* thursday torrance herald april 15, 1926 classified · wanted real estate.. list ,yo.ur properties...

* THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD APRIL 15, 1926 CLASSIFIED Advertisements Lost and Found 19 For Rant: FurnUhed came! or Unfurnished KK NUP Airedale dog; camel______or unTUmignM > my place about April 1. Owner I ,,- or> mrv-r j , ', Z7~ my claim by proving property RENT 4-room house, mod- mi paying for this advertise! "nlcken ^V -.-quipped for ,ent. 676 Ac^la St., Lom.ta. I ^ Vnthed, wUh' sTac' f Business Directory ^ 1 D. C. TURNER to FUppaport'B Store Expert Shoe Repairer Hakes Old Shoes Look New Fruit trees and berries on both places. See owner at Narbonne and ChcBtnut, Lomita, Calif. ! 21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories TRAILERS, 2- and 4 -wheel; sale, rent or trade. Iron and Wood- workers, 1322 Central Ave., L. A. P. 0. GUY Contractor and Builder Will Help You Finance 721 Cota Phone 276- R Torrance, Calif. NEW 6-ft. bed springs, mattress. 110. Upright Crown piano, good ! condition; time payment 17B3 , Andreo Ave. FOR SALE New Maytag washing machine. "Hardware" Reeve, Torrance. Cold Silver Nickel PLATING Silverware Jewelry Household Article* PEERLESS PLATERS 239/2 S. Spring St., Los Angeles H. A. Lewis, 1744 Gramercy St., Torranoe SEWING and plain dressmaking; Children's clothes a specialty. Mrs. Murphy. 1675 Gramercy Ave., Apt. 6. VAN'S Window Cleaning Service House, store, office Reasonable. Pboae 201-M. 2304 Gramercy. HEMSTITCHING;. Mrs. King, 22(7 West car-sou St., 1 block west of high school. Personal OLD CARPETS, etc., made into beautiful semi-Oriental rugs. Low cost. American Rug Mfg. Co., phone 621-361 Long Beach. Also professional carpet cleaning. 9 Business Opportunities INVESTMENT OF $150 nets 16%, payable monthly. Guaranteed bonus. H. B. Comstock. 6404 Stn Ave., Los Angeles, Calif. 10 Financial SALARIED LOANS Personal loons to salaried people and others in amounts from $26 upwards, and repayable in monthly installments. We loan on surety notes, also trust deeds, contract, real estate, etc. Autos refinanced. Wimsett system. Come in and we will explain our plan and charges. > THE 'PEOPLE'S FINANCE AND THRIFT CO., 127 South Pacific Ave. Phone 5692 Redondo Beach Office Hours^ 8:30 to 4:30 Monday night, 6:30 to 8 p.m. We close on Saturdays at 1 p. m. UNLIMITED AMOUNT of money to loan. Mrs. Fanny C. King, 1324 Sartori, phone 174, Torrance. HAVE UNLIMITED AMOUNT of money to loan at 6H%, where, sidewalks, curbs and gutters are In: 7% otherwise. J. A. Smith, Postoffice Bldg., Lomita. 11 For Rent: Houses Furnished 23 For Sale: Horses and Livestock FOR SALE New Zealand rabbits and hutches; some pedigreed; 16 does and 100 young and 3 bucks, at 1321 Oak St., Lomita. Phone 327-J. 24 Poultry and Pet Stock THREE-MONTH-OLD PULLETS, White Leghorns. Orders now booking for Summer and Fall delivery. Glbson's Pullet Ranch, South' Klngsley drive at 225th St., Torrance. 25 For Sale: Miscellaneous FOR SALE New toilet seat for bathroom; complete: bargain. 73G Sartori Ave.. Torrance. 26 Help Wanted: Malt WANTED Man to take charge of fruit and vegetable stand. See Charles Inman. manager, Daley's 27 Help Wanted: Female WAITRESS WANTED. Freeman's Cafe, 1605 Cabrillo Ave., Tor- rance. 30 Wanted to Buy WANTED Real estate.. List ,yo.ur properties with the NeiU Realty Company. S-29-tf 33 Real Estate: Improved FOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for fire, compensation and automo- bile insurance, see J. W. WBLTE 1144 Nnrbonno Lomita Across from School 100 Letters Is Torrance Quota On First Air Mail People Requested to Post Matter Before B P. M. Friday Of the 1000 pounds of mail re- quired for the first trip out of Los Angeles on contract mall "route 4, which begins Saturday, April 17, the according t today jy oc Rates on Los Angeles ciuota Is 100 letters, nouncement ostmaster Gourdler. mail follow: From to Salt Lake City, 10 cents. Letters addressed to r'eorla, 6 cents; Cheyenne to Chicago, B cents; Chicago to New York, 5 cents. eLtters addressed to Peoria, Springfield or St. Louis nre routed via Cheyenne and require 10 cents extra, or 30 cents from Los An- geles. Contract air mail route 10. from Jacksonville to Tampa, Fort Myers and M ami. which went Into effect April 1, has no connection with the government air route. Route 5, from Elco, Nev., through Holiness meetini Soise, Idaho, to Pasco, Wash., be- Young ,1'eople's operation April 6. Route 2, from Chicago to Springfield, and St. Louis d today, April 15. Gourdler i.i positive Post that the air mail out of Torrance Saturday will be far In excess the quota. Letters should lie posted befo 6 p. m. Friday, April 16. "Under the 'eck, Bojr S >e reorganlKi CHURCH NOTES FIRST BAPTIST Ciirnrr Martina avenue and Car- on ntrcet. Phonn 91. .1. Wlittficld irppn. paHtur. Sunday School, 9:45 a, m. E. X. ndcni, superintendent. The les- sons taliBlit hern will >c IIHCI! to dvantage In later years. Morning service, 11 o'clock. De- otional services. Evening evangelistic se 'clock. Subject, "The Ne ud the New Earth." B. Y. P. U., 6:46 p.m. Fxldl ice, 7:80 Heaven McOuI sident Ing y Our Wednesday evening, prayer meet- g a prayer and testimony meet- will appreciate. 20-minute live-wire sons services, led liy our orchestra and our new male quartet, are. making a decided hit at our home church. Next. Sunday night will bo the fifth sermon on the big things about God! Are you Interested? Come! Full house last Sunday night. SALVATION ARMY 13M Sartori avenue. Knvoy Ivy A. Grace, commanding of doer. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m. KEYSTONE NEWS The large water pipe lino .it Ver- mont' avenue ami Carson street i being lowered six f*t Work on Vermont avenue Is p.~- grcsslng rapidly. Graders hav* rosscd Nigger Slough and are now fell on the way to Carson street. A restaurant Is being erected at lenter and Carson. ORDINANCE No. 133 n Ordinance of the City of Tor- rance Repealing Ordinance No 83 and Ordinance No. 102 of th City of Torrance, and Fixing Snlarles of Various City Officials ng, 11 leadership of Phimp ip No. 1 .day evening i meeting ; to be held in the school. A cordial invitation xtended to boys over 12 who Interested In becoming Scouts. 1 Legion, 6 o'clock Salvation meeting, 7:30. Week-night services on Tuesday and Saturday of this week, I none on Thursday, as\ the cnt corps* Is uniting with all corps the Los Angeles and South Co; division in a great rally to be h in Los Angeles; terminating of- ficially the "Manger to the Cross' campaign. Our efforts on behalf of a revival were well worth whll Good crowds attended nightly,..soul the oldie light seven oiled. We are In for victory, orps will steadily grow, s with UB. cloung ere en- \ ou! FOR SALE 3-room house and lot 40x120 ft. {2500; your term 4-room with bath, garage, gas and electricity, lot 50x133 ft., J3600; terms. J. A. Smith, Lo- mita. 33: Real Estate: Improved THREK-KOOM HOUSE, furnished, 2060 West 220th St. Adults pre- fen-ed. Inauire 2005 Arlington. FURNISHED HOUSES for rent, all modern, »12.60 per month. 144J Carson St. ________^^ 12 For Rent: Houses Unfurnished FIVE-ROOM HOUSE and garage; lawn . m>rinkllne system. «30 a month. Auutre 907 Cotu. SIX-ROOM HOUSE, *20. Twd- room cottage, *10. 2816 East Ctiestnut St.. Lomitu. 13 For Rent: Apartments aijd Flats. Furnished FOR EXCHANGE Good 14-unit court close to Torrance, income *151 month. Will take good building lot up to ?2500 or $3000. Good terms oh balance. FOR SALE Fine 4-room house; bath, screen porches. Lot 40x140. Price J3750; $50» dmvn und { 10.00 a month on contract. FOR RENT Two l-room houses on 222d St. and Cubrillo. Garage. Lawns. Fine new homes. Rent $32.50. Ilraml new 5-room duplex on | Andrco A vi'.. nut furnished. We have a. fine- list of fu nished and unCuriiisheU hous TORRANCE INVESTMENT CO. Phone 17ti RIGHT DOWN TOWN Neatly furnished apartments, one block from P. E. station. Singles, $16; doubles, $20. Everything fur- nished except linens and bedding. Free garages and water.- 840 El I'rado, Torrance. HELLO HELLO, Is that 21-W. the Leidy Homes Court? Are you two blocks south of the Union Tool on Western Ave.? Did you say modern, completely furnished, with garages, for $20 per? Thanks! ____ BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED APT. TO RENT at a low price. In the Edison Bldg.; continuous hot water; private bath. Will also take care of apt. for one or two gentlemen. If so desired. Inquire Apt. 8. Edison Bid*.. Torrance. ' rat KENT- Well rurnlBliml »tnsle Xtimrtliu-ilt, rlKllt down towy. <iu*. IlKhls ami wutt-r fiiinislied; »2'.!.50 u month. Sum Luvy, Tor- FRONT APARTMENT, nicely fur- nished, suitable for Imir dressing run lor or other small business. V.-ry' moderately |>rk-.-,l. Murray <:i.»rl. :!U7f' Uedondo Blvd.____ 14 For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished nKAUTll-'tll, lar l(Mlllll.ll) UKU. -room flat; ISO. 2816 34 Real Estate: Unimproved ONE ACRE, Lots 4 and 6, Block 6', Tract 2761, Torrance. Phone liempstead 5228. HKHE'S YOUR CHANCE to trade in that vacant lot, or trust deed, finest duplex bungalows in Tor- ranee. Him lw*nl floors and all imi.liTii i-mivi>iii. niu'M. No cajfh needed; li;ilam-e un easy terms. This in-open y i.s prl.-e,i way be- low tin- market m<! i.-s absolutely the lies! buy la Tiirrunue today. Owner, Box *! », Torrance. FOR HALE, or trade for enclosed automobile lA>l 17, block 57. Tori-aiii-e Ti-iirt; fiUxllU. 1'rlc.o $1000. E. J'. llinelm-t, 1000 HanUl I'vut. I.IIUB Head). vVII.I. TRADK elcar lot In Fuller- n for Toriaui-i' lots or Improved roperty. J W. TMIiinil, 11. 2, Try Our Want Ads for Best Results Women's Full F|ashion Chiffon Hose Worth $2>0° Special Fri. and Sat. Black and Colors Children's Hosiery Specials For Friday and Saturday Only Children's chfldren-s. HALF SOCKS LISLE^HOSE Mission Knit - ... _ , All Colors d> 1 A A pr. $ 1 .UU Johnson's Shoe Store 1503 Cabrillo Ave." Torrance Mission Knit Black. Brown, White, and Polo. Reg. 50c grades SPECIAL 35c Pair 3 Pairs for $1.00 Concrete streets always remain true, even and rigid Long Beach Makes Certain of Enduring Street Pavement Street paving in Long Beach, Cali- fornia, deserves the investigation of property owners, business men, offi- cials, of any city contemplating street improvement , Long Beach today has nearly one and a quarter million square yards ( oi per- manent concrete streets built under experienced engineering supervision, to meet traffic conditions of today and tomorrow. Outstanding examples are West Anaheim and Chestnut Streets, Linden.Ximeno, Cherry iinUPine A ve- nues, and North Atlantic Boulevard. These pavements were built with due regard for varying traffic require- ments on different streets. They were built to last, and this means negligible maintenance cost. Concrete streets are clean, prosper- ous looking. They insure safety to motor traffic in all kinds of weather. Throughout Long Beach you notice a . dressed up appearance as a natural companion to concrete pavement Long Beach like hundreds of othVr cities in the United States will get the utmost value from Its concrete streets because of proven «tandards of con- struction. All of tlu facti art In our fr« booklet on "Concrite Stncti." /Uk for your cofr. PORTLAND CEMENT ASSOCIATION 548 South Spring Street LOS ANGELES A National Organisation to Improve and Extend the Utet of Concrete OPFICIt IN 11 CITIB8 The Board of Trustees of tlv City of Torrance do ordain as fol- lows: SECTION 1. Ordinances No. S3 and 102 are hereby repealed. SECTION 2. .The monthly sal- aries hereinafter fixed shall be payable to the officials hereinafter named fifty (60) percent thereof on the 1st day and fifty (50) per- cent thereof on the 16th day of each calendar month. SECTION 3. The officials of the City of Torrance hereinafte named shall respectively receive from said city as compensation fo their services as such officials the sum set opposite the name of such official respectively In this para- graph : City Clerk .......:........ $200.00 City Treasurer ........ 50.00 City Marshal ............ 300.00 . City Recorder .......... 100.00 Provided that the City Recorde shall also receive in addition to tht compensation above fixed, seventy five (75) percent of all fees paid Into his court as required by th laws of the State of California In civil cases. Such percentage shall be payable within five (5) days after the report of the Record' for the preceding month shall ha' been filed with the Clerk. SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of thl ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Tor- rance Herald, a weekly newspape of general circulation published and circulated in the said City of Tor- rance, and thereupon and there- after' this ordinance shall be in ful force and effect. Approved: R. J. DEININGER, President of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance. Attest: A. H. BARTLETT, City Clerk of the City of (Seal) Torrance. State of California, County of Angeles. ss. I, A. H. Bartlett, do hereby cer- tify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Torrance, and that the above ordinance was regularly in- troduced at a -meeting of the Boa of Trustees of said city on the 15th day of March, 1926, and adopted on the 6th day of April 1926. at a regular mooting of Board. Dated, Torrance, California, April B, 1926. A. H, BARTLETT, City Clerk of the City (Seal) of Torrance. ORDINANCE No. 132 An Ordinance of the City of Tor- rance Regulating the Operation of Steam Engines- and Internal Combustion Engines Within the City of Torrance. The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance do ordain as fol- lows: SECTION 1. If shall be unlaw- ful for any person, firm or cor- poration to operate any steam or internal combustion engine of more than four and one-half (4tf) Inches internal diameter, within the City of Torrance unless the exhaust from such engine shall be muffled by a muffler constructed In accord- ce with such specifications as ay bo adopted by resolution of the Board, of Trustees, unless a itten permit shall first be ob- ta ned from the building inspector f the City of Torrance allowing uch pereon to use a muffler which shall appear to such inspector to be of equal efficiency with that described in HUC-II specifications. SUCTION -. Any violation of t lis ordinance shall be 'punishable hy imprisonment not exceeding .sixty (60) days or by fine not ex- cvediiiK two hundred dollars (f^OO.OO) ur both Biieh fine and SUCTION' 3. The City Clerk mil certify to the passage of this jrdinunce and shall cause the same o be published once, in the Tor- unce' Herald, a weekly newspaper f general circulation published nil circulated in the said City of rorrance, and thereupon and there- u'lcr tins ordinance shall be In full 'c.ice and effect,.' Approved: B. J. DKININUER, 1're^ldont of the Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance. \ttest: . A. H. HAKTLETT. City Clerk of the City of Seal) Torranco. Rotary Elects Hyde President For Next Year Directors Choose Don Find- ley Secretary and J. W. Post Vice-President Carl L. Hyde was elected presi- dent of the Rotary Club of TOr rance for the ensuing year whe the newly chosen board of directors of the organization held their first meeting last Thursday afternoon. Donald Findley was elected sec- retary, J. W. Post was chosen vice- president, and Sam Levy wa* re elected sergeant-at-arms. The following directors wer c- cc ed by the club last Thursday noon: J. W. Post, Carl L. Hyd H. II. I.lngenfelter. Geo. P. Shidle and Charles V. Jones. W. Harol Kingsley, retiring president of the club, automatically becomes a mem- ber of the new board. Officers and directors of the club w II be Installed at a dinner dance to be held at the Women's. Club- house on Thursday night. April 29. Air Mail Helps DeBra Advertise New ModerRadio One of the advantages of air mail delivery was brought home this week to Gene DeBra, propri- etor of the DeBra Radio Company The special advertising plate an- nouncing the new single-dial six- tube Atwater Kent model reached Torrance from the Atwater Kent factory in Philadelphia in record time. . So that Mr. DeBra is able to 'announce the new model almost simultaneously with the eastern dealers. Th new single-dial model is no hibition at the DeBra studio LUTHERAN Regular services are held at the Torrance Theatre every Sunday morning. Preaching service at 9 o'c ock; Sunday School at 10 o'clock. All Lutherans of Torr and vicinity are cordially invited to attend these services. Keep Those Playtime Joys Forever! Kodak as You Go We Have the Complete Line of EASTMAN KODAKS And Supplies Take Along Plenty of Films. We'll take back what you don't use. Beacon Drug Co. Torrance tate uf California, County of Los 1. A. H. Bartl-tt, do hereby eer- ily that I am I lie City Clerk of lie City uC Ton-am*-, ami that the ibove ordinance WUH regularly In- indlli-td at a meeting of tho Board it Ti-iiHt.-t-h of nald city on the SUi day u! ilaieh. '1926, and was idupti-d mi Hi.- uth day of April, 'jL'i;, at ii i. 'luliu- mi*ting of »ttld loui-d lial.,1. T.iri.im-r, Culiliiiiiiu, &th ,> uf April, 1928. A. II. UAUTLKTT, City Clerk uf th.! City What's the Impression ? When guests step into your bathroom. do they see a cracked and splintered closet seat? ment. its UKliness spoils an nt lerwlsi- good lookliiK bath- room. Those rrai'ks harbor germs that threaten health! Improve yom- bathroom's ap- ueuranc, have better health protection with it modern eloset seat. See them In our sales- room. There are different kinds at different pi-Ices. TORRANCE PLUMBING CO. F. L. Park., Prop. Aoro» from Pottoffico 1418 Maroolina Ava., Torrann* Phono 60-W SATURDAY SPECIALS FRESH FROM THE FIELD Bunch. Goods ......................................3 for lOc Artichokes ................ 5c each Good Lettuce .....'..........................., .......5c head Newton Pippins ....... ..5c pound Asparagus ...... ...lOc pound Parsnips Rutabagas Summer Squash Rhubarb Celery String Beans Peas At Economy Prices Bananas ................................. ...............3 Ibs. 25c Dates From the Garden of Eden 2 Ibs. 25c California Grapefruit 5c sach Fresh Strawberries "The Best for Less" at the American Fruit Market CORNER CARSON AND GRAMERCY PHONE 283 WE DELIVER 1639 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance Chas. Inman, Resident Mgr. Continuing our Spring Canned Goods Sale California State Asparagus "The World's Most Popular Salad Delicacy" Regular 17>/ 2c Tall Tins 2 for 25c Ellenglade Peas 3-Sieve, Fancy Sifted, Sweet Wrinkled No. 2 TIN Regular 22c 3 (or 50c Mealtime Corn A quality that will meet with your expectation, and the price is certainly very low. . 3for25c Griffon For Fancy Table U. A Perfect Dessert Regular 20c IN TALL TINS SforSOc Mission The Right Size for Tomato Soup, Sauces and Gravies A good many prefer the asT^H:;"^0 :^!:; tender and of delicious flavor. An Unusual Bargain 3 for 25c The Apartment Kitchenett* 4 Tins 25c Gold Leaf Loganberrie^ No. 1 Tall Tin 2 for 25c "SHREDDED WHEAT 3 for 25c Daley's Appetizing Health Bread Whole Wheat, Graham, Cracked Wheat, Health Bran Regular. 10c _____Large 24-oz. Loaf 8c First Anniversary of Mission Bell Toilet Soap ! fine as the imported soaps; made right here in Los Angeles 1 Cake, Free With 3Cakes24c xquisite soap, Jell-X-Cell The dessert which is taking Southern California by storm 3 pkgs. 25c Have you tried the new Grapefruit Jell-X : Coll with cream and toast for breakfast? Heinz Mission Olives A delicious hors d'oeuv Cri»p, full-flavored California Ripe Olives .............. ^ ••£* ~ ^^^* R.-B. Natural Leaf Japan Tea Regular 18c Quarter-lb. pkg. 12V.C___________ lialey's^Federal MUk^falfThi7 3 tor 25c DEPENDABLE INCOME FROM A SAFE INVESTMENT 6% Preferred Stock at $99 SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO.

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Page 1: * THURSDAY TORRANCE HERALD APRIL 15, 1926 CLASSIFIED · WANTED Real estate.. List ,yo.ur properties with the NeiU Realty Company. S-29-tf 33 Real Estate: Improved FOR HOMES IN LOMITA,



Lost and Found 19 For Rant: FurnUhed came! or UnfurnishedKK NUP Airedale dog; camel______or unTUmignM

> my place about April 1. Owner I ,,-or> mrv-r j , ', Z7~ my claim by proving property RENT 4-room house, mod- mi paying for this advertise! "nlcken ^V -.-quipped for

,ent. 676 Ac^la St., Lom.ta. I ^ Vnthed, wUh' sTac'

f Business Directory



D. C. TURNERto FUppaport'B Store

Expert Shoe RepairerHakes Old Shoes Look New

Fruit trees and berries on both places. See owner at Narbonne and ChcBtnut, Lomita, Calif.

! 21 For Sale: Automobiles and Accessories

TRAILERS, 2- and 4 -wheel; sale, rent or trade. Iron and Wood­ workers, 1322 Central Ave., L. A.

P. 0. GUYContractor and Builder Will Help You Finance

721 Cota Phone 276- R Torrance, Calif.

NEW 6-ft. bed springs, mattress. 110. Upright Crown piano, good

! condition; time payment 17B3 , Andreo Ave.

FOR SALE New Maytag washing machine. "Hardware" Reeve, Torrance.

Cold Silver Nickel PLATING

Silverware Jewelry Household Article*

PEERLESS PLATERS239/2 S. Spring St., Los AngelesH. A. Lewis, 1744 Gramercy St.,


SEWING and plain dressmaking; Children's clothes a specialty. Mrs. Murphy. 1675 Gramercy Ave., Apt. 6.

VAN'S Window Cleaning Service House, store, office Reasonable. Pboae 201-M. 2304 Gramercy.

HEMSTITCHING;. Mrs. King, 22(7West car-sou St., 1 block west of high school.

PersonalOLD CARPETS, etc., made into

beautiful semi-Oriental rugs. Low cost. American Rug Mfg. Co., phone 621-361 Long Beach. Also professional carpet cleaning.

9 Business OpportunitiesINVESTMENT OF $150 nets 16%,

payable monthly. Guaranteed bonus. H. B. Comstock. 6404 Stn Ave., Los Angeles, Calif.


Personal loons to salaried peopleand others in amounts from $26upwards, and repayable inmonthly installments.

We loan on surety notes, also trust deeds, contract, real estate, etc. Autos refinanced. Wimsett system.

Come in and we will explain our plan and charges.


127 South Pacific Ave. Phone 5692Redondo Beach

Office Hours^ 8:30 to 4:30Monday night, 6:30 to 8 p.m.

We close on Saturdays at 1 p. m.

UNLIMITED AMOUNT of money to loan. Mrs. Fanny C. King, 1324 Sartori, phone 174, Torrance.

HAVE UNLIMITED AMOUNT of money to loan at 6H%, where, sidewalks, curbs and gutters are In: 7% otherwise. J. A. Smith, Postoffice Bldg., Lomita.

11 For Rent: Houses Furnished

23 For Sale: Horses and Livestock

FOR SALE New Zealand rabbits and hutches; some pedigreed; 16 does and 100 young and 3 bucks, at 1321 Oak St., Lomita. Phone 327-J.

24 Poultry and Pet StockTHREE-MONTH-OLD PULLETS,

White Leghorns. Orders now booking for Summer and Fall delivery. Glbson's Pullet Ranch, South' Klngsley drive at 225th St., Torrance.

25 For Sale: MiscellaneousFOR SALE New toilet seat for

bathroom; complete: bargain. 73G Sartori Ave.. Torrance.

26 Help Wanted: MaltWANTED Man to take charge of

fruit and vegetable stand. See Charles Inman. manager, Daley's

27 Help Wanted: FemaleWAITRESS WANTED. Freeman's

Cafe, 1605 Cabrillo Ave., Tor­ rance.

30 Wanted to BuyWANTED Real estate.. List ,yo.ur

properties with the NeiU Realty Company. S-29-tf

33 Real Estate: ImprovedFOR HOMES IN LOMITA, and for

fire, compensation and automo­ bile insurance, see

J. W. WBLTE1144 Nnrbonno Lomita

Across from School

100 Letters Is Torrance Quota On First Air Mail

People Requested to PostMatter Before B P. M.


Of the 1000 pounds of mail re­ quired for the first trip out of Los Angeles on contract mall "route 4, which begins Saturday, April 17,theaccording t today jy oc

Rates on Los Angeles

ciuota Is 100 letters,nouncement ostmaster Gourdler. mail follow: From

to Salt Lake City, 10cents. Letters addressed to r'eorla, 6 cents; Cheyenne to Chicago, B cents; Chicago to New York, 5 cents. eLtters addressed to Peoria, Springfield or St. Louis nre routed via Cheyenne and require 10 cents extra, or 30 cents from Los An­ geles.

Contract air mail route 10. from Jacksonville to Tampa, Fort Myers and M ami. which went Into effect April 1, has no connection with the government air route.

Route 5, from Elco, Nev., through Holiness meetini Soise, Idaho, to Pasco, Wash., be- Young ,1'eople's

operation April 6. Route 2, from Chicago to

Springfield, and St. Louis d today, April 15.

Gourdler i.i positivePostthat the air mail out of Torrance Saturday will be far In excess the quota.

Letters should lie posted befo 6 p. m. Friday, April 16.

"Under the 'eck, Bojr S >e reorganlKi


Ciirnrr Martina avenue and Car­ on ntrcet. Phonn 91. .1. Wlittficld irppn. paHtur.

Sunday School, 9:45 a, m. E. X.ndcni, superintendent. The les­

sons taliBlit hern will >c IIHCI! to dvantage In later years. Morning service, 11 o'clock. De­ otional services.Evening evangelistic se

'clock. Subject, "The Ne ud the New Earth."B. Y. P. U., 6:46 p.m. Fxldl

ice, 7:80 Heaven

McOuI sident

Ing y Our

Wednesday evening, prayer meet­ g a prayer and testimony meet-

will appreciate. 20-minute live-wire sons

services, led liy our orchestra and our new male quartet, are. making a decided hit at our home church. Next. Sunday night will bo the fifth sermon on the big things about God! Are you Interested? Come! Full house last Sunday night.

SALVATION ARMY13M Sartori avenue. Knvoy Ivy

A. Grace, commanding of doer. Sunday School, 9:45 a. m.


The large water pipe lino .it Ver­ mont' avenue ami Carson street i being lowered six f*t

Work on Vermont avenue Is p.~- grcsslng rapidly. Graders hav*

rosscd Nigger Slough and are now fell on the way to Carson street.

A restaurant Is being erected at lenter and Carson.


n Ordinance of the City of Tor­ rance Repealing Ordinance No 83 and Ordinance No. 102 of th City of Torrance, and Fixing Snlarles of Various City Officials

ng, 11

leadership of Phimpip No. 1 .day evening

i meeting ; to be held in the school. A cordial invitation

xtended to boys over 12 who Interested In becoming Scouts.1

Legion, 6 o'clockSalvation meeting, 7:30.Week-night services on Tuesday

and Saturday of this week, I none on Thursday, as\ the cnt corps* Is uniting with all corps the Los Angeles and South Co; division in a great rally to be h in Los Angeles; terminating of­ ficially the "Manger to the Cross' campaign. Our efforts on behalf of a revival were well worth whll Good crowds attended nightly,..soul

theoldielight seven

oiled.We are In for victory,

orps will steadily grow, s with UB.

cloung ere en-


FOR SALE 3-room house and lot 40x120 ft. {2500; your term 4-room with bath, garage, gas and electricity, lot 50x133 ft., J3600; terms. J. A. Smith, Lo­ mita.

33: Real Estate: Improved

THREK-KOOM HOUSE, furnished, 2060 West 220th St. Adults pre- fen-ed. Inauire 2005 Arlington.

FURNISHED HOUSES for rent, all modern, »12.60 per month. 144J Carson St. ________^^

12 For Rent: Houses Unfurnished

FIVE-ROOM HOUSE and garage; lawn . m>rinkllne system. «30 a month. Auutre 907 Cotu.

SIX-ROOM HOUSE, *20. Twd- room cottage, *10. 2816 East Ctiestnut St.. Lomitu.

13 For Rent: Apartments aijd Flats. Furnished


Good 14-unit court close to Torrance, income *151 month. Will take good building lot up to ?2500 or $3000. Good terms oh balance.


Fine 4-room house; bath,screen porches. Lot 40x140.Price J3750; $50» dmvn und{ 10.00 a month on contract.


Two l-room houses on 222d St. and Cubrillo. Garage. Lawns. Fine new homes. Rent $32.50.

Ilraml new 5-room duplex on | Andrco A vi'.. nut furnished.

We have a. fine- list of fu nished and unCuriiisheU hous


Phone 17ti

RIGHT DOWN TOWN Neatly furnished apartments, one block from P. E. station. Singles, $16; doubles, $20. Everything fur­ nished except linens and bedding. Free garages and water.- 840 El I'rado, Torrance.

HELLO HELLO, Is that 21-W. the Leidy Homes Court? Are you two blocks south of the Union Tool on Western Ave.? Did you say modern, completely furnished, with garages, for $20 per? Thanks! ____

BEAUTIFUL FURNISHED APT. TO RENT at a low price. In the Edison Bldg.; continuous hot water; private bath. Will also take care of apt. for one or two gentlemen. If so desired. Inquire Apt. 8. Edison Bid*.. Torrance.

' rat KENT- Well rurnlBliml »tnsle Xtimrtliu-ilt, rlKllt down towy.

<iu*. IlKhls ami wutt-r fiiinislied; »2'.!.50 u month. Sum Luvy, Tor-

FRONT APARTMENT, nicely fur­ nished, suitable for Imir dressing run lor or other small business. V.-ry' moderately |>rk-.-,l. Murray <:i.»rl. :!U7f' Uedondo Blvd.____

14 For Rent: Apartments and Flats, Unfurnished

nKAUTll-'tll, lar

l(Mlllll.ll) UKU.

-room flat; ISO. 2816

34 Real Estate: Unimproved

ONE ACRE, Lots 4 and 6, Block 6', Tract 2761, Torrance. Phone liempstead 5228.

HKHE'S YOUR CHANCE to trade in that vacant lot, or trust deed,

finest duplex bungalows in Tor- ranee. Him lw*nl floors and all imi.liTii i-mivi>iii. niu'M. No cajfh needed; li;ilam-e un easy terms. This in-open y i.s prl.-e,i way be­ low tin- market m<! i.-s absolutely the lies! buy la Tiirrunue today. Owner, Box *! », Torrance.

FOR HALE, or trade for enclosed automobile lA>l 17, block 57. Tori-aiii-e Ti-iirt; fiUxllU. 1'rlc.o $1000. E. J'. llinelm-t, 1000 HanUl I'vut. I.IIUB Head).

vVII.I. TRADK elcar lot In Fuller- n for Toriaui-i' lots or Improved

roperty. J W. TMIiinil, 11. 2,

Try Our Want Ads for Best Results

Women's Full F|ashion Chiffon Hose

Worth $2>0°Special Fri. and Sat.

Black and Colors

Children's Hosiery SpecialsFor Friday and Saturday Only

Children's chfldren-s. HALF SOCKS LISLE^HOSE

Mission Knit - ... _ ,

All Colors

d> 1 A Apr. $ 1 .UU

Johnson's Shoe Store1503 Cabrillo Ave." Torrance

Mission Knit Black. Brown, White, and Polo. Reg. 50c grades

SPECIAL 35c Pair

3 Pairs for $1.00

Concrete streets always remain true, even and rigid

Long BeachMakes Certain of Enduring

Street Pavement

Street paving in Long Beach, Cali­ fornia, deserves the investigation of property owners, business men, offi­ cials, of any city contemplating street improvement ,

Long Beach today has nearly one and a quarter million square yards (oi per­ manent concrete streets built under experienced engineering supervision, to meet traffic conditions of today and tomorrow. Outstanding examples are West Anaheim and Chestnut Streets, Linden.Ximeno, Cherry iinUPine A ve­ nues, and North Atlantic Boulevard.

These pavements were built with due regard for varying traffic require­ ments on different streets. They were built to last, and this means negligible maintenance cost.

Concrete streets are clean, prosper­ ous looking. They insure safety to motor traffic in all kinds of weather. Throughout Long Beach you notice a . dressed up appearance as a natural companion to concrete pavement

Long Beach like hundreds of othVr cities in the United States will get the utmost value from Its concrete streets because of proven «tandards of con­ struction.

All of tlu facti art In our fr« booklet on "Concrite Stncti." /Uk for your cofr.



A National Organisation toImprove and Extend the Utet of Concrete


The Board of Trustees of tlv City of Torrance do ordain as fol­ lows:

SECTION 1. Ordinances No. S3 and 102 are hereby repealed.

SECTION 2. .The monthly sal­ aries hereinafter fixed shall be payable to the officials hereinafter named fifty (60) percent thereof on the 1st day and fifty (50) per­ cent thereof on the 16th day of each calendar month.

SECTION 3. The officials of the City of Torrance hereinafte named shall respectively receive from said city as compensation fo their services as such officials the sum set opposite the name of such official respectively In this para­ graph :

City Clerk .......:........ $200.00City Treasurer ........ 50.00City Marshal ............ 300.00 .City Recorder .......... 100.00

Provided that the City Recorde shall also receive in addition to tht compensation above fixed, seventy five (75) percent of all fees paid Into his court as required by th laws of the State of California In civil cases. Such percentage shall be payable within five (5) days after the report of the Record' for the preceding month shall ha' been filed with the Clerk.

SECTION 4. The City Clerk shall certify to the passage of thl ordinance and shall cause the same to be published once in the Tor­ rance Herald, a weekly newspape of general circulation published and circulated in the said City of Tor­ rance, and thereupon and there­ after' this ordinance shall be in ful force and effect.

Approved:R. J. DEININGER,

President of the Board ofTrustees of the City

of Torrance. Attest:

A. H. BARTLETT,City Clerk of the City of

(Seal) Torrance.

State of California, County of Angeles. ss.

I, A. H. Bartlett, do hereby cer­ tify that I am the City Clerk of the City of Torrance, and that the above ordinance was regularly in­ troduced at a -meeting of the Boa of Trustees of said city on the 15th day of March, 1926, and adopted on the 6th day of April 1926. at a regular mooting of Board.

Dated, Torrance, California, April B, 1926.

A. H, BARTLETT, City Clerk of the City

(Seal) of Torrance.


An Ordinance of the City of Tor­ rance Regulating the Operation of Steam Engines- and Internal Combustion Engines Within the City of Torrance.

The Board of Trustees of the City of Torrance do ordain as fol­ lows:

SECTION 1. If shall be unlaw­ ful for any person, firm or cor­ poration to operate any steam or internal combustion engine of more than four and one-half (4tf) Inches internal diameter, within the City of Torrance unless the exhaust from such engine shall be muffled by a muffler constructed In accord­

ce with such specifications asay bo adopted by resolution of

the Board, of Trustees, unless aitten permit shall first be ob-

ta ned from the building inspector f the City of Torrance allowing uch pereon to use a muffler which

shall appear to such inspector to be of equal efficiency with that described in HUC-II specifications.

SUCTION -. Any violation of t lis ordinance shall be 'punishable hy imprisonment not exceeding .sixty (60) days or by fine not ex- cvediiiK two hundred dollars (f^OO.OO) ur both Biieh fine and

SUCTION' 3. The City Clerk mil certify to the passage of this

jrdinunce and shall cause the same o be published once, in the Tor- unce' Herald, a weekly newspaper f general circulation published nil circulated in the said City of rorrance, and thereupon and there- u'lcr tins ordinance shall be In full 'c.ice and effect,.'

Approved:B. J. DKININUER,

1're^ldont of the Board ofTrustees of the City

of Torrance. \ttest: .

A. H. HAKTLETT. City Clerk of the City of

Seal) Torranco.

Rotary Elects Hyde President

For Next YearDirectors Choose Don Find-

ley Secretary and J. W.Post Vice-President

Carl L. Hyde was elected presi­ dent of the Rotary Club of TOr rance for the ensuing year whe the newly chosen board of directors of the organization held their first meeting last Thursday afternoon.

Donald Findley was elected sec­ retary, J. W. Post was chosen vice- president, and Sam Levy wa* re elected sergeant-at-arms.

The following directors wer c- cc ed by the club last Thursday noon: J. W. Post, Carl L. Hyd H. II. I.lngenfelter. Geo. P. Shidle and Charles V. Jones. W. Harol Kingsley, retiring president of the club, automatically becomes a mem­ ber of the new board.

Officers and directors of the club w II be Installed at a dinner dance to be held at the Women's. Club­ house on Thursday night. April 29.

Air Mail Helps DeBra Advertise

New ModerRadioOne of the advantages of air

mail delivery was brought home this week to Gene DeBra, propri­ etor of the DeBra Radio Company The special advertising plate an­ nouncing the new single-dial six- tube Atwater Kent model reached Torrance from the Atwater Kent factory in Philadelphia in record time. . So that Mr. DeBra is able to 'announce the new model almost simultaneously with the eastern dealers.

Th new single-dial model is no hibition at the DeBra studio

LUTHERANRegular services are held at the

Torrance Theatre every Sunday morning. Preaching service at 9 o'c ock; Sunday School at 10 o'clock. All Lutherans of Torr and vicinity are cordially invited to attend these services.

Keep ThosePlaytime Joys

Forever!Kodak as You Go

We Have the Complete Line ofEASTMAN KODAKSAnd Supplies

Take Along Plenty of Films.We'll take back what you

don't use.

Beacon Drug Co.Torrance

tate uf California, County of Los

1. A. H. Bartl-tt, do hereby eer­ ily that I am I lie City Clerk of lie City uC Ton-am*-, ami that the ibove ordinance WUH regularly In- indlli-td at a meeting of tho Board it Ti-iiHt.-t-h of nald city on the SUi day u! ilaieh. '1926, and was idupti-d mi Hi.- uth day of April, 'jL'i;, at ii i. 'luliu- mi*ting of »ttld loui-d

lial.,1. T.iri.im-r, Culiliiiiiiu, &th,> uf April, 1928.

A. II. UAUTLKTT, City Clerk uf th.! City

What'sthe Impression ?

When guests step into your bathroom. do they see a cracked and splintered closet seat?

ment. its UKliness spoils an nt lerwlsi- good lookliiK bath­ room. Those rrai'ks harbor germs that threaten health!

Improve yom- bathroom's ap- ueuranc, have better health protection with it modern eloset seat. See them In our sales­ room. There are different kinds at different pi-Ices.


F. L. Park., Prop.

Aoro» from Pottoffico

1418 Maroolina Ava., Torrann*

Phono 60-W


Bunch. Goods ......................................3 for lOcArtichokes ................ 5c eachGood Lettuce .....'..........................., .......5c headNewton Pippins ....... ..5c poundAsparagus ...... ...lOc poundParsnips Rutabagas Summer Squash Rhubarb Celery String Beans Peas

At Economy PricesBananas ................................. ...............3 Ibs. 25cDates From the Garden of Eden

2 Ibs. 25cCalifornia Grapefruit 5c sach

Fresh Strawberries"The Best for Less"

at the


1639 Cabrillo Ave., Torrance

Chas. Inman, Resident Mgr.

Continuing our Spring Canned Goods Sale

California State Asparagus"The World's Most Popular Salad Delicacy" Regular 17>/2c

Tall Tins 2 for 25c

Ellenglade Peas3-Sieve, Fancy Sifted, Sweet Wrinkled

No. 2 TIN Regular 22c

3 (or 50cMealtime

CornA quality that will meet withyour expectation, and theprice is certainly very low.



GriffonFor Fancy Table U.

A Perfect Dessert

Regular 20c IN TALL TINS

SforSOcMission The Right Size

for Tomato Soup,Sauces and Gravies

A good many prefer the

asT^H:;"^0 :^!:;tender and of delicious flavor.

An Unusual Bargain

3 for 25c

The Apartment Kitchenett*

4 Tins 25cGold Leaf Loganberrie^

No. 1 Tall Tin


3 for 25cDaley's Appetizing

Health BreadWhole Wheat, Graham, Cracked Wheat, Health Bran

Regular. 10c_____Large 24-oz. Loaf 8c

First Anniversary of

Mission Bell Toilet Soap

! fine as the imported soaps; made right here in Los Angeles

1 Cake, Free With


xquisite soap,

Jell-X-CellThe dessert which is taking Southern California by storm

3 pkgs. 25cHave you tried the new Grapefruit Jell-X : Coll with cream and

toast for breakfast?

Heinz Mission OlivesA delicious hors d'oeuv

Cri»p, full-flavored California Ripe Olives ..............

^ f±• ••£*~ ^^^*

R.-B. Natural Leaf Japan TeaRegular 18c

Quarter-lb. pkg. 12V.C___________

lialey's^Federal MUk^falfThi7 3 tor 25c


6% Preferred Stock at $99SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA GAS CO.