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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<


The Chances of a Nuclear Disaster Occurring .......................................... 3

Threats after a Nuclear Disaster .............................................................. 4

Actions to Take Immediately if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent ............... 5

1. Survive the Initial Blast......................................................................... 6

2. Find Shelter ......................................................................................... 8

3. Prepare the Shelter .............................................................................. 9

4. Get Supplies ....................................................................................... 11

5. Evacuate ............................................................................................. 14

6. Protect Against Fallout ....................................................................... 15

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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<

The Chances of a Nuclear Disaster Occurring

A nuclear disaster isn’t just likely. It has already happened. The 1945 nuclear bombings in

Hiroshima and Nagasaki leveled buildings in a 4 square foot radius, and together killed about

120,000 people immediately. In the 2-4 months after the nuclear bombings, a total of about

220,000 deaths occurred from the bombs’ devastation and radioactive fallout.

Those nuclear bombs were dropped in 1945. I probably don’t have to tell you that nuclear

technology have advanced a lot since then! If there were to be a nuclear attack today, the

effects would be even more disastrous.

It isn’t just nuclear warfare that we’ve got to worry about. Let’s not forget about all of the

nuclear power reactors in the world (of which 99 are located in the United States in 30 of its

states). At any moment, a natural disaster or terrorist attack could take out a nuclear plant,

creating disaster and turmoil. Need I remind you of the explosion at Japan's Fukushima

nuclear power plant following the Sendai earthquake and tsunami in 2011? Or maybe it will

just be human carelessness which will cause the problem – like with the Three Mile Island

disaster or what happened at Marcoule where there was an explosion at the nuclear site.

Now, I am not saying that a nuclear disaster is going to happen. But, considering how many

times it has already happened, it pays to be prepared. This aim of this guide is to tell you what

you should do if a nuclear disaster is imminent so you and your family can survive the


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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<

Threats after a Nuclear Disaster

You’ve just found out that a nuclear disaster is imminent. What do you do? In order to

understand what to do before, during, and after a nuclear disaster, you need to understand

the main threats. Here we will go over them in brief.

Physical Injury

Now is the time when you will be glad you built that fallout shelter! If you aren’t so close to

Ground Zero that the nuclear blast doesn’t kill you right away, you still could get severely

injured by flying debris.

Radioactive Fallout

There are three things you can do to protect yourself from radiation: 1) Reduce the amount of

time you are in the radiation zone, 2) get as far away from the radiation zone as possible and

3) create a shield between you and the radiation zone, such as by wearing a radiation suit.

Thirst and Starvation

When a nuclear disaster occurs, you can bet that the nation’s food and water supply system is

going to come to a grinding halt. Think that the government will step in to help? Yeah, right. I

wouldn’t count on it! Even if you do have running water after the blast, it will be undrinkable

due to radioactive contamination. All fresh food will also be affected by radiation and unsafe

to eat.

Chaos and Anarchy in the Aftermath

What happens after a disaster occurs? People panic. Just look at the images of rioting after

Hurricane Katrina, or the hunger and looting after Hurricane Odile in California. And a nuclear

disaster is going to be a lot worse than a hurricane! Be prepared for mobs and know how to

protect yourself from them.

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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<

Actions to Take Immediately if a Nuclear Disaster is Imminent

The following 6 step will tell you what to do after a nuclear disaster so you avoid the threats of

injury, radiation, starvation, and chaos. Remember, it pays to be prepared!

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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<

1. Survive the Initial Blast Let’s quickly dispel the myth that it is impossible to survive a nuclear bomb or explosion. Yes,

anyone in the blast area will quickly be killed. But, so long as you don’t live near a nuclear

reactor or major target, then you are probably far enough away from Ground Zero to survive

the initial blast. If you’ve got an apartment next to The Empire State Building, I’d consider

moving now!

A realistic nuclear threat is a 5 kiloton pure fission explosion – which is something which could

be made by a terrorist organization like ISIS. If this detonated at a height of 60 yards, then

there would be about a 1 mile radius from the blast site. In this zone, most buildings would be

completely leveled and any exposed person would receive a lethal dose of radiation. Simply

put, you aren’t going to survive.

Outside of the 1 mile radius, a person could survive the nuclear attack. The biggest immediate

threat in this zone would be from debris falling and thermal burns. Keep in mind that a bigger

nuclear detonation would have a much larger impact area. A large nuclear detonation would

cause third-degree burns even 30 miles from Ground Zero.

If you know that a nuclear attack is imminent, then you need to distance yourself from the

blast site as much as possible. The further away you get, the greater your chances of surviving

the initial physical harm.

But the scary truth is that we probably won’t have much warning if a nuclear attack or disaster

is imminent. It will catch us by surprise. If you are in the blast zone when it occurs, it is going

to be fatal and there is nothing you can do about it (again, you’ll want to consider moving if

you live near a target!).

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If you are outside when the disaster occurs, take these actions:

Find a depressed area of the ground or somewhere that would offer protection, such as behind a brick wall. Drop here and lie flat. Make sure there isn’t anything above you which can fall and kill you.

Do NOT look at the blast. It can blind you.

Cover exposed skin as much as possible to prevent burns. Shove your face in the ground to reduce burning.

Stay on the ground until the heat and shock waves have passed.

Find shelter as soon as the shock waves have passed.

Wash your body and hair immediately. Blow your nose and wipe inside your ears. Do not wash with conditioners or lotions because the radioactive material can bind to it. Change your clothes. If you cannot do this, then wash your clothes.

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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<

2. Find Shelter

Getting into shelter is the most important thing you can do to survive a nuclear blast and

fallout. Just going inside a one-story building will reduce your radiation exposure by about

50%. If you go into a basement, then your exposure is reduced by about 90%. Not all

materials are equal when it comes to blocking radiation though. The denser the object, the

better it is at protecting you from radiation. For example, steel is very good at blocking

radiation whereas wood is not.

When should you go to your shelter? It depends on how much time you have before the

nuclear disaster occurs. Here are some general guidelines:

If the blast has already occurred: If it will take you less than 5 minutes to get to adequate shelter, then proceed there immediately. The short exposure to high levels of radiation is offset by the protection provided by the shelter. If it will take you 5-15 minutes to get to adequate shelter, then find the best possible protection you can. Stay at this temporary shelter for at least 30 minutes (this is when the radiation will be at its worst, so you want to avoid it). Then rush yourself to the better shelter.

If the blast is about to occur: Get to your shelter immediately and start preparing it.

If the blast will occur in 1+ hours: Send some family members for supplies while others prepare the shelter.

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>> Shocking Documentary Reveals the Biggest Cover Up Between the Church and Obama <<

3. Prepare the Shelter

Nuclear explosions give off huge amounts of energy. This is bad news in the aftermath of the

explosion, but it also means that radioactive fallout quickly loses its intensity. Each hour after

the explosion becomes safer and safer. If your shelter is adequate and you have supplies, you

can safely wait out the explosion and avoid the worst effects from the radioactive fallout.

You need to wait at least 9 days in your shelter before leaving. The reason for this is that

radio-iodine (the worst of the fission products in fallout) has a half-life of 8 days. Under

absolutely no circumstances should you leave your shelter within 48 hours of the blast. I don’t

care how hungry or thirsty you are. Don’t leave!

Hopefully you prepare your shelter before a nuclear disaster is imminent. In case you didn’t,

here are the actions you should take to secure your shelter against the blast and fallout.

Underground is the best shelter: You probably already know to go underground during a nuclear disaster. The huge amount of ground will act as a barrier between you and the fallout. Go as far underground as possible. If you do not have a basement to shelter in, then go to the most central room of your home.

Reinforce the walls: Radiation can pass through walls, ceilings, and the ground, so simply going into the basement doesn’t make you completely safe from radiation. The more mass you have between you and the blast, the better you will be protected. Gather supplies like duct tape and tarp to seal off any holes you have in windows or doors. Then start reinforcing the walls of your shelter by shoving dense items against them.

Make a mini shelter inside your home: In the far corner of your basement (or room you are using for shelter), create an expedient mini shelter. Do this by taking a large table and surrounding it with filing cabinets, wood planks, or any other items which can be used to create a fort. Once your fort is made, stack dense items on top of it and around it to block radiation from getting through. You should stay in this mini shelter for as much time as possible. It provides more protection than the basement alone.

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Make it livable: You will need to be in your fallout shelter for 9 days after the blast. Make sure you have all the supplies you need before entering, because you don’t want to leave your shelter even for things like going to the toilet.

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4. Get Supplies

I highly recommend that you prep for disaster by stocking your shelter with all of the supplies

you will need to get through a disaster. Don’t wait. Do it today!

If you didn’t stock your shelter with supplies, you will need to get them. If there is more than

an hour before the nuclear disaster is to occur, then gather your family and friends who you

will be sheltering with. Assign them each a task. Some will stay and prepare the shelter

whereas others will go and get supplies.

But the scary truth is that we probably won’t have much (or any) warning before a nuclear

disaster occurs. When you don’t have time, then focus on securing water for your shelter.

You can go weeks without food but only about 3 days without water.

Here is an overview of all the supplies you will need to obtain to get you through the nuclear

disaster. Remember, you probably won’t have time to secure them all in the moments before

a nuclear disaster, so focus on water, food, and essentials.


This is the most important supply you will need to survive a nuclear disaster. After the blast

has occurred, even ground water in pipes will be contaminated. Get clean water into your

shelter or else you will die of thirst or be forced to drink radioactive water! Don’t waste time

carrying bottled water from the store. Instead, grab all the buckets and containers you have in

your home and fill them with water. Take them to your shelter. Don’t have containers? No

problem – just use your trash cans. Dump out the trash, put a clean plastic bag inside of it, fill

the trash can with water, and then tie off the bag. Trust me, you will not be disgusted by

drinking water from trash cans. You will be grateful!

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Food which is in sealed containers will be safe from fallout. Just make sure to clean off any

dust when taking it into the shelter. Delegate one team to secure food. Have them rush to

the store and buy all the nonperishable food they can carry. Remember that you will be in the

shelter for at least 9 days, possibly more.


You will need to stock the shelter with shampoo and soap, but not so you smell pretty! You

will need shampoo and soap to clean any falloff dust off of you. Getting clean could mean the

difference between surviving the radiation exposure or not. You will also need several large

buckets to serve as toilets. Grab a toilet seat from the bathroom to put over the bucket if you

have time. Don’t forget to grab toilet paper or else it will be a very uncomfortable 9 days

(minimum) in the shelter.

Other Supplies

Plastic bags: Get lots of plastic bags. Put your contaminated clothes in them. Use them to line trash cans so you can use them as water tanks. Cut up large trash bags to seal holes in your windows and doors. You will also need lots of trash bags to line your improvised toilet. Trust me on this one!

Duct tape: You will need this for sealing off windows/cracks in the shelter and making any quick repairs.

First aid kit and prescription medications: Especially make sure to include supplies for dressing burns

Flashlights: The power will go off due to EMP so you will need these for light; get LED lights because they last the longest and keep extra batteries handy

Weapons: Quickly take any weapons with you to your shelter in case of intruders and to use for defense during evacuation.

Money: Money will still have value in the weeks after a nuclear disaster. Have one person go to the ATM and withdraw as much money as possible before the nuclear blast. Pay for all items in the store with credit cards.

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Fire extinguisher

Sleeping bags or warm blanket: One per person

Mess kit: Plates, bowls, utensils, can opener…

Radioactive suit or rain ponchos: If you don’t have a radioactive suit to protect you when you eventually leave the shelter, then wear a rain poncho. This will keep fallout from coming into direct contact with your skin.

Tools and building supplies: Plastic sheeting and staple guns are particularly helpful when reinforcing your shelter

Particulate respirator masks: N95 masks are recommended; get a lot of them – you will hav eto change them frequently

Portable radio with spare batteries: Important for staying updated about evacuation procedures

Maps: Remember your GPS probably isn’t going to be working

Radiation detection tools: These include survey meters, dosimeters, and KFM kits

Water filter: This can help remove some fallout from water.

Chlorine bleach: Add a small amount of bleach to water affected by bacteria or microorganisms to disinfect it. Use about 1tsp for each 10 gallons of water.

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5. Evacuate

If a nuclear threat is known and eminent, you probably aren’t going to have much time to

evacuate. But, if you do have the time and means to get away from the blast area, GO NOW.

Don’t take as many supplies as listed above. Just get out.

We probably aren’t going to have that much warning before a nuclear disaster, which means

most (smart) people will be sheltering in place. Under no circumstances should you leave your

shelter for 48 hours after the blast. It is recommended to stay in the shelter for at least 9

days. If your shelter is adequate and you are near the blast site, then you will want to shelter

even longer before attempting evacuation. It will be too chaotic outside, roads will be

blocked, and you will risk being in the radioactive and dangerous fallout zone for too long

before you can get out – not to mention the risk of all the fear-stricken rioters and looters.

Make sure you have your portable radio on so you can keep up with the news about

evacuations and road blockages. You may not be thrilled about the idea of being evacuated by

the government, but there may not be another option if roadways are blocked. Be sure to

bring your survival supplies with you to the evacuation meet point.

If you are able to evacuate on your own, be sure to drive upwind away from the blast site.

There will be higher amounts of fallout downwind, so you can reduce exposure by going

upwind and get into safety faster.

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6. Protect Against Fallout

It is advised that you wait 9 days after the blast to leave your shelter, but this doesn’t mean

the risks will be gone by then. Radioactive fallout can be present for months after the blast

and will be present for years in smaller amounts. Even slight levels of exposure to radiation

can cause serious health effects. At best, you will have to deal with nausea – and it is definitely

not going to be fun vomiting all over your shelter or evacuation vehicle!

Fallout is a grey and gritty looking. But remember that the radiation from fallout cannot be

seen, tasted or felt. There is no way to telling whether something is radioactive without

special tools like a KFM kit (which is a nice addition to your nuclear disaster survival supplies).

If something was exposed in the blast zone, assume that it is radioactive.

To reduce your exposure to fallout:

Wear particulate respirators. Change them daily.

Change clothes which were exposed to fallout. Contain them in plastic bags. If you have no other clothes, then clean the contaminated clothes before putting them on again.

Do not eat any food or drink water which was outdoors during the blast. Food in sealed containers is okay but the dust must be cleaned off first.

Have soap and shampoo in your supplies to wash off fallout.

Never go outside in the rain. Rain absorbs the fallout and it will fall on you in heavy concentrations.

Take potassium iodide pills. This can reduce the amount of radioactive iodine that your body absorbs.

Wear heavy clothing and a rain poncho when you go outside. The poncho will keep fallout dust off your skin, and can be cleaned fairly easily. Heavy clothing can prevent beta particles from penetrating to your skin. If you thought far enough ahead to buy a radiation suit, wear this.

Do not eat any wild plants or animals which may have been exposed to fallout. If you must eat contaminated animals, do not eat their organs.