-the-wefikj.y argus.,otion tbat rendered hilll purer and beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. but...

VOL. I. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T., APRIL 27, 1871. NO. 28. l'17BLII!l:I:D EYEllY TlIll •• DAY Lie en_ ed .&. uc t ion ee r, / to adopt their roving stylll of life. At all ennta, ohe has not been heard from since, and is dead, or what cornea next -marri t'd." - Mrs. St. Orme's brilliantly lighted rooml \nre crowded with rank lind b eautj ; and Allbrey Hendricks, besieged b) thoae YO ' tari ... of fashion rwho, moth.like, f1nltt-r around enry wealth star, assailing him with insidious tl:tlleril.'tl. found thll even- ing dull as hA had ' A.t length, making his escapt'. untered slowly down the ' room. d"fiating in his own mind the feasibility ot nn t'arly withdarw- II from the scene, when hia gUt, rested ul-0n a circl.. ucar him, and hi. Ilst- Il'6Sneu ehauged immediately to an ex- pression of profciund inicrt'al,- The cen- ter of attraction was I woman, I he like oC \vhose bcauly 1:e had not seen equalled ill all bia'travt'ls. Toll, with'" aymrltetrical figurE'. every turn of which Will the em.. hodimrnt of grace; a llerfect 0\"111 face, with acarlel lips, Illd lugA, melting ..yes. I ,dusky lathe lashes thlt shadowed them; a compltlxion dark, but delicattl and clear; and a wealth of rippling, purplt',black' hair, fastt'ned uniquely by a malswe g'lld. cn comb, ' .. "'ho is shc?" he aske.l vniuly of se\·e.. ral near him; a l1d 01 ledgth. seeking his hostcss, "'ail fa\'ored,-wilh a , n,est'ntation to Ibe object of hi. , .. My frit'nd, Mr. Hendrich•.' Misl Ru.. dt'ntt'in." And .-\nbrey, bowing "efortl won- d,n'd whp.re bo had the that lingered an inslant upon l1<'r face; but when he lookt'd again it Wl\8 gOIlt'. and tbe ladv, e"en more b,-autiful than he at first"thought Ilt'r, \Va s replying to hts remark Wi lh an case that !t'ot grlce 10 Ihe commonplace formalitic. which al- wpys altenrl a fi11!t mt'eting, III" was soon 10 give up his pla ,ce by her Side 10 n,w Ipplicanta (or a share of her fnor. but lingered near during tbe mainder of thtl p\".ming. and was amply re- warded by her &aze "wander 'in his dirpction 'more than once. It wa. his plel8llre tp attend her to ht'r carriage at the close of the evening, Ind, at parting he aaked !lnd oblained permiR.ion to call upon her ontbe following day, Afte, this hll W&8 a fTl'quent and favorl'd vi.itor at the Rndentein maosion. &lid day by dny tbe shackle. that bound him a willing captive wpre riveted closer, still, His 10Te had in it none or tbe blind' idola- try that had cbaracterized his yonnger ,.ean. hut was a fen'ent oUlgusbing of soul--a d..\,otion tbat rendered hilll purer and beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. But throngh allthpre was a intangihle something wbich, whiltllt attncted him more firmly to MiSl Ruderalein, made hin l'rtiir to ut- ter IhosA words which would deCide hil fatt'; a prt'sentimeut that somelfiing must inlon-ene betwet'u and tbe happiue"lI which mocked him In felltleas drc!nmlaud. He tbonght of Rain , lometimes. Poor Rain! with'the of dl'spair in her great, wild'..yes. and htlr ellfDest Toice proterting her innocence of purposely'.de- ceiving him. 'Iuen he wondered if it WQ possible 'ahe wes Iivj.ng IIOW to . betwe.n him anli his only hope of a future lire that should in ita pure deTotion atone for the rec lr.leaa misdeeds of his past lire; for, in looking over that record of late years. Auhrey Hendricks could not hold bimself Kuilileas, The fenr of nnreat held COmtl61e sway OTer him, excl'pt when in t e presence of Mias Rndecstein ; then he felt bl'r peaceful influencE', and realized more tban enr the worthlessness of Ilxiatencl' without her. _ . They were sitting ond day,iD the drawing room. 'l'he appointmenls or the room \vere in unison with tbe . refiped lastll of ita ownpr. ' No glsring discrepan- cies of r.oler, ,vhich lire so often , seen in thtl habitalions of wealth, were visible bere. It wa. not probable that a stranger, after leaving tbis room. would have 'de, .crihlld any or th dotails which comhined to make the whole SQ perfect; he would only remember that it hAd bim' as being a fit C4Jket for the glowing jewtil within, A ,.alume of Tenny.on ,W llS lying-,open on the window lill. and Aub,ey, glancing oTer the pagel, read : ..t ha.ld It tne wl>ate'u . I red It when I IOmlwmolt; , 'T'1I1lftt6 to 10Ted oiad lost, Than Deftr to hAYe loved at aIL" With some ' light ·ND!. arlWui dosed the , book; bUt of her fact'. so. mncb in sympatby with the ment he bad n'ad, . was tbrilled with a vague Cear. differing from any that had htofora IIssailed him, Cenaibly;.' lil'r eyes hold in them for that rr.oment ihe 'JiJ(ht of a bitler uperience . SOmehow, he had .. And myself misen.ble? '!'hst would wbo wi!l mike us man and wife without be too much of a sacrifice. I am going to suhjecting us to unnC1:l'nary queationing9. marry Colonel St. Orm«, and will permit I swore thlt nothing shonld pre1'tnt yoor you to usurp m)' place in tbe IIfft'ctions of being mine, not nen the opposition of my quondam lover, if you can. 'A heart J'our own will. and I hue the 'peCial Ii. is most ellSily eangbt in tbe rebound,' yon censa and everything pn-pared for the know," She laughed as Rain f1asbed at marriage ceremony. Tell me that "(lU her lin indignant glance, ' will not ol.jt'CI; tbat you .will be mine of .. I owu yonr great wild eyee an swar- your own sweet accord !" tby skin are uol in aceoedance with Aub- .. It shall be &8 you will." she breathed rty'. tiste; hut. do you know, I btlli""e soltly. and of her journey: )'ou willt:lake a wondrouslJ beautiful wo- "'as passed in "Ience more than ' man acms dny," , ' tbe most ardent protntatioDll would bavo Before the mirror in ber own room Rain been, thought of Clauclia's words and gazed up· . The earringo -stopped, and Rain 11'118 00 tbe reflection of the dark face, with lifted tenderlyout and conducted into a eycs and- mouth WO largtl io proportion dimly ligbted parlor, whE're 0 few 'perBOn .s for the thin features, and her hllir which were 'evidently ell:JieCliog .m. Th..y bad been cut close. bot now grown to that stood witb clasped bands, and the . clt'rgy- Ineonreuieat length' which 'would not bo mon immllCliot.l,. bt'gan tbe marriage cerl!' confin ed by braid or hind. o,bslinately mony. In clear. dutinct tonel 'ihe beArd fuud to curl. aud'bristled about her neck said:" I. A.ubre,. Hendricks. take this in a sbock Ihnt wal only rdieved from abo woman to btl my law full,. w..dded wif." to solute ugliness by its glossy gltlAm of pur llan and 10 hold nntil dellh do UI part." plo blueupss. She WAS ' but little more She' made her 'respon. es in a tnomulous than sixtt'cn; aud her form D(lt yet mao "oic". not knowing or understllnding \vhaL turcd info the .grlcefulness of womanl,. alw And tbe clergyman pronounced developmlnl. W&8 renderE'd still lesa nt- lolemnly" God and man, I declare tractive by Ihe loose filling dress .ho wore. twain to btl ontl Altogether. her Burny "'al not produClh'e T/lt'n Aubrey took her in hi. Iorma lind of a satisfaclorY rcsnlt; aad with !1 sigh stooped to preis hi. first , kiss up aD ht'r she turned nwny from the glass. lip", but started back with aD exclama· .. .. .... tion or surprise. ' , It was dusk in the eaW autumn, ano .. Rain Lamort'z !" thc "'ind, soughing among the Sbe stood bewildered by hi. IraTes that clunK wilh thc It'nacit)· of part- ('hange of mannt:, A moment ago he ing life to tbeir parent branches, sounded had heen all love and tenderne81 ; nol\' he ind..scribably melnncho,ly in thll ears.ol rt'garded her with an exp;essign of dill. Uain LllmOTl'z. She had been walking. trnst and aTersion. What could it m"an. and now, as thl' lwilight shadowl began Auhrt'y turned to the aatonia!hed clergy to gl\ther, Ihe tnrned ber strps homeward, mao. .. Thertl is sam" m!atake. ' 'fb i. is quickening pncs as she thought of the not the lady I wisht'd to marry. I know diltlluce sbtl -Ilali to Iraverse. Shu blld not by whal mt'lnl my credulity haa b""n wandered far up tha moun!Jlin side; ana .0 imposed lipan. Bot I appeal to you, 'her path bl'ing rough and full of short if under the circumstlnces, the ceremony lurns, her progr..... was not rapid, and jUl!t performed is not nall aod Toid ?" SOOI\ surrounding objects werE' growing in· .. You ore l..gally married to thi. wlIman visiblu io lhe <1t't'peniu; gloom. Chiding whoe\'er sbe may be," was the re- for tarrit'd so long. she pl.\'. IlUrried forward. but 'W&8 snddenly can. w it all then, Sbe had been mis_ fronled by two men, one of who'll quickly taken for h, 'r cousiu Claudia Erne. bandaged ber eyE'S, and each her .. As God is ,my witnP.M. I bdiend that by an jlrm. hurri..d h.. r. away in a direc- you kne\v it WIS I." she declared. with an lioll conlrory to the one .he, had bt'en eArnestness that pennitted no disbelief of punuing. her words.. The attack was so auddlln that she of. And Aubrf'Y Hendricks. who deteated fered no j but now.,all .he be· scrues, l!:aYe his arm to hil newly made gilD to comprchl'i1d her situation, Ihe ut- wite nnd It'd her to tbe rarrilge, tered a cry for .. .. .. .. .. .'. SlOp! , Kane 0' tblll," grow!t·d one of richly furnished ajlartmt'Dt at thtl thE mell. " I'd b.... sorry be obliged to lIlatropolitnn hotel. aLd two men pulling .hut that purly mouth 0' )'our'n. but we at fragrant Havanu•. DOW aud then ex· can't allow lIuy llcreechio' here." ohall ri ng broken scrspl f)f con\"ersation, And !lain, reflectiog up".o the and anon nppArently abllOrbed in the bility of-any penon hearing her cries ill templelion of lbe blne smoke curling spi. tbat,sequestered sl'ction, thought it best rally to"'ard tbe ceilioS. A. .on·ant eD- not to irritat.. her captora. She specula- It-red, bcaring a perlnmed and monogramt:d ted in vain upon the motive that had leI! envt'loptl. . to he,' abduction. but could come 10 no .C Cards for Mrs. Colonel St. Onnu's rll" sati,fnc'ory cOllclnsion. 'l'ht'n , sbA Cl'ption. ' Will you .go ?" dered what Cllndia would think _whe n "1"0 be Uon;zed becauso ' of my tt!n she failed to mllke her app.... rance; if she Jee.rs' Toluntary banisbmPllt from my na- would be' much ahlrmed and send In tive land? 1 suppose 10; though ita au selrch of her. ' intoltlrlbl" bore to med OTet' and over The path they \vpre traversinll grew again the .ame crowd of society, masked more smool h, and sh.. conjeclur..d they faces, to ,epeat to Mis. ,Brqwno the lame were upon Ihe 'pen highwllY. Sooo her nothings I rehearscd to Miss caploll cam. 10 a halt. and after a .hort Smythtl lasl evening. and to play the colloquy witb n third pnrty Rain felt her. Igret'able to all th. old dowagers, \\'ho, sell lifled into a vehicle of some r kind, with an eye to my hundred thonaand. with the Lew addition to thdr party by 01 rive to monopolize me wilh tho eharm. her side, the other two upon tbe dri\'er'. of their darling daughters." _ box. 'C Wbat a cynic yon have grown, HeD' Then her handl were c1&8pt'd in .oft, dricks! By the way. was not mldame our firm onel, whoae \"I'rj touch thrilled bl'r hoateas one of your old f1.amea ?" through and tcrough, lind Aubr..y Hen. Aubrtly frownl'd a little at the drieks' \"oice, plending and s\veet, sountled ant associatious connected· with the old in her eArs: " re lU E' mbranee. c, ForgiTe mE', my darling, lor haTing •• Yea"; hnt in the portly Mn. St Orme you lrt'ated thu. 'roughly. I . cannot live I can trace no reaemblanee to my Queeu without you. and have, b.. en forc"d to this Clllndia of old. I wonld not bav" believed st..p. which I cannot rt'grel having taken, that time could make any changea hid ,I since it is Ihe Dlt'aus of givinjt y(lll to me. nflt IheE'\"idcnclO here at borne;" anil he Do DOt be angry \Vith me. It is all for ran his hand throngh the WUf:8 of hie lovo of Jon. bronzt< hair. tnrning up here and there a A delicious senae of peaceful silv..r thread. .1011" over Rair.. Aubrt'v Heudricb lov..d Hu had not gone scathlell8 through the ller . She did nol qut'lltlon how this had ten years intt'rveniiJg since we .. w him, all come nbont, She N-memberod notbing and hi5 handsome face bore upen it the un- of his deTotion to Claudia, She only re-- mislakable stamp of a re.tlel'll spirit. ' alized Ihat bt'r 10Te. wbich shtl bad nC\"l'r Thtoy smoked awhiltl in silence; aDd darea to call by ils riltht name. WItS ap· then he said casnaU,.: " She--Claudia-- precia:t'd nnd returnt'd by the man at her had II c ansiD-a Mill8 Lamorez. Do you - .ide. She sank ,bllck. qniet and happy. knllw what has become of her?" ft'nriug 10 awake and find it all a delusion .. Rain, tbey nsed to cln her, didn't 01 a sleepless braiD. hillow voice s(lunil- th..y 1 Sbe disappeAred mY'lerious'y onll ing all the while like a melodiou. har- night. a .hort time preTious to Claudil·. mony. marriage. The popular Imprel8ion of the " You are not offt'nded; dearest? Tben lo\ ver class conotry peoplu hli always yon ala care for me, after all? I did n'ot been that .he was spirited away by the dllre hope for thi. . I ft'ared thst you Witch of the Mountain.. She. wu a wry would nol readily foll)ive me. Let mc queer sort of a girl. fond oC wandering tdi you all. and throw m,.self upon your about alone; and my #l ,el is that ' Ihe fell mercy. Do you know where I am taking in with some of the gy p. y tramps who J'OU nolY? '1'0 thtl house ofa clergyman, u.ed to infesL the counlry. and determined TWICE MARRIED. 'I'he breath of J uoe roses floated through the open window to wcere Claudia Erne aat, toying with the jewels upon her wbile lingers. aud appearing superbly iu- different to th.. fact that Au"rtly Hen- drick. wu wai ting with breathless impa- tience for a reply to bi. impassicned plead- ings, He leanerl againat the marble man- tel-piece in an attitude of unconscious grace, hi. bronze bright hair rippling in wavy m&l!ses from , a brow smootb and whito &S 0 woman's, his mobile mouth shaded by a goldeo mcustache, and hi. .. yt", darlr.ened now by the intensity of hi8 feelinga, fixed upon her with a bun- gering expressiou that betrayed how much of bis happinells lie ended upon her soft words. The stlt'ocu .... oppre6- ijive, aod the twilttlr-·of-6iri .in th.. buahe. ouiside jarrcd unple santi,. upon bis e/lr". .. \Veil!" he demandt'd presend)', .. II my prelumpt:on 50 g.-eat that Miss Erue will nOI coudt'6cend to ans" 't'r ?" .. Now, Aubrey!" with /I deprecating molion of htlr white ,hand. .. COIUU hcre, you silly -boy. I almost forgot Ihat Jon were waiting. I WllS thinking "- .- .. That you love a little," his factlligl1ting with lhe radiance of hope. .. Nonl llOse LJ 1 " 'as thiuking what a pity it is Ihat you lire not a woman. Iu ftlmiuiutl ga rb JOU would be irresistihle. As a rule, \\"0 womcn look for aud daring in Ihll mt'o we would marry. 'Vo lare mere apt to admir,; natures hardy enough to PIOttlCt UP, and so rugged Ihat wo may cling to thtlm fer support. tbau •uch as are dt'pondent on ns for aJlrhtl iu· .piration tlla t.. ..makes them meo. Now. Aubrey. dear, dou't bu angry; but whiltl you make n beau illesl of II IJ\'er. witb all Jour tltlToteducss and dubonnair manners. you are far from being lhtl man I ,.'ould cboo.e for a husband," ' ti e .prang up, ,tith .a spot of vivid ((imaoo burning on either cht'ek. .' And ha\'e btlcn a mcro pla)·.lhing in your hands-a puppct upon "hom 10 practice your Irts. Lo 111mb Jour blandish· menta. to note th", cff<"Cts of JOUT fucina- lions; and nt lasl. wheo weary of your toy. to C,1!lt am too much intaluated wilh your beaut,.. Then why did you Inrt" me on )'our kind reccption at my first attentions? Why, when my lovll had become wor"hip, tantllliz.. me with momentar)' coldnt'ss, to be suceet'ded by a graciousness I scarcely dared hope fJr? Why keep mtl in such protraclt'd euspenstl.wht'n my fale was de- cided by )'OU f rolll the first 1 You misl Ad my D lltU rt'. Claudia Erne, if JOu think ·I wiil quieti,. relinquish the prize upon "bi ch I haTe my heart . Notwith- Ilaud ing Jour pride, yon will yet be mr wife: I swear it by ali I hold Illost.sacred on elrth er in heaTen!" So 8lIy ing, he turncd, nud left her a Iit- III" frightened at hi. impetuosity, but dedm- ing hi. words only the idle threllt of a blflled lover, which would be forgotten II soon as the keen editl of his disappoirit- mt'ut shodld wt'ar off. A st ifl.lld .ob from a CUI tAined alcove in tbe room' broke upon her car j and Cr( lSS ' ing the f1.oor she dr"'!I'-aside tho folds to discloStl a girl's form, creuchiug in the embrasure. her race buried'in her alcnder, dulicale bands, aod her wbole altitude lJe- tokening tbtl abandonment of d..apair. .. Rain. what are )'ou doing here?" - Urania Lamort'z lilled her hcad Wilh lhe Icok of a hunted animal at ba)'; Lut Claudill waa iu a complaceot mood from hiving disposed 01 ht'r importunatt' and \V&8 disp0l'ed to bu unusuolly lenient with this ht'r slrange eousin, !n whose \. eins couned thtl hot blood of hAr Italian falLer. and whom Ihe WIS wont to regard l\'ith capriciousuess, or to ridiculu for the wild foreign wap that wt'rtl incompreben- libl. to ht'r. .. !lain, child, what liTIs you?-- .Are you sorry that I have rid myfelf of on intolerable bore iu the shnpe of a too affectionattl suitor ?" .. lie is so noble! so benutiful! how can you be so crud when h.. love. you?" Clludia down upon her with an Imuted expression; and tbt'n, kDet'ling, took thtl f1usW fllce bdwt'f'n her while sometbing akin to pity .taltl into her heart. ,, 'There. !lnin, be quiet. now. and tt'll me all, Do you lOTI' Aubrpy Hendricks?" The swimming "rcs overflowed aga in. u Rain .hook her ht'.ad, aaying: "Not thaI way--al ,.ou melln. I I'0rship bim .. I do the picture of the ,Madonua that hanga in my room. But he would nevt'r think of mI'. I only wanted to see yoo make him happ)'." Repaired or SIRE:). BY •••••• -JlY- DONE, .A.ND _ Made D.-\.VlD , AL. PETTYGROVE. II. h!M'rlptlo.. Rate.: en TO'W'llaclld, 'V.. T. -- BUSINESS CARDS . I CDA.S. u. JONES. •••• ORDERS SOLICITED .•••• Port 'l'owost'nd, \V. 1'., Jan. 12, '71. -' MRS. 'G. m. I'lISHI0_VABLB - THE- WEFIKJ.Y ARGUS. E VERY DESCRIPTION Of PLAIN or Colored Prioting done, from a YisitiDR Card to a Donble-sbeet Poster. BYer,. doscription or BLinks, Deeds TeWDahip Plata, etc., on or pnntt:d to order, SoS +ctioal"&tanteed III Itll.and pnce Htf. Shaving and Hair-Dressing SALOON, Fnnilture PETERSON, FA.SRIOl\A.BLE TA.lLOR, R. H. HEWITT, JOB-PRINTER, :Proprietor .Excelsior Job Office, Ol)'mpia, 'v. ,T . J ohn- -Mc Dunald, - ' ,. / --rBAcTICAL-- BOOtf/ AND - MAKER, I'o.BT· W. '1'.• -IS TUE- CO,smopolitan Hotcl, Port G ENTLEMEN WILL FIND Cia .. Tonsonal aeeommedations at thi. e .. tallUohmellt. Satisf.ction I:"aranteed by D. w. BROWN. Pem ToWllSOItd, !broh 30. 2-ltr Ball rd Rifles. I O F. GERRISH & CO. HAVE JUST an or Bal!ut Inl Rile., whieh tbe,. Olff: for 5&le at rednced rales. (io lAd ... th,cJn. lUi 1:1,. , Water'alreet, (next door toSterming'l Salooo) I'oaT 1"OWXSEXD, \V. T .• 1 8 PREPARED TO MAKE. UP GENTS.' .... Boy.' (;1othllle aceordlUg to tb. late,t f .. IIi . ... ; a1 10 on h:rncl. for .ale b,. the yard .r pie cl . ClolJu .... c.iui.ertl; Ortgoto ClIOlM aM i Jiiuio .. Goo<U ; J,"elfIMI, .. \( ., wlaicLaR oll'ered TOry 10;". , ir.r Special attention , ,aiel to and CleanIng. 'Ierml moderate. ACTURES ALL A.RTICLE!' , PER 1.1 taining to hil bUlioelJl". neatly and with di... patch. lola.... up ioto goods nooe but tbe belt aatf'riat.. repairing. or.le.. rrom alar.... \! re.pretfully oolieited. Itf DRESS - MAKER! PORT TOWNSEND, W. T. t:T All a .. ortment or Choice MUliDery arth'l"" 00 ha..d ror &al.. 8:3m· Port Te.........d. T. OPFICE-Northeast eomer of Water aud Ta,.- er """"ta, opposite .teamboltlaoding. &tf CHAS. M. HRADSHAW. .. , ",-ttorney and COllnseler AT LAW. . . OFFICE-Qn Water Street, two doon from liastings Store. Pon To............ "W. I T. OFFICB- Union" 8alann Builcling, head er Union Wharr, AdY'ertlal.1( natea. Oa. riach, (which is to a .. square" ott.e1lJiDM) •••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••• 82 00 Eac" •• •• insertiun, 1 00 A. liberal eduet ien will be made iD rnorof thOIO .. b,. the ,.ear. Trl.naient ad"ertilemenu, t. lA.ure insertion. ",,,"t lie aceompaDied by the euh. Por One year •••••• •• '0' 0 ••••••• 53 00 Par SIs: lIonthl ••••• o .0 •• ••• • 0. ' 0' ........... 2 00 Rllbse ription.P.a,...bl. in adunce.

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Page 1: -THE-WEFIKJ.Y ARGUS.,otion tbat rendered hilll purer and beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. But throngh allthpre was a intangihle something ... Chiding whoe\'er sbe may be," was the re-

VOL. I. PORT TOWNSEND, W. T., APRIL 27, 1871. NO. 28.

l'17BLII!l:I:D EYEllY TlIll •• DAY

Lie en_ e d .&. u c t ion e e r,


to adopt their roving stylll of life. At allennta, ohe has not been heard from since,and is d.u~lcss dead, or what cornea next-marrit'd." -

Mrs. St. Orme's brilliantly lighted rooml\nre crowded with rank lind beautj ; andAllbrey Hendricks, besieged b) thoae YO '

tari... of fashion rwho, moth. like, f1nltt-raround enry wealth star, assailing himwith insidious tl:tlleril.'tl. found thll even­ing dull as hA had ' e~c~. A.t length,making his escapt'. untered slowlydown the ' room. d"fiating in his ownmind the feasibility ot nn t'arly withdarw­II from the scene, when hia gUt, restedul-0n a circl.. ucar him, and hi. Ilst­Il'6Sneu ehauged immediately to an ex­pression of profciund inicrt'al, - The cen­ter of attraction was I woman, I he like oC\vhose bcauly 1:e had not seen equalled illall bia 'travt'ls. Toll, with'" aymrltetricalfigurE'. every turn of which Will the em..hodimrnt of grace; a llerfect 0\"111 face,with acarlel lips, Illd lugA, melting ..yes.

I,dusky lathe lashes thlt shadowed them;a compltlxion dark, but delicattl and clear;and a wealth of rippling, purplt',black'hair, fastt'ned uniquely by a malswe g'lld.cn comb, '

.. "'ho is shc?" he aske.l vniuly of se\·e..ral near him; al1d 01 ledgth. seeking hishostcss, "'ail fa\'ored,-wilh a , n,est'ntationto Ibe object of hi. intere~', ,

.. My frit'nd, Mr. Hendrich•.' Misl Ru..dt'ntt'in."

And .-\nbrey, bowing "efortl 'l, ~r, won­d,n'd whp.re bo had ije~n the ~~re8J!ion

that lingered an inslant upon l1<'r face;bu t when he lookt'd aga in it Wl\8 gOIlt'.and tbe ladv, e"en more b,-autiful than heh~d at first"though t Ilt'r, \Vas replying tohts remark Wi lh an case that !t'ot grlce 10Ihe commonplace formalitic. which al­wpys altenrl a fi11!t mt'eting, III" was(~rccd soon 10 give up his pla,ce by herSide 10 n,w Ipplicanta (or a share of herfnor. but lingered near during tbe rn~

mainder of thtl p\".ming. and was amply re­warded by 'E'~ing her &aze"wander ' in hisdirpction 'more than once. It wa. hisplel8llre tp attend her to ht'r carriage atthe close of the evening, Ind, at partinghe aaked !lnd oblained permiR.ion to callupon her ontbe following day,

Afte, this hll W&8 a fTl'quent and favorl'dvi.itor at the Rndentein maosion. &lidday by dny tbe shackle. that bound him awilling captive wpre riveted closer, still,His 10Te had in it none or tbe blind ' idola­try that had cbaracterized his yonnger,.ean. hut was a fen'ent oUlgusbing ofsoul--a d..\,otion tbat rendered hilll purerand beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. But thronghallthpre was a intangihle somethingwbich, whiltllt attncted him more firmlyto MiSl Ruderalein, made hinl'rtiir to ut­ter IhosA words which would deCide hilfatt'; a prt'sentimeut that somelfiing mustinlon-ene betwet'u and tbe happiue"lIwhich mocked him In felltleas drc!nmlaud.

He tbonght of Rain , lometimes. PoorRain! with' the hoptll~s.n3s, of dl'spair inher great, wild ' ..yes. and htlr ellfDest Toiceproterting her innocence of purposely '.de­ceiving him. 'Iuen he wondered if it WQpossible tQ~t 'ahe wes Iivj.ng IIOW to . com~betwe.n him anli his only hope of a futurelire that should in ita pure deTotion atonefor the reclr.leaa misdeeds of his past lire;for, in looking over that record of lateyears. Auhrey Hendricks could not holdbimself Kuilileas, The fenr of nnreatheld COmtl61e sway OTer him, excl'ptwhen in t e presence of Mias Rndecstein ;then he felt bl'r peaceful influencE', andrealized more tban enr the worthlessnessof Ilxiatencl' without her. _

. They were sitting ond day,iD thedrawing room. 'l'he appointmenls or theroom \vere in unison with tbe. refipedlastll of ita ownpr. ' No glsring discrepan­cies of r.oler, ,vhich lire so often , seen inthtl habitalions of wealth, were visiblebere. It wa. not probable that a stranger,after leaving tbis room. would have ' de,.crihlld any or th dotails which comhinedto make the whole SQ perfect; he wouldonly remember that it hAd impre~d bim'as being a fit C4Jket for the glowing jewtilwithin,

A ,.alume of Tenny.on ,WllS lying-,openon the window lill. and Aub,ey, glancingoTer the pagel, read :

..t ha.ld It tne wl>ate'u ~rall .I red It when I IOmlwmolt; ,'T'1I1lftt6 to ha~e 10Ted oiad lost,Than Deftr to hAYe loved at aIL"

With some ' light ·ND!.arlWui dosed the ,book; bUt ~at~g·. -&.1pl'efl~ion of herfact'. so. mncb in sympatby with the senti~

ment he bad n'ad, . was tbrilled with avague Cear. differing from any that hadhtofora IIssailed him, Cenaibly;.' lil'r eyeshold in them for that rr.oment ihe 'JiJ(h t ofa bitler uperience. SOmehow, he had

.. And myself misen.ble? '!'hst would wbo wi!l mike us man and wife withoutbe too much of a sacrifice. I am going to suhjecting us to unnC1:l'nary queationing9.marry Colonel St. Orm«, and will permit I swore thlt nothing shonld pre1'tnt yooryou to usurp m)' place in tbe IIfft'ctionsof being mine, not nen the opposition ofmy quondam lover, if you can. 'A heart J'our own will. and I hue the 'peCial Ii.is most ellSily eangbt in tbe rebound,' yon censa and everything pn-pared for theknow," She laughed as Rain f1asbed at marriage ceremony. Tell me that "(lUher lin indignant glance, ' will not ol.jt'CI; tbat you .will be mine of

.. I owu yonr great wild eyee an swar- your own sweet accord !"tby skin are uol in aceoedance with Aub- .. It shall be &8 you will." she breathedrty'. tiste; hut. do you know, I btlli""e soltly. and tho~umaindet of her journey:)'ou willt:lake a wondrouslJ beaut iful wo- "'as passed in "Ience more ex~ive than 'man acms dny," , ' tbe most ardent protntatioDll would bavo

Before the mirror in ber own room Rain been,thought of Clauclia's words and gazed up· . The earringo -stopped, and Rain 11'118

00 tbe reflection of the dark face, with lifted tenderlyout and conducted into aeycs and - mouth WO largtl io proportion dimly ligbted parlor, whE're 0 few 'perBOn.sfor the thin features, and her hllir which were 'evidently ell:JieCliog .m. Th..ybad been cut close. bot now grown to that stood witb clasped bands, and the . clt'rgy­Ineonreuieat length' which ' would not bo mon immllCliot.l,. bt'gan tbe marriage cerl!'confined by braid or hind. o,bslinately re~ mony. In clear. dutinct tonel ' i he beArdfuud to curl. aud 'bristled about her neck said:" I. A.ubre,. Hendricks. take thisin a sbock Ihnt wal only rdieved from abo woman to btl my law full,. w..dded wif." tosolute ugliness by its glossy gltlAm of pur llan and 10 hold nntil dellh do UI part."plo blueupss. She WAS ' but little more She' made her 'respon. es in a tnomulousthan sixtt'cn; aud her form D(lt yet mao "oic". not knowing or understllnding \vhaLturcd info the .grlcefulness of womanl,. alw said ~ And tbe clergyman pronounceddevelopmlnl. W&8 renderE'd still lesa nt- lolemnly" B~fore God and man, I declaretractive by Ihe loose filling dress .ho wore. thi~ twain to btl ontl fit<~h."

Altogether. her Burny "'al not produClh'e T/lt'n Aubrey took her in hi. Iorma lindof a satisfaclorY rcsnlt; aad with !1 sigh stooped to preis hi. first , kiss upaD ht'rshe turned nwny from the glass. lip", but started back with aD exclama·

.. .. • • .... tion or surprise. ' ,It was dusk in the eaW autumn, ano .. Rain Lamort'z !"

thc "'ind, soughing among the cri~ped Sbe stood bewildered by hi. lodd~nIraTes that clunK wilh thc It'nacit)· of part- ('hange of mannt:, A moment ago heing life to tbeir parent branches, sounded had heen all love and tenderne81 ; nol\' heind ..scribably melnncho,ly in thll ears.ol rt'garded her with an exp;essign of dill.Uain LllmOTl'z. She had been walking. trnst and aTersion. What could it m"an.and now, as thl' lwilight shadowl began Auhrt'y turned to the aatonia!hed clergyto gl\ther, Ihe tnrned ber strps homeward, mao. .. Thertl is sam" m!atake. ''fbi. isquickening b~r pncs as she thought of the not the lady I wisht'd to marry. I knowdiltlluce sbtl -Ilali to Iraverse. Shu blld not by whal mt'lnl my credulity haa b""nwandered far up tha moun!Jlin side; ana .0 imposed lipan. Bot I appeal to you,'her path bl'ing rough and full of short if under the circumstlnces, the ceremonylurns, her progr..... was not rapid, and jUl!t performed is not nall aod Toid ?"SOOI\ surrounding objects werE' growing in· .. You ore l..gally married to thi. wlImanvisiblu io lhe <1t't'peniu; gloom. Chiding whoe\'er sbe may be," was the re-htll'8~lf for ha\'in~ tarrit'd so long. she pl.\'. •IlUrried forward. but 'W &8 snddenly can. Sh~ ~aw it all then, Sbe had been mis_fronled by two men, one of who'll quickly taken for h,'r cousiu Claudia Erne.bandaged ber eyE'S, and each takin~ her .. As God is ,my witnP.M. I bdiend thatby an jlrm. hurri..d h..r. away in a direc- you kn e\v it WIS I." she declared. with anlioll conlrory to the one .he, had bt'en eArnestness that pennitted no disbelief ofpunuing. her words ..

The attack was so auddlln that she of. And Aubrf'Y Hendricks. who deteatedfered no rt'llist~nce j but now. ,all .he be· scrues, l!:aYe his arm to hil newly madegilD to comprchl'i1d her situation, Ihe ut - wite nnd It'd her to tbe rarrilge,tered a cry for a~si.tuice. .. .. .. .. .. •

.'. SlOp! ,Kane 0' tblll," grow!t·d one of ~ richly furnished ajlartmt'Dt at thtlthE mell. " I'd b.... sorry t~ be obliged to lIlatropoli tnn hotel. aLd two men pulling.hut that purly mouth 0' )'our'n. but we at fragrant Havanu• .DOW aud then ex·can't allow lIuy llcreechio' here." ohallring broken scrspl f)f con\"ersation,

And !lain, reflectiog up".o the impoa~i· and anon nppArently abllOrbed in the con~bility of-any penon hearing her cries ill temple lion of lbe blne smoke curling spi.tbat ,sequestered sl'ction, thought it best rally to"'ard tbe ceilioS. A. .on·ant eD­not to irritat.. her captora. She specula- It-red, bcaring a perlnmed and monogramt:dted in vain upon the motive that had leI! envt'loptl. • .to he,' abduction. but could come 10 no .C Cards for Mrs. Colonel St. Onnu's rll"sa ti,fnc'ory cOllclnsion. 'l'ht'n , sbA won~ Cl'ption. ' Will you .go ?"dered what Cllndia would think _when "1"0 be Uon;zed becauso ' of my tt!nshe failed to mllke her app....rance; if she Jee.rs' Toluntary banisbmPllt from my na­would be' much ahlrmed and send In tive land? 1 suppose 10; though ita auselrch of her. ' intoltlrlbl" bore to med OTet' and over

The path they \vpre traversinll grew again the .ame crowd of society, maskedmore smool h, and sh.. conjeclur..d they faces, to ,epeat to Mis. ,Brqwno the lamewere upon Ihe 'pen highwllY. Sooo her fllltl~ring nothings I rehearscd to Misscaploll cam. 10 a halt. and after a .hort Smythtl lasl evening. and to play thecolloquy witb n third pnrty Rain felt her. Igret'able to all th. old dowagers, \\'ho,sell lifled into a vehicle of some r kind, with an eye to my hundred thonaand.with the Lew addition to thdr party by 01rive to monopolize me wilh tho eharm.her side, the other two upon tbe dri\'er'. of their darling daughters." _box. 'C Wbat a cynic yon have grown, HeD'

Then her handl were c1&8pt'd in .oft, dricks! By the way. was not mldame ourfirm onel, whoae \"I'rj touch thrilled bl'r hoateas one of your old f1.amea ?"through and tcrough, lind Aubr..y Hen. Aubrtly frownl'd a little at the unpl~ai­drieks' \"oice, plending and s\veet, sountled ant associatious connected· with the oldin her eArs: " relU E'mbranee. ~

c, ForgiTe mE', my darling, lor haTing •• Yea"; hnt in the portly Mn. St Ormeyou lrt'ated thu. 'roughly. I . cannot live I can trace no reaemblanee to my Queeuwithout you. and have, b..en forc"d to this Clllndia of old. I wonld not bav" believedst..p. which I cannot rt'grel having taken, that time could make any changea hid ,Isince it is Ihe Dlt'aus of givinjt y(lll to me. nflt IheE'\"idcnclO here at borne;" anil heDo DOt be angry \Vith me. It is all for ran his hand throngh the WUf:8 of hielovo of Jon. • bronzt< hair. tnrning up here and there a

A delicious senae of peaceful ~ccurily · silv..r thread..1011" over Rair.. Aubrt'v Heudricb lov..d Hu had not gone scathlell8 through theller . She did nol qut'lltlon how this had ten years intt'rveniiJg since we ..w him,all come nbont, She N-memberod notbing and hi5 handsome face bore upen it the un­of his deTotion to Claudia, She only re-- mislakable stamp of a re.tlel'll spirit. 'alized Ihat bt'r 10Te. wbich shtl bad nC\"l'r Thtoy smoked awhiltl in silence; aDddarea to call by ils riltht name. WItS ap· then he said casnaU,.: " She--Claudia-­precia:t'd nnd returnt'd by the man at her had II c ansiD-a Mill8 Lamorez. Do you ­.ide. She sank ,bllck. qniet and happy. knllw what has become of her?"ft'nriug 10 awake and find it all a delusion .. Rain, tbey nsed to cln her, didn't01 a sleepless braiD. hillow voice s(lunil- th ..y 1 Sbe disappeAred mY'lerious'y onlling all the while like a melodiou. har- night. a .hort time preTious to Claudil·.mony. marr iage. The popular Imprel8ion of the

" You are not offt'nded; dearest? Tben lo\ver class conotry peoplu hli alwaysyon ala care for me , after all? I did n'ot been that .he was spirited away by thedllre hope for thi.. I ft'ared thst you W itch of the Mountain.. She.wu a wrywould nol readily foll)ive me. Let mc queer sort of a girl. fond oC wanderingtdi you all. and throw m,.self upon your about alone; and my#l,el is that' Ihe fellmercy. Do you know where I am taking in with some of the gyp. y tramps whoJ'OU nolY? '1'0 thtl house ofa clergyman, u.ed to infesLthe counlry . and determined


'I'he breath of J uoe roses floated throughthe open window to wcere Claudia Erneaat, toying with the jewels upon herwbile lingers. aud appearing superbly iu­different to th.. fact that Au"rtly Hen­drick. wu waiting with breathless impa-tience for a reply to bi. impassicned plead­ings , He leanerl againat the marble man­tel-piece in an attitude of unconsciousgrace, hi. bronze bright hair rippling in

• wavy m&l!ses from , a brow smootb andwhito &S 0 woman's, his mobile mouthshaded by a goldeo mcustache, and hi...yt", darlr.ened now by the intensity ofhi8 feelinga, fixed upon her with a bun­gering expressiou that betrayed how muchof bis happinells lie ended upon her softwords. The stlt'ocu ....~ ~ming oppre6­ijive, aod the twilttlr-·of-6iri .in th .. buahe.ouiside jarrcd unple santi,. upon bis e/lr".

.. \Veil!" he demandt'd presend)', .. IImy prelumpt:on 50 g.-eat that Miss Eruewill nOI coudt'6cend to ans"'t'r ?"

.. Now, Aubrey!" with /I deprecatingmolion of htlr white , hand. .. COIUU hcre,you silly -boy. I almost forgot Ihat Jon

~, were waiting. I WllS thinking "-.-.. That you love m~~only a little," his

factlligl1ting with lhe radiance of hope... NonlllOse LJ 1 "'as thiuking what a

pity it is Ihat y ou lire not a woman. Iuftlmiuiutl ga rb JOU would be irresistihle.As a rule, \\"0 womcn look for ent~rprise

aud daring in Ihll mt'o we would marry.'Volare mere apt to admir,; natures hardyenough to PIOttlCt UP, and so rugged Ihatwo may cling to thtlm fer support. tbau•uch as are dt'pondent on ns for aJlrhtl iu·.piration tllat.....makes them meo. Now.Aubrey. dear, dou't bu angry; but whiltlyou make n beau illesl of II IJ\'er. witb allJour tltlToteducss and dubonnair manners.you are far from being lhtl man I ,.'ouldcboo.e for a husband,"

'tie .prang up, ,tith .a spot of vivid((imaoo burning on either cht'ek.

.' And ~o'I ha\'e btlcn a mcro pla)·.lhingin your hands-a puppct upon "hom 10practice your Irts. Lo 111mb Jour blandish·menta. to note th", cff<"Cts of JOUT fucina­lions; and nt lasl. wheo weary of yourtoy. to C,1!lt asid~, bccau~tl ~ am too muchintaluated wilh your \pellr l le~s beaut,..Then why did you Inrt" me on ~)' )'ourkind reccption at my first attentions?Why, when my lovll had become wor"hip,tantllliz.. me with momentar)' coldnt'ss, tobe suceet'ded by a graciousness I scarcelydared hope fJr? Why keep mtl in suchprotraclt'd euspenstl.wht'n my fale was de­cided by )'OU frolll the first 1 You misl Admy DlltUrt'. Claudia Erne, if JOu think ·Iwiil quieti ,. relinquish the prize upon"bich I haTe ~~t my heart. Notwith­Ilauding Jour pride, yon will yet be mrwife: I swear it by ali I hold Illost.sacredon elrth er in heaTen!"

So 8lIying, he turncd, nud left her a Iit ­III" frightened at hi. impetuosity, but dedm­ing hi. words only the idle threllt of ablflled lover, which would be forgotten II

soon as the keen editl of his disappoirit­mt'ut shodld wt'ar off.

A stifl.lld .ob from a CUI tAined alcove intbe room' broke upon her car j and Cr(lSS'ing the f1.oor she dr"'!I '-aside tho folds todiscloStl a girl's form, creuchiug in theembrasure. her race buried 'in her alcnder,dulicale bands, aod her wbole altitude lJe-tokening tbtl abandonment of d..apair.

.. Rain. what are )'ou doing here?"- Urania Lamort'z lilled her hcad Wilh

lhe Icok of a hunted animal at ba)'; LutClaudill waa iu a complaceot mood fromhiving disposed 01 ht'r importunatt' lo~er,

and \V&8 disp0l'ed to bu unusuolly lenientwith this ht'r slrange eousin, !n whose\.eins couned thtl hot blood of hAr ItalianfalLer. and whom Ihe WIS wont to regardl\'ith capriciousuess, or to ridiculu for thewild foreign wap that wt'rtl incompreben-libl. to ht'r.

.. 'Vby~ !lain, child, what liTIs you?-­.Are you sorry that I have rid myfelf ofon intolerable bore iu the shnpe of a tooaffectionattl suitor ?"

.. lie is so noble! so benutiful! howcan you be so crud when h.. love. you?"

Clludia look~d down upon her with anImuted expression; and tbt'n, kDet'ling,took thtl f1usW fllce bdwt'f'n her p~lms,

while sometbing akin to pity .taltl intoher heart.

,, 'There. !lnin, be quiet. now. and tt'llme all, Do you lOTI' Aubrpy Hendricks?"

The swimming "rcs overflowed aga in.u Rain .hook her ht'.ad, aaying: "NotthaI way--al ,.ou melln. I I'0rship bim.. I do the picture of the ,Madonua thathanga in my room. But he would nevt'rthink of mI'. I only wanted to see yoomake him happ)'."










II.h!M'rlptlo.. Rate.:

en TO'W'llaclld, 'V.. T.




•••• ORDERS SOLICITED.••••Port 'l'owost'nd, \V. 1'., Jan. 12, '71.

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Shaving and Hair-DressingSALOON,




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J ohn--McDunald,- '

,. / --rBAcTICAL--

BOOtf/ AND ~HOE - MAKER,I'o.BT· TOWNs~:ND. W . '1'.•


CO,smopolitan Hotcl, Port Towns~nd.

GE NT LEME N WILL FIND ~'IRSTCia.. Tonsonal aeeommedations at thi. e..

tallUohmellt. Satisf.ction I:"aranteed byD. w. BROWN.

Pem ToWllSOItd, !broh 30. 2-ltr

• Ball rd Rifles.I

O F . GERRISH & CO. HAVE JUST• no!Cei~e4 an iD~oice or Bal!ut Br~ch.load.

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Water'alreet, (next door toSterming'l Salooo)

I'oaT 1"OWXSEXD, \V. T .•

18 PREPARED TO MAKE. UP GENTS.'.... Boy.' (;1othllle aceordlUg to tb. late,t

f..IIi . ... ; a1 10 k~p. on h:rncl. for .ale b,. the yard.r piecl .~'r_/a ClolJu ....d· c.iui.ertl; Ortgoto ClIOlM

aM~ i Jiiuio.. Goo<U ;J,"elfIMI, ..\(. ,

wlaicLaR oll'ered TOry 10;". ,ir.r Special attention ,,aiel to R.p~iriol and CleanIng. 'Ierml moderate.


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t:T All a..ortment or Choice MUliDery arth'l""\r.~pt 00 ha..d ror&al.. 8:3m·

Port Te.........d. 'V~ T.

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CHAS. M. HRADSHAW...,",-ttorney and COllnseler

AT LAW.. .

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OFFICB- Union" 8alann Builcling, head erUnion Wharr,

AdY'ertlal.1( natea.Oa. riach, (which is eqlllY&1~lIt to a .. square"

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A. liberal eduetien will be made iD rnor of thOIOwh ":'ad~edi.. b,. the ,.ear.

Trl.naient ad"ertilemenu, t. lA.ure insertion.",,,"t lie aceompaDied by the euh.

Por One year •••••• •• '0' 0 ••••••• 53 00Par SIs: lIonthl ••••• o .0 •• • ••• • 0. ' 0' ........... 2 00

Rllbseription.P.a,...bl. in adunce.

Page 2: -THE-WEFIKJ.Y ARGUS.,otion tbat rendered hilll purer and beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. But throngh allthpre was a intangihle something ... Chiding whoe\'er sbe may be," was the re-



.....' . JOI. Le<>,


A. KUHN ,E S T ll T E A G E N T,.

NO 'I'I<:E!


. , '

orthern P a ci f i c.R AILRO AD !

For linle by E .o' I VI\"D , 'S Y L V E STER •

.Main /rcet, rOlyllll' ia, IV. T. 15m.

J .R l U L

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ill g suppties (or worklOl'n,

All Axe-men and Lumbermena rc I1fl t:n('U t h ~t un tuore are ue-eded at preRD't, atMOllt il'd lo, and e:1 n not 1)(' (,l1l )l lo~'(' d ,

D Ul' rH.i t ~l·e '.w ill Ije r ive u when lbr Cowlitz op••. ..~a) \".\ ttl) 4\ . ii'LIN'!',

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F.' S H E 'E H A1',!I(T 'j'O W)\,SI:~I;; W : ' '1'.,

"~ : ~t : l IJ.porh·r ~nd DE"al!';' In .

T1X,!,LAT E. bHEET mox, C OPP E R ,, Z I~ C " "

BAXCA 'fIX,, . WInE,

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. ' , ) 6;mly . ' ,

A I"rlse quantil; "IPrelh

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Xn tr. ATTI-:':'\D TO TIl E nUYr~G i NU' l'. S"lling oj re<ot l ciOla te u( ..11 kinda. · -T bn Iocatiug #of I ,nDds uud & general bUl h::(•••

· t ra trsactec.l uu f('aso ll a~ l e terms.II.!>" l"OR !!ALE

A number o( improY('u (arms , city 1018, inlpro'f'~.

an~ un improH'd , ~gcther with a large amount. .r, uu lml'""~ ht'llds In thi" part- of-the .. f1'ritory_ - . 4

. Ul' F leE::':"I" the~sllool.olit,~ ;11'1lel; If,o...", 0 . I. - " , - ' . l/ocr

Pi~e~~ ·..~rackeF -Bakery,P''m1uuau_a n d ' .G roce..1'U _s.~Q);e,

l ' URT . T OWllOSEND, \ V. . T.. - . ..:~..-~

: :, . 'F oi''''Snle .. ..

B ' ,y the Undcrelf;ncd,' at Neah, Bny. "'. T., tWJ St~erk 3 years~...u.,;;;,.ad; th~ee do. (our yenrs'bld••nd one do. three ,.eaud, all.ol "Whlch are in good condition and areJaracr theIr .ges, .ud will make good catU" {or log-n~ . AllPJ,. to J. S. MAOOJI\ ~nh n.y, W. T. .23nll .

S 'Y R 'IJ P S ,IS An~AP.\I~I~<:.~\: L~ ~I,O X A D E.


. SOD.\. \\.~ I ]"~': GI~.Gl~R . BEEH, '. . CrDLh. EI C.•

I Aerntc~ ""~Cea' Works,. . I_ ' .'Jearn", .JY. To -

, WOrJ"rs ' fro;n all par ts 'o"r pugktlSo und prolllp ily a llend,'d tn. :l6m3

























'. ,



~ _ . x:

IV A T J;; R



BJl:!>T OF CORD-'''boD. CIlEA.PI

Furnahed to Y"lSd . and '}t'a milies

, - 1IT- f

linoi!'l Faa"n) , " ragon s. B u ggie s,

F or Sate at i.e,,, Prieea

Tibballs' Su~or". Team~ !--....... ,

P "rt TOn''DHlltl, w. T. ,W

orwar(llng & CommisslonBusiness

, Promptly .ttended to.

500,000ounds Clean Wool

'VANTED~or wit ielt 1('e will poY tll~

highest .J.l I m ·k et P,'iceI lf C oLt 8 II.

l7 Sacks Furni;hed. *i',P o r t Town~;elld Lodl{e-...--/ N~~6, . F . do; A•.1lI;-Holds Its ~gttiar ,

Communications on the " edn·esda,. of es:ehBERAL ADVANCES MADH FOR onth first pree.ding the Fu ll !\loon; ,;t 7 o'clockconsignments or wOIllto our agent. in Sew m.;,in the M••onic llall. Brethren ill good

k. H OTIISl ' I U L I) do; CO.. , ndlng are ilh-ited to attend. '.o~nseUd . W. T. . ' ~ hH~ .. " , Ily order o( W.·. ~l.' .



For Sale by Auction.[HE .COHNER L OT. NO: 2 IN

lll '1ck 9, next to the Un ion 'Vh.uf, in th e ,eiPort T own sen d, a nd lJ el on~ing t o tbe Unio

:Vhar( Company; also . _

IALF I~OT 'AXD llClLDlXG@kn own as th e- JI~,sage OlTIc(' adj'oi ninM:n

e Hank Exchange ::-aloon. bc1~nging to II. Ibbah,

Will be. Eold at Public AuctionOn the ~ Ild Day or 1'1a)', 1811 .

Both o( the properties .re de.irably loca~d ;,e pr in ci;,al bu:sincss stcC'ct or Port To wllicn.4. t

'HE nII'HO VED E~l l'lIIm C IT Y-a l in-o rite Cooking ~ton~-~cnv\' r3~tin~?

Ie. chenp. at , J . },'..siIEEHA-l\·S.

SI;:ALED PH O 1'0:":\ LS WI LL BE.... reecived b)' J . J. lI .. " an Bokkelen, Esq., Pres­dent.( the Board of ('it\' Trustees, ' to drain th evater from the marsh in the cit v, Proposals mu s tpeci(,.. .I st . Plan by which bidder .p ropos es to do the

vork ;2n d. Price for d :Jin~ th e same ;3rd• ..NRlnes o( ' re~pon'liulc p,:ut ic~ ,,110 will )live

on ds tor the faithf ul pcrfcrruance of the work pro­posed

Did. opened ?tI,,. lst, isn ., JOII :> P. J GIl SOX.

. Clerk 01 Do~rd o( I(!t)· '1'ru' tee•.Ap,ril 15. ISi \. · " 2in-2

. "~otK(' . . . ~ . li. E. I...\·~.

. Tho!Oie m-rs ons in P orI L udlow ' l L:EV:'VChi macum, P or-t Di scovery a!!.d P or t Town send .. 7' : _.wh o gave mOD('" to Stephen K oon , a con fidence .bum mer , ca n h a°-rc the semc return ed to them on I en .

pptica ti on to the Sh rritf of J t" tfr rson County , n.t I ~ lIdN,£h i» office, Adamii Str('et. P m t l~own send . I ::

l," OtiCl' o :.Ji ~

I ~I

§chm ie g &. Bloo',u a~L\;o; UFA,[;'f Uh Eil S OF

Cream Ale, Por'ter & Lager Beer....IAYlXG MADE DIP HOVE ·lI'n ls to Our IHtEW Eft Y. were nble to sea CRE,.D I ALE ,at re­uced pric(,5-."~e will 8('lt ou r " "('II-k ..·o n ·n Be r, wh ich

ck nowlcdlted to be the h('st mann(a('t u red in terri tol')", at pri ces th at will compete with any othre \\'cry ('D the So un d. \""c will n ot be undersolnd \\'ha ~ we SOli we mean.Purcha6er~ (rum abrou(l cmre!y on their crdc

eing proUlptly nllellded to. , '\ '.SCIDII EG & nROWN, .

, Seatt l<" "V. T:H. · I •• Tibb3~~, Ag,<nt lo r P o

ownEend. 2 7m6':S

I WO ULD R E S P E CTF ULL Y _~N-noun ce to th~. LA DI ES or l' uget Sound coun ­

t"\" tha.t I han' just rC'ceh' cu, di r ec t (rom :\cw Yurknd SaIl Fr:mcisco, the

L(lrfle.~ (l 1lfl Re...'f Sele('ted StOCh'OF !lIlL UX 1-:HY G OODS

Ever offt>rc J :\ ort11 o f Snn F rancisco, :md will sellt prict' & that de f,' compNition .t - ..Ord('rs ROlidtNi (rom 'Sit p:n s of tl~ Sound , nnd

at is fact i.on guarantC'rd.([J" G/ods at wholl.:'sa lc or r et ai1. .

. !lIRS. C.. C, FORD,27\\'11 ~ J>ropn·etore33 .

Teaming 0.( aU Kintll!l Doil~. f

Cosmopolitan .H,ofeJ ~O.\1ME R CIAL STllEET,-SEA'l'TLE.. .lIE ABOVE HO U SE HAS 'BEE~

reopened (or ~he . eeommod.tion o(the ,publiet he prtTrictor, dc s.irous fJ( obtaining a fai;

re of pnbhc patroua'te; will cndtaior to make­c,;ubli»1Jmeut complete in el'ery Teepeet. Or




ticrstISSndet i,




nd .





t'na- t



,'y .h-


>t s.at ,12

cda-r ·


erk.Ie! It, nm n



a B· •





l, ,a





! '1- sa




· .Ji1·









E T!


TV. T "


, Proprietol'l .


S E.-\.TTI.E

MAPort Townsend , W. T .;

. Real Estate at Auction!.ON a 'HE SEC.Olm DAY OF MAY

'Lots numbcred 2.4.6 aud 8 iu Block 3- .\xn­

The VALUABLE PROPERTnow occupiedby

... D. C. H. J(otllsl'1,il(ill a litore. including two Storel nnd

Lot 5,)x 11Gfeet, fronting on \Vater st ree t an d bileing on_the water fronlof Port Townsend Harbor.

'!rTTerm. of sale-CASH.2h2 DAVID SIRES, A IU!/ inan T.

~~ew C/,urclt.

J OB TO BE LET 0""' MONDAY, ?trAY~1~t-S o'clock, p. Tn " to the }OWE- st bidder .·1:liJ;

Sealed propo.nls arc e. lIed (or, to be le(t with DHill. J. E. llurns or J . J, n , rned.

Sec pInus and speeifieatioll' nt Dr. HilI's n nStore. J . F. DE VOllE.

......... .._-

Wllol..a1••nd Retail n..l.ro in


Thol11pson's StageRuns Dai!!1 between Port Dis

cOL'el'Y and P or t ToQuJilsenll.

Pleasure' .PartiesClln ,be accommodated at all times wit


Saddle B.:orses kept for Hire.P~rt Disconr)", .April 20 : • .

[FROM Til E Vl CTO'U A I;TA"ri.tn D.]PllOSPECTISG PARn:.-' A p'irly of t

miners ,started Sunday mornill~, in II cnot' . far JordilO and Sail Juan rh'erl, o~prospecting toor. They nr~ wclliuppliwith mining tonls an'ol pro'·hions. Ilnd epeet to be ftbS['ut about six montbs. Th,.·m \'i .it Ihe loeali :}' where J ohnuJ' Mitcell and party st ruek'a go od prospect Infall. hlld have hc en ass ured by OIlH of thparI)' that fLey can make from $ 10 to Sper U/lY, to lhe h '~lId.

- T be Hight Rc'·. Boshop Deml)r~ ani ...from Cowieh all Sunday a rternooll. in a e1I0e. for mediealtrea tm llnt . .\\"Ii. are 60

ry to learn that he is 'H ry ill.I~OR THE SKEESA.-Th.. sttamp.t' ara

p ier; Cnpt. DC" ereux, left Tnt'sday afteUOO I1 fOI' S k...-na ri~..r . a nd the ,tpalllO tte r \\"cdn,'sday mortling at Fix' o' e~Jc

~{r Picht. of !liew \ Veslminsl"r . hcommen<:etl to cul tinte the sugar bce~he seed of wh ich he bas imported froGerman)" .

Th.. ,b ark "nl illll Lulu. f"r Shanghai-,loadcd at B urrard Inl..t and ready for s ~

BRITISH C,OLUMBIA.- --.-_ e._·.-. -- --

of thc fraternity out of mO,LC)·. -.·'V Sak m Ihe drew 'on some 'of th e members {or acontribution of fifteen dollars, touk tmon.... lind went rhroll",h with it nll:ai., " ,,. tlw tiger. " , He is supposed to IIacome this way; ,

TI. c surveyors of'r l.e :'iorfh crn- Pfl'~iRailroad Co mpauy ,rcporl th at on the fof )Iarch the SIlOW. in t he Snoqllalmie P,was suwn te £' n and a halt "fect ue .>p, 'athat on the ten th it \" :is sti ll .fiftc"l1 fede..r-

It is est imntid t.h'lt a mill ion and a hfe..t of lumber has be..n shipped from tva rious mills a long the Columbia.to Klama,

There is being a great rush of people to PortiaRev. I. D c.Drtver nnd wife (MilSAanieXorthro

nrri\"C'd {rom thc Ea~t by \he la folt st t'am er. l'hhaxe bCE"n soj ourning a ff!W d:ly s in this cit}". DDriyC'r m adC' a favorable irupre ssion, we un dt"rsta nfor Or egon ,thcre\'cr b l""'ent through out the I:.alIt' will at on ce r('sumc bi~ dtttir,. :18 Agtnt or thAmerie.n !libleSociety.-Chri.tiaa Ar/rorote.

.Kellett &. Scott,OLY/IIPIA, W. ToO

Deniers in.,and Manu(.etur.... o(II.ARNESS& SADDLERY





and complete .toek pertaining to our linewhich we offer to tbe public .t lowest rate•.

Pnrtleular .ttmtion p.ld to all orders fromabroad. 19m3

TIlE CELEBRATED RICI-DIOXDRANGE. (orF . mily U.e:-burns wond or con

-(or sale at ~ , J. F : SHEEHAN'S

Corned ~eef and Pork. per . barrel, kepteonltllntl)" on hantl, in quantities to suitpu rchaser••

Espcr.ial At/tIl/ion IJit·t71 to th~ RrlflilTrade• .

-----,II:!All orders proloptll aUended to. nnd oati..

(aeuon guaranteed.Patro na.ge rf'!'!(I('elrully - olitit r d. ::t(

m sscs are ill other cou ntries wh ere manis beli~ \·t!d in; bilt to·tIo th is ID "olves linundo ing Dnd building !suffieicllt to dauntthe hpart uf t h o lYi~cst &Ia:o_mlln.

[rno. Tn" OREOO1'lU X.]

BODY~'oU}lD.-, On 'fuursda)·. the 13th. iust., Ihl! dead body of a man wa. found,lodg~din l\ drift !n UJe Cvlumuia river, andi, Sl.\Pp051'4 tl! hllov'! been .G . W. Ford, wlto,was re ported some : two or three monthsag'l to have ,d rowned himself from thewbarf nt V.ancou~er. The face WIlS tJOmuch des t'"o~' ed for recogn it ion, but abunc h of keys found in a pockp.t was idcn.tifi"d by MI'. Slocnm ~t Vancouver as thesame he had seen in the possca5ion ofF ord . '. GOTBH!i~IE~T SURY·Ey.-(:apt. J . J.Gilbert, of the D. S. COlist Surny, wasobliged to rome to Portland to procure hisl'o:nplemcnt of men for practical operationsin Shoalwater B,aY" llecent disasters intbat harbor 1Ia,'e bastened this step; Ilndthis g!,!ntleman, whoae ability ha" heen

.Ilbundaa tly displa}'ed under Capt. La\Y~

.on inthe81raits of Fuc."l and onPug~t

Sound, as well as on , the Atlantic coast.may .btl rcli~n upon to ex ecuttl this workio the most sati,f!lctory manner. No . ODequestion,; . the nec..s.ity of land sun'eys;and accutat~ soundings lind measuremeuuou tbis part of the sea coast are maHers otgl'l'at importance b our constnntly incrcas­ing commerce.

\YIl PASS 1I1~1.-"·e are specially re­quested by an . Odd F ..llow of Salem to:' pass round" one ., Dt' . lI£nletle" "ho is

. Iran l ing through the Stfote: baYing a gen­uioe Oold F ellows' Ir,wwng 'd . on thes lr~ngth of which h E is bilkin:; Dle'mbcrs

ARGUS .WEEKLYTHETHURSDAY, APRIL:" 2 7;-i071 <,.]1 _ . ' ._ ~ ' \

Why France was DeCaat ed. .... - - - ~, , . ,\ SWI; Il Ll: o. ~ Tfl& P.L:o~i.R.-The re-

The f I!ow ing is an ex tract from n' ' ,~r. porter of t .Jeg~Pilic rt",,·s fT~in Sab- Fran­

mo.i pr .'aelll ·a nt Portlan d. O r..gon , ~Iarch clsco says that tho Unit-d Sratvs st eam er12. 18il. hy H el'. ~I r . Elliot. a "er)' abl e X ewbern was sold ':PrI"ately on th e 151h.mini "t"l'~f th at city , and i-i th is he shows It is und erst ood J I!a~ 1!ll;C w~s I F!cri'llyin II fin'c mnnn'or why l'\ance was. 1;0 ig. gi"en suay to th e, same part ics who pur.11 ,tn ih i'l uaty beaten iu tlie latc warv and at chased the Mohongo. Thl} N ewbern is

.. .. . . , ", ' nne of the finest vessvls. of her.classeverth e '8am.e rime pro"es the nect·!sity of ed ':: .on lhis coaM. , . T~tis is a 81)11,, · of robberyIIC11lin;; th e masses-s-of compu lsory educa- that has been IId"ptt'd ·to a very consider­tion: T uis cxtruct is well worth rcading: able extent.by a certain class of Gcvern-

1l0ubtlt:ls Ivohllve n most ' strik ing :ind o mont servants, ,tVhO..mlllglne tbat the liu leins teucrive example of the connectioritbe- aUlhori ly that is ,Deot'f'suily ",estt<d in thorntween ideas and tbing~ : inthe Illte conti- /Iud au inch 01' , tlTO . of b rass bce aro ' R

nentill war. . It is di1fienlt ft'l' me to 'hl:'- carle ilanrlt&- fot the ' perpetration of anygo:n Ih is themI', so 6 fH do 1 feel to handle swindle ,that may plcese their ,f;lllcy cr filli:_o cramped does the time and space: thier pri"ate ,punsc·. It is time thes~seem to .be ·;: nnd :ret the pulpit has its things wne ,a t t£'oded to. and 11I,'sH-dcfnl­J,roper wo rd .to spelilrCllueerning it . It is cat ion~ , Treasury rohberies. and acls Iiktlr ight Ihat we sh ould speak of it on the the 030 in questioR ( tbe frequent occUr­].I,rd·S tlat~ , if. b~' nny such mellns, wc reo r p.nee of which proyesto th e' o"erburd cnedceive a .It'sl on ,,"om the ],ord: At thi'- tax payer th/lt no lima.lI, percellt.' of hisri.k of r"p-eating thing~ with which you moncy ' RO~s to falten :k nav~~) levtlrelyare,familiar .th rongh you~ pnpc, R lind )' our punished. . IU 'such an ' eVt'nt th..rf' would,' '''n obs t'TVa lions. I..t me enumeratc a ft,w be no neea in the National- ~l'ress urT of aof the CRllSe8' of this war- 'eauses " 'hich departmi>nt so disr"pl'table as a :. Con­I:e f"r back ill hi story, anci 'will , \'erk far ' ' seiouce Fuud,!' I'ccognizinK /II it does theou, ,be'yond' ,hi, !;t'n er at ion . iliability of tbe .Government to takc care

I· "h'G ' .• I of its owns t ..e ermlln more patn otlc t Ian th n .Frenc hma n ? ' " ' c ha,'e no rea~on t. think ,,- ,- - -- - , ,',,- - -

_ Tile 111r1sage is . officially' assu red that.0• . Cun hc point to a betler lecord ofw hat arc usu ally called th e frnitq of eh.iJj. the execntn-e commitlee of the N orth"rnzatiull- a great er udynu cc in sci en ce- a Pucific ;Railroad ' ~'i11 visit Pug,·t Soundgr~a'cr number of a rts-,a more ,'xt" nded a nri nc 'the lattcr pa'r t of ~IaJ' or "a d )' inlearr:i ng ?" th:r.k not. Are thcre ori~ i n - June; and whil£' here will decide nueHiuns

• , 0 -1lli tralt~ of e :l ~ra6t cr. ruun ing b ack a Ihous. of gra" e importan ell 10 the rf.nd and to theand ) " '111'5. wllieh made I he dd eitt of o'ne peo ple. ~l'tle officia l informntion , as pub­side iit this coutt ic! inevit abl e? H istory lis bed, is, hO\~ever, y..ry r ilic"nt ns touoe's no t sh ow it . D J r ou assig n the tu rn what impbr ta lJt qUl'st iolls thosedecisior.~

ill ti':s I;.l!at crisis to thc p ower of a par' will fl ·lat e.' The pc ople are "" 'a iti'nO' for 'ticulat s tr ategist , 01' a part icular armv .or- somcthing more tangible th lln Ihis~ so·~al.iza tion? Th~ dreet \l'ould Lv elltirely £'alled. offi cial innuendo;' hut it ~' i s n otio c'llnmcn1urale, if 1lnJ·t hir:g ·li ke tbis, liktly that the :'compan)' wHl d i~commoc!e '

, hough IIll'Se things m~y ha"e contribuled . ihe1{yerJ! 'seritliisly: to gratify Ihe generaltheil' par t. Is it an olrl and accumulated desire., ·W heo t lre. propd' time nrriyes theHI,irit of rehnge thaI. h:los made the Ger- ~nd of the ro.a~,,~~i!l~"AE06.1gnatcd, :~gard.mun a, my . irresist ible? '1'1.at cau.c .is le.s of thjf hli eraht)' lind pr(lt~sIIl110~S of'h l\r.lly d". p enou gh for such an drect. 0 0 John Doe or' U ich'ud Roe, just w]Jere thewhal the lt, u~'t t e gren t spinal column of i n t" re~t s Ofthe road will demand it. ButGerman ,·iClOr)· sh ol.l1 we place our hllnd? th ere is .lo'-daubt ·t liat iiberai donationsor"It seems tome th at his !l mo ral id~a, the land nnd 'moiley: ,ViI1 'haslen tIle complctionlIUSeil Ce o f \\ h ich in oue country, and its ' of the road..t~ ,'nny , giv~r:i p oint 011 its ronte .exis: ence in the olh er, hM been working " I .. ' • • ' . ' .

fur ·y~ars · ,t o \\'ard . this i~c. 'l'hat moral AT PORTL·rif·-Thc Alpine travel~ri,le" iA the r.eCllg41ition of /Iu l('O I'/lt ,1' tltcand' artist of m~lllltain seen..ry is , s t ill al i"eill tliL· iJua! lIlal l. ) AntI this id"a, no doubt, aLd, it may be intel'Psting to his fri..nds toh ad ils roots in"the grollt lleformati on. know, Ij,·in..s lit Portland. II" is jogging'1'0 tl. is recognition of th o wort b of man ~Iong iu bis quie" . illo/F.msh·e.way. sprcad .we Clll I~~cc th e German syst~m of edu. rng colors llnd rubbing Q/F dir t-ata ins withcntilln-,I' sF,tem " moi'.r-tadical and ,far crusts of brend. . ,A u quiet" corn"r iu th el"eHcl.ing tb nntbat of IIn y oth er nation; public room of th e Cos mopolitan \\':IoS hiswhich pl aces the son of n mi ller 01' day studio, some monlh. · linea, .aud here h.. ·laborer uy the side of a priuct!; which dil igent l}' \Yorked. dp0l'ly absorbed in hishas made ~du cat ion wl,nl it should be art. an tI linconsti ous of lhtl inquiEi1i\'tl•• \,e.rYl"here-ilatiollal, and to II . cryl'tain and illit"rat" 'crowd that con stantly ppercdextent, forc ed-; a syatem d efend"d anu oVt'r his sho~hl ll r . Lrellthleuly )vatchiniIIphdd by cver}' mo ral intlu e~ce of .the the exquisite tlacingR:of .hia magic brush.Slllt... O 'it of th is idea ' of the wor th ' of. Tb'l Oreg unian thllS makes mcntion ofthe individual mau haa sp run g thnt highcr him : MI'. Edmund T. Coleman, a gen­organization,'bas..d UpOll consllnt aud iu, tleman of fine seientific · a tl a i nmttll t~ , haatelligeuee, that deeper, tbough more quie:, lntely ,exeeut-t'd a painting 'of Mount Hood,p)ltrioti.m, wb os o root is th e lanctity" of fro!lla point at thtl uNJer.eud . of tbe city .llo n:;e. 1;rom 'th is root id ,'a, I say , of the R e\'. M r. Stoy .'Tilh tR. ke it:Ea, s t. . .worlh of t:~ individual man, has eo:nethnt lI,ilitary orga niza tion whos'e trust is Brct Halte 'is now ·editing · the Lake·not i .1 slllnding ar mi,·s, but an armed Pffl- 8j~C /lIon/My, the -i;ri ~. · ip~l ii ter~ry. pl'-pi e. It i~ /I/oug ht, not ' bu lle IE, that lias d 'eonqlwlt.d · }'ranc,'. An idea, not drill. ri.. ical of C bicago. aD~ .ree~i vl'a a salarywhich lies at tb e foundllti on of German of $5,OOO"n year, nnd:a ieilp£'~bl ll itlt~r­"ic ior~', ani{ sido uy side with thcs!!, a rc! j: psI in :be establi!hmcnfLeside: ' 'rlle.plll'"g io'!. tlot this or t hat stat C'Sman or gener - 1:larityof this Joui)!f'wiit~r sta\ol~\lwith,1. t hat h as t riumphc d and ",ill bear frui ts and made the Ol'ertand Mon/hly , a p ubli.fte ri ch for tbe conquered miti an as for t1.£' cation of San Frimelsco. °

CUII!J.lIt.ror.:, If Ih~ . result, of th~ \\ ar' is ORIl~ON.l.t!ueatlou.and rehilous !tbertv · .for theFrencb pcojile ,"if O'Jt of her "humiliationl\nd the ,les iructien of her 'mili tllly glo rythere i~ in troduced throngh all her townsand. haml..:s , the Lible and the tl'ulJlicschools; if, as fast as it is safe, .the go,'­l'rnm eat is bose d upon a higher trust iothe .ducated masscs , , t h..n " ,·pr,. d rop oflJlo('d ,,:iII hll"'" bought II p r£'eioul heritagefor tlo e world, and 1111 thia , cllrnage and@ull'eling will seem 81 nothing . comp ar ed 'to It rpg ene~a t~ na tional mnnu oeil. PorIhe diff"rpnce uet ween thege I\\'0 gr eat na ·ti ons lie~ llu tside of whllt Most ofns know.n would fill yon ,~i t h disgust ann borror,10 hear lin impartil\! aceouut of the concH­titln of tho muses of the French peopleoutsi.)e of the great towns. Such a recordof illiterateness. superstition, ignorance ofw lIlIt il going ou in the world. i/{norancee,f the fundamental pri nciples of socitltyand government, can hardly be f'Cl\lizl'd bythe commGllest ciliz..n of this country. lind1111 0( it has come from the priuciple ofdis/fWd in man. 'fhe unwi,e and evil foaf 'lhat knowledge \Voult! brinK abuse, a feal'lest men should tlliuk. and by thiukingmake mistakes. O! it is a terrible lesE01land a lerrible l',J;pel'ience! We may thanKGod thst in thill land tbere is no such mag­azine of powder beneath our fect-no suchproces. of purific;lti on aDd cleansing be­f"re t);e .tide of. healtby Iii\! could come.' r ho French nallon for the next fifty yearsis a hospital patient, and by th e end ofthat \ime i t l~ilUe ready to li" e nnd work.T ho 1Il.8Ssl'll ,will thau,be plac ed ,.,.ltcrc thc


Page 3: -THE-WEFIKJ.Y ARGUS.,otion tbat rendered hilll purer and beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. But throngh allthpre was a intangihle something ... Chiding whoe\'er sbe may be," was the re-


" .,


CI&MI of

Tlu Tabk

- SHOES,- , . :utrl

.. -Dealer I u.-

,B ill iard T.bl".


a ,DO T S

. 1. ;

. : . "


At tile BAD IU&I\a "Ia. n aire OLD. obtala

.. ) .~". .~.

.• • I .: '. :

..-. '.

..... ,.. ~ ,

':' : : 1 •

Prodll(;t; BQught aud Sold..: : .... ...

; DR Y GOODS,,G~CC~~l~C,

CHAS. H. LARRABEE,. . . .CO.tU'uelor, Attorn-ey

. . '. . - .l..,(D- '

. ~r'o~.or . i Admiralt-r,OLYMPIA, w. T. 18m3

or ti,'moot p/rJular bran41: Thertl I•• als.. (0;tlle-,:colllJl1edatio"'ef ~ntl"",eD. a Billiard·Soattacbtd to the Ilo._~ III .hlab it 0•• of Pbalu'.Illte, Itylo. f.n~.poeket /

"'CGri1rillssion'Businessr : ".. ..

ATTJ!lflJ!D TO 'AT .&. Sll.l.I.L PERCJ:,.T..lOIl.

. :~ JClIij1 :T~ 'Norri6'::I ~

., •J " Wbolesde an d Retail Dealer ~ .

St9t.es..Thi·Ware a~d Metals.•• .' -... ~ANn-.. ,

T 'UI8 WE LL-KNOWN ANn JUSTLY POl"·'tll l ~ Hotel bas been thoroughly oftlhn lod,

renovated and , frtshly furnishtd. · '1'M SltepiJl.RoOIlll are Aeau, .kept an~ :"oU nutilatccl.. ' _

10 alwaYI bounlifully nppliod will> tbe i1e.t Ilia'can .... pr...urttl in til. muket ; enryolle wile _dintd 'at it unitel ill ieco :nmoDeling

~~'i~ ~,II .· Wa!r eJ,o.n · O ~·C: K; E ·.·R Y ,

~ : , ' L .IQ UO,BS.

. -Fresh ~se~s of 1870 I.: yt':'. " . I '" .,. ... •

.,' , . ', . : " ' :~~-' . , .. :... Agtlllt8 (OT Iii,

.Univ.rirsaI. :··Pamil,r Scales fG~f!8'jj!Jlve/~ ' at fEliy parl

of. ~te ~it.1I .'E'l'etJ of Cl'c:.o76.


C'OS:lIO P O LITAN" • • '0

·, ..H:QTEL,• ' n t!l-,,"t Cor'tltr of W.ttr and AUII1I'treell., r .. .• "

, .

MANU F A CT URE R OF" Tili. :copper and Shut Iroll - W",.. I

" .

. .


\ .

. , ,



. ... . '

. . . ~

N·OTICE.>- .

- , .Which I ~it loilahe~p fet c..... .'.,;' ,<

R othschild & .Co., A gentlf,26mlO ' - --P ort f OWlJttt<lId .


. Groctriu•


SAMUEL 'HILL, Agent,19 M~tgomerY St. Soiith,

Gra.nd Hotel Building,SA.N FFt..A.NCISCO.

F A. R n E ·R S' T R A. D ~,

. I ban jult r..eind 'H~ f;~de.'" Celebratecl Cooking St.,...

A ,Ne~ ~ .~lete ~' ~. I' TH PEERLESS ! '• " 6' L I • _ •• . ' . ... • c . . .'C 0" ·t)'''D' S ' · ,...'.l'Ile.OD!y alow.. loz.hu,b.OoldHedaI .... awal'd.•.• .. .. .. ed at the P.rli Esposltion. 1867. .., ' .

. • . Rep iiii'W~tlr'itrod, t;"o dooro cut of theplut ., ~ ! _ : ·!'ton. PottT.........d. 'W. T . 8:tr, " .

, ;:"'--~--------------, .. ~\ 'J ;" ~ • •

. .'.'fi.JmArf & ~AT~. "';. : ·Po.~' T01nl'lfE1(D. W. T. ,

. ~ ~~ .jwijl~~·~d ltetail neai...In ' ,. • ~ .... . ;, ... . . • . • ~ . • " I J -.

OR90,f,B.~.!LIQUOHS, D.R Yq pQl?S, . l

. CLO'fllmO,:BOOTS .& 8H9E~, . .•\ . , " ." !::. . E IC., E tc.

We ean ........1 Atteatlea .'. ,: ; .:. .. ToOur No. / .• , ,

"Puaft.:.Sof!,nd ' Cl'rtid, Codjl3h i :w'W)ioll are o!ta'ed for sal e in ~titia to n,it. '. ;

O~:::rtl:~· Ddy. Co~p~tition I.

- - -- - ~-~Harr1r",","·-, . ... .. ._. .. . .. ~ . ~ AgriculturiiI .

_.- t ~ _" . r (, ::. ~

A..- . J -A.._.lmplC1l~lt3,"o£tJucl...y. If,,Jlltrl e& lfu,pf!rrt-

10 'l"antitits to .nit pu d other articlesin ondleu vorIctv. • S. FOWLER,

Cern or or Wat'cr and :\ doml 51r..t. , lP url To.m , rn", " •. T, 5 Lt (

WiLLI&.ilI · DA"\' - N, : _~ASTI CS.BRO., )REAL, EsT~~' ·. D~. 1' P ; ;T own end, W -. "1'"7

~.,.. IVo. " ~....a ......

P ORTLAND. OREGON.o , _ • . ... •

REAL ESTATE in this CIn: andI:AST PORTLAXD. intho most desirablelocalities. conststlng of LOTS. HALFBLOCKS and BLOCKS, HOUSES andSTUREe; also.

DIPROYED FARMS; Ind Taluableucultivated LAKDS, loeated in :A

parts 01 the S'fATE for SALE.. • . I -, - . :

REAL ESTATEalld other l'roput)'purchased for Ccrrespondents, iI!, Jhi,s,(TIT aud throughou] _tb e -ST~TE5. ~ . . •TERRITORIES. 'with '/:rl':l1 .carf! and ·ont hll Q.~ t AU)' ~'TAa ll . TEnMs;~

HOT;SES and STORES LEASED,L OAXS ' NEGOTIATED, lind CJ.AI MS'OF ALL ~ESqIPTI9,~l? PROMPT·1.1' C0,LI..t,ETE J A,;rX\ , . ~X AXCI Ar. lind Aot~cr DU SI:SESSIransacted.

AGENTS 'of tliis OF F icE iriall d ie'CITIES anti TOWNS in Ihe STATE.\T ill r, c,·ive deseriplion,s.of .fARM PRO.PERTY and forward Ihe l :tme to theab oy" "ddrl'sF. 17:il



- - - _ ..- - -

----.• . =:- - - -

- - - .-- - -ltlaa .. . Jiaromtter and T h e l'Dlo eter.

Selence bas ro,jlod to invent .Dy apparatua .. ..,nli.tive to atmolpherlc chan~1 u the human fnmc.It il tbererore of Tital importance to guard it againIttb e effect of vari ationI io thP. wea tllar. u ti ""l"'ri­ence has demonstrated tIolt Da WALXltn'a V,,.E­OA. D'TTE1l8 il the be.t modic ine for tbll pu rposeat p........t k"o..". If . t..ell aa & ~tion.galDlt tb . dist.rbing Intlnonce of l uddo" alterna­Uon. or heat and cold, it wilr certainly preTent thebowel complaint , r~'\"e"" billiolll dilJorders , rheu·patic affections, nnd throat diseasel , ar ising (romthese cault!.

&0 ~{ill"r hilS th e contr ac t for bnildi cj:\"0. ne~ ~lasonic ·H..1l at Port Gainble.

'fbe ttJ. iPJe'j.elrii"h Tbatrlpson' cornpl..l: '

ed her crC)';OlI Saturday aod. Wal to!,~d

hence. on her WilY 10 San Francisco, on

Satu day enining by the 'tll:; Ooliah. Hercrew got . WE' undersrand, 860 encb for therun down , .A pretty good price for aboutt"n daYl' work.

FL..lG STAFF.-Commodore Hunt, ofthe Cosmopolit an Hot~l; is hning a fineflag Ilaff made which he intends to haveerected 011 the curner near the hot~:••.ndupon which he will fling his banner to thebreez«.

On San Juan h land. April 19th. ISi1, ~I...nmkinaou. sgt'd is ,·ralS. fie was . a Uilti'tC ufJ::n!l!.ntl. .

Knlama is snid t., be n Chinook wordsignifying g009~,. lIuJ wal applied by th~

I ndians to ' Ihtl creek 0:1 account of thenumbera 'of geese that llockt,d there, T helocality still hus nn att ract iou for thesebirds.

T I;.., c.;lfax, Capt. Connick , arrived laste1't'ning ~iom ~.•·~beck with til e bark Oen.Cnbb in tow. The bark is oound for SanFrancisco. Ths sh ip I lIIac J~ans. n?w. atSet.beck, · "' iIl be load dd ill a fe'" days.

T he L1rge Tt5sel wLieh Lo.s b..en AO longin COIII I .. of c0:14 truclinn nt P ort Madisonwill, IY" are infnrmed, be Ja uncited in afeww..ekR. She i~ the I lI rge~t Y('. scl, webdiero. ~hat ban been ' bnilt on th.il ·cObll•.. : MA... . ( ~

'l'he '~alla Walln Union 11.. ·cntered.' eJ~ WM. ROSS' ,~upon tl:e publicnlion of its .third ,·olume. . • - .The Uliionis a\"·rl· ~oodpap~r. and gi\"C8 ()OFFEE· SALOONeach. week a g,)(id cO~lp ila lion or gen eral " . AX,) Ll;~cIlnooY~ ' )and localnelV·; .t ,~ '1' d W l'

~ , \' nler Strecl , PorI Ilwnsen . • .,L. P. ,"enen ],n5 re~ign .·d lh e l;diroriaI" (Adjoining' n ..tiog.· 8tIll"0.)

chair of Ihe Echo. Some chang.. il~ Ihe I"nEslI OYSTERS. CRAB;'. PICKLED~ T oqgucsj Pigs F eet, PiCl, Cake.) etc., .te.

..stabJi ,hmE;nt is hinted a t. hut nol stat..d. l?' Op~rLDay al:d XigLtt.d!:J 24 :tfE"Xct!llSw,\/ P AIlT\'.-An · excur8ioD

pOrl}'-cam e o\'er 'by lh tl I~nb..l, Oil'~londaJ "

frolll Vic tori" a nd retu rned lame da}'.,Olf TIrE llEAcU .-Th.. rev...nue s team"r

Linc~Jn was put up ou thtl beach at Ihe .Lteltd°'lJf th" ha}', on M~oday. 10 cleao her.bottom. - , ... .

The bark F ort'Al QIICCr., from Slln, F rauci8co 10 Port LU,d low, pllssed 'Ip :yes . :ter~IIY morning. _ .

The O . S. N. Compan}' dispR\ched tilefirst boal for Lew.i. ton on thtl 13th insl. .

--- -- . --

Antvala at the CoamopoUtan Hotel .

•For tbsweek eD'ding April 26ih­Frank Harris,Port Ludl.,.... ; II Kum m...r.'V II Lew",Ul'n alld wf, Miss Emma D oyle,

, A Eagain, H~nry Quayle, Port Ludlo\\' ;Capt D R obinson. V D'McCullum , 0 WDowns. P ort Discovery ; J ohn Morri s.

.Cbas \V Thompbon, Alex Clark , S ASpencer, 1'eter800, Peter P au ls..n. J LWiley, Dan :Norton. John Dempspy, "'m' Vhalen, J Grllham. J W Dald. JohnVo. mU8, A HFlelcher. D Williams. WmJ A Kuhn . R B JoneR. Dan Norton, tJ 'VD o wns, I dS A D nTis. E L · Jon~s J olinCartl'r, Chas Clark . Ut salady; C II Clolk.VirKinia. Na.; J H Adams, il irgillia, NlI ,;F'1' H"nry, S. F.; . C!Jas McK. Smiln.Victoria ; N A CaleE, M: 'l'en T, ¥ B }IeE:ull pm,:T Hanseu• .Tohll L B·utler. ·J ohnR aleigh. E 'D Hmyhl'.

Aprol~T~iEXT.-ThA HecTl'lary of the'fr..Riury has nppoinl ..d ?Ii .'W. E','B cM"lle,of Olympin, superin tend~nt 01 comtruc tionof ~hl! , !'l'nit..ntilry at SteilaCoom. ..., hefunir. lJ,;aTtl bt'en approprialed '!or-, ILt e'work. and 1\1r. Boone ha s been norifiedtllat th" plan, will be forward~d at an ear·Iy day, when II'e work will be clJmmeuccd.- TranlCrfp t.• ' .. ~ ; .

Ac~b'e opera lions on our slrcets 'will'snon oe commen ced . I t is proposed ' to" pn\-e" a por tion of Mai n Street wilh ce­dar blocks pillced on end, alld 10 fiB Ihein te rstices wirh sand . T his is though I.with proper cirainage, will bo a dUlabl..impro" l'ment, and the cel t will nol begreat.- JVml,ing toll Standard.LOGGI~u CA~IP " S EIZll:D.-Vapl. B. B.

Tultle. special agen l of Ihe Ilind office, rA·turned from H ood' lI CliO"I (In 'l'o, sdayr.ighl. having s...ized six ' logg ing campR.cutting·timher on Oo\""ernment lar:d p. andllbclIt! eigh t hun Ired th oullnd f~e l ot Bawlog.. Som.. of ' the cam pa conlaiued nolog", and ol""TA'~mall ~J!l 'I';lo tS , aggregal­ing ' h.. aLtove amount, Men were put incba rge of the camps'and logs, nnd Cllp t.TUIIle relurnl·d to report to the land office.-Tran3cript.

---- .- - - -


- - - - .-- - - -

Deleg lIe Gllrfielde ba~ in troduc ed a liillfor the ~ale of timb~r h nds in Calilornin,Oregon IIn~ Washingtnn Territory, wldchil i d ~ n ti cal in its t..r.ms wilh Mr. Sargeot'lbill of las t se~sion, which. it ""ill be rl·membrrl'd , passed th o H ous ,', but fniled10 recdh'rl actioo in th e Se nate. Mr. Gar·fi..ld ha~lsf(intTodueed a bill to incor­po'ral e t he ' La':te Wa ahington Canal Com­pan)'. for tlltl pu rpose of const rncting n'Ilnl'igable c.,nRI from ' IlIA litl" walt·TS ofPu~e l Sonnd 10 L ake Union , and thencito La ke W a~ ll i ngton, in ~ing count}·.

- - - - - ..--- -_ ..TIu ; X EW CIlUlcIl. - Re v. Mr. De Yor'e...

inform' us that he has secured the lot andn bell for Ihe chu rtlt loe intends to buildat this placl·. \;T he lot and the bell are aKood Minni njt-:op a,jd bo ttom. Oi"ean)'l hh)g a h.ead and f"et a nd it n- i11 ob·tai n bod)' for i t~..1f. or, at It'nsl, onght 10 .A r an)' rn'le' Ih.· building of the chu rch ipa c..r tai nty, nnd, we ar.. informed, it willbe dedica led ~n the first S undbY of July-S" mot~ it b.·: r I ,

( .

CALIFonxIA..-The prop l'lIer Cali­fo .a a i \· ~t: htll e from Porlland on Fri·

.Iay nl~. '1P;;' st t'amer Isab~i took IheCaliforma's passengers (t hirty-fi,.e miners)to Victoria to enable them to · take Iho. t ..am~r Orappler for ,ihe Skeeo& i1ver.T he California took Ollt freigLtt . for thisplace nn,l -proceed..d ..op Sound-r..tnrnedon Sundny and I..ft next morning for Vie­loria. She will i~8\""e there lo .monow orSa t urday for P ortland.

_ _ _ _ a·

---- _ e· .


Tue AL.l.SK.I..-Thi~ T.. ssel wilh crewand all complete, left !:tIt Saturdly forthe Okhotsk Sea , for a fare of codfish.The Alas~jll the lsrg-st of the t ....oschooners sent" from HIe Soon ·l to thenorthern fishing "banb - we send but Iwonow, but it is to be hoped that the fa­cili li,·s for disposing of the excelleot fishcrught there will be increased so that thenumber of crafts engaging in the busin-sef{'lm the Sonnd can btl increas..d to 'wohundred, or more. 'I'he Alllsk a took 110toni of salt . and hr-r crew dl told cons istlof 18 men-to wit : \Vm McGann . ca p·tnin ; Chas H. Bell . mare , John \Vatkinl.cook ; E . Keller. sp liuer , J ohn La rso n,P aul Lnnkrnan, Tbos. H arbington, PewrIiry an. Chas. Lambert, Chas, Hyd-, John'Thompson, Wm . Gill. John Carl~, AlbertSchulzt, Frank Lewis, Albert Bent on, D.H . II ill. J ames Good. Tue schooner willbe nbs nt about fin.' months.

"\ ~=:;::"."'''"- .---ATT&·m'TTo',BRE.~K J.u L:-Lbst Sat-

m day IfIe twn men, Brown and Evnns.commilled 10 j ail to nwa;t tb eir t rill on acharge of grand lar ceny III Ihl' S~ptemoer

te rm of the di.trict court, had almoSl cutthpir I,..1Y out of Ihe j ail. \\'h~n th", WertldiscoI'ered by th e sheriff. T hey h"d per ­form en the work of cu tl illg nway the boltswhich secured Ih.. donr. wilh a case knife.Their "perations ''' ' 're disco....en·d. and toi're"~n l any . fur the r ,,·ork . in Ihesa m.: lin e. Ihe m"n WNtl heavily ironed:oi,rlll I'ilc,·d in ~eparal .. cells . It i~ much"a,i"r to gel into j ail thnn it is 10 get outof it. nCler all.

The County Commis.sioUl'rI ",ill m~t

on Monda".. . '

WI' acknowll'd~.. the receipt of a com­pli mentnry lick..1 to the Odd · Feliowl'annh'eraary pic oie R!ld ball at Olympia. "

. which came off }·esterdny. . T h" celebr.1.

. tion was in honor of th .. fifrv·."con i anni:Vl'rSary of the intr oduction ~f Od.} Itellow.Rhip i ~ to the Unit..d S~at"s. We regretthnt unr business pr..ciuded the pos,ibilityIIf laking ad" llnfage of the inYi~dtion il!lkindly l·xtended.

--;---- . " - - -"'e ha"e l ec~jyed lhe firsl numb.:r lJf

the 11l,l6tratd Chri3/ian . Weekly. pub·Iilhed a t New York br th o A"mericanTract Society•.. . It ' has eight .pages, isptilltl'll o · gnod p"per. is embellished witblome good eng ravings. nd \vell gOllen npin all its eparlmen ls. 'I t ", ..II deser \'es tobe su~por7ed• . D . W. McL..od;757 1.I"r­k"t stret!t, San }'raocisco, is tb.. Soci ..I;>·'11

Ag"nt, and will .r~c~i ve subscri ption.s for:hll -Chru t iall I"edd!l' . Sllb~cnf'tl?n

·p ri ce. 5 2 00 per ancum. .----.-..:......_-


?!Ar siio\\'lx';-TTIE-i'norlls~D- -IAJc..l­

TIO~ OF .TRE R AILRO\ D.- ' V.. weresbownyesterday, by Mr. J olin E. Burns II mnpof Port .T omlspnd and Port DiscovervBn)'" and of Quimper peninsula, ; nd R1 8~"'!th 0. Im cing ' of the proposed . route01 the Nortbern Pacific Railroadwhich ~l r. Burns informs us correspond~with II Iracing mad•• )!!. the Engineeu oflhal road and left IU the office of Mr.Swan of .. thid ~y. This route ext~nd.Irom Quilcine, on Hood's cana l, in a d i-,r-ct-Iiae to ~hl' bead of Port D iscoveryBK}', alonp;·whieb it Tuns for about fivemil~.:then sl rikin~ across th e peninsulato P Olt T own...·od Du}' it mak es it s term i­nus lit n point a little up the ba y from the

. LItdJ: above th.. town. Mr. Durn. tracedth il ronle frern his own kn ')l\'ledge of thec0 'ill tr~.-, as being,the most feasibl e for thepu p 036.of n railroad, nnd upon comparing'it \lf il h t he tracings of the cngi n ~"rs Illtelyma'de, which 1\Ir. Bnrns had no t Sl'en andk t'I~ 1" nothing of, the t\,.o , RS We sai d be:lim ' ,' ':lnrr esponded "ery closely . T hosewho ar e an:dolls 10 S" e a m:lp wil h a ra il­roa ') trncing 10 Pll rt T owns end can b.,..­~ratifi ~d by look ing at lh i ~ ~ntl nt Mr.BlITnl ' officI', nnd, also , Ih..y can find 10m..

loclltion., conli;.:uo us 10 the rout .., whieha...; offercd fur snle.

THURSD A Y , APRIL 27 18717 ,"

The batk Glimpst', Capt. Sorinan, ar·

r ived at 'P ort 'D iscoTt'TI OD ' )IOD lb~"

-----U:orI\"EIlSALISTS-A~WTiIER Cn ullCH,-

.. It I~ .,;;-r r llh s Lut it · pours ." Pon

T"wnseml which hns so long b:l'n withouta regul~r I')·~te~ of Sanday pr~aching\vill~on bnast as mnny churche~ as nny olhor

pIa.£':. -T he E?i~C<lp ~ld ,took ti ll> iui t. iati,.eana buiit t:w ir church 80me ti lll" since.The oIlier day R l·Y. J ; F. D e ¥ ore. on be·.I,alf of th.. MPlho l1 is!s. 'caine .nlong iu hi~

" nl'f"g~ic way, nntl th.· fl"U It is that his"l lU rc.h will bi- built linD dl'dicllted hy th ..6 rsl ~unday of July. N ow Ihe U ni"..rsa­l i~t ~, of wh'ltn there are in~ny am lng our<;itizens, In\\' e l llke n up h.. ide a, ant! weartl 101,1 th at something "re Ihnn a l hou~­

aud doll"r~ have been ~n,l ere.l alr"udytow aros Ihe erl'ction of 8 ch a church. Aletter..h as .be..n wrillcn t nn ~minent Uni·\'l'rsa!ist :\Iinistcr a t ,Chicago . Iating thes..fl\clA 'an d a-king thaI a Mini lt" r be ""nthere. }<'u,thur dt~(lS will be t "k~n in . th isma'ttl'r . aud b..fore ,h.. IllllllllfOr is ' O'lt .Ihespi rCI .;f t ot,) more churl:h~s will pierce'I h.. clouds a lio\'~ t!.is city. ; '

T ~ - •• ~

A bill hila b ,en int rut!uced in Con .:r"""L\· Mr. G arfield 10 ...bolilh tli.. I n"ian 1tl's.e;.'llion a l J'Olt Angelo. \Y. '1'.-Or,,·. . . .~

. gonlan• .Thele id a gcv..rn ·n,'!l't rese '''d lit PorI

An;;.I ; ,~. loent ~d bJ: Viclo~ Smit h. ~pec iolagent' fur ihe g'l\"'r:Il!Il'nt in i8G t", andl ,id otr lIR. 410,vu sit,·, and it il undoubt,edly thi ol ' respr" alion that i, songht 10 bellbo!i,uled. - Se"el"llilots in tlw lown sile

", ..r" !Ii~p osl,d of.~y Ibe gO\'~rnment, Rndli S 1 .. " ..raJ Pelilera' claims artl comprised int r esen·l'. we snppose I\' h~n it is vacal~d

lj y th : goY,:rnm~ut, if at all , there \\'iI!a good deal of ~qunbbliug :tboul lome-

• Ihing.tha l, now. is almost wor lhless .

Page 4: -THE-WEFIKJ.Y ARGUS.,otion tbat rendered hilll purer and beltl:r for itv exislt'ncp. But throngh allthpre was a intangihle something ... Chiding whoe\'er sbe may be," was the re-

- -- ..




H. G. HORNEB,S ecretary.

C. F. M cDER:lIOT,Pru idrnt,

The Great Medical Dilltovel1 tDr. W AUtER'S OALIPOBNiA

VINE{GA.:a BITTERS,;:S§ Hundreds of Thousands ~r..:;- Dear i""umony totbelrWoD4er· i l!-'"oC; tulCuratlTOxtrecti . IB~

!i~~WHAT ARE THEV'lgir=-O -" ts • ' o ~ .

h~~ ":I.s::u I;'_ll 0t.. e~~ ~~ o~·~ oe s ~

-,, -g... '''1·~~g g~net.l~ :n ~~t ga . pl:~w~ G~

~~ ~:~c ~ ~~ ~".~= ~ ~~M~ =-.~~Q ~ •••

c~g =-g~gCl f Q>~::

~:~ ~ae.". Er- ..~~ ~~~c~ . moM.~ ~

· ~ ~a ~

lll~~ ~::oJ;!Ci: :I THE. ARE NOT A VILE ,:;1Io ~~ F A N C V D R I NK ,~i:tHad. ot 1'001' Ra m. ' VIII. k eT, P ......Splrlt. a lld J1<lful8 Llqauro eloc&orcd.. pleeol

<Cl. and lWeetened to plC810 tbe w te. eauid:" TOIl.lea." UAppet1Zen ," If Reatoren," 6c.., Ula& 18adt be tlpp1cr on to drunkcnntaa and ruln. but area true MedIclne. made trom tbe NaUTo Roots &Delllerbs ot Csnrornla. free from all Alc:oh..Uo ·Stlmulullts. Tborare theORBA'l' B LOODPlJRIFIElt nnd ·L I F E G I VI NG PRIN­CIPLE a perrect Renol'llor sndlnTJlorator ot

_ tho System, CArrying oft" all pol60DOUI matter u4r••torlng tbe blooel lo • beallby eondillon. Nopenon can tako tb eso Dlttors a.oconlLDc \0 dlrec·tlon and rematn long un well .

F nr IDQa.mmutor)" n.n d Cbronlc nfs •••m n tllllm nud G oqt, Dy.pepala .r lu.l­lII'e8clo D, D l llou B, ItemlUent aDd laler_",IUCDt Fe........ DI......... of tb .. Bloo.,LJTc'r, Kidney. , And IJIa.dder. tbeM Bit.tera have been m Olt aucceu tDl. 8ac. DI~e&8es arc e&tllod 1'1 VItiated Dloodt whlell'I generally prodaeed by der&Dl'emeDl of UN'DICe1lltlvD OrltUUlh

DYSl'EP81A On. INDIGESTION,Head:>che.Pola Intb. Sbould..., Coqlll, TJab'-

_I!t:l Lnf- t h cr , r

N ., CROSBY. jl'., General Ag.nl {or Wuhing.ton Terrilory-omcc al OIYlOpia.... ...


.John L •. Butler,A"ent for Port , Townsend and Vicinit1"

8;l y .

OFFICE- No. 16 Mcrchants' Exchange.california St., San F ra ncisco•



Till, COI)pel· a ud Sheet- ." l· o llwa l~C: , · · : ' ,

OrdelS cardull~· fi llrd and promptly e.xe.u~_ _ _ _' 1.;,;6 ;;,;,;m;,;;l y;..._ ....__·_ IiiL'-"-..

D.ul r"LllCIS: O, CA!..,Croll the a tt ent io n o rDf'll.lere t o the ir lar ge UIOr1.ment or .. !'leWll" Arrived to Goodt, COIDf'O. cd II:pare of t~o t o loW1nj{ erttetee. to~!'~tb er wi(,'Y cIT thlnll k C'pt. In a well 8upp Ucd wno E.8ALE Dn UU !STORE.FREBD DEr.O!'l. IT JLDBX" 1 P1l~A.Ju.T·".PATJ:ST MEDICl!(~'" I>Bl"o otlT8' 8UK DIIl•••T n U58Jts& SUl"PO,BTXlla BnA ';;. )! nZ.D_, IF.6 S. MT IA L 011.8, IP Z RP'C )lS :&I E. , 'K B 8 0 8 :&:18 OIL, PAINTS .um 011.1,Which we offer nt th e lowf> U Cub Price., and.Iofe determined not t o be u nderaotd,.n.a,MoDO~ALD <!; CO.,!lAx Fn.urcuco, C.u.-


A Inrl\e qu:'nti t)· of Fri:.h

.(I.'4R, . .Get rllen . and Eiou-el·' u ..... .,d-1;,J ,I .Jo I ) :' ~ ~ 'l ",l~ ; ' ,


P Ol' Sale.OUR DR UG n USINESS 10caled in S.n rrl~eil'co , Cal• . Aner our best w ishes, and espn..iJ:!lIour thanks for the liberal patronage ... hln re ­ccived for more than twe n tj -enc y.an, dnrm.wh ich period we have been steadilyengaged ill Ih.drug business in California, we beg to by in ec nse ­quenee:of the rapid !."loIYtb of Dr. " ' , Iker's VinegarDillen, n ow spread over the United Statra. Ul.countries (:1r beyo nd, we arc ne cessit ated to d''foteour entire ti me to sa id business .

'Ve are Ihe Oldesl Drul: finn 00 the PaeifleCoast an d th e onho o::,c continuous un de r th e ..meproprl.tors sinee 1!l19, . nd h,,·. delermined 10 .ellour lp.rg c, prosperous, and wl'11 est al )liahed budne.,on Cal'orable terms.

This is a rarr opportnnity for men wllbm...... or ·en tering into:l pr(lfitablc business with ad'aDtap 'never before offered.

}-"or pa rticulars inquire or .R. H. :McDONALD &: CO•.

n.U M.nomld. I Whol.es.l e !?rnggi.I»,J. C. Spencer . 5 San F rancl l co, C~J.. S . D.-Until a sale i~ mnde ,,.e s11:111 contlnu.our import dt iolls and keep n lar~ &lock of frelb.~oodti cou~tll ntly on hauo, and a.cll at prices to de...f)' compelition. 12:1,.

People's ,Insurance Company,Fire and Marin~,__

Cash A.ssets, ~. S3~O.OOO.

. ted Dlood wb enev? 1te lmpnrlttcs b l.mlllng througb t he .kln lDPlm.­

ples, Eruption s or Sores ; cleaD6c It WheD TOllAnd it ob lltrueled. an d sluUUh in \be- TehlI ;cle&JllO It when it 10 t ou1, nnd , 0ar lullD" riltell 10n wbeD. KccV 1.:'0 blood pure and tbeh.-lib ortho I)'lIlem will folloy.

PIN, T.~PE anel oUl. r ' VOR1I18, Inrldnl(1Iltho I ystem oC 50 mODythouaaoda. arc e1feetuaUydes troyed and rcmovod. F or tu ll d1recUoD.l. readcarclUlIylbo clrealu aronncl .achbaIlie.J. WALKER. ProprlelOr. R. H. McDON U.D ..CO., Druggists aDd Gen. Agents. 8aD. J"raDelloo.Cal " and S2and:U Commorce Street . New York.



HOUle an d S hip-Car.penn-rs' T OU LS j

B uilding Materials j

Fuming Implement s.

Cha n d l e l·v;A fuli ana compl~t.usortmllnt.


PORT TOW~SE~D, " • • T.,


(011 Ih. "01&Cornor,j


Tber. i. a ."il of el.R'\nU,I' f!,TIlished Prinl.Rooma alta.h.d 10 III. Slloon. ror tho auommodl'tl.1I of lhe.. 10110 lilly d••ir. th.m.

Io f"mi.hed wilh toy" of l'helsll'. Marbl. BedBilliard Table., wilb tho imprond eombin.lion.u.blon.. .


o Y S 'l' E R ',9-;--'-~ \.

There ia In Oysler :OlanO. altaebed 10 Ibe e.lab­Ji. hment · wbere parties can obtain Cre&h O,sters ,.ened ill ...y .tyle, by day or nigill. 2:1f.

Har4w~re and Cutlery,

'Ihe Billiard Salooll


BREWER,Ste ila coo m, l V. T.

Coa .iit ins. in part, cf

W O. F. GERRISH &; CO. clLlI tllJatt elltion of parties desiring to purchase totheir-largH and complet~ slock of gop,l"which arb (,ff~red at TPrv low rates.. .

Th~ D .\1t . - .tock~ w ith a.ll the ••p erJor

brand. of Wineo, Liquors and Cigan. .All Ih. ruiou. drink. of Ih• •e:uon made te

order. .



COUXTR Y PllODUCE,A n ex temive aud '1'8.

r ird 1l5~ortmeut.

Wm. Newton & Jas. Keymes,



- ,

TIns BREWERY BEING NOW FIN.'ishedand itt working order, the Proprietors

are prepared10 suppl)' Saloon keepers and olberS,"lba

Superior.Article ofLager Beer-Manuf.etured·in lb. Chiellt" .tyloInd of a q~tyequIU:r.good. Haring~ur.d tho sen-iDes 01 agood PRACTICAL ·BREWER, "tioan-wh"m IberoII 110 beUu OD thi••oast, we ll1'e prepared to TOUchfur aU the b.er mode in 0'11' Brewery. Partiee sup­plied wilh Bearin anyquanlity and al &hort noli••,by applTing to our addreos. .

A. F. Srn<EU~LE &: CO.Steil.coom, W. T, . I.Urn3

o, F. Cerrish s: CO., I R.H.McDONA.LD&CO.,WHOLESALE



EN., Ete.-An eXlenlin ...ortmeJIt.

CLOCK S , \ V I N .E S , L I q UORS•

r:fl 'VATCHES, > - .... X'D-r-

~~ rY IGAR S.aa\)y{ltf-11\ 'J, v

~ 0= A fiu Blsortment oC

H Silver \Vare the best brauds ill the

~. , L:l market.


H ~

~WIm ~

~TRIM l1IINGS, ~ () C n

trj R J, 0ALL

.~ 0 0 0H SUPERI OR C T T...~ UJ K H ~

Alid iIl_Profu.ion, fotlSal. Co..• • E I &lillnlly R N S

y. G. IIEt c. 0

Etc. E



Soaps and Perfumery

GL.~SS, Etc., Etc.,

Kept eonataIItly 0)1 hulel. '





WII.r. pur.b..era wilt alway" find Ilarx.....rtmC'Jlt .f

Pon TO"'~5J::'\D, 'v. T .,

Of all kid..

Purehalen will lind .t thi••tore en~ articl.S"nera1tykeptat a Firal CIa18 Drug Eitab\i.hmellt;ill of ",M.h ha... been earetD1ly ioI""ted for thiomarket, and· will h. sold, "holew. and u tailehe.p lor c:a.h.




P ATE....''i1' !£l'DlClNES,

01 all ducziptioll'.

PAL.....:rs, ,






There is No Humbug about This I'Vt guarantee el"ery article in our premium list

to be just a. Wt represent t ,nd ",benel·tr a cltlbis rr-criYed calling {or eith I >{ the .boTe artides .Ihe pri.e.o gained will b ",medialely express.dto Ihe party .ending n. tb, ub I- Our tenDS are ~ 00 , ear. or S2 00 Cor six

months, in coin , to be pili el'f.riably in ad'fanee.


rrO PARTIES wno WILL GlIT UP.I .Clubs. With a Tie.. 10 extend the cir eul atlonof lb. A RO r&, we b..e detennined to offer lb. fol­lowing Tery liberal inducemenls 10 parti.. who,willget up glubs.

Read Our Premium List'!To the person wbo w iII send "" a dub of

ten yearly. subsc ribe rs we -v..ill give a P i.a.eGold Ring, worlb $ 10 00

For fifteen subseribers we will glTe ane1f'21ln l Moss Agate Ring, worth 15 00

For tw en ty subscribers we will "Kive :\ beau-tiful 61... Fruit Dish [mounted upon •triple . il,·erlPlal.d . I"ndiwortb 20 00

For h ..enly.fin subscribers we will giTe alenuine Americnn Silver W"I.h .' ....ortll... .. 25 00

F or Ihirty sub.cribers we ....i11 gire .lldy'.late .tyle Leon e ' Vat.b-cham, of .0Udgold, worth •• • ••• •• ••••••• ••• ••• •• •• •••• •• 30 00

For Ibirly-llre •• riber s we will gire a..t of Moss Agate welry (breastpin andear-rings) worth. .. . . •• • ••• • ••• •• • • •• •• • • 35 00

Forfo rt -rbseribers 'will gire 0J1 Ameri-ean 5 0 •• S.. Walch. ·"'rlb 40 00

For fi fty .nbo. er. w• .ril\ give a .plendidtriple . ilver plat... a Senit:e. consisting ofsix pieces"worth... • •• .• • •• ••• •••• ••• • SO 00

Those who gel up .h. ,s must bear in mind Ihl tour lerms are C'"" wit" tlu JIll""" of nd>lcriber.,and th at the number mnst co unt Yern'ly-two li xmonth s' l ubaeribers will be a. one. coun ting {or thepremium.


p roprietor .


Enr, ' Lint,



'Via lb.


ComPetition !

ALiO 1'0"

Deal.rs Ia





Haml _d• .Arrallpant t.

Agent. {or the Celebrated




• ~ j ~ •_:. PACIFIC

,..And 11', "m • oar pecIa at ·~ ,,1Ii.h

Importer, "lid "fhole, cl. ar.J Retail

Florence 8.ewing Machine r


Com . illlioD '" Ferwardi_S'

T Ill': HIGHEST PRICE PAID 1M CASHfor F Url. Hide••nd Produ•• by


D RAFTS .AND LEGAL TENDmS bo..ptand .old by ROTHllC!ULD I: C.

Wells, Fargo & Co.'s Express.

T l lIS H OUSE !lAS BEEN R E F IT.. ted and refuraiahed, . nd 11010 oll'en 10 tra l.rs

n et1 aecommodatio": 'c ino.....bU.hm tamoat anVIII..,d in \he imp ento01 the age.

The cboice. t mnd. are .eleetad for tho tabl••andtlIebeat br.nd. of Iiquon aDd cigan are dl.·~rmcl at the bar,. . . 8:tf.

'E XCHANGE ON SAK FRANCISCO. NYW. York and Fnsland, .t loweat ratel. eoll 1M

.proctlted b,. ROTHSCHILD a: Co.

She is much altered. YOII would not ree­ognize be r as the aw kward, homely ch ild

TaCI1f.SDAY, APRIL. 27. 1871 ~ .) : of t6Il tea" a«o . She is here in th is veryroom, waiting, Aubrey, (or you to decide

Concluded from First Page. whether you will take hf'!' (or :ranr trulynever doubted th at (rom the first abe had loved wife, nr deprive her of the hopereciprocat EJ!l hi s hellr t longings; and ' DOW tbat hall been her support (or Be long,"tb at his sl1sp i£.io!l~ were aroused to the be- Her bright face was radiant now, and helief that t ha .remembranee of a 100t realify atarted up almost speechleea as her mean­was kept alive and cherished ~y her, man, ing f1asbed upon him,like he gre . -madly ' j ea ous, aDd the ob~' ~ .. Be rn ice, tell me quick-quick!"j ect ofR~ .a'apirat ionS aeemed three-fold- '.- "I am Rain, your wife !"dellre th~nbefore. Hecould not leav ' , olj;he fuhionnble world smiled its ap­her with that Bullpen" burdening'"'bu· · prn'l"al up on the grand wl'dding at St.mind. " .. ._< ~eorge~4- litll e dreaming that wheu the

" itb i ofdi p'aasion·ate and earoest; .n~ ' solemu vows were uttered by tbe couplet real i ' i \ his life might not be· 'tmbit- ~ before the al tar, it was (or til e secondterell j pleadings'that by her conlltaat en- tim1they assumed the sacred trust of hy ­couragem~~ spe, would re der him - . menial relationlhip.DObier a IHrull1' miln, be petitioned ber !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"!!!!!!!!!"!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!II!!!!!!!!!!"!!II!!'!

with an. $Ioqu,~nce . that , hie tong~e hadnever k ne wn before, and abe diel bot rll' . D~C.lL Rothaclilld. Chu. 1i. li'.ehheimn.pulRe him.

.. Come to me to-morrow, - I must hueti me to think before answ6ring yea orna}·." . : .. .. .. .. . \ ~. - .

Thougb her words ?romised him noth·ing, the sweet, prou!l face bade him be ofgood ch~'j alld .when ·at .ber· reqnen .heloon after lef t her, it was with the exulta-tion"of 'a h ope almolt (ulfilled. A scrapof crumpl"cl pnp~r wa5 b orne b,r tht wind CLOTWNG,along ~€ path way ,; h@. ,pushed it aaia~but a qu ick gust caught it up. and itturned a"er and over before him, until, an·noyed by the sight, he took it up · (romthe gtoundto 8ee his 0;'fD name upon·J e ·outward fold. It wns a leaf from a memo­ranal1unbook; the writing ' delicate- iilidcle ar, .dated a 'f"w weeks bac k . ' .

.. I have seen him, A ubrey Hendricb,m,.-i!mbllnd! ·I t has been ~ong si.nce I felt 'myseU iden tical with Rll in Lamorez, .ndd o nOt wendllr tbat he:fllil..d to: recopiieme. Are th ese year!! 0 ( , patiellt wa itingabout to be rewai'ded:-1 ( .' ', "

Here 'the llaper 'wal · torn aerOila. butAubfe! ~.flseen .enough • . H is cap,!!f joyw,,· turoed to bitterest c rllllgbt8 jUlt 81

bis lips had tall~eJ. o( its rare sweetnesi.Rain, who liad once before interposed

between him and expected happinels­though hll had long since censed to regretthat (ate in hllr had th en ' intervened-. WAi

here avi~ to :proT'e herselfhis eYiIgr-hiua. ~Hil brain was en fire j he codld not

think clearly, lind 11 thonsand impulsel (orimrij,ediatll act ion resoh'ed themselves intoimpos~ibUities when he attemph,d to Col­low the -thread throngh the labyrinth tbatwonId lllnd to tbeir aCC'JTIlplishment. Hegroped in blind nesp air for one litt l" ray 1m On . Direct from New York,of Ught that might ·lead bim to hope. ann "(ound it in a note tha t arrived from Mils ' .. :Ruderstein. .It was verybrie(.

.. I have seen _R ain and know an.Come to me early to ·morroW'.

, BRBNIC~ llUD:&18TEI:'/.".. *.... .. • . . ~ 'i(. • • .• .

Miss . Ru dcrstein had never . appearedmore ~rlinscendentlr lovely tban wbenA ubrey was ushcred into h..r prest'nce onthl\t _eycntful mor ning . She met him with . .S uperi.r Iflc1ucemt1lt, 'to O.r CII.fomtt'1

. ex tended. welcoming hands. -, . -~l M, friend! ': sbe uttered · in compa~

Bionate accents, noting how haggard hehad groWn ·et en In this short time.

.. Bernice, my darling ! y'0u can neT~

be aught to me, except the' guiding atartb at alone can Save me (rom ' total -ruin.Sball thil woman whom I han not ennknown stand belwten us?",

II .D o .not judge her hushly until yonhaft Iieard wbat I have to tell. " T i~! .poor R~rri or pors mUbt be tenlIellt dealt 'with, fQr ih he erred in thtl tint. it ·wuthrough ~opremeditnted' ple t- ~ Oi ·.JIm .You remember that night when you ecldlyotrered.her a place in yom honsehoJd. faraheifas 'your wi(e 'boaring your naUlii, abdlegal ties were not ao easily severed intbose dayS ·as they are In tlieae-IkleF onel."fo·.trelfyou then would have requirll d atedious and complicated process, attendedwith a publicity in wbich you had · 110 de­sire to figure j thftefore you chose thiacourse' as the only honorablt way left youto pursue.- But sh,e;:wns,tOl) Ipro~pirit..6d to ' force berself up on y ou,' an d witfltbanks' Cor your generosity aa.ured you·th~ ~ would nc.ver take ad v8Jltage .pt,the claim that,acctdent had placed .withln GOODS BOUGlIT AND SOLD ON CO)(.~er power. From that day._to . dUa. . ' miuioll. at a .m.n perOCII~,~ywill find that sb'l adherlld faithfully to her . ROTllSCllILD I: Co.word. She could not think·o(,reing llackto hit home o( dependence "nd the 'old as:sociatipn6 j so she made her .way to th,tbronged city. determined to figbt the bat­tle of life ~or heml(. I will not lingeroyer tbe pnvationl' she endured l O ne day, 'after s long .and fruitless search (or·ali 00.:cuplltion tbat would give her the means o(subsistence, she ob tained the l it ati1l11 o(nllt8e and companion to an invalid lady,and.soon a warm . attachment ripened be. IP 11) 11\ U' ll) II ~ (111) if II Il\ 'Jtween th em. . W itb 60 much (nor did the . , HOT E L ,.lady regard her poor companion, that atth,.declSsc of the form er three year. ' af~temrdl, she left the whole ,f her ' &Diplefortunedvith the promise only that abe'TonId adopt thll name of her benefactresS. · 'J, E. Pugh,~ince thel1 shQ labored very eamel&1, to~lIlpron herself, al ways che!isb.ing a ((\01.~h hope that vou might ·some day thinkIIltyingly upon the p'or.r gi rl who wouldwillingly hu e · b id do wn h er life ratherbave been thc ca us e of miscry to )' o.u.
