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Apo parcntly · pendulum bad not. awung back very tal' In tho tempo ' er of tho .AmerJcan public. 'l'hey believe tho beat bet tor recovery . . 0 •• 0 ' i . WaehlngtOn, I>: 0., Nov: 8.-l?fu. .,. : 1 Jclcnt Roo1evolt. re,turnii!J.r todaf •• : • to exercise now JlOWo , er' ln c:areyhtS' Ute uew- cloal, ,• , , sil.W his parLY,'I grow :more , , omJJllaUc In the cleanup retume. ), ''· . 0 ' 0 Ia atlll with tho Detnoorat.e. Stat.- Jstlciana state that. thla 11 the 11rat "ott election': alnco tho Clvll Wtz Latt\ _.counti tor. Wint•er of New Gov .. ·. · ernorship in "Tuefcia) 's bal .. lot baule. · Lincoln· ...:oui1ty Report;a . . - t:rliiitficial .Riectioa fieurea: . J!'or ·co. School --- drJoau 1995-r. ldoas 1456. -l• For co. Tteasurc:r d. Adams 2114-i. Boaaell 1359-. For aaaeaasor d. Duw 2161-r. Luts 12.,3, . Foe. Sb.&mff ct. 1900-r. Br•d1 1520 For Clerk d. I{e' 1930. '. For Probate Judge· · a. Cotooa i815-:-r 1575 For Cor:amaa!uoner Daat, 3 d. Kl!llt1 17!17-r. Shiller 1551 .lt'or Cj)'Uimtaltoat:r D11t. 2 d. b"riu:ik» 1788-Slr:ap•oa lb09. Vtir Commsatttosu:r l!h,t.1: d# Gor:ats 1848-r. ltacke1 1576• , •. . ... t ' !<t:pn:acatauve · l . -d. Ball lb7$-r 164·u·,"" c·-:..1 -State Ticket- _ . , Cbucs.1694; CUtting 1'7$8. __ Hatch 1824; DtUon 160(· Uc:wpsar Miera '1579. Tia"ley 1655; Mtllcr 1749. · Jo'ae'Goaulea 1634; DeBaea. 1821. Mra. Gonsales 18u1: Perault 1569 .Martines 1520; Gatc:ia 1779. · lrdtCorauic:k ·1505; Connell' 1858. Patton-l9o3; Atmtjo H53. · · Ro&er• 1870; Mra. Ro•Jleau 1441. . VeselJ1S10; Oliver Lee 1502. Wat!!on ISli; Urtce 1847. . . Jose tlaca 1.519; V..t.ldt• . . , ...... - ........ •. 'tl- • ' ,. , ._ .. • wherein tho l;'rtlldont ·did not loto aubatantlal :proaU!ie. ,c\pparenUy tho R0011volt Aclmlnt-- • tni.Uon liu plnod power In Con•· -rreu, and wlll ltkoly have a two- third• ln each »rauc1:1, aulllelini to, .. block an)' ovor-rlciiiiJ ot tho Pr ... v.eto -.ny meuurtt. ·- NJ:W JDCXIOO ' ' ; ·, ·· · give 'Lbo ·De:mocrat.e elsbt morO' •• sel\tfJ II\ tho. ho.u.o and. the. uton• lshlng 'ine-up reads u tollowa: . ··Pemocr.t. 1171 l\epubllC.m, .. · 10ll; Progreaalvea, 7; · J'anneZ..LI.bo orttee, In doubt, cs. Aimost cOmplete rttut11a for the BOrll\tQ. Bh!)W: . . . , · Democrats, ltapqbllc:ana, 23: Progreaalvc•, 1; 'FarmarwLI.bor, :J. '• Tho Ropubllc:&IUI lQtt llllll Hnatt . r.eata. , · , 'l'be aenato tln.-up It bu- , • . · · ed on the a..umpUon that I>omo- Will to represent· New A S M f"'.t h · crata ond nipubllcana "would 'll S Hon: • • w •pUt two aeat.e In New 'llwoo, ... uiCXlCO m the Umted tates fatth!ul and efijc1ent admtn• Int-o retul'UI· uay wtu. 1 Senate. · istration was rewarded witli · Late returna •bow thta totter or . =,-·_ a laage majority· by CincoJn· ro;:::C':ta. a; RtPilbUcan"i. •: c;t>ot5•Shook Event . County voters Tuesday. · 1Hh,rmtlr-Labor, .1. of FllU ... .... .. ,., . " . 0 ' ,t" ..- ' . ' • . . J. _,.-,._ ... ' 0 ' ,}; •, ' , I. . . .. . . ' ' -': . .. . .. -···-····-··--·'' . .- .. '•" , .... . . ' . Offic:iat ·· ·Land Oiatrict ... ' . ' . I . ' ....... . Pilper · . . : . - . ' ; . t . . . \ .. '·. 0 ,, .. , - .. . •t '• ' . ' . --' -- ..... I . . . . . ... . ' 0 ... :a ·, ?;• : ,_,. Ox.» AGE l'ENSIOI'; ;.NEWS J c :l --- . ' . . By »r: .J.arne•J..eonant, Divis- Ional . ' 'tho Tom..end ·Old- Ake rcnslol!. at ·D<.'nver · Ago lal,d tho chrllleilge to youth 'sn }>cnvcr, wc.cK, offer- Ing (o rC!wako tho t.anj:lc<J. . ., etructuro that tho ;younger &cnor• a.tlon .udmlls hM lo achlovo tho happlnei!S and proaporlt)' promh1cd every AmorlMn till hla hcdtago, . ' · · •. Flvo tbouenna · vQicco jolno1l tremoualy but bruvcly In 11. oont: ot hopo ltnd · proml,llo In tho ell)' audlt.orl).lm woro srnthcml 1:ray• · haired lather. and molhcta, crnnd• :.f.lluiora and ot thrcn atate1, New Mc:;xlco, ·Colorn· do, and Wyomlnif. now upon row ot the old tblka oat with· hand!! . eupped td C!&ra to brtng tho wordt1 ot aptillcfra to ears thnt do not beaF well 1Jl theao dccllnlnJt yl'artJ, · Nearly evtry lleJ&d wu Hl'llY or atiOwY wbl(e, 'J.'ho;y wcro men nnd womon whom liCe bnd lret\tcd non. too kindly. llnny bavo qtown tllhll and dauabter.. ltany b&vo gtal\4ehlfittn who tliD't tlnd plao- u In tho eeonoinlo achcmo ot the ' maehlno. t.f•· Oov. Ed. Johneon welcomed tho old foUtll and Ulelr trlendo to tb._ HtctlL bq.matte gathering. cun-crowt\td mon that ho Ia typ. lr)'lng h!& own . ntlll noclts bo lll . running tor re-Ciceuon oo gover- nor ot C<llorado with both teet llftU&ro ott tho platform tavorlnJ tllo 'l'own!:end 014 Ago Pcrulon Plnn. "' Last IU.tnmer whetl tho JI'IOV&o mont allll In ltli lntancy btl wllod the llr11t mec.tllig In Colo!" ndo.-.a grcat mau mcetlntt In CI.J'Ib Clrda )lillb tho Fn\her of tbo £.'Jan, Dr. Townsend aa hlt gucat ancf 8,000 'elgnaturu wore oocum:t al thls ono mccUtur. J." A. Ot'Oas · ot ti'tnvcr, N!dlona1 organlr.cr Bttld: '"l'ho nged \ICOSlltl ot thl!l ntiUon through honest 1 .. bor dut1ng tbo greater part of their normal actlvtl;y, have becti Uto chid agcnta l1\ prodllctng thil gre.lter J)art_ o/. tho legllltnate or tbt• nntlon, ot whleb thcrl! Is now tlPPI"'XJII'lntely IIIVC!l' clghlJI ot' It• nggrcgat.o value owned by II!B!J thnn 1 per ccrtt. ot o1.1r population. _ Over 8.000 people ott!!ndcd the second dl!y or tho great convl!n- tlon. l'Jany l!ioplrlng mensagcll -wcro One mlnlotcr dllclal" ed that he could enttngo In no moro Cbrlal·llko work. All prnent wcro hopeful tot the uiUmato vtctory ot tho plan. Ov• er 4fl,000,{)()() signatures 114ve gontl In to head,quartcl'lJ. Robert Valdez ,• ' .. ' .. . J t .. .. - . . .. ' ! . . ' 0

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Post on 18-Mar-2020




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Page 1: 0 . '- ~- ~· C• / C c . ,· ·- • c c ' I' ' ', ,·~:.T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...In plnct>.. In alu.1rt. ho c:baaccd color. Ill• rcallJiltl w~e


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The '4dveu!Sets

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1-lon. Clyde Tingley -~ . .....,..------·_ .. --_---~-·_·· R El t- d ··Sh ·£f. · ro:Punuc.;s~,o~~ NmE · Th: story ot th~ olecUo!l reauit.e e• _eC e • . . · ~ll · . 1 • • f:IE,t\T& IN. EIJWI'lON

..... S~nator Carl: Hatch

• • of Tuesday ni&Y .be told ternly ·!D. U llhol"t lle!ltence-:.:.lt. WU lllOIUY tlnother. DomocraUo lepcltllclo. Apo parcntly · th~ pendulum bad not. awung back very tal' In tho tempo

' er of tho .AmerJcan public. 'l'hey believe tho beat bet tor recovery . .

• 0 • •• • 0

' • • i . WaehlngtOn, I>: 0., Nov: 8.-l?fu.

.,. : 1

Jclcnt Roo1evolt. re,turnii!J.r todaf ;.~o •• : • to exercise t.rem~ndoUI now JlOWo , er' ln c:areyhtS' ,o'u~ Ute uew- cloal, ,• , , sil.W his parLY,'I vlcto~ grow :more ,

• , omJJllaUc In the cleanup retume. ), ''· .

0 •

' 0

Ia atlll with tho Detnoorat.e. Stat.­Jstlciana state that. thla 11 the 11rat "ott election': alnco tho Clvll Wtz

Latt\ _.counti tor. '~nsre11mon

• Wint•er of New Mexico~s Gov .. ·. · ernorship in "Tuefcia) 's bal ..

• lot baule. ·

Lincoln· ...:oui1ty Report;a . . -• t:rliiitficial .Riectioa fieurea: .

J!'or ·co. School S~perauteadtd --- -~. drJoau 1995-r. ldoas 1456.


For co. Tteasurc:r d. Adams 2114-i. Boaaell 1359-.

For aaaeaasor d. Duw 2161-r. Luts 12.,3, .

Foe. Sb.&mff • ct. McCa~maPL 1900-r. Br•d1 1520

For Clerk d. Low~ 1~91-r• I{e' 1930.

~....,.~ '.

For Probate Judge· · a. Cotooa i815-:-r ~lcbanoa 1575

For Cor:amaa!uoner Daat, 3 d. Kl!llt1 17!17-r. Shiller 1551

.lt'or Cj)'Uimtaltoat:r D11t. 2 d. b"riu:ik» 1788-Slr:ap•oa lb09.

Vtir Commsatttosu:r l!h,t.1: • d# Gor:ats 1848-r. ltacke1 1576 •

, •.

. ... t '

lt~or !<t:pn:acatauve · l .

-d. Ball lb7$-r .PJin~atcn 164·u·,""

• c·-:..1 -State Ticket- _ . • ,

Cbucs.1694; CUtting 1'7$8. __ Hatch 1824; DtUon 160(· Uc:wpsar 1~02; Miera '1579. Tia"ley 1655; Mtllcr 1749. · Jo'ae'Goaulea 1634; DeBaea. 1821. Mra. Gonsales 18u1: Perault 1569 .Martines 1520; Gatc:ia 1779. · lrdtCorauic:k ·1505; Connell' 1858. Patton-l9o3; Atmtjo H53. · · Ro&er• 1870; Mra. Ro•Jleau 1441.

. VeselJ1S10; Oliver Lee 1502. Wat!!on ISli; Urtce 1847. .

. Jose tlaca 1.519; V..t.ldt• 1~90 • •

. ~ . , ...... ~' -........ ~­•

• •. 'tl- • ' ,. , ._ ..

• •

• •

• wherein tho lncum~ont l;'rtlldont ·did not loto aubatantlal :proaU!ie. ,c\pparenUy tho R0011volt Aclmlnt--

• tni.Uon liu plnod power In Con• · -rreu, and wlll ltkoly have a two­third• ln each »rauc1:1, aulllelini to, .. block an)' ovor-rlciiiiJ ot tho Pr ... Jden~·• v.eto on·~ -.ny meuurtt.


'· ' ' • •

; ·, ·· · give 'Lbo ·De:mocrat.e elsbt morO' •• •

sel\tfJ II\ tho. ho.u.o and. the. uton• lshlng 'ine-up reads u tollowa:

. ··Pemocr.t. 1171 l\epubllC.m, .. · 10ll; Progreaalvea, 7; · J'anneZ..LI.bo

orttee, ~a; In doubt, cs. Aimost cOmplete rttut11a for the

BOrll\tQ. Bh!)W: . . ~ . , • · Democrats, Cl~; ltapqbllc:ana, 23:

Progreaalvc•, 1; 'FarmarwLI.bor, :J. '• Tho Ropubllc:&IUI lQtt llllll Hnatt .

r.eata. , · • , • • •

'l'be .a~ovo aenato tln.-up It bu- , • . · • · ~< -~ ed on the a..umpUon that I>omo- Will contiriu~ to represent· New

A S M f"'.t • h · crata ond nipubllcana "would 'll • • • S • Hon: • • Cvam~nt, w ~·e •pUt two aeat.e In New 'llwoo, ... uiCXlCO m the Umted tates fatth!ul and efijc1ent admtn• Int-o retul'UI· lndl~to uay wtu. 1 Senate. · istration was rewarded witli · Late returna •bow thta totter or . =,-·_ ~=--

a laage majority· by CincoJn· ro;:::C':ta. a; RtPilbUcan"i. •: c;t>ot5•Shook Event . County voters Tuesday. · Prosrualv~ 1Hh,rmtlr-Labor, .1. • of FllU ~lmpll~1ty

... .... .. ,., .

• " . 0 •

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.. . .. -···-····-··--·'' . .- .. '•" , .... -·

. . ' . , Offic:iat

·· u·~s. ·Land Oiatrict ... '

. ' . I .

' ....... . Pilper · . . : . - "· . ' ; ~ • . t . .

. \ .. • '·. • 0

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... :a ·, ?;• : ,_,.

~ Ox.» AGE l'ENSIOI'; ;.NEWS J c •

:l ---. ' . . By »r: .J.arne•J..eonant, Divis-

Ional ~lanugcr -· . ' ·--~

'tho Tom..end ·Old- Ake rcnslol!. H~Unr: at ·D<.'nver

· Ago lal,d ~Q.W1l tho chrllleilge to youth 'sn }>cnvcr, lao~ wc.cK, offer­Ing (o rC!wako tho t.anj:lc<J. JlOQI~\J . ., etructuro that tho ;younger &cnor• a.tlon .udmlls hM fall~il lo achlovo tho happlnei!S and proaporlt)' promh1cd every AmorlMn till hla hcdtago, . ' · · •.

Flvo tbouenna · vQicco jolno1l tremoualy but bruvcly In 11. oont: ot hopo ltnd · proml,llo In tho ell)' audlt.orl).lm woro srnthcml 1:ray• · haired lather. and molhcta, crnnd• :.f.lluiora and lfl'llQ~.trul!.hcro ot thrcn atate1, New Mc:;xlco, ·Colorn· do, and Wyomlnif. now upon row ot the old tblka oat with· hand!! . eupped td C!&ra to brtng tho wordt1 ot aptillcfra to ears thnt do not beaF well 1Jl theao dccllnlnJt yl'artJ, · Nearly evtry lleJ&d wu Hl'llY or atiOwY wbl(e, 'J.'ho;y wcro men nnd womon whom liCe bnd lret\tcd non. too kindly. llnny bavo qtown • tllhll and dauabter.. ltany b&vo gtal\4ehlfittn who tliD't tlnd plao­u In tho eeonoinlo achcmo ot the ' maehlno. t.f•·

• Oov. Ed. Johneon welcomed tho old foUtll and Ulelr trlendo to tb._ HtctlL bq.matte gathering. ~all, cun-crowt\td mon that ho Ia typ. lr)'lng h!& own . ntlll noclts bo lll •

. running tor re-Ciceuon oo gover­nor ot C<llorado with both teet llftU&ro ott tho platform tavorlnJ tllo 'l'own!:end 014 Ago Pcrulon Plnn. • "'

Last IU.tnmer whetl tho JI'IOV&o mont ~ allll In ltli lntancy btl wllod the llr11t mec.tllig In Colo!" ndo.-.a grcat mau mcetlntt In CI.J'Ib Clrda )lillb tho Fn\her of tbo £.'Jan, Dr. Townsend aa hlt gucat ancf 8,000 'elgnaturu wore oocum:t al thls ono mccUtur.

J." A. Ot'Oas · ot ti'tnvcr, N!dlona1 organlr.cr Bttld: '"l'ho nged \ICOSlltl ot thl!l ntiUon through honest 1 .. bor dut1ng tbo greater part of their normal actlvtl;y, have becti Uto chid agcnta l1\ prodllctng thil gre.lter J)art_ o/. tho legllltnate w~lth or tbt• nntlon, ot whleb thcrl! Is now tlPPI"'XJII'lntely IIIVC!l' clghlJI ot' It• nggrcgat.o value owned by II!B!J thnn 1 per ccrtt. ot o1.1r entl~ population. _

Over 8.000 people ott!!ndcd the second dl!y or tho great convl!n­tlon. l'Jany l!ioplrlng mensagcll -wcro gtv~. One mlnlotcr dllclal" ed that he could enttngo In no moro Cbrlal·llko work.

All prnent wcro hopeful tot the uiUmato vtctory ot tho plan. Ov• er 4fl,000,{)()() signatures 114ve gontl In to head,quartcl'lJ. ~

Robert Valdez

• ,•

• ' ..

' .. • . J •


• . . .. -

. .




. . ' • 0

Page 2: 0 . '- ~- ~· C• / C c . ,· ·- • c c ' I' ' ', ,·~:.T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...In plnct>.. In alu.1rt. ho c:baaccd color. Ill• rcallJiltl w~e

. --. -- ._

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--~---· , ..


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• I ., .

.. . .. • --· ~ .. . - . -----~- ·- --


. . ' . . ', •. . .... . . ' ' ' -.

_ !'ttdi~ns .Had Nothing on 'This. 'Eflmi~y ' . . . . <

• •


T IJJ!I ttJisum~ ramuy pt. 1-IIilws.tba ~ouiJ .bnvo .been· 110 mor11 ·u.q~:pt

·with thl) bow a1,1d- Arrow thnn. tho flli;l1t . · mornb.qrs ot t)uMnmlly ot Mr, .untl Mr11:

· Lt'<>olnrd Uowo ot Alelrose, :Mni!J,t . .. Ev.ffi'Y>'O!lO pt thern liM won ~u:J.~¢11 )p

llltclwry 11nd Mra. Howe !II tile present worncn't nttt'te chamnlnn, FruTik, fmlfl.b troll) tho left, tioldll (bo jurilor

· · title. • ,.

. .... ~ ., ..

.. . .

' "" . : .... .. - -w . ·,' : .. • I•

SI~WQUld ~ ~e u be'-1!:r gol!et­f:llle might get a llecl'nt acore-

. . . It f!'Qe'd l!:C(jp ber mlnd on goJftng .And tblnk manfully ot.·"l!'ore I" ·

• •




Bu•rc•wm '1'11~ Rnmm~ wn• nQt tho unly m•wt•mlwr' tn the Old. Or·

cluml. 'l'lwru wnM IIIIOlhl!r tlltnnJ;or, and !t did nul rnke i•iitl!r llnbhlt hmr. to illll<'dYilr that hu WIUI lookt!ll on wltla aom11 lltUrJtll'!on by nil tllo other blrdlt. 'l'flll nrat limn l'OIPr IIIW hlrn ho Willi w11lkl!tS: on thu ~:rouru1 1omt1 dlarnne«~


.. -

••~o Mm n!Sw. !to's •ttttnr; ln that Q'ce over .roncler U1l1 Yet1 minute. lle'a niL black. 110 ot cour11a lJc r.ouat bt a mt>mbcr ot tho Ulacltblrd tamllr.'' ·

"'l'Ut, tnt, tilt. tut, tuU'' ccoldcd Jenny· Wren. "Tut, tut, tut,. tut, tut, tutl 'l111nL tdluw t1n't a member or the lllackbltll tnmlly. at all, and wllllt'• m11rc, bi! l•n't. blt~clc. .Oo oJer there ami tnke a cood took at him anll tbc11 c<~mll bnclc and tell mo tt 'oq 1Uil tlllnlc Ito 111 bluclc,"

• .Jcnn1 turn(!d ttor llack on l'etcr 11nfl

. . · Velvet ~Lnd Fox · ' .

aue •. galt gal!l.ll means to JDoUler NothJng 'bqt o. t:bance to Iu~;~ • T)lroug~ a gr4!llll ~lcl tbat temlnda l!er Ot he~ llnppy rural days. : · ·

O<ll>)'l'l.t!l>t.-'}'lfO Sfffl~ ..

J'()Ot, uslns two pollnda o( preparell Dlelon rind. Co1>ll u~Ut ~\ck.;- ,Vac:k tn j~a and cover wlth tlle l.flrnv. seaL

.,... Prt .. rvtd P.art. . • ·

~ko opo pound eaeh ot _pea~ and sua•r, one pint ot. watec- and cme1ltltn• on.. '.CJlg tzult Jn!I:J be pruerved wbolt, In balvelf, or quarterlld. non tho &Upr and. w~J.ter llve mlnutell. Coole the lem· on ln ju11t wate~: tO 'i:ov~r, tltelpg tbln; whtln tender .. at.ul tniJUiparent. a!Sil wa·

4'='-lwri lind llif to' tlie ~pcara and alrup. l!ll«l coolc untl\ U1e JX!U& are ~lear. and tile sirup 1' tblck.J u the bard pearl are

.JJsell C()Ok tll@l in' tbe water UllUl ten· der and us.o tile water for tbe •lrup. · A tel' cloves and atlclc cinnamon maJ lK! ll.d.dcd lt dcJircd, nn!l pineapple juice 1na,tcndlof wuter tnAicet a mollt delight· rul navor.

Wl'llt to buntln)f worms. 'thero ...,,, • .,.J rultlllru: clto to do, l'ohlr hoppel) over wh11ro hl'l could «Ct a (tlo4 Joolc at UuJ fltl'IIDI!cr. Tlll'ltun. wu ablntn< tull on 111m, pncJ lu1 Wl'lln'.t black lit a\l, ll'or till\ n\b11t s•nrt 110 wu 'rttrt clark rreen. At lt'llllt, thut 11 wllnt l'dcr tboucllt at flt~t a~laJJct', 'l'hcm, flit tlu! "tttan11ir tnovc:tl, tu, aecmud to be a rltb purplo In plnct>.. In alu.1rt. ho c:baaccd color. Ill• rcallJiltl w~e lllto ihoh ot Crt>a~er lho Oraeklo=JrldcMcenr. · • ~

Tht Fltllt Tllnt Pater law Him Ht Waa Walking on tht Qrountl.

orr. Ut~ dldn'' l•ot•. lmt Wtllktal, and nt that dl.al.tUlto looked all bllrk. 'tiJ(I war l1e <*ftltc'l hlti\M!tf and bl1 more·

--·--~iili!lili AI bo w-alkta, Jllad11 1'"1ilr tblnk of <"r~aktr Uu1 <lrm:kle. In tact. l'Cller miJtoolc l1lm to.r t'rtnii~r. 'l'hnt Wrtll h«aultl h., didn't tC'ntlr 'ku\1 •1 blm. Sf h bad bu w.outd hno 11e<>n 111 oncl! that the ill'lllljlf·t owna tnlal!cr Utttn ettaker. ·• ' - •

l'ttttntlJ tbe atrnnt:t>r tlt•w up tn u ltH, tntf at Ollt'# l'f'IOt J!lW tbltt bit tall wle little lnrlr.t Uuan hlllf aa toN( •• tttal ot ("rtftktr. At onre It tame oveT t•cwr tlillt till• ~·• a ltta'n· tt .. r to l1hn. -Of l'!lllfiM! Ills tutlollltJ wne UOUIH!d at onrl!. A nytblnll lllto that 111 aur11 to ar<1u11o t•ctt't'l curfojlff,

· JJ; didn't bno ltny doubt wbfllot~t' that tJtl• wu a tMmbt'r of tb11 1\brk· bird fninll)', but whlell om• It tCIUid be lae bodn't the lr~a•t· lall'll. "Jenny Wun wlll know," lllongbt f•~>tt>r, nmt wt"iilllpt!ttd otr tc.'l hunt ht>r up.

"Wbo Ia 1hlll tlt'IV ·mt'mlwr ot the lllatkblrd tamlly wlln btlll ('flfllf' tn 11'11'0 In lbll Old O«bud?" I'NPt 1111k1>d til IIMII u 1M! found Jt'un,. Wr~n.

31lnny'•e allnp llttlo "'"~ anllJlPI'H1 Js:tld a!•• twltefu"l htlr' ruilll)' lllllll tnll •• ani;, 1b11 ~:\», .. \\<'ba\'tt tllnH" al:o <tiPd.

.. Wlto lt tl1llt 111!1\' mrtlllwr ot tho 1\!nrltbltd fnmlly -xhn hl'lll rnm~t tn IIY& . ID Uao old tlrt11!lrd1'' f{'l\(':11¢•\ l'etor. ~

"ntert' ltn't nn~ f.('W me'mh,..r or tllo

1llatkblrd tnml\y lhluQ hi tha Ot1l Or. -chud." r11tnrltld Jrnny Wr('n tt'lrtl;r.

"'l"htte It, too.'' eonlradlttflll l'c>t!'r. ••J ••• blm -with m)' own 1!)-('jl, t can

~-•• -· -.,., ~ ____ , ~ ... . __ ... - . ------

J ,

. ,. !

Tbat 1 .tf~tt halt-dollar. •Pfnt al tht Cetlttnnlal es• pot!Uon· tn Phttac;lt1pb\a in tl16, J••• returned-att•c IUty· JtlB ot wandcrtng..,..to lt• tormor owner, H. n. Cufl of 1vnntown. N, · Y. He .. 1• ·that· ·:tt. r«o&nbtd the coln b"tclu•• ht m•rked · lt 1{. '8. c .• ct.ttoaf l>•· .


·. f. \fllta•r« tu..r.""""*' llnllct\i. ..

.·.· .. ,...~~..... "

' I

• ,

• • • ••

• •

0. 'r, '1(, tlowr-=WtiU IIII"ICI.

QUESTION ·aox lr t:b· WYHN .... ; . n• ,.,.rn r..r

Ot'lU' )Jr. wrnn: r juat h!!trd ot ._ tnlln 1rl111 'kept eom•

fl:tny wltb • woml\n tor alrtr 7Catl! lltul It lAAt llll mnrrl~d. hill' whllll !1«1 Will 100 J'Ut'a old, f)O fOil lx\lteft tb1t1 If -.o, bow dn )'Oil account f<n- • tnlln tnllmtnr at lOO )'!!an tlf 'all'!, artn co. l•t: with • \rilmlin tpr eo )'l'll'lll

~~n~~tr. 1l. WILt>EtU~O.

. :..ttttlnr: Ue problbl7 roulcl1'11t bollS out any tongtt. • . ,

Uear ltr. wrnn: • . , ld7 1111n, wllo lt In tlrhll(t'Jlntt. (}Jnrt,,

1111.- t~:IIUI!n tnto aotnt\ aor~ ot troubta ttlld t111i bc.JI1 artt!llll!ll, 1 M~o bM!U ath 1At'1! to r:et • (tlmltllll llwser t<Jr llllll. Are tbf'rtl any rrlmhmt~ la\'l')'l!tll tn Urldtl"{llltl?

\'ottra tntlf, . R. f,l?.AUl-TI'U.

Alllll'l"t : 1'11t>to proll.'lbl,r ltO 1101'• t>rttl; but $ou'tt bttto • lmnl Urct! Jlto1'·

'"" n. . - ?w : ..

O"Ar ~lt. \\)nn: lltut l'bltl'll tba- (·Ur i)t Wruihtn«{on

and went to tM l(lifl'tnll'l~llt bultt'llllll. l 'l':l'.ll Jlllrfl<'ttlnrly lpll!r'1'lltc!il In lbt! IINitltc dtllintlt'r. t w:\W a rntntster all• tlng nl'xt to tllc> rleto }ln:ta1drnt ot lbe t:nlt«t Stntl!ll. '.rttl .me wbr '' tho ruln~ll't tht>ti'1 llb(ll he tmtJ' tot tbt> !It'll!! tot•?

-- !-ilti('('rclr, A. stn:~u:En.

AM~tr: ~ol ~o! Nat Th$ rnlntl!­tl!r d()('tl cot 1't'll1 tor tba llt!llllhit11. Th& mlulslsor (ntc!J a look ·at tbe llfll· nlotf rtntt Uwn Jll"AJS for tho «ountr)'.

(ol$" ,... 'P~

~nr Mr. Wsnn: t met • young lady bst wHk and

aU\ tf'rt lond ot her. Wei wcte 'dlil• t'll~11tn11 "kt'-ltn\1" last nla:bt atlll eb6 lijthl thnt kl11~" w~l't'l 11k~ a bOttle t!t .oll~c$. Wli~tl tlht abe "moan br- \MU 1 stnrorolt, - .

OS. C). t.,\'rtoN'. Answi'r: Very sllnl\1(}. She l!'ldtt!l

tbat ntt('r )'lltt ttct tile- 1\nl ool'1 thO teit ('()lUO t'l\IIY• . ·

,.• .- I %'P

Dci\t' llt. W1nM . 1, bavt~- trl\'~'kl-d att over thl'l wotld.

l'!l·ertthlliJ.t ta llll11tlit buatlt-. ifhe~ IK'<!ttll to bo M ~ntlmont 111rt tn tht wott1\. 1!1 th~ro ()ne pta..:e. ll\ Ibn ~ortd "'lltlri} .t <-ttn t\lld "hilill"\n~" and ii(l)ti• te!ntmett~"t . •


• . '•

' , ' . I


\yotUt or 1'at111 Jll rtt,PQnilblD tot . Ull• t'hatlnlnx nf~rnoo• .(!ll~tnblc; It 1.1 ot brown velvet UIIMIM With !O¥. and the bat 11 ot bJ"OWH tl.'lt. 11 ·

"oW' M' M mm' - . HO\V m&nJ Ot•OUt hOUJt'!WheJt kDOW

tile dl!llcloUIItlCI!JI ot llltlded And Jll't'lrrvctd watumetan· rind! ltllltl!ld ot thro'WinJ It awat try lt()AIP~l>t.~ ~;ood rnl!tb€111• <Jt pre(latlnr It tor wl"n· 1t1', -

Prntrllfcl Wlit•rrn•lort 1\lnll. {'ut tbt~ rro portton Of· the melon

ttom tbe l'lnd. l'~tnUTe the ¥ft(IU 11.ktn and t'Ut tnttt neat unUorrrJ pl~ So:l.k Ill Um~ 'I!:Rlcrr tor thr«~b~ then tl.nNe and 11tant1 In ~~ wnte.r tor an bnur. Drain •tld eool; In b.Olllill' •11M'iat~t tliltll tt'ndc>r, ~take a •ltup ot two voum11 nf IIUJI'nt and four quam ot «"tl• ter, drop tbt't rlnl! · ltlto tt 'WUb oM tttruon. alleN! Uttn. with • lime cfng<~r


1'h• ulrl ebutn &af• J:IMP1t whet IIV• tn utaw floutu. nwer ha'te bll'- for aun.rll)f traJb'Mnta.

"Jii1oW .. ~

M••r ,A.,. l•t•U.ct .. l 'I'tle Ptabllc ttcatth &!rd~ u.,ota tbat

mental cap:tdty iltnl ibte11et:blal gtft& oi httmatt ~1nst• m'l Mt mtrlded tb e1Uict s~ There ate hl~tJ Intel• lectual lrOII'li!D U "WIIlt U »en. 'tt lhould be retnembend. l'Jowem, t!Uit t~ menfal trlltts ot the two s~d •re d!lttul.lt..

He Shu~ Vfl Alarm Clock Daily· .


• • • ... •

. '

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. ......

' .

----,-c- •.

_; .~. -I ·' '

.. •' ... ' .r:J>·

' , .

. . ~ .... , _..,(. ' . ' .

·-- ---+•' '

. ..

. .

tt Ul) liL o. plain ono al.ld bo dcligbt.ea wlth u. And tho rnnltlu; 11 aurprlll< Jru:Jr ent~r. -

l'nttC!rll 0040 mnr bo ordered onlt lt\ lll:tl!B ');J, 10, 18, 20, U2, :u. 00. .a ancJ 42. Blr.o lll rcquJrc• 3% ,-.1'111 tG-lneb fabric. ·

Scnil Fl'f.".rl-:&!4 CI-:STS sn c-olb.l or atD.IDPI (coins· prclcrrell) for tlal.l pnUcrn. no aurc ·to ~rite vtldnlt )'linr NA~l~, AODl\ESS, tba.S'ttt.W NUllDER nntl Sl.ZJ-~

Coln)llCl<', dlos;mmmcd sew clulrt lncludctl.

Send ronr order to '*''tnt: Ctrct• l'tlttcru Dcp.:1rtmcnt. 232 West Elttbt.­Hnlh 11trtct, New York.

Net Gabt (W.i) lltow.n (who bla JOt a. 1ob .i" tOll"'

tntrclill trn'reler)-Since 1 &ia.rte4 tb!s trno;clln~; bnsln& fill m:r n-n 'bon.

Hl'lend-'Ibnt•s toed. Utotm-'i (S, l'ro liGt ta.tdn' ordeta

lrt;m nn:tbOUt.-ltlttllpton caut~

F'ctt•ut• t'oet-D~Jing, i tote l'OU mot6

thnn word~r «ttl ten. Sb~btnL l wu ntintd )ott were

tolng to -.vtlle ~lither poem tot me.

At~aa•t. Fmed ism llorf(! ~t(!l""-f>1d that horae l

~ld ;-ou d~> ror- rot~,·str1 Customer - Nearltt-Loudol) An­


·-. ., - ..

• '



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I II. L; JI.)J q;; i.,ijt;A ;; I)! 111)1 ,I,_. I '~' $2,11 1¥1 q ":;zq ; I 4 1.! I ,...,d a; ;Wf',, .... , I IAI!.I'W ... t ' X > 0 o \ ;

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MAUA'l'MA OAh"DIU hu i1t11t ~ Iedet ot the AU·ln:Uil Nattattll•

lit ((lti~MI. tre lttitatM clfi the ._. vomnee of th• 1Pjltn11ttt .-h~1 In t.k.­botne ol ttett ton&r'fiil votet and on the wWittJ ot bOtntr$\tttt, &tiel uted. 1'Atlt~u• dlanJtS 111 thtr ~.O.Uttrthn.'f·ot tJu> (t)nrtH~J. Otht'J' leadm did not li&t" with htus, 11<> he fttu.~ to •tt ltittrtr u tM!t' clt!et.


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• . . ··-rt&e ~ . ' : ... . c1totc;• « '"' .. · . .r 0 · .. : quali!y lli$1 ~~et value' to .• be

· · had in the. doul>le•lesteJ -double-acl1qn


~CB~gPowd~. :~. . . .. · : . . ~ . . ~ .

It pJ"odu~ d~doua b~ga of fine ~~rure and bf$c wtumei'o, .

. . ;c.'llill•oulred·b, ••kl••••w•" ·~~·~· w .. • .. ~ 111111Jlal••1nn Bald' ill Jt•w~tr- ••''" I!'DPtribJ.m •• .. put Qt-ltll '!If N•tteqtJlepa~tte"• AI'Wilfl qlll• •• ...,. • 4t.el'4•••k· Tlaai '""'"-' •••uara.t ll&klal'• .. .-... ' ,, ..

Wotnen who w~~nt the ben; detnand the ' . . .

•ot*oml~al ,.,.,.· .lfffelent ·

-~ -

• •

• ,


·same Priee TodG~ liS 44 Years Ago ' ...

•• •

25 ounce• tor ~J c You c;an <dso.buy '

, ........... •t'fNiui!IIQ.a'W'illiM~ a-n "JJCM.W .. I


-~ 1.1 .....



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~~ron·AY·AND ··TOMORROW _., l. ·~ llfOQIUI))GJ!.

. . .. • ~~~d~.Nano !lnkol

C cteU~Ia. · S . · Notieia de V~t• d~ PropiedatJ ·oaP.&a'rxu"ToP-rw• b1•1i.10a

q 110( loollc a.ro ttrA ..,..r,o 'Jt•Uaa Ja.-o&~ n caal.T•••doa~ "

LAJCD • • ..,IU ••••••• ,;

Pret:QS« U~lbU olt.n.

t..ailly tU& bad bcca ~c elM faa DeJlaqantu para "-tJafa, .G .. aent Lan40tice .. ·~aCrec:u. a.amc pU« Qt rud to~·ll» 1.,.,. ~ el ~ccbo de Rttntdoo. d~ .S.r• Mexreo, N•Pn•~r I, ltU. t;r mete. All '.mublt nusbu~ · ·'TaHdoan,:PenUdadea: N<JUU 'is lierebJ .1ina, •••• ltallu tana:ua wue abt. t0 pro. 7 coeto. .-e Iapauw. vitus J DnieJ•, of Cant.,.., drv.e e'f144a.cc ttat ihq ,_,.. 0<o- A.QUf.BN' La CONCIERNA: 'du_ ~bo, oa A.prit 24, I'JJ, cu~ the I&ITA laa4 f,lr&t tbttr · No<fda por. nta e. dada qae-rl aude boae..tead eaery, .N•. ~:w t.&d tuw:.ed. 8o1M ol pri•ao Laau"' Diqemttre, f!J- d~ ~l-425,· fur Ei, N\\1 "kc. 25. NE thot !at:~llce t:4d bcca c:o ~ M~ • · aaea, J~. · eo · Ia paerta df'l

' laM t~ lJX)O 7C.US. ~.1 c;<;fW-. ea 1Jt Caa11.. de Corte ea rJ i, 'S«JtOD :zi• fowoalaip 6_ ·it3ale Cor Q:llnc U:U · ~ 7"'"- C..dado de Lfaeo1o, Nau·o :Wexi~' lU ~ N. "''•~• K •rrdaan• Ia a a lltJt

Tct luty. a · vull. coc:a)&d: ~• .. Nalfo a fa bora d~ Jai din A. 1uu.;c of .. IDlC11IJO'A lo .. ke ~ CGWltrJ', wtucb ~ be kl44~, ~ K. 7 cc..UaaaJ!d'l de diit • dla por 1ear P,roor, to uc•tiliala dai• I.e, a ~ ot Tau, 1tu 11(;( 7ct •• pcn.c:so de c:Mco dlta, at)famente be land 1 bOn dHc:ribctl, kf.,r bho ab%4 to 4ntlop Itt ~£. ca- Ia pt'Opfedad defiaqaeate por ~racJr J. Sagu. U. S. eo. ... tun! tot!JOOI"CU to UUit ~ tu.doan M1l maa p,_t .. mearr lp«.e ot 'tbe tact.&J&ai tc Ctletalna orea4Jda. clabejo 6rm1ado Teaorero ~tooer, •C Cartl$ "'• N. 11••-, Oil

... m&DY ~ ... N..l ron. m. deJ CO~ado pee' YiNad dd podrr ct;Je'l.f d•1 of Occcaltcr.l,l4, ' moeta, ~ta. Otl.ll\ Tau J)WC11lo ~· ml por Jt7 •• ofruina en Clumaat .f.a..e. aa Wli!ICHH: . &&4 M•••cb..U. .(C)C'blljl..... ..... .. ,. .. ••aden •• Ytata pabUca N. N •. w,;, .... au ... Kelt

'Prt.r.u Cut.uo. · ~ lama.a alta oferta al t:oatado lo. trasaed lt.al.taa .~ 'tJ'tlo_ ~~~ , J' Jotu- o p1r11 de lot~ en it·J~f 1 A:~ II b1.N• W.; L. B•ractt, a•J t~ cUu day. ow11144 • ut of Ull do•d• Ia a ratadoata eataD defJo(j t Ufl&o .. ~. • M~Jr. . Pca:1P.e llateil, ~~«•tca.- Ha,:C. qU11'" poul aao 1m_ 7 aaoe pa. P.al A. R~aclt. and n.oc..,, 1~ t.amu7 11u 0'11'M4 aa4ae, " cuo que ba7a at~ruaa. R'!lietu. It tor :PJO 1..,._ ..w t,W 'l/#J c:a•• , ..... faa U•t•• de ttNcfoaH yun rectaCNtloa ~k a..u \cca dicho COll4ado por tal · aao i ~o .. .r ca UI.Uc. Part ., u.. .... p ..... ~ o taato co•o Ha· a• maz~ b&.t' IN«a tr:de lat.e.IJ' laCO para realfhr !a caatldad coo4 tUJD Laad. a\loll& u.,re a. t ... dowH. pnalidadt., falen. l'l\Ul4red ~ ~k 1d c. ~ y coaC.e' Mfameo.te qt1e nta ~ c:::.ae, ~ aattll de Ia nata. ~ta.r u IUdt ta.cta aa4 a,s.. · Tntlp al •••o tate d1a 7, dt' ur.., J vnlla at ~· eatb•at•••• of N-YS..bn. lent.

lllc.M .no '"aalc k lHIARik eo L J. ADAKS, ectYe au ot Aautc& .. tara a.w THon·rb de • oadado,. dtl ~~law Ia. a ftw ,...,._ Coadadode Uacola. Nu ..

uocwu ...• , .. , , • ., •• J "'' • .;,.,,.,. "'*dltll ~lroas

the ~'\J.: ,.,.... . « '"ltiiM

cu.t&ac•· aM 0 o•etaaitat tllJildr•r ct rut4•U&J .,_. Ia car dtlu. wJ&Jdl coae 4Mit tt.a WullJ&&toL

Acata rw, ~ a •=•..,... t.oa. A tnr ._,. aco JcanaUal

' ltoutM u.. • ••• uu.. .., • .lftk et c!d no••• JtN~t~t, l!!dlt onc­w.u,. Uo\tt u.. .. c ....... tt' u.. ClarbuU tra. J ... t. u..n.p· ... el U.O.t oM ....... • ...... .,


r.ar. aco. h•"'• were 1tr1a.r UMn lwlroctl ~ .........

ta the ........ _,ltbl ·-· .... fOH 0,:••1 u •a.: uri•• A•tr· tea. Tbta J ...... 'le tM ... kltlu •w. ......... ..... • cat*.~ ... rtaee.ta tk 0.•­r:aat .... ~~ ,., Ute ~ JMJiL 'fM7 Wtl'lt chirp!... Ia twtt .. u.~ •••u• 1a u.e&r ... l.lp ... .,..a~ •••• , ht ... -,natq ,., 11117 kt Ulc Jt!plat· ..w ...ur. ~ u .......

Ia H.,., 'fwll U.. ant ..-. ,_ ... Cit..,. Jtgg& ... .,.... cWr· • ...,... ,.led. X•sn•• ...... vu. ..... -.. ........ ., wtOa -..._ uU.r awfJua; U.. )JOOr'

, • .,ai .... .._. cw·uae.. •••• t~MIP tw. ._ MSK U a ~ wata ~ wtUI Ule. aW ., Oewna••r ""'•• , ~ a. ......... JCMU

hQt- ..... h..,......, • .,...,.. C*IU • .- •n• tNa ult• • ..,, il'y lriwabt altQfiM- .. I -.. ... aot •lldt f&!Ut .. Ute • .u. U.t 1t • cekc a. .. ., U/Y'n.latc!o . "* '- tJte ~ ...n ...... tw 0••••••at t. l 'IW ....._. ,.. .......... t ....... - •.

• a + ..... , •. ..... 0

.............. tM ,...,t¥1 .......... lttdJ ............... u ...... .. tlanaM -.& ,. tw • r t Cr•fll••· e. •• It UMt .. ,., ~ .• ,., _,.. ....... w.tWrtr•saa ... ... oariloitl··.. . .... . ., ......... · ., ., ..

. . . a c

• •

..,. Alnico.

El · Cibola Hotel UJf,DJla Tn MAJfAGDOT

-07 Nu. a· D. G~nu -

Dtuaooa Boxa·Coonn -WEALS-

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119.-12 t ... ,.;/1

• 044487 Notfce For VuWkatlea

Plv.rs. J ,.. ·•• f\ a rf

lafl II •••••• "" 1?1e at

H... • ffice.

Stopa • in F'wo .MiDUtee

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· .. CARRIZOZO . . ·. . ~-. --~

HOME . . ' ' . - . .LAUN~BY

=..=. = . . . ,. ; .. ~- ,. .. . . ' . . •

,Work Calkd F«t and ~iyered ·. • • • .,; ' ·• H ,• •• ' ' A • . .

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. PboneSo ... ·· •·. ~rrizozo; ~- ·M,

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PittiS. · ' - ..

. '8a5i:~e5s ~~!!I)'s Luocb. 11 45

1~o. Z:OO o'clock

50c •

• ' -

- ' ' . .

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Rolland's Drug Sto.re· . ' • • ..

• '

IN choosing our medici~ w~ have been careful to sel­ect tho~ comp •un 1ed.br. the greatest cheiQi~t-> in .

the wo!id. T~y hue bnilt up their retftita·- · · ··tioa be:ati ~e a hey jfc rtliable · J


• • .

. '

. PresaiJtiOas tiretully { •••••

Rolland's Drug Sto<'re ' .

. .

I '


• Tabl-e £ream Sweet MUk WfriPpiac .czvcem

' • PerqL 85 PerqL 70 Per Gat, .50 .

• • ., 1 qt 13 pt. 45 pt. 35 .. -4 ·:· 2~ qt -~5

" ~ pL .25. •• * pL 20 ., pt. ;os .

. • • Ph·,.,. Nn 136 F3

Joe West~ '

IJJore You Buy Any Car At Any Price.

Drive The ford V-8 for 1934 AUTO CO.

•• ..... .. s ale.s· Service



• • ._-rar FlllSI'.MADONA.LSEBVIC& ..

• . . . . .. . #

irrnie.l •••tr U. S.Gewtuaeat PJ&Q • >

• • . . I. SiGI&

V' • C!Q.~:I:Iti!Kib. JlaititiJa&ri~



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~~· · To Saoe ·Trips . . . . . . " . . . . . .··

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To~·rown· . . . . . '. ' .,. -~ ..

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~9:r~ A ' • . ·~~ · P.-l~Jy i . i;'ifJ:s: 'Bo4~ 'dea't · o( ~otorblJ

.·. ov~r~•co~tey ~da JQ. .. ~e Jl;uti . .._ . · .. a • ...l. ,!l_, o1;1ce tn. ·ti.·.wh. Ue X. · m. a. ". e. .... . : ~- ... _., ··~" . )i ·: •. ·•'\~')i , . ": , .. -~ ~·''.,. ~ --

. ~~~ulat Cbu.-cb $~ryJc~.~ .~11'; · ~zyl.~J!i! triJI, w~h* • Ja tlle. b~t l~.J..~.~· .. : ~:".aQ~. \1, :~O.P;~ ... m •.. '. ·.. . •"way to reallf see tlle cQuntryo x

"" 111 ., :. ·., a~ cot~sta~tly ;~oi~i' · am~~ . ~~ • · . PArs • ..., ~· "1! .• ~q~gb~~r. ~ .... ; · · th11 fllUnonse pronortfon ot ,Jand

J,G,eae~r•.l St.1a~a~ ~cbo.oJ .. . • i wl!clll ~\not. us~{tor anythl~g •. f4iii H~11e!, M4:!).a/l.l!o ;~• . · j' comp~~ wJtll the s~all arellf! fn

S • Ad l D i 1 • · · ' . t!lrmtl 11nd. oltles: : ~ • 'up~ •. · · · M t, · W:. s~oq,, · , ... ' · ·! . 1n. what· we ·call . thfck·

t. . . ', " (\ .•

. ,_.....,.......,.. __ Jt· Paya To flafle· Yo~r ·awn ~..,· ...... ~-J.Jf ;M,rs• 1\ A.·Spen~~r,! · · :-W . s~test.J!J!~rn . · . pt'"cy.Q~·ng ·-People'a•~ ·. · . York and ;t>ennsyl· . • · :Mra: ·ar~cJi:''st()i.·11 ,, • ;_ :. · li11rth,, people !'re. spread ·out ao

. Supt. CtWdret~'~ 01\rialon .·. ~ .. .tb.ln that:t~ey can:'t make 'use or , ·_b~;~l~ 'oM~e:av!lUIIble 1~4. · . ·

Suu,day· School . ~·eli•: .S»oday ' . t¥,~11 hl;lndr~d yel\_1'8, Wlil sun hlllve. I .:=:::::::::::::=::::::::::::::=::::::;:::::;::.==~.:::::: .. :::::;.:=. :1:. ,:::;::;:;:;::=; . · lO o'clcu;k a~ 1'm:-· · :.. · te~hr p~ople to the sqpare mile,

fJNA .. N .. CI. 1t ·-RfPORT ·LO(Al' AIID· P.FRCOIIAL Y!>u ~av,·provec:t Jo.u~ •. \aeerea :"v~ In !"uch d!losely populat!lll . ~ · 11 L ._) 11 · · ; s.tat!ls ·as Massachusqtts and •

1 an~ ~one tour• ~ut1. golit . axntte-"'IelD;Iiu, than England has;

Eighth FJt; and . track ... '. . . -~ '. . . . . n~ eo.,ernmentally. NQ.W d9. I wJtUe New York &lid PeO!liYlvan-H

· H If · F k. A 1

much for lOUr cburcb · d"' · 1~. oqtslde ot._.the two big clUes ot Meet, Held O,c.tober · enry •. 0 map, un · · be · · · . · · . · and sneral otber railroacf. meo ~oral and. IJiiritt~al '.,~.lf~te~<1uj : N,ew: l')?rk and Philadelphia, are

19 and :.10, l9j4 · · .- made it ho~e to time tociat tbeir y:ur c~Ql~~.qity by. !'•I ·· ;:att::~v:a:c~~~~·a!~ma~~~-. ·- ballots hr'Tueeday'l election •. · c urcb services Suqd~ty ~ forv · · · J; hil.ve.•.a distinct bollet that tlle

. . . Receipts A. letter from Mr•. Stewart.. work politlc;aiJy ~aeot wholly I countr;y lylnv eait or tho .Alle. Grounds, A.'irf. · ·.· $ 4.25 b b

1 an~:ceed e~.c.~pt your life be dedi· ~~henlet eoulc;t•upport tllo whole

u ·· ,p -M, 18 50 w o- as bee!l v eitiQg her daugb• cated to God ud your-\ wottk: and ·;pref!el!t population. ot the Unltstl Basket Ball, Friday 41'.65 · ter, J4ucille, ia Dallal, ata~.~~ t~at ~.;nice ban the aeal of . -istatea. Dance,· Friday · 2·6 25 . she wU~ eo to .Stamford, T"'~11' tion tbrouth-lo,e:.for• '1hi':'Cbrli»J

tbla week for.a vlait, · · · d b i · Bits-ket B.all, Saturday 4.6 05 an uman ty,. 'Therefore, cu• D11nce, Saturday . 6_b 50. Scb~ol_ wu dismiued· at 2:30. vour vote, aud aot. ~1 ,-pro•1• hr

· .· 'T~':E LE'P-H~O~-N-~ .. E . ·--- .::_:+-'---

I ~ "J •

·' -••

··----. .

J4uncbes .t.O · tbie afternoon, ao tbe aUtdent fnot. of Cbriat'scburch'tttd uc1d'a · S.aad wicb Concessi oil · 80 · body'might 'attend_ tbe foot~a·u kinedom htyour co~llll..ittty, ... ,u

Next week we wilJ p~blisb a tlst of bUJJJf'TII of big g11me, and winner of Mr- Ke.lley'a prl~-e riftt-.

-- ·- .._ _____ __

. 400 . ;~ICTUBES.

fllc~il~. ttl! the .•1()1'):', ''l'l11! ,orttrh'>l ~r~ sh11~t. C\>11!:1~0:'· lind lastln;ltfng .. Hen: ~ !l few ~u.b;e<:tli covtred; ·

r . ". · ...

For Sale by I Rolland'-s Drug


., f '

Carnival Rtdets 3'1 6L.-. ,¥am,:. ~ pour inftuence might '-b~Jp• sod1r-l1 Mr Ke ~ev bas ·abo~t recover· : · .CarllivalCol:lcession 3600. -..... . ' ~ ~toul,tolindG.od.and/b,.lent,rnJr,~w f.rom b{e recent gun sbot .----...... -.----~----.----.-------.-.. --~

' .. $278 21 ' M_,rsba1f St. JobQ waa ID Ell e"program of traittipg llda, r~ceived while bunting G d C' • All' r· • . ~.Ads, Bustness M~tJ 11100 P.ao viattor S•turday and Sun· •ife to tbe hil;ht•t -~9(\leat .. aer· ' . 00 I" Or Jme ' •

t"'-{'1!.. Ads, pandtda!es _,....-!,~_oo ~·1· . . tee poaaible for God and for . "Dt~uht.t;rout•l" 'ROBERTS MARBLE AND GRANITE Donations · .. · 1'14 50 A.tty. E. M. Barber re IDUhJ. · ·· ., Doctor Vlzctc111 011 that a ltew " .. Toto~ I , ~

47771 ~uada7 on No. 12 o~fter tpendtt~8 W~ a ball be ex peeling you ea ·&'l~~:;~~llboaa In tba ear11 '001 tottlfte4 MOftUMfHJ £.· . -

' .

" · • ·.• i& few daJI at El Pato. iandaJ• and do not'· forg~t "on.•F,. fttl Jnvmlgatlar coiumlttH E nt . 0 \ r." l'.that 11'hcu a conaUtuent asked a fnor ~pe e M 0 O'L motto: •· award ·aad , Upwai'dl' -ad.; • rc""rd ot tbe "•me ... 4

"" R 11 F b 11 T $ ~.> 00 fl, ra ear,, of Alto, wbc• G d d .. II! · "" " ... v ... -r oswe oot a eam , o nee I you urati, a.ad tccdt:uf, t)t bo Intended to fi"',Dt tht Reterc:e 3 00 bas been .. •l•tini at Do:moaratic ~~re deed you both )0 pull ud to 'he marked • croN atttr tbt Tinnie Girl$' Team 10 Otl beodqQa(IJ:J'I, Jdt todaJ for her putb, ll we make"t&e "r'de, :·. 8C)meUmr• bt would ehaup

C ·· G

1 , ·T

10 00 &omo. . • · · _ · "Tb S 1 1 .. . • mind. In w.blcb cuo ba ll\1ded a . a pltao ar a eam _ . e p r t apu- &be bride- u,-,. ei'OIIo lD '1111 tt1t~111 lt

Corou Gtrla' T.eam 10 00 Mr. Perr7 &ara, County Demo• •come,' aad let hi~ thU • · .. l eroNt4 Bmltllt I dooo Pbtl S Brtgkt, Rffere!e 5 00 cratlc Cbalt~n, wu berc toda1, '~•1• •come,' atl.d.{q'- bt~ ort&tc' 0~0~';'~=:!' .. ~: Orclleatra 40 00 wearine , jo1oaa amlle. dhirat COJ:ttc," u ~:~.~14 to417. 'truck E1peoie 40 00 G • '

9 Carru:IIIO Scbool Acct 6 56 eorge Strauaa· came duwo Heltm..S r•uas 4 00 1r9m TRcuu:scarl T1:1eaja7 to yot~

.... . , Lancol.o Co News 16 50 SCHOOL CARNIVAL


Cllfru:o:a:u Ouuook 6 00 $'uao ery aod PUltt .. ge .5 UO Capitan Gym Lurtcbt:a 24 311

12 94 Saturday, November 10, 1934 .,_ M IJII.t:ll• Dt!t Ulli

c..:b.:ck '1\&x tieL


44 . 24391

478 71

Toe above atatc1neot wall b•·

• •• Coutmittee.


7:30 p: M. •

Everyone W elcom.c Admiuion 10c.


t. LYRIC !HfA UR. •

. '

'·.· \ "·

- Thurs .. Fri al:ld Sat. - •

*'THE FIGfJTt~G RANGEft'• • · ~~ - WIT.H -

Buck Jones aad 0Jtotb1 Revier ..,Ligbteaiag. whippet•tast action,

. . . ' ' . ~

Buck Joaes thunders aC:r()as tbt . ... screen i\) a tbrilliug-, exciting pictu~e ot tbe Atiiooa Raagera.

.-. At~o ...;;· -u~t.MER STEPS OUT"


... . •

• .C •

, •


• •

• . ' • . .

• •

• A prO<\uct tb~t you can buy with Absolute Confidence

in 1ts Beauty nnd VALUE! T. E. KELLEY, Repre•cmtative

t'Atquzozo, N. M KX. · • •

It will be • pll.'lhlure to serve you with• o~t obligarion on your part •

=-· ..

.~ .. -----.~.----------~,~----------------------~ •

Chocolate GI~rifies· These 'Desserts ,

EVEN 1\ Rlmr>to borne dl!uert t.nkell on n now appeal wheD

thlll'O Ia c>bor,()taw In IL nnt wbcn )'OU add tbt.Jr.ollltO to att~b tCIUYe deuoru a11 a IIJltlttga rotr or an liS)" aide down c:iko. )'(ltl create ao!lle­thlar that makes teltnlnlno rttC~t. an tor tho redpo and lntpl~ ttlU> C1illne rncata. to aak t01' mom.

Ch01:olata SpOftJII Roll C fubl111!1)00tlB Jt;ftcd "~o tltmt * tcaJJpc!)n dtr.Jble ~ ~

lng pmrdr.r . -%((!all~~

% ct:lp 1dtttd s-Jgat 4 egg wb:tetJ, rii!:Iy f}Mftn 4 egg yofka, lv.:a!<m tinUl Ullek ,and fernGn.W~t!red

1 taJpoon n:m.ma · 2 squares uMweebtd eho(o.

~te.;nene.J 1 cup cream, wbJ.P.Ped an4

swee«lne4 sut ftolll" once, mtar.lre, add bat·

Ins- powder 4.Dd ulf. Sftt togelllct three tlliU!!f, -ifo!d l!Ugat' ~dwUI.r Into ett witlleiJ. F'flld •n e&S yolltll llld ftt1Uit:. Ii'oftt In 1!nur vaduau,. Be~~.t In chocolate, rentb but thor­outhlt. Turn fnto ·ftixtO.Jnch Pill which. baa been IP'~ed, lined with paper to within ~ Inch ot edge, and tpfn «teased. ilake in hot OTeD (400'" J',) ta mlnutl!a, or untU doiie. Quickly cu.t..otr crllll) e~gea ot cake. Tum out on cloth co'fot•d with 1)011'· dered IIUglir. :Rilti\O'fe pal)or. Wrafl IJ1 cloth and co()l on rack. When cold, apread wlth whipped crcaJ:D,

. noll. as tor felly roll. Ccrter 1rJth chooofate Mating, made b;; addJn~ 1 tealit)oon mc1led butler to 1 ,llqllare uililweetened cboeolate, tnelt.4.

Chocolate· Upaldo Down Cike ~ .

1 ctti'i aUted calc& flour · ·"' · 1. teallll<KIIi double act1q bat-

ink l)OWder . • ';4 lti&llfiOOD salt . ~· cul) sutar . '

• -J.4 c\lil 110ttened bnitar C>r other . ahOrtenlnr; . · · · · i 'et&'. well beate11 · · IJ tableapOODI mtilt , • ~ teaipooll ·Tahiti&

< ..... ~.; ,.,,,.... • .,.b-~ .. _..


1 ~ua~ uanrcct«mod eb~ lato, molted .:2

S tablcafltluns buller Yt cup augar 1 atlcea <:anncd pln~pplo, eut

1a W(!dg~. or 1 cup xratcd plncapvla

SUt ftottr occo, 'trtc:ll~Uro. add bak• lnr powder, nit, and sugnr, nnd altt Ulgotber tbn:e Umcll. Add btlUu. Combine en.. mitt, and YanUta; add. w ftattr t:llswre, allrthlK ttnUI aU 1101lr t. tkmpen~. Add c:hccofate arid blellcJ: then bat Yl&oru:tal1 1 mfaute. • •

Melt 1 tabteapocna b tt tt e r ln 8xb2-slteh Part'OToilow tlnme: add autu; cook and aUt untU thoruttah­IT tnfzed. On. thla arranre 1VcdKU ot plnupple. or co-rer tnbtture wtlh anted ptne&Jl%1111. 'l:Drn batur out Oll content. of pan. Ilake fll mode­tale onn (350•11'.) ~y. minute.~, or ttntU done. Loosen cake from aldei

.or !;>t.D wltlt apatala. Tutu apalde down .on dt.ih wllh pineapple on top. Garntlih wltl& whipped eream, 1t 4.­alred. Sene warm. . '

Choeofat• Created CII.Utd PI~ * recipe pie crust 4 e~~ allshtl1 btaltll ~cup ittiU · "

· ~ teaspoon ~alt a euPB mnt 1 U&!fPOOn. 'f&nllla 2 tablesi)OOns aucat • 1 ,quare Uil.llweetened . chc>e"O.

late, mtlted · J tableapaona hot water

LlniJ a deep t.lneb ·1)(& plate wtUl l)utrt. to.Ilet ~ lncb thick, •now• for Put't1 t6 extend 1 fncb be1ond

::~1gu~1:t't:0:n~:.~~~i:; e~«a, sup.r, salt. mlll4 and Y'anltla. Pou iDto piJ a bell. Bake In hot o-ren ((io•r.) 20 minutes: then d'eci'eaile heal to ntodsrate (aso•r.) ancl bake 10 t6 1$ iDllllzte• toa~er, or lttitJl bite b:aaenect comelii)Ut etean.

Ail~ J~.UPr to l!hoildtafe~ t!ten'ad4 ~a_let, !Mte_.tables~ll. at a. tt~ •UrrlnK urtn blended. Pour .otet pi• iUIItlr, ptaet in. alow- O'Ji'!11 (860*1'.) ailit bake 7to ~0 mlnntH folll•t, 01'1 uw bhbeoktt'iatL eoot. · 1

···.,~ -~~~ilililt' ........... _ 'l!, ,

.. . . . " .

If you sean New.s Ads carefu1ty~ you'U fi_nd· that Carri;o!O m~rehan~ ~~~ ai cheaply •• ·citystoret.

7 . ~-

• • I

• •

• • ,

..... •

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' '.

Page 6: 0 . '- ~- ~· C• / C c . ,· ·- • c c ' I' ' ', ,·~:.T ...archives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads...In plnct>.. In alu.1rt. ho c:baaccd color. Ill• rcallJiltl w~e

'. ,,· • •



' .



' . ' ' ' . v ' • ' '

' ' .

' ' , •

' '

' ' '

. -t

• .• ' .

• fly £Ud0 .SCOTt' WATION · -- IJj.;N Nuture •lrllulll th:lct•ly JUII

Willi lllllb or Jill WMIIIriJ: to d\'4!f•


• " •-. .?

wltl'lm Jlllllf llltlllklml Wlt)l IIAltult • tiiMwtl•r; "ht>ll a t(lrlllutu wlltrllf 11

• down nn rlllnJ:u nml tnrm, h•M'Inr <h•lllh AIUI dt"lltntctlon I~ Ill! "nlw: n lwn l1oocl11 iirni · hurr&·

A•·:um••a, flr('a nmt t11ttlli!OIIIIt:ll, cr• ~l•lm•UII:tll tllul rt•hll.'mlrll lnko lh,clr

toll 11t '""""" Jlllrrerlllfi rwrl J•rup· ~L,J t•rly tllltllnl:t', thi!U IC hJ thl\t thn-t• mr•ant•ll!:t'rM ot mt>rry, Amt•r•

lt•rm UM1 ('ru11• .. nMnl• nnll wodwr~~y tnublllr,o IM'lrtl1 111111 IIIH't•d In lhll Jl)llrt• Whl!rt.l till•)' 1\ttl ., .. ,., llt"'dt•tl.. ' '

ll 1\tlll uuly I fNI' \\l'f>l;q UKIJ thnt Wt>riJ fllllillCd duw" rruru tl111 1u•rth tlrut Ore'! had t!\H1Jtl Nome. Al11•kn, h•ziiiiiJt lhlll IIIWil, Oflf'U 1nlllt•tl nil II l;llld, ~111111 lull nuw tl tnudl!l'h Amt•tlt'llll dty, II IINI(J ot AMlwn. Wllhln • few 11onra llflt'r lim rtrciiPl ot t!IIA tit'Ull a lkd (!roAM rt>llof c11nlt'lur Will llli'IIJ•h•lf lntn on n1TJ•1nnt' nr linn J?rnnrhwn lind • • (ttw llllnUil'JI lllll'r In• Will uoln;:ln~t IIIII Wit)> 1tn'fntd lilt• fllrh•kt•n ,(11)'. ·

Wlll'lt '''" Ill tntrt) ")lorn• t'n"tl"" hurnt Into tluna•to oR' UuJ t'MIII nf Nuw Jt•rllt'Y• ltc11 ('ron t11wNalt,. unll• In ''matnl C'!rnptrra nt thnt atnte lmmc•tlltltcly rnlllrtl to tlto nork ot tt'llt'lll'. Ilia f'llfll llf lllltrhnr~ Alld lJin ft•llllltlll)l Of J!IIJI!IFtltlld fatntlh'!t. rrlntiYt•ll and trlrmlll. lforn them • WN•ro nf nutlll'll wrtt> wmnmom•d tram lltt'!r .wd• tn tlr11 • hltt ctn \\ u t11 Cnlc" "'' Ioiii! tlt:lb ol'i bilnr1 fl'llt'UP tra~~t•lll, In lln~Jlll!llll, Ut jl:\•l'll lllld &t nw'riura. 'JltrCc'! tlwy nrltalriiNl'll In tlllftl'ti'rJ from lnJurlt·•~ I'SJI1llltlt1', ahol'l' 11nll s;rll'r.

Anti'"' llrrM~ "l•flrtnrulor rlnlll&JIPII Wl'tt! ont)'two or th11 1!1 tii!Clllll1r Jnlls lit tho ronliMttlnl Utllttd

0 lflulf'IJ' Ill Wlllrb lllp 1tl!lt ('rou Willi IIClh"tl thltltl~ lht' · f!M!t Jt-at. Adll to thi'M', l'lwalatnuro ~rlf~rl In :m ln•ulnr mul fnretun eniDRlftlJ'II!Nt ami the IIS:~tt'S:I\l" II t(Cl Juat l\llllUl thl' ll\'i>ttt!W' for 1111 nts;:nrtlri!Unn tbnt 1111• hrt>ll t~lmuhlrrlnx: thll.·illlfl ot luk tbtolll!ll rnuw th11t1 he~lt ct «'IIIUtl·

Sn )lllrt of the t'nlle1l Stuln elt'ntt¢d Mlill! tort 'nt diAIIlllt•r. tttrh! bt>lJJJI • lullll of 1r.:J tflllb· Ut>• In whlrb lit& ll1'tl t'ro1111 .s~IAtl!il t10,(JOO •tt>­lltn.:' Ttin•adnPll and Orc>ll Wl'fil tho lt>!ldlriJt III!Nil'l~ t~f dP"tth'tlnn whh 2.'\ «'Ill~ ot ott. hl"ft'!UIIrtlllnu lll'tl l'rnlli rr11Pf work.· •

Ul'llltlls lllr11r, n t1n<t:l""'4'no of whtelt took Ibn llfl' of II tlil't1 f'run tt>llrf Wflrktr till ttlltJ­II"rllt \IOU'II aul (I( lito ltlllll llllrl (Ot('.ltll tl'l Jtn . hrmwa troan thrlt fmnnllltlnllll, to dl>•trof t'MJII anti !lye 1todt, and In •rntJ rvfttlll't'JI aetlrtflllt to hiJ;!lwr JlnlniJI\ Tro2lll'lll ntottnl hun!l up A new

'I • • ' '

1. Taklf!g th tk)' trallt to ftl'f.gutttd Nom~ Al1ak.. •ow•n McCoy, urlt ar ttllrt dlttctor, uylno oood.by ttl A. t.. t~h•f•t. manat:~tr of thr PaiUte o~t of th(t Annrl~n R•d Ctou, btfor. uklnt oft trtm tan Frtnelae-. "

2. Cok-.o.,•n dwtlltl' tn • Ptnnayh•.al'lht ln. .tuattlaS t,tnttr btlno utvtn ~l'tt 1ld by • Rfil CI'Htl publlo lltiltli nun*· •

3, Thr old lolkt ate not fofllottcn by Ula trltndly and htlpM Rtd Croa.;. Hut If • pubtlo flnl\h niltH and tWtl of htr, p&tltnt .. ttl.-uuplt not tnly tt<tiVllila nt•dtd nlll'lfn; att•htlon but ' l\avlnt prtvlously bun reell)ltnU of Red CI'O&t trour and elothlno-

4. 1\ttt\l tloo4td al Hatllngtn, TciC&a. tn tht wi.kt of tnt of the•• flttc!t coutat hlltrleun wblctl ttrlkt Inland fi'Om the Gulf of Mtitlco.

. Nou th• 'R•d crou ur In the for•omurnf on a tf'('Oftl Cut ftl'lllll'lll'J Wlfhfn I llltli:Jr 11',11t', •nt}.. , ________________ ..,. tor thl' lint tlml' In d lllllli11'1'1J $'t'tlt'S fl hutri• •

rniMlon of Hltut &n$1 rtlltf.

rono atnrlln~: In tla! We>MI tmllMI Whlflllt'tl wltb b:Jtb1 to bl'drtddrn lll'tlt'nt._ masugtn1 azc11 unollmln!ahe\l furro aa fBr north a• ll:o \'lr~!niA Jolnta lltltl 1Ut1o «!rtpplrrd lrtill.~ n•1!11Ung tlb)'ld• «"<<:Jill. • ~ dan• at thlttlblrtb anti In rn:il\1 lnsfanroa ftndtn:

11'"'" wrr., ctllt\ ••ptdemlra, .-.rclolll'lt. t>llptc;- tr netetts.>trr to pN'sltlP :tllllle ttt .-nch ottn~1on11, abmA, !tall 11torms, n tJJihoon. t~tn i'llrtll!lll!l.kf., 1l ndmlntatertng moctll.'lnes and bJpudetmlt• nndet t'lflllllbursl and ntlter o.'lr.t't!itl'llrl(la Wbl!'b aetrd doetr'r'a cmlrr-. lo:~.thlnt motbl!l'!l and their new rn brlnll tb!Jo ll~>d '~- wllb llhl'ltn. foud. tnMI· 11:1\lti's. 1d1hllttg ou benltlt vr<~Metus In thll' bome. c-at •U(IItll<'«, MU(IA, lmsptrlliJUIIInQ IIIII} f'()}JnblJI• 'nlt>f H'llponde4 10 tho tli!Nb of llllnetll IIUd tauon t~rn~ttnmt. tbt'lr tamtllcta. of •teel wotbts. or the whltl!'-

ln lllo hl!lbl!af atnto or cna:utclr·Jli'C'IUtmdlleu rt~UIIl" VOtlll. nr l'ltrhetlt liM sinAU tTI'IIll"'ts. tn bbtorJ, tim llt~•t <'roM lntrodul.'l'tt wmrtblnJ; 'l'h~e JTli)' untrort!W!d nuraM drot·e; their llriltiU tt«'l'¥ \lfiJon u nlmluclcd ~ dltA•tllr Jnlltltutl'l'l :•t rar» u tn at tlttt wuld Ull tMUntatn ttaltll 11tmt~>alr Jmlnt11 In ''""rtlfulariJ rolnt~tahto Uor:ta. then wttllet111 tt1e mt ol' the war to lllo1attcl \'c>tt~ron dls."lkl~>r workcml •t'hnolc•t tot'tll rlun.tnt ~blna wbc~N! th& a!d: &\\'lilt~. 'l'htl1 forded cnl\'1'r._ ~Immunity lc'ttllertt. poUr~. llro tnd ('~l(s 111 aununet. ~roliaed on thb lte In -.·Inter, h1111lU1 ortltttllll In thto iluncylnJt of htttnr~t ,111111 ll:\ Ktt t<t (IMtllllotlla t\\sea an.tl broken l~rs. ot~tcull&ln~: of f\'llt>f. hi tlit! ea•e or " tlllllll.t>i' ot Selec:t~t by tbt- llll\1 Ctpu not only ~call&& 1it •llJltmlehlng 11tormll, t\IMah'r nx1wru rrt;,l'l nn. tel'llnlc:t~l qualll\cattont~ but iln thil h~shj or coul'-ttnC\al tlt>d C'rola ht•m1ttllnttt>ra tuah!'ll to llle lltl't 111111 Btllmtna, they tlllll: ,\lf11IMthN· recortl (It ~no trouta al!d E\'llll •tn't In fltl~nnc. M tbo quiet Mrolalll. t'•ll\mt~ an\'1111 nlltfl! Uvea by Uae tm~:lluttoi)a • ' Chtltlmtt· 11t11 llhtll,)'il ·or lint ront'f.rn to the t "" n "·"'"'· • .... """

MotUIII!l'll nr the Ullil '('roll 'nurllll- l'8l!i'l'l', IIUI'iei llltlt ~1\1' lns}l~t~t ti10r0 thatr G:!t),..,.,.,.

h I '-~·• · \jU!!d C.rl!llt he~~ttb ~rvl~• lllltl llllbllc: h~altiJ.

publle bl'nlth nur&~ hl\rne llygleM •uatructottt c:hlhlren in tho lkh.oolx-llt'!llllilg ott l'li~ll of conunu~>d •• onll' ot th& ll!itlon't tlut lln'tlt of . ntlplent dhc!I\IC!,-t~,otln# ttefe~ta In tl!eflt atut hf!Aith det\'lll\('. llore thttn 00.000 htit~t t~.te on . 'flll ll'l tl111o to cotr~t them. IIUI:'Jrt!&tlng Wfttil ot tho llt'tlro U•t (If the> r~t~!~ i'lmdf to rt't~nd !Wr.<lilal cl(lllnl.hlt""' advtslnjt as (Q bot. ~boot to tall& rrom army, llll¥1 tlr ltc'tl <'..tnUJ dlidttr lurlc:hra . alld othtt tnl!lina ~f l\~vtntllllt mM· ·

· • llfn'lCCI. 1 • Mtrltlon. Tlietr w()rlr r4ltlu\t~. npt onlt. hi \It~"

11 sonrat wero dlapatel1cd to • ~orlll Crtrotrna .mllntti\ h111ltll. huprontm&nt but tn btlter, ~lU" (()lttDmnlt~ nrlcluln - b) twrn\1\lotli lropl~id tO<illt ~rfflt'«autn~. Th~ 1nferf8t and Jt't\~toaitt malarltl. ()the,. "'"I'll tent to (j,)pt• with il 1t- · llt Wlll R&Jett antl ofUu; B<:atttah ntte Ua110na pbottl epl4amtt. sun nthera ~rfotnlfd 1\t~f\\lt broucht, ~toout. tlte tiUlJVCirt M ~ anll 113 lilibtlt ._ork ta wt~llt!Ctlon wltb 11 fn~t tim In a C.ll~ . . ltMith Ml'llf\# ~rvl~ reli~tl\'elr\ ·. . . . . tot~l• tllllJon. !l'f) •-th·at alil ~atlon ln (<(;1\* . To Ialit eate .of wl4etipn;td den'laMa fttl" tn-> ttotl _.tll a couvtntlon of S('Ar..l•II'Amlftl~l.\ wat ':· ·• atr1ict1oll (a .. llttnpte liUl'ilnlt . ttt the home., the itlttetan.a ••• asstwn~ anuttte.t ctoup. ·. Art4 ttl~~ :ned 'Orm add~ tHr. \ba)' .1,400 l~lal\1'p..-_ m <!till a ttw tnatatlet>.t tro1111 • ~ or TltiW , p~M Dlir•e-teachera: .to· ltli ar1111 of be«ltli. &~n< . utt nUDiti'(Ju.t t~ervttc!a elton. lit Wt thtril~ ~:etil mobtltlid ~n~t the j)anllft'of lii)~M hnlt~ Wait WJilcb la »IWAta liYJitl•blt (or .• 11t1. _ , , ••o4 ~r6 ot tb~ alC:k, . ~c)l'e' INia 02,000 ittllclfntl

SO*M 'ff!O JllibUc M«ltll ... .,~ we~· ~Uitlt -BI>l Oll\1 hou*'•'"" bat ... aM $0\lnc ~ott. •p'kl.fta lit Ui !ted ~ tbapt~ .. tot tll• .-...ouw la . ..:IUI•I mqrt thaa to.()QO of tJMa *"" part. .ta "'tal •ertttoft. . Tl!et •.•llf ~.._ ~tQ))let~ toUi'tk uti wert •••r'<lH c:ttth'l~t&. ..... .M1Jl~ ... u •. \li 1t~ ..,t lli.\Q'<I'""'atl'lliiC ' .At ~tar ~~~~4 ""left ,lil'/J~·

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NOW-Pay Less and Get Real B~YER Asplrln.t

Tber&'J no l.ongt'r any point to l<t­upllilg otltcr AJpirln tnblcu, 1n place oC• tho Genuine BAYER ilttlcte. in ordtr to ~vo n fe'W ctnb.-

Wc'va wluwlthc price of Gw­uin~~ llayer Aspirin to n levd lbat mak~ ll unnecessary for unrone to. deny himsclC the a~y acUonn:td .. ~lability ot r-W D:~yer Tabteu.

Milliolb ot people. have lollg been glad to pay n higbtr price U. enj<)y lhc tm~t rcllef from belldaches, ncurnlgja and neurilis pain tor which D:~ytr Jopirin b fnmed. Now everybody ean ettjoy 1(s lull ben-

~nu wtthout thought ot p~ Ontyl5c NoUJ /crt 12

2,!;¢ !<'or Two Frdl Do•tn n~ thls next Umo you go I() buy upirln. You ean now aclulliiY, pay lu.r and gel c:knulne Bayer Aspirin. So nevl!l' Mk for il by tho name .. n;{Jirln" alone: hut alway. say "BA. ygn ASPlRlNt• when you buy. · On 11alo now o.l new low ptlee.­including the tOO tuhtet. · bottles. which have again been lowered 111 pnce-at all tirug storn throuah­out the United StoW.

• .. : ·-· ~. I ..............


·-- _ __.. - •• ¥4 t .........

1 ---·-'aWa' ..... ..

l;lassified Advertising ·

;._-- .. ' HAVE YOt1

PLUGS .. ·cleaned

anytlting around tlie)

lwu~c you would liko to trade or sell? Try i c1asaiilcd atl•Thc coat

SAVE YOU money! ifDI' TMI WASU Of 1 OAi.lOH .0-, CAS IN to ·, • , MAVI YOIJi StARK P~IIOS CUANEb l'f 'tlli At JPAIIJt PLUG tli-'HElt

· · cUJIY, "5c a plug . ' .• l• ..

. . is only• lew cent& and thor~ aro prbbabl:r ._ lot c>LJ'olka l,ookipg · for ju&t whatever it iii you no lon~er Lave me tor,


CLASstit1im - .Al>S~~l!;T . RE$UtTS • • . ..


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_ ualit · ....... ----· -----~Servic.e f· · '• , ),~ • ~ ,I 1' . ' ' ' ·~ ~. ' ~ . ·' .~ ..

:Yo~ have ~~e ov~n goittg · :anyw;iy . these crisp .~ovember, day• so, .. the ..

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votE:· ' . . ' .

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awing~ to our fhle 'eelec;tiOh 'of . . ' •

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B:eef·a·nd ' ' . ' .. ,

· ,..Po·rk. dRoasts ' '

Lamb Chops - -• • • • . '

=~==~~~============· .. . " 0 • ') • ,,

Fteah Tomatoea, · Radishes~ S~nd· wich Spread and. Kraft cheese~ ·-

• • ....., __ , ---· .... rrrr·, = -.. n• rrr: -wna·-··••a•-=·,-·,:


' .. • .It •

We sell Luckey'• milk~ but~ermi~k · . . ·~-·· FRE$H Daily at OQr GR' JCERY .

• - . ~ 7 ·---· .... , ' .............. ._ ............. t 4 ,...,.,_ ...........

-Cash Gro·cery-&Market .... ·~'t::·. ..,.,.........,., ........ , ............. ,. ,. ' .... l ··~:h·~ .. -.


Wood· and Coal D.~Uver~ in any quantity_~

PRICES RIGHT . John 'Elliaon

Residence oppOsite Court House·

a -.... • f azrzt-.I._,.ZL*/EPF · ·,,.......,.,...,,. .. a·.,_,._,_,. _________ ,

e is • om an •

• ~

WiO again ita yearly cus~ tom of giving awity an unusual

Chriabnaa gift on • n -•

At 2:00 o'clock •

Thla year the whiner of the· lueky ·number will have hb choice ot a CEDA ., CHEST, a LOUNGE


c;ome in aad .ee· tu premium• and start getting your Gumbert with each .IOtlar'a purchase and with mtlnthlJ hUla pakl in full b, the tenth of the month. .

· Tbit Doea Not AppiJ To Wholeu.Ie Purchase · •

• ·ou I

Employeea; or·' ariy · -memberi · of their _ . I·-. ·itot t~ partici·~. pate. • • •

• •

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=:--•~.,.._, •. h;_·_,hltr••ta\I[L{l!.f•l~Wul:• n·l,•az i' ar....W·a _,-·s;ia .

fHf .. Jlf$WORJft:( MPANY.Int ·. '

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CoM~ct~t1 _by D.-. J~ R, Earp ·. . . . ·. RH~UM:A/l'ISM.

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. 'II Qrppps' ' '

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At a remarkably' .t~w ~ite 0 •• , • ~~ ' I '

1;3e~tY: Ro_se -- . . -- .-, - · • --~~- - . ..,_ _____ --- -

' .

NfW 'f . (OATS·· ~' . I " •

·" •

'With Fre$h New Furs, ·Fre~ll· New: .. · · Fa,hions and Fresh new ;W-oolens ·

_. : ' - - . ' . ' ,, .. 0 • ' • • I • I t • O • ··...::.......~-- -

Dame Fa~ hi on hfis decr.eef], that the .. new. fall Ladies i coats of Blaek and·· . Brown· tones will be among the·· ~~~ders of the mode, You'U ·like the ~eleciions.we- hav~ · made, .here for your approval.

~ • ._ I

• . ,. . .. - PRICE • .. • . '

• • • •

• •.z n;•• rea; xn·iz'¥'?•11/1 ••,

-• ' ' . ••

antld tue Fe f<'U ".SO· MUCH FOR YOUR


Mt 1hh1ltl A 111end 'lltvt ,..ytll -the wcnllet )'0\t'<t• Dl\1fe71 w•nl•d to i!Jwn ........ prl~ • Jritt tl!lill )'ilU IV•t l•pKt.if .. .... NOWb'CUl'AlHlYthttllllt t• lrrly- unl•u yfiJ Wtnl )t w.tt .net ,.YIIIOn •


~J-$,9.50' •



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Carrizozo Hardware Co.

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El Paso Timel

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