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Media Kit Includes:Book Summary 2


Author FAQs 6

Author Bio & Contact 9

The Big Alpha in Town

Three hot stories about three sexy shifters from a trio of today's hottest paranormal romance authors, headlined by bestselling authors Eve Langlais and Milly Taiden!

Bearing His NameMeeting his mate should have been cause for celebration. There’s just one teeny tiny problem. Jade thinks Ark might have impregnated her sister. He didn’t, but convincing Jade is going to take a bit of honey.

Owned by the LionKeir’s been told to stop playing the field and settle down—difficult advice for a hard and hot man with a lion’s heart to follow. But his sights have always been set on Ally. She’s his mate, plain and simple. With her sweet and delicious curves, she’s nothing but sugar and trouble all rolled into one. But he’s known her and sparred with her for years. She’s his best friend’s little sister, and it’s going to take a whole new level of convincing that he’s the mate for her.

No Need Fur LoveMoving with his pack to the tiny town of Stanley, Idaho has Owen Courtney a little on edge. With literally no women in sight, Owen will be lucky to find a date, let alone his true mate. But you know the saying about a werewolf walking into a bar…

Gorgeous wood nymph Mia Oliver is on a mission: Find a suitable male to get her good ‘n pregnant and provide her with an heir. But when Mia decides to pick up a gorgeous and oh-so willing werewolf at the bar, she realizes she might be in over her head. …

Store links Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/Big-Alpha-Town-Eve-Langlais-


Kobo: https://www.kobo.com/us/en/ebook/the-big-alpha-in-town

iBooks: https://itunes.apple.com/us/book/the-big-alpha-in-town/id1294299986

Barnes and Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/the-big-alpha-in-town-eve-langlais/1126974683

More: http://evelanglais.com/wordpress/book/the-big-alpha-in-town/


Anti-hero Bad Boy Romance Dark Humor Paranormal Romance Romantic Comedy Shapeshifter Romance

The Big Alpha in Town FAQs1. What did you enjoy best about this series?

The anthologies I've been doing with St. Martin's Press are awesome because it means I get to be paired with epic authors like Milly Taiden and Kate Baxter. I get to introduce them to my wicked readers and vice versa. Which more means more fun reading for everyone.

2. Can you tell us a little about your story in this anthology?

My story, Bearing his Name, is over the top romance. This romance is meant to make you giggle, maybe even roll your eyes because the hero is such a meathead. In a good way lol. It starts with everyone thinking he might be the baby daddy of mate's sister. Except Jade doesn't she knows she's his mate or that he's a shapeshifting bear. Convincing her to love him is a bit of a wild ride.

3. What should we expect in this story?

There is action, humor, drama and of course, sexy times. It's a fun bite sized read that will make you smile.

4. What is your hero/heroine like?

Ark is a Greek bear who is a lovable meatball. He's that gentle giant, with the heroine. Anyone else, watch out. His heroine, Jade, is the older sister who takes care of everyone. She doesn't want to fall for the guy she thinks got her sister pregnant, but can't help herself. And when she finds out he's also a bear...Giggles.

5. What is your favorite scene in this story?

“I said can I help you? On second thought, I don’t care why you’re here. What ever it is, I’m not interested.” She went to slam the door, and he snapped out of his stupor long enough to insert a hand in the door.

Crunch. Apparently his fleshy doorstopper wouldn’t stop her from slamming his fingers. Repeatedly. And when he didn’t remove them, she threw herself against the door in an attempt to ram it shut.

Ouch. Not something he uttered aloud. Hello, he was a bear not a puny man.

“Are you done trying to amputate my fingers?”

“Take. Them. Out. Then,” she huffed as she kept pushing at the door.

“Not until we talk.” And maybe kiss. He wasn’t averse to groping either.

“I don’t talk to crazy dudes at my door.”

“I’m not crazy; I’m Greek.” The statement gave him plenty of leeway to behave. Such as playing the part of arrogant alpha male.

“Go away.” She reared back and thumped the door.

She’ll hurt herself. He couldn’t allow that. He withdrew his fingers and the door slammed shut. A loud click sounded as it was bolted too.

A grin stretched his face. Playing hard to get. He loved a challenge.

Knocking, he waited. And waited. When she didn’t reply, he leaned close. “I know you’re there. I can hear you breathing.”

“You cannot.”

Actually, he could, but he could see why a cute little human like herself wouldn’t understand his special power.

“I am sorry if I startled you.” In his defense, she startled him first.

“Apology accepted. Now go away.”

“I can’t. I need to talk to you.” Talk, touch, taste. Possibly in that reverse order.

“I have nothing to say to you.”

“I disagree.” They had many things to talk about such as where they’d live after the wedding. How many cubs they’d have. He was thinking a half dozen but was open to more if she insisted.

Another knock only netted him some heavy breathing. Hers not his. She too found this whole courtship exciting.

Since she didn’t seem inclined to open the door, he pulled out his lock picks. It might seem like an odd thing to carry around, if you didn’t know his family. Usually he’d have even more tools, however the airport frowned on so many things these days; crowbars, machetes, blowtorches. Explaining he had to use them in his quest for new flavors of honey, straight from the hive, failed to sway them.

The basic lock didn’t take long to pick and keeping the tips of his tools in the hole meant she couldn’t reengage it. A twist of the handle saw the door move only an inch before she slammed against it.

“I’m coming in,” he announced.

“Oh no you’re not,” she snarled.

Did she dare him?

I accept.

6. How is this book related to the other "Beast Size Anthology" books?

My stories are interlinked which means, while you can read each one on its own, the world building in each is the same, and you'll see references to characters from previous or upcoming books. I am also very naughty in that the very last bit of the epilogue introduces you to the next book/couple.

FAQS ABOUT EVECan you tell me a little about yourself?

My name is Eve Langlais and I am a Canadian writer currently residing in our nation’s capital, Ottawa. I’ve been writing since 2009, and published since 2010. Initially, I began my career writing for four small e-presses, but have since then moved on to self-publishing, as well as signing a deal with St. Martin’s Press. I’ve had several of my indie titles hit theNew York TimesTodaylists, which was really exciting.

What kind of books do you write?

I am a romance writer, who tends to flip between science fiction romance and paranormal. I love to let my imagination go wild and have a blast creating new worlds and rules for my creations. Readers often comment (and giggle) because of my heavy use of humour and sarcasm in my stories. I love a little laughter, or in some cases a lot lol, with my romance.

Is writing your full time job?

I am a full time writer at this point in my career, working anywhere from 60 plus hours, 7 days a week, but I love it.

What was the first moment you knew you wanted to write?

When I was a kid, I loved to scribble down stories. I excelled in my creative writing class and had dreams of writing something epic. Then real life interfered for 20 years lol. But, I think that break gave me the life experiences I needed to make my stories believable – hot.

How did you get started writing romance novels?

I began writing on a dare from my husband. It happened just after Christmas in 2009. In my mid thirties, a mom of three, and working from

home as customer service rep and webmistress, I turned a lot to books for entertainment. I was a happily ever after junkie, and I was tired of reading stories that went in directions I hated. My husband dared me to do better and I hate it when he wins. Needless to say, more than 100 books later, he’s very proud of himself for challenging me.

What is your approach to writing?

When it comes to writing, I am a pantster. I don’t outline and tend to let the characters tell me where the story is going, although I do have notes about my characters and the world scattered all over my desk. It’s a fun way of writing because they take me in directions I never expected.

What is a typical writing day like for you?

I am very structured when it comes to sitting down and getting words written. I write Monday to Friday starting from just after 8am until at least 11 am or noon. If I’ve not hit my word count goal of the day, then I write again after lunch. My weekly goals are usually to get 15-25K words written. I’m very regimented in that respect lol.

Where do you get your ideas?

Anything and everything can influence my brain lol. While I prefer pure silence when writing, if I’m in the car and hear Styx Mr. Roboto, I totally want to go home and write cyborgs. Seeing animals on television, especially silly ones, makes me want to write shifters. It doesn’t take much to fire my imagination.

For me it’s the odd things that will strike me and make me go what if… For example, my idea forAn Alpha Purrsabout after a haircut. For some reason the oddest idea popped in my head. I wondered what would happen if a hairdresser cut a lion’s mane? Because in my world, lions are so vain, lol.

What do you like to read?

My first author crush was Stephen King. I gobbled up his early work like a starving reader, and then I discovered Johanna Lindsay and went on a romance reading rampage. She was the one who made me discover Science Fiction romance with Warrior’s Woman.

My dear friend Darynda Jones writes with amazing humor. The team of Ilona Andrews are autobuys for me as well because they have taken their world building to such a fantastic level.

If I’m looking for great urban fantasy, I go to Jim Butcher. Mystery is Tess Gerritsen. Hot hunks written by someone else, Laurann Dohner.

Where do you see yourself and your characters in five years?

I see dozens of new faces added and new worlds. I see my ass still parked in a chair while the voices ride me making sure I tell their story.

Do you have a favourite amongst all your characters, world or series?

Lucifer, that big bad devil from my Hell series is probably my all time favorite. As to why? He’s evil. He doesn’t even pretend to be good, and his unwilling affection for his family is hilarious. In general, he is so entertaining and wickedly lovable you can’t help yourself.

Which of your books would you recommend as a starting point for new readers?

There is no one perfect book for everyone. It’s why I write diverse series from aliens, to cyborgs, to shifters, to demons… Some of them are chock full of humor (Alien Abduction,Lion’s Pride), others have a strain of darkness to them (Pack,Point). What a reader chooses should be about what caught their eye. Find something that seduces the curious reader in you.

What can readers expect when they open one of your books?

I can promise it will be fun, probably humorous and most of all romantic, because I love a happily ever after.

What have been some of your fan-favourite characters?

The favorite shifter would have to be Boris the moose. He is a grumpy fellow with a big rack, but despite that, gun toting Jan, who loves to wear heels and pearls, still fell for him.

And then there was Lucifer who began as a secondary character in my Hell books but kept stealing the show. Writing evil characters is always fun.

ABOUT EVE LANGLAISEve Langlais is New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Canadian author who writes hot romance with a bit of a twist. She is hybrid

published through her own indie published titles, some small e-publishers, and a deal with St. Martin’s Press.

Eve has a twisted imagination and a sarcastic sense of humor. She is well-known for her shifter stories, but also is partial to demons, aliens, and cyborgs. Despite her adventurous stories, she swears that she is boring as a stay at home mom juggling three kids, a hubby, housework, and a mean game of Candy Crush.

Eve is the organizer of Romancing the Capital, Ottawa’s premier romance reader and writer event.

High resolution images can be found at: evelanglais.com/wordpress/media-kit

CONTACTEve LanglaisEmail: [email protected]

Website: evelanglais.com

Facebook: bit.ly/faceevel

Twitter: twitter.com/evelanglais

Newsletter: evelanglais.com/newrelease

Amazon: http://bit.ly/evelamz

Goodreads: http://bit.ly/goodreadseve

Romancing the Capital: orc.evelanglais.com