· society will enjoy a...

,I , THE GROSSE rOl~T£ PRINTING CO. Pub'll"""". " PHONE LENOX uti m~~ «Jj.. o~~t JPointt !Rtuitl.\i ~~~~~, ~~~~ii!ffil1i!~~~!!- . !TH~E~H~O~M~E~N~E~'WSPAPER OF GROSSE POINTE A&O THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DlSTRIC.T L-. IOL 11-'W 20 L B OLDHAM I'ubhsher (,ROSSi POl,ll \]]01 I -\, IHuRSDA, JA"UARY 7 1937 By Mall $200 per year Smgle CopIes 5 Cents ---------------------------- >---- ' Elaine Marie Amdt Dance Studio Offers New Courses An ed.1catlon 1S not comp-Iete unless t has Inc1clded the stud) of art m "orne form or manner ror th1~ reason "e <;UggCbt dancl11g as lt s tlhe one and onh art \"h1ch IS relatcd to all the othel art~ lendIng a aounddtlOf! of beauty Imc and pOl,e Trombly p, T, A, Meeb Tuellday, January 12th MR AND MR, HAROLD LEE WAD 'i\\ 0 RTH of ClovPrly road re- turned Thuf'Sday from QUeibec whertl t~ey :.pcnt tr c Chrtstma" hohday ~~- I Pay Taxes Now ~ and Avoid Penalty ~ ~ The 1936..37county and .chool ~ taxes are now due and payable. =aI City of Grosse Pomte taxpayer_ ~ wdl make their payments at the ~ City offices at 17150 Maumee ~ avenue ~ After January 11 a. 4 pel" cent eJ coUecbon fee Will be added In ~ o.rder to aVOidthiS penalty make ~ your rennttanee before that date I ~ The City Treasurer's of6.lce 1& '2J open dally from 8 30 a m to 4 30 I p m and lZ 00 noon Saturday~ ~ ~-"''''''''~==_=.c... Trombh I;.,chool Parent Teacher As- soc1atlO 1 "" lJ hold tf'.. tlllrd meetmg Tu 'id tv January 12 w1th da<,sroom can 1"1 ell( e<., tit 7 30 "J d 1he bus mess me"'tlng at 8 IJ In fhe au'dftOrlUffi I "t s Go to the MOV1es ""Ill h~ the theme of the mrt'tmg ""hlCh wlll con .. S st ot a sot grHI1 by the P01nte Plaj r r" r n 1 ti (:' (rDs:,e Pomte Hlgh Sch 01 1 01 f' 1eel mot on p1dure and bner talks on motIon pH::tures \1uslcal seledlOns Will be glVen by the 6 A ~rade dIre-cted!by M1bS VOUM dale Smith 1 Refreshment:. 'W111be 'ierved III the I &)U nasmm follQ\.\mg the meet1l1g Detroit Historical Society Historic Memorials Society Mrs. Marie A, Patterson Was Buried Monday Mr Wiltam A Frayer, executIve see retary of the Cranlbrook FoundatIOn WIll be the speaker at the luncheon meetmg of the DetrOit HIstoncal So clety to be held In the Judge \Vood ward Room Hotel Statler, Tuesda\ January 12 at 12 15 oc1ock HIS top c w1ll be \Vhat Is Hap-pemng to Our C1\'1hzatlon? The annual reports w 1l be glv~n dUrtng luncheon, to allow more timE. for the address Resenattons for the luncheon shoul"<1 be made early w1th the secretary MISS Grac a B KrUll at the Burton Htstor Dancmg 1" a 11ea115 of OIbtal1ung Ical c..ollect1on DetrOit Public Llbn.ry I hlatth anD form a \\ ay 1n '\'. hlch yOti I ________ can exer-ctse ever) mU1>c1e or certalti mdl\ ldual parts of the bony It pre .. ferred a pleasant way to stay fit wtth a great advantage over dIetmg because danCIng Ib an equal17f,>r Bablc" bovs g1r1S ladles and gentle mc'1 y, coffer.) nu t1l.',"" cour<\e<; 10 alJ bpr<; of dancl1 g for b-egmners and dch anced <:hildren and adults whIch \'rIll ope 1 <1...rng the week On Jan 18 \flss Ar lCit urge<; ) Ott to enroll a<; soon a<; pOSSIble '30 you may be properly c1a<;<;lfiedto your Detter advantage The studiO IS located at 919 Barnngton road, LllO",< 7639 ~ee the ";{d\ert ""'01('It 01 l}age <;,x. vf 5'1 Am It posltn ely dof'<\ lot have an) <;ohcItors out canvasslllg lor her da lCll g school Members of the Histone TVfemonals Society Will enJoy a traV'elogue en titled EX1penences Aboard to be gtven by Mrs Alfred G Wtlson I11us trated With colored shdes at thelr meeting' Frtday afternoon, JatllUary 8, In the Washtngton Room of the Book Cad111ac Hotel \Irs LoUIS Gasc01gne, program chairman W111mtroduce the speaker 1 he program Wtll follow a busmess seSSIon convell1ng at two o'Clock wh1ch \-',III be conducted by the preSIdent Mrs Charles Horton Metcalf On Monday January 4 the Grosse Pomte' Republtcan Club held tt'1 first meeting af the year and Judging by the act IV he" thlb organlZatlOn tS far from dt>ad for tJ e m('mbels \vere there 111 ~ub~t(lntldl numbel ~ The office,s for 1937 wer"" e1~cted the net\ officers ht'lng Edward C Parker preSIdent Mrs Edwm C Kr eghoff Vice prt""ldent Mrs Ken neth Thomas secretary and Robert Kale~ Jr treasurer 1 he follo-Nmg ... "ere added to the Board of Directors Walter Conely WIlham E Krapp Mrs AD Wllkl11 son Fred Alger Jr Joseph Fee and \'{arv1l1 W Moesta Party plam wen' IdId fm t! e county '6>ilVCJ'l-l~u~QrN:1arr :J.) and t t. ..,tate conventIon Fefbruary 5 as weU as for the SiPrlng electIons both locally and state State Regent" to the UntVersIty SuperlOtendent of Pubhc Instructton State HIghwa, COmmISS1.mer members of the Agncultural Board and other officers are to be elected at the polls 10 Apr 1 Republican Cluh of li--------- .... ~ Grosse Pointe Elects II Important Notice Officers for 19371 - I If yOU, do not recetve a. copy of the Grosse pointe ReVIewreg .. I ularly 'We would appreciate ft phone call. and a copy w111 be dehvered to you by speCial mes" I senger ImmedIately i _.-.. ,,- __ M SWing TIme-Dance TIme StIll time to enroll at the Elaine Marte Arndt DiitPce StudiO ------- CO!ner r1 t Tefferson and Phlhp H.C'\ R D Lmhart pastor, Rev EJ \Narnke aSsIstaflt pastor 'lunda) <"chool g 15 a m Dlvme <\erVIce 10 45 a m Rev O<\car \\ ago a converted He brew and Oldalned Chnstmn mlmster \\ 111 OCCUPy the pulptt at FaIth church next !;)unday mormng to clehver a startmg me"sage on th~ theme Chrtst E'md') a Jew He IS a man of gr\"'Bt \"xrperlence- born 10 I!,urope ed'ticated at the Un1 iV~r&ltle<; of \ le'1na Berlin Pans and iWkh was an automotive and airplane ?lie:~ner ,etv(>d ~<; maJor In the Ger. man army durmg the '\i\ odd \\ ar ltnd I'> no\\ 1t1neranrt m SSlOnat) m Or 0 fOi the Amrrtcan Board of \11S Slons to the Jews I!1'C Broo 1 dvn NY The messages of \.ir 'Wago are maI11<;:edby power and com ICt on HIS s,incertty Wide knor.vledge and mter e~tmg presentahon augmented by hiS th 1- the Blble dS the Word of God )" ~j It 'l"::dl'1'lTIt~ -mh .. '1 ~hl1g' -to both ]e'lhs and Gentlles vvherever he go""s }-I;' mahes an mdelible Impre'1SlOn I tted as few men are 1" the phr.ase u,)f'd bv Rf''\ J r Hoffman VV11kms burlS Fa tl;) f'haractenze thIS man !\ e,-t :-,unday morntng at 9 30 0 clock ReV' Linhart w1l1lbeg1n a senes of ten lecture" on the great doctnnes of the Chr'1tmn faIth as taug"ht by the Luth (ran Church Thhe lectures j?repare tor '11embet'lhlp n the Lutneran lh.1rch A.ll are InVited to come and I Cdr the-n JULEIJ DI}, - :yo Lorne Ay Hng Is > Seriol\sly k ...... "" ),... .p ~'JI'i'!"'i'i\1"""«~-r~ /...;,£/ LonE' A\ {;{tg propnetor of tthi> "quare Deal Creane"'s \vh Ie rerOVE'l 11[( tra' 1 appe ldlC + " operat on be nnl" ) ~h 11 \\edl e~day Decem ~er 30 'Ill " ru"'! eel to t 1e Cottage HosPital t r dO Clnel genry operation HIS condit on at present IS cnt1cal ___________ 0__ .. 1\11 De POlle hao b, (In qUIte efficlCnt m handlmg the \ >lrs or the VIIlage of Lochmoo,.l ~nd IS "eIl known throughout the Grosse Pomte area through hiS actlvltles ll1 the mtel est of the commul11t) The resident"- of LOl-hmODr are fJ ea,"CQ 1'0 1m"," 01 the <lppomt ment of Mr De POlt e to thIS of lice and ale plOud at the foct that one of thw )fhen!> ,11Ould be selected tOt th'8 Important office J uk., De J'0I1l pICc,Icle It ot the VIllage of L0eh~" I r has been appoll1ted dl! ector I the g'as tax dlVI'ilOn of }h('~ 'Sect ~tal\ 01 State, ofiih.ll J#;,\rOtt f:2 I 71JlAf.# eye Secre}} of '3tjt'l:e annoUl t~1l1 ment 6~)y It ~k '~ De Porrl ~M C 1?~a#:5f 1m-c~ss av6<iue' Hh tct'1'lt'6n includey Wayne :Ylawmh ( k 10 "d St Clatr counite' Canadian Legion, Post Arenll.cOruntyClub 1, ... -----------.'7 G P• t P k No, 100 Grosse Poin~~ to 5por,,01' Card Party I Public Meeting to I rosse oln e ar On Wednesda, January 13 at ; 15 1he ",renac (; t-;'; Club of DetrOiI I Be Held in Farms , Highway Commissioner p m thIS ne\\ 1) 'chartel ed Ca'1adtan IS slJo 1sormg mld\ ..1nter uancwg I Td LegIOn post wlll hold It'1 first meet ng ard card part) .m Saturday January I t By directIon of the VIllage i Funeral Rites 0 ay of the, ear at the 1'.Jelghborhood Club 16 at the vI1nlC femple Second I I CounCil of the VIllage of Grosse ------- 17145 \Vatedoo avenue Gros'1e Pomte boule"d.r(\ al d lnple street All tor i I The malll bustne~s of the meetmg mel a ld pt't'<,e t rC,)ldents of '\renac I POIDte Farms a pubhc meeting, Henrj RUTH.'1 e BIgl1\'\ ay CommIsslOne1 and ::,upenntendent of .~. lit: Will be held In the Village Hall, WIll be ceremOnv of adml<;<"lOn (nev, Lounty are I~' d to atte td I PublIc Works of Gro,":,se romte P"1rk re<;ldll1g at 1100 \Iaryland b ) ~ Kerby Road, January 18, at S , mem ers and election ot post officers -- ------ for 1937 supervI<; Command Ot \1ARY MA~ ARET IEVvIl) re I p m to hear obJections to the i a'CI1tle dIed at hIS homp 1J011d'n fanuar) 4 He had been aIhng 1 , pro-posed vacabon of Chalfonte I f ficer~ turned Sunday ~ the \Vheelock SchOOl or several) edl ~ hut W1S <.;eIlOu<;h III only a few weeks L ll,. 1 f members .'Iil B f 'I I avenue between Kerby Gardens nro mn 0' new VY III C'sto 1 a e~ laVlllg '1ptnt the va SubdiVISion and Kerby Gardens I Funeral seI' Iefl'S were held at the home tlus mOl mng at 9 30 pre-cede the meetl1g C1.nd1date'1 for catl0n WIth 1 f:tr-~r"'11.rents 'vIr and \<Irs SubdiVISIon No 1 extendtu n from d t Lt A b CI I 10 It t admISS on requested to be on hand EU~f'ne \V j -{ \:. of East Jefferson llII an serVIce,; a") P1 rose lure 1 at "1 111 11 ermen 1,\ as In Kerby road to the southerly hne at.8 pm sharp a\enue ~! St PIC t ( P t r . '" of SaId subdiVISions. as a pubhc au ~ eme er) Iross(. 0111 e arms J I D P o It Of ! h,ghway I He \\as elected a member of thc Board of Trustees of Grosse U es e orre ne~t,dlllvalt:'t A copy of thl' re.olubon wdl ~ '}.,.1lI ~.;p be found on page three Pomte Park 111 1910 and" d'3 appOInted HIgln\ a) ComnUSSlOuer and Sta_t~Ap__ polntment , J Snpermtendent 01 Pl1hltc 'WOlks m 1910 the pOSItIOn \\Imh he held __ ------ at the tane of hIS death 'londay Christian Jew in He IS survIved b" 1m \\ Ife Pharatlde fom sons Henry, Jr, Faith Lutheran Pulpit Jerome Leon and V,eto, ~nd t\\O daughters Augusta Verfallle and Bertha Sandley !\j1~1i!!H!!Iij!li~fclfcl!'!liilliillij!lil_Jij!liillij!lii!fcl@JiJ!IOJ I Pay Township Taxes Now to Save Tax-paYeT5 of Grosse Pomte Townsh;p are urged tet pay thelr taxes early and avotd. the pen.. ~ alty whtch wIll be added after ~ January 10 The Township Trea5" urer Will be at the LQChm,oor VIllage munu:lIpal hutlchng on January 4th ahd at the Gr03S6 POinte Farma mUnlC!pa1 hall on Jan\U1ry 5 T-all;etl c&t1 be paid at any tJme 1 at !bn~9.r21~ePo.Inte TOWllshlP '1iffi'(t~~ i~~thiinf'M~'" buihhng, I 151]5 East Jefferson avenue You "~:~~:::~:::::::~:::::::~, ~,,:::::::::~::~:~::::::~~ of BrItish vessel. troubled Spamsh News Digest J None Civic Assn, to Meet January 8th At the general meetmg of the Norse Southeastern Alumni : Carl Schweikart : CIVIC ASSQCla1lOnon December It the Dance January 28th I Candidate for , fot!owmg were eleoted to the board of --::--1 H' TownsL!p Clerk I directors The annual vout leastern I~I rn. Mes')rs Carl B Moe NOI'l'W"egIancon School Alumm dance w 11 be held I Carl Schwf'-Ikart of 1098 Bea <;ut J ens I reldborg .chIef die de I Thursdav evenmg' Januarv 2S at tl I' consfield averue a practu:lng at " lugner Chrysler HIlmer Gellem, at~ Aztec Tower UntOn Guardldn bUll! g torney has announced that he tomey Carl G Seasward aSSIstant MUSIC wtll be furlllshed by CarlL 11. wIll be a candldate on the Demo- proJect manager Federal Emergency FeU and hiS orchestra I crabe ticket for the office of , AdmtlllstratIon of Pubhc Works , clerk of Grosse POinte TownshIp ! St. Ambrose Bowlers On December 15 the board of dt Grosse Pointe Art I m the forthcomIng Pnmary " Hold Gala Event rector<., elected the followmg officers Exhibition Opens I elections for 1937 F , Mr Schweikart IS 'WIdely "c~ I The l\ew Year was ushered 1n by Presldent-Htlmer Gellelll rida_y_,_Januar y 11 I aq~eaalnted In the Groase POinte jl l)t Ambrose Bowlers and theIr many Vice Presu:1ent - Carl Berglund frlend:. at a danc11lg party 'held at the S"\\.edIsh consul The Gros<\e Pomte artists pld.n to , \Vaterfront Park audltonum VIce PreSIdent-Albert I Nord hold their nlllth annual Art Exr bltlon ----- -- - - -- - GI hId th t a c ng over te arge crow a V1ce PresIdent--A1bert P Holst at the Ne1ghborhood Club 17145 \Vater attendf'd thiS affaIr we saw Mr and TfJeasurer-Arne Saeterm.oe 100 Avenue from January I1tl to the Sunday Afternoon Tea 1frs John B Renaud Mr and Mrs FmancIal Secretary-Alec Lmd'qUlst 23rd A collectlOn of pamttlg '\\t11 be Jo 1n BllSfeld VIr and Mrs Charles Recordmg Secretary - Staffan A shown on OIls water colors n t pastels Dr Frederlck B FIsher of Central Cortl1ll1e \ir and Mrs Adolph L EdCIund Tuesday evemng Januarv 12th wlll be Method1st Church IS to !be the speaker Damn \1 VIr .and Mrs Claren.ce Rol At the January 8 meeting Dr B the opeU1111gmght for the- e,h bltlOn at he monthly tea of the fheosophlcaJ arJ { "\[r 1.nd 1frs Leo D'I1!pUlS,Mr HJalmar I arson Wtll address the as Mrs W Palmer Jr 393 Society In theIr hall 1509 Broadway a ld \f '> Rudolph C Schmidt Mr and sociatlorr on tfu.e sUlbJect I MedIcal Washmgton Road 1S cha rt ldn Sunday at 4 30p m H s subject vl111 \fr" 1 llamas Remde1 Mr and Mrs ~en1ce In Sweden U Dr Larson lS Rules for the e'{h l)lt)ll are a<\ be India a 1(1 Japal The publlc s 1 ra lk \\ III ams l1r and Mrs Peter emmently quahfied to 'ClJ.scussthts sub follows_ Ttme the sl 0\\ will be held cordially inVIted \1lss rlorence Case \\ e I s \lr and Mrs LOU1S1: Meyers, led as he has made several tnps to from January 11th to t e 23rd En Will be hostess \11 and \Irs WIlham Frahm Mr an'Cl Sweden and has studied the medIcal tr1es should be sent to the Nelghbor In lhe evening at 8 orlock Mn, \ir<., \I'.tlham R DeBaeke Mr and Rite,> for George J Heller were to <;ystem 111 vogue there He is a mem hood Club January 9th (afternoon) Yrunel K ng Walkennlle Ont Will re \Jr'1 Charles Goddeens \1r and Mrs have bef"n conducted at9am today her of the staff "OfHarrp-er Hospital and and called for Januarv 23rd (afternoon) vie"" Dr Creorge Arundale s book J rdnk Dunne Mr Da'ud Almond Mr<; 111 St Marys Church Jackson 1he\IS al'>o command'tnu officer ot General Art HTork Exhlbl1s cannot be "lth You b~,l t h ih 1257 Y kh '-':- \1\... hathcrme Kohl Mr VV1lham BRehm Vl4y 1Na,>ate orne or s rre HospItal No 13 d the U S Army Re drawn before the c1o:,e of the exlubl ---~ \[1 a l{! Mr'l WIll am Cld.rk and Mr road Grosse PDtnte Park untd Wed serves tlon The entry blank 'W th the tttle ne~da) morntng B'11rtal was to be In Funeral of Mrs$ F~ and \Irs RoUte Barrett C j of each work and. the name Df thf' B ~ The pa t, was honored by t'he pres 5t John s emetery Ja<kson Call Gr P• t p' t C b W T d ogse om e nn lng 0., artIst must e sent to John L Vogt UrIan as ues ay I ence of \Ilss Emma Behnnger who Mr Heiler who d1ed suddenly Mon Lenox 1162, for Job Prih.ting~ 1304 Gravton Road before Januarv 8th -- 011(' all the wav frqm \lllwaukee Ud \'01<:1." u01ll Ju <.- 1 7 1"'12 1 Jd. 1,,0'" 8..,1.1' ",-+ t., ... - l., J.. .... ;; ""'0"'" t., \fr~ ]:.f"::l "'" ""h"'t'pt" R r::ltl ml1thf'r \, fh ,.t f\.;" ,ff",,. and 11\ed In Grosse Pomte seven years Leach Drug Appointed mold1tlJg' dround the room wlll be ac O! Mrs Owen R Skelton of 26S Rldge 1 he climax of the e, eml1g 'Came at He was a grad'tlate of St Paul s HIgh Willard Representative ceipted road Grosse pomte rarm<., \vas at the 12 0 clock while the grand mar-eh was School Grosse Pomte f<arms He ,",as '- JUdg111g The '\ork. of amateun pro V\llliam F Blain' Chapel 7B Pt'tf'rhoro 11 1 O£{lC<;<; COl1ce.o:J1edsomc\\here In employt:-d by Edward Wlflllace & Sons, Thr Lea"Ch Drug Store ha<; been ap fes~lOna1" and school children Will bt> stref't untIl 211 m TtH><;da\ \\ hen IH 1d t rJ tm i"'t>rc 500 balloons whtcl grocers and was a member of the 'St pOll1ted Grosse pointe representat1ve shorwn The exhlbttlon "'o\tll be Judged funeral serv ct' Wf're held n the Jeff e c ld loose at one hmt;' when the l)enl\es for 'v.l:rs Mane AntOinette Clalr Dramahc Club for \\ 111ald Product'1 for the treating and several rIbbon pllze:. awarded er~on A\el1ue Presbytenan Church 1(' ('ck \<1<\dnk ng 12 and lt certamly Pattels0n \\ldowof rohn G Patterson SurvIvmg are hlo parents Mr and of ~tomach ulcers eAces~ aClds and InformatlOn Entry blanks and to wlth the Rf'\ "amuel II Forrer DD 101(1(' i'l. 1 rautlful Sight to see those were held at 2 p m Monday In the Mrs Paul He!ler a SIster Euge111a and kmdred allmer tc; Informatton on thiS formatlOn albout the exhlblt10n can be offloahng BAnal \\ as at WhIte Chapel hu 1 b NI" ot batloons all different COIOI John E Del\.ay Funeral Home 10':49 three brothers Paul Jr Phthp and hlghlv sat1sfactory treatment 1S avaIl had from John L Vogt 1304 Grayton Memortal Cemetery ':!oJ,tltlg" through tne alr E feffer"on avenue Bunal was 10 Challes Reder able at Leach Drug Store Charlevo1« Road "1\Tlagara 1171 Mn Bm -in 1ed 1\ew Year" Dav at "1\.o"e naker~ were aplenty and every \\ oodla, .. 1 Cemetery _______ at Lakepo111te ----.-- her dat1R"hter~ harpe "here '1he had 1-er<\Ol1v.e '1a""seemed tl ha\e a dlffer MIS Patterson died Saturday at the \1.RS RALPH BAILY returned last Remedy for tho~e roughs and colds YfR Al\DMRS GILBERT BPI, \ecl v Itng ~nc~ Chnstma<\ Her C'lt 10 emakertomherthe'\ewYear home of her daughter Mrs George Thunday to her 'home 111 Evanston So prevdlcnt at tlls time of the year, GREE, of Mernweather road ..... el \10 '1(' was 10 Jer<.,ev C ty where .,he II ')chadt 1124 Berkshlre road Gro'lSe III after havlllg been the guest for a a 1>t celal plt'<.,rr1ptlOu of toe Leach ho:,ts to 10 gue'1t<; at d nner la'1t \\eek 11 ,\~ b")rn T11ne 9 1864 fI (,' '\1 c('{'<; of the pu ty a" we ('()u1d Pomtt ParK She wa'1 78 years old few day'1 of her mother Mrs Charles Drug l)tore hlghly effiCient n the relief thetr home Later the party attended C;UrvlVmg 1n addltlOo to \1r" 'Skel "ee from the balcony gOE'<; to Mr and tor 35 ) ears "he and. her husband Wnght and her brother and sl~ter III I of dlstressmg conditions associated the Herbert V Book ball ton are her hu<;.band EdWin a Bunan George vVallace \{r Al Schuster Mr ran a b01.t supply store at 1177 East la\-', Mr and ~rs Charles Wright Jr thermv1th can also be proculed at thIS and another daughter M1SS Mildred George Humelshelm and Mr Patnck Jefferson avenue Only the daughter of Beverly road popular drug store REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS Burtan Poupard ,survlVes It s gettmg toughel boys In ChIcago It s unlawful to tickle your" Ife s toes A banker "as lined $100 and costs tor dOl11g Ju,t that The Duke of Wll1dsor s phone bIll IS about $1 000 a month I'd be satisfied WIth that amount for salary To hIm It's Just a phone bllI Ql1lte a fleet <11(' ~alhng In \\aters [t ,eems that the Batrymores at e at It agaJh DIvorce dltlOll IS pendmg Headlme m local paper-"ecre- bl) of Labor Pe<k1lls hIts ;,]oan Jack Semon Urges Early Registration For Spring Election , Jack '3uhon clerk of Gro%e POll1t( rowllshlP urges votet ~ \\ ho have recently moved mto the 10\\ n...,hp or v, ho haven t\ oted durmg the past tY\lOVeat ~ to regIster 11m\ f 1 the C;plln~ electIons Voters may leg" ter ,lln d" at the To" nshlp offices at 1,115 Last Teffe"on avenue or at the office of the Vl1lage Clerk m the vIllage m whIch thev In e Several ven Important motte" ,\111 be on the ballot and a numbel of state officers ale to he elected ?s "ell as officers fOl the vanous Tm\ n~lllp offiC'('c; asserted Semon III an mt{,l VIe\\- thIS \veek , I'very voter should teel It h" dut) to take an mtel est m the affdl1s of hIS 01 het commu111t) to '-uch an extent that they vot.e on m~ttel~ "hlch vthlIy effect the progle;s and '\elfare of the com mUl1l'ty and to avoId dela) and meonvel1lence of the la,t few days before ClcctlOl1 It IS adVIsable to regIster at thIS tune" saId Mr Semon 1\11 Semon mforms u, that the det k , office IS open datly from 9 a rn to 5 p m and ;,"(mday, to I p 111 fOI the convemenc.e of the vote" and taxpa) elS RB-GIS rJ~R NOW' Influenza and pneumoma are qUIte common these days so 1f ,ou acqmre a cold use precautlOn, dlud stay m bed unrtt! welI doc tor s orders 0; eneral 110tors IS opposed to Union.;; ) et It 15 III IJ.tself a umon of l.rve enterpnses to the advan- tage of General Motors SIgn at Belle Isle brIdge Sun- d,y-No skatmg tada) Flo\\ er "ro" George J. Heiler Died Svddenly on Monday Patronize Our Advertisers For Real Values ! }

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PRINTING CO. Pub'll""""."PHONE LENOX uti m~~«Jj..o~~tJPointt !Rtuitl.\i ~~~~~,,~~

~~~~ii!ffil1i!~~~!!- . !TH~E~H~O~M~E~N~E~'WSPAPEROF GROSSE POINTE A&O THE FOURTEENTH CONGRESSIONAL DlSTRIC.T L-.IOL 11-'W 20 L B OLDHAM I'ubhsher (,ROSSi POl,ll \]]01 I -\, IHuRSDA, JA"UARY 7 1937 By Mall $200 per year Smgle CopIes 5 Cents---------------------------- >---- '

Elaine Marie Amdt DanceStudio Offers New Courses

An ed.1catlon 1S not comp-Iete unlesst has Inc1clded the stud) of art m

"orne form or manner ror th1~ reason"e <;UggCbt dancl11g as lt s tlhe oneand onh art \"h1ch IS relatcd to all theothel art~ lendIng a aounddtlOf! ofbeauty Imc and pOl,e

Trombly p, T, A, MeebTuellday, January 12th

MR AND MR, HAROLD LEEWAD 'i\\ 0 RTH of ClovPrly road re-turned Thuf'Sday from QUeibec whertlt~ey :.pcnt tr c Chrtstma" hohday

~~--IPay Taxes Now~ and Avoid Penalty~~ The 1936..37 county and .chool~ taxes are now due and payable.=aI City of Grosse Pomte taxpayer_~ wdl make their payments at the~ City offices at 17150 Maumee~ avenue

~ After January 11 a. 4 pel" centeJ coUecbon fee Will be added In~ o.rder to aVOid thiS penalty make~ your rennttanee before that date I~ The City Treasurer's of6.lce 1&

'2J open dally from 8 30 a m to 4 30Ip m and lZ 00 noon Saturday~ ~


Trombh I;.,chool Parent Teacher As-soc1atlO 1 "" lJ hold tf'.. tlllrd meetmgTu 'id tv January 12 w1th da<,sroomcan 1"1 ell( e<., tit 7 30 "J d 1he bus messme"'tlng at 8 IJ In fhe au'dftOrlUffi

I "t s Go to the MOV1es ""Ill h~ thetheme of the mrt'tmg ""hlCh wlll con ..S st ot a sot grHI1 by the P01ntePlaj r r" r n 1 ti (:' (rDs:,e Pomte HlghSch 01 1 01 f' 1eel mot on p1dure andbner talks on motIon pH::tures

\1uslcal seledlOns Will be glVen bythe 6 A ~rade dIre-cted!by M1bS VOUM

dale Smith1 Refreshment:. 'W111be 'ierved III theI &)U nasmm follQ\.\mg the meet1l1g

Detroit HistoricalSociety

Historic MemorialsSociety

Mrs. Marie A, PattersonWas Buried Monday

Mr Wiltam A Frayer, executIve seeretary of the Cranlbrook FoundatIOnWIll be the speaker at the luncheonmeetmg of the DetrOit HIstoncal Soclety to be held In the Judge \Voodward Room Hotel Statler, Tuesda\January 12 at 12 15 oc1ock HIS top cw1ll be \Vhat Is Hap-pemng to OurC1\'1hzatlon? The annual reports w 1lbe glv~n dUrtng luncheon, to allowmore timE. for the address

Resenattons for the luncheon shoul"<1be made early w1th the secretary MISSGrac a B KrUll at the Burton Htstor Dancmg 1" a 11ea115 of OIbtal1ungIcal c..ollect1on DetrOit Public Llbn.ry I hlatth anD form a \\ ay 1n '\'. hlch yOti I

________ can exer-ctse ever) mU1>c1e or certaltimdl\ ldual parts of the bony It pre ..ferred a pleasant way to stay fit wttha great advantage over dIetmg becausedanCIng Ib an equal17f,>r

Bablc" bovs g1r1S ladles and gentlemc'1 y, coffer.) nu t1l.',"" cour<\e<; 10 alJbpr<; of dancl1 g for b-egmners anddch anced <:hildren and adults whIch\'rIll ope 1 <1...rng the week On Jan 18\flss Ar lCit urge<; ) Ott to enroll a<; soona<; pOSSIble '30 you may be properlyc1a<;<;lfiedto your Detter advantage ThestudiO IS located at 919 Barnngton road,LllO",< 7639

~ee the ";{d\ert ""'01(' It 01 l}age <;,x.vf 5'1 Am It posltn ely dof'<\ lot havean) <;ohcItors out canvasslllg lor herda lCll g school

Members of the Histone TVfemonalsSociety Will enJoy a traV'elogue entitled EX1penences Aboard to begtven by Mrs Alfred G Wtlson I11ustrated With colored shdes at thelrmeeting' Frtday afternoon, JatllUary 8,In the Washtngton Room of the BookCad111ac Hotel \Irs LoUIS Gasc01gne,program chairman W111mtroduce thespeaker

1 he program Wtll follow a busmessseSSIon convell1ng at two o'Clock wh1ch\-',III be conducted by the preSIdent MrsCharles Horton Metcalf

On Monday January 4 the GrossePomte' Republtcan Club held tt'1 firstmeeting af the year and Judging bythe act IV he" thlb organlZatlOn tS farfrom dt>ad for tJ e m('mbels \vere there111 ~ub~t(lntldl numbel ~

The office,s for 1937 wer"" e1~ctedthe net\ officers ht'lng Edward CParker preSIdent Mrs Edwm CKr eghoff Vice prt""ldent Mrs Kenneth Thomas secretary and RobertKale~ Jr treasurer

1 he follo-Nmg ..."ere added to theBoard of Directors Walter ConelyWIlham E Krapp Mrs A D Wllkl11son Fred Alger Jr Joseph Fee and\'{arv1l1 W Moesta

Party plam wen' IdId fm t! e county'6>ilVCJ'l-l~u~QrN:1arr :J.) and t t. ..,tateconventIon Fefbruary 5 as weU as forthe SiPrlng electIons both locally andstate State Regent" to the UntVersItySuperlOtendent of Pubhc InstructtonState HIghwa, COmmISS1.mer membersof the Agncultural Board and otherofficers are to be elected at the polls10 Apr 1

Republican Cluh of li--------- ....~Grosse Pointe Elects II Important Notice

Officers for 19371 -I If yOU, do not recetve a. copy

of the Grosse pointe ReVIewreg ..

I ularly 'We would appreciate ft

phone call. and a copy w111bedehvered to you by speCial mes"

I senger ImmedIately i_.-.. ,,- __ M

SWing TIme-Dance TIme StIll timeto enroll at the Elaine Marte ArndtDiitPce StudiO-------

CO!ner r1 t Tefferson and PhlhpH.C'\ R D Lmhart pastor,

Rev E J \Narnke aSsIstaflt pastor'lunda) <"chool g 15 a mDlvme <\erVIce 10 45 a mRev O<\car \\ ago a converted He

brew and Oldalned Chnstmn mlmster\\ 111 OCCUPy the pulptt at FaIth churchnext !;)unday mormng to clehver astartmg me"sage on th~ theme ChrtstE'md') a Jew

He IS a man of gr\"'Bt \"xrperlence-born 10 I!,urope ed'ticated at the Un1

iV~r&ltle<; of \ le'1na Berlin Pans andiWkh was an automotive and airplane?lie:~ner ,etv(>d ~<; maJor In the army durmg the '\i\ odd \\ arltnd I'> no\\ 1t1neranrt m SSlOnat) mOr 0 fOi the Amrrtcan Board of \11S

Slons to the Jews I!1'C Broo1dvn N YThe messages of \.ir 'Wago are

maI11<;:edby power and com ICt on HISs,incertty Wide knor.vledge and mtere~tmg presentahon augmented by hiS

th 1- the Blble dS the Word of God)" ~j It 'l"::dl'1'lTIt~ -mh ..'1 ~hl1g' -to

both ]e'lhs and Gentlles vvherever hego""s }-I;' mahes an mdelible Impre'1SlOnI tted as few men are 1" the phr.ase

u,)f'd bv Rf''\ J r Hoffman VV11kmsburlS Fa tl;) f'haractenze thIS man

!\e,-t :-,unday morntng at 9 30 0 clockReV' Linhart w1l1lbeg1n a senes of tenlecture" on the great doctnnes of theChr'1tmn faIth as taug"ht by the Luth(ran Church Thhe lectures j?reparetor '11embet'lhlp n the Lutneranlh.1rch A.ll are InVited to come andI Cdr the-n

JULEIJ DI},- :yo

Lorne AyHng Is >

Seriol\slyk...... "" ),...

.p ~'JI'i'!"'i'i\1"""«~-r~ /...;,£/LonE' A \ {;{tg propnetor of tthi>"quare Deal Creane"'s \vh Ie rerOVE'l11[( tra' 1 appe ldlC + " operat on be

nnl" ) ~h 11 \\edl e~day Decem~er 30 'Ill " ru"'! eel to t 1e CottageHosPital t r dO Clnel genry operationHIS condit on at present IS cnt1cal

___________ 0__ ..

1\11 De POlle hao b, (In qUIteefficlCnt m handlmg the \ >lrs orthe VIIlage of Lochmoo,.l ~nd IS"eIl known throughout theGrosse Pomte area through hiS

actlvltles ll1 the mtel est of thecommul11t)

The resident"- of LOl-hmODr arefJ ea,"CQ 1'0 1m"," 01 the <lppomtment of Mr De POlt e to thIS oflice and ale plOud at the foctthat one of thw )fhen!> ,11Ouldbe selected tOt th'8 Importantoffice

J uk., De J'0I1l pICc,Icle It ot

the VIllage of L0eh~" I r has beenappoll1ted dl! ector I the g'as taxdlVI'ilOn of }h('~'Sect ~tal\ 01

State, ofiih.ll J#;,\rOtt f:2I 71JlAf.# eye Secre}} of

'3tjt'l:e annoUl t~1l1ment 6~)yIt ~k '~ DePorrl ~M C 1?~a#:5f1m-c~ssav6<iue' Hh tct'1'lt'6n includeyWayne :Ylawmh ( k 10 "dSt Clatr counite'

Canadian Legion, Post Arenll.cOruntyClub 1,...-----------.'7 G P • t P kNo, 100Grosse Poin~~ to 5por,,01' Card Party I Public Meeting to I rosse oln e ar

On Wednesda, January 13 at ; 15 1he ",renac (; t-;'; Club of DetrOiI I Be Held in Farms , Highway Commissionerp m thIS ne\\ 1) 'chartel ed Ca'1adtan IS slJo 1sormg mld\ ..1nter uancwg I • T dLegIOn post wlll hold It'1 first meet ng ard card part) .m Saturday January I t By directIon of the VIllage i Funeral Rites 0 ayof the, ear at the 1'.Jelghborhood Club 16 at the vI1nlC femple Second I ICounCil of the VIllage of Grosse -------17145 \Vatedoo avenue Gros'1e Pomte boule"d.r(\ al d lnple street All tor i I

The malll bustne~s of the meetmg mel a ld pt't'<,e t rC,)ldents of '\renac I POIDte Farms a pubhc meeting, Henrj RUTH.'1 e BIgl1\'\ ay CommIsslOne1 and ::,upenntendent of.~. lit: Will be held In the Village Hall,

WIll be ceremOnv of adml<;<"lOn (nev, Lounty are I~' d to atte td I PublIc Works of Gro,":,se romte P"1rk re<;ldll1g at 1100 \Iarylandb ) ~

Kerby Road, January 18, at S ,mem ers and election ot post officers -- ------for 1937 supervI<; Command Ot \1ARY MA~ ARET IEVvIl) re I p m to hear obJections to the i a'CI1tle dIed at hIS homp 1J011d'n fanuar) 4 He had been aIhng

1 , pro-posed vacabon of Chalfonte I fficer~ turned Sunday ~ the \Vheelock SchOOl or several) edl ~ hut W1S <.;eIlOu<;h III only a few weeksL ll,. 1 f members .'Iil B f 'I I avenue between Kerby Gardensnro m n 0' new VY III C'sto 1 a e ~ laVlllg '1ptnt the va SubdiVISion and Kerby Gardens I Funeral seI' Iefl'S were held at the home tlus mOl mng at 9 30

pre-cede the meetl1g C1.nd1date'1 for catl0n WIth 1 f:tr-~r"'11.rents'vIr and \<Irs SubdiVISIon No 1 extendtun from d t Lt A b CI I 10 I t tadmISS on requested to be on hand EU~f'ne \V j -{ \:. of East Jefferson llII an serVIce,; a") P1 rose lure 1 at "1 111 11 ermen 1,\ as InKerby road to the southerly hne

at.8 p m sharp a\enue ~! St PIC t ( P t r. '" of SaId subdiVISions. as a pubhc au ~ eme er) Iross(. 0111 e arms

J I D Po It Of ! h,ghway I He \\as elected a member of thc Board of Trustees of GrosseU es e orre ne~t,dlllvalt:'t A copy of thl' re.olubon wdl~ '}.,.1lI ~.;p be found on page three Pomte Park 111 1910 and" d'3 appOInted HIgln\ a) ComnUSSlOuer andSta_t~Ap__polntment , J Snpermtendent 01 Pl1hltc 'WOlks m 1910 the pOSItIOn \\Imh he held__ ------ at the tane of hIS death 'londay

Christian Jew in He IS survIved b" 1m \\ Ife Pharatlde fom sons Henry, Jr,Faith Lutheran Pulpit Jerome Leon and V,eto, ~nd t\\O daughters Augusta Verfallle and

Bertha Sandley


IPay TownshipTaxes Now to Save

Tax-paYeT5 of Grosse PomteTownsh;p are urged tet pay thelrtaxes early and avotd. the pen.. ~alty whtch wIll be added after ~January 10 The Township Trea5"urer Will be at the LQChm,oorVIllage munu:lIpal hutlchng onJanuary 4th ahd at the Gr03S6

POinte Farma mUnlC!pa1 hall onJan\U1ry 5

T-all;etlc&t1 be paid at any tJme1 at !bn~9.r21~ePo.Inte TOWllshlP'1iffi'(t~~i~~thiinf'M~'" buihhng, I

151]5 East Jefferson avenue You

"~:~~:::~:::::::~:::::::~,~,,:::::::::~::~:~::::::~~of BrItish vessel.troubled Spamsh

News Digest


None Civic Assn, toMeet January 8th

At the general meetmg of the Norse Southeastern Alumni : Carl Schweikart :CIVIC ASSQCla1lOnon December It the Dance January 28th I Candidate for ,fot!owmg were eleoted to the board of --::--1 H' TownsL!p Clerk Idirectors The annual vout leastern I ~ I rn.

Mes')rs Carl B Moe NOI'l'W"egIancon School Alumm dance w 11 be held I Carl Schwf'-Ikart of 1098 Bea •<;ut J ens I reldborg .chIef die de IThursdav evenmg' Januarv 2S at tl I' consfield averue a practu:lng at "lugner Chrysler HIlmer Gellem, at~ Aztec Tower UntOn Guardldn bUll! g torney has announced that hetomey Carl G Seasward aSSIstant MUSIC wtll be furlllshed by CarlL 11. wIll be a candldate on the Demo-proJect manager Federal Emergency FeU and hiS orchestra I crabe ticket for the office of ,AdmtlllstratIon of Pubhc Works , clerk of Grosse POinte TownshIp ! St. Ambrose Bowlers

On December 15 the board of dt Grosse Pointe Art I m the forthcomIng Pnmary " Hold Gala Eventrector<., elected the followmg officers Exhibition Opens I electionsfor 1937 F , Mr Schweikart IS 'WIdely "c~I The l\ew Year was ushered 1n by

Presldent-Htlmer Gellelll rida_y_,_January 11 I aq~eaalntedIn the Groase POinte jl l)t Ambrose Bowlers and theIr manyVice Presu:1ent - Carl Berglund • frlend:. at a danc11lg party 'held at the

S"\\.edIsh consul The Gros<\e Pomte artists pld.n to , \Vaterfront Park audltonumVIce PreSIdent-Albert I Nord hold their nlllth annual Art Exr bltlon ----- -- - - -- - GI hId th ta c ng over t e arge crow aV1ce PresIdent--A1bert P Holst at the Ne1ghborhood Club 17145 \Vater attendf'd thiS affaIr we saw Mr andTfJeasurer-Arne Saeterm.oe 100 Avenue from January I1tl to the Sunday Afternoon Tea 1frs John B Renaud Mr and MrsFmancIal Secretary-Alec Lmd'qUlst 23rd A collectlOn of pamttlg '\\t11 be Jo 1n BllSfeld VIr and Mrs CharlesRecordmg Secretary - Staffan A shown on OIls water colors n t pastels Dr Frederlck B FIsher of Central Cortl1ll1e \ir and Mrs Adolph L

EdCIund Tuesday evemng Januarv 12th wlll be Method1st Church IS to !be the speaker Damn \1 VIr .and Mrs Claren.ce RolAt the January 8 meeting Dr B the opeU1111gmght for the- e,h bltlOn at he monthly tea of the fheosophlcaJ arJ { "\[r 1.nd 1frs Leo D'I1!pUlS,Mr

HJalmar I arson Wtll address the as Mrs W Palmer Jr 393 Society In theIr hall 1509 Broadway a ld \f '> Rudolph C Schmidt Mr andsociatlorr on tfu.e sUlbJect I MedIcal Washmgton Road 1S cha rt ldn Sunday at 4 30 p m H s subject vl111 \fr" 1 llamas Remde1 Mr and Mrs~en1ce In Sweden U Dr Larson lS Rules for the e'{h l)lt)ll are a<\ be India a 1(1 Japal The publlc s 1 ra lk \\ III ams l1r and Mrs Peteremmently quahfied to 'ClJ.scussthts sub follows_ Ttme the sl 0\\ will be held cordially inVIted \1lss rlorence Case \\ e I s \lr and Mrs LOU1S1: Meyers,led as he has made several tnps to from January 11th to t e 23rd En Will be hostess \11 and \Irs WIlham Frahm Mr an'ClSweden and has studied the medIcal tr1es should be sent to the Nelghbor In lhe evening at 8 orlock Mn, \ir<., \I'.tlham R DeBaeke Mr and

Rite,> for George J Heller were to <;ystem 111 vogue there He is a mem hood Club January 9th (afternoon) Yrunel K ng Walkennlle Ont Will re \Jr'1 Charles Goddeens \1r and Mrshave bef"n conducted at 9 a m today her of the staff "OfHarrp-er Hospital and and called for Januarv 23rd (afternoon) vie"" Dr Creorge Arundale s book J rdnk Dunne Mr Da'ud Almond Mr<;111 St Marys Church Jackson 1he\IS al'>o command'tnu officer ot General Art HTork Exhlbl1s cannot be "lth Youb~,l t h ih 1257 Y k h '-':- \1\... hathcrme Kohl Mr VV1lham BRehm

Vl4y 1Na,>ate orne or s rre HospItal No 13 d the U S Army Re drawn before the c1o:,e of the exlubl ---~ \[1 a l{! Mr'l WIll am Cld.rk and Mrroad Grosse PDtnte Park untd Wed serves tlon The entry blank 'W th the tttlene~da) morntng B'11rtal was to be In Funeral of Mrs$ F~ and \Irs RoUte Barrett

C jof each work and. the name Df thf' B ~ The pa t, was honored by t'he pres

5t John s emetery Ja<kson Call Gr P • t p' t C b W T dogse om e nn lng 0., artIst must e sent to John L Vogt UrIan as ues ay I ence of \Ilss Emma Behnnger whoMr Heiler who d1ed suddenly Mon Lenox 1162, for Job Prih.ting~ 1304 Gravton Road before Januarv 8th -- 011(' all the wav frqm \lllwaukee

Ud \'01<:1." u01ll Ju <.- 17 1"'12 1 Jd. 1,,0'" 8..,1.1' ",-+ t., ... - l., J.. .... ;; ""'0"'" t., \fr~ ]:.f"::l "'" ""h"'t'pt" R r::ltl ml1thf'r \, fh ,.t f\.;" ,ff",,.

and 11\ed In Grosse Pomte seven years Leach Drug Appointed mold1tlJg' dround the room wlll be ac O! Mrs Owen R Skelton of 26S Rldge 1 he climax of the e, eml1g 'Came atHe was a grad'tlate of St Paul s HIgh Willard Representative ceipted road Grosse pomte rarm<., \vas at the 12 0 clock while the grand mar-eh wasSchool Grosse Pomte f<arms He ,",as '- JUdg111g The '\ork. of amateun pro V\llliam F Blain' Chapel 7B Pt'tf'rhoro 11 1 O£{lC<;<; COl1ce.o:J1edsomc\\here In

employt:-d by Edward Wlflllace & Sons, Thr Lea"Ch Drug Store ha<; been ap fes~lOna1" and school children Will bt> stref't untIl 211m TtH><;da\ \\ hen IH 1d t rJ tm i"'t>rc 500 balloons whtclgrocers and was a member of the 'St pOll1ted Grosse pointe representat1ve shorwn The exhlbttlon "'o\tll be Judged funeral serv ct' Wf're held n the Jeff e c ld loose at one hmt;' when the l)enl\es for 'v.l:rs Mane AntOinetteClalr Dramahc Club for \\ 111ald Product'1 for the treating and several rIbbon pllze:. awarded er~on A\el1ue Presbytenan Church 1(' ('ck \<1<\dnk ng 12 and lt certamly Pattels0n \\ldowof rohn G Patterson

SurvIvmg are hlo parents Mr and of ~tomach ulcers eAces~ aClds and InformatlOn Entry blanks and to wlth the Rf'\ "amuel II Forrer D D 101(1(' i'l. 1 rautlful Sight to see those were held at 2 p m Monday In theMrs Paul He!ler a SIster Euge111a and kmdred allmer tc; Informatton on thiS formatlOn albout the exhlblt10n can be offloahng BAnal \\ as at WhIte Chapel hu 1 b NI" ot batloons all different COIOI John E Del\.ay Funeral Home 10':49three brothers Paul Jr Phthp and hlghlv sat1sfactory treatment 1S avaIl had from John L Vogt 1304 Grayton Memortal Cemetery ':!oJ,tltlg" through tne alr E feffer"on avenue Bunal was 10Challes Reder able at Leach Drug Store Charlevo1« Road "1\Tlagara 1171 Mn Bm -in 1ed 1\ew Year" Dav at "1\.o"e naker~ were aplenty and every \\ oodla, .. 1 Cemetery

_______ at Lakepo111te ----.-- her dat1R"hter~ harpe "here '1he had 1-er<\Ol1v.e '1a"" seemed tl ha\e a dlffer MIS Patterson died Saturday at the\1.RS RALPH BAILY returned last Remedy for tho~e roughs and colds YfR Al\DMRS GILBERT BPI, \ecl v Itng ~nc~ Chnstma<\ Her C'lt 10 emakertomherthe'\ewYear home of her daughter Mrs George

Thunday to her 'home 111 Evanston So prevdlcnt at tlls time of the year, GREE, of Mernweather road .....el \10 '1(' was 10 Jer<.,ev C ty where .,he II ')chadt 1124 Berkshlre road Gro'lSeIII after havlllg been the guest for a a 1>t celal plt'<.,rr1ptlOu of toe Leach ho:,ts to 10 gue'1t<; at d nner la'1t \\eek 11 ,\~ b")rn T11ne 9 1864 fI (,''\1 c('{'<; of the pu ty a" we ('()u1d Pomtt ParK She wa'1 78 years oldfew day'1 of her mother Mrs Charles Drug l)tore hlghly effiCient n the relief thetr home Later the party attended C;UrvlVmg 1n addltlOo to \1r" 'Skel "ee from the balcony gOE'<; to Mr and tor 35 ) ears "he and. her husbandWnght and her brother and sl~ter III I of dlstressmg conditions associated the Herbert V Book ball ton are her hu<;.band EdWin a Bunan George vVallace \{r Al Schuster Mr ran a b01.t supply store at 1177 Eastla\-', Mr and ~rs Charles Wright Jr thermv1th can also be proculed at thIS and another daughter M1SS Mildred George Humelshelm and Mr Patnck Jefferson avenue Only the daughterof Beverly road popular drug store REVIEW LINERS GET RESULTS Burtan Poupard ,survlVes

It s gettmg toughel boys InChIcago It s unlawful to tickleyour" Ife s toes A banker "aslined $100 and costs tor dOl11gJu,t that

The Duke of Wll1dsor s phonebIll IS about $1 000 a month I'dbe satisfied WIth that amount forsalary To hIm It's Just a phonebllI

Ql1lte a fleet<11(' ~alhng In


[t ,eems that the Batrymoresat e at It agaJh DIvorce dltlOll ISpendmg

Headlme m local paper-"ecre-bl) of Labor Pe<k1lls hIts ;,]oan

Jack Semon UrgesEarly Registration

For Spring Election,Jack '3uhon clerk of Gro%e POll1t( rowllshlP urges votet ~

\\ ho have recently moved mto the 10\\ n...,hp or v, ho haven t \ oteddurmg the past tY\lOVeat ~ to regIster 11m\ f 1 the C;plln~ electIons

Voters may leg" ter ,lln d" at the To" nshlp offices at 1,115Last Teffe"on avenue or at the office of the Vl1lage Clerk m thevIllage m whIch thev In e

Several ven Important motte" ,\111 be on the ballot and anumbel of state officers ale to he elected ?s "ell as officers fOl thevanous Tm\ n~lllp offiC'('c; asserted Semon III an mt{,l VIe\\- thIS \veek

, I'very voter should teel It h" dut) to take an mtel est m theaffdl1s of hIS 01 het commu111t) to '-uch an extent that they vot.e onm~ttel~ "hlch vthlIy effect the progle;s and '\elfare of the commUl1l'ty and to avoId dela) and meonvel1lence of the la,t few daysbefore ClcctlOl1 It IS adVIsable to regIster at thIS tune" saId MrSemon

1\11 Semon mforms u, that the det k , office IS open datly from9 a rn to 5 p m and ;,"(mday, to I p 111 fOI the convemenc.e ofthe vote" and taxpa) elS


Influenza and pneumoma areqUIte common these days so 1f,ou acqmre a cold use precautlOn,dlud stay m bed unrtt! welI doctor s orders

0; eneral 110tors IS opposed toUnion.;; ) et It 15 III IJ.tself a umonof l.rve enterpnses to the advan-tage of General Motors

SIgn at Belle Isle brIdge Sun-d,y-No skatmg tada) Flo\\ er"ro"

George J. Heiler DiedSvddenly on Monday

Patronize Our Advertisers For Real Values!




V..9J go mto MeXICO yOU need a speCIalpermIt

Many states and rprovl,l1ces 'have financlal re1>pons1bll1ty laws You canmeet these requIrements best by msUlntg 10 a strong stock cbntinen~ 1l1sttrdnce company that does bU~1l1ess 111allthose sta,.tes

To protect yourself In event youdnve a fr'lend s car or a relatIve s ~ar(10t n your own ho;U~,ehold) you I1eea.1. dnve other car permIt

!nsurtng Yourself and WifeAutomobile and travel accld~nt&-- are

nore senous than those occur,nng ~thome and therefo1"e hurt the p'6tketbook n ore 1he new style accldentnsurance policy takes care of all ho.,p tal doctors surgeons and nurses'bills urp to $500 or $1 000 or more and

11 addltlon pays lUmp sumS for fra~tures dlslocatmns dlsmemberment anndeath 1hIS fofm 1S avaIlable to menanc! ""omen Men and bus neBs womencan also get a weekly Indemmty payable whl4e total1v r;rr partIally dIsabledbv aCCldent ACCIdent pohcles can behad for one two three S1Xor twe1ye1,1lonths

HOW IS YOUR HEATING SYSTEM?Don't gE't hot pa)ring exceSS-lve fuel bills The hand th.t opel"ate:s thE"radiator valve IS not Interested In economy-o;nly I1t CO-nIJor!. We canshow you how to secure comfort and saVlng at the same time

public On ICy walkS Your ttavehngeffect~ should be covered WIth all riskll1>UTdl.ce You yourself 1>illOuldhaveacc del t tnsUrd lce And 1f you travel

1 :y Ol r car It should be properly 111

<.,uredInsuring Your Traveling Effects

Your clothmg and luggage can be 10

I ed by all nsk pohcles covenngc\crv\\here e>..cept at your home Jewelf) 't 1d furs can be Ihsured also byall rlsks pollc es vvhlch cover not only"vh Ie av.ay from home but also whllta.t home

The"e 'Pohcles cover my"tenol s d s,",~pearance a" well as fire theft etcPol!cle" can be cancelled 1f des redvhen J au come back ffialkl11g the costof the I lsurance very nommal

insuring Your .AutomobIle"ery te"" penons ,r.eahze that they

are not protected by {heIr public hab1hty and property dam<lige 10surance\Vlhen the r car IS tOW1l1g a trallerunless speCIal permlsslon has beenobta ned The tra1ler ,ttself should becovered for fire theft ~olhslOn etc

Your po-I cy covers only 10 Contmental Ul11ted States and Canada If


Andy & Ann Cafe I15009 Charlevoix at Way burn I

Er ley a G1as$ of, Beer SandwlcheSat Special-Hassen pfeffer 15c


Insurance For You Who Are Aboutto Take a Trip


Fat 1er Hu~bar<L began h1s glaCIalstudle" 11'1 the T~ rolese AlQs., DunnghIS ten expedttlon,; mto Alaska he haseX'plOled the 'entire liJxlO mIle exlent ofthe Alaska Peninsula Of three achvevo1canoe::. whJ-Ch he dtscovered thelargest A111~chak lwas a Cll"culllference Of 21 mIles h


the Detra~t Jnsbtllte of Art~ rathe1 IHublbard lS opelhl,1g the wmter programof thIS Sunday afternoon Il1ustlatcdlectUl e course

Fathe Hubbard s stud1es thIS summer conV11Ce hIm that the MantanuskareglOn 1S as Ideal for dalrY111g a 1d 1 Before 1>tart ng on a tr p or a vacafarm1l1g as are t!he fertile Sw ss valleys ton ll1sure vourself Vv1t1 peace orHe sees 111the future a large and pros mmd whl1e af\.\ay by .!lcemg that youper 0 u s agllcultural population 1n art.. properly n1>ured before leavlngAlask!a Y?ur horn'" should be properly 1

ured 1.gall1st risks of fire wmdstonne>..plosl'On e1c burglary mJunes to



Neighborhood Club.4CTIVITIES


Flat Wall Paint, gal. $1.15Enamel, any color, gal. $1.95Interior 'Gloss Paint,

very high grade, gal. $2.69


MfSS MARIE LARSH of Wmdsor who was the ~ end guest ofMIss Ruth Galstt.-r of Yorksh re roadwas honored at a dmtler Saturday atthe DetrOIt Y.cht Club Guests m,', 111--------------.--B-E-A-U-T-Y---.--""r",1eluded Mr and Mrs George Galster ~Mr a ld \t[rs L C Johnson Mr Mah!en S GJrnwall and Mr GIlhert Mc THE WAY £XPERTS ATTAIN IT'Gowan of St Lou_ Later the party We .,e ~on.t.ntly .atherln~ t.p. from th.

h M B f h

beauty centers of the whole world We

l'.ow that the hohday ru,h " over Journeyed to t e otor ar ate know at once the ha .. "yle. favored ." New(he actIvItIes at the NeIghborhood Book Camllac Hotel';> Sunday another York, m Hobywood. m Par" We keepClub are takmg 011 a more normal dmner "as ~IVen for MISS -Larsh MIS' po.ted on .he newe.t In .. .,.,trt, and lot"'''. \aspect Tap dancmg SOCIal dancl11g 1.;rsh IS e"pected to rehtrn to her I In a word, Ihere .. no fin .... beauty <ervlCOboys and gIrls hamicraft cookmg sew home some IlIll& ~unday "" I 'iti~ than 'hat offered at,og boys and gIrls gym and dramabc --:1.. I ll'$cf.~~;J'" FE,-IX FRANCOISclubs are atrong the many cl.S'es whIch A group of studoi/!~ 0', the DOl al I 111 ~~'" BEAUTY SALONhave opening for new members If G Kleffman StudiO of MU:S1C enter 'A

d h h I d I2nd Floor PUllch and Jndy Theatre BId. Nl 3753 I

TennIS on the major league scale yOI1are mterested m an) of those men tal le w,t a' art rwta an SOCIa - - - - - --.- -- - - - - -- - - - - - -- ... ---th,\t IS, matches mvolvmg four of the 1lOned be oure to enroll as soon as eVel1l11gm the stud,O\illt 1100 Buckmg - - - - - _..:0 ~ - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - ---world stop pf{;lifesSlOt:l

fls WIll be of po'>slble for enrollment doses as S0011 ham road on Wednesday,.. \ December

fered at OlympIa III Detro,t January 12 as a certa", hm,t IS reached 30 Among those takmg part werc Iunder the .ponsorshlp of DetrOIt Ten Fnday nIght "e are gomg to have. I Rooemarv Gant, M'!:rgaret Ruebnel Ims Cluib 'The feature lnV'Olves Fred surpnse program from 79 III the eve \ \1ary 1-4argaret 1 enbus'Ch Edna Weber IPerry late kmg of the amateur field mug Charles Moil sack Wll1 be here to and Rose"l1ary Ann K1effman..and H J;l1sworth Villes acknowlened help out ;Everyone IS we1-comeuUlversally as the profeSSional cha1U By the way where are all those 1IR AND MRS LEWIS ALLEN Iplon wandering F L G S? W~Ic;S and thelr~aughter Pats~

George M Lott ranked as tbeworld s ------- formerly of Devonsh"\ road left last " Wurm Plumbing & Heating"t doubles player and Bruce Barnes Father Hubbard to week to make theIr home 111 Bevedy Ith T h f h HIlls Caltf I /le exas power ouse urms the 0 d • • • ' Tuxedo 2.311 ; Nights Nt 1265 11i909Kercheval PI. i

other sm.. les attractIon A doubles pen A venture •'" I S BENJAMIN S ulARREN JR ....,f .-------'1-------------------conlest comll eles the program The eries at Cass Tech " ~ ---matches were transferred from N;aval Lake Shore Road entertamed .t a ~m!u."~_!J!J!"m!!l!1!!J!J!!l!J!!J!J!!l!J!"""!1!'J!!l!!Jl!l!!!!-!l!J!!l!J!IJIl! ... "!l!J!!l!J!!l!J!U!1!!l!J!!l!!1!!l!J!!1!!1." • '!OO!!OO!!l!J!!l!!1!!l!J!!l!J!!l!J!!OO!Uill'

A t d I

cocktall part) on Frida" ~or more than N~1i1ii1ifTiTiffiiTiilioTii1ifiilOliiTiliiliiliffiiliiliTIiliTii1i1ii1iifiiliilmiiTiffiilii1i1iiliTil" ,iliTiiliTiiliTIir.Ti;r,TiiliiliiliiTii1iifi.tiIli1i1iiliTiiliTiiliiTiiliTiililiiliTiiliTiUrn;

rmory 0 provl e or an expected at Roanng rap,ds a dash IOta the un 'm! mtendance of 10000 or more mapped wl1derness of Northern Canada 100 members ,.chool set ~~.i:l".:!JP EC I A L S FOR TH tJ R$., FRI., AND SAT • ~=.. !-.As a means torwaro stimulatIon of t1 d 1 k 10 ;P. ,1e escent to a a e 6 feet !below 5tiii~= "._ - ..J' 1 ~-

ambJtlOn among young players through sea level the d scovery of huge fosS!1 MR AND MRS H LYNN PIER '* ~glv'ng them aru apportumty to see the trdcks n the frozen glaCIers and hIS SON JR of Mernweatber ,road en ~ ,~,. ~U::~'_.-_-_-.Il'lst summer s VlS,t to the new go~er1 tertamed a group of thelr ,nends at ~ W-!

ment settlement at Matanu1>ka are theIr home from 4 to 6 0 clock last IiIi \~I among the motIon pIcture hlghltghts to Saturday aftenlO011 'I :IS ~! be shown by Father Hubbard re • • • M iIi


no",n<d geologlSt and Glacter Prtes' \fR AND MRS lWILLIA.M I ~ ~at C.,,s 'l;~ch aud,to,Lu,," at 3 30 Sun CROW h,ave retl.1rrlod"to thett home 111 ~ \ I' j) " 4F-

I day afternoon January 10 R) e N Y atter havIng >pent the ~ ..-.- - ~ - ~ - ~, - - ~'I For thIS new lecture whIch covers Ghnstmllis hohd,ay wlth Mrs Craw's I ~ SELLING GOOD MERCHANDISE IS WHAT MADE NIGHTINGALE'S ~DAMMAN hl$ tenth annual expedl!lon mto Alaska parents Mr and Mrs Harold D ~ MARKET THE OUTSTANDING SHOPPING PLACE OF ,DETROIT ~

HARDWARE I Father Hubbard brmgs the pIck oflBaker of Lmcoln Rid ~ Original Main Store: 14525 MACK AVENUE iIi

I H I:31000 feet of new motlOn pIctures HIS ~__ ~ m

ayes Near Outer Drive ubJect IS New EJcploratlOns m Alas ~ Onen every evening nermanently until lOp" m. iF.PINGREE 2131 h ka' ReservatIons should be made a( Grosse Pointe High M I"" t" S'E__ •__ • • the World Adventure Senes offIce at Cage Team Has ~ 13i!OIHARPER AT DRE~L 12.225GRATIOT :, ~_____ ~____ _ T h C! Led 1 iIi NIGHTINGALE MARKE. EASThVOOD Mi\R~ET / ~I~

~ ~c~ u e iIi 8659 GratIOt, HaYll'ans Market, Acr;ps" from sA"s & Roebqck ' : :

The Grosse Pom~e HIgh' School bas ~ Fancy Fre'h Home D-c"cd Roa."n~ A;le$l Flnt Grad .. of SMOKED :I~ketball team has one of the toughe,t ~ HAMS 25 ::as'>gnmen's that can come to a cage iIi C....iickens,lb.28C Ib C ::squad The Pomters defendmg cham iIi ~1111 I , ' • ~plon,s of the Border C,ttes Basketball ffi "t ~League WIlt have but one veteran re !f! ;>7 j) I Wllole or Strlhg Half We have never sold a St5m All Chickens are Fresher at Nlght,tnga e 5 second grade Ham !t!turnmg from last year s squad when ~ ...~=L b *" -----.-------------~---------------- ••tl~ey start theIr tough etg t game !f..~ = =eague scnedule early 111 the new :year m 1 ENDER AND JUICY #' -I":

Forrest Geary Grosse P",nte coach ~ ROU NO' STEAK OR SI~L'OlN Ib 20c gIS accuo;tomed to fightmg under ad ~ •~ j ==verse oo~dltIO"S Last season hlS team ffi 'iJ


fimshed ~he fij'lst ha1f of the season 5IS BONELESS ROLLED t itiunbeaten Then It WdS wrecked by!J-. RIB ROA5T Ib 1A ~grlliduatlOn m January I Cui from fancy you~ baby beef ~C ~

\i'\fhIle breakIng m pew players the 1_ p J + ~Pomters lost two games one (0 Wyan ;. CI-'OICE CBNTER CUTS OF ~

Jotte and the other to Fordson and;. CHUC.KROAST t8c ti:~landed 11 a tnple tle for first place ... lb • ;;WIth Monroe and Fordson FIne ft;'1" Oven or Pot ROR:st \. ,----------- = •

In the final game 01 the sedSon and ~ "' : ~wlth tht.. tttle at stake t~e Pomters!lS FANCY CENUINE 19-36 ~ /I"" ~nmmed Mt Clemenl wblle Monroe ~ LEG 0 fLAM B A Oood Roa.' for Ih 19c .

was beatmg ","ordson to gam a tIe for ~ Il;.rnday

Dmner ~

he t,tle * "'"' ( ~ThIS year Geary WIlt not rose any of hi SNOW \VHITE MII,.K FED E 1-:

hl$ players by gradu.tlon m January;tj LEG OF V AL Ib IS"""::)ut he wll1 have to get a green team Hi IV = =I1tO champIonshIp form by the first of ~ " ~- ~January One veteran George Mar I:; BONELESS ROLLED ~hall a guard "and captam WIll be the; VEAL ROAST lb 20c ~1Uc1eus of thls year s first five = !I!

In the o,pemng: game aaalUlSt HIgh :: All WhIte Meaf-Ea~y -<to Serve t 1J. itiand Park the Pomters vsed a first !' 5'5trIng Itneup of Joe Fee and Walter m NIGHTINGALE. SELLS ONLY THE BEST GRADES ~

Scott at forwards and George Braund ~ OF VEAL AT A Lr\WER PRICE ~at center Marshall teamed w,th Vm iIi ,y ~cent Crampton at the guard posts Fee = - FANCY FRESH LEAN iiiCrampton MarshaIl and Braund are i~:PORK ROAST NO SHANK Ib 18"C ~all sIx~footers : • PiCNIC CUT iti

Desp,te the I""k of veteran matena! _ ~ , 5'5Geary IS o~t,mlsttc lor the future ~ CIiOICF CENTER CUTS OF ( ~

1'he race thl$ year m the Border ~ R-bV I L b Ch 20 ~C,tIes Le~gue IS a to>s up he saId ~ I ea or am ops Ib C ,,~Grosse P01nte WIll have a fa1r team * ! ~

by the ttme the league season opens M BEEF KIDNEYS PIGS FEET BEEF HEARTS '"9c' ,¥~In January ~ ,~ , , 5E

MOllroe Fordso;1 Mt Clemens and ~ NECK BONES, PLA1'E B~~F. Ill: ~Wyandotte other members of the ifi 1 !Illleague have lost some of thell strength ~ PORK LIVER, PORK KIDNE'YS, PORK HEARTS 11 iso Geary figures that hIS team should 5ili TAILS SNOOTS EARS Ib e 'C ~be "ell up amot>g the leaders when ~ , , ,. iIithe hnal standmgs are knoiWn !I! I=' =

Fordsons comparatIVely veteran ~ Fresh Caught 19 Fresh Caught 25'~:qumtet 1" the dark horse lU thlS year s !Ii C C ::=tItlechlSe Russ Cathermanl1as tme ~ Whitefish, lb. Herring 2Ib.s.for == ,vets returnIng from last year s second * .., - - - ~ l~ ~place team and two members of last ffi F h Ca ht 17 0 20 ~,yaer s reserve team who won theIr first ~ res ug C cean C ;; Igame of the season when they sw.m~ed ~ Blue Piokerel, lb. DI:'RCH lb •• " ~~Monroe .3$ to 14 to tal e fint pla<:e 111 iti I / ~ ." J i,l-tit!l!!1!I;IIJ"-l!!~tl!l.!~J.!~~tl!.lHl!l!!.OO.!!OO.!ll.~~ltItI*itl!.1!l!!I.!l!!.l!J!!.l!l!.!J.I1!!J!l!tl-lI1!mru~mm~l!ru!OO!!I.!1!!.l!.I~!OO!Y!m",,{]11-'.111:101.1,1 !.1!Jthe le,ague standmgs iiIili' "'iliTi\"'iliTii1i1iiliTii1i1ii1iTii1i1iili1ii1i1iiliTii1i1iiIililln I 'iIiliili1iililiilifiiliif'IJIUililiililii1i1ii1i1ii1i1iiliTii1iTiillililii1i1iiliTiiIiTi;r.roilili;,~/]1 j'

4" IMI I '''\'1111 "v

--'-- 4 Hfr Jih><&1[.&-,~~'1 %iV'go?< A<.Li ..,...,,--,""~ ~ ..... __ . __r~_ I \........... ~_ ~ ~ "'-- -"_~~ __ ~ &~ fl' -,

Natfunaf Stone of Braz,lTourmalme occurs m a varIety of

colors :;\nd lS the natlOnal stone ofBraZIl It IS one of the few gemsused m the mdustnes, bemg mademto tourmalIne tongs for measurmgthe emalllatlons from radmm, mop-hcal work and m the radlO mdustry

ITennis on MajorI Scale to Be Offered

Locally in January

game at ItS best 5000 seaots are setaSIde at a low admISSIon fee f.or soho'01chIl-dren It IS the plan to create afund to &end promlsmg youngsters tonattonal tournaments

'Lntll he turned profess1'cmal, Perrydommated tne amateur realm morethan chd Edl T1lden III 1m day Wmner

I Treaty That LaId FoundatIons at WImbledon emlblematlc of the\ At Verdun where French and Ger world s champIonshIp for three succes


man soldlers took an oath of peace, l sIve "ears successful defender forthree grandsons of Charlemagne Enghnd of the hlstone DaVIs Cup mmet m 843 A D for the treaty that the last four years and u111versallylaId the foundatIOns of the G~rman" ranked the world s number one ama

I French and Itahan nations teur Perry 1S unquestwnably the lead


mg dracwmg card of the dayDestroy Old Plates Perry offers the h,ghest exempltlica

C T 11 D. llon of the all caurt game Not so

ase e s rivers hard a llltter as Vmes machme gunnerof the courts Perry nevertheless em

Motonsts purc'hasmg thelr 1937 11 ploy~ an attack that contams suchcense plates at thIS tIme are cautIoned

j C Ssweep vdrtety and stre11lgth as to put

by Leon D ase ecretary of State hIS opponent under severe :pressureto etestroy thelr 1936 plates to prevent HIS runmng forehand opens thetheIr pOSSIble m1SUse by others Igdte and at the net hIS volleys and

It IS pomted out that use of 1936 sm<.shes prove deCISIve more oftenplates has been extended unttl J anu than not Combmed wlth h1S courtary 31 and that such plates 1£ thrown covenng abundance O'f staymg poweraway llltact mtglht be acqUIred by per PQ1Se and coolness under stress the~e.!lons drIVIng automob1les m the com weapons make hIm all but IrreslstIblell1I



lof 1l1egCltlacts h to any other player save a Vmes

I e a penon mIg t be wble to -------ptave hIS mnocence of an offensecharged to the dnver of a car equtppedWIth dIscarded 119136plates tbe POSSIblhty of much mconventence and embarrassment stIll e.X1Sts Case remindsauto drtvers




Electric Motor RepairDUNCAN & MacNICOL14.Z7 Chulerroi:o at 'IVli1I>una

Nip". S..... '"T 2 1150 Holiday.u. • TR. Z.llOOI

R"USSELL(;urtain (;}eaners


Othe)'s Slightly HigherDra~s Dry Cleaned Reasonab\.e

Beat WorJr. Money Can Buy14721 Kercheval Afe.

LENOX 8275Golden Ecru Tinting FREE

i :



Now Down Payment If You WishPays for Itself 1D Fuel Sa'\\"mgs

Arthritis SinusSciatica Medie:tttedBaths

Swedish MassageElectric & Light Treatments

1090 EastlawnMURRAY 9075

Brown's Method



14633Cllarlevoix at ManistiqueTU.2.2225

STOKERSComplete With Controls

.GAS STATION-Super fullyeqULPpedGrosse Pomte $500 to purchase

stoCk • 'MU 6359

DETECTIVE SERVICE"ScI~ntdic Crl1111nolpgy..,..."P.tlvate and

CrIminal InvestigatIon-Special Uni-formed Pohee-Pohce Escort Serv-ic~:Day or NightJ Warren Bnstran. Detecttve AgencyTemple 1-1)206 10 W Warren, SUite 7

[~~M4& .;fH,,5C4&YK ")"41"1. i$ Y-""$ If ,y,lt W)., t"'&t! 75J 2U' i:f +


Experienced teacher wishes 1\

few more pupils. Specializingin beginners. C!>nservatoryGraduate. Teaching in pupil'.home.


Quahty Meats-V.egetahlesF,rults and Grocenes

14933E. Jefferson at Waybut'71Dehvery Service MU 9799

Business Directory

l\len of Assyua EffemmateThe men of anCIent ASSyrIa were

effemmate They painted theIr eyebrows and covered thelr black haIrWIth gold powder and gold threads,thelr beards and halr bemg curled,like the Egyptlarus

t ~LOST-;I)ec 10tl~ on Jefferson Beach


Bus leavmg CIty at 2 15 pocketlDoO'k_ wIth passports money and valuable

"'onteurs Please return con ten t S(needed) keep money no quegtlolls

~ Caft anyone who traveled on thIS btb

r- gIve riame of lady SItt111g1n rear seat

of bus WIth crochet work Reward 750Notre Dame


RED IRISH TE)RRIER~M.I' resemble,; small A1redale Vlcuuty ot

M<lIre S'Cllool Cad1eU:K at Kercheval

tX111dl) return If fouud Reward Tuxedo 2 0U44

'" Work Wantedj

,DAY WORK W A1:'Il ED--,Cleanlng 01laundry references Colored Madl

~son 0976- -r"--------------Business Opportunities

TAKE OFF WALL PAPER by steamSteamer for rent Apply caretaker

AI""", '1'hea(re

Page Twii


Plumbmg, tInnmg, heabng, furnace re:..-.- parrs, fixtures, Electrol1;lx g~s refrlger ...

alors, Rudd & Ever-hot automatic waterheaters Agenta for Auburn Stoker14739 Mack At.. NI 9709

II ~ ~~view Line~s_ Salesman Wanted

I~AI E<;MA~ DRIVER wanted-For c1eamng estahhshment

neat appearmg and wlllmg to_\\ ork Apply Box 2 Gro5'e-pomte ReHe\\, 15121 Kercheval

Page Three

HARRY A. FURTON,Village Clerk,Grosse Pointe Farms.

RESOLVED, FURTHER, that the Village Clerk beand he is hereby authorized and directed to give noticeof said meeting by publishing the same, WIth a copy ofthis resolution, in the Grosse Pointe Review, a news-paper circulating in saId Vtllage, at least twice and atleast five (5) days prior to the date of said meeting.

RESOLVED, that the Council meet in the VIllageHall, Kerby Road in the Village of Grosse Pointe Farms,on the 18th day of January, 1937, at 8:00 o'clock in theevening, Eastern Standard Time, to hear objections, ifany there be, for the vacation of said Chalfonte Avenueas described in this resolution; and

WHEREAS, The Village Council of the Village ofGrosse Pointe Farms deems it advisable to vacate Chal.fonte Avenue lying between Kerby Gardens SubdiVISIonand Kerby Gardens Subdivision No. 1 and extendmgfrom Kerby Road southerly to the southerly line of saIdsubdivisions, as a pubhc highway;

In the Village ofGrosse Pointe Farms

By direction of the Village Council of the Vtllage ofGrosse Pointe Farms, a public meeting will be held mthe Village Hall, Kerby Road, on the 18th day of January,A. D. 1937,at 8:00 o'clock m the evening, Eastern Stand.ard Time, to hear objections, if any there be, to the pro.posed vacatioh of Chalfonte Avenue lying betweenKerby Gardens Subdivision and Kerby Gardens No.1 and extending from Kerby Road southerlyto the southerly line of saId subdivisions, as a publichighway, pursuant to a resolution adopted by the VillageCouncil at a meeting held December 7th, 1936, a truecopy of said resolution being as follows:

Pllblic Meeting

ADOLPH L. DAMMAN,Township Treasurer.

To The Taxpayers of

4% Will Be ielcl.dAfter Jan. 10th to March 1st, a penalty of


Without penalty at Municipal Building,Grosse Pointe Park, 15115East Jefferson Avenue

Mrs Vmtan Earl SIsson, of Wmnetka Ilhnm.s, natlQn~1 ooalrman of thecommlttee on 'Nattonal De fen s efhrough PatrlOhe Education' for theNattonal SOCIety, Daughters of thf'

Mrs. V. E. Sisson toSpeak on "Peace and

Security;' January 15












I '



~~~ ~~~~~_~~~ __ ~ __ ~ ..__ ~ I~_---..'J_ ~ - - -~ --~






C. O. D.'s &Chge. Accts.

large cans

RichelieuRaggety Anne



Peaches orPineapple

3 for 79c

MarketCROSSEPOINTE 19cpkg.

large 17cbot.

2 for 21c

3 pkgs. 25c

doz. 65c

qt. 19c




White Fish


Pot Roast BeefLegO'LambWAFER SLICED



Phone Nt. 5900


I ,


Charlevoix and Lakepointe



Large Bottle Only



DeliveryS ..erVlce










1~36c Coffee lb. 24cROYAL

Gelatine Including Puddings pkg. 5c




FANCY . Fresh WashedBrussel Sprouts 17c -qt. SpinachJUICY FLORIDA

Grapefruit 3 for 17c llb..15cBananas 3 Ibs. 17c

SOc l

Leach Drug Co.

Try Leach


Thur.sday, January 7, 1937------~-,------------_._----------------

Durmg the Chnstmas va-eahon amongotiher speCIal events mdoor track andfield meets were held for the boys atHannan Y M C A

Indoor Track and FieldMeet for Boys at 'Y'


ITU. 2-3333I Prompt, Speedy Delivery Service'"....- ~ ~_o o _

In the JUl1lOr and Preparatory classes Iteam opens the sea~on fue::.ddy nIght 1 of ~pectatorltn, cl.nd Pl0fes:.or at AmerIcan RevolutIon wIll -uJdre!l:. d Iv..llharn 1< Cithn prc:.tdmg A full the chaptel at both the :.tate confer-J Duff was .first 12 pomts R Levltt when they travel to FIsher to play five EducatIon at New York UnIVerSIty large gathenng of -patnotl grolps and dtte 1dan e 15 deSIred as delegates and I ence 111 MeTch and the Centllentalsecond 8~ E Shartel 6 and fourth J matches Dr Joseph E Raycraft Professor of kmdred SOclet es 111 the large ballroom \ alter 1ates Wllt be selected to represent Congress In ApnlGiles 574 pomts Hannan has won the city title for PhYSIcal Educatlon at Prmceton Mr of Hotel Statler Fnday afternoon -- --

Event.. held were 75 yard dash r'Un the past two years headmg the hst of Harold Madison Curatol of the Muse January 15 at two 0 clock 1he meet @J ~~ 1nl11g broad Jump runlllng high Jump all the Y \f C A branches um of Natmal History Cleveland Ing IS practlcal1y open to the puihhc \ j ImedlClle ball throrw chmnmg and bas The wlJowmg men wIll represent OhiO Theodore!\ Harper well known as Fort Ponh.hartra1' Chapter the iN. f Iket shootmg Hannan--<H Asmus J Hagenah P author whose Alltson s Girl was a s>ponsofllg orgolllzatlo 1 I, ~1ar ng I t

------- Merlo M Ste n P Cucchettt H recent chOIce of the Jumor Literary With any groups ll1terested the PflVI 0 tee 0 IFor the Middle and Interme<hate \ G Id M Ed W bb t f hid ,I i<J

Hannan HandballDoehnng H \d:lles and C Asmus UI r gar e reasurer 0 lege of earlng tllS ylam c ,>pt.'~I\.(r I @ I

da"ses D We11tworth was first With the Camp Fire Girls and Lester F There IS no c'harge t le only r"'qmrc19 56 pomts J Speed second wlth Team Plays Fisher Scott Executive Secretary of the na ment bemg that each glO! ') 1ntlfy f2J13 1 3 J Hazard 10 1 3 and fourth F New Camp Fire Manual tlO"lal orgamzatlOl1 I \1rs BasIl L Connelly re~ent of Fort I ~F__Ia_n_ch_e_9 T_he_H_a_n_na_rt_re_p_re_s_e.n_t_at_,v_e_h_a_ndbalJon Display Next Week Pontc'lartrall1 Chapter of the numherj\ ~...,..-.-0 ..- 0 ~ 1fake rour reservat\ons for week enD deslrous of attendl11g so h'lt ddceJl1ate I ~

Camp FIre Glrls dre mVIted to VISIt at Cdmv Wathana at the Camp Fire seatmg accommodatlO b may be J,:re Ithe Camp Fire ofhce 51 West Warren office a,s soon as pos~lb1e Durmg the pared II

avenue ourmg the 'Commg <week to cold weather we have room for only Mrs SIsson s sub]' ct will )e PeaceVIew copIes of the llevv Camp FIre 30 gIrls each. week end and places are and Secunty' The speaker descnbe<, ~

• manual whIch are on dIsplay thIS w~k rapldlv hemg filled The fee for reg herselt asa mlhtal defender but a @IIi Tte new manual 111 Its attractIve red Istered ~amp FIre Girls IS $100 hberal In thought and her natlon-al

I buff and black cover has been rewrttten ..;:- comm ttee work a!> non po lit c ,1 no 1

and adapted to meet the modern girls h sectanan and un preJudIce <:,a....efOl.

jneeds and prdblems A new rank has State 181~Daug ters the we!.. re of the cou ltr) S "been added Tral1 Seeker for the Board Meeting bnngs to tl e office of l1<.lt on 11 cha r Iyounger gtrls and tlhere are many new 1an el~ 1+consecutlVe ie ,f., 0' mten ~tways 111 whIch a gtrl may Wll1 her last Mrs Helen~aker Rowe of Grand and study 111 natlOnal ad n,,( <')If)b i!J

rank, that of torch bearer The seven RapIds state presldent of MichIgan lern'> She v 11 be mtrooucec1 by M.r<;crafts under whIch the hooors are SOCIety Untted States Daughters of Connelly as ref,' 1t of the <;ponsOrll to

bsted mclude home craft, hand craft 1812 wIll preside at a meetmg of the ~rou'P and welcomed to M ch g<tn byhealth craft camp craft nature lore state board of the Society at the Mrs George D SchermerhOll1 ofclt!:z;e11shlp and busmess All of these Women s CIty Club DetrOlt fnday Readmg state D A R reg nt \Irsha\e been rewrItten and the honors In monl1ng January 15 begmnmg at 10 30 James H Ml"Donald of 'I: p~llart nacredsed 111 numbers 0 clock The...,date, place and other tlonal v ce president general for \-1H.h ~

1'IatlOnal <;ale of the book whlch 15 arrangements Will be determmw for the .gan will also be present "\lrs Henry rnJ

1mtended as an aid to parents and edu thIrty eighth llnnual state counCil to Bourne Joy honorary Vl<:e pre"lc1e tcators as well as girls will begm thIS convene In 1.vfarch general IS keenly mterestec1 V[r<;week AdVIce 111 ItS >preparabon was State 1812 officers who wIll attend Robert L Kerr state dIrector of Chuglven by hundreds of parents Camp d f th A R lutlon and111c1udeMl"s Lloyd DeWItt SmIth De Ten a e men can evoFlre leaders and teachers mc1udmg h teA R ffi II etrOlt, "tate vlee ."sldent Mrs Clar at er sta e 0 ('ers 'Voll reprsuch people as Dr J B Nash, autihor t th Th 0 'oh ti,e r reence J.., Chan4tet DetrOIt state chap sen you groups r Uo;>

- lam Mrs Fred W Culver, Sagmaw gent'! member'! OIf 25 D A R chapSUPERIOR BEAUTY SERVICE recording secretary j Mrs Kate R ters, wlthm drtvmg distance olf DetrOIt

Machtneless Permanent Wave, $1000 I M h b t al nKIefer Detrfitt correspondmg secre not on y 111 lC 19an u so 1Shampoo and Fmgerwave SOc 'liE- h b dAll Branches of Beauty SerVice tary Mrs Curbs T Wolford Grand nelghbormg states ave eeo 1l1Vlte


Ra d t M H b t A The meetmg has taken on the aspectKORTE BEAUTY SHOPPE pI s, reasurer rs en er of a reglonal conference Nor have

Thompson lVetrolt, regIstrar MISS14940 Mack at Wayburn NI. 7178 Myrtle E Babcock DetrOIt hlstOrtan the l11VltatlOns been confined to n A

Mrs Charles H Mooney Detr01t flag R chapters A large number of nter

FRESH MEATS POULTRY d SEA FOODIcusto<han Past state preSIdents Mrs ested groups have alre.dy made "atlng

,an Gordon W Kll1gsbury and Mrs Lynn reservatIOns It 1<; expected thdt ItT Miller wIll Jtlso !be present Wilt be necessar~ to add an adJoll1 ng

Followlnglthe board meetmg. the room to take 'Care of 11 e- ovrrflowstate 1812 offi'Cers wIll attend the lunch dudlence ieon at Hotel Statler given by Fort Precedll1g Mrs Sisson'! address MrsPontchartram Chatper, D A R 111 Phoebe Heliel soprano and 1y[rshonor oS Mrs Vmton Earl SIsson of Helen Harrison -contralto both of the ;Wmnetka 111, and wlll attend Mrs Madngal Club Will smg duets accomSl.swn's ad-dress on Peace and Se pa11led by Mrs T L Da lleldso 1 atC1.trIty In the Statler ballroom that the plano Mrs Mabel Wreggets Ed @!afternoon wards WIll give a readmg enhtled My @!

Country TIS 'Mrs Sisson WIll be the honor gue~t

of Fort Pontchartram Chapter at alun-oheon at 12 10 0 clock at HotelStatler Members and others who arenot guests may make suibscnptton reservahons for the lunc'heon

The regular }anluary meetmg ofFort pontchartrartt Chapter "WIllbe heldat the Statler at 10 30 0 d-ock thatmOr11ll1g' WIth first VIce regent Mrs



DavId Wl'1l'iklor "You may say, 'f have n,oth'!2ilito sav'" 'l ..,.,..pI



""".,.1-1 SWEE1YI<qMANCf!i 1/..~(~


-By Ro-


A I'l to W COlli, I


- Iy Ray I. Hoppman


-By ArtHelfan,t



Jl\ND ERE LoN6 -- ,\-I'EI2Er. WAS' SUSPEND1;:D

JBl5tTWEEN I-\EI\YEN Jl\NDEI'<12ll-\ -- TILL Do01'l\'5DI'.'iPERI-\JI\PS I W\-\o KNOWS?


IN M'i STUPIO I-\~TE. 1:1-1"'0 Fo£60TTEN To "'D~J\..l'=1Tll-\E 6"'S-YAL'J E ~




-""~;c"~g~~~~E~~~g- 1: CUT LOOSE' \I-\'E MOoR-'" IN65 Jl\ND Jl\SCE'NDt;':DE £"'-';:>IDL'i -- IN \\-IE NIC\<

-r 01" TIMe:.











--, .~OllfY AND


wl"f"Hl'LENTY OJ'-

MONEY1"1'.01'\ 'rl-\E IR




I "j







Page bve=~=~-:--


Explamb the marvelous Willard Treatment wh ch s br ng ng al'1azmg re cfSold on 15 day, mal !LEACH DRUG co.

The L S Ihaster ClockThe Umteu States master clock

regulator of all Amencan titrests In a room whose temperatunever vanes more tl:'an ore h1..dr~dth of a degree III a year

Mac!' at Notbngham

A True Story

Da 1y average sales of flUid mIlk 111

\Tovember decreased 273 per cent fromOctober accord ng to the monthly report from 133 leadl11g markets to t leMllk Industry Foundation

November da ly average sales totaled6217463 quarts compared '\\Tlth 6392141lUarts 111October

Employment In reportmg milk com Grosse pomte Agentpame" was off 6 per cent from Oc ChaTrleUvo\~,a.ndZ.L3ak3e3pe3mtetob"'r dnd payrolls \\-ere down 57 pel I '!~-~

-------------------------, \

~ \ / S".~'~~M~~~.~ ..~


Monthly Milk SalesReport for November

The ReView IS the only adverbslngmedium haVing complete coverage mthe Grosge POinte dIstrict

In ms lectur"s and 11 a book Petm 11 from Bo! enlla soon to be pubhshed Wood d scusses hIS 2'0 yearexpenment In adjust ng h1mself to h1Sown environment He talks In a clearoutspoken manner about the creatlOnand apprCclatlO I of art-a subJect longcluttered up by wbstruse and hystencalcomn f'l1t

\1r VI/ooc 15 now workllg on a tenve$r prOject under Wh1Ch he and hiS<;tndent<; at the State Un1versIty ofIowa at Io\\a C ty w111decorate wltihlrue fresco a dranatlc school JustbUl t at the 1.1I11Versity

T ckets for Grant Wood.!> lectt re areavaIlable at Gnnnell sand lI,londayTuecday and 'Wednesday beforc thelecture at the [' sher Theater Thepnces are $16J $110 and 83 cents 11clucbn~ tax


Grosse Pointe Library

comll,'Kantor - ~rouse and Beware A

!>tory of the strange Journey made bylIght of three compamons a westernsoldier a young New J erseyman anda woman nQrtl't,."frQtn the battle hnesaround Richmond In 1864

W11son - Tbf:$e Wheel1l1lg ThroughAfrica A fir~t hand account of the

Hull-iC).ndle Indoors The pa'itdecade fotms the ibadkground for thiSnovel de~lcttng) the dev~ pment ofArnold ep,dton ~nd hLS ldren forwhom at. ~he1r mothers d 1 he feelsa person~l responslblht-y t~e firsttime _

vVIll ams-The QUIet Lodger of Irvlug Place An mformal portra1t of 0Henry durmg the years he hved In

New YOI"lt, from 1902 untll h1s detth1111910 hy a dose fnend and canfidant

Purvls-A.mencan Agent These expenences of a £amous G man give aninside p1cture of the activIties andduties of the Federal Bureau of Investlgahon

Llef---.Brandels The hfe and careerof the ~uprem~ Court Jushce outstandmg defender of hberal 1deas

Maxlm-tA Ge:mus 111 the ramtlyThe home hfe p.f the noted mventorreveals hIm dS an extraordmary manu11comenhQnalr bnlllant crot.chety 1.nd


Grosse Pointe LutheranChurch

IE The fe.!>tval of the Ep1phany (the~Icoming of the Wise Men from the] a<;t) will be observed at the GrossePomte Lutheran Church worsh1pmg 10the aud1torlUlr of the Richard SchoolKepche\at dvcnue alid VfcKlllley roadSunday January 10 m charge of theRe\ 1\1 ruther Canup D D pastor

The Holy Commumol1 w111be admll1ctered the preparatory serVIce commencll1g at 11 a cl0Ck

The first annual congregatl0nalffil meetmg Vvll1 be held at the dose of

know howev~r why VISitors c.hose to Ithe serVice when reports of the past adventures and experiences of t\ 0 I New Basketball League cent Part of tl e Id.rger pa 1 11spend $,3J1500003"O'hefle 111 the past Ve1.1 wilt be read officers elected ald YOllg Amercans who made at\.cxtra 'y' crea c ar.!>e<;fro1I comparllg a 11 c1,ear All MIchigan people should the geneldl DU,>ll1eSSof the t--a.nsh co 1 ord1l1ary Journey of 3,grJOm lc.!>by mot to Open at Hannan ](' tll \ th (...30 L:l.\ 11 I tl Ie dkno\\ then stace atld should tell of dueteJ L c}ck d.CIO<,<,Afr Cd flam I d.go~ 1\1 10 tl C 1 11dat 0 r 111tler tl c Ih I d ffi th I It t tl I, d Sea \ ICW b l.!>h.etball lea.gue 101 mL I ddt"1 I 0 (e 0 It ()"t e , LCt elf price an rea rm oya Y 1 hl5 \ull mark the firs.t d.ll11VCISd,lYger a a le \.e I" , e

T) t t h th I Id ~~- [he II lel \11% leape opel!> dt mll)1 (Ileto 1 tll 1 elll1S con es as e approva a 1 (f the )rgun1zailOn of the co 19r1gauDport)j Dr Eugene B Elhott state ton Gr~nt Wood. to Sneak lItllti ): \1 C '\ lue::.d,n e'v<>ll1~ nll ( 11'11\ U 11 1 (' t j

d f bl t t "i'"" \ (' fort\ pIa Cl \\111 )Id.\ even I e'\.t("ntU1)en lten (;,l1t0 pu IC 111Sruc l.On The 110110t roll 111 connect 01 W th at Town Hall Ja.n. 13 11& It 1 1 ~ ...a.,c...c 1~ 1..1 lue 1 tl at I U

The Contest Rules lhe ll1embelshlp ldmp41gn Ii1 oS 1uday player knows \\hdt t m he 1::'011 ul1t I -------1-Wl1te not to exceed 500 words 111 'SClool Vvas pasted last Sunday Tlose Grant \\ood famous IOI\\a artlst Wll] chosen Just as he plays It he IS on d I

\\ hat Mlch gan Means to Me Your reeelVlllN a gol..l cross for havmg h h t f I1.5).d. <;peak on Reg onal Art at t e Detro t I '" l11111g t"'am e gets two pom <; 1 all

eS~dY ma) be on resources glOl10US brought new schp ars between October Town Hall 111 the F sher T1heater Wed a lO'illg team he gets only 0 e Athlcton ~cel1ery-On whatever rea:.on 1 ai'" Decen"'~. 31 -"ere ",rglllla 13 II h f 1) th fi

<,.i 1"""" .. v ne:.dav mOl'Olng January at t e end 0 t 1e eague e ve me 1or th n~:. makes you 'Proud of your ] uchth al~~ Gerp.1dl11e Barber 788 St 0 clock \ ho have the most po I ts Will be g "e 1

ate ClaIr d"f11ue) :Barbara Beranek 807 bolel ba<;ketballs 1 h s league s ope 1

2-The contest lS d v ded mtD fOelr Rivard b~u1evaro GlOria. Sh1,I;ley ail.ct Sll1ce Grant \Vood S p1ctures of I ural to a ly membcl regarclle<;s of playm...,clasce!> (a) }< 1rst class to 1l1c1ude Beverley ....13urkall 8S Oa~ street Carat Iowa 'Ocene;; a d characters became the ab1l ty Thus the best players a!> wLilgrade~ 4 5 and 6 (b) second class to and t\h~Corey 208 Kenwood Court ensat on of the Ch1cago Century of as the one<; at 'iO good h¥l.\e an opnc1ude grade~ 7 8 and 9 (c) thlrd Orrin F<~J.ey 213 \1oran road Ross Progress Art Exhlbltlon many ot hiS portl mty to .,.\ill al a"",ani as the league

cla~s to mc1udes grades 10 11 and 12 H(,rroll 20Z \:l:oran rQad RaymonD a ld ub]ects notably Amencan Goth c I carne" all for twelve weeks(d) fourth class to Include students at \far~aret Jacobs 763 Ul1lverslty Place Ddughte1s ot RevolutIOn and HerbcollegE'S and ul11Versities Suzan 1C Kamm 714 Lmcoln road crt Hoo\ er s Birthplace have become

EntrIes should be addressed to l-ienr) Rqesch 222 \1oran road Rob famlllar to tiSE~say Comm1ttee ert and Burton Schne1der 842 U1l1ver I eader cf the new regIOnal schoolDetrOit and MIch1gan Ex,posltlon <;It) Place I '\menca'1. a~t Grant Wood has1601 Stroh Bt1l1dmg' Another membership contest begal~ broken a lot of musty traditions HeDE'tro1t Michigan last Sunaay and w111 'Contmue duntl In es th<. same tech11lque when lectur

Entne::, must be 111the office before E t c: nCLav A"h.o an atten ance9 7 dC er ....u b hIt 11 g Behmd hiS present work IS a re

noon of \1ar.cb 1 1 3 contdt and memory contest ot as volt aga1lst abstract pamtmg and a4 In preparing your manusoGnpt tIl ha<;ter Ing un d II bel ef thclt an art st shou d pamt out

use mk or typewr1ter and wnte on only You and your family are cor la y of the land and the people he knowsone Side Of the paper At the top of united to make our church your church bestthe first page write your name age, home 1£YQUhave no church assoc1at ongrade school and address as We teach and preach Jesus Chnst-

(Sal'nple)-Pf'llbert Ruyter 16 11th cmclfiedgrade Tankvllle High School, TankvI11e Mlch1gan

5~wards 'WIll be made on ongmal-lty sub)ect matter neatness and formAll entne<; become the property of theDe1.r01t and MlOhtgan Ex.posltlon

6-If you need matena1 other thanthat m libraries ava1lable to you 1t 15<'ugge<;ted that hterature Issued 'by thefour tourlst asso'C1abons of M lehlg'an

rn1 ma) be help{ul These are East M1chIgan Toun<;t ASSOCiatIOn Bay CIty,M1'Ch1gan West M1chlgan Tounst artdRe~ort Assoclatwn Grand Rap1dsMlohlgan Upper Penmsula Develop-ment Bureau Marq'Uett~ M1ch,ganand Southeastern M Iohlgan Tounstand PublICIty AssoclatlOn DetrOl~,~1'ich gan or your nearest Board ofCommerce


Values from $1.25FOR

70c3 pa~i[s$1.95

Odd Lots in I




January, y;


rI ",,, '!:! :n-.Y'"


I Th~hJ al1uary 7"1~37 ...

Students Are Given I el)ts Awards wdflndude 111 eadh class$25 for nrst $10 "'"s~cQnd $S thIrd and

Splendid Opportunity five awards of $2 and 25 season ticketsIn Essay Contest to the DetrOit and MIChigan EXilosl-

__ tlOn A.pnl 2 11The help of MIchIgan s schools wa::. j Fntne must not e......cecd SODwords

sought toddy 111a campaI,gn to spreacl1l1 lu '6't1 d ld must be 11the expOSItionfurthel the state 5 fame ofuce'> before \f<1.r-ch 1 It 'Was au

nouncedThe DetrOit and M1chlgan EXiPOslt1onannounced $200 would be awarded for All >Of us know that 1vIlchlgan IS atessays 011 What MichIgan i\!feans to th< a~ a vacatIOn and tounst ,StateMe The contest WIll be open to I <:.ald ] Lee Bartett e¥ecut!ve vIcestudents In four grade c1asslfi:catlOllS pre ldent of the Detrott Conventionstartmg at the fourth grade and. ef( and Tour st Buteau 'Wh~oh 1S sponsortendmg to college and umvers1;f,:¥-stud I l11g the expO's tion \Ve do 1at ~11

at 17045 Kercheval near St. Clair


OF DETROIT.... "'w ")I"~"'J ~ ....,

1> V ~ "'" 'J. :; ...." ",r:.. 'j' ..

Safe DePQ~itPp~~sal:~- ~ \~

now atail~ble~at ~our1. .~ ...'" ~ r'" f i ; ~ 1.

Jeffersbn ..Philip Offi~e~ n













largepkg •.


pkgs orjars

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doz.2ScCalifornia Seedless, Large SIze

Navels. Chock full of richhealthful juice





I32-ShceSandWIch loaf


6 Fruit Flavors

G"ld Medal, Pdlsburyor Henk~ls

Fresh Creamery, from thenation's finest daIry lands, tub




Ib 19cAll Fancy Grade-Cut from

famous Kentllcky "ShropshIre"Lambs

Leg of Lamb










UPTOWN OFFICEQenerlll Motors Budding



MAIN OFFICEWoodward Jt~Ca.dtllac Square




new safekeeping {acUities provided by,

the Safe Deposit Company of Detroit,~ £ ~ .... ;

capital !tock of which is owned~

the National Bank ofc

You are-invited to make use of these1\


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Transformed dUf>ing t;e l~t tnnemonth" Irom a barren ~14-to 01te ofthe natton s leadmg e~erJment~.1 bard-nurSerIes the proJeA:t h~ &~sse<1 inmany ways the exp-ectat.l~ cd: of-fiCIal. who planned It !fP~, M<m:ellaSSIstant chIef Umted st~'teS f<>resterState l<orester Marcus I' Cehaa[, ",,~n(

Chairman W H Lou;,t ~4,tll\' ~~I',~r.vat10iIl commISSIOn are at11o;pg~t1heman}yeadmg conserva.hon aJLJthu' whohave p"used the de"el"prn~t _rk (>\the CGC boys

The nursery thIS fall has srhii!P.eil308000 black cherry, sU"lac, h"x elll.,.,soft maple whIte ash itnd 1'00. oSlerdogwooo .eedhng. for pl:anbng m wIl<1.hfe areas In the LQw'et' ::PeninsUla toprOVide future game food ~ndcover

J CIn preparrutlQn fOT the qomJ)'J'gse'l:son

.nr" hav. ..eded ~~'bAl1s oimoun.1:am ash 56 beds of $tir~ wplle,.22 beds "I hemlook 70 !bed. of te<l .1.derberrY,24 bed. of wdd Jeslllt~ 15 tbeds of COO1monelderberry .j "

~ ~Fined for Red' Sll1\ll "l

When the assembly met J.l'l Atl1llns ~In classIC GrecIan days 'l'l4tY.ywas expecte<1 to be P}~ll~t 'Mdloungers were swept Ollt of ;th~~g(1s..SIPlng market place bl:"" fQW,;j1iiIUdrenche<1 In vermilloli A, stlilllil »1red f10m the rope on a ~an"s clQ)kmeant a fine (f,-.- A

l L j

pa.rtment of Conservablabor from Camp Wolvremarkalble results 1. ~tsoperatIon






Grosse Po.nte'. Most Popular Dance StudioPnvate and Class Lessons In All Types of D~

Elaine Marie ArndtStudio



Member of D-alu::lng Masters of Amenca, Chicago AunMasters and Dancmg Masten of M1Chtl8.J\



I) t




Overdrafts secured and unsecuredBankmg HouseOth-er Real EstateAccrued Interest, recenable (net)



COMMERCIAL DEPOSITSCommercIal Depo"Its Subject to CheckCertified OhecksCashIer's ChecksPublic Funds-]\.p a~sets pledged

Common Stot:1k pald InSurplus FundundIVIded Profits, net.Reserve for Contmgencles


1vIunIclpal Bonds In ofhceU S Government Obligation') Dlrect and

Full) Guarantt:,"cd 1ll OfhceOther Bonds and SeC''urttH's m office




Due from Banks 111 Reserve CIt!OO and Cd'lhOn Hand 59894334

~"3;llj'8)~30, '

STATE OF MICHlGAN COUNTY OF W,\YNE-ss I i!'f~~I Vv llham R DeBae-ke Cashler of tl1e above named b~j}kfl~~~:plemnlY

swear that the above <;tatement IS true to the best of my kno 'I1;''6tl. be.hefand correctly repre~ents the true state of the several matter& ~ e.,l:\J ~ta1QedJas shown by the books of th" bd.nk I ~ \


TotalAccrued Interest and EXlpense payable (net)

SAVINGS DEPOSITSBook Accounts-Subject to Savmgs By Laws

SubscrIbed and sworn to before methIS 6th day "f Janua,.y 1937


My commlsSlOn eJqlJres March 22~ 1937

RML ESTATE 1lORTGAGFSMortgages In Office


Secured by collateralUnsecured (mcludmg endorsed



The hardwood state nursery, a co..-OPerattve project developed by MIcll1•gan Emergency ConsetvatIon Workunder the sponsorsh1lp of the StMe De.

Hardwood NurseryShows Fine Results

",ext Sunday mornmg the SundaySchool under \lfr H H MoNeIll Ourschool IS grow1l1g tremendo'Usly mevery way

At 11 \.,e WIll have our communIonservtees

At 6 15 the youth groups W111meetAt 7 30 p m the pastor wl11 speak on

The Easy Mark There WIll !be goodsmgmg and the chOIr W11l brIng us<;pec1al mu~tcal numbers Y6u are mvlted to come and brmg your frIends

Eastminster Presby.terian Church

Dunng t!he last week of thIS presentmonth (January 24 to 31) Meo;s1ahcOllgregdt 0'1 \\ 111 'Celebrate lt~ <;llverJubIlee ItS orgaI11zatton haV1ng takenplace ::>nTanuary 28 1912

1pastor 1434 Lake'W'ood avenue Tele-phone Lenox 2121

In the servIce on the 'COlUmg SundayJanuary 10 the Eplphany FestIval wlllbe observed The serVIce Will takepla-ce a1: 11 15 a m whIle the SundayC'chool WIll be In seSSlon lirom 10 to11 0 clod..

Christian ScienceChurches

After Holiday Meals

Radnor at Mack avenue The LittleWhIte Church Around the Corner"F E Stern pastor 4425 Radnor avenueTelephone NIagara 3023

Sunday school at 9 30 a m and 12noon

Dlvme serVIces at 10 4S a mSunddy sd'iool teachers and officers

-neet 'at the parsonag'C Fnday evemngat 8 odock

The children s confirmatIon classmeets Wednesday from 4 to 5 p mand Saturdays from 9 30 to 11 30 a m

The annual b-usmess meetmg of MtOltve congregation wtll take place onTuesday January 12 at 8 p m

If you haven t any -church conne<:hons make the LIttle WhIte Ohun-:h'\ our church home A cordIal uWltatlon15 extended

Messiah LutheranChurch

Jefferson AvenueBaptist Church

Mt. Olive LutheranChurch

13337 Fast Jefferson avenue at Lakeview Rev Wayland Zwayer, nllUlsterReSIdence 239 North Lakewood ave

Sunday SerVIces9 45 a m Church school11 a m sermon The Overflow'11 a m nursery second seSsIon

church school6 15 p m young people s orgamza

hons7 30 p In sermon Freedom or Se


Sacrament Wll1 be the subject ofthe Lesson Sermon In all Oh'I'IShanSCIence churches throughout the worldon Sunday January 10

Among the Btble Cltattons IS thefoHowmg (Luke 22 42) , Fath<or Ifthou be Willing remove thIS cup fromrre nevertheless not my WIll but thlllebe done'

Correlatlve passages to be read iromthe ChrIstIan SCience textbOOlk, 'SClence and Health WIth Key to the ScrIPtures Ibv Mary Baker Eddy, mcludethe followmg (p 33) 'When thehuman element m him \Struggled WIththe <hvme our great Teacher said"\f ot my Will but Thme be done I "

Snowhalls IMash left over sweet potatoe-s, add

two tablt.s-poons mIlk for each potato,add brown sugar If needed (candledsweet potatoes contain enough s.weetnel:ls) and chopped almonds Roll mtobans Place on buttered bakmg trayor dlSh Place a marshmallow on thetop of edch potato roll Bake III amoderate oven until marshmallow 1Smeel) toasted Serve WIth spIced ptneapple

I ~outheast cor~ Kercheval andLakewood avenues A H A Loeber,

At least two features of the holidayI fl<;tlVltH's are good for reappearancesI dunng the V\eek that follows the

turke\ or ham and cakes There maybe vegetable 1eft0\ ers too - posslblymashed !potatoes candied sweet pota.toes<;mdll blts (lIf broccohp nach cauhflowu

etc and nearly al\ ay'l celery 'ltalk<i Chee'lL and. nutsThe turkey and ham Will no doubtfir"t appear 111 cold shce<; But thepO<;<;lblhtles after that can also bemade ll1tere~t1l1~

Escalloped potatoes and Ham2 cups deed or <:hsed potatoes1 cup of chopped hamPlace 111 a buttered bakmg dish

<;pnnkle wlth one tables!?,oon flour anddots of butter Add one cup ()Ifwarmed mlJk Bake 111 a slow ovenuntil potatoes are tender Serve Withmmted apple&

Turkey RlzettoSte¥. bones m water to make about

one quart of broth In a large skilletcook a mllleed onIon fDr a few mmutes1ll bu,iter Add broth and left overturkey gravy and when hqUld bodsup rapIdly spnnkle tn slowly threequarters cup of nee Cover skIllet''lmmer nee for 25 mlllutes ShakeskIllet from time to time to keep from<;tc10ng and Durnmg After nee gramsare fully cooked add small pIe'Ces ofturkey----<a cupful 'Or more and salt totaste and stir In finely chopped dre<istng and par<>lev Turn on a hot platter and t>pnnh.le WIth grated cheese

Left 0'1; er vegetaibles such as braccoh carrots. and cauhflower can becreamed or broccoli makes .a dehclOm'>oup Chop broccoli very fine (aboutone cup) A.dd one quart of hot mllkmto v.hlch butter and seasonmg havebeen added Heat and serve m a sO'UPpI tte on dry toast ChIpS

1\ uts and celery left overs added tomealy apples make a salad that addstastmess to any meal I

FrUIt cakes sInce they can be keptfor a long penod cannot be claSSIfied Ias left overs Other cakes and cooklesdry out Cake crumbs added to Floatng Island or Jello puddmgs are dIf Iferent















3 pkgs










FREE DEL~VERY11037 Kercheval AvePhone/> NI 6500 6501.





Cheese 2 ~k;:,33c(E",cept SWJ$S and Old Engtu;h)


Doughnuts do. 10c


A • qlmmonla bol



JELLIES :... 10c


THE GROSSE P0TNTE REVIEW--~;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;:----------------------- --,,--;;;;;;~;;;.;;;-









bar Sc


15229 Kercheval Avenue344 RIvard Blvd

17215Mack Avenue




~~x 24c











Fresh Scallops and LobsterMeat

Oysters, 2Scpt.





Chuck Roast



Fillet of Haddock lb. 17c


Leg 0' Lamb


RIB ROAST!!!!iI1IIlI1!lllll1iIIII1llli1iilil&1llIII1II-IIIIIIIIII!IIllIIIIIIIIIlII!lSmll1llillllllllllillll!l._




Radishes 3 bun 10c







Sc ONIONS 3 lb. Sc



4 lb. 2Sc





lii.V7 Mack Avenue

15222 E Jefferson Ave

£ 1






Cabbage 3 lb. 10c

Fancy, Box, Wmes.ap or Rome Beauty

Appfes 4 lb. 2Sc




G,reen Peas


White Soap



Super SudsGIANT PKG 17c


JUICE • 3 ~ns2






Soap Chips


CATSUP 2 for 2Sc



Let your mckles and dime,buy bIg vailles at yourKroger store sale of well-known foods-priced to fi~your pocketbook








Page SixI








