* *pointe* : i - local history...

'$2.00 A YEAR WILL BRING t THE i"APER EVERY WEEK BY MAIL •. _------------- ... $2.88 A YEAR WILL BRING THE PAPER EVERY WEEK. BY MAIL VOL NO 6-No 24 GROSSE POINT!::, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY MAY 20 !932 By Ma,! $200 per year, Smgle CopIes S Cent~ Hibbard and Johnson Recommended for ~ School Board by T~x Payers Association 'I' f :I Pupils of Gabriel Richard School Stage Spring Operetta * * * GROSSE POINTE SOCIETY Cadieux Teachers Bolt Ktlls 1,500 Birds Two birds WIth one stone Is excep tIOnal but one bolt of l1ghtnm~ at Clarendon Va killed 1500 of them The buds sparrows were perched on an electrIc hght WIre when the ltght mng struck it Mr and Mr. Peter Sfat Wish to express their hearty thanks to the teachers of Cadieux school Eor the way In which they have trained their son Mll"cea In the fundamen- tals of education, Since landergar- ten days Special thanks to Mrs Ruth Brogan, hiS Sixth grade teacher, who tlreles.ly c:oached hIm Eor the t'ecent metropolttan lpelhnl' con- test in which he was elimInated. till after the sub.btuboD. of the unstud- Ied IUft l Gladiolus Society To Meet in Battle Creek The Mocholgan State Glachollus So~ CIety w1>~l hold Its anr11JUal meel;oll111g and show August 17 and 18 1n the Sam.- tarmm Umon BU1ld~nrg Baottle Creek Mlc'll1gan accordllng to an aIlJnoun-ce- ment of Paul Krone of East Lansmg Se-eretary of the sO'C1ety All growers of thl1s pOlpular flower wl111find the bmLdm~ especlaolly well adapted for 'the stagIng' of the s'how and the 'Pf1ze sch,edJule very atrtract'lVe to all growers lI1Cll1dax'lgthose In the aWMettr classes as well as the expert enced exh1bltor Merton W Wentworth of Battle Creek has been appomted local marn ager and the B<l!ttle Creek Ohamber of Commen.e aSSl1res all v sHors a wekome and wl11 a~\S!l!lt III affordmg them an opportunity Ito VISIt ~he many mteresltmg attractions m and a.lbout Battle Creek By \>arado,. Dee J\ Slprtl1g operetta Itll1:1ed Aunt Dru The following letter \\as receIved thIS week from :c H L1l1dow, Secretary of the Grosse Pomte Mrs Charles H Marden of Bea S'll1as Garden' Will be presel11l1:ed!by cons field avenue and 7I,1rs Gerald h 1 f h Gb 1R h d [axpayers A..:,soclatlOn t e pUp1 sot e a fie 1.'C ar Chamberhn of Westchester road are h' h h 1 ell To the I chtor of the Grosse Pomte ReVIew sc COl m te sc 00 au tJOI1I<umon i'> tourmg m the Fast They plan an ex M 26 d th ~. t f El Dear SIr _ ay un er e >UlJ,rec Ion QI Iza tended stay III W-ashmgton Atlantic beth DeXiter For several yC1fS the people of thls commumty have been 'VI aging' an uphIll battle to stem a C1.ty rand New York before sOjorurnmg Among the prmcltpa-l charaoters are rIsmg tide of extravagance In the development dud management of our ')chool system The per III Boston vrargare t Jensen Wml1red Ingersoll slstent attitude of the School Board III response- to the repeated pleas for economy by the people of •• a GenevIeve Adams R 01> e rl Hurs~ thIS dI~tn("t expressed at Board meetmgs mass l11eetmgs and at the polls could not be termed mdlf- MISS Dorothy Damerow, of Maumee Charle5 Gedge R1dhard M>l1le'I' Ann [ b h d fi road, entertained as her house guest M l1s and John Bachmarn erence ut rat er open e ance last week end, MIllS Dorothy EmerIch, "\Iso Homer B~gelow GeoI1ge Caul It contmued to a pomt where they sought to put through a program of some $3 (X)() 000 for the of Elmira, N Y MiSS Emeru:h and k ns Arthur DaVies W11ham ChrtS'tle proposed purchase of addItIOnal real estate tea~ing down costly new re"'ldences and the erectlOn of MISS Damerow are elan mates at the Damel Cronm Fred Ge1'ow James addItIOnal school hU1ldmg'5 V\ hen those eXIstmg Vi- el e httle more than half filled Untverslty of Michigan HarriS Warren HeItman Edsel L<lJugh 4 DUring th,S penon the C,V,C News whlch we regard a' the unoffic,a! mouthpiece of the School 1m George Lewel1don, Charles Mar- Board h1.s champwned practIcally every extravagant proposal Its columns have SIdestepped facts Mrs WIlham T Walker and her sack George Roberts, MarIan Sco'tt It d I d f h bl B d son \J\hll1am T Walker Jr of Mern ClindBernhard Stroh gIven mcomp e e '1n mls ea mg reports 0 t e Pl\ Ie protests at oar meetmgs and 111 vanous ways we<lIther road Grosse POlnite Farms re SpeCIal Number by the Krndergarten by rIdICule and mnuendo ca"t reflectIOn upon the efforts of an mtellIgent and sober-mmded pubhc to turned home last week from CaMor orchesltra urder the d~rectwn of LOIS control and curb Its School BOard ffi J ma where they spent the Wmrter eanne \Vh~tehead "rhen method., and then '1rguments were thoroughly dlscrC(ltted a year ago when Walter S III ** A fireman s drIll Will 'be presented on Conely supported by the Gro"se Pomte faxpayers A%OClatlOn overwhelmmgl) defeated PreSIdent Henry E Calder of Lakeland avenue, the program by Compton Beaumont Suttu Grosse POInte Vtllage, and hiS son, J WIlham Elwoflthy LoUls Farr, Thomas \Vhen ,vrr Conelv assumed hIS dutIes he tound hI" path wa __ to be far from rosy The re Boyer Candler of Burns avenue sailed Hecker Jack Haruka Curtls Keegan f I fh Wednesday on the S S Bremen to Frank Mumford Newton PeaJbody res l1ng part 0 "activIties, however IS that he ha' remamed faithful to h,s trust and while cntl- spend a month In England Franokhn SlaVik and Harold Knoll cI"ed for hIS economIc demand& by the CIVIC News and repeatedly outvoted by hIS colleagues he ** * Flowers 1n the garden Will be pre Lont111ucS to stnve for a common sense and effiCIent admmbtratlOn elurmg these troublous times M1ss Ell1zabeth Staley daughter of sented by Gayle Heron Faye JaJCo'b~ "HE MUST HAVE SUPPORT. The costly three Tumor High School program merelv hes dor Mf' John W Staley of Harva"d aon Margaret Laner Sh,rley Sovern mant untIl after the electIOn If the present Board or thelr SUppOl ters are returned to power that road Grosse Pomte Park 15 gllvmg' a Jean Preble MarCIa Nettll!Lg' Rose amd II f h I house party at theIr farm at 'le.amora VlrglUla CataloneJtte and Eleanor progl am Vv I nse agam to con ront t e taxpayer at t 1e verv first opportunIty J.V ", over the week end, w1th Mr and Mrs Gerow 'The onl) way we can make effectIve the deSIre of the people Ben1amm Nolan as chaperones In charge of the stagmg of the oper for lower taxeb and greater effiCIency IS by electmg the proper men etta are Scenery, MISS Ja11JeltAdams 'Ac.cor,Q'hi*'" ,,_e .g!ad4e. bllepl'0rt the candidaCies Qf J L Mro. Ri.hard H Macauley of Clo- and MiSS Katherine fu,l>."da, Cos H bb d f verJy road, Grosse POinte Farms, has fumes Mrs Nma OldJham Mn La , ar 0 Grosse Pamte Park, and Stanley G Johnson, of Grosse gone East and anticIpates being away ClUe Wa1cutt MISS Vlrglntla Ward and Pomte VIllage as Schoo! 1 rustees at the elechon to be held on the until the Fall She mil spend much of Mra '.1:aflan BaIrd LIbretto M1S. 13th of June next her tIMe In New York and Syracuse. Clara Blank and M1SS Ma:ry Green Mr H,hbard IS already well known to the electorate He was 'h"ld, Danees and D",l1s MISS Gar '1 candIdate three yea"s ago and lo~t bv a narro\\ margm A gradu MISS Blanche Rothsc~l!d and her net Foster and MISS AlIce Roberts brother S K Rothschild returned last Stage \:fanagers Rdbcrt L ttle and ate of both the hterary and la" departments of the Umverslty of week to thelr home on BeMord road George Kamm MIchIgan an aHorne) by professlOll and WIth a WIde practIcal Gro~se Pomte Park after a several The orchestra personnel mclUJdes 0 busmess experIence he has worked con::>Istently for lower taxes and weeks ViSIt m Atlant1c CIty Lmcoln Igou director, June ColLmgs more effiCIently managed schools •• * accompaUlst and Eleanore JaJl1SSQltl 'Mr JohnbOn IS an officer of the BUlkhardt Cotnpany of De- Mr and Mra MerIon E Farr, who Irene Cnchton Joffre Cote, Joyce are the guests of their son"ln~law and Taylor James Park Paul Boesern, trolt Commg to that company b, request !7 years ago to check J k h d 1 daughter, Mr and Mrs George Sloane ac R1tC ile an A lVla Secord mto then costs and operatmg methods he became eventually theIr of Cloverly road, Grosse POInte Farms, Actmg as ushefls WIll be PnslCllLla treasurer and general manager Will sail on the S S Bremen, May 21, Heath Rosemary Lappan Mary Me "Both of these candIdates vere strong supporters of Mr Ion a European tour They are taking I Donald, Heaftnc-e MOrf<ISOn" Barlbat'a. Conely WhIle they na, e been actIve 111 the study of school affaIrs I theIr car WIth them and WIll motor Stewart DorIS WIllIams, anod Ma.delme d h d f I f through Germany Austria and Hun~ SmIth an 111teen ea' ors 0 t le voters or the pa~t several years to cor- gary' The c'horus personnel consiists of 'teet our troubles and lower taxes they do not seek office FrIends **• Su~an Adams MarJone Balley LurcIlle and supporters, however l11"lstmg that they were famIlIar WIth Mrs BenJamm F TobIn, who has Barnes, Constance Belhr J Ma.xn11leB'UT 4 condItIons and could be trusted to rooperate WIth Mr Conely finally been sOJournmg at het' WInter home neill, Helen Barnes, Margarert Brucker prevaIled upon them to run In M1am1> Fila for the past season IS Nancy Chapman Joan Campbell Pa expected to return to DetrOIt the end tnCld Ca1'1penifer Lorflame Cadwell Su They took a promment part 111 defeatmg the proposed bond of May to open her GroS6e Pomte zanne Cook Thelma Elrworthy MarIan Issue fOI a Three Jumor HIgh St.-hool program two years ago home Rosecroft on Lakeland avenue Edgar Dorothy Edwards Ele~nor Ed That saved the commumty many hundred thousand dollars - wards Grace Goers Pf'Ism~Ia Hea.th That campalg11 dIscloE.ed also that \\henever the Board dId erect Mr and Mrs Clark W Bishop, of Jean Ja'Ckson Jean Jenml1gs, Nancy h I I U n,verollv place h I ft f E t J-ennlllgs Dorothy Keller Ellz:a'beth a sc 00 t 1ey spent mclflY thou:,ancis more than Dctr01t was paymg ,I' Ave e or as on, K d1 I:d M h M M 11 Pa, where they WIll be the guests of ey e na unsc ary J ex at the sf-me tIme for 'ichools more attractive more completely Mr Clark's Sister, Mrs Albert H Gd .. Frances< Marsh Barbara Ne'Wlport eqUIpped and WIth greater USable area Now the commumty 1~ mer, for a few days Marlanrna Parcells Joan Patlterson saddled WIth a honc1ed debt of almost four ffillhon dollars on v.. hich Melvma Rivard Jac-Quehne Reatume It IS paymg some $270000 a year for mterest and smkmg fund MiSS Charlotte Bush entertamed t'he Ellen Stadler ArdIth Sylve.ster Ldr- chalgc<, Schaab \\ele needed of COl1r~e and good one., but the DetrOit aaumnae members of Gamma ralne SchmIdt Dorotlhy Tieman Jean unfortunate ImpIeSSlOl1 pre\ aIled on the Board that thIS was a nch Phi Beta a,t her home on fhree M1le Trombley Pearl Sovern Elallle Wal d r>ve Grosse POII,t Sl d lace Vlrglllia Wallaoe Sally V1D'l.f1<0" commumty III whlLh the ta2\.paver s dollar conld be spent at WIll e a ur ay evenmg TC S H P 11.c .~ at br dge and a buffet supper Semors 'Ie alOr s orr Ipe W1J. \!-Iepor and that It was unnecessary to exerCIse econonn of Beta chapter Al1n Aribor were traved by DoriS Baum<lJn Nancy B1ge- 'The result has been 1 :,tec:Ldtlv mountmg tc:LXrate and a start guests of honor low Pa.lla Campbell Phylb!> Elworthy hng cost for our educatlOn 1 he depresslOn has blOught sharply Jean Ford rIorenee Fee June Hel1 home to the people the good Iec:Lson v.. e have had to VOIce our pro- Mrs Walter J Hock, of Moras's derc;on Della Hollenbeck Paltncla t f h t th road, and Mrs John F Re:rDolds, of Klems-chmldt Barbara Neibbs Jean te~ s or t e pas ree years LakeView avenue, who have beeq Pratt As soon as :rvlr Conely "\ a~ elected he began 1115 lone fight for spendIng the past ten days In St LOUIS, In the Flower GIrl dance dre Doru a reduction 111 school co~ts He stated that $10000 could be saved were expected to return to DetrOit Clark Frances Domlco Audrey Leven,.. on the !932 ,2 bud.;et l"t Julv when lt \\as bemg ,hscussed 1he W.dne,day seller I UCle Ann Nauman Rosa!,e (Conhnued 011 Page Four) (Contmued on Page Two) Packard \1ary TIedeman Base ball fans be loyal to you:r home team and show the boys thM you are really ba"k of them by attendmg ani (or as many as poss1ble) games art home Al1 baseball players naturally tfeel more grateful to their suptporters when thre~ know tha.t the fans are tabng an m- rerest m theIr playmg Detrmt has a great lbaseba11 c1utb they have pltchmg strength hlttmg albthty brams and one of tbe best man- agers In baseball They are dILlefor a pennant soon Let s start NOW and get behmd them and show the boys what a legtlon of loyal supporters De 4 trO'liters really are DetrOlt IS kmowll as d. good baseball city amd let s keep thns. repulta.tlon by ple<!g.mg ourselves to get sohdly behloo the l Tigers thIS -season and root for them when away and attend the games and poost t'hem when at home Frank Navll the owner of !the De fro t club IS to be congratulated upon havmg such an organazatlon as the TIgers thiS ycar and tihe C1Vlzens OIf De.trOlt OWe It to the commuD1lty and I to Mr N""V111 to s-upp-ort the DetrOIt baseball club to rthelr fu1J.est extent Garden Club Market Held Friday and Saturday, May 20.21 Boost the Home Team "Attend Tigers" Hon1e Games The Carden Market wdl be held Fri- day and Saturday at 120 Grosse POinte boulevard Members of the Garden Club of Michigan are sponsorutg the event which wdl aid unemployed of the rural chstrlcts Pretty debutantes are gOIng to pull bright httle wagon" of all kInds of goodies around so that the children may have all the ICOcream and candy they want Mrs FrederIck C Ford. of Grosse POinte IS ch81rman of thiS phase of the Garden Market Mrs EdWin Scott Barbour IS general chaIrman and Mrs Douglas Campbell, vlce~chalrman Other commIttee chmr- men and theIr dulles are Mrs HarrIet N Atterbury, stagIng and chsmantllng Mrs Nell McMIllan, tickets Mrs Raymond K Dykema, traffiC Mrs Frank W Brooks Jr, pubhclty Mrs Percy Owen, cash and wrap .. pmg Mrs FrederIck C Ford, luncheon and tea Mrs H M Jewett, hostess Ih Mrs Barbour's garden Mrs John V Redfield, plants Mrs Joseph B Schlotman, planted pots and tubs Mrs Juhus C Peter, bird houses and conservatIon Mrs Phelns Newberry, pracbcal ta- hie Mrs Dexter M Ferry Jr ~ artlsbc arrangements Mrs Howard. Ifonbrlght, garden fur~ nlture Mrs Joseph C Standart. tuhps Mrs Henry FO'rd, vegetables Mrs John S Newb.erry, pottery Mrs Cameron B Waterman, check .. mg Mu.s Sarah Hendrie, Informatton and gardell deSIgn Members of the club committee com- prIse their helpers The Gro5'se PoLnite Playground Babt Leag>Ue willi slarlt Weclneaday June &the Gamea a,art a;1 630 0 dock Walch the ReView f8r !the schedule The L.dles' BN>tIge Club ."dod Its season last Monday May 16th Thie pflzes for thUlSfour mon.th s l1:erm were an elabor~te perfume Ibotitle awardJed to Mrs.. Gertrude Ste'V'enson and a !blaJek vase to Mrs A J Magar Oash pnz es were gJVen to Mr.s Geo BelJdmg Mrs A S1rem amd Mrs A J Maga~ Iced tea and cookJle.srwere served An mdoor baseball team for boY\S 12 ~1S years Ot age 1S ilWW being organ~ Ized by Mr Simonsen of the Neugh~ borhood Club If enough boys of thus age are llltere .... ted a league may be formed sometIme ~n the near future Edwtn Craves thu week aoo'OOOteed hla a"'l)l1W;l eh1lJ<~'. don« reroe wIll '-, he at,,!!ea at the Playern PJ~yhOl1ae ~J~L r:".t%J,ea;~£" avel1,!'e, on Tnes- dav evenlllg, 'M:a» 24 ""d on ThUrsd~y evenmg May 26 Troke;ts, prIced at 75 ee~s, are tav~laMe (lit tt1he Grosse P0l11lte"'Stud10) 17028 Kercheval aven.ue Tuxedo 241540 The performance wl11 start aot 8 0 clock - Any 'boys tnterested 1U JOlllIng a team or havmg a team to en.J:er :m the league should ge~ III touch w~th the N elghlbor hood Clulb at onte The A 0 C GIrls are gU.vmga dance on SatufldJa.y ¥ay 21Sit, from 9-12 Good mUlS~~aamlsslon only 25 cents I s * * * * * * Neighb~rhood Club Activities The Naslk1 Camp Fire W1U huke to FlUe Woods to cook tthelr Slupper on Thursday May 19th Muss Jo'hta,nna VanZanen has been appomted As'S~sl1: ant Guar-d1an Children's Dance Revue At Players' Playhouse Mothers Club To Hold Social Hour May 23 Following Election 'Phe May meetmg of th~ Grosse Pomte Mothers CIu'.> will mchtde t~(' annual election of officers a::. well as a SOCIal hour 101J1owmg the electton on Mondayafteinoon Mav 23rd at 2 3010 the Grosse Poml1:e H gh school audl tOTaum The nonn.n",t"llg committee conslsh:ng of Ml"s Vval1lter F \Vood bridge Mrs James W~ter5ton and \frs Charles Smtth Wilt rep0rt their findlll,&1s The PreSident Mrs Walter ..B Neumeyer whose term of office ex plres In 1933 has ChO'iftl the {ollowlllg commIttee chaIrmen for the ersutng Y'ear Program-M rs Lawrence] MattIce SocIal-Mrs W<J11haln R Broughton HosPJ-taLI1:y-Mrs J o .... c,o't H Pn~ meau Welfare-Mrs Fredt.Tlck A Swelt~ .er Scholarshlp-Mrs Cans MAdams ~tuderJ.11 Loan-Mrs C C Hayward Membershlp-Mrs \V C HartWIg PubhcIty~\frs C D Macpherson Group BrIdge - Mrs I< rederIck Schroeder I I The Waoktya Camp Fire 1S gettvng enthuSIastIC over camp The Mon;e Code IS bemg learnoo httle by little for s~gl11aJlhngwlith flaSlhltgjhts anld flags th1S summe:r The Ladles Gym Class wIll ta.ke up tenniS next week a'S an actlvilJty Any ladles who are. mtereSited m ihls cla.ss Wh1Ch mee.ts on Wednes-c1ays at 2 00 can dbta,m more 'lind"orrnatlon by calhng Niagara 0772 Chaml.", I.duo"" The e"tent to which the c_l ... Ill- dlilt17 III ..... celltnted ~, III _arent whetl the dla""...,. 15 made that SIXstates out of torty eIght ftlassachusett!;l. ~&W York New Jersey Pennsylvania, Ohio And West Virgini 1- ~contain 249 establishments out of a total of oplr 4~. ~ ----0-- e- ---- --- - -----. I Village "9" now known as "Merchants" lose t<;>, Ferndale 14--6 I By JOHN £ ALLARD I Isola was rushed "0 the rescue' wltn speed of a canmon ball He temporanly ItlOn Wlth a thump Tony HIlgCIlldorf hts ball pla)"1ng and hb paSt>1I1~ '''Ill be That basehall duo from Ferndale two away m the se-cond, and succeed>fd los.t hIS control w.llth two av.ay 111 the was sent to run III hiS plaICe -stole a deeply felt by hIS club and the looal Mlch.gan reqUIred only a f... w moments by stnkmg out NYlboer He contmued first sent Hmz and Kealy to first by base and scored a run WhICh wlll be fans Good luck Joe wl1h whl<ch to focus the1r eyes on the hIS good work through thO" thlf(L but the med1t1m of being h1t by plt-ched credlJte'd to Kelly as he resumed h1S BOib Newcom played hs first {ull quahty of flmgmg offered by all three t'he VISlltors got to hIm and ~en" hIm to balls passed Kaatz !Rnd Newcom the POSI'1:Ion In centerfield (ilt the outset of game at firSit and proved J"IS hlttmg o:f the Merehants t011ef'-S HIllenbrand, the showers before the Sixth where~ latter forcl11lg home a run The ball the second pro\\Cs>s by gettmg two out of four to lsola and Crandalt, be-for"" a~plymg upon Mel Crandall ~OOj{up the burden whIch hit KeIIy caught hIm on th-e left LIttle Joey Smlth gives us the b<l!d lead his club m battIng Incldentl}' he bludgeon wuh effectIve gusto, In the only to suffer after IWO succeS:>lve lTI- shoulder atUd he fell to the groun<i nev.s that he WillI no longer be a mem- made two hits m one hme at bat 111 the InltIal game on our local lot last Sun .. nmgs wnthmg IIJl pam The players and &an-s ber of the Mer-ch<lints Club as he 1S thIrd, for whlch he wIll "lot receive day Hadden and Broome ~hJarAd the gathered around and after vanous takmg employment 1Jl1 the Thumb dlS. frull credIt WIth runners on secord HIllenbrand who started 0' the stab pItchltng ass!gnment for the VIsItors sorts ot massages were adrnlt11srered trlct and 1S becommg a member of the and thard he hIt a clean double to "'-as found for five hIts and ac; many Both are young men not much ~bove he regamed -consClOusness suffiCIent to baselbaU club that represents Port rlghJt WhICh h1t twenty teet mSlde the runs m one and two thl"d.s nmngs He theIr teens If any, and pos-sesS' the summon a phYSICIan It was dlSCOV Austm We have learn-ed It was nght £ekl foul hne scormg both run .. ISiSUed four bases on ba~ls, one ot maStCullimty of a Sampson, partlC'Ularly ered l!-tISarm was out O! JGmt Bob through hl-5 ablhty as a ball player that ners Ump1re Fred<1y ChamplOe, who whK:h catn-e v.1th fhe ba1)e... filled and the former who 'Stands ~lX foot two 'N'ewcom qualIfied m thIS rapa.c1ty by he obtaIned employmen.t Everyone was 'handlmg the game alone up to forced 1tl tb~fir.st Ferndale tally Rudy asd whoS'e every pitch earries the resrettmg the bone whIch fdl 1l1to P04 who knows Joe has ha.gh respect for (Contmued on Page Four) Doors to LearnIng Neglect of the school child s eves and ears may warp llis entire hfe Dr EmIly A Pratt explains in an article tn Hygela MlAgazine The eyes and ears are the portals for learmng Even ~hough educatIOn may pass through a partially closed portal the remainder of the body will suffer because the nerves will be strallled and a general weakness Will be the result Self Mastery Gladstone had a philOSoPhy that is good for the soul on proper reflection He said Censure and cntlcism nev er hurt anybody If false they can t hurt you unless you are wantmg in manly character I if true they show a man hl$ weak points and forewarn him against failure and troUblli\." "

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•._------------- ...$2.88 A YEAR WILL BRINGTHE PAPER EVERY WEEK.


VOL NO 6-No 24 GROSSE POINT!::, MICHIGAN, FRIDAY MAY 20 !932 By Ma,! $200 per year, Smgle CopIes S Cent~

Hibbard and Johnson Recommended for ~School Board by T~x Payers Association 'I'


: IPupils of Gabriel• Richard School Stage

Spring Operetta* * *GROSSE POINTE


Cadieux Teachers

Bolt Ktlls 1,500 BirdsTwo birds WIth one stone Is excep

tIOnal but one bolt of l1ghtnm~ atClarendon Va killed 1500 of themThe buds sparrows were perched onan electrIc hght WIre when the ltghtmng struck it

Mr and Mr. Peter Sfat Wish toexpress their hearty thanks to theteachers of Cadieux school Eor theway In which they have trainedtheir son Mll"cea In the fundamen-tals of education, Since landergar-ten days

Special thanks to Mrs RuthBrogan, hiS Sixth grade teacher,who tlreles.ly c:oached hIm Eor thet'ecent metropolttan lpelhnl' con-test in which he was elimInated. tillafter the sub.btuboD. of the unstud-Ied IUft


Gladiolus Society ToMeet in Battle Creek

The Mocholgan State Glachollus So~CIety w1>~lhold Its anr11JUalmeel;oll111gandshow August 17 and 18 1n the Sam.-tarmm Umon BU1ld~nrg Baottle CreekMlc'll1gan accordllng to an aIlJnoun-ce-ment of Paul Krone of East LansmgSe-eretary of the sO'C1ety

All growers of thl1s pOlpular flowerwl111find the bmLdm~ especlaolly welladapted for 'the stagIng' of the s'howand the 'Pf1ze sch,edJule very atrtract'lVeto all growers lI1Cll1dax'lgthose In theaWMettr classes as well as the expertenced exh1bltor

Merton W Wentworth of BattleCreek has been appomted local marnager and the B<l!ttle Creek Ohamberof Commen.e aSSl1res all v sHors awekome and wl11 a~\S!l!lt III affordmgthem an opportunity Ito VISIt ~he manymteresltmg attractions m and a.lboutBattle Creek

By \>arado,. Dee J\ Slprtl1g operetta Itll1:1ed Aunt DruThe following letter \\as receIved thIS week from :c H L1l1dow, Secretary of the Grosse Pomte Mrs Charles H Marden of Bea S'll1as Garden' Will be presel11l1:ed!by

cons field avenue and 7I,1rs Gerald h 1 f h G b 1 R h d[axpayers A..:,soclatlOn t e pUp1 sot e a fie 1.'C arChamberhn of Westchester road are h' h h 1 ellTo the I chtor of the Grosse Pomte ReVIew sc COl m t e sc 00 au tJOI1I<umon

i'> tourmg m the Fast They plan an ex M 26 d th ~. t f ElDear SIr _ ay un er e >UlJ,recIon QI Izatended stay III W-ashmgton Atlantic beth DeXiter

For several yC1fS the people of thls commumty have been 'VI aging' an uphIll battle to stem a C1.ty rand New York before sOjorurnmg Among the prmcltpa-l charaoters arerIsmg tide of extravagance In the development dud management of our ')chool system The per III Boston vrargaret Jensen Wml1red Ingersollslstent attitude of the School Board III response- to the repeated pleas for economy by the people of •• a GenevIeve Adams R 01> e rl Hurs~thIS dI~tn("t expressed at Board meetmgs mass l11eetmgs and at the polls could not be termed mdlf- MISS Dorothy Damerow, of Maumee Charle5 Gedge R1dhard M>l1le'I' Ann[ b h d fi

road, entertained as her house guest M l1s and John Bachmarnerence ut rat er open e ance last week end, MIllS Dorothy EmerIch, "\Iso Homer B~gelow GeoI1ge Caul

It contmued to a pomt where they sought to put through a program of some $3 (X)() 000 for the of Elmira, N Y MiSS Emeru:h and k ns Arthur DaVies W11ham ChrtS'tleproposed purchase of addItIOnal real estate tea~ing down costly new re"'ldences and the erectlOn of MISS Damerow are elan mates at the Damel Cronm Fred Ge1'ow JamesaddItIOnal school hU1ldmg'5 V\ hen those eXIstmg Vi- el e httle more than half filled Untverslty of Michigan HarriS Warren HeItman Edsel L<lJugh4

DUring th,S penon the C,V,C News whlch we regard a' the unoffic,a! mouthpiece of the School • • • 1m George Lewel1don, Charles Mar-Board h1.s champwned practIcally every extravagant proposal Its columns have SIdestepped facts Mrs WIlham T Walker and her sack George Roberts, MarIan Sco'tt

I t d I d f h bl B d son \J\hll1am T Walker Jr of Mern ClindBernhard StrohgIven mcomp e e '1n mls ea mg reports 0 t e Pl\ Ie protests at oar meetmgs and 111 vanous ways we<lIther road Grosse POlnite Farms re SpeCIal Number by the Krndergartenby rIdICule and mnuendo ca"t reflectIOn upon the efforts of an mtellIgent and sober-mmded pubhc to turned home last week from CaMor orchesltra urder the d~rectwn of LOIScontrol and curb Its School BOard ffi Jma where they spent the Wmrter eanne \Vh~tehead

"rhen method., and then '1rguments were thoroughly dlscrC(ltted a year ago when Walter S III * * A fireman s drIll Will 'be presented onConely supported by the Gro"se Pomte faxpayers A%OClatlOn overwhelmmgl) defeated PreSIdent Henry E Calder of Lakeland avenue, the program by Compton BeaumontSuttu Grosse POInte Vtllage, and hiS son, J WIlham Elwoflthy LoUls Farr, Thomas

\Vhen ,vrr Conelv assumed hIS dutIes he tound hI" path wa __ to be far from rosy The re Boyer Candler of Burns avenue sailed Hecker Jack Haruka Curtls Keegan

f I f hWednesday on the S S Bremen to Frank Mumford Newton PeaJbody

res l1ng part 0 "activIties, however IS that he ha' remamed faithful to h,s trust and while cntl- spend a month In England Franokhn SlaVik and Harold KnollcI"ed for hIS economIc demand& by the CIVIC News and repeatedly outvoted by hIS colleagues he * * * Flowers 1n the garden Will be preLont111ucS to stnve for a common sense and effiCIent admmbtratlOn elurmg these troublous times M1ss Ell1zabeth Staley daughter of sented by Gayle Heron Faye JaJCo'b~

"HE MUST HAVE SUPPORT. The costly three Tumor High School program merelv hes dor Mf' John W Staley of Harva"d aon Margaret Laner Sh,rley Sovernmant untIl after the electIOn If the present Board or thelr SUppOl ters are returned to power that road Grosse Pomte Park 15 gllvmg' a Jean Preble MarCIa Nettll!Lg' Rose amd

II f h Ihouse party at theIr farm at 'le.amora VlrglUla CataloneJtte and Eleanor

progl am Vv I nse agam to con ront t e taxpayer at t 1e verv first opportunIty J.V ",over the week end, w1th Mr and Mrs Gerow

'The onl) way we can make effectIve the deSIre of the people Ben1amm Nolan as chaperones In charge of the stagmg of the operfor lower taxeb and greater effiCIency IS by electmg the proper men • • • etta are Scenery, MISS Ja11JeltAdams

'Ac.cor,Q'hi*'" ,,_e .g!ad4e. bllepl'0rt the candidaCies Qf J L Mro. Ri.hard H Macauley of Clo- and MiSS Katherine fu,l>."da, Cos

H bb d fverJy road, Grosse POinte Farms, has fumes Mrs Nma OldJham Mn La

, ar 0 Grosse Pamte Park, and Stanley G Johnson, of Grosse gone East and anticIpates being away ClUe Wa1cutt MISS Vlrglntla Ward andPomte VIllage as Schoo! 1 rustees at the elechon to be held on the until the Fall She mil spend much of Mra '.1:aflan BaIrd LIbretto M1S.13th of June next her tIMe In New York and Syracuse. Clara Blank and M1SS Ma:ry Green

Mr H,hbard IS already well known to the electorate He was • • • 'h"ld, Danees and D",l1s MISS Gar'1 candIdate three yea"s ago and lo~t bv a narro\\ margm A gradu MISS Blanche Rothsc~l!d and her net Foster and MISS AlIce Roberts

brother S K Rothschild returned last Stage \:fanagers Rdbcrt L ttle andate of both the hterary and la" departments of the Umverslty of week to thelr home on BeMord road George KammMIchIgan an aHorne) by professlOll and WIth a WIde practIcal Gro~se Pomte Park after a several The orchestra personnel mclUJdes 0busmess experIence he has worked con::>Istently for lower taxes and weeks ViSIt m Atlant1c CIty Lmcoln Igou director, June ColLmgsmore effiCIently managed schools •• * accompaUlst and Eleanore JaJl1SSQltl

'Mr JohnbOn IS an officer of the BUlkhardt Cotnpany of De- Mr and Mra MerIon E Farr, who Irene Cnchton Joffre Cote, Joyceare the guests of their son"ln~law and Taylor James Park Paul Boesern,

trolt Commg to that company b, request !7 years ago to check J k h d 1daughter, Mr and Mrs George Sloane ac R1tC ile an A lVla Secordmto then costs and operatmg methods he became eventually theIr of Cloverly road, Grosse POInte Farms, Actmg as ushefls WIll be PnslCllLlatreasurer and general manager Will sail on the S S Bremen, May 21, Heath Rosemary Lappan Mary Me

"Both of these candIdates vere strong supporters of Mr Ion a European tour They are taking IDonald, Heaftnc-e MOrf<ISOn" Barlbat'a.Conely WhIle they na, e been actIve 111 the study of school affaIrs I theIr car WIth them and WIll motor Stewart DorIS WIllIams, anod Ma.delme

d h d f I f through Germany Austria and Hun~ SmIthan 111teen ea' ors 0 t le voters or the pa~t several years to cor- gary' The c'horus personnel consiists of'teet our troubles and lower taxes they do not seek office FrIends * * • Su~an Adams MarJone Balley LurcIlleand supporters, however l11"lstmg that they were famIlIar WIth Mrs BenJamm F TobIn, who has Barnes, Constance BelhrJ Ma.xn11leB'UT4

condItIons and could be trusted to rooperate WIth Mr Conely finally been sOJournmg at het' WInter home neill, Helen Barnes, Margarert BruckerprevaIled upon them to run In M1am1> Fila for the past season IS Nancy Chapman Joan Campbell Pa

expected to return to DetrOIt the end tnCld Ca1'1penifer Lorflame Cadwell SuThey took a promment part 111 defeatmg the proposed bond of May to open her GroS6e Pomte zanne Cook Thelma Elrworthy MarIan

Issue fOI a Three Jumor HIgh St.-hool program two years ago home Rosecroft on Lakeland avenue Edgar Dorothy Edwards Ele~nor EdThat saved the commumty many hundred thousand dollars - • • wards Grace Goers Pf'Ism~Ia Hea.th

That campalg11 dIscloE.ed also that \\henever the Board dId erect Mr and Mrs Clark W Bishop, of Jean Ja'Ckson Jean Jenml1gs, Nancy

h I I Un,verollv place h I ft f E t J-ennlllgs Dorothy Keller Ellz:a'betha sc 00 t 1ey spent mclflY thou:,ancis more than Dctr01t was paymg ,I' Ave e or as on, K d 1 I:d M h M M 11Pa, where they WIll be the guests of ey e na unsc ary J exat the sf-me tIme for 'ichools more attractive more completely Mr Clark's Sister, Mrs Albert H Gd .. Frances< Marsh Barbara Ne'WlporteqUIpped and WIth greater USable area Now the commumty 1~ mer, for a few days Marlanrna Parcells Joan Patltersonsaddled WIth a honc1ed debt of almost four ffillhon dollars on v.. hich • • • Melvma Rivard Jac-Quehne ReatumeIt IS paymg some $270000 a year for mterest and smkmg fund MiSS Charlotte Bush entertamed t'he Ellen Stadler ArdIth Sylve.ster Ldr-chalgc<, Schaab \\ele needed of COl1r~e and good one., but the DetrOit aaumnae members of Gamma ralne SchmIdt Dorotlhy Tieman Jeanunfortunate ImpIeSSlOl1 pre\ aIled on the Board that thIS was a nch Phi Beta a,t her home on fhree M1le Trombley Pearl Sovern Elallle Wal

dr>ve Grosse POII,t S l d lace Vlrglllia Wallaoe Sally V1D'l.f1<0"commumty III whlLh the ta2\.paver s dollar conld be spent at WIll e a ur ay evenmg TC S H P 11.c .~at br dge and a buffet supper Semors 'Ie alOr s orr Ipe W1J. \!-Ieporand that It was unnecessary to exerCIse econonn of Beta chapter Al1n Aribor were traved by DoriS Baum<lJn Nancy B1ge-

'The result has been 1 :,tec:Ldtlv mountmg tc:LXrate and a start guests of honor low Pa.lla Campbell Phylb!> Elworthyhng cost for our educatlOn 1 he depresslOn has blOught sharply • • • Jean Ford rIorenee Fee June Hel1home to the people the good Iec:Lson v.. e have had to VOIce our pro- Mrs Walter J Hock, of Moras's derc;on Della Hollenbeck Paltncla

t f h t th road, and Mrs John F Re:rDolds, of Klems-chmldt Barbara Neibbs Jeante~ s or t e pas ree years LakeView avenue, who have beeq Pratt

As soon as :rvlr Conely "\ a~ elected he began 1115 lone fight for spendIng the past ten days In St LOUIS, In the Flower GIrl dance dre Dorua reduction 111 school co~ts He stated that $10000 could be saved were expected to return to DetrOit Clark Frances Domlco Audrey Leven,..on the !932 ,2 bud.;et l"t Julv when lt \\as bemg ,hscussed 1he W.dne,day seller I UCle Ann Nauman Rosa!,e

(Conhnued 011 Page Four) (Contmued on Page Two) Packard \1ary TIedeman

Base ball fans be loyal to you:r hometeam and show the boys thM you arereally ba"k of them by attendmg ani (oras many as poss1ble) games art homeAl1 baseball players naturally tfeel moregrateful to their suptporters when thre~know tha.t the fans are tabng an m-rerest m theIr playmg

Detrmt has a great lbaseba11 c1utbthey have pltchmg strength hlttmgalbthty brams and one of tbe best man-agers In baseball They are dILlefor apennant soon Let s start NOW andget behmd them and show the boyswhat a legtlon of loyal supporters De4

trO'liters really areDetrOlt IS kmowll as d. good baseball

city amd let s keep thns. repulta.tlon byple<!g.mg ourselves to get sohdly behloothe l Tigers thIS -season and root forthem when away and attend the gamesand poost t'hem when at home

Frank Navll the owner of !the Defro t club IS to be congratulated uponhavmg such an organazatlon as theTIgers thiS ycar and tihe C1Vlzens OIf

De.trOlt OWe It to the commuD1lty and Ito Mr N""V111to s-upp-ort the DetrOItbaseball club to rthelr fu1J.est extent

Garden Club MarketHeld Friday and

Saturday, May 20.21

Boost the Home Team"Attend Tigers"

Hon1e Games

The Carden Market wdl be held Fri-day and Saturday at 120 Grosse POinteboulevard Members of the GardenClub of Michigan are sponsorutg theevent which wdl aid unemployed ofthe rural chstrlcts

Pretty debutantes are gOIng to pullbright httle wagon" of all kInds ofgoodies around so that the childrenmay have all the ICOcream and candythey want Mrs FrederIck C Ford. ofGrosse POinte IS ch81rman of thiS phaseof the Garden Market

Mrs EdWin Scott Barbour IS generalchaIrman and Mrs Douglas Campbell,vlce~chalrman Other commIttee chmr-men and theIr dulles are

Mrs HarrIet N Atterbury, stagIngand chsmantllng

Mrs Nell McMIllan, ticketsMrs Raymond K Dykema, traffiCMrs Frank W Brooks Jr, pubhcltyMrs Percy Owen, cash and wrap ..


Mrs FrederIck C Ford, luncheonand tea

Mrs H M Jewett, hostess Ih MrsBarbour's garden

Mrs John V Redfield, plantsMrs Joseph B Schlotman, planted

pots and tubsMrs Juhus C Peter, bird houses and

conservatIonMrs Phelns Newberry, pracbcal ta-

hieMrs Dexter M Ferry Jr ~ artlsbc

arrangementsMrs Howard. Ifonbrlght, garden fur~

nltureMrs Joseph C Standart. tuhpsMrs Henry FO'rd, vegetablesMrs John S Newb.erry, potteryMrs Cameron B Waterman, check ..


Mu.s Sarah Hendrie, Informatton andgardell deSIgn

Members of the club committee com-prIse their helpers

The Gro5'se PoLnite Playground BabtLeag>Uewilli slarlt Weclneaday June &theGamea a,art a;1 630 0 dock Walchthe ReView f8r !the schedule

The L.dles' BN>tIge Club ."dod Itsseason last Monday May 16th Thiepflzes for thUlSfour mon.th s l1:erm werean elabor~te perfume Ibotitle awardJedto Mrs.. Gertrude Ste'V'enson and a !blaJekvase to Mrs A J Magar Oash pnzes were gJVen to Mr.s Geo BelJdmgMrs A S1rem amd Mrs A J Maga~Iced tea and cookJle.srwere served

An mdoor baseball team for boY\S 12~1S years Ot age 1S ilWW being organ~Ized by Mr Simonsen of the Neugh~borhood Club If enough boys of thusage are llltere ....ted a league may beformed sometIme ~n the near future

Edwtn Craves thu week aoo'OOOteedhla a"'l)l1W;leh1lJ<~'. don« reroe wIll'-,he at,,!!ea at the Playern PJ~yhOl1ae~J~L r:".t%J,ea;~£" avel1,!'e, on Tnes-dav evenlllg, 'M:a» 24 ""d on ThUrsd~yevenmg May 26 Troke;ts, prIced at75 ee~s, are tav~laMe (lit tt1he GrosseP0l11lte"'Stud10) 17028 Kercheval aven.ueTuxedo 241540 The performance wl11start aot 8 0 clock


Any 'boys tnterested 1U JOlllIng a teamor havmg a team to en.J:er :m the leagueshould ge~ III touch w~th the N elghlborhood Clulb at onte

The A 0 C GIrls are gU.vmga danceon SatufldJa.y ¥ay 21Sit, from 9-12Good mUlS~~aamlsslon only 25 cents I

s• * * * * * *

Neighb~rhood ClubActivities

The Naslk1 Camp Fire W1U huke toFlUe Woods to cook tthelr Slupper onThursday May 19th Muss Jo'hta,nnaVanZanen has been appomted As'S~sl1:ant Guar-d1an

Children's Dance RevueAt Players' Playhouse

Mothers Club To HoldSocial Hour May 23

Following Election'Phe May meetmg of th~ Grosse

Pomte Mothers CIu'.> will mchtde t~('annual election of officers a::. well as aSOCIal hour 101J1owmg the electton onMondayafteinoon Mav 23rd at 2 3010the Grosse Poml1:e H gh school audltOTaum The nonn.n",t"llg committeeconslsh:ng of Ml"s Vval1lter F \Voodbridge Mrs James W~ter5ton and\frs Charles Smtth Wilt rep0rt theirfindlll,&1s The PreSident Mrs Walter

..B Neumeyer whose term of office explres In 1933 has ChO'iftl the {ollowlllgcommIttee chaIrmen for the ersutngY'ear

Program-M rs Lawrence] MattIceSocIal-Mrs W<J11haln R BroughtonHosPJ-taLI1:y-Mrs Jo....c,o't H Pn~

meauWelfare-Mrs Fredt.Tlck A Swelt~

.erScholarshlp-Mrs Cans MAdams~tuderJ.11Loan-Mrs C C HaywardMembershlp-Mrs \V C HartWIgPubhcIty~\frs C D MacphersonGroup BrIdge - Mrs I< rederIck



The Waoktya Camp Fire 1S gettvngenthuSIastIC over camp The Mon;eCode IS bemg learnoo httle by littlefor s~gl11aJlhngwlith flaSlhltgjhts anld flagsth1S summe:r

The Ladles Gym Class wIll ta.ke uptenniS next week a'S an actlvilJty Anyladles who are. mtereSited m ihls cla.ssWh1Ch mee.ts on Wednes-c1ays at 2 00can dbta,m more 'lind"orrnatlon by calhngNiagara 0772

Chaml.", I.duo""The e"tent to which the c_l ... Ill-

dlilt17 III .....celltnted ~,III _arent whetl the dla""...,. 15made that SIXstates out of torty eIghtftlassachusett!;l. ~&W York New JerseyPennsylvania, Ohio And West Virgini 1-

~contain 249 establishments out of atotal of oplr 4~.

~ ----0-- e- ---- --- - -----.

I Village "9" now known as "Merchants" lose t<;>,Ferndale 14--6 IBy JOHN £ ALLARD I Isola was rushed "0 the rescue' wltn speed of a canmon ball He temporanly ItlOn Wlth a thump Tony HIlgCIlldorf hts ball pla)"1ng and hb paSt>1I1~'''Ill be

That basehall duo from Ferndale two away m the se-cond, and succeed>fd los.t hIS control w.llth two av.ay 111 the was sent to run III hiS plaICe -stole a deeply felt by hIS club and the looalMlch.gan reqUIred only a f...w moments by stnkmg out NYlboer He contmued first sent Hmz and Kealy to first by base and scored a run WhICh wlll be fans Good luck Joewl1h whl<ch to focus the1r eyes on the hIS good work through thO" thlf(L but the med1t1m of being h1t by plt-ched credlJte'd to Kelly as he resumed h1S BOib Newcom played hs first {ullquahty of flmgmg offered by all three t'he VISlltors got to hIm and ~en" hIm to balls passed Kaatz !Rnd Newcom the POSI'1:IonIn centerfield (ilt the outset of game at firSit and proved J"IS hlttmgo:f the Merehants t011ef'-S HIllenbrand, the showers before the Sixth where~ latter forcl11lg home a run The ball the second pro\\Cs>s by gettmg two out of four tolsola and Crandalt, be-for"" a~plymg upon Mel Crandall ~OOj{up the burden whIch hit KeIIy caught hIm on th-e left LIttle Joey Smlth gives us the b<l!d lead his club m battIng Incldentl}' hebludgeon wuh effectIve gusto, In the only to suffer after IWO succeS:>lve lTI- shoulder atUd he fell to the groun<i nev.s that he WillI no longer be a mem- made two hits m one hme at bat 111 theInltIal game on our local lot last Sun .. nmgs wnthmg IIJl pam The players and &an-s ber of the Mer-ch<lints Club as he 1S thIrd, for whlch he wIll "lot receiveday Hadden and Broome ~hJarAd the gathered around and after vanous takmg employment 1Jl1 the Thumb dlS. frull credIt WIth runners on secord

HIllenbrand who started 0' the stab pItchltng ass!gnment for the VIsItors sorts ot massages were adrnlt11srered trlct and 1S becommg a member of the and thard he hIt a clean double to"'-as found for five hIts and ac; many Both are young men not much ~bove he regamed -consClOusness suffiCIent to baselbaU club that represents Port rlghJt WhICh h1t twenty teet mSlde theruns m one and two thl"d.s nmngs He theIr teens If any, and pos-sesS' the summon a phYSICIan It was dlSCOV Austm We have learn-ed It was nght £ekl foul hne scormg both run ..ISiSUed four bases on ba~ls, one ot maStCullimty of a Sampson, partlC'Ularly ered l!-tISarm was out O! JGmt Bob through hl-5 ablhty as a ball player that ners Ump1re Fred<1y ChamplOe, whowhK:h catn-e v.1th fhe ba1)e... filled and the former who 'Stands ~lX foot two 'N'ewcom qualIfied m thIS rapa.c1ty by he obtaIned employmen.t Everyone was 'handlmg the game alone up toforced 1tl tb~fir.st Ferndale tally Rudy asd whoS'e every pitch earries the resrettmg the bone whIch fdl 1l1to P04 who knows Joe has ha.gh respect for (Contmued on Page Four)

Doors to LearnIngNeglect of the school child s eves

and ears may warp llis entire hfe DrEmIly A Pratt explains in an articletn Hygela MlAgazine The eyes andears are the portals for learmng Even~hough educatIOn may pass througha partially closed portal the remainderof the body will suffer because thenerves will be strallled and a generalweakness Will be the result

Self MasteryGladstone had a philOSoPhy that is

good for the soul on proper reflectionHe said Censure and cntlcism never hurt anybody If false they can thurt you unless you are wantmg inmanly character I if true they showa man hl$ weak points and forewarnhim against failure and troUblli\."





Just tele

Fnd"y, M"y 20, 1932_ 7 .....

Walnut Shuns Gbstlhate"funnl(. acid \\hle.h lS the add 10

waJn1.~tsh€'lIs cannot he remoV'M ttIS necessary to allow t11e staIn to wea.roff "eal l1g rubher ~love~ w~llle.<;;.h0111ng'1\ alnut<:; will protect the ha.ndsflom the ",ta n


Of the Registration of Unregistel'ettQQalified School Electors of RQral AgriClul-tQrai SehoQIDi'Striet No. I"of ..theTawJl.hip ofGrosse Pointe, Wayne County, Miehi~an.

Not~ ia hereby given t\lat there will be a registrationof the unregistered qUalified e1"btorll of Rttra'1tlgMcultllra1'School District No. I, Grosse Pointe Townshilo, W\l.)'ne ~Michigan, at the palling places ef the se""ral prllei""ts af thedistrict, to-wit{

1I'fecinct No, J<-'to include aU of 'OrOUe l'binte '\i'ftl.lalre, voting place at the Cadieux Scbool, 39115\. til,lrAvenue, Grosse Pointe V,llage, MIchigan. •Prebfftct' No. 2---T<linclude that part of the VJllage ofGrll~e Pointe 'p.lfk lyhig south af K:e\'che'l'al1\~nue;vofih\f 'Place at the Municipal Ha'll "f'the Vlilllge.pfGrdss~ i>bint'e Park, 1Iituated at No. 1SJ,151!:'llstJef-fel'sOn Menue, Grosse POInte Park, M,chigan.,Prp,cjn",tNo.3-To include all <if l'iroS'se¥'oiltte'Fitt'liIivotil:)g j>lace at the Kerby School of the' Vjllagl!' ilfGrollse l>ointe 'Farms, sitalite'd in1 'KerbY ROlld'l1lli'thof G~osse Pointe Boulevard, Grosse Pointe f'a\'ffrs,Mic!Ug"'ll-P1'6eiltct No.4 - To include all of GrGSSe,PointeSlib'l:es'Within the Schoul Distnct, votinJr place at theManlci\1al Hall of fhi! Village of Grosse Pointe Shore'SOftthe corner <Ifl,.ake Shore Drive and Vernier Road,Grosse' Pointe Sltores, Michigan,Precinct No.5 _ 'to include lill of the Vil~ IlfLachmaor, and Fractional School District No.9,Gratiot Township, within thl> Schl>OlDlstriet, V'otffllrplaCl! at fhe Stevens T. Malloft Schadl <ll'l Vernier-Roaa in tit.. Village of Lochlhoor, Michigan. ~Precinct"No. 6_To include that part of th" Vifiall'eof Grosse Pointe Park includmg and lying no~h afKercheval Avenue, voting place at the Defer Scflool,15425 Kercheval Avenue, Grasse Pointe Park, MiCh.

on Saturday the 21st day of May, A. D. 1932and on Satllrdaythe 28th ilay of May, A. D, 1'932.from 3:00 o'clock P; M., to!hOO o'clock l>.M., Eastern Standard Time (2:00 o'clock P. M.to 8 00 o'clock P. M., Central Standard Ti/me) Ojt bb1lb ofwhich days all unregistered qUldified sclwol e'lect'ol's -(if -D,strict may l'egister for the annual -.lllletion of tire SchoolDistrict to be held on JU'le 13, A. D, 1932, and fAr -other ele'c-tions, general or special, in the District, until a general re'-regIstration is Ol'dered accardmg to law.

r40bce is also gIven that provision 'has 'bOOb-fitadl!'by theBoard of Edneation for the registration 01 ,,11lln!'e~t'el'edand qUlllitieiIschool e'lectors of th.. dilftrict at any time auri~ailice hours by t'he Se'cretary of the 'Board 01't'ducatfon, 'llftdYBoaril of Education for the registration of alln te'S t:1N'OIIQl' the SUltenlitt;m:dentof Schools for the Distl:i"t, a\i8Yor thePurchase Age'lit of the B<lardof Education, at lite offic:eof theBoard of Education. 389 St. Clair Avenue, Gro& t>'ditlte vil-lage, M,cI'ngan. bated: MaS"2ffi\i19'31.•

WALTER S.CONBLY"Secretary, Ba'llt'ilOf 1;:,tll.tcanoi\,\

Rural Agricnltural School t>lstHc!tNt!. 'I'l'Grosse Pointe Township, Wayne County,


Low overhead enables me to db aU work at low prtc;@l!Jphone and 1 will gladly give esbmates on any work deSired

Have your Fur Coat cleaned before puttmg away for the &umn;terI Wtn hand clean your Fur Coat and dry c1e'm '.Y'd1Ir 'furtng for tAftCold StQrage and World-Wide Insurance fur one year at:f% SUtflWie'rstorage On aU lPpalr work FREE

Value of Cold BrickThe d menSLODS0:1'the a \ierage bUlld

mg br ck are 8 by 4 b, 214 lDcbes-72<..ublcin~e~ ~~c1r of sx>U4gQld thesize of the ~verage b11llding brickwould b€! worth about $15000 -Pathfinder Magazme

Amer,tl\n MIlrta:ry GentusIt IS cUrtOUS to obsene smce the

\\ al of 1914 1918 the enormous ande, er ~ro\\ Ing prestige of the AmN ~canJ':,ene1'lls of our Cnil war If we mll\judge by expert forelbn mllltary opmon h' e Americans 111one local ..., al-I ee Jackson Grant Sherman Sh~ltaan-stand h gher III mlhtar~ annalc:;than an~ geneuU from any cottntry inthe" ar betwe~n natiOns I know nothtlg nb-011t thIS myself I am merel\reCdrdmg the opmlOns of e~perts-\' 11lHln1 Lyon Phelps in SCHbner ~Magu71ne

Hl!J'her Th111g's Than MoneyMone" is onl\7 part of OUI campen

satIOn for hfe s labor '11ue mone,IS necessary for one s ph'islcal e\lst.enre But It never has a'1cl neve! '''111buy the bner thmb;:, of lIfe Do S9mthmg well tind \ au \\ In flni1 JO\ lJ

the heart as ""ell a-s in the pay €"Dvelope -Grit

Central A'Sia J)rYntg- 11p'Ctrnttal Asia is becoming mdte and

more arid and the Gobi desert IS advancmg steadll) into nOithern Chm(l" 1

Cobalt Frotfl Outer Rea.lmCobalt is one Dietal never found in

the pure state among earthly things1he only source of pure cobalt in thenatural state is the outer spaces bevpnd the earth for it is only 10meteorites that It has been discovered

':Lhe metall(S very tenacIOUS but hasno commerc1al use e'Xcept III c.ertambnlhant paInts CJuch as cobalt blueand cobalt green It 1S used III theform of chlorIde also m the preparatlon of so caned disappearmg inks;When at all mOist ink baseo. on cDbaIt chlorlde Is inViSIble but whendned out before a fire It WIll come OulIII a brillIant blue

Famous Iruth Race CourseThe \H5rd cur-ragh derIVes the all

ctent GaelIc eu)rrech Cmrrech m.eansrace course and al'l;() 10'\ lymg qrmarshy ground The double meanln~IS understandable 10 that flat lanl1 I\....auld naturally l1e se1ecLed fo- a Irace course 1he Ourragh of KIldareIS one of the most iarqous race courses j10 the wOlld BeSIde the River Llf'feynE'ar Dublm it is the scene of theIrlsh derb-y and many other famousraces Also the great Dublm hQrsefair Is held there annuallY In theT~ntb century the kIng of Lemstergranted the Curra:gh of K1Jdare~ wnlcQf'm'braces some 4 BOO acres to 8tBridget who gave it to the people asa common For 1000 years It has heenpreserved as open land

Standard 'WordsAccording to a defimtlOn given bY

Doctor Vl7etellv a standald Dnghshword IS one that has been used by amaster of clasSIC Fngltsh-one of the/..reat authors of the day or of da~ <::

gone b~-tbat IS accepted as goodEnglIsh by educated writers and speakers of our hme rore}gn terms thatare not nflturall.6ed such as wordsdertved from the Frenc:h Gel'maJ,1Dutoh Spanish Uahan Russian etcand pllDted in dIctionaries precedepby lFr) (Ger) (D) (Sv) ete arenot standard Enghsh words nor aredIalect provlllcIa1 ScottiSh eolloql11alslang or vulgar WOlds considered soThe standard EnglIsh of today is IDnglish used; by present dav wrIters andspeakers who are competent to set thestandard It is necessarll:\-, Dngllsh ac 1ceptable in pollte SOCIety

Wing Spe~c;lsWild 'phd1> do not fh as tast ac;

hunter<; Suppo"le clcco1dlIrg to repre"0nttltnes of the Umted Sates D<.paltmE'nt of Agrlculture ",ho ha\e 1e.curatf'lv tlmed cel tam game bJnhwith the followmg re~ults pl.J]talld1..f'},.sflv from 03 to 65 mlles an hourteal ">0 to 59 mallard 50 to '18 s'lndbrause 43 to 47 brant 40 Cahada~ }(v:!e 44 a.Pw.tros.:) 66 The faste<;;tspurt i\as made by a duch haVvh-180mnes pel hour

HairpinS Long In UseHmrpm& have been used by worn

en of all ages and even by men .rhefclshlon IS supposed to ha ...e orlgmatedin <\.1613 The pr! mbve hmrpll1 <-onslsted of a sHi ~le plD \\ fth an Oloamental head 'Thu e is lU the BrItishmUSE'um a gold h} Irpm dat1l1@:baclto the HomeriC agE' about the Flghfhcentury B C The halrpm probablvas<;urned ltS presE'nt form \\ hen thE'fashIon of ,\ earIng .curls clo'1,e to thehead came in

Stone Ag~ RElhesD\.cll\1tlOn of gla\el pHs llfl'U Gla~

go\V ~Icltlec1 stone tools used hy 0H.11of the very earl3 old Stone age

~;.i\'--'--~~~~~ t. 'I- Aft; ,I; ,,,,FIb

HIstorIC IncId~ntSh(ll Uy aftel Slr Patuck 1\fanson

dlS{0'1el cd what he called rllaIJ3snmwims hommis and hIS announcenent was made to the wOlld a man

d'llln came into hIS room and spat onthe floor to show hiS contempt fOI tIll">sllenti~t '.\ ha eH~l' Manson thoubhtfOI tl e moment VIas changed "hen henotHcd that the sputum "'as tmged\\ Ith blood A sample was placed und "'r the microscope Rod tht' l;'~g~ of a11ltherto unhnm' n \\ orm \\ ere dlsC'overi."d Dr Claude Lllhngston wrrtes In:(-f, gela Maga7 ne

Marme Death TrapBermuda s northeast breakelS have

witnessed many marine dlsastms andare not far from Sea Venture fiat\'I bere Admiral Slr George Somers andhIs pal ty of Vlrgmia colonists were\'Ired ed more tha:n thlee centurIes ago-a wleck that led.to the colonlt:ationof the islands by the Vlrginia Company The northeast brea1{ers ale part(f the Ieef 1m€' that ennreles Bermuda When a. ship strihes the reefs~1Je ~s not lil~~IS to "hde off tnto deep~ '1ter for the reef barrIer consistslnr<>'elv of '1 selles of shoals close tolhe smface

M~ant to Clean PohtU':sThe Colorado 1\\0 blt campaign funrl

Bchc-me ' ...us a proposal to do awav'" ith polttlcal corl uptron through uc:;eof morre~ In 19M the f'blorado legi"latm e passed a law Pl 0' Id ng that thestate treasury should turn 0' er to thr.>chairman of each party a sum equal to25 cent~ for each vote east at the lastelection for the nomlpee of l?'l;lchparf'ifor governor Enlf the sum could beused for campalgn expense<; in the-State campaign th* remaind-er bemgapPoltIoned amon~the countIes Fachcandigate was -permitted to contr1butea sum not to e~eeed 40 pel cent of thE'first year s salary of the posltIon hewas seelmg Any other contrlbutiOofrom anyone constItuted a felony Although th1<; two blt taw was wldel)haded at the bme it ne,er becameoperattve The Colorado Supremecourt held It unctmstltutional to usestate funds for partisan purposes-Washington Star

"Buy British" MovementReferred To by Pepys

The popular cry Buv B"ltl h 1 \\asevidentlY heard III goOd h.lI1g Challl?sgolden da) s to Judgf' by t'h-e followmge'Xtract from Pepy s dlan writes aCOIUTllDlStmol' the Manchester (Fngland) Guardian

beptember ~ 1667-Here 1 met SIrG Dowmng Vi ho would c;peak withme and first to mquire 'Ivhat 1 paHlfor mv Iud"> leathel glbv€s I had onmv hand and shoWE'd me others onhiS as handsome as this in all J)omtscost hlm but J2d ('1bout 24 ('ents) apalr and mIne me 2s (about >')0cent"»He to1d me he had b\'en s€,vpn yearf'ftndmg out a m'ln that could dressFngl1sh sheepsl ..in as lt shoulrl be-and indeed It 1<; now as good III allre,,>pects aCikid and he ~avs WIll sa ...t.£100 000 (nQmmallv about <t,)00OO(l) '1

"ear that gal?'''' out to France for l~ld'"~lnn" rlhu~ he labors ,en wMthll,to ad ...an('e our own trar'it' hut do ItW1th mlghtv vanity and talkin~

Tuberculosis H",s LastIts Dread Pre-Emincnc ..

TubE'1e.ul<SlS is no longel ("at t'11nof the l\lel of De tth' It is surpa<;sedtoday by beart disease pneumoniacancer cerebral hemal 1hage rei '11 dlsea'>e and aCCIdents

:Bel edlty as the causE' of tuberculos 16 dli?d hard for had not all obset\ ing persons seen famllJe<; Wipedout by It and accOldmg to then pointof vlC"W wus 110t hf'ledtv the onlypinus hIe e~planatlOn? In lb~2 Iv chl'lnnoune.Nl hls dl">cmery of the tuber<'1e bocIlIus as the caus'ltne factor ofthe d1sea"e J.rd sInce theh a strtctregImen of lnmg has mennt ple,entlOn and cure Dr r '1 Pott(>ngr::r'iH 11l1g for H:\-,geia 1:1 t~!1/ine comments on tl f' particulallv dhtUi b l~

factor t'hat tuherculo">ls attaC'ks thetv.o se'-es at dlfferent agf' pefLOels

.rhe death late among females i<::.greater than among maT€,,,,up to theage of twenty or tWf'ntv fivE' thenthat for females drops and that formales mountS The gre'lter amountof tubE'rculos1s in guls ,f the teenage Is probably due elther to the blOlogiC dlfferences of the <;e"{esor to env1fonment or both The glOwmg bovls undoubtedly hushler than thE' gIrlHe ~pends more of hIS time In outdoor"ports he eats more food and probably takes hfe less serlollsly


4511 Id.ea Not New1m len 01 <, for 11{ purr se <::;erved

\)) tt e llH l('fl I \ He il':>f'U bymunj. nIt ns of a tl 1 t\ '\.enopl1ondf.,SUlb(s tlt ~h ">(I patt(ns of "l"ll1s\\ Ith '" h ell th~ 1 1;' '" of the ArmenlUns \\(;le sh d to prnent tl em flamsll1J..mg mto the snow J.nd 1 rocoplu,,<made mentlOn of the ane ent Tappskno,\n in -:;cundm nJa a'" Sb.trd I 111nen or "'hders ~no" shoes h(..VE'alwa~ s been used b\ the Mongols ofnorth\\ estern <\.SHlIlom th0 eVlden('eof the old 1\orse saga" they musthave been !,enelal III Se.andmav 11

long before tl C C'hrlsiWll er'l Ulf orUllar the god of "m er 1<1 ah\'1\~«pokeD 0 'lS \ 11 n,r.. 111 on "k J,> th~(un( 1 to of 'I 11 1 t;l (' l1<;e to thlei-,end t1 [t fl e\ Oil l('111> <,1j"

upon "llH!1 the g)] \'\1S wJ.ftl2'd o,eh1ll and d'1le

Annual fair in WhichJavanese Take Delight

Tl e Pasa Gumblr is a ta \\ dry fan\\h ( 1 I">h\'ld '1nnuallv for the del hhtof the Ta\..).IH"se fl e bUll 1 ngs arcuecte- 1 fOl eJe.h e,el t and ale of 1 ghtconstl ucu n of Inn I 0 b't1t are 1endpred quite ('fre t V0 b'i the el ect on )fto\'l,C s J.t iT t0n lIe; Hnd In tl e use ofbrlglt pi nt of m'l,nv C01UIS "orkcommf'l CP<; 111 t10 <; t 11g at d the fairO.)('11Sdu ng tl {> latrer P'11 t (-f' Augusttor t,,6 \\uk"l lur 19 \\h cll 1t is V1Sltrd bv t J.1f a Iml IOn pelson,> As t'h<ttme f 01 f n,., tpr fO lc1l0'" there IS '1.nl1l<.,llO(m t (' \ W(\, of strE'et tradcr~of f"01y (lC<'Cl It ( '1he s lewH~sIre liT r:: 1 ~ tl 1('I <;talls and the

wo 1b <'t JJ,., <.t 110 C0nt st< reI E~ll 'l to i n-1 ( Ii" the I rIe.ec;are4Ul 1712('(')1'>1( r \e1 louttc.htl '" I HI < S f r I 1 er dle~s '18"01tJ 111t (t 1 1 " r 1 e, ng fromch\c'11 to\" to l 1 <, It<; of ~le\.pensn(>Je\\cll \ n] f'lotllq from w fir llg app'1rel1n 1 to let alt c.l"'s to r01JUlu1 oatn e foods

Nature s Special Devlce1'1 he hog ft<.11found al r h U c coast

of southel n Gal forma St ends it~hfeon the sea bottom but it IS necessanfor Its el':,gs to reach the sunny sUlfacewaterS i.f they are to hatch 1',atu ehas met thiS reqUlrement by teachm,..the hog fish to spawn Its eghs msmall blimp ",haped balloons WhiChrlSC' t@ U1e surface in pa rs JOined togpth{." at thp small ends After th'!hatchmg take" place the YOUnb nbhmigrate to the bottom agam

[he Cd~t for the se Hor cld~S playThe Pad Man UI citer tic ducct10n

of M r Axel Gruenb 11 '5 uramclJtlccodch has bee 1 completed a~ follows

Gl1bert 101 es-George LIo) dHenry Smlth-Thursto 1 ToeppcnMorgdl1 Pell-Harry J\dam'>Red Glddll1ey~~Gcorgc PI elV auT aJS'per Hardv-Ed Kdtcf{"T'Angela Hardy-VlI~ llla MoodyPancho Lapcx-Donald SnuphardPedro--Robert He lselBrae Iy -Tron as GroehnAlveroda-\1dry VaughnM ex ca 1 Band t~Georgc RovVClI1U~tano~Danlel Andrew~

Part ThreeThe- Sell or g1rlS anC: oys glee clubs

and mlxed chorusSong of May -Gabriel Marll.':Cab1n 111 the Bayou -Mary Helen

BrownAve Mana -Bach Gounod

Sel1lor girls ~lee dubMornmg (Peer Bynt Smte)-GnegBenderneer s Stream -CamWatchman V\That of the Nlg1ht-

SalterSel1lor boys glee c1u!b

Vlk 19 SOl g -Colendge TavlorThe Stat's arc Shm rng 111 Heave 1 -

Rhe1l1bel gerOn the Road to Calvary (Tl c Dark

est HaUl )-\1ooreMl'(ed Chorus

Part TwoB tnd a 1d 01'Chcskra

Mr 0 L n-coln Igou h1.S not yetcompleted 'lus program wh ch w 11 11dude num~)crs glven by the demen1tary"chool orchestra a trumpet r\xlO fromthe grade schools the Jumor archestra tl e 1.fter <;choo1 senIOr orchestrathe rtornu g se11l0r orchestra a sir ngensembk flom the SC10r orchestrathe h g'h school band and a dar ne~quartet

•... ( $

Vaned a'11d mtere~ttng 1S the program fOl the annual rvfay mus'" fcstlval to be held Fr day evcnmg at 8o clock 111 the aud1tonum All thc mu&1calresource~ of the ent 1 e school systern w1ll be drawn upon for the evem11lg s C1J.ltertamm,ent

The sen10r glee clubs under the durechon of Mr John Fll11ch the JuMorchorus under the superVIS 011 ()If MISSEh7a1bC'th DeX'ter a'lJd several ha.nd andordhestral organlzaJt1ons (hre1Cted \byNIr a Lmcoln Igot1 wllJ take part mthe event

The program IS as follows

Gro"'se POlnte s draMatIc talent agalll J t1l110r girls '111t1 bovs cho u;,~teps to the m1ke 1 Thts tune, 11111 the I The accoll1pam~b arc June Coll ~1gSform of Ray Maypole and MIss I:1nt:ahcth Dc"<1.cr fhc Vl0

"-bout 5 30 0 alack Fnday evemng hmsts are I:lcanorc Janrnson and JoyceMay 6 Roy recelv-ed a phone call from Taylorthe studtos of WWJ ailld was told tobe at the studlO In an hour Arr1Vlngthere 'he was gTleeted by WynnvVrught 'i"ho gave him a man((,1scnpt ofa Mother s Day pla.y wntrten by RexvVh1te

After rehearsmg all week end Royalong wIth Jesste BonsteJIe Wynt11Wn:ght and others presented \the playdurmg the WWJ Players Hour lasltmgfrom 3 30 to 4 00 0 dock SundayMay 8

Bestdes plaYllg to the audl ence overthe aIr the ca.st played to a Uarge aud1ence 111 t11e studlO Whl'Ch moludedEthel Barrymore Colt along w1th rtIl.1

me1"OUSstars of George WhIte s Scan<fals

The play VI ent beautlfu1ly and thecast recc1ved many comphments ofwhIch they were desC'rv1I1g

When asked ""hat his react10ns wereto the presentation Roy stated Myfeelmg v, as about t'he same as i'he feelmg a golfer would have If he made ahole m one

~ro!Jii!ffilJi!ffilJi;!!ii'Ji!Jij!fiilli!ro!Jii!JiQlii!Jij!O!Ili!Ii!Jij!IWO!ffilJii!Jij!O!Ili!Ii!Jij!IWO!lii!Jii!Jij!01l_Jii!l;;]f- Men and Womf'n ReadeTS,

IHI. h Scho I N Br;eflii! I~I as NoveFst See. Th"mg 0 ews II Q The e' "u ce f tl e Hl '0• \\ man_______ in tl e Ln ted St hs IS st II \vldlOUt

\'111l' or rO'1'lotc lc\ lS s luddI us1 '1ndq .1J e pre "'I t. t for tl un 111mo~t cases 18 not brl,..,lt

1he e IS a Met,", liE 10 such t \\oman h( t" (>(nit. 1 f(' anrl her thOUghtshf'r J."1 at10ns and no\els 'lbout 1,101

ous 1Ull ne. (J 11 <.,t"l n)hllLeS undt \U CQI 11;;" llllF-,C 1'1 t of lor 111ner nce.ebS tJU'" 1 ('Inp; 10 a ~1Plt extent ,,1 e d \c'll" I n 1 upon tl E'1 I\ 0 lId nc, er ~...pe t to SE 11 a novelabout a Ie1('1\ ar 1 defente 1 \\ 0 llclnto won I "'\ot UD ('<'C; It \Hle "nollyscntl1nel hI

A 'q", 1m Ha! n(\(1 m sucT a C1<:;e'Ot \.1 be (n(' \\ 1 ('If' the 'I pc:; tl e 11\

portan('12 of the \\ a 1m '\\ere >::>1 (<;<::.1\eVl,..,..,uut('d A cold rNOlCl of factcould h'1\e no SlC'<(>~S\ltb then theque"tion the pre en('e of truth an 1b€''11t\ ha ....e no Sl1>'>ance An 0\('1

"hclrning mUJo t\ of \\ ;nlpn lead for'5UppOlt for the Illu"i on of aD amelio....al on of tl e r fate!>

Men "hen tlle:\-,re~ d at ctll ate dlftf'Hnt the, a 12' so ...ar ous that nohenel'11 cTas"lficahon is pOSSIble~ I el me'" e I....af,ed vi-lth mv mall Ith nl, n en road mostl~ to dIscover thellumber,> of mistal es In the beak'S the\(>'\f1mlne- Tospph Ileigesl!elmer 1ll tl eAmer C'1n Me1 cm y

Part OneJuntor High School Choral MU<;IC

The F-llst Pnmrose ---Edward GnegThe Swal10w Solo-Doro:thy Miller

_GnndellSeventh and Et.ghth gra.de JUlllor

choruS'The Old RefraIr11 -rntz KreislerSylv~a Solo-Betrty Ann N 0Cl11--0ley

SqueaksItalaan Street Song -VIctor Herbert

N1I1th grade JunIOr glrlS chorusAUa h Hohday -Rudolph Fnml

Seventh and EIght gra-de Junior oh-orusNightfall So a-Rose Mary Whl1mg

-Franz LISt I'Her Rose Solo-Betty Ann We all-

C WhtlJtney CoomlbsH3JpPY B1rds -EdWiard HolstThe Cuck coo Clock Solo-Leona

Taube-C N Grant Schaffer As OId as Hl$ CreedHome -Peter Van Steede 1 .rhe 'lte 1 \ lS tolu of a young rector

J un or gills and boys chorus \\ ho nftE'l a sel man on the d \ 1118'From the T and of {he Sky Blue Via charae.ter of the church \\as ap

ter- Charles Wwkefield Cadman>-! proathed by an elderly lady who sUldDoroth) Ct ame "rathfulh Ho\', dar e a bo' hkc :\-'au

'The M)~tery pf NnglhV''--ILUClenl tall .. to u'" in that manner?Denm The young man '\ho still \\ore hi'5

smphce dlf'\\ 11IInself up dnd repl €Od Valuable BlockN1l1t'h grade JunIOr gltIS chorus \\lth cru'>hlll"" diomty Madam when The monetary gold 111 the world cast

The J arnpht Hour ~Arthur A Penn I I havf' thl~ on I am 1900 veal'S old n one SOlId block ,\olld fOlm a cubE:The World 1'8 Wa1'tl11g for the Sun I -Bo"ton 11 IOSUJPt n feet m each d illen"lOn

rIse -Ernest Seltz I ;::)11ffiffi!I"1i1!lliiill1!!il'~H~iiilliilliii!i@jiiilliilliii!i@jrmmUiillig@f~iiilliUiilli!i@jrmmUiilliilliJj~r,m1@iiilli!.IO!ffi!llil!!.. ~

Grosse Pointe ~~iety ~~

(Contmlled from P.!l'~ One) • ",/J...n ". ,Mrs Fredenck C Stoepel WIth her WJI'e,)

granddaU:ghters the MIsses 10 Ellen ~

and rrcdencka and grandGon Freder @! ~t- r_OI'ITlek Chllsto.vher have gone East to ~Iopen the Stoepel summer home akBass Rocks Mass

*to ~ ~MT' Frede<,ck M Sibley, of Wb,t. ~ ""1M PR!.OFIT ~10!-:;;,""'(-" II

tier boulevard. Grosse Pomte Park ~ha1' Issued tn:Vltahoh.s for a luncheon @!

and br,dge party tb take place at her ~ - MAK. IN G II J,home Wednesday afternoon ~ ~'

1£rs Charb; ~a:mond has taken I ..IDEA S •. ~=.. f!jthe home of ?vIrs Charles r Zlclke on - I lIDRIvard boulevard for the summer Mrs ILLU8:r~IA"'ION'~/(r-, I71e1ke Vi 111res<rde w1il:h her daughter Jt MI ]t,...,Mrs Jean'" ZIelke Henkel on lvlarl ~. ""'MDA '~N'1111_, IIIboroug'lh avenue for a wh11e ~ "'" FAR..- .~ <.... /

Mr and Mts Frederick W He<:ker, pWe ,..so 'L1tIdM HIllcrest road. Grosse POinte Farms, • I pu r..-..are ent<rtammg Mr. Hack""', motber, E'~"""Month I~Mys W Vi Lyons, of NashVille, Tenn a""

Mrs Sidney ~ .S;all IS In Wb,te for BuildinCJSulphur Sprmgs W Va where she 7-"our ~j01ned 1It Small who went down from;;&. ~the East Mr and Mrs Small WIll re Busines.s ImatH for several davs of gold beforercturnmg to theIr home In Grosse

P::C and Mr. • R:b:t J West have igiven up their apartment tn the Hlb.. ~hai"d and are reSIding on Harcourt ~~lli~seP~ @I"

• • •A V1I1Centlan danee and carrd 1Yarty

1S beJ1.l1g sponsored by the Young ~ILadies Sodahty of St Clare PanshGrosse P01l1te Park 1ll the school audlt.qt'lu'fn For the benefit of St Vmcenil: I IDe Paul SOCIety :MnslSMary Krausma"n IS general cha1Cman Committee Grosse P01'nte_ReVl'ewchalrmen alSs1stmg her are MIsses -!stabel Krausmann Eleanor Mttchell,Jsa~el 7 nk Kathleen H"che"s and 15121Kercheval Lenox 1162~Elvera Carnaghl T~ckets -can be db~ @jtamed W !>honmg Tuxe<lo 2 3506. ~i!!Ji!llilliilm!Jiill1!I~i!!i"",,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,mmmm,,,,,,mmmmm,~

"'~ ,>.{"'I'> 'l,;Jl::.\I::.I~l;ol!:?lI.:olr,;;,jIOWll.¥l===""'==lO"==",",l::.l~a:::Ja:::JL::lI::Jl::.ll:J=l::.ll.::.llID

" ~:3 {, A.A1<N W'* tf-%-1 .. :k£"p;.;bb:lt!t¥ ?i~.&.~<s~!P 6l'r ""-~$",,~,,,~ ~ ......~ .....:L4""J""....h..t., E'q'':,)'" ,","" tH ,,~l;! h !t)i,eh H,


Phone Lenox 1162

They have learned through exper-Ience that to look In the G10SSePomte Review first IS to save tImeand money after'" a1 d:, They havelearned that advertJ'iemenb In theReVieW~lve them the infOlmatJonthey want, and the places whel ethev can make then deSired pur-ch,;ses The Review i'i really a SOltof deal ing house of 'ihops, tho:,eadvel tJsing m It steachly come un ..del the notIce of the many womenreaders, and they come mto theIrStOIes, whIle those who don't ad-vel tIse lo~e the chance of even be-mg con slcleled as a prospectJvemal ket You have a busmes'i, whynot make It pay' Appeal to onewonun and \OU appeal to manyfOl women never keep a seCletNeIthel cloes The Grosse PomteRevlew-tbe chance IS open to all,a ~ual anteed area of women buy-er,



Our WIde circul.tion of1000 readers gu.ran-tees you a reading pub,fie, and a buying areathat WIll pay tenfoldthe cost of advertising.



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F'nnft's MarketFl'Uiu and, Vegelables

Colony Sweet ShopInvites Your PatrolUlge

Tile Ka'rmelkorn Shop

V1Sit t:p,e CDtony Sweet Shop locateda~ 1$645 Maek Avenue (,orner of BalfO\11;')~nd try some 01 t:heJlr d>ehc;WiUpswe~s and ICe cream, Th[1> place tS nowoperated by Thomas Richardson and h~S1pecla1l.zesI'h a comrprlete 111leof cand1esc gal's 'cIgarette.:: llclun11t1Q"fottnttamservt<:e They sell Schrlifft s Amet'l.ca sta\:'DJ;lte candy rot 60 cents and up a l(ox:Borden s ~Cecream IS sold a.ny Q..ua.ntlt~and they have s-peOlal bnC'ks at 25 cenltsand SO cents also seU 17 cent Pint ;I

br~cks Th~lr fountam IS modern and!lallltary and everyone IS S<flrved 1I1 an.~tul1V}dualsaOitary drmklUg cup or sunda:e Ice <;ream dlS'h pellvenes aremdde III the commumty and thetr telephone numlbers are NIagara ()174~0237


The G~odwU1 liardv.are Compau;}'located at 14721 Ket'Cheval Avenu-e carnes a laflge anld complete stock of hatdL.ware garden ana lawn sUipp!ltes. fishtngtl;\t'~les spottmg g'oddis and seeds 'Phey~lso 1:>ell lawn mowers and do sharpen-mg Olf mhem They <::arry Cochranpamts and household suprphes and -doocksmlthLng Roofing and tmnmg I~asl0 one of thljlr -departments MrGoodWin the proprietor has been l'll

busmeS's fot ~b./)il:t seiTe.hyear'S

Goodwin Hardware Co.Gener.l lUrdware

Among the recenItY 'flew retald estaibhshmerut~ "''lit bas- loc~ed on the EastS~de 'ISthalt of Ft<ank"s Markel l.ocatedat t1te (orner of 01rar1evolx and Mat'llborough Here you wII~ nnd a largeand cotnq,)ktte stack of fresh frn~ts andvegetables both. m and ou<t of seMonEverythmg 15 dIsplayed so as !the CJ\.lStomer can select w'hiartever they desu.reThe pr1<::es are vety reas'Onable andfresb. 6UJP'Phes are rece'1Ved d.lf\lly FrankMurray the manil,g'er and propnetorundersta-ndrs the ft">ui1: and vegetablebusmess thoroughly as he has bee1Icou.nelcted wlfh frmt and vegetable 'tiepaJ;ltmenlt& one of Detrant s large corporatllons Tihe More IS open even ng'sand he <vlso sells bread cake mtlk andsoft drmks

tit» •• Ul.WIt;&tJlUtb LJj II -.l~;JJ ~~i JJ1l I1J,Detroit Wrecking and Motor Boa'!: Sales' Iyou With an~th111g 111\\ater CIJft rhey IUtility Repair Company

Salvage Co. \ and Service Co. are authOrIZed sales and servICe 'or thewell known Johnson and ChriS Cn"'t The Handy Shop

-- (Formerly Blil'. Boat.)For the hQrne owner or brtl1ldler who boats thc best on the market They --

IS deSirous of conserVlUg hIS re.sourns -- ask yOU Try 1 m 011 thc \\1 J.ter Be"!\Jow that the outdoor sport aond ~.f yeti k....~ ~oor :t'1~ ! owu Hpalrvt IS often to hl~ very grea.t advantage _.t fore You Buy Em Thl::. 1S lll.1r f)lo e,l ,jlalT.' ed /'o~ n01~ hLy::' maUL tu

d amusement season ~s open h'Ltnd!feos lrL " '":er:l~~tl1d~~:ehafb1e deader 10 salvage Det'rmters are CI1JOYIl1tg" the vanous gan 1nd f vou a c not S1t Sfild you arc order h.." e sheet meldl or fnrl1tce

" d ff d h h d bl t Tl I I \',ork to do get III touch w th thl Ut 1The Dert:rol~ WreokmlO' al1d S.alval<Tcsports an amusement's 0 cre y t e un lr no 0 gJ. on ley a so Bveo 0 t Th D t R L k r ty R,p11r COUll)tny Mr C C Hll1

Co localted at NC) 2986 Har\t avenue wa ers c c rOit Iver a e J...,rle boat and ~torage facllitles do boat rcdnd LIke 5t ClaIr offer the most glol d 1 I lie! tl c 1)1Oplletor gl1f LrtC'C's all 1 1::.

Just Nortll of CharleVOiX carry m pamIg an catrYllg SUPDIlS am aeIOUS means of summer recn.atlOn and ,\ orl d. 10 1 c \, 11 n k Lal1~ d lywl restock a large hne 01 saQvag'ed lumber cessallCS They I ave he reputatIon foren]o}ment Th s CB<n be easJly taken 11 the c ty fOi '1 Y I HI of gCllcrdlclean and free of nails also diOOrs sash advantage of by purehasl g a lake furmshmg the best IOV,lng boM.g 111the hou"it! old npJ.ln g locbm thllg c1:cplumrb111gand mp.ny other Items of goodused bU1ld1l1gmatenal as well as new crUlser motor boat or saIl boa<t of your cIty Me;,sn Harry W rerns 11d J Hls::.l op 1::. lac ttL 1 1t 14229 Ll,<;t J cf

I h d h f town The Motor Boat Sales & Scrvlce A. Rommelare are tie propnctors Tl e ter"iOI (rc1r) a 1(t 1 ~ pbo Ie number 1S

urn er OOfS sa6 rame.s 111>enorfi h h I h It d

"t Compa.ny whIch IS located at the foot IMotor Boat Sales & ServIce Company I I eno"{ 4529 or vou mJ.y l 11h 111 at h <;n)s .s Ing es asp a an S1d e sur

f d !I fi t h~I d of Alter Roan (2 blocks west) form SOhClt your patronage and for any es del ce pihone W'hlCh IS HIckory

ace ro roo ng s rIp 5 111'5'es, anmdlvld-uals beaver board plaslt>et erly known as BIll s Boats can supply further n{ormatlOn cal1 LEnox 3953 _ ..4..9_4_R_,.. .. _board palnts vlfrrilshes btt'11rdershardL. r<1~ ~~~]O

ware and plumbmg s1Uil?iPhesThe officers' of thiS o~annza!l:lQt1

know the va1ue of a reputa.tloo rforsquare dealing and bell~ve !the gT'e'<\rtestai)set a busmess can ha.ve 1$ sabsfiedl;:uSiomers Their m'V'art.afble bUstnre6spo-hcy IS value quahty amrd serYI!Ceand mone'\" .refunded un1ess the :cus!tom-er IS satisfied Their !telephone n't!t11b~rIS Lenox 8053

D. A.MartinTile Contr.ctor

Wm. SelaweikattP.mter lIJld Deco1'lltol"


Windmill PointeBt>at Co.

B<>1J:t BuiltiN'''

Old 15an DepreSlS<Ion IS gradtfalJ.ypassmg out and the general puibbc arebeg;mmng to reah,ze thalt In order to mcre~se pro$:pertty It IS necessary to('feate employment among the varioustrades Many contractors and l>u)lt;ier.shav-e reporlted progress 10 theur lmesan<l. among those m the tIle controotmgbusmess thlllt IS re-celvmg a large number of new Job<; 1S thM of D A Martill Mr Mafltm has had rnaJny yeaTSof expene't!ce In tile work of every descnptlO11 and <lurmg the time that ~ehas bt.en In busmess) he has compll~1.edhundnds ot J01;ls among the Ea'St S1deproperty owners He gIves employmenrt to expenenced and 1:raUlCd 111elayers wnd every Job IS .carecrully construCited Many of the repair Joib~ onhomes are USltlg tile m the redecor.atmg of theIr dmf11g rooms kItchens andbMh rooms 1"hlS 1'5 becom~ng "eryPOlP'tftar and cconomlcal and ta'51t~rtg"Mr Martlrt Will g'll-a:d1yfUrt1llSlhybU WIthany mrformatlon and pr.tce5' on -anythHlgvou may need 10 t11e and he has a largedisplav for your 1IlS1p-ect>!onat hiS officeand showrooms located at 1205 Way~burn Avenue If you cannot can liD per-son phone hIm ttt LEnox 4421 and heWIll make an atpp'dlltlltrtierit at your horneat your conveme1irCc


Among rhe responJS.1ble boat bU11dersof DetrOit t'hat guarantees perfe'Ct sa.tISfactIOn In the bU1ldmg of new !boatsr-epaI(lng ~1;1doV'erhaulllng oS !boats andstoring both summer 31nd wmter 'lS theW~i(ldmlf1 Pomte Boat Campany ThiSfirm oocup.les docks- and. boat basl1n>s'all:14427 RIVersilde Dr-rve at thJe Dett:oltRIver and ate aiMe to hahdJre boats'tip to 70 fe'et long ThlS company giveSemploymen.t to only expenelflced boatbuilders and repa-tr men TheIr prIcesfar s6t'V1ce IS always wlithm reason andtheJ wlI1 .gladly furn"h you _h es;,mates at any tIme The gentlemen connected WIth the Wmdm1l1 POlOlte BoatComp<¥.\ly aYe men of .Jug'll srt:a>nd'll1g 1Itl

t'he community and buS'mess CIrclesEveryone havmg deahn~ wllth th~scompany are assured of 1>er~ect .sa.tllSfaction and you WIll find 1t a pleasureto transa.ct busmess With ~he membersof thiS rellable concern They Will gladly give you any mformatlOu by rCallhngLenox 78911


Led's Tin ShopSheet Metll1 Work

Bilsiness Re-riew

, !Southea'll-tel'h Motor

Sai.~',.Sat.a FORD .s.rvic\>

Ideal Bllrber Shop()pen lol' BuainelJl


"I"OREW AltD-A revIew of some of the Lead1ng and Pro-gressIve COhcetns of our corqmumty and Det,rolt, mcludmgContractors BUIlders and Commumty Boosters who have thebest mterests of our cIty at hurt, and are always boostmgfor a g'r'ea't~rand te'!t'et etty 1n wInch to hve

BryaRchtt Berry ..Pl'open~ Company

Bo.t Supp1ies

AmOhll the E~st Shire ..1tlo1ll<>pIlesales amd serVl<:e esrtaJbltshments that Now that t'he season 1$ a.t 1'ts !best fora.re t.n pOSltbOn to ~we the automobll.1~ the overhalllmg of your 'bui1'd1ngS, in~(iwhiers prom~'t and rehat-le "S~rV1lce 1& eludmg the pa-mttng and decorMlng, ~tthe Southeastern Motor SaUes, toc~fed IS Inlporta-m 'that you engage eXlPe:tat 10900 CharleVOIX at Lemay Th~ lenced P"In.t~S ana decorato.rs for ~hisate one 01 th'l: abthomed Ford de"lers .. na <>1 the w<>Fk 0tre t!M>t we "an con-of the East Side and g'lVe spect.al at- SCIent ously recommend for good ser'f~tentron to servmg For-d owners wt.th:e.. 1Ce 1.$ Wrn SchWelkaI'<t l~ed at 1506pairs and parts Their serv~ce deJP'3.ti- 'St Oan" Avenue H-e only emrp:l~smen! t$ III charge 6f e1tiP-erlenlce-dme'" '"PluMer-s a>nd decol"ators of years oil' e?C-chamcs and all work on iCarSr lS per ence He IS a tnemtber of the'Ma'$-prom11tloytaken ~are of They have on ter Pamters ana Decorators AliSoaa-<1'1splaya nUJPber O'f 1at'e: Ford Modej" ~Ion or DetrOIt, WhlCh 15 matle up orfm pleasl1te ana l}1is1n"esscars ,for your on1'" -conC'erns. wi~h years of ex,penencemspect10n TheIr sa1esmen WIn gladly atvd fes'Ponstbihty behi1nd them Esitlti;lil'k O1er any sale a>nd you can !trade fn l1iaJ1:esWin he dheenfuIl1iy g1Ven by Mryour pres~nt car on a ne"WFord They SchJwelkar't 10st call LEnox 5928also have a number of used cars i&rsafe al1d everyone has thelr guaranteebelund It

"'fhe Sanders GermIOlual Trt",Clean~mg Co wlrC>se east SId'e branch 1S 10-tatel1 itt 146¥1 E 1effers{)n mVlte:s yourp1tttonmge and as .a, sfl'~m' Inducement!.to ,get acquai.nted they o'Iea"lf and pressladles plam dresses S'Ults or coats tor79c M'en s S'UltSor to:p coats are cleaned and pressed for 59c These are cashand carry speCials You w111 find theira-dvertiserrrent In rhl's l'&SUe of the Re-Vlew eXJplamlllg further deta11s


tn our anooual Busmess ReV'lew caUillS' attentl(:m to orur readers !boe rnan,leiSof mhatble firms that are worthy ofyour patronage we w~sh to give duemen.tlon to Led. s Tm SJhop ThiS firmhas theIr office and shop locaJt'ed at 1389Ashland Avenue They .are J-U rp05,11:100

to gIve you compkte serrVlce IIll anbranch~s ot sheet metaJI. work roof1111gand furnaJce work ,as weilil the bestmaterial and workmamshilp .115 guar-amteed E$otlmates on n.ew and rerpalrwork IS cheerrfufly gwen free You cancall Hlckor~ 2>123J amd .hey WIll callail: your home and look over any workyou may need and gwe you their ptll<cesOnly ex,penenced men are employe«! on~Jl Jobs and every JOib large or smallIS guaranteed to be dOllie nght ThereIS no botter t1me of the year than nowto have >those mInor relpalrs done andibes~des y-ou are helping the un~mploy-ment g.ltuaJtlOnby gIVing employment to1'<11emenf 0/,

) j

Day &: Night Servu::e

Fnday, May 20 1932



MarUI:! g:. MillerFuneral ~ ..


OLD HA.TS remodeled and new hatsreasonliibly pncec;l LetJ:ox 8015 1035


NI ikmds of 1:'c*~brInt done

15'1"2'2>Ma'cl<!live. l'uxedo 2-2125

Review Liners, ,

Grosse PointeResjdentJ.al Police

so Hlll,CI'e". AvenueGroue f9htte fJll'll1., MU:h.

Owned and Supervied by

~.V¥.~ t -I>Specilll :Police ~ alId "Night

Phone NI.gar. 4532

J~~:N l:ANENjI~l9lI~ Work~""_W'"in ~)Ur Work

14 Rw.-QIIl.l,,'~ 1'- >Nip .... 07N~1iiill,"~!"iI~t).d':1:14'1'1%1&


LEa..... i'''lmII9 'WyJud~.~~~ ...-"..,.-,,__ ,.L~'~w_~~ '"

Funeral Home at 1468 WaybU:tn A"'a.GroS8e POinte Patk, Mieb

Heltu.m PretdUcbo.,Helium is made ffom Dt\tuF.{lI.,g$S

on a comnrt!:ft1:al scale by Hq~facVonmethods simIlar to those emp-loyed inobtammg oxygett-from {Ire atmosphere

If yqu, destre some goO,d tas1:YJ4ehc~,s confelCtlOIJ. we w0l,11d suggest thatyou dr<UP m a't the new KAR.-p..1ELKORN Sj'fOP localted at i4247 Ea.~ --Jefferson ave11ue (next tb Lakewood .I

A. J. Soull:"'''''' thealler) and try some of tnm prod ~."'. '" ucts KARMFI KOR"l has made thou I

Flour and Felli" s-ands and fhousmrds of if-tends Where i1--..., ever 1'1: 1,5 saId l(at$~1korn has th.~tI :;

A J SoUllIere & Sou wbos>e playe ct"unchy flavor WhICh. us not f01l.11;ld I.of MISmeiSS 15 located at 14116 MaJ.~k tn any stml!lar confection YNt -dIDtl buy =Avenue IS one of aU' East SIde s re~~ It to quart\btIes from 5 cents to 4U cent~ _able cOl1cerns Th("/ are whd1esale and a "Jag ThiS dehclOus confe'CtlOn IS ...retail dealers In !tour feeds bJrd seed made fre;;h hourly GIve KARMEL ~

Now that the W(liter n<aV1gatlOn&ea- and supplies r'lalt hops and supplle'S KORN a trtal ~: ~;;_soft IS1:JP'efland hundreds of bo2t owo- -",fuddtg &aIr for all purposes Srugal; I , ~

e'rs have their rIVer craf<t 1n service mt and meallD' ..udlOg food for dogs ms al if'iIS most eMort!!al thM all! il:foa;- are ,IH so c-",<'l The firm has heen IU the Martin G. Teasdale ~V"'"".('\oerworldng cb:ndilttc:m"Nurnbet1bg cOtr'mu01ty for the past ten years De WinabW Shades and Curtains ~.=~ t.fie ~ ~ U1 ~ r1~E:rtes a're made anyWhere In De-traM: !t=equipment and supplies tiliaIt IS doing and theIr phone number 15 LEnox 3646 ThIS IS the season of the year when ~a large M.lSifnesS111 DetrOit and! ad~otnl- .....__ hUJ,1,dre'dsof hbuseWlves are domg theIr ~l'hg VlClhfty In the s'lfpplymg Df boat annual <spnng house c1eanmg and whtle ~eq,U1lp.mertit e-tc 1S B-rY'ant & Berry H. R. Askew attendrng to thIS It 1Salso Important to ~Prope1ler Comp.a.11'y Thl.S eflnceorn's Window Shades have your wmdow shades cutitams and ij-_mam busmess IS the Jobtbmg of boart draperies cleaned A concern that aspropellers beSIdes they carry a large Now that the housedeamn~ s"tiason 1'5" spectah~es m domg Mus 'Character ofstock of 5upphes and paritS lor a.tl. at ltS- best, lit IS e9'Sen<t~aU to have your work tn a satlsfactory manner IS thatmakes of crUIsers 1amliches motor wmdow shadiCs rtrPlaced or c1eaned H of Mart111 G Teasdale He has beenboats etc The Bryant & Berry Pro R Askew wh~ shop UlS located at 249 m the wmdow shade buslOess for apeller Company mahitIYaNUTe everyw Emerson A ven!ltp 'Ca.n gIVe you S(iJp1S~number of years durmg which tIme hethmg they sell and speCialize on pro I factory serVIce 1n th!lS Ime He s!Ptec has buIlt up a large sil:-eady patronagepelfer repaIrIng They aliso carry -out l<lIhzes1h j.tl'$t~11fng any kI'll'd -Qtf wmdow among manv East Siders :tIe liS In aboard propellers ancL boat a'OCessones shades cUrtatn rodlS dr-aperJes or s~lr poslhon to gwe you first class serv!lceTh~ members of the JCO';1\C~!"nare all treads He has had many years of 'ex and wbtkmanshlp In makm:g and 111 u. 15121 K rchevalrecogmzetl as 6!11tef'?!"l;;mg and tnflu.- penence and h\s pnces are always f<ea sltalhUlg amy kmd of wlndow,shades cur IS . e

\.Furniture for Sale .enltla1 busIJ.nessmen 0If DeltrOlt The sbn~ble lrfJin1t fanl11tres q,f G'tosrse tam rod.:. stall;" treads draperIes 1n II!Company s office and .sup.ply rooms -are Potnlte an-d. .. E~g,t SIde ~1) M!I" dLudmg lmoleum Estimates an cheer it!

F'tJRNITURE if... $Ole-Green 1"''111«- 1oc~t.:aat '34S6 ;East Jeff .... on Avenue Askew whel\ they ne.d SMVlces In h" fully gIven and hIS telephone number 'itil!liVIng room 3 pIece, green lacquer The Bryant & Berry Prop.Mer A:orn- 11m, of ill1._ He",')'V,~ ml>ke e;alls 15 ;LenW\ 34J9 All hIS work 15 g~ar .S1S

t"l""""pne ,.tand aM cha1r, green lac- <k • .k .• ~ __ < .l. ! Ld f 1 '5Iiit{(g~~magaZfhe rack 75 1lb lte Box }loury 1:1 VIK: Dl-me"m0st Important eM .. a,:t,YWuere an'U urmsh you estllmat>es ~ee~ be-~absQlutelYJJght and h~<; iIi 4 ~-'1 j~ 1.. ""<;7

! t\..P.I.91Y .AI~a t)}e~e, Oharlevolx and eerat of tlus character to all boat own- and h1S tele:phQAO ...... ' .IS. Lenox pnce'S a,re allw~ys reasDnable HIS shop !Ii\~~_nn~r_n , ~ "'_"" ~ -__ ~ -_ ~_-h ~ 1IIi\I. olllt_e..is._.I..llIl...)A....teil... Ilt.. 3009.. Dlc.ke"r$Q.n, .... '..•..

ImJ)ortant Ates -of 'Man'the three superimportant ages, of

" man we (1) eating t<>lIVe (2) iivbig 10 eat aM (8) ,IT.tIfig to !Ive-Fort Worth Star Telegram

• , L..... 'Of R«oIo"rnn~Tile last $'W'Vl'l; or (}f the baittle 01

atm'k"..et HIll rlJed Chrl<:1tm'l:ts day 1800] ti t

The Idell !larber ~ho'p loeateu at15643 Ma ...'k AVebue (second door eastof C<Ylony t'he'atl:e) mvoces your patroflage Special attenitlon IS gIven tohalr-cu'tmg any s'\Y'1eat 35c both lad-res and gent's Children 5 hatT culbt1ngIS done fOT 25c and ~ -c'hrM i:s given

~th Neotiee! sOl!j~ sort <if a pre'sent Mr A MIller• -- the proprietor has 'had 12 years expett.

Cat! G Glecbes Sr ~ge 66 years ence and was formerly m the J Lpasted away Nta:y 10th 1932 at hiS tesl- Hudson beauty p-ar1dr Mr Millerl[enC'e 149 'St ClatT avenue NIl' guarantees he WIn g1~e you the best ofGlc.cne had bee.n a reslderut of GrD\S-se worrk and p-erfeot sflIttsd'acl1on GIve thePomte Village for the past 29 years Ideal Barber Shop a ViSit and ve:rlfyhaVing a wule drc1e of ff1cnds among theo;e factsthe aide;' rCSIldents of Ij:he vIllage Thedeceased \Va'S an honorary member o-fthe ~Ilage police d<~aTtmen, havnn"!( Sanders 'GcwMeidalbeen the first man to serve as an officer Tri-Cleaning CO.In U<t'l11form Hqs aged mother a W1fethr"ee ",,,/5 1lWt> d'""hlte~s all'd 10 grandchlldretr &U:rvlv<e- nun <tI1ld rn'?'urn 'lusdeailr along wlith m~~y fnends of pasty"e~r"$ 0'£ as'S-OCtM10n ~, ~ £


'" w ~me.t ..c Fehdw'1\ \nan ,0 so lmr" ... oo•• l. tpat he

lllll> /Illt a lre!t1' more pleasnre om ofearmng money for a gQop cook to sr>enflthan he an for a good bridge playelto blow In -~ll:lc1nnati 'Fnqulrer

Nf!OI,l G;ll'" ~eon ie; a gas which has the prop-eft:f 01 glowlllg with a "Pecu1\R11y br!!l1ii~ 1iery1'e"'cf hnt When an ele0trlCctir~1; ill pals'se€l throUgh it In a n~arva.cuum

I'" C~n"'J,ct~dby 'Hens~~t.r1}f~ ben'S wer..e -5tolep., frO"m th~fpjVlr~n <>1' a Westpl1alIall farmer but1Itl. SjJ$pected thIef c1~lmed tbat theYll'e'i"Qged to hIm Tlle .. e.. .,"". lll>-erated in the owner's tRrmvard Theypromptly walked ill single file to theIrown roost and the thIef" as sentencedto six months in jail

W,f. of e..•,f;S.ld ....lIla'ry GUshs .,... ¥lie dll.Jl:\It"'l' .f

<teof$. W•• hmgton I?arke Oustls whoIn -;tturp. was the grandson of MarthaWasp.ington and adopted son of George\\ ashlngton Mar, Oustl! marriedRobr>rt E L.e

dB-omI" Story Old.~ .. e "~o~ne ot lIesh" sMy, as tole IiTn CttrliOt M);h~i 'IV)lleh 'dates from

Roout the end of the Thirteenth cen~1)i'Y>1~ take~ by ~ss L. ToulminSmith as the very earh-el't referenceto the bond story In Engllsh.


DELIVERSthis fine Washer

to your home


Come In or phone us- ,.,Lenox 4125-TODAY i,



Ancient OrganizationThe American Geogr'1phical society

IS the oldest geographIcal society inthe Umted States and ",as founded in1852

Navel "rangesThe navel orance Is believed to

have originated in Bahla BrazIl, asa bud sport of the Selecta varietyIt was first propagated I by buddingabout 1820 Its s\1ecessful lDtroducbon into the United States was accomphshed in 1870 by 'Wilham Saunders of the United States Departmentof AgrIculture. Within three yearsnavel oranges had been sent to Callfornia and :rlorHla

The houseWlve'S of the Ea-srt:SIde andGrosse POinte WIll do well by 1.rflJdlngat the Frmt and Vegetable stands lo-cated at Kercheval and Chalmers alsoat Mack and Chalmers FrU1ts of allkInds mc1'lldmg vegetables are soldthese places at greatly reduced pr1cesTheIr supply IS receIved fresh dallyand everything IS d1splayed conve'l11ently so as theIr customers can mCllh the ..own seleotlon QUJ.ck servtce andcourteous clerks are alrways on hand toserve YOu Honest weIghts are albsoIutely guaranteed and ev..erythmg ISwe1~hed berfore your eyes These placesare open every day and evemngs andthe management mVlltes you to caU ateltner of the above frutt stantds and seefor yourself the large and complete1me- of fruds and vegetables handledThey have been 3It Kercheval amd Chalrners for 4 yeal"f

F~,day May 20 1932 ~

Buy Your Fruits and ,Vegetables at Cut-Rate


in fine up-to-the-minute Washer


GRINNELL BROS.Jt-. 'B.!I-_"'''h'


Grosse PointeLibrary

Why is Leaf Mold theNatural Fertilizer?

14127 E. Jefferson AvenueAT NEWPORT AVENUE TELEPHONE LENOX 4125 ,


Remarkable value in a Washeryou can look to for completesatisfaction ••• a Washer witha record of 18,000 hours ofcontil\.uous operation - theequal of more than 100 YEARSof service in your own home!It's surely to your interest tosee this great washer 1 • • •surely, from the standpoint ofeconomy and service. a splen-did washer to own.S.sheet, porcelain tub, 4.bladealUMinum agitator, Westing ..house motor, direct drive, oil.less bushings 1

Fine Lovell Wringer

• . , a handsome, dependablemachine, carrying the GRIN-NELL name ... the GRIN-NELL guarantee •.• a latestmodel .•. and sold at a priceof only

Extra Great

o....<:;:>...a':[email protected]':! O'i>o...@-a':l O'i>o...@-a':l O'i>[email protected]':! O'i>o...~-a':l O'i>o...<:;:>"'<

~ FREE TO CHILDREN-Suckers, Balloons, Pencils G~ DICK'S BARBER SHOP ~~ 12936 EAST JEFFERSON AVE., at Dickerson ~

~ ALL ";AiR'CU;';P2.t~ENTS ~a~ If you ClPprecu'ltethIs-volume wdl keep It up - we need you and you ~

need us Now ,. the tlm.e to keep a Barber Shop 10 your community that'WIllfit your pocketbook these hard times

~ OPEN 8 TO Ill-SAT 8 TO 12 ~~ SHOP FULL OF BARBERS-3 Sh.fts NO WAITING :Y,;;,~c:l>~~G'l>-...:gl ~G'l>~ ~G'l>~ ~G'l>-...:gl ~G'l>~~C

'Potato From PeruThe Irish potato orlgmated in Peru

the Dame potato being a corruption ofthe Indhn name batatas

Leaf mold consists of 70% organic matter which causes a bac-terral action in the soil. This bacterial action reconditions theground by making all elements in the soil available to plant Ilife in the form of gases. FERTILIFE contains 57% leaf mold

I;~:E~~:~~~..,::R~~~.~FE\I Grosse Pointe Hardware, 16915 East Jefferson Avenue

R. E. Beaupre Hardware, 326 Grosse Pointe Boulevard

I F ..ed C. Dery Hardware, 15029 East Jefferson AvenueR & H Hardware, 16018 East WarrenI V. R. DePetris, 202 Grosse Pointe Boulevard_0


_0 11__ "_-" _

___ 'M__ .'~'__~'M__Q '._~'M__'_-'-------'---'---,--

C011scnptIOl1 of a People by t.l1eDuchess of Atholl A'OOther study ofRUSSIa's attempt Ito develop her eoonomIc system !by the FIve Year Plan

'Bu"mess Forecastmg' !by LeWIS HHaney A baSIS for SCIentIfic bus messforecastmg 15 presented here

ISymphoDac Broadcasts,' 'by O'enDownes Talks on one hundred andfifty st.andar.; represemahve works ofthe orchestral tf1)ertorv

"JustIce OlIver Wendell Holmes" bySIlas Bent A new bIOgraphy of thefamous JustIce of the Ul1Uted Std.te<:Supreme Court

'N"arpoleon ' by Fnedrtch Max Ktr~cne1sell A'11 authol ttve -POI1tralt oJOne of the most extraOl dl'lary penonal1ltl€S m hIstory

• Amenca Faces the Future' ed~teaby Charles A Beard A cOl!ect.IO"l ofpa.pers on depre::.slons and futureeconomy

The hbrary IS constamly recel1v1Ognew books of mtere.st both to the sJ1)e'-cla11st and the gern~rat reader A fewof these books are- FIsted below

'An OutlIne of the Ullilverse/' byJ G Crowther Descrtphve STImman-e'Sof as.tronomy phys1cs, geology, bIOlogyaruthropology, amid SOCIology for thegenerall reader and studenrt

'Short Cuts for Salesmern ' by JackKlem Practtcal sugges1,ons for everysalesman


"Congress Dances'"At United Artists

Warner Baxter Atthe Riviera

"Congress Dances," the !p'1cture Be:r.1m Pans London ~'11d New YOilik arewtldly ex.clted about, 1-5>now haVIng 1ltS

first Amenoan showmg outSide ofBroadway at the Umted ArtIsts thea-ter 'In DetrOIt ThIS 1S the p-1durre thatL1berty magazme call1ed. eX!tl'laordttn.aryand awarded four stars to

"Amateur Daddy" a romMlt1c dramaas dehghtful as Daddy Long Legs:WIth the same star Warner Baxoter 1111

the lea.d1ug role, 15 the- curretllt featureat the RIVIera theater

'Smners 1'l1 The Sun' 1S the tItle ofthe pIcture M the FIsher !thIS weekCarole Lombard who plays the leadl..mg role mav be a Sll1lnICrbut she IS amighty sweet lookmg one AppearmgWIth her 1n thIS sp.a.rklmg romanlce 0.£a gtrl who gambled everythIng torwealth are Chester Morns, AdrIenneAmes and Cary Grant

Carol LombardAt the Fisher

Mills Bros. and RuthChatterton at Michigan

Southeast <:o!<ner of Kercheval andLakewood avenues A H A Loeber,pastor, 1434 Lakewoodl ave'11ue Te[ephone Lenox 2121

Tnmty Sunday WIll be db$crved onthe commg Sunday, May Z2 The pastor WIll preach on the theme I TheGlory of the TrIUne God' Serv.IcesWIll be hold as follows German at 9am, EJ>ghsh at 11 15 a. m , SundaySchool at 10 IS a m

Holy Commumon WIll be oe1eibrarelClIn the EnglIsh serVIce of Sunday, May29 Announcements. 101' the Sacro.-menrt wl11 be rece1Ved 'Dh.ursday May26, from 3 to 7 30 p m

The LadIes' Atd wIll meet Wednes~day May25 atlp m

Presbyterian ChurcliOf the Covenant

Ea-st Grand boulevard and Pres~onstreet Melrose 0975

SomethIng to thmk about "WootAmerIca needs more than raIlway ex.tensl.On, v. estern IrrIgal1:lOn a low tar~1ff, a bIgger cotton crop a largerwheart crop IS a reVIval of 1"'eI11gI0n.......thekmd that father and mother used tohave !the rehgl0n vhat counted i1<tgoodbusmess to take time for famILy wor~'ih1p each mornmg ftg'ht 1m the mI1ddleof a wheat harvest. a rehg.ton thatprompted 'them to qUllt work an hourea'dler on Wednesday ISO tha,t'the !famtly could get ready to go to praye:rmee1mg' Edttonal from ,cWall StreetJou1"'nal"

Covenant church mVlted you to ItsserVI(:es Sunday 9 30 a m -BJbleSchool 10 45 a m Mormng worshtpSermon theme 'The Place of PrayerIn our Modern L1fe" 6 30 1> m -Devobon~l meetmgs for young people I7 '30 pm-Organ recI.. 1 7 45 p m-EV'e!IlJlng worsh'1p Sermon tlhemeChddren In the Market Ploce"MIdweek church mght servtce \Ved-

The.day at 8 00 p m

"Buy First, Th-ell Read"Shakespeare s first edItors John

Herminge and Henrie Condell mayworthIly compare to the best advertising brams of today for they begantheir preface with

, The fate of all books depends uponyour capacities and not of your head<;:.alone but of your purses Well Itis now publIshed and you wm stannfor your priVIlege we lmow to rf'3nand censure Do so but buy It first'

Problem of NatureAnts, bees and waspS' are the

world s dominant insects Weakermembers of the family often resemble the powerful stingers BIrds feedqUite freely on both wasps and beesAnts constitute a favorIte food oftoads These batI aehians alS'o dmefreely on yellow Jackets and waspsMlce1 w~ase:ls fo~es and badgers ravage the n~sts of 1)umble bees SkunksdIg out nests of Ye.lfow jackets Bearsplunder the homes of honey beeg andhornets Yet the m~mbers of thIS famIly are regarded as the most hIghlyprotecte.d of all iJ;lsects and weakermembers of the lnse~t race apparentIy tmitafe them To what purposehas been asked

In Old VeronaIf tourists flom the AmerIcan con

hnpnt can pass by with small noticethe dublOUS though beautiful and romantIC tomb of Juliet they ¥1m findmuch to occupy theIr time whIle VISItlUg the mterestmg old Italian CIty of"erona Centuries ot art and hlstorvhave combmed to make thIS citv, gIrtabout by picturesque hUls and encompa~sed by tHe murmurlDg Adlge oneof the noblest The famous Arenaand Roman theater date back beforethe ChristIan era, and its prosperItyunder the overlordshlp ot the DellaScala in the Middle ages gave the citymuch of its archltectmal treasureNoteworthy tor artists is the varIedscene 1n the PIazza delle Erbe and oneshould see the Della Scala tombsthe cathedral and St Zeno

Near East Said to BeBirthplace of "Bridge"

There is very httle definite informa-tion as to the orlgm of the game ofBrIdge" or BrJ,dge WhIst' as it was

D:rst caUed It is thought to havemade its first appearance in the clubsof Egypt and Constantinople The EncyclopedIa Britanlllca states that it isprobably of Levant1ne origin and that[f there were any necessity to assignto it a definite nat'lOnallty, that honormust be awarded to Greece A pamphlet on the game pubhshed in London in 1886 caUed it "Biritch or Russian Whist', however, the wordI birltch" is not found in any RUSSIandictionaly The game was introducedinto the BtltH~h and American clubsabout 1893 or 1894 Accordmg to onetheory, the Brit1sh players of the gamein the Near East began to call thegame I bridge because of the privIlegeof 'bridgmg' or'" passmg the deal tothe partner and RUSStaD followers ofthe game pronounced the name"biritch"

Think It OverDon't give up What if you are

wrong .once in a whHe~ What do yousuppose they put rings a.round thebull's eye for?

..... ..:..~w_~_~ "'-- ~~ ~

Ancient Chinese Temple I Grace ChurchBell Museum Treasure -

The MUnIcipal Art museum In St Kercheval avenue at Lakepomlte,LOUIS has on exhIbItion a 2000-year Grosse Pomte Park Arnun Haeus511erold ChineS'e temple bell of bronze on pasitor 1132 Lake1>omlte avenue Phonewhich is inscrIbed a prayer for ever Lenox 2299lastmg peace and happiness for the Th t d h tddoriental nation ere are many 0 ay w 0 wo

AuthorIties state that although the releg<lite creeds to !the limbo of thebell Is attrIbuted to the Chou dynasty outmoded thmgs They hold ltihat )t is(1122--225 Be), it bears all the char ImmaJtenal what one behe'Vie:, If tharl:acterlstics of a style WhIChreached its ~syour Op1'lllOD,we hope you Wllt comefull development during the Ch len to Grace church next Sundiay at 10 45period (255207 Be) It is considered to hear a sermon on the tOPl'C • Thea masterpiece of workmanship and Val't1e of a Creed II Our serVl'ces are~~s:ur:st speCImen of bronze in the a1Mays wors~lIpful and enhanced by

It was cast from the spOIls of W£.r hIgh grade mUSICas a symbol of peace, and commem<r Our church school hegms at 9 20rates both the valor of the reIgning Come and brmg the c'htldrenkmg s arIQY and the establIshment of When we had our last fe110wsmiPpeace, In the following inSCrIptIon supper on ApI'll 14, a comen~ was pre--

"We hav.e now with yOU.I'aid made sented wbl1ch made such a hIt t thMthis valuable and precious bell from It has been re~Sltaged elsewhere It ISthe metals which the fortunes of our enrtltle-d' The Cuckoos 10 Conference'armies have brought us May thIS add' ,to the glory of our 1llustrious anceg.. al1d was wrItten by one of our memtOl'S, and may their spIrits always bers, Mr Stanley H Hall ThIs paayprotect us, securing for us the bless will be presented :for :the th1rd rt'p.meon1ngs of heaven and grantIng to us Wednesday May 25, ad: 7 00 p m ~nlong hfe, peaCf! and happmess I MessIah church, corner of AUglUsl1and

I Now all things in thIS realm main Dlckers'Ol1 The -cast 1S composed oftam theIr proper relations Bells and Messrs Vmcen1: J Bartell, Wailter Ltrumpets everywhere proclaim peace Buckenhlzer Stanley H Ha.ll Wllllburand justice May our descendants also R B ' d EI B PI' dbe favored by heaven so as to be ezeau, ICtn mer egeT, atlIable to guard tlris bell forever" Mesdames Bartell :and Buckem.hd.zer

The bell Is composed of oval crosssections Its ornamental sides tapergracefully toward the top, thereby giVing it a monumental character inkeeplDg with its purpose The sidesare enrIChed with bands of conventionahzed dragons, arranged in rects.ngular patterns and engraved withfine hnes in the' thunder scroll pattern


34 6 II 27 13 8

Naming Chinese ChildrenAbout a month after the birth of a

CWnese boy he 1s gIven a • mIlk name"which cllll'gs to bim for Ilfe On first Th M II B hgoing to se-hool he teceives his "book e 1 s rot ers, is'Cnsaittonal radIOname n which is used by hIS teachers stars who skyrocketed to fame W.Itlhand schoolmates Upon taking a de- theIr brand new red hot rhythm, sounrd

AB RHO A E gree be is given an offiCIal name After Ihke a whole Jazz band when they5 0 2 10 2 0 his death he is given a posthumous broadcast, yet they are only four men

o or I flowery t name {to keep eVIl SpIrIts and otte gwtar They SImulate aU the2 1 1 I 0 0 from knowmg hIm} which is regIS other lnstrumertlts of the l>and m so3 0 0 0 0 tcred in the Ball of Ancestors Many remar'kwM a mann tlh '!: I _1 2 0 2 3 2 Chmese men also ha.ve a TonO' Dame e- e'I' a peop c marJ 3 1 1 0 0 wh~ch is very important Chmese vel at Jt The brothers are now cur~4 0 2 1 0 0 gIrls have a "mtlk name' a 'marriage rent on the MIchIgan i'heater stage4 0 2 7 0 0 name' and nicknames They retain where the~ are appesrlng for one week3 0 1 2 1 4 theIr own surnames (malden names) only In theJr first engagement outs'lde

when married of New York501231000100201011200030

Score by mnmgsferndale 140 320 031-14 14 5G P Merchants 202 000 020- 6 II 8

SummaryThree base h1ts-O'Brlen, Kaad:zTwo base hlts-Let1zo, O'Brten and

BroomeStolen bases-H(lIdden, Kmg 2, Htnz

3 Kelly, Trembel 2DOllble 11lay-j)unn to Moyne<Leeft on bases-Fer:nda1e 9, Mer~

chants 12H1.ts off-Hadden 6 l'fl 6 loomgs,

H11le'11Jbrand,5 In 1 2~3 InnIngs 5 runs10, 1 on base, Iso~a,4 In 3 1~3mm.ngs5 runs In

StrU'ck out by Hadden 4, Broome 2,HILlenbrand 1, Isola 4, Cranda.ll 4

Base on !balls-By Hadde'I1 7, Broome2 HtlJenbrand 4, Isola 1, Crandall 1

Hllt by ",tched ballI.-Ry H.dlden.Hmz and Kelly by Isola Bafohsitone

SacI"tfice h1t-Adams 31nd WIerPassed ball_~nf1i'hWild pItc\1-HI11enibrand 2, H.dden

and Cral>dallWmmng pltcher-HacMenLoStng prt~her-H111e"bral>dUmplre-GhampIn~ :md 'l'e$ert

Smtt\1 cKmg, HHl1gendorf IfHlnz, S5Kelly, ofKaatz, rfNewcom IbBelhrL,ger, 3bTremble, 2bHtllenibrand, pIsola, 'PCrandall, p

thIS Sltage, was havmg an unusuallybusy aJfternoon scampermg around themfield trymg to de<t-erm10e hiS bestpomlt. of vantage .s.ummoncd Bobby todo 1>tover agam because It looked foulto h~m BobbY pohtely re-3rponded bycrackmg Hadden s l1ext p1tch mto un~dIsputa!ble terntory for a clean 'SlUgleSCOrIng tlhe same two runners

Hereafter the dub WIll be knov.. n asthe Gro8lse pOInte Merchants mstead01 Grosse Pomte VL11age, a declstonwhIch was voted at a meetmg recentlybecause of the generOSIty e"'tended tothe club by vanous merchants ofGrosse p0111te m helpmg defray someof <thelr pre season expendItures

The hox score


ABRHOA FB\3t1Jlstoue c 4 3 2 7 0 2Adams, 2b 5 2 I 3 2 0Wier If 42200 0O'Braen, 3b 6 3 432 IDU1lln, S5 4 I 273 INy'boer d 3 0 o 0 0 IKuty d I 0 000 0LetlZ'tO, rf 5 I 1 o 0 0Moynes, Ib 5 0 I 7 '2 0Hadden, p 2 2 006 0

1Broome, p 2 0 I o 0 0__ ..J:l. __

41 14 14 27 IS 5

Grolse POInte Merchant.


WM. C. ORR3132 Chalmers, near Mack

Tuxedo 2-1459

PAINT AND GLASSThat Good f'Wallhlde Paint"

MIRRORS LEADED GLASSGlass Tops fol" Furmtwe

A,.utoand Sash GlazingDIAMOND ART GLASS STUDIO8725Kercheval Lenox 2290


Upholstering RepairingDraperies and Curtains Made To

Order-FIrst Class WorkWmdow Shades Boat Cushions985BarrIngton Rd Grosse Poin.te

With a real guarantee, backedby 21 years of service.

Expert Saw Filing, GeneralGrinding, Free Pick-up and



S. Cleaned DrUltS Pressed esses75c $1.25up

Can and Dehver3m Bedford Rd NI 1050

TUxedo 2-1827Announcmg the Opening of

Beatrice Beauty SalonWatch for Our SpecIals

SpeCIaliZingInBonat Permanents $4.50Shampoo and Finger Wave 50cMarcel SOc

All Hatr Cub, 25cBeatrIce Sawten~, formerly with

the 0 K Beauty Shop15431 MACK AVE

Permanent Wavesfrom $350 up to $6 50

Fredrick StandardFredrick Vita ToolcNaturelle Croqulgnole

GabrieleenShaml'Oo finger wave SOcShampoo marcel 75cMarcel 50cHot 0,1 5GeMonday and Tuesday SpecIal OnlyShampoo and finger wave 35c

FIrst Class Work Dc;meDerma Way Graduate

Three Sisters BeautySalon

Located in DIck'. Barber Shop,15224CharleVOIX Lenox 5564


Grosse Pointe Farmsoperated by Mr. R E James an-nounces a sprIng and summer open-Ing WIth all work reduced to fiftycents. ThIS Includes FaCIals andtreatments, Shampoo and Waves 7Scents The same excellent work andSel"V1CeWIll be given under these

I prices as In the past Can NUlgal'a2566 for day or evenings appoint-Iments.

(Conbnued from Page One)C!V1CNe" s promptly ndlculed h'" statement as sensatlOnal Thesavmg was eventuallv made Mr Conely s habIt so 'dIsagreeableto the School Board of m;l,t111g on 111telhgent reductlOns tDgether",th the threatened passage of an act by the State LegISlature mspeCIal seSSlOn thIS ,prmg arbltranly cuttmg all school budgetsclubbed the BOald mto a reconsldelatlOn of and parhallowenng ofne"t year s budget

The pubhc IS enhtled to have Its mterests protected everymoment whethel tlmes be good or bad We should not have to bewatchmg theIr every movc H)gh ta"es and the costs of govern-ment have Just about broken the back 0' (he average clhzen ACommon Sense policy in the past would have enabled us all betterto bear the burden now.

Not only IS It taxe' that" e must" atch The effiCIency andscholastlc standmg of our" hole system must be Improved

Both Mr HIbbard and M r Johnson are ta>..payers and parentsof chl1dren They want the school system of thIS townshIp to besecond to none not 'cheapened' as the CIVIC News tnes to prophesythe candIdates WIll promIse They feel the budget has been so hlg'hm years gone by m so man) departments that there IS ample latI-tude for reductlOns WIthout an} los sof educatlOnal faclhhes orstandards

The attempt of the CIVIC News m Its last Issue to raIse abugaIYoo about "poh\1CS and educatlOn" and to Impute to those whohave theu chIldren m church and pnvate schools a deSIre to cheapenthe pubhc school ,ystem " Just a croppmg out aga111 of theIr usualhystena and theu unfaIr endea, ors to shr up class ammosltleswhenever anyone dares to Clltlclse the ~chool Board

Messrs J ohn'on and HIbbard are not affihated WIth or obhgated to any pohtlcal group Knowmg the'e gentlemen as well aswe do we thmk the" lid Imag111mgs of the CIVIC News may well bedIsmIssed WIthout further comment

We do feel that what 1chef we may get thIS next year underthe proposed budget IS not enough We must look ahead for severalyears and take thIS occaSlOn on the 13th of June to put two men moffice who have some reahzatlOl1 of our needs and the condItlOns weare gOIng to face III the ne'lr future and above all, men upon Vihornwe can depend to bnng a reIgn of common sense mto our schooltaxes and our whole ,chool syste n


W W Hannan F H Kneghoff, E W Guenther,( D Macpheroon, H B Young, Max Klem

Village MerchantsLose to Ferndale

(Contmued from Page One)




G. F. v......

Lenox 1122

Flao"'" _ .... -


lseel Charle ..ols A....Comer 01 Waybuna





"Hotel Continental"rOAN BENNETT and


"Careless Lady"WorthwhIle Stage AttractIon



"Alias the Doctor"MIRIAM HOPKINS and


"Dancers in the Dark"Allied Prize Night Wednesday

N,ght OnlyTHURSDAY, MAY 26-


"It's Tough to beFamous"

BARBARA STA"!WYCK m"Shopworn""t........u....--'-" ~~ ~"--.~~~~. __ ~

Landscape DesIgn and Construc-tlon-Cholce PerennIal. and

Alpine Plants

Edelweiss Gardens


LEO CARRILLO In"The Broken Wing"


"Steady Company"SATURDAY, MAY 21-


"Fireman Save MyChild"

BUCK JONES m"One Man's Law"

WorthwhIle Stage Attraction 8 30

21835 Mack Ave.NIagara 2ZIZ

7. Itwhy Road

Daniel G. Allor andSons Ice & Coal Co.

The Harper Method- Shop-

Shampoomg Scalp Treatment, Fa~clal MasS<16'(. \1a llcunng FmgerWavmg and Marcelhng Call TiUx~edo 2 377815319 East Jefferson ~r Nottmgham

above GIlhgan's

We specialize in Wood for FuelCut from 8 to 14 Inches long




"age Four


Camel's Great ValueAn Arabian camel can carry a load

of 500 to 1000 pounds for three dayswithout drinking

Forest Stands on IceOne of t}1e largest fOlests in the

world situated in RUSSIa between theUral mountains and the Okhotsk seastands on ice

Uncle Eben'If folks dldn glt in de habIt of

forglvin' an' forgettin ' saId UncleEben, "some of dese political gen Imen wouldn keep gittin' elected overan' over ag in -Washington Star

Chlpm.unk's CapacityThe pouelles of a chipmunk when

fully distended have been known tohold 31 large kernels of corn Thechipmunk stuffs in the last f~w WIthits forepaws

...---<>- - -, - ---IDr. Lawson B. Coulter

Osteopathic Physician15204 Mack AYe.. at Lakepointa

Tuxedo Z.OOZZHoul'I:-8 a m. to • p m MOil., Wed.,Fri.; • a. m to 6 pm, Tuea., Th.rs ;• a. m. to 12 p m.. Saturday.

