,: v'j:ng'l'i -...

.. " < •• ',' " ',' t ",' " '.- ,: - .... '"" ' . •• ... .-.. ,. "" -: .;",. -, ", ... - " '- ... , . , . . , .' . ,., .' ',1 ' ," ," , , , , ',-, : . . .. c __ , , •• __ , , Aspens Earty eyer)' . "Uke .. tid." Alpena lluhthllr IUfer .OltOI4 nata'·...ld•• · , '. -., , Uter, b1 the _ummel' .. in rODs ot l1'itln• .lJ1:Iens rUle UllJ mo11i1t&tn. u .. qu-,J;l. "t b' 1-" 1"Ii ..."'t ..... ' 11 , " Btl" ''T D1 u. vv",wI' · 'I'helOjlUy. lSpendtbtUt tt. 'ro.i theIr .olcleh TO each Btti ••• , , Sooa..to ru, theb" to-lit; 'Shotn of clotl1ot '014: 1J.'1ltr ,mUIt. nudel)' IJdy .. Thro.... bU1. "Iatlf'. , ·'.alu..o y " , . i;, , ;- " , '; \ .. ; " " " . . .... . '-' , . " '1' ,.'. '. l' , ; f, ". - ' , ''''''.\ - " , . ale .. , ... , ., .'/:".,," V'J:NG'L'I C·OUNT'y ;.', ',:,L".',i,,, 1,t..&.I,)_,-t'_lB" •• ,-, .4s.o·., __ .,':,{.,';.,-.j. ,.-,¢.\,.,.. :> ... ,.----·',JI,I,·:: .' .... -' -,_-S, I'- (jJ·.fiJ;ii.i,,'.:', l .. ,,'n·,'" ", ,,4,A' __ I"'- .. , , "i,-j ",-,,,'_4t,._,, ,:,:-:, ...Jt.-: :,,',,4£;';';. ,.\,1, II. II ... 1 __ ... ,, __ ;'1'01 .... " ..' ",' '. . 'It.UJ.D.QSO, NmW :M.EXJCO;. 1i"RIJ).4'\'r, OOTOBl!lll U, tQi9· " ... .PRIOE: FIVE (lENTS ..... .. J' 11-0 _(. ,,_a _" .. x 1._., '- " .' _f -, j I ; , 'w 4 ," __ ".. ; p-" - !' I I II' -. .. - ' ' ,,-.' l' t ','.. '.' ,s "" :-;,. - -,' -".- 'c", .. ,_)\,.,,:-- -. " ", " .',. """,--.-.-",,'-'- ".-- < -,,-,- , •• :'.. ','. ,.-."." ,,""- •• b""'"''''_''' __,," .--_. '. _ .. _,.,v.:; ." .•.. - "" __, . , , . Saturdaynisbt the Ruidoso 'Legion POM and the. .' The. Ruidoso High School Wnrdor$ play their .final' home 'Post NQ. 48 will .})e, joint flponsors of . pf the seaaon here today. the Artesia B eleven. A Pf()gJ:M1 of Imlhul daMes and 4 puhUc the Ruidoso . 2;30. The contest Illis beln designated as Homecoming GlUtle mld nmll11J;llas $ubscdption ,progfaIP to benefit the ilia 1949 Football Queen, elected by membere of the squa.d, will be .. ",,; ., .. . *Memorial Gymnaaium Fund, " . '\ , ,. -*introduced pdor to the tull 00 .... R' ' rt F the Warrl()r. WOll tum,"wUl give ..,hQrt ' ,.po ,, ,rom thoU-fourth pme pf the tb.,lr·-program, in Of Hlahway' 170 Tatum .21 t9 o. AU Stlrve GrocetY In downtown M' ,, t I Inl' VIM' done In the JlCCQl,ld qu.po. dOlfO at '1 p. Jl1? At 1:80 the tUll PrOoo Annqal ee . after the two toMUI hlld pla)/'td rram will ,tart at. the &Y.iU and,.' . fairly twenly during the InlUal wU the folJowlngl A report trom. the September penod. The flr.t to\lcbclown. WaI, INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A ... mo.de Qn a beautiful p .... frOQl HI.laty ottho Mescalero Apache soclatlon Meeting in Alamogordo Wade H'edgecoketo Dl1ve Para' · rnhe ..... -Ill "' ' .......... " mal"," J... It}dl,IUlIf In. SliD Language - .' ; I has.been received by the Ruldolo from the Ooyo«l a:s. 1>.. 'Ie g..th.rtcl .... .-.. _ ...... ... .. .' ,. Chamber of Commerc& and man,. hi tho o\l'al on the 20 tbl ,:Rn,1ldoao tomorroW' for the Dlwtrlct year.old. 'Wl11fo Magoo.h , Sr., prOo- .t', i facti are of general tntereat to nortb sIdeline, but back (ow.rel Club Convention and th' .entlng thl. blatol')' In. .• 1gn IQ.. thoso lnterested tn the promotion thctoJ)poslto side ot tltld, piC\''' . FY..t\lre }J:ornettuLktl" .of .America. guag'" with narration and explana... ; l -= ot tho crOll country road. Ing lip excellent .. 'blocklnl'. 'anI! •• !f'Onto-!,1 too; Tria. Hom Danc.r.. ..:_ ....:t._ ..__ ...... "... nUldodBO turned tn $150.00 In swlvel·hlpped hl. WI.Y Into pq, ...•e:..un. tnera .ou .... - ....... -".., annualUe. at the meeUDs, more db't .tandlnG' up. Hedgocoktt pow ... N'.K.ILI. w111 .ddre.. tht Woman'. Hoop Dance.., M ....s Ann Blood.worth, .txteen In comY\ n rllon t'" .' .... t .... wn and d f th l- . f ..... I.tt .. Olub and Dr. E. M. TOWUtnd. of :Eugene Ob Ih u ahu a, Horn ",.. v U.u " '" ore over or e ex ."" po..... A t .. , Ft. S ... -ton· th_ ". ',. 'D.n. __ 0'1.1'" yeal" old daughter ot )(r. and Mn. population than lome of the the next kickoff, nuldo.o !1'& .. UUl _.. "'" Fast W Dan T H. O. Bloodworth of Ruldolo,"" otbers represented as can be .een tum nod agaIn took ()vor ."Ub ttanCUn'" l:ntln, and ",m &lve UHlr. A1" Cf. chosen 1940 Football "'ueen b.Y C tl.A f 'rCI d k"" Y.. 1 n.. b. anA Ie ( ••om eth1n c tQ. take botpe Eu8tt!.ce Fatty's Horn Dancer.. "'4 ( on nulDU on P.. It .) , #<;, e ... gcco "" A"Al'_ '"" - "nd m ....... "y .A ...... t. . Apache 8 &r Panel. . tho tho, Wardor team .. ;) t Veator powering. and, Ut- tOrJX1..r .. UJ. and w111 be prc8cnl.cd tbl. after- '. WAnt o'v"r 0 co qu· Ic'·..Ana ... ·#t---- , . . '..L.. San RanclaU'II HQlD. Dancors. 'l< HI h 54 M t " "" n... ... ......... n .", ...- .f no dD noon uefore tho same. . 8 way . ee tbe Coyote 10.· Htdc.ecok. .,ata r Robert R ·P.ebl..<Bobby,· to Ho:c. Horn DLacer.. Tho lovely brown eyed brunette, Oct b 28th ..a&L cOnverted on & run pll.Y. 'rM . I, Untoln COUl'lk.) th. ion. ot JIr. and Special Ho D .• h .. the Jun.. tiny and petlte 11 VICG-p18l1dent 0 er· .' -lI5;JUI ecore was made by WaYne. Lew. -"" "'¥ of her Junior 0Ia.. and popular EI D K th 'l' t·· .... J ht t ktt In.. '.1 It .... Hlnry Pe.bl •• or Nopl 1( .. Jor Crown DGcen.10 y.ar. of a,1 ·throu"'hout th'" .chool. ora:o ansas over e' a ....... r.c. ac ,'W W4 took mne l'1bbotl. at th. Ntw Xu- and under. ... &> ;, , ,Btconda rematD1nc In the tIt,.t leo atat, Fall' wJth: bJ.ltazilbo1iDlet Grand 11w.. ' , Tbo annual meetlnr: ot the Na- Jack Venter added. the extra polAt ahtep ••• and .. .,ae1\ Thl. program ot duet., fIo.Crt!dDlstrlct6 F.H.A. tlonal Hl,hwa,. 54. AI.oclaUoD I t l h n:t.. 0 U 'h the, eenter ot tb, Coyot, bon "'u in .. difterlllt 41M4'. •• to the people of the tribe, bai ))tIn Mis'·' Rul· d 1 Id lED d __ ft " .' : _* pruented In Averal lar.. elUt' ... " II . '. 'OSO wi 1 bo be nil I_ o:a 0, SUbaUtute. pl&)"ed much ot tht In re.lponM to the fnquiry lq. tbla In the SoUthWelt tlnCI s.pt.m'ber AllDay Satbr4ay Bah8, October ... 8th th , ... iHth t I w .ccond halt tor the Warrior .. Two ,., '. . .. 2nd In. tbeaef!ort.t ot the Ketca1'ro cadquartcrs' at . e 0e .AI. touchdown. bv Veatcr wer. caltt4 coluxnn Jut cone.nunl' tbt Apacht Iildla.nl ,to ra1M tuna. to Tho annu111 meettnt' otDlItrlct Dorado. " .. '" t:\urcbue ()f Skyland land aA4 th' build tor the benefit of their PtQPl. 6 0 of tbo Futuro Boxnema1Cera of Plane are bolD« made now for back becan.e of penalUe. In th. 11- .... f ltl PUo Time. 20 ,.eara alO *Om, the proposed Itemorlal Gymna .. , America wltl be 'held a.t the Home- tho' program and cntortalnment n.l quarter. Coach Cy Lelan4 UMd .. \ lntfll'lItlng ... 1&<:11 have been un· alum. All number. will h.v. tor Cottage on the Ruldolo and will be announced lloon. 22 men durIng th. pm.. '.l'he War.. \. Mftbed ••• .An Arthur Smadback background mUllo t1!elr tom·tom lItsh School Campus Saturda,. Th .nteretJted In RI,hw," 54 rlor doteMe continued to futl.cUon ot NeW' York Clly ba.d pun:bued rhythtn.s and the chant. bf ,th. October 16th. . O!l() .. kl .th . the Jand 40wn that '''Wa)' from th., ttlbe. GonleYiovo 11en8101. J)reJldcnt 'Who plan on 10In«a1'e- to bplendld1y. this game mar nc,.e , Crf' Eltate ••• He entire<! 1n.to the program everyone ot the Ruidoso' Chapter, and 'flc&- rcserYaUonl now dlrect."ltl1 fourth In whlcb nuldOIO } tbedea1 to .. 11ft with the 11:1 PUO will be Inylted to stay for dancInc president of the nt_t.rJct announc- h..- held Ita opponenLt scoret .... Tim..... an4 Ed WlUlamJ, then to Ute mU!lc or the uJdudeal Bud· cd (!onvenUon plan...... toUows tor clUes trom Ohlcago 111lnol. to OD1y Eunice, w!lf) handed tb, - matlCa.i'rler up hire, handled the dies", a weatern bJ.nd from Hono- Saturday. EI P () '1' xu' rlors their one deC.at, h .. bt4a buslnwatthlt end ••• I:dt,th man .Army Air {;'feW at AlamOoo Tho theme of tho enUre con- . as, e ablo to fathom the .trong det.na SbeeblU1bu rtctlpt.t, .tc., gordo. vontlon "NUl bo "JmproTlnl Our In Lincoln County Hflhwat U let up by the Blue.tld Gold. . .!l!owW. their of nl11t . In Ruidoso Dr. Don Snyder and Cbapter" with a rerlstraUon eof· begins abovo Corona and loet In- After today's pml h,r-, U1. on ".Besoma ao-d" on Aprll Of Ula.nd have Juan Bal- teo at 8;30 'P.m., ovenlnr the to tho 'tularosa Hlrhway In Otero WarrJors plaS" In Hatch nut ·trrJ. I, IG2S, and th- 1tl Pal() TUp ... donado. 3r .. of Jl'escalero .In. mak- mCClUng. Mr. J. H. MorrIs, 8upor· County. An tntereltcd r:roup day afternoon at 2:10. '1'b. aqua4 '1'he)' ata.rted 'mmed!aleco11atrUC- Hi. ,arrangement&. 'I'he tickets tor lntcndent of Ruldoso-Stetlon work constantly to get thllare. bu been a JPeell1 In.vl,,, UOfi ••• and abe Ii d.Ul U ....ng tn the BUblJcrJpUon progt&tJ:1 &r& on Sehool DIstrict w111 gh'f) Ute weT- paved tor tho benefit of their 1m· tatlon by Coach V.ugbn. Corley ot thatotlg1n*lhome. 111- lob sale now. coming address boforo approxl- medlato area as wcll as the whole the New Jl'cx1co A"lle. to .M the . h1clU4h2rltlterut ••• /I. fnt .'. (Continued on Pafe f) ot Highway 64. , ,. oi\gglo Freshman game with, th. of the othlra 'Who bou,ht lobi at. " " ' ' .. ' .. , .. ,, '.. , "., New Mexico UnlvetlJlly FteabJ:l,M1:l th.. t time and ate IIUlI livIng there Report 1I18sai 27 hA Ie· Of Al In Lu Cruce/j Ji'rlda)/' nlabt. Thty CbatUe Weemt, CharU. Culnr, Game "0" Wa'r'den' . t nnua onvenhon Istnct I wllJ remain In Cruce. ollemllht, R. L. HaUada1', ColtJli*n J'07ce, J d' dW 'C'I' b Of N returning Sat",rday momln, wIth Ctau4e :Peteraon,. Fred ltontoya, An *p"'ea1 wu made- to aU Fe erate omen 5 U S ew 0 brier 8topOver at White Banc1a. and n. l!1 Gatflw()()(J. SOme .added .' N" . . .' ". Id.d d Crocb Corley and Uland 'WaN- ta thC!tr ""J¥n_. l ... to. 8!Jommen {o4IlY to report to the MexIco, To Be He In RUI oso Sotur ay team·mates In blgh achOol at Lubo- til' they were- oUertd fUrlhtr loU ne&fMt, xame warden. an,. t'relhlY , bock, TeX&!. · t' If th'· ." ••U,Lo. " . killed mega! .ame durIng any of , .1.. Co· r.:t rth D·' •. r tl N Th 1 . 111 h .... _Nt. a 9<1'0< '. fJY1 more tho hunting susons The 27m i1IJnual Dventlon of the rOO· 1!trIct 0 10 el't e $l't or. w a.", & ...... - tbm one. An offer Uk. that today .... .. 0·" "1' 1'.:'_..J •. f W 9 C' b·' ·d· . 0 end 'Off following the Hateh g&tnt would <:a "land. 'tUJh'" In.. thtl According tota.teame. War· n eXtCO reueratlon 0 .o:men 5 S opem Il!ur ay c- bflC&WJ8 ot the Slaw area w11lch b't114 au:rpu. the eau,den. Eillott Barker, tbexam8 U tober 15th, at the NavajO Lodge In RUIdoso WIth the RUidoso and Meetlng. Their final game of the" I' .... Jet _._", reported earl,.- enough be Gl . ..... - Ie h t!S tub . . I Ul 1 C IbUt ·40tJh. &0 olnged ,and the meat ginn to cncoe vnapre as . os 9 C!. . .. regu at' sCallon W IJO:I n ap . . .. . -'k- II .' . . cbarltable SnstltuU01U. SpotUinen .' lIugh M. MIllon, If, outstandIng guest "puker of the Nov. 4. atolen wUdom -•• .A.dQS". tall ar6 letUMted not to .attempt to Aftemoon, from the Jlexko¥o. .. .., ,,, . .. 0.. (Continued: on Page mO\'5 [email protected]«Ultt.ryIn.tlt U le,nonieU,'W!Ugl v .by repOrbiftom<:omtn lttflet . ap- T·· *. b' I H·d ..' k·· ,- ---_--.,;""y. bltdl, but Itther luch .. thfrty-mlnutfl ddre.. on ''World pointed. during the tDohUDS bOard rim e- e geco e blatters to a «amewArllen and it CrI.l, and You/, at a p. m. T' k' Sh· t Md"" . the m.eat Is treahlTkOted,. chad.. lJ'lom t:30 un.UI :10 o'olock the At nOOn luncbeon wlll be terved. ae 00 e as table"'"'t&UBelt maybenellt. executive ..,at meet. while In the Lodge dinIng room. Oeorg& 'l'dmble atid ll. , ,. ". ' ,. ,& ' ,. del.giLt.- Tegf.tet'. At 10 .. m. the 1.30 p. D:I. to 2 p. m. Uedrecoko ot the nuldOio OWl Th W · th . "'ill fotmalty open 'With Uon or ntw ottleer. w»1 bt hlld. 01 b tt· d et thb F.r soutlt .. e ea er Lightner t>s.trIct. ImmelttateJt f,?UOwJng. thl.the at- wC:ter: nygeeXa;tcbelJ at P .. o, B 0, &. :CIdnr Jlr .. Joe L. amltb r vIe... fernoon aes.(on bi$(tij wlUi 1[1'& OCtobeq B.t. Tbl. WU big lUJi'. tt S De" r1'" . t f C pre,ldent; Jr(t'i Jl. Conway, RU!- B. J. lJonnell, prelfdmt. ot til. match 'Which J. attended by top . · »:reau dOllO pr8lfdtfit;1 and Itt.. JUdd Glencoe clUb, ,replacing 31m .booter. from ArtiaD., 'New XIX- 1 't1P!cat tau weathef tor' the Detttrlek, Btate ClUb Pr ••ldent, dOnwllY 0# the. bOard o( j)re.ldlnr leo and Tex.... . . .1 pan week "lth 111g1t .btu andPt.aldln,. . . oU1cottJ And ),,(r.. u. :nantY, Trimble third place .t I. lew .now t1akea- SuudaY _Iter,;" A bUlllneq ....Ion wul bt. 11.14 .=te \flee-president, w111 .JiG pro- ,ardlf. nectceeoft.. took fourth at Inool1 bY ttl(t uhU1 11 .. m. ".Ith i'tJ)Qrta. trom' .' .' . 200. y&rd& ott. hillel &.ct !oU.rtl1 In ot 'II degtea "ond.,- mondllr :Df.tt1ctoftleer,. :AttJ1e',tl4ofnttuded In. the t!1era,f4 nte al,reSltf, .. ."..11, wnhlbia:Ut IdUltlC ft .... .... tb{j meeUhg: )Ira •. W. GOddard grant!' .. b! )tl'll•. 1t4 .QuelC ," medal 1Jl thetotll .. . lIfClt bedlt of Ite,m. Park. :trill jive. tiUc, of 1m&: Rih.(,rsti,tfott,. &lcr.pte.,.. ."'. O<!t. "_ .. _ .." #t, .... ot Bumm.r thf CAPltanWoman'.-cnub, u4, The . .£1 ])• ..- . OCt., ......._,.. _ 11 *1.00 :1MO:' . Kr. VttnonAlt,tt ot. HOJl<lO ¥tl.lcb1 Kt •• w. etout at Gr'-on 'onlo! J;leIt ,rt:a •• l1ootl 111, I 'oar, C ..••. ' .... 'to ·.00' Slsn 8choolwiU then prhenttu ... Tr... .... . lh, 8outh" .. t anet.. t.ecordl ll , .to Oot. "1 ........... ...... -"0 ". .00 taa mlhu:ta ot \floUt! b)tWe. c .... '. tbe JilYlf&tlOf1 to thOHaUendin" 111f' on. wa. litO Oct.! ""'."' •. __ '111'J ·00 'At 1:10· 1m. ;)'udd xm.UtiCk .wlU .mso:. CObVt11Ucm ·04 tht r.port of eUI»tlon to tht t"", 1Ir." .e, OCt. J ::::::;u: II .U: :ooad4t ... U1. ''Thti't4tl''li'' ot offlotr. th*conytl1t1Oil1;J:ua •. ad I)t .. tr of' OCt 10 ......_.: .... "Sl.OOtlqa.$cIl'Vk:t." 'Win .bt" loUOWf4. ot4 ..... __........... Iooiiiooii ............. ........ , '! " . \ -- .,. .. Mrwnrtit' " 137- . F' ..... -.,_ :;;-".-# - ' ... " .... " ••. ·.--'_h .• _.... .. ", '""._r_.' __ ." __ ..... _ •. __ , _.

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Page 1: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful


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AspensEarty eyer)' APi'll~ .

"Uke .. ~~11J1' tid."Alpena lluhthllr IUfer.OltOI4 nata'·...ld•• ·

,'. -.,


Uter, b1 the _ummel'..~Clad in rODs ot l1'itln•

.lJ1:Iens rUle UllJ mo11i1t&tn.Re~ll u .. qu-,J;l.

" t b' 1-" 1"Ii..."'t.....' ~ 11, "Btl" ''T D1 u. vv",wI'· 'I'helOjlUy. lSpendtbtUt tt.'ro.i theIr .olcleh to~eD,j

TO each 'Y.~t Btti•••

, ,Sooa..to ru, theb" to-lit;'Shotn of clotl1ot '014:

1J.'1ltr ,mUIt. nudel)' IJdy..Thro....bU1. "Iatlf'. ~4.-,




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. , .'/:".,," ",c~'~S;'~'RV'J:NG'L'I 'N~i'() 'L)~f"' C·OUNT'y ;.',',:,L".',i,,, 1,t..&.I,)_,-t'_lB"•• ,-, 'i_~.'. .4s.o·.,__ .,':,{.,';.,-.j. ,.-,¢.\,.,.. :>... ,.----·',JI,I,·:: .' .... -' -,_-S, I'- (jJ·.fiJ;ii.i,,'.:', l .. ,,'n·,'" ", ,,4,A' __ I"'- .. , , "i,-j ",-,,,'_4t,._,, ,:,:-:, ...Jt.-: :,,',,4£;';';. ,.\,1, t~_ II. II ... 1 __... ,, __ ;'1'01 .... "

VQt~U:c~N~. J~;t. ..' ",' '. . 'It.UJ.D.QSO, NmW :M.EXJCO;. 1i"RIJ).4'\'r, OOTOBl!lll U, tQi9· " ... .PRIOE: FIVE (lENTS..... ~r ..J' 11-0 _(. ,,_a _" ..x 1._., '- " .' _f -, j I ; , 'w 4 ," __ ".. ; p-" - !' I I II' -. • .. - ' ' ,,-.' l' • • t ','.. '.' ,s'~~8' "" ,-,,~, :-;,. - -,' -".- 'c", .. ,_)\,.,,:-- -. " ", " .',. """,--.-.-",,'-'- ".-- _~T" < -,,-,- , •• :'.. ','. ,.-."." ,,""-•• b""'"''''_''' ,_'_~' __,," .--_. '. _ .._,.,v.:; ." .•.. - "" __,


, . Saturdaynisbt the Ruidoso 'A:mcd~ 'Legion POM and the. .' The. Ruidoso High School Wnrdor$ play their .final' home gam~.M~alero Afue~i~an ~giOjl 'Post NQ. 48 will .})e, joint flponsors of . pf the seaaon here today. ~gainst the Artesia B eleven. beg~ning .~A Pf()gJ:M1 of Imlhul daMes and 4 puhUc dan¢~'At the Ruidoso ,~ym. . 2;30. The contest Illis beln designated as Homecoming GlUtle mldnmll11J;llas ~. $ubscdption (7~1 ,progfaIP to benefit the M~alerQ ilia 1949 Football Queen, elected by membere of the squa.d, will be

. . ",,; ., .. . *Memorial Gymnaaium Fund, " . '\ , ,. -*introduced pdor to the ~llme.

Sbt~YInQlllP d"~'111 1~ tull 00.... R'' rt F ~.t ~ we~~ the Warrl()r. WOlltum,"wUl give ..,hQrt pl'~V11& ~t ',.po ,,,rom thoU-fourth pme pf the ~euon ~tb.,lr·-program, in tro~t Of ~lt.. Hlahway' 170 det~.tlnK Tatum .21 t9 o. AU ~()~Stlrve GrocetY In downtown ~u.l.. • M' ,, t I Inl' VIM' done In the JlCCQl,ld qu.po.dOlfO at '1 p. Jl1? At 1:80 the tUll PrOoo Annqal ee . t~r, after the two toMUI hlld pla)/'tdrram will ,tart at. the &Y.iU and,.' . fairly twenly during the InlUalwU Ib:1clucl~ the folJowlngl A report trom. the September penod. The flr.t to\lcbclown. WaI,

• INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful p.... frOQlHI.laty ottho Mescalero Apache soclatlon Meeting in Alamogordo Wade H'edgecoketo Dl1ve Para'

· rnhe..... -Ill "' ' .........." 4'~,mal"," J... It}dl,IUlIf In. SliD Language - '1~ .' ; ~iIIf I has.been received by the Ruldolo from the Ooyo«l a:s. 1>..'Ie g..th.rtcl.... .-.. _...... ... .. .' ,. Chamber of Commerc& and man,. hi tho o\l'al on the 20 ~.ar tbl

,:Rn,1ldoao tomorroW' for the Dlwtrlct year.old. 'Wl11fo Magoo.h, Sr., prOo- .t', i facti are of general tntereat to nortb sIdeline, but back (ow.rel<Worn~" Club Convention and th' .entlng thl. blatol')' In. .•1gn IQ.. ~ thoso lnterested tn the promotion thctoJ)poslto side ot ~be tltld, piC\'''.FY..t\lre }J:ornettuLktl" .of .America. guag'" with narration and explana... ; l -= ot tho crOll country road. ~ Ing lip excellent .. 'blocklnl'. 'anI!~ot!tv.ntlaon •• ·lPz:.b.~J~~Y'!f'Onto-!,1 too; tl~enl'U Tria. Hom Danc.r.. ..:_....:t._..__......"... nUldodBO turned tn $150.00 In swlvel·hlpped hl. WI.Y Into pq,

...•e:..un. tnera .ou.... - ....... -".., annualUe. at the meeUDs, more db't .tandlnG' up. Hedgocoktt pow...N'.K.ILI. w111 .ddre.. tht Woman'. Hoop Dance.., M....s Ann Blood.worth, .txteen In comY\n rllon t'" .'.... o· t ....wn and d f th l- . f..... I.tt ..Olub and Dr. E. M. TOWUtnd. of :Eugene Ob I h u a h u a, Horn ~ ",.. v U.u " '" ore over or e ex ."" po.....~ A t ..

, Ft. S...-ton· th_ ". ',. 'D.n. __ 0'1.1'" Dance~ yeal" old daughter ot )(r. and Mn. population than lome of the the next kickoff, nuldo.o ~.ld !1'&..UUl ~ _.. "'" Fast W Dan T H. O. Bloodworth of Ruldolo,"" otbers represented as can be .een tum nod agaIn took ()vor ."Ub

ttanCUn'" l:ntln, and ",m &lve UHlr. A1" Cf. chosen 1940 Football "'ueen b.Y C tl.A f 'rCI d k"" Y.. 1 n.. b. anA Ie( aU4Ie~c~••ometh1nc tQ. take botpe Eu8tt!.ce Fatty's Horn Dancer.. "'4 ( on nulDU on P .. It .) , #<;, e...gcco "" ~w., A"Al'_ '"" -

"nd m......."y .A......t. . Apache 8 &r Panel. . tho mcm~f tho,Wardor team .. ;) t Veator powering. and, Ut- tOrJX1..r.. ....~ UJ. and w111 be prc8cnl.cd tbl. after- ' . WAnt o'v"r 0 co qu·Ic'·..Ana ... ·#t----

, . . '..L.. • • San RanclaU'II HQlD. Dancors. 'l< HI h 54 M t " "" n... ............n .", ...-. f ~ no d D noon uefore tho same. . 8 way .ee tbe Coyote 10.· Htdc.ecok. .,atar Robert R ·P.ebl..<Bobby,· to Ho:c. ~~~:;. Horn DLacer.. Tho lovely brown eyed brunette, Oct b 28th ..a&L cOnverted on & run pll.Y. 'rM tln~

. I, Untoln COUl'lk.) th. ion. ot JIr. and Special Ho D.•~".' h .. the Jun.. tiny and petlte 11 VICG-p18l1dent 0 er· .' -lI5;JUI ecore was made by WaYne. Lew.,~J -"" "'¥ of her Junior 0Ia.. and popular EI D d· K th 'l' t··.... J ht t ktt In..'.1 It.... Hlnry Pe.bl•• or Nopl 1(.. Jor Crown DGcen.10 y.ar. of a,1 ·throu"'hout th'" .chool. ora:o ansas over e' a ....... r.c. ac ,'W W4

took mne l'1bbotl. at th. Ntw Xu- and under. • ... &> ;, • , ,Btconda rematD1nc In the tIt,.t balt~leo atat, Fall' wJth: bJ.ltazilbo1iDlet Grand 11w.. • ' , Tbo annual meetlnr: ot the Na- Jack Venter added. the extra polAtahtep ••• and 1arD~ • ~ .. .,ae1\ rl~ Thl. program ot duet., fIo.Crt!dDlstrlct6 F.H.A. tlonal Hl,hwa,. 54. AI.oclaUoD Itlhn:t..0•U'h the, eenter ot tb, Coyot,bon "'u in .. difterlllt 41M4'. • • to the people of the tribe, bai ))tIn Mis'·' Rul·d 1 Id lED d __ ft ".' : _* pruented In Averal lar.. elUt' ... " II . '. 'OSO wi 1 bo be nil I _ o:a 0, l~ SUbaUtute. pl&)"ed much ot tht

In re.lponM to the fnquiry lq. tbla In the SoUthWelt tlnCI s.pt.m'ber AllDay Satbr4ay Bah8, October ...8thth

, ... iHtht

I w ~l .ccond halt tor the Warrior.. Two,., '. . .. 2nd In. tbeaef!ort.t ot the Ketca1'ro • cadquartcrs' at . e 0 e .AI. touchdown. bv Veatcr wer. caltt4

coluxnn Jut ~weele cone.nunl' tbt Apacht Iildla.nl ,to ra1M tuna. to Tho annu111 meettnt' otDlItrlct Dorado. " ..'" t:\urcbue ()f Skyland land aA4 th' build tor the benefit of their PtQPl. 6 0 of tbo Futuro Boxnema1Cera of Plane are bolD« made now for back becan.e of penalUe. In th. 11-

.... f ltl PUo Time. 20 ,.eara alO *Om, the proposed Itemorlal Gymna.., America wltl be 'held a.t the Home- tho' program and cntortalnment n.l quarter. Coach Cy Lelan4 UMd

.. \ lntfll'lItlng ...1&<:11 have been un· alum. All number. will h.v. tor mBkln~ Cottage on the Ruldolo and will be announced lloon. 22 men durIng th. pm.. '.l'he War..\. Mftbed ••• .An Arthur Smadback background mUllo t1!elr tom·tom lItsh School Campus Saturda,. Th .nteretJted In RI,hw," 54 rlor doteMe continued to futl.cUon

ot NeW' York Clly ba.d pun:bued rhythtn.s and the chant. bf ,th. October 16th. . O!l() • ...~ .. kl .th .the Jand 40wn that '''Wa)' from th., ttlbe. GonleYiovo 11en8101. J)reJldcnt 'Who plan on 10In«a1'e- ur~t;n.l to bplendld1y. this game mar nc,.e

, Crf' Eltate • • • He entire<! 1n.to FoUowln~ the program everyone ot the Ruidoso' Chapter, and 'flc&- m"k~ rcserYaUonl now dlrect."ltl1 fourth eont~.t In whlcb nuldOIO} tbedea1 to ..11ft with the 11:1 PUO will be Inylted to stay for dancInc president of the nt_t.rJct announc- ~~~ro otr~o:e~r~~~~tlr~~~n~: h..- held Ita opponenLt scoret....~ Tim..... an4 Ed WlUlamJ, then to Ute mU!lc or the uJdudeal Bud· cd (!onvenUon plan...... toUows tor clUes trom Ohlcago 111lnol. to OD1y Eunice, w!lf) handed tb, W~- matlCa.i'rler up hire, handled the dies", a weatern bJ.nd from Hono- Saturday. EI P () '1' xu' rlors their one deC.at, h.. bt4a

buslnwatthlt end • • • I:dt,th man .Army Air {;'feW at AlamOoo Tho theme of tho enUre con- . as, e • ablo to fathom the .trong det.naSbeeblU1bu d"'~p rtctlpt.t, .tc., gordo. vontlon "NUl bo "JmproTlnl Our In Lincoln County Hflhwat U let up by the Blue.tld Gold. ..!l!owW. their p~ of nl11t . In Ruidoso Dr. Don Snyder and Cbapter" with a rerlstraUon eof· begins abovo Corona and loet In- After today's pml h,r-, U1.Jo~ on ".Besoma ao-d" on Aprll Of Ula.nd have UJlat~ Juan Bal- teo at 8;30 'P.m., ovenlnr the to tho 'tularosa Hlrhway In Otero WarrJors plaS" In Hatch nut ·trrJ.I, IG2S, and th- 1tl Pal() TUp... donado. 3r.. of Jl'escalero .In. mak- mCClUng. Mr. J. H. MorrIs, 8upor· County. An tntereltcd r:roup day afternoon at 2:10. '1'b. aqua4'1'he)' ata.rted 'mmed!aleco11atrUC- Hi. ,arrangement&. 'I'he tickets tor lntcndent of Ruldoso-Stetlon work constantly to get thllare. bu been ~xttr.\ld.d a JPeell1 In.vl,,,UOfi ••• and abe Ii d.Ul U....ng tn the BUblJcrJpUon progt&tJ:1 &r& on Sehool DIstrict w111 gh'f) Ute weT- paved tor tho benefit of their 1m· tatlon by Coach V.ugbn. Corley otthatotlg1n*lhome. 111- lob W~~ sale now. coming address boforo approxl- medlato area as wcll as the whole the New Jl'cx1co A"lle. to .M the .~.OO h1clU4h2rltlterut ••• /I. fnt .'. (Continued on Pafe f) ot Highway 64. , ,. oi\gglo Freshman game with, th.of the othlra 'Who bou,ht lobi at. " " ' ' ..' . . , .. , , '.. , "., New Mexico UnlvetlJlly FteabJ:l,M1:lth..t time and ate IIUlI livIng there Report 1I18sai 27 h A Ie· Of O· • Al In Lu Cruce/j Ji'rlda)/' nlabt. Thty~. CbatUe Weemt, CharU. Culnr, Game "0" Wa'r'den' .t nnua onvenhon Istnct ~ I wllJ remain In Cruce. ollemllht,R. L. HaUada1', ColtJli*n J'07ce, • J d' d W 'C'I' b Of N returning Sat",rday momln, wIthCtau4e :Peteraon,. Fred ltontoya, An *p"'ea1 wu made- to aU Fe erate omen 5 U S ew 0 brier 8topOver at White Banc1a.and n. l!1 Gatflw()()(J. SOme .added .' N" . . .' ". Id.d d Crocb Corley and Uland 'WaN-ta thC!tr hotdln~. ""J¥n_.~ l ...to. 8!Jommen {o4IlY to report to the MexIco, To Be He In RUI oso Sotur ay team·mates In blgh achOol at Lubo-til' they were- oUertd fUrlhtr loU ne&fMt, xame warden. an,. t'relhlY , bock, TeX&!.· t' ·~OO If th'· ." ••U,Lo. " . killed mega! .ame durIng any of , .1.. .~ Co· r.:t rth D·' •. r tl N Th W· 1 . 111 h.... _Nt.a 9<1'0< '. ~wO\.lKli. fJY1 more tho ~omlng' hunting susons The 27m i1IJnual Dventlon of the rOO· 1!trIct 0 10 el't e $l't or. w a.", & ......-tbm one. An offer Uk. that today .... . . S· 0·" "1' 1'.:'_..J •. f W 9 C' b·' S· ·d· . • 0 end 'Off following the Hateh g&tntwould <:a "land. 'tUJh'" In.. thtl According tota.teame.War· n eXtCO reueratlon 0 .o:men 5 l~ S opem Il!ur ay mo~nltlg, c- bflC&WJ8 ot the Slaw ~tacbera·area w11lch b't114 au:rpu. the eau,den. Eillott Barker, tbexam8 U tober 15th, at the NavajO Lodge In RUIdoso WIth the RUidoso and Meetlng. Their final game of the"I' .... Jet _._", reported earl,.- enough ~ be Gl . .....- Ie h t!S tub ~ . . I Ul ~- 1 C IbUt·40tJh. &0 ~WJUo olnged ,and the meat ginn to cncoe vnapre as . os ~ 9 C!.~. . .. regu at' sCallon W IJO:I n ap .

. .. . -'k- II .' . . cbarltable SnstltuU01U. SpotUinen .' C~neral lIugh M. MIllon, If, outstandIng guest "puker of the Nov. 4.atolen wUdom - • • .A.dQS". tall ar6 letUMted not to .attempt to Aftemoon, from the ~~w Jlexko¥o. . . .., ,,, . .. 0..

(Continued: on Page ~) mO\'5 [email protected]«Ultt.ryIn.tltUle,nonieU,'W!Uglv.by repOrbiftom<:omtnlttflet . ap- T·· *. b'I H·d ..'k··,- ---_--.,;""y. bltdl, but Itther ltntl'~pott luch .. thfrty-mlnutfl ddre.. on ''World pointed. during the tDohUDS bOard rim e- e geco eblatters to a «amewArllen and it CrI.l, and You/, at a p. m. 1I1eeUng.~-.... T' k' Sh· t Md"" .the m.eat Is treahlTkOted,. chad.. lJ'lom t:30 un.UI :10 o'olock the At nOOn luncbeon wlll be terved. a e 00 e a stable"'"'t&UBelt maybenellt. executive ~t'd: ..,at meet. while In the N~vaso Lodge dinIng room. Oeorg& 'l'dmble atid R~. ll.

, ,. ". ' ,. ,& ' ,. del.giLt.- Tegf.tet'. At 10 .. m. the li'to~ 1.30 p. D:I. to 2 p. m. ele~ Uedrecoko ot the nuldOio OWl

Th W ·th . ~on~entloit "'ill fotmalty open 'With Uon or ntw ottleer. w»1 bt hlld. 01 b tt· d et thb F.r soutlt..e ea er ,,~ Lightner J,..Bur,~·ll~~. t>s.trIct. ImmelttateJt f,?UOwJng. thl.the at- wC:ter:nygeeXa;tcbelJ at ~l P..o,

B 0, &. :CIdnr Vtelddent~ Jlr.. Joe L. amltbr vIe... fernoon aes.(on bi$(tij wlUi 1[1'& OCtobeq B.t. Tbl. WU • big lUJi'.tt S De" r1'" . t f C pre,ldent; Jr(t'i :t~ Jl. Conway, RU!- B. J. lJonnell, prelfdmt. ot til. match 'Which J. attended by top. · J:'t~~n»:reauom01er~ dOllO pr8lfdtfit;1 and Itt.. JUdd Glencoe clUb, ,replacing J(r~. 31m .booter. from ArtiaD., 'New XIX-

1't1P!cat tau weathef tor' the Detttrlek, Btate ClUb Pr••ldent, dOnwllY 0# the. bOard o( j)re.ldlnr leo and Tex.... . . .1

pan week "lth 111g1t .btu andPt.aldln,. . . oU1cottJ And ),,(r.. ~'.u. :nantY, Trimble too~ third place .t ,~OI. lew .now t1akea- SuudaY _Iter,;" A bUlllneq ....Ion wul bt. 11.14 .=te \flee-president, w111 .JiG pro- ,ardlf. nectceeoft.. took fourth atInool1 folIow~ bY ttl(t ~n'.low uhU1 11 .. m. ".Ith i'tJ)Qrta. trom' e~ .' .' . 200. y&rd& ott. hillel &.ct !oU.rtl1 Inot 'II degtea "ond.,- mondllr :Df.tt1ctoftleer,. :AttJ1e',tl4ofnttuded In. the aft.~OO21ptO" t!1era,f4 nte al,reSltf, .. ."..11,wnhlbia:Ut IdUltlC ft.... .... tb{j meeUhg: )Ira•. ~~ W. GOddard grant!' .. r~adlnrb! )tl'll•.1t4 .QuelC ," ~th p~ae. medal 1Jl thetotll. . . lIfClt ~ bedlt of Ite,m. Park. :trill jive. ~ tiUc, of 1m&: Rih.(,rsti,tfott,. m.~b«t &lcr.pte.,.. ."'.O<!t. " _ .._ .." n· #t, ~(i:Q·,;Q1tmp .... ot 'Jn~" Bumm.r .~. thf CAPltanWoman'.-cnub, u4, The. .£1 i'~(jbl':al'f'.n ])• ..-.OCt., ~......._,.._ 11 *1.00 :1MO:' .Kr. VttnonAlt,tt ot.HOJl<lO ¥tl.lcb1 Kt•• ~. w. etout at Gr'-on 'onlo! th~' J;leIt ,rt:a••l1ootl 111, I

'oar, C ..••. ' •.... 'to .~. ·.00' Slsn 8choolwiU then prhenttu... Tr... ....• . lh, 8outh"..t anet.. t.ecordlll, .toOot. "1 ........... •......-"0 ". .00 taa mlhu:ta ot \floUt! b)tWe. c.... '. Jr~ll4'W1ft~. tbe JilYlf&tlOf1 to thOHaUendin" 111f' on. wa. litOOct.! ""'."'•.__ '111'J ·00 'At 1:10· 1m. ;)'udd xm.UtiCk .wlU .mso:. CObVt11Ucm ·04 tht r.port of eUI»tlon to tht t"", 1Ir." .e,OCt. J ::::::;u: II .U: :ooad4t... U1. Jt(JQ~oJ:t ''Thti't4tl''li'' i.l~bQ ot offlotr. th*conytl1t1Oil1;J:ua .ooatbt~•. ad I)t..tr of'OCt 10 ......_.:.... "Sl.OOtlqa.$cIl'Vk:t." ~l. 'Win .bt" loUOWf4. *4oJW'U.~ood ot4 b.rdoo~PtUtloj1•




~ -- .,. ..Mrwnrtit' " ~,

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Page 2: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful









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:J'er AmouniConst«. !,fl1l 8taUoi1 ...,_~ ...__$ 200.00


F.I' Amount'1.'ranlp. .. u'''''''-- -u&nu.~~__ l , 3.73Capital Outlay .~Q_~._.=__ ... 37li.i2Trallsp. ....=---..~ ...._. < ,_ 14.08'orr.nlp. <t__~~""'_n"lr""$""'''_'_ 31.28l'ower EXI}. . "," ~ .•~ ,~.._ 1lljl.lJlI1>l1se. _. . . .."'.... N ..·' _ 33.(0Street Dept. Exp. __ . _. "'~...._ 24.8STtanlV. ~ '_3_r:ja , &>'1 •• 1;1-;,,··....... __ ..--u (l.1UMaltlt. ot Dlatrlb. .~...._ 0.75atalot. ot SUpply .._..._~~ .._ N' 63.1MfiJ(!. ._" ......t G ' ..e..... d ',••d· ' u....... 7.00MaJnt. of StlppJ)' ... _u' ."~ _~ 28Jj(}Malnt. ot D1ltrib. __.' __._. 3.00Malnt. ot Supply __ » _~. 30.00C'apltal OuUa)' _ U~ __ 1000r..ealn nental _ ~._w.. . :roo.ooMlec.. ~.~••_rs-."_"",__• $ _e-'-'''''_U' s, 0.00aUtc. ~. __~..::...--_.' 324.34MaJnt. (If Dlstrlb. __. ...... 25.00CapltalOuUar -...~ _.,,_. 101.20Power Expen.o;j_= .m.... 162.00illite'. ' it' n -. ; .... - '_1'1I'_..*" 35..55mti('<! EXpetlllC = ....=.. ... 1I1lJOAWnt. Mall SaJary .m. ~.~~_. 25000Bookkeeper Salary _~M'!H'=' _._ 103.80

Machine Operator _~ ,,~.___ 'l2.10capital ()uUa)' __. = _~p__ 07.33



•Total •. '1 J .. ~...,.~.",_ _$2.332.80

. . Graht Tot.l =.........__...._$3,891.10naB DICl'UTJdN~


ToDill DlnetCowe j: CoWAn)forgan, Chenon Sta.LualJln Oara,oComm. Pub. BYe.L. D. OlbJODWhite Auto -BtoreJim'. Auto Sye.lJarbee .WeJdln«Donnell'.f~rneat WoodII. :T. Baron Co.n. II. AndertonA. C. KeUl.'Y ,Weale)' BuuellH. N, Mor.auVillage of nuldollOEJ Puo NattJ. DankAllen DetaTeoHeney 31nfK. Co.COmrn. Pub. Bye. Co.<kor• ., Wetlt&J1L. F. Dt,TdenClaUde Petel'lODEdith BheehanVoid ~

LaTin S.ncJtes.Clowe .. Cowan


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1IIIIIIIIIIlI!III!!I!II!IIl1llllll!llll IIIIIIIlIIl!ll!ll!lJl!!l~.... !!II!..,.... ••..""", _ "!'!'.. _............... ...,...''7'......,..,....... 7,.,...".......,...'.'1":\........""", ~."..~.,'",,!!!..''!lilli,,1IIIIIlIII,.·.. ,. ; '.. '. - Il!I!"'!l ,.• '" . ,,- ".,' , ,., -'" .' ,. OJ

,.. ' '.'..• ' .. ' •..... , ,,' ..;:.• ':' ""-';' '. . ", ,j.' , ii' ..•.... ;""'1.";111'1 ~td..r.~Q""AU:·lU9',. 'f'f~;,1 ,:n-9tXDMO'''''''b 'f~I*!Pi;C?lt't.... " .ris pll, ;11"; ai., '",'·:-·r.,,,:,.,,,.,~..'J···;"r' .. 'I " ,,*", ,.'.,-'-.' ••• ,f,AU· #f'f..JIIIfI·n··,·,··",.., , " .

.. , •• ' _ ". ..... w· • r' I· • , . "

.. •. ts''''';'''1 ..,. Q ..•. Annou~u~OJnent 11••. lJeen·m..itamad~. a. ttlp:to)lO!S1'(eU to .t!8Q'r,pnd 'Pa.:)1.n'*J~PteJnber (:,,;

· lin. II. I, DQea., . ..JWD!i1) J.$4GO ." ,ot An area meetfJ1' ottb.~ AJJlerl·BlU'~ .'Wlt<, andine"bablPr1~. On .:nt~.ft .t~~lOAJl~\$.U 1J:IQJJ, lligh ti'1

· .. ,Xf', "0 ban a new ~ppl........ T"Ql 1:I .:.4In. W.. ~. ~&n Legion PO," at the Mescaleto thewa)" (lcrwn .we.detoured lloJ.1h~::::I.w::d~~i~~!J;Q.Rjori~~ '.. )", ' '"•• - .tt.·. 'n our town! ),frl, Lor•.On•.$nnIJora -.-•.• ,' ......"..." .. .8. Indian Agoncv:7.t .., 'ft._., ·SunAav , 0' 'Dn..d.... :n'Ul ·0 '00"" over tnt) 1 d th t h J'·iiI"'"io04~00ldnc and also 8t10. If..y MWJ. -..-_-.._........ 6 'Oet~ber litlJP ;~:n;,.:m,.klni\i'p a~t:i(;pe"'$lti;at1Q~ ,BUi"'b.8APet'.. ntr(nluee. ..e.eacets· ,and a l'.Pll~ tor ..t...t ller Itoro.Tb. MUi"4.r~,. -__--...--...... 5 , tbe area wl1ich 'Ym .. reprelJent- ntlt thIS ,.ell' .t~ hupt., IP- . that ve~lntereQUng )}rogl'4m. WI;I.8· ot- ~,(.tUft T,a4fnr Po.t, plu... Iy""Stink.r. ..-..--..-----~ G .... eclfnclude Corona. ClIortJ.zO;O. countr)'. We ,,~w ei$:htJ1eJ'~ .ndt(lre(l~.'l',!lQ .prov.a:eO:Dsl,ted of I'1<f04 .toek of grocetl.. 84e 11 Trying Uard _ __•__..__ G , Tularosa, Alamogordo;. Capitan. th~re WlllS not lel!lJ :tJ1aPI~enre'adtnga by ¥~. S.Cluck and ' 'I,,"p wtar1lnJ • nice .tock of $even-Ten _~~ """_"," 5, nuJdo.llo.and Yescalero. antelope in each Mtd. WI!!! (,IOunt-. :MelvYn Ferris" Ell~ti()JUS bY the' . f

~lIrJQt. Ii:uy _ark. .. 'G *'Some of the prominent leadera ed twenty-two InoQ.ehe~d.,' . ~lee ~lU: ;~d ..A ~l""n.o sol. dbY ~~;. .. RtUaer........------.....,.-- ,2 1 In tbe American Legion In' New 'I h d ·t t "of 'real ,bospltantt '.... fa.....·re , '., .rea.. ..e ~Jlma n er N

.. Mf. and Mr•• na,. Ta"lor ~ncl Bllh tbree game ...ne•• men. Mexico who wfllllotten4 thl'li1eet- I sat ,\~I:Sl:st week. Mr.MUt~ot tb.e evenlJ)~Wa.s IIpentln bridge ",4', :;14#1'11 attended tho Valr In n~ Pop Slmp.an, ~. lng are Lake Fra;tar, legl~lat1ve . n anp,. 'naSalS Cit . and ltlew¥-cl pl~~sant eonve~8"tlon. 'l'lC..l'>

.."w.oU, October 8, U't / 4Ijdn~. Hf,h ·three game "rle., women, elialrma.n; R,eed Mulkey, ~tlon..1. :~r~P,t~tT~~cip.y eve:l~g and stay.. · t1wo,~ndQ'Of~bbPl~r .1$. ~ndPrlodu:4Wt"f'Ontact tbem .. to t e r en 01 Betty Tully, '70. . '3xecuUve commltte~Jnan; botll.· t b '1 I1t. As \Ve landed' ,on~n 1'( ~ presen e. n t e ..• ,tlt but anyone that ~O" to Hlgb .lngle ~ame, men,. Pop men of Roswell: WaYne l!.lveretts, .:.~ ;:ce\V:dJ1 : friendly greeting ,latter part of tbta m.o~tb.1... ,..it &11'(." comes home well SlmpJOn, 212. 9.rea Cammander ot Catl.bad: th .... of the Regal' ."1'. . .

'.U.~led aDd load and tired. HIgh ,Inlle game, women, Betty Ead Stark, Dept. 4tllulant Artbu~ Z:;ort :n:a.::g':er.~ escorted to 'QU'ICI(RELI£F FRbMU Elfl G I on of our Tully, lea. Ortega, pslstant dept• .8ervlc~ of the administration bufldi.ng1'(blle· .. '. '.' . .'·~r. go r 8g0, e. . • fleer. . d' t t k··· t'u' lane' $YrnptNnlofDlstmlArlslnlfrom

JUl. driver. ot·the Lincoln ~hoo1 Ru.•do.so Clubhouse Following tbe Mescalero meet- atten an s oo~are a tor p ... ; S'T'OMAC'H U··· ~I:'RSbu .tarted plckJDI up lh. Mar- "' . ing there wiU be a buffet .upper ,Tbe manager .p one r reae~ . . .' ... '.' • .' . ...."1Iiioquel, Taylor and the Dockra" " ..hlES' LEAG'I'nIO. served at tbe Ruidoso Bish vatfons aft the

tDeVartagatlSi· :aoltet~ DU£TO EXCESS 'ACID

chUd In addtUon to the four ~ ...,&:# b I ' .. ' gaTe UQ ree ranspol' on n .' . . . .' .. ...'. .JCddlnston cbJ14ren. " Total Scoo. • town, offered suggestions on f'~,"kT"SDfK......T..tme1ttl~at.. . • .. Team Won~Pm. Warren Cantrell "nel Jay :Me. cafes and entertainment. It 18 tooM...~K"por"WI"CDstYo1lNothmg

1 hear that Hr. and :Mrt. Sian- KltCben Queens .-~-- 7 1 48Gl bad there aren't m.ore airpC!rtII In oY(ll" tbrOe JnIWon bottloutt~e WJLL~Rl~ley Pepper ot CI'PltaD went on a Canyon Ecboe. _._--, '6OM C1urk8 wdefra Itnh AAlblbuQuerque IABat the country like tbat. Since ""we- ~~=~f~!~lfu~J1J~ l:~~lI~:;'fl-"'ID. trip to San Marclal Lao. I:lcenlc Varlely Girls.. ,~~ wee 6n or .e . uquerque n· were more or le8s, strangers In :~~;'i._n'&lUlc....,· . du'e. to Excess Acld-

11I101 III '"b G' ~ ~ ••1~ nual Open Galt Tournament, botb I 1 I'-t d .............Alw.... an en·ovm.nt. "ree .. -..----..---- 'a .. "".. h Santa Fe we eerta n Y aJ,lPfeCIJI e ,.,.. D,,.tlo,., hp" 01' .u t $tomach., ~ , Amblln'" ·-azon. 8 5 8712 plarcd, Cantrell tied for 6t th-e court..-.... C...InoIl, .....-t pkttt""., etc.

, • AU' -- pl.ce. .,., .,., ""'. due to Esc." At;lcf.8oJd on llidlloYS' trial!)lr. Loyd Hulbert of Mucoln Tbo Flames .---...--- 2 6 4201 I'll be seeing you next week. Aakfor "WII",', M...,aco" 'Which rully

••nt to No«al Lake TuMd.,., OCt. Hllh lady, 1 lame, HeWe Brown" oJP1a1D4Ithlatrel.tme~~..t

:a:~~~ln:. n~:nba:,.pO~~~..~a~n b: ~Igb lady, 2sames, ~UT~t.to SaJary w#~~<t~n~;a~D Lincoln, PAT'S TAXI - PHONm ni . pn~IP'nOl( ~MACYTtl')' .hort lenJth of time, but Courveno, m. ~~:~b ot ,scvtember, ." VILLAGE OF Jl,UlDOSO»18BV~8EDNTS'after that tbe fl.b leemed to Hlgb team, 1 game,. Kitcben IH' No. To Who", A...nt General FuJld-Hoptaa~,1"'c1tefde that the,. w~,. no 101l••r Queeu, 718. 6 8601 Lorene B. FergMOD $ IG4.70 flept. Ck... High team, 2 ..........,. Kitchen 0 Hill2 W l~. IChnbreU 1111:,0 JIl4' No. To . :For' Amount ~\M.'.I'J7. a-" 0 8tlO3 OUla E. Vega = ~ lG4:rO 3 1222 McCJlntock 011 Co. Upkeep ot E/1ulpt. .,_.___ __. 10.00. . • Queen., U3lS. 1 f) 8G~' namona Corllel =' 13:i.OO 3 1223 Tbunderblrd Sales Co. Fire Dept. Expense •.. _-.. _ 4.60, Mr.. llulbert aftd lin. "Reel' " . . (} SOO3 C'Jy4'o Atwood . _... 2UUo. a 1224 M. Durdette __ In.. and BonSI _ ..:..» -__ ~.%

3.me1 '"Dt tho day with 1Ir1. 0 8000 Jim A)'re. '_,. <" • 110.00 3 122li M. Burdette Inl. and Don a ....- _ _ ..- '00Cerrf~. proTlne of C..pUan ODe hol' IIttlo blue Plymouth. Nice to 0 8(m A. N. Klmbrell.~ 7G.OO a 1220 Uuldoeo New8 ,> Publlcatlona E"""'-'_"'n .. - 16.~av of t"'l. WHir baYe. 0 ~8C98'" J~dtllll 7.amora ..~_ 2:S.00 :l 1227 O.L. M1JlIgau stfCCt .J;>eut. xIJ)enlle ._..._- 10.00iii , ... . " • (} BG9lJ Manul.'J Ucrrera '~"'~ :m.OO a 1228 Morgan CbenoD Sta. Upkeep/lot Equ pt........_.. 0_...... 2:l.Ml

. Mr. and Ur•• Dan GUeII .ro d().. (} 8100 B!crdo Cbavez ~..~ 00.00 :} -12'..'9 Ralph Dnber Street Dept. Expenlo -" .. 0 -.. 00.00A number of r••lden~ WIN IU ., 8712 Lincoln Co. ·Agey... 38J1() 3 1230 COPlP1. Pub. Sye. Utilities ....=~..~....__~..._,_ 0.021Qtr1 to bear of the dt'ath of Ing .omo addltlo,nal rock work In '1 8113 5. M. Ortiz ,_~= 11G.22 a ]:.':\1 LUliJIlnGarage' lJpkecp ot Eqtt1pt. 00__ . L40

'CeJetUno VI.1l ot 1I0nd~ H. wu the front of their •.tore. ThiJ Js '1 8714 l··cllz Gut!(lr'JU _,,~. 2:).00 3 1232 COP1m, PJlb. Sye. Street Lighthig h'"JJlClDte __~=_ ,20.12.••11 know.D and Uk·" In th.. vi- golnl to bo vory nlco and 'wUl '1 8i16 Bdtllo Zamora .=~~, 2.G2 3 12:101 Wblte Auto Store l~pk(lel) ot EQUIIPt, "m__ 16.05

vu h '1 8710 "'rank J~. Smith .~, 6.00 3 1234 1hu" Auto 8Yc. Upkeepot Equ pt. .~,_____ Gl.Olthdty. r betleYe thlt hehu'aerY'- mate tho 8urrouncUnr:' v.e'f1 welL 7 8717 CI)'cle Atwood 1Ujj a 12.15 DorrouD1 Hdwe. ~Ilsc, "";-',.-" _._"»_~ ._. O.ll14 a. Deputy Sheriff, had worked ' '1 811.'1 Mt. St:ates Tel.N1'el. tUO :) 1230 nUldo.o Tel. Co. . Utilltiea _ .._ ... ...., ~ 1MO"nil the Uishwa:r Dept. and to Tho Adolph WflIons were '1 8110 Lincoln Co. 3 123'l MD. Pat EarNr ~Usc mu u ....~_ -- fIO.OO

• .., kaowledse he lerved Oft the callen In the Dockl'&Y home Sun- News· Outlook ~ - lUiS 3 1238 Mr•. Herbert O~Halr 1Il1e. -.-~ =-"..- M.1lO, d.y Oct J 22 81"1G ·1ttt1dolo News • _ .. " 2OV.40 :l 1239 Smith Machlnel'J' Upkeep ot Equlpt. _. . 24.20

Hon408ehool BOlrd tn th. ,.ear • • 2"J tmG l't'llrl M<'1lrlclo ,,~ 4.tlG 3 1~HO Allen Beayerl Street Dept. EXp(lDIC ..... __ 30.00., 1141, A lood cStlsen that bu Tho WIl.on~· ar" retid-n.- of 22 8711 Harry Straler -~ 23.10 3 1241 Morgan Chenon Sta. t!'pkeep of Equlpt ~- .~-- 200.00

t hi f I th be t .., " ... WABKANT8 ISSUED ,ll 1242 Fr.neillro Pella Macblne Operator _ .....!- -- GUtI nn I len eel n e I wa1 Fort Stanton. Road l"l1nd, Count, ot Lincoln, 3 1243 Elmer Eatf!. Street Dept. :EltptUrte _ _ 4.00'tONlbJ. to bll Del,hbor. aDd Mouth ot 5cvtclnbcr. 3 1244 VUlage ot nuldolO UUlltiea .." 0 ._ , __ 3.00Id,ad.. Tho R.R. Co. crow J1u been Sept. 3 124:; Comm• .Pub. Syc. UUIlUH


--- 0_'_" _ 0,14IlJl. N.. T. WJa... Aao..t 3 1240 nUhlolO Pl'inUuI DUe. Office Expenao _.__......;.--.._ lim

,JUlt a «ood Joke for • laulb qu'et bu.,. re<:enU" plckln« ap- 1 8C84 J"rank Gomes. .,f 200.00 3 1247 L. J,1. UrJ"den' • . Ottlcc Expense _ __.. ._. 8.12 •....OW. A voun. cbUd that had pica nnd .eJJlnr them· too, by tbe 1 8G8:l y,ddro Cbne.a .s=n.~ lZO.00 3 1249 L. j', Dryden Clerk Salary _.- " '" ._~ - 200.00..., , .. way It'. al1'(ay. cncoura«. to 0 b.O'J IIa,,)' 8tralc," __ $lO.OO 3 12·19 li'rank Darajaa 1>farsh.) saJary ....~...._""._.~ 17:1.(10£W.t .tarted h.. filit 1ur Dr h • D& 0 810J Elerl10 Cbavn ~". 2t10 3 12:10 C. D. Weems PoUc~ JucJgo Salar)' ~. _..._..» 100.001(.001 U~f) bome recently wUh ave a market for the foodstuff. 0 8101 lIIaude F. Elbom _ .... 3 1251 Comm, Pub. BYCo Street Llgbtlng ..._m... ...."."_U 26.10.. 'book. «Inn him b)' hi. tMeher crown here. 0 6i~ J.-O'. !loore ~"~~= b3.aa :3 12:i2 lo'rulcr Quant.lu. Cu..k .Attornc7 aaJar,. __~._~_. 00.00,... "roteet ht. 'Ir.t report e.r4 () 8700 Uamon S. Ltlna '''''0' 83.33 3 ~ ~ml(It E.JIClII !J'irc Dept. 8~ary ~-.;:...._ ..".. 100.100• II' . 111"1. Roberta Romero'. 4aulh.. 0 8i07 B. ltl. Ott" ., ~" &3.1 :J.A!v.. ,-v COlan oree l'ollro Dept. oaJu)' ...... 0_ 20.00from becomlnl 100t. In thla book tel OpbaUa and husb.nd from 0 8't<:.8 Elm S. WUlOn .,,_ &1.33 I} 12:i.i Void -ill.,•••• a pile w!th the tour Roswell Ylalted her thla l..t week- G 8710 ItOP1::m Sanehe:a =~= 20.00 3 12M Luvin Sancbes Machine OJlClrator m.-"_. .. .• 72.10.....on. of the year wrStt.l1 ae- end . «) 8111 l'at Ie. Fartar _. > 20.00--...01....... wIt'" pletu,.. to ..._ . 7 8120 Zumwalt", Auto Sv('. 8.11(; . , Total _.- .~_~__,$1,liU8.24~",-- WU., #to'" 7 8121 n. L. U.nlaon Co. 3.00 WATER Dl;l'ABTMENT,Iala the meantnr' of the HI" Mr•• B. D. aarncr. ber .on an4 "1 81'i2 Q. A. 8now.==~" 12.89 S..pl. Ck.

, IOn., .prln" .ummer autumn ani'! ht8 wlfo mado • trJp to ROlwell 22 87i,() J.G. Moore ,=~=" moo 1'4' N••-'nt.r ""h- moth-r proc··"ad to T dOt .. 'U 22 8151 D. L. ~lcDat)lcJ "". G.OO 1 210'"' . ·.a" u m>U., UCI ay. c • 'II. .r.. G.rner 22 8m2 lIIra. Clla". StollelJlan 45.00 I} Z.!o.rJU blm on these IM.OIlL .ta,.. ycty close to the POlt OffIce 22 BT'u3 Jull. C. Sbertlll , . dOO 3 221

Motber: "00 ,.ou know tile four hero, Ind wo aU thSnk tbat It Js" :'J 81GI Mrs, n. V. Cordes _ dOO 3 2'.!2"0011' of the ,e.,." treat to bo able to «0 lome ptace. 2J 8700 Ill'll. A. J.'. lto'eJJe, , 6.00 ~ 223

TcnJIIg 80D: "Wh, an)'011. II .. i. Z! 87Gtl W.lItce lL .Ferguson 6.00" 22{" b Th V' 22 8751 E. V. Abeyta ~. .=~~ O.OO:} 223••• tb.t don't know that/' TIl.. 0 cntura • have painted =81M Mra. W. D. lI'ergulon- 0.00 3 22{lwa. 'Itd .,try tndlpaDU,.. . feneo POllta, the lower partJ of ::a 8700 Mr•• J. Annuatono. 8.00:l 2Zl

Motber: "Welt; what ate the'1t" tb~Jr tree. anel alao placed 'White Z! 8700 at.... nellIe Dalo .,=, 6.00 11°0 228v 80 h Idl t r nA,"- r d th I f 2'.1 h1'{ll MrI. S"m DJggcr ". 0.00 220. ..Oub« n, 0 nl Up our ""lUI. oun c r ront :rard. 2:1 871t! )ft•• Jlertht E. Kirk 6.00 J.:! 230

'fla,e... of on. hand. "Well. tbe.r.', 1'hl h . 22 fi76J 01. 0. .lone. "",""",, '.. 6,00 U 2311Ju.r .enon. DOTe .eason. Deer I Is rat er ahart, but ~r- 22 BiOi AIr•• Fred 0>0.0' 6.00 U ~leuon and old Doe HUon." bapI moro wU1 happen fA Llneot,n 2'.: 81M Afr.. · AlbertVaugbn Mo 20 233

There thlt old ovln" "out o. 1n tlmo for tho next 'Week. 22 8;00 Tbe Steak Hotue » 101lO:';G !!# • ~ edltlo 22 8707 L)'nn L. DuUer ~.~ 6.00 26 ......, tbe UlOUthl Or babu. n. 22 81(8 1'.t K. Famr _.. . 21.eo 21 230

. .' 2J 8700 A. C. Hc.ter ..4==,_ 1G.3O Zi 231Oka,' I'Ye flnan,. ,olten around Z1 !suo !11'8. A. N. Kfrnbnll meG 28 238

:to .rJUn, another eGlumn. Be- ~ 8771 !tra. :n. c. Nun(\S. 6.00:-.0 ~og:;J 1\11:: n. O. Gutiertt.s. :Jr. 1.00 30 ..

tWHIt the tall of the 1ear. a O'KE'LLY 22 8713 Seraplc. )foutes __ &00 3b 241tlaUd. Sn ,cliool and what ha-. "IOU 22 8714 ValUanl Pt... Co•• ,,,", tl4.00 30 242

" WA...U4TS"188tllCb 30 2431'~e~v~.~,. alllbU, bUI)'. (J(lI1(oral Countt Fund. COuntr of LIlt..," , - MODERN tOlo, ~Ionth of 8epUJllber. m ~tg

tia1 "ra)'10, ...... ' 4rDle4 aad fa =-N.. T. 'Wit.. AIM... 00• UtI. It ,ftIW water well on hJJ ellt 'OINs.. IMBI CandeJarto Ol"leKo . ,. 100.00,I.te..n.....en·t lotten the t.n de- Of no 1 8e!tt Lo~nto Mitabal __ 120.00'''''It.. "'n- tLl- but I'll ll.t It u a... '" 1.-M'3 Ra, Watnet _.,..,,·~.100.00.~..... .a.-. - Do t '1 8123 Nt. 8tattl" TeUerel. 2UO .hw. Ck.''_"fOT'.t#t for br. I)lae.. 'W11 own "I 8121 CJlde F. Atwood _ fJU1 J* N... r.'ie' ,... R' :d

AM..... '1 8725 J. O. lfoore ..<.=<c=.... :12M 31 tJ C. L. Campbell¥tI, "IU. R..,y 1, til, o'"'U' VIDV 'l81~ Grace Y.J'()nn, Act. ..UO tklPt. (lie.

.eel ••W Po.tlae. n.. qUIU cUf- '1 8121 -Tile Vorlt1 CO. <c~. H 1.0;' .UtI N... T.,.., to Me ber .C)ln.eo "Orllt ,. '8%2:8 ,RUll'loll() New. ,-,...... 1U81 '1 e'. L. <'ampbelt_1" I I to '1 ai~ Matt<t, P. Eibom. .._ 10.00 to 8 R. B. Anderaoli· ..•*tOm as. 1#1 .. car ot..t .. tbaa . , 1. 8730 VUJlle ~t Cirdzoll) 'fUT ·to 9 L:U. (}jbitOn-=J~.:~:',='L~·~.e ..·f..,;'f;,I'-..i:<;..::;i-·;~':';;':, ..?--'jZ".. :rr.-."''Y« t";",#;'I:;p-.-rUf~~:iJI" ,hi' HI''' " 'n --ill' : Hila, .'" ":iIi T 8131 M.i1t.~l V. C'bi.ea u,-* It. 12: 10 Elmer ,Eat"III" .' . ..... .• '1 8748 .tu.IID. mea ..... "'" 8.0018 11 El Paso Pipe k Supplr

L" ,".N.·C.··O•.·. '1U'~' L·.. O.'D·Q·· . 1 8(l<jd Wall.eo n, FerplOn ~«J 23 12 WIlIl.in CulbertlOft. 1·84181 Llnct)Jn Co. A«\,;y•.•" lU9 23 13 !rlllnuel nadUlo'( .8740 !ft" State" Te1.4TeJ, MO.." .2:1.. . 1.': MelYln. ld~tct!t

'1'................tr J'~""d..~ 781011 '\Van.co n, J{trgt1soll43.28 23 IGllonllell Hdw!•..... 'W'Wt ftl..... IJMU· . '787411 CanUOJlo: nl1w~. Co.'. 'lM2SJ 2:J ltDotlueU Udwe., _.. '''.''UW.' .... 'if.. "_.''''·w.· UW.li.,Me.' 88149 Ollchrlit C()Uif. 00... ·6;24#;10·~ 11 C\ L. Otrnpbel1

...qc..~..,..",.~ &~4' 1 _ AUIO'lhun«atdnel".. 111.43·23 \l) 18 CI()w~" Cowitl

--J1tM11*MI 0ldM " :H. X. l=tr~ok ~~~~;:-_ ':i:.~ .~ t ca. \~~~ ... '. .. .... .' .,.,.. . .... . ........ '... ' .. . . .. . .' '. ..11 '1 .8138 PAtdcn'tlDr\tll.'l!JtOl"lh ,,21'" 3021, C. L. campbdl..a;: . .~'. .. '" "....... .'." .. iii'",,"':· .....'...' ","'•. ·.7.·.',.*..." Th" ••": '.'.' " '.'."; '.~ '1 8131 Mt•. fttat8. Tel."Td.. UI 30 22BQnell ltdwl!. ... ..... .... .' .. . ....' ....,: -."",.... . . 'lIlI '1 373!f R,O.lI, .Bbl~ritM.D. U() M 23 C, h OUllllbell

". .. '1 Mit .AUt. D\l.arduer ,"'" ... 30 It M. JJi4Ul.,~ . 18St.1It! .... INSUR.B· ,... '1 8m. C~u·tl~ lIct'iR!.c.. 11.1" '. ..

. 'tiI'ft... W3t..•. ..~.. ". ·.·.·DiTi..' ....• '0''.." . 7 81M JIuke)" Lbr. Q)..,.,. .- ......~ ••JQJ!'''' ,""~4 '1 a.» .A1i*lca...~to. '. ~". ..

~.,_~'"..' '1'.' y_ - ~.NiI.:. ~ PrtiI. (.'(). u. _ _.v._ .•.00 #'~~"...... '" 81.- Tlt~ 1t8f:.Qthat.c...1,108.'7I. ':i,.,. -~.

C. &NIlS' ·Ft"STANTON'I, N.M. I, ':lUi .~~ i:r.:~~ "t~"'t~t: ·0··.' . . l' IT+I' It.n•••·.Drqftttt. .... ' L ..~n.rt).H

~'.. ,.... .'. . . - " . . . . .' .'. ...• ,1 ".11)"" 1. J". tt.tw........ ..OIl . Qtdt. • •


Page 3: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful

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...Aa • foUowup, "one. M.'· .produ~Uon of lAc1~~

feature plc,tur«l In New ..leo, whlch wU1 Dye .I*krround maa:y CIf tMhJlhlJlhtl prelentoCl lJ& W.iMlrle. of~ 111_. Be ka~·kn()"n moUtu~Ill'1.re ahd .. fonnel' l'fl&klel1tof New Hex!eo for fIT...)'MI'&


Why artl.t.,c~lMlW retldeD,t. come to Ne1fHexJeo to Uve aD4 "ark. IItold In "Lat14 ot~...ment," eenlo ..UDc1 m-. ..color, open1.Uc at tbe P1a~Theatre toda)".4 tJarc>uJkSat. The pleturM, ttrit "'.I6rlee of three, produoocl It,- ,Ted Jonee, touchetl 12po. "'....rlous of 'tile &tat.4f. a.ttracI­tiona - ItIenk. eom,m,6t01a1and cll1tunt. j


Amon,f~ "must-••.., .p~ are Cit)' ot BookI,Carl.bad 0 ..vel'It" WJdMBan"- '.raoII :Puobto U4 'x.cllan Com.m••l x.u., UIa·...lntel'Jl"!llle4 mUa~ "the StaW. mo4ent oltlel.OCntel'J of Idaher e4~arc inclucted and IIIIto ......lented are view" ., N""Hedoo alflcult1ual aJ¥l <

stock-raJalnt actlYlu..


Land ofEnch~tm.eat

At Ther-Pueblo Theatre,



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Skyland Autoo. A. tuaUin..A. w. tuaUin

Phone 59·03


....'SCL ~..Phoue 26.03




WBS'I'I!RN 'So, , .. ," roTSForMttt Ot WOtKI1

Over 300 Satnp(tb of PindtMattdaJir~""Tb ChOOftF.rom.


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Ray Reed & Western BandSquare ,and Round Dancing

,. "'< - -- " .-

"The Place To Have Fun"*



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Page 4: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful



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Page 5: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful


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Offke '" Hom. "Up TrayIs e.nYOJl",



• ~OTlUo.u. 8~ • Bt:JlLnINO MA'l'JtJUMA• OM ~£'LU.fet:S • WltS'lINGl10119~OJ*

~ • ~A1UI AND lIANOll8~

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~..uaC1tA.B' .. YA-:I' A ....a.~ .,.,......


fAX aEIlViclt..IU" 1M. Auhfou


'Really Company.. 'trt~·HY...


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.r. ,-I,' 'it ·'.........,.lIidi '''1_ 's ': Y t ,di__.i.d'"'''i:ioil'~l.>,..d -, ,


.,. ~~'~ KEROSENE

;.. &o:ll4",-,-;:;,~.:."_._,""';'" ....

Special Heatl.... OIf,14c. Gallon• •

- .- - ; ; ft' ? - '

..,~. CLYDE McCLINTOCK"..". , . .""

Bo~S32 . 0 , Phone 42-04 .Ruido.o, New Mexico

'$ !; T '! , "• • •


.. rill I






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Page 6: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful



, ,"

,l ~



rcI.'1'Ir,, '<I., \rrf'

- .',


" ,

-: in- Ii": :-

, .




Where You'C~n Shop for-Everything You Need-··


, ,.Almost any kind or color you ne~d

for this winte:r. "PartWool, Cotton

Fox Mercantile"Green Tree's friendly Store"

Green Tre~t .N. M.


HtUlters' .Red, Rea CapsComplete Stock ofGr~eries

sMeat Market "



Wanted FARMS andRAIiCHES in New MexicoWe have the c1iet1u that want ranches,'and

fannl priced &0111 $20,000 to $250,000. We are ,~b1y interested inexclusive listings. On. our list­lI1gI we haveourengin~rde' .. ' .' 'ent make upcomplete m.a~ showing·1aI1.ds,improvemenls,

, ., .·.·e UPP1Cturei an'· .m·om,a full kit to our. clients. ,For moredetaQa Wlatour,.office.

r _. • • . _ . ":.~':'~." 0_ " '. ,r .r'. _ . _, • " ...-

.t.~'. ,\,.' .. ", ". . .'.

'. .Joe aud Doroth, .. ,Office PafmerGatew""r·,·· ,T"I.68-02•.

r r


, .

Mr. and HI'I. Jelle O.mpbellcelebrated Alpen da)' b~ 4rlYingto Elk to "tilt Hr••n4 111". martPaxton.

We m.y be 1I01.ted hlr,. butwe b.ve fun. A toutllt &lk64 tbeM.yor wh.t we 40 fot amu....ment.. and the lIa)'or to14 him:"WeU, we ,_t by. Hire l.ttl1we've been "010' 40wn to th,.tore to watch th, nlw bacon

I .lIcer work."

WOOD FOR SALE!The Mtacaluo Tribal Woodyard a.


J 5

.Nob HOI RestaurantP.A.I.!4Im GATZWAY ADDmOlf I

RuidolO, New Mexico


,... f'. ..,.--. .

1 'TI - ~


4 .Ft. Cord LellltblJudi.... & Oak Pine & Fir, .. ······1 .. ', ..$&lM$O.oo'

~M_"'~""~C)UJ.""" •."" ·l. ................ u.e....t. lAM..•~IU4~·"p

. '.n__","":1' U l'BA~ ~ Q• ........"o,......~ ........ . .,,""·...,..v """,. ~ ,.. Y<1I

·~JtA)tGU I1AftOtf·(..,.....,~



OP~ DAR' ROUND 11 A. He to 9 P. It~


I, .

';'1 ' ,

·.~.'~'" . Jl~ ';'.':(0 ,".,' F"" ,', J ,,,, ,,, ,,<"e, ,,,. ,. of ',,," ',w."",·,<",; " l' p"" '0'"'''' '''' ",,.; ,,,~ ,,;,..:, ,,~"" ",j' ,~.~;;~:;~:;,p",iWlI~d.tAppOintecJ;' MESCALE1RO INDIAN~ CALL' '," ':":" ':' .• '. ':,; :''',' ',:';" ,,",ltourses In School .,,~SWditJ '. 'XJ'~ Jl1l4;1ft.,BenlTa.lJ.'.l4.o( . . '5''~M1't"¢~A:DnS"'p'IIlr'!V:"~"G ,p'" 'A1\..Tr'· '.' j ~

,t(. 'M, ..... appolQte4 Jndttc.Uonal Shle14l... r4J4:~...'l'b.u~1 ~e. post qlQU4QJ'ott,4o"~ CQ~ clltl-l "", ,·PUS» &,Ct1I.BD', . ' . ~ .'.f~ttctdr of the D.le CAmest- We hear that; ,)fr. JJln,4f';hr_tr&:~llb:,tl:reotIW:~;~~~~~:· ", :MEATS)" " , \ ','~" ot New Mexico OQ, Oct. WllU.Ol", IAndtl. I. lDotberJnSQff. Mlu .Kor~nJDrna.tt.,turn04 ,. , , ',- , t

.. . . ' ,

r..-II1011 Co lele of w. m,· " , ' ' ',' , . '. .' . ' . . ," .',.' ,t& ~"trt It. the Pr..14.nt. Dr. AJIO tnth. I fost~r parent cate.. I!1veT1one tried 'to 'g~t the croPJ '. 'lIoUywood, Ntw'MmC(J "'.. .' PhQne 32·0i;lI'lund.r w111 havo ht, oftlce tn gory II youn$' "Pl1lkyltSmlth wbo .B'atMred before t.be" weaUlor .' . " ., '" .

;rtu:C:::;::.~t too S. Ar1l0 St,,' ~il~~h~~ ~~:r~nft:;e~~.,tu~;;:;:Jr~~~O~t~:f g~~tq~~' :r~~:h<'I.';:".'+;': " "':di": < L ,'."";,,,' P'" d" J

oj For Use palt ten ye." OoDi" Wm from Long Be!lQh. Hop1, apple, .ath~re4.JeB' Jot bt. ba1 " W"·h·ew You ,""eed "p,'-Inting" .. roall The "'Iews':~nder Wunder halbeoD • aon10r mother, Martina, II.a .blt1UPlet b~1'ed .n~ a,PP1~ picked; and . ,I' " .11 . ..""., ... , ....~ • ' ." .', , t1L .' ..~emb.r of the D.le Carnello', buecbau.e. HO~ t~1 Alnl~ed h'U

I'lP ~.r Jfohhn ,HaJl t has ,1111' l"~hcuttln! • .." "; '.' " " ,'Ii' ,'," it '\ .• .....

'faCUlty an4 h•• tau$'ht c fD 8 mar.ne ",U I' U, we.. o. '.' a1 on he groUnu• .,0 .n an",: '" ." . ., ';I " '.Ueetlv, public .pealdn" por "n- are in the Smith famU." ",ordha. GracI) are palnUng their adob~ ' ". . .

;,my doyelopment, public and been reeelyee! from Edward .thathacten4a 'White. TheY. h.d .~Ult . ' TJT''Sll"O'R"rru, COM~ A ,..tv, "um.n retatlon In 16 .tat.. 0", he paNed the examl for the Afr received a lelter trom John'. \, ' .·..1"1·., .,',In ..•. . .I"l,1~or. th.n 70 eltle. for Carnell. Corps, and I. now In tralnlnc In.l.ter, 141'1.' 14abel ;PrudeJn Ger- ~ ."CAPITAN, N. 'M.""""""'" .

i 'who I. t.he autbor of "How to HOUlton. many who II wltJ:\ her daugJ!tel' ''!WIn J'rlend. and Influence poo- • . " and flon"ln"~w~ andltatel Ihe~1"\' tbe book that hu 801d .1.. The Dee Bot.one tamll., 18ft may h,ve to ,pend the wtnter,

.!JQOIt. 6,000,000 coP101, "cond fD Sunda., for Anadarlco, Okla., .0 there, ane! she. doe.n't like the:»opularlt.y only to the Bible. a8 to be with Dee. 811ter there weather there now"-Cold and L.if Wund.r w11l orl.nlze cw." In who 18-to, undergo • major opera- damp, IIi, 1 N II I ItI JJ' Jd .. tlqn. -,--,~v.r. ell' ex co c el. r"". Another gentleman who dOMn'tIfDI$l1t., October 7 h.a will .ddre.. Tho Womens' Club dance 11'1'1- look "old enoulh," became. Cl th· H 'd .' G·". lia reunion banquet of Oarn.lIe day night was .ucceslrul In Iplte grandpQ. Sept. 30:' Mr. Joe Tellee, 0 mg _r' ar ware '. r' . l'"(),:erle."....4uat8. In the El Fide) Hot.el of a rather 8mI'll crowd In .t- clerk at BI$ Chief, has a grand- .;,AlbuQUerque. tendnnco, and we all had. large, daughter, Ro.emary, WhoselDoth- .i:,:;;======='====:=;=:=':;:'==='===~.ie •• ' time. )Ir. Ray Reed's orchestra. or la Joe's daughter, JUlia, Mr.. i .'. ' , ., ,'. •


":": Engagement Told provided oXQcllentmulJlc (and Ernest Granado. 7 ..' . 2' .. ; . .,

won mOlt. of the plea). Othen . " CHECK 'WITH US FOR 'i winning rafflfld pies wcre sadie We have two 'new nurse'J from ' . . '.. .' .• .I Mr. .nd Mr.. Ted Montoya of Shant&., Helen Davalos and Ray Allmquerque detailed herefora'

II Ruidoso announce the engace. Carrell. From out of town Jack time anyWay, MI,les Francea .Ko-'~lnlat, of their daulhter, VJrclnl. Qualt of' A&:M and Mr. Frank madlntJ, ane! Clara Little. No luI'- ,,'to Loul. E. Roborta of Muncie, Second of HollomanASr Base at- thor word from 1418& Mnter .,.t.

I Indiana. No 4eflnlte date hu been ,tended. :M1'I. Je.. Oampbell re-·..t for the weddla«.· porUt that. 140.00 and ..tlxpenS&l Mr. Reno SarIln left tor Wash..

'. "ero m!lde. The Callah'nl of Elk.. Ington, 1)., 0., Sunday, 'Where he

(, ev.t1 da.,. M.ke lure YOU re not Sunday Mr. Edmond Simmon ,--" '. •II Dext, do )'our beat to malee lurtl celebrated • blrthd.y b1 a p.rty Presume the crop I. cathered at f JIM."5, AI ~O·SERVI·CEoII 70\11' turn n....er comM. Oblent! given him by hll sl.ter C.therlne D&:B 1I'.rm... bec.ule Fleta w.. I . ,V I'1;1 Fir. Preyent10n Week. Oct. '-16 Kenol. He modestly decllne4 to totlne ,ome big boxes SaturdayI Phone 31..03' . I' ~ Downtown Ruidol5o

I .~ m~ea.~~nt~Qe~~~~~~~~rl~~~i~·~·~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~·~~~~~~~\\ but we will venture to report that ". . ::" he II Itlll quite younl an4, hand-

THE 10106."








! f





" .,



Page 7: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful


- " "', ". ..


AotoN FromWagon' WhH' Motor






II' r


W.'D. Horton­-D. E. Snyder


PHom: 62-02•

'.-'.-'.', ,


.~' "

$ = .--


to' ',,'.. '


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, ,


.R:uidOlO New Me~ieo.. "'., . .


·to ......

7' 7I 1 ..


Sf!omors 01 th~

t~CENTR.AL BA~ & GlULIlJ• FUTVlUTY,for 2.;.y~att"old Qu.arterhorse., .

eV6tY Spring at HollywoadPa:tk.,. ., ..




. '''7,,"",,'''''''''''7~'''~7r,"'~''';;,.''-''';''.''''~''''':'' '; _, .. ",,,.


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Please quote me on the following without obligation: .




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Vic Vet S --Af ~


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Lineoln County Agency

CitizensStateBankof. ',' ",' ' "/ '


FLIGHThoW' ",.11 40 I remember

ow the .ummer 'Wu at. end"tb, 1aI~ d.,. ot september, In the C~ came down the,wind. •

. ,"' .

. .• ".,',', .O~ ~_.·~;-,.,~".-,--,-""-,---,--_~_,,c;,.=;'-'._~',;, '~'""~'~'~''''J'i';".o..r'..'''''';''!1''''''' ·"""j'"'*...."i'....;·....'rr...iM.........i'tt....• tiP,._·'....r --....r....· ,.......w...''tt_nf'''''''''t_*.C·iiiii'V_.."......filii:!(...; 'iiIII' 1:.". '..rlilll"n.r"pliiil,n:.tt.rt.'•.filii''illlilt'. 'iIIIiI'Hlilt"r.''. -iilI·... '--•..., ~iIi-'·lIiiI·':IIIIil:n.tf.tr.''.-flilli'''',....."M}(filii".'T iIIIIIIiIIIIiII f

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Page 8: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful









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I.uIdowt,~foodsoreyours to ,-JoY when YOU'O'M1a h Res*' LP. Go. rang..

"WJth thls dean easy-foaMfutl;1t brtngl 01 of .... ad­vcnfages ofdty gel rlgM InfoyourleMchtn. Stop In and letVI tel you about Ropat­ArRedca',htt gO' rang. forcNfIt· 60 yean. Ycu'M ....





'.1 ,•• ;XI e.s en .............., ..




ONLY $10.oo!

SeeWalrren Barrett

Today!(Phone 902, Ruid05O)

fl, "1(' ;

$10,000 Damage Suit PoUcyOR

$1,500 Fire Policy, 1 year",,.l OR

Accident Inaur.nce PolicyOR'

POLIO Insurance PolicyOR

$1,000 LIFE INSURANCE(6 months), "

ORResidence Glasa Policy

(2 years)

Mr. and Mr•• R. B. MUler (aheIs Boola qt tbe Buckaroo) wereIn Ruidoso lut weekend' vlllUngonthofr wa,yhome to AlbUQ,uer"

lquofr9m a. CalUornla vacation.: ., ,. . . .i. i:


" #'



First Nation,alBankOf Roswell

1l.osmLt., 1mWMnICO


7 P. M'l Oct. 21, 19~9•

• Entertainment• Games• Pmes

Dance 9 A.M. to I P. M.

Tho World "Serlou." It! OTerand it la pOllJibla to hear lome­thfng talked about betide. bu..ball. • ! '

q • -I;i

Capitan Union Hfsb SChool maynot bave been lottln, the 'worldon tiro In toot"all, but Jl1tt waituntil tho buketbaU lealOn op&DJ,tbeA yqu'll reaUy .ee .0111e fInegame. and lot" ot. them w111 bev~ry one·aided, Sf what I hear oftho achool team', pro.p~t" IItrue.



Thoro was qulto a drop In thetemperaturo durJng sunday nightand It'8 0. .uro thing that many ex­tra blankets wero pulled up In thenight.

Guy X. Ray, tbe X fs for ex-Evon who~ rnJn has not made Secretary of the Beamall'. aoclal

po.rta ot mghway M well nigh 1m- Club WAI IceA 'flUh .. PIck andpasBable, it Is et01 pretty tou,h ahovel goIng towarel. tho JDelagoing botween Aneho and Corona and tt wu .urre.ted he ... r~anil boyond, 10 that tOU(8 owl11not Ins to die a holo to hid. hlJtake a chance on blOWIng out their monoy And .ome bonds he hold••Ureu. It Is about time 80methtng Ills Cluickncu with a denl.lm.deWlln dono CLbout thIs road and you It scem that thtre m,lght haveand you CM do something by writ.. be(fn somn truth 1n the .Ulles..Ing to your rtlpre.entaUvtl 1A Uon.WWlhlngton, for it Is a U. S. HIgh.. . •way, It you aro Intcl'eated In hav.. PAT'S TAXI - PHON» 411 _ .mg this road made unble. Th. ...~~;;;;;;;,;;;i~;;~.~~~~~~..;..;_;.~~~~;'.~~.~;;;;~Coultty Commissioner. have done Iiall they can In the matter and nowiL Is up to tho people who ",ant toceo this a good highway. to dowbat thoy CM.



Tho MlosOll Nlnn \Vblto, Anne),Ia.on and Janet McJ(Jm IQIt herolast Tbursday to go to Ejl Paso.All had an elnJoyablo tlmo In theIJUk City.

l1Jaa Gertrudo Monahon. accom.panled by Mlea Heater MCLroncy,"'ent to ROBWCJl IllSt Wcdnccday..aw tho po.rt1do and did Iota otIlbopplng.

,,',' ,. , . J:, .'_' .. __ : " ..... , • .,. " ..."" .". ". ""~"":, "",' "', ''-'

'I" '; • " , " , ·f , J..; " "'.: " . ". ~

:~,Itc1*f' n~~NlW'8.,d ••),,'iI',Io''t}l''( !,H:'j ",'ur. 'Alr "'":;,1'":.,,,, i i "I. ,! l.'I,g ,i,< :;S,,,,,ii ': ,LJ,I I ,iii I: , '" .•.. ii, Ii' , ,II' US:" bJ '''''1'",,:, F,/'; '. Jtrj~r;?~to.:h~~' ,Ill I'f~ ,

"'Green'Tree -Civic·

. ' By UlW!lK;E. 8HJ:~H . the tObc)y., to n,().w~u. ~?J.B~ The ,olvi~ ClUb. met,' 'lbllr.aa,y, '~i~\,'.:Q~:s!::4t:~·~f~1:J:,1J.1'b~4e.Yul~~t.otthUIW~~1t,~~,.Martha Witham ot Bonita Dam Ing- to the tall' we,~.Jl!f'. Wl1.t~'OCtQ~1 Gtb at1;SOJ).. moat UllltrlJ). fUif t1ew tQ~X.i~T1QW ,,'W1u~pe,ot.>l~ ot qr~.,n .Tt~~. $...Ul~t~,a~wu a mld·wcek vl.Uor ot Pana -TImmy ThQ~PIOUt J!mJnl A.rmer" hom.,~ at )lfB,W1 & ~nB for Welt Ra.lt.>JJ., J.lrQWA .j\~tl, WM, ~~t tJ;1el'Q 'th~ l?toneC!l~Clu~foJ:' ., .~lal.v~KluJI,llnovicb, tbe tlrst night wu YDlck Cox,Sklppefl GQU1d,JQ~O,r'Plarrp~UttbJ8"" "'. bt '·he"dS.U~ht(lJ.'f¥r.. 'Hellr7 nln, fl114 t.Q lltlJ!,lU~ futUu~r pt_.D.410 nleo abe decldcd to stay tor a Irer~80n, 13m atnrhJ.m, Noa~ RQuttn~ ,b1Jlh~eQ w..-: ¢Qn4~tlltQale .. -.rho 'b~ ,,,,1l1 Tltslt. '.Il~ :1:9.1,' ,tJ.t~CQI11:munltrP.~fel'Q~couple of night!: Mont(Jya~ ~dd)',WOl11ac~and .1tm. . durin wJdeb .. repOrt <lD \~o .~QD" J.,QC'kMY, 'Sbe wUl .,8'0 OJ,ltrQ1D. )1'.re Ho~t}, tb.~y plallto buU4 ~JJ.. .' ;

Jean llnd Percy Parker blld Bar.. won er u me an ., ern '. .. .....,. , ., ", . '1' , t'· 4 b . tb '. wltotgan- .bara Howc8 over tor Ilupper the ot the aame op1'nlol1 fnthat if Via. wltb aroun4 ,~.OO betnS' cle....lMl. Mr. L. n. Stee e., . "" ~Q. ,poMofe, . ;!1' f'~~ " ,. l' ,

l.h I "B "teaks:e . t 1 '1 b b 4 ,., h' vQtJa to h'OId .. jotnt meet· . !zed Womcn .. "'" V.C ~~q. ,~~e"::d~v=::g~o::~g\0 thew~e- ~:n~lggCS carn va t e1 a ~vct~ Ini :h~ fbe men'rilurlJdaY zJfBh; :Mr. ~11d, 14ra. Tom. Wright alld" <1." >, .."",,,., I:'port tram the wllllni gue.t, "It , October 13th -.t Ute ~l()neer Olub Unr 'd~ughter were Rui<lQ"o \ WJure was nice." Abcautl!ul friendShip e;ld.t",'bct-- bUlldUig, tortbe pur,po." ot d~ vllltOfa from. Iilncoln S",tul'c;{ay. ..,t

• .- twecn little Hclen Lycion, 19<omonth.. clJ.lllJnB their buUdlngprosram, Tbe:t Wrl~llts llvf,ld l~ Ruld()lC,lthl. IDr. and Mra. E. ,M. Townscnd re- old granddaugbter ot tbQ. White... The Clvfc Club m",tlJ Ule tll'atSUDlUler. and b(t Is ~ow on .the

turned on Saturday nlgbt from hetl.d/J, a.nd,14StUbby1', tbe' bIrd do~ Thur.day evenln&, ot eacll ,1Donth' tfloculty ot lIo~dO HI~h school.their trip to tho, Southland and of the Ray Bakera. When one aee. at 7:30 p. ,111. All wonleA ate cor.. •". •they wore glad to get back to the oucb things one cannot but rcrnem- dlaUy Invited to corne, Mr. and Mrs. John Hale, ltI:rlS.nlcc cool air of tbo Fort. Tbey b th Id b t ' to. Margafef Regll! a~<l Mrs" JOll&-wore very 80rry to have mlsscd tbe er c 0 saw a ou man B grea . The club', purpo,e J. to a,aa18t phln'e, Sl..ttilrly of 1iJ1 Puo" "eretalr at Roswell, (Uj tbey bad hoped elSt friend. ." _ In the buildIng up and lrnprovtng In RuldQ.o for the' weekend andto have been able to Dee the excel· Bur R. S: McClain and Shirley o~ our vmage. . Joined tbe otbElr vIsitors 111 tM ,~',I(.nt c..<hlblts "that £11'0 alwuy~ on Anne, with Dana Kia.lanovlch ". >,' . Aspf,lllcade. Mra. ~le, Mr•• ;Regalahow. Mary Ann. whO' Is at At.- made the trip to Roswell <In the SW,tc Fair tn, Albuquerque. and Urs.Slattedy are Ilursesu.nta, Its ICloldng torwq.rd to com- Wedncaday, saw the parade, over Nett yeat it i. }lpped tha.t aU working In l'JI Paso and whileing hero tor tbe Chrlotmaa holl· which tpey were all entbused, went 8cboola In the ~ounty will .end in here IOQked over our new ho...4ayo. to tho tall' and mllde a day/at It. exhibits of tli6 handtcrafbl learA- pitat,.' .

• ed at the school,. It .ure would.MIra. BI1I Gould entertained a Somo ot tb;' i'glamour" boy. be nlcoto got a Blue Ribbon!

group at C1 bridge purty In behalf mado the run to Roswell al,o on' .,ot I4rs. Huth Rollo. wbo used to be? Wcdnesday and whilst they made Mrs, Jako Agnew wa. oYer torJonI" to the brldr-e devoteco wben the trip In two car., they _U a tew hour. tQ see her follea on'her lelto lamented husband, Cuptaln crowded Into one car to make the Saturday, no doubt .he mJlaed herIvaI' Jwl!lJ. wila a putlent here. Toe rouodn ot tbe town and IJUrround- mother's cooklng and In thl. Iparty waD given on Thureday. Oc- Inc arce. Tbose I saw In the Car cannot blame her. Her JDbthertober (Jlh and Mrs. Curl E. NClW re· wero: Cbarlcs Avery, George llnd Dad made the trIp to RuldOio<:l.Ivtd tho prize tor hlgb ocbre, Brldces, Mike Koval, RIchey MaI- on Saturday night taklnr her~rl.l. Mary Worner second high, donado. Hubert H. Walker, 'lDuke" back to tho Navajo L'odre.ana Mra. Bert Chone)' walketS Dowllne Qnd "Nlck" Muramoto.UWCl)' with tbe consolation award . ,tor being low. Mrs. RollD. who bus Sam Roblnoonmade a day ot Itoocn visiting tor somo little time, nlso, looking the place, over veryleft tbe following d(ly tor Chlcn· caretully tor good pllWtl. to eat ueo and then -Went back to her well -no doln~ some abopplnar.hamel In O.Jo, Norway.

.. '])frs. GraCe Reed took, CL flying111HS Ueuter Maroney, at preoont trip In her car to ber home In 01...

on tbe bGtcd llgravoyard ahUt", I. co. TexWl, during bel.' time ott Jutth. newe,t lUb.crlbor to Tho News week.and 1 am iur~ .be wlU bo gilld tor.ad tbe new series ot featurelJGbout to 00 written by Mary Noll.

Dr. noeS 1\(1'•• David Cooper w11lleave hero on or pbout the 15tb ofOctober for Ban FrnncJtlco, Co.ll·tomla, whlJre Dr. Cooper Is to at..tend the Annual Seoolon ot tb"AmerJccm DentaJ MsoclaUon tramOCtober 11 to 20. Dr. Coopelr willrepre,cnt tbe Dental Corpa ot thoU. 8. Public Health Service as aclinician In prosthetic ~entlotry

and wl11 demonstratAl ono of thovel')' late.l IIUltbods at tuU dentureconstrucUon.


• •

Father Jules H. Mollnte hadGomo visitors on Sunday nightwhen Fatber WUllam B. Benlonond Sgt. Bnd Mra. Hottman wIth

Tho latest addition to tho nura· Snt. and Mrs. James Jl6l\11n withIng colony Is Mlaa Mnrgo.fot Me.. thclr chlldfiln. No.ncy. Tommy andCallum, a vctcro.n of IUllny yenr. Po.uI, dropped In tor _ call. 1 wuIn tho U,fl.P.lI.B., ct1me hore trom 'h h I be ., h tl ththo now closed U. S. ,Marino 110""' "ero, av ng en ,8 00 nB . e

brClczo" with Falher and mAdepltal at Pittsburgh. QUite CL num- somo cofteo, broke out 80me ~ool(..ber or the "boys" f()memOOr Mis.McCaJlum lllJ sbo was otatloned at (~a. AU In all, It w... a nice viall ~'~';;;~'~.,~,~~~~~~~~~~New Orleans tor wmolt a decade. for nJi concerned. Father BenSOJl i!

•. ' lu tho Catholic Chaplain at Walk.rMr. and Mra Claronco Boyd Field and the sergeants are on ib.

'filth Clalro and Mm. Husted wore staff at tho Air Fjeld.noawell vleUor. on Snturday, tak. • •In. In tho Jlalr 8S well u doln, ... , . . •.,lQme needed shopping. add~FT STAh"TON _ _ _... _8,. Mr. and lin. Tom Dul'ltlOn

Dr. noy Wblt~htl~d wiU leave on wont II.ll1n, on the nuldOf() OASuday. October 16th tor Lubbock, Saturday."1'tX.'1 where he I. to take an ex· Lawaon D. Fish returned t ..U'llnltlon tho following day. ecntly from .. ttl" toSta.,,41p,

1)1', and ),frs••n. E. Mitchell. "nd M1C'hl.anWhere he, blcl Vlatted'U&innl left tor Albuquerque, with hIs fatber, Ju~*e: DaTla D.

_Vt1lver and Indlanllpolls. A(t~r lin- Full Who 1... IIn6014 f~1l0Y.in.!~~ hi. bUJlneu In IndlanapoU., splto or bela•. a Republlcan. ~~e

nJ'i '.wtttbtU may t1y to Wuhlh... Old Judlo scnt. bit b8t wl'b....". ' . t' . 'I ..'" 10 tbe many frleild, htm&4.I.. »', c,. be ore .,return n. ""re. 'WbUe ou aA extended .ltlt lall'l

Uut•. Marpret I. \>tIne taken 1ft UU..48• .taw_on brou*ht baok~,tt.ot b1Kr•• Percy wblle lbt " nowr1U' )'01'4 Tudor StaatlJlfttb.J... .art .~. trom the autoUloblle _tat.. ,.

.~..J'ott, 1Ita.t1ton .tore w.. 4' MI'. and )(....1 1t~ Pantle 'Witl.,IOfH0l. .'-ltlUlU~ tcUv1ty lut Frl.. da.UQlitct, Nan~t w'rl OI:'4 ••1to~4'1'"J.~t, wh'rl. ,the Dol. ~()ut'llll11 ""ilr~u In n~....u Oil, sat..",tOttk 0Vlflj to mopandp<j11lbtbl utdat. ~. '_"Ol'ld,rtb', ,.,111l·ttw•.n. bo.1I. 4t4. .. ~.l blee job wU) 'ttttiella· It em-: , .'ltf:tt ~cllbq'W1rt,l"to Itt tht ' . . ...t: ....... .·...." ..tn.... J.~.""olb' l~t(), Jer.,Ett. .. WIJ.ton, l.lill:t01D;Udtt tuu t(l~,~'.101' «;~oln'" C(utttlt.8etl()($! ,'htl)trblttiJlent '.lI..,* , .. .tU~1. _nl\l. ,r()r.~~•. thAt Ulf·lwo ~l~1' ~r. W quttt .. leud,la,..xJallutlf ••••It Bdl•..... .. ••~ ..... t~ uel h. htrtoko 1t0Jl.~at.





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Page 9: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful





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(lomm.erclal(lon"ttuotICiDOf An)' llla4 '


rr~s THE' NEW




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E.peclally desIgned forICJf.r~ easier ....Ing...





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On Highway 70





T· , "

I , , axiService',.... . . '.. ' .

.Frottt Junction To Any PlaceIn Lincolll County

~ ,

• Irrigationand

• Ranch Wells

0< •

,GEORGE PERRYDrillinc .:- Repalrlnc

NEW' £Ql1JPME1'fTPamp Jack .Dc)

Wfndn1W SenI.ee

PBoHB 801.

Gleneoe, tfew HMJc:oOf' wrlte Dpx 111

, Mr. and UrS. w. n. Lon« wentPortales Saturday to attend the

unoral ot tholr nepbew wbo wu

NOTICEDon't forget that the Capitan

W. S. C. S. ladles Invite you totheir special pro«tam at theMethoulst Church Sunday October16th. Spec!Rl' teature of the meet­Ing 18 tbe one act IIklt entitled"A. W. S. C. S. Member', Dream."'1:',,------------...: Everyone welcome.








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Page 10: ,: V'J:NG'L'I - archives.lincolncountynm.govarchives.lincolncountynm.gov/wp-content/uploads/publications... · • INTRODUCTION 30 New Mexico WShw",. '10 A... mo.de Qn a beautiful

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Lee WDb -... '.. '.' Wholesale ·CO····"'. '. ,.. '. ..... ..' .' .•.ft.'.. FOOD MART . ~



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The only way to "do your share" toward their advertising program, whether you are in a....retail business, court and cabin "real estate business, etc., is to

, ,f

"The Merchants of Ruidoso ~ough the Chamber of Commerce, "The Year'Ro~dPlay..... I ..

,BrOUlld Club", the Business Metis Club, have thiS 'pas~ y~ spent approximately $10,000 to-. '. .l'

advertise thk community and area throughout the Southwest.


,; r In, Pilge i. behlg paid for b, 'the followi., BMitlolo 18ercl1a1fl.. If ,ou ca'ft to joi# ill thi. call1-pa;g1J toI.,t Ie-vna' wei/a, 'IIDtl!, The RuUlolO News 1J:y T'Ut,4.'Y 01 _:Jet w-teli.: .

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