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Page 1:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

APUSH UNIT TWO TESTMULTIPLE CHOICE. Choose the one alternative that best completes the statement or answers the question.

1) British authorities based their colonial commercial policies on the theory of

A) feudalism. B) monopolism. C) mercantilism. D) federalism. E) republicanism.

2) The intention of the Navigation Acts was to

A) allow England to monopolize American trade. B) promote English industrial development. C) keep the American colonies weak and dependent. D) stimulate colonial economic diversification. E) finance the British navy.

3) Which of the following colonies had the largest African American population?

A) Rhode Island B) New Jersey C) Massachusetts D) New York E) Virginia

4) A major objective of the Navigation Acts was to eliminate the ________ from the American trade.

A) Dutch B) Spanish C) Portuguese D) English E) Germans

Page 2:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

5) The factor most responsible for the growth in the American colonies between 1700 and 1770 was the

A) natural reproduction of colonial families. B) great wave of immigration during that period. C) program of forced migration instituted by the monarchy. D) dramatic upsurge in the importation of slaves. E) increasing intermarriage between settlers and Native Americans.

6) The first large group of German immigrants moved to America seeking

A) free land. B) religious tolerance. C) an opportunity to become wealthy farmers. D) markets for their craft products. E) work.

7) During the Great Awakening, which of the following challenged the authority of colonial ministers?

A) "New Lights." B) "Old Lights." C) Congregationalists. D) Anglicans. E) Quakers.

8) In the 18th Century, the largest non-English group in the population of the thirteen colonies was

A) French HuguenotsB) WelshC) Scots-IrishD) GermansE) Africans

9) By the 1760s, a substantial percentage of American exports involved trade with

A) the West Indies. B) Africa. C) Holland. D) Brazil. E) France.

Page 3:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

10) A major financial problem that confronted mid-eighteenth-century America involved the

A) heavy debt owed to the British. B) colonists' refusal to buy English products. C) shortage of gold and silver coinage. D) colonies' failure to print paper money. E) lack of credit available to merchants.

11) The Great Awakening

A) had less impact on ordinary Americans than the Enlightenment. B) was a highly unified and coordinated religious revival movement. C) took place in many regions of the colonies, over several decades of the eighteenth century. D) affected, for the most part, only Congregationalists. E) spread quickly, but faded even faster.

12) The Great Awakening of the 1740s in the colonies was A) a political movement in which Americans debated the dangers posed by increasing British

presence in the colonies. B) a religious revival that brought new harmony to colonial society and reversed the trend

towards religious pluralism. C) a popular expression of pride in the rising wealth and power of the American colonies. D) a spiritual moment that aroused masses of ordinary people to intense, emotional concern

about the state of their souls. E) an extension of the Enlightenment that philosophers such as Voltaire and Rousseau were

promoting in Europe.

13) The two most important leaders of the Great Awakening in colonial America were

A) Jonathan Edwards and George Whitefield. B) John Winthrop and Jonathan Edwards. C) John Locke and Benjamin Franklin. D) Thomas Gordon and John Trenchard. E) Cotton Mather and George Whitefield.

14) Which of the following was NOT an important effect of the Great Awakening?

A) It stimulated higher education in the colonies. B) It strengthened the authority of the old colonial religions. C) It encouraged the development of individualism. D) It fostered an optimistic view of the future among those touched by it. E) It evoked a sense of "new birth" among believers.

Page 4:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

15) Which of the following is the correct order of passage of legislation affecting the colonies?

A) Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Declaratory Act, Townshend ActsB) Declaratory Act, Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Coercive ActsC) Proclamation of 1763, Sugar Act, Declaratory Act, Stamp ActD) Townshend Acts, Declaratory Act, Stamp Act, Sugar ActE) Sugar Act, Stamp Act, Townshend Acts, Declaratory Act

16) A major source of political information in the colonies came in the form of

A) imported political treatises. B) weekly journals. C) pamphlets. D) public debates. E) daily newspapers.

17) Colonial legislators saw their primary function as

A) improving the lives of their constituents. B) preventing encroachments on the people's rights. C) implementing the governor's policies. D) mediating between the royal governor and the people. E) ingratiating themselves to the governor in hopes of attaining patronage appointments.

18) The failure of the Albany Plan can be attributed, primarily, to the

A) opposition of British authorities. B) fiscal jealousies of colonial assemblies. C) beginning of the French and Indian War. D) refusal of the Iroquois tribes to support it. E) lack of interest from colonial representatives.

19) The English leader whose policies brought a British victory in the Seven Years' War was

A) Lord North. B) William Pitt. C) George Grenville. D) George II. E) James Wolfe.

Page 5:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

20) Unlike the ____________________ Act, the _____________________ Act and the ___________________ Act were both indirect taxes on trade goods arriving in American ports.

A) Townshend, Stamp, SugarB) Stamp, Sugar, TownshendC) Stamp, Quartering, TownshendD) Declaratory, Stamp, SugarE) Quartering, Stamp, Sugar

21) Mercantilists believed that

A) a mother country needed to import more goods than it exported.B) power came from a small colonial empire.C) the mother country produced raw materials and colonies produced the finished product.D) a country’s economic wealth could be measured by the amount of gold and silver in its

treasury.E) colonies drained a country of its resources.

22) The British general responsible for the seizure of Quebec in 1759 was

A) William Pitt. B) Jeffrey Amherst. C) Edward Braddock. D) William Sims. E) James Wolfe.

23) The English political philosopher most often cited by American rebels was

A) Thomas Paine. B) Edmund Burke. C) William Pitt. D) John Locke. E) David Hume.

24) By the mid-1700s, the colonial assemblies

A) had surrendered most powers to royal assemblies. B) were gaining steadily in power. C) were able to elect the colonial governors. D) were completely independent in their actions from the mother country. E) were full of mid-level bureaucrats seeking better patronage jobs.

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25) American colonists, in the years just after the conclusion of the Seven Years' War, could be characterized best as

A) hostile toward the British. B) optimistic about the future. C) apathetic about colonial-British relations. D) eager for independence from Great Britain. E) trying to rebuild.

26) George III believed

A) Parliament should run the empire. B) the monarch should make policies for the empire. C) the monarch should be a figurehead. D) qualified men should run the government. E) the monarch should consider parliamentary opinion when making decisions.

27) In the 1760s and 1770s, most members of Parliament

A) were well-informed in colonial affairs. B) were creative in their solutions to colonial problems. C) had little understanding and knowledge of colonial affairs. D) feared the power of the colonial assemblies. E) had invested money in the colonies.

28) Central to the colonists' position in the Anglo-American debate over parliamentary powers was

A) their strong belief in the powers of their own provincial assemblies. B) their unswerving support of the monarchy. C) their willingness to defer to the wishes of Parliament. D) their desire for an authoritarian government. E) their desire for revolution.

29) Pontiac’s Rebellion was a reaction to

A) the building of Fort DuquesneB) the westward movement of English settlers.C) French control of the fur trade.D) the Proclamation of 1763.E) the outbreak of the French and India War

Page 7:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

30) In his first military command in the French and Indian War, George Washington

A) won a decisive and hard fought battle at Fort Duquesne.B) was defeated at Fort Necessity but was allowed to retreat.C) received strong support from the British.D) helped to force the French out of Nova Scotia.E) turned his twenty years of military experience to great success.

31) What was the primary purpose of the Albany Congress (1753)?

A) plan intercolonial defense against the SpanishB) secure the loyalty of the Native American tribesC) resist wartime taxes levied by the British against the American colonialsD) organize a colonial militia attack on Spanish FloridaE) negotiate a treaty ending the Seven Years War

32) The Stamp Act of 1765 affected

A) only businessmen and merchants. B) primarily colonial manufacturers. C) the lives of ordinary people, as well as those of the elite. D) only those who engaged in direct trade with Great Britain. E) notaries and other public officials.

33) The boycott movement against the Stamp Act

A) had little effect on Great Britain. B) mobilized colonial women to action. C) ultimately hurt American businessmen more than British. D) was opposed by New England businessmen. E) was badly organized.

34) It can be said, that of all the delegates to the 1st and 2nd Continental Congress, key to the colonies moving toward declaring independence was the arguments of

A) Benjamin FranklinB) George WashingtonC) John AdamsD) John DickensonE) Thomas Jefferson

Page 8:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

35) Samuel Adams' role prior to 1774 can best be described as

A) pacifier. B) compromiser. C) genuine revolutionary. D) pragmatist. E) guerilla fighter.

36) The Tea Act of 1773 was passed in order to

A) save the East India Company. B) raise revenue to pay royal governors' salaries. C) punish colonists for the Boston Massacre. D) support the stationing of British troops in America. E) recover revenue lost by reducing the tax on molasses.

37) The most important responsibility facing the Second Continental Congress was to

A) convince the colonists of the necessity for war. B) win loyalty from the Indians. C) organize the colonies for war. D) find a strong political leader for the nation. E) draft the Declaration of Independence.

38) Which of the following quotes best embodies the viewpoint presented in Thomas Paine’s Common Sense?

A) ”A government of our own is our natural right…TIS TIME TO PART”B) “It was the best of times, IT was the worst of times.”C) “The right to levy internal taxes was never supposed to be in Parliament as we are not

represented there.”D) “The exercise of [Parliamentary] authority is not perfectly constitutional in respect to the

colonies.”E) “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.”

39) Which of the following explains why England lost the war?

A) The British government did not believe it could win the war. B) British finances could not support the war. C) British strategists did not understand how to fight the war. D) George III never supported the war effort. E) British soldiers sympathized with the Americans.

Page 9:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

40) During the early months of the Revolutionary War, American soldiers

A) received excellent training. B) despaired of ever defeating the superior British army. C) were excessively overconfident about their chances of victory. D) rebelled against Washington's leadership. E) were mentally prepared for a long, difficult fight.

41) Americans who sided with the British during the War for Independence were known as

A) Commonwealth men. B) Continentals. C) Whigs. D) Loyalists. E) Southerners.

42) The radical American group which first emerged during the Stamp Act Crisis was known as

A) the Loyalists. B) the Sons of Liberty. C) the Democratic Republicans. D) the Federalists. E) Oliver's Raiders.

43) Essential to the establishment of a colonial alliance with the French was the work of

A) Thomas Paine. B) John Adams. C) John Dickinson. D) Thomas Jefferson. E) Benjamin Franklin.

44) For the British, French intervention meant

A) a change in military strategy. B) little change in their military strategy. C) little challenge to their empire. D) a new ally in the war effort. E) fighting a two-front war, both in the colonies and in Europe.

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45) In 1779, military strategists predicted that Britain's last chance for victory over the colonies lay in

A) a more effective use of its great navy. B) the breaking of the French-American alliance. C) calling on its European allies for help. D) a successful campaign in the American south. E) increasing the British army in the colonies by 25,000 men.

46) Which of the following is a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1763?

A) England received all French territory in North America.B) French Canada was given to Spain.C) England received the French sugar islands in the West Indies.D) Spain kept her colony of Florida.E) France lost all of her territory in continental North American.

47) According to this political theory, power is dangerous and must be countered by virtue.

A) Federalism B) republicanism C) democracy D) diplomacy E) popular sovereignty

48) With which act did Parliament state its belief in its own sovereignty?

A) Townshend Acts B) Declaratory Act C) Coercive Acts D) Stamp Act E) Sovereignty Act

49) The tensions leading to the Boston Massacre were caused by

A) widespread British murders of American leaders. B) the presence of several thousand British soldiers in Boston. C) the Boston Tea Party. D) Parliament's repeal of the Stamp Act. E) anger at Charles Townsend.

Page 11:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

50) The pamphlet ___________ presented justification to Americans for their break with Great Britain.

A) American Crisis B) The Prince C) The Declaration of the Rights of Man D) Treatise on Government E) Common Sense

51) The British commander who surrendered at Yorktown in 1781 was

A) Howe. B) Gage. C) Cornwallis. D) Paine. E) Clinton.

52) The American victory that brought about the French alliance occurred at

A) Saratoga. B) Yorktown. C) Breed's Hill. D) Philadelphia. E) Trenton.

53) Which one of the following individuals was NOT an American military leader?

A) George Washington B) Richard Howe C) Horatio Gates D) Nathaniel GreeneE) Benedict Arnold

54) The most significant consequence of the Seven Years' War was

A) its virtual destruction of American Indians. B) that it left Britain with an enormous debt. C) that France retained a foothold in Quebec. D) the assassination of George II. E) that it made the colonists were less eager to go to war with Britain.

Page 12:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

55) Which of the following prohibited colonial settlement west of the Appalachian Mountains?

A) Navigation Act of 1772 B) Proclamation of 1763 C) Sugar Act of 1764 D) Townshend Acts of 1767 E) Settlement Act of 1765

56) The law that created a widespread, anti-British political movement in the colonies was the

A) Staple Act of 1663. B) Sugar Act of 1764. C) Quartering Act of 1764. D) Stamp Act of 1765. E) Prohibitory Act of 1775.

57) The fundamental issue leading to the Boston Massacre in 1770 was the

A) British attempt to enforce the Tea Act. B) Boston Tea Party. C) passage of the Townshend Acts. D) the sinking of the Gaspee. E) the presence of so many British troops in American cities.

58) The major consequence of the Boston Tea Party in 1773 was the passage of the

A) Tea Act. B) Gaspee Act. C) Coercive Acts. D) Declaration of Independence. E) Townshend Revenue Acts.

59) The selection of George Washington as the commander of the newly created Continental Army was made because

A) Washington had promised to use his personal wealth to finance the army.B) New England’s soldiers requested the appointment of the popular Washington.C) Washington was known through all thirteen colonies as the best military commander.D) Virginia delegates had demanded Washington’s appointment as condition of support.E) Washington as a Virginia aristocrat was a good balance against the democratic masses of the

new army outside Boston.

Page 13:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

60) Between 1775 and 1777 most of the weapons and munitions used by American forces were obtained in what manner?

A) smuggled in from Europe through southern ports like Charleston.B) purchased illegally from British merchants in Canada.C) manufactured in small factories in the Ohio Valley.D) Secretly supplied by the French.E) Stolen from British armories throughout the colonies.

61) “The army…now begins to grow sickly. Poor food –hard lodging – Cold Weather – fatigue – Nasty cloathes – nasty Cookery…Why are we sent here to starve and Freeze?” This quote most likely is referring to

A) the American invasion of Canada.B) Valley Forge.C) Yorktown.D) The British soldiers’ problems with American winters.E) Saratoga.

62) Pontiac’s uprising was partially responsible for

A) the South Carolina Regulator movement.B) the North Carolina Regulator movement.C) the Proclamation of 1763.D) the tenant revolt in New York.E) Baptist revivals in Virginia.

63) The Scots-Irish can best be described as

A) fiercely independent.B) loyal to the British king.C) people who did not like to move.D) builders of sturdy homes and well-kept farms.E) strong supporters of the Catholic Church.

64)Why were the inhabitants of New England so concerned about the Quebec Act?

A) It extend the boundaries of Quebec into the Ohio River Valley.B) It restricted the western boundaries of Virginia.C) It angered influential land speculators.D) It upset politicians with western land claims.E) It gave legal recognition to Roman Catholicism in Quebec.

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65) Which of the following was NOT a provision of the Treaty of Paris of 1783?

A) Great Britain relinquished its claim to all lands south of the Great Lakes between the Appalachian Mountains and the Mississippi River.

B) Americans were allowed to fish off the coast of Newfoundland.C) Great Britian recognized the independence of the thirteen colonies.D) Americans were forgiven their debts to British merchants.E) The American government agreed to encourage the states to return confiscated property to


66)The French and Indian War started with an encounter over

A) the Ohio River Valley.B) the Mississippi RiverC) the Great LakesD) QuebecE) the St. Lawrence River

67) The first American college free from denominational control was

A) HarvardB) YaleC) New York UniversityD) Brown UniversityE) The university of Pennsylvania

68) At his trial, John Peter Zenger won acquittal on the grounds that

A) the king had less authority in the colonies than in England.B) English law permitted the press almost total freedomC) colonial laws did not apply to government officials.D) New York’s governor deserved to be criticizedE) truth could not be libel.

69) In colonial legislatures,

A) most eligible voters zealously exercised their right to vote.B) the right to vote was reserved for property holders.C) only a small landed elite had the right to vote.D) average citizens were usually elected to office.E) true democracy had arrived.

Page 15:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

70) The primary economic pursuit of early settlers in New France was

A) Farming.B) Fishing.C) Mining.D) Fur trapping.E) Rum manufacturing.

71) As a result of General Braddock’s defeat a few miles fro Fort Duquesne,

A) the British controlled the frontier.B) George Washington was left without a military command.C) the frontier from Pennsylvania to North Carolina was open to Indian attack.D) General Braddock was forced to leave the military .E) the British called off their planned invasion of Canada.

72) Virtual representation meant

A) almost all British subjects were represented in Parliament.B) every member of Parliament represented all British Subjects.C) colonists could elect their own representatives to Parliament.D) Parliament could pass virtually all types of legislation except taxes.E) each member of Parliament represented only people in his district.

73) The most drastic measure of the Intolerable Acts was the

A) Quartering ActB) Quebec ActC) Sugar ActD) Courts ActE) Boston Port Act.

74) The First Continental Congress was called in order to

A) consider ways of redressing colonial grievances.B) become a legislative body.C) write the Declaration of IndependenceD) decide which of Parliament’s taxes the colonies would and would not pay.E) help implement provisions of the Quebec Act.

Page 16:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

75) The Olive Branch Petition

A) was passed by Parliament.B) was an expression of King George III’s desire for peace.C) promised no treason charges if colonist stopped fighting.D) was an attempt by the colonists gain support of Native Americans.E) professed American loyalty to the crown.

76)The resolution that “These United Colonies are, and of right ought to be, free and independent states…” was introduced into the Second Continental Congress by

A) Patrick HenryB) Thomas JeffersonC) John AdamsD) Richard Henry Lee.E) Thomas Paine.

77) The basic strategy of the British in 1777 was to try to

A) control the Delaware Valley.B) invade the southern colonies.C) isolate New EnglandD) hold the cities and let colonists control the countryside.E) isolate the South.

78) After the British defeat at Yorktown,

A) the fighting continued for more than a year.B) the war ended within a month.C) the French withdrew their assistance as it was no longer needed.D) King George III decide to end the struggle.E) Spain finally entered the war on the American side.

79) Britain gave America generous terms in the Treaty of Paris because British leaders

A) realized that they had been beaten badly.B) wanted to help Spin as well.C) had changed from Whig to Tory.D) were trying to persuade America to abandon its alliance with France.E) feared continued war might lead to a lose of their Latin American colonies

Page 17:€¦  · Web viewGreene - King’s Mountain. Gage – Bunker Hill. Howe – Long Island. Clark – Charlestown. Montreal - Montgomery. Author: Ted Gehring

80) Which of the following Generals is NOT matched with the correct battle?

A) Greene - King’s MountainB) Gage – Bunker HillC) Howe – Long IslandD) Clark – CharlestownE) Montreal - Montgomery