-- ttte pmlktm - university of hawaiʻimiiiillim mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji auuworkquaianti;e0....

A ? -- to- "I . J 2 i i i'Vlft? . V (; t I1? , F 7; ttte Pmlktm - 5- - it . If $r O US?) r Vol. XIV. Nc. 2705. HONOLULU, iH. I., SAtfKpAy flVffiOTG, ItfOVfiJKBEK 8, 1890. 10 OENTS auosdnlPTiort PER MONTH IS K. ;l . W- 7 1 3? ip TEB ' DAILY BULLETIN" 18 l'UnU3)tKl Every Afternoon Excopt Sundays At the OHlce, Queen street, Honolulu, H. I. AHTHUR J0HNST0,NE.. ..Edlor & Manser, DAILY BULLETIN PUtfLlpHINQpjBPANY, BUUMf JUimONp : Daimt Bulletin, I year... 8(1 00 u mourns .1 ia ii nor month llvwm CO BllLLKTll WKKKLY rftlMMAKY, 1 4 00 J WW. foreign. 'B 00 Telephone No. "Address all business communica- tions ,aAILYBuIA.KTtN.,, 5 ess all matter for publloa "Editok Daily Uullkvin " p. o. so. Uuuolulu, II. 1. .l IJ'I .1 II- - Commission Merenanta. T. WATHsyHQUBB, John Importer tod Dealer luiGonerii Merchandise, Queen t , Honolulu 1 2l7"IL.UH1B flJ OO, W Dealors in Lumber, PatflUA .ills, Nails, 3aV. Building Material every kind, cor. Fort Queou Honolulu. a. Oastle.-- J. B. AtUerton-U.- P. DaHtli ,ilA8TLn aOooitM, V ahipplug-au- d Commission Merohanu. Importers Dealers In General Merchandise, tf o 80 King st Honolulu. 1 Leworu, F. J. Lowrey O. M. Uooke. & OOOKB1, ' (successors to Luwera & Dlckuon,) Importers Dealers' in Lumber all Hindi ol Building Materials, Fort street, Honomln " 1 ' . j-- t SONCUiUI.U 1BON ,OTOBKB, SmmmWm engJneB.AUgar mills, boil coolers; iron, brass lead east ings; machinery of every description made to order..P,artlcular attention paid to ship's.black' smithing. Job work eic ruted at "short notice ' 1 UAOKITKLD to Co. a. General Commission Agents. UONOLUM' G. MACFAELANE & IMPORTERS AND OOJHMIBBI() MEKOHANTB. 4 Queen &trct, Honolulu &. . I 1048 aONSA-LVE- & cq.. Wholesalo Grocers & Wino Merdjanta - etor BJock, lioijolulu. BBUWBB Sf OOMFAtrZ, CI (JJimiCvd) GUHBHAIj Mbuoaktilb and oomuimion aubntr. list oy officbub: P. J. Jones, Jr. .. .President & Manager J. O.'Cabtbb. . . ..Treasurer & Booretary duihotous: Hon. (J. R. Buuor. 8. 0. Ai.lkn, H. Waxbkuuusb. 38 1y Gustav A.. Schuman Carriage Trimmer. 70, it, 81 : King Street At W. Wright & Bon's. , Huvli4g received a assortment of Carriage Trimming Materials -- from the Uast, I am prepared to executo all orders with neatues despatcli at very rea- sonable .ates. G. A. BOHUMAN. apr 7.0-l- y Pioneer Shin Factory 104 Fort 81, Upstairs. The undersigned begs to Inform the l'Ul)o qt ihesu Islands that he Is making Mlitrtw py oiiNuroiHpnt I )li wjtiouftfor eelf.measurumunt will bo given on Application, WbUlrts, OvfirsblrtB & Might Gowns & lit gUArnntoe i HVUMovvuryrirdfr. making' a sample Illinit order isllolUdBill TeUphqno 410 Eorse-Olippin- ff I I mriMirt ltp Mirut i PwWrlW( Tboroughbred -:- - RiiuuiD ,tTAI.L14N -- . "DUKE SPENCER," Will stand for n shoit time at thg GreonQold Stables, Kaplolanl' Park; FjllKE Shknckii la a dark bay, 4 years ; stands l&X hands high ; kind am gontlo disposition. PEDIG KK1C i By Daks of Norfolk. 1st dam Spencer by Norfolk dum Ballerina. ..by Imp Balrwolo Ilenule Farrow .....". ....by k dam by Balshazzar am dam Madam Bosley '(Gamma's Dam) - by Richard Oth Ham Nancy NIchol.. imp. Eaglo dam Itosloy by Wilkes' Wonder dam J ..... Chautlcleen 9th dam by Imp, Sterling 10th dam by Clodlqs 11th dam by Imp. Silvereye 12th dam by imp. Jolly Roger 13th dam by Imp. Partner 14th dam by Imp. Monkey 18th dam Imp. from the stud of Harrison, of Brandou TERMS $50. tgr Beat of care takun with aulmals. Iu case of accident no responsibility be assumed. H. KIOKA.RD, 022 tf Honokaa, Hawaii. fi.fi. mil &GL (I.IIUITKOO Wm. G. Irwin. . President & Manager Claus Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt Walter Mi Glffard Secretary & Treasurer Tueo. C. Porter Auditor SUGAR EACTORS Commission Agents. AGENTS OF THK (Miami; steamship Gomp'7, Of Han Franelseo. HAIiBSSIITBFIELD, Our New Artotype Illustrated Catalogue on application. 118 HTJTTEIt ST., Franclhro. : t California. may PIONEER STEAffl CANDY FACTORY A.rvi jaA.ici3iiv. F. BORN. Practiqal Confoptlonor, Pastry CooL. and Raker. 71 Hotel St. -- &$& Telephone 74. THOS. LINDSAY. MANUFAOTURINp .lvl3r .Sc WutaluimUor KUKM JEWELRY 8 SPECIALTY. Inpr3treot,li;onulu.Jn, , lir Pttrllmilui- - ullentlou puld to all Mml VU , A, G, SILVA, fill A llnl.'l (lllt.ul, IMI'OHTKIi 01' RuEMtlWf iHnltlvAik Oirptt Jild vn'iii itniMwi tjisiiiii: J.HOPP&GO. King Jrf King St. Importer of Rattan and Reed, Furniture. Pianos and Furniture Moved Willi Care. Mattiog and Carpets Laid, CORM8CE POLES Fine Upholstering & Bedding A Specialty. OHAIBHTQBU1NT. npr-10-8- 8 BEAYEB. SALOON Tfio Boat Lunohiln Town, Tea-anc- l Coffee ,at 11 Hours Finest Brands of cip's, ,!.. TotatD Always pn Hand. J. NOL.TB. Proprietor. TJU33 Metropolitan i . MeatCompany 81 KING STREET, J. iWALLER, . Manager. Wholesale & Retail Butchers " AND NA.VY CONTRACTOK8. 1717 ly WALKER & REDWARD, Contraotora fc Builders. Brick, Stone Wooden Buildings; estimates given. Jobbing promptly at- tended to. 76 King street. Tele- phone 2. P. O.llox423. ap-M- y ' : r ERPRIS PLANING MILL, Alakea, near Qneeu TelepbQno 88. GEORGE LOGAG, Contractor mgcfe ,& Builder. Ilonolulu Steam Pbmlng .Rllllg.i Espla- nade, Honolulu. ' Manufactures all kinds of Mouldlugs, Brackets. WJndow jFJrainos, Blinds, Sashes, Doors, all kinds of wood- work finish Turning, Scroll Band Sawing. All kinds of Sawing anil Planlnif. Morticimr Tenanting. ' f39 Orders promptly attended to work guaranteed. Orders from the' other Islands solicited. TAI WO OHAN Manufactuer of Todies' 4B,Gentlcmens French .Kid, Calf & Kangarop' 8KIX HUQBS JIADB.TO OKUKIt. IITKd or Mewed. Alao. (Jaddlem. 38NuuanuSt., : : : P.O. Box 20?. WENNER & CO. JManitfaetprluo; Jiwllera. NO. t3 FORT JBTTlHiJIE'. Constantly on hand a large assortment of every description of Jowelry, Watches Gold Silver Plated Ware. B58 ly WRI&HT BROS., THOMAS & HENRY. Fori Street, Luces' Mill, Carriage Builders. Ship's Bliektmllhlng, Drsys, Carts l Wanon BulUIng u ipelill)fi Kvuiy iIdsuiIiiIIuii of wuik in BbuyV m pwiftiinipil In uliHikM Miiiillim Mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji AUUWORKQUAIANTi;E0. Onltiio f iilliur luluinli ww Ihi'lr Will Im ih'ii"i in n I fil'l (liisjiyjiu'M.Hf.vvwl iw NEW MILLINERY GOODS ! latest Fall Novelties ! N. S. Sachs', : : : 104 Fort Street. Samples, of the Fall Stylos In TRIMMED HAIFS & BONNETS i NWV Q?,PN FOR .INHPEOTION. New Plumes, New Birds, New Wings, .ftinoy Ilttia Allien Ac. ItlUbun. ttmoico illc Ac "Velvet. Flowern. AT THE P0P1JLM rlW-IlER- Y - HOUSE, 10$, .Ppr street, Honolulu. MfflO 1 Mi fj This Space 8. EHRLICH. "TfMPlt - CORNER HOTJbll. TeR)Pn.i?OiA75.- - Mqr UNION FEED CO. OFFER BEP RQCK PRICES r- -r 7 0 CALIFORNIA HAY, OA.T8, DRAJ, f OIL CAKE $fl LISED MEAL, BARLEY, 1ROLLED BARLEY, MID,l?LI?ip GROUND .BARLEY, WHEAT AND CORN FLOUR, FLPPR ,yft.ltft Q.Pl uj i 'i hi i P. O. Box 145.- - mi uu vq oi solioited, Hf is Reserved 8. LEVY. ,FV FASHION" & FORT STREETS. Edinburg fc Qjieen .figte & SUnap FLQCTR -- Telepioe No.-92- . tne oj marge, uruors u ,ui.sipiPI munijyim.JmsBpfs frM (Jalf( (Jwlnorill lo)' H. E. MclNTYRE & BRO., IMPORTERS AND DEALERS toqrAe, Tcosisipns and Feed, EARll CORNER FORT KING STRKKTS. New Goods received every packet from Eastern Stales and Europe, Fresli.palifQruiPrpdtioe $tcamer. orders faHhfuUy attendofi uuuyo utuvwcu part Batisfuotion guaranteed Telepl(oie ,ftsW O. LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street, HONOLULU, II. I Importers, Witylmle HM Dealers .Groceries Provisions, W IQfr y NtKHHitii IIIV0.H.H. Ou, Cor. Sts. city ismi -- in,..,... lir.li AND very All 20, Boi 2W7. In & ON fk oaui wwir iwn MyHvoi)H vm) I'uiuornu in, riNhi tlmnw, yuuoiuia. VuiV ? i1' . VV'Mlli'H' llii f Oivw, (UpJrWVl A Norton' 'rtiul ft Willi"! (iiHHU rtlwy" mii Miii, Aim), iivV imihvi tm) llnu of f ipniiHH yv mihI I'iiIImI Mi'wu hmiI Miiiilnl ri'(frl r'nilu, MwM ('ii.'n Mullen IIihuiI Kiwur,1'nii'il nm uinl lliiiii( Huw lrvikrl vmh 0mm Orti KHI't,Hii'lrt,Hii1W)i)n YM, HfiPily Iiimhi. mill I'lillfiimln lllMrlii iMW'h Ofi'ifoii Ihiliiil' I'ulHlii, );p Hip,, j;k UnifM iFiro & Alurino Insurance Co., L'd, Of Now Xcnlnnrt. Capital $10,000,000 Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores, Storehouses Contents. Also, Sugar and Rlpo Mills, Machinery, Etc, AJarino IuHiirtuioo n Hulls, Cargoes Freights. paid here J. S. "WALKER, Agent for Hawaiian Islands CASTLE & COOKE, Lite, Firo & Marino Insurance Agents 1 AUBNTS Rev England Mutual Life Ins. Co., op uoaioN. vEtna Fire Iqsi Co. Hartford. UNION Insurance Company A Burlue. OK SAN PKANQISCO, CALlVUJUflA. 8 DO -- NEW YORK Life Insurance ,O.OMRANY. Assets, : : ,10(3,053,600.96 "Facts, ara'Stnbpora Things." At every age, on. every premium i table, and in every year, AC- TUAL RESULTS of TonlineiPoliciep "of New York Life Insurance .hayajbeem LARGER, than .thpse ANY QTHER COMPANY iasuipg , similar policies. 0T particulars apply to 0.,0. tBEKK, Gea'l Agot Hawaiian I,slad8. . tf E1BLE, LIFE, MABiJNE 1NSURAJNOE. Hartford 'Fire Insurance Assets, &5,288.00f. Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation (Fire Marino) CanitaL paid up, $2,000,000 jThames & Jersey Btarino Lts. Co (L(mitcd) Asseta, $0,124,057 ,ffew ,Xwk .Llfuraa. ,A8PH,$;O5.O58.0QtJ,B8 CO. BERG EH . tlpNfJLi" ' Wenoral Agent. ti o iHlantlt, 1063 ly CASTLE & C00KE, IHPPUTKU, Hardwaro.iBhipping Cpmmispiou MerohuuU. PUALBRS IN General Merchandise ! Plantation Agents, life, Fire & Marine Insurance AgeuUi Im.HI HONMf.DLU II I flHUI VOLCANO STABLES, (WalttUUbiinti filled.) Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice. AImi Nmlilln IIoi'Hom, PifrrluBff, fllfi rlrsNsiorOnrli, T M. MONSABRAT, tP 9 Attorney at Law & Notary Public 147 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf JAhERBD MAQOON, at Law & Notary Public 12 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly Baldwin Locomotive. hnderslgtlcd having beeu Appointed agents for the Hawaiian Islands For Celebrated From the works of Barbara, Parry, Williams & Co., Philadelphia, I'cnn., now prepared to give estimates receive orders for these unguis, of ' ' ' size, style. Baldwin Locomotive Wokks are now mauufactuilng u style of L'ofco-motl- ve particularly ndapted For Plantation Purposes A number of yldeh have recently beeu received at these Islands, we "will have pleasure iu furnishing plantation agents managers with particular ofsume. supei lority of these Locomotives overall other makes Is not only known here but Is acknowledged throughout the United Stutes. Win. IRWIN & Co., LM, Solo Agents Hawaiian Islands. 'Xa'-ig.iw'-i- y Pacific Hardware Co., L'il. B. F. Dillingham, President; J. Q. Spencer, Manager; F. L. Win- ter, Treasuicr. THE VERY LATEST IN Piano Lamps, BanqnetXamps, JL.llrury Xiampu. Hall Lamps & Chandelioi a Just Received from Factory. ANewjiine of Refrigerators, A Full Line of Favorite Eddy's Refrigerators & Ice Chests; t DlBstou's Saws & Files; New Llne&rijjP of.Locks, Shell-Hardwa- re, Etc., Planet, Jr., Cultivators. Pictures Frames & Mouldings. Pacific Hardwarp Co., L'd. 650 tf Fort & Merchant sts. CHANGE RESIDENCE. Dr. OlilVKU removed from Fort street to Ro- - bello Lime, Puluma. Office Uouns; 0 a. 11. to 12 u. 8 i. m. to 9 I. M. Mutusl 4115 Jf A. H. RASEMANN, Book-bind- er, Paper-rul- ei & Blank-boo- k Manufacturer. No. Merchant street. Up stairs. ly MULLER & Co., PRACTICAL GUN & LOCKSMITHS Bethel Street, "Damon's Block," Corner store. Surgical & Musical Instruments neatly repaired uf reasonable rates, -- ewlug Machines repairing of all kinds u speuialtv, All kinds of Safes & Scales repaired. Household Sewing Machines for hale. E. B. THOMAS, Contractor Builder. Kstlmatss Olveu on Bilok, Iron, Stone & Wpodeti Mulldiugs, Jobbing Atteiulcil to, KKKl'SFORHALK Brick, Line, Cement, Plaster of'FarU, Mmhlu J)ut, Whit LhiIi, Onllfornia Nurlh Ueucli 4 Sinli Qm lintl, jiim i ''i! M WU lu Milium, l'Ubl (ill; Jiiwfwllo'I'llW kuriiisisliMI i.hIIMimU ul DiHiiisuf Mmim mm M "KiHp,.w,MI A. m FOIl tjie Qilo- - ao.-f- c Hon uox aud 'of aod sts., $. and and and ore, and W. Co. No. full and by old Lou 2nd 3rd dum 4th Ida lmp Mr .by 7th Bet. 8th .by mnro will V. AND Cal. sent free Baa f-- AbM 74 St. 74 The U. G. and Bell No. St. No. aud and and And and &c. next thu IMT' 11.1111 thu nil imr aw AT AT any irpo ilu IN by by rrn A T. nnd Jb,tc and Los FOIl: of fire Jan the tho Co. OF For 283 Co. and 173 The sole the Are aud itur and The und and The G. for the the 'f of Has and 47G G. and It! , .&

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Page 1: -- ttte Pmlktm - University of HawaiʻiMiiiillim Mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji AUUWORKQUAIANTi;E0. Onltiio f iilliur luluinli ww Ihi'lr Will Im ih'ii"i in n I fil'l (liisjiyjiu'M.Hf.vvwl





.J 2 i ii'Vlft?.


(; t

I1?, F7; ttte Pmlktm


5- -


If $r O US?) r

Vol. XIV. Nc. 2705. HONOLULU, iH. I., SAtfKpAy flVffiOTG, ItfOVfiJKBEK 8, 1890. 10 OENTSauosdnlPTiort



;l .W- 7 1




18 l'UnU3)tKl

Every Afternoon Excopt Sundays

At the OHlce, Queen street, Honolulu,H. I.

AHTHUR J0HNST0,NE.. ..Edlor & Manser,



Daimt Bulletin, I year... 8(1 00u mourns .1 ia

ii nor monthllvwm CO


4 00J WW.

foreign. 'B 00

Telephone No.

"Address all business communica-tions ,aAILYBuIA.KTtN.,, 5

ess all matter for publloa"Editok Daily Uullkvin "

p. o. so. Uuuolulu, II. 1..l IJ'I .1 II- -

Commission Merenanta.

T. WATHsyHQUBB,John Importer tod Dealer luiGoneriiMerchandise, Queen t , Honolulu 1

2l7"IL.UH1B flJ OO,W Dealors in Lumber, PatflUA

.ills, Nails, 3aV. Building Materialevery kind, cor. Fort Queou


a. Oastle.--J. B. AtUerton-U.- P. DaHtli

,ilA8TLn aOooitM,V ahipplug-au- d CommissionMerohanu. Importers Dealers In

General Merchandise, tf o 80 King stHonolulu. 1

Leworu, F. J. Lowrey O. M. Uooke.

& OOOKB1,' (successors to Luwera & Dlckuon,)

Importers Dealers' in Lumber allHindi ol Building Materials, Fort street,Honomln " 1 '


SmmmWm engJneB.AUgar mills, boilcoolers; iron, brass lead east

ings; machinery of every descriptionmade to order..P,artlcular attention paidto ship's.black' smithing. Job work eicruted at "short notice ' 1

UAOKITKLD to Co.a.General Commission Agents.




MEKOHANTB.4 Queen &trct, Honolulu &.. I


aONSA-LVE- & cq..

Wholesalo Grocers & Wino Merdjanta- etor BJock, lioijolulu.


GUHBHAIj Mbuoaktilb andoomuimion aubntr.

list oy officbub:P. J. Jones, Jr. . . .President & ManagerJ. O.'Cabtbb. . . ..Treasurer & Booretary

duihotous:Hon. (J. R. Buuor. 8. 0. Ai.lkn,

H. Waxbkuuusb.38 1y

Gustav A.. SchumanCarriage Trimmer.

70, it, 81 : King Street

At W. Wright & Bon's.

, Huvli4g received a assortment ofCarriage Trimming Materials -- from theUast, I am prepared to executo all orderswith neatues despatcli at very rea-sonable .ates.

G. A. BOHUMAN.apr 7.0-l-y

Pioneer Shin Factory104 Fort 81, Upstairs.

The undersigned begs to Inform thel'Ul)o qt ihesu Islands that he Is making

Mlitrtw py oiiNuroiHpnt I)li wjtiouftfor eelf.measurumunt will

bo given on Application,

WbUlrts, OvfirsblrtB & Might Gowns

& lit gUArnntoei HVUMovvuryrirdfr.

making' a sample

Illinit order isllolUdBill TeUphqno 410

Eorse-Olippin- ff I

I mriMirt ltp Mirut i PwWrlW(

Tboroughbred -:-- RiiuuiD

,tTAI.L14N-- .

"DUKE SPENCER,"Will stand for n shoit time at


GreonQold Stables, Kaplolanl' Park;

FjllKE Shknckii la a dark bay, 4 years; stands l&X hands high ; kind am

gontlo disposition.

PEDIG KK1C iBy Daks of Norfolk.

1st dam Spencer by Norfolkdum Ballerina. ..by Imp Balrwolo

Ilenule Farrow.....". ....by k

dam by Balshazzaram dam Madam Bosley '(Gamma's

Dam) - by RichardOth Ham Nancy NIchol.. imp. Eaglo

dam Itosloyby Wilkes' Wonder

dam J ..... Chautlcleen9th dam by Imp, Sterling10th dam by Clodlqs11th dam by Imp. Silvereye12th dam by imp. Jolly Roger13th dam by Imp. Partner14th dam by Imp. Monkey18th dam Imp. from the stud of

Harrison, of Brandou

TERMS $50.tgr Beat of care takun with aulmals.

Iu case of accident no responsibilitybe assumed.

H. KIOKA.RD,022 tf Honokaa, Hawaii.

fi.fi. mil &GL(I.IIUITKOO

Wm. G. Irwin. . President & ManagerClaus Spreckels Vice-Preside- nt

Walter Mi GlffardSecretary & Treasurer

Tueo. C. Porter Auditor


Commission Agents.AGENTS OF THK

(Miami; steamship Gomp'7,Of Han Franelseo.


Our New Artotype IllustratedCatalogue on application.

118 HTJTTEIt ST.,Franclhro. : t California.



A.rvi jaA.ici3iiv.F. BORN. Practiqal Confoptlonor,

Pastry CooL. and Raker.71 Hotel St. --&$& Telephone 74.



.lvl3r .Sc WutaluimUorKUKM JEWELRY 8 SPECIALTY.

Inpr3treot,li;onulu.Jn, ,

lir Pttrllmilui- - ullentlou puld to allMml VU ,

A, G, SILVA,fill A llnl.'l (lllt.ul,


RuEMtlWfiHnltlvAik Oirptt Jildvn'iii itniMwi


J.HOPP&GO.King Jrf King St.

Importer of

Rattan and Reed, Furniture.

Pianos and FurnitureMoved Willi Care.

Mattiog and Carpets Laid,

CORM8CE POLESFine Upholstering & Bedding

A Specialty.

OHAIBHTQBU1NT.npr-10-8- 8


Tfio Boat Lunohiln Town,

Tea-anc- l Coffee ,at 11 HoursFinest Brands of

cip's, ,!.. TotatD

Always pn Hand.J. NOL.TB. Proprietor.


Metropolitani .

MeatCompany81 KING STREET,

J. iWALLER, . Manager.Wholesale & Retail Butchers





Contraotora fc Builders.Brick, Stone Wooden Buildings;estimates given. Jobbing promptly at-tended to. 76 King street. Tele-phone 2. P. O.llox423. ap-M- y

' : r


Alakea, near QneeuTelepbQno 88.

GEORGE LOGAG,Contractor mgcfe ,& Builder.

Ilonolulu Steam Pbmlng .Rllllg.i Espla-nade, Honolulu. '

Manufactures all kinds of Mouldlugs,Brackets. WJndow jFJrainos, Blinds,Sashes, Doors, all kinds of wood-work finish Turning, Scroll BandSawing. All kinds of Sawing anilPlanlnif. Morticimr Tenanting. '

f39 Orders promptly attended towork guaranteed. Orders from the'other Islands solicited.


Manufactuer of Todies' 4B,Gentlcmens

French .Kid, Calf & Kangarop'


IITKd or Mewed. Alao. (Jaddlem.

38NuuanuSt., : : : P.O. Box 20?.

WENNER & CO.JManitfaetprluo; Jiwllera.

NO. t3 FORT JBTTlHiJIE'.Constantly on hand a large assortment

of every description of Jowelry, WatchesGold Silver Plated Ware.

B58 ly


Fori Street, Luces' Mill,

Carriage Builders.Ship's Bliektmllhlng, Drsys, Carts l

Wanon BulUIng u ipelill)fiKvuiy iIdsuiIiiIIuii of wuik in

BbuyV m pwiftiinipil In uliHikMMiiiillim Mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji

AUUWORKQUAIANTi;E0.Onltiio f iilliur luluinli

ww Ihi'lr Will Im ih'ii"i in nI fil'l (liisjiyjiu'M.Hf.vvwl iw


latest Fall Novelties !

N. S. Sachs', : : : 104 Fort Street.

Samples, of the Fall Stylos In



New Plumes, New Birds, New Wings,

.ftinoy Ilttia Allien Ac. ItlUbun.

ttmoico illc Ac "Velvet. Flowern.AT THE

P0P1JLM rlW-IlER- Y - HOUSE,10$, .Ppr street, Honolulu.

MfflO 1 Mi fj

This Space


"TfMPlt -


TeR)Pn.i?OiA75.- - MqrUNION FEED CO.


r--r 7 0




FLPPR ,yft.ltft Q.Pluj i 'i hi i

P. O. Box 145.--

mi uu vq oisolioited,


is Reserved

8. LEVY.


Edinburg fc Qjieen

.figte & SUnap FLQCTR

--Telepioe No.-92- .

tne oj marge, uruors

u ,ui.sipiPI munijyim.JmsBpfs

frM (Jalf( (Jwlnorill lo)'


toqrAe, Tcosisipns and Feed,EARll CORNER FORT KING STRKKTS.

New Goods received every packet from Eastern Stales and Europe,Fresli.palifQruiPrpdtioe $tcamer. orders faHhfuUy attendofi

uuuyo utuvwcu partBatisfuotion guaranteed

Telepl(oie ,ftsW O.

LEWIS & CO., Ill Fort Street,HONOLULU, II. I

Importers, Witylmle HM Dealers .Groceries Provisions,

W IQfry NtKHHitii IIIV0.H.H. Ou,

Cor. Sts.

city ismi

-- in,..,...



very All

20, Boi 2W7.

In &

ON fkoaui

wwir iwn MyHvoi)H vm) I'uiuornu in, riNhi tlmnw, yuuoiuia.VuiV ? i1' . VV'Mlli'H' llii f Oivw, (UpJrWVl A Norton' 'rtiulft Willi"! (iiHHU rtlwy" mii Miii, Aim), iivV imihvi tm) llnu of f ipniiHHyv mihI I'iiIImI Mi'wu hmiI Miiiilnl ri'(frl r'nilu, MwM ('ii.'n Mullen

IIihuiI Kiwur,1'nii'il nm uinl lliiiii( Huw lrvikrl vmh 0mm OrtiKHI't,Hii'lrt,Hii1W)i)n YM, HfiPily Iiimhi. mill I'lillfiimln lllMrliiiMW'h Ofi'ifoii Ihiliiil' I'ulHlii, );p Hip,, j;k

UnifM iFiro & Alurino

Insurance Co., L'd,Of Now Xcnlnnrt.

Capital $10,000,000

Fire risks taken on Dwellings, Stores,Storehouses Contents. Also, Sugarand Rlpo Mills, Machinery, Etc,

AJarino IuHiirtuioon Hulls, Cargoes Freights.

paid hereJ. S. "WALKER,

Agent for Hawaiian Islands


Lite, Firo & Marino

Insurance Agents 1


Rev England Mutual Life Ins. Co.,

op uoaioN.

vEtna Fire Iqsi Co. Hartford.UNION

Insurance CompanyA Burlue.




Life Insurance,O.OMRANY.

Assets, : : ,10(3,053,600.96

"Facts, ara'Stnbpora Things."

At every age, on. every premiumi table, and in every year, AC-TUAL RESULTS of TonlineiPoliciep

"of New York Life Insurance.hayajbeem LARGER, than .thpseANY QTHER COMPANY iasuipg

, similar policies.

0T particulars apply to

0.,0. tBEKK,Gea'l Agot Hawaiian I,slad8.

. tf




Hartford 'Fire InsuranceAssets, &5,288.00f.

Anglo-Nevad- a Assurance Corporation(Fire Marino)

CanitaL paid up, $2,000,000jThames & Jersey Btarino Lts. Co

(L(mitcd)Asseta, $0,124,057

,ffew ,Xwk .Llfuraa.,A8PH,$;O5.O58.0QtJ,B8

CO. BERG EH. tlpNfJLi" '

Wenoral Agent. ti o iHlantlt,

1063 ly



Cpmmispiou MerohuuU.PUALBRS IN

General Merchandise !

Plantation Agents,life, Fire & Marine

Insurance AgeuUiIm.HI HONMf.DLU II I flHUI

VOLCANO STABLES,(WalttUUbiinti filled.)

Carriages at 1 Minute's Notice.

AImi Nmlilln IIoi'Hom,PifrrluBff, fllfi rlrsNsiorOnrli,

T M. MONSABRAT,tP 9 Attorney at Law & Notary Public

147 Merchant Street, Honolulu. tf

JAhERBD MAQOON,at Law & Notary Public

12 Merchant street, Honolulu, ly

Baldwin Locomotive.

hnderslgtlcd having beeu Appointedagents for the Hawaiian


For Celebrated

From the works of

Barbara, Parry, Williams & Co.,

Philadelphia, I'cnn.,now prepared to give estimates

receive orders for these unguis, of' ' 'size, style.

Baldwin Locomotive Wokksare now mauufactuilng u style of L'ofco-motl- ve

particularly ndapted

For Plantation Purposes

A number of yldeh have recently beeureceived at these Islands, we "willhave pleasure iu furnishing plantationagents managers with particularofsume.

supei lority of these Locomotivesoverall other makes Is not only knownhere but Is acknowledged throughoutthe United Stutes.

Win. IRWIN & Co., LM,Solo Agents Hawaiian Islands.

'Xa'-ig.iw'-i- y

Pacific Hardware Co., L'il.

B. F. Dillingham, President; J. Q.Spencer, Manager; F. L. Win-

ter, Treasuicr.


Piano Lamps, BanqnetXamps,

JL.llrury Xiampu.Hall Lamps & Chandelioi a

Just Received from Factory.

ANewjiine of Refrigerators,

A Full Line of Favorite

Eddy's Refrigerators & Ice Chests;t

DlBstou's Saws & Files; New Llne&rijjPof.Locks,

Shell-Hardwa- re, Etc.,Planet, Jr., Cultivators.

Pictures Frames & Mouldings.

Pacific Hardwarp Co., L'd.650 tf Fort & Merchant sts.


removed from Fort street to Ro--bello Lime, Puluma.

Office Uouns; 0 a. 11. to 12 u. 8

i. m. to 9 I. M.

Mutusl4115 Jf

A. H. RASEMANN,Book-bind- er, Paper-rul- ei & Blank-boo- k


No. Merchant street. Up stairs.ly


Bethel Street, "Damon's Block,"Corner store.

Surgical & Musical Instruments neatlyrepaired uf reasonable rates, -- ewlugMachines repairing of all kinds uspeuialtv, All kinds of Safes & Scalesrepaired. Household Sewing Machinesfor hale.

E. B. THOMAS,Contractor Builder.

Kstlmatss Olveu on Bilok, Iron, Stone& Wpodeti Mulldiugs, Jobbing

Atteiulcil to,


Brick, Line, Cement, Plaster of'FarU,

Mmhlu J)ut, Whit LhiIi,

Onllfornia Nurlh Ueucli 4 SinliQm lintl,

jiim i ''i! M WU luMilium, l'Ubl (ill; Jiiwfwllo'I'llWkuriiisisliMI i.hIIMimU ul DiHiiisuf

Mmim mm M




FOIl tjie

Qilo- -

ao.-f- c



aud'of aod sts.,



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W. Co.






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7th Bet.

8th .by






sent free




74 St. 74









and &c.



IMT' 11.1111 thunil imr




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tho Co.OF








Are auditur



















Page 2: -- ttte Pmlktm - University of HawaiʻiMiiiillim Mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji AUUWORKQUAIANTi;E0. Onltiio f iilliur luluinli ww Ihi'lr Will Im ih'ii"i in n I fil'l (liisjiyjiu'M.Hf.vvwl



Their Majesties the King andQaeen will hold a reception at IoluniTnlace, on SATURDAY, the 15th of

November, from 10 n. in. to 12 o clocknoon.

Tho order of reception at Court forthat day, will be as follows.

The King will receive the hookti-pu- s

of the people from G o'clock to8 o'clock a. in.

At 10 a. m. The secral HawaiianSocieties will bo received.

At 10:.i0. The Hawaiian public.At 11 a. in. The Chancellor of tho

Kingdom, His Majesty' Ministers,the President of the Legislative Assembly and tho Judges of the Su-

preme Court.At 11 :15 a. in. The Privy Coun-

cilors and Nobles and Representa-tives of the Legislative Assembly.

At 11:30 a. m. Tho DiplomaticRepresentatives, accredited to theCourt of Hawaii.

At 11:45 a. m. Tho ConsularCorps.

At 11 :55 a. m. Government Off-


At "12 m. Rear-Admir- al GeorgeBrown, U. S. N., and Staff, and theCaptains and Officers of the ships of

war in port.Ladies and gentlemen desiring to

pay their respects to Their Majestiesupon' this occasion, will call at thePalace between the hours abovestated and be presented during theintervals between the official piesen-tation- s.

On Sunday, the 16th inst., at 10

o'clock a. m., the Court will attenddivine service at St. Andrew's Cathe-dral.

Office of His Majesty's Chamber- -

lain, Iolani Palace, November 7th,1890. 704 td


By command of His Majesty theKing, I hereby proclaim that SUN"-DA-

the 16th inst., be set apart asa day of prayer, and all religiousdenominations throughout the King-

dom are most earnestly requested tomeet at their respective places ofworship, on that day, and there unitfein fervent supplications to AlmightyGod on behalf of those of our fellowbeings afflicted witli the dreaddisease leprosy.

C. N. SPENCER,Minibter of the Interior.

Interior Office, Nov. 4, 1890. .

702 4f

Joseph H. Kawelo, Esq., has thisday been appointed Notaiy Publicfor the Fourth Judicial Circuitof theKingdom.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Nov. 5, 1890.703 4t

John Richardson, Esq., has thisday been appointed an Agent to TakeAcknowlegement to Labor Contractsfor the District of "Wajluku, Islandof Maui.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office, Nov. ,1890.703 4t

Joseph A. Akina, Esq., has thisday been appointed Notary Publicfor tiie Fourth Judicial Circuit of theKingdom.

C. N. SPENCER,Minister of the Interior.

Interior Office,-Nov- . 1, 1890.

700 4t

Irrigation Notice.

Honolulu, H. I., Aug. 9, 1890.

Holders of Water Privileges orthose paying Water Rates, are herebynotified that tho hours for usingwater for irrigating purposes aro from4) to 8 o'clock a. m., and 4 to 6 o'clockr. m.

Chab. B. WILSON,Supt. Hono, WuU)r Works,

Approved:O. N. Si'KNOKIl,

Minister of tho Interior.027 tf.

18QO-TAXE- N !

Tax Payurs in vtliis Dtrut mm1

limi-b- imlillt'il that thu Txt fm(ht (uuit'iil vein will IumIiipuihI !)uliln at tu Olllmi of tTitx Auction'mill (Jlllli'llliir III Urn KuMHlWu JliiiW- -

IjiKiW) Him IM i!y uf NuvniHliuri a,

Tllfi GilltfD li ipu 'WW 0 u. II). ui iw to MX imhi't lilM BJiil

on Saturdays until 12 o'clock noon.All nmounlB over $10 must bo paid

in U. 8. Gold Coin or Hawaiian Cer-

tificates of Deposit.Taxes not paid before tho lBlh day


of Docember next will- - bo liable to j

suit with 10 per cent, costs added.T. A. LLOYD,

Deputy Assessor and Collector olTaxes District of Kona, Island ofOahu.

Approved :

GouKitKY Brown,Minister of Finance.

G90 8w

By virtue of tho authority in mevested by' the Constitution and theStatutes of this Kingdom and deem-

ing it essential to tho promotion of

justice, I do hereby order that thoRegular Term of the Third JudicialCircuit to bo held at Waiohinu, Kau,Hawaii, on the first Thursday ofSeptember, 1890, and by mo post-

poned until Monday, tho 15th Sep-

tember, bo and tho same is lieiebyfurther postponed until MONDAY,the 17th day of November, 1890, at 9

o'clock A. M.

Witness my hand andtho seal of tho SupremoCourt at Honolulu, this1st day of September,1890.

A. F. JUDD,Chief Justice Supremo Courl.

(Utcst:Henry Smith, Cleik.

047 22t

r u jw

aitu WtilltfitiPfedfrd to neither Sect nor Parti,But established for the benefit of all.

SATURDAY-- , NOV. 8, 18b0.

Mr. Gladstone says the AmericanTariff is, in his eyes, a "deplorableerror." This is just what Mr. Blaineand the most of tlie Americans seemto think of Hie English policy offree-tracle- as supported byMr. Glad-

stone. Its strange how gi eat nations,like great men, differ in guardingthe antics of the njrable penny.

The first of October was a notableday in Germany. In February lastthe restrictive laws on the SocialistDemocrats were abrogated, by thedefeat on third reading of the billextending their term further fromOct. 1.

The laws were in force from 1878

under several renewals. Duringtheir operation the Socialists main-

tained a highly developed secret or-

ganization, also a propaganda thatcompletely baffled the finest detec-tive service. The law had the effectof driving out all time-servin- g ad-

herents from the party, and consoli-

dating those who were earnest in itsprinciples into an organization of im-

pregnable fidelity.Thus the date of the abolition of

the laws witnessed a society of over amillion members, with a very largelyincreased representation in the new

parliament. Moreover, EmperorWilliam has been showing markedsympathy for the young and reso-

lute party. He has invited one ofits leaders to drink beer with him,and he has declared, in one of thosestriking sentences of his, that he isprepared to honor the man who willassist him to a just settlement of thelabor question, and crush all whooppose him in tue euort to betterthe condition of the working classes.

The abolition of the restrictivelaws has given Germany a freedomof the press almost equal to that en-

joyed in America.

As usual, when "the editors" ofthe Advertiser find they cannot playa game of bluff on either the pub-

lic or their patrons, they declare theunanswerable facts brought againstthem, out of their own columns andoffice bookB, to be "blackguardism''and, making a valor of "towardlydiscretion," withdraw behind athird statement concerning theirdaily circulation, which every em-

ployee of the Advertiser olllcc andthe public generally knows to be abase and unmitigated falsehood.

But the Advertiser Is as alwaysthoroughly inconsistent in everyarticle it prints In its own defense.Listen: Wednesday: "But if theyshall again bo uttered, this paperthe Advmtiser will givo

thorn threats of Hush and WIJuojc

tliu benefit jf a circulation of 2,600Issues," Filduyi "Wo tlie Ad.vortluor prlnU'd during Uio iijonthof Outulivr llOVIUfi of tliu PullyI'uolllo (Joiiiiminilul Advurtlttur, ormi ttvorngtuif ,30c(ij)Ba pur day."(TIip pMrmw of Hie AU'Pillr will

lliluo Him llffuruiiii ImtwiH-- 5f,jf)Qhilly vlruultttlun bdi) I.lV'o illlv

flliflUlUaii)i fiajiilaii i

!i!'i!it),J wlliJai) o Uui MmUm


being 1200 copios, as tV usual on

Saturdays.''Yesterday it was claimed the aver-

age daily circulation was the samenumber (i,20Q) in round figures,now it is only 1,200 copies on Satur-

days. As before stated the bonatide circulation of the Advcitiscr, is

about 700 copies daily, ni the booksof tho olllcc and employees willtestify if put under oath; ami if

1)200 copies wero printed 'thisv. morn-

ing it is another piece of bluff, thepapers will be either distributedgratis or the patrons of the Adver-tiser will find the bulk of them storedaway Under the office counter onnext Monday morning.


As per previous announcement theHonolulu Athletic Association metlast evening and transacted someimportant business pertaining to ap-

paratus, apartments, etc. The As-

sociation has alicady secured a leaseon the Hitles' Armory on Bcrotaniastreet, where they, have lately madenumerous Improvements and alter-ations for the convenience and bet-

ter accommodation of the Associa-tion.

A complete athletic apparatus isto be obtained at once and all por-tions which cannot be made. at homewill be bought by the club leader,Mr. Jones, who expects to go to SanFrancisco therefor by the nextsteamer. The first instalment ofapparatus, in the shape of dumb-bells, will be picsented to the Asso-ciation by the Union Iron WorksCompany.

During tlie evening me loiiowmgnew. members were elected: Messrs..C. L. Hopkins, Geo. E. Smithies,Hugh Gunn, J. A. Mchrtens, J. .7.

Egan, A. P. Peterson and H. M.Dow.

The Association expect to havetheir new quarters ready for occu-pation early next week and as soonas possible arrangements will bemade to give some public exhibi-tions in the near future cither bytransient or home talent or by both.

The Athletic Association is destin-ed to be one of the features of Ho-

nolulu sports heieafler, as it cer-tainly deserves to be, and the Bul-letin, to keep abreast with thetimes, is now making arrangementsto have an athletic column publishedweekly, which will be edited by anoted of the UnitedStates, assisted by home talent withlocal notes and comments.

YOU are sine to get the best IceCakes and Candies at the

Elite lee Cream Parlois. 70."i It


rPIIE adjourned annual meeting of theI Hawaiian III lies Association will

beheld at tho Hawaiian Hotel THIS(Saturday) EVENING, Nov. Sth, at7:30 o'clock. Election of officers andother impoi taut business will be pre-sented. Every member is requested toattend. By order.

,T. II. SOPER,J. RoTjrwELL, . President.

Secretary. 705 ItWANTED

IMRST-PLAS- S dressmakers; goodr pay; only expeiienced hands needapply. Corner Fort and Hotel streeis(over Ehillch's diy goods store).

705 tf


A MARRIED Couple, the wife to dothe cooking and housework the

husband to attend to outside work,horses, fowls, milking. Addiess "Ha-waiian O'trich.Farin," Kaplolaul Paik;Mutual Telephone 335, COS tf


BltOWN Leghornsa.o. fiuaranteed

thoroughbred. Address ''Ha-waiian Ostrich Farm," Ka- -

S--: piolaul Park: Mutual Telephone 325. COS tf



' Office over Bishop's Bank. G4G tf


I make a specialty of lepnlrlng fine

Watches, Clocks, Jewelry, Etc,

Aud Kuaiautcu Ihfit-cluR- S work nmoderate pi ices.

A.J.SCHREIBER,Hotel St., under the "Arlington,"

071) li


In tho now building, adjoining J.ovo'sllukuiy, wlii'Hi you can pio- -

cuio thu clink'UHt

Huef, Mutton. Veal, Purlc,J'.oultry, Idto,

SAUSAGE A SPECIALTY,Nq, 1 l'cik 8iok, tiuiokri Tbgu$i'

l)ef BBig, HinoM Muttyn llmai,i llolcgni BiiiUKd 8lctJ Uuf,

(hrwiuMvigi (krutl I'erk & kt(,

UT Y'Mir JMtMlHliKM h iMimt(ijjyiihUH iiml nyUuullm ulimiinliiDil In


WWHfji Tin. isragrwiwi in- - m


Auction Sales by James & Morgan.



PropertyatPeail City


By order of tho OAHU RAILWAY &LAND CO. 1 will sell at Public

Auction at Pearl City,

On SATURDAY, November 29th,

AT O'CLOCK 1. 31..

A limited number of those desirable

Bnilfling Lots at Pearl CityTho Company have expended $20,000

to procure an ample supply of pUiemountain water, resulting in the com-pletion of two large Reservoirs withstorage of nearly 2,000.000 gallons.

Fiom a distributing Reservoir with itcapacity of 700,000 gallons, at an eleva-tion of 100 feet above ea level, waterhas been laid along Lchua Avenue tothe Pearl City Depot In a CastIron Pipe, from which water will besupplied by the Company at Govern-ment ratfls.

The Company will bind itself in theDeeds to cairy purchasers and theirfamilies aud servants by rail betweeti

Honolulu & Pearl CityAt I Cent Per Mile, 2d Class

andI -2 Cents Per Mile, 1st Class,During a term of 9 years from the date

of purchase.Those special Rates of Faro will be

tiansfci able with the propel ty diningthe term named iu the Oilglnal Deed.Trains villi always he run forioasonableaccommodation of residents at PearlCity. Tiaine will reach Honolulu at0:45 and 8 and 11 :50 a. in , leaveHonolulu for Pearl ity aud way Sta-tions at 8 ;15 a. m mid 1(45 aud ,4 to4:30 and fiilfi to 5:!I0 p. in. subject how-ever to such eh inges as may be fromtime to time found uecessiiiy for theconvenience of the public or businessIntel csts of the Company. EvenineTrains will also be ruu whenever tlieieis a reasonable demand,


Those deshing lots wheie tho mostcuaimiug view can be had fiom theveianda of cottage or mansion, canobtain lots flouting on Lchua, Mallu orWoodlawu Avenues; this is -- av mostchnlmlng location for lesidences, us nilagree wuo havo tikpn the trouble towalk up Lchua Avenue above the EwaCouit House. As a health, reset t. abetter situation cannot be found. Toassist settlers, the following easy termsare offered :

One-Thir- d in Cash,One-Thir- d in 3 yeare,

One-i'hir- d in 5 years,With Interest at 7 Per Cent.

Thus making it possible for the mostlimited in means, to pioeure a Huehealthy lesidetice. Distance is anni-hilated by lallway communication, sothat people living at Pearl City willreach Honolulu in less time than ittakes to conic from WniUlM by theoidlnarv means of travel, while the ex-pense for a person will not Iip morethan live cents per day gi eater than thepirscut cost of travel .to Wajkikl byTiamway.

Now is your time to procure

Homestead & Business Lots at

PEARL CITYAt Prices lower than they can ever be

bought in the future.

Don't Let YourOpportunity SlipIf you do you w ill live to quote tlie

"hind .sight" sayings wc so often hearfi om people who had n chance to buythe whole of Kulaokahua Plains for asong, but they didn't! A woid to thewise is sufficient.

CSS1 Maps of the Lots can be seen attlie offices of the Pacific Hardware Co.,Hawaiian News Co., and T. G.TIiiuiu's,aud at my Salesroom, Honolulu, whereall further infounation can be obtained.

.JAS. F. MOllGAN,08-- .10t . Aiiutioueer.

COIIItT OF THISSUPItHMK Islands. In the matterof Tong Yuen alias Aiona of Walanac,Odhit, involuntary bankrupt.

Creditors of said Bankiupt arc herebynotified to come in aud prove their debtsbefQic sild Jiwllee of the SupiuuieConn as slmll bu sitting )u OliamherB

the lath day of November, 1890,'between the hquifi of 10 o'clock in theforenoou aud noou. of the said day, audelect one or more assignees of thu saidBankrupt's esuite

By the Com t.ALFKRD W. CAUTEJt,

. Second Deputv Clerk.Honohilu, Nov. 0, IB'JO. 704 3t


VLL persons aie lieieby uotllli-- thatwill not be responsible for any

debts contracted In my name uljliout awritten order.

LOUIS M. TOU.HSAINTHonolulu, Nun. 7, 181)0. 704 lw

notice!VI R. Roht. Llahman is authorized toIf 1 employ labor and purchase imitu-- IIn), f ir account of thu Building Coin-inlllc- ti

of the Central Union Uliuich.W.O.SMITH,W. W. II LL.F..J.LOWRKY,

For tho Coininllifii.Iloiioliilu, Nov, 3, I810. 701 lw


FltOM and ultui Oils dato we will notncpoiisHilo for iiuyfrulght wftcr

mtiiin Iihk hi'iui ilnllvi'it'd ittiuiy riatliii.J'liillrsiu wlimn fimglil h imiiikIuiiim)iiiiiki bunt llin Minimi id ii'i'iilvu ilnlrfirlglll,

u nv'Klit will by iMt'nIvuil for chip,iiimil bulwiM'ii tliu (iinir of h ijio mill U

n'i'liiuKn. in iiliiiuumii (till) iiml V

K'nlnuU p mi.TiiiIiin will mil Ihii'IiiIiii'i fin- - ili.

IIIUIII ( (M'IkIU Wlllllllll KlUTlulullllllHli'IHt'lll."!4!

OF NEW YORKCash Assets, :

W For full parlictara apply to

Dec-24-8- 9

Guaranteed Bonds








iYroBeito UU--ALU- HA." ts Olinff





""""km;Groceries, Feed Stuffs,


FERTILIZERS:- - Ohleudoif's Peruvian Guano, Special Cane Manure. v.

HUKFLt : KUeetual destroyer of Potato, Cotton & Canker Worms, r.tc.SCRUB all Noxious &Si-iulis- .


BAGS: Sugar, Rice, Paddy, Coal. TWINE, HEMP CANVAS, NAVY OAKUM.FILTER PRESS CLOTHS & BAGS: Kmbiaolng the latest Improvements In mateilal and texture.

Water Pine, Corruerated Iron, Fence Wire. im.tino-- w wShortly expected n

tine line of

Auction Sales by James P. Morgan.


MsBliolu Furniture

By oider of Hp. E. SCULLER. I willwll at Auction, at his resi-

dence Puliation stieet,

Nov. 19,AT IO O'CLOCK A. M..

The Entire Household Fuinituie, com-piling iu part:

1 Garvefl M Lilrary Set,Consisting of

Book Case, Desk, Tables and Chairs,Statuary, Engravings, Paintings,

X flandsomeB. W. Parlor Set,

12 pieces;, Large Center Rugs, Tapostry Por- -

tieres. Large Decorated Chandeliers'' .Tapancso Screens'and Ornaments,

ii Elegant B.W. Set

With PresselTlxathcr Chairs,Table Cutlery, Silverware, Vx

1 Porcelain Dinner Service

Cut Glass Wine Set.One Vienna Parlor Set,

Antique Oak Bedroom Sets,"With Bevelled Mirrois

Mattressos, Mosquito Nets,Bed and Table Linen,

Kitchen Range & Utensils,Ri'frigerator, Meat riafo, Eft., Ktc.

also1 (Jarrlnirn Horne. 1 riiai-lou- . Mt

llnriit-MM- , Hi (lillrM, I'.tc,

CQyPaillciilar attontiou is called tothis Hale of New and Elegant House-hold Furnltiiie. euibra Ing thu finestfurniture offered for sale in Honolulu.

BfiTPartles whhlng to Inspect thefurniture to tlie sale, can do soon application to the auctioneer.

JAtf. P. MORGAN,701 lilt Auctioneer.

POK HAJLK cheap- BRAKE (new). Apply at this

ollloe. 701 lw


1 Wagonette, 1 Roekawny, 1 DoubleSet Harness (now), 1 Mu;lo Set

Harness. Thu above are hi llrst-i'la- fn

condition Apply ut Ibis olllcu. 701 lw

Coimrtnei'Mhin IMol iee.

rMIE iiudcrslgucd havo this day1 formed a copariiiershli fin- - the

purnoHit of ilfiillug Iu hay. giaiii, etc.,under Ihu iiaiiiu of the California FcvdCo, 7'.. I KING,

Ruylduiico llniioliilu.,1. N WIUUUT.

' ItrMiliincoHoiiohilu, Print. 17. 1W0. iWjl


AT llin iiliiiiiiil iiii'iilliig of Dm Will-Kiip- u

iiK'ii'l'n. Iii'lil NiiyiinliiTll,I mm, iiii fniimving kioi'Miniiiii wi'ifI'lKi'll"! !' HrM m nllli'i'in fur iliii hiimi.I UK )'' I'

W, II, IlMHItti'll Pivr I MillHi Ml,llllJIIM'"VII,M-l,l'Hll'l- H

Win ll. Ii l),)) .,V!I"W MMiBi't'ii'iJiiyl'i n i sjll'''



SECURITY:: : : :







raoo I'



Sept 17-0- 0

Telephones, No. 119.-- -


of ofof ou

am allme

all ofbe see




of in


for mie twothe


0U7 2w


the old

07ft .'IS

onHlii'iil leu

mi' iwoto



MM)ri0'illl KlllKIHTlllV

In lui'tiii

ilv .iwiinmwl. m


Jt. JWOfiSJbG,for Hawaiian Islands.







Hardware, Cutlery, Crockery & Glassware.TEVAJNiaMIS

Dissolved Ohleiidoit'sLONUUN

EXTERMINATOR:-Destro- ys Weeds

Galvanized Pin"










& Knlvea.


-- - -nrw

to tills trarip.

- P. O. Box 372.


has, Hustace, King

the bIoips tlie biiuk building known as th&Block," neaily opposite the old Htand.and disposed

portion my stock damaged by the late andin receipt New Goods per last steamer, more the ,wav Iprepared to fill as 'before. Thanking the public"

liberal patronage bestowed on for the past seven years, Iby prompt attention to to merit a continuance thesame. At the new-stan- d shall pleased to all my old feus-turne- rs,

and as many new ones as may find it to their advantagecall. Island orders solicited and faithfully execiited.

You can the Latest Styles of

Ladies', Misses' & Children's Hats,AT

LeadingChaa. Fishel. Cor.



illinery : House&

CLIMAX" BAKING POWDER. Without a Kival in Price Quality !

One-thir- d the Price of the Boyal !

Every Housekeeper Use It !

0T A Saving 38 Per Cent Cost and the Very Best. &mSPECIAL TO JOBBERS.

551 tin) Exclusive


A TWO-ROOME- D Cottage,furnished or unfurnish-

ed, ccntrnllii located. Suitable or gentlemen. Applyat HAWAIIAN NEWS CO.



ami Lot onBciotanla street, a few

doors above the Aiinorv.For particular Inipilie within.

LETVKRY Convenli'iit mid

StSSt A l)ei-iiiibl-i Coitiii'cnlxhi'd or tiiiliiiiiMit'il.

biMihdl giiuinil at Mnl.lki A- -ply ut wiMOK'K ,u:xy

If Murclmiil siicet


' TIiiimi Nh-i'l-AMSljMm l'iiult.iiHl Jlnoiiib, twoNMMHl bi'iliiiniiiii ami puiior.I'liiU'lilinwl nuitr Pill Walktluiuiiiiio Hingiu gtiiinuim'iiAiplmnif f, iu:iiiiAm,


ItH'tOlUV OlH'lillhul

HHIW Mi'i Vm HmiuDit. inrpJLDUUlil' iwiihi. rifliiiiwii iwyj'iljoiuiiH I'tiiiSfJui)


Agent the




Ciitlow Cane


...u&, """,Entirely




Having loused"Lincoln having

that fire, beingand

orders for-th-

hope uulors




Fort Hotel Sto.



HENRY DAVIS & CO.,Agents for the Hawaiian Islands.

NOTICE!Purchasers of Lots at Pearl City will

Please-Tak- s Notice.

'I "HE Oahu Railway & Land Co. haveI mado arrangements to deliverlumber aud all kinds of Building mate-rial at tho Peail Cltv Station nt !

regular Honolulu prices.'those deBlrlng to build at Pearl City

upon land sold by the Company pleasecall at thu Oompuuy'H ofllcc for.furthwparticulars.

B. P. OILL1NQHAM.Oenernl Manager O. It. & L. Co.


. NOTICE.I R..I. M. WHJTNKY Is happy to

In"!!",",V,!. t0 ,l" patioiiH andfilmula Honolulu and elsowhuru, tliuthciiHifoilh lu will bo assisted In hidihnital looniH by Or A E NICII0L8,miln of till' Hi. Louis Dental CotluK,...... .... no,..,,,, jv.im ii auiH'UHHIlllIhmer In Pwmluna, California ()!rIjoiiih as iMitoi fiom Ki:i( a. m, to 4 tUj:

v :: .. . m 1


1 nl


qMllvKuplii'iuil .Miiimnliy Uinun mI lw iitoiiiH loiii'iiuiiiiiiiiiluiii

imlli'llU. I,imIU of inoiliifHtu inimii"MlMMi WHu Miiiiro ii limiii) mi riiiinn.UlllKII'IIIKjlllfniK Hill ilnrliiu I 10 lllllll

..1 ' H ' 'll.on inn i'oiiiiiiiihnt, uii Urn

fi..(inn ii

'..--.1 1 uJHllliii lllllKll u II nil'illriij

l)ll Ml IU IHO till I. lili'Hku implyHI. I IP "Ml' IU Ml Hi vh l umiriiilino vi .HI I'M III H'.ll liM!0, Ummm in1- -

ii hi null i

,Qm,m in



Page 3: -- ttte Pmlktm - University of HawaiʻiMiiiillim Mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji AUUWORKQUAIANTi;E0. Onltiio f iilliur luluinli ww Ihi'lr Will Im ih'ii"i in n I fil'l (liisjiyjiu'M.Hf.vvwl




.iftr-'- i


y&i '

if -



Hfe '





ftnttg gwnsfiwSATURDAY, NOV. 8, 1890,



To Take KlTeet.OFtobtr Mil. 1HOO.

,'Xl,VlIN-'- :A.M. A.M. l'.M. l'.M.

LeaVo Honolulu.. 0:liV 8)45 4:30fAirivo Monouliull. 7 :2C sis-i- 2MU r::ir.tLeave llonoullull. 7 :ilf 10:51 it!51 5:451ArnvoHonolulu.. 8 :30 11:55 4:55 0:5bt

Sundays cxuoptud.SuturUays only.


Stmr I A CuihmhiH from WaiinanaloNov 8

Stmr Ltliua from Illlo and llaumkuaUerSSAuilgo.TA Union, from Hong-

kong en route to,.Sutti Cm., Mex-ico '


Htmr Walnlonle for nnnmino at 8 a mUk (J D Hiyiiut, .lauobscn, for San

FrnnclKcoU S'H Iroquois for Samoa


Htmr .1 Cummins for Waluiaiialo at.11 a m


Stmr .1 A Cummins 1200 bags sugar.

T PAS8ENGERS. i rFor San Francisco,, pur bk O D ISryatn,

Nov 8 V W Howe and 3 stuc-rage- .

tiHlHI'lNi. riUlfcb.

rhe tug Kleu 'was lowered rrom theMarluo Hallway to-d- ami the HchrKulumnnu was hauled up- for eleanlng.

HI.IMH Tsuknba took In coal thelast two days from the schooner Kiuili-iu- a.

"' ,


Go to Pearl City and see the cyclistthis afternoon.

Bahkbam, between the' pickednines this afternoon.

FinsT-OLAa- s dress makers are want-ed,' See advertisement. -

Kkuui.ar sarvice at,Central Union.Church morning' nt 11o'clock.

There will be" a union service atKawaiahao Church at halfpast seven o'clock.

v Vt-- m :' There will be a praise service atthe Y. M. C..A. Hull even-ing at half past six o'clock.

' '1M.- -- -',.!' Football at Makiki this afternoonnt 1 o'clock. The Charleston andHawaiian hands will be in attend-ance.

The Bulletin hns more thandouble the bona fide circulation, ofany-Englis- daily newspaper printedin tlie.Huwaiian Islands.

Within the next few weeks newdepartments and attractions will beadded to . the Bulletin which willlargely increase both its popularityand its circulation.

The employees of the HonoluluIron Works have accepted the chal-lenge of the employees of the UnionIron Works to play a game of base-

ball on Saturday, November 15th, inhonor 'of His Majesty's birthday.

. n .Mr. H. F. Wichman has taken .out

a copyright on a design for a spoonto be, manufactured from Hawaiiancoins. The new spoon will be anoriginal and handsome article, andjust the thing for Christmas presents.

. . m

An adjourned annual meeting ofthe .Hawaiian ltifle Association, willbe held at the Hawaiian Hotel thisevening at half-pa-st seven o'clock.As the election of officers and otherimportant business will come beforethe meeting, every member is re-

quested to attend.

"Since the new Central Market onNuuanu street, next to Love'sBakery, lias opened, it lias distanced

'all competitors in the superior qualityof the fresn and prepared meats andsausages. The now firm are dailyadding to their facilities and henceto tho variety and quantity of theirstock. Messrs. Westbrook and Tay-

lor guarantee good weight and makeit, a point to deliver all meats beforebreakfast time. For new delicacies',etc., etc., see advertisement,- - wliichwill appear in Bulletin next Mo-



Twenty-thir- d Sunday after Trin-ity. Cathedral services:

Holy Communion (Hawaiiun) atft :M) a. in.

Litany, J:.'I0 a. in.--- " Morning prayer anil sonnoii, 10

,,u. nv.; Hawaiian Kvensong ami Sermon,

o p, id,KvonliiK prayer mid Sermon, (i

. m.


Tliu HurvlMJ of the Riii'oiiil Con-riKtU-

of HI, Amlruw'Hon Ktiiifjuy, Nnvt'inlier lull, w lmu liillmvsi 1 1 1 1 A u, id , iiioiiilmrnrnViTi wild MTinnii, 'IV Dmim itml'I. .1.11.. I.. H'.ui.j ll. I'l Anlliuiiii "()If IIUIIHII'I I lull" III

iidUi mill ti,M hiilllviiii, hyimiM Villi,HO 7 1 n. lib i I'vi'iiH'iiiKi wiin

liuiimiii Ailllmiiii "Tliu mm nIiuIIll ll'iiailuiiril. Iii'iiiiimjiu uiiiri' ll uuni'iiiin . luniiiu

in riiui. liiv. hm. 6lwill)liiJiiimp All m bii'luiil in Uuwb w'


124th DAY.

Saturday, Nov. 8.The House had :i quorum at

10:15.REPORTS ok committees.

Noble Maufailane presented thoreport of the select committee onthe lease of harbor property to theUahu Railway autl Laud Company.On the strength of expert testimonythey .condemn the granting of thelease by the late Government. Thesurrender of revenue-producin- g pro-

perty and the damage to the harborfrom the improvements of the com-

pany are cited, and the committeehave come to the conclusion of thegreat importance of Immediatelystopping all infllllngs by the O. R.& h. Co. on the leased premises andof the necessity of the Minister ofInterior immediately proceeding tothe cancellation of the lease for thefollowing specific reasons amongothers:

1. Under no consideration shouldthe Government give up the rightsand privileges in, or the immediatecontrol over, any' part or portion ofthe deep, water front in ihe harbor,and yield gratuitously large reve-nues to bo derived by the, Govern-ment therefrom. ',

2. The jaw under which tliu leasewas made, does not contemplate tlierelinquishment of valuable terminalfranchises of Government property torailways, which will not only cutofffuluro revenues but embarrass ourabsolute necessities in harbor im-

provements.3. The obstructions wliich will

necessarily lie built, up in the harborunder the terms of' thia lease, mustbe avoided in the public interest.

4. The lease will cause heavy ex-

penditure in the Customs depart-ment and will render more dilltcultand much more expensive the con-

trol of, and means to prevent smug-gling, as the testimony taken clearlyand amply shows.

5. The (lease will practically pre-


the construction of Governmentwharves on the west side of Hono-lulu Harbor, wliich is the only avail-able and convenient place for suchpublic works,

C. The rent provided for in thelease is entirely inadequate.

Your Committee, therefore, begto recommend to this, Legislaturethat the Cabinet be directed to takesteps to cancel the lease on the bestpossible terms and conditions, whichcan now be made in the interest ofthis Government, by immediatelygiving notice as by the terms ofsaid lease provided.

In conclusion your committeewish to again state that the abovereport is based entirely upon com-

petent and reliable expert evidencegiven by disinterested parties, wellknown in the community ; and thatour conclusions,' have only, beenreached after very careful consider-ation of all the facts in the casemade by all the members of yourcommittee.

Respectfully submitted,El MULLElt,H. A. AVlDEMANN,

E. C. Mackaklane,H. V. Baldwin,J. Marsden.

Rep. Brown said no' doubt theconclusions of the committee werecorrect, but the Government was inan unfortunate position. The Ap- -propriation Bill having become lawthe Cabinet has no money to pay forthe improvements..

Noble "Widemanh said they couldpass a new Appropiiation Billdouble the other one.

Rep. Brown, continuing, said theBishop. Estate had a Royal Patenton the property and in fact the wholeharbor.

Noble Widemann held that theycould make a new AppropriationBill. This matter had nothing todo with the Bishop Estate, whoseclaim had been asleep certainly forover twenty years. The claim at allevents only covered a small portionof the harbor. Mr. Bhhop hudnever see fit to make a claim, andwhat he did not see lit in, claim wasnot worth anything.

Noble Muller said the committeedid not go into the legal phase ofthe question, as the House had re-

fused to pay for legal advice tothem, and they did not care to con-

sult tho Attorney-Genera- l becausehe might have to take the matter uplater. The lease said "hat piece ofland covered by water," and he didnot think any part of the hurborcould be called laud any more thanthe Molokai channel.

Noble Ilaldwiu thought therewould be no trouble, as tin- - companywas willing to give up the properly.

Noble WiiliMiiunii held that theMiiiUler of the Iuteiior had power,without a law being enacted, toterminate the lease,

Noble Mucfailune thoiiuht Hintwhatever method wad to he adopled,the House should take steps to havetho required notice given, lie dilnot tlinl( It was necessary to takei'Xlritine iiimiNiirus, although lie

lilt) company hud Inrfellcil tnlease, lieuuumt tliu Iciibu iviiiilreil amonthly wluteinent of luiiiovi"IIH'llUi

Nnlilu I'IiIIIIii iiiiilurtdnnil llmlonu of I tin uliliil uriiilinla ill "Oiii

pluliil win lliu iIhiiiuku iIdiim In til"Iimlinr, ilH'rufuri' wwilwl l ImmvIiihv iliiw wiih lo Hi) ri'ini'illDil Iiy Him

Oinwiiinujii Milium ,,'"i' Hip imlimit. U'liiilit llui I liivni iiiniilil iliiairi.lJ I ll uuhi IIJI- - iiniriiiinriit.il- -

jui.tuit jttljArf r .. .m mmm. w. wtu miwmwii im ma urn pt



DAHiJI BULL.lfiTl'.N : tiUJHtl,U.LU, M. I., NOVlEMBEH 8 ibuu.rrrt

away the only site for a wharf onthe west side of the harbor.

Noble J. M. Horner said thoy hadhere nn Important report and thewhole matter had belter be turnedover lo the Cabinet.

The report was adopted.RESOLUTIONS.

Noble Phillips presented a resolu-tion that tho claim of Skinner & Co.on account, of Portuguese imm-igrants by the Thomtts Bell be takenfrom the table and givpn to a .selectcommittee.

Rep. Brown did not believe inturning the Legislature Into a courtof taw. The firm had not exhaustedIts legal recourse.

Minister Peterson said severalmatters hnd been considered by IheHouse, which hod not exhausted theremedies of tho courts. A commit-tc- o

shpuld be able to deal with thecase in question as well as a jury.

The' resolution passed, and thePresident referred the claim toMessrs. Phillips, Hind, Hookano, G.N. Wilcox and McCarthy.

Noble J. M. Horner presented aresolution, that it is hereby declar-ed that when the item for carryingfreight, mail, etc., from Hawaii toCalifornia (Lalo), 015,000, waspassed by the House It was under-stood, both by those who voted forand those who voted against thoitem, that such item applied andwas intended to apply to San Diegoin Southern California and not toany portion of Lower California orany place in the Rcpublio of Mex-ico. He moved that the resolutiondo pass, also moved the previousquestion.

Noble Macfarlano thought, that, inall decency, when Hie lion. Noblotried to spring a question like thison the House, he should not add tohis offense an attempt to shut offdiscussion.

Noblo Marsden held that the pre-vious question was out of order, asa member could not make two mo-

tions at once.Noble Macfarlane said that was all

right; he just wanted to character-ize the conduct of the lion. Noble.An agent of that company had beenlobbying there the last three clays.

Noble Phillips That's so.The President ruled that a mem-

ber could move the previous ques-tion with a resolution, but the Housedid not need to pass it.

Rep. Lucas objected to railroad-ing a thing through in the way at-

tempted.The previous question lost.Rep. Lucas moved that the reso

lution be indefinitely postponed.


The Union Iron Works of Hono-lulu signed a contract to-da- y, tomake a complete. diffusion plant fortheEwa Plantation Company. Ev-

erything will be made at the works,and the price is S203.000. This isprobably the largest contract evermade for mechanical work in theKingdom.

. H -men, women and children975 wanted to buv the Excellent

Mince A'les, ureain uakes and dozensof other Fancy Pastries made freshto-d- at the Elite Ice Cream Parlors.

705 it

In Pints & Quarts;ALSO

JR, MINES WM NTE,Champairno, ,

l"ort fc Uhurry,HAVANA CIGARS.

Etc., Etc., Etc., Etc.FOR SALE BY- -

H. W. SCII3IIDT & SONS.705 8t

Certificate, of Registration of


the Int won. )

Honolulu, Hawaiian Islauds. fNOW all men bf these presents

that In accordance with ihu nro- -vlhions of rtectiou 2, Chapter 3, of theSessions Laws of 1HU8, ll. F. WICI1-M.- N

h;is llk-- In lie olllco of the Min-ister of the Interior an application fora CVrtitlcato of Copyright ior a modeland design Intended to be a work of theHue Arts and consisting of the sliapiugof a Hawaiian Colo into the bowl of aspoon and aitachlnga handle theieto sothat the Coin so shaped in combinationwith the handle ho attached can be usitdas a spoon, which Mild application isaccompanied by the oath of the saidapplicant that lie Is the Original andtlrst Author of said Model and Design.

NnJV, therefore, tills terllflcato Is togrant unto the said II F. Wluhinau, hisheirs or assigns for the term ol twentyyears from from thn 5tli day of Novem-ber. 18!H), the exclusive right to print,puhlUli, use and vend Hut -- aid .Modeland Design throughout ihe, HawaiianKingdom,

In witness whereof I have causedthis i mtlllcate to lm lsxiied atHonolulu, this 5th diiv ot Xo-fsio-

veinbur, A, 1), IH'.IU, and I he,Seu of the Department of ihuInterior to he heieto ullUed,

C.N. -- PEN Kit,70ft If Minister of tho Interim'.

Vlill 11KNT

lll.'klfll .III II L'l.e. II. ......i'kiii iiiii, i itu'iiii

lullll'lll'll ('Oilli'lllllIKH Itllll Bi'l

vtun' roiiiiis, Iiiiki .tiililc iMi'., mi Nnii'mm Avi'iini', ui'iir Hi'luml Mifii. I,iiiuvin il with dull irm'nitiMli'liiih'i'iliiwiu'N,lli'in lumoiiiiiiin, a in)! v ininn H Miih r. ,roN(l,

DAVID daytonVIII IIHHIl'M III llll llln'MI' lllllllilll lilt

lMH 'ililiiiillliii', uliji Iiii'mIIi'i'IJJK 111 iimii! tins, mn llnuni liuiui'tr. .V.J I I : ."I"l"! t'A&T! 7. I ""frr- -

my uwr ujjjiUiaiiJJJjjuiiisu w umi

Ullwi W nJfigjj miilU- r-



By P. M. English, B. A., (Oxon),At Y. M. O. A. Hall,

TuHlny, Wov. 11,Illustrated by Selections from the Com-

poser's Works, by Home, Talent.Followed by a Humorous Musical

Sketch, entitled:

" Our Ascot Party,"By Mr. F. M. English.

t& Admission, 50 cents. 701 at

Fort Street House,14. l.'ort troet.

Is the family hotel of Honolulu. Allthe comforts of home.

Booms with or without Board.Board, per week, according to rooms

910 to 813Transient, per day 82. 00Single Meals v .CO CentsIlooma LarRp. Light nnrt Airy. Hot

nnrt Cold II nth it.

II. II. IlKUHY,704 Vin Proprietor.

THE ARLINGTONHotel HI., t Honolulu

.1. H. FISHElt, Prop.


Board ami Lodging, per week, (ac-cording to location of rooms,,.

810 00 to 912 00Transient, per day 2 00Table Board, per week 7 00Single Meals 50

Rir Visitors will (hid this one of themost comfortable and convenient housesjn the city, the rooms being largo, lightand airy. Hot and cold water baths.

C83 tf


Monday alternoon, November 3rd, thefollowing .drew their watches :

- Cluh 1 -- Member No. 50.Cluu 2 Membtir No. 22.Cluu 8 Member No. 18.Club 4 Member No. 00.Cmn 5 Member No. 4--

Ha?" Remember we are giving you aSolid 14 Karat Gold usse Willi linefull Jeweled Walthain Movement Inour clubs (or

$1.00 Per Week.

H. F. WifWatcli CI..1. A. MJCKETT,

GOO lm Manager.



"" DRAYMEN.All orders for cartage promptly attended

to. Particular attentionpaid to the

Storing & ShippingOf good in transit to the other Islands.

Also, Black & White SandIn quantities to suit at lowest prices.

Office: Next door to .las. F.Morgan's auction room.

Mutual Bell 414oct


POSTAL Saving Bank Passbook No.Finder will please roturu

the same to General Post Ollloc ; pay-ment having been stopped. 702 3t



As an AoU'Wlnd Catcher, compare this TllUnTower and 1U Aermotor with an ordinary Windmilland rou will and that It presenu but a tluw ot the windsurface to tho iratp of tho storm that the other doe.

Itlsnn AsraufKteel. The AKRHOTOKUaSteel 'heel. It has cold rulled fiteef fulls

leer, lluuils, Hteel Arms and s HalUableIron Hub, Kim the Dolls us cold Dressed and

. ..... ..la ......k.AM ..II. Ua m u.1.. a aw PW.wr ijuaiiif. n. w. nmuw. wwAermotor. to do inure work Utan an

t,woo&suluiel the N II. pumping andiiirii Asrmoiors guarauteeliuj Uiuw to tta morsfcurk lhau anr W'II.P1..H liael tuads, tus

urcbawr la V ludK. aiul lists kVM liadorrasloukftH'iL1 " m tWW

II WNbuusn lltss and lbs lit ol f M Um

The AKnMOTon Co,,,

H NAM'. in nil';


Positively the LastGRAND

Bicycle Bntertainment !

PEARL CITY,Saturday, Nov. 8th.

Mr.W.S. MALTBY,The Undisputed Champion Scientific &

Artistic Cvellst of the World.

Sails for California on the AlamedaNov. 15, 1800, so that this will positivelybe his last appearance before the Hono-lulu public. '

New features and tricks In fancy rid-ing will bu Introduced Including Im-personations of Oscar Wlldo.

Excursion Train leavos Honolulu at

2:30 P. M.

Tickets for the round trip including ad-mission to the grnuuds:

--- -- no CENTS--

tr Remember that this Is 'positivelythe last performance! 700 lit


These Filters are easily cleansed,aud NEVER become OKACKED orGRAZED by change of temperature ofthe water.

The Filter Medium Is a NATURALSTONE, mined from the earth. Itisunlike any other stone.

It Does Not Absorb audBecome Foul I

IMPURITIES never PENETRATEIt, but lie oil the surface, and internallythe stone remains as pure and whiteafter years of uso as when taken fromthe

The Gate City Stone Filter jls a per-fect success. It Is the only real filter Ihave ever seen. T would not be withoutone for any consideration. It convertsour lake water into the best drinkingwater in the world.

Henky M. Lyman. M. 1).,633 West Adams St., Chicago.

For Sale by


Opposite Sprcckels & Co.'s Bank,C88 lm Fort street, Honolulu.

For Irrigation, 8 Compared with 18.Tb &f t. Aermotor jou sent ms tut jer au

sood uUslK&oa and Lu dona more Ihxn rou eliibmnuauu a ftuacneu ujfc juajponanaCAnUU rou it tarprUed ererj one to im eo un&U s rod runoUmspuinpwlUiiolonssUroke(8-ln,)- , and doItueasj. Bereral sentlemen trom Stockton came to

lookatmrmllL They bad aeen one tbora DiimDlni:from tub and tner did not think it u strongenouchto pump from a deep well, but when thetaawmlnelnaatt well tne were conrlneed ot ItsESJJ nd 1!w?S.uJn Pj"eO wltn It. MrwouldiUBply Xooo bead oj catUe with water, but Ido not ou It for tock, but for IrrleaUon. One dar 1

?oUPS?.?1IH. " ' wheel, stroke, ttaud--suit for S boura when mj wheel with Mn.Uft pump, stroke, was pumplnir olcelr.

mcUTUl.z,Cal.,Feb.2Vft). LOWiailKltUEUT.

S Greater than 14.

TheHft Aermotor Is taklnp water out ot a lltt-f-t

well, using and Hr In. pipe. It workslike a charm. The U-- L Aermotors are taklnitwater,one from a 210-f- t the other from a and workoneir I win run in a iisni ureete ana pump wateritbenkU-tt- . studi Idle, A. U, 3EV,


Same TVork, Satpp Wells, B ICqusis in.lamentlnlr satisfied with the 8- ft. Aermotor,

UUdutnatbeaameworkthels-ft- . tsdolnxandboth with same advantages aud same depth of wells.

OmONTA, Cal., Nov, o, IHU, U. IL UAMMONa

llegjuUtea Well.I pomp water for about ino head ot cattle with mr

wheel. It runs lighter than anr mill I ersr saw,rsfulates well and gltcs no isrk to the pump.Thigh, Cal,, reh, It, W) S. U, UTTLK,

Less Wind, More Water,WIIW lbs Aermotor lints ll polsrslng vt

tns pum lliUMWUIiimirh Isss wlm) than Uill.9Uv rfUlin' makes, an4 lisuos will ihuft

V.lunljir,&).ll,.r-.U.I..IWl- .' flA

- - I ' '

Nupie lliiiiisHiiiKUrileR. .

Uf AsrutUor iuuiiIIm vsur lor the Imum andu4o, iirMuaiUail illl, ruiii SiUerfiT lffll



THE EVER LASTING STEEL AERMOTOR -- giv a oall or droppostal card and xrfU Mad ooplously illustrated printed matter ahowtuKevery phase of wind-mi- ll work and construction, inolodlae the gearedontiit on barn,, wkioh does tho work el four horses for the prloe of one










HAWAIIAN HARDWARE OQVfhii I fiiwi'i, uinu H i m ! I'll' miL. 11'iwJubJ. Ui b

'Mw nm-


The EquitableSociety of the

Are now selling .their Bonds, and upon

AssuranceUnited States,

terms. The additional fea


mru oi insurance goes with every JUonu.

The following are a few of the many attractive forms offered byoriginal and progressive Company:


The Company is equitablo, its payments prompt and certain, and itspopularity unbounded.

From the iVew York Sun, April ith, 1890.)

The Lurgost Business Ever Transacted by a Life Assur-ance Company.

The now business of tho Equitable Life Assurance Society of NowYork for the first quarter of the present year is reported to exceed FiftyMillion Dollaus. is at the. rate of two hundred millions oftmur-ancef-or

the pear nnd is unprecedented in the annals of life assurance..-- Information cheerfully furnished to any who will write io or call

upon the undersignod at his office.

ALEX. J. CARTWRICHT,Genural Agent for the Hawaiian Islands, Equitable Life Assurance Society

of the U. S. Jan-1-9- 0



Dry Goods, Clothing, Hals, Caps, Trunks, &c.ALSO, A FINE LINE OF

Exercising ShirtS & Tl.htS, i" Black and Colors."

g&F"Members of the Athletie Clubthoy liuve but a few on hand.

JOHN" Dlnsssud HI'K," INom.




KBtJi. liLi&"Jt;.'?. j i








dosiiitiK suitH should

Granite, Iron and Tin WareChandeliers, Lamps and Lanterns,

WATER PIPE and RUBBER HOSEiHouse Keeping Goods,

PLUMBIN0, TIE; COPPER- - AND"93 Sheet Iroii Work.

New Goods

NOTT,liisif? Hlreet,



New Goods !



IH'l, clllltT UMHl UMtO!ll,(lU



VJWt. Fl!JCBJEHS-FimiouB (iniml Active Golden Anvil

Wrought Steel Cooking Ranges015' ALIi WIS51i,


Is Im




o J3

CoitHllllllUtfOni'-tllll'- ll l.i'HH

call early, as

At T

?ar i-.u








naLaKlKlExfiS'-2i!ii'U2&?3.aBiy- i

tiny ollior iSIivo in oxlHlaiwo,

gJT Nn Hiii'k Wink AImhiI ll lT Ju-- I u fhun Out Hlnvn I

Whoio Bi.kingQuulJtlo8ro UnsurpassedrJsVhsnu'iilir Mi'fiMlN )


tr I'll II HA lil. II V Till.



Page 4: -- ttte Pmlktm - University of HawaiʻiMiiiillim Mini eijmniiuil u liur nylji AUUWORKQUAIANTi;E0. Onltiio f iilliur luluinli ww Ihi'lr Will Im ih'ii"i in n I fil'l (liisjiyjiu'M.Hf.vvwl

. w "TKnjQppjr

DAILY BUJULiMTINt tfOtfULiUliU, tL 1.,' NOYMBER, fi, 18HO.Wtl4MW i m '' bmi U( " '!



&Oifico & Works,




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We. are now prepared to furnish at short notice, and of prime quality, anyof tho following High Class Aerated Beverages :


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Blnke's Steam Panps, Weston's Centrifugals,

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Dr, J&yne & Sons Family Medicines,


The "Dail" Bulletin Week Summarv "



Fiuday, Nov. 7.


Committee of the whole resumedat 187, the lliitd subdivision ofSec. 1 of the labor hill pending, asfollows:

Third. That such bearer shallnot engage in any other occupationthan that of agricultural labor.

Rep. Brown moved to add: "Pro-vided that the tarm'agricultural

shall be held to include laborin sugar mills, rice mills and coffeemill8,f and all labor incident hereto"

Rep, Bush held that this provisionwas an infringement of tho libertyof the Individual. No mailer if thelaborer consented to it before leav-

ing China, the moment ho landed inthis country he was accorded per-

sonal liberty under our Constitu-tion. The Supreme Court seemedto evade the question on which thisIlbuse wanted lo be instructed. Hewas there pledged to protect the

the working classes asw ell as of the wealthy. This mea-

sure would bring iclief to the plant-ers, hut he was convinced that,when the contracts expired, theChipuse laboieis could not be de-

ported without violation to our Con-

stitution. He could not sec that theentry of Chinese was a detrimentlo the natives so far us labor wasconcerned, but their unrestiiotedadmission was a menace to the inde-pendence of the kingdom. In an-

swer to a question by Noble J. M.Horner, as lo whether the laborercould not be depoited just beforethe contract was out, he said thelaborer was not bound to his masterbut to his contract. He moved thatthe subdivision be indefinitely post-poned.

Noble Widemann said the hon.member for Koolaupoko had built apretty structure, hut his argumentdid not support his conclusions.He (Njble W.) wanted to knowwhether our Constitution was oper-ative' in China. He. did not thinkit was. Why we should not inviteChinese to. come, if they were will-

ing to come under the conditions weimposed, he could not understand.Thisibill was for the protection ofHawaiians in their own country todo the work for which the Chinesewere 'wanted." This country was aParadise for the Chinese, and thisbill proposed to give them a taste ofit, and then send them back if theydid not renew their contracts. Thenecessity was upon us and we hadto make the best of it.

T,he subdivision was numbered"Second" and passed as amendedby Rep. Brown,

Fourth. That if such personshall he found out of employment atany time during such term or en-

gaged in any other employment thanthat of agricultural laboieror shallbe found in this Kingdom after theexpiration of such term, he maythereupon be arrested and held incustody until an opportunity occursto return him to China.

Changed to f 'Third" and passed.Fifth. That one-four- th of the

money uue to such person aswork done shall be re-

tained by the employer each monthand,forw;arded by bim to the Boardof Immigration, to be by it deposit-ed in the Treasury of the Kingdomas a special deposit, subject to theord(r of the President of the Boardp'f Immigration, prit ,o b,e returnedby vhe said Board to such personupon his leaving the Kingdoin.Prpvided, however, that such' reten-tipn.nn- d

deposit slia'l cease, when-ever the bum to the credit of anyone laborer shall amount to the sumof seventy-fiv- e dollars. The saidBoard shall have the authority ,topay the return passage of such per-- ;son out of such sums so deposited.If such person shall enter into anyother employment than that of

plqyer.'such mpflsy; so depositedmay ho forfeited "to llo HavyananGovernment.

Noble ''Baldwin moved to strikeout the words, "such money so de-posited' may be forfeited, to the Ha-

waiian Government," and insert thefollowing: 4'or should the employeror person giving the bond-provide- d

for in Sec. 2 of this Act bo compeJ-c- d

for any cause to pay the penaltyprescribed by such bond, by reasonof the failure to comply wjth theterms thereof, that then the sum bodeposited shall be returned by theBoard of Immigration to the princi-pal or surety of snjd bond so pay-ing said penalty." He considered itwas only fair to tho planter that, Ifthe laborer ran away and the planterhad to pay the bond, the plantershould get that money.

Noble AVidcipanp considered thebond a farce. The planter couldnot get a man out of tho countryunless tho Government helped him.

Noble Muller said a deposit of875 was required from the laborer,while his passage only cost 800.That yib a premium of if on run-awa- y

Chinamen to tho planter, IfUhU uinondmupt passod ho shouldvoU) for tho lixlulliilU) postponementpf tho hill,

Noble Muufarhinu tmhl (lint u.though lib was oif the uominlttnutlmV BiibinlUuil this hill, Im itnnever quite anl'sllml with It, WliljutliOHU who desired Ullllietio rentrln-tlril- l

wuin willing to HUM tlie. )iillt-ti- rt

Imlf'wuy, Hieru wuv tt llf)tUnit mi Hip mi of Hid plmitern loiir M put Wi'')' rttftrliil 9i I" Htf

ment in the House, Tho moohaenoand working olasacs wero entitledto protection from Chinoso competi-tion, and they had made concessionsin all reason to enable tho plantorsto obtain a supply of labor, Thequestion was an industrial one andshould be discussed as such withoutparty feeling. But it must not bounderstood that this view absolvesthe legislator in any way from inspledges made to the workingclasses. At all hazards and in allevents the material interests of Hriwail cannot excuse political perQdy ;

and especially at this time and inthis place whore so muny faithless pro-mises have been made to thqworkingmen and brokon aftowardsin tho Interests of .one class.But the industrial feature of thoquestion in many cases had beenused ns a cover by the very classthat wanted to run eveiy thing intheir own interests. If party feel-

ing had been excited on this ques-tion the planters had themselves tothank, for during the past threeyears when they had things all theirown way they disregarded the justand reasonable demands of the work-ing classes. If now the planterslabor under n disadvantage in thesolution and settlement of the laborproblem, let them ascribe it lo thefact that their interests have beenin ado paramount al all times,and have crowded out of consider-ation the claims of ovciybody ehc.If now the planters whose interestsI personally claim sjioukl, he, protect-ed, find themselves encountered byopposition to their demands uponthis Legislature if they find theirfiiends among the working classesloath to assist them, may it not- - be)ascribed to the position they havetaken during the last two sessions,-wher- e

they, had the upper hand ; a position of direct, antagonism to,the working classes and tevory-bod- y

else except their ownclass, and of disregard ofall interests except their own?But solving thisquestion practicallyand at the same lime protecting frclabor, the industiics of Hawaii neednot be handicapped. The plantersmust meet those who are opposed tomaking a Chinese colony out of thisKingdom, at least half way, andmust pledge themselves faithfullyand honestly to cooperate w ith usin bringing about a satisfactory re-

sult. Such result can be satisfac-tory only if the further admission!of Chinese is made under such re-- 1

strictions and such guarantees, thatthe laborer admitted shall confnehimself solely to the work and pt

for which he is brought here.How these guarantees are obtainedis immaterial, but they must be v,a-lj- d

and not bogus. Personally Iam inclined to the opinion that suchguarantees can be obtained' only bya convention with the Chinese Gov-ernment. Tlie National ReformParty and tho present administra-tion arc both responsible to sec thatthese guarantees are not emptyshadows". If a convention cannot bemade, or if delay ia making it is dis-

astrous to the planting interests, letthe performance of the restrictiveconditions be secuied by othermeans suggested ; but a conventionis the safest, and removes the mostserjous doubts against the carry- -ing out of the restriction.He would . have somethingjto say on the question ol tpebond, but, in the meantime, if thisprovision was nullified by the amend-ment, he should vote for the in-

definite postponement of the bill,because there was no certainty thatwlen the House reached the bondcause, they wud agree to tieamount of tho bond in this caseNoble 'Baldwin's amendment coq'klnot be entertained'.

Ifep. Brown was not elected onany pledge to any party and wastherefore enabled to spoakiwith free-dom. He held that when the planterpaid his own bond on account of theviolation of torms by the laborer,if there was any money on dopnsitfromjthe laborer it was nothing but

Cright that the planter should get it.- Npble Widemann, in reply to aremark".majle by iNt)ble Macfarlane,.denied jjiajtjip was actuated by self-intere- st

in anything he said or didin to House. The hon. Noble hadtalked big of things about which heknow nothing, in regard to.bills be-

fore the last Legislature. The hon.Noble would 'fine the planter andturdJll)eChinaman loose. He (No-bl- cj

W.) md. done all he could,single-hande- d as Ije was, in killingthe .bond business last session. HeWould ask the hon. Noble from Mauito jvMdnw his amendment, andthefyithey would strikeout the bond.

Noble McCarthy moved that whenthe cqmmittee rise it recommend theindefinite postponement of bothhills. lor.BCV(ira years there hadbeen a strong demand on thepart of the working classes forrelief from ruinous Chinese com-

petition. Those classes were willingto let the planter have all the laborho ncQdqd, only under such restric-tions nu would provont tho Indus-trial clauses from !)ong driven outby Chinese Thjs hill was i)raynup with t)mt object, but, wlionoyerto planters camo to bollovo thatthuy hud a majority and could carryanything, thuy began at the first toluvu uvury retftrlqtlQii atniqjc out,

Noj)u WJilviiiiiiiii ui tlttt(lf theMl) niui)u tlu pliiiitur puy no iiiui'hlo lliir noverniiient ii qi) not hWOlll tft ipy, IlllUyi (Willi not vollo lay ii hOiilmi on Dili planter olI'owlliioii i ln.i hu uniiiii not 'iiillll.

NoliM. M, llQriiur uv(di hqIM'H Ijiu liiii"Hll yjpttij, TliupiJli'H UUtlljllHlSlI lllHLi!)ll! M

try. Yet they heard members ofthis House a Representative overtheie, an hon. Noble over there, nn-oth- cr

hon. Noble over there talkabout the planters being opposed totho industrial classes. Men whoperhaps never did a day's workin their lives calling thomsolvcsrepresentatives of the workingclasses 1

Noble McCarthy called tho hon.Noble to order, as his remarks wereInsulting. Ho insinuates that I amnot fit to repreient tho workingmen.

Npble Horner That(ls jus whatI say.

The Chairman asked the hop. No-ble to confine himself to tho ques-tion before tho House. He hadnothing to do with thqse who repre-sented the working classes.

1NobJc Horner Baid ho would tryto obey tho, Chair. If Nobc W,ide-lnan- n

called himself a representativeoff the workingmen ho would bow tohim, or to Noble Hind, or NobleWilcox, or Noblo Baldwin. Thesewero tho imlustria) classes oMhecountry who produced its wealth.

Noble Baldwin would withdrawhis amendment owing to tho feelingdeveloped, but he slioud move forsti iking out the bund. He was sur-prised at the feeding shpwn. Thoobject of this bill was as much Inthe inti'iest of the workingmen

by Noble McCarthy as jnthat of the planters.

Noble Macfarlane held that thebond was the essential part of thebill. The planters had no objectionto laying a bond on atChinese syndi-cate and should not objcot to assum-ing the same thing themselves. Hewished to protest against the1 insult-ing language of Noble Horner. Per-haps he had not done as much physi- -'

cal toil as the hon. Noble such as'ploughing, digging potatoes, etc.but while listening to his insultingand vulgar language, his boastit gof iwhat "he hain't agoing", to dp,"

tone could not help regretting thathe had not spared some time fromtho soil for the benefit of his owneducation. If die hadhe would hayebeen on better terms of intimacywith the English language, andwonkhnot be convulsing this Housewith his private system of gram-mar. This bill proposed tointroduce Chinese in unlimited1numbers and without restrictions asto their occupation in this country,iti could not be acceptable to thewgrking people. The present .un-

satisfactory state of affairs was dueto the shiiking of responsibility bythe late Government, whioh was aplanters' administration. The 'National Reform Par.ty w?8 prepared tomeet the planters halfway, but mustJnsist,on retaining, the reasonable re-

strictions in the bill. r

Noble Muller said that if the bondwas struck out he should have ,tomove the.indefinitCipostponement of'thc bill.

Noble .Widemann referred to the"argument of threats" and intimat-ed that if the bond went in lieshould move for the indefinite post-ponement of the bill.

The Section was numbered1"Fourth"'and passed as imthe bill.

Sixth. That theisaid bearer shallnot be entitled to exercise the rightsof an Hawaiian citizen as to theterm of residence, or employmentWhjle in the .HayraiantKingdbjn, bptshall be restricted to the term andemploymentnamed in such permit. '

ChangedtoJ"F,ifth" and passetl.The, section as amended passed.

Noble Macfarlane moved to insdrta new section as "Sec. 2. Not morethan four thousand Chinese shall be1permitted to cuter the Kingdom un- -

i der the provisions of this Act. ' ' H obelieved this number would supplythe immediate needs of the planters.

Noble Baldwin was hopeful ofhaving a convention with China.Whilp it was doubtful f foqr thou-sand would be admitted under tljislaw, it might be unwise to placethis limit on the number. For hispart he preferred almost any otherlabor to Chinese, but some planterspreferred Chinese. He would move,if they were to adopt a limit, that itbe 500.

Noble Macfarlane accepted theamendment.

Rep. Brown said to place a limitmight induce the Chinese syndicateto dictate terms.

Noble Macfai lane's only objectwas to prevent an overwhelminginflux of Chinese. He was willing,however, to leave it to the Cabinet,which knew .the sentiment of thecountry and would withdraw hismotion, He was disposed to assistthe planters in overy way, recogniz-ing that it would be disastrous totheir interests to place any obstaclesin their way to prevent their gettinglabor, particularly at this time. Hoadmitted that there was forco inRep. Brown's argument that if alimitation was put upon the numberof Chinese to bo introduced at thistime, it would dofeat one of thoobjects of tho planters and that wasto reduce tho price of labor from thohigh rates now being paid to Chin-ese, viz.: 826 to $i)0 per mouth.Ho would therefore put the respon-sibility nn flit' Cabinet and trust lothem to act in uooil faith f uydid not they would liavo to meet thuoonserpicneo later,

Hup, J, nous renewed the motionbut nut thu limit at llirun tluuiniinil.

Nohlu W, V, Wornur cniiHlileruiltliut the nntli leipilreil of the iilunt.PH y (0 III" ilMinlmr liu iienlml, mit iiu(JL lliiilluni,

lD) llMtll IIIOVlul lo tlMtlfu yeHimimiiMl.

I No!ili VliJeinniiii (jiouylilAOUDniiv mine i hmi mililiiiiiiil. nhlim,

fun pf it. Tho point was, however,tljahajlimit ,would cause dictation of(ho. orms of pay.

Noblo Baldwin considered this avery important point. No marolaborers would bo imported thanworo needed.

Rep. Brown pointed out that thosecond industry of the Kingdom-r- ice

was suffering from the samoscarcity of labor as sugar.

Noblo Macfarlane assented to theforco of the argument ngatnst a limit.He was In favor of leaving the mat-ter in tho hands of the Cabinet.

Tho amendment was lost.Section 2. Before issuing the

special residence permits as herein-before provided, tho Minister of,Foreign Affairs shall require of thepersons or parties applying for thosame to execute and deliver a bondto him for tho use and benefit of theHawaiian Government, with one ormore suretios in the penal sum of

for each man tobe landed under such special resi-dence permits. Said bond shall boconditioned, that the applicant wjllfurnish the man named in suchspecial residence permit with agri-cultural labor so long as he remainsin the Kingdom, and that tho labor-- ,er shall and wilTcomply with all theterms and conditions named in thespecial residence permit.

Noble Muller moved to insert$200 in tho blank.

Noble J. M. Horner moved thefollowing as a substitute for the sec-tion:

Sec. 8. The Board of Immigra-tion shall allow all allotments pflaborers introduced for the differentagricultural industries before namejdto 'be taken away from the Immi-gration Depot, upon the employersor their legalized agents, with theemployee, signing a contract for Un-

faithful fulfillment of the stipula-tions therein contained. To wit:The return of all such laborers totheir own country after the expira-tion of their contract service time,or the sending away of a substitutein the place of said contract laborerif he be missing and not dead, lfemaintained that a contract was ,apracticable security, which was notthe case with a bond.

Ren. Brown moved that the scc- -

tibu pass as In the bill, excepting)witu me pcnai sum at $iuu, anu iiiefollowing addition, "except as todeportation from the country."

Noble Muller moved the followineramendment: ''Except as to deport--ubiuiijiiuui iuc uuunui y, uui tutfl liuwill surrender suoh laborer t'o theGovernment at the expiration of thespecial 'residence permit." He was,willing to leave the amount of the.bond to the House.

Noble Marsden moved to strikeout all the words after lkingdom."i

.Noble Wiqemann said he wasagainst the bill in toto, but, in orderthat this bond business could ho dis-

cussed coolly and not bungled, hemoved that the committee rise to sitagain Carried.

Rep. Paehaole presented the re-port of the committee of the whole,which was accepted.

The House adjourned at 4 o'clock.'


mm nemn,THE WELL-KNOW- N


. Ladies' Tailor,or Saa Vicajucaoo,

(proprietor pf th Redfern Hou.se, Mar-ket Street, under Palace Hotel),'

Intends to remain In Honolulu for thenext tliree or four months for, tho.b'euofltof his health, during which time be hasconcluded to open a

Ladies'Tailoring & Dressmaking

E8TA.BI.I8HSIENT.Ladles wishing to have ttheir Fall andWinter Costumes made will do well tocall at once to secure their orders.

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to need any further recommund-atlo- n.

He will guarantee perfect BatlB- -'


Cor. Fort & Hotel Stg.(Over Temple of Fashion.)

01)2 3m

CORPORATION NOTICE.4 T the adjourned iinmml meeting nf '

j v inu Kouuia Hiipir uo. ueiu mi eoillue of Castle it Cooke, Oct, Jlfllli, thefollow lug ollleers wcio ulerietl for theeiiHiilinryuur:

H. C, , (leu. President,Hon, J, M BinltliM.Virx-I'rosldi'ii- tt

Hon. 8. N. Ciwilu . , ,. Treasurer,J, 1). Atligrton...(!, M. Coiikti Auditor,

.f, U. ATHKHTON,Heeretory K, H, Co,

Honolulu, Out, HUt, )8(J0, p0 hv


I'rniii iiml nfler litis ilwlo w

will lint Im rcionlhlu fur unyfielKhl flur uine liu nuuiiJuiHluili I'urlM In wIhiiu(fulfill i'nnKiwl HMil k l

Mwm 16 iHvp iilrK'P" ,

uMntivDibBimi.UUfUlilUMIIJUillMW 0 UIJI mm ma mt iui l&mm hm tor IIji nwtiwihm mu

Oceanic StoamsMp (loinp'y.


From San Franoisoo.Leave Duo nt8. F. Honolulu

Zealand! Nov 15 Nov 22Alameda Dec 18.. . . .Dec 20

For San Franoisoo. .

Lhava Tli in ntSycitioy Honolulu

Alameda On. 2 ...Nov 15Mariposa i.Nov 26 ...Deo 13(.eaianaia ,Dec 24 . . Jan 10

Intormodioto S. S. Australia.Leave S. F. Lcavo Honolulu.

Friday. . .Nov 7 Friday... Nov 21Friday. . .Deo 5 Friday. ..Deo 18

inlnwn Mail semce

wm SAW FitAN:INC:.Tho now aud One AI atocl stenmshtn

' Alameda'Of the Oceanic bteamship Company, vtiU

be due at Honolulu' mini Bydyevand Vuokliihd oh or a)xt

Nov. 15, 1890.Adu" will leave for tho ahqi-- port withniullii ami tmsBengers on or 'about thatWte. v

torfsciidii oi havrnitI'ttHlOtt AOCOMftoilATlONBUpty

WM, tt. IEWIH & CO., AtfouU.w" T- "-

For Sydney and Auckland.

ho nw inlj floe A.1 siqel afoaniKhtp

tt Zealandia,"Of the Oct'Hnic Steamship Company, will

bo due at Honolulu, from SanKr.incieco on or about

IMov. 22, 1890.Auil will have prompt dispatch withmalls and passengers' for the above ports.

For freight 6r passage, 'h'avlnj? rSUt'KUIOR ACCOMftODAtflOm appljto37 WM. 0. IRWIM & CO.. Agent

Wt G. Irwin Company,


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Tho .liercditnrv blood nolaon of..,- - '.l'' i ' 'f.. .,.' I j,i '. 3 .i.. .KutuiituDvuiua iu mu ueiicuut unburn

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-- -'

