y2 san wit wisdom county agent fund of seeks re-election be j 0 db l iei p c vix...

, ! , . , . '. , , ., . .. , , , '''' I. , , I . "J" " •. , I ,; QN INCBEASE! 't..Ut Weeltll;a neIghboring cttY' reported over $8,000 PI1T/ionll1 property that bad hflen stolen from pm-ked cars. No one knows/.how muc!) was stolen from homl1s. shQPs or cats and, not recovei.'ecl. , At Ruidoso. our Agency hns paid several burglary claims recently. It you're not sure that you hllve lhe right coverage. or do not have Burglnry Insurance. consult us.' . IT PAYS TO SEE It To See WARREN BARRETT THE INSURANCE MAN " . •J .' . . , '., , .. , " , .. .. .. ",_ ".c f,' " , ' '. , , " ... <r _}, .. ,.,_ ..,_,.,.", "1"·- ',' . and P\lbUsh8d in Plarground of the Southwest . . . 'U', $. 70. tb•• the SouthWest. fo Reach Wqrld'. ,•. Year .. '1lo\1Jld . d , . .. h' , .. -, .I' ie, .' '" .. ' , " Y2 and' Y2 WIT & WISDOM ·-By Vix-. VOLUMIl: 8, NUMBER 'II j"4' Ii e , .liiiliil_iiii_iM_iliit...;i1iIiii _ _ .. __ __.;;r __iili·__ .. .. ·.;'.' ' •.•. - .. .11 .. ;..· 0 ••••• , ·> •• '·.' .. __ ·"ilitiit··.·.··.·iiiIi· ii1'iIi· ·•· "iIIi··· •• iIi·iIi·iiI ' 4' _ '.! _ ,. ' .' " , - ,. u'" , _ , .. , , , ! ) , , I' , " •• , , , " f .' , " · ' •• RUIDQSO, LINCOLN NEW. MeXICO FRlJ)A¥, FEBRUARY 5.1954' . SUBSCRIPTI9N $2.50 Per V .. , ,' -----_..:.._---------------- ..... :..-...;" San Angelo Picacho Raises W. T. Scoggin State Of Texas Asks Receiver. Il County Agent Fund Of $616.50 Seeks Re-election Be Appointed For Insurance Firms man-sized iCib ahead Cit them the M HIP Ii ment project soon as possible A D' · J dg 0 dB L I EI P C oves ere n' 0'0 Drl've when lis city council voted last ,s ustrlct u e" wne y oca· aso ommuter " '" Friday nlgh,t jll1 an ordinance call- Pecldng pehlnd the scenes: Mrs, games at the Ruldoso Gym be- Illg tOI' tile Issuance of $186.000,00 ., (Ed'! Of' t t t JUeen ·Glascock has a photo of her ginning at 7 p. m. Tomorrow night The aggressive little community -. I or s ....e: UI cres 0 . Ilnd Mrs, George Bonal taken they the Eagles in the Hondo of Picacho, about SO miles enst of In revenue bonets for that purpose. ... •. '. '. 0 0 Rliidoso:!ns this .I'('('k, wus the I Treharne Declares wh en the hvo wore members. of n G" be"In I t 630 T d Ruidoso on U. S. Highway 70, It Is expel.'lt'r! the bonds wlll be news jt£'m whIch "hrukc' lost Sat- gl _.' s' bnn"etbll11 "tenm bn." In the" b n ng n : , ues ny turned In a total of $616.50 to the sold within 00 days und contrllcls urdny that a local resldcnt. who United Lloyds n""" """'" night the XularoSll :WUdcats COme M 01 be I thin 90 d conllnutes to und trom EI P'ISQ 'I daYlJ when the girls' cage tenms to Huldqs(I for two games, also be-- county arch of mes treasurer mGY et WI ays on re- S Iv t wore bloomers as a partlof their at 7 p. m, in Carrlzdzo Tucsduy this weelt, I construction ('It most of the city's dally via planl' to condul.'l his var- S 0 en uniform. •,, An orIgInal com- Next week.end the WarrIors Ben Sanchez. Picacho chairman, I main water pipe-lines. EKtenslon lous businesses, hud hud those vnr- Spencer Tn'hilrne, 0\\ nCr of a position (one of on whIch huve a two-day trip to Hagerman told the Ruidoso News. "Of that lind additional Improvements are lous businesses closcd by Texas home in Ruidoso. and who com- Leroy Gooch and Carm(ln PbUllps and Roswell for games Friday and total, Linda Darnell gave $100.' to be figured In the project, as stnte officials until " receiver mutes 10 and from his EI Paso collaborated. was sung by. Bob Satul'dny night, playing Hagerman said Sanchez. The Picacho total well. could be appointed. The repqrt, as husinesses vi" plune IdaJ\Y, con- Kaufmann at the March ot Dimes Friday and St. Peter's In Hoswell was among the highest in Lincoln Bulk of the bonds which bear printed In S"turday's EI Paso Unued to fly Ulere early this dance at Carrizo Lodge last Friday Saturday night. The latter contest county tor a community Its size, S':f interestbabout $147.000.00 wiU Tlml·s. appeurs below.) wcek. but broke hIs usu,,1 week- nlgnt .•• , Mrs, Zach CCiUJer is Iln will be at Walker Air Force Base, In" be bought Reconstruction St t ff --0-- 1 d I h t'nd rest-uti-home routine Ilist Sun- artist of ability we and Cy Lelllnd has requested that t' t G Finunce Corporation, The balance ae 0 lela S "rme wt a duy by gollll: to EI Paso to is.5ue jqdge atter seeing some of her anyone desirlng to attend this eres rows must be sold "locally," Mayor court order from Austin Friday a statement regarding his various canvases hung at ClIrrlz(l Lodge, game contact him at the high Rnymond Buckner said. closed a group of Insurance com- buslnesst'S. The statement appear- She has been getting painting tips school before Wednesday in order In Sports C' ar Also broul:ht out In last week's ponies headed by Spencer S. Tre- ed In Mondo.v's EI Paso Times and trom Mrs. Kate Ball, noted EI Paso that passes to the Bnse 'i ay be ar- council meeting was the tact Rul- harne lind seized all assets of the Is reprinted below: artJl;t •• ,• ranged In advance., TRAVIS B. HICKS R T I doso has bid on· water storage pending oppolntment of Spencer Trehorne. whose InsuT- Grovel was spread over Ule anlt- Details of the Warriors games tanks which the Southern Pacific a recc ver, anco companies here were served le-deep mud 'fronting Ruidoso Dry last week-end will be found In tho· TravUr Hicks, who recenUy re- aces,. na s Rallway Is abandoning. and whIch The drasllc nctlon enme "fter with a court restraining order Fri- Goads. Spanish Nook Clarko's In- "Around Hi-Skool" column else- signed lIS county IY[ricultural agent mllY be dissembled and moved to Attorney Gencrnl John Ben Shep- dny, rcturned to EI Paso Sunday surance Agency Ilnd the Buckaroo where In today's paper. t(lr Cole County, San Angelo, Tex., Interest Is growing in tile hvo- thls city for reserve storalle ot perd presented a 44-pnge petition and mel wlUl oftlclals ot the Tqxns Ilounge early this week by owners' "c ' , o. 0 I}aa moved to tho Ruidoso tU'ea, day WashIngton's SportS tloodwaters trom Ule Rio RUidoso, to District Judge Charles O. Betts attorney general's office and the , of those estabUshments.••• On M LW St and Is n(lW employed lIS tield IlUU1 Car Meel slated here Jor Feb. 2,0- U the village Is successful bidder, charging Ulut the companlell were Texas board ot insurance com- their tour ot the West Const re- rs.. . orm with Lincoln County FeC<i and 1m- 21, with publicity appearing in the . Insolvent by al least $600,000. mlssli:il'rers.·· eenUy! Mr. ana Mns, Paul Doulllass Co., local Purina feed and press of Ule arca and over Ule air- Baptists Announce Shut down by the order were Trehnrne had been In Albuquer- wltea the famous Knott's Berry D' Th d ey-Harris Implement dealers. waves and on television: United Lloyds and United World que. where he was Friday when Farntln ClIlltomla•••• Miss Eve- les DrS ay The firm, of which Vance Blnck The event, which will teaturo Revival. Feb. 21-28 Life Insurance Co., with home ot- the order was served, Commenting Oppenheimer, widely known· is manager, plllJlB to expand ita three 25-mlle dirt trllck races tor flces at 100 Texns St. All buslneS5 on the action Inken '<tgnlnst his 50uUlweJtern book reviewer and Mrs.. L. W. Storm. GleocO:!lJ a I\ervices In the Lincoln County as- sport cars of three classlficntlons, The First Baptist Church of Rul- W. T. SCOGGIN was suspended until Feb, 6 when firms. Treharne snld: radio commentator, two weeks ago pioneer remdent of Ruidoso val- r1cultural region, and Hicks Is 10 as well as field trinls and a dance. doso wllJ begin a revival meetinf. Third District Judgo W. T. a reeeiver will be IIppolnled by "United Uoyds Is solvent "nd teatured Il 15-minute broadenst ley, and who, with her five 'IlOna, mako regular calls on tarms and banquet nnd other testlvitles tor Feb, 21 to last throufih Feb, 2 • Scollllin Saturday announced he Judge nells. wc wlll provO IIlat to the court. about Ru!d(lso over Radio SmUon operated' the 5-8 ranch 10 milelJ ranches In' 'ho three vilUeYIJ, tho ownel"ll of the cnrs, Is expected to Wnlter Brian wi preach at would t;CCk rc,l(!lcction to the poCI Shepperd's quo wlIrrunlo "ctlon Only." part of tho facts haa been WFM-WBAP ot 0a II a s-F 0 I' t east of RUidoso on U. 8. Highwny l\fe:scalero retcrvatlon. and in oth- draw a tremendous audlenc:.e. v(;ea. 8:1. be haB hold llince 10411. HlJJ dtatrlct followed 1111 Invest!J:ntlon storIed lold. rhe entlre cnlle will be IIrc- Worth, She had been here earlier 70. died at about sun-up or parill of tho territory. The evenl Is sponsored by tho d f rvi t be embraceo Ihe counllcs of Dona bv the Statl' Hoard of Insurance sented III court." C/n a vacation which was to have morning In RUidoso-Hondo Valley lie plana to write a weekly col- Albuquerque Sports Car AJlSocln- Ana, Otero and Lincoln, c:l'omnussloncl1l I"st Oct. 31. Allhat Mel'tlnll with Treharne Sunday larJted two weCks but whlcb was Gencral Sho had been umn of tarm tlnd ranch nott'tJ tor tlon of A1llu!luefquo and tho II in to'lllun hili hat Into the ring, time the Inveptlg"UolI showed aftl'rnoull In the urtlct'U ot Unltl'd cut sbort bX_"_ denth In the tam- reeeiving tniatment Ulere only a the Ruldo:JO News. which will be- Southwe:slern Sporta Car ClUb 1n peep e. prcced- Judge SCOllaln llahl hill action WUll Lloyda alone hnd a dcfldi /.Ioyda \Vl're Hudy G. Hlce, aMlst- ." 11)'. Sho LOVES tho placo and says tewFudllYs, sin appcarinlt In Ihls newllpaper EI PWlO, Some 75 foreign make A Inrr,e crowd attended both subject to the Democratic primary of $430424 attcr 0111.,. III monthp nnl nltomcy Ilellernl or Texas, IIho'lI coming baek-llll Ilhe urged neral cervices, likely to be LIOon. curs lire cxpected 10 be entored In services IllSI Sunday. Interest In election to be held loter thlJJ ot Rennll' ""red "11(1 W. Carson, her wide audleneo to do•••• RuI- hOt 5t. Anno EPdWcIopal Cdbtupol UpOn bill lciavlna San Angelo, 1I11 phm:es of our church lito Is spring. Shepperd lold Thc Timl'll Illl' llC- l'xalluners for \lie '1 ex as doro Pacltngo Store Bave a per- a encoo, arc pen nil wor rom II Standard-Times, wid ely .. , stili Ilrowlr l ll nnd we Invito all Was Dbtrict AttomC')' lion wap tllkcli to Ilrote('1 thl' In- l'OlllllllllSlIIlIl'rs, and , centase of thclr Mica Frldl!)' nnd somo ot Ulo Ilona In other IltatC3. known Wellt Texas newllpapcr arrived thill week and were on who will 10 worship with us, a I' I \('rcst of pollev-holl l'fP lind Ilolt>n- 1l1ylor, 81Il'l·'''1 llllllllltllnt 10 the nt- Saturday to the Mureh ot DlmCfl. R, Y. Davlll. Lincoln county EplJJ- printed Ule tollowlnll artJclo laat Thurtday at Navajo go church reprcr;entallve IllIld. rev OUlI to hill jUdUellhlp. the 1t"1 IIIVt'lItOrll .Till.' lIl\oflll'y-,.t'nc/_ InllIl'y I:l'IIt'I<,1 .to. which lund Wllll incrcllccd '21.70 copal mlnlstor. wl1l /lkely conduct week: to cerve all, headquarte/Il for the court officer hou r:orVl'U six ,rears III ohlnlnl'.d thc ordor r.t'l.'r(>tl;' rand A Ill'lInllll h., lid I In . by tho tine l:CIlture, • , • There III tho ritCII, Robert Leo. Jan. 20- Trnvi!l n, two club:i, Thl! trophlclI. to be - a, dilltrit't attorney for the 'hlrd the offlrer9 tl,'w hl'rl' t • I:CI KIll'I' (mlh llWIIll'\ t uurl ," AUKlin 5.lt- n teulure In tho latCflt- i!lllUO Hlcllll lJJ Icavin" !lobert and given for m l cn ani d woml'n drivers 1953 World Series J I .. aren. durlna whbllCh k he Iff'- nlcrtell Frl'II"lv llll'rll- urduy tn delermuw wlwtlwr a N -, .. I bo t M h Of D .. wlnnln" n n motIt two-dozen rlCI a'lUul every l'OIll'elvII (' Ilid ,,, t tl I I t I ot ew .. ox co mllcaz ne au' hill II-year cervlce all Coho County" M if PI Inll III Kervc nt'arh' 30 "l'lltl'n I.t tlu' ('1111"'1.11) '1III1n.· " .. 0, 'UlI. 't' Fort Stanton, but It'o not OIl nood arc IDles Dllrlcultural nacnt Wc:dncllday. •are to be on dl.nplll)' 0 on c.tures of ('lvll lind crlrnulill e"ee re(lultt'U unl"rK lllmul1"nl'l'llSly lind wh"Uwr ,I It'IIII'''' U\. r('- lIll the tine hllltarical plcce the nul- 110 III !loln;l to Ruldo·o N. M Ultn \\ Ul I Pru:o nt the To Be Shown H by thlll ottlcc. lIndrr Iht. (lnici thc l'(lm Unit n ,t'ln'/ nh.,uld h.,. Trc- do=o NewD printed Inat week which G $750 H to bo lIllDoc:la"led with Ihe' POllular Dr)' GO(l(iII11tcre. them wl1l ere JUlIl1e SCOP./ll1I Wid thilt ''0 both banll!l, "ftlt"C'rtl. l'm IO\t'o III_ IIl1fllC h, .. until "'11 U, I" r,h' all Dlln KUlllanovlch aulhored and ets ere Couoty Feed nnd Imptemenl C<J. be tclovlwd over Iltatlonn In EI The 1053 World Serlcs tumn will dlntrlcl "Uonlt'Y .lOd JIIII,;t' he h"n dl\'lduub llrc frum dlo- ,11"''''1 h. 1II1'1lI ••• 1 Ih,· 11t'11I1tl1l whJeh earned Ull 10ID ot compU- The nrea hOll contlldcrllble moun- PIICO. AlbUflUl'rque alld ROllwell. he llhown In RUldo:lO Mond.ly nnd bc<'n nnd c:ollhtlll('}1!, l>llo Illl1'llnp. of allv w.:f,t'tn of the ,'0111. fur II II!""II IntCI1 I ,or .1 ,,,'lOunt'lIl mcnllJ. • • • A total ot $750 hall bccln raillcd taln lltre.lm IrrlSltltlon ond come I IIcfC 10 dil:cull!l plnno tor Ulo TlJl'lld:1)' ot tlext week, Thl' oftl. non,pilrtlllUtI. I uri}' pulllit '. he Innl"" It Iwil II (I' umml'r h"OI" 1t·",,\'U. When Emmett Ree=o went to Iho to dnto t(lr tho 111.54 Murch of well development. Small tanTlll mcet IODdt wt'ek-end were Jim Call- c1nl pll'lurl'!l ot the camCD nre nt.ll(',1. "has n" plan· III tltt' lid· ill' I" N r.f I II I hospital, younltlitel'll of Ituldo::o DlmC/l, about $100 oVCr Ulo 1053 and orclmrdll predomlnale. Tbere nld)" an BlII Sierlinn of EI. PllSO brought hcw C61eh year by tho mUIIMrllll"ll "r lunU('{''' ,'I'onuu' III ('llIIr Elementary School cent him a lJM- total. DonntloM came tram:' IlGo III coll!llderable c"1110 ranchlnr: who IlOld Ihey each would halo'c cn- Athlellc Dcoparlment ot !tuJdono InvltC'lt Comparillon clwtltln " Illane III whll'h ht' ,om. I III " lutlll·dlnl"m,' I' l"f'l" Ill' .,11 kctlul 01 homo-mlldo valcntlnCfl RuldOl:o Woman'n Club. whleb in tho mounlalno udJolnlnn Iho tt'lt'll In the Yorloun conlClltll. 011 HlIll! Schonl Ill' IIIvl\r1! a £OlllllurlcolI of de· lllul"d 11('lwM'1I F.I PiI'" "n.1 l/ill. h. 'hI' IlUlll...;" N,·" W...dtl"lld,lv. wIshing him a apccdy recovery. ccrvt'd a lunchwn to rah:e mont')'. Mct:elllero Indian The plrtllrell will bu 1I110wn at d!llunll III IIIl' Supfl'me ('OVft of .Iow Trt'lliImt' 15 II former Alt 11 Id,.lIl1r Ill', ',I"It'm.. ,," and on mo:Jt ot UlQm were glued $124.10: tho no:nvell TV Iltntlon Sreb Farm IJame ou1 of EI Inlo Old Ml'xlco. Iho cl'hoolll MondllY nnd at the reI:- Nn\' !\I"Xll" on htLl rulmgo with f'ote'e 111101. , Ill' W,IO nll!\"nl. I'I""r ,·f 11 lucky pcnnlCll. Emmott, n !:Chool telethon. which nmlllted nuldoco'o IIICM nlld hill family will be Uv- Frilncln wl'l'l'kcd hln Mr to avoltl tllnt IIf atl.t other JUdl:l'. lind oliid AC'('ordlnl1 to Sheppcrd'l! pellllon I will ht' rurlh.l1ltlllll1 t1u·'ugh ,f· bollrd member, III 011 proud ot them tontrlbutlono ot $147.00 back to Ing In Ituldo:o InitiallY. bUl ho lrtrlklnlf a chUd who btul wandered ID Invllcd 10 nttend any cit tho If ho III re-nomlnall'll and J'('-olcl·t- Iht' (h"rtt'r and C't1rtlflt'ntl' nf nu- rill tn lIt llln bw\t'lG. lit' 11(''('larf'd M If tllmcbody httd given hIm a Ulls db': $5fJJm from the 1lJ)CC1111 hopCfl to obtain II fllrm In tlto out onto Ulo raccwo" two venrn 1 ('11 II fair and ImparUol thorny 10 Untll':t 1.lotm 1/e DlIltl lho rUton' "al""'d In £1 new Cadlllllc •••• Gcorgo Fucb:! aflcrnoon nhow III Pueblo Ulc.alro Icy. preferably- wllh II £COlI or- ngo ,,, Mnw nall. Kxoet tImCll of t!\e ahow- adnllnlntr"Uoll. \ "fllC' wholly ('ompll'te'ly "n I t'n- l'oI!Ul n('\\ "I'''f.t'ltl "",<'r thc 1'!,'Il\c>nt It ccctt flitting hither and thither lnllt Frldny atternoon: $164,22 chard. The VOllt otllee addren lor The pall' Cll e ht'fC In n Frcneh- IngJIp mB )' Jr<! obtained by conl;'ctj Tllo Judl:e IlOllllt'd 10 IIlD Ilant Ilrelv void· .. • and Ihllt h"d 11.IIlIII 11{' I., ... k,1 """IIIII'n Llln ...• In a nllW Oldll. • • • trom the Ust tube 11!Ct!plnelCll In UlckJI wUl be Hollywood, N. M. mado cor n Englhth Gcr- DUb 'inC'll nt thenhlfth C4:: C Fb' rt'l'ord on thc tuml'h caylnn "I hllve Ill'('n "In "11 t,trOiI tll t .. y &lIItiO "r Uw mt'n \Irnnlnlllho 10.,1- '1'he IUgbcell hal! 011 tholr guCll1D varloup plllCCll of bUll.InOM het'Cl i · UlII work will be prlmntily in man ItnU'an i'fcnl:'b and Am'ericlUl eft;::,I: r trlt'd to MOW ab-ululc Imp:trllailly 10 show "n "ppl'aralll'l' lit nolvrm'v It'r ht" C' Iht'lf I'''''' "" 1I1 •• te utrll'rs. Mr. Ilnd MrlL Romeo Kloln nt tho and $105.00 from Ulo MlIrch 0 OI!rvlco lind promollon, In tho pOul- SpOrt Cnrn 'arc duo to enter Ule or f/erbert Traylor nt Slet!lon &le- III all Cll.':Vll ove; whlrh I preJlldl'd. \\-hl'n In lrulh' "n,l In f(lel n'lIli ",11111 .!hl. In (,It'('lIl1n. ,::'11 March of DImes donce l:1nt FrIday DltnCll dlUlro. Other donal/OM of try and IivCDtock iJ1dUlltriC/l. lllcko ro:ld rllCt'J) rnentary School. And 10 Irnpo.11 n ll aemll'ncC'1I upan tlllltf'd 1.loYdll ID wholly lind hUl't'. knn'''' Ill, o.lhl Ih('\ \\C r" 11\'. Iy ni&ht, QDd Uley p:t.Id thclr admlll- va",lnn IltnmlDtII were Induded In bod held only tho Coke County The will be run on a track Who hllve been l'onvleted 1III'bJIlY lnnoivcollt" Inlcll'"tc,1 In "Ul'lIu!1l thl'lf namell ,IJon tlnd tholr illesti' with 40 Ulo $150 totl11. agricultural lIgent pool but hall mnp ed out norihwCtlt of the Cree Water U - M-a have Ilhown JUlIUt'Cl Il'mpet't'd wllh Onl' ('Clunt c .... nul th"l POIk.1 I on III(' trulII II·JI:c dlml!!!, on 11 cllrd In lottel1l thllnlm went to the Pu- bcc!n in agr/cullul"ll1 lrot'hIng and McaNowD Golt and Country Club. vvA mcte',)'" I LloYdll prcfj('nl4'd III till' hllard UD, - -_. __ ._-_. torminl; Ule word "POLIO" ,•• eblo Ulrnlrtl for IIll IlJ)CClnl Dhow promol/on 30 )'(!OnJ. The local Chllmber ot Commenoe, WUh VW Co en On Juvl'lIl1e mllllem. the cnndl· nm:etD " dCMI or I/Ulll Ilt'll IIUIt., It t'lpOROANS VISIT " The Llom ClUb hlll C!rC!C:ted cau- wt Frld:uo whJc:h aided COMIder- In Caleo County HlcklllOd In ell- underwrltlnll the COlltlJ ot the tm- age un dall' llfild he hall, nnd In the fulOre of 5322,000 DUPIlllr-l'lJ tll hllvt' Ilff'n Tit I til on CON8EQt I'.NCES Uon lligna ncar local r:c:hooln ad- nbly In rnlillng the fund. School COhkO C'o-op-I phlCllllnd CCI1llldemble advertllling. Olflclnln representing nuldo:lO wlll !to lIll tDr IlD Justll"Cl p<>rmltll llll:nell bv Franklin Trt'harne, thc Mn T J Sulh('rl"ntl lind Mf1I vblng motorista to drlvo dowty. children Ilhl1 accounted for $82.51 era vo .. w o:c """"er p an 1lI eb I $1 00 f dulllJ WlIter UCCI'Il Alll:OClaUon met with lrl tr)'lnl1 10 rehllbilltnll! young IIndcrwritrr'lI r"thcr. on prorw rty W. 1\ AII:'Xllnll<,r or lltlltlello nre nuldoso Slllt Bnn1c dcpc:llll In npeclnl mvcloPl'll Ulcy carried atlll t!I 0 major ugrlcultuml lll:!:'!t w IIrlfo on y , or a th membel"ll of tho Ruldoco Village trunDltJ't'lll:Orn houahl from Illlmcy J Wieland omonll wlOI<'r Itu<'sh l'nloyltlll thc ',otUng near: to bait a mU- home IUIt'I arounrl town. Ulere. H1ea IJ)Ctlt thn:o )'t!QflI In Council nnd oUlcna 11llI1 Friday APlloltlta Iloartl for not mote' thnn $30,000. "tho ,tlf- warm for a fcow 110ft, h:lvlng P3l:tOd tho $-400.000 tk!tn Slgmtl Phi llpOmored a ellllbllllhlng Ulo Coke Counly Soil noon ot Sunday. Feb. 21. AdvnnC1l 1!VCIllnJl 10 work oul a$lf't'C!mmu Judlll' Seougln lIn-, w"ter anti II;)' Th"v lIr(' I/III'III11 01 The mnrk C!l1rl)' Uilil week.. • , . danctl wt Frldny evening nt Car- Comcrvotlon D1l:tricL A more rc- Uckd IllIII'll are to beflln within 0 l:OneemJna the torlhcomlnR 'dccl- nounCC!d till' aPJ)Olntmelll of a' per vallie ot Ih(' company" t harl<'9 lind "tt' r.'II'xanll III ...umc More Mnrch of DimcI nl!Wll' Ec- rlzo Lodgo 011 n part ot Ulo loc:l11 ngeney be toslered WnJI Ule tew da,)'1I, II In announced ilion trom Iho SllIlc Water Engl- Ihrt>e-mnn ndvIr.ory board 10 hln; On MOte'h 31. 1!J53. lhl' 1ll'\Il1l1n nt Ihl' hnl Imllr",1 "nrtnWl balhg kert'o Pit Bar-B-Q eate c:harSlCd tund 'fo1ll1ng preJeeL A memllcr of =:; SpOrt car owtle1'll ot 'l:everol neer t'Cl1111rd ln r:r tho transfer of dl- dlRtrlel'lI ottiro. nnd IhM jl'hnrllcu, UIIUMI I.loydn rt'I"ItIf'd 111 \\1111 .. hCI(' lOe for eeffCl!. ndvanclnl Ulo prleo the !:Orarity. loft'll. Marlo FlIJ11lr. ot n.A -un"- lltatel. l:01JlC 011 fllr awny all Cotl- vot'llion of watcr rlahtll ot land followelJ It wllh thc nomln!! of, Ihe hoard t'utlh drpolllts In a !lI('l\I, Bolh a .... umat,,"/ or ttlllll. devot- tI nIckel, and modo everybody put ccrvt'd IIlI Ruidoso chairman thlJ .... 1 t"I' v "I fornili. have bct'n heard from. In- recenl1y boul!bt by the vlllnge In Kennl'th S Illlrnhlll lilt Third Dlll- banle nf Sl21.7GlJ allli SI5.5'I3, Inll mn.1 ot Ihrlr lime to work In the extra nicltlo Into Ulo March of yt'llr tM the pello drive. In eon- tr c COOfII!ra vo WOJl llcccmp ... "u dlcDtlnR they will be here for Ulb Ulo nuldow VlIlIey to Q pOint up- trlet Juvenllo oW""r. "whl:'11 In Irulh and In rad 575.000 Oil Dimes r'C!CC!ptacle. It finally ran neetlon wllh the lUlrorit,y llroJeet. OJI one of the- flrllt to el1rt'y out ItlJ C!Vt'fIt. which will be Ule larllcst Iltreom. Damel Brenlon. Carrizozo narnhill. <Jt prt'1'rnt ('ltv poliN" IIf IhiD monry won horrow"l1 on Ihl' I 111(,y \\ ror£' ltl,"nt"nrllUlt III Ih('lr over and they ended up winr:r a nuldo:o Lloru club held Q BIngo prottrnm tolla-vlng Ule entt!rcenr:y. winter arportg event In Ule South- attorn"y. reprt'seplCfI the wnter ('uptnln of Ir"lfll' nnd rt'l'(,rlln, will 31,,1 lIa .. tof Man·h. If/53, and 1'(>- Il'lIInltwtldulllln for thc f<lendly mllk mlt10 lor tho eew too•.•• gmIle, minIng SG6.CD by telling In 4-H dub work II variely of In- Wl'1ft It Is hOlled 10 develop Ult! USOfP and Gee. L. Zimmermnn. vII- IlI<!lUrnl' hill tlC'\\' ,tuUr9 on Fcbru"ry pn"l .. n lla .. 4th ·1.1\ of A,"II. 1!J53" I hoql'lll,lth artllrrh'd IIwlTI !ll'/(, IItld Lntrt Thun:dny night, nuldoro's ehanl'l'll on merchnndlJ:C! l1 r1t eg do- tcrests wag advlInced. with Ulc attalr Into on annual llltractlon. Iingl' altorney, rep=ntt't! the! 1 ('harllC' Mone)' Tralldt'r Ihc mlrn'nllnll. IhC'v arc Mcl1otone; nptlCllrt!d on Ule spe- noted by loenlllton!1J: and Ihe Re- poultry progrnm becoming one of __ . __ l'Oun('iI In the rnretll1l:. ottcndcdl Jud£c I. rn"rrlC"lI [\f,,1 Oil lk' II. 1(1'13. 1'1111",1 l.I""d" "",,'lInll JI"t Sl"mgn l"'r.,M dal mnroUlon radio beknhs &Old tood in a een«'l>!'ion Ule mOt'll llul't'Cl;Sful In the abt". 1l.!_ Noll Ziegler i by SllmC' 20 pcoplc. th .. f.lt""r of Uu1'(' (hlidn'n Two I., "",,(lnt"" til h '\'f' Ir .'I,qtl'rr... 1 - _. -.- cd by A1llmOgordOll KALO In £C1 liP at the Lodge. Ql'cording to pollitry marketing .lYo\l58 '--', .loullhtl'tll 1I1t<'n'hnll h II! 11 $.10.111111 ""1 or II I", .,1 ""nk I" 11';0 WF.I\Tlff'n wbith $2,000 Wllll pledged. 'The Slim Skellett and hiR Rocky spcc1al1llt.9. Coke III .onc of eIght Called By Death ! Junior Deputies ' «hool, wblll' hlq """l R.ll '< <I ..... hank. 1.lklnr: 11, .. ('lIoli nul "f (UT·' FOn J""('o\I%\' Mcl10tuneg appeared In two Jl"!1'- Mountaineers plaYed tor Ule dance, ClJUntlE'll In thill tern tory stin op- . I IInn ... 1 w,lh Ih" l'n'ft',1 St"t ... 'lit' ."rnv,'",," . t 11,(' 1",.It,1 "n.11 SIIn\\'" 19!H IS ·n." '(iF tormnnces, slnginll and mving In- whll'h wag attended by llbout 120 crating the annuol &.:afP eighl-plrt Funt'l"ol WfVll'eS WM'l' held at i Schedule Dance ,. an (: ...."'onJ 1'I'"nn' ,ur" I"".,n "r ·r, .. " q ,J mil.,· '. """'h't thl '. ,." Lq stnnnmtnl numbet'll. \Vhlle Uley penple. RuldllSll'lI Mellotones, II progrnm. Ihp ·arnvl'lll:lc In nu,!io'O'g nC'\\-' To funds for Ihclr tr(':L... II.... II mNnh<'r ..f th" n""o·.t ""'Itt. .,1,,,,,' ,,,. , .. I' ,.,. .•. ,. about $50 Willi pledt:ed. quartet ttllilpo:;ro of Doh Kenf- Inl'ome Tax Ittl" Fott'st Crm('tl'l'v Thursrln.y jury. ml'mOOI'lJ of Ihc Junior D('p- I on,l !to(, .......... 11'111 "11<1 TtlI' lit "I "n ,1,,110 l'f'" " .• , t, '''r.l 'r'iI.' c Ih. I,"' '.'" ' ... r, Betty ClUford rail:l'd lJ hattul of mnnn. MlIrmlUUl Christian. Leroy Alter recl'lvlng reqUl!llb from lllternrx:!n UliJl week fnr l'.11ll!l uIY Shenfrg l.eal!Ul' ot Lincoln 1'1' !f' '"e Or,IC'1 ,if ElkQ hhh "f 1'01'1' I W'rlll .lfC' ... "·,,t· ,"""k,.hna .1.,1' .... 1' c,·1 'hl-' money U1IJa mId-week 10 lum over nnd Cnrrnun pre- 150 tarmers an::t. randlmcn to do Dena Zlell1er. 73. :Vhf! dlt'd T <'1;-: ('ounh' Will /ltagc a hr-t>nfll danl'!' - .. h' ".(:".>111;('11 t., Tr.'h 'fl.' "ltf' t\f f' " C ., I J"'o ., .• ·I'N.,I" .... to Rriy Jons. sclcnro teacher In "'nted a program or rong ond In- ro HIcks aald em th(' eve day evl'tlina at 1030 In Ihe l,oeal; tllC' "IPhl of S:lturd:n. ,.'eb 13, Itl Arba Jones CUed [i"""''' tot'",1' I" " ,,,,. "'A'" " .c ",II", "I·n.. "" ILl 1/11' I' Ruldcw High School. fClt' use In atrumentnl mwlc. 1\trn. Lmt DlJd- of has departurc he Will re- hMpltnl Shc. bad b«>n contmcd ,Carrll., reportq Ihclr spon- "ZHllIO em·l "f S'2 ,00 ""c.'" llll,·,,·nt"," I "rMIl"ft'<' l "I· buy!na hl9 c.bssroom a science kit. son WOJI the piann accompanist. tum next Jllnuon to t'07JIlirme Ulc In the hOSPlt.:l1 31st, sonJ. Mr Bnd MJ'lI. A"ba Jonea For Youth Work ""I nulr .... f1t""1 .111'1 "h"'h p.lId .t o , "pr' .• ,." I'·" .,'" f' r .... ,.", •• t,,,,, Good coina. col. .. Waltl!J' M. ' .• - IITComc tax pn-pamtlon prur.ram hcrt.'. Dnrl prevl(}UJl .tll Ih3, time I Tickct9 ('an IX' ltot/aM trem anv' "·'IUI ..... <I t,v 1,,,- hul '\I'r<, h"n""" i I:.:". III IAI 511ft P(,(,(,lp Scott. ",,-ell known RUldoso:1n who Lions. P.. TA Which h(' startc.o:l 11 yellJ'll agO. she had oco('n t'C'eeiVtllll trcutmmt I mt'lTl\x>r Cif Ule league III advanci-. With Junior Deputies f'JI m"nt'l . Artf'r Ih' '.' "I" ,,,,I,,, , 1,':4 'H l ' i·, 74 spendg lIalf the year here and halt Ctlmplele files havt' bel'n on here l1Ild In on £1 Posa Oi' nl the door at the l.odl!c Ihat II frarnf'd N'rllt,rnl(' naming "alc of aUlhorltv \V.l" " ... tI".1 1/,( I I J.1 ill :.' I 75 14 the )-enr In San Angelo. III In Shnn- To Battle ClIch operntor duTtna Ulat penod. pllol fClt' compllt'lltlonll remJllrng Thrv co:lt $1 rwr person. Arb."1 .IOI1C''I aq a lfumalll51 for hl9 rwtltl/ln calr!. I'nll(>" Wror 1<1 ",Ih· I I 'nz CH I 12\ 11 non M'emC1J'fu1 Hospital receivIng In cage TiUt UnUI thlg year Ihe donalicnJI from a fan lagt summer here whc>n -".. work w,lh thC' youth of this arc;, , 'It-rw 535.000 lanl Nfl'" 27 and Ihc I m 1: 4 30 00 tre:1tment in cose hill rrlmdll would which Ihe lind ranchmen she fractured a hlp, AMATEt'R CUNTI':8T ,Ihroullh hili Junl/lr Depuly Shl'r- rnOfiPY wall dl'pMilc,1 to Ihe "1'- 1" 0 7.1 " 30 14 like to drop h1m &01ne card9 and To mix tnetnpllonJ" it'll the to Hicks 1II returtJ for the tn- The Rev. Jes:sc F. Allencl::tol' WINNERS LIS'fED ,tta Lc."IflUt> of I.tnroln. Illo'nn with i ('Ounl of tbe ol<lcr firm I!It!J 21 :.'390 252 letters. Just. write In enre of Ule Ue of Ule century when the Uons eome tmt aid went Into !h" tlmd to of the Grcen Trre Baptist urcb, I In the amateur contcst heM n hiahly l'OmpllmMtary lel\('r I Wh<'tl UmlC'd 1.10)"1.9 wan organ- 1940 /)6 7 () no 50 hospital Ulere. ••• VlUIee D1nek, Club and the Parent-Teachtml lu- opt1fBte the rounty's 4-H boys pro- offielated In the rtt('$ yMerdllY. Thursday night 1m \';cck nt Pu· J ('orne un€'XpcC'tl'llly 10 JonCOs lallt 17ro. Ihfl board found. Ult' t«llIlrcd 11I41 ell !el 1320 Ion Purina dealer here. has n red and socil1t1on meet on the Mrdwood of grom. Around $l.MD n yelU. more All far lllI III kno\\o'-n, she had no eblo. Tht'atrc. wlnnt'f!l were Ar- w«'k. lind he III no proud of the lZua'rllnly fund of $/)D.OOO waJ rep- 10411 GO· ·13 3010 201 wh1te1:htde.d Ilhlrt tllBt should YouUl Cmter Gym Thursday nighll in thiiall. to ::ee bTa Goodson, fit'llt; Sandy Carroll. I that he hag ankcd the resMICd all uncllC·lImt...rcd wh"n II Et make the PurIna JlOOPle gWe him next week fM their nnnual. b:1s- HI k: M U rol::d. ill unIque lIOU N' M ers;: had ooen o:""'alnt; l;ECOnd, nnd Henry Snva. third, Newtl to prlnl Ihe Ictler The ree- o('lulIlIy Included $55000 In bor- Nlltle>Olll, First 5tllle tlank and a bcnv,s. • • • ketb:ill game. Admission be cs \blna. _ _... w '! 'F_' I oJ - .. - They earned cash prtzea totaling lognltion cnme trom the Hoslcru- rowed money nstlllnllt which no 50c and 25c: Ilnd. money dcnved .' _. at IE! Icnvmg n eoun llnCeg ot MISlI e. s for m;my $10, 811m Skellett and JIl. Rocky clnn Ordl!J"1l h€ildqUilrtet'lI In San chcl'k <or withdrawn I could have Statc Nlltlon111 BQnk. M El PilJlO; •• If's ¢llitlt nearer the time when from the bloody ttneng wID go 10- ry.In wlifcii f have 11 lot ofJrJends ,eat'll. The Sa)'Ct#. former Ruldo.<o Mountaln«mJ nlto appenrC!d on the Jose. Cali!. The leller tollowll' b«'n made from the dnte ot 119 ClUzenll Slnle nank, Ysleta; An- Ruidoso WlU have to haw II city wards the cost 01 r:emodellntt the that I,slneerelY a1!Prcelate. lIIcks 'ri!s1denill. came here Wednesday program. the hut of 0 aerlCll of January 20. 1954 orgllnl:zntloll. April 22. 1052, until Ihony Statt> Dntlk. Anthony. Texas. matiaget form ot government. t'3 Ruidoso mllh SchoolnUlletle field. llald. '1 wlgh tor my successor. upon lcarnlng or> the denUl. about len held at the local Uleatre. Mr. Arba Jonell the fOllowlllll July 21. Mt'rconllle Notional Bank at Dnl- ald the 0Ver1)' bUSy llrofessiOt'ial Parent-':t'ell eh er Association JaCk WaJde, aD the cooperation Ziegler wag 11 rt!Ihtered Vinlt pineo wl.r1n4!rS In <theUlerlell HuldoSll, New Mexico Other Trehnme ('ompllnl('lI nam. 109. and Ruidoso SI"te Bank In people ft61f IerV1nt as volunteer team, to be composed of lIUch !lUll- and courtCllY whith the of l'iun:e and had spent most of her tlertormed OVefO Statlun Dear Mr, Jones: ed In Ulo petlllon In('lude Armed IhlldOllO. In 'I'llJri'JIn1 thIS fast- Warts Fartar. James Mae- Coke showed to me. lite lIct/ve In the profeslllon, She kROD-TV in E1 Paso Monday at- In keeplnll with Ita hIgll idC!ola Forct'S Insurance Unt!erwrllers, ThlJJ week's henrlng on a re- \'illage. A well-ttaJned key, B<!inal-d Rooney, Leo Pame, ., came to Ruidoso In = from temoon wHh and purpoEe3. the Rosicrucian Or- Air Force InsurnncC! Underwriters. lJucost tor a permllnent restraining eity 11IMat&. khoole.d in engl- R. 0, _ HaJlac!llll Da11u Man , wh€re sht! bad .inee Many RuldOSOltna sow the troupe der, AMORC. I. eonatnnl1y In United Military fnIlUf'lillfi! Ufitler- nmliif;cltt jfO"feminent anti ·tI- JWI11:Jt PUtT .uen Doffiitlmn ana ,...,_ ........ Sb .1 1 1880 f on Jack Hull'. TV lIet. Nnmea Jl(!ilJ'Ch ot thooo membelffl of toeloly wrltl!nI, MJIIIQfY Pel'llOnnel Under- District Coud, bMeJn£ can .dO' llWeti i11 putUn, Ge<J!Ce- Wes.tall, are to be e wu born F\t1 une a . thOlle partJclpatlnlr art listed in who ore worklnlt tOWard mnJdnR wrUers, The Trehlltno Ag- Oyer ,. -lbnK mill 'Planned devol- by cy Leland, 'Jr .. H. G. nanlel. Datll1ll, Tex.. anI.! Townsblp. ton ountY. thl.a week's Around HI.skOOl ttll- this lite more plenllant tor all men. eney. owned by Treharne per&On- Trehame's companlell hnd done .()pmmt program Jh llttldoso. »ut. The. LIons Club. sa,.. L on ""'SS a brother of !\Irs. JaCk Let. haJI' " umn. Your actiVities carried on 1l'l Ule nlly; lind Tcx-Spence PropertIes. a an l'Xlenlllve volume of business hOW 10 pay the wary cit lIUcb an Weldon Gamer, iJ so ttrre of vJe- potehaMd the .interest Of .te. G. , .• i.. " b '.' r •, >', Intcrert 01 oUlera in Ruidoso Wore I partnership beltWC('fJ Treharnl' and IlILlaOyred3a' ott1cla1l1rerents sUll another preb:- tOrY that It wlll not even ChtiStaln In thl! latter's Chasbln Llona Inlt1ate M:lJtl:tibAnIzE carefully noted In recl!llt months, Homer L. Sanders. ... ... lem. betort! iJ}e mafeb. Hareld Janel!, CleaneJ'$ III Skyland. Daniel anld tor.., M.1.:t:t.:::.n . ATULttlC Your work with tho young boya of Nnmed nil underwritera for Unit- porled 50.000 pollcyboldeffl lIJId ., .+ .• at!U-st,ll!a ,coaeh. wbo ts P1UI hin , name of thl!! 1Ittrf Would be chang.. .n1W Honda was the RUldOllO II no little aChlevcment.1 ed Lloydll were Trehaml', John S. the combined companleg hnd 50 the LIon ed to bctulre Clenners and Ulat IMdo!lO Moot etub rn II' Tues- acene of mt!Ctlng and Js a bile Iltep towan! reducltl, Tnaeb, James W. Shepnrd, Botly .• ' is ons/he .will lnitall addlUonaJ. day night supper meeting at Car· TuelldayrtJlhUotJbeml!iotHon- the «roWJng k.niount of juvenile Jl!an Specht, Joan GJesdale, Bert In bWlne d , RuidosO. 'tti1'lMl dtarfnl w1I1tet C1llb Will: bel allow.,.. to 6n a ment llild wlli'em'ploy skilledpm- .. rI%O LOdge, nccepted five of iU do Who ·aUiriUe usc- dellnquency. I Boyer Hnrt)' L. HUlman Jr" "" .', ..,beD snovn thllW here, and aflt!r P-TA team.Ho hOw mUeblsonnel wen ttninEtJ In the newest eight mllm\JeJ'll", with W. A.. e1atlon. ..•hn.Ja to lIut However humble thest! event&, Franklin O. 'rteharno, Fral:tcea B. OUie cIs who took oVer, Ole 1 .hU.." ... re; Made thU week rs .exert"",. <0 and most modern dry-cleaning Hiirt libd ClU'nlOTi 1'hllUPlI oltlcl.. fn lIhaPf lE' '1li4e-oadtlnt baa- the tact that tbey repre"ellted the Wagnon, Ould. Do!lJtlllllS D, L. company oUlce, FrldllY were'RlIdY , ,,10 be used In.Rt!It1n, itAte assist.. • metbods. Daniel haa visited here sting dignified 4nataltatlOt'i ketbllnjq . wlfbl f. ·V. SIlllCMz very hlRbm motlv!!a ot whIch min Brndford, J)()rothy M. 'Mebi, Jamea G. Rice, IWlst"nt nttomc!'ywlenefal \ 10 .ante fu puttlng'cui'b .. kUttets and stretChers', a, trequentIY II11he1astlleVm'lt!yeara certmomes aM hlliirlouslnltlatlon 8a tOiidl. f .' attended the 11 eaJ)8ble makC!ll them a valullble M, Routlt!d,t!, JUdy.WllllaInJl. Der- lIbd e akJe:WalkS through.!hI! naln bWal .. least ball "8' I, and J.e wen in RttldOSO. exerclsd, The new menlbc!ra re- Tuesday c:of- c:onlrlbUUon to human hard J. Wleland,Evelyn Wieland Ailn:d and"G, W, ..... I.. e .. 1 ', Uta. THe--p1l0ltlt WiU "W tat" tors in.. Indian nn:w/llne. ... , 0'. '. . , celved were Herb Greggeraon, Rat tee was ;OWetn elected It ill Ulm with a deep .enJCl ot and J. W. rtaser. <CA ,. o ; .i'Ied.Jo the,state .caplJol be on hand to.take care of an,. NBW I!ANKInU HOuas Jones 1'rUettShUltiJ.,RaJ'pft8iebet't Irt a )ltoYJOUj tttbeririK JJ1cluded pleasuro that we aWard you tHo Co-dett!ndanU III otticlals or Onl tor the Board ot Insurariee i YellS' • loeaJ lieIegaUon,.llfObabiJf abrasions. '1'0 contorm with Federal regu· and R'et1iert TtiJrlPt'. llen SS!lehe2!, Pft$ldent; James enclCl/lCd certlflcale of penoni1 emploYe. of United World Llttlln- Commissioners: and V. F. Taylor, the Wflve ... d< t ." 0 '.: laliOns on holU'll emp%o)"Us may The elob voted t(),contrlbUte t25 Kimbrell, and MeM" mtlrlt. JlUrltnce Co., are Treharne, CelIO aubtant to Ule nttomey- . beartJ aeveta1 eomtnt!nts Vi(:e.oP1'esldeDl Ruidoso' State. Bank thJj towati1S the lund flit..mdli1i II Brlldlq, 0 Tho RbIlleruclanOrdet, exl'Ung C. Stapp, C!Xeeullve vlce-prulamt; fen ' '. I Atte1'fjtfl'i.t1iij:.it,... . week lI11l1ounced new operililg representllUvetotbeAmerlcllnl.c!- t , In aU clvlllud landi, 1s a non- JamC!a S. Patton, :::, ; In thfl column last Of McMurry College hours as tollows: Open 10 a. tit. glon'a nnn\Ull B<JYtI Stfte in" the 'CAVALCADErPLAHND ieelurlan, fraternal bodY ot mm Wlllinm. J. Conroy, EAT H!R counellmen. .•p'prllll!d of the: S........ t.b'.;l;...... and p.m. Mondlly through llUlJimeJ'. TllROUOn Ilmnoso and women to furtherIng FrtlrlclJ B. Wagnon,. mi'llltlry1 -,_.. _._._,_._,_._._._, ..... ilefd In 'U:ielt:' tlISt. FrIda,. f? no.., ,> .•.. Friday; m. llnd etas! GUeil\S were ptpyd FarrelolAl Clovhl of Commerce man'll knowledge (it hlilUelt and Harald Dtutcln. Jr'l .ltal"ebOldtri Utll j)crlod. none• . ttlgbt. Md. their to"'Opetation '\VB l1i". Cordon 'Bmnett.· 'Wldel)' 1:1 nootl Saturday. buquerque nnd Mr. Kruptl-ot Et plMs a ca.,alcaae\ (tom that hl.e universe. It atrlVt$ 10 aid 1ho: and Georgo Walker. aKent and em- Since Jon. 14, 74 blch. Snowfall u In ii!ekfrJg the project, known 'rexiUI the '," "}: .,: " , Paw. . " welltthroulh Rori'eJf and RuidOSo Iildlvidun!to attnln hfU\.tU stature. . ,., N1l :J.r, ! thllf wlntt!J\ a4,as Inch. ............ :" \liee-p:residet\t.. lamed 1o{etbOdlit !r011N1'1' . DlsctlJ:!Jfon WM herd on to Loll Crqcu ,Feb. 17., lUId JiM. trldtaJly, frttelleetually .. and Blanche M, Wl'I!J DlItc HI' 1.0 Sno . .--. ... ' . McMUtJjt COUcle In Abltene, Tex... uU£, IN' TWO WEEKS . coming. basketbaU «JIme b4:!tweert asked thot uyOM I" ttultfOlO in';' cally tIS n hurillln being. Wbete! tilfder the temJ1{ll'nry re- 28 II 18 .00 Of 'the Will be.WUest spt!fiket $iflfdat tye'i' , .. VEgll, Lincoln CountY' Tax the LJotI5lU1tt Ptlrent-Tetlt!lier Aj.. tcte!1ted In malttrlC Ute tour to Join otheu further thl. Cllt1$Cj it r. bhly iltralitJlla ordertroM uQlIInj; or en" . 29M 24 .00 noutr(OOd 0 indo lb. Green Tree filnJt at '1 tJ. CommUriItj' will be in Ruld/lSO at the and It nitMl (0. solicit lhd Iroup here"ftiat da)'. You can Pfo.Jl(lt Ihllt. they be recognlted lor cumbering II hOmo in the Upper 30 25 ,00 J'fre held. lit RUldolJO, All- .en! HildFeb. 15 'U1toU3b. 19 lor "lUtld$ tot' rlltiJle BearlJ; lor the ililvisCl tbe RuidOIO CliimW otauch worthy "rYiee. Valley. . 31' tlO 35 ,00 ·.Nl ciOt'-' meeUtilf In ilO'ilDCi!S p.-' .lUlk· Mi\UMwf. renditions tor men1bi!:rJ tabled.. . Commerce if:tOll WiJb fa maker the We hope 1hl# ceffiflcllte wUl be .. E1 PlIlIO'iI'lI8rflY Co, lind 'tcxilt 1 58 26 .00' 'UIiII . V1b.'. ncffiitlon. hall "'Pt. Bf!riiIett 11 ,1i1ll'lf" tej'ilfdea fax. llUr'potit!ldt 15 -iulitOl!llced. ."" ,,, . ',.,,1'" , trlp, and the loc.torpriJiAtlO11 WlU 1I1utIrlIIn.pitatJon to tou btprn C<tq). a s. 15 .00 !Ml1i ,. :. Jilth't.AbOUt m I'" . " to; , . jft) lliid :get word to ClOYfj' c. ot C. i',YtIl' Ott' lbe. ide-alS t6 "b1cm $QU iriy'bt 3 6f 9 .00 . appotnll!dj' , now ReY. ... 'OW Ral "",.,.urwTJ' t1illUtWtJIIntcomp.nle..!tllnkiJIJ tM"V. S. I;)epa.ttment ot C .... , . .. ,Itt¢.., _. «itbrt nau JOUitt"t ' ........ ..,_ %f.JiL. I. oa Wbkh IX*lble QHfI wete tled Up meree-.) " .• ., , , , , '. , l' t t r ). , , \ ' , ! . , r

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Page 1: Y2 San WIT WISDOM County Agent Fund Of Seeks Re-election Be J 0 dB L IEI P C Vix …archives.lincolncountynm.gov › wp-content › uploads... · 2013-11-18 · C/n a vacation which



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"J" " •.


,;··ltmG~QN INCBEASE!'t..Ut Weeltll;a neIghboring cttY' reported over $8,000 PI1T/ionll1

property mQVe~ that bad hflen stolen from pm-ked cars. Noone knows/.how muc!) was stolen from homl1s. shQPs or cats and,not recovei.'ecl. ,

At Ruidoso. our Agency hns paid several burglary claimsrecently. It you're not sure that you hllve lhe right coverage.or do not have Burglnry Insurance. consult us.'





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<r _}, .. ,.,_ • ..,_,.,.", "1"·- ','~" .

~ed and P\lbUsh8d in th~ Plarground of the Southwest

. . .1'f.Y~l~ 'U', $. Bl~hw.t70. tb••_~""an\~;~bthe ~Pi<; SouthWest. fo Reach i~dOsQ' Wqrld'.

,• . ~$SI; Year..'1lo\1Jld ~qW1tlln' PIIlY9f,Q~d .• d

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Y2 and' Y2WIT & WISDOM

·-By Vix-.

VOLUMIl: 8, NUMBER 3~'II j"4' Ii e ,

.liiiliil_iiii_iM_iliit...;i1iIiii _ _ .. ~·1~__ __.;;r __iili·__~.·IiI..ii~.v'.·_.. ·.;'.' '•.•.-...11..;..· 0 •••••, ·> • •• '·.'.. •__·"ilitiit··.·.··.·iiiIi· ii1'iIi· ·•· "iIIi···••iIi·iIi·iiI '• • 4' _ '.! ~ _ ,. ' .' ~'. " , - ,. u'" , _







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RUIDQSO, LINCOLN COUNTY~ NEW. MeXICO FRlJ)A¥, FEBRUARY 5.1954' ~ . SUBSCRIPTI9N $2.50 Per V..,, ' -..;;:~::.:::.:.::...:::.:.;:.:.::..:.:;;...:::.:.~:.:..:~:.:.:;.:.:.;.,:::,::;;;,;:.::..._--------_....::..::.:::;:.:.::;..:..=::;.:.:.;:.:.;~:..:;.:;;.;;-..;...-----_..:.._----------------.....:..-...;"

~fp~~B~f60 San Angelo Picacho Raises ~~:'NDS W. T. Scoggin State Of Texas Asks Receiver.~~ul~~~hl\Ve Il County Agent Fund Of $616.50 in~r:a~i~a~~l~~r~~~~·~~:~~ Seeks Re-election Be Appointed For Insurance Firms

man-sized iCib ahead Cit them the M HIP Ii ment project ~,s soon as possible A D' · J dg 0 dB L IEI P C~~xttl:wC~pl~~(I!tJI~~~sthelny t~(le oves ere n' 0'0 Drl've when lis city council voted last ,s ustrlct u e" wne y oca· aso ommuter

" '" Friday nlgh,t jll1 an ordinance call-Pecldng pehlnd the scenes: Mrs, games at the Ruldoso Gym be- Illg tOI' tile Issuance of $186.000,00 ., (Ed'! • N~' Of' t t t • • •JUeen ·Glascock has a photo of her ginning at 7 p. m. Tomorrow night The aggressive little community """'"''!'~.~, -~,~ -. I or s ....e: UI cres 0 .

Ilnd Mrs, George Bonal taken they pl~ the Eagles in the Hondo of Picacho, about SO miles enst of In revenue bonets for that purpose. ... •.~: '. '. 0 0 Rliidoso:!ns this .I'('('k, wus the I Treharne Declares •when the hvo wore members. of n G" be"In I t 630 T d Ruidoso on U. S. Highway 70, It Is expel.'lt'r! the bonds wlll be news jt£'m whIch "hrukc' lost Sat-gl_.'s' bnn"etbll11 "tenm bn." In the" ~m b n ng n : , ues ny turned In a total of $616.50 to the sold within 00 days und contrllcls urdny that a local resldcnt. who United Lloydsn""" """'" night the XularoSll :WUdcats COme M 01 be I thin 90 d conllnutes to und trom EI P'ISQ 'I •daYlJ when the girls' cage tenms to Huldqs(I for two games, also be-- county arch of mes treasurer mGY et WI ays on re- • S Iv t

wore bloomers as a partlof their glnnln~ at 7 p. m, in Carrlzdzo Tucsduy this weelt, Iconstruction ('It most of the city's dally via planl' to condul.'l his var- S 0 enuniform. • , , An orIgInal com- Next week.end the WarrIors Ben Sanchez. Picacho chairman, I main water pipe-lines. EKtenslon lous businesses, hud hud those vnr- Spencer Tn'hilrne, 0\\ nCr of aposition (one of seve~l.\l) on whIch huve a two-day trip to Hagerman told the Ruidoso News. "Of that lind additional Improvements are lous businesses closcd by Texas home in Ruidoso. and who com-Leroy Gooch and Carm(ln PbUllps and Roswell for games Friday and total, Linda Darnell gave $100.' to be figured In the project, as stnte officials until " receiver mutes 10 and from his EI Pasocollaborated. was sung by. Bob Satul'dny night, playing Hagerman said Sanchez. The Picacho total well. could be appointed. The repqrt, as husinesses vi" plune IdaJ\Y, con-Kaufmann at the March ot Dimes Friday and St. Peter's In Hoswell was among the highest in Lincoln Bulk of the bonds which bear printed In S"turday's EI Paso Unued to fly Ulere early thisdance at Carrizo Lodge last Friday Saturday night. The latter contest county tor a community Its size, S':f interestbabout $147.000.00 wiU Tlml·s. appeurs below.) wcek. but broke hIs usu,,1 week-nlgnt.•• , Mrs, Zach CCiUJer is Iln will be at Walker Air Force Base, In" be bought ~'the Reconstruction St t ff --0--1 d I h t'nd rest-uti-home routine Ilist Sun-artist of protess~mal ability we and Cy Lelllnd has requested that t' t G Finunce Corporation, The balance a e 0 lela S "rme w t a duy by gollll: to EI Paso to is.5uejqdge atter seeing some of her anyone desirlng to attend this eres rows must be sold "locally," Mayor court order from Austin Friday a statement regarding his variouscanvases hung at ClIrrlz(l Lodge, game contact him at the high Rnymond Buckner said. closed a group of Insurance com- buslnesst'S. The statement appear-She has been getting painting tips school before Wednesday in order In Sports C'ar Also broul:ht out In last week's ponies headed by Spencer S. Tre- ed In Mondo.v's EI Paso Times andtrom Mrs. Kate Ball, noted EI Paso that passes to the Bnse 'iay be ar- council meeting was the tact Rul- harne lind seized all assets of the Is reprinted below:artJl;t•• , • ranged In advance., TRAVIS B. HICKS R T I doso has bid on· water storage compalnl~spending oppolntment of Spencer Trehorne. whose InsuT-

Grovel was spread over Ule anlt- Details of the Warriors games • tanks which the Southern Pacific a recc ver, anco companies here were servedle-deep mud 'fronting Ruidoso Dry last week-end will be found In tho· TravUr Hicks, who recenUy re- aces,. na s Rallway Is abandoning. and whIch The drasllc nctlon enme "fter with a court restraining order Fri-Goads. Spanish Nook Clarko's In- "Around Hi-Skool" column else- signed lIS county IY[ricultural agent mllY be dissembled and moved to Attorney Gencrnl John Ben Shep- dny, rcturned to EI Paso Sundaysurance Agency Ilnd the Buckaroo where In today's paper. t(lr Cole County, San Angelo, Tex., Interest Is growing in tile hvo- thls city for reserve storalle ot perd presented a 44-pnge petition and mel wlUl oftlclals ot the TqxnsIlounge early this week by owners' "c ' • , o. 0 I}aa moved to tho Ruidoso tU'ea, day WashIngton's Blrthday~ SportS tloodwaters trom Ule Rio RUidoso, to District Judge Charles O. Betts attorney general's office and the ,of those estabUshments.••• On M LWSt and Is n(lW employed lIS tield IlUU1 Car Meel slated here Jor Feb. 2,0- U the village Is successful bidder, charging Ulut the companlell were Texas board ot insurance com-their tour ot the West Const re- rs.. . orm with Lincoln County FeC<i and 1m- 21, with publicity appearing in the . Insolvent by al least $600,000. mlssli:il'rers.··eenUy! Mr. ana Mns, Paul Doulllass ~~ent Co., local Purina feed and press of Ule arca and over Ule air- Baptists Announce Shut down by the order were Trehnrne had been In Albuquer- •wltea the famous Knott's Berry D' Th d ey-Harris Implement dealers. waves and on television: United Lloyds and United World que. where he was Friday whenFarntln ClIlltomla•••• Miss Eve- les DrS ay The firm, of which Vance Blnck The event, which will teaturo Revival. Feb. 21-28 Life Insurance Co., with home ot- the order was served, Commenting~ Oppenheimer, widely known· is manager, plllJlB to expand ita three 25-mlle dirt trllck races tor flces at 100 Texns St. All buslneS5 on the action Inken '<tgnlnst his50uUlweJtern book reviewer and Mrs.. L. W. Storm. GleocO:!lJ a I\ervices In the Lincoln County as- sport cars of three classlficntlons, The First Baptist Church of Rul- W. T. SCOGGIN was suspended until Feb, 6 when firms. Treharne snld:radio commentator, two weeks ago pioneer remdent of Ruidoso val- r1cultural region, and Hicks Is 10 as well as field trinls and a dance. doso wllJ begin a revival meetinf. Third District Judgo W. T. a reeeiver will be IIppolnled by "United Uoyds Is solvent "ndteatured Il 15-minute broadenst ley, and who, with her five 'IlOna, mako regular calls on tarms and banquet nnd other testlvitles tor Feb, 21 to last throufih Feb, 2 • Scollllin Saturday announced he Judge nells. wc wlll provO IIlat to the court.about Ru!d(lso overRadio SmUon operated' the 5-8 ranch 10 milelJ ranches In' 'ho three vilUeYIJ, tho ownel"ll of the cnrs, Is expected to ~h Wnlter Brian wi preach at would t;CCk rc,l(!lcction to the poCI Shepperd's quo wlIrrunlo "ctlon Only." part of tho facts haa beenWFM-WBAP ot 0 a II a s-F 0 I' t east of RUidoso on U. 8. Highwny l\fe:scalero retcrvatlon. and in oth- draw a tremendous audlenc:.e. v(;ea. IIW:~nfla:~dbe~~e~~~o8:1. be haB hold llince 10411. HlJJ dtatrlct followed 1111 Invest!J:ntlon storIed lold. rhe entlre cnlle will be IIrc-Worth, She had been here earlier 70. died at about sun-up Thursd~ or parill of tho territory. The evenl Is sponsored by tho d f rvi t be embraceo Ihe counllcs of Dona bv the Statl' Hoard of Insurance sented III court."C/n a vacation which was to have morning In RUidoso-Hondo Valley lie plana to write a weekly col- Albuquerque Sports Car AJlSocln- ~~dYsep~~"rcl~t~ ~OU;:SOf ~en, Ana, Otero and Lincoln, c:l'omnussloncl1l I"st Oct. 31. Allhat Mel'tlnll with Treharne SundaylarJted two weCks but whlcb was Gencral H~:J;Pltal. Sho had been umn of tarm tlnd ranch nott'tJ tor tlon of A1llu!luefquo and tho II in to'lllun hili hat Into the ring, time the Inveptlg"UolI showed aftl'rnoull In the urtlct'U ot Unltl'dcut sbort bX_"_ denth In the tam- reeeiving tniatment Ulere only a the Ruldo:JO News. which will be- Southwe:slern Sporta Car ClUb 1n r:;~~h~ nr~~I~~~nll peep e. prcced- Judge SCOllaln llahl hill action WUll Unlt~ Lloyda alone hnd a dcfldi /.Ioyda \Vl're Hudy G. Hlce, aMlst-

." 11)'. Sho LOVES tho placo and says tewFudllYs, ~. sin appcarinlt In Ihls newllpaper EI PWlO, Some 75 foreign make A Inrr,e crowd attended both subject to the Democratic primary of $430424 attcr 0111.,. III monthp nnl nltomcy Ilellernl or Texas,IIho'lI coming baek-llll Ilhe urged neral cervices, likely to be LIOon. curs lire cxpected 10 be entored In services IllSI Sunday. Interest In election to be held loter thlJJ ot Ol)er~tloll.· Rennll' ""red "11(1 ~, W. Carson,her wide audleneo to do•••• RuI- hOt~ln 5t. Anno EPdWcIopal Cdbtupol UpOn bill lciavlna San Angelo, ccG,~~~~~h~r:pa~I~11lli:f~fs:~em 1I11 phm:es of our church lito Is spring. Shepperd lold Thc Timl'll Illl' llC- l'xalluners for \lie '1 exas bo"r~ ~doro Pacltngo Store Bave a per- a encoo, arc pen nil wor rom ~Ih II Standard-Times, wid ely .. • , stili Ilrowlrlll nnd we Invito all Was Dbtrict AttomC')' lion wap tllkcli to Ilrote('1 thl' In- i~SUrllfl('l' l'OlllllllllSlIIlIl'rs, and ,centase of thclr Mica Frldl!)' nnd somo ot Ulo Ilona In other IltatC3. known Wellt Texas newllpapcr arrived thill week and were~ on who will 10 worship with us, a I' I \('rcst of pollev-holl l'fP lind Ilolt>n- 1l1ylor, 81Il'l·'''1 llllllllltllnt 10 the nt-Saturday to the Mureh ot DlmCfl. R, Y. Davlll. Lincoln county EplJJ- printed Ule tollowlnll artJclo laat dlJJpl~ Thurtday at Navajo go church reprcr;entallve IllIld. rev OUlI to hill jUdUellhlp. the 1t"1 IIIVt'lItOrll .Till.' lIl\oflll'y-,.t'nc/ _ InllIl'y I:l'IIt'I<,1 .to.which lund Wllll incrcllccd '21.70 copal mlnlstor. wl1l /lkely conduct week: to cerve all, headquarte/Il for the court officer hou r:orVl'U six ,rears III ohlnlnl'.d thc ordor r.t'l.'r(>tl;' rand A Ill'lInllll ~\'1lI h., lid I In ~he .by tho tine l:CIlture, • , • There III tho ritCII, Robert Leo. Jan. 20-Trnvi!l n, two club:i, Thl! trophlclI. to be - a, dilltrit't attorney for the 'hlrd the offlrer9 tl,'w hl'rl' t • I:CI KIll'I' (mlh llWIIll'\ t uurl ," AUKlin 5.lt-n teulure Ilto~ In tho latCflt- i!lllUO Hlcllll lJJ Icavin" !lobert ~ and given for m

lcn anid woml'n drivers 1953 World Series JI udIJcln~.. aren. durlna whbllChk he Iff'- d('PIIII~q nlcrtell Frl'II"lv llll'rll- urduy tn delermuw wlwtlwr a

N -, .. I bo t M hOf D .. wlnnln" n n motIt two-dozen rlCI a'lUul every l'OIll'elvII (' Ilid • ,,, t tl I I t Iot ew .. ox co mllcaz neau' hill II-year cervlce all Coho County" M if PI Inll III Kervc nt'arh' 30 "l'lltl'n I.t tlu' ('1111"'1.11) '1III1n.· " .. 0, 'UlI. 't' I~-Fort Stanton, but It'o not OIl nood arc IDles Dllrlcultural nacnt Wc:dncllday. t>Vtmta~ •are to be ~UI on dl.nplll)' 0 on c.tures of ('lvll lind crlrnulill e"ee re(lultt'U unl"rK lllmul1"nl'l'llSly ~ut'd lind wh"Uwr ,I It'IIII'''' U\. r('-lIll the tine hllltarical plcce the nul- 110 III !loln;l to Ruldo·o N. M Ultn \\ ~ck-cn" Ul I Pru:o nt the To Be Shown H by thlll ottlcc. lIndrr Iht. (lnici thc l'(lm Unit n ,t'ln'/ nh.,uld h.,. '11'1~.~tnh"1 Trc-do=o NewD printed Inat week which G $750 H to bo lIllDoc:la"led with Ihe' L1nccl~ POllular Dr)' GO(l(iII11tcre. them wl1l ere JUlIl1e SCOP./ll1I Wid thilt ''0 both banll!l, "ftlt"C'rtl. l'm IO\t'o n~,1 III_ IIl1fllC h,.. until "'11 U, I" r,h' allDlln KUlllanovlch aulhored and ets ere Couoty Feed nnd Imptemenl C<J. be tclovlwd over Iltatlonn In EI The 1053 World Serlcs tumn will dlntrlcl "Uonlt'Y .lOd JIIII,;t' he h"n dl\'lduub llrc rl'!ltm~IINI frum dlo- ,11"''''1 h. 1II1'1lI•••1 Ih,· 11t'11I1tl1lwhJeh earned Ull 10ID ot compU- The nrea hOll contlldcrllble moun- PIICO. AlbUflUl'rque alld ROllwell. he llhown In RUldo:lO Mond.ly nnd bc<'n nnd wo~~~. c:ollhtlll('}1!, l>llo Illl1'llnp. of allv w.:f,t'tn of the ,'0111. fur II II!""II IntCI1 I ,or .1 ,,,'lOunt'lIlmcnllJ. • • • A total ot $750 hall bccln raillcd taln lltre.lm IrrlSltltlon ond comeI IIcfC 10 dil:cull!l plnno tor Ulo TlJl'lld:1)' ot tlext week, Thl' oftl. non,pilrtlllUtI. I uri}' pulllit '. he Innl"" It Iwil II (I' umml'r h"OI" 1t·",,\'U.

When Emmett Ree=o went to Iho to dnto t(lr tho 111.54 Murch of well development. Small tanTlll mcet IODdt wt'ek-end were Jim Call- c1nl pll'lurl'!l ot the camCD nre nt.ll(',1. "has n" plan· III tltt' lid· ill' I" N r.f I II I • • •hospital, younltlitel'll of Ituldo::o DlmC/l, about $100 oVCr Ulo 1053 and orclmrdll predomlnale. Tbere nld)" an BlII Sierlinn of EI. PllSO brought hcw C61eh year by tho mUIIMrllll"ll "r lunU('{''' • ~\VI1~II' ~~~~o~ellv' ~:~j( 1::.'h~~!~"~n~ ,'I'onuu' I~ntrr III ('llIIrElementary School cent him a lJM- total. DonntloM came tram:' IlGo III coll!llderable c"1110 ranchlnr: who IlOld Ihey each would halo'c cn- Athlellc Dcoparlment ot !tuJdono InvltC'lt Comparillon clwtltln " Illane III whll'h ht' ,om. I III " lutlll·dlnl"m,' I' l"f'l" Ill' • .,11kctlul 01 homo-mlldo valcntlnCfl RuldOl:o Woman'n Club. whleb in tho mounlalno udJolnlnn Iho tt'lt'll In the Yorloun conlClltll. 011 HlIll! Schonl Ill' IIIvl\r1! a £OlllllurlcolI of de· lllul"d 11('lwM'1I F.I PiI'" "n.1 l/ill. h. 'hI' IlUlll...;" N,·" W...dtl"lld,lv.wIshing him a apccdy recovery. ccrvt'd a lunchwn to rah:e mont')'. Mct:elllero Indian ~lltlOIl. Ul~IlIGg2~~:?m~~~~I~~o~~r~a~ The plrtllrell will bu 1I110wn at d!llunll III IIIl' Supfl'me ('OVft of .Iow Trt'lliImt' 15 II former Alt 11 Id,.lIl1r 1~'Jl""It',1 Ill', ',I"It'm..,,"and on mo:Jt ot UlQm were glued $124.10: tho no:nvell TV Iltntlon Sreb Farm IJame ou1 of EI Pa~o Inlo Old Ml'xlco. Iho cl'hoolll MondllY nnd at the reI:- Nn\' !\I"Xll" on htLl rulmgo with f'ote'e 111101. , Ill' W,IO nll!\"nl. I'I""r ,·f whl~ 11lucky pcnnlCll. Emmott, n !:Chool telethon. which nmlllted nuldoco'o IIICM nlld hill family will be Uv- Frilncln wl'l'l'kcd hln Mr to avoltl ~~~~Dmg~:~IIT~:t:J~~. ~t:~~U~ri~ tllnt IIf atl.t other JUdl:l'. lind oliid AC'('ordlnl1 to Sheppcrd'l! pellllon I will ht' rurlh.l1ltlllll1 t1u·'ugh ,f·bollrd member, III 011 proud ot them tontrlbutlono ot $147.00 back to Ing In Ituldo:o InitiallY. bUl ho lrtrlklnlf a chUd who btul wandered ID Invllcd 10 nttend any cit tho If ho III re-nomlnall'll and J'('-olcl·t- Iht' (h"rtt'r and C't1rtlflt'ntl' nf nu- rill tn lIt llln bw\t'lG. lit' 11(''('larf'dM If tllmcbody httd given hIm a Ulls db': $5fJJm from the 1lJ)CC1111 hopCfl to obtain II fllrm In tlto ~-nl- out onto Ulo raccwo" two venrn 1 ('11 Slroml~ll II fair and ImparUol thorny II~Ul'C1 10 Untll':t 1.lotm 1/e DlIltl lho rUton' "al""'d In £1new Cadlllllc•••• Gcorgo Fucb:! aflcrnoon nhow III Pueblo Ulc.alro Icy. preferably- wllh II £COlI or- ngo ,,, Mnw nall. Kxoet tImCll of t!\e ahow- adnllnlntr"Uoll. \ "fllC' wholly ('ompll'te'ly "n I t'n- l'oI!Ul n('\\ "I'''f.t'ltl "",<'r thc 1'!,'Il\c>ntIt ccctt flitting hither and thither lnllt Frldny atternoon: $164,22 chard. The VOllt otllee addren lor The pall' Cll e ht'fC In n Frcneh- IngJIpmB)'Jr<! obtained by conl;'ctj Tllo Judl:e IlOllllt'd 10 IIlD Ilant Ilrelv void·..• and Ihllt 1I11r.rt~ h"d 11.IIlIII 11{' I., ...k,1 """IIIII'n Llln...•In a nllW Oldll. • • • trom the Ust tube 11!Ct!plnelCll In UlckJI wUl be Hollywood, N. M. mado cor n ~tron Englhth Gcr- k~1f DUb 'inC'll nt thenhlfth C4::CFb' rt'l'ord on thc tuml'h caylnn "I hllve Ill'('n illlll!l~1 "In "11 t,trOiI tll t ..y &lIItiO "r Uw mt'n \Irnnlnlllho 10.,1-

'1'he IUgbcell hal! 011 tholr guCll1D varloup plllCCll of bUll.InOM het'Cli· UlII work will be prlmntily in man ItnU'an i'fcnl:'b and Am'ericlUl W':3I~~~ eft;::,I:ro~ft~~e ~loZ C1~b: trlt'd to MOW ab-ululc Imp:trllailly 10 show "n "ppl'aralll'l' lit nolvrm'v It'r ht" C' Iht'lf I'''''' "" 1I1 •• te utrll'rs.Mr. Ilnd MrlL Romeo Kloln nt tho and $105.00 from Ulo MlIrch 0 OI!rvlco lind promollon, In tho pOul- SpOrt Cnrn 'arc duo to enter Ule or f/erbert Traylor nt Slet!lon &le- III all Cll.':Vll ove;whlrh I preJlldl'd. \\-hl'n In lrulh' "n,l In f(lel n'lIli ",11111 .!hl. In (,It'('lIl1n. ~t'.u, ,::'11March of DImes donce l:1nt FrIday DltnCll dlUlro. Other donal/OM of try and IivCDtock iJ1dUlltriC/l. lllcko ro:ld rllCt'J) rnentary School. And 10 Irnpo.11nll aemll'ncC'1I upan tlllltf'd 1.loYdll ID wholly lind hUl't'. knn'''' Ill, o.lhl Ih('\ \\C r" 11\'. Iyni&ht, QDd Uley p:t.Id thclr admlll- va",lnn IltnmlDtII were Induded In bod held only tho Coke County The rllc~ will be run on a track ~. IIIO~o Who hllve been l'onvleted 1III'bJIlY lnnoivcollt" Inlcll'"tc,1 In "Ul'lIu!1l thl'lf namell

,IJon tlnd tholr illesti' with 40 Ulo $150 totl11. agricultural lIgent pool but hall mnp ed out norihwCtlt of the Cree Water U - M-a have Ilhown JUlIUt'Cl Il'mpet't'd wllh Onl' ('Clunt c.... nul th"l POIk.1 I on III(' trulII II·JI:cdlml!!!, ~tt'd on 11 cllrd In lottel1l ~1111 thllnlm went to the Pu- bcc!n in agr/cullul"ll1 lrot'hIng and McaNowD Golt and Country Club. vvA mcte',)'" I LloYdll prcfj('nl4'd III till' hllard UD, - -_.__._-_. •

torminl; Ule word "POLIO" , • • eblo Ulrnlrtl for IIll IlJ)CClnl Dhow promol/on 30 )'(!OnJ. The local Chllmber ot Commenoe, WUh VW Co en On Juvl'lIl1e mllllem. the cnndl· nm:etD " dCMI or I/Ulll Ilt'll IIUIt., It t'lpOROANS VISIT "The Llom ClUb hlll C!rC!C:ted cau- wt Frld:uo whJc:h aided COMIder- In Caleo County HlcklllOd In ell- underwrltlnll the COlltlJ ot the tm- age un dall' llfild he hall, nnd In the fulOre of 5322,000 DUPIlllr-l'lJ tll hllvt' Ilff'n Tit I til on CON8EQt I'.NCESUon lligna ncar local r:c:hooln ad- nbly In rnlillng the fund. School tabullJlhln~eCOhkO CounI~lY C'o-op-II phlCllllnd CCI1llldemble advertllling. Olflclnln representing nuldo:lO wlll !to lIll tDr IlD Justll"Cl p<>rmltll llll:nell bv Franklin Trt'harne, thc Mn T J Sulh('rl"ntl lind Mf1Ivblng motorista to drlvo dowty. children Ilhl1 accounted for $82.51 era vo .. w o:c """"er p an 1lI eb I $1 00 f dulllJ WlIter UCCI'Il Alll:OClaUon met with lrl tr)'lnl1 10 rehllbilltnll! young IIndcrwritrr'lI r"thcr. on prorwrty W. 1\ AII:'Xllnll<,r or lltlltlello nre

nuldoso Slllt Bnn1c dcpc:llll In npeclnl mvcloPl'll Ulcy carried atlll t!I 0 major ugrlcultuml lll:!:'!t w IIrlfo on y , or a th membel"ll of tho Ruldoco Village trunDltJ't'lll:Orn houahl from Illlmcy J Wieland omonll wlOI<'r Itu<'sh l'nloyltlll thc~ro ',otUng near: to bait a mU- home IUIt'I arounrl town. Ulere. H1ea IJ)Ctlt thn:o )'t!QflI In ~~~~~oc~I~~l.'d~h~tler~ Council nnd oUlcna 11llI1 Friday APlloltlta Iloartl for not mote' thnn $30,000. "tho ,tlf- warm ~lIn~llIna' lI~rl' for a fcow110ft, h:lvlng P3l:tOd tho $-400.000 tk!tn Slgmtl Phi llpOmored a ellllbllllhlng Ulo Coke Counly Soil noon ot Sunday. Feb. 21. AdvnnC1l 1!VCIllnJl 10 work oul a$lf't'C!mmu H~l'tltl)' Judlll' Seougln lIn-, fcorenc~ r~prl!llcntlnllw"ter anti II;)' ~Io(>k. Th"v lIr(' I/III'III11 01 Themnrk C!l1rl)' Uilil week.. • , . danctl wt Frldny evening nt Car- Comcrvotlon D1l:tricL A more rc- Uckd IllIII'll are to beflln within 0 l:OneemJna the torlhcomlnR 'dccl- nounCC!d till' aPJ)Olntmelll of a' per vallie ot Ih(' company" t harl<'9 lind "tt' r.'II'xanll III ...umc

More Mnrch of DimcI nl!Wll' Ec- rlzo Lodgo 011 n part ot Ulo loc:l11 ~nt ngeney be toslered WnJI Ule tew da,)'1I, II In announced ilion trom Iho SllIlc Water Engl- Ihrt>e-mnn ndvIr.ory board 10 hln; On MOte'h 31. 1!J53. lhl' 1ll'\Il1l1n nt Ihl' hnl Imllr",1 "nrtnWl balhgkert'o Pit Bar-B-Q eate c:harSlCd tund 'fo1ll1ng preJeeL A memllcr of =:; 'Ar~~tv:~W~'::TxtC$~ SpOrt car owtle1'll ot 'l:everol neer t'Cl1111rdlnr:r tho transfer of dl- dlRtrlel'lI JU~'t'11Uc ottiro. nnd IhM jl'hnrllcu, UIIUMI I.loydn rt'I"ItIf'd 111 \\1111.. hCI('lOe for eeffCl!. ndvanclnl Ulo prleo the !:Orarity. loft'll. Marlo FlIJ11lr. "'hm~:'t ot n.A -un"-~._, Al~ lltatel. l:01JlC 011 fllr awny all Cotl- vot'llion of watcr rlahtll ot land followelJ It wllh thc nomln!! of, Ihe hoard t'utlh drpolllts In a !lI('l\I, Bolh a.... umat,,"/ or ttlllll. devot­tI nIckel, and modo everybody put ccrvt'd IIlI Ruidoso chairman thlJ ....

1~. t"I'v ~v "I (....-wl,:h~~ fornili. have bct'n heard from. In- recenl1y boul!bt by the vlllnge In Kennl'th S Illlrnhlll lilt Third Dlll- banle nf Sl21.7GlJ allli SI5.5'I3, Inll mn.1 ot Ihrlr lime to work In

the extra nicltlo Into Ulo March of yt'llr tM the pello drive. In eon- tr c COOfII!ra vo WOJl llcccmp ... "u dlcDtlnR they will be here for Ulb Ulo nuldow VlIlIey to Q pOint up- trlet Juvenllo oW""r. • "whl:'11 In Irulh and In rad 575.000 OilDimes r'C!CC!ptacle. It finally ran neetlon wllh the lUlrorit,y llroJeet. OJI one of the- flrllt to el1rt'y out ItlJ C!Vt'fIt. which will be Ule larllcst Iltreom. Damel Brenlon. Carrizozo narnhill. <Jt prt'1'rnt ('ltv poliN" IIf IhiD monry won horrow"l1 on Ihl' I 111(,y \\ ror£' ltl,"nt"nrllUlt III Ih('lrover and they ended up winr:r a nuldo:o Lloru club held Q BIngo prottrnm tolla-vlng Ule entt!rcenr:y. winter arportg event In Ule South- attorn"y. reprt'seplCfI the wnter ('uptnln of Ir"lfll' nnd rt'l'(,rlln, will 31,,1 lIa .. tof Man·h. If/53, and 1'(>- Il'lIInltwtldulllln for thc f<lendlymllk mlt10 lor tho eew too•.•• gmIle, minIng SG6.CD by telling In 4-H dub work II variely of In- Wl'1ft It Is hOlled 10 develop Ult! USOfP and Gee. L. Zimmermnn. vII- IlI<!lUrnl' hill tlC'\\' ,tuUr9 on Fcbru"ry pn"l ..n lla.. 4th ·1.1\ of A,"II. 1!J53" Ihoql'lll,lth artllrrh'd IIwlTI !ll'/(, IItldLntrt Thun:dny night, nuldoro's ehanl'l'll on merchnndlJ:C! l1r1teg do- tcrests wag advlInced. with Ulc attalr Into on annual llltractlon. Iingl' altorney, rep=ntt't! the! 1 ('harllC' Mone)' Tralldt'r Ihc mlrn'nllnll. 1'~(lI,I.. IhC'v arcMcl1otone; nptlCllrt!d on Ule spe- noted by loenlllton!1J: and Ihe Re- poultry progrnm becoming one of ~ __ . __ ~. l'Oun('iI In the rnretll1l:. ottcndcdl Jud£c St-lIll~I" I. rn"rrlC"lI [\f,,1 Oil lk' II. 1(1'13. 1'1111",1 l.I""d" "",,'lInll JI"t Sl"mgn l"'r.,M •dal mnroUlon radio p'rowa:n~stnlit- beknhs &Old tood in a een«'l>!'ion Ule mOt'll llul't'Cl;Sful In the abt". 1l.!_ Noll Ziegler i by SllmC' 20 pcoplc. th.. f.lt""r of Uu1'(' (hlidn'n Two I., "",,(lnt"" til h '\'f' Ir .'I,qtl'rr...1 - _. -.-cd by A1llmOgordOll KALO In £C1 liP at the Lodge. Ql'cording to pollitry marketing .lYo\l58 I· '--', .loullhtl'tll l1r~ 1I1t<'n'hnll h II! 11 $.10.111111 ""1 or II I", .,1 ""nk I" 11';0 (·(}:\rr,\n"TtV.~ WF.I\Tlff'nwbith $2,000 Wllll pledged. 'The Slim Skellett and hiR Rocky spcc1al1llt.9. Coke III .onc of eIght Called By Death ! Junior Deputies ' «hool, wblll' hlq """l R.ll '< ~Ia- <I..... hank. 1.lklnr: 11,.. ('lIoli nul "f (UT·' FOn J""('o\I%\'Mcl10tuneg appeared In two Jl"!1'- Mountaineers plaYed tor Ule dance, ClJUntlE'll In thill terntory stin op- . I IInn...1 w,lh Ih" l'n'ft',1 St"t... A,~ 'lit' ."rnv,'",," . t 11,(' 1",.It,1 "n.11 SIIn\\'" 19!H IS ·n." '(iFtormnnces, slnginll and mving In- whll'h wag attended by llbout 120 crating the annuol &.:afP eighl-plrt Funt'l"ol WfVll'eS WM'l' held at i Schedule Dance ~'",( ,. an (:...."'onJ 1'I'"nn' ,ur" I"".,n "r ·r, .. " q ,J mil.,· '. """'h't thl '. ,." Lqstnnnmtnl numbet'll. \Vhlle Uley penple. RuldllSll'lI Mellotones, II progrnm. Ihp ·arnvl'lll:lc In nu,!io'O'g nC'\\-' To f(U~ funds for Ihclr tr(':L... II.... II mNnh<'r ..f th" n""o·.t ""'Itt. .,1,,,,,' ,,,. ~.' , .. I' ,.,. ~." .•. ,.ll~llred. about $50 Willi pledt:ed. quartet ttllilpo:;ro of Doh Kenf- Inl'ome Tax Ittl" Fott'st t~~wn Crm('tl'l'v Thursrln.y jury. ml'mOOI'lJ of Ihc Junior D('p- I ~l.nTI, on,l !to(, I~ ..........11'111 "11<1 TtlI' lit "I "n ,1,,110 l'f'" " .• , t, '''r.l 'r'iI.' c Ih. I,"' '.'" ' ... r ,

Betty ClUford rail:l'd lJ hattul of mnnn. MlIrmlUUl Christian. Leroy Alter recl'lvlng reqUl!llb from lllternrx:!n UliJl week fnr l'.11ll!l N~e uIY Shenfrg l.eal!Ul' ot Lincoln 1'1' !f' '"e Or,IC'1 ,if ElkQ hhh "f 1'01'1' I W'rlll .lfC'... "·,,t· ,"""k,.hna '~' .1.,1' ....1' c,·1 'hl-'money U1IJa mId-week 10 lum over G~b nnd Cnrrnun Plillll~ pre- 150 tarmers an::t. randlmcn to do Dena Zlell1er. 73. :Vhf! dlt'd T <'1;-: ('ounh' Will /ltagc a hr-t>nfll danl'!' - .. h' ".(:".>111;('11 t., Tr.'h 'fl.' "ltf' t\f f' " C ., I J"'o ., .• ·I'N.,I"....to Rriy Jons. sclcnro teacher In "'nted a program or rong ond In- ro HIcks aald Tl:(~{\l)y em th(' eve day evl'tlina at 1030 In Ihe l,oeal; tllC' "IPhl of S:lturd:n. ,.'eb 13, Itl Arba Jones CUed [i"""''' tot'",1' I" " ,,,,. "'A'" " .c ",II", "I·n.. "" ILl 1/11' I'Ruldcw High School. fClt' use In atrumentnl mwlc. 1\trn. Lmt DlJd- of has departurc ~hat he Will re- hMpltnl Shc. bad b«>n contmcd ,Carrll., L~gl'. reportq Ihclr spon- "ZHllIO em·l '~Irp!uo "f S'2 ,00 ""c.'" llll,·,,·nt"," ~ I "rMIl"ft'<' l "I·buy!na hl9 c.bssroom a science kit. son WOJI the piann accompanist. tum next Jllnuon to t'07JIlirme Ulc In the hOSPlt.:l1 Illn~ D~. 31st, sonJ. Mr Bnd MJ'lI. A"ba Jonea For Youth Work ""I nulr....f1t""1 .111'1 "h"'h p.lId .t o

, "pr' .• ,." I'·" .,'" f' r.... ,.",••t,,,,,Good coina. col. .. Waltl!J' M. ' .• - IITComc tax pn-pamtlon prur.ram hcrt.'. Dnrl prevl(}UJl .tll Ih3, time ITickct9 ('an IX' ltot/aM trem anv' "·'IUI.....<I t,v 1,,,- hul '\I'r<, h"n""" i I:.:". III IAI 511ft P(,(,(,lpScott. ",,-ell known RUldoso:1n who Lions. P..TA Which h(' startc.o:l 11 yellJ'll agO. she had oco('n t'C'eeiVtllll trcutmmt I mt'lTl\x>r Cif Ule league III advanci-. With Junior Deputies f'JI m"nt'l . Artf'r Ih' '.' "I" ,,,,I,,, , 1,':4 'H l ' i·, 74spendg lIalf the year here and halt Ctlmplele files havt' bel'n ke~t on ~!h here l1Ild In on £1 Posa h~- Oi' nl the door at the l.odl!c Ihat II frarnf'd N'rllt,rnl(' naming "alc of aUlhorltv \V.l" " ... tI".1 1/,( I I J.1 ill :.' I 75 14the )-enr In San Angelo. III In Shnn- To Battle ClIch operntor duTtna Ulat penod. pllol fClt' compllt'lltlonll remJllrng nl~1 Thrv co:lt $1 rwr person. Arb."1 .IOI1C''I aq a lfumalll51 for hl9 rwtltl/ln calr!. I'nll(>" Wror 1<1 ",Ih· I I 'nz CH I 12\ 11non M'emC1J'fu1 Hospital receivIng In cage TiUt UnUI thlg year Ihe donalicnJI from a fan lagt summer here whc>n -".. work w,lh thC' youth of this arc;, , 'It-rw 535.000 lanl Nfl'" 27 and Ihc IJ(I~I m 1:4 30 00tre:1tment in cose hill rrlmdll would which Ihe ta~crs lind ranchmen she fractured a hlp, AMATEt'R CUNTI':8T ,Ihroullh hili Junl/lr Depuly Shl'r- rnOfiPY wall dl'pMilc,1 to Ihe "1'- 1" 0 7.1 " 30 14like to drop h1m &01ne card9 and To mix tnetnpllonJ" it'll the ~t- ga~e to Hicks 1II returtJ for the tn- The Rev. Jes:sc F. Allencl::tol' WINNERS LIS'fED ,tta Lc."IflUt> of I.tnroln. Illo'nn with i ('Ounl of tbe ol<lcr firm I!It!J ~2 21 :.'390 252letters. Just. write In enre of Ule Ue of Ule century when the Uons eome tmt aid went Into !h" tlmd to of the Grcen Trre Baptist urcb, I In the amateur contcst heM n hiahly l'OmpllmMtary lel\('r I Wh<'tl UmlC'd 1.10)"1.9 wan organ- 1940 /)6 7 () no 50hospital Ulere. ••• VlUIee D1nek, Club and the Parent-Teachtml lu- opt1fBte the rounty's 4-H boys pro- offielated In the rtt('$ yMerdllY. Thursday night 1m \';cck nt Pu· J ('orne un€'XpcC'tl'llly 10 JonCOs lallt 17ro. Ihfl board found. Ult' t«llIlrcd 11I41 ell !el 1320 IonPurina dealer here. has n red and socil1t1on meet on the Mrdwood of grom. Around $l.MD n yelU. more All far lllI III kno\\o'-n, she had no eblo. Tht'atrc. wlnnt'f!l were Ar- w«'k. lind he III no proud of the lZua'rllnly fund of $/)D.OOO waJ rep- 10411 GO· ·13 3010 201wh1te1:htde.d Ilhlrt tllBt should YouUl Cmter Gym Thursday nighll ~ff $I~o:ro inthiiall. ~enl to ::ee ~JnS n;cordlr1o~~~ ~~~. bTa Goodson, fit'llt; Sandy Carroll. Isurprl~e that he hag ankcd the resMICd all uncllC·lImt...rcd wh"n II ~;e ~South';~t NntlG~ul. Et p~make the PurIna JlOOPle gWe him next week fM their nnnual. b:1s- HI k:M U rol::d. ill unIque lIOU • N' Mers;: had ooen o:""'alnt; l;ECOnd, nnd Henry Snva. third, Newtl to prlnl Ihe Ictler The ree- o('lulIlIy Included $55000 In bor- Nlltle>Olll, First 5tllle tlank anda bcnv,s. • • • ketb:ill game. Admission wU~ be ~ cs \blna. _ _... w '! 'F_' I oJ - ..- They earned cash prtzea totaling lognltion cnme trom the Hoslcru- rowed money nstlllnllt which no

• • • 50c and 25c: Ilnd. money dcnved .' fee~ _.at IE! Icnvmg n eoun llnCeg ot MISlI ~Ig e. s for m;my $10, 811m Skellett and JIl. Rocky clnn Ordl!J"1l h€ildqUilrtet'lI In San chcl'k <or withdrawnI could have Statc Nlltlon111 BQnk. M El PilJlO;•• If's ¢llitlt nearer the time when from the bloody ttneng wID go 10- ry.In wlifcii f have 11 lot ofJrJends ,eat'll. The Sa)'Ct#. former Ruldo.<o Mountaln«mJ nlto appenrC!d on the Jose. Cali!. The leller tollowll' b«'n made from the dnte ot 119 ClUzenll Slnle nank, Ysleta; An-

• Ruidoso WlU have to haw II city wards the cost 01 r:emodellntt the that I,slneerelY a1!Prcelate. lIIcks 'ri!s1denill. came here Wednesday program. the hut of 0 aerlCll of January 20. 1954 orgllnl:zntloll. April 22. 1052, until Ihony Statt> Dntlk. Anthony. Texas.matiaget form ot government. t'3 Ruidoso mllh SchoolnUlletle field. llald. '1 wlgh tor my successor. upon lcarnlng or> the denUl. about len held at the local Uleatre. Mr. Arba Jonell the fOllowlllll July 21. Mt'rconllle Notional Bank at Dnl-ald the 0Ver1)' bUSy llrofessiOt'ial Parent-':t'ell eh er Association JaCk WaJde, aD the cooperation ~tiss Ziegler wag 11 rt!Ihtered Vinlt pineo wl.r1n4!rS In <theUlerlell HuldoSll, New Mexico Other Trehnme ('ompllnl('lI nam. 109. and Ruidoso SI"te Bank Inpeople ft61f IerV1nt as volunteer team, to be composed of lIUch !lUll- and courtCllY whith the peclpl~ of l'iun:e and had spent most of her tlertormed OVefO T~evlslln1 Statlun Dear Mr, Jones: ed In Ulo petlllon In('lude Armed IhlldOllO.<:<rUi1cl~ In 'I'llJri'JIn1 thIS fast- Warts l1ll~Fartar. James Mae- Coke Coun~ showed to me. lite lIct/ve In the profeslllon, She kROD-TV in E1 Paso Monday at- In keeplnll with Ita hIgll idC!ola Forct'S Insurance Unt!erwrllers, ThlJJ week's henrlng on a re-~I \'illage. A well-ttaJned key, B<!inal-d Rooney, Leo Pame, . , came to Ruidoso In = from temoon wHh S~C!tt. and purpoEe3. the Rosicrucian Or- Air Force InsurnncC! Underwriters. lJucost tor a permllnent restrainingeity 11IMat&. khoole.d in engl- R. 0, ~1rt.1 ~ky_ HaJlac!llll Da11u Man ~Uys , fJ~iQ wh€re sht! bad .inee Many RuldOSOltna sow the troupe der, AMORC. I. eonatnnl1y In United Military fnIlUf'lillfi! Ufitler- ~~1to~r~ a~o~,(J Sr:r:;~y ~11~1l~nmliif;cltt jfO"feminent anti ·tI- JWI11:Jt PUtT• .uen Doffiitlmn ana ,...,_........~.l~""........... Sb .1 1 1880 f on Jack Hull'. TV lIet. Nnmea ~ Jl(!ilJ'Ch ot thooo membelffl of toeloly wrltl!nI, MJIIIQfY Pel'llOnnel Under- District Coud,bMeJn£ can .dO' llWeti i11 putUn, Ge<J!Ce- Wes.tall, are to be coach~ ~lUUUlUD ~.l_... e wu bornF\t1une a .'tl~ thOlle partJclpatlnlr art listed in who ore worklnlt tOWard mnJdnR wrUers, The Sp~ncerTrehlltno Ag-Oyer ,. -lbnK mill 'Planned devol- by cy Leland, 'Jr.. wizardlm~~. H. G. nanlel. Datll1ll, Tex.. anI.! g~TsTownsblp. ton ountY. thl.a week's Around HI.skOOl ttll- this lite more plenllant tor all men. eney. owned by Treharne per&On- Trehame's companlell hnd done.()pmmt program Jh llttldoso. »ut. The. LIons Club. sa,.. L on ""'SS a brother of !\Irs. JaCk Let. haJI' " umn. Your actiVities carried on 1l'l Ule nlly; lind Tcx-Spence PropertIes. a an l'Xlenlllve volume of businesshOW 10 pay the wary cit lIUcb an Weldon Gamer, iJ so ttrre of vJe- potehaMd the .interest Of .te. G. , .• i.. " b '.' r • , >', Intcrert 01 oUlera in Ruidoso Wore I partnership beltWC('fJ Treharnl' and oWfitl~SIeB'cltCoebmerenulnnlt~thdIlILlaOyred3a'~ott1cla1l1rerents sUll another preb:- tOrY that It wlll not even ~racllce ChtiStaln In thl! latter's Chasbln Llona Inlt1ate no~M:lJtl:tibAnIzE carefully noted In recl!llt months, Homer L. Sanders. ... ~... ~lem. betort! iJ}e mafeb. Hareld Janel!, CleaneJ'$ III Skyland. Daniel anld tor.., M.1.:t:t.:::.n . ATULttlC tlto~ Your work with tho young boya of Nnmed nil underwritera for Unit- porled 50.000 pollcyboldeffl lIJId

., .+ .• • at!U-st,ll!a ,coaeh. wbo ts P1UIhin, name of thl!! 1Ittrf Would be chang.. .n1W .~ Honda #Jlh~l.was the RUldOllO II no little aChlevcment.1 ed Lloydll were Trehaml', John S. the combined companleg hnd 50Photo':~hlea11Y~- sttat~.for. the LIon ca~!~lde-o ed to bctulre Clenners and Ulat IMdo!lO Moot etub rn II' Tues- acene of ~,otPDh:lUoI:f,mt!Ctlng and Js a bile Iltep towan! reducltl, Tnaeb, James W. Shepnrd, Botly :;f~'NJ~I~oi~~~~~~Ii~IP~,?C:~ ~f .• ' 'I'l~w is cla1'eI'loteaeber!l~in~~ ons/he .will lnitall addlUonaJ. ~IP. day night supper meeting at Car· TuelldayrtJlhUotJbeml!iotHon- the «roWJng k.niount of juvenile Jl!an Specht, Joan GJesdale, Bert llnnuaU~ In bWlned ,

RuidosO. 'tti1'lMl dtarfnl w1I1tet C1llb Will: bel allow.,.. to P~.7 6n a ment llild wlli'em'ploy skilledpm-.. rI%O LOdge, nccepted five of iU do Who .~b&S. ·aUiriUe usc- dellnquency. I Boyer Hnrt)' L. HUlman Jr" "".', ..,beD snovn thllW here, and aflt!r P-TA team.Ho ~Uer hOw mUeblsonnel wen ttninEtJ In the newest eight Q~ mllm\JeJ'll", with W. A.. e1atlon. ~11tit. ..•hn.Ja to lIut However humble thest! event&, Franklin O. 'rteharno, Fral:tcea B. OUie cIs who took oVer, Ole

1 .hU.." ~,,.,...re; Made thU week p~re rs .exert"",. <0 and most modern dry-cleaning Hiirt libd ClU'nlOTi 1'hllUPlI oltlcl.. fn lIhaPf lE''1li4e-oadtlnt baa- the tact that tbey repre"ellted the Wagnon, Ould. Do!lJtlllllS D, L. company oUlce, FrldllY were'RlIdY, ,,10 be used In.Rt!It1n, itAte assist.. • '~l!Ilts 'ba~ ~n mad~ metbods. Daniel haa visited here sting ~~both dignified 4nataltatlOt'i ketbllnjq . wlfbl f. ·V. SIlllCMz very hlRbm motlv!!a ot whIch min Brndford, J)()rothy M. 'Mebi, Jamea G. Rice, IWlst"nt nttomc!'ywlenefal

\ 10 .ante fu puttlng'cui'b.. kUttets and to~ stretChers', "In~!\J!I_lJUJahnee, a, trequentIY II11he1astlleVm'lt!yeara certmomes aM hlliirlouslnltlatlon 8a tOiidl. f .' ,~' attended the 11 eaJ)8ble makC!ll them a valullble M, Routlt!d,t!, JUdy.WllllaInJl. Der- ~dwe~1~.cl!mthenet5lfl~I!I.Alo~Unt~,'W lIbde~ akJe:WalkS through.!hI! naln bWal.. least ball "8' clo~~u.."~P/I1 I, d~: and J.e wen a~uatntc!d in RttldOSO. exerclsd, The new menlbc!ra re- Tuesday i1labt~~"hen c:of- c:onlrlbUUon to human ~togte!li, hard J. Wleland,Evelyn Wieland Ailn:d and"G, W, Cars~n .....n~m·I..e..

1', ~ Uta. THe--p1l0ltlt WiU "W tat" tors in.. Indian nn:w/llne. m~ ... , 0'. '. . , celved were Herb Greggeraon, Rat tee was .~ ;OWetn elected It ill Ulm with a deep .enJCl ot and J. W. rtaser. <CA ,.

o ; .i'Ied.Jo the,state .caplJol fA:.~~ be on hand to.take care of an,. NBW I!ANKInU HOuas Jones 1'rUettShUltiJ.,RaJ'pft8iebet't Irt a )ltoYJOUj tttbeririK JJ1cluded pleasuro that we aWard you tHo Co-dett!ndanU III otticlals or Onl tor the Board ot Insurarieei YellS' • loeaJ lieIegaUon,.llfObabiJf ~libd abrasions. '1'0 contorm with Federal regu· and R'et1iert TtiJrlPt'. llen SS!lehe2!, Pft$ldent; James enclCl/lCd certlflcale of penoni1 emploYe. of United World Llttlln- Commissioners: and V. F. Taylor,

tbJ.tt"~;Jtithe meat1tI~fWflve >j~ ~. ... d< t ." 0 '.: • • • laliOns on holU'll emp%o)"Us may The elob voted t(),contrlbUte t25 Kimbrell, .Il~"', and MeM" mtlrlt. JlUrltnce Co., are Treharne, CelIO a~J:JI aubtant to Ule nttomey-L~ . beartJ aeveta1 ta\fora~le eomtnt!nts Vi(:e.oP1'esldeDl ~J)t'k.. Ruidoso' State. Bank thJj towati1S the lund flit..mdli1i II Brlldlq, t~i1!:t,. 0 Tho RbIlleruclanOrdet, exl'Ung C. Stapp, C!Xeeullve vlce-prulamt; fen ' '.I tll!l,~~ Atte1'fjtfl'i.t1iij:.it,... . week lI11l1ounced new operililg representllUvetotbeAmerlcllnl.c!- t , In aU clvlllud landi, 1s a non- JamC!a S. Patton, vlce-p~ldoht; :::, :'~~~J ~~~:~o~~~:~: ,~::J; ~ In thfl column last w~k.Cft1' OfMcMurry College hours as tollows: Open 10 a. tit. glon'a nnn\Ull B<JYtI Stfte in" the 'CAVALCADErPLAHND ieelurlan, fraternal bodY ot mm Wlllinm. J. Conroy, t~asurer;WEAT H!R

counellmen.~ .•p'prllll!d of the: S........t.b'.;l;...... and cJ~3 p.m. Mondlly through llUlJimeJ'. TllROUOn Ilmnoso and women dl!Vot~ to furtherIng FrtlrlclJ B. Wagnon,. mi'llltlry1 -,_.. _._._,_._,_._._._, .....ilefd In 'U:ielt:'.~. tlISt. FrIda,. f? ~ no.., ,> .•.. Friday; 6~ 10_~. m. llnd etas! GUeil\S were ptpyd FarrelolAl Clovhl C]wJJ~ of Commerce man'll knowledge (it hlilUelt and Harald Dtutcln. Jr'l .ltal"ebOldtri PttcllJl~t1(ln Utll j)crlod. none•.ttlgbt. Md. their to"'Opetation '\VB l1i". Cordon 'Bmnett.· 'Wldel)' 1:1 nootl Saturday. buquerque nnd Mr. Kruptl-ot Et plMs a ca.,alcaae\ (tom that ~lt)' hl.e universe. It atrlVt$ 10 aid 1ho: and Georgo Walker. aKent and em- Since Jon. 14, 74 blch. Snowfall

u ~ In ii!ekfrJg the project, known 'rexiUI ~tor~lId, the '," "}: .,: " , Paw. . " welltthroulh Rori'eJf and RuidOSo Iildlvidun!to attnln hfU\.tU stature. j)loy~. . ,., N1l :J.r, ! thllf wlntt!J\ a4,as Inch................:..;~'~" :" \liee-p:residet\t..~! lamed 1o{etbOdlit !r011N1'1'W~ . DlsctlJ:!Jfon WM herd on tli~lorlb.. to Loll Crqcu ,Feb. 17., lUId JiM. trldtaJly, frttelleetually.. and vh1~- M~ Blanche M, 'l~Q Wl'I!J DlItc HI' 1.0 Sno ~reclp•

.,tr~ .--....' . McMUtJjt COUcle In Abltene, Tex... uU£, IN' TWO WEEKS . coming. basketbaU «JIme b4:!tweert asked thot uyOM I" ttultfOlO in';' cally tIS n hurillln being. Wbete! ~lolfied tilfder the temJ1{ll'nry re- 28 II 18 .00w~'beti Of 'the RUf~O!iO, tb~ Will be.WUest spt!fiket $iflfdat tye'i' ,.. Eel~ VEgll, Lincoln CountY' Tax the LJotI5lU1tt Ptlrent-Tetlt!lier Aj.. tcte!1ted In malttrlC Ute tour to Join otheu further thl. Cllt1$Cj it r. bhly iltralitJlla ordertroM uQlIInj; or en" . 29M 24 .00noutr(OOd 0 indo lb. Green Tree filnJt at '1 tJ. bl..~t~ CommUriItj' ~"J will be in Ruld/lSO at the s~tlUon, and It nitMl (0. solicit lhd Iroup here"ftiat da)'. You can Pfo.Jl(lt Ihllt. they be recognlted lor cumbering II hOmo in the Upper 30 .~~ 25 ,00'V61~1tei' J'fre ~ti'held. M~firt<ni lit RUldolJO, All- .en! HildFeb. 15 'U1toU3b. 19 lor "lUtld$ tot' rlltiJle BearlJ; lor the ililvisCl tbe RuidOIO CliimW otauch worthy "rYiee. Valley. . 31' tlO 35 ,00.~.·.Nl ciOt'-' meeUtilf In ilO'ilDCi!S p.-' .lUlk· Mi\UMwf. a~pllillt JS~tty renditions tor men1bi!:rJ~ tabled.. . Commerce if:tOll WiJb fa maker the We hope 1hl# ceffiflcllte wUl be .. E1 PlIlIO'iI'lI8rflY Co, lind 'tcxilt 1 58 26 .00''UIiII . V1b.'. ncffiitlon. hall "'Pt. Bf!riiIett 11 ,1i1ll'lf" tej'ilfdea fax. llUr'potit!ldt 15-iulitOl!llced. ."" ,,, . ~ ',.,,1'" , trlp, and the loc.torpriJiAtlO11 WlU 1I1utIrlIIn.pitatJon to tou IIHtit~ btprn 1'r~m1Sl1on,C<tq). '~ a s. 15 .00!Ml1i ,. :. Jilth't.AbOUt 3O~~mOt'il' ~,:dtd~; m I'" .~.,~"Io"'''''" .,.!'~ to; , • . jft) lliid 'M'ij,.tu~~thutlfU- :get word to ClOYfj' c. ot C. i',YtIl' Ott' lbe. ide-alS t6 "b1cm $QU .reit1~tifdlf'(lmtrrotttrtnftiriy'bt 3 6f 9 .00 .

~~.~'9i~: ~,:~x:=-=r:::Xl::l~ NW~~~~ appotnll!dj'~':rJ:;~hw:rhelO~.~at~~J· , MUt.~.~.. now ~~~=m1t,~""'''>;li'' =ttCO:~~il:~=ko~~lftttt~ e~r~~Il':i.tle;e~H~,~,.~q(.ftaJ11d.""~ ~fUj)lfjltlmt ~ ReY. tlf)'~~~~...I!~.\Vftk',nld" '1'~'T~.awo.P~Ut 'OW ~lt'tU.~_" Ral "",.,.urwTJ' t1illUtWtJIIntcomp.nle..!tllnkiJIJ tM"V. S. I;)epa.ttment ot C....~ , . _~.. ,Itt¢.., ~oJI'''''._. ~lnto 'Vlsi~ «itbrt nau JOUitt"t ' ..........,_%f.JiL. I. oa Wbkh IX*lble QHfI wete tled Up meree-.)

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Page 2: Y2 San WIT WISDOM County Agent Fund Of Seeks Re-election Be J 0 dB L IEI P C Vix …archives.lincolncountynm.gov › wp-content › uploads... · 2013-11-18 · C/n a vacation which
Page 3: Y2 San WIT WISDOM County Agent Fund Of Seeks Re-election Be J 0 dB L IEI P C Vix …archives.lincolncountynm.gov › wp-content › uploads... · 2013-11-18 · C/n a vacation which
Page 4: Y2 San WIT WISDOM County Agent Fund Of Seeks Re-election Be J 0 dB L IEI P C Vix …archives.lincolncountynm.gov › wp-content › uploads... · 2013-11-18 · C/n a vacation which
Page 5: Y2 San WIT WISDOM County Agent Fund Of Seeks Re-election Be J 0 dB L IEI P C Vix …archives.lincolncountynm.gov › wp-content › uploads... · 2013-11-18 · C/n a vacation which
Page 6: Y2 San WIT WISDOM County Agent Fund Of Seeks Re-election Be J 0 dB L IEI P C Vix …archives.lincolncountynm.gov › wp-content › uploads... · 2013-11-18 · C/n a vacation which