself a security agreement

    If you happen to get an instrument in the mail from the bank which has entered the dwelling of the strawman

    that evidences a right to payment of money (such as a bank statement) after you have created a right of possession

    and have evicted the bank, then it is time to spank the bank.

    Forcible entry. Every person is guilty of forcible entry who either (1) by breaking open doors, windows or other parts

    of a house, or by any kind of violence or circumstance of terror, enters upon real property; or (2) who, after entering

    peaceably upon real property, turns out by force, threats, or menacing conduct the party in possession. In many states,

    an entry effected without consent of rightful owner, or against his remonstrance, or under circumstance which amount

    to no more than a mere trespass, is now technically considered forcible, while a detainer of the property consisting

    merely in the refusal to surrender possession after a lawful demand, is treated as a forcible detainer, the force

    required at common law being now supplied by a mere fiction.

    Terroristic threats. A person is guilty of a felony if he threatens to commit any crime of violence with purpose to

    terrorize another or to cause evacuation of a building,

    Since force is now supplied by a mere fiction, have you ever heard of a strawman receiving a dangerous

    instrument from the bank threatening to cause evacuation of a building? It happens thousands of times a day. Why

    would this action by the bank technically be an act of terrorism? -- Because all strawmen already aquired the property

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    by using its creditors promissory note, so technically it has a right to the property without being threatened to evacuate

    the building.

    Now that you have a claim upon which relief can be granted, you can prevail in court where no man has

    prevailed before.


    Jurisdiction. [Ljus law, right + diction words spoken] the right, power, or authority to administer justice by hearing

    and determining controversies; power, authority, control.

    Since you are the creditor of the United States and all sub-corporations, whenever you speak, the words

    become law; however, in the public, the public can only see the strawman, so we must wear our mask and act like a

    citizen. We dont want to wake up all the slaves at once do we?

    The following court cases are not meant to give authority to do the actions we are doing, but to give a specific

    pattern of reasoning behind this ingenious system of eviction.

    The only judgment which can be rendered in a forcible entry and detainer action is one restor ing premises to

    plaintiff or one dismissing complaint. Old Brothers Lumber Co. vs. Rushing, 167 P.2d 394, 644 Ariz. 199.


    The procedural provisions of forcible detainer statute are an integral part of the right itself and are not solely

    procedural, and hence are not superceded by the new rules of civil procedure, so that, in an action of forcible

    entry and detainer, no counterclaim or cross claim may be filed seeking affirmative relief. Neyens vs. Donato

    188 P.2d 588, 67 Ariz. 1 (1948)

    In an action for forcible entry and detainer, defendants could be required to answer within 6 days rather than

    within 20 days after service of summons and complaint upon defendants. [Rule 1 and 12(a)] Byrd vs. Peterson

    186 P.2d 955, Ariz. 253. (1947)

    As you can see, the court is very limited on what it can do in this proceeding. This is because even though it is

    governed statutorily, it is a private remedy and not solely procedural. Why can there be no counterclaim or cross

    claim? Because the outcome has already been agreed to by the parties by the steps taken to create the right

    of possession and the consequential Trustee Sale.

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    The test of jurisdiction is whether tribunal has power to enter upon inquiry; not whether its conclusion in

    course of it is right or wrong. State vs. Phelps, 193 P.2d 921, 67 Ariz. 215. (1948)

    Even though you have agreement of the parties, you are going to allow the court to enter upon inquiry, but not

    to give its conclusion in course of it is right or wrong. See, you just want the court to inquire as to if the bank gave a

    proper response during the time your substitute trustee created the right of possession (which they never do), and then

    to tell the banks attorney, Sorry, game over.

    The only way that the attorney can prevail is if he can find a defect in the process. This phrase came directly

    from a magistrate when the tenant was making claims that the bank was in fraud. If the substitute trustee has done the

    5 steps in Step 5 properly, you are in good shape.


    There are only certain things that can be heard in the Forcible Entry and Detainer action AFTER you


    Forcible entry and detainer action is a summary statutory remedy for obtaining possession of premises by one

    entitled to actual possession. Gangadean vs. Erickson, 495 P.2d 1338, 17 Ariz. App. 131 (1972)

    Forcible detainer is summary statutory remedy in which only material issue is right of possession; merits o

    ti tle may not be considered. Fenter vs. Homestead Development and Trust Co., 413 P.2d 579, 3 Ariz. App. 248.


    So now do you understand why whenever you went into court and argued title and ownership you did not

    prevail? It is because title and ownership ARE NOT THE ISSUE! The court cannot hear arguments on title and

    ownership in a Forcible Entry and Detainer action. It never heard your arguments, and it will not hear the banks

    arguments. Title and ownership are not the subject matter of this type of case. Those arguments are totally irrelevant.

    This is only about right of possession, and if your process was done correctly, then this action is a summary of that

    remedy defined by the statutes.

    Party out of actual possession, whether real owner or entitled to present right of possession, may not tr y issue

    of ti t lein forcible entry or unlawful detainer case.

    Evidentiary fact that title is in defendants, may be put in evidence in forcible entry and detainer action, since i

    is in cidental to defendant s proof of r ight of possession by reason of ownership, but any further inquiry is

    prohibited by statute. Taylor vs. Stanford, 414 P.2d 727, 100 Ariz. 346. (1966)

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    Only issue to be determined in forcible entry and detainer action is right to actual possession, and such action

    is possessory in its character. Walkeng Mining Co. vs. Covey, 352 P.2d 768, 88 Ariz. 80. (1960)

    Whether defendant had title to premises could not be determined in forcible entry and detainer action. Olds

    Brothers Lumber Co. vs. Rushing, 167 P.2d 394, 644 Ariz. 199. (1946)

    In action of forcible entry and detainer to recover a mining claim, only issue involved, under civil code 1913

    paragraph 1536, is right of actual possession, merits of title not being open to inquiry, as even owner of realty

    may be dispossessedif he has forcible or unlawfully taken possession. Foster vs. Black, 176 P. 845, 20 Ariz. 64


    Forcible Entry action can only decide if Plaintiff (you in this case) has no defects in the process used to create

    the right of possess. If you want to try title or ownership, it has to be done in an Action for Quiet Title or similar action

    This is why we have completely missed the boat all of these years; we were distracted by the magicians (magistrates).

    After it was all done, we were left in shock with our mouth gaping open.

    But, if it works for them, it will work for us! Just think of it this way, whatever the attorneys come up with as a

    defense, we can use the same defense they use in their Forcible Entry actions. We can use their own words

    against them.

    What if the bank attorney attempts to say, You conducted an illegal sale. And, You do not have legal

    title.? You can say, That opinion is irrelevant to the material issue in this matter. or Merits of title can

    not be considered here. or Merits of title are not open to inquiry in this action. Or The only issue here is

    whether or not the right or possession was created properly.

    Actual physical possession is not required as prerequisite to bringing of forcible detainer action if possession is

    claimed by one who contends that he is entitled to exercise dominion and control and has not abandoned that

    claim. Standage vs. Planned Investment Corp., 772 P.2d 1140, 160 Ariz. 287. (1988)

    Where a grantor in possession of premises deeds them to another and thereafter retains possession thereof

    after a demand to surrender has been made by the grantee, grantor is a tenant at suf feranceand forcible

    detainer is proper remedy to recover possession. Hickson vs. Davis, 46 Ariz. 543, 52 P.2d 1166. (1935)

    Where have you hear this before that the grantor (you) is a tenant and the proper remedy is eviction?

    Defendants in forcible entry and detainer action had right to present evidence before judgment was rendered

    againstthem. Morrison vs. Stanford, 412 P.2d 708, 100 Ariz. 211. (1966)

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    I just love this last case, are there any last words you wish to say before we execute you? How many times

    have we went into court and gave a perfect presentation only to be dashed into pieces by the judgment? We were

    saying the right speech in the wrong action. It would have been beautiful in an Action For Quiet Title!

    If defendant had acquired title or right of possession to property involved superior to that of plaintiffs since

    judgment against him in forcible entry and detainer action, he could have f il ed an independent action and

    establ ished the same; but until he did so he was bound to abide by the judgment in forcible entry and detainer

    action, and he could be punished for contempt upon returning to land involved after being dispossessed

    therefrom by writ of restitution issued in forcible entry and detainer action, even if he had acquired a lease

    giving him a right to possession superior to that claimed by plaintiffs. Cannon vs. Arizona Game and Fish

    Commission ex rel. Attorney General, 33 p.2d 501, 85 Ariz. 1. (1958)

    The above case is the real clencher. The defendant could have filed an independent action and established

    the same . What is the same? It is a right of possession. Until he did so, he was bound to abide by the judgment

    in forcible entry and detainer action. Here it is folks, the court openly admitting that we can do the same thing back to

    the bank!!! I love this country!


    But the game is not over yet. In some instances we have run into the situation where the title companies do no

    want to recognize your Trustee Sale. So you will have to create the circumstance whereby the community

    perceives that you have good, clear title. You will need to pass the title to others that will recognize the

    value of the title and give equal exchange for the property. If you pass the title from person to person

    you can create validity and value.

    Current money. The currency of the country; whatever is intended to and does actually circulate as currency; every

    speciesof coin or currency. In this phrase the adjective current is not synonymous with convertible. It is

    employed to describe money which passes from hand to hand, from person to person, and circulates through the

    community, and is generally received. Money is current which is received as money in the common business

    transactions, and is the common medium in barter and trade.

    How do you get your title (a common medium) generally received in the community? You circulate it through

    the community from person to person strawman to strawman, or strawman to trust, or trust to trust.

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    First your strawman substitutes the original trustee so the title passes to a new trustee (person to person).

    Then the substitute trustee passes title to the top bidder at the Trustee Sale (person to person). And finally, that

    person passes title to another person called a trust (person to person). Now you have created current money by

    circulating the title through the community where it was generally received from person to person. Now the final owner

    has a clear marketable title!


    You may be saying, I just got my property out of a trust (Deed of Trust), and now you want me to put it in

    another trust? Well, only if you want to protect your interest from other entities lurking in the dark waters of maritime


    You may say, I want MY property in MY name! My question to you is, Can you EVER put public

    property in your name? The answer is no. You have to put your property in your strawmans name which is

    actually a constructive trust with the trustee being the State. If the property is in another name that you control, what

    difference does it make? Now the strawman is not a red flag for the government to track your every move. Learn the

    rules of the game and play the game or stay ignorant of the rules and allow the game to play you.

    You will learn to play the game so well, you will even wear the mask of a tenant. Your strawman will sign a

    lease with the new trust, and even pay rent. The trustee will accept the rental payments and pay all of the utility bills

    and even maintenance bills, which you were going to pay anyway. When it is time to sell the property, you can make

    that suggestion to the trustee. You can even help the trustee find new property to put in the trust and have him buy it.

    Can it get any better than that?


    Guidelines for DDDATA SHEET for a DEED OF TRUST

    DD #_________________

    (to be provided when we receive your information)

    1. First/Middle/Last name :

    2. e-mail address :

    3. Phone number :

    4. Mailing address :

    5. UCC-1 filing #, state, date :

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    6. direct treasury account # :

    7. (Closed bank account #) Private Set-off Acct #:

    8. Registered Mail # used when Sec of Treasury was notified of closed account #:

    9. Social Security # :

    10. Date Promissory Note was signed :

    11. Mailing Address of subject property :

    12. Tax parcel # of subject property :

    13. Name of County where Deed is Recorded :

    14. Docket and Page of recording OR recording # of Deed of Trust:

    15. Date Deed was recorded :

    16. Loan or Account number :

    17. Promissory Note amount :

    18. Total of payments already made to bank :

    19. Payoff amount :[[NOTE: Attach a copy of your payoff letter from the bank. ]]

    20. Name of Original Trustor (strawman) exactly as shown on Deed :

    21. Name of originalTrustee :

    22. Address of originalTrustee :

    23. Current Beneficiary (bank):

    24. Address of Current Beneficiary :

    25. Original Beneficiary (if note has been sold or assigned):

    26. Address of Original Beneficiary :

    27. Name of Notary Public doing Notarial Protest:

    28. Address of Notary :

    29. Name of Substitute Trustee 3E :

    Page 1

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    (If you do not have someone to be the Substitute Trustee, we will provide one, but he will want $100 for his services.)

    30. Address of Substitute Trustee :

    31. Name of local agent of Substitute Trustee (your friend):(to record the Notice of Trustees Sale, be the auctioneer, sign the Trustees Deed Upon Sale, and do steps 5 A,B,C,D,E)

    32. Name of Buyer A (highest bidder at Trustees Sale 7A:

    (If you do not have someone to be Buyer A, we will provide one, but he will want $100 for his services.)

    33. Address of Buyer A :

    34. Exact name of the court for your county:

    35. Legal description of property (email this to us) :

    36. Ten certified mail numbers from the post office:

    37. Five registered mail numbers from the post office:(Include the letters before and after the numbers. Sometimes to have to go to more than one post office to get these.)

    Please provide me with the consultation services and written material for the Droit Droit process. I am

    enclosing BLANK postal money orders totaling $1000 (+extra for Substitute Trustee and Buyer A ifapplicable). I understand this is an interactive process, and there are certain steps that I must perform or

    have someone I know perform. I understand I will not own the property at the end of the process. I

    understand consultation services do not include arrangements with Buyer B. There is no non-disclosure and

    no non-circumvent agreement to sign, and no percentage contractually due at the end of the process, but if

    additional postal money orders are offered, they will be gratefully accepted.

    Dated: _____________ (Signature) ____________________________________

    Email to [email protected] AND Mail to : Fuller Service 4323 East Broadway Road #117-74 , Mesa,

    Arizona 85206 Page 2Course 8 and the tapes from Class A2 will be helpful in understanding this process.

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    Breach of Contract

    10 days

    90 days after Notice of Trustees Sale

    Send bill

    of exchange

    to discharge the



    Note in front

    of notary



    and Notice

    Notice of


    and request to


    Substitution of


    Certificate of


    Notice of



    Buyer A sends

    Notice to

    Vacate to Bank

    Record Notice

    of Trustees



    Notice to

    address of record


    Notice of

    Trustees Sale

    on building

    Post Notice

    of Trustees

    Sale Court

    Bulletin Board

    Publish Notice of

    Trustees Sale

    Record these


    Record Notice

    Notice of


    Buyer A

    sells property to

    Buyer B


    (See steps in box to the right)





















    7A 8A

    Statement ofBreach


    Trustees Deed

    Upon Sale



    requesting protest



    of Account


    Notice to John


    Notice of Error2D


    of Account


    Notice of Error3

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    GENERALOUTLINE OF EVENTS(Follow the DROIT DROIT map as you read this.)

    (The numbers in the boxes on the map correspond with the numbers below.)

    The end products of the process are:

    1. The debt evidenced by the promissory note has been redeemed which reduces the national debt.

    2. The debt has been discharged and you no longer have payments to the bank.

    3. The bank no longer has a legal interest in the property.

    4. The title is passed 3 times to validate the title.

    5. The title is eventually held by a trust through a warranty deed. You will be a tenant. Its OK! Bein

    a tenant in control is better than being an owner. You were not in control before.

    Requirements to do the Droit Droit process are:

    (You are going to be involved in every step of this process. We can give you a fish or

    we can teach you to fish. When you are done, you will be very knowledgeable aboutthe whole mortgage process in your State.)

    a. You will need to file a UCC-1 in your state, or Federal District or West Virginia.

    b. You will need to set up a Treasury Account and mail a Bill of Exchange to John Snow to zero the

    charges against the strawman.

    c. You will need a private set-off account that is registered with the Treasury.

    (closed account)

    d. You will need to request a Payoff Statement from the mortgage company.

    e. You will need to download the forcible entry and detainer statutes for your State and email them to


    f. You will need 10 certified mail stickers and 5 registered mail stickers from the post office.g. You will need someone to be the substitute trustee someone in your area.

    h. You will need a notary to certify the breach of contract.

    There is an alternative if you absolutely cannot find a notary in your State.

    It adds 10 days to the process.

    i. You will need at least one (two or three is better) buyer at the banks trustees sale to bid on the

    property with a closed account check, IF it holds a trustees sale.

    j. You may need someone to go to the banks trustees sale to distribute notices that the property

    cannot legally be passes through that auction and the bank is in breach of contract.

    k. You will need at least one (two or three is better) friend (Buyer A) to go to your substitute

    trustees sale to bid on the property with a closed account check.l. You will need someone to be the auctioneer at your substitute trustees sale.

    m. You will need a process server to deliver the eviction notice to the bank.

    n. You will have to make arrangements with a trustee of a trust (Buyer B) to purchase the property

    from Buyer (A). We will help you with this.

    o. If you do not have steps a, b, and c done, let us know.

    1. REDEMPTION. [Start following along on the Droit Droit Map. Details come with the paperwork.]

    Substitute Trustee

    recordsTrustee s

    DeedBuyer A



    Buyer B signs


    Agreement with


    6B8B 9Buyer A



    ment to Bank


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    A. PROMISSORY NOTE. Get a copy of your promissory note and deed of trust, and attach the

    redemption signature information at the end of the note. This is part of the package. Sign this

    in front of a notary. You are redeeming the debt.


    newly signed note and accepted deed of trust are the supporting document for this Notice. Yo

    are giving Notice that you have redeemed the debt and are requesting the bank to send your

    strawman the reconveyance. Have your signature notarized on this Notice.

    C. RECORD NOTICEwith the note and deed attached. This Notice will be registered (recorded)and delivered to the bank by the Public Fiduciary (County Recorder).

    D. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNTcan be approved or corrected by the bank.


    A. BILL OF EXCHANGE. This is the instrument you will send to the bank authorizing the use of your

    exemption, if it refuses your request to reconvey the deed and dishonors your Notice of

    Redemption. The timing for using this step of the process will vary from situation to situation.

    This instrument may have different names, like bill of exchange, closed account check, trade

    acceptance, bankers acceptance, preauthorized transfer. The purpose is to use your

    exemption through your private set-off account to set off the debt using FedWire. This is

    where you use the Payoff Statement you requested.

    B. NOTICE TO TRUSTEE OF BANKRUPTCY. John Snow, as the Trustee of the bankruptcy of

    the U.S., is responsible for the accounting for the bankruptcy. This notice authorizes him to

    use your exemption to discharge the debt and credit the banks account. The bank will get

    the credits unless it refuses to process the authorization.

    C. STATEMENT OF ACCOUNT. After 14 days, if you have not heard from the bank, this

    statement confirms that the balance on the account is zero. The bank has 14 days to correct

    this statement or approve it. Its failure to correct your statement is its agreement and approval

    of your statement.


    dishonors your bill of exchange, you will notify it of an error and request an investigation as to

    why the bank did not send you a settlement statement and reconvey the deed. Title 15 USC

    requires the bank to conduct an investigation if you send it a notice of error, and it must give

    you a written report of its findings regarding the error. The use of this Notice will vary from

    situation to situation.

    3. BREACH OF CONTRACT. In the event the bank does not give you a release of deed after you mail the

    Notice of Redemption, the bank and its trustee are in breach of contract. This is the end of the first 10 days

    of the process. The Deed of Trust is the contract that has been breached.

    NOTICE OF ERROR. This is a USC Title 15 remedy banks must recognize

    A. AFFIDAVIT. This is an affidavit to the Notary Public explaining the steps that you have taken,stating that the bank has not performed. You are requesting a Notarial Protest as a second

    witness to the dishonor.

    B. NOTICE OF BREACH. The Notary will send this notice to the bank with copies of the Notice

    that you sent to the bank. The protest must be done in the State where the dishonor occurs.

    If you do not have a Notary to do this step, contact us for an alternative. This alternative

    will add ten days to the process.

    C. CERTIFICATE OF BREACH. The Notary will issue this statement as a second witness, which

    will certify the banks breach of contract.

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    document stating that it has not received the reconveyance of the deed of trust.

    E. SUBSTITUTION OF TRUSTEE. Now that the bank and its trustee have breached the trust, it is

    no longer a valid trust, so you, as the Settlor, will have to substitute the trustee. The trust

    cannot operate in commerce without a trustee. The trustee who breached the terms of the

    contract is no longer qualified to manage the trust property. The substitute trustee will be

    acting as an executor for the estate and will liquidate the trust property at a trustees sale. It

    will go to the highest bidder = one of your friends.F. RECORD. You record the Substitution of Trustee and the Notice of Trustees Sale with a copy of

    the Certificate of Breach and the Statement of Breach at the county recorders office. You

    will then print the Docket and Page number on the upper right hand corner of the Notice of

    Trustees Sale. This is the end of the second 10 days of the process, unless you had to

    use an alternative Notary.

    (This next step takes 90 days. The trustees sale is on the 91st day.)


    A. NOTICE OF TRUSTEES SALE. The substitute trustee signs this notice giving the bank 90 days

    to cure its breach of contract.

    B. RECORDthe Notice of Trustees Sale. The Trustee records this Notice in the county recorders

    office. Print the Docket and Page numbers on the upper right hand corner of the notice. The

    recorder will give you the recording number and the docket and page numbers. You can


    TRUSTEE SALE on the same day, but the Notice of Substitution is recorded first.


    (The exact steps of this part are determined by the statutes in your State. These are for AZ.)






    1. TRUSTEES SALE. After 90 days, a Trustees Sale is held to liquidate the trust property due to the banks

    failure to cure the breach.

    A. TRUSTEES DEED UPON SALE. Title to the legal description will be passed to the top bidder

    in the Trustees Sale, which will be a friend, herein Buyer A.

    B. RECORD. Trustee will record this Deed in favor of Buyer A.

    2. EVICTION PROCESS. Buyer A will evict the bank from the premises non-judicially.

    [NOTE: If your strawman is in arrears in making payments to the Landlord (bank), and it has already started its

    foreclosure process, there may be other steps that must be taken to retain possession while your substitute trustee isliquidating the trust property.]

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    this notice by a process server to the address of the property not the banks address. This i

    the eviction notice. The bank must abandon any interest is thinks it has.

    B. LETTER OF ACKNOWLEDGEMENT. Give them 7days to vacate their interest in the

    property.Buyer A will send a copy of the eviction notice and the process servers affidavit to

    the banks address after the 7 days allowed by statute to vacate.


    A. WARRANTY DEED. Once Buyer A has evicted the bank, Buyer A will pass title to a trust.

    B. RECORD the WARRANTY DEED. Buyer A records the Warranty Deed in favor of the trust,

    which is Buyer B. Buyer B should have no connection to you whatsoever and really should

    be in another state. It needs a bank account and someone who is actively involved in

    managing the rental of the property and will pay the utilities and some maintenance by

    agreement of the parties.

    4. RENTAL AGREEMENT. Buyer B is the Landlord on the rental agreement. You will be the tenant. Details

    of the rental agreement vary from situation to situation. The Landlord is responsible for paying the insurance

    and taxes on the property.

    Time Line for Droit Droit Process

    This is the time line for a perfect scenario. This will vary from situation to situation and is subject to revision. Do not

    count Sundays or legal holidays if that is the last day of a waiting period. Enter your projected dates in pencil to keep track

    of what has to be done when.


    Projected Actual

    [ ] [ ] Sign Promissory Note and Notice of Redemption before a notary

    [ ] [ ] Record Notice of Redemption and Request to Reconvey with note and deed attached

    [ ] [ ] Mail copy of certified copy of recorded Notice, Promissory Note, first page of Deed, and

    Statement of Account to the bank

    [ ] [ ] Mail copy of certified copy of recorded Notice, Promissory Note, first page of Deed, and

    Statement of Account to the banks trustee

    [ ] [ ] Mail copy of certified copy of recorded Notice, Promissory Note, first page of Deed, and

    Statement of Account to John Snow

    [ ] [ ] Mail Notice of Error to the bank

    Wai t 10 days = Breach of Contract

    [ ] [ ] Sign Affidavit before a notary and request the protest

    [ ] [ ] Notary mails Notice of Breach to the bank AND to the trustee

    Wai t 10 days = Second witness to the Breach of Contract

    [ ] [ ] Notary issues Certificate of Breach

    [ ] [ ] Sign Statement of Breach

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    [ ] [ ] Sign Substitution of Trustee

    [ ] [ ] Record Substitution of Trustee

    [ ] [ ] Have new Trustee sign the Notice of Trustees Sale

    [ ] [ ] Record the Notice of Trustees Sale

    [ ] [ ] Mail a copy of both to the trustee and to the bank.

    Wai t 90 days

    While waiting the 90 days:

    [ ] [ ] Mail the Substitution of Trustee and Notice of Trustees Sale to address of record (premises)

    [ ] [ ] Post the Substitution of Trustee & Notice of Trustees Sale on the building at the premises

    [ ] [ ] Post the Substitution of Trustee and Notice of Trustees Sale on bulletin board at the courthous

    [ ] [ ] Publish the Substitution of Trustee and Notice of Trustees Sale once a week for 3 weeks

    After the 90 days are up:

    [ ] [ ] Substitute Trustee hold Trustees Sale

    [ ] [ ] Substitute Trustee signs Warranty Deed[ ] [ ] Record Warranty Deed

    [ ] [ ] Buyer A sends Notice Requiring Delivery of Possession of Premises to address of record

    [ ] [ ] Buyer A sends Acknowledgement to bank

    Wai t 7 days

    [ ] [ ] Buyer A sells premises to Buyer B

    [ ] [ ] Buyer a records Warranty Deed

    [ ] [ ] Buyer B enters Rental Agreement with tenant

    Sell to Buyer C, an out of state trust

    Accelerated or emergency process may dif fer

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    Course 1- Introductory Course Page 1 of 25

    Introduction to a New BeginningThe Truth Shall Set You Free

    PURPOSE:To prepare you how to study:

    Provides an outline of each of the courses on a gradient level

    Provide an overall view of the achievements of the courses

    Explains how to study each course to get the most optimum results

    Explains the importance of defining words in the study materials

    Details how to use a checksheet for the courses

    Explains how to team up with one or more classmates

    Explains how to drill routines and perform demonstrations of knowledge

    Explains the process of compiling your course exercises for final exam

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to define and understand what you read.

    The purpose of this series of courses is to provide information to those who care

    enough to do something with it. Most of this information is referenced and documented. Some

    of it is theory and will be so stated as theory. We live in a world of fiction, the Land of Oz,

    where fact is hard to find. The information contained in this course will help you distinguish

    between fiction and the fact of what actually is.

    This course is designed to assist everyone to realize that they are free beings,with

    unlimited potential, who can create their own world, and be responsible for all events thatoccur in their life. This is who you really are. To the degree that one chooses to believe one is

    not responsible for something, to that same degree one is enslaved by ones own thought.

    It is not the purpose of this information to be presented as fixed unchangeable truth, for

    each individual is ever-changing their own world on a daily basis. Instead, it is information for

    you. Information you must prove for yourself, for your understanding. This will enable you to

    free your mind so you can create exactly what you want. It is information that will empower

    you if you want to be empowered. However, you can also choose to remain in an

    unempowered state, in fear, in resentment, in anger, in regret, that, too, is all right -- it is your

    choice -- remember, you are a free being.

    Quote From the Movie The Matrix

    There is a quote that applies perfectly to our present time. It comes from the Movie,

    The Matrix. When Morpheus is talking to Neo for the first time.

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    Course 1- Introductory Course Page 3 of 25

    We do live in such a world. And for anyone who has been involved in the system to

    any degree, in court, County and City and National rules and regulations, a bankruptcy, or a

    foreclosure, you know something is very wrong. You look all about you and see the morals of

    this country creeping into depravity. People are in despair. Nothing seems real anymore and

    we cant put our finger on the cause. Something is wrong with our world. It bothers you like a

    splinter in your mind.

    When you go through this course, like The Matrix, it will be life altering for you. You

    will come to know that you are in slavery. This will show you how we dropped into slavery.

    This will also show you how to free yourself from that slavery. This will affect everything you

    think and everything you do. This will expose the beast and deliver you to the promised land.

    Word Definitions

    We will begin this Introduction with a few choice words that apply to throughout this

    entire course level.

    The world around you has been designed to keep you in a dreamy, hypnotic state, to

    distract you from the truth. Throughout your entire life, others have verbally taught you the

    meanings of words. But have you ever taken the time to find the meanings and definitions of

    words for yourself? This world is filled with symbols of which you are not aware with the

    meanings of, words taught verbally bysomeone else that are not understood and your life is

    filled with misunderstood meanings that are just plain false. Its a wonder we can communicate

    at all.

    There is an opportunity to find the truth of words, without opinion, without alteration,without confusion. That is the purpose of this course.

    The derivation of a word is the key to understanding each of its possible numerous

    meanings. Some of the words defined in these courses have been traced to the Latin and Greek

    which date back over 2500 years. However, we have traced many words back to the original

    Hebrew and Sumerian.

    Are You In Commerce?

    One of the main words we wish to define at this point is Commerce and its variousderivatives. Why? Because we live in a sea of commerce and are controlled by maritime law.

    We have so lived since the very beginning. It is very strange and confusing that even the

    lawyers, courts, and law enforcement in this nation appear totally unaware that we live in and

    are controlled by Commerce. Either that, or they are attempting to deceive us concerning the

    subject matter. Each time anyone brings up the matter of commerce in the courts, both the

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    politics and every single media source and communication system that ever existed that

    you have received words from.

    Hermetic. [L hermeticus, fromHermes] Made perfectly close or airtight by,

    or by, fusion, so that no gas orspirit can enter or escape ;

    Herma. Greek Religion. An image in the form of a stone pillar, usually square,

    surmounted by a head of Hermes, generally bearded. Such images were set up

    in gymnasia and streets, and may have been used in sanctuaries. Their origin is

    ascribed sometimes to the early phallic worship of Hermes, sometimes to a cult

    of boundaries similar to that to the Roman Terminalia.

    Websters International 2nd edition

    Terminalia. [ME terme, from OF, from L terminus a boundary, limit, end;

    from Greek terma, termon and Sanskrit tarati he crosses over] Roman

    Religion A festival held on Feb 23, the establishment of which was ascribed toNuma (God of numbers), on which neighbors met at their mutual boundaries,

    made offerings to the termini or boundary stones, and joined in a meal, frolics,

    etc. Websters International 2nd edition

    Terminus. Roman Religion. God of boundaries, probably originally a form of

    Jupiter as god of law and guardian of rights; also a boundary stone, or term

    often represented Terminus.

    Websters International 2nd edition

    Commerce is the worship and acknowledgement of limitation (Hermes andTerminus gods of boundaries), the physical universe. You have been infused from

    a child to believe that you have limitations, you cant do that, dont touch that, dont

    say that. Then you go to church and are told more things you cannot do. Then you go

    to school and learn how to limit everything with numbers (math), and boundaries

    (geography and science) and a system of communication which limits you to written

    and verbal symbols that represent other definitions! And finally we have the law

    talk about limitation!!!!!!

    Commerce pervades our entire system. It is the Babylon Mystery Religion

    described in the book of Revelation of the Bible. It is..


    Blacks :Law Dictionary, fifth Edition defines Commerce as:

    to exchange goods, productions, or property of any kind; the buying,

    selling, and exchanging of articles.

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    Intercourse by way of trade and traffic between different peoples or states

    and the citizens of inhabitants thereof, including not only the purchase,

    sale, and exchange of commodities, but also the instrumentalities and

    agencies by which it is promoted and the means and applications by

    which it is carried on, and the transportation of persons as well as goods,both by land and sea.

    The term commerce means trade, traffi c, commerce, transportation, or

    communication among the several states.

    The word Trafficis defined in Random House College Dictionary as:

    Traffic (n) 8. trade or dealing in specific commodity or service,

    often of an illegal nature; 9. To carry on traffic , trade, or commercial

    dealings. 10. To trade or deal in a specific commodity or service, often ofan illegal nature.

    Blacks Law, Sixth Edition defines Traffic as:

    Traffic. Commerce, trade, sale or exchange of merchandise, bills, money,

    and the like.

    The definition of Traffic from the original Hebrew Kenan;

    to travel as a peddler; Canaan, merchant, traffic, to bend the knee in


    Now the word traffic leads us from the Hebrew into Greek; we must go to the

    Greek word whore, as in Whore of Babylon, the Greek word for Whore is Pornos.

    Pornos: to traverse, to traffic, to sell, a prostitute, to dispose of as

    merchandise or into slavery. (slavery means to be security)

    The Hebrew definition for Whore is:

    Whore: highly fed and therefore wanton, to commit adultery, to commit


    Next we follow the root word of West, the direction, has a similar root meaning as


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    The Hebrew definition for the word West means:

    Yam. To roar, a sea in breaking as a noisy surf. A large river, an artificial basin;

    shading the area as covering; evening shadow; to give or to be secur ity; give

    pledges, mor tgages; to occupy.

    Commerce is dependent upon two other words: Value and Scarcity. Without these

    two words commerce falls flat and is unable to function. Create scarcity of anything and its

    value tends to soar. Decrease scarcity (by increasing supply of a thing) and you decrease value.

    This is how the power elite control our actions in this maritime (sea) law system by the control

    of scarcity and value in commerce. Supply (scarcity) and demand (value).

    The Greek definition of Value is:

    Time: To prize, to revere, money paid, to pay a price as a penalty;

    be punished wi th.

    When something of value is scarce, one generates a fear that one does not have that

    thing. However, it is the LACK of the thing that one fears, and therefore one worships, giving

    worth to, i.e. value to, the god of fear.

    Lack. [ME lac, from MD lac lack, fault, or perhaps from ON lakrinferior, lacking]

    Defect; blame; cause of blame; fault; crime; offense; a fault entailing disgrace; Fact or

    state of being deficient or wanting; need;

    Desire. [ME, from OF desirer, from L desiderare, from de to take away +sidusheavenly body] to long or hope for; to express a wish for; to feel the loss of.

    Desire means to take away a heavenly body. How does this work? If you could free

    your mind for a moment and look at it figuratively, one could say that heaven (above the earth)

    represents the mind, and a heavenly body would represent a thought. Desire would then mean

    to take away the thought of something in the mind. So whenever one desires something, they

    are actually creating lack every second of every day. What is the end product of 1,000 years of

    desiring something a thousand years of LACK!

    To sum up the meaning of commerce one could say;

    Commerce is a system designed to create and acknowledge the appearance of

    limitation and lack through the use of words and ideas.

    As one studies this series of courses you will discover who you are, and that you

    actually have all the resources you have always dreamed of. You will discover that lack is

    only an appearance and that it is an untruth, a distraction, an idea that you bought into and now

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    think you are stuck with. You will RE-discover that you can use your thoughts and words to

    make law in this physical universe! You will find that you are LIMITLESS!

    Well.. strap yourself in, YOU are going to rock your world and it is going to have a

    major pole shift. You, on the other hand, will walk away unscathed yet empowered.

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    Demonstrate your understanding of the similarities between the above definitions

    pertaining to Commerce, value and scarcity, in our present time.

    Demo. No. 2. What, if any, part of your life is not affected by commerce. (You will

    learn how this principle will change as you go through this course).

    The Entire Course

    This program consists of 12 separate study courses with accompanying demonstrations,

    drills and tests. Each course will be sent to you by e-mail and will be in Microsoft Word

    format. When you have satisfactorily completed the first course, by sending in your completed

    results, you will be sent the next course by e-mail. If you do not have a computer, not to worry.

    You can borrow one from a friend or go down to the local Kinko's copy place.

    When you receive your e-mail, print the course on paper and you're ready to begin.

    Complete instructions on how to proceed will accompany each course.

    Basically, each course is a single state of your being. Where and how and who you are.

    You must realize that you and every one else on this planet are in some state of being. There

    are specific procedures of working your way out of your present, and particular state of being

    into the next higher state of being. These procedures are part and parcel of any activity in this

    universe and they must be complied with. And they will be compiled with whether or not you

    know or understand them. By following these procedures, step by step, it will take the chance

    out our everything you do, whether in business, personal finances or in your individual life. The

    variables are only how well you estimate the situation and how much energy you apply to the


    The next thing to know is that the proper application of the proper procedure works. It

    works no matter how idiotically it is applied only so long as the right procedure is applied and

    the exact sequence of steps is taken. Yes, brilliance only shows up in the speed of expansion.

    This expansion can show up in a single day if one is brilliant enough. Dull applications, given

    only they are correct, show up in slower expansions.

    One only has to estimate the exact procedure accurately and act energetically in

    applying the steps in exact order.

    There is one other thing to know. Knowing the procedures carries the responsibility of

    using them. These are the procedures. They do work like magic.

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    If these procedures are not known or used, expansion is totally a matter of chance or

    fate regardless of how good one's ideas are.












    11. POWER

    12. THE NEW GAME



    PURPOSE: To prepare you how to study:

    Provides an outline of each of the courses on a gradient level Provide an overall view of the achievements of the courses

    Explains how to study each course to get the most optimum results

    Explains the importance of defining words in the study materials

    Details how to use a check sheet for the courses

    Explains how to team up with one or more classmates

    Explains how to drill routines and perform demonstrations of knowledge

    Explains the process of compiling your course exercises for final exam

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to define and understand what you read.


    PURPOSE: To find out WHERE you are.

    Provides a history line of commerce from the Bible and Magna Carta to the "revised


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    Looking up key words in the dictionary will be a major part in this course

    There will be charts and diagrams of key issues which one must duplicate by

    demonstrating your knowledge to your fellow classmate

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to find out where you stand and to know the difference

    between a fiction and fact. To know where you are at this moment in time.


    PURPOSE: To find out who you are

    Are you a slave or a king - a citizen or a sovereign?

    Do you know what your job description is?

    Again, there will be numerous key words to look up and understand as most people

    do not understand that "legalese" is a very different language.

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to know the difference between the "labels" that society

    can put on you and how powerful you become when find out who really you are.


    PURPOSE: To find out how to take back your equity from those using your credit

    and your power.

    Provides a brief summary on the differences in bodies of law by definition

    More definitions regarding titles, property and possession Gives an overall view on how to get back control of your property

    Explains how to make the UCC-1 contract and how to properly file it

    Explains how to set up your own private account and zero out any debt your

    strawman corporation has with the government.

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to control ones body and ones property


    PURPOSE: To convert debt energy into credit energy through Acceptance.

    Learn the Art of Acceptance and the resulting Power received by returning

    energy back to the source YOU.

    Learn the basics of the Administrative Process in order to get a contract

    Learn that every offer is like money in the bank to you.

    Learn procedures when default occurs including how to initiate bankruptcy in a

    foreign proceeding (YOURS).

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    Learn about the US bankruptcy and how to use it to your advantage

    Learn about the different means of exchange and the instruments used

    Find out how "fighting the system" is a waste of time and how understanding and

    utilizing the system is extremely successful

    Learn how to create money

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to use the current system to obtain prosperity


    PURPOSE: To teach others how to be stable in their private and public affairs

    Learn how to be a private judge for the Administrative Processes

    Learn how to tell - not sell - other people about this process as this process is for

    responsible people or those wanting to be responsible

    Learn how to network with others and have seminars and study groups

    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to maintain your stability by getting others stable


    PURPOSE: To create successful environments

    Learn how to create townships and ideal communities

    Learn how to create private banking and investing systems

    Learn how to tap into and operate in the international network Learn to be totally self-sufficient using solar, wind and other natural energies

    FINAL PRODUCT: Ability to create new civilizations.

    11. POWER

    PURPOSE: To use your power for the greatest good

    Learn how to get what you want by merely postulating it into existence

    Learn how to sublimate your thoughts for unlimited creative expansion Learn how to be aware of your environment and "listen" for solutions to all of your


    FINAL PRODUCT: The ability to maintain your position in space

    12. THE NEW GAME (To be revealed)

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    So its not enough to simply know ideas and information, you must know the ideas and

    information's use and where it belongs and how it fits together and how it aligns with what you're

    doing and what you intend to do. As you encounter these ideas and new information, discuss

    these with your teammate. How does this apply in our life? How can we use this? What other

    ideas and information come to mind? How does this work?

    Ideas and information become your ideas and your information only as long as you have

    evaluated it. (Definition of evaluate: to determine the significance, worth, or condition of, by

    careful appraisal and study. [root; back formation].

    Test your teammate and have him or her test you, this will convince each of you whether

    or not it exists as truth.

    DRILL: Ask your teammate the definition of evaluate without him or her looking at the above

    definition. If they cannot properly define the word, have them look it up in a dictionary andhave them write down on paper that definition.

    Then have your teammate ask you the definition without you looking at the definition.

    There will be certain key principles throughout the materials of the course. If you learn

    to think with them and apply them, you will have superior information that will resolve the

    problems you're faced with.

    Before you begin your study, decide with your teammate, what your purpose is for

    taking this course and what you would like to achieve. Write your purpose and what you wantto achieve down on paper and give it to your teammate.

    Important Note

    Definitions of Words

    When you study, be very certain you never go past a word you do not fully understand.

    You will need the following reference manuals to study the course materials;

    1. The oldest fattest dictionary that you can find.

    2. A Black's Law Dictionary, preferably a Sixth or Forth Edition.

    3. The Uniform Commercial Code Manual must include Article 9 Section 600s.

    4. The Strongs Exhaustive Concordance with Greek and Hebrew dictionaries included.

    This manual traces the King James translation of the bible to the original Hebrew (for

    the old testament) and the Greek (for the new testament) to the primary root of the

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    words so that you can understand the meaning of the word when it was originally

    spoken over 4,000 years ago.

    The only reason anyone gives up a study or becomes confused or unable to learn is that

    he or she has gone past a word or phrase that is not understood.

    If the material becomes confusing or you can't seem to grasp it, there will be a word just

    earlier that you have not understood. Don't go any further, but go back to BEFORE you got

    into trouble, find the misunderstood word and get it defined.

    So take responsibility of your team mate, watch him or her closely. If they seem

    confused or somewhat droopy, have them to go back and find the misunderstood word and

    define it.

    DRILL: First, start with a clear notebook of paper. This can be a tablet or the papers can be

    placed in a three ring binder.

    Second, Write out the word on the left hand edge of your paper, starting from the top

    of the page.

    Third, write out in your own handwriting, the entire definition given in the dictionary

    Be sure and include the derivation in your definition.

    For example:

    Word: 1. something that is said, 2a a speech sound or series of speech sounds that symbolizesand communicates a meaning without being divisible into smaller units capable of independent

    use. 2b a written or printed character or combination of characters representing a spoken word

    [derivation: ME (Middle English), fr. (from), OE (Old English) akin to OHG (Old High

    German), wort-word, L (Latin) verbum, GK (Greek) eirein-to say, speak, Hitt(Hittite) weriya-

    to call, name]

    Thats the way