goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-si-eog-1.pdf · /"...

/" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\, , ,.\\, , ""1/£ '\ \\'::.: Y':'; . . ' GOVERNMENT OF' GOA EXTRAORDINARY GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Education, Art & CultJre Directorate of Education Notificat ion ACAD/MISC·4INi/44)" "l'he fln i't'wlng draft of the (loa SdHh)1 Educall')Jl 1998, which the (J(l\crnment I,mposes to maKe, L" herehy ruhlished as reljulred hy Sub-Section 1)1' Secl ion 29 t)C the Goa, Damar Diu Scholll Education fu:L (Ad 15 of 19X5), for !l1 f()rnWllon or all pcr:--ons likely to be affected therehy and notice herehy given thai the _:,<lld draft rules will he taken Into cOllsidn<ltion hy the (it)vt'rnn}l.'111 on the expiry of thirty day" from the \ late of publica- tion 01 this "Notificatinn in the Official (j,vette, All ohjl'ctio!ls and \0 the dral"t he ("{)I"\\";!rdccl It) the Director of School EduC<.ItJ{lIl and c\ -officio] \ linl Secr..:tary 10 the (i()vcrnment,()i" Gc a, P Jllaj i, he!"(11": . he (:xpir:' or 30 days fmm the dale (If puhlic<-luoll {ll" this NOlli'lcatlOll in the UffiL'wl Gazelle, l<illl.:l1 Khinmr, Director or bItIC(1tloll, Pana"i, 2nd Fehruary, 2()()O, DRAI-T RULFS In c-xcrl'isl: of the con!"clTcd by section 20 of ,he CO(1, Daman and Diu School Education I\ct, 19R4 (Act 15_01' 19X5), and in supersession of [he existing rules:n this regard, the Go\·crnment ofC)lla herehy makes the followill t ' rules, namel) CHAPTI,I{ I PRELlMll\ARY !, ShOrllil/e and CO/HntcIICeIJU!ilt,---- (J) Th-.::-.e rule:..; may he called the Goa School Education Rules, 191.)8. (2) Til ..... )' shall come into force from the date oftlH:irpu;)iication in the O:licial GaLettc. 2, Dc/initions - In these rules, unless the context otherVdsc requlres:- ;1:,) ""Act" means theGna, Dmllan and Diu School Education Act, IYx4 \Act I) ()( as alnended from lime tr. time: (h) "Assistant Director of S'-:hool Educmion of tIle Zone" means the ot'ficer-in-charge 01 i ilc /./\<\! Education Offic,;: (,-') "B{l\" SCh\I()]' l1h.;lh'd 'icllllolill Whlll (lrdiJLII'lh {lllh hoy:... drc adlllltlL'll. (1I) "])11,',-'((11' ,J! S,-'!lO(t! hlu .. -,allon" til" 1)11"1.', o! LduCClll(lll (lj 111,-' (JII\Cr!lI]IL'1l1 (.:) "Cjirl:,>Sc1w()I'lnc;llbd..;,c!l{l()1 gil-I", ;II'C tldlllllh:d, I-kad oj S"!iOI)]"' 1lleanS I',-'I'''{)rl Kl1t1\\ n I,) deSignation a:; HCddlll:J:.-1U Ill" Hcadlll''ill\;,,:. 1)! ,\ "Ch(Hd lIplll ,\ :;econd<.lrv Sl<lge, <lnd a:-. Princip<.d 1)1 ;1 hi,';;])C!" -;cu1lldary schooL (h,l "Higher/Sen II)!' Scc()Jldar) slage' 1111:<1n,,, a \)1 scil(lol educatioll III Standard XI and Xl! under 10+:2 -!-.il'<lltcrn, (I) "Middle :...tagc"" llll'<l1h <'1 stage (II _"U\\l(:1 ' ... IrDIll sLandard V to standard \'11, Ul "Night Sdl\l()I'"I)}CiUi'\<t:-.cli()()1 '\'hlch iUllCIIO!l;-" InrhaJt the dally working lL'dCi1illg 110Ur., III a day COl' lho:-'L' pupds who arc unahle, h\ thclr daJiy '.\\'{\l':IIJOlh, 10 dltl'I,d ,t lby :...choo!: lk I stagc 'mealls;\ St:lgC ()r,,(hoolL'ciu(;UI'11l hclO\\ Ih..: (II "Pri mary 'dgC" me'dl1,,, a ,q<\gc ()f :-.chool L'duGlli \ 111 fr(llli ')landard I to standard IV, (Ill I "Scho{ll" Il1C,l1h a recogni:-.ed rrc-pmnary, l1l!ddlc, :-;ec\lJldary, nig!H secundaI') and night highersCC()lht:'l"\ ",-:hoo!. Primary Tcqcher's institute, ! (lgh SchooL SpeCial Language Institution or An S...:h(l()1 ' ' . llnder Ihese rules: (11 I "Sel'Oll'!.lI",' means a :-.tagc of school cducaLJoll from sland;lrd \" III III standard X: \,\i 1l1eanS a pcr\()11 who po sse S:-'':,'';' tile ',![led at:.<.Klcmlc ljuali ficatlon:-; and has acquired a tkgn:c ')1 d,pl,)ll1a in kaching hOJIl any university or from any SL,lIC ell)\ or an Y sLlch trai ning course as lll<ly he rec()glll.\cd h\ the Government ur India and the National Clluncil "!c;Khcr Educatl{)J! (NCTE) a", tr<'lining: qua!ificatio,1l ror a tr(lch ing post at the pre-prl mary, primary, tni,ddle, ()I" higher second.?J-Y ,')lage, .h the ,'i.!se may hc,

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RE(~D.(~()A" 5

Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\, ,

jf~, ,.\\, , ""1/£ '\

OFFICIAIJ'f:b~<"'~:C;JGAZETTE \~\\ \\'::.: f\IMc\~\ Y':';

. . '



GOVERNMENT OF GOA Department of Education, Art & CultJre

Directorate of Education

Notificat ion


"l'he fln i't'wlng draft of the (loa SdHh)1 Educall')Jl Ruk~, 1998, which the (J(l\crnment I,mposes to maKe, L" herehy ruhlished as reljulred hy Sub-Section 1)1' Secl ion 29 t)C the Goa, Damar an~i Diu Scholll Education fu:L 10~4 (Ad 15 of 19X5), for !l1 f()rnWllon or all pcr:--ons likely to be affected therehy and notice l~ herehy given thai the _:,<lld draft rules will he taken Into cOllsidn<ltion hy the (it)vt'rnn}l.'111 on the expiry of thirty day" from the \ late of publica­tion 01 this "Notificatinn in the Official (j,vette,

All ohjl'ctio!ls and suggcslJon~ \0 the ~aid dral"t l~ule:; Jlla~ he ("{)I"\\";!rdccl It) the Director of School EduC<.ItJ{lIl and c\ -officio] \ linl

Secr..:tary 10 the (i()vcrnment,()i" Gc a, P Jllaj i, he!"(11": . he (:xpir:' or

30 days fmm the dale (If puhlic<-luoll {ll" this NOlli'lcatlOll in the UffiL'wl Gazelle,

l<illl.:l1 Khinmr, Director or bItIC(1tloll,

Pana"i, 2nd Fehruary, 2()()O,


In c-xcrl'isl: of the power~; con!"clTcd by section 20 of ,he CO(1, Daman and Diu School Education I\ct, 19R4 (Act 15_01' 19X5), and in supersession of [he existing rules:n this regard, the Go\·crnment ofC)lla herehy makes the followill t' rules, namel)



!, ShOrllil/e and CO/HntcIICeIJU!ilt,---- (J) Th-.::-.e rule:..; may he called the Goa School Education Rules, 191.)8.

(2) Til ..... )' shall come into force from the date oftlH:irpu;)iication in the O:licial GaLettc.

2, Dc/initions - In these rules, unless the context otherVdsc


;1:,) ""Act" means theGna, Dmllan and Diu School Education

Act, IYx4 \Act I) ()( I'Y~5). as alnended from lime tr. time:

(h) "Assistant Director of S'-:hool Educmion of tIle Zone" means the ot'ficer-in-charge 01 i ilc /./\<\! Education Offic,;:

(,-') "B{l\" SCh\I()]' l1h.;lh'd 'icllllolill Whlll (lrdiJLII'lh {lllh

hoy:... drc adlllltlL'll.

(1I) "])11,',-'((11' ,J! S,-'!lO(t! hlu .. -,allon" 111('dll~ til" 1)11"1.', o! LduCClll(lll (lj 111,-' (JII\Cr!lI]IL'1l1

(.:) "Cjirl:,>Sc1w()I'lnc;llbd..;,c!l{l()1 !ll\\'llilh(\rdll1~lrll: (llll~

gil-I", ;II'C tldlllllh:d,

(~J I-kad oj lll~ S"!iOI)]"' 1lleanS ~1 I',-'I'''{)rl Kl1t1\\ n I,)

deSignation a:; HCddlll:J:.-1U Ill" Hcadlll''ill\;,,:. 1)! ,\ "Ch(Hd lIplll

,\ :;econd<.lrv Sl<lge, <lnd a:-. Princip<.d 1)1 ;1 hi,';;])C!" -;cu1lldary


(h,l "Higher/Sen II)!' Scc()Jldar) slage' 1111:<1n,,, a 'l~!gl' \)1

scil(lol educatioll III Standard XI and Xl! under 10+:2 -!-.il'<lltcrn,

(I) "Middle :...tagc"" llll'<l1h <'1 stage (II _"U\\l(:1 ' ... du~'alH)ll IrDIll

sLandard V to standard \'11,

Ul "Night Sdl\l()I'"I)}CiUi'\<t:-.cli()()1 '\'hlch iUllCIIO!l;-" InrhaJt

the dally working lL'dCi1illg 110Ur., III a day ~(:ho()L COl' lho:-'L'

pupds who arc unahle, h\ thclr daJiy '.\\'{\l':IIJOlh, 10 dltl'I,d

,t lby :...choo!:

lk I "Prc-PrI!lI,lr~ stagc 'mealls;\ St:lgC ()r,,(hoolL'ciu(;UI'11l

hclO\\ Ih..: l)J"lI11ar~ :-;la~c:

(II "Pri mary ~t 'dgC" me'dl1,,, a ,q<\gc ()f :-.chool L'duGlli \ 111 fr(llli

')landard I to standard IV,

(Ill I "Scho{ll" Il1C,l1h a recogni:-.ed rrc-pmnary, pnl1lar~, l1l!ddlc, sccon(lar~, h;~h.:r :-;ec\lJldary, nig!H secundaI') and night highersCC()lht:'l"\ ",-:hoo!. Primary Tcqcher's Tr~lInillgq institute, Tcehnl\':~1 ! (lgh SchooL SpeCial Language Institution or An S...:h(l()1 ' ' . ~'i' ,-'()Jlll~xl llnder Ihese rules:

(11 I "Sel'Oll'!.lI",' ~lagc" means a :-.tagc of school cducaLJoll from sland;lrd \" III III standard X:

\,\i 'r~',lchcr" 1l1eanS a pcr\()11 who po sse S:-'':,'';' tile prc_~~ ',![led at:.<.Klcmlc ljuali ficatlon:-; and has acquired a tkgn:c ')1 d,pl,)ll1a in kaching hOJIl any university or from any SL,lIC

ell)\ ~:rnment or an Y sLlch trai ning course as lll<ly he rec()glll.\cd h\ the Government ur India and the National Clluncil t()~'

"!c;Khcr Educatl{)J! (NCTE) a", tr<'lining: qua!ificatio,1l ror a tr(lch ing post at the pre-prl mary, primary, tni,ddle, sec{)ndar~; ()I" higher second.?J-Y ,')lage, .h the ,'i.!se may hc,

Page 2: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,






3. Administration ofEducatioll.-- (J) The GovcrnmcM. bj , an order. shall djvide the State of Goa into such Ilumh~r of Educational Zones as may be felt-neces:-:ary for reguiaric1n oj educational administration therein. .

(2y The Government may, by an-order. further sivlde ea~h oj the Educational Zones into E~ucational Talukas j"':J!' adnllnis­n-ative convenience and controJ of education.

(3) The Government may. by an order alter the number 01 Educational Zones and Educational Tallikas or their regional limits, ifit is felt necessary todo 1\0, for admInistration. control and supervIsIon.

4. Classification of inSfilUliom.-- (J) All ~'ch()o!s 1I1 the State shall be classified into the foJio,," Ing

(i) Pre-primary 'Schoab i.c. school.·, Imparting education below the primary stage:

(ii) . Primary' Schools .i.e. those s.:l1Ools Wllll'h ir:1part educatiOn for any oral1 classes from Standard I to Standard l\" with or without any recognised-pre'-prilnary class~s:

(iii) Middle Schools i.c. tho:-,e schools which impart education for any or all classes from ~;tand ani V to Si.,mdard VII. with or without any recognised primary classes:

(iv) Secondary Schools i.e. those schools which If:1part

education for any or alrelasses from Standard VIII tu Standard X with or without any recygnised nJlddl~ and primary c1a:-;ses:

(vi Higl\er Secondary Schools I.e. litose sch,,,,ls "'hich imp.art education for any or all classe:-. from Standard XI t,o Standard XII, with or without any r~co,~nlsed s~ccol1dary and middle. classes;

(vi) Primary Teacher::\.' Training Institutions I.e. those

institutions which conduct teacher trailling ~_ourscs "pecified by the Government for the purpose of recruitment at the primary and middle stages of education;

(vii) Special Language Institutions I.e. those recugnised

schools which impart instruction on part-tiJlle or full-time basis, tor'preparingstudents for such examinations as are recognised by GovernmentofIl1diaor any State Ciovenmient, in one or :110re of the following'lan,guages:-

Konkani, Marathi;Hindi, Sanskflt, Arabic, Persian. Portu­gueseor any other lan.guage, theJearningotwhich is desired to he promoted by 'he Government of India or the Stale Government.

S. Curriculum and SyUabus.- (I) The Directorate of Education. shall prepare and recommend to the Government the cc)Urses.·6f studie~ for :-,

(i) General educaiion upto Standard VII;

(ii) Primary Teacher:;' Training Institutions;

(iii) Specia) Language Institutions:

.. (ir) Any other Institutions as may liedcs:med necessary and a~ directed by the Government.

(2)" The C;()Vernll1l:nl "hall sultahlyadopt Iii,' ,}:I d \!hl

cours("s (If "tudic-; <IS prepared alld rCCOll1l1lcn'.kd I':' ! 1: . :,1;1

Board of Sccondar) ,md Higher Secondary Educatll)!l. j,,1 I)l~'

secondary and Ilighcr SeC(l:ldary stage oJ"cducatlc,n III th" ')ldlv

6. Prcp(Jmrio/l (it Tex! Nookl. - (/)TheCi()\"(,lnnh'II' -l1dl] as far as posslblt. arrange to prq,are anc! rut1;I:-.h :1 ·hl 1,'\[

, hooks requlrcd UplU Standard VIl

(2) The Goa BO<l.rJ oj Secondary and Bif:hl! .." Education .... hal! ,lrrangc to pres .. Tihe the te\d)\l ,k, sCCOllthlf) ,uld higher sCl·()lld.!ry sttlgc oj cdUCall,)"

7./ Jmvcrs (~r Gm'(!!1IIIIclI/ to COllfro/ (~J/{rst's oi '!'ui\ i"il,' (JovernmcnL iffound necessary to ,,luso. sha!1 at <In: l:n:v d!ll' lor

any stage prescnhe \)r vvithdraw allY tnpic:> oj" StlJ(l\ < I a 1'. I. '( i1,' cnurse:., a~ I.\·ell as tcxlho(lk:-, (l( <111.\ cl~lsse",

g /vl( diU/n {~f"/IISfJ IIct/oll.

(1\) Pre-prullo/"\ (/lId Prul1(1n Srage.·-- (/) Tile lTIcdil.I!'i ,II

instructioll al the pre-primary and pnmary stage .'-h,d] h·.; in 'il\

ycma..:u!ar language \vhich is the nluthel' tongue 01 the '..,·iliidl\·ji

(2) Trw 1llother longue u! the child is \0 he decl ,11 l' lin \\ ~ i ':.!1 '-'

by the parent or the guardian at the llille o(admls:-!llll I), t:I,' ,'lllfd in the schoo!.

U) The DireclDI" of Sc!woj blucH\Jon sh<.)!l <l1T<l11;!\' [(l Pl\ I'. 1\ L

pr!111ary cdUCatHll1 through the mediurtl of dll: \"Crlld(Ui.U language through the ;\s-;iqant Director of..Schoo] Ldu\'dlHlil·A

the Zone 1 ftl1ett l's'rninimu!ll Cnr()1111~l1t or twenty chi Idl\'n -;cd I !l~ edUcallon through that language The G\)\,crnmenll1lilY l"~, \):dl'l

re:,\x tlt:s limit of mlllllllllm enrolment ,IS mn: I'l' dt·,.'!!!l'd


(Ir) A ('h1ld shall he pl'rTll1ttcd to enr(ll in,'1 sch;·" ~ \\1·.("',,' ti:,

medium ofinstruc!lon Isdifl"erent from Olt' Illothc([\1)";gul' \·t ,i:.l:

(13) AI iddle S{(l~e dl/(/ .,,'('(()/I{!O n .)"f{/~C. -~ ! /) Till' 11",'".1 ~: I:; instructloll at rTnddlc and ",-'<'·,lIldClr) q,:~g, shall h~';~ \l"'i~",'1i I'

language or English.

(2) If in a school there IS ~(JTllI1ll11Ulll or t\vcnty s.llii.lcnl..., \',1:(

desi rc instruction throll ~h an Indian I angu3::!L' which 1\' ll!Ii"::r1I,;ln the medium of IIl;.;truction In ttlilt s~:ho(l!. then Illl' ':,slsliull

Dir,ccLor of School EducatIOn oj" the Zone aflC!" iLI\'ll1g het'n satisfi¢d ahout the feasihility, shal! recommend tht' OPC;'II1.\.:' (II'

separmedivision/s in that ",-'hool to alT.ao.gc to pro\ Ide InstruCll,lI1

through that InJiar language. The det:islon )f Ihe Director ,1!'

School EducatlOn is final in the maHct

(C) Higher S('condan' Stage:-- The medium oj" ilHruct!On at

the higher secondary stage shall bO'an Indian I anguagl" or Lng-I ish

(D) Other Illstitutions .• - l'he rnediw,n of instructl()J1ln a!! oihcr

institutions mentioned afrulc 4 (vi) and (vii) ~hall he any Indian Language or English. For a Special Language Institution, the

medium of instruction may he the language taught ill that Jlblllu·


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.'dll JUNE., 2U()()

0. RiX/lot o{ (1 LinguisTic Mil/onfy.- (/'1 An~1 lingUistIC minonty ",:hich intends to set up '-choolls v.lth the' object oj

Illlparting education through the mother wlIguc of such a linguistic minority, shall he L'ntitkd to recclvegrant-IO-aid, if all other conditions in respect of' entitlement of grant- in-aid arc fulfilled by such school/s.

(2) If the Director of School I~:ducation 1:-. smisfied thai sutficlellt facilities exist in an area t,) impart instruction through a III morny language, and no more sch, lolls forthc sa1l1e are needed, then the DirectorofSchool Educatioll may not permit theo])ening of any more such schoo lis in th.,lt al ea.

{3j The Director of School Education shall not b(: under any' obligation to extend grant-in-aid to a school establisled and run hy any linguistic minonty, imparting instruclion through a lan­guage other than that of the same lingUistic minority.

10. Anflllal Inspection oj Recot;nised InslltU!iofls. ~ - The Director of School Education shalllllake suitahle arrangements for Il1spectlOn of all recognised institutions in the State. Their !"unctlOiling shall be checked by frequent visits by th(" officers of the Directorate of School Education, officers of State Institute or Education! StateCounciJ of Educational Research a~d Training, and any other officers as may be appointed h\ the Director of Schoo! Education. and shall ensure that ;~

(il the education imparted in the schools is as per pre~cribed "yllahi_:

(ii) all the textbooks prescribed and used In the schools are as approved hy the Government.

(tii)-the academic and administrative standard is adequate and is as laid down by Directorate of Educallon:

(il') discipline among the stu(knts is sau~factory:

(I') the employees and th~ Management work in harmony and do not act in any manner prejudicial 10 th,~ edUCali(.)n and discipline in the school:

(I'i) the school is equipped With adeqlHue mfrastructure as laid down under these rules 10 meet the needs of the students.



1 I. Opening of a IInr sciloo/.- (1) Any individual or

association of individuals desiring to opcn a new school shall form an Educational Society or a Trust with the objective to \!stablish and run such school and shall register the same under the law as in forcc.

(2) The Government will constitute annually a State Survey Committee to identify the need for schools of different stages in different localities in the State, Thereon a public notification wil! be issueq calling for- app] ications.

(3) The Chairman/President of the Educational Society/Trust which desires to open a new sel1001 shall' submlt to the Assistant.

OirectOl" of School Education of th(: ZOOt'. <Ill ,\ppiicatlOl1 in the Form 1 here\()on or before 3{)~1 pfSeptcmbcr (li lilt' ycaqlrcceding: the acadcmll' year. tile school is expccted In (T!n:m:!1CC

(4) A mere ~uhm Ission or applicatlon'j OJ' ~1;1:-111l >' <l I"IC\,' "d-!(l\)1

doc" not aU\\llll<-ltlCally entltle :~1e applicant I )1'\.'1].\ 'l'ho\)1

The nev. ,>choo] shallbeopenedonlyafi·.:r I,,', Llp\ \11'111("\\"1"111("11

pemll sSlon from the Oi rector of School Eel Ul',tl: i HI. It, 111<1\ el'fec [. faili ng which the appl icant shall be I iabk for 11\:11('(11> li ndcr "cellon 4 of the Act

12. Gel/eml Nurll/s f{n X}"({lltillJ!, penlll.\Slli11 !I' nlle!1 U 1/('\(

school. - (! )ThcDirectorofSchooLEducation. ([nel cx.amlmngthe par! iculars furnished in the application and aftcr nwking such other enqUIries as may be deemed necessary, shall cllher rl;ject or grant the permiSS!()1l applied for.

(2) The Director of School EducatfoH_ \vhi!e granting permiSSIon to open a new schooL shall give due c01lsiLicral!on to

the follovv'inggencn'l norm~:~ (i) there is no school and facllitic:-. of the type to he proVided by the proposed s~h{)oL \\.:llhin a reasonable distance from the location/sp()1 of the projltl",,:d school. For this rurposc. reasonahle diq(lllcl' for a prlmar:.

middle, secondary cl1ld higher "ccondar), school "ha! I hl' crdi ll<lnl) one, three, live and eIght kilometers rcspectl\"~ly;

(ii) the new school is actually needed on ,1CC\ll!nl c,f Ilillur,t! hazards such as a hilly or forest area, nver Cro"."l11g. I1c(\\':

tra!Tic or any other factors which hamper ac(:e~s t(l IhCl'XI~ling school:

(iii) the proposed school is exclusively i(l!" llie henchl of ,Ill underpriVileged comm"'-I,Illi~y or for girls:

(iv) the eXJsting similar schoob III tllL'.\]ncality or In'-1\\, neighbourhood are oHTcrowded to admll sludent~ beyond their sanctioned strength and hcncc·,trc Ullahk to a(;commO­date any more students, (For Ihe purp()\\.. or this norm. the

wordovcrcrowd:;lg mean~. haVing admls"lon In classe~ over the admissible number as per the spe1:i hed i"!\lrms ofcarp~t area per child_ The W()J"(! overcrowding also lllC:l.IlS the existence ()f

exccss diVIsion,,):

(\') there is no further scnpe for immediale further expansinn oj the existing schoolls to accommodate additio~,al students proposed to he accommodated in the new school:

(1'1) thc phySIcal facilities III the eXisting sc.hooll:-- arc

Inadequate to accommodate any more students:

(I·t i) the n(;\\ :-\chool i r pcnnittcd. would not adversely allc--:t

the enro!'rnent In the nelghhouring schoolls resulting 111

reduction of diVIsions which otherwise were heiJl~

satisfactorily managed hy them with ,tdequate physicil! facilities:

(nii) the ncw ~ch()()1 if permitted. would n()[ C<-lU-';C

disturbance or comqlllllal harm(my In that iocalil). ill ..

whalsocver manner:

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210 SERIES I No. 12

()f'FIC[AL GAZ['1TE . c;ovr 0[.' CO,I (EXTRAORDINARY, \ .'

(ix) the demand for a new school is ('/l aCC(lunt 01 p<..:r:,i:-;tcl1t

mismanagement nrcxistlng school!s Iii IhaL area.

(3) While permitting the opening: d ,-11:nV school the Dircctol'

or School Education shall further (:Ilsltn: liliit :

(I) the management of the rr(lpo\~d schou] 1\ pn'j)cch


Iii) the financial positi(111 of the m,1l1agcmcnt i\ soun,j al1(i

it has alre<ldy raised the Rcs.crvc Fund <l~, ]nid d()wf1 lind!!!" Ihest' Rules',

(iii) the need of the schuol is propel i~ ,)sscsscd in terms 01" :>uh-ruJe (2) above:

Or) the new school·would not u1usc unhealthy comp( lItioll with the existing schools oCthe same !ypc:

(\') the premises ofthc new schtlo! ,.11"(: healthy, has ellougll

light and ventilation and arc physically \oLlnd for the safety 01'

the children:

(1'1) the opening ornew school/~ 1\ IH)! III cOlltr(lvelltl~)Jl 0:

the Government policy.

I.i. COllllllllllicutioll (d declslOll (III fll(' Uj'pIiC{/tlOlI.-· Thc IJlrcclOr of School Education. after can::!ul examination of the pn)posal for'openingofa new school and arter llwking such other

\:nquirics as may he considered necessary. shall arnYe at ;1 fail decisioll and shall communicate the same to the applicant on 01 hcforc I ()th December of the year I)rC\' 1011." to the academic year

14. Number (~f" d{/sse.'· to hI! opel/ed ill the lIel!" schoo/.­I hlwever the pern)ission gi ven shall bc such thm Cor 1 hc fi rst Yl',a)' only one class shall he started and gr:.'LdU<llly suhscljucnt classc\

shall he added to. with provision orrcquired infrastructure f.)r the class proposed to be opened With priol intllnation to the Director

of School Education.

15. Tillie fill/ilff)" .warling (~ll1eH' schoo/. - The M anagelllenL on rccciptofthe permission to open a new ~chooL shall open such school within a fortnight from lhec(;n:mlcllccmenlof the academic

year and thereafter intimate the salll~ WIthin a week to the Director of School Education and the Assistant Director of SClH10I Educa·

lion of the Zone.

16. Validity perh)(/ oj perlllissio/J to opel! ({ lIe\\' school. -- The permission granted hy the Director of School Education to open

a new school at the proposed location. shall be valid only for the : car for which it is granted. In case thr management fails to open

tbe 5G.hool in the same academic year as per rule 15. the permission granted shall aut(lmatically stand v!ithdrawn.

17. Opening ofHigherclass.- (J) No such higher class shall be opened without prior permission of the Director of School


(2) Letter of intimation for the purpose of intimating to open

subsequent higher class shall he suhmitted to the Ass]stant Director of School Education or the Zone in the Form I hereto on

orhefore 30th September ofthe.ycar prcceeding the academic year in which the higher class is proposed to he opened.

---(.1) Til\.' Dirc(ur pj SCI,l\1\lI Ldul',ltlllll ~hajl ,:::;" ,k'

hlglll'1" Ci:ISSl'S pn1'.'ldcd LIK n:qllI I\ .. d fIlJrilSli"~lC!lI1" ,I,! I!.\ :i','

Illa(k ;\V;LlLthlc d~ p,'1" llll' pl'l'~nlil,'d ll()lTlI\

(,I) Thc])il·l'Clpl·\l!"\,.'h\l(d I':dlililll(ln>,hallall(!\\, I;

(11l1\ (jill.' (1;1\\ oj (1m' ~Id~l.' 1(1), l',l,'h aC~ldl'l1l1c \,

('l) il: Cit.'.c LI1<..' j)irL'l'lur oJ >;ciloo] Ed\l(~llllll: !i11,!', l'

Ill:L:C'i\ary C()ll<Jlli(lIl.\ ~lI"e Ilotlllifilll'd hy the :\.'lal1:I!),·'

d suh\L'ljuell L Cl~l'~, the !lla!l,l~Cn lellt "hall f>e I i1 f( ll"llil', i arid the 1ll,1ll,lgclllenL afte]" uIlllplialh.:l' (If the c()ntll"


" "1\'




i"l , "!I\


~llhlllJl tile request Itl]" i'L"Cll1hllkr;t!IO!1 or Di!'l','i!'1 I '-c,l \\,1

(6) The Dirci..'\')I' (Ii SCIHlIll Lduc.llIOlll" Clllrll\\" ,'d' ,j ',':

,lilY cxis\lng: ,-.;cll[\'ll te, opcn ,I hi~hl'l" l'la", .1\ 111,1\ I"~ 1,'lilt:i : i

aCC()llllll\ldatc ;tli ',tudellh

I~. 0lwli/lIg (i/ uddifi(l/!tli / Jil'0/{)/I,\'

diviSI()ll Dr <Ill ~XIS!lng cla.'.~ ~h,dl he opened \\ I[ill ill ill<: l'I'!lli'

]ll'rIlll'iSI(I!1 (11' the Director or Sl"llll()] EduC<lIHHl

(2) In ordcr [il ()hlClIIl lhe llCC,'-t",lry P',Tlllh'\' \I'" , I",", addiliollal divl~l(JlI/\, lhl' 1l1;1I1ag\..'llll'1l1 01 II1\..' ~Ch()l" ~)I:I i "li l '!!\:; all application 111 [ile Fmlll I ilerel\l {(l the Di!·i..'~'['l! ,11 \,,':I\ll,1

Edlh:;1l101L 011 ()r hefore ,~()lh /\prd (lj lhl' )'Cdl' i!1I"\'1;~'i! '1" A.'iSl~talll Direcl()] ur Scll(l(d EdllC1l101l or the /\II:C r! -..Ii, I: di\'lSIIlJll~proP()s('dl(lh'llpl'ncdilllhe11l(ln(h()!JlIl:, ","llil< ,,[ilL

) car.

U') hlr the plIrp()\\' 'llthi, luk. llpCllll1)! I': ,[ ,I,,, ,),'

additi(1I1;ti j,lcuIL),'/"trC;llll Ill:l ili~'lh'J "Cl'\)IHLlI'~ ,,' ,1:,., I"~

C(lll~lrul'd a~ addrtH)Il,lI dl\ 1,j()11

(4-) The Direc10r \ll" School F..dU(,'111on ;d lei" ,-'dl\: III ,\;:1; II' ie' ~ i

of Lhl' details furnished in the applicatioll :lIld arll'l !!!ill-.inr :k'j'

oLher enqUiries a~ Illay he deellled nCl'\~s~,lr) h' i,: ,I' 'il.ll!

com!llunicate his/herdcCl'i](l!l lothL' In;lIla~l'll1l:lli 'il ,1i i,", 'I,

31 sl of Mayor Ihe year

(5) Where III the uplnl' III I d the I )irl'(\( ,r ()I S,:lh I i I '.du~ ,I! Ii 'r. reasonahle grounds l:'\l:-.I fur d()ll1i~ 'i(). I Ill' D11·Ci.·\i 1 (II \,'iti'i'!

Educatioll. Illay dire,;l ill" pcnllll (ln~ recugl1l,V;: ,,'il"I'i I,

open addiLion,ll dl\'lSI()!]/\ III all) III thl' l'l,l\'i/C, II' 'il\' ,,'\1',11i1'~

~cho{)l/s a\ llli.l~ lw rCljull'L'd Lo dCl'\1111()(bIC ,til ,Pili, Ill,

granllllg perllll\\IOIl tl) {l])('n addilJ(1I1,tl di\ I:--ionj, \1) a \L·h().,lI.

the Diree!Or or Seh()ll!. hlucallDll "hall C(lll,-;llkr tilL' !oll()\\'lil~


(i) lhe addiLionai dl\ 1>lllll l~ .lLIlIall) needed d.~ ,I rc,u)\ I

lllore diviSIons In the Im\er clas\ 111 IlIl' ~,l!nc 'L'ihl(li.

(ii) Ihere IS l1()dil\.'i..'1erJ"ccth) \\'ay()J rCliUC\I(111 ill ,ldi\hI()!l

In the \,UllC clas~ III ,til) utller :;,.:11001 In the Ilcl!!hhouril(llld

tl( the applicant "cl](lol.

(iii) there IS ~lcLlI;)1 !ll'l'd o! \Ipenlng all addiliollal di\ l~i(lJl

tn ;\ccollllllOdate mCl'cascd studenl populatlol1 ~,-'~'~in~ ad III 1.\­

'i1()1l III that clas~:

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SPlitS 1 Nil. 12

OIHCI!'.L G,\ZETTE· U()Vl: lli (;(..\


~: I I

hlil ;(,\L lOIJ(l

(il") the applicant school hasth(~'ill! -,blruclurc l1cl'dv(\ to }pcn

an additillnai divisIon:

(\,) ()PClllllg or addilion,1I divi~lllll 1:-, not a rc·,ull or unhcllth)

competition among tile schoo\s I11l-]ulLngallY app~'al made \.:) the pco[1ie nn the hasis or race. rcligi(}\). \ aslc or C;)11l1l1Ulllty.

2(). Enrolment relJltired ./()r cnr\)lmCnl for granting additional di'.'lsion shail he a~ ro]l(lws:-

(.\) Pu:,-PriIlUlIT sInge {jJ/"e ,"( ho(;!) (Jnt! p,.illll/ry s/(Ige ("'t(ll/­

dart! I If) S/wu/(lrd IV):--

'['he diviSIons shall be in alcor;\anct: wltl: the llumter or :-,tUlknh <.\\lotted to each teacher as p~~r pupil-1l',lchcr ratio as at

Appendix I hereto and as specified OJ tile Go\'crnmenl frolll time IOllme.


( B ) Middle olld Secondary 5/oge (Stant/a rtf / ro Sf(!ndwd X):-

(t) f()r 20 to 45 students One divl~.ion

(ii) for ')') - 90 students crVit) JiVIS10lh

tii i) for I 10- 135 studenl> Three di'iisiolls

(il') for a hlock of every Ih.::xl O\l\~ additional 45 students or part thcn:u1 divl.,>jon

There :-;hall ordil.larily he iL m,IXIlllum of ~15 stutienh in il

diVISIon. But for granting a sc.:ond divlswn. the total strength of two divisions ora class should l1('t In any C,ISl' he kss than 55

student'>. For a third di Vision. the wtal strength ()r three di visions

of a class should not he less th,m I i ().

(C) I-l igher SecO/u/(I/T stoge SWn(/(/rd X I til .""·t(/JI(,'nrd XII)

0) ror 30 to 60 :;tudcnt>

(II) r~:>r 70 to 100 students

(iii) for a hlock of every I\ext 30 :;tudcnts or part the!'l'tlr

One Jiv,slOn

Two di\ isions

Olle adc.itional di\-!sion

There shall he a maximum l'I--60 students ill ,I division. But for

graming <l second division. the tutal strength of two diviSions

or a stream should not he less thall 70 student:-;.

21. Closing down (/ sehoul or cioss or di\·isl(J11.- (I) The management desiring to close do\vn a recognised .-;chool or its class ()r division of a class shall not do so with()ut prior approval urthe Director of School Education.

{2l 'fhe Director orScho()j Education shall not penmt any management to close down a ';chool or its class in the middle 01 an academic year. unless circumstances so demand.

(3) The management shall intimate to the Director of School Education, thro'ugh the Assisttnt Director of School Education of the Zone at least six months in advancc. their intention to close

down theirschool/c\ass from thecommenccment of :1extacademic year.

1---11 11cfllr.:: SUi)l!11~""!\ln ,.)1 ~llch 11l11111<ttHll1·1'. lh,.: DirL:lltlJ" \)f

Sch()\ 1] Educa\\('ll .l·Il,.' (Jl·lh.'rdl BLKly 01 the Ed\h ]1]( ·n,,1 Slll'lety.'

Trll.\! ,\hall 1'(l~," (l, r:.:: .... \lllll\(~n i,~\f.,in~ a dCCIS\Un '1 l:I.)"Il\~ dov.-il till' "l hi··oj/,·IJ ' .... l·\ \ --:-()I': j)j thiS rl's()lutlun:-,11 ild hI: .... llbl111ttL:d

t() Ihl' ])11"1..',:\1),' \)j "i-:i1nul EdlkcllHlll

::)) ()ill\.'('(·lptllllllellltllll:t!Hl!labnutlllteIHI\·' till' '.el)()o\. 1:11..' !-)jr...'I..'t()r ·.11 Sdl(l()j l:dUC\',ll

l'\.\1l\llk· tlh.' it ,l)L l\\ :n,'"' ,\ l!C-I'I1:di \\'\

:I . l(i .... :Il~! du\\ 11

,I :Il! ,'~il-\' t u II!

( i .\ li) I~<llld (1\ l'\ tIll' \l' hI h) I to illl! Ilthl'!" I"l __ '!' h k'r, t! l.t\tt;.·d\ 1I)!l

S(lClct y Il"ru..;t:

{ii} to [,Ike ()\ cr tlh: .... '--·ho()) jl)r \ltd, a PI.-IIlI(; ,\~ l\let) he

lkc!llcd ih'::':CSS~H\,

((») III l',he th,-, \)ireCl(l)' 'J!-Seil()()1 EduC,l\\\lil ;IITI\l>' ~\l tIl('

dccisTtlll tu i)erIllll .:l()surc l)r the "ehoo\. Ilbtnh:Ij()!l~ ~hall IX' Issued wlhe managemcnt or the school as fojj!)\\'"

(1,1 \() I,,:-;UC 12([\1111; l.:crlli·iclk .... \;\ allOw ,tuciL;llt:- :-llldyln~'

III the school:

iii) to trans1e! ,til the l('cmd" and abu 111\: ;h"l::b purchased under grant-In-aid \(l the ASSistant DireelOr of SchiJo! Education in the concerned Zone or 10 any other sl'hoo-1. as may he deemed fit.

(7) The ])irect()1" (If Scllt)oi Educatlon shull al;,() take .steps \11 ahsorh as far as pra"':l!cahlc. the qu:alifying ulI1rirmedcmploycl's of Ih~ defunct schoo!. III <\ny other recognl:-;ed schuul subjc...:t \0 the pr()VblOnS () rlhe sallle under these Ruk_'>. Surplus tcat:hct's shall receive salary paymcnl upto a period of "ix months

un The Direct()r of Schou] EduC<ltJon shall ,lis() take such "tep:--. as may be necessary to protect the lIlteresls Ill' the Govcnlllh:l1\

JJ1 the building. Sitc and other assets of the dcfunl..'l ,.,choo\.

22. Witlidr(1\\'(/! (~I rlie j)CrllIISSI(l1l t() open II IInl' school 01 /lei\"

clt/s.1 or divisioll. -- The Director or School Education shall hI.' competent to withdraw the penlllssion granted to open ,\ Ill'\'r'

school or higher cla:;s or an additwnal di\'I"lon ifsubscljllcntly II IS found that the school ha~ not provided satisfactor~

infrastructure as pcr speCified norms.



23. Applic(/{/O/i for Recognilioll.- (I) The Educatlonal Snc!cty/Trust which is permitted [(}opcn a new ~chuoL from lllc

commencement of any acadenllc year shall suhmit an applicatIon

III the form II hereto to !he Director ofScho{)] Educatlon, through the ASSIstant Director of Education of the Zone within a period of onc month from the inception of the nc\\-' schoo:!' for the recognition of the same.

(2) If the Educational Society/Trust fails to submit the

application for recognition within the stipulated period, the Director of School Educ.,ation is entitled to withdnl\\ the

Permission granted to openhhe schoo"! ~. ,

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212 OFFICIAL GAZIOTTE t ;0\ T OF (;1)\

SERIES I No. /2 ('XmAORDIt;\RY, lSI!i ii "1' --------------~--~--------

(3) Mcrc pcrmlsslon u/'thc Director )1 School j:ducation In "t;~n a 11l'\\ school docs ]lot entail <lU10lll,1lIC recognItion ofthdl >.;choo!.

Ruk'2 .. -L Com/iiiolls f{)J' Rc('ogllif,io!! -;\ scll1)(>1 shall h:-

recognIsed or continued to he n'C{)~'!11scd suhject () the .provisinns oj section I of the Act and Sllhjct.'t to till' following: ,:onditioilS'"

(I) TilL' Educational Soclcty/TI ust \\ hich run~ the schon!. IS r~lnCll()ning strictly in aCC(}r(.l,lllC(· wIth the lllanJatory ohligatlOns ullekr the rclevant I,\WS of reglstrallon of thaI SOcll'ty/Trust and also in acconianc.: \vith l!~, ~'()Ilst tulioll and hye .. laws.

{IiI 'Ih .. ' Management orlha! Educ,lllonal S(k 1l'lyll rust IS

III the hands oj' a properly constitukd E ,\cCll!!\'(::" Comllllttee (,j' thaI SoclCly/Trust.

(iii) Thc financial stabi I ity of till' Ethcatloll,ll S(lcictyITrw,t I" reasonably sound.

(il') The prcmises of the school ;,re l~c,-tlthy am! ;1" spl"cifieJ under the~e RuleS'.

(I') The school follows the cLlrn-::ulunl and the :(,\,1 h(uks <'IS

approved oy thc competcnt authority a'> pcr Rule', (1. 66 and 67 and it does not use any teaching/learning material \Vhich I"

. banned or not approved by the G(!Ycr!lrncnt.

(\'i) The standard of education in till; .school rind thc I csult, __ in the internal and public examinatioll/s are smi:..factor:,r,

(I'ii) AJm issions arc open to all \vitll()ut any dis~Timiilati()il

Oil thc hasls of religion. race or ca"tc.

(\'iii) Admissions \0 all the classes and pronloti( 11l from clas"

to class arc made strictly in accordance with the miLs as laid down b)1 the DirectorofSchool Edu-::atio!l or norms ,IS specified by Board (If Sccondary and Higlwr S\;condary Lducatiotl .. t()

w~:ch the school is affiliated as the; case may he.

(i.r) The Educational Society/Trust complics with til tIll' conditions laid down by the Dircctol' or School Educaton al the time of granting pennission to open the schoollhighu class,

Lr) The school maintains all tlie records and rcglsters (1:-..

specificd under these Rules and as may be directed rrom lime to lime by the Director of School Educatlon. alld BOJrd oj' Secondary and Higher Secondary Education to. \vhich tht.' schoo! is affiliated.

(xi) The ManagemeJ1l ensures punctual, prompt and accurate suppl y of required information and statistical retufll~ a~ may be'directed by the Directorate of School Educati'on, or any of its suhordinate offices,

(xii) The Educational Society/Trust undertakes not to run any non-recognised school or cla~~es premises of the recognised ·school undertaking.

within or outside thc and abides by this

I uiil The \'1allil~!l'llll'!l\ 11ilhc ..... chool alwk'-. 1111l1S ,)1 ..... cr\ Il·-:: ..... t(ll il" l'tllpl('YlT:,. ,l~ pn,-:"l'l'J!'h'; 11 I

Rule ..... and;b i1!a~ hl'l'll''-.l.:nhl'd h~ Ihe CJ(l\'l:m:' Ii:


IXI)' 1 nil' \Lill<t;-::llll'IH ort!:l' ,>,,:h()()IU!1dl"'1.,j ,

U,\l'lll I Ill' pr:. .. '1:11'>l> l>i the '>C'!l('l,] ~lJld till' I'\i!\

lill'l'CIIl Iu l('llduc'\ ,ldilit \.\llk';llIOIl ,it]"'"" L'dIIC~lll1,n :"'1<1"."\,'\ ,lr, (\lltllllllllg l'dlh:;UI11)1 ,',

.Jan Shibhan :\il~l:' ,till", \\ Ill](lut ;lll: l h;lq!~'

'\1) Thc \!:lIi<lrVllh:nl lIIHkrlab.'~ t() "I';"

j"lll'lllISC.'. <I!lti thc ph;. "il';ti i':lciliIIL'''' therL'ln ;:i('I:;

pl(lyc(;~ as m<, he nCl,tkd, 10 iwld puhli,- : <I C()!lciUCICci h) thL' Board \11' SCi..·(lIH.bry <tnd !'fi~iL'1

educatIon tu \A l1il:h thl' \dwol i\ ,dlilialcd (11' h'

IllCllt J.kp<lr1!lll'll!.

i,n I) The lvLlIl<l,~l'lllcnt 1IIHJcrl<tKl'\ 1\1 ~I';"

prClnls('\and IhcpltYSil',ll (m'llitil'.'i III IllL'",-::iHl(I]! i:! 1"" ''-.,

nl'\Clllltlar-", \\'llrk"]l\I[lS, rei"rc",hcrl'ourse'>01" I:',': ',-,',

ol'!~anlscd hy the Directorale (ll Sch(l(li Ldtk',\ll

I \\ Ii) Thl' ,(hu()1 ],1'Cllli"l'\ ;)I'L' llot ll.'-L'd Illl

":llllllllcl'ewL rnlilli .... ,d 1l] V(ll11!lHlIl,1I ;ll'tl\'III,'"

\\ hah()l'\ CI

i.\."\liil-rhe ,>tudl'ilhalldtl';I,:her-"Ol"()lhL'r:tn \ ,',-" h ",choni are \1()il(1IllPcilcddircC11) orilldirc,",tl) i, ~'I:,I' I!:~

or oUlSllk tlh' >';~'\w\ll ])IC11\I",C\, ,1Il~ rclii: ;, .t l"

l'()lll!llcrcia! Pi" cornl11ull,d ,Ielll !lic\ or <Ill) kif I il,ll,"

U:ir) The '>CllO(li ,lllti thc Ihl"lL'1 (Irall:) Ill;'.! II]...',]

\\"h()()L shall hl' (\pell to [ill: II1",PCCIII1~ \.'1"

J)irl~L'IOratc ()i SC])(lull',dllGl!Hll1 ;llld ()!",!IlY (lll ;" "~I ,'I'


as may hc isslled hy the Dil'l'u()1' of Set" the fUllct!Olllngorthc ",d100t. h()",IL'1 (Iran)) d ,,('I \ ;Cl' I1Li'

or lhe eJl1pjoyec~,

I.ni) The rvLtnagcl1ll'l1L ulhknakc,\ l(l j 1\ (I i' . t'1l1Ili(!'. ,'"

the salancs and all nthcr alh.1\\'<'l1KCS a~ P(:' !rll'" 1";lk\ ~11l', :':,',' by thl' GOY(Tn!l1ent f611111l1lle to time

Rule 25, R( I(,I"\'(' f .'1I1i!

sh:tll not recognise ~l twn (J()\Crnlllelil

Managl'lllellt or the "ci1(l(li est,lhlishc ......

minimulll i.\11l01l1lt as "'PCl'l ried he 10\\

II) h)r Prilll~lry Srlh)(lj

(II) For ivlidd!c SCllDOI

(li'l) For Sl'con(br~ Schoo]

(iYJ F(lr Higher Sect Indar~ SClh1()1

]]()(d 11Jlk:-,\ ,k

:l'''CI '. ,-' I :lIn,!

J{" i!),O(Hl.iXl

1<" j :~.f)(}( J.( X)



Rule 26, CUlllf oj Hecilglllf/o!/. I«'I/I,I( : {' N(,('iJ!.!iU{W}} 1'11('

Director shall -::OJllIllUIlIl';ltc hi~/llL'1 dn I~I, nOll tl1\' I'L'l'O~nlllilll

of the scho()1 in aC((l]'(lall,",-' \\'ltl1 ,"il", lin ..;; )1' till' ,\, I.

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Rulc'27. Recognition. ~~ (J) /I.n) prc-pnman. pn:nary or middle school recognised in the firsL ye'lf of its functIonIng shall he deemed to have been recognIsed 1'01 a penod (d j lve ',rcars or until the final class of that stage of edLh;~ltion is aJdcd with 1 he pcnnission of the Director of School Edu..:aL10ll. The SCho-.l\snccd not seck recognition for each of th<: cla~"cs added "I'ter the hrst year or that stage.

(21 The recognition granted afte the opening nr (he first y,,~ar

of secondary/ higher secondary stage ~,hal! be deemed to haY(' been granted for the entire respectiy-.:; Sl"gc of cdue (Ilion rrovldcd

thai such a recognition shall he lil111tecl ttl thl' clas,>"s recognised (lil a temporary or permanent basis b~ thl' Goa Board of Se,,:olld~lry and Higher Secondary Education, or by any other Huard 10 \vhich the schoo! is affiliated.

(3) The Director of School Education mel)' h) '>peci"l order extend the period of recognition Df ,\nypre-primary. pnmary ,ormiddlcschool iffclt necessary to do ,'-n. to proVide some morc ~ime to the Management to fully complv \'lith the c(lnditions !<.ud

down by the Directorate of School EducatHm fO!" recognitioll.

Rule 2X. Lapse qj'RecoJ;Jljfjol1.- (/ The recognition gran ted for any stage of education in aschco\ shal! lapse If the s,;hool hy order of the Director of School FdUCcltlOn close." down all the classes of that stage.

(2) The recognition granted ,·or <l secondar).' or higher .secondary school shall lapse iftheatliliatlllg Board \\·ithdraws the recognition granted by i1 to that s(:colldary or higher secondary school.

(3)Tlle recognition once granted to i.l school :--.hal1 he deemed to be lapsed in any of the followillg cases:--

(i) the schoo! isshiftedtoaclitlcrcnl localii) witl-outpnor approval of t.he Director of Sch()ol Education:

(Ii) the school is transferred I) diHcrenl Management with­out prior approval of the Direcur 01" ~cho()1 Education;

(iii) the school ceases to tW:CIKl11.

(4) The Director of School EducatltlJ1IS enlitk(l to 'Nithdraw permission granted to open a scholl] after recognition has lapsed.

Rule 29. Shijting (~j'cllIsses ro other prelllis('s//ocu/ity.- (J)

A school shall not shin its classes from its Initially permitted premises/locality to different prC'miscs/locality. without pnor permission from the Director oi School Education.

(2) The Management desiring 10 shift the classes of its school from initial premiscs/Jocality sh:,lll seck the permission 01" the Director of School Education. atl,~ast ~ix mOliths in advance. of the date nj" proposed shining.

(3) The application seeking pCn11isslon shall be submitted to the ASSistant Director of School Education or the Zone giving therein the details of:~

til presenllocation,

\ iii) di:-;tcHh.·C hel \\ l'\..'l1 thl' Pi"',''.cnt ](ll',ll j("]1" : i1·, ] 'f ""I.'li


) tl(!llll" \l[ ,,;1l1Iid)" t~PL (11 :)eh()o]" l'\

projlO\';c! ]o"atH'i1 ,HlcI lhcll·dISl<lI1CC l'rPlll :l'

,>'lIbmlt hi:-;/hcr 1cl'or\ I\llhc DiI"Cd()I"O,rSl·IHH)] [',!ut .. :I:I('11

,I pcnod or OJll' llllllHh

. I


{.f} rile DirL',:I()]"()! Sch(l()11 dUCali(1n mOl:' pC: :11\ \'1 ,'j,','i lil,' request for "hif1in~ the l·!a:--.:--.(',- I'.) new prcll1l..;e:--./h" .Iii:· b\ ':1\ Illg

due l·ollsiderall\lll to lill: l'ulli)\\ In~ factor,,>· ..

(I) suilahilil:. (lfnc\\' I'rel11IS,,-'"

(ii) need 1)1" tlk' :<ho()im the new localil\

( iii) Pl"Ilhdhk ,hh L'i""e c Ilcct:) ()11 t hc all"(::I(h \' \ I "I; 11;! ,< h, l( 11 '­

ill :--.lm !I ar t) pc l!1 th,1l loc,dily \vllhin rca:--'ll!l;d i,~ dhLlIi\ ,:

11l·1 such \)thn t.li.,:(or,- a> 111<.1: Ileed \I) hl.': "'L,,-,-~'d ,I,:t till

opcnlllg oj" (\ nc\\ :--.ch()oi is propo:)cd in till' i()Gliil\ \\'ilel"'': shirting IS propo~cd.

Rule30. S·II),PCI.'.\/O!lo(HCiO,'<:l/lliO!i.· (Ii It tlh.'])lr,'~I'll"('1

School r.::ducatl()n IS CUIlVlllccd that the .'>c!l\l(\] \\ hich IS:.JI ,mtl'd rccogllllion h(l:--' (ai led c· v..:: n after \LJ Ilic lent I nllll);lt )(111 and I! mc II I

cnmply wi th olle or 111\ lrc conti i l iOIl~ llllpu~ed \ 1n I he \L\Il'I~~;.·1l1,' 1\1 under l11e:--.c Ru!c",. dlld Ih,' '-,lid condill(ln,- "uld 11<1\ <.: \"1,_'<.'11

complied with. Within a~hort rC<I:;ollahlc perIod \11 '.IX nHllllli,.II':,'1l

the Director or School EduuIllon .lnay \lIspel1d the l·eC(l~!nllll"1l

of Ihal ,>choo] I·or a pC 1"1 0(\ ur llme ttl I"ull:. C()lllj1l~ \\ lih Ihe "',lId

conditions or rCmOYl: the defiCienCies I(l the '-'lil"ja(."tloll iii th .... Director of School Educ<l110[1

12i lr the ,:..:il(",,1 dl)C:-; not l,.{)lllpl> \\llh 1111' l·Olllhlhl!1:\ ill

1\:l")W\'C the ddicICt1Cle:) \\ Ithin the perl(ld !,)r whh:h illl'

rcctlgnition IS suspended. the Direc\oroj Scho{'] LdllC(l\Hlil ill,l\

take furthcr steps to \\'lthdra\I.' the lTC(lgnllio!]

(3) Hthe schoo!. 1,.')l1lplic~ \\·Ilh the \..()Ilditl\lll' ur rCJll(l\l'~ till

defiCienCies p(llnkd ,'lIl and :-;Uhl11lh ils L'(}11lpli~llh:e report \\ Ithm tlte time limit al!()\\"cd. till' ])irector Dr Sd)oul i~dllcatlllil !ll,l~,

after careful considcration or the c(l11lpiiance rcport (tnd il]:..,n h)­maki ng sLich other CllljU i ric:) ,1:--' lll'l~ he dCCI)"lCd lh'CeS\ar) . I"l"'-ll ll"C

the rl~C()g:nilion.

Rule 31. a·:ir!u/)"({imlof /(("('(),!{lIlriol].

Including a permanently recognised 'i(houl h,l:-O (ca:--.cd 111 the opinIon of the Directorate of SCIHHll EducatlOIl. 10 fulfil! ,ill:' Ili

the c()ndit iOI1:-' of I"(C( 1 g 1111 iOll \ lj" any olher pnl\, I '> 10m under I he ,~C Rules or the Act. \)1" the C;Od, Daman <lnd Diu SccolHJar:. and Higher Secondary Education Ru k,,,. J "n5. the Director oj" S:...·IHloj Edu<:atloll Illay \\'ilhdr,l\\' Ihl' rccognltion oj tlut schooL

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214 SERIES I No. 12



(2) When the recognition oj" a "c/HIO] I" prcposc.d to be

withdrawn under these rules the DilcCl\ r of Scho,)j EclLcati('11

shall issue a notice to the Chairnwil oj tiw Schoo] Manag!llg

Committee to show cause at;,-Ullst he li"OP(lScd ,kl](lIl of the withdrawal of the recognition and a clilli,lIUlll p,:rJ( (! of len da) s

from the date of receipt of the n{)tic~. :-;llai! he all()\\\.'d 'or the

Management to submit its reply.

(3) The Director of School EducatJ'.H1 a: his/her dis,'!"cticn m<l\

allow or reject any request o/" the Manag..::mcnt for (',[cl1.'ion (,I" time·limit set out to submit reply to the SIlOW c<tu"c Jlotice.

(4) The D!rector of Schoo! Education ,110111 ineo] I'()]"atc 111 the show cause notice alllhc charges/of! cnc,~,\ for whil:h the .H:tiOII

of withdrawal of recognition is propo~cd. l·ile sll\1\\' C;IUSC :lotic~

shall also incorporate the list of docul11cn,,-s to he rc': il'd UPJI1 for the proposed action against the scho,)l.

(5) The Management may If il de~ircs t() do so. :,pproach Ihe Director of School-Education in pers',m hefore the expiry oJ"th(:

time-limit for the submission of the r~pl) ,-mel may examine lht' documents cited in the show cause nnticl' ;,tnd also Illay collect copies of the same against payment of the chai·gcs for copies. The Director of School Education shall not he under any ()hligation t(l supply to the ~nagernent, copy/ics of ,\(lV o/" the document:­through postal s'ervices or through .Il1CSSC;lgcf scn kC.

(IS) .On receipt ofthe reply to the notice. the Dircct<.ll" of SdlOOi Education, after careful examinmion of the same shal! decide as t(1

w)1ethcr·an orderto withdraw the recognilion should he male 0\

not If the DirecforofSchool Education iss::Hisfied with the reply

submiuedby the ManagcI)1ent therecognilioll may he continued subject to such further conditions Hnd instructions as Illay be deemed necessary.

. (7) If the Director of School r::du.:atioll, after careful

consideration ot'the reply submitted by the Managclllcntarrives at the decision that the action of withdrawal of reco,!!nition is necessary. an order to that effect shall be issued. The order so issued. shall be a speaking order and the reasons in detail shall be mentioned in it for the non-acceptance of the reply for each of the chargcs.

(8) The order of withdrawal of recognition shall hc effective

from the date of the issue of the said order and thc saillc should

be published in at least, two local dailies for the information of the public.

(9) The order Q-f witharaw~.1 or recognition shall also incorporate directiv~S.to the MailagefiN'ht ahout transfers w'ithin

specified period. of the recorded in the custody of the schoof and of the school property purchased from Government grants.

(/0) Permission to open the schoo.! granted undcrru!cs ! J( 4).

12. and 13 shall be deemed to beeaneelled witheffeet from the date of issue of order withdra~ing the recognition.

(II) Any school Management which fails to close down the ",dlooi after withdrawal of recognition shall be liable for pro.sct:ution under Section 4 of the Act.

Rule )2, Ncs/(!}"uiI(!l! of N.c, (I :.II!I/I))/

((l the I'vlanagc!l1cn! ~(l rCI1]()\ l' Ihe dcilC1CnC)C\ .i::d l;l,·1illlply

with till' c()nditiilll:-. 1"':;1" \\;ull \1\ \\blch thc r"":":,'-!1l1 H'I' \,\;1"

\V It hd ri.1Wll and ~\.I hll111 all app II, :Ii I ill 1\) lkll C f! lxl t· ' lile Di I :.'l'!ll! or Schll()! Lduc<:lliOI1, thrllll.:.'h Ik' \';:-;I"t<'IJl\· Dire, [Ill" (\1 i~( i1(l()J Lducall(lll ol"thc /Ofh' \\ !thin ',1\ ;1}()I1II1\ from !ih' \l;![\" ( j'll·dn

IlrWlllldlClwaJ of 1',~,'(l,C:ll!lj()il ·Ih ::l'pIiC:ll](l)] "ild'l! c:l\\ 1;l\It·I:!!1 the C()lllp!i;llh:C, i()!·~·"ll>i,.k:·::lll\!l·, : Il',-[(l!";lll,H]\,J ii"~ '·l', '~·Il:II\\11

rl':":01!l1ltIOIl In ,·;tSl' !Ill' 1)II·l'CLll ,)j \L!ltlO! l·.du, dl!(lll I" 1,)1 :,a\lsf"il'd with Ow ':tllllr!',dn,·l' 1,:P',II·1 "'lIhr\1J1I~'d.!k \j;tJLl~'L·i1h.'llt

'd1,\!! he Con1 mun h..';\!l'd ,\~ l'llI"d 11l~! h


ivI/\N;\(iEivlEi\1 SYSII.VI H JI< 1\ 'iord;o\! 1(.'\\ II.Hi SCIIO )1.

:n. Schon! A1(/l/o'!..',!~: C(lJIII!!lI!('(

:-.cho()h or group (lj dldcd "L'!](){\].." there "hail !\;, S,'l]()(l) !ll<ln;!~!ln~' COl\l111I11Cl' l·(lillprhlll~' \)1 ',l1lillnllllll fi\ c ~v .. , I 111'.(\ IIl'illlll

sn'cn lllcm!x.T\

(2) The Schoo] IllcllUi!IIlg- dlIIIJlllltL'l' ,,!l;d! he aLl'l \UJllaj',k '" JIll.' DireclDr or SclhHll hhil.·i\[j()ll. ,lli h,:!J,)lr or Ill," ·dlkdlh)lldl

SOcII.::[y/Trllsl. 1"(11" lhe m'\lla,~!l.'11Il'111, d· Illl' \Ch(IOi/\ I


(3) The Ch'lirlll<ln l Pt''..'\lliL'1l1 ,illll'.." L'XCCU[l\l' i ,Idy nl lil~'

Edllcatl()1l<11 Soclcty/Tru . ..,t \hilll t\~, thL' Ch;lIl"l1lilil l'i illc Scllli\l[

mill1<lt:lI1g CD1l11lllttee. ()lhcrl1ll'll"Ibu\()l"thc -';Ch:II,i Illdna!~ n2~

cOlllmittee shall he llolTllJl(lted h> till.' L'\l~Cl!li\'e hnd\

(./) The SChOlli Il1d!1:l'::I!l~ ,(lilllllll1l:L' \il;dlll('i il,I\( .1 .... it;.

m\?mher an em plo) ec \\ ill" I \ I lnl d i !1(! ,) jl( h"l It )WC!" 1!1 I ;111 ~ 1 hdtl tlh'

he'ld nf'thcschool (rom ;t!1\ oj the ... J:u{ll.., I"lll1ln 111:11 hllll',IIHlll,iI S(lCic[y rl·ru .... t.

maml~ Illg C01l1mlttee.

(n) ;\11)' School rrl(\n(l~ Irlg ~:()IlII1! lliet..' C·I IIlSI Huled III '. lO);l[)()11 oj

thl.: pn)VISIOll .... o( Ihis rule ..,Iwll ill' lkclllcd ;.1\ 111\ ,did

.14. TCI"m nj'rlie 1I/({lIn'..;,I!!'..!. U!/I/I.I!IlIcc . . (/) Thl'j(;rm of thc Scho()) lll<tnagll1,!! CI lll1 11 11 ll,'l' ..,ha!l ill' C(I·tC!"l1111111." H ph lhat or 1 b...' exc.(u[ive hody or [ill' hlu,,'dlHlll:d \'lCll'!\Ij"rll .... [

(2) Tht' Ch,unnaI1/PI·l"ldcll1 ()I till' LduLcllJ(ln;d SlJ,·ld\ ITIII\1 running lhe school ,,)wl! [,IKe "1e1.'S <II lea,,[ th!"L'l' 1l\()1l111~ In advance hefore the eX['II\ \,t" tilL' krill (lJ the nUlgtlJng Sl·ho()! m,H1a~lllg: committee III ',(llhIIllik ,) tlu!) eiccted !lew Schoo! m<lnaglllg commine\?

(3) The oUlgoillg Sci ",,,I 1ll<l1l<l,'lllg COIlIl)]lllec shall gi,c full' charge o/" thell· ollie\? tn th\' 11('\\ I) ,'"II1.\[ltutcd SL"hoolmtlndg!11g

cOlllmittee within i"i\'ed,I>" JI'(l)Il!llL' dilll' oj thccxpln ,\I the [ern1

of the outgoIng SCh()()!lll(JIl<l~jn~ '-·'\ll11l11tlec

35. :\1({'fllI/!.S oJ flie \'( il!!(!/ IIIr/i;{{~lll'( ("Ollilil/f!h - {I) Thl'

Schoo! maIHH!JTl \l. COllll1lJ! [",~ ..,JuJ I Ilh',' I. <I[ k:'l~! 1 hl"ll'C III a cakndi\l , '.

year. at regular II1tcrvab 01 dhUlll !\'lI:" Illon!h~

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SEN/E., / No. /2

OFFICJ AI. (;A/J TrE· UOVT OJ- (;()\


! i:)

18[11 fl',\{ '!II/J(}

(2) The Chairman of the Schoo] lll<l1l<lglllg committee may alsl)

l"O!lVelK' extraordinary meetings as may he warranted

(3) The meetmgs or the Schoo1 nwnaglllg committee sil,l' h~

l:OJlVL'Il\.:d hy the Chairman with a notice ()f sC\lcn days,

(.f.) 'file notice ofthc meetings shall inc()rporate t11e date, tinll.:. \-CIlUC and agenda of the meeting.

(5) The Chairman of the School managing COl1l1l1iltcc shall preSide over the meetings of the Schonl managing committee. In the ahsence of the Chairman. any memher. elected from ullong thclllselv(!s hy the memhers prcscnL shall preside ov.::r the


It)) The attendance of two-thirds oj the Lowl numher (d"

Im!mhcrs lfraction to be ignored) shall form the quorum. In the:

ahsence ()fquorum at the appointed tilne, the numher ()rmembers present after half an hour of the appointed time. shall fmmlhe ljU(Jrl1111.

(7) The resolutions 111 the meetings or the SehoDI managing: ,,:olll111ittee .:-.hall he adopted with a Sllllpic majority (If v()te~;. The Chalnllan shall have a casting vote,

IN) The Minutes of the meetings or the Scll<h)l managlllg committee shall he recorded and slgned hy all the members present.

36. AppointlJlenf (~t'he MUII(IJ,:cr.- - (J ) The School managing comllHllce shall appoint a Manage! for the school!s under its management.

(.?) The Manager shall he from alllol1g-sl the me III hers of the SC'h()o1 managing committee,

(3) The Schoo! managing comminee of an l:duc:.ltional SocietylTrust which runs more than nne school may appoint ;o;eparale Managers forcach of the schools or a cluster of schools as may he considered necessary. In such case~, the Managers so appoillled may not he the memher:-- or the School managing COlllllliltee but shall ordinarily be the memhers of that Educational Sncldy/Trust.

~.f) A Manager who is nol a member of the School managing l'Olllllllitee and is appointed undersub~ruk: (I) abo\'c, ifhe!she happens to he an employee in any of the recognised cducational institutions under that education,lI Society/Trust, he/she shall not he lowt:r in rank than that of the Head of the school for which he!she is appointed/designated to function as Manager.

(5) The Head of the School may also he appoll1ted as Manager 0;: lilal s(,:hool.

i() i The School managing committ~e shall he accountable to the Directorate of School Education for the functioning of the

. Munager/:-. appointed by it.

(7)\Any ..:ommunication made t(l the Manager of a school hy ~hc Dir\.'c\l)J'<.llc ()rSchool Educatibf ~~bedeemed to have been made tp the School managing commIttcS- as .W't!Jl as the Educational Society/Trust running that school,

37 /)win UI/,i rUiI! 11111/\ IIi ill( \!1I1/11!!{'/ - f'oll{,,-,- 111.:' "iui! lw the dUIIl''> ()r thl' l\LtIl;!~C!

(I) \0 liason I1l't\\ cell the Directorate oj Scho(}1I JI.k',iI ]', 111 ;111(\

the SCh()O]1l1<lI1<lg!l1,:! L·OllllllltlC<..' or the ",chl)()I'

(I i) t() (()lTC_"P( \11(1 \\ It h ,1110 l'eLT i \-l' l"()ITeSp(lll(ic Ill'\.' II lill the

Directorate ()j ')'.:!l()o] Educatltlll or any (ltllvr (;(1\ ,:111111'-'111

Department. (lt1 hclwll \llihe Sdh lolll1anagl1lF ,-', 111111111 k',' \ li Ilh' -.;(hool in re",pl'CI (\j' pcr",nnnci (lnt! estahlishment !1ldtkl".

lifi) to cOlilrol ,md regulatc linallClal Illaltcr", Ilj lhe s,'ilO(lj

III cOllsullati(lll \1;'1111 the Hl'ad 01 the "c\i()(,j witilili the

Liirec1l\'es inllll the ')cIHl\l! IllCll1agJtlg C()lllllllilcC ,llld lilt.:

DU'ector of SciHH11 hluCd\l(lll.

(/1'1 to Ill<lllllaill IIp-lo--lidk ,I(c\lunh III illc illl,Uh'I;ll

tr,!1l\<!ctHlm oi the '>eIHHll/" 1111- \\ hidl hd:·Jlc I" JPplHllkd ,IS the M<ln(\~er.

(V) to pro1llpt!> <.;uhmll or GllISL' to :-.ubmit ,dl inrmlll:tlion/

rl'\ urns as may he direCled hy the Director ()!'SChl 11)1 Edllc:lllCln:

( I'I) to rq!uLtrl:- .'-'ll hllllt II) t hL' I)irector \)1' SClh l( 11 I :dll,';11 l(lil. the audited ,>[,!ll'ment ()j ~1l'C()Ullh (lr the ",-'ilold 1(11' l',ll·h

ri n<lnc ial year ~l~ per I he "ched u k ",ct hy tilL' ! )irc,- 1111' {11 Sl·hool F,ducatlon:

(1'/ i) to rl'pn:sc!1t till' Seh()olllwnaglng CO!l) 11 11 ll<..:c . III k~,d

mallcrs/suits pertainIng to the ",choul:

{I'iii} to arrange to dishur~l' the .... ,llarics. I)lilcr dUl'" .lIld

paymcn t:-. or the clllpi 0) ees or till' school <IS pcr PI'(lCCdUll' ,11ld Schl'dulc laill do\!' n hy the Directorate oj Schoul EdllC;IlIIl!l III

consultation with the hl'ad oflllL' :-.ch()()l Bilh IIKluding Ihn_",-'

pcrtain!l1g to ..,alarle", and allm\ ,Ule.,;", 1)1' clllpl\lyCl'S sl\,lll he jointly signed hy till' Manager ,1I1d till..' Head PI' Ihe Seil{II)1.

(i.r) make purcI1<l."c." (If ",lure", and \lthel' lllall'll,lls rl'qulrcd for tilc-S'cho(ll in Clll1'>ullatiol1 with Ihc Head 01 the ~eh(l(ll. III

accordance WI Ih the I'u!c:-. govern I ng such pllrch,!"c~ and III <l h.c

cntry oj' ,dl :-.uch '>lorl':-' in thl' stock rcgi",ll'l's ~tnd "lull

<.;uullilise tile hilb ,lnd e:lUSC to Illakl' payllll'I1L".

er) to oi:-.charge ,>uch othcr dutle~ on hehdlf of dll\i as directed hy the Scho()llllanagl11g cOlllllllllec.

3X, f)l(llCS 011(/ Il/lInum.\' (}(tht' h('wl of llie Ie/IOO/. 1.lll duties, powers and responsihililies orthl' Head (lr thc :-'l·1100!

(i) He!she shall. he responsible I'm Ihl'lll,lInlen;Ull'C of

sehoul records, sen icc h()oks or teaching and IHHl-Il';tl'hiug <.;tall and :-.uch othcr reg!SlL;r~. relUrns <lnd S\;llhllC:-. as Ill;)\ be

spcclficJ by the DireclOr {If SCIHH 11 Educallon j n 1I11 I lm~ tf} tlllle

(ti) handle nlliutll c()!Tesp()lldenL'C rcbl!II~! to Ihe "rhool excepling financial matters and furnish. Within the spcl'ifled period. the returns and in j'(mnat!o~ req uircd hy Ihe Director or School Education:

(Iii) ensure that the tUI1101l lees le\'ieu arc rca!l:-'l'(j lind approprimely accounted ror ano du~) appropn<ltl'd for the purpose for which the\ \\'t~rl' k\.l..t'd:

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216 ,ERIES I No. 12

OFFICL\I. CAZET fE _. ('OYT. 01 e,cn (EXTRAORDIN/\RY! ;,;<u/ " ' I

(1)) conduct physIcal YlTi ficatio!1 oj" >cllol1! prcp,Tt y .md

stocks ~Ilcast once a year and ensure ther Ihe ill,-UIl',l'ltaIlC,': of

stock register is neal and accurate. Tile ~l()ck regl~k'r sill uld

hI:.' signed hy the Hcad of the schoo! ,-ind 1'()ulllcrsig:h.'d hy the


(1') he responsihle for proper uti I is.ltlOll () r ! he pll pds' fL nd:

(\'1) make satisfactory arrangelr,enh Ipl" the ~lIprly of

portahle drinking: water and other i'acililk':-' ror the :lupils mel

ensure that the scho(ll hui Iding. Its fix1 ure" and furn It 1I re, () fi'ice equipment. toilets. play grounds. sch()(ll garden ,lIld (llher propertl"':s an .. ' pnlpcrly and carefully ill'IJ~llalned:

(I'li) ensure high standards of diSCI pli Ill' among pllplls and


(l'ii i) supervise. guide and control the \\!()rK of tIl\: leachi ng

and non-teaching staff of the ~cho()l:

(ix) he III chr\! ~L 01 admiSSIon IIlt i lC :-",:ilool. prep<lratHu 01

~cl1()o! timetahle. allocmion of duties ;md 'A'ork IOi.ld to leacller~ and the conduct or scho()1 tests and t:X,lJl11 natit)Jls In ac('urdance

with instructiolls issued by the Direclor til' School Lducat on:

(.r) plan the years' academIc \\,/ork i n ad vallce in e( 'Il \Ulla,IOIl

with his/hercolkagues and hold star['meetings at !cast otl':C a

month. review work dOlle Juring th>2 111')l1tl1 and ,1\"l1s~ the p~'()gn;ss of Ihe pupils:

(xi) heir and guide tile teacher~ ,lIld prolll()[C t'leil' prOh!SSlotl<\1 growth t(lwards this end. dCllvely ~llc()Ulagt:

their parttcl]1Cllion III courses tksigncd for IIl-S~r'!!ce education:

(.ui) promole the iniliJtivc ot Illt: teacher.'> for ~c1f­

improvement and r.::;J1courage theJl1 u undertak.e cxpcrimGnls and inllo\''-ItiollS which are educatiollalh ,,()und:

uiiil supccvise clas,'>-l'Oo11l tcachmg ,\!ld secure I:00j),.:ra­

lion <.U1d c()-ordinatioll amongst teacher;.; of the sarnc "uhjecI a~ well as ensure inter-suhject co-ordin<ltlon:

\xil') arrange and sU!1I.:rvise Ihe remedial teachin~ or

hw.:bvard. weak and slow learners:

(x\,) prepare timc-ta~1Ies for the conduct nj'periodical tests and L'xamlllations and ensure that <lsse;';S!1\C' t IS carned out

carefully and eflcctivcly:

(.\Ti)l11akc necessary arrangements for orgallising: special

instructIOn hH'thc pupils according 1<) thcirspeeific needs With the co-operation and assistance of I~achers:

(.n'ii) organise and C()-ordinak variolls co-curricular actiyitics:

(xl'iii) dcvelop and organise 1h(: lihrary resources and

reading facij,ities ill th,c school and ensure Ihm the pupils and

teachers have access to and use hooks and jourll(lls or

cstahlishcd value and usefulness;

(xix) -send regularly the progress I'ep0rls ofthl' studen1s 10

their parents. and guardi,ins:

. {\,\,I pr()Ill(lIC :ih' jlh~"'I~':d I,\Til"hl'lllg: l)rt]1l' Pi!'

It:gh "[,\nd<lrd,,, II" ,-1c~II1IIIlL'''';'' ,l!1d hcalth lubi )ll'rIOdll',d Illl'th.~il ,'\;lIilllldlj()jl l>l the ..,tlllkn-'

Il'Iedil';ti rcp()rh I', p~lr, I1h ,1)1(! g:l, l-di;ln....:

I, \\1) l1l' prC,..,,'lll Ii 11k' '>,'II(",i prCll)I'>L''> i\l <I

dd!llllll\tnll!\'C ,1m! dl'(l,k'lllIC \\()J").. or I Ill' "Iii' d\',l\Llhk 1\) till' )lllhlir..' :Inc! tfh' (lIIIClT" ()i'lhe 1)1

S~:lh)()ll~d\lCllltl\! I()I ('()lhLllt:ltll'il

~9, /<n/w!/\-iiJi!iiicI' Iii {Ii( 1('/iOU! liJIIII(/"!,II.I'..,' I (i'"

The S~'h()(ll Jll;\J1(\~II1~ l'\111111111kC ..,Il~ill Ill' rl'''p('ll''i'

prompt L()lllplialh:,,' \)Il!h.' Ilhti'U~'II,"I" I""lk'd h\ :!!-.' ! 1-:,

Scil()ol hlu('{lll()!l,

(~~) The Sch()()1 !l1alla~lng ,,'(lIllllllllcc "hal) PI\:: Ipl

yigdanlly Lomply \\ Itb the pr(l\ \.\1(1\1.\ ()r Ihl' :\,'\ ;Ii ,j IlL (i

Daman ~lnd Diu Se"1 'nd,lry ,Inc! Higher S,x(H1dary I :Lili, ,Ill;"

'1975 ~llld nlk'" Illatk lilerl'lllldn,uHI ruk" IllCmp(Q-(ltl ,I k' well ,h ()lllcl' 'ldlllllll.'.ll ,III \ l' Ilhlll]",'II' 11_'. I'.:-,ucd I rl q:1 I

(~)J The SdH)()i :1l,lIla~111~,--(l\1l1~IJtll'c "h;tll l'\l"

Y!gllalll'(' In fin,ull'JaI Ill:llln,,, ,])hl "h;dl \11;11111:111! ill acc()unt\ III (\l..T()rd:ltll'l' \\ 1111 rilL:,> Iicr~'11l

(4 J The Sch()()llll,llld~II1)! ,'Ollll'11!!C;,,' ,,11:111 p;l~ pr1 '11'1 . ,( I, [ ,I to Ihe !-!1'Ie\ ,-1I1Co..':-' ()j lhL' Vlllpld: ,,'t'" (il thc \CIH)(li/.., ;11](; . il,1i the ""lIlle \\ itll(lul ~~I\ Ill,>: ,III;' '>"()j1l.' itl)' Il'IlSI(\ll ,u;d ,II h,I' :: 'Ii'

(:'iJ II I"; Ihe IWlllll' IC_"I'()Il'.lhill!\ (II tilL' S~:hil('i ill;Il:,I,'i"

l..'()IllIl1!lteo..' t() fUI1(\h'l1 \\!th Lltlll(l"t '. 1,:.'1 I 'lIh.'C '>() Ili:'\ !ll.'11 :ll.l

,-mel ~Il]()(l!h fUlh.'tl\\llIn~ I't 111\-' ",_11(1(11 1\ IWI III,: Irl!,"

()) The Scl)()()) 11l{\na,~ill~~ ,-'UlllllllllCc "h,dl h,' rulh "'I"l 11",<'

!hrol!~~lJlhel1l'ad()rill\IJtulill)ll()rkl'q!l)Ig-lI(lhld{jk!~', 'rt.i... :1,

llloyahlc ;\l1d illlllh)\'ahk' projWrl: ()I the ",'Ilt\"i, \'> ,';)'1'

vcnficati()l1. It\ lll~lIntcn;llh'L' ,\\lel \(1 1l1:1)..C c'()(ld ,I",

(7) Thc Sch{)()111lall;1~'in!-! l"(l1l1 III I ltt'l' h '>\I-h,:II:_ 1'.1 'Ill':

rClll()\'C. trans!cr ()r disp\)"~' "I ;1T1~ ill'thl' ,,(111)1)1 !'i" :', r:' allm\! 11\ lISC fOI (lny pUI"j"I''>l' lllhl'i [h,1I1 h()ll,lfl\L c'<'" :! 'iCllOul. wlth()lIl prior 11l'!-!:JI"':-'1(1!l ',)1 11ll' Dil'Cl'[I\) .... , .. ' "(\!


40, /)iSSO/Ilf/OIl OFfill' \( /ioo! I/IU 1/11,':;, !lI/:!. (,OlilfillfTe( it "iu)

he wlthlll thL' C()lll]ll'lellcl' or thc hlucaliollal S'Xlt ;\/1 nl"! 1(\ disso!\'L' a duly l'()Il\litlilLd Sch()()111I[\n<lg-ln~ C()1ll111l1kL',

P)'(,vldcd lilal. till' ]l!"Il(l,,;ti I,ll' dl",,()IUI!()1l \I~ till constll Llled School lll<ln~I:.'lllg ;"'( )1l11l111!l'(' ~h(\11 he ;h'>t' Ilktl 1>' t Ik General Body ()flhl' hiuedtll ,11<11 S{)( Icl y/Tn:sl run n! ll,~' i h,-, ''- h) ,

41. TUIII.\:fn ()j'('()jllm/~)r (i ,eI!()ol /() (/I!()/he! ,)'()C[( ,'\/Fm

(J) The control or (l n.:cuglll:-,cd Sdll lui :-,h,1I1 nol Iw [1-<lJl"kl-Inl

from Dill' rq:lstercd Educ;lWlllal S()clety/Tru,\! 1(1 ,111\ cilil,~':

organ isallo!l Wllh( lull he prH II' ilppr( n ~d 1)1' the!) i I"c,,'[1 11 ()r .'"<-! H 1\ i I


(2) Onl) the Director t)i SdHl()1 h!UCdlll)1l 11];]: 1);"'!';1111 Ik transfer oj" control or {l ",'ho()1 rr(ll1l cl reghllTcd Ldlll';ltl',IlI(d

Society/Trust \(l ~1Il()11l('1 rcgl..,llTed l:dIlL';UI()fI,tI SI',-ICi\'/


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OF!'ICIAL CiAZETTI, (;UV I 01 l;()\

(IX[1{AORDINAFY, :> Fi;' I,' '\'1 _'11'1'

(3) Such a transfer or control ,hal; he propc~l'd o1'ly aftcr passing .~\ resolution to that effect h;' thi,,; (;enenl Bndy oj'the h.hlCd!lnn:d SOCiL'ly/Tru:-.\ v, .. hieh rJllS -11C .'-,l'-j]()()I

!.J-I The Educational Sllclcty/Trust stwll :->l!hmit ~11l ap )!iC<.Il101l

10 tilL' DIn~ctor()rScho()1 Education at [( (lstS]X mOllths In adv,\l1cl'

to "el'k pc.rmissllHl ror the pi"opo-;cd transfer c,j the control. Till' dPplic<lll[ shall enclose the hdl()\,lllg dOl"UIlll'lltS wllh tht:: app Ill"allull:-

(il;t (Opy urlhe resolution a-.; pc-- '>uh-rule i ~l abo\'c:

(Ii) Cl detailed inventory scpanllc:y showing Ilelm ofmo\,­,thkand imllHlvahlc propcny()fthc"dlool with inItial pUrClli1SC

-'pf-icc. and currcl1l111arb.::t value,

(I i i) ,\ copy uf the Agrccmcnt dnn"11 oct wC(~! hoth the partll'~ jil]- the purpose of proposed tr,:nskr:

(1\') a copy of the constitution and regi strmi()ll ccr11 fic,lit:~ ()r the EJucational Society/Trust which IlltL'nJ;-. 1(1 takc over the .... c 1100 I.

(.")) Till' application ..... hall also l!lC!lllllJlthc plOposcd oak of lran~1cr or control oflhc school and dCltuls ahout tllc Educational SOc!t'ty/Trust such as, !Is rcglstrati,)!l !lumher. (ull addr~ss ol'the ojlil'l' Clnd offil'C hearcr~.

{h) The School managingcOlll111itlcc "hall a\s(llltHil\ to allthc employees of the school ahout tlK proposed lra,hl"cT or control

. giving them dct::uls of the EducatHlIHll SocIety/Trust which pro­POSC'i to lake oV('r the school.

(;-) AClUai transtcr 01 the control shall he cll:l'led ')!lly ~lrtCI appro\"al from the Din::clOr or School Educa\)(1]1 is o')taincd.

,~) Ii "hall he wnhin the p()w,~rs III the Dil"l'clm or School Educatlon to rcject any ~uch prop,)s,t1lf deemed nccessary.

(1)) II ~ha!1 be binding Oil bO!il the managel1\ents to ohtain l1('cc~sary permission from thc Di:'cctor of School EJu,.:atioll for such a tr<_ll1sfer of c(l!1trlll rrum one Society/Trust t() another S\}clcty/Trust. Any Iral1~acti()n lilm!.,.· IS contLI\ cntion of the

pro\"lslon~ laid down above shall he \ Old.

-1-2. Action ngoins! "(Iewl! )jjiccs or S'c/ioo/ )JIOJ1(1giJlf.;

('()I//llItttt'C.-- (J) No position of the School managing: committce shall rClllain vacant for a period -.::xceeding three months. The

'ichool is liahle i"ordcrccognition.

t~) in the cventuality or a disl'UtL' hetwc:cl1 outgoing School managing committec and incumil'.g School managing commIttee [or tran~rer{)fenllre charge. and i r ~.uch dispute is not settled w1thi 11 three months from the dilte of formation of new School man<lgmg (OlllllHllec, this shall he sufficient grounds j"orckrecogniti(jJ) of the ~ch()()l.

-L~, IIITillWfioJ/ of COIlSliWfi(J/1 (~r Schoo/ /J/(I}wgillf!.

cnil//JIiffe!'. - It is enjoined upon t he School m<.maging committee to suhm It to the Director ol"Schoo] Ed llc<ltioll the full dciails of the ll1clllher~ or the School managin~' committee sllch as. full name,

officL' held and residential addres~cs. within one month I"romthe datc of constitution of such COllllllitll:L',

:~,-} Tokill,':-! ()\'I'i-O,i \( /11111: iiWilU':.;CIII('lIf ! II I\!'

nl "l:LIIOll 20 \,llb,.: :\,1 "kdl h..: ~\Pplll'~lhk I,,' dki

lll~llld~'CIlll'11l (11 ~I ",·ill 11 >I

(I L\I'rL'.R VI

PH'y SIC \1 F.\CIl.lIIl:S

I!'- (l\\'ll huddil:g cr)11~trllctcd (lnd equlppcd \\ lllilil Ilil! lilJl!lll

rl'(!"ol\i\hlc pcrl\)d:h 1\1:1) l~cdlreCICdh) llll' I):' ',i '\,'Ihlill

Edlll'<ll](!Jl. ,]', r'\.'1" the !,lll()\\ 111:2 ~!l!lde)i11l'"

(I) ;\ prllll,:r) S(,lhl\)! hLilldlllg \\'1111 lhr\,.'\,' \.,' 'til

"h:tllll,l\l' till' pt·\.'lllh,-''' ;,1 ::I1I'lIl cH)()O "l] llli.'k"

,i,,',I' 1!lhO! d "ch()(ll hUlldlngr('r:1l1l1ddk,ci1(){}1 ~il:tli '],1\, lil,'ll!,' ii!~",.d

III a r)iOl ()I land ,Ihuu! )O{)() "<i ill"'! rl.' "

(31.\ Hi~L \l'h",'lhuJ!\lill~!nl-il Hl~li'-'J l.)(,'()IHi;ll), ,')(1\0\11

hllddi!1~ ()j" ;1 PrlllU:-\ ll',kl ,'I" tl"dllHIlg H)$lJtuilOIl ,shall 1121\,,:: lhe pI'I.'I1l1'il'" III ,11,1(1\ \11 I.lllii ~1 "bO\.Jt: IOO()O sq 11leih'$,

( 1 ) The reel 1 ill 111 l'llI kd aI',',]" ,\l1d I( lc,il j()J1\ (11 :-( \]11l' iI/II h:' rllom'

sh,dl Ill' ,IS Iwl()\\

(d) ( 'ld.1 \ - rOOIJi \

't' h'1'llr:lll,d'\ Sdl( ,1!"

Ilil hlr 1\'llddk dilli "i~'~ \ llhLll)


I II/I h,1' Hi~lk'! Sl'~'\lJl\bJ'\

Sl h()()I..,

( 1\') hll' Prllll.(1 \ i"l':k!il'r"

Trclll1l11E! [n";lltllk

(h) ,'-)[(1/1 Nuo!:,'· . \rl',\ "H) _"lj nlckT" t\ '1 :() k:t,,-lil'I" \'. Ilh

1\\0 "cp,lrall' t(llkl, rOI 11ll'11 :Illd hdil'''.

(,') Loh(!m/orl( ,I.

(I) h)r 1\llddk <lml Sccolllbr)

Sl'i10(1j, ,Inc! Pl'lllWr\' TC:lchl'J""

Tral!lll1~ !l1'illllltl',~

(I) hll' i\'lI,ldlc ~llHI S"',--'(Jl1dar) Schuo]"

(Ii) For l-li~hcj" Sc(ondarv

Scho()l" ,md P)'~ll1;)r) T\2ach,,'I" J"1:Ulllll,>:: [lhlltLllL'"


j()j" edl'h

"1I h il'~'l

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'218 SERIES I No, 12


(C) Assemhfy HaIlIAlldi{or;/IIJ1:- - Ahout 2()O sq. mClcrs

ant.! ahove.

{f") Toiletsfor ho:rs (/1/(/ c!o.\'cf.\" p, I gllh-:._ .. Therc shall be

one toilet/closet for ahout SO pupih.

, (~n Workshops (lnd Science CIIIII:-- Saln~ as for Jah{lra­tones.

(h) Office (~( head orr!!'!' Sc/!(J()/ .. - II shall he Ilcar the school-office with separate cnlnlllCC and a.xcss door to school office and with an area as to a Il()w casy ([('cess and I ree movement.

(i) J)rawillR hall, C(!og rap"'r r{!O!l/ ({lid ('rotrs roolll. Area or each of these rooms shall hi: about 60 sq.meters.

( \.) there shall al so he 1 wo hrier mid-terl1l \ -.[, :11 ',1I1 ~ 011',' fUI'

Ciancsh Chalunl1i (lnd the ,>cc()nti for CllrlS1JII:I~

changl's In the day's of C()lTlllK1KClllcnl ,tnL! lJ\\~t:rl Ii h\'iil Ib.\' terms and the vaca\lon." dcpcJldill~ upon cliP1,\!l, ,'111)(1111'.111.'>. fcstivnie:-., "ports events, etc

(.j) 111 ,tddl!l(ltl III the \,tC(l\j()!l:-'. the "cl](l\l!~ ,h,.11 '\'i\"~'I"\,'

puhlic huliday:-. a~ lllay he n(llll'icd h) Ihl' elm",'1 !!flllT;

!luI cx(:ccdlllg fi\'l' Lid)," III tl )ear. TIll' li."1 \ "uch holiday." planned \hall he :-.ubll1!llcd \(;

Director ()f SdlO()1 Educa!l()ll Dr the 7()lh'


,II ;.-:, t" 1 l!lI t'l'

till \-,,'.bLlnl

III 11111.' flll

tJ) R('cremioJ/ ro011lS:- 4X. Schoo/ /;ours. { Ii Thc school "hall actu;ill:- v, ',)1 L i 'i 11(1\

less than 225 day:; and shall actually impart 1!1'lIU\.-:I(:Jl i,,1i l](It (I) For Middle and Sccolldw y Jess th,lIl 2 J () (bys III ,1Il <tefilielllic ye,\J

Schools : approx. ()O sq. melers

(ii) For Higher Secondary Schools and Primary Teachers Training Institutes

: approx. 100 sq. melers or mOi'C depending upon til(' number ()r pupils I},lho may u"e It at a t'me.

AU other rOOlllll1luSl he :-.ufficicnlly iarge in an:(l to allow I ree llHlVcl1lent, ample ventilation. natural light and t();\cco11lmoclate the furniture needed for that room.



-l-7. The Schoo/lerlllsUiu/ \'(/(."UfIO/lS. -- (/) The acaucIlllc year shall he (hvi~ed into two terms ()f work \vilh provision for vacations.

(2) In order to ensure uniformity in the dale 01 opeillng or schools in the Statc, ·the Director of School EducatIon shall determIne and intimate the dates of opening and closing of huth the terms· and or the vacations genel~lIy Ol~ the f()JJowlll~ principles:-

(I) the first term of all academiC year shal! orJin~\ril~

commence from the first working day orthe week. rail in t,! nJ1 any day hetween 5th to II th June of the year:

(ti) the second tcrm shall hl: from the firsl day '.lnCr the end of first vacation (mid-annum vacation) and upto thL' last working day of the wc~k f~llling on any day hetween [l)th to

25th of Apr; I:

(iii) the first vacation (ll1i~i-anllum vacation) shall he for I wo weeks at the crid of:the firstt~nn in OCh)hcr/Novcmhcrand'shall hc.,u.ljustcd to include the·Diwali Festival:

(il'j the se<.:ond vacation (sumlllcr Y(lcali()ll) "hall h~ frolllthe dose of second tr.::rm and up to the rc-()pL'ning day uf the next academic year:

(2) A Illl(klic/scc()!ldary/ilighcr "e' .. :(llldar~ dd\ ",'1-11\'.)1 "i1~i[

ordinartly arrange fur pup il-tl'<-h': Iler contact for j i '. " :tilt! h,d j cl Gck

hOLirs each day, nelusl\"!.'- or reCeSs, for SIX day" 111 ,I \\'\>: h ~lI1d \il;ti [

Imparl ClIlTlcul "r I nstruct\on ) n acadelllic suhjcc h ! ()j \ hnl:- h( lUI""

perweeh.. The )\,:Illainlllg [!lIce h()ur" per weeK ·,11,111 be lIllJI\cd

for cll-curricular aCll\'llie.". remedial lcachill~~. [d'I-~lI"', \\mh..

hohhy/Science/Nature cluh dcll VI tic", elc., \I,-'Il h ,,\ "lL'lll,llll dall:­

planning reflecting the StlillC ill the timc-\,Ihlc

(3) A pn III <If) :--L'ilOOI ..,hall ordinarii) Illeet fur' \IX

hours I nclusi YC ()r recess of lJal i" e\ll hour for ,Ii I \',( 111 i ng dd\ s of a wce~.

(4) A pre-prl!lHIl") s(huol s!Jall mdillanly Illl','\ I()J I'mlr 11\)111..,

in one session per cia). for six dt!Ys III ,I weck

(5) A night :-,cc()lldary (ll' nighl hlghcr "l'\.'(l!lllar:. "l'iH)(11

shall nlCCl ror three hoU!"" a d~IY (:XCIUSI\'l' ()r I'lY,'''S i"(n "1\ day" in a \WeK.

4l). ,\/Ii/i \ \'.\I('}II (/ IThc Direc\()]"()[' Schu(ll Edu<.:atl(lll IlldY

grant pcnrllssiol1 to:1 ,lay school to work III two .,bifts hecal!'>l' ()f

lack or d(TOmmodatlon, pn)\'lded thi.ll there I, no other dil)

5ch()~)1 Id Iile S,lllle type Illlhm locality which ~'(lnc{)n\'cl1ll'nlly

ac('()r:Illl{)(blL' lhL' \.'\\.:c:--s puplls "cekin~ ;\dT1l1SS]On 111 lhl'


(2) .\ "l"htl\l[ :-.11<\11 ."Uhl1lI1 all applicatloll [" lhe .'\''''''1'''\:1111

pirec\or 01 School hlueall()ll olthe l'.(lllC ...:\'(:r~ ) l'ar"liltilc Il](lllih

or May \() seck PCrllllSSIOn \0 IUl1cti(lI1 ill shift S) stCIll.

(3) The AsslS\anl Direc\or of Schonl Educ(l110n, onl) ,tltel

assessln~ lhe need \n do so, "hall pre:-.elll his/hl'l' rep()rt III illL'

Direcloroi"School Educat IOil. who."hall permit Illl \'l'arl), h,I"1\ till'

functilllllllg the shirt "YS'Il'lll ~II a scl](>I)1

(4) A school shall 11(')t fUIlCIHl]) l!1thc shirt ") "lelll wltil()u\ thl' specific permiSSion llit he Director of" Scll()()] Educ<lll()ll.

Page 13: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

OH [e '[A\, GAiE[T[, (iO\"[. 01' (;() \ , ,"

SUi! ES I ,Yo. 12 (EXIRAORLlINARY' ','l ;' i i \ ; " '~ .(

(.'i) The :.chool allowed to \v(1rk I.) shifl" shOll1 lullil 'he

(ll!t)\\' I HE! ctlndnions:-

II) appropnate ,\JTang(;ment~ "n,lIl he malk tor propl..:!

administration. (o-ordinali()ll ,-Ul'] Sllpcr\"~."ltHl n b(llh

Shl fts:

{Ii) thc:rc shall he 1I11..icpC'lldcnt and rll!l-tinh' ,,[all ;"or c,~ch

,hin \vlthin thc admissible sta1f!(lr til( entire ~ch()()1. Onl) in

l'\(cpllonai and unavoidable cirCUIl1',laDCcs a 1:,\(11101" Illay be

.1'>'>lgnL'd work in hOlh shifts \\,!lhllut disturbing the [(Ital

]1I"l',>...:nhcd \vcckly w()rk!()<.Id~

\ili) the lOtal instructional and \vurking ]wurs III each of

the shi!,! shalt he the "amI..' as spceli-led rnr a :,vhool wllhdut

"hif! "ysklll. However. ironc 01'111(' shifts 1", ,:\clus:vcly for

lower classes upto Standard VII. Ihlen till' !Ihtructional !lnd

\V{ lrki ng hour:: in thai shi n may hc rc( luccd by 2() to 25 In IllUl(::-,

cal·h day. WIth the penmssi()ll or the DirCl"l()r or Sch()ol


j(J) Nu ,",chool shall 1<1)" claIm t·.) run the clas..;;c,> In llle shift

:-'YStClll a:-. a matter ()! right and the ])in:(l()[" ()l" SCIH)()] Educa! Inn

..;;hall h~\\'o.: the authonty to pennH Ihe {)p~nlJ)g ol new school in

thai d'-i.:a



:')(). Adll:is.H()J/ without discf"/lIIiiW/!,)/i. _._. Tho.: <ldllllS:dUI1 in <.l

lC\.'{l~lli"l'd school shall not he rcl"u:-.c:d hI an\' '>!llckr! \)Jl tl1c ~round., ()r scx. castc. racc or n.:JigJdll

:') 1 Fcri()d (~T (/(/Illissiofl.··_· (I) i\dll1is:-.\OIl ..;hall oi"llinari!y

bl' !ll<llk \\ Itl1in the first month \)I"tl'(' ,k'adclllic )(:,11'. The head ()f

l1w ,cll11()1 llW)' admit "tudCllts 1:1 Ilk' next 1111)[\\11 al his/her

di.'>l"l'd Inn.

I':J An\" admIssion "oughtlhcl'..:'artcr:-;haJI he lllade with thc

1li..'rlllJ:-':-;l!)1\ or the A~sistallt Dirt'!..:\< II' {II' Sehoo! EducatIon of the


~~. iVlIIliher()Iodlllissiolls.·~ (J A omldk\ :-;ec()!ldary ur higher

:-.n:ondary schuol shall restrict till' llumher of admissions. (lilly

I"or the di\'isJ(ll)" <.dn.:~\dy "ancti~)ncd by the Directorate Ill' Scho\)! Lduc.ltioll.

(~) rhe ,uJmissiolls <.1\ middle ~Ind :-.ec{l!ldary ,,1 age (Standard

V to Xl shall he ordinarily' 45 stmh'nts PCl" division.

( .. I,) The admiSSIOns 10 he made ir. each orlhe diVisions at hi).':hn

";l't'ondary stage shall be- nrdinarily finy students per (\;vl:-;irlll.

5J. A/}plicofioll j()r Odlllissioll.-- The- p<lrelll/~llardi:11l td' it

!lIinort'hiJd shall he required to suj--'mlt an applicatiun to the Head

\l!th..: ,,\.:hl)(11. 1:1 Ii",.' l<lIl!1 <I" 111,:\ b~' PIC">l rliled]',

,>cilth)llc ":CK dJlllh">IPT1 \,1 Ill.. P\ll~iI

';;;-1. F()ll'('1" (Ii fhl"c('/(l1" 10 (( :;11/(//(" 1It!II!I\"I!fi!

wlthillllll' CI)Ill!""l~'I('l11.:"~ ,:I DII\'~'II)r\l1 <";,:I]()()I h.iu" Ili(l::

I,' ) .dl lik Ill\"I\'qlli'111,,', illr \ldllll""il:'11

,t)lllpkIVd ,[i :.h .. ' l:llk ,>1 :ldlili','I,l1L ')1

(Ii) thl'll' ,\1"1" .. '" the Ill',Ll 1,)1 ~·l;lj"l:"il'~Jhl,.

tllatk'l\ r,'LIL d ii, till' :ldllll"J(lil

I ~ I i

, ',I

I~) rilL.' hC,ldulli"'ilhll!Llll'iilhL'UII1!'l"iC1l111 ,\\-,1\;

'>Pl~L.'I,d l'~ISC\ tiJ~' j""lj"O\ ['Iolni ~ldllll"'I\l]l !Ill' ~l :ll'I', ,I \ 'i 1\'. ", 'I,

111\)11111,) hL.'yond tk'llllll'liIl1Jl "jiL.'l'Ii'ied IIlI,IlL.' ~lIi lui" I ' ,in",

In ~',I(llld .'>lk'!1 ,';hl" Ihl' HC<ld III till' \, .. lltH)1 '\:' il 1:)1,\

.'\'>~I\l<lllt Dil\'l'I\)j'()fS,'!l1l111 [·~dUl'i\ll()il Id [ill' l.i)I:\'II1'.\ I!I :1' :il\

I'CdS\11h 1\11" gr:llll11l,C! llll' ,,'\lL'I1:-.!\)j\ Ill" thl' pUI',I,l \11 P!

,Hillll'"I! III

(.J) Til..; prm'lsI01l,t! ;ldlllJSC,[{lll gl";mtcd Ul)lICl "111'IUIL',' i 1;'11',1

(2) ah()\'L'. sklil h\., cnurcl\' ~\\ lik' I'I:-'~ \llth\.' ,Q11 li,';u\h Y, ,.ll;l~

till' s,lld 'ldllli'>'IUI1. ThiS ,..;11,111 h,.' hr\lll~111 li' (I ;h:il~". ,I Id~

l:( llll'Cllh'd dpp itCllll" h:- till' I·k;ld o! til .. : ''- il, ",,j d:. \ l k'i r , ,)\ I" 1'1

IlIl' ,ul'h ]11')\I,[un;1I ddllll,'>,llll1 hI.." ,.hl;llll<."li I:, III~

\ / I . \ ~:I I

sceking ddllllS\I;ll} III Sl<tm!<lrd I :-.h;]11 lx' ~ldllll\(, d lti th~ll ~'id"

prm IdeLl it h~l";; ,ltl~lllh',llh ... ' llllT111111l111 ;l~l' <I~ LLid ,1\)\\111,,1 'II

illillll:-..;illil h\ thc CU\'\.'I·I1illl'lll

1.: I /\ child ..;;halJ hl' ,ldlllillcd in S[,ullbl'd llill lhe "tl\'1l,2!ii' 'I

till' Birth CntJi'icalc !\.,>ucd hy lhe Ilrlic\.' Ilfllle R,.'.C!I"trar \)1 !wli:.

,lil :\lllhl)rtl~ ~ljlP()IIlll:d h~ CJ(l\''':Tllllll'ill 1\)1' 111,1\ :1l1I1'()~l'

(3) A child whu:,c hlrth I" nol rcgl:-,lcrcd in Ihe '\Ppl'(lpn",~

()!i'il'\.' ,llall IK <ldtllltk'[l III Standard L (In lk' ,trcllglil l,j

dc ... I.II.III\l\l (d' the d~l\l' III hin!t,)i'tlh.' dlild h~ Ik'I)~tlCllll~T\ldldi,'"

\lll:llrlll!lI hereto.

S7 ,\dIlIiSSIOIIIIJ (1 (/u.\.\ olio\"(' ,\/lIlIo'(//'(/ / O/lli IIf}/() S/Wli/U(r/

X 1/ I I) A ,ludell! ""llllllg In '111 a recIlgll r,(d "h H'[ III Ill" Sic",

:-1 t<d I he ad Illllled on thc sl rcngl h or the SClh)()1 LCd \'1 n~ (crtll iCdl,

I,,:-.ued by the last rl'((}).!llIScd :-;chuol r\d!llI:-'~j()11 ,>hall hc Jll'l"Ill!I­

ted 1(1 the (Ia:-~ 111 whid1 ItchJ1\.' wa~ ."lULl) 11lg./prUlll(l\l'..I,

detailled at thl" t][lll' (li" k;\\ lll~ lhe lasl ..;chon) ,b Indicated inlilc

S(hu"(lll.e(\\'in~ Ccrlll il'<ik

Page 14: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,


SERieS I \0. I l OI'F1CIAL :iAZI'TTE (;()\T Ol"(;().\


--------_._------_._._._----_. (ll r\ pupil Cl)lll'llg from a !'ccognls('d sello()1 ill <lily otllel'

Stoudl: Il lOll leITltory in I noia, and sec ki n)~ adm !SSiO!l III an;' clas" upto SI~!1ld~lrd X on I hc slrcn gth uf I he Sch,}(d ! .ca vi r.~ Ce.rt: fical2 Issued hy lild! recognlscd school slwl! h,: adlllitted ill thai cJas" pn)vi(kd thaI, the School Leaving C crtl j iC<liC is C(l\lllter~ igne{ I by thc EducatioJl Olficcrcontro!Jin~ thai "cIHlol. S"J,,:h i.l siudent "hal! he acimltlcd iJl appropriale c'las~ as !Jcl()\\;-

(I J a "tudelll coming from an CdUCall. lila] pattcrll IdclltlCal t( 1

lhal prc\',uling In Ihi~ Sl<.l\('shall hc adll11tlcd in 111-.: ,lpprCpna[;' (LIs." d", per suh-rule ( I ) ahoyI.':

\ Ii j <t sludelll conllllg (mill <.! dl n CtTlil pallCrtl ( I educ<.tuu!1. slwll he ,Idllliucd in the class <1:-. 111,l', hI.' Illslrutted by th\: Dirc(wr (l(Scllool Educal!olL Su-.:h C,lses shouLl he reierred to the Director of School EducatIOn i"nl his/hel" (()1l"ldCra1ion.

(:\) A "lu(lcnl (omin~ [rolll a reco~nl~cd school Dr an] other StalclLnloll Territory and seeking admi'ssl( III in Standard XI ~)r XII :-..l1all he admlltcd in thai (lass only af er (,htainlng thl~ 1"0110\\'1111'


(i) Leaving/Transkr Ceniric,lte Jl"(llll the ];\st '\chool atLcndcd_ duly countcrslgnl.:d h\ the Educat~(lll Office:' controlling that schooL

(iiJ 121 iglhil ity cerU ficate Issued t-;: tll : (ioa Boal d l lj"Se..:ond ary and Higher SCl:ondary Educatloll.

(-/.) In Iht' case or a studcnl \vl1o pass..:d SCl"IlIld;II,)' S.:hoo! ·Certificate Examlllatioll of any Statuto!") Board in Il1dia. as an external candidate. the mark-list and Ih,e passlllg cerlll'icatc Issued by that Statutory Board ShlJII he acccptell as basil" documents. III place of School LeaVIng Certificate, 1m purpose ofadOlission Into Standard XI.

Pnl\ Ided tlltll eligibility certificate ',ssu,~d hy the ClOd Board 01

Secondary and Higher Secondary Educ<ll!OIl shall h.~ required when the Board is other than Board or thl" Stmc.

SX. Adlllissioll (1I/}fO Sr(/Ildard Xi (~f srl/clems {",JIll/ilK FOil; 1I(}I1-recogni,\u/ schools or lim'ing 1I0! mrt'llded (f//I' .)'choo[ in

rhe pasf.- (I) A student who has !leY ~r attended a ~cll()ol or ha~ throughout studied in a non-recognised schoul. shall he admitted in a rc(ogni:-..ed school hy following prOl:edures .IS indi;.:med ~c1{)\\":

(i) the parent/guardian shall h..: requIred to pnlduc,~ the Birth CerllriC<1tc of the siudent. issw:d hy the I:ompctcnl authorit y:

(if) the parent/guardian shall als() be required to produce an Ailidavil declaring therein that tile student concerned has lleycr attended any recognised 'ichool in the past. The reasons for 'the same should be also mentioned III the Affidavit:

(iii) the school authorities sha!i arrange to ~H~JlIinis;.(;r a written test to the student. in an subjects for such standard as wou.1d the stud~nt have attended school regularly on Olle­year-one-standarq hasis from the year of adm issioll to Sl:.Jlhl.lrd J.

(/',) ()11 tht..' h;hl" () r [Ill' ;1"~t..'''''Ill('n I olll1e l'~': I

1,' .... 1. lilt..' HL·<td III till' .... "Il.,(ll .... !i;t!) IkL"ilk ;1:-.. :"

1111' "I,udellt r]"u) Ill' "Ul!<lhh .Idlllltlcd P:'()\ Id,

clds.' shall nil; ht..' fl!!!hCI thim tile \)!lC dCICrlllli'

ruicll )(IJl)cd-'Il\L':

(1) [hI..' HVdd (lltllt..' "L"I)(ll,i.lih~ITaltLT"I:;I·

;\",",ht<llll f)11~T[(iI \11 SdhH1i hluCdtl{'ll .'!

ljll,'''IIII)l pdrt..'l:- ,,:\ 1{1I Ille k\\. till' \\ l'ltkl

r",0~\t.. (\1' hi" 1"t..',·(1I11l11l'lllL!lillll" rL·~:;trdill~

d(!ml,~~I(\1l <lll\i l'{'j~) I~I till' .\II:d:t\ 11)11\'\ I(L i'


I \ " j the A\ . I '.[<l1l I ))1 rL'ch)l"; 1 I Sclwul Ldll,'~lll <llier (:ll'C(lll ~'\~lll11;ltJ()1l (ll the ~t(.l.ndard ',11.

(,I (1-- 1h".

p;ljll'I~. tile (\11'\\ cl" boob. Ihe 1ll:lrb (lhtailll'd h\ ilL -i L<," .

till' dgl' l;klUI' ,Ind the ITl'Ollllllt..'n(J;.ul()n~ (;1 II,,' H:;d, :io,:

\l'jHH)L nli\~ ~1',lllt 1~l'rIII1","I()Jl hl adllllt Ihl' .... \.,.de')'

dPpj"()pn~lt(' ,'Iii",,,

PI{)\ Idl'd thUI Ilk .... l\1t..klll ,,11;111 lwt 0 ... : adlllilkd 1

hi~hn Ihan \\ktl II \\(Iuld I~\'['lll;dl: h;l\~ l\:'h'i;~<

\'l';lr 1)t1e cld'" ha"I" "ITI>...·V ddllll""Ii\H In St;\J1d, ;:1 J

i 1 I;i a siwkn! IlLl\ 11,.' ~~,,}"',·d In <m~Wt'r ttw ]',) .]1;.

Ii ))al [e"III'[ lli.' ,!t! III 1" .... 1) 1Il ;, .... llll).!l!t from !h, nv x; ,id.

Il! II d ,,(l:Cl'1)1 ,\:1\1 ildd llhl'ontlllu\:d ,,:

1\'C(l~!llL,cd \C)I(\lll III hdd ,;I]1iIIlIlL'd ,["d)" "

I\·Ul).!l1l"cd \CII'l",1 <11(,'1' k~l\ !11>' .• t [''"~''':_'' I",: ddI1l1"..,HI!1 l)) <ll"l'l'(l~lll\L'd ", hllll) "Ucil ,I ~11I(L..·1l( ~i: J ,';:)[

S~'h()lll I.C<l\'lng:C·C(llfl("(llc l."~lh·\i h\ tllC 1,I .... ll'l'('P "!v'l l \', dlldlhcp:lIT:llll.\:'u:lrdi,mu! [ilL' .... llli.klll\l!,dl jll"ll,llil ,1'1 \!

slalln.\:' IhercIJl !ht... rc,b;ln~ rill tii\C(lI1!lllu:n!.' !d:, n.'co).!IlI"cd sl'l](lol The "tudell! .... Iull he SUh)t..'l"

admitted in tilt.., ,qlproprLIlL' "ulIl(Llnl With tlli.' Pl'" :'.'1 i\:-'~l\lall! !)ireclm ()l"S,'I1iH)1 hhli.·;I\I(liltli th,~·I.:I!,

uncie! 'illh·,ruk II! ,lh,\,

~l) /1r/nlls.l/on 0/ .11I1i/ei//1 (1!,'!!III"i.lUI/!:.\'(IJ

Filllcotiol/ eCllfrl'). \ .... IU(k'lll ~'lIllIn~! )rll!ll:: '! 1" iT' 'ldull cducahllll'Clltr-: ,ildi! he .Idlllilled h\ ddlnll1 'i,'1 i:I::

In decldl' the kn::1 01"111;\1. .... Iudclll equal ill _til) ".'LL,.... ::1..

.'\)SIt..'))1. Arler dl'Clilill 21 thl' k\l'! (l) dchi\.'\t..'l1l,·II· ,(i\'I,

:-.halillc :Idlllltlt..'d ill tli\' Jl'~'\llllgh'--'r,'la:-..." \\'1111 lil·~> 1';';1 I"',' i·.

.\"~lq'1II1 l)il'l'(!lll' (d' S~ Il(lld 1:,tiu,';III,ln (\) (:1,' /, r

J>j"{)\·It..lcd Ih,ll ,,,UCh;1 .... 1 udell 1 ~iJ;dJ 11111 ilL dll!II<;;,',i

hi~ltcr thall Iklt hc/~hl' \\'(luld n;nlll;!il: Ii;l\L' :·v.; '1,,',1 I'!' yc<.tr··()lll·-C las.'. [),1"1 ~ II" ad 1ll11ICd l{ \ t Ill' I ()]"I!Lt! ") :-.. kli i 1) "'dll,',, l since Standard I.

Pmvlc!cd turlhu tilal tile BlnhCl:rllliL',lldlk~,LI:d[j(',1l '. ,I:\.

p<lrcllt/gunrdiall of lhe ,'-lulit..'1lI. d",lhc Cbl' 11lilY h~ 1",:\ ,.!:!I,· , III the :-.cl}(lol record:-..

60. Adf."iss{(J11 oj"srl/l/CI//I('O/il/il'!,/r(}/iio//ICl·OI.'IIUl"U I ; j

For purpose or this ruic. tlk' SCIi()(l]..; III ()ther cnUlltl!l'," ,,11,i!! 11,' c()nsidered as Ull!"eL'(lglll",'d .~Chl "I )\.\ :md till' pi \ )l'l'dll I l' I I lr ,il 1111 i '.­

sion (lj" ~llch studcnc, Ujllll SI,IIHbrd X "hall hl' 111,' "Uil,' :1,

speci fieL! ill suh-rulel I ) ()I rllk)?)

Page 15: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,


·SEliIl:S I .Yo. 12 IEXTRAORLlIi'::\RY, .>\ II' 'I/II!

(~) !n the case ofSludcnts scckin~ <H.lllli~slun 111 Standard Xl (lI"

xn. lhc'sludcnts shall be required L) Ol-'ldlnl'iiglhlll) CCTllfil ale

1"1'0111 Ihe Cioa Bnard of Scco!u;ar) .I!ld Hi1,'hcr S('c()ll{!ar~


(~J /'\ student offorclgn nall<l1lal i I)' '" ].d I he adll lilted t 1111 Y a I"Ll'1 (lscCnal1l1ng that the said student ;)()S~ l'"SCS an appnlprialc ''-1:-.(\ c{)'.cnng the entire period 01" stay rcqull..:d 10 COIllPlcll' 11 Ie comsl' at the :'>l'ilo(ll.

I...j. ,I I n the case tl! a S\Udcnl L'()jlllr~g j n lIn <Ibn ),ld ! 11(' Hvad (lj 111..:

\\."IH1\ 11. !"\ lr the purpose () r rccorJ i ng lhl' dalL' oflm\: 1\ 1 rIlle studCll1.

ll1a~ :ICCCPl (a )the Birth ecrt! ficatL': Dr ( hIe xlr,!cl ')" Pllrll()ll 01 the passporlllldicaling: his date ofbirl:1: 01 i c) d()CUI~h.'!1111l originaL

as ma~ he IsslIcd hy the competelll (j('\-c.rnmenl (illice

61. Adl/lisslOl/ l\'i,11 dlljJ/ic(J/c Lc(,'. /Iii>!. Ccrl'/lul!C.- (,') II tldm Ission IS sought on the strength of (\ dupl icatc Schoo, Lea'''' Int' (\.Tl i l'icaLe from the last rccoQniscd ',\.:11l '(li. ~Latlll!! I hilt the o]"i!2 inal

)S ... :!lU\l! Le;\ving Certificate is los\. till' jlarenl/t'~lI'lIdiall shall he

reqlllrl,xl to produce an AITitiavil, dc,;lanng thnt~1I1 tlie [";Kt of

11;1\ lilt' hlSI thconginal School Lea\ II1g Certlficale :tnd not having

llll"used the same for obtaillin~ adlllls,-IOIl III an y 1)1 henr :-;\ltUI IOn.

The declarant shall also catcgorJ('.:tll) declare 'halm case the Ill: .. [ leaving certificate IS "ubsel]u-.:nth round, till' sanL~ will he .... llhlllllied [0 the sch{)ol.

{~) In case ,I student produce" a dllplicclte \)( hool Le,I\ll1!!

Cerli ril',lk' from il recognised scbo.)1 fr\)1ll ilny (It her Stat,: in India.

n slwuld necessarily he countersigned hy the IOl'dl Educational AuthOrIty controlling thai schoo!.

(3) The Head oj' the school. [hell -;hall accept the duplicate

L,;:a\'lng Certificate and the AI"fid;wit (lnd admit the student in the appropn<IlC class as Indicated in Ihc ..;aid Lea\ in~ Certificate.

62_ .)"crll1iIlY ofrhe Schoo/I.e(/\·! 1I,f.! ( '1' l"fI/ic(I/I'. -- (1) The Head or the School shall scrulI1Hse the School LC:I\'lng Certilicale \Uhlllll1l'tl h) a stUlknt seeking ,h_hl1ls~l()n III d l·lass.

(2) 11' the Head or the schUl-I .... u"pects all~ un<lllth(lrised alh:ratilllh or additions in the Sci:ool Leaving Cntifil"<lte.

or the genUIneness of the certificate. the ildllllssllln Shill I hI..' ~i\'l'll (lnly on provisional hasis ir: form fng: the student in \\'1'1 ling, the r~as{)ns for tlie same. The C<he shttll he abo reported tn thl..' Dirl'dor (1[" School EduC<lt iOll.

i-') rhe Head lll"the ~c!Hll)1 sh.JII 11lake conf!dcIlLla: enqUlric" '.\ ill! the \choo! which issued the c.:erl!riC<\te, regarding Sl!sp-.:ctcd

,'Ill) Ie."> 111 the Ceewing Certificat-.: and ascerta!ll lb validilv for

J.'\ 1\1 firnl<llioll (11" termi natillll (1[" ,Id ill!.",- il In.

(),,,_ ('('ssuliOII (~f(/dll/issi()I1.~ (/1 Admission llllec granil.'d III

:i ':ludelll shall automatically conllllLlL' \() he III C()ret' for ·,u\1"l'l]llent years. It shall cease llnly in the r(llluwing Ci1SC,,:

\ i I th~ student kave" lhe "cil()lll (II' j" reIl1()v~cI from tile \dlO()1 rur disciplinary reasor,,:

\II) on aC(1l1l111 or continuous i.lbsencc over one lIHllllh

wit!lI lut intilllation/pcnnissioc:

\Ilc<,'dl(;d Ulllc-lllllll. lill'(lllllilll!.I\)()ll\li hi" "ll ,!I\', j, i1~'\1

.ll'~I,kll1ll' \,,;1 \\11<.'[] -..1I, I: ,\il 1111!ll1;111\'11 1-.. --. I" I,,','

" h,)n i

I_~) rill' dCIl'lllt( 11 t1l:i -..!lnk'lllHI (l,-'L'(lUnl'.t i" Il:

,Illllu,li C\~\llllllil\I'l!' 11 :\ll~ "id'-' ,h,tlIIH1\ hl'.I',

oi till' <ldllll\-,';l('~1

'">llIlk'llt Il'l~!n \11'-' ',!1\"11. till' P<ll"t'IlI/?U:lHli,11l ,I"d

II 1 .... Ulllllil ;111 clp!Jli~'dl II >11 II 1 II\\'" i\\"',~d \ llthc,~ 11,,1\ ,I ,'q:I," Ill'!' Il" I"Ul' lib' l_l';1\ Iii.,: ('~'rl'I:,-',ll,' \11 Ihl' --..i\i(:,'

Il) ;\ "Iud"::l\ \\h I'" :-11,11(\1 11~;I~I..' Ill:l: ... uh!!I' ,il (I'!

I l 11 I hl' I ,c ,I \ I Ii ~ ( 'c r\! ! L ; I!L' • d I ill' ","'II

! '!I

I_i) cf he S..:il, \tll ! .e.1\ Illg (','1-11 i'll-;lle ~h,d I h,~' I-"lk' : Iii i ! \

hl'!"l'lli I'hl' dl'I:Ui--. jll I hI..' .')1'1!(l()IIA':I\lll." (" .. !ilti, II, .. ,I';,!I ",

Idl'lllIC,d 10 111\I\C Iii tile (;l'lln~d RVgl"lt.'1 .'\ l-\'! \ I' til, .... , ili".j

I-II ·.aeh elllr\ (\1 \)\\'1'-\\ !'tlitli-! (lr l',l!ll'l'!I;:I' 11 il: I~!, '-'. I: .)! V;\\,1I1~! ('l'nll'il..·;I1l' Illthl 1,,', l\LJnll'I ... I,~Ih.·d ),\ :Ilt' i j" ':1<.

.... l·hon!.

1,~ITht..'!kdd(lt 11h' ... ~,h()ld ... ll;lil;;ill\IIlI..· __ I-.:i, i till. _')',1'1, \ I,ll),:

,11:"'0 lli"/hl..'l :"'l~'n~I1l!!\' hI dutlh'l\lll';\ll' Illl' S~'Il(l\li ,'.1' I:!, ( ,1tlll


16; I:l'c:-- ... hall li,)\ 11 ... ,il:lr~,'d 1(1: Ilh .... ,11",,[ I

'nIl fil':lte I r i \"uell 1; '1' I h~' I: j'\! II III,

(J':; I<I'/II.\(/I!o /\ 1111'.\( iu!o/l.ui\'I1!'.!, ( ( i .I," (iI(

\l-ilOl)1 LC(l\'IIlg- C~'lllrl~':Ill' ,Il:tli Ill' 1.\\IIL'tI iv, "Il\' I-I, :1(;

.....·IHhd \\ 11hin ~\ \\"l'l'!-, 11',1111 Ilk d:lk (11 re,'l'111! \ I'l·qUL'.">1

L)') rll,-' he:ld l'14ill' ","'il(II)) 111;(\ r~'llh .. ' j.> '''',k 1,1,

.l·tI\, ln~~ C ',-'I'!It"IC<lk \ '11 h 11\ 111111 \\\ Ill~ '--';1--\..· ...


'11- i'd\ Ilh"],"

, I ~

(1\) llll IIl,-;tllk'\I\\ll 11-[1111 tliL' (j()d IS(\:lrd ,I Sn'\llhl.li'\ ;1:1\:

111~~hl..·1" Sl'Clllld;lI-:- j'.dUC,llllll\ dh(lllllll1]ltl"'III.)1l III ;\11\ r"lldli\

(-I) In ,--<I~t' ()I I·LL ... tIL-:llltlil (11 Ilk \II!Lkll1. till' S,-,lloul 1.,-'.1\ 11I,~'

('c'n I fiCdll' .... 11<1 1I1w ! -, ... u,'d :1'" 11"'1 1<11. ~J! k l' I Ill' l' \ 1'1 ,': (d till' ]1,-,r!, ,d \): I"U'-;lIC<lt J()II.

15) In c:<t .... I... Ih .. -, Ik':Jd (11 till' "'lh,)111 dl''''i!'''> I,) !\'Iu"l' \(>I"'LI,.,

School Ll'(l\'IIl~ C'l'III!'iclk ()Illlil' ~j'llIlJld,.(llhc'i tiJ;;1l11w ...... li1tlh

"lIh· rllic (3) ab( lV\..· I hI..' l-k;ld (l 1'1 hL' Scl\(}()!. \ILlll \uhrnll I hI' \' :t_\.

\(11Ill: :\ .... "1\1,111\ Dirl'~'l(lj' (II ')L'h(ltlll:L111c',lll(\llld the /()lh' 'Ii Ithii

Page 16: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

lEI/ItS I Nu, 12

01'1'1(,1,\1, GAZETTE '- (;()VI Of C;O,\ (LiXTRAORDIN,\RY I

.' \\ ,.'ch: h'( lin the day of flTCip' or I he appl ieal joll for :'.Urll !_~\:F ing ( ',-'nr fical~. 'rile head oflhc sel]()()[ ,>11<.11 I n;C{ll dill deli'li I i he rl'a.' OilS

; dr 111,: rc fu",!!

({}) TIll' AS~lstant Director 01 Sehold h'lIl"dllUll oj Ihe Zone

Iller"cafc luI consideration of the n.::aSlIll" ,..;1,11 L'd b\ the I l',ld oj" the ;choo~ r(lr refusal to issue the Sch()o] J .C~l\ lllg C"Crllr'.cate. shall ""U~' "url:lh/c instructions to !~l' c()!l\pli~d \\ Idl hy the ,'(lIlCcrncd ~kad or the ,,(hool in lh!s m,lt\cr.



66. CllrriclI/lllll/Tn) NO(lks. -- (J) Eve'!": "dwol slu!1 follow he syllahi as specified hy the Directorate oj I·~dllcatioll ;lnd by the ;1)<\ Board of Secondary and Higher S2colldary EOu.::1I1011 for ;l;tndard I to Standard VII and {OJ: S{amL\rd VIII I() SUllldard XII cspcctJ ",ely.

("): [1 ... ha[1 use the [ext-hooks. alla"c:-. .Ind 'iu]1plcll1enl1ry

eaJ!!l~ h(l(lf.,:\ as specified hy Ihe Director ()f Schooll~ducat',on

If 111\.: (jl)<.[ Board of Secondary and Hi~h~r S~(olldary [:ducar ,on s fhl' ,·.I'~· IHay he.

h-;' :\dojnio/l "l({/tei'l/me CIIITiclIitlil///("I"i-hoo/.:s.- (/) A

'~c(lgniscd school may adopt. a d'illercnt l'UrnCUILlIllr11\·.\cribcd 'y .tllll\h('r slalulOry Board ()f EduGllion III India.

I~I Schools which have <.Hl()ptcd the "yllabus 01 <mother lalUlory Board of Edul'utiol1 in India may usc the ICA1-books

lltl lllher supplementary reading matc:rial prescribed hy thai


6"3 {'I'(i/fUrI/OII (llId 1J/'()fI/()ri()I1.~ The I)ircelor of School auc-atton shall lSSU(' detailed instructions regarding )SeS&m .. :llt. c\ al uation anJ promotion or students or Standard I VII. frol1l time In time. In the case ofSwndard VIII 10 XII. such 1'!ec!jVe~ shal! hi,,: is:...ued hy the Goa Board or Secondary and l~gl-jlTSenmdary Educatitm. PnH1lOtioll shall he strictly ill acci))"­

,lm;c wilh thtfse IIhtJ"lIclion:....



()'-). (leI/emf ,";/udellt emu/uC!. - (J) Studenls should bear in j'nd that they arc responsihle to the school authorities not onl) II' fheir .-ondul't ill 11K school hut abo for Lhcirgcncral hehaviour l!side fhl' \ .. :hu,l! premises.

(2) SlUtiellh .... h~!uld he punctual anLi regular III allendingtheir asses.

(3) Stutknts should he poli/I:. obedient and CllurteoLiS III their htlviourwith the memhers ol"the stalTinllll' -.~ ilool iIl11,lrtll,:ubr d wit.fu puhlic in general.

1./) Sludenh -.;il(lUid Ill' IllL'II,-'ullllh .llimJ\ !ill' '- h: i!,1

tlrc\ ... ,1Ild pU .... \lIl.

I.)) SILI(knl\ ,;Jl("l.id ~Ihilk 11\ Iii,' uk ... (lllll,'",,:' I:'


(,~') Studellt-. .... hl'uld 11tH r""'11111" ttl'!" 'll \]()kli',

-..lS"~lldl. I"()WdYIS1l1 (ll ~lIly (l]h~'r ,llI!\j(.\ \\'ilk'IIIl::I\ ,1,\[::

\iUll'li!y ,llld peace III the .\(i]()(ll Ph'llll\l'>

(.\) R;lgglng III ~1I1y rllrtlll~ .\Inct!:, prohihllul ill [k pl~:1

oflile ~l.'h()(d. In rill' hhkl (11 ~lI1y ) (ll (llIl~ILk till' \l'~](,-( I, !,.,-, 'I"

U) Sl udcll h slwu 1<1 Illll .\lll11kl', C', ll1-';Ulllt: ;ticoh\ 1 k ,i 1'1]"; I, narcotlc\. che\\' I()h,h:~'(l Dr j),'k 1111 (11 Illl[\ Itk lhe "ril( l\ ,; l"I'l i I; ... ,

()) ,\)!IIdl'nh ';!ll\uld Ill)1 (lin\ the \('h()lll pr'-'IlII:.,> i !I:!I:

or III \\'ha(soc\'cr \)thel' Ill'-llllh:r.

i(» StudClll" "h(lidd n<)[ lJ1dulgl III dl'fl\ !lIe..; -.lI!'

pro)llOllng cOllllllUnalisl1l, • <l ... lel\lll. Lllll'()!hIIIU!I,'!1;i! ::,'\1

<lnd/()I .lllll n;I!I\lIlill ;ll'!I\ 11iV-' wilhlll \'1 \1\ll\ld,,' Iii, '. ,in


(7) Studcll!s ,-.;IHlUid Jl\lll\· ... urll(l (l1l~ lypc (l["IIHI['ll.: 1\', 1",\"

!Jllcrn ill I cst:... or pLi h) i.: e.\; illllll<ll! Oil

(8) Sludl'l1h "llOUld n()t Limpel \\ I1h tile prllgrc ...... ,',.\1 ~,I'I

IC{\\'lng ccru!'icak'. dll1llllclll\c rc,\II'd or <iny ()Lih': i')~:,II,.

issued In any ~cll(lol tlr B(l<lld 111 ! \,lllllll(lt]()!l

71. j)i,\('ieiill({rr ({("fIr!!! ({lui iilll}("liiol! f).1 Ii/tilil/U)" '1/

Student:-. flllllld \'i()i,IlII\'-! Iile ('ock (II' ('unduc'l (11 Ifl.' 11:11"

Illdu!~in~ in 11K IW()llihllcd dC[I\'lli,-,-,; Ill" ,my (lllh: i~[' li:~"

which arc L'nllSldcrcd to Ill' ll!lh'-"'\llllill~! \11 ~I "ludclll ,:1 ii:d!,

JiscI[)lil1<lry ~Ictl\lll b) Illl' !lL';ld oi lill'llhll11l1ltlll

(3) Thc ptll1hhmcntlll(l) h: ,illY OIlC dflilc (()!!()\\'llj.~ ,1\ 1'\')' ill.'

~rtl\'I!\ (lrt!1L' llfknce:

Ii) impo:;llioll (Ji' 1l1()lld;H} i'ilh' l()l'llJlljWlhdk j\ I d:illl, ~,'

caused tn sl'holll jll"OpCri\:

(.1) A SILKlcll! shall not he I.;xpclkd lcmp()]'(ll'liy (l\'jll'I'lll;II11'1l1h

or rusliclled witlloutthc prll)]' apprm',\1 ()llileSL'Il11ill :l!dll:iglll,c.'


(5) Till' tClllpllrar) ()rp\.TilldIlCllll'Xjlul,,](II1II'\I)!! til, ~.11\)(11

shall 1l01IWC\'Clll re-,ILiIllL-';"lllll (li'lil,' \Jllll' "llI(klll In ,111\ l"ilk'i


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01'1'1(,10\1. GAl:ETTI', (i()VT 01 ,;() \

SElVES / ,Yo" /2 (I,X' ['RAOIWIN;\R Y ]8'//I.li .\1 .. ::omJ

to) It shall bcwlthinthecompeh:ncl..'()ft!w Dir .. >..:[{)r crSch()o1

Education to direct thc admission of ;tTl offender "ludenL who is below the ~Life of 14 years. to <1:1Y ~pccial sciJ()o\ m ma) be

deemed fit

72. Sflldt'llf s C(Tfmcif.-- (I) No eicclions Shd1 be held for the constitution of Student's CouncIl in <.tl') selloo!.

(.?) SlUdent's Council shall he l OIlS1.!lulcd by 1 he Head 01 the Scho()\,



. 73. Fllnds lor EdUC(ltiol1.- (/1 The fUIHls sanctioned annually from the public Exchequer hlr aiding edl1cati()O ill the Slate of Coa. shaH he admimsten:d hy the Director cl'School

l;ducation .. in accordance with the ...:onditions laid down !l1 these Rules.

(2J The financial aid shall c('ver sllch stag",' \)1' slages of

education as may bcdecided by thc()ovcrnmcnt rr· 1111 11m;: lotlrne. The type. extent and quantum ofthv grmlts to a stage of education Sh<lll be as decided by the Governn\ent from time to time.

(3) The payment of grants shali be subject to Ihcavailahility of funds and shall he in the form of grant-irr-alcl or refundable loan.

(-I) II shall be within the cornpet~nc\~ of the Director of School Education to notify and reduce the rate of any type of grant for

such peri~)d as may bedccmed necessary, due to paucity offunds.

{5J II shall be within the compel;:nc(: (lfthe Director of School Education to decide the number of schools to he admitted for grant-In-aid in a year.

, . 7-1.. hpes olGmllts (Iud L()(l1l ~ Subject to the provisions

oj' sub-rule (2) of rule 73, the follow11lg types orGrants-in-aid and Loan shall be made available '.0 eligible s-choo\s:-

(i) "alary Grant (to meet e>,pcnditure on salariE's of .the employees.);

(ii) non-Salary Grant:

(iii) building Grant.

75. Eligibility to uppLy forG railts. -- ( 1) A school recognised

hy th~ Director of Schuol Education in this State shall he eligible to apply for grants subject to the following conciitioos:----

(i) it is being run by a duly registered Educational SO,cicty or Trust.:

"(ii) It has adopted the syllabi as specifieci hy the Dtrector of Sch{)ol Education ofthisStatea!ldthe Goa BtKlrci ofScconciary

and Kigher Secondary Education for appropriate stages or , educ;hion:

Ilil! till' ')\ l:.:l ! ,~'dli'.';lil()!l jm which ~r~11l1 !!:<\Id 1"k"lrcd.

IS du:\ ;1~'~'(:)lIl'd 11) III',' (;(l\~Tlllllent r(lr the !':!Th ....

i_.') :\ \L'll,),)l \·.hhh I]"\\P:\I\, \lhlntl'II()!l \111, !~.:11 <i!: liHliJIl

lall)!lIag,-' and I~ :tI!iluted t\l;\ :;l<lllllmy Board, I \ .... ,,;;11;1;11·\ Lll

Higher SeC()nd:lry hltll."~t\l()ll ()u~sllk Ihi" St;lll' h:1 Ik :".1"\)[1111

not ha\'ll1g tlw Lll'!litl~'" !m l'\ ;liu;:tlon undu th el\;1 BI,,\I'd (lj

S~'l'lH)d,\l ) ~\Jld Ii i ghcr Se .. :( 1l1ddry Lduc<.lllon tll I', ); 1:'11 d:;\\ ll: ,,\1 1\1 ill.

..;I1all be eligible to 'Irph' lor ~r;llll-llhlld.

76 ,\(lio(\ ,'.':,1"111'," I J) Thl" !,aymcllt of sahli,';" Illciuding ,Ill adllllS'ilhk ,dh)'.\"~lm~\,!m the cm)llllycc~ or:.! ,,11<,1\11 \1\,111 k thc

rirst charge on till' ~(\Lll"y gr;1!1t p,ud to 'i,j1O()i;.. t,', 'illcil ;111 l'\lt.'!1\

ilS l11ay he notlfi",'d Il\' the Dll"cc[()r \1( ~ch()()l E(\uI ;ltl(ll1 jr(lllll!!llc {otlille .

(2) :\ :--cll()(\l dUring the 1"11',1 \,ear of it.\ I"CC,):211ill()11 ,h;lilll(lt

be elltltit.'d It) appl: r(lr and rCl.'l':\ \.~ ,tll) salary fl',I1H:-

13 l The ~\dillJS'i1 hi I i 1 Y oj' :--alary gr:tnt shall be I inked and i I III lied It) the CIIH?lufllCnh ,A ll'd(il,:r:-- \\'!io:-.c tlPPOI!ltIl1ClllS are ,1]']'1"\)\ eel h> thl' Dirccl(li' ()j Sclwnl Fdul'i.l!i()il for the lll1mher ()i' '>lh:h

rccogn i ..;ed cb:-."es ,\'-. 'ihtlll I'll I fi llhe ~'Ilnd i 1 ions oj L'l1l\ 11 menl ,I" per rule 7X (li) ofthcse ruk..;

77 \/'1'/1('/101; In! S"/W\ (;""'(/-'-11) Th,' (l\a"agol\""'" "I eligible schools Cic:--ll"OllS of rcglstcl"lng t(l ,l\',llllhc \alar) grdllt shall subm it an appl icallon to the Di rector of Schu()1 EduC<.lI ion on or before 30th April III the yea! prcce'ding the :lc(lch;mrc year l!1

which the scud grant 10.; dcslloed

(2) The app I leal Ion r(ll" \<11 <11')' grant shall bc ,\uhm I tLed i t1 1'()I'I11 V hereto.

U) The school once regIstered fm saledy granl ..,ha,1 he cllg-Ihlc

to get the said grant-Ilh\ld (lllC )'ear aftcr the opening the ,,(h()()].

Provided that the conti nuance: oj" re lea"e oj" the :--alary gi'anllo th.c

school shall be subject to the contllHwnce of it" recognItion and fuffilmcnt oj"contiit iOlls ! or recclpi of grants, <\:-. laid dO\\'ll tinder these rules

7X, C(melifirJlls fo/' Soiu ry C rom. -~ The r()llov.'mg shall he the conditi( l!lS for a school 10 qual i!":y for adllllSsil)i lit: ()fsalar: granl:-

(i) the school shall rul fi lthe conditions ore I igl hility to <lpply' ror grant as laid down undcr rule 75 of thest' :'uks:

(iil the recognIsed classes or diviSIons fur which salar~

grant for teachers IS requIred, "hal! have the minimum

enrolment of fifteen students for secondary <lnd [wenl\ -I I \ C

students for higher secondary ,>choob:

(iii) the classc.'i frorn Standard VIII Olw/ard" shall hi.! \ C to he recognised by the affiliating Board of Secondary and Higher Secondary EducatIon, !Il order 10 admIt the teaching stall and other employees of thes~ classes for ,\,lIaJ) grant

(iv) the managylTIcnt shall undertake lo regularly submit statements of audited accounts of e\'er)" finan~jal year Irvithin ,\ period of SIX montns after-the close of that financl,lI vear:

(1') the: school has hullt up the Resen,'C' Fund <\" hud down under these Rule,,;

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224 OFFIC 1.\1 C;;\ZLTTI: (;()\ I 01, (;r ),\


(\,1) ('K' ,chool shall have ~()Ul cc-s (l nCrn1i1'h_'Il\ ,t'HllW:

ltl(}]llcothcr than any fccs ()J"pupils' hind fnHll _'nrj()\\-Itlcnl'­

Ilr donation", cqual ttl at least .'iOti( of [,ull-salary .~I''-\Ilt:

1 \'111 the llli.lIWgClllCtl[ shall appOI:ll adcqua·l' dnd tlul) qu:.t!irlcd staff as per the norms hud down hy the Directorate

(lC Sch()ol Education;

(rlii) the manag.ement s!l,dllllai'Jtalillo the s<lll:-.t'.lClIOn oj the DlrecLor or School Educ<I'IOn the <lcadL'lllIC .Illd administratIve sl<Indarcls or the sc\);)ol.

1/.\) the management shali nOl U 'nlravCllc ,IllY (ll the condilloll," dS laid down Cor rccogn.liot1 hy the Directorate oj

Schon] Edu('alion under these RuLs and under til\' relevant

rule", ,,j the Board oj Scconclar: and Higher I)l..'colidar) Educ,I\I()Il:

(.r) the management shallmanag~ tilt' adml n ist! at Ion (II" the ",choot. entirely free from any financial irregulari!):

(.1"1) the management and the IC,lcllVrs of the :-.c11001 shall 1ll;Jln\,1I1l harmoni()us and CtmJialrei<lti(l11s and Slklillotrcsort 10 an~ practice or act prcJudicinl I(l tlk' smooth rUJlct](.nlllg (lr the school:

(.rli) the management shall give an ulllkrtaking:( \ adhere to

the proviSions of the Act. the Goa, Daman and Diu .\l!cordary

and Higher Secondary Education Rulc:s, 1975.tllcsc Rule~; and

the instructions issued by the Dirc,:tor or School Lduc;_ltion fro!llllllle to time:

Lrtii.! the accounts of the schoo! "hali Iw (}rCI~ Cor inspcc II un hy the officer...:, of the Dil\~ct('lr:\le of Ed u,'atiol1 and ~llly olher Department. <\s may be nXiUJrl'd by IheC()\'ernrlent:

cril'j the school shall comply wltli SUdll11slrLlctlOll", <-1.\ may

he issllcd hy the DirectorofSchool Educat!on frolllilillC to limc.

7t>. ;\/'prol'o/ 0/ (/jJplic(/{ioll l'J)" .\'(//(11"\' (;W!II.- Thc Dircctor III Sci1()ol Education, anCT C(Hlslderatillil of the

ajJplicatio!1 for ,alar), gr~llt <lnd after 1m: king such olher enquiries as ma~ be deemed Ilt'ccssary lllay rcjl'ct [he application ormay approve to reg}ster the school in the list of schools'(lccl.:pied for

grams. The Director of School Education shall also

communICate the deCision to the <ipplloant sclwol, Oil or before 30th April. hcf()n~ the COmll1e'lCelJlent ofthc :Icaclcmic

year for which Ihe sabry grant is desin:d hy the school.

;)(J. Jlod(lliries {or claim oj"sa/wy XUIlIf.- (J) The school nhich i", registered forthe receipt {lfsaiary granl shall regularly suhmi! 10 theDirect()r()f School Education tile claim orlhe s~t1ary ror the employees subject to thcprovi~ion ofsub-rulc(3)ofrulc

76 in the manner as may he prescrihed hy thc Director of School Education.

(2) The first claim for the salary grant of a newly appointed

employee must he necessarily accompanied with an attested lrue (Opy of medical fitness certificate of that employee.

(3) The salary grants received frotll the Director oj' School Education shall he credited in an account exclusively opened for

tlll~ l'III'PI'''\.' III ,I ;\;II](lIl,i!L"I.'ll/.\,.-ilc,jukd i l(H)I~'"

j Ie " h;IIl ~ I'hl" ,Ilc Illillt "hall he' Ii 'In! I Y OPUil\CU \'\

th: .\";,,i, :11 1)1[\', ;')' 'I \\..'I;·,I\I! Ldu,.',I];' '! I

(d'llh,'dr~'I/;iJl\ \t!ll'i !,'i,,-'I ,1'::1,:~ b,'dil'C~'!l\!!" !)

\d S, h(l(lll-.du. 11!,'11

I I i III \.':I"l' [ill:( ,ill\ dhjlllL' UII(ln~~ 1!ll' ,,[,'

"'1)!I1I11,C' (ll .11l} hi! :k',.I!II,·:-.ILtiihl' i'l'kITl.'d I"

S~ 1]( ){lll':d lll.' ,\lInn \\ i I.) ~il,,] II )',' ~" >II ql"_h_: Il\ [( 1 d j r\,.';.' I ,

OP,-Tdll(l1111j-llil' ",1':11: ,k,'\lllill h} 1.'\\:ludill::2 <\1 i'"

0] tilt' '1~11;lt(Hk':-' '!''-.'~ :!"III) ,,(tl, I-lik I ~I; I~.)\-,

(5) .\n\ ,I~t 1>1 ,i'~'\ii\j ~,~ illl' ... ;ti 01 I \ ~!I-;IJ11 III ;lll\ ill,'

slwll hl'C(lll_"ldul.'d .l" ,II' .i,']ld !~j"(\~, IITq!uLII-I\) ;I:hl ... 11" i,:

S]()PP;IFC Ill' ,~rd111~ I'l:" ,,11,111 ,il>,,) l'l1l<l1l ~1(]!\111 '. i~I\' Ii,

rrl\\'I"!()Il," (li' "l"-':\l"111 .:'CJ, I I hI.' \,_l.

:\ I )lIlj)(,IIS!!J!I uf (,i', U! ill idii I J J Til.: Dil\', L-:~Il!CIII0I1111,l) r.:.I11"'" \\lllid:-;l\\ \lj 'l!"I~l'nd !11(' ",(i,"

'-Ill) (111l' 0]' IlH)rl' 1",',1'>')11." ,I" 11,[1,,\,\ ...

i I ) [he illan:l ~,,' Illl.' III 1.\ i I" h I ,-1 'i II pi) \ \' II h ; (11) i d I:' , P' ,:li Ihe .\d or [il,-, (J\ 'd, I );llll;U! dlld Diu Sl'l'()llILli \ iI,d II i' !i SI.','(llld,u'y hlll"UIIIII i<llk" !tp __ :; Ilj dll) (ll Ir!. i'I','

tllltkr tilc"l: ruk ...

Ilil lhc 111<!ILI:Slli,':] I,lihl, "illljll~ \\'1111 \h: IhiILlLI;

I""ued by the Dir,'l'\!)' ,)1 I),'h, "I hluc;lllllll 111 I, '11,',' )1:1:, "cnwc 111:1tlu\ .11"111, :111',1(\\,· ..... \1 lill "l'!Jold

(Iii) tiKI-c i" ",--'1'1 '11 ,J,k'-' '1dil(QI III rhe '<,illd:,:(:.. :i

gc 11 l'!';t I elliclcl1l'\ <mil !h 1i'lli\' 11 11ll" ",'h(lnl.

(/\) thcrc 1,,;\ L,h~', ''''Il,'' 11,\~ I 1,111:I~Cllll"II'

urtile "chool,

(2) The Sl!SPClbH1Il 01' \,' 'Ii :\11':1\\ ,I i I: \,dl'.\.'\I')11 (\111,:.' )..'T,\!]\ ... i.I.,;;

bc onkrcd :tl\cr gJ\-lJ1g.I:111 \)I)jl(ll: :r,ll\ I,) [helll:lI1d~~l'IllI.'TI[ i"" ...;elTlng a .'.,how ·\.'i.llI",C IWI

the rCL'\.'lpl or tile ",did lW\i,<

~.2 . . .-\'Oll-,)'(//UF\' (;((I/U ,I' 1.-\III-~'>..'I)~!lI\ed_"'I.'h.\I,i ... (llh.k: ,I:,

contr(d (lr the Dirl.'d(l!" (d' \l'h()()II~d\lI';III(Ii1 "II<II! h~' c:[lglhk I, ,1

IHln-:-.:dar) gralll ;tl()n~\\ I111 ,,~tI,\r) grimt [0 IllC,:tthl.' ,--''\! \'ndiilll,'.

ddJllI",ihkcollllgcnl ill.'111~, i'{lrslIcll "tdgl.' Dr l'illll',llll;ll:h ill,l> I"~,

IHllli'il,tlh) C)Il\CrJlJI1CJ1i. '\\) "CP;\I,iL·:lppli:':.i!I\llll,' 111)11-",11,11\

grant 1:-. rcqulrL'd.

(21 ;\ :-.cliool dUI'JII~ li:,,1 )1.'<11" (It it:-. rl'I.'\)~'11HII'!i ,i:.til 111'1 f'.'

cntltkd rur llo11-"abry gri\i\].

(3) The quantul1l tlrtlh.' 1j()11 "al;\]'> !;r;tlll ,hili! h ;1" pl'l Iii,'

pattefll (d' assistance as 111;\ ~ he ,\PIJ1"I)\ cd hy III~' (j(l\ ~'Il! II1Clll 1]"11111

lltlle t() tillle.

(-I) TIlL' paymcnt OJ I1l11l-,siliar) gr,lI11 I" I'll :-,'111:i1l1l-"Cllll.'lll

baSIS. The sciltlols ]"ccog-Ill:-l'd illlhl' PI\'\'!(llh ,ICdliclllll' \\.';11 :11",'

eligihle lor llo11-",alar: ,~rdlli dllrtll~ \111: 111.'\\ \\.':\1 h,l,ul \)11 Iii,'

acimissihlclappr,)\cti l'\P~'lldllurl.' Id [Ih.' prn l1)li- \-...',!I

Page 19: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

OFlIIIAL (;i\/UTI (jOVI'.Uj:(j()\

.1E/iILS I yo. 12 IEXTRAORllIN/\R \., 's J,/ i J [ \. j :'1('

(5) F(lr the purP{)~C o!'calcublH'1l o! the l1(lI1-s,tI~lry uant 1he

managclll"cnt ()f a sch()oi shaH SUb!'I!l \ ) the J)irc,~I()r of Seh,lol LduGlllnJ1. duditcd statcments () r aCt. ,lUll::-. .:nll ficd h :\ rq!!slC I"cd

('hartered ;\CClllllllan[,

\61 'I'll"" managt::1llCnl (lra sclHH'1 Sh,lll open <l ,,\'par< \e b,lnk :11 .. :,,'(llllll i(n the non-:-.alary grant. ill d :-<~ltl(lI1;\li:,l'\lISchcdlll,-,dl

Cthlp,-'r:ll1vc! postal hank and the S,LIllC "h<.111 he i(lllllly ()rcr~lkd

by the ('halrman and Secretary' ofl he SCil()oinwna!'1 llg \,:ornm·rl let.: ,Ind tIll' 1l1anagcr of the School.

i:1 rhc L'xpcnditurc fromlhclH11:-saiary Cirant sl\all h:stndl)

~b per palllTIl nfaSslstallcc as llo1iilcd by the (iu\'\.·mrll.:nt h\llll


(81 AIl~ payment orRs.2000 auj a]\()\"c rrom tile llcll-Salar) g["ant :-.hall he made by cheque and in C.he OrallY lkl·dull. it s!I<111 he ellt!!"t:h' at the discretion orthc Di I"CCtor or SCillUI Edu~'<lllont() ["c.iect -;tlch CxpcIl<.Iiturc of non-sah!I,)' gr,mt

i ( IJ) Ex pcnditurc incurred nn pUL:ha."c..; Cor spc,' I ried n()!lClar)

lim!!s. without following the pr()C~dllrl' oj" in"!1 ing qU:)lal!nns/

ilcll(k'rs <1:-. prescrlhed for SLlcl! pltt"chasc:-. 11 C;O\Crnlllcnt cst,lblishmcnts, shall not he i.H .. iJldsslhie rm).!l" In\:-..

(l()) The expenditure incurred "y thc ",chooi ('11 Illadll11S",lhlc

Items or any expenditure mcurnxl OIl adllll"''''lhlc 1\I'1ll", hut without lollowing the procedure as laid dlm 11 ",it;1I11lot he iwld <lll111i",,,,lblc Cor ll()n-~alary grant to the school.

~n. Building GmnTs. ~ ( I ) Subj-.~ct \\) thc ;t\"allahll ity or fUllds,

t~IC building Grants may he sanctioned I'll!" following purrosc~:--"

U) construction of ne\\' school bl! ilding excl udi ng purchase ul land lor the school:

(Ii) constrUction 0[" labwatOl"\". library. ()hsl~rvat()t"y,

w(H"kshop, gY1l1nasium and pia) ground:

I iii) purchase of a building 1e)[" thc school:

(/\ ) o.."xtensiOll of existing school huilding:

1 ,.) re-construclion of a schoo )I-~ulldi ng.

(~) C;(l\"Crnment. 111 a speCIal C(u.::, Illay also sanl:tnn building

(Jr:ttlh rut" repayment of loans <,vailed by a management to conslruct school building for the school rccngtllseci by the iJirC"t'll)ratl' of Education.

(3) Budding Grants shall not h.~ normally admissible for any ll)~lillr or minor repairs offhe school or lIs maintenance or upkeep.

1)-1-. QuantuJII (~f"I}([ilding Gm}!!. -- (1) The building CrmH

shall he limited to the quantum as may be decided by the Government from time to time and shall he linked with the cost of the huilding cons~ruction. as c!--timatcd and certified hy the authorised Technical Officer of Puhlic Works Departillent. The building grant shall not exceed 50}~, of the cost of construction.

(2) The building Grant Cor any other items other than the construction of school building may be made available with different ceilings as may be decided by the Government.

1.< I !'Ill' butl\lll1~ (J!',llli 1ll.1: 11, l\ ill' ~d\\ :1:, ,1\ ',:" ,.

.'\\c.'I11 ,11 11l,1XIllllllll lilllll bltl 11];\: be r\:dll~'cd 11\ !I .. : )!.

Sl'll\l\ll Ldlll':ltHlj1 ,I" P~'! ,1\,IJidhlii \ (Ii rllnd~

.tOI />ttlid,ii'..!. (;,

:dll~ ~lll(l\1 S\l~'ld: / ['I'Lhl i d ,I", !i()( .• J dl''':i'\\lI'' . d

C;r:ull ,,11,1111',1:-''' ,: ":~< 1i111(!!1I,\ 111,11 e!i',',l ,:11,!' ,·:,1

11111h."11 \Iillllk h(H)~~

I.~) I ill.." 1,00:\I'·:llH)1I \\),·I,'i\·Tt"ll'~1 "hdl!


,\1I11i\)rt"~· :111 \,!:'1L",' h ... ·,ll"l'l"\lll h~'h<llt \ll" 111;11 hi!.! .. ,,11,q d' ,.\\.

t· j\

Iq;;t\ Cilillra~:l. l~l()r1~:I~'e lin'..!. <lk dL'L'd :\gl\'~'!li":1! )!. ,;, ,. ,ll1\

k)..':11 <lCtlOIl rC!:llL'd ((1 til,11 Illll:l\l\'<lhh; rmpCl"l: :,' '1',1\, \ lil,'

l!ltLT,-"j\ ,Ult! lik rt~'ht, ,.)1 till' hhl',-';1I10n:1I S(I,:,:\ '']"1'\1'-'

S('. fJlg/hi .... !!"\" ("IIUi/'ilion' fiJi hili/dill'..; (;/uu. II;

lju:tlil"y h) ()ht~lin Buddlll:..' (iLlllt 111,' hllll',llh\' "., ,'j,'!'

,;jl,dl :-;:III,,1"y (1:(" C;()\~I 'lllh.'ll! III t",-'''PL'CI \ll"thl' I·,'·I! \'.\ i!I!'

k: t" \

I "11 "I

II! lk' hllll'(I(~\ln S(k'I\.,ty/i"ru'·d h~t:-. .lll, 1.li', Illl'

I'Cl]lIIICt\ lund\ 1(\ ,ki"rd: Ih ~h~lrc ()I the ,\l:l, 'Ii (It,'

l'(ln:-;II'uctl('\', (lj tlk I'j"()["hhl"ll hlltldi\l~

I Ii i thl' huildlll.:.' I, Illto.:llckd ,lnd sil,tll h,-' < ,\· •• I\·,'d, "'1

thc PUI"P(l';,: lor \\ 111,'il till' :.'I·<t111 I~ ~'IlH.·tHl\l'

Ilul till' !'dlll\\~I':'1l ')(l,'kl\ 'T!lI~1 ILl" <I~'llllil ,i.1 --.1;, ., i'll

II" UWll ,l\",m k:l\, 1\)!";II!IIJ"l: \C;lrp<..'r1(ld,li:,1 :11<11 I.,

I () I he ..; ill'/I,il1d (, I 11:<..' I lr\ll'( hl'd huild 111~! I" , k,:1 ;illd II,'. ""!ll

l'lll u!11hr'l!Iu.'~:

(i\') the '-II\" !'- g\'oLI.c.'L"'III: 1"C<I"ihk I Idkl iii' II!,'

ullls(ruction or tlh' j1l"tlI,(hl'd ",')wol hulidill"

1.\) Ill<.' !11;111\ ,·"lllll'li\.',- Jild "'1'<..','11"1, .. ,111,111'. .11\: "I','j

()( )\'nnlll~'Tll IHli'Ilb II) [hell \..! (eel.

(II) the ~'()n~[rllLl]()Jl \li till' hlliidill~ \\ II! hL' (1'111!,kkd

within lwelll) -1'(lul" I\j()!llh~ \)1' (IlL' ";II1L"tillil' t Ihl' hilidlll,:

( ;r'llll.

B7. A{)I)/iulfi(lP !(li' Hlliidill'..; (;1"(/11/. (j \ i'lll' ;Q11,1:,-,III<)11

fur hudding CratH "h;tlllw :-;uh11l 11 led Itl lhe f)1!"~TI(')1" I)! \ .. 11, '. d

hilication in hll"lll \'1 her<..'I()

III ·\11 tlk' ,lJlpl! .... ·,!l\(l!1\ "h;tll hl' <)rdll1:l:il: L'()II,,!\k'i~'d

according to.l the ordl'l o! rClTlpt 01 tl1\' '"II11C

(3) The Dl["CCl\lI" (ll'Sch()(11 Ldu~·'~!hlt11:-',\illtpl'l<..'nt h' .:.'1\0.'

jlrt(lrt t y to ,I C(\:-.C ()\ l'I" I ill' :ljljl II (;It II )]1:0; ["l'l',' I \ cd 'L' ,Irl in. h: \ 111~! duc l'ol1stdcratiol1 i,' till' loctlity \)1' I: jl~' ()! tk' \l'hl)(ll

s~. J)octrillelll,\ /(1 he \u!JlIl/!fcd II ii/I '\/'jlIICI!{I{)!i rile followillg: doculllent" "h(111 Ill' atulch\.'d H' tfi,' :IPIlli .... ·:I\j,l!1 lill

hulldin~! Ciranl

(i) (.\ copy of t"C~\)1 ullon t;I)..:Cll h: I he h,luc:ltl,))\ S()CiI.:1 ~ / l"rll .... l <\:-, per rule S):

(Ii) adcciara\)(lll therelll tlldlll1--' l,dul';III"':] S\\cll'\\/TI"LI:\l has already ralscd stdTiL"ll'1l1 runt!..; IC' lkll":t\ It" "harl' \11 till'

constructlOll c():-.l {)I the huJ!din~

(iii)<lCOP)"Oi" the <!kll<..'cd!~lnlkl'd/k;t ... , dl'l'dllj Illl'~Ih:/

lal1d or the propo..;cd huildin~:

Page 20: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

'~26 Ckl"CIAL (iAZEnT (;()VT OF (;0\

SERIES I NI!. 12 ,EXTRAORIJINARY) 2 \..;j /1 I ( \ i !()l1

(iv) a survey plan oj [he- sttl'/b:t1 d SilOWlll:! the "un',.~y

number. the houndaries and corr('~t cc:.;cnptloP

(v) all the documcnts as Illay I\c j"( ljlllrcd to !1j l)\'(': that tilc EducatIOn Society/Trust h,1s the cleal title oj' 111,-' ,itc/lancL

(\'l) a copy ()( the Trusl De-cd:

(\'li) A copy of the plan;.;. csti '11 a k .... ,11lc! spc, I (1C<ILions ,)f the proposed building, d~ly slgne(! by J-qualiried l'llgmxrand duly approved by the Planning A llth()J"1ty.

XY. Suhlllission oj" Tru.H /)eed or, \greclllt'll" - (i) The huilding Grant in full or any p,lrL thereof shall he rrk,lsed to the

'EduCdllOIl Society/Trust of the sch()()l ()lIly afler tht: Edlic<ltlOn Society/Trust executes a Trusl Deed or <In Agl,(ClllC!11. as the cas!,,' !1l~I~ he. as pro\'lded under thes(; Rules.

(2) If tht..' total amount of Ihc huilding Grant dol'S not exceed Rs.I.OO lakh the Director of School EclUCalloJl afL;r the careful c.onsicteralio!1 of all rclcvalll aspects, lllay n{)~ rcqui:'c the Education Sociclyn'rus! toexeCUle a Tru~I-Deed hut .\hall accept a _written Agreement from. the Educal]on Sncictv/Trusl. The Agreement shall incorporate the follcwing undcflakillg::~-

(I)!O maintain the huilding in :ll"OpCr c()nditioll:

(ii) io \nanage the school in accordance w1th lht..' rules and regulations of the Directorate of Education:

(iii) to keep the school OP,;!l ror inspectl()11 by the Directorate of Education or <iny oLhcr :Jovcrnmcnl Office ,-lS

may he required: ."

(il') to use. the huilding exclusivdy for education and not to let it to ,4)1" allow it to he used hy an) political. religious or commercial body for the purpose ("'(promotion of po!it!cal.()l~ religious thought or commercial g<'lin:

(I') to keep the huilding properly tnsurcd,jollltly I n the name of the Education SocietylTrust ·ancl the Governor of Goa;

(I'i) t() repay on demand by the Di,·ector of Scho()1 Educ ation, the grant amount paid by Gnver!1lnent 111 respect nf' the school building 01" construction of gymn:lsiulll, library, laboratory, workshop. etc, in the event of default on pan of the Education Society/Trust in respect of any of the preceding conditions,

(3) In every case, save as specified in sub-rule (2) abOve, the Education SocietylTrust shall execute a Trust Deed in such form

. 'as may he speci fied hy the Government ft"Om time to time for general purpose or specially for this purpos~. The Trust Deed shall emhody cO[!ditions rcgarding:-

(i) th'e construction and maintellcnce oj' the budding·,

(ii) the insur.,ance of the huildin.:~;

(iii) the period and the stage at which the instalments d'the building grant ~hal1 be payahle:

(iv) the IIlspeClion ofthc school by Departmental Officers and Officers oj" ~lIly other Goverllln\~nt Departments;

(I) the e"cllh III dcltlUlt III \\ hi·.:h thl: tuli \~li:;, ('" (,

unp,-lld portH1!] 1I1cn'\11 ,,;1),111 !;tp\t..':

II I) till' l'\cnt Ujillii \\'IlI,-1l1ilc tlg~~rl'g;;\c ,','I;'l,ll i :)L'

hlllidi n):' Cjrant or (Jran t~ (Ill \ : 11 lel'll by the (J()\ l'1 n ill\'I!! ~ I '1IlL'

l(l tllllC. slull he I\T'ay,lhJc t() the C;meJ'J1111CllL

I \ til the (:\..:nl.<" pi deLllllt \111 1';\)"[ 01 (lie hili ,,\1"" ",'1\

l'rllS! upon which 11K' (J(l\l'i-l111h_'ll! ~h<l!l hd\ 'l,~I:l j, ;d~" , jl()\S('Y'dO!l ()j the huddill22 ;\l!d \he Il fur Cdl1l'~:I:\lll,d [It l]""\'

or ror <lny ollll'r !1Ui"l'u:-e ,1.-.. !lid:> he det..'!1led "I)"l'll!..'li! 'Il>' (j(lvnncmnl (lr!(1 ,\ell it If dCi.:IlH.:d ncce~sar:>:

(0/1 !:\cry '-l;cll deed shall )1,' drafled, <It lil.,', iJ:!I-:~'

hlu,',lllon SOCl":lv/Trll'l alld :lpl'rO\'..:d~b:> the 1_,1',' 1)l'j'Y

(If lhe C:;( 1\ ,,'rtlillent

l)(), C(JllllnclI, <'IIII'll: of !lre iJiI/!di/l,'-!, ('(!lIS!!,!1( I;, 1:1,

l'lln\trllcti()n i)r till..' hullding shall cOlllm(:llce onl: ,ill':I- II H.' ,'II' ()j'llll' hulldin,:! IIl,:]udiil);' "Ill' plan and e~ll111(jtc" ,11, ,irrn ' the techl11l'al authonti..:" (11 Puhlil' \\'or~s Dep,U'1l1" 111 PI i'l!,!!~~

Auth()!'1ly :Uld sLlI.:h othl'r agellc~ ,1\ 111<1: be rcqLJil\'d ,l,' It',

ru!c\ Illlnrce.

\~) /\n: dnl,\ll0I1II11ilt..' iIP),[-()\(d 1'1<1110.., ~h,di '1,,1 h( ',,1.:(

\vlthout the prI(lr pertlll\~j(lfl ()I ti1C-tC..:i1T1ICtl <1l1','I';1I'lti('\ "I [h~ Puhlic \Vorks DCj1arLllleill

YI ,\gcIIC'.' for 11J.!/\'{m('{/(l1! rile ,-'()Il~llil,'lhlll ,d lil;'

htl lid i ng. by ,I Prt valC ag,.'IlCY sllilll he PCr1l111tcd lIpt( , ,Ill;' CS1Illl;ll,;d

cost subject to the; c()ndillOIl that the le.:i1nlc<ll (lUI!I",)rtl!e" ,\I till' Pub!ir Works Department who lta\'l' approved till' plalh ,:,11,

mates and the srcclricatl(Jll~ shall hesallsficd (lilitc ,-'()IllIll'l,'lh.'\

of the private agency to which tlK' ",lid \\'\)rk I'\)'i 1j1(hed [, 11,' cntrustcd,

Y2, ,)'II!JlllI,\S/01l of VU!U(I{/O/I ('(,I'!ljiuifc 'i j I I!]I.'! ',dlll, ill\;!

Sl)Clcly/Trllst shall be required to SUhlllll ~I \',dl1illi~;n ('l:ri!i" ,II,' of the c()11.<"trllcli()ll C01l1pklCd hel(1I'e ,111: hlili\i:n~ C,r;llli I,


(2) The Valuation Celllt'icate "Iwl! he l"~ued h: ll1l'lCchl1l, "I aUlhol"l tics of the Pubhc \\' mks Dep;lrtlllc·n I \\ ho had appn>\ l'd! ill' pl<lIlS ;Inti the estl])l,-Itc"

Ii) the \'aluatloll ()I-llic l'()llSlrllCllon \\'ork;l\ l'.\!1l1lated 1\

currect to the hest o(tilckll()wJcdgeand helie!' (li tliC<lUlihll'lt) issliJIlg the ccrtJl'icalc:

(ii) the COllst(UCU()!l of the huddlllg /()!' whicll Ihl' huilding Crall! is claimed, 1.\ III acc(l]'dancc WIth the dPI)ro\'l'd pl;lIh wllhout any un<1uthorl'ied altcr<lllOn:

(iii) lhe construction work I." hem!;! canwd ':Iul upt() 111<...' satisftlctor) standard

l)~, IJlsur(lllce (~f' the HlIIldill,r,:,,-- (I) The hulldlng ))) 1\:~IIt..'~'1

of which budding Gran! has been all()!1cd- hy til..: 1)11\'l 'lor()fScil()(l1 Education must he propcrly I 11 Slll"l'd.

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SERltS I No. 12

(WI ICIAL GAZFlTl, . C;OVT 01 C;(),\

(EXTRAORDINARY, : \. I! j i! \ I \(i!'1

(2) Th~ lIlsurance (lflhc hU! ldin~' IllU-.;\ hl: held j( 1) ntly in the name of the Educat!on Society/Trust 0;" til, "ciluo[ <lilt! the CiovnnOl" \)fC,(),L

{ ,~) ThL insurance SUIll shall he cq ll:li h) the IOI<lll:\)~t () I'the entire C()llSlrUC\lOn work above the plinth [('\'el including the noonng.

r41 It .,;hall not hL' IlL'CC:-iSa!) ttl :nsure the hudding 11 the <tlllhorlscd tcchl1Jcal officers of I\lhlic Worh.:-, DcparlmC1l1 .;t::rilfic:-. lhat in rhelrOpIIl!{)1l1hc risk llrrirc is 111'1 -.ogr'::<l1 f()rthc hudding. \() as to warrant fire !llsuran:.-'C for It

l)4. C!(lim oj'ins{(/ill/(:l1ts (~rbl:ildill,l? Gmnr. (J) The chum ror an Instalment of building Grant shall he ~Llhmitlcd subject tn pro\'is!on ofsuh-rulc (2) of rule lJ2 of lilcsl' Rules.

Il} Th~ building Gram clailll~ of instalment -;hall b;; regularly ,>ublll!tted for every' sixth monthly period alon~\Vith Lltlli:-,atJol1 }-~'cnlficatL' failing which any claims for further Ill-;lalments nfthc said Grant arc liahle to be rejectcd.

(3) II ;tny Instalment amount 01 the l)uJlding C:J!',I111 IS lot utilised within a pcri()d ()f6 months f"r\)lll the cttte of"relcasl' nr tlte hUllding Gr~lnt. tH) further Illstahnent (l[" the bUll eli ng Gra1l1 shall rc released.

(-I) II' the entire constructHlI11> n01 1...·()llljJktcd withllleightecn IlHlllths ["{"{)m the dale oi"n::lcase ()i rir~t Instalment ()i' tl'e hUllding: Cirant the entire amount of huilding (iralH released to the school ..,hall be recovered from the grant payable to till' schuol and the ::-,chool shall not he entitled for any nOll-salary rrant ti II the entire :1l1111unl \)f the Building Grant IS full\' recO\-crcd.

9:-;. {)isposu/ (~rlll()l'(/hle I}}"()rert\ /)[frc!wsed IIl1derCru!lfs.­

(J) Thc LducatH)11 Society/Trust dfa school shaH not write oil or dispose oil ,tIly movahle propcny clcqUired fmlll Government aid un!c..,s it is declared as surplll",. ohsolete or unscrviceahle hy the C( lndcmnation Committee.

\::) The three memher Conde; nn,llion COHlnllttcc lor thi s pur­!W..,l' ..,hall be l'Ollsl!tu\ed or r()lll1wlll~ pcrsom'

(u) ASSistant Director oj" Sl hot 11 EJuc<luOIl [)i"thv respccll ve mne;l", its Chairman:

(/)) The head of thc schoo:

It') Onl' authorised n,::p:'cscnt<l\IVe ()i' the Eclucatl(lIl SI)C lely/Trust:

(3) The COndeITlnatioll C()m11 I itte.:: shall asscss the comiition of the arllclcs/equipmcnts proposed to he dispos\..'d off and shall dnlw minutes of their clecisl(lIl.

(-I) All items cosling less tLan Rs.5000/-. shall he declared surplus/ohsolutc/unscrv!ceahle hy the school on recommenda­lion of the Condemnation C{)Ulll1ltee <.tnd the sarne shall be dispo",ed offhy inviting quotations for max imum disposal return.

(5) All items costing Ill()rc thm Rs.5()()O/- recommended I'm disposal by the Condemnation Committee, shall be declared obsoh::tcl unserviceable/surplus frcll11 the stock register after ohtaining the approval of the DirectorofSchool Education fOrlhe

"allle Thc .."tlile Itelll" ..;hall h.: dispmcd I,I'! it\ l~\:hl: ,~\:,'I I; (\1

111 ..;uL"llt1thcrlll;\l1ner<lS 111<.\: !wdin.·,·lcd 11\ thl..' I )11·,'\ 111 \, hClIlj

hltll atmn The <In Ick.., \\ hi,_'h ~\I~' iJIl\"I,::li h ;1,1 I':", nl dul.:

\I 1 ! Ill" rt ,)(" P 11 L~ 1';1 ~e .., ha II Iw \ '. : i!l \..': \ "I I .

(0) TIll' (\nlcl\..'~/ih.'l1h td 1:1'.'\,lhlc propCl"l\ 1,11lii-J ·,mr"ill'" hy

tilt' C(llldcllln,lIl(lll C\l\lllilitil'l' ...,h;dl hI..' tr;lll\kllL'd II' .111\ uthel'

..,L·IH)!l! ;1." 1ll;\) he dir,:C\l"d h) I ill' Dir,'c\m ()j \,'l1lH'11 dUl·.llllln

1/) rile ..,dle [!r()~·ccd.., (It lhe di-;p( )..,cd il\..·IIl~ ,I !.ill k· ,'1 ,'Jill·d 1\ 1

the (;(lVCrllnlCn! l.n .. ·~I::;llI"y !llthc'''<llllC 1)]"(l[!Ur!I<lll I') 111l' (;\'\\:1"11·

l11ent grant-.; ullii",cd lur theIr ]1\11\."11,1'0.:'"

OfficI' Sflcc{(I/ il/.\·/.'!I!!IOIH.

10 Pnnwry Tcacher.., Tr;.I1JlII1~ Inslilutions on lil\· "IITl(' I<.'rilh ,l!ld conditions a..; ,Ire applicable to rCl'I)~nlsed \CIH'11j..,

(2) (JI)\"nnlllcnt l11<1y release ~rallh III 'l~", I;d ...,c..:lwllh 1\'1

proillotloll ()j "'Iud~ ()rlangU<.l2!cs. <lrl. ctc h\" ni'I' I~:itli! Ilh·I,.dh'rn

01 a~"lq,lnC\; to Ih~!l efrcct.


'07. Ch(lrgcs of" I(·cs. - . A II recI )2!lllscd ::;dH H 1 I, ..,halll"li'll ~(" 't iI .... I: Ices only as apprm'cd h~ the CJ()\"l'I"nlllcnl lrulll IIIlIL' t\, ;lllll'

'0X. Fees illllighl.)"c/U)()!.\.

the standard rates prescrtbed I"or \.1<1." <"ellO()i-;

99. F'mhiiJilioli tn ("ollee{ 11i/(III!lio}"f.\('c/ 1('('\ lliltitlllld, II The Educational Society/Trust running thl' ,cho()1 .... Iull IlUl

charge or collect any type or fees or money notprl"snll">"d h) the Government or any t~ pc 0[' donation Ic()nlrlhuliull III Slill

under any other II tic ['{"()Ill thc pupil.) llr tilelr pare 111\1 i,!uard I all:">. I:: directly or tndirectl~ linking the s<lld cofiel'\J.(ln with tile mattcr (lj admiSSion or prOlllU\IOn or the pupil" (»)" t()\\'-ard.) C()Il..,trlk)j()1l 01

building l"tllld. or t(lwards payment ul rCllt (){" )(lwards pr\J\ Idin.l'

any faCility In the sl"il(lol or ... :I 'hSrO()lll"'. "tatllll1C1"Y. h()(lh ...... \;lc

OJ Thc ,>eho()1 Ilr the b.!ucalillnal SOCICI)JTrllsl ,11,111 {)u

(ollcct I"rorn the pupils or through the pupils ,lilY ["und, b~ \\ <l\

of IOller). donatlolls. \"()luntary conlnhut!l)n.., or hy <ln~ tlth<;.F

lllC<.\Il.., lor thc pUrp(be directly m Indirectly c()nnl'l'l..::d \\ nil (\Hi:

lllunal or rcligiou." dctivllie" IIlClutlini:! reil~i\lus \v\)r..,hlp ,,' rdig-ious discoursc..,.

13) The collectHlll of funds/donatillils as IllJY he <lpj1c,dcd [(,)1

by the Governmcnl like F!a~ Day Collection and Nali()n,Ji Tcadlers" Vllcl farl" Fund shall nul C\ JIllC under I h\..' pun in\ (If thi.\ ruk'.

(4) Any \'lolatHlll I)l"rulc l)l) shall invltc pClla!ty lllllkT\c.:III,n

19 Ill' the Act.

100. ColieClIO/1 or fX(I/JIIlIU{[O/I Fccs. \ ...... In tho...: (as\! ur purd~ appearing for puhlic cXmlllllatlolb conliuelCd hy the affilfatc'd Board. the school shal I e(ll Icc! (:xaminatl(l1l I"cl'", and other charg'es

at the rate as spcciricd hy the Board. The sd"W()j shall not char~(' higher rate or any 1 1tl1(" I" fel' !l\lt1){"l"Sl...Tiix;d b: tht.' Board.

Page 22: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

22X OFI-li. I ,VU.;A7F:rTE C;()V I OF C;().\ sU<lrs / \,;. /2 II,XTfZAORDII'\/VRY,

]()1.FxfJelidirlll"e froll! j('o.· - ["!w C:\I'<.'llditlln: 11"(\llldi !"erel1t

I~P("" Id !l'("" allm .. vcd to he charged. slull Iw IllClIl'll't! only Oil

Item.; ~h lll(l~ he specified Jrolll limc {(l11J1IC h: th~ ])irecl()]" (,I Sehl)(l] Lducation.

102, {Jill'''.\'' lil//(/, -- (J) The sdlUol I." rcquirej to l1hliltJ!-:

;1 fund cntllkda" Pupil:-," Fund hy COlleCi!Ilg"cllargc'> irom pup!h

;n the rate" i.l" speci fied hy the 1)1 rectoi' 01 -;d'I()()1 Edu,';IIIOIl I rot il lImc til tlllle

I:: I I'lle dl,trges it)r Pupi b . Fund sl ',all ill' ":1 d k...:tc.J I ru n I <.Ii I th~ pupils Htlwe\'cr. pupils bdonglng to ')l:hedulcd C~bh:" dllll Sc.heduled Trihes sl1all he excmpted (1'01'1 the pa~'IlIl"1l1 ollhc,,--,

th~tg~ ...

(3\ The alllOunl colleelt,;d for Pupils' hllld shall Ill' ~pC1l! tl'.l

.speGifie:d .I1ems for Ihe \Vel fare oj the pUpl!.'>,

(4) E:.ach schoo! shall eotlslltull' a I'upds hind AtL"ls(l]"\ Cmlll) Ih'~\o' t.:onslsting oflhe rollo\\' Jnt' me Illhcrs: "-

(({) head ur lh~ school:

lin tW(l (e~lehcrs !l()Jllln~llcd ')\' ',Ill: Sch()('1 Ill<!I1:t!!ln;:


1('/ [WI) pupil." nOIll.lllated hy th~ 11l'~\d oj the ~'\ .. h()(ll.

(5~ The Pupils' Fund Ad \'\ sory COPlllllltCC shall rHl' pare c \'Gr~

'ycar in advance'. a budget oj" proposed i.::\j)(:nditurc {\Il spe.:il"ied

!lem" for the next academic year and shall "Uhlllil till' ~,\JllC to thc Sd1(i(11Illanagingcommittce.

(tJ) The School managing committee \hal! arrant~C to rckasc Ihe required <.11lH1Ullt fn)1Il the Pupils' Fund <llll! shall keep the same al deilland to incur expenditure as per tht' hudgettcd itenls.

(7J The head or the scbuol shall ,:nSUI"C thai the 'lllk~'.:tl()n.

withdrawal and the expenditure from PUl'ds' Fund ,Ire prepc!"l) re!lechxJ in the bo()ks of accounts with proper v()u[:hers and reeelp'"

103. ()pcmrio/l (~t Schoo/ Flffu/s.-- {/ ,I Every "ciJool shall operate lis funds by depositing the "am(: 111 any 1\,ltionaliscdi Schet!ulcdlL:()-operati\'c!post ()JTice ]);1I1k

(2) Every lumpsum paymenl ()r Rs, 2()()O/- <tnd ahove must nC\iessarily he made hy eht,;que <.Ind ;my lumpsulll payment 01 Rs.2000/- or ahovl' made in cash sh~11I not be admitLed hy the Directorate of School Education as aULhorised expenditure.

104, Types OJ"ACCOIflIfL- (I) For the purpose or distinct trans .. actions. a school shall have separate hank accounts fer lhe i"ollo\.\'ing funds:-

(/) $alary Grant Account ror lraJb,Ktions pl'rL<lllllllg to salary gw,nt received from th~ Diredor,ltc ol'EducalJOn:

(ii) Non-Salary Grant Account j'or transactions pertaining -f? Ilt)Jl- salary grant recei ved from thl' Directorate orFduc<:\\ ion:

(iiii Fces Accoullt for transactions pcrtaining to aillounts

of~l!iypes ()f fees such as tuition Ices <lnd tlTI~l fces:

11\ i PUPII.,,· I·'un"! \,,·,';:illlll()I·tr;\I1\:I\~h'I(' ~\!

]>1Ij11k J'und,

iii !<~"lT\\' J'und \,-·~,,111111 i',II' lr:l!I".:, 11<,:' Ii< Ii. 111I,! \I;


1\'/,' I lHhl\\ :lh.'111 hind ;\'-..', ilUll1 j;ll'\I',lil"",'1 i

Ilt'lll (il'jl(I'>lh d,)lldICd j\lj ,\\\,lI'\illl~ .,>i,:iHd;II~11

1·\.','~'I\,'d d" J"I1 .. !!I\lll' 'I" .1/1\ dl1<..'I' t\11\.' ,\i 'II,


1',"/'';' I)~\r~:lt- I"l',klll'i \,>,>i,)~'i;t\I[)r\ hl1\d

Ir,ll\~dCll(lll" (l! till' illlld~ pnl;lllllll~ In 1',Ii\'I~: I, \ "'()<. 1,111 (111.

11,\ I \d\';lll~'l,/I)~lH\-'11 l'lInd \~·\.'(llilli Ill'

rl'llInd~t!',k dCI'(l"lh 11i 'lwlt-Ill'>

i \! lilllldlll;.' l II ~lllh \l',.'1 >\111; i(ll' II :1;1",]".'1 i·

~r;IJ11Il"'~'I\l'd ,r,ll1:,

{.ll It I~ ',Ilh 1\;lhk 1(l \'pndk '>\.T,d·,lk .ll'~'i)IUl\'

111' rund rl'~'C1 \ cd. iIi (Jeld iIi I III 1 t) <I,',', 1I il h l11e11\1< I1L'1I '" iii' ,Ih()\l' "UL'h :1.". 1)11\~\~<.' I \),I'~ \c',,'lllIll! '11 .111\ "i!

Illd~ Iw l\'qlllrcd.

{:I) 'I'll,' Sedan (;\";1111 ,\~'~'( 'Uill dllr: l<l"~'I'\" hllh' \, 'dl',

he npe'lled III tl1\' '><lllle !bllk

(./) !t"h;tllhl'{)hli~~:t<li\ {\ntih'.\~h,),dlll.lllag!il,~ '!,'

l'n-';UH' lilal each ,ICC(\Ullt Ill' 1)I)lT~:!cd lor the 11 II: ,Id ~\",

which It I" upcned

(5) 11.s!laJlhl.'ohlig;llm\ \11ltlll'.\ch(101111;IIl~lgll1,c.' l'~IIlI:li:I', l'

CIlSlJl"[' tildll.'rltJ"le-. 111 "l'<ldl \)J the Bad, Al'C()ullt b{l('~' f1l' upd,lI"',j

IJlllllcdi<.tlch ,tll['1 11;(, 1!,;\ll~'ldj(fn~J :.md n:C(llk!ll.ill\ln (l[ r.h,· balance ~jl;tll hI.' C<lrncd [1:11 rc~ubrh In "-',tell 1tl;'1I(!1 'I' II!,I! ["

t'111["1e'> 11l 11K ~'~I'.;h h(l(lk ,til' !lb[:\l1[I~ \CI'III:lhL' 11,1 ,k~'W

III) .. lo'Ii,,"" ,,, "1'(;'" ,/" .1" "lilli'

(II 1\llnll~ 11> liJ~' CI1,111"I11<111 (lillI\..' SL'iHn i 1l1.l11,\,~~IJi:'

C\)lllJllIUL'l' ,11ll] IlL' ~l<tl1d.'!t't (dilL ",'il(Hd

(III h\ till' :\~'I,"t,lllt ])1l"t"Ci())"ul S;"'ill\l,j i ill"tll,lf:

lil"'::/o!ll' :ll()IlC ilH' thl.' jlllJrl)'..\.' (\i Pd:lllc'll i <,I Sdidlk,

III Clllp!O:l','\ h: :i'<lIl"rCI' ,rldjllil:';lU~h d\h :,',' Il()i,

(h) Ball~.shallhesllilahl) II]'-,[nlctcdl'~ IItt'>;~'illl.ll:lldl1~!;'lll'

t'OIll!llltLL'l', cl\ pI.'\' '>lIb·~!alj'-,t'" (I) ;llld III! ;Iil()\,' dllli ill,11

chequcs drawll III Id\"llIl' ()f ,>.",11 h> .til\' \lpn.II<" ~il;ilII1(1r h~'

adllllllcd t'Ol"P;l~lllt'ill !1;1I1i R.~'''l:IVt- rllrhi \~\.'i',l!lil

(2) /:{lllllWlllt" ,.\C"(llIlll~ sh;lii ~)C Jilillti" Ojltl.t',·j b'/ lh('

p~rsolls sho\\,,11 at~IJI1st t',k'il (ll lill'IH.

{I) Salary Cirant .'\l'l·I\Unt: 1)\ till' VLtlldgl'r. rk,\d of III,'

"chon! and ilK' ),'\SL"lJ.lli

I )i[ edt lr nf Schoul] '.ducalHlIl oi Ih\.' /Ilile

Page 23: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

.IENI F\ I ,Yo. 12

OFFICI;\L ('AZETTI'· . (;U\ I OF C;( ).\


(11) 0!oll-Salary Grant .\(COU1l1

liii) Fcc..; /\CC{)UJll

(1\ I ~)uJl!l'i' Fund-/\cCOUJlI

the C'hdlrm<.l1llthc S,;crCLtry \\f

the Sclwo! mana!:IIl2:! cnnmH­

ICC! <In·,1 the M,-lil,clt!cr ur 111e ..,dl,)ol

MunaglT and the ! !cad ()j' the


Sane ,I" ahove

(3) I'hL' Parent -Tcachcr~ Associ;ltiol' ]'\md /\Cl (l\l\l\ S 1,-111 he

jointly \)!lI..T<ltcd hy the Head urlhe School dnd the Prl'-';Idcnl urlhe Parcnt- l'l..';[chcr"s Association.

{-II .,\11 olher accounts Illay he O]KT;llCd hy all) lwo .::lcctcd member..., urlhe Schoo\lnanaging COIll lllitlCL'. A t\'C( 11 d to this cllccl ,hall he maintained in the Minutes ni'lile lllccLin~.

j(J6. Ch({lIgc or Aw/ioritr . .. ~ In th..: (dSC o! dny Jisputc

IC\\\L'\.'11 the co-operators orany aCl',)un~, !Ill' Din:c](lr o["Sc!wol

~. Education may,' authOrise thc operatIon Dr Ihat ,\C,:llunt Ihrou~h any urlhe C(l-Operat{lrS or any olher ,)[li,T !K'arcr~ (If the Sch{1o]

managIng Ul1l11ll11{ce

10: Chcckillg ()j"the AC(,OIlIlTs"- -- (I) All the aCi:ounl hooks

"h,dl he !n the safe clIstody o["the m,tnagcr and ~h,dl he <I' ailah!c lor inspl.'c\!OIl hy the !IlspeCl!ng o[Ti":l.'rs or audit un!ts [rom the Dirl'C\nnlle ,)i' Education. Directoi",-UC uj' Acc()unts. Resident

Audit Orrice and an) other hody appointed hy the (;o"ernmellt.

1-2) The School managing ((Hll1l1ittel: shall he rC-;p()lhlhlc to

(h~(,,:k the accounts at least once in ;1 year.

(3) The annual audited statement" of t he aCC(}llnl~ -;hal I he dul) ch\!ckL'd hy lhe School managing: cOll)mil.tee and ;Ipprovcd. duly rCl.:"urding the same in the Minutes ~'()oh..

lOX. S'lIiJlllissioll or Ac('ollJ/fS To flie Dircct()r or .School

EdIlCllf/O/I"- The accoullts o["the sdwol shall he got audited h)

the school annually through any registered Chartered J\eeoun­!ant within six months from the closure of the financial year

and the audited statements. Receipt Payment Ac("ounL Income and ExpcndilUrc ;\("coUIlI and Balance sheet shall he suhmitted to the Direclor of School Education" ill tnplicate duly signed by the lUan;l~cr.



I ()t)" :H(llllf('ll(ll/('() (~r r('cords" - ( ] ) 1\ rccogll1sed schdol shall

111ainlclin :-;-ueh records and register .... as lllay be required' in order

III :'Uhlllil any desired ini"ormatio:l to the Director of School hILI\.'~llioll pcrtaining t() the school. its employees and th.: pupils.

12) A rec()gnised sch()()t -;h;;11 lllaintain the prescribed registers ~IS per pro["orma a:-. specified by the Director oj" Schnol


I"~; i\ rCl'()gnised sch()()1 shall isslle certifici.lh.'s in theproform<l ae-. :,pc(lficdhy the Dirc .. :tor of School Education.

I'~I ,\11 th\.' I\','III-J" ,,11:111 h~' pl"(ldu(cd 1111 ill-'

11;'>pn'lll\g 'llj'll· .. ·I' <Inc! ,11ldl\ill~ <111 il'I,\I,," 111 II, II,:'

111 !1l I III lllll p .. :n(id "llllWJl ,1~,\lIl"! the I"C:--j"W,':'

1\'l"1 lI'ds

(i,;l1eLd 1"~'.:-!h\l'I''' ,)1 !illllll ... III the hH'lll

\'11 hCI ... _'!,)

II \ppli(;tll\'ll'-. III I'llI'll" 1('\- :ldll\l",,!l)11

111 l_l'<I\'ln~ l'cn;li,--'dle" 1""IIC\l h\ (llher

"choo]." hi lll((llllltl~ pUjll"-

1\ CllunlerLlJ!" dll ,e:l\ Illg ('nllfic;\\l>

1""\Jed Itl Illll~()lng pllJld"

Re!,.'ISIl'r ,)[ I)upd" ,IILI!1lIl1l'1l1 Itl till'

le.;h dnc! rc'-.ull"

\ I. R"",--'(m!,, ul he,\llh (til.! Itl'--'dl'--';\I

\]1, ;\lb\\'l'l'h(H)k" Il1 rln;\I dllnuallc"hi


\ Ill. '\lleIHbl1,:e l"egl_"hT" .d Ihe pupil"

1\ Rl~C()rd" (il I(~:--t paper" \\1" pupll_"

,ldlrllllcd \\ Ilh Il''>l

\. \lrid,I\i\,,(ll P;lr<..~llls/(~llardl'\lh\l1

puptl,-; I())" dlimh-;I(lll

\1. Rec()rd:-- ll] ,,11I(l...-l1h "1 1(llhlll"<..'d

forpuhlh" \.'\.<\lI1lll;t\!()m

\11 Rq!lsll.'r" lJI dl:---.lnhlltHlll III llIdrbh..:eh ,I!ld (<..'n I ri(;lll'" \ 1 I puhl i, "::<:11]111\(11]( lib

XIII Olliec e\)pIC" ,11 Illdrbheeh p!

puhli<..' C"',\lllll1dll,lll"

I B) I'('} {UIIIIII':!, to ('/!lp/()\"cn


1\"1'11 ,tlL'lll

1 \"i' I{h,

1\"11: !ih Iii



Pcrs()n;ti rile." ()I Ilk' IIHII\ Idudl .. :mplo\'\.',,:, Pnll1:IIlI'ltl

II. Scn'lcc hUll!--.;." Iii llll' lTllpi(l\'l'C" I"ill

111. DisL"llal"g-l' l\:rllril'<tIL'" (Ii tlk' '--'lllpl<l:--'--'l'"

Issued by I:\~t c11lpllly!1l~ IlhtltUllon

:-<..'111\'111, Ttl

(10 he retaillcd III per'>IJllal rilc) !\'!"Illdll'~'ill

1\" Pay rixaliol1 ,,[,llctllcnh {to he rcl;llilcd III

Service hoob \\'1111 COl): 111 pl'r"ollal rile) 1\'1"111;)11;.:111

\. AlIend'-lIlCe rC,:!ISleI"S (ll the elllpillyee_"

('!Hl\\'ing ic,l\l' j"lTord,,) ~ \\.',11--

Vi. Ltlg hOOK Oflh..:: hcad uj tIll' "chonl :'\ \l';lI"

VII. Leave <lppl icallolb ll! the cillplo; Cl'~

\'IiI. Annual pCrl,lrtll<lIlC\.' rl'pOI"h (lr lhl'


IX. Fi Ie nr p]"()p()~;lh r( II" \_Tl'atH III oj pi lS!...."

and permlssloll granted by the Direct(ll"

oj' School Educalion tilere(lll \. hie OrCOpIC.-; ()rill!<..'!"\'il.'\\·Il1!nUk~

l. Daily Cash B,l(lK

11. Ledger shOWing recelpl ,llld e,pcndilul"<..'

111. Receipt bOOKS for fees and all\' (Ither







Till audil

is C01l1pi...-kd

Page 24: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

230 )ERIES I No. 12

OFFICIAL GAZETI'E "" GO\' I'. OF (;0;\ (EXTRAORDINARY I 2h"Ffi '( './ )( II )

IY., .fies Account Register \' . Bills and vouchers of payment of

purchases VI. Bills and vouchers of payment 01

scholarships and freeships v"ii. RegIster showing details of pupils

III receipt of scholarships, fr~eships and other aid

VIII. Audit reports ix. Pay rolls and acquittances oj' pa> rncnt

x. Ret:ords of ciann of !lrants from [he , ~

Direcrorate of School Educatil)n XI. Register of Provident Fund Accounts

of the employees

(D) Pel"/ailliJlX 10 Gel/em! Adlllinisliutio"

I. Inward register II. Outward register with stamp account

\II. Dead Stock register of movahlc property like furniture and office equipment

IV.· Laboratory register for appanlius v. Lihrary book regisler/s

VI. RegIster of audio~visualtcach!ng ,lids !J1cluding maps and charts

VII. Register of Chemicals and Lahoraulry consumables

viii. Stationery register ix. Guard File with a copy of cadl

document outwarded x I nspcction report

Till "Ldit I" cOl1lplcteJ -do-



Pcrrna:1cnt Till audit 1\ cOlllpieteJ



I () y~a:·s I () ye,,,,

Permanent Permancnt Permanent


Permanent Permanent

!.'i years 15 years

(2~ A recognised schooL in addition to records mentioned in suhvrulc ( I ) ahove. shall also maintain other records I n a neat and orJt::rly manner in respect ofcin.:uhtrs received on maltns pertain­ing to curriculum. prescribed text-books. rules pertaining to

evaluation. pay s~ales of the employees. etc.

Ill. General rexisfer. - (I) E\t;ry pupii adnitted provisionally or on confirmed basis shall be registered in the General Registeron the very dayofsueil admission by completing all the entries pertaining to the adinission. Similar/y. all the entries pertaining to' leaving· of the school ~hall be completed on the very day ·of leaving the schoof hy the pupil even If Leaving Certificate IS Issued to that student on any later day.

(2) When a student is admitted on the strength of a Leaving Certific·ate. all the entries in the General Register pertaining to adm,ission, shall be accurately made as per the entries in the Lea\ling Certificate submitted hy the student.

(3) N{)change in the entries in the Gel1eral Rcgistcrshall be made without obtaining the previous written sanction of thc Assistanl Director of School Education of the c{lnccrned Zone.

(4) An application for a change in the entries in the General Register shall he entertained in respect of only those pupils who are attending the school. A case of any pupil who has already left the· school shall not he considered.

(5) Changes in the entries in the General Register shall be made in red ink with dated initials and hy recording the authority letter

(tllltllherallc!t!<lll:\)(tlle!ctlct") h) \\"hl--:h\uch dl'll'~'·' '1',:;·II:!\\C(\

hy the /\S';ISlalll Dirl:ct(l)" ()f Sl'II()()1 Educ<l1101' (l! 1:1·.' 'j) ,·i·11l'd 'hllll,:

(h) In the -':d."'" .)!" d ."IlH.h:111 \\'110 drop" OUI .,\ , I! ,·lln.>!

!,ccl\·lng Ccrtlf"t,,·a\(' dlH.l \\Iw thereafter P,h:--',-', llll puhll\.·

CA,II11lmlllOIl ·dS an c'\tcl"Il,li candidate. a "Uil<lhlc ,-'1111" . '[hi",·1 k~'1 "hall he m'l<.k In gTel'n IIlL III the rellli:ui" cnluillil :I~;;illh! tlil' origltl,d rq!Jstrallun llul1lher ()i'til<ll ,,{Utlcnl "() a<, ·:,1 l.'I:<lI'k thl' same 1() he sUI1<lhly rdkctpl III til(· origin;!! Le:!\ ,!,':-' ( ,'I! I il"li\' Is.\ued ill the jla,,1 ()r 111 the dupilc<lte Ulp~ \)1 IiLI! L' ., :nil


112./1t'I"I"OIl(l/ iifo UJ.ldSCITICC !JOOA..I.- : ) ) TIll" Per"(lil,:i !iil' oj an empioyee ."hall cOlllainlhe apphcatlon ()r 11K l'lllpLl> (". fur the P()s1. copy ()r ofrcr uf dppo!tlllllenl. a:"'Tl'l't~II1,-,' j~'l!CI.

approval lettcr hy the DlreclO1" ui" Schoo! EJuc~lllun 1(1\ ',he appoi n tmcnt. copy Dr appoltlllllen 1 letter. JOllll n~ 1·I.'j''-)I!. n: ,'l i:L.:;li certlJ"IC<.t1C. character (erllfic<l.[c ,mel all other \uiJ\\.'q'IClil .•. , 11"i.'

spolldcnce pcrl,ulling to tlwt cll1plo)-'ce Includill~' lh: kd\:""

applicatlon/s and s;lllclHlll orders. pay fixation nrdl'!"/" l·lI.

(.?) A part from the pCl"s(lllal 111(:. It shall he [he I·,'';j)\llhlllllity

()( the Sc IIO{l] Illi.l1laglng C( )!l1I11i [t('\: I( 1 1JWI ntal Il a SCI \ 1-..:..: B(l()k f()r

each of the employees h~ r,,'l"ordin~ the dcuub (ll the senlce:-;

oj" t he employee. 1\ ny rai 11Ir\.' t() 1l1,1l n1<.l) n sue h ;.:en·lc"C hook (Jt"all

clllployel: shall he a good ~!I1d ."utliuent n_'a~ol1 1\' Ill\ob: the proVI.\IOIlS of sect 1011 ::; ()rthe Act :lgal1lSI the ,,(·h·.,lll

I I,"\. Schoo) Lnl\·lilf.ll"mll.l/( i Ccntficu!I - - i /: rile He,IJ p!

the SCIH)(ll shalj carefulh ~\Ild aCdirately llHlke the ,-'Iltric." 111 Ihe LeaVing Ccrtlficate exactly as In the General Regb[Cf and \h,lll ensure its accuracy her()n:- II II., 1\.\llCd 10 lhe {)Ut~(\lllg pltpd

(2) It shall be ensured that 1Il ,I LeaVing Ccrtlficate Issllcd [D ,Ill

outgOJ ng PUpIl, the entnc" pc 1"\ <.11 111 ng to lhe date of birth and :...' Ie\\\

to which he IS proilloted (ll" detalnecl arc invariahh IIl<lcle hnlh Iil

figures and words.

(3) When a pupil te,wcs the "CllO()1 at the CIH.lllj <Ill i\"':;hi:..."llll,

year. the entnes In thercmarbc()lulllll shall cxplictll) Illlllca\1...' the nUJl1herofyca~ of study 1...'()Jl1plelcd in the case oC PUPIl:, stud) lilt' in the range of no-detentton classes. In other ca;-;c" the rel1lar~,,, column shall indicate the class in which the pupli i.\ promoted ()I the ci<l.\S In which detained. as the I.·ase llla) be.

In all cases the claSS/year shall he indicated in RUIllan flg-llIT.' and ·11l words. \A/hen a pupil le.IYe" in the middle oj ;\11 acadellilc year. the entry in the remark:-> C{)ll!lllll shall indicate [he yei.llkl;).\~ in which the pupil is studying at the lime of leavin~ the ..;chu(lj

(~J.) Whcn a student passe." or rai Is tn the publ ic e X ,11 11 lIlat lOi1 and Ieavcs the school hycollcctll1g the School J.e<l\in~ Certificate. the result of the puhlic ('xlIlllination shall he I"(:'c(lldcd in lhe remarks column in the School.' A.:,l\·lng ("ertll·i'...·;!I\,

(5) When a student who has 1cJ"1 the sclH)ol. dppcars for the publ ic examination as an external or repeater candidate, as rhe c,;s'c may be. and passes the \aid public exmninatHHl. <Ill entry 10 that effect shall be made in the origlllal School LeaVing Cerllfi(,lte already issued tothatstudcnt. The said entry lllay he made ill green ink helow the composition oC the format of the Scil()()II,e,I\"lng

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Certificate with fresh seal and signatu:"e Of the head oj the ~chooL An identical entry shall also be made 111 the.: General register In the remarks column and the same shall he :tttcstcd hy lhe H~ad (11" the school.

114. Issue (~rdl/plic(/fe Schoo/ L(!(!vin:; CertUiccfe.- (J) The Head or the school is competent to i~suc a duplicate copy of the St.:hool Leaving Certificate.

(2) The copy ufthe School Leaving ClTtificate shall be issued in the same proforma as in the case or the original .issued earlier. The details about the student should ,list) be recorded ider,tically

as 111 the origll1al Leaving Certificate is-.;ued carlin IL s~all be signed hy the Head of the School in the office, and word DUPLI­

CATE shall be stamped or written !n red ink on the top of the CCrllllcate.

t3) The schoollnay charge a fee as may be specIfied by the "Dircl.:tol1lte of School Education from time to lime for aduplicatc copy of the School Leaving Certi~kate.

(4) It shall be within the C()fllpetcnce of the Head ()f the school to elltertain a request for issue of duplicate School Leaving Certificc.lte second or third lime. In :-,uch cases, the Head of the school shall make such enquiries as may he necessary <:llld aftcr being fully satisfied thallhe (lI'iginal School Leaving Certificate or the copies bsucd earlier were not misused hy the student and a frcsh copy !s abs()lutely necessary, ma~ issue another duplicate copy' of the School Leaving Certifi<:atc.

(5) An entry Illllicaling date and serial numb~r of School Leaving Certificate and copies thereafter issued to a :·;tudent should he recorded in.the General register against the name of the student

I IS. Cash hook. - Cash book should he updated daily with the day-tn-day transactions .... The verification of ha!anct in the hank account should he carried OUt regularly for confirmation of entries oj" balance in the cash book.

I ! 6. Stock registers.- All tht: stock registers shall be maintained item-wise showing balance stock on each day of procurement or disposal.

117. Providem Fund register. -- Provident Fund Register shall be maintained upto date indicating the contribution made hy the employee and the annual interest earned thereon ...

II X. Fee register.- Fec rcgist~r shall be TT~ainlaincd with entries of amounts n::ccivcd, serial number of the receipt issued and date of the same.

I 19. Inspection oj're('ords.- All the registers and records shall be made available for inspection in the school office on demand by the inspecting officers. II shall he the responsibility of the management to make suitable arrangements for the samc including entrusting the charge witl1 Head of the institution and other employees. as may be deemed suitable. Any failure in this regard~ shall. be considered as sufficient reason to invoke provisions of section 20 of the Act.


C()!)I. ()I· C()NIJt:CIIUR EMPUlYI is

! _)(J. C.')(/(' oj (,.'ili(!:!, 'i A Ii \..'111 pi ()yec~ () r a r,>,:I) i~ ill ".:d ",:hl h II shall be \ubjeci t() the generall ulc;., 0[" di.-.;ciplin~' ,-Ind \ \Induct

as Illay he laid down by the Government frou;ttrme to tllllC ;md :;il;d I . be governed by the cDde or condllL't ,>pecified hl'rl"artn

( I ) }\n clllpl6ycL' of ,l rccognl'icd sch()(ll shalllHli .. knl'\\ Ingl) or \vllirull> ncglect thcdutlcs <ls".lgncd \0 him/l!\.'I· b) tht..'! k,\d \)] the \chooL the Dii\~ct()r oj" School Hlucatlon or the (~(l;l B()(lrd ()j

Secondolr), and Higher Secolllhr~ Fduz:atlnll ,lnd \\ M'1,'11 h(\~

granted recognItion 10 the ",cho(}]

(2) An employee or a rec(lgnised school 'iiwuld (lh\l'r\('

punctuality In allcnding the sch()()i ,ltld the dutlC~ as"'I~!l1cd h) SLlperlOl's.

(.~) I\r~ empl()yee oj" <I r\.',:ogn!sl.'d . ..,choot shall n()t IllL\hl'hav( WIth or disohey the InqrL!ct!(l!lS and usc rude ,md indecellt language to his/her sup rtnr.-.; or <my officer of the Dlrl;Cloratl' llfEduciltlon,

(4) An emp!o~ cc of a I-ecognl."cd school shallllnt misbehavi cOlllm!l cruelty toward.., :111~ pupiL paren!. guardian or (1{.

employee of th(,: school

(S) An employee oj (\ recogni_,>ed school s11all nol oiscrtll1!1l,,Itt, agalllst any student on ground;., 11[" c<lsle. race. ,~!i-gi()n. s(:x. language. etc

(6) All employee ofa recognised school shaH not indvlgc in or encouragc_ any !rlaipracticc connected with pubiic examinations or school examinations or tests.

(7) An employee of (\ rccogni~ed school shall not propagate through teaching or otherwise. communal or sectarian thought, He/she should not incite oraHowpupils to indulge inconnmmal or scctarian actiVIties or practice castcism, communalism (If untouchabi lity.

(8) An empl()yee ora rec()gnlsed school shall not cause orinciTh. <lny person to cause damage to school property.

(9) An employee of a recognised school.shall not beh.;n:e or encourage or incite any pupil orcmployeeofthe school. to behavQ. In a rowdy or disorderly manner. in the scho()1 prClIlIses.

(10) An employee yf a recognised sl:hool shul,' not enl~r iOlt? any monetary transactions with any pupil or parent orgwmfian of a pupil of the school nor shall helshe exploit ihe influenl'e q( thc self. for personal gain.

(I J) An employee of a recognised s\:hool shaH ".ot advocate the presentation ofa g!ft or any object to himself/herself on any. occasion

E'(p/wwtlOn: The expression 'gift' _ sh~fI inclu"dc free transp()(;t. boarding. lodging. and -seryices or pecuniary advantages when provided on a regular basis or on special


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232 on·'!CIAL GAZETTE C ;ovr (li" (;0.\

SERIES I No. 12 (EOXTRAORllINAR'r I ~,\'I!/ jf \'j ~(!rj()

occasions by any person. other than a ncar rclati\ l' or persona!

friend. not having any connections with thl' SCh{h)] oj' the 1..'111-


(12) L('U\,enrahscncc:-~

(i) An employee of a recognlscl I SCll{ )01 shallll()( ord i nan i y he ubscnt from school without obt'-1I1l1l1g rnor penn ISSlon. OLd

()J' written of the next superior aut!lOrIlY:

(Ii) Any abscn~c without prill!" pCnlllSS]Oll (d th.::: next

,>upCrh)r authonty. if caused due to reasons heyond tile control or the employee. sll<.~11 no! he deemed Ie he breach oj

(ode of conduct provided that. the absence is tor <I short pCr!(ld

of a da) or two and the c11lpl()yc.~ on his/her rl'llirn to duiV,

applies for leave <.!nd obl<tllls ex-post facto sanction for the . ..,aJlll' ,

( 13) Pcr..;uit of Studics:-

When dn !..!Illplo)'cc ora rccognis{;d ..;ch{)ol. dcsire~ to fJllrSUC

rurth~r ~tuoi!..!s. he/she shall 00 so \\, ith pnor pernllSSlon of the , School managingcommiltce, Ordinarii\' thcre can hc n(lob;{xti(lll l\O the pefsuit .... ofknowleoge and, thcrcf;)rc, the Sch( l(d l1l:.;naging

;;oml1litlcc shall not refuse such pcrllllSsi(lll provldc(i that, Ilorm,1I

work of th!..! school do!..!s not suITer from any such rcnlllssion,

t ! 4) An emplo<!..!e or a recognls!..!d schoo1 :--

"'"--- \ ~'" ti) ~1:mJLnot en!'er inlo or contract a lllarnage wlIh'a :xrsoll

having a "POliSC living:

(iil having a spouse livmg shaU no! enter into or contract a marriage with any other person. unl~~ss such a marriage IS

permissihle under any personal !env applicclhle hl that em'ployec.

(.15) An employee of recognised Sdl0(l1 shall stnclly ahide by any lalA" in force relating to IIltoxicatmg drinks or drugs, Hc/sh!..! shall not be under the intluence of an) intoxicating drink or drug during the course of duty and shall not appear in a puhlic place in ra state of intoxication,

(16) PrivaceTrade:-

(i) an employee ora rccognlsed school shall not engage, directly or indirectly ill any trade or business including the business of insurance agency, commission agency, banking (ll' I~Hllily business:

(ii) an employee or a recognised scl,mol shall not take pan

III the registration, promotion or management of any h~lIlk or other company which is required to he registered under the Companies Act. 1956 (Central Act No, ! of 1956):

(iii) an employee ora recognised school may take pari with p,i'ior perillission of the School managing committee ·in the registration. promotion or m<.mag{~mcnt of any co-oper,ative

society. to be registered under the Societies Registration ACI,

1860 with aims and objectivcs related to promoting ~pOrl~, cultural or recreational.activitics,

III <ill cmp](l)'l'\,-, (ll:t rl'l'().~lli',cd ."'l'h(l()] ."h,!I) i', : ,II,

11I1\](llJ". \\ JIll (11 \\ ItilnUI i'l'hlllnl'I';Il!()11 \\1 ,I~,di 11< I ·'l':

<l,,~()claled diH.'L'II} ;ll'lndirc(lh \\ Ilh:lll\ ,(\,:~!l ,I:", :", I,

pre p,UT" pupil" I (II' Illle rn~tI {ll' l' \IUnd I C \;lm 111:\1 I :),,', I "i,,' (11" ;111\ ,-'\;llnlnlll~ !1\)(i\'.

iIlIJdd:",-h(l\I~IllI'I\\~~'l'IlI'd>\\{lrh,ll1di'", 111

Sl'Il()(\1 \\ lill jill' pl'I(lr Pl'l'l11h"llll1 III Ill,' '),.!I \1 I LI!: 1~'lil~

C(lllllllllll'l' nlllll' d,l: '>l'lhlll],

liii) the l'Jilp!(l:C,-' \I! d rL'\ 1}~!IlI"'l'd '>liJ{h\j" i :il I"

,In'cpI \\'orh- pcrt{\11l11\.::t()11IC~'I)JH]lId,\)] ,lt1~ ,'\,': ,1:1 i" ::,'1,'

h) ;jnY";ldlut()1'yc'(;IlIlIIlIIl~lwd: \)j',lh{llh il"," \\",\~i ii'".

1)lrl'l"i()f<lll' \Ii h..lu,--'<lllil1\. 11K ''It:llc (;, ,1':I:n, :"

()(lVCr!llllClll \ll" Indicl dill! J\ld: rel'l'l\'c i'l'1I1L11L ',I(!i'I,

"lx'CiliL'd rale,,, h) !hill e.\illllllllllg hod:

( I ~\) ,\ppli..:all\)1\ (or( )[ilcr Fmpl()YTllelli:

(I) illll:lllpi(l)'l'L' (11 d rel'ognhL'ti "l'h(lol, dC"ll"i!l:! In apl'l\ \' 'I

'-'111)1111) lllcni undcr {\dirkrl'lItIlUll([~CIlKnl. ,>hi:ll 'Uhlll!1 "lle'!!

-Ill ~lpplicall()n ti1J'(lll~'lllhl' 11l,llld'::l'1l1CJ11 (lftl1\' P,',",l'll! "l.!: lui.

(iii the l\.ilan'lgel uj" d '.Lil(l()1 "hall Clhlil( !lUi lIh

dppli"<.IIIOIl rccel\'cd l'rom;tIl '-'Jllpl()~!..!c I~ f(ll"\\,.lnkd \\ :hi~l

'.\.'\ en day ....

il) all reprc,,;clll:lll{llh .... 1l11uld I'll' r{)llled 11:: 'u;:h ]l;"I'\.':


(ii I ;hc cmployee \ \1 rl'l'()~lll,,\"'d .... \,.·!lpnl sh;iI] 11<11 h~' ,'IHH!t-.',1

to ~L1hnllt ,-Ill)- .I0lnl rcprl' .... elllal1011 dllt! .... lIl'iJ ;111 :1,1 "h,d) ;lIO. Junl

to ,,,uhvers]on Ilrdi"ClpliliC

An cmploYl'e lIt a rel'(lglll~n] .... el]()(ll ~It;d] 1l\)111rd':'t'~':1 td :\llV

foreIgn clluntr;. \\'lli1(lUI the prior pl'nnl""I(lll (if Ijle :\ChOd/

rnanag: i 11 g 1..'( Jill rn I! \('e,

121, f:;II(orCCII/('/if oj ('(I(/r- of ('0//(//1( f, .,- An l'lllpl( '} l'~' pf .\

rccogll iscd school shall I", Ii :lhk t \ lr discipl i nary .<lC[ Jr.)11 j (Ir hl"'-h II

oj" the arore-speclfied C(ltk (If C()nducl and (llhcl ~:cncr,ll rL1k'~

of diSCI pi inc and conducl;ls lllil)' he l,lId down hy Ihe Gm •. :rnllH'llt

fromt i me t () t line



122. OiscijJlil/wy AlifliorilY, '. (/) The Chairmall of Schonl

managing committee of an aided school shall hctheDjsci]lJinar~1 Authority for initialing tli:;clplin,I[') pr()\"'ceding~ in [,L'sped

or all employees of {\ rL'cogni,,!..!d Sdl()(ll includillg- the }'k'ld of the institulion, Thc Chairman ()r the SCIH)(ll mah'-\ging Cmnmi!ll'l'

shall als(l he the Discipl inar), Authol'il y r(ll' i1T1p(lsin~ all pcnalliL''',

cxccplthe penalty ofrcll1()\'al/disllli"sal from seJ'Yll'l',

( ., I

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SU<lES 1 No. 12

01'1'[('[ ,\L CAZErIT: .. (:OVT OF GO.'\

lFe XTR;\ORI llNilR Y I

1:2) ThL' Schhol mtillag:in~ C()ll<rnlti,C( ."hall hl I ill' DisClp'i lIlary

.\u!h()]"[{~ for a!llhc cmpio:'('c:-. lilclliding the Ih~:Jd of the s...:ho()1

only III the case or imposing Illaj·,lr p-:nalty o!'l\~lllovalldisrnissal fn)!Jl ",c rv ICC.

12.\ .'·;l(spt'llsio//.-- (I) Sub:CCI tn the pi ()\ lsioih (JI" sub· section (3) and (4) of Sectioll II ()' the Act. the D~sClpJinary AUlhonty of a school may place :I!l cmployee undcr ~uspcnsion

\\lhl2"l1 discIplinary proceeding..; aI',' (otllcmri<llCd or pellding agi.llllslllwl t::Jl1ployce in any or the Inll()wlng nl'n[s:-

(I) Where a rnma facie caSt IS I;lddc lh,-Il lilt.' continuance (11

that employee in the olTit'C' I'. likely In prejudice the IllvCSl!gatlOlls. trial or enquiry hy \vay {II providill~ tin

(lpportllllity to that employec t'·) t;\lllPcr with !ll'documentary l.'vldem:e or wltne;-;se:-.:

I ii) Where i:\ casc against tlmtemployec in reslX'ct 01 an~

. cn lllinal offencc of serious mu Ilrc I" under IIl\ e"tlgatioll or trial ,';lI1(1 the same is made kJ){)w!1 \.vith tlulhcnlll d(l\'ul1lcntary ,-'Vidence or witness:

(Iii) Where <.\ prima faCie cas\..' IS nwde \lut againsl the employee ahout having. C(llTIlll'.t1e.d ,'tn ofknc e (If III ')ra! turpi­tude misappropriation. corruption ()relllhclJ.lcJllent

(1\') Where a prima facie ..:asl' IS llli.\dc (lut against the employee for hel11g involved iil any puhlic sUlndal:

(ll Where a prIma faCie ;';,t'il' IS made out againsl the cmp!nyee for having cOIllmitted an offence o! SCI"1UUS ncgJi­

g:cncc and dereliction of duty I CSultlllg III COll."lcierable finan­Cial lo:-.s to the school;

( \'i) Where prima r..lCle case i:-. made (lut ag,11 n:-'llhe i~!l1pl\)yec

for having committed such ,;n o!fence thm thcrcaner the continuance of that emploYlT III the schoul is likely to

"enously subvert the discipline in the school:

(l"Ii) Where a prima facieca"e is made and accordingly the employee IS charged with mishchavj()ur towards a pupil. any parent. any other employee of tli;: school. or an l)fficer 01 the Directorate of Education:

(l'lii) Where a prima facie ca-.;e IS made and the employee is chan!ed with hreach of any provisi(l11 of the Code or Conduct under these Rule~ or such uthc:." provisions under th(~se Rulc~ which warrant suspension of that cmployee III puhlic interest:

(2) Wherc an employee ofa rcc('gllised s~ho()1 is convicted and detained in custody for a period exceeding fC)r{y-eight hours. "lIch c·mployec shall he deemed to have heen placed under suspension hy an order of the Disciplinary Auth()rity with effect from the dale

ofdctentlol1 and a formal order d'suspension shall be issued hy the Disciplinary Authority through the authorised office hearer and the same shall be con:municaleu to the Director of School Educatioll.

(.?) An orde~ of suspension. save as provided in sub-ruk (..j.)

below. shall not remain in force for more than six months subject to the provisions of set:tion II or the Act.

(·f) When' dl1 cillploycl' l'i dctalllcd illl'US1()lh :(1: .1 l'elJlld

,,'xl"(.'cding ,"L\ lllollth.". the sLl~pcn~loll dcemed t(\11;I\ C h'~l'llillildl"

111 '.lI..:11 l';bCllndnl'rl)\I'.IOlho/"suh-ruk'C:),lh()\l', ,,1J;illn.'llldlll

III rorlC lor the entire pcrl(ld llj" dekntl()!l.

I» An orc.krohlhpeIlS]()111l1ade ordCClnL'd il' h(t\ C hCl'Jl I1I.ltk under lilis rule 1ll,lY ;[t ;IIlY lllnt.' he 1lIodified 1: I'L" (\!-;,,'d b> hl'

dutil()],ll) which ll1adc ()r declllcd III IWH.' lll<lrk rill' ,l\\kl

((,) Where (In 1'I1lpl(\~cl' (1i;1 rl'l'og-nlscd "L'ill,,,1 h pla('( dun,/"

"lJ:-'JlL'n~l()n h) lhe Dj\Clplilur) :\uthOl"ltY.llll'(llllr;1\L'llll(lllllf;

proVISions or \e(ll(ll1 II of the /\cLor ;lIlY 01 I he 111"(\\ 1,,1(\)1" unt Ihese R.u!C~. the DireL"1or 01 School Education "Iull he L'lllllj1t:t

l() appol nl <! Dra\VIIl ~ and l)ishursln ~< ()Iliccr tl 1 '.: J k(\ tllC P',IYlll

l1l s,darll's orillal Clliployee dJld :Ill amount Cljlldll() tilL' "al;! 'iO dl(l\\"11 anddisilur"cd h: tile J)ra\\'in~,llld [)Ishll·r'illl~.()t' 'ihall he liable rur{kduCIIOIl i"nlill the 1l()11-:-.alarv ~!ralll oj til ... , ,,~. ,lIn\ no "(;parale Inll!l1,lll(ln 10 lhe 1l1anage!l1cnt ,,11,dl !Wlll'~' ... '

I() that l'JTcct.

d recugnlsed \choo) lllldn "uspt:nSJO!l 'ih,lil l](ll kd\

I kadqu<.lrlcr,,, wltllllLJl prim pefllll.'iS10Il 01 I ill' DI.~l'ij


I;). S/.{!J\{S!e/I(( \//UI(W/U'. - til ;\11 l'll1Phl)Cl' ,d ~,\

l'(lt'IlIScd 'icho()) pldl'l'd under sllspL'nsloll ordl'Cllled ttl 11;1\ L' I' pUced undl'!" .su:-.pcn,,)(l!l h) <In crdcrolthe Disl'lpJinm) .·\Jtk·· 11\', sl1<111 he entitled hllhe fol!owlflg rH~'1TIent~. namely'

(; I <l suhslstC'Jll'c ,dhl\\ ,111Cl' which "hail he equal h\ il;ill ,'j,

th(; ha"IL' P,lY drawn by lhat cillpluyee lTllnlcdialL'l) hc:I'll enfC>!'Clllg the suspell~i()Jl (lj" th<ll employee:

(; i) dearnL's," ,Ii I \ )\\ (llh.T \1." adill i""J h!c en)m llllle tll 1 )'.1\(' (11\

lilt' :;ubslstellce <II !()\\ allce ,\llhe sal!1e r<tll' a." :Idllllssihk III p;i~

equal 10 lhal SuhSI"lL'IlCl" ,t!io\\'"<lnce;

(Iii) f\ny nthL'l (()l11penSdlOl") allu\\,U1Cl'. :,dlllissihk !)"('11

tl1lle to time Oil the hilSI." PI' the pay which the C()lh'l'ITil(

employee was 111 l'Cccq~1 (111 the d,IY Ill' sllsp;.::nSI()Il. "L1hl(.",' III the fulfilment \11 olht.;I·l·OlldlliOIl" i;ud d()\\ 11 forthc drd\\;'

()j >.;udl'lllnw"dllCn.

(2) Where lhe pCrJ()(\ oj" su"pen"JOIl m deemed SUSpCll~l\ln I l'x\t:lh.lcd or L'xcee(b "ix llJ(ll1th." and in the upinlon (l]" If;\,

DisClplilwr) Authmli), llll' pL'ril)d or o.;llSpCIl."I()ll ha::;; bel '1

prolonged, for rcas()jis Ilot dil'ec1Jy ,lltributed to the emploY_I' the Di"cipl'ln,wy J\lllhorit) shal! IllLTC<lse the suhsi'itcllce

~111()waJlcc hy fifty percellt or {he rate oj'suhsi"'cncc a!i(l\\',l!1c(: i.l(\missih!c for the pe]"lod of the fir,,! SIX 11HlJ1th:-. or S~I.spt.'nSI(ln.

The employce under \llSpellSloll :-.11<1[1 he eliglhle for all utller allovv<Jnces as cnvisa)!ed 111 ~uh-rulc I 11 ahoye

{3) Where the period of slispension OJ" deemcd :-iuSpcn:-.!tln J:-.

prolonged beyond "IX IlHllllh'i and ill the ()pinioll Dr the DiSCiplinary Authonty. the re<t:-.Oll:-. ror such extensiu'l) Ilf

slISpCnSJOIl arc directl) dllnhutablc !o the employee, the

subslstcllce allO\vallcc III a; he reduced by the Disciplinar)

/\1I(horj1~; pro\'ided til<ll :-.uch reductioll ,,1l<l11 not exceed ri!l~

11LTl't.'Il! (If the suhslstence allowance dr,l\\ n h) the cnl"p[m \ c

imlllediately before the extended jlc]"1od Ill' suspension.

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OlTICL\!. CAZETTE·· C()VT. ()I'- CO .. \ (EXTR\ORDINAR Y) :!87H II ,\' ,! I /u



't1C employee under suspensIon shall .11S0 be eliglhle f,)r all inthlJ' allowances as envisaged in suh-:'ule ( I) ahove

I) The payment of suhsistence Jnd (ltiler alt: l\\'anCI~s a~

: adtissihk: shall not he made to the suspclldcd ~mpl()!'ee unles~ sUl a suspended employee furnishes a clTuficate tilal heh,he i~

il,engaged in any other employment. husiness. prOreSSII)Jl 01

, vation, The suspended employee is furthl'r required \() regulari) ,ttnd the school as per directiolls of the Disciplinar,' ,\uth. )1"]ty. 1 .

·1.( 5') Where an employee who IS suspended'or is decllled 10 h<1. vc

en suspended is dism~sed. removed or compulsorily l"I.:-(ired )m service and when such an cmpillyec !~lils to produce the

", lrtificme as per suh-rule (4) ahov(: for any pen(ld dUring spension, such an employee shall he en1!tlcd to the portillO of bsistence allowance and other allowances for tlli:~ respective riods to the extent of actual difference arn \"lxl at after dcdu.:tioll rhe earnings of that empl6yee from the admissibk' sum of

hSlstcnce allowance and other all{lw<tnces thereon, for the r~pective penods. for which (he requircd cenifica1l.'", are not odueed by the suspended employee

·· .. <rrrr Notwithstanding anything Slated ab()\'c. an employee who )laced under suspension asa resull or detention III custody 'ond 48 hours. he/she shall he entltled to 'illhsistcncc

':~",~~nce as per normal rules,

l7j Where a sus!'-cnded employee is exoncraled after

. f,!g!iJ;atty l'ro-cccding~ or is acquitted honourahly <Incr the J.h"'~lusiori of the criminal proceeding". as the C,\sC 111<\\' he, the ~ \cs and allowances oj that emplo~ce 101 the entire ~pcnod of 11 nSlon shall he paid attcl deductJng the dlllount already paid '\ ds suhslstence dllowancc dnd (lthel dllowdncc<..; IheltOn.

1· \

: _\_ \ -The entire salary difference payahle lInLler sub· rule (7) ·UI;' .. ·. ~'.\.~ ... !.\ .... Shall be the financial liability of the management 01 thai

[ tThe Director of School Education shall he cOlllpetent to ,,- t, 'the suspension imposed 011 any employee by the

~'iscy '~Y Autho~i~y in C,(lll,'ra.velltion to ,u~y p.r<.)ViSIOllS of the ;~;: ji.cli' se Rulesor II rhe DISCiplinary Authonty lads to complete ,i j> ,_

r)QJ/ ',' pJinary action against the suspended employee w:thin Vr,~" / riod of suspension approved hy the Director of School ;.'1' ' 1'1 t](m,

~r' ;;() An employee who has heen rcillstatcd as I)fOVltkd lI;ldcr -- b-rule (9) ahove or reinstated by the Disciplinary Authority lithout taking any disciplinary action, shall he deemed to have ,en on duly and shall be entitled for full salary and allowances r the entire period of suspension on the charge of the School .anagemcnt and shall not he admissihle for grants, The bsistencc allowance paid. 'if (my, shall he deducted from the 110n­

lary grant payable to the school and whenever the school i~ not "receiptof any non-salary grant, the suhsistcnceallowance paid

such employee shall be the personalliahility of the School anagement which shall be responsible to refund the entire ,

"amOunt to the Governmeill.

126. C'larijicaiiOll OJ! IIwflers pertaining to sl-/sjJeJ1sio~1 and ,suluistence alloH'(lJlce.- Notwithstanding anything cc)ntnu"" in

tllc pn)\'I';]()n .... ()r the .\\..'l. dllli tllC",c Ruir.:<..;, all (,t!:,-'I )\, I::, I'

pcrtalll1!1~ to "U<..;!Wll"](lll ,\Ill! p,t)' lllC ni of ,-,;uhsislClh". ;li\ >1 <'11"

10 lhl' cmployee" (jj' ,lll ,\I{kd ",ciwol ",iI,tll he g-(~\('l!j(~( ii,

apl)licahk j() l'(,ITc",!'(mdin~ ~'dtq':tl!"le" 'JIHk~- (','<'1 l"," 1',,,-"


127 Frl){ ,) (it j)("I1(/ifl('l

f()r g(lod ,mel ",Uffll'll:l1t rC;I,,(1)h. llli.-,llldill~ hreach i"[ \

than (lilt' proVIS1()T)" ()j til(' C()lk oj ('\)IHiuCi <\,' SP~'c'II,,'d i

Rille .... he Illlpo,>cd Ull illl elllpl()~ l'\' 01 d i"l'C,:l)-'I,h __ 'd,,!, ,.j


',A I ,'vlii/ur Fcnci/ie,l;"

1/) Censure:

(Iil Rec()\-'er: i"r(l111pa:,thcl.vlloicorpanui' 1:1' p __ '.Ui !Cd)

in .... " c(lu .... ed I() the s~,il\l()L h~ ncgli!;ence or ),It'<I\ __ '11 'll .lii~


il\') W'itl1holding (lIllie pn11\l('t)()]j.

(!3) :\;I({jo/' Fell({/ries

il) RcdllctlolllJl l'Ill':,.

({fi) Rcmoval fr(\l~: "l'r\ll-~ \,.-hich 'if HI! not h\ d

disqualihc,111()!l for l'lItul"c CJl1\l!uYl11Cnt In other rec()gnlsed schon].,:

(II') DISll1lSSdi fmm 'l.T\'Il.'l' which shall ()rdllwrti!' b\ d

disqllahfic<lIHHl I'or IlIl111T l.'Jllpl()ymcnt 111 ,\n~ :-cnl~IlL,cd


(2) Any otiler action Sd\ e d:, [1)Cl1L10neci under ,>uh·ruk (I)

ahove. such ,t<..;, stoppage at cllielcncy hal', r('lll-'~'Illcill on

supCrallllll<ll!OJ1, V()lllntar~ retirement. re\"l~r"l()nl() Ic\\c]" ['1(\\t I(I!' non-avai labi I ity of post in t he higher r:1I"\ k. lerTn !!WlI\ln ,)1' '>en kl' ~

for fai lure to acquire train(n~ within PCI III I ttc(1 pC'1"!(ld, e\, ,,,Ilall lH)\

adlOullt to a penalty ,vltilin the llh>;ming or this ruk

12X, Procedure j()}"/liI/J(lW!g 1I111l!/}"/N'lIu!/in - (!) :-\() (lrtkr impos I ng any of the minor pellHlt ie" (lll <In cmployee sfl;d I he !n,ldc except after an Inquiry hel cI in the nmnncr pro\' I(led hCl'\..'aftcr under this rule.

(2') The DisClpl inary A lit hOrlly sh,iI I del i vcr or C;IU'l' to de I i \ (')" to the employce:--

(i) a copy urthe Illclllor,mdu11l1nforming tl1l'ClllllL l)'Cl' 01 the proposal to Lake action clgai!l<..;t Ih;1l cmployel' and alst} ~lireCL!l1g that employec to maKe Within a speCIfied time, a written statement or defence and Lll "taLl' wht:1her .llly,J1C<.lnng In persoll IS deSIred:

(iii) the statemenl oj lJl1jllllallon .... nj 111]-,;( ;Induct or Illi sbeha vlOur:

(ir) a li:it ofcloClllllCllts and \\'Ilnl'sscs b\ \\-'hl~'h ,--'{jeh art lell' of clwrge IS proposed to he SUSUllllCd:

Page 29: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

OI·I·rCI.\L CAZFTIE (,OV! 01- C;O.\ 235 -,!II !II/. 2{)()(i .';U?lES 1 No. 12 (FXTRA( JRIJINAR Y i

(.1' ) On receipt or the slaLcl1lcn Dr de J'Clh':C j n li II ! he cmpl \)ycc.

Ihe Disciplinary A.uthority lTla) ,tp]lilllll <Ill Illt]lllr) O[Ti\.'cr to condw.:\ enquiry Into the arllc!c" of :har~c as ;Ire nut ad!:llllcd hy the employee.

1-/) The employee ~hall appc,:r hdorc the Ir:ql!lry IJjlicer Oil

"ul'h cia) . 11 me and place ,1S !l]ay h\, tli r,~ctcd hy 111,-' ! IlljLl ry Ollicer

(5) After the conclusion I)j the 11ltjUlry, ,~ rCp(HI :-;h;111 he

[' by the Inquiry01Ticertl1corjlorallng therein his rindin~~ on cad1 article of charge. reason..; Ihcrc()[" and '11e i.1SS'~sslllcnl (11

c\'id(...'IlCl'. The lrKllll!"Y Orficer shall :--Uhllllllhc I-cport or inqUIry

tllL'Disciplinary /\.uthorily oj" the schoo]

(n) ! r the Disc1]J!inar,Y Author:ty .. 1 fter L'X,-I1111 IlIllg l:lc ri nding~ on all or any oj the artlCks ofclurgc. IS or the opl11!cn tll;lt any of the Illn10r penalties spec i ried i il cbusc (1\) (11 ''llh ru k ( I ) oi ruk 127shouldbcimposed on thl'employec.!l "ha!l lllake;l sL'l!'­cont:uncd speaking and reasoned Older. 11llPO,lllg steil pellally

':Ull that cmploYL:c.

( 7) The i Illposition or any of the Iwnall les umkrthi:; rule shall not Ilsclfdisqualifythebmployec for promOI!()1l10 higher !!rade,

I 2'-), flmcedll /'c It)!' il!lj}()Sing iJ/(IIOJ)}CIW/fi( ,\ .. - ( j ) No order imp()~!Ilg on an cmployee, any 01 the IlJaJor pcn~lItics <lsspccified III Clause (Blofsuh-rule(] )<lfrulc 127 shall be In;ldc cxcept after

all Inquiry held in the manner ll:'oY!ded hereallel' In this rule.

1.2} \A/here the Disciplinary AuthOrity prOp(\\L'S to take ~lctl()n ,lgalllsl <In employee of a recognised school I'm Imposing major penalty, it shall. causc 10 inquirl; int(). by app(l1l1ting all Inquiry on iCL'L the i mpulatioll of misconduct or Illlshcha\"iour hy fol1o\\.'­Ing the same procedure ,-lS is aprl icablc 10 emp!oyees of idenllcal L'adre undt!r Government school".

(3) The Disciplinary Auth(.)"ily 'ihall app(,!llt a Prcsl:l1ting Officl::r 10 present their case 10 th~ InqUIry Orlkcr.

(..j) For purpose of this ruL;. Illatters pcrt,llning to prO\'I­

~i()n~, ,cope and I1lterpretation~ d~ applicahk to employee:­or identical cadre undt:r Go\,erIllllcnt schools ,hal! apply 10 the cmployees of recognised schoois.

(5) On conclUSIon of the llH1uir), the InqUiry Olficer ~hall

prepare a report of the inquiry as per provlsioll~ as appllcahlc to employees of Government school and submil the ~;ame to the Disciplinary Auth(lrity.

10) DeciSIon hy the Disciplinary A,utho!'!ty :-..

The Disciplinary Authority ~Jlall consider the record~ of the inquiry conducted by the InqUiry Officer and shall thereaftcr record its findings on each of :hc charges, If the Disciplinary Authority thereafter. is or the (,pinion that any of the major penalties should he imposed 011 the cmployee conccrned, it ,l1all:-

(i) give a notice in writing to the employce. stating clearly therem the exact action proposed to he taken and shall ;.tlso direct to ~ubmit within the sp;:"!clficd time, not exceeding two \ .... ·ceks. a representation as may the employec wish to do so, against the pn,lposed action:

',II) rur111,h til Ilh,' ~'Illpi\))ci..' (l L'\lP: \'1 :1,' :,T,lI"1 III Illl

Illljull') ()1\k'l'l ,li(lll,>:' \\ Ilh the IhlilL'l.: r~'k",'d 1,\ IF! ,u\"·ruk ( I') <lil( l\ l'

( ) On rL'i..'clj'[ r1l thc r~'prL"';l'lltatl()!1, Ii ,111\ 11:,ld, h\ lfll

('Illpl():, ... ·l..' d" PI"(,'\ li.kd in 'lIh-rllk' h( II dhO\l' thL' Dl"l'!]lllnar~

.\ulitmlt: ,lull liL'll'111111lL' :1, il' \\'hL'lilcr till.' ]lCII:!!l'. ,I' I'l \)p(l~cd

,halllh,' IlllP(lSL'd (11' ij()1 (lIHI dccurdingly dcl iL ill,' 'll.l!ll'r. All pdjlCi'.c., ,hall h<.' pLld'd hC!(iI'c thc Sdwul 1l1and)~Ii1!~ . ,'Ill!llJltcc In

,,1-;,' th~' 11~'1l:dt: i11"11Il(1"L'lI I, rCIlH\\'al/di~lllh',,! !~"\'1l1 '<, \ Ill'

I~\I rill.' 1,','\ ,'d:- IIJlll' "Uht'l1lttl.'d III I Ill' -";'.,11;),)1 ill;l\l;lgln~

~ (llJl!lllikl' :-kdl ill~ 11Idl'

(I ) pr("i'(l~,d rUI" 1111jl(hlllgpCIWII: ()fl'l'llhl\ ,tl/JI."1111>,,~:l 11',111',

,1:1'\ ICL'S:

1\) ,:0]lY uilhl' "tatc111cnt ui dC!cllC,:, t! .In). ,uhmltkd h\

the L'mpl\l)cl':

(\'11 L'('PIC:-' \'1 lined "'Uhllll.',"IOIL Ij',lll\ ,Uhll11tkd 1)\

Prv ... elltlllg OlllCU ~llld the L'lllployl.'c

(\' Ii) copies (1 I' the doculllclltary ..:\'ideni..·~':- prodlkL'd dunn,

the inquiry and ,talc1l1cnt (11' \\'Itnc~:-;e.'i:

(\"Iii) COP) \If rl.'prc'~·l1lal1(ln ,uhmliktl if dll\ ')\

emrlo~ cc after \,.'( 111ll11Un I,dtlon nfp]'(lpo'l'LI :1, il\)11 (11 imp"

m<"L)orpl'nall) .

(0) On recclpt ()i IllL' rcc\\nb ~\\ pel !)r()\ 1\1,lil.1I ,Uh-IUi('(

the Sci1o()1 managing CDl1l11lll1CC Hlay call j(lr <lily (ltlln rn'()J"1

If deemcd lwccssary and after careful CIl!bldcratlol1. l11ake ,peaking order appn)vlng or disap]lr( )\'1 ng lhe !~:-op()~,d d:-- may,


( I ()) Order (If(\ 1111IllUnicatllJIl:-

The DisClplil1{lr) AUlhonl) "h;di {, aU"l' 11' IlldL' tilL' \\rdl.:r

C()mmUnlcatlon and "hall \uppl: Ilk' ~,lill''': Iii the 'CollCL'rncc


I I I) Aproal:--

(I) I n all (;a~e:-., n,ecpl tn lite e~ISC pC i 11lP()\ II ion Dr penalty 01

rel1l()valldi:"mi~~al from sen'lcc. lhe \)chooi Ill<lll~lgill~~'

committec shall he the Appellatc l\utlwriI:,

(ii) In the ca~c (If illlposition oj IWllall) of rClllo\'<l1i

disllllssai from ~cr\'ICC. the Director \)1' Sch()()1 Educalll)n ,hall he the Appellate Auth()rlt>:.

130. P({YIllCl1f of (IITCi/i',1 Oil /,ClflS/(lrClilCJ/! (J) When an

employec who ha~ heen dlSl1li~~cd. rCI1l()\cd (\1 c()lllpulsoril) retired from scr\'ICL'S. IS reln-;latcd ~I.'i '-1 re~ult \)\ appeal or wlluld

have heen so rCl11st<ltcd hut 1m thL' rctlrl~ll1('llt ni thilt emp!oyee (\11

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[236 '<r;;RIES 1 No, 12


Iperannllation while u,nder sllspensi()n. preceding: the

ismissaL removal or compulsory retirement. as the ca~e Illay be.

le Chairman of the School managing committee sh,lll make a


(i) With regard to the ~lrrears of sal ary and allow<11lces to he

paid to the employee for the period of ;thsence from duty.

'induding the period of suspension preceding the dismis.;al. removal or compulsory retirement. '-IS tlw case 111(1) he: ard

(ii) Whether or notthesaid pcrimhhal! he treate!..! ;\S period spent on duty.

(2) Where an employee who has been dismissed. removed

r c(lmpulsorily retired from service has heen fully e x(lIleratcd

~ a result of appeal. the employee shall be paid the rill! salary

nd ~lllowalH.:cs to which that employee v:ould have heen entitled

~d he not been dismissed. removed or c()mpulsorily retlred from ~rvices or suspended. The entire salary payable to the

Inployec shall be on the charge of the management and shall

Jll be admissible for grants.

/3) When the proceedings instituted a~a!llst the cmployee

iM:'\~e been delay~d due to reasons dir~ctly atrributabk to the

j hployec. such an employee shall be paid only such part orthe ,1 r lary and allowances as may be determined hy the Chairman

r . the School managing committee for the period of dclay.

(.f) in the case undersub~rule (3). the ChaIrman of the School

iilanag~g cOlHmittee shall give. reasonable opportunHy to the prbYce to make representati<,n as to why suc:h a reductioll, In

salary should not he affected.

(5) The salary and allowances determined under sub-rule (3)

rl.1I nO! he I~ss than the month~y subsistence allowance and

ler allowances thereon as would h[lve been admissIble ror 'Ltirst six months of suspension.

!; ~1131. Termination of services (~l(/II ('f'lp/oyee.~ ( J) Services ~: lemporary employee may be terminated hy the management

sehoul. hy following the procedur~ as is applicahle to the

~",',l,:., .•• ' ...•• ,;,' ,nterpart of such employee under Government schools,

I~ 2) Services of an employee on probation or cxtcnJcd

t<~ bation may be terminated hy the School management hy Jng notice of one month if the w(',rk and conduct of the

Joyee during the period or prohatinl1 o( extended period of

r: tion is not satisfactory.

rovided that, the work and conduct of the emp;oyec shall be

to be unsatisfactory. with the defects/acts needing

provement and are broughllo the notice of the employee. in

"-r ... ing. and sufficient opportunity is given to overcome the rt.:t./short-comings.

(31 Services ofa permanent employee of a recognised schoo!

ay be terminated by the Displinary Authority, viz, School

imaging committee after following the procedure laid down in

Ie 129 of these Rules,



j 32. CO\'('m,~c hr PWI'/S/OI!.I oj {ili,1 ci/(/jlf.: I I h,' provision."; under this chapICr "hall <lppl:y l(lnon-(;~)\t'[:1I11l'-ill

schools ,lIlU cmpl())'ec~ therCIIl,

13:~, M{lIl1fClWl/cl' o/{{(/cqll(/{( S/(/tj.- (J) E,vcr~ ,,'11()( i ',Il;tll app01ll1 ad(:qu<l\c and ljualdied \C<ll'hing andnOIl-!c.l,'hini_' 'Ltll' a:-. ddHlhslhlc under these Rlllc~ <Inti as Illay he s:l1ll'll(ln'~'d hy G ()\'C rn illC n t from [mlC I () tlille

(2) I~\'ery SCill)(lj shall carclully plaTl the appOlllllllCllh \:\

properly qualified !cachin~ "Ian Within admisslhle limit:-.

(3) Frequent chtl1lgc.'i In the sl,dl "hall he "lI'll"liy (\'.()Idcd and ,lilY such change heyond ordinary requlremcni sh~tli h,;

c()nstrued as a malleI' oj' mal"adll1llll~trall()n of 1111.,' \, i](l()

(.j.).'\11 Posl\suh<.;t<lllll\',dlYL'realc(\or rallcn \tl~',!ill-"Iuli [1",

Ci lied in hy appointing qual i fied pers()lls by regular api" \lnlllll'!1 I,

Oil contract dr ()therwlse

134. C({e/re.\' of 1/1(' S{(/!f. -- F()llowlng: shall he till' "',Hire,, (\1

the teaching <.llld nnn-tc(lching: ,'>tall rcquired to he <qlp()lntcd !!l

thc SClH10Is and Primary Teachers' -I 'ral III ng I nstillitH HIS. <l~ [lId \

he perlllltted hy tIll' Director or School EducatloJl'-

A. {('(tellillg S{ulf

(I) PnllClpaL - Head oj thc Higher SeC(IIj(!:,r~ S,,:j-I()(lll Primary Tca(!'hcrs' Train I ng I nslitutc.

(i/) ((I) Vi..:c·Pnllclpal ror Higher Second;lry S,.-i1(l()!!

Primary Teacher;.,' Tr~ull i ng inslllllte,

(h) Headmaster I Secondary) - He;ld oj th, Scc(lllddl'\


(Iii) ((/) Tcacllcr C;rade lorPost-C;raduale reacher for HighcrSecondar~ School and Primary Teachcr~' Traming: Institute,

(b) ASSistant Headmaster for ~econdary School

(c) He,ldmastcr lor :'vlidd!c School.

(1'1') Teacher Grade IJ or Graduate Teacher for Scc()mLtr~ School and Primary Teachers' Training Instit,lile.

(1') Teacher Grade III or Under-Graduate Teacher for Middle or Primary Schools.

(1'1) SpeCIal Teachers for di ffcrclli 1l()1l-<lCade!]lIC suhjects

{Physical Education Teacher. DraWIng Teacher. .A.rt and Craft Teacher, Music TeacllCl~. dc. (Each of these tC;lc'her\ shall, have their own separate cadre J.

(I'ii) Lihrarian



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(EXTRAORDINARY, :\ /1 /{ \/ ~Jj{)f/ -'---------------------.-

B. Non Teaching Staff

(I) Accountant

(ii) HeildClerk

(iii) Upper Division Clerk

(il') Lo~cr Division Clerk

. (I') Laboratory Assistant

(ri) Library Attendant

(I'ii) Laboratory Attendant

(viii) Group 'D' empl()ycc~ (Peon. SweepcL V/atchman, Scavenger, etc.)

(ix) Any other staff as may be permitted h) lhcDircclOra!C of Education from time to time.

I ~5. AdlllissibiiiryofTe(lchillj.! S/uft:-- Subjcct to the I"C\ iSlO!1

hy the Government from time to limc. the aided schools shall he

eligihle tn appoint teaching staff (lS pIT followillr nOlT1S :-

A. Pre-PrinwrY alld PrillIW'\' Sclzoo/s.- rile number of teachers Grade III in a recognised Pre-prim,.]ry and Primary School shall he as per puril-teachn ratio as lTlay be laid down hy Government from time to time (SC\~ Appendi >;: No.1).

B. ;'VIiddle Schools

(I) The adTnJssible posts c,f teachers for a middle school having classes of anyone or tv, 0 stindards of the Illiddle stagc. shall be calculated. on the hasls of an ,lvcragc weekly lnstructional workload of21 hour!>1Jer week pcr te<:1cher. Any

fraction upto 0.4 shall be igno.rc:c\ and a fracti,ltl of 0.5 or above

shall be rounded off to onc.

(ii) When a middle s-cho:)l has classes or all the three standards of the middle stage (Standards V - VII). :hat school shall heentitled toappoint one real:herGradc I [and remaining as Teacher Grade III. within the admissible number of total teachers which shall be decided hy the procedure as III (I)

. above.

. C. Secondary Schools n·ith C '(lsses/ro/JI StilI/dan's V - _. X

The total numher or admis;,ible teachers in a full-fledged

secondary school having classes ~)f middle stage and of Standard VIII or <.lhove and upto Standard X shall be ca!cubted on the hasis of average instructional workload of 21 hours per week per lcacher.excludingthe specified i.nstructional workload shared by

the Headmaster and Assistant Headmaster. The procedure for calculation of the admissihle tca...:hing: staff shall he as follows:-

(i) The total weekly instrul'tlOnal workload for all classes from Standard V onwards shall be worked out hy adding normal workload of core subjects and the additional workload for such optional'subjects as are requi:-ed.

(ii) The instructional wm~doad borne by the Headmaster and the Assistant Headmaster shall he deducted from the total instructional workload as calculated in (J ) above. The number

(lftcachers as shall be required to share the remaining instruc­tional worklUil.d shall he caklliated at the rate nf2 J hours per

\\,:eK per tcaclll:r ·\n; irdCtlO!l ut' () ~ :li1 : "!',),,~ ,h,dl h(· r('umkd olfl() mh,' Till: numher oj leach\.' "'-"ilJli'~'d/,ldckd

l(\ the number III post., ()f He<'H.im<'l."k! .\ild \""I"[:tni

Headmaster/s ..;hall indicdh.' the tntal adllli ,lb!,' !lltl11hcr \11

te;ichinp: ";lall.

Iliil Till' llUlllhcrlli Tcachcr.,,;(Jradc II in ;111, :dd ill,i21l ..,ch(l(lj \)Iall not he 111Or(' than 70 pcr nO:!ll oj" till' [,ll,t! illtlllhn ll!

TL:<.ll'hcrc-; (jr,\ck I I al1~1 T~,k'hers C; !"<.Ide 1 H I ~Ik;,'ll \' l~:~' Ill~ I' (The S\lC~' 1<.11 teac.:hcrs :-;!nll he l' ,cluded when \\ (lrk II1~ 'll1tlhl' rail( lJ

'file !lumber Dl"tc<.lchers C;r(\(k II and the ·I'~di.: h,.' t·~ ( ; u( \\' 11 I ~hall hI· \\orkcd out <IS helov,

((I J When the total numher (lrdi\,I:-":j{)II:--II~ SI;ll1,ttnl:, V

In VII is equal 10 that III Stan'clards VIII 1',1 X .-

The totaillumber ()rTeachcrs Grade III ;,il,dl be ~{V I \lIthe

nllmber oi' teacher...; arrived at after excluding the !llilnhcr oj P()sts of the Headma...;tcr. the AS'>lstant He'hlnlaSlcr/..; .. !!lel till' SpCCli.t! teachers Ilf the nOll-academIc SUhll.'i.·ts from till' \(1tal

adl11ls':>lhk numher oj" lcaching staff as w\,,·kcc! OUI a" pel C (Ii) abo\'(~. The relll<lllllllg numher ..;h,1I1 h,' T,::ll:ilcrs

Grade II.

(iJ) v.,.rhCIl thc lOtalnulllherofdiYj<.;lllll" In Sl;ll1d;ll·d~ \ to VII is ]c:;:-- [han lh(\\ (\f Standard~ VI!lto X

In this ca...;c the {lumher or di!Tercnt cadre" Ill' tc'lcht:)·s \naJl be worked out as III case C.I) above.

(e) \Vhen thc\olallllllTlherofdi\'IS)(lll-" III Sl<lnd;mi" V l{l

VII is Illore than that or Standard:.- VIII \I) X

In th i...; L'(lSe h r\t the total num hcr 1)1 adm !;''' 1 hie teaclll:r" "h,ll! be worked out f()r alllhc di \" l"';IOlb (I"'; per C ( iii dhl l\'C. Tlwre:lrtci

the total number ()f the Tc,lChers Grade II admiSSible ·lor the school...;hal! be \\\lrkccl (lut as in (a) aho\'(" h\ (()ll.";ldcrI!lg tlll'

number of divl"';IlJl1S In Slanciarc\.-; V to VI] il\ equal l\) [hal ill

Standards VIII to X. The numher or acimis:;lhk Teachcl' (ir,\(k

III shall be calculated by deductln~ the numher (lfTcaLhn'­Grade II ah-cad; decldcc\. the numher \11 C.\lstlll t.: "PlTl.JI teachcrs. Headmasterand ;\s;,istallt HCi.\d!ll~I"'lcr. fnlllllhc l(lt,li numher of admh'>lhle teacher:; a\ workcd llUI ,"or ;ill till


(fl') The pml of Headmaster Uvlidd!c School) shall hl adllll:-,slhlc within total admissihle tcacher~ 'lllly If the schOll! has classes up to Standard VII.

(\,) A middtc school. when upgraded \\'I\h classc..; UP\(·

Standard rx shill I he entItled for (I post (ll";t Head1Tl<ls!-:!" (Secondary). and the po...;t or Headmaster (Middle). If dll~,

sanctioned to th,\I schoo] earlier. ~hi.lll he 'Iholished.

(1'1) A full-fledged Secondary School h,l\'lng (:1as'ie..; 01 Standards V t(l X shall he entitled for additional j111s1s 01 Assistant Headmasters as hclow

((/) One,postorA~Slslant Headmaster II the total numh.::r or divisions or Standard V tll X is 15 to 30:

(iJ) One additional post or ASSIstant Headmaster for

additional fifteen divlSI()lb or part thereol.

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SFRIES I :\'0 12


(EXIR,\ORDINARY I Will \. i ~~-------------~--------

I). llig/rcr 5'ecr)!]r/urr Schoo/

II) "(he numhc5 of posts ()rTcachcr" Cjradc I In it H ght! Scclllltlary School (Standards XI to XII) ·;lwll he (Ic<~ Idcd ("11 the basIs ofsuhjccl-wisc workload. of21 hOUI"" per week required

to he hurnc by each teacher. In cast' a lcacher dOl>. 111)( have

I'll!.! subject workload of 21 hours pCI' \\·cd, hcj<,h~' "h,;!1 he

assigned additional work III other sllhje. Is It) mJh.-: up reI' the dcfiL'lcncy.

(ii) A Higher Secondary Sch(}oI 11<:1\ l!lg- Scc()nd,lI-y Scdioll

sImi I he (: ntillcd f{lr SL'paratc ILache rs 1.1]" <';CL'on(\:IJ"\' sec .IOIl" :.I" per ;ldmissihiJilY under part C of thi." rule.

(iii) No post of Principal will he S:lllCllOl1cd II' a Higher Scc\llldar::' IIlSltlution has a sludenl strl'll~th or Ic~,", lhan 120.

IiI") in thecascofaHigilcrScconllary School h;'l\l1lg atotal

,>Imlenl strength orless than 120. a senior Teacher Grade I "hall he In charge for which a charge allowance or R'i" SOO/· per month sludl he si.llH.:uoned.

(I·) In the casc()j"a HigllerSecondary School h(l\·lllg nlotal

student strength rail g IIlg het ween 12{) and 300. the Sc hool ,hall

he entitled for the post of Principal ill a Imver scalf. (Refer to AppL'ndix No. II). However. III C:lse of margl!lall)' higher

sludc'-}H enrolment that is up to 140. the post of Prlllclpill in

lower scalc wil! he considered onl) when the enrolment upto 14() remaIns stahle for a mInImum period of three COI1SeC\ilIVe


(1·1) In the ca~e or High School and Higher SeconJary

School LInder the same Managemenl and in the stl1l1e campus

with c(lmhined strength of less than 5()() students. the schoo! slwH he treated as one unit and the He;ldIllHstcr (Ii the High Schuol or Senior TeHcher Grade I shelll be granted charge allowance ofRs. 50OJ- per month.

(ni) In the case ora Higher Secon(iar) School haVIng a .otal

student strength of above 30(). the school shall be elllltkJ 10 the post 0(" Principal in a higher sl"ale. (Refer to /\ppcndix No.il). However. in the case or margInally highn student

L'l1rolmcllt that is uptn 350 the post PI' Principal in tl1l: scalc oj" Rs. IOJ)O(){() I 5.200will not he sanctioned imlliedialely hut will

be considered only if the enrolmenl UplO 350 rCIll<l!1lS stahle

for a minimum period of three years

( I'lii) A H ighcr Secondary School shall he entitled for <.l post

of Vice-Principal as per norms as !lUI) he decided hy the CioyernmC1l1 from time totlme.

(Ix) A Higher Secondary SCh{lOi shall be entitled t() aPP{lllll

Ic,lch('rs on lecture hasis for Ihose sllhject~ of Higher Second­

ary Section. for which the workload is less than ekvenlhlurs penveek.

E. Pril//(fI"Y Teuchers' {rail/;lIg Ills/i/Il/e

A Primary;Teachcrs' Trainill~ Institllieshall he eligible for one

P{~st of Principal and such llumhcror post s {lfVice-Principal, p()st­

C;r,lduatc Teachers. Graduate teachers and Special teachers <I~ per

nurlll"; as may he decided hy the Government from time to time.

l.)(), ,\d/!II.I Ilh:'I.;,", ill i.!/)J"(i! IUil II/(/ .YIlIl-feUI i'

Aided "ello(ll..; "h,dl h,: L'lllllk'd I,,: lilt' pO"i"· (ll I

n(ln·ll'<ll"hln~ "(a!1 ,I" 1'-::1 nl)]·Ill" d~ Ill(): hl' lk, i i,"! II·, till.'

(;(l\'~I·!I!lll"nlrr()1l11111Lt(ll!IIIl'{SLl' \pp,'IHli,\\1 I!I

Cl1l·[)lllll·l1l\il\I"](lll~;\·L!,",.",,'~ ,) Ill',,'d drJ";C" h' ,-I~",

or Ij()Jl-t.::1Cillllg 1'lh1. I Ill' '.dI11L' '.ILIIl ]WI Ih·,;, :'1,

()hLl!nln~ IlL' [l1"l(l]" Ill'I·lllh"il1ll III lilL·1 )in:,,'[(lr()1 \, IH i I d\ ,

i !i

(2) f·\lf tilL' Puq':P'.l' \11 cl"',';lll()j] ,1i;1 tL;kl\ll"',~ I', '1\' ,",,\I

to tll<.!ll'llcd ..;hal 1 Ill" '.LI 11111 I I t'.'ll 1\) I Ill; J )ll"l'(\( 11 <; 11 \,. 11" L I,i, :' I', ,! i

,tI(ll\~ IXlthth,' IlllurJlldl](lllllJ"di\'I',jllll·\\ I"e \\{)t·I-,.III<I,j ,!ld \ \

Slidl .1\ 111.1) he dirc""-'lcd h\ Ik' j)1!"cL"lt)l-(d \L·iJl!l! 1·,ll ,,:li

1:1) 1·()rlhe]111rp',hC\lt,rL'~lll\ll1\ll dj1()'.lllll]()11 I" il,l: ,I:

the projllls,ll silallll!corp()],dte ~lIdl ddla <1.\ 1l1ay Ill' I '"'I 11!"I'(: 11\ Ii'-_

Director o(Scli()()1 h.llll';I!]()lllu dc,"lde the ;ldllll'."!.i'\ 11\ ,I ,-',I,:

nOll ll'<lchlll~\t;lIr\\'l1liillllll'I1()j"ln"'.I'L',""lricdb} lil,,'(; ",'I·'"

(.:j.) ;\ VaCdnC\ .lnslll~ du,,-' 1\, lc,"I~n,tlHl!l (It t!",t!li

C111 plo yce Tlla y he III led i 11 h ~ t h L' '.l I)()() I "\ 11!1\ III I [,]! .. Ii', : I if'""""

01 the [)ircclOr ()I \(ll()u\ hlll(;1l1'111 1I1Ik',",'. thcl'- :], i;,l,\

instrll(\lullS 11) hilll.lhl')."

i.)S, RCCl"llItl!lC},'t Ru/( \ {(II rill \/({/i - 1"th',!L"lii""lil lh

expCnCnCl" <Ind the 1I]l]ll'r ,1,:!L' 1111:11 to! purI1\'",~ \Ii \iJ" I

1"1'LTlIl1!1lenl dnd pr()llIotl()ll 1(11 \,lrl\'II~ Ihhls :-.il(lll hl "I, "I" :!,~·,i

hylheCio\lTJlllll'llllnlllltillll'l!l!111Ic"iSn .'\PI'L'lldl\ 'q, Iii

I"\IJ ('OiISflli/!t(/1! Oi ')( ii ('fIOI: !llId 1'f"{I/II(){/(1/i <: ·(!f)JllUlI!4:'(

(SYC) (II fik tr\ctlld;.!lll."' CI!lllillltlL'v ill .1 ",h(1(d .. han

COllsttluk a SelccL!()J) ,\ill! 1\()ll)(ltllll1 CIIIIlIl\llll·l' I SI)(· III (I,·:.kl

to dcudl'alldrel'(lJ11111elld\.:(l!Hlid(!ll'~I()r 1lllin~ :1]" ,I In llll .. :,;

rccru I 1 menl (lr pn )n)l)1 It HI

(2) The Selel·II()1l and Pr()1l1(ltl()1l Ct I III III Itkl' (\]'( I '.kill I,"

constlluled With !lll'lIlhn'. ;t,,> hel()\\

(A) Hc;t(.i or SL'l'()!ldar: S\.."h()()l.

PrinCIpal 01" Vice-Princqd of Higher Scc\)nd:!l"\ S,,'hool

\lrl)rimar) '!·caeh..:r"

Tr;!lnln~ Inslllll(l.'.

(I) CIi;lII"lll<lll Iii thL"


L·O!ll 111 I !lL'l' ;1'

('h,IIrt11;llltli ')PC

Iili \ I-kdd ,~! ,) 1 ..... ~",I~1l1

,.(d 111. ... li!llll' ,il ,',j

lh~ (<lll')!.()r\ \ll. !I'll

pll."t j11·()pu ..... \.,d 1(' i1~·


: Iii) ()!h' dull :.juulii":l\!

pcr,,(lll 1'1"\'.11\ Ill .... !i-.:ld 1"\

l'dUl';!tl(lJl" .1'. 111,(: h,'

11l\'itcd b.\ lih' "il'ihl(li

I1LlIl~j."'11l~'l·Ii]!lillllk.: <I'

dll L'\pCn

Page 33: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

or,'!,!, 1\1. '~;A;;Y!TF, (;On , ()! C;( J, \

ILRlL.1 I ,\u I' (IXrlZAOR! l!NARY (

,]3\ .\,,:0. I:--lall I Hc<.](\ma:-;kr/

ll..'<lchc]" Grade lII-kad tlr :\\Iddlc School.

(c) I~{)r dll~ other

IC:IL'hing poSh.

(I) Tit\.., Ch~\irlll;lll dC the S, h()()1 nl<.\!1(I~!IIl~

II 'Illlllllcc as ('11,111"1 'wn

(11 \Ill' SPC

\Ii) 1-\ ;;td III thl' '",'\](101 or 111

IlL' ,\h~CllCC ,A \v!IOIll

tiL:: HC<ld or ,Ul) olhCI

)'c,-(lglll~cd I Ilgl\ ()]"

!1:ghcrScc(lIldary SelIO(".

(Iii) A ~lIh.iccl s]xcla!i,,[ <l~ Illil)'

lk' Illv](cd h) the :)cho()\

1ll<'I1itging CUllllllllLc::.

(I) Til: Ch<urm,lI\ (If the

Sl'!]()ol !l1<lnaglllg:

Co l!lllllincc ,IS ('lwin:li.l11

()rihc spc.

(Iii) :-\ '.ubje(:lsptTI,-dist Jrcdu­

Call(lllisl <I~Jllay hC'IlVilcd hy the Sch()ol mal1agln~


I.") Thl' 1111.;111 hl.TS of :.;('Icellon il!ld proll j( lllUIl COil, II \ Illce (SP(')

1,)1" prolllollon/rccnllt!llCllt to a Illlll-tc;h.:lling post :-,hilil he the iiI'S! two lllembers Indicated in "'L1h-rule (_?) (C) aho\'('

(.tJ '1'11(' Scllooimanaglllg COlll1llltL.::C h~ )1aSSlllg ;11 t's()lul1(ln \ll

that ellel'l. m<.ly' dpptHIH ,lllY othn llll'!llhcr tll Ihe :Sclh),d

Ilwnaglllg committee to replac\.! lht' Cildlr!llal1 ll! Ihe Scholl I lllanag1l1g (Ollllllillec, to rC]XL'",Clll 1:lm/l1('r al Ihe "'l'iccthlll and

promollon cOllllllillee (SPC I and 10 I UIKlI,lIl as Ch;ul'lllan (ll' lill'


1:'1 Where cl cdndidatc helng CtllblJcred r(lr rl'l'rUilnlelll!

promotion to any post IS related to a:ly Illclllber or Ihe se't::cti(ln

,llld pronHltlOI1 c(}l1lllliUec conslitutcd under suh-ruk (2) 0:' (3) (Ir

I-!l 'dhmc, ",uch a member silaJlllol participate In I ilL' \C CCII(111

process '-~l(.l the Schooimanaglllg Cl!lllllltLee shall r...::pla .. :c th:ll !\lCIll h,,'!' h~ 11 Dill I na tlng an y ()\ her me III he!'

]-lO. Fillillg IIfJ rhe fJosr hr /}/"()/I/ofio/l _. (/);\ \ aCllh:Y in a

_"chool shall be filled by prtl!llolior from Ihe feedillg cadre ill <tccurd,lIlL'C with the cllntiiliolls:-.el (LJI in Ihe RecruilllleJ11 Ruk", (.)'n' Arpentiix No. II).

{~) The lllallagelllcllt shall sl!ek ir; ad\allce the pel"lllls:--ioll (If

the Director or Schoo] Education to ril] Ihe post proposed to he

rilkd hy rl"llIllOliol1

U) The "election and promotion comlllittee shall meet and

L't)]lsidcr the promolion (lfcl igi hie employees in the_ feedi ng cadre.

111 the order or their selliority and 111('111 for promotion.

j..f) The c ligi hi I it y for promotioll s:lall hc suhject It I :

(i I I'll I ri IIlllenl 0]" req 1IIrl!1l11;nts t 1]" conditions ror prolllOlion

as per Recruitment Rules:


1/1,'1 "'Ci1ltl!il\,

(1\ ) III \le I 11l~! I he I e q lIll C IllL' i1 I '.li ,u h i CL' i l' \ 1'" 1 II

(II 1~~ClC:lIll~ IW', 1" I!]l\ll I ilL' k\~' I ',) I Te;l,,'I1,,'1" ( j: , (;

I ~ I The LI.UI11 II >L'l1HQ-Qll;tlilll:d IlI..T,tlll" ,h;lil

"t~t ~1,I,k 1\ Ilh()l'.l l.lllphk 1-'':'.1,1111,

(()) :-\lll\\llh"LllltJl11t-' .1I1~tI1lIl~ ,tJ!ll,lIll~'d II: Ii:,.' 1~.iI

... c!1()\11 \\ hiL'h I", c\'-'lusl\,:I~ I'lill 1(11 ~Irl, ISt:lI1d:I!I: \ til'\'

lad) 1l'<lcllLT, 11I11!'illill,:! thc ,-'t'lldiliilll'" d_, ilL'!' ",ul, ilii<.: ~.I' '\',

sl1,111 hc cli~lhk itT dl'llI1111l1l1L'11l dsJli.~adllll"I"" P! ',\\, Irrcspecll\L' (ll hl'! 'l-I1I1Ir]I\ \ 1,-,\-\'1" till' I11dk 1,'~I,'h~!

(;:-1 \'ClV,U1L': (l[ P(lSI t,l l>rllkljl,JiIHL'adlll,blL'1 ,i:"li I), Iii., 'I,

lite h'I.\I" III Ilh:lil

I-II /)i dill/II/lin U( Uon /(11' II/ln I I'eo rlll/Jleil!

dOII-'ll!.' (11 fillln~ 1II'dP\I\II': dIIL"~'II"L';, __ nllll11ell! :.;h;[i \" !'"

[() IdkL' 11lL' 1'011(1\\ Illg <1--_1\ ;lI\,,',,' .1,.-11\,11.

" :~

Ilil llh.' p,.hl '~:,111 h.' 11l'llil,ti !II IhL' i()"di i',lllpl\l\IIIU]\

1·'\dl,l1l~!V ()j'i"'l'~ ;11 il':t'[ i(lltl '\ ,:"'k,, 111 ;Ilh dlh',' '<, i\lr,.' Ih~ d,~I,-

11 \cd r{ ll-Illkn 1,'\\ Ti I,,' ,I, kl1t '\\ 1.,.'d~~"lI1l'1l1 \ Ii IILI:, i i 1;\: ,lui! !~l l)ilLIII1l',1 1('1" Illl' to,:, ,'11,1 tl! IIIl' klkr Ilt>[II,\ 11,1' ih~' \ :k_If:L \

Ilii) :IPI,ill-:;lIt)I1, l!i:l} h~' ,Ii·" 11]1\ IlL'd hI. ,1,1\ ,-' !; ... II1!! 1~1,' I~' '--.\ 11\ IllL' It ),.-:lilll'\\ ,jltl)WI i" hy ;! I \ III ~ \.klcll kd req t: I :-',- mei1 h !, )! Ilh' jlll ... \' III 1I11:llltlllgll )11, Inl1l, ,lilt! ;(I:-.t\ \\'llll the ilil! ;klll! .'~"

Ill" "hl(li

I i1 ) (Ill' i ! III ,: ·11111!\ i, II" I-Cl ~'l r'l I 11 ;t I' jl ii, : III t 11], "h: ill n I It k' ,L ,~

111,1111\\1) \\'-'i..'k, tl"lll\; tl\t.., d:tk Il' ,i,h~'l'll, ... 'llll'I'!

1-12. F'-()CCSSIII,V, (1/ {lli/)/f('(/lill!!' 10,- diu, f ! (('I "'/111( iii 1 I ,

Alililc tlppli"'illl(lll_" rC('l'i\l'(1 h: Ih,,' ,cl\(l(lll\lrdih'llre~TLlllJi:~'11l

1(1 ,I p()sl.~h(lll h<..: ,,'<ll"l'l \111\' ... crullI11,...::d dnli,·:dl:-. 1(11 I~e lnl~'l I. :~'\\

\]lOuld h,,' 'Cllt (ll1l~ \() thl)';l' applil':lilh \\11 1 11I11ii: lilt.:

I"l'lltlll'eillenh li)l' till' PII'i;\" PCI Rl:"TlIltlll~'111 RUI,'"

TIl:.' ,(llHllda\v> \1 ill> d,) Illl[ 11IL'L'\ ii:,: IcqUlkllh'11h "I the RL'l"I"Ul!lllL'llt Rille" ... il,tllll(ll hCLdlkd j(lr II:;.' lllten k'\\ ]-111\\~'\I:r

Ihelr <lppii,'<lII()l1S ,,,h(luld he !1Ialllld!11Cd 'l'11,I1'<llcl:- j, II' (\llc~hl (il;:

Ill'>-I '\1" 1lj()lllil) for "CIUi Ill} h} I!J~ 1)111(,,'1, 11 Ilk' Dirc(\( 'I'd,,"' \)1


\,1') ("til", lor Ihe iIIlLT\'II..'\\ ,lietll h~ 'ldlll,lnh ,,'nl \llldel

CClllIH.:;Ill' (II P()SIIII~, ill ,til ,(llldi,LIh:> \I_li" Illl',,'1 tltl'

rel)1I1l"CI11Cll\\ urlilc t\c,-'I-uililh'1l1 RIlk ...

1-1-) T\\,\) "'L')lar~llL' Ii",!> \\ II illulll'ii I ddt:ll Ii ,'d!hl:d;llo \\ hO'1 ill'C

called r()r the 1Il1cr\'IC\\ ill1d \\h() dr,~' Ilt)1 ctlkd IIII' tilL' Illkn 1('\\,

"hall he prcpared >h()\\ Int! d~I;(JJ", u! lilell" 1IIIiJ!ifil:<l!IOlh.

l'XpenCllcc, etc. Both 11"1" "hall hL' ilwdc:I\:lIlahlc IIII' l!lSpe~'lli)n

()Il deilland 0) (1II"ir<-::l, (ll I Ill' Dj!\ .. TI(ILll(id hltll:tli()!1.

I "H . .-lj!p!iul!iO}U iI! (II/jl!()\ cd (dlldiduf( \, I,I! ;\11 'h.h ;tIkI..'

C( )py oCllw apr)) iCdll( lll. I! H .. '~l' t\ nll'l"()m ;1 candidi.lh' \\ hI) I ... ;t1rcad~

Page 34: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

C-lO SERIES I No. 12



CIll'pIOYL'd In some other IllSIJlUl!onlc"tah:i"hlllcnt In,)1' he pro\'l­

'>HIlla!!) ~lcccptcd. Such ,I candidate :-,h<lll he required to lrodu( (' Ihl..' .orig:lllal copy or the application Oil or berl)]"v the Jay (11

intervic",,·. the sallle duly endorsed hy the compclcill forwarding

Jllihofily or that rllslitUlioniestablishmcnl.

(~) I r ,Itl employed cand idatc L)r \( )[111..' con \ Iller ng vall d ['I..':'asllIJ';. (annol submit the origmal applicallon a~, per sL',h-ruk

ahll'. C. 11 shall he within the c()\npctcr:cc ,(l!" the SdH,()1 managing

COlllllll!\C(' In admit such candidate hI' IIHC]"vic\\i Oil the strength

or IlK' ad\:tncc copy or the appiic<lllon. pro\ldcd lilat the (andiclatc cOl1ccrnGd satisfies the Schoo! managing committee

that hele-,he had submitted his/her appJ iC;!tl(lll tll the managcment of his/her Institution to forward the ',ame for the nev! post.

Hov,'~\'cr. If "uch a candidate IS selected for the ro">\ the entllc case shal! he suhmltted to the As"ist,mt Directl)]" of ~)cho()l

Educ,lll()!l urlhe ZOlle for Illvesligatl(ln. The said sckctcd candi­

date shall !lot he gIven otler oj" ap]lOIl1!IllCIlI Without th~ final dCC1",)Oll of the Director of School Edtll"<ilIOIl.

1..J..:J.. P}"()hihiT(;'d({pp()ill/lI/(,nTs.~ Candidates fal ing III .1Il)' (If tilL' foll(l\vlng categories shall not be clPPOllllCd ,1!lainC't any \',lGlllCY III i.I ",chool:-

II) a person who IS found medil all y un fit (l!" su I fen nr 1'1'0111

<:IllY· .... ·onta~ious disease <.lS certif[cd hy a MedicalOffice:l HcalthOtTicer:

(Ii) ,I person. not ct)vcnxl by -lilY" "pecial pCI·sollal ht\\. havlllg I v/o living sp()uses Without oot;11 n I n~ di V( IITC frcm llll-:

of them from any compctcill court.

(iii) a candidate n~;:l!TICd to a per.";o!l \vhu has a i i\'lng .'pous~

\\·Ithout divorce frolll any competent l'llUrI:

(I1·ja loreig-n NationaL exccpt:n c:","'; ()r any C;\l\'er·lillenl SPOlh! lrcd programille of a fixed ricriod

1-1.5. ApP(}jllllllell{ (JI/ (·(JII11)(lssi(Jil(l(C groll//(Is. N()[Wlth·

standing: anything cont<1l1led in these Rules. the In,\Ilag~mcnl

(If a recognised school run oy an Edut·atiOJlaJ Socict:y/Tru;- t Jllay propose to appoint a me.mhcrofthc family of an employee who

Ji..:s while In scrvicl' againstasliitahic vacallCY in any recognised -;CilOllJ in this State out run oy the. same b.lucatlO/ldl S{")ciet)/

Trust suhjcct 10 the fol!owlIlg conditi;)[ls -

(I) the provisiollllllderthis rule "hall be limited to only one Illc1l1hcr 1)1" the ramil Y (lr thc dcc~a:--.ed cmployee:.

I Ii) appointments on coml"i<1ssioil<.ttc grounds sjl,t11 oe IlWt\"", only agalll~t posts ror direct recruitment:

(iii) thc person proposed ("{)r such direct recrUitment shall satisfy the conditions under Recruitmcnt Rules:

liv) the oenefit ofcmp]oymel:t under this rule shall hc

limitc;d to the surviving spouse. sons <\Ild unmarried daughtcL" of the deceased employee.

146 .. S'elecTion procedure aJl(1 prepunll;oll (~rllleriT ! iST. -_. (I I

The Selection and PromotioJl Committee shall prepan: a 1 ist ()r all

tho...' c;lndld~tlc." .:;tllcd (or lhl· Inll'l"\·I~'\\ Th .... , list ,,>lull Hh ')II~\\I all" the del<t!lS\)fhio-c!;Il:':",U,-·h;I,,>.!ldlllo...'. (Llll' Ill·binl! "·,ltk\\IL ,Ullt

proll':--'''l()1"lal qu,diri;"·dtlllll" \\ 1111 l·ld">" <!!lei '\1I1'll'~':' ,I .. ldll! i)],d

l) 1I ali J"i ....:<ll j OIlC-;. C J.. pc rI C !lee. C III P I (1 >. Jll .... ' nt 1"1: ~ i ",I rat Ii 1 [1 UII! Ii 'i. ,. , " : 11 i.'. Slak <tnd slleh otller Infm11ldt]()Jl;h [S re!cv<llll !I'! .:~s,·, ~i:L:il "I

l'lig-lhllil: '

I:) /\11 tho...' (;lI1diJcltc" "h;tli he ,\:-.slgn .... ,d ~(\ i ~ Ii '.J,.'

decIlled i"<.llional"cak l(ll"cduc;tlH)n;tiand pr(lil"'i ,livCi:! ';,,:

Ih11l". ,lddilill!1,1i C]u;diIICII[llib ,11lL! CXIXT!CIl,,'C

(.~) ;\11 the Illclllhcr" oj S,,'ln':II\lll and Pl"(llll()tIO!l (. :1::];\1, ( ~rl(ii i

">cp,lr,lleiyasscss the jlell(ll"nl;lIll·C III the Illlel"\'I"',, i'h.'I·,,(lII,tilly \r'liLs. "uhject knO\vlcdcge 'dnd (In;, (lthcr d-;pceh ,I' 111.1\ he; fell

l1l.'cc",">ary. ()Iltilc pre-dl'i..·ldcd "".;l1c. The ,\\·n~I~' i'l ik \, (in:s

(lj c,lch I)l" the e\ alu<.Itcd cl.'iped.'. ,hall he "dded i,' till' :-.,_ if'es

dS'.I)}:lled under :;u~")-ruk i .? ) :Ihpv,,', '() lhu! the llll;l! ,\ \ l'I",I~!"'· ",. I·"·,,

carned 0\· ,-'<tell ,'dlldidall' arc \lht;lIn .... ,d h)rdcCldin:: l·(\!lql,i:,·:I'


1./) A IllCl"lllis\ -;hall he pl·l'11dl"l..'lf (1111hc I>;t.">\." \ 11 tile loldl, ',',>

Cil!"!1ed hylhcc<lndidall',,<tspcr.">lilH·uic{.<1 <th(1\~' rilL' :q'I" Iii

I1lCllt~ or the candidate:; "hull he 11\ ',l .... 'C(}rtiallet \\11.\1 th, \" the Illeri! III thi", li,,>t.

(5") r n 1 he C,l"' .... ' \) r ">C ket I ()Il i)1 :1 Tcacher CJr;ldl' I I j. 11:.-:1 ',' "iu j i he only un..: C()lllllHl1lllll'l"ltllst ul allthe c,lIldidal,," ,lI1d lil,· ~,Ull":

"hall hl' ["ollllwcd lor tlw appOIlltlllellt:- dceordil1~ i:l [Ill' 1l1·d", I (It menl

(0) '1'11<..' i'ilWI C\;tiU;lt)(lll ,,>lhXl pr .... 'p~lrcd hy HlCorPllj,l: d\era1-!C'" ()f the ">cores ,I'., pcr ..;uh-ruk (·I)~lh()\,,', ,hidl k· d ">1 ~I\cd b) all the IllClll h~r" \)1' 11K Sc Ie'..."t \()n and PI i ):n . 't '11 '- (:11,··

ICC. h: recmding the d,lk

lor I J II In~: ,I P{lS\ ",hall he \ al it! for i \\ eh·c !lll)lltll",! i·i 1]1 I hl' d:ll,

Ill'-' 11llt..'J'\ le'\\· held .. ~\1l) \ dl·,UlC) .In''I!l)2 Illlhe '\~ 11 > >1 dill il!~· i., \.,t! idi! Y 11cl"Iud ()j III i> ,,,>e k~·tl on Ii,,!. 111ay hl' I i lied 11\ .Ii '1'()1r1l i Il c : i I,

,,>electcd ~:;\I}(li(btl' In till' Ilrdn t [I]er!! in the "';tit! Ii'>!

l-iX /\J)/)(JII/lIIlg '\OI/I(lU!'· (/) Th,-' SChld !ll(lllcl~'iJ:~'

l'Ollllllllln: uj" the ",clj(l()i ,h,dl ho...' Uk .. \p!'oilltillf! .\IIIIII)l"lt\

(:;) When the llHUla;.",-'lllelll \II ,~v:h()\;j i" \;\~I."II 1\ ~'I ]1: :11·,·

C;O\Cl"llllIClll. tile r()\\"'I·' l'\n,-·Iq,d hy Ihl" S,-· 11 1 ",I ll\'lll'l.c'[l:~'

COlllllllltn: ()I· the ,>chou! .">!J,tll .">land vc.">tcd ill 111\ ,\ulllllf"i'l"d

OllieCl"/Body ~llld t hL aCll( 1Illdkcn h: II ",hell I he dCl"IlI~d \(l h .... , ~h. I! I ill t,I]..,CII hy the 1l1,1Il,lge!lICIll

l-i() 1)/I"j}J([(' U/WII! Ie/celli}/!

Sc!cetlllll dod PrO!lIllII()1l COllllllltlcC lor<.Jirec\ rrcruitlll .... 'lli (l[

]in H)}{l\]( l!l ,,,>hall he i.lppr(l\Td hy the Schu()1 !llall;\~ 11l~: ~'I lJ\lIl1llll','

hefore Illa~ing ,lj1]llllnIJlI"llh. Wit .... ',,,, (In) ",,'kdHllllllddc by· Ill!'

SCicC\J(Hl ,mel PrO!ll()tllll1 C·(llllllllltcc h 1\111 <llTCI)Llhk !i) llll'

Sell( )()llllanagll1g CI )!IlI1lI!lCe. the Sl'lh,ollll<llI(\glll~ '- (lJl11l111 k .... · ~Imi i

order f()r frcsh pron'.-;"> (d ScicC\lt)jJ/[)nlllh)tII111 1\)1 !";.<t">()1l' t\1 h,

rc(ordcd in \\TIling

I )(). COIlSCIll of II:e)( liollf 1!1II1I(lglI.',(! (1Illilll/nee il)}

(/jJjJOIIIIIIICflIS.-- 1/) f'lh' SCh(hd Ill;\n([~jl\g '-.·,Hllllll1l,,',," ,illl·:

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C;OVT OJ (;0\

SERIES I No. 12 (ETIRACJRllJNM,Y i , '. J il / I \! ::I;i Ii'

a,:c~pljng the recommendations oj Selection dnd prol1u\J(l!1

COI'llllllllCC shall reso] vc i{l appoinl Ilk' ~. ,jilL! ILiaie', ;iI . ..'Cording: I \' and record the rc:-,o]U\101l III the Minute,.., h,()h.

(2) The Chairman ofthcSch(lol l"Iwnaglng \;(lmmittcc, after

recordi ng the resolution for appOinlllll'lll as pCI' suh-rll Ie ( I) a1)0\'8, shall direct [he Manager or any other memher tlf t.lc School

managing cOlllmittee authorised \(1 do so for the purpose. 10

issue offer!s oj' appointment to rile 'elected ci.llHlidak/s and t(l

issue aPP(lIntmcnt letterls. on behalf of the School lllaJl<lgln~

c{)mlllI1tcc, l_{l accordance WI th the PI' )\' Isi()J1s U 'lder these R. ules

1:1) Th..: appOl !limen! letter Issu-.::d by the auth( Irlscd I ncmbcr 0 I'

the SClh)(l] managing committee shall he decmCl t (l hp ve III at Ie h~ the Schoo! managing committee.

(4) Any case of irregular appOl!llmcnts ~hall r,~ndcr the

rnanagel1l1.:::nt open to action und~r slTlion :) 01' the Act as w'ell slOppl1ge and recovery of grants.

t:) I. Olfcr oj' nppoil1tmenr ({lid issue ()f UP:)OiIllI11CII!

/('11('/".··-"- (/) The seleued candidme ,hal! he fir-"l issued a ietter or offer of appointment. hy thc authorised memrcr or the School managing cormmttce, In Form No. VIr] hereto.

\ 2) The Jettcr of offer of appoi Ii Illlellt shall i 11, I icatc the n,lturc of appointmcm and the required datl" ofjnlllil1t! ror dUlies and direct the candidate [0 e(lmmuni( ate wIthin wcel ried time-I imlt. the acceptance of the oller.

(3) If the candidate l~\ils to eith.;r (", llllllluot,vatc the a:ccplancc

{)f offer \vlthin the stipulated timc-lilnil ()I'aen'llls th,~oITcrhllt

fails to.Joln duti·es on the stipulatcd da~ and time. the management shall he free to treat the offer of appointment as cancelled.

(-/) The candidate shall he infcrmcd to produCt, thc following docu!llcnts at the tllnc of.joining ciutll"S:-

(i) the ori ginul"\.:crtificates (,f educational and pnlfessl onal qualifications.testimonials ami experience. WIth one attested true copy of each of the same:

(Ii) a medical fitness certifJcak Issued h) ,I Governmcnt

Medical. Officer/Health Officer declaring the candidate free from any contagious disease all( I med ieal Iy fit for employment.

(iii) a: character certifieak issued by ,\ Memher oj

Parliament or MemhcrofLcgisiativc Assembly of this SWle or a Gazetted Officer or Head ofa ceeognised c(ll lege. The person issuing the character certificate shall not he related t(l the candidate.

(fl') an attested copy of the EI:lploymcnt Exchange Regi "tra­

tiOll Card from this Stale along with the original card.

(5) Tile candidate at the Inne oj joining his/her dutlcs shall not

only suhm1l the documents as indicated under suh-rule (4) ahove. hUI shall also he required to suhmi; ajOlning report. He/she shall he immediately issued an appoinment letter ny the :vIanage]"/ Authorised Member 01'- the School mmli.lglllg committee inuiqling therein the date of appoi nllllcnLst:ak oj" pay. hJsic pay

(\1!c11~(I.Jl'lIUr~~(l!,IPP(lIJlllll"tll;\IJdal1~ \ltll<.'l d,1 "I)' :~ l!l.t\

h' t·l' III I·~'d lllld,'[' lilL'''\,' l{llll',:11 hllill IX k"·,"

'16):\ll (";.tnJiLi'lle :-,h;dl he dppnlll1l:ci ll"\ll' ,(I.'. li.t. 1'1":,·· I!L

d<l~ e)i" ll1eetlng ()r I Ill' Seiccll()ll and PronHlllr,': (' ;1'.1 :lliin II'

deCide lile ~CI·":Clj()][/p]"()Jl\(ltl{)1l Dr the c,mdllLI:,'

i /) The nr'i!ll1:d ~'lTllri,',ll~'" \If cdUcal](ll\;]i .ilHI ,)!,>I,.',","!\1]1;1I

qU(llifi~'all()n". h.':-':!Ill1\lIlJak \',jllTICllCL' (TIlli,',d,', lilli,

IlIenl r~'~lstrall(ln ~'drd :-011:111 h~' returncd III lil,' ',·,lild.IILli,' ,:I h.: I

the hcat.! Ilftill' S.: !l(lll I h;\\ \~'rll'lcd lhC;\tlC~tl'd !!"~iL' l Tl'~" \11

l11l' i,.·c)PIC," o! i11c :-o,uli cntltlc,ll(·". [ilc onglflal .:11.[!·,[, ;'".: , ,'J \I! 10. ,Ill'

dlltl mcdical j'ilnc~~CCrldiclltc \11<\11 he rCl,llncd I: tilL' p, t·,· ri.d ilk

ur the L'1l1plo),cc. along \\'llh the (oples or kill': )i .; kl Id

dppollltlllel1t. lellcr ur dC'Cl'pl,Ull"e or '\Pl")(\lnil~h'l'l 1. \i~', ,\I

dppOlllllllenl <lnd JOllllng rCI'(lr!.

(8) JI ~hallhc(:ntlreIYIIKt·l"p()ll~thtlJly(}1 lh, ';~·I[( ')!III,(I1:I~~ln.~

(11I1Hilltlee hi ;j~c('rt<.lln till' rcli<.lhdit~ ;md \;II!~IIl:' td ,ill the

l'crt! j iClte" hc I'()re gl \ 1Il~ [ill.' teller o! appol :1111 I, 'nl t" t 11,' ",' b '[l:d ,·;lIldld;IlC. In ca.\c dn~ ()I the i.. .. crtlricat,· .... ,;,i!)!]':lu\'d h till'

dPPOllllCd C(llldid<llc ar~' !\)und false <lnd un;l, \'~T'~lhk ,:1 ;Ul\

.... 1iI1.!l'. rendeHlIg thereby the l'andidate disqu;tlilicd i"(;r '1['11;1Illt

men!. the cntlre grant patd toward:;" ..;alary. dll()\\'aThT'i ,!lid '-lkh t)lhCJ cl,u!lls '\:-. adlllll1Cd for payment t() t!1atl'Tllploycc ~iLdI 11,' iJ<lbk hl he rC,,'overcd from Ihe non-sal<lry gralll ()r the '.,'h~ll'l

1:-;2. Re/w"(/li(lll oj ({('({(it'II,'!(" ()r (mllllllt; ,//!tlli/l( dlll'j /,'Ii!

n)!cricllcc' (I) The Seho(d !l1~l!la!!IIlg ~·I)t11I11'I!le,,· pi ~l "h(\(ll

"hall Ilt)l appoIIlt a l'{lIHli<.idll' wh() doc ... Iwt h;,'.,' th~' 1l11!l I1Htlll dc'\<.klllIC quail fic<:lli( lllS spec 1 ried LInder ReLTl111 tllL'1l1 i\ li k, I r '1" illal


(2) ,\11) Cd:)"': Ill\()IYlng Il.'Ll\(111(lll III Re'~TtI:llll,:I:ll{lI'!,,, ,!l.ill he rcrerred to lht: Direclor ()! School FduC<\lIl'11 !lll·de,.-I..,!' I

1.1') The Dirt:etor \ 'I Seilo()1 r·:dUCllioll ..,lwll Ih 1\ ~~T;tll! 1\' i ,\ .1; I, >I,

111 the lllatter(lftnl1lll11g- qu,llificat]()p\ \\hclllr:ll!led ~'dl ,i"l.tk'

<liT (lvailablc to 111ee\ the "uhjccIITqulrC111l'l'I'

For thc purpose or "ubject requIrement the ~!nllll'I!::,'

\uh,iecl\ llpto "e~(l!Id:lry ]e\·('1 shall he as he!o\\

(I) Humanl!ie:-, and l.ang:L1a~e~:

(II) Ph).'~!Cdl SL'lcncc:-Oll1cllJ(llll~! :VLltlwtll,tlll',..,.

(lii)Language~il !i!"."t I.:\cl:

(Y) Physical Education. N,S.S .. i\.C.C ikl\\,IIl~. \\·(nk

Expencnce. Scouting and CJuiding. Junl()1 RL'd CrO\\. >..:ll"

(4) In order to <I\·(lld renultlllcni \l! untr;lll1cd teul"lh:r" \)1

tcache)", \\'1 thout Jllilli lllum ;lctllielnk' and t t·;lIlllll;': Llll<11 i riClll()lh a~

"peel ried under RecrUitment Rule ..... ,I ~L'h()()1 ..,h:d I cardu I I Y pldll

I he recruitment at all In el ~ and ~ds() pr()\' ilk \ullil IL'n! I"IC\ jhi I It} rl)1


!53. Age linli! i()r i'C('/'lIif!llCllf.-- (/ i TI1\,' III t nilllll III and lllaXlInUlYl age-limll laiJ down for relTUilllle!l1 to diJ"krcnt categoncs ofslalT i n <t ~ch()(),1 sh;W-hc the ~;lIrre ;j\ lllay he ~pl'\' I ril'cl

Page 36: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

\DilES /.\'o /2

OFF[Ci,\[, C:AZl,'r'lT· (;OVT 01' (;() \

I EXTR/\( )R[)[Nl\I~Y I _'YI / i \l

hy Ihe {;()VCrTlIllClll rnr n:crtJ[{mcnl l\) C()iTC~P()lldi!I~'. pOSb III


(ll The upper age limitshall he n::lax~'d in lile case 01 ~',Uldidatcs helonging to Scheduled Castes. Scheduled Trihes Oi' dll) !)Iher

spcci fiel! cah_~~orics. ill such an extent '-1\ ill ,I > he ,,[,eei (Icd b~' the

Government for recruitment ["or ~()nt'''p{lIH.lin') PO,,!S in

C;()\'CrIlllh .. 'IlIIIlStltllllOJlS.

(3) Tile DircclOr o/"Schooll-.:duc<luol1 Shili I he Cl lI11pl' knl II) rdax the uP1KI ,lgC lilll1\ in cases w!1CIl"-

(1,1 .\!1 employee n[" an InstltUilOll i..:()!ll11L'H.'~ io] Ull\:,cl

rccnlltmcnl for a higher post llllhc Si.lllh.' IIlSlllull()lL

({i! ,til employee or a schooillllfralt':-' to anoLhn "che()1:

PW\-Idcd that the t:mpl{)yee must h(; m('\'lng I'roln k<lchi 19 to

tcachlllg or fr<)m non-teaching to non-Ie,tclling cak~Tory 1)llly.

Pn)vldcd rurth~rthat the relaxatl()Il inthc,-igL' lilllit ,,11;111 he ,;qual 10 the rCJ"llld or service already put Ill,

t-l) In the case or <I candidate who I.', not ,,;urrrnlly ir the

cmployment llr any recognised ~ch(){d, till' Director (lj" School

Lductllllll1 shal! he competent to relax thc upper ag:c-l i I tilt lor direct rc,,;rultmcnt or that c<-lndidalt.' tn a teacllin~1 post. upt(l the extent

Dr period equal to that period oj" :-.ervicc put ill hy th,11 candidate in the past. <1:\ an under-graduate, graduah: and/or Pi lsI graduate teacher In any recognised instltutioll in thiS State.

(5) Thc ca:-.es requiring relaxatiollllndnsub-ru!cs (3) <-Illd (.f.~

above sh,-III he referred to the DirectOl" oj School EdllCailCn fOI his/her appro\'al her{)n~ the appoilltlllcnt (d the candidate.

1)4 . .\"(/fIli"C OfUPI)()illfJ/U'IIfW/{/ pr!/ wd 0/ pro/mf/ol/ -._- ( ,') An

appointment against d \"aC<lllcy caused ror (\ specifll pcnu,l due­t(lica\"e sancli( )!led ttl a regular elllpl()y~c j"1)r the mill i ilium period

as may he specified h) 11lL' Director cr Sdw()l Eduuillul) or rOI any other rcaSllll, shall be made on purel: lcmporary h(]si~.

(2J /-\n appOJlllment against a sub~lanll\"e V<.1Calll:y, whcthcl

hy direct recruitment or hy promotion shall he inilj,dly made on

prohation hasis.

l,~J The pc]']od of prohati()1l shallhe tW() ycar:-. for al~_cmployce

~lpp()intcd against a suhstantive \·aGll1cy. No CXICllSi',)!1 01 prohation period shall he permissihle,

(-/) A management may create a purely temporary PI lSt for an) temporary scheme of studies as lllay he introduced hy the State 01 Central Government. Any employee appointed under such scheme sha~("he appointed as per terms and conditions of thaI scheme,

(5) A ['ully qualific(!" !Cacher with academic and training qualifications appointed on lecture h,(sis in a Higher Secondao

,Schoo! Illay he appointed on full time basis if thc workload

incrcase:-. to create a full tillle post ill that suhject. and if such a ~~'flllillle post is pennitted hy the Director ()r School Educatioll h suitahly - revising the appointment. provided that the

appuintillent is' as per procedures laid down. The fresh

,IPl'l)llltlll~'nl "h,dl he IIlHi,dl: llil l'i,,)h:IIII'I1 ill!


\ 11 ",I

CIllnpkll'd \hl'I'~,[,I,)d, I'l'i\!l;lll\ II ,iJ~l!l qu:dll>

,\)\(! ~It~dl Ill' 11l11l1l'didt,'I\ "'lllil'llll_'d h: till' ,"hi!

Cllllllllllk'l' h) 1'-.'-.1I]11~ ~]ll (!Ilk] \\ Ililll, 111I'c~' 111.111111, III l'lllllpkl]llll.)1 till p!',.h.ilH1!l1''-'i"I,',1

II \11 '~'llll'il'\"\:, ,1i1 qll.lIil\II1)' 1111 ,(1111:111,"

dCCl1h'd (() l];l \'l' h,'\, II l" )111 !] [11',.'( I I, 'I ,l!! !l11I';~1 "\',,

,Ill' qlidllll,~" I, )1',-\ 'lllli'll,;:l" 'il. ~'\" II ; i ,: I, >l111,li," ,il'

1\ Ilol 1",~lIcd b\ \!1,.' \'LIIU,','!lll:ll

, I!:\ Illi

, ii

siJ,tll 11,' rl'ljllll'cd II hl' 1'1'"" .. '111 111 lill ,~'il(),,'II'H~'III> ,i workil1g holll'_" III lhc ,,:1111()i_ 1(11 ,; hllllr, .1 \\,',

(1,111) l-l'('L-":-' l(ll I)\lpll-"]',:,I,-I\;,'[ ll)I1LI,

'~I \ iull 1111\1' il',i,'lll': ,!:,dll .. , '-,'q:md II i' ,1(\lI;d 111"'lnk'I](l\U~ \\(II-I,,t" j",'I,,\\

1/1 Pl'lllLlp;tl

{III \-llL' l)rJlh;I,~d

1/111 l-k:!dllLI"L r \11 '\,' .. '('lld,;I\

S .. 'III\\lj

{Il I .\:;:-'1:-'\i\11! !-i:.::ld!ll.l"h:! .i!

Sl'l ()Ild:ln ",'-lli 1\ ,I II I Te<l,,'hn(i:,!d, I

('.'/1 l-k,ldlll~I'L r \)1 ~I .\ lllillL


:\ 11,11 II''' !'l , 111 ! h 'lIl'" 1\' \ \',

I (, h\lllr~ !" (\'//) I e,lclhT (; I-:llk II ,llhi II ji

Sp(Xlili SUhlCd I c',lc'ill'1

11'1111 !)I'lllwr~ S,'i1(),ll k~k'hn ~III\:

;. I il, III r" i 1" ' \\ ,', !,

I k:ldl1\;t~l,TI PII[lUr~ , '",l ,-

1 Ill' 1)111.",-1," 'i ,\, 1\


1.1') I'lleL'llllre ilhlllil,IIJIl,li \\l\I'" !lldlJ "I ,til ,i ",-, ,il,[

dlYlded lairl) ;lI11(lIlg-!lie 1;:,I,'hcr" "(: lkllllh' ,IClll;d: l'It"<ll'llllh!i

\\'(ll"\.. )(l,ld fl'rll'd,'IICI'I'-,I]\)lIlid 1 ill' d\era~l'\',III"\.. i\l'hi ,I~ ":)l', 'ii,'

under "lIh-rlik i:: i ~Ih(l\,'

('/) !\parl 1]',)I1II])C 111 ... lrLlCllOILti \hlrk!()~ld;l:-' "i'c', li:l',j UII,

suh-rule (.? ! dnd (31 <lhm L', e:lch IllC]llher III 1 he te;],' ill n~ "LiI i "

llllddk, SCl'\)I1t1ar\' ~l1hllli!:.dlCr S~'~'()Il(LII\ S,'I1(I(\1 ,il:!I! 1:,1' l,vod,l(lad ()rrellh __ 'dialte<l,:ilill~ ,lull 1[-],11:-. ;JIll! (I 1 dllTI,- I iI:II-:k'I! \ ,(

i.h lIlay hl' :I,,,:-'I,uIlCd 11\ lk' l-k;[(i <II lh~' V.:!1I1(ll ii!' 'I' ,\!lI'tI, --.1\

hour" per \\ ec~.

(5') Thl' Prill>...' l]laL V ILL' PrIlk' Ipdl. I k;l\_ll n;l:;(l'I' (Ii 'W'L'( ll1( hii-: ;\IId Middle Sdlool:-. dlld '\"'81 <;l<ill \ !-L.::adlll;I:-,l\.'I'I" III SCC(llllldl'\

Schools <;hall put 1ll ,11..'111(11 'ldl11II1I,,\r'I\I\"\.' \\ Ill"!... Itl!' "lIch 1'L-'I'h\d

~o ~l\ 10 he ahle to d kL"t I \ l' I Y l' ", .. __ rci'.'" "uI1l'r\ I" Illil (1 I :h'~llkl1\ 1,- ,tlllj

ddlllllll<;tratl\'L-' \\()rk III tik ",'11(11)1

({») The \\'()rh I();td \)1 I Ill' Il( 111- k;:..:l1lllg ,1.111 l \~" 'I \1 ( ir( llll' !)

employce ,,,hall he!hinY--llIlleil(lllrSpCrwcd ,llld 11\\, ',IIlh' ... hall

he adju:-.ted by the 1ll,\]ldt'~'1lll'lll III ~'llll:-'1I11;UI()n \\ III1 till' !-k,ld 1,1

the :-.cllooL unl rorml y ()\ n ,I \\ L'l' h ['l,r ,til \VI lrh 111r t!;l\ ,11) II \ Ill,!.'

tile cl<lIly w()rking: hour:. .l-'; per till' 1'L-'qllll"l'llll'1l1 Iii til,,. "L'il(lui

Page 37: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

()ITICI.\L.("VLTII_ (,(jl I O!-(;()\

\U<l/~\ I ;\() /l (/ ,XTI\.'\( )1\1 )1,,;\1( Y \ i .~11i 1/

t -:-) The t (lui \\ ork i n~ IlUur", r()1 ,1 (j 1'(l1lj1 .]). (, 111]110) l'c ~I 1".1111)(' Illrl)- __ 'Igilt hour:-, pCl" weeK ,,;-, I l;l~ ))\' ddIU:-,tc~1 h\ the

1l1'1Il:1.'-'1.'lllClll III (\)Jl:-,ullalHlIl \\-01 Ilh Hl:ltl ()! [!1\- 111SlIl1111l'1l.

1,\' I rile \~, or"- hmd 01 slall (JL.! 1\ igh hi2~h Sdll -,\ \1 (ll" Night Liglll'l

S('(llIHI,lr> School shal! he balro! till \\'orkloac d' l,ud (\(1\\ 11 hl!"

r\..''-)1I..',,'II\(: catcgof]c\ nl stall il d LI~ <"clw()i

:..., \/Il/1wl l)crj()mJ(lIl(,( NC.')()f (J ) 1':d\'11 IlOll-G(1\Crll-

1111 .. '111 ,<h,)ol shall III ,-U 11 1'-11 11 Anllu;Li Pnlnr1l1,lIKl' Rcpnrls fOI each

d':;Il.iI.'!llll' year in n.'spLTI oCthe h'achlll~ <lnd llllll-kaching stall !J1 lIll' hJrln X hereto. filer..:: shall hc" ri\'l:' ,,1(11)(.1'-11'(, grading .... , \lUl:-.t,u:dlllg. \'cry good. good. I,m ,me! poor '-J\l (lther ,?:r~H.lin~

should,h,,' u:-.cd in thl' Pl'rform<llkl' R~p()rls.

{.2) rill' /\l1llual Perf(lrmanCl' Rep, lr\:-' shall be writt:ll h~ 3(lth JUIll' C\ cry year l"llr the prevIous xademic yeal.

Li) TIll' Head or the Illsiitut!()ll ,;lwll Ill.' the Rep(lrll!l~

:\llllhlrJl~. who "hall \vrik tile P,:rj"orlllanc'.' Report:-. Pi" Illl'

"uh\)!"lllll:tlL' st'lll. The Ch;m:lli.lll (If Ille ~l'IHl()1 1\l<I1l.lglll~

(01111111 lice shall be the Re\"ie\Vin,~ I\llllhlrlly f(11'(hcPcrf()J"11l<ll1CC Report", \\Titten by thc Head of the 111:-:tilUlioJl,

(-/ ) The Chi.1I rnl<tn Ilr the Scho, llllLIIl<lglllg ,,'( il111l1 iucc sh,d I he the Rl'Pt1rtlllg AuthorJIY Cor the He:.t,.l (If the "'('hl(ll. r:'here shall he Ill) Rl'\'IC\VJIlg l;,\uthonty.

\5! I'lle Annual Pcrf(lr!l1allce Rept 'n sll<lll he ,'I 'unlel"signed by the elliployee in token or ha\'lIlf scen the Allllu;d Peri"Orlll<1nCe Rc-ptll"l

I ()) An employee desirous of 11laklllg a repre..;c 111<111',)[1 rc iall ng

to (lbsL'J"\ atlO11:-' made in the Annual PerforIl1<.H1ct'·Rcport call do

"0 \(llhe Re\ lewlllg Authority \vllhin two \vl.:eh 1!"OIll tile d,lte (\1' (uu!1tL'r-"lgnalllJ"l.: of Annual Perl drm,IllCe Rep( 'n_ In 1 he (,ISe (1j

llll' Hcad o(lhc Sch(l(li. appeal shaillil' \.-\'lth the I )lreclmofS.:hool


1/ Till' School managing ,:OilHl1ILlec ,,11,111 C()'lSldcr IllL'

1\_'lll"C",l'lllalioJl of all cmployel ag:ullst ob,,,;(:!"\ at ions III till'

Perlonn<l!lcc Report and causc to ":Ol1llllllllicate II .... decision to tile (()n",:crIlL'd cmpl()yee Within alll,mlh Irolll the d.ttL' o:'recclpt of lhe rl..'prc"cnt'\tloll.

ISx_5;('II;Ofilr (//u/s(-,lIionry/isi-- I I lThcrcslwl1 he aCOllllllOIl

"'L'lllmilY list or all the l'lllpl())-'Cl S oi' idellllcal Ctldrc, ullder <III the 111",lltlitiollS up to Higher S(x()lldary Scil()(liundcr the, ..;alllc lllanagelllcnt.

{l) \\.'hen llHm: than (mc canllidalc is ",eleCll'd al ,.llilll'-' f(lr

simultanl'ous recruitment for a single cadre 01 sllluiltancous prolllllli()l1 10 next cadre, the sCIl'onty or such c<lntiidatL's ill tbm cadre during the probation period sl1:111 he as per Ihe ranking III

the sdcc\J(lIl list I!Tespecti\'e (If ()elr actual dale of joining the dUl!o..:'S of the posl for which [~C) arc selected/promoted.

(3) Whcn a numherofp()sIS in Ih~;-.,a!l1c cadre on 1~1!!ing V;lCant silllultanC(lus!y are filled partly h:: prt111H)t ion and part! y by direct rt.'cruitmcnL the prOinotccs shall he allotlL'd h igll..::r scn iority ran k-11l~ (l\'t.'r the dire...:t recruits.

{.i) l"11l' <..'11I1'1(\\'L"'_" \1[ ilk qlll~' cldrL' I'; ,'drli~'! \lCl'd"j(lll "iLd! \;,' [':ulkt.'d "L')1I(1[

"l'!c\.'ll'd ll1l i,;kl 1,'~';I"I!\11

(~) I'h,-' ') ... !l(lill Ill,ltU~111,:' ,-\l:ll!llllln' ~;'"i

,'\,'1"\ \l';lr.~;idr" \il"I.'kIlLlil\"",,'1l111],]1: li'\" ,Ii!'

! 1I,j d i In" "(I h"L\ 11 1 I \ \: p, hI'->. TI1l':-,-' ,,11;111 ill' .1 \', 1>1 L'lllPI\)l','" 111 \I:l' ",Uil,' \. ,ILl I .... .' III tilL' Illld,!I,

1!lgllcr Sl'c(l!llbr: _''Il"hOlll" dllli 1!:l11I11l!! Ilhl,!l:[

,,;HI\l' 11ldlld:!l'lllCIl1. 1'111." 11,1 ,il;tlllll\:lll:li'l !Ii,

Ipllo\\ IIlE: dl'l: II" ,dlllll! L':I,'il illllh' l'llll'l(l\ ,',

(/11) "\:tlll'> (11 \))'L'''l'lIl .IP]l(lIIlIIlWllII1111'i':" "



" I it

'L~,'! 'Il~


"'lill!dllllll!~qlldllriL';l\llllh;\Ildd,llCl)1 :!,',! I::i:' ';.',kh "j 'hI

II ;linln;.,' ljli:tlilll',llllllh

1(1) rill' IUllll> I'! Illl' CI11111(,},'," "I:,dll,,' '" dc-';cL'lldin;.,' "I-,iL'r Iii ,CIIIUI-Il\'

I; rile

l'lllPI()~ l'Co.


tl'1l1,UI\l' "'':1111)111\ 11";\ "Iwill-ll'

hy -';UPI,i)'lllg d l'Op)' .t;.,'.l I 11'-1

"hall hL' llhcllllL'li I"lh'L'illpll\'

Ini'DI'Il1l'd \()"Uhn1Iil.ill'I]"()hll','il{lI]:-', II :111\ \\ Iii


ii"~:' '!;(

,:!,1L ,! 1,' ,:: I 'Jt

I, h !ii.' k : \ " I,dl he ji-;(

,I !'(II\111 1'( (ll1(

I. I v,:l1 11 (ll!1 1 i It

l'lllplo~el''', d fill::! ,,'I)II)l'lI\ il'>I-;111llrid he IV','] 11'",1 \\I\:il,. :''!H

1l1(l1l1 h I-rolll tilL' ];1"1 d:ul' ",II ]lui <lIed f(lr Il'~ \ ''. I!. c' : l";ll ,',,- r I L'.l ',(\\~:,

,lilt! till" ,,:l1l1l' "hlliilJ hl' 1-""lIl'd 1(1 ,til Ilh: ,,-,

d~:llll:-.l tlll'lr :Idd\(l\\ kd;.,'L'll!~'Il!

I(jj I'll,,' "lllPI\)~l"-'''' \\1111"" 1\.'prL'''l'Jll~lll'l!l' :,'-'<1111"1 klll.:I.'-.'(

"L'IlI()rlly 11,"[. .lrc rl'!L'l'lL'd "il,tli he llL'cc"",lI"Ih :1l1'I'rllll'r! ',() i)\

t'l \ 11lg 11I111'~;h( In,'' ;]~;11 Ibl CdC h ()It hL' C i:1I111, III ,! "~' I'L',)r" "\'!li lll( '11

\\,1111111 ,I \'.Tef- o( ~lrl'lllatl()11 III I ill;!! "l'llIl',!'I', '1-;:

(f()'1 /-\IlClllplt)~l'l' (lggl'I,,'\~:d h~ till' dl'LI..,ll':: \1(-111 ,I, ;1\1i, ,lI:

till' pan 01 till' 1l\;11\;\gl~1l1L'1l1. rll:IY I)!"l'kr dPl'l',11111 IIlL \~,:,I;!ll

])ircl.'lllr Ilj' ')clwll! hJUl'dil\lll (lilhe' c(l]I,'~'III','d /llIlL' ,lilt! iil, dCCI",]( 111 oj' I hL' .'\:-':-;1 "l.llll ])i rl'l[( 1r ()fScJ-i()()1 ! :du, :111', ltl (II'I i1c' /' nil'

III lhc follallcr slwll Ill' lined Such all :ll'pc:d ,I"dl h,,' ,Uhililltl:d

through the managcIlll'nl. <lller IhL' I;IP"L' 1)1' ,f p,-'l'Hld Ill" (11h ,I, l'I'~

hUI \\'ilhin si\ week:-. I mill [he d;llC (lf~·irl.lI];III(l11 ()rr:n:tI 'Vili'Q-i\\'7


I J / I TilL' 11l<llla~C IlIC III ",lull (UI"\\ ;Ird. \\ 1111 I Il ,I \\ ,'\'I-" till' :IJlpl'ill

Id 1111.' l'1l1plo~ee. to lilc A",,, I "t:ll1 I ])Irn'!\ll- pi \L'I]()()] Edlk,ltl:1I1

(ll IIll' /'0111..', 11llder!11111l1atloll 10 th.: L(}IlL"CIII~'d'-'lllp!U~l": rill

Illanagement \hall ;lI"'()CXpi:llll. in dl'I.1I1 thl' 1'l':I'''lh lor 1\'j"'-'\111~ I Ill' reprc-,;cllialloll (11 lh( \'lIlPI(l~~'c L'lllll'eIIlL'd

Page 38: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

24-'1 CJFFln\L GAZfTTE GOYT ()F (;()\

SERIES I .\0. 12 (fXTRAORDINARY, ~8.1 1/ ,/)!I


(/2) The Ass[~lant DircclorofSch\)ol :::ducatlo!1 (',i the Zone.

alter consllicnng the appeal and l'XpL\I1i\IIOn {)rlhl'lll~ln'dgC!llCIH

dlHJ aiLer making such othcrcllLJuirics as l:lay be decilled ]·(TCS

~,lry, shall is:-.uc (lrders COlllllllllHcatillg I is/hel" dl'(!>dun t() llh'

management. The decisIOn or the A~,SL"Llnt Direct-,)! of S:..:i1ooi

EducatIon shall he final.

(/3) On receipt oj'-the deciSIon 0; lilt (\sSI~La!11 I)ircclor ()

Sl'ho()1 Education on the dispute l~ ~cnll )1'11). the lil;lIW);l'lllCn

..;hal! taf...c aCllon Within a week. as dirl-~'lcd hy the ;\sslslan'

Dirc( I( 11" \ 1 rSch()()1 EducatIon. 11 shall .'ill bill ,(tile Clllllpi t;IIlCC rcporl

In Ihe ;\,,'-.]:-.lant Director oj" SL'iloo] Educ,;tIOll,

(i-ll ;\11) rinal c-,enlority list prepare-J In vlo1<ltHllI 0:' till

prucedurt.' laId dOVill in this rule shall b( rendered illfruclUoll>

,lIld shall not he accepted hy the Dinxtonu~ ofEcluc:ttlDn for an)


1,50. Fix{{f[()JI. oj' I){/Y.~ (j) The h;,sic 1)<lY of an cillplo) ee a:

the first 'lppOtntment shall he fi xed at tbe nun Illlum oj" the lime ·scall or that poSl.

(2) 111 the caseui"anemploy..:t.'\vhol" retrenched fl()ll1 'L,;.jlOO·

In this Stall: Oil account of rcduct!Oll ill tllC c",tahl !Silmcllt an(

\\'ho IS absorbed in 'another school by on.L:rs or the I )ir(:c' or 01 School Edueallon. the pay last drawn and til\..' normal (LuI...' OL.llllUai !!It.TL·!llCnI or that cmployee shall he p:-()tc\~,tcd nil ab"prpti( 11,

\3) The basic pay of an employee .on appolntmelli II) a hig-hel

pusl by promotion or by direct recruitnlcnt unclel the <.;amc

management and in the same channeL ',liz, icaching t() Il:aching 01

/lOl,Heaching to ,non-teaching category (lilly, ,-;hall h(: fix~d in azeordall(~ wllh the pfovislon:-; as are <lpplil'd 10 cmpi(l.\'t'TS n thc

i..'()I:rcsp()!1ding category under Governmcllt schoo~-;

(-I) i\l1 the Icaching and !loll-leaching elllpl,)~('cs or .I

recognised ,>choo] shall be entillcd Llr <\11 the alllHv(lllCVS. in addition \u the basic pay, i.tS admissible from time !o Inne to

employee:-. In the corresponding calC gory lllH.kr (j(l\"l.;:rnmenl :-. ... ' IH)(l.ls.

160. :\lIIllful 111("/"('1/1('111. -- (/) An ~mJ1loyec shall qualify to

earn all annual increment in the time-scale. on the sallle lcrm~ and cunditiolls <ts are applicable 10 the corn:sponding category oj 'employees under Government schools

(2) The annual increment of an ellll'loy..:e shall bc r('lc,-fs~d as per proVISIons as arc applicable to the corrcsrotl'din~category or employ-cL's under Government schoqls.

(3) In case of an lI1tclTuptiol1 in th(~ serVices of a retrenched ... ·lllployee between the day of retrenchment from a school and day \JI" at~s()rplion in another schooL the next 1l1Crclllent due in the absbrhed school shall be rekased hy the absorbed school .by P()~{l~oni,ng the same so that the total SerVjCG as required to earn the next increment is rendered hy th~ll employee.

161. VocotioJl (md NOI1- Vacatiol1 Steff. -- (j) All the employ­

ecs <Ippointed against teaching posts Including Principal. Hl:admaster. Vice Principal. AssistantHeadmastcL Librarian and also the employees aprJointed as Laboratory Assista.nts arc vaca­

lion Slafr who shall be entitled to m-ail all the-vacations.

(2) .-\11 (,ll1pl()~('L" Illhcr liwil (il(""-' 11ll'1l1h)IWd i

ailu\c. "ldH he llili"i--\;kdlH 111:t! ,ull' ['11L' l1i'l' '.,

,11;dllltlti)(' ... 'I1I11i,'d 1,\' ':i,,;i\II\!l"



'-.lIh:-.lllllk \;1 ... ·,1!1l·: ,-',hl:-'L'c! dUl' \1: k,l\l' ('I dl1:-'l'l1, :,,1

l·)llpl():-'cl . .'>ll<lIIIWI hl'~llt!(kd r'.l],\;l!,mb t(\[',l1l\ . :1" I,

PH ,\ Idcd t h,llil ~ul'l; ,Uh'nl !ll (I: \ ',' !:-. :IP])',)! lllcL! ! 1 il: . ';1',

(II till' l]r\lllTITll() tlw ;'l;-.I. \\<ql[ll,,~ d'l~ ([)l,:IU'I\\' ,! :il'. ';1,1

1,'1111 Ilr l',)IlIIJllle" dttr'lJ~! II!\ 11\.'\\ ;:,,;ldl'lllk' \~'::' Iii

\\(Jr~'lllg d'l~:-' \ll' d ',ull <ll,ld,,'1l1Il \l';l1' (}I- 111,)\·C. h, ,1_" !~\'

Clli!l.kd r(lr",tI,lr~ !(\I ;ill tile Illtl'j\ LIIII1~ \'ac,\ll(llb I Ill,: I.; i '!.l\

(lj the ~IPIH)llltJl1('m

plhl Iill jorllhatl()!l htl"IS 1>t-I'ilj\l'lllldl1l'1l1 1',\'-.1" ,ii, I' JUI' \ a(<ltlllll pa:- 1(',1' dJ) \ dC,lllllll 1wrHlds 'lIhjv~·t t,)!i (\1 "L1h nil,: (_~ 1 hel()\\

13).'\ ll1elllher',)1 \dC:II]()Il,1I ,lillr':,ilallll()1 hl'~':li: kJ

ellHlllllllclll:-. r( lj' ,Ill! P(TI (ld (11 \ :Il',dl. Hl !'ttlllll~ he} i)11 ! ! III

\\'11'1,'11 ">lIef! l'lllpim ,-'l' dCll1:tlh 1'L'III\: .... imlll '1..'1'\ I"

(.jl 1\ Il1Clllh.:\ ()I \',h. __ ~lll()n ,1'(;ll, II' clJl)1()II1L' I';) ! i

IL'lllp(lr,lr~ ha:-;I' 1"'1 ,\11 [ilti,'linil~' Ill'!-I()dclthl'l' h: 11111, tI ::j1!" i,!!

JllCIl! ()j'(kr (ll" b: ":tllllllllliHI()Il11( ,IPJlI11I1l1l1~'1l1 ",\,1,,' ,l~',',','

C kar \ dCtIlH:y CI e(ll\:d for (lil r ndc I in Ill' pCrlod dUl' t \ \ ,Ii", [,'1 'i",

s(ilcllll' Introduced (or an undefined pCrlod. ,h(\11 iI, ,:111 i,

thl'P'I~ rl)I'clllthl' Illlcr\Clllllj.!\;i\.',tlhJlb Slk'ilJ:l,T1: 1,,\,':

.11:-.\) h~' \:ntlilcd i'(ll' p:l) i()[- tile j'l'I'I(ld ('lthL' "1I1:~!:! \ ,II

thc 'iChellJt' ulHkr \\'hi~'il Ilc!\!J(' \\'(1, l'1l11'11)~\.'d '1" '. il \ ]lnl\'Hk, :-'lk'h j~:tylllCIlI 1'(11' the lui! ;],'adcll1J,- ~Cdl

{5 I :\ 1 l1eill hn (lj \',\e,11 iUn \!<l Il ~lppUI nled ]lurel:- \ >Ii ll' I ill" ,) ,I

h,blS t!!Hkl <Ill) "PCc!(t\ ,,>clictlW uf lilt, Ci',)\,I'!lll1Cn;

C;()\'crll111C!11 01 [l1di'l:-.h;i!lf~c..::ntltkdl(l)1cl: !I)) 1..1 .1!PI1I'l'; "\1

a., pCI' pr()\'I">Hl)h under lin! 'IKU:ri ,C:)h:Jli'l'

1()3 :'\ddiriollu/ /)('/1(/11:, \)~""1l1pl\)yn' 'J! ,I i'C'\l~)L",\'d

sclh)(ll "hall hl' c11lJlkd /II] tlll' 1()III)\\'ln~~ adclJll":l<d heill'!!!'

at the \(l111C I-,lll' and \)11 lilc """\11h· k'rnh Jlld c()nditlon:-. .l~ J[','

,-lpplicahk tu IllL' l'11lpll):,~'e, ()r~'()ITCS]l(llltlil1l:'l'tlll'!'llI"lC" IInd.'1

(Jm l'rlllllCn t sL'h( h 1].,--

(Iii) BUill!,,:

(1\ ) R(~I!llhllr"cm..:nl (II illcdl ... ·dl ex pl' 11."'-'''':

(\') Le,I\'(' lra\·cll,(\lh,'(':-....,I()n~

(\'1) Tnl\'l,::i ling allm'. ~\lll''''' :lnd dall ~ all (}\\'tllll'l'

164. /)is/)[{rscttlcllf 0/ loll/i'll'S to //1(' CllljJ!l/\ CC, i / I II :-.h,!! I

be ohligalmy on the par! Id·lll,!lld~i.-'lllCllllh:ll ;tli till·l'lllj11():l'I."

of the -;dlOOI "hall hc p,lJd till'lf "dlanc,", ]llllh'IIUII: dll til(

appointed d,]) ()r the Il1olltl) -\:-. I1lCl) k '"'lll'l-ll[l'd h\ III',


(2) j\!1 the n:c()~nl:-,\.'d _"cholll:-.. Ivilcti1er lil 1·\.· ... ·\.''1't (ll ."Ii,ir\

grant.-., or not. ."hal! :,rr,l11gl' II l( bl'UL'l' ! hc 1111 lnthl) :-.,11 ,I 1'1(.'\ \ \1 till: II

Page 39: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

S/:RI L.I / No. /]

OI:;·ICIA . Ci,\/TITI. (;(In 01' (;()\


~ ·1." _'I}.'II}

l'111]'1!l1yee." hy directly crediting their ..;,dary ~lm(llillt III Lhelr I ldi \ Idua! h<lnb ,KC()Unl.

131 ,'01' purPllSl' of;-..uh-ru!c (2 alh'\c, tile rtl:Uld)!C1l1C!1t (11" ,1

"C!Wlll "hal! follow the procedufc cfpn'I',lrlllg hill-, ,llld -Ck,I',lllg

Ill .. ' ,,;d,lIw, ,IS Illay he !al<J dow'l 11: the Dirccl()r o!' Sel]()ui

I :dlKdll( 111 I rllll1lime 10 tllllC'.

1--1 I .\11 "alary hills shall hc jOlnll) "~lled hy Illl marager and 11K Head uf tlK schoo!.

L" J Ih.-' S,dary Crant Account SiW!! he.loinliy ',)))(,l<lll~d h)' thi.' llI<lIl<lger, Head oflhe school and Ih.:: A ""lstant DiICl"\orr·r Scho()1

1·.dll~·'11I(lll \lethe Zone.

I () I In clse Ill" all y un forsccil d ij··icuilies. ,tn y dc !ay caused for

""ell di"hur"elllcnt or salaries. "hallnol exceed SC\'cn days from I Ill..' 'lp]1oll1led day and any default III Ihis c01l11cction shall he t!cc,llied as a seriou:-.lapsc onthc p,-I:"! oj themalla~.t.1l1cnL and Lhe ''''!It'lI..' ."hall attract suitable action including actlO1] contemplated under scc! It)!l 200f thc' Act. and the D'II ector or S( hoo] EducHtion

,hd!l he ~'(lll1pe\('n( 10 impose emy penalty del'111ed neccs\ary including sLlspension or deduction oi" ~rallts and wllhdraw,d of

I"i..'<..:ognlli()ll of thc school for thi.' ,aid lapse.

i7) 111 casc ur allY dispulc ahollllhc leave pf an) of the Clllpl(1~.l'l'.". the claim for the duty ]l·~ri()d ,h,-III he [11cfcrrcd in the re~lIlar hi II. The supplementary clai III payable, i LUl\, for the Icavt:

period, :-.l1all bc submitted illlmedi:\{eh' ftll!o\vln:! Ihe :-.cltkl11cllt

Ill" til..:: Ica\·c.

I ()~. f) i I-!m rs(' 11/('// f oj" so to n or I {IC ('!l1 ei () ree S d / It: r j"('( file! /Of//

.\!f.\"j)ClI.\I()1I oj" rfle WI/un' .\!,mllf. - (/) The !ll;lll~lgelllcnt l)f a

:-,~'Il\H)1 Ihe ,alary gr,lnt of which i" reduced, \\'llhdnJ\\"1l or ."lh]lcndcd. "hall cOlllHlue ttl punctually discharge !I:-.

\lbli~atillth IOdishursc the full s~ll<lr".cs (ll its cl1lpl()\ ces .·rOI11 the fUlllb Pi" ! he Educal!onal Socict) lTru:-.L i r I he school COIl! ill lies tn 11In~'1)( 111

(2) If Ihl' management rai Is to eOI1 1pl~ \\'lIh Ihe ])["(}V ISIOllS of :-.ub­

rule I I lahove, II :-.hall he Within the .;nrnpclt:nce urlhe Director ul

Sdl()( II Education to authorise ,I Deilarlln~ntal Officer to dra\\ the

requircd alllount rrom the RI..':-.erve F'Jnd (lithe ..... CIH1()j and disbursc

till' salanes and allowance, .... ()r Ihe ~1l1pl()yces.

166. ApI)()illflllellf of l)rmrillg (."lui IJis!mrsill,l: O/fic(;-r,-- (j)

Tht' Dirl'Clor oj" Schoo] Educatior: is 1..'!l1powered 10 appoint <I

Ikpanml'llli.11 Orficer as f)r~t\.ving and Dishurslng Orficer ror a

,,-'hudl -tl) draw ,Int! dishurse tilc s;:!an-.:s and all(\\\'anccs OJ":U1V

l,r !Ill' \.'mplo)'ccs or tile scllooL In rhe rol!oWlll.i! l';[scs:-

(i) I hc lll'-lllag:crncnl omits or L Ii Is 10 punctually draw <lnd pay 11K .salaries and allowances oj such cll1ployct:" \-vhn In the

opinion (lj'thc DircclorofSchoo: Edw';:ltlOll arc discharging or

deellll'd [0 bc discharging: dUlic'. III the :-.c/looL

(ii) Owing to the llllernal dispute among the lllcmbers or thc managcmenL the s,lIary and all()wanccs payahle to thc

t:-'llIp!l)yces of the sch{Hll arc I1I)t dishursed ror a period n(H less [han Illll..' lllollth:

(iij J the managcmcnt has not paid Ilr has deducted salaries

and allo\-V.mccs or an employce hy refusing- to sanctioll <In)'

ktl\'l', (\~ail1'" till' IlhtnlC!lllJlS jrolll till..' 1):1, '-.,hi",

h!llc:dl(ln. \\'11(' iJd" ,'ol1"lill'rcd the t'nllr,',;h :;).! ,d :'1

Ihl..' l(llll'!U":(ll1 [l-::ll '.l!,·h,) i,-':IVl' \Va" IWl..'d~·\i: ;1:-, '\,',

l'(lI!ccrlll'd dnd Ilh'r'~' I" [hI ill~lli'I:t!'k ,il\'

Ill:m:I)!I..'!1l1'1111{\ rl'ilh,' Ilh' ":lId'k;l\l'

I} ) [Ill' 11j;lllcl;'~Tllll'n1 11:1-. 110t 1)["(\111]'11) [\.! '<,' 11', ,";!1II.ll

lllCt'l'llwnl <11' ,'Ifedl',; till' I'l'\"hl()ll 01 till' '"Ill 1[ iJ;L~ Ih)l

gr,llllni till' hi~dlCl "calc due, d., l11a~ hc .hl lll".'lhk ttl ;\11

l'l11 jll (lY-CI..'

1\ I In ,Ill) tltlll'r ,'<I:--c 111 \>,·!tlch Illl' !)II"j()! \·1 '1,1:",,:

Ldllc;l\l()Jlllla~ Ill-ell] i"ilt(1 l:lf.,.c "lIl'h ;1~'II(lt\

(2) The DirCl'I\)!' \11 S,:I]()()I hluC;111011 1111 In ,;q1[ ('! ,.;, [,

C()lllpi<lll1! or the nallll',-' I1ll'l1tl{llll.:d ,dl{l\C. ,,11,111 Il)itkl..' Oi', Il!,~'I:'

make sllch enqlllrics a,,,; l1l<l) Ill..' dL'l~l11cd nl'ccs"Jr} ,lnd :ih;tii dlr,'d

the management t(l "h(l\\ ~'<luse dg,UllsI 11K ,,,"1[('[1 Pil)I~'h~'d

under thl..' pro\"hl()ll:-' ollill:-- I'uk The DirlTI(\j \\1 ~i.l'h()(~l I'd~l, ~l

lUH}. ;Iftcr carl'f"tli'C\111"ltkr:11I()ll of Ihe cnqllll"y I~T{)ll .11](1 11h..'

explanation. II' clll) -.;ubl1l11lcd hv 1hc 1l1;1I1:t~l'!1h pI ,La!! d!lPlIH~1

,l DraWing anci J)i"hur"lIl)..' Ollic"t~r Ii il I" tk'l'lll .. :\! ill··_ ~ ,0.,,11' l~~ J() \1) or l!lay I'Stil' rUrlhl'l n~'l· ... -"'."dr) IlhlruC(llln" h II!l' !li:tl1,I~'\ [nelll

,,-,, Ilia) hI..' t\cl'lHcd "UI1;lhk

1 ()';. A1od(/IIIICS of (/II'/)ffl.\( 111('111 0/ \"o!u/"/( I I) f)){fl'."!; c"i,d l)is/Jf{rs{lIg Of/icer {I) Thl' Dnl\\'ll1g and l)i'i'Li[''';in~ ()llll..~'r

appolllied b:"lhc Dirl'L"l(lr(lrS~'jlO(d Edlle:ltlllJl --Ii d! l'r~'ic'l \\ illl lhe Dircclorak oj" Fdlh";lIIOIl 1111.' 1..'1,11111 (11 lIl1l'_11 i ,1[:!,'IIl1' k' tl1l'

'~l1ljlloycl' <lnd "haljI1(l\ Ihe "~ll1h' l(1tl1,lIl'!1l111 .. ,\", Il! 11k :'1 ml'('l

, (2) TIll..' ,I\."l·ounh, I tIll' ,1I1h)]inl ~() 1')\'krr~'d ('!\(;;' (, ~,i,..,1..

,hall he 111,lllll,l!llcd h:- 1111.-' ])LI\'.II1~ ,\lId ])I"hlll"<' ~ ()nii,"~'1

13) Till..' Dr<I\vlll~' ,111d IYI"hllhl11':: ()fficE:, !' :."./ "t':(i('!~ ,;1:

elllplu)'ce 10 whom till' ;I!ll\llllli I" tIl hI..' dl,hul"l·tI.1o C,\Cl't

tll" rarl nrlhc {l11l0Llllllldld III "\Jell ,Ill (,Illj)jll~l'l' \\,"1:' nutd, l.l:ii\l', due to him/her, "uch <ll1lounl ;lIrl ~id: di:--hur,ni "II" I k'lidhkt()k

rlT()\'I..Tcd fro!11 hil\l/ll~'r

(./) T!1,: Dr,I\\'ltlg and I )i,,,hul""lI1g on I,"~'[' -.;11(111·, llilt lIlU<..' h) dl .1\\

and di ..... hursc tht: sal<lrJc ..... ()f <111 l'I1II,loycl' lor ,\1,'11 ]K'l"1od .1',111,1)

he directed hy Ihe Dirl'Clor ul Sdw()1 Fdlk'"dlllll1

(5) \\:'hcl1 thc j1i1YI11C111 oj" ;til) ul thc (,Illpl(l: ~, .. " I'> 1"I..'lIUI! nil( I

Iw Illild..: hy appoinlrng a ])r<1\\ 111); tlllt! l)i-.;hlll'''il1:': Oflll"l'I. lil,'

Director oj" Schon] Educatloll "hall he ,'(llllpeklll i(l I'cdllll' lll(

quantuHl orthe nOll- ,,;)bl'~ '::1';1111 ilj'lhal sl..'I);)(1I h~ ,iiI :1I1Hl\11ll ,'ljl:.ll

10 ten pcrce1l11u tWI..'l1t~ pn":l'1l1 ()r IIII..' <;)"(1"" "aid', ~ anHlunt P;lld

to the employee/s hy lh~' J)r;I\\'lllg ~!Ild 1)IShuJ""1I1)' Ollicel'lili" Ilk

rt'spel,tive year

I ()~. PW),It/('lIl r ilild.

ilPPOll1tcd on prohatlon:lr: h,bl' d~a)II"1 ,I "Uh"i:IIlII\C V;llillll'Y

shall .... uhscnhc;u 1 Ill' PI"\1\'IJl'l1l hll1d ',\1 tl1l' : ,;1<..' ~h 1ll.1\ 1)(

"IK(Ii'ied hy the C(1\·\.'J"111l1l'lll.

(2) The: lll<.lnag.cllIcnl ()j till' ,,"'hlll1\. i11l 'Qljl<lllllllh,'l1t III" .111

cmploycc on prohal ion shal'l i 1lI111l'd ialc I) (oj icc I ;1ll dpp! i,::I\ It)n

Page 40: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

2..+6 SUi! E,\' I ,YO, 12

()1'Fi( T\U;A71,lTE CiC)\ I ClI' C()\

i1XfKAORI)1 'i,\\{ Y -~ \ / ! j

from {he said l:!llploycc for ope l1!11g an acc, lUll{ nr Pn 1\ Ident Funj

.\:\ "p\..'cifiClI by {he (j'overnmen{ and ,'.haJi ;\rrangc t{l I ()r\vard {hI:

"dill\..' [(llhi..' ,\utilontic:- authOrised by the (i()VCrnlllclitll) ll1~,lnral!l

the said Provident Fund account". It ,.,hal he ()hligJ\\lr) ()ll th,:

managl'lllClll 10 take all necessary ,,[CPS I( 2-'e[ the IY,)\ Ilklll Fun-l

al.:"<;,:ouIl{ numher for an cmployee at till' cdrlil's: ..,ll t];a1 til:

(ol1trihullon:- arc (red iled \\'!l hout ary d i Iliclllty and dcdlll'tllllh

l!l arrears ;tvl)ided.

131 :\n employee or aschon] shall he l"ll~tk:d fllr I ill' ad\ ancl'..,

and rill~tI \\ Itlldrawab from the Prov,dent Fund Al\.-'\lllllh as pn term" ,llld \..'tll1ditions as arc -tpplic<,hk tll tile l'!lljll(}ye(~" t'l

(tlITCS!'llIHh ng (<llegmies Linder G( 1VCI ;Ul1cnt Illst Hut I(l!h.

(./) .\n employee "hall not he ellt tled to clo:-c L1~' Prol'ldlTl

hl!l\1 /\CCOUlll unless hclshc rdirt's on superanlluatlon cr

r(,s!~Il:- from his/her post without sel"kin,'; llHgrall()!l/ll'ansfcr \(1

<lily othcr "dlOOI and di*eo\ltinuc" lhl' "cn'lces jlCl"lllarclltl),

15) In the 1,."<1SC of migratloll/lransL.'r (); "crytce" tJi""(lhsorptio',l

rrolll one "chooJ to another school. the L'lllploycc sh,dl COllt!!111,,'

to cllnlrlhule to the Providcnt Fund flOlll the I1C\\' school.

1{J1 In the case 01 migr<lIIO!)/tr<.I1l:,lcr/ahsorptl()n oJ <Ill

e1.llploycl' froIll one schoollOannthcrs,:holll. II "hall hl.'ohligaton

llJl the management of the schoo] i'l ()Ill where the ..:'mr']oyc;..;

migratcs, In promptly supply "ueh III Lmll.lllO!l (1" nu\ he neces'

sary. hI the transferred seho()1 to cllahl,: that mall,li!ernt~llt ttl

n:gularly e rfect the Provident Fund deJucll(lIlS of thl" Il'ans r:rrccl!

migrall'd/;Il)s( lrhcd clllpl{)yee,

16~, Letll·C. - ( I ) Leave shall not be c"uilled as a Illa!l('r of righl.

lJiscrC1I(lll 10 rcfuse or rcvoke leave IS :\.'served Itl Ihe leah' "'"l1lctionlllg authorilY.

(2):\n employee ora,seh()()1 simi I t'ecl1tltled (() e,I!"11 and ,Ivai I

su(h type of Icave as m<l)i he aLiml:--slhlc to C()ITl:sp()ndill!~

categorlcs or employees in the Go\'crnJllenl institullOIlS.

( 3) .\ n e mp! oyee of a SChOll I shall \1C c I igi hie to ,1\ ;Ii I Ieavc <.\"

;ldmissihlc lInder"uh-rule (2) above, I( such an extent and Oil such

term~ dnd CtllH.!it ions as arc applicahle to \'(lrrcspondi ng: C<ltcgo

rics or s!<lll under Govcrnment inslltullO!lS.

170. f.('({\'f' s({lIe/lOliing ({lIt/lOritr ( lid d/'/'('UI. - III matter:-­

pcrlaining to leave 0[" teaching and nOIl-te:lci1ing stall (ll" an ;lldcd

school. the pnwer to "anellon leave sh,:IJ v\:sl WIth the head of the

school. In the case or the he;:HJ llr the s" hOD]. the Chamnan ur the

,)~:h()()l managing COTllm l11e(' slwll he the !c,l\'e sancllol1111g author

it\,. Appeal in slich mailers shall lie \'.rith the ASSIstant J)irectol

tlf Schonl I~dllcmi()n of the Zone.

171 .. \gc o/Retirclllcl/{.- (I) An ,;mplnyec of a sL'hoo] shall

retire \l1\ sllpCranlllI<.llioll in the !Halllle' and Oil completioll orhis/

h(.'T age as laid down for employees ();' cOITL'spondi ng catq~()ne:--

1I1Hkr Ci()vcrnnlc!lt instituti(lllS.

{::) A leachcrwh{lattainstheageof~upcrannuati(}n (lll ()rafiCl

threl' Illonths from lhe dale oj' rc-opcning of the school in an

academic year may he granted exlellsiol1 ill ,"crvices hy the Dircct( II

(lrSch()( d hlucal ion. upto 1 he la:-;t \\/011 ing day orthe "eL'ond tcrm.

j1ft)\'id<;,:d the teacher concerned so desires and submits an

appl iCali(l1l 10 that c (Teci thn)'ugh the management of the SCIH10!

(,;) A lC,k'hu \\ iltl il;I" hn'lI ,1\\ ,11\lcd Sldil',i\;,li

Ilh'rl\(lrIt1ll'. ..,,,'r\'!,\,':-I11;I\ hI.' ~I';lllll~\ll',\I\.'lhlllll ill '.,'

! )lrl.','I{lj" \)! SchUI',1 h!tk~t'hl11.I'lJ:; IJ\,'rl\ld t\lllIh'

!]\,rll1:li ti,lk ,11 1\'liil.'llh,'ilt Pj",\\ Id\~d lil;]l

Iii q;cll ,I k:I,l:l'l ~\llltill III ,1pplk:I;'

11I;111;1:~Cln~'lll ,1; tilt..' ..,,'i:,lld ,! )il~'l'hll ,1I ~~,!

II!!' ..,lI_'h l'\i,,~il"!(\ll. ,I;';"

ill' ,lid] d lL":klk: "'lIbllll '." 111C\ill.'dl ~I'I

(;,'\ ,,'lllllll'1l1 Il,l,'dll',ti, 'Iil,\,:: (L ,'I<illll).! 111111/111'1

Illt'l1l<dl\ lit ((II ",ul'h l'\!l'lhl'lj,

l.illldillOIl til Ilrlltilk, I)k l!k'..liil':l1 ,'~'lllll,:!:

pItY"I,',d ,l11d nJC!1l,1i lilll,'''''' \11 ih~' lC~kh<:1 H

l'tlIIlIlIIUC,,' d..:cl'lrc'. til,lllitc IL'd,'!I\'I' I'. ph} '.Il"tl!\ !',: i1

i"il It)!" "'lk'h l.'.\kll..,:'ll1

( .j I (11 till' ~',', '.l' \\ 11(: I <:'~' \ ll' II '. ': 1 I, 1 ~ ~'I ,Ill kd ,! 11\ k' 131 ;Ih,l\v, lh~' l(:<l,'hl.'l" ,,11,1I11l'11; :llki \\{lrkii1,~'

t)l, \\ Ilk'il th\..' I'l'I'I( Id ',1: " \1"lhl' 'il I ~ "lillplL-l"d

IlLllld,"lT 1(' [lii'. clk'c( <Ii L..':l..,i t'lh' ii' 'ilill 'il dlh;l!l,

l1\ltll"l' tll in;: 111(111lil, r,'!llllll,llI :1111"111:' h'li

'-.,,11(1\11 ~h:dl h,,' ~'l1tllkd I,ll r('ll~!LIII ,I, ,il!

2-'I',llllll\, hllllih Pl'll.'.ltlll :lId ,ill ,\[lh'I' 1'~'ll~:1

"amc tL'rtll,'. ;llltl ,,'('IHlili'\f1 ~'\"'TI t,tll"l \1.1,

Rule ... , dS ,I!"L: :q,pli',,':lhk I' ;11: \'lllp!"\,'V \j'

111 a (;\l\l'I"lII1IL'1l1 '.,:il\lllj


I .? 1 :\!I l' III pi nyl'C \ 1 I ;:",' 11" " 1 I .., 11, Ii i h\' , I, I I II ,'< I

rL'llrL'lllcnt"ln till' "'{lllll" k~ 1\1'. :llld ~l'lldlll\'I" ,I'"

;til L~lIljlln\'cL' (11 d ('(lI"1"l'''I'1 '111.11 !I':': ,';1: Ire UIHk! I ( II '\

'J I L



1'1'1 )" ',I( I

i I:

\,\1 II ",11; tI I h'.'(}hll~;d\'1 \ I'll th~' \,-'IH1L)j IILllI;l~.'ltl" \!IIl~:II:

dIn'" ,dlll!c L'lllrl,','. 111 Iil-' 'l'l"\ ItT h. ",k ,llld h' \ ,'j: ii-


tum alit! ;In'lIr~I~·}. <It k;i:-l ,)Ill' ~'~'dl )'11111'1,,1 1 Ill' deli, ,I; '-1111,,:,!

nuatl()ll()rn'CI') elllpl(l}~" rh~' 1ll;\lW¥l'llh'lll..,!1dll i Ih.~' "'k!

pap"I'.., 111:1;' h\.., !'I'L'11:'I'ul \\!111111 !'I',' '>tl]'I.l.ikli i" 1:('(1 \\

(;1l1"11l~1 ;111\ 1I111l~'~'l"c,"':ll\ il;ml'.illl' \' ilk'll'iil'li:' ,1'1,)\

appllGltlOIl (lIthe !"~'IIj"iJl~: l'lllpl( l~ n', :Il k;hll \\ (1 I., ,ii', ! II ,tdl : 11.,

<Jml p!"cpilr~' ,lIld "llh11II' tlt~, j1Clhll11l l,ap,'I', i,' '!Il' \"'''1'-1; ["

\ '11,

tl1cduIY,,'()lllpll'tcd"'L'l"\!;,', h'l(lJ,..,,j lilv r~'tllillc.' \~',' ,;1 L i'l

cl~ht Il](llltil,,,, III ;ld\dll~~ 1'11,11 Itt lk' t!;I\ ,,! 1',::11 I~'rlr :',( dl.:'

L'lllpl()~ Cl'

()) It ..,klll h~' ohll2-':li '!.' I'll rill'!1 ~IIU;2\,l!lllll I '! I lill!'[:; li1k~.

lleCC"",11"\ "teps to dr;1\\ ,lilt! dl"hu:'.L' lilt' :11111\(1111 I J>r\lvI.c.\c'l!i

Page 41: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

OI'lll'IAI,C;;\ZI:TTI l;()\ I ClI'(;(J\


j-:und ,Ii lhc credit 01 th..: clllpi )\n, ,md <1111\>\1111 ,)1' kayc

\.'!}(::I.,,!11l1enL II due and all (llhcrducs S 1 that the t 111m: SdlkTll'lli

IS':IHl1pk'k'd within threl.'IlHlnth" fr' lllll h .. dcl:'-' (lj ~Lluai r!~lIre];\(lll

(iflIlL' Clllpitl)TC. The l1lana~e!llCntls I,d~k' t(l PJ\ [rolllllS 1\\1\

fund, till' InICrcst on the ",,-wI ducs for he perl()l! \ .. "cceding IhL'

I illlll (llthr..:c month", I r slich 'Hkla) IS C nil I'd y o\VIIl:': to thl' hI! lure (111 tilL' part ofmanage11lCni {(ltak,~pr')lllplactl()r1I\lrpn)lTS'lllg

Ihc Ik'lhlllll case and the papers Llr ,:l!klllcnt li ()lhtT duvs.

((l~ In 1 Ill' cas..: Il! an..:mploycc dc\.,-',!sed wllii." ill st'J"\'in'Jhc 11l~tnd~l'llll'nt shall takL' prompt aCIl\lll [(\ sel1k IlL' paYlllcll1 ({ all Ihl' due .. ,u-:h as De~ltIH':Ulll- RellrClllen! (irat lilly. I)ro\'ldcnt Fund.

l'llC:l,ililk'ill \lrlc~l\ c, etc. 10 the rigillfu! 1l\clllhcrs (ll-Ihe i'amily oj the lkl"l'(I"..:d (:!lljllo~ C(: <lnd <lls() I() ";;,l1l\·t I()ll rami:: j1..:n:-:I()Il. The lll<lllclgelllclll ~hi.\ll be liable to pay, fnll'l thclr OW:l fund.;, Inines! (Ill IhL' ",uti duc~ for the period oftklay :ll.;'yond Ih:\'l' ll1o:llhs lrom

the d,I\C \)1 death of the cmpl()ycc. irth~ del'lY I . ..., (Ill the Ilart o(thc


, I ( Tile rate of interest pa~ abk Ul\ t\Cl(\y~.'d pCrlmb a:-; ,-'()lltl'lllpi;lled in s\\b- rule (5) or (6) clhu ';1.;' shall he '-'ljui.d 1 () the rate of i I1k'l'l'.'\ I ur a fixed d~pOSll a(L\lU' II (11 \ 111(' ) (:,\[. () I .t Co-(}pcral i \'l' B.lIlh. 111 this SWh.'.

18) Till.;' decl:"loll ofthc Diree\( r o[ School Ldlll.'<lllCn on all~

di ... pUIC drtSlng III the malter ur paymcnt (II in:eresl <I~

l.-'ollll'll1pbted in suh-rule (5) or (0 ah()\c, "hall k final.

(1)) In the case when sueh a dcla) IS CcHJ~ed on <\,.:, (lUll! of LlIlurc (11l 1Ill' pan of any employee orlhe sch,)ol, 10 takL' pmlTpt action

rIll' Ihe ;-'I..'tl!clllent a:-; contemplated in s'Jh-rule (5 III' (61 ,Iho\'c, It

,hall he within the competence of Il:e 1ll,lllagelllcnl It) reC()\'er 1 mill

that L'mployee the amount of inlere'il p<lJ'ahk 10 t 1(; rellred

L'lllploJcdmemhers of the deceased l'mplo)'ec.

( i IJ) [I ...,hall be within the C()!l1pclelh 'C urthe Dirl'(Wr oC Scholll EduL'allon to deduct from the nOll· :-;aLlry !:,!rant ()[' the s<.:h(){)j the ,lIllOlllll p;tyahlc t(}\\'ard~ Interest a~ c(lllilemplated under suh rule L'\) Ilr({)) :lhovl', and dishurse the "all1\' I.() the n~hlrl1l ciaillwllt/;-,.

! r, .\llIp/IIS elilployces ulld Iii "'I"(I/)SOl"j)liOi/ ( I) \Vhen an

cll1pl( l) Cl' ()r an aided rec()~n Ised r-ri melry, mIddle, sec(}:1dar; amI Hi);!her Secondary School is rcnde:'ed .surplus on :h __ count ora Edl ill di \ [",lOllS or classes or withdra\\ <1101 rccognllitll1 or (:\osllre (l!

cla~scs h) the management or dis,;on!llluance ol·lhe teaching oj ~11l)' :-;uh,iec[, the Director of School Education shall he C(lmpl'LCnl

10 urdcr ahsorptloJl ofslIch a surpl ciS employee ill any mller 'Ilded "'l'lhl(l1 ~l'" may be deemed rit.

(2) In (l primary, llliddle and set olldary scIH)()1 t'heJunio1-lll{lSI l'll1phlYCC .shall be rendered surplus.

(3) In a Higher Scc(llldary Sch\)()! ",ubject-\visc \vorkload is t{)

he considered, Thejunior-1TIost SUbj"C'l'! teacher shall he rendered surplus.

(.j) The absorption of a surplu:, cmployce as per pro\'isi(ln of ... uh-nric (!) above, shall he subje\:t to the condilions that:--

{i J Ihe surplus employee should he confirmed or deemed l'()llfirmed against the post helli in accordance With rule 155:

i,lil I'm :dl .'I)I'j1II\11l (Jj.1 ~lIrpll!' Icache!" .1 'H!l.t!l\t" ,k:llh:\

,h(luld he d\-;lIldl1k 111 (ll1ll!ill'r,llded SCh(\\11 rhi~, ,lhll,!.l hl 111

I(Tlll" III Ilk-nill ;t: [l',IL hil1~I" adrv, ,Illd the ll'.1 In~ ""i',~',

1(\1 '.\ 111(:11 'Ill' ,t:ljll~h tl':ldll'r quali(ie..., hi, ,~" II ,'" 'i:('ll

11';1,:hll1~ C:l1p!\)\'l:L' d ,ullahk n()n k:1L'iI1!1," Ii" 'li,1 i,\'

.1\ ,11.;Ii'k 111 :111< ,lil,'1 ,lllkd '" 1i1",I.

Illi I \\'li,'11 '~I,::I ,1"'lIlVI\l"~'I11jll('J"v I .... Ii" :'.\. '11:,'1

,lldcd "'ChClIli.IIL' ",did ;thc,(1Ihull'l1lpL1Yc\.' ,I::" h,. Lilli '. :!1lht

111 , .. :1110rl!\ [(, .tli <llill'! \:llljlIOYL'I.;''' \\11\\ :1', ,I!I' I.J\ 111

l'lnplil! I11L'11tl11 till' "'dl11l' ,';,drl' Illlklt "';Cl-ill')

151 \\-"hel1 :Pl) sllJflu, '-'1\11'11\1: l',-' I", ~d1\,\lrlwd il! ,IL\ ,::d;,..'U

"'l·IH)(1! ,I' pl'I' ;li'(l\ I'i'.db ()I "'llh-ruk,( i) ~1h(l\(Y, ilk' 1':1" ,.,,1 I ill'

dlltl\\ :11\'.-l'''' dr:1\\ 11 hI, liF1I":il1I'III} l..'l'11lIhl'lliI'LI, ~,i,', I! ,\ 'I ,q

Jh_"(lrP1H)11 ,h,I!1 sland jll'(lk'l'tl'(1 al(lll!,' \\'ltiJ iii il" . II,' nj

Illl'l'e11](.'I1.\ ,lnd the k,l\l' ailrL'dil

I () I \\'11Cll (I \ ilC,\11l'\ tllthl..' l(kl1llral -:~ldrl' I' 11\ 'i :1\ ,Ii Ld'i,' ill .my (}!Ii\.'1' :Iidl'd :';,·!)(}(ll. d ... urplu\ 1'11lpl(1),cl.-' ",hail t>" :1!''''t 11 b,'.i 'I~~j)wd ,\I)~ t\\dt!ahk iO\\lT [1(1'-.\ !lls(!,:h d Cd . ...,l'.\h~'lii:1 '-"t.:,ik rll", f1C!)

!:I'\ ell-'II.\ 11 ,1l1e1 thl' ddk ill Ilh r,'nll.'JlI ,,11:111 "1,11,11" '1'.'·,1.:11

1/1111 !ht.'c~'l'()I"'llr)lli.\\"L, ... ,d~'(lrh\.'dlll\(k: Ii, ',:-till' 1111; ~\\\'~'

,\I nl'd i: \ )1 Iltall'Il11' II )', ~',-' .., 11, d I ,.-mn III l\(' \11 til' C:!!'l t, d i'I T\\ ::rd 'I) \ IIi,.'

,d1'()I'hnl ... \.·l1l,(,1

(8; ,\ n elllpiu) L'l' \\ 1](1",...:: ,d"i )rpt 101\ IS llrdvl",', i hy llll" i). r .. '- j( 11

D! Schuul FduL',lli()l1 .... hall he I-,'lic\ \.'d Iw the p<ll ,'.1\ ",·!Jnd \\ il~ll11 tWl.;'l1ly·jullr hUlIr", !!'illl, till' :-, ,''--'11'\ (li Ilk' 'j:L ,.\ ah.\i~rplt<lf~

dlrcclln~ lhl' ,-·,)!JC\:IIWd l'lllpll1:':L' !t) I(lill dJli'-'" miik' ,tk,odl(:d

,,·IH)(,] Ihl' 11C\[ din \11\ !;liIIIH,' (HI (he 1',[1"\.11 illl' P:I1"t 111 \chu\!>i l(ll'I)111I,i; \\ Ililthl: ... v' ill",II'U,- tl::ih. ,ktllllLl\"\.' til', ~~'h(),d I, I:':, ;(1

l'lket fr(}1ll1IlL'II'OWIi lunds. lh'p;l~ 11)('1'1,)1 "ti:n,",I!ld;H' 'I!I,'I ll\()nl'wl'yl(}ss~au"'l'(i!\)lhcelllpl():l'c I ill' 1))[",')\11 (1-1 '),1:,'(;)

J~dl!l';ftl()n "hilil hC':''il1jlek'l1! I(l Jlllj'()V'jll'I1,t!:, III ,!I!'_;I ;))\11

the ll()I1-...;,tial'! ~L\lH ,;1 lil;11 ,,·h(\(d I,) Ilk' ,'\' 'Ii' ,'I' 1'1,

IV) '\11 tth...,orhl'l! C!llpl\l;"'l' >11;\1' 11'P(II"I!\ ,itdll> I~

clhsorbnl "'l'il()ol. Ilk' 11\.'\! dd\ ;:11(:1' bl'lll~ Il'IIl".', ,I. 1.,ill' }.'hki,

..,\lch ~ln abslll'lK'd t'l1l!,I())l'l' ,11,11111;)1 hl' \.'nlllk,i 11'1 ,Itl\ ~.'I!.~!:'-'~

1m the dl'i;\\L'd [ll'l"l(l,I()ljolll:n:: III till' I1C\I,,~h()(ll Wi],:i ,wi (k];l\ I'L-lltlrch dllt :buted l\l the (c11'1'))L'v !],'j,ht' ",h,;l •. lIs(' I(lrl'lvil ;111: runhCl",-·i.11111 !m --tldl dlY,()rpl1()tl

I If)) ,-\ ..,ci](lol. \\ herL' ,\11 'Ih\,.)rh~'d l'llipio: \.',' \.'I~(\rl ... Ii 'I· ,lUi}

,hall illlll1l'diatl'l) ,ilh)\\ lh:ll~'!11pl(')(xt(~ 11)!l1d\IIII.."cl' 1'\" ,)rlkl

11ft he Di rl'CLor nr S,-'h\ >01 l·:d lk:11 iOIl ! ~\i i illl' \\'hicli !lUI '-,l'Il( 1\: I ;It:d I he liahk to j{)Sl' the ['{l"l :1:,:,\l1I'! '.\ hi-'ll till' 'llirlih "111!,j(l> ,-, \\ :1'

,lh",odwd ,1Ild also hL'\'()Illl''' 1[,lhl,' 1111 d~-I[(ll1 :I.!', lll"t II

I J J J ()n ah.'i()rpII\ )il l1l ;1 ",u1Viu, '~'l1lj111 l! c~' (); ,II~ .1I(kd ... , Ili" d. Ihe management 01' Ih~' f(lrl1lCJ' ,~h{)(ll skIll ill1lll,'dl~llCl! 11'111,jl.';

Ihe Sel'\'IL'C hO(lk, Pn l\'ICkllll'und A~'C()ll111 alld :d ,\1 I " .. Ul' !;,q I':L\

eerllriCdle lil Ihe 1-:(1[111 XI h~'I'CI{) All tIl\: du, illlll'lIi'-. ... 11.111 h~' forwardcd within ,I 1\1I'11f1:2!JI 1,1 1h(.' ...,,·II(){:I \\ I'CI\' I Ill' ~ulrlw \'lllpl()) ee IS ahs()rb~'d

1/2) \\'ithollt PI'L'ltidil~'I{'<lIl: Illilel rr,)\ 1'[('1', \lndel lil,-.. lui,'

1! shall hc \v!lhin Ilk u)jllp~·k'IlCI. III ilL, I)I)",-I(ll of Sclli\d!

hIUGltl()ll, I() ()!\kr 1',-'-;t!hil-pti(11I 1,1 ,,1\ ,Ib", rh(.'d 1.;:111]'''';\'\,,'':.

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24X OITICIAI. GAZETIL (;()VT 01· (,()

SERIES I Vo. 12 (EXTRAORDINARY _' \ i 1 " i \!

ag.aln~1 an Identical P(1st which mav oe-:ul" In the I ()rlllCI' sch\)()! \'v'here Iha! i:::mployee was earlier rendered surpills:

Pro\"lded lha! such a vacancy should OCCllr \\-Ithin fi\'c years from the day on which thaI stlrplus c!llployee I.N:\:--- ahs(lrbed III

,l!lolher ~llded :---chool.

(/3) In Ihccasc ofarl.!-ahsorptloll under Ihe pnl\ !Slons ufsuh·· ndc (6) ab()ve. such an employee shall I cg.'din the :Jlllial ~,Cnl() Ity

rank ,IS cXlsted prior 10 absorption In til(" other s-.:ho()!:

])r,\\ldcd Ihal·such <I rc-ahsolbed clliployev "hall nol he entltled tndalll) uny post filled hy pron:()\loll fro!)1 his/lh:rcadrc. prior 10 such re-absorption,

I i..J.\ Services {If a surplus (cache" sla nds tcrml n,llL'd i!l casc the

teacher 1.\ !lot ahsorhed within six mOllihs.

! 7-+. TmmfClIMigrllfioll to (lfl aided school ullrlt'r ditJcJ'enr

l//(l/wgCJlICf/!.- (/) yy'here an cmpl()yel" of an aided ,\dlO()1 in this

State llllgra(Cs \1,.'1111 the approval of the DirclI(lr (Jj" School Education to dny other .tided school Undtl a dirrercllt

J1J<'l1lagclllcllt in this State. without ,my hrcak III s-:rvl\.':c hctwcen former :-.chool and the next schooL su..:h <I rn Igrating employee shall

be e11lltted i"l.)r the following hcncf"il 'i:-

(i I Ihe Illigratlng ell1pl(l~lcc shall (:<'lrn fresh ,>,'!liOnl), Illlhe

1I11~rall.!d school on the hasis ofh is/her dalc orjol n i ng or merit in tl~e .se!ecliolliisi. in his/hcrc<tdre III the 11l1gr~tl('d school:

(Ii) the migrated emph)yeL' sh,:llu()tl ()rkit thc 1c~\\'L' (\tl:r\.~Ji t In the school prior to the IHlgrallon:

(iii) the InIgralingcmployec. il"llllgraled tolwlJ Ident:cal post with Identicaltimc scale as held prior the !lll~rati':lIl in the school from which he/she mig.r,lted ~hall he Clllllk.d for the prol0cti( In of pay and the IHlnllal dalc (1[" increlllelll as 1:1 the la~t


(II') the migrating employee, i I m I~ratcd to holl! ,I highcrp()st

wl\h higher titrle scale in the sallll' channel. sha!! he en! itled ror

pr(llect]( ln oflast pay Jnw,/n I r StiC h pay last drawn IS hi~~her than

the minimum orlh(' lime-scale urlhe new post.

! 75. Quoiif."riJlg sCIYicesfoJ" PCllsi()}/{/ry helicjiTs.---" (J) The sl'r\'ices rendered hy an employee in an aided sciw(ll hy \'Intll.' 01

appointment with the approval or the Dircctorof School EduCl­!iOIl. dg.alnsl a suhstantive post. ,,;hall qualify for pcn~lonary hCllcrit~. Officiating services ~hall also qualify for pcnslOllary

hencrits II' followed. without any int(:rruption, by suhstalHlvC appointnlcllt in the same oranother post In the sallie aided sch\.)()! or any' other aided schoolullder the ~allle rnalla~clllellt.

L?) The period of extraordinar) leave on grounds otller Ihan mediL."al gr~)ull(.ls shal~ not qualify lor pensionary henerits.

(.~i, In Ihe case ()f an ahsorhed t'mpl()yec \vlu) was rendered ,>urplu\ In an aided .sCIHHll and was "bS(lrbed hy (lI"{ler or Director uf School Education, in another akkd scllool. the entire :ontil1l1-

(Jus servICc rendered by that cmpl(Jyec in lhe aided schoo! prior [n thl' day of absorption shall quali!"y for pensionary hencfil~ III

:Iddition to the serviL."e rendered ill the ahsorbed SChOll!' This

h,;ll('l"ilsiJ;d!a!\,\hl' ,ldIIW<'dhk\\!1l'll ;\!, ,dh\~I!" \., irl

I"l' :d~S(lrill'd III III,' 1(11"1111.'1' >,-II,:il!

orSl.'h(lOII':dlh . .',\lllllllil~' l'lllll'V ,\)1l111l1l,'11:> \l'I\! :l\!l :,'; i"

Ih<lIl'IIIPlll) Cl' ill d1l' :lllkd <11\ It ,I. pl'lqr 1(1 lih'ILI', ; i !', III :lddililliliu til: ,,1'1 \ IL'l'\ 1"l.'lllj,,'rcd III thl'I:L'\\

qU~lllr: j\ll'l'l'n'l(lll~ll: 11l'l1l'I,II~

;.:;) Thl' PCI (()d ,)1 ,\.'1"\ I,'l', !'lIl III h~ .Iii

(j()\nllr,lClll (l, .Ill) >1;11Ul\IJ') .llJtt)[HlIlj(llL~

dL',:m11l1 Ill' reqlll::>lll(ll1lll.'! III \tll'h .\L'r\ k'C" h: II: (i, \,;'

\hall ljlLdil') 11,1 l1l'Il"Hll1¥) lll'IlL'lil~ pnn lti,'d ,Ii

L."llIlll"!bUllOIl \\1 11'1,11 \.'llll'l(l)'~'" I> LI'~'di-h'd h) 1'1.:' ,:,1 :i'

rOI tht' ]'l'rlO\I (lr ",'[ \ I~'l'\ i"~ :ldC!"l'd (111 rL"jlll>1 Ii

I{J) 1:llll'!O)'l','> (l! ,\lded :---l'h,'(I!'i "hall k ellllll,. ~ I I i.I,'

\\'t'l~h\(l!_Tl' I'D!" ql!<lII1: Illg \c!"\ In' .1\ m'l) hl' :iIi"~ 1~\I:'i,'

l'( Hllltnparl 1I1llkr (;m l'I'I1IIlL' III \,.'h(l( lis ;l11d :1' I ['-c"

(;()\'(TilI: It:'nt 1'1"(,111 \I:1"lt' 11111 111l'


176. ("()!lr/O/:O!/(I}I II! Ii/Ii n 'tl)/IIII! :1/ I( i'll, ( i!iI

,d,,\("l11 e ()j <in: ,'(\11[,',,1'\ ,\l1d 'I"':L'II i"":-III:- rl'~'L '['idl i l\~1 ':. [

111111(.\\.'1\ 1~·l'IW',)~,d!\I,\llnI1l!1\!I\llhd\\L~'llt\\'II\i\i'JI.> ,"I "

1\'ndcr\~C: h) ;11l L'lllj"lLl>\'l' 111 ,1'1 ,lllkd \, .. Ihhll, !I .. I\ I" il\

!)\ (hl' Di J',-'d(l:' ,)1" s~· 11, '()! I.':d 1I,.' ,:ll()ll

(~) Till' !)II'L'ctC)' ;11 \,'ilc)(ll I.dlk',[ll(lll :Ii ,II,,'

Illtl'lTllPil()11 i..·(lll;..cd i" till' .'<1 \ !,'L'\ dunl1~~ Ii!, ',C'[':I:I<'

Clllpill\'CL' 1'("( Illl ()nl' ,IH.kd ,,:Ih I{ ,I I' 1 dl1< 1111\'1 ;lId,


II) '>lI~:h d 1111 ~~I (l! I, III I." 1,\ ill! llJ~' ;1!'I)rDv;ti

')c!1()ld I:dlll',!l](lll.

(fi llh' 1'1,\1 il,,'j,i ill til\ ! 'illh'l ,1I,k(! "ii"! ::4(i i~"

1111.,-,r{ltL'd dlded ,,\'!tlll)] ,Ill.: '~il"\'r\ .. d h) Id, :Il


Iii! ) llll' Illtl'l rLli'II\lIl ,;tli\l'..! dUI',I' III,'

h(\\\.'. lWl'l1 l·;tU'>L'd ,luL" [(l 1'"I>(lIh b"'\i'lld i'!, Ilil'\'i

L'lllpILlyev: ,lIld

IiI I lilL' pCrJ(\d ,'ll';I(1i IIJ(l'ITllPI!\lll dl\~'\ 1'( ",'\.,',


13) \\- hell a \lIrplll\ ~'IIlj1!(l\ l'l' i ,rail :t!ded :---('11", : i' .!'1>,,\( i' ' ! I,

illl order (l1' till' DirL'~'lllr Ill' Sl'!1111j! hluc;l1]()ll I' .11]('1111.'1 1',11

-;ch()()I.lhclnh:ITurt((lll.lran~ Itll!h'\(I"\I"·,-',,h(\\I-.'l'lllll\."

\\hl'l"C rt'lltined sUrlllth ,1I1e1 lh~' \cil()(ll \\hl'l"l'" ,t!,\llrhL',: !'!;:'

hCC()lHI(\IKdh, the !)11'1'l'l(11',1I SdllHl! hlll,';I!i()I"' '! ill,' Illi,! "i'

li(ll1 Glll\cd IS Il()l ,dtnhlll-.'d ltl lila: I'I]II'I():(.'-,

(·Ii III lh\.' ~~\::>e \\II'~'il :111 "lllj,I\l\"L' I' ,d'''ll:'il, ,: '11 ,1!1\ \II,

,>ch()()1 ;1I1d j,\ ()!"dcrl'd 1,)1' re-;d)\(lrpll(l[] lil :!I,' i(llilh.'l ,,~·Ih)l):. ,l!l,j

,It the request or tit,\! ell I pi (l: L'\" : III Illll'ITlll lllll( I It,ll i '. . ~ ,Ilh:ti .\ Iii L' 1(l!Jlln~: tltl' t"e-,lhslll"hl'd \l·ll(l(ll. 111<1: hL' ,'I\I~,dl)lh'(~ h) lhe l)ih_'~"I"

OrSdlOld Edu('dlll)lIli ,1Il'il;11l Il1kl'IU!'tll~ill' ,::I.I"l'd (1)11",',)'1'11,

h,:Y(i(Hlllie cOlltrol (II ihl' "lllrll'l)~'.L' ,\ILl ilk" i.)l::i p"":llt1d Iii ~Ikll

Illlcrruplion dOL',> nol '\l'\'~'d l!lirl~ d:I:-"

:[Hkd ,>chuni. <.\\;]j1L'll.ill) Illq')(h,'d lill'l ,i:·" 1]111i1 ii\ ,1~'II\

ll()t qualli) i'nj· ~'(_lld('Il;IlI\lil ,! ,I'

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SENI FS 1 No. 12



\ fl) The services rendered a.-> a [('acher on lecture hasis and the

services rendered on purely t(~mrorary hast;.; but not followed

by :lny continued uninterrupted appoIntment on regular hasls

"hall not qualify for pensionary hc-ncfits.

J 77: Resigf/uti/m (d'services ~ I) A nOll-permanent e1Jlploycc

who desires to resign from the SCI vices .of all aidec school shall

be required to give notice of one ('a!endar IiHlllth in advance.

\ 2) A permanent/deemed pennanent employee who dcsil"Cs

to resign ["rom the services or an elided scho;)I. shall be required

to glVt' nut ice of at least three calendar month", 111 advance.

(3) The management may allow an employee to leave scrYicc~

earlier. hy recovering an amotillt lroJn that employee, at the rate

oJ pay and allowances drawn at the time of kaving the services.

tl)r such period asmay h~11 sll(lrt to cover the specified minimum

period or notice as is required under suh-rule (J) or (2) above, a;-.;

the case may he.

(-I) An employee who hadgl yen IHllice for icavillf: serVIce, shall

noi he entitled ror extraordillarv leave other thi.r1 on medical , . grounds during ·{he period of the llotice.

(5) If" the services. of an cmpl(~yee of an ,uded school arc

requIsItioned by the Government for;l Go\'ernment or

<.IU!\)fl\ )]110U$ estahlishment funded hy the Government and if such

::In employec is proposc,d to he ahsorhed in the regular

ernp](lyment (If that estahl ishlllent without returning to the parent­

aIded instltutlOn. such an employee shall he liable to refund the

·amount equal to pay and allov. ances for a pennel or one month or

three months as per the nature of appointment of that employee III

the parent school at the time orrequisitiolling oflhe services

by the Government. Thc rate of pay and allowances refundahle

shall he the ~ame as drawn I,lst III Ihat school.

(6) If any management alill\\~ <tn cmploYl;e to leave service

~lIhcr without notice or without rccovery urthe amount for notice

period due, an equal amount ... hall he liable to he deducted from

the non~salary grant due to thlt school.

(7) The amount paid by an employee In lieu of the notice shall

be: cr~dited hy the management [11 thc Government Treasury' hy

acha~tn, in lile manner as may hcdin.::cted hy the Dircetor(lfSehool


17X. Liel1- (J) A confirmed/deemed confirmed empic)yce of an

aided school may be per~llittcd hy the management to keep lien on

the post. by ohtaining three months notice or hy recovering

an amount as under sub~ruk (2) and (3) of rul~177 as if the

employee has resigned or left his services with 01: without noticc

to take up services in any other recognised cdueational institution

in this State, includi-ng u college affiliated to the Goa UniverSity

or in any faculty of Goa University:

appOlllllllCnt III () c()llegc under the ~a'lW

ITru:-;l. as or the prcselll '>l·h()ol. the rel·(>\,

'Stlpulaled under Ihl~ "uh I"ule 111m' he \\ .11, ,',I


till, ,II 1\ ·[~,d S()(":~"ty,

·IL· ,1111.11,11' atl

12) The peri()d (lj thc lien perllllllcd I' h~ ~'\dllll'd .by (:,\1

employt;:c ;IS per suo-rule ( /1 ahm'l'. ~halllw ! !1111di i ~ I, 'i l \\ <."1 : I.' ,II" ...

(3) The cmployee relie\·cd to take Ll]h.'lllpl\ ) I1ldlli ') Il<...'l"IlllU 11l~:

t() retalll I jen '-IS per prm'ISIOI1.'i ()rsllh~ruk ( / ! ilnL! (,: ~ ;11;\ \\ l· ... ..ILd I

return to thc 01"l£I[Hti ro .... t at lill..' end or tlh' ~("I·I\}(I \11 Ill'll ry c 'c

ext~ndl..'dpcriod()r!ien.a."thccasc Illayhc 1!llill'n,·lil(1i riuilll"l'

In relurn to the original po.,,\. the e[llpl();il~l· "hal! I"c''"''.:.'11 11\1111 lilt·

pll.'t. An undertaking [() this effect "Ildll Ill' (lhLlllh't! h\ Ill\"

managcment from tile employee hel ore re Ill'\ 111.0: hi Ill/h.::\" I r( )II! till·

school 10 take up employmenl in another n .. 'i.'tl,ullhdi ,'dUl"illllln;ti


(4) The managmenl shall 1101 relieve dn~ clllplll) ,>' LlIHkl til,·

pro\'iSIOIl.' of this rule. without the prior :'lppl"o\';i1 oi"llll" 1)11"\.',:(\)[

of Schoo] [ducclllnll.



17l). S·c/ioo/ EdlfCUI/OII /\t!I"/so}"\ /1(iurri. III ,1i.·,'llrd'1l1C(

\\'"ithsectioll 24 or the Act. there shall hc;tn :\J\.[~(lj") I)\lmdc,tlk'd

School Education Ad\,l~ory B()ard to ,ll!\['T Illl· (;(l\'·i"Illl~,·nl

on policy matters perla[nlng t() edlli.::II\(lll 1[1 I Ill· SI;lk III (ill"

I XO. COlI/jJOSlt101/ of rile Adt·1.\"0I1 /1(l(ii (! (I i j he ... ()]ll]h'-

SHinn oi"thc School EducatIon Ad\'[s( lry Bl 1~lrt I sh<lll he as r( rll()\\ " ..

(I) Minl~tcl· or Education 'dwll be Ill\' Ch,llI"per~()11 (ll Ih~'

l\d\·I~nry Bi.urd,

(I i) Direclor of School EduC<I[Hln 'ihall he the Sl'L·ll't<l[ \ I!

Ihe Advisory· B:lard:

(iii) The Cha[r11Wll oj" the (loa BO<lrd (li SeC(llld<ll"\ ,1Ild

Higher Scc(lIldary Edllcat i(m ex -( ljlic I().

([v) three pcrs()n~. \-\"110 dl·C the he(ld~ 01 rCU)!!lll~,-·d

pnvale schools:

(\") three represen\;lIi\'e~ Ilt ()r~ill1l"ill1()Il." 01 ICi\l"hCI ... III

recognl;-.;ed prl\·atc ... chools:

(vi) threc I· 'lrescntatl \'c~ 1)i"lilc lllanil~C[l!dllS I lr rec()gn [~cd private SChOllls:

(\' j i) the Pri ncipal or llllC of the c()IIc.o:('s in I he Siale or (;oa·

Page 44: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

250 SDilES f Vo. f 2

OJ:HClAL GAZETT!'. (i(J\ T. OJ (iO.\


(\'111) two memhers or Ihe Lcg::--Jallvc A·,."cmhly of the

Stall' ()! Goa to he 1l01111natcd h) the SpeaKer:

(IX) [wo cmim.:nt educationists:

(x) IWO representallves or the parents <1.nJ g:lladian~ oJ

the \wdcnts of recognised 111"IV,L\C ~cho()ls: .Inc!

{\I) two rcrrcsentatl\,cs or the s[udenls {Ii ITlOgllhCd

pn\a\L' -.ch{)ois.

IX'I {Nil! of"Ofllce.·- (/)Thc A(h'lsory Bod) shall ha\'~ <!

\CllUl\' Llf three years. A 1l{)ll1inaICd 1l1cmhcr()fthe f\dvIS()"Y B()<1nl

'dwH hold office for a period of thl'~c ) cars. He/she mi.,Y he rc-110lll inatcd for another term.

(2) Suhject to the provisions (lfthc sccLion 24 ofth: Ac\ no

Memher oft"e Advisory Board shall hold office for more than

\\.\ () terms.

1:-12. Meetillgs.- The Advi~()ry Board shall llH'l'l at Iea",t Ol]ce

a year and more ortell if exigenclI:s \() dcmand,

IX). ResiXlIurioll.-- Amelllber(,fth,:,\dvisOf) Huard may by

communICating in writing to the (iovernor Dr Goa resign from

... ,ffice, Such resignatIOn shall take e !Teci I rom the ([,lIe of ':()Jl1111U­

nication 01 the acceptance of the resignation or on expiry of

thirty days (rom the date of resignmion whichever I" car le1'.

iX4. Vocallcy ill the Of/Icc oj"o 1:/eI/!iJel".-- A 1l11.:mbcr of the

AdVISory Board shall he deemed ((l hm L' vacated his o!"rice:-·- ,

(J) i r hc!she is or unsound !ll1nd and is so dcdan~d by d

cUlllpetent authority:

(Ii) If he/she is an undischarg .. xl insolvent:

{Iii) If hc!she IS convicted oj an offence involving moral


(I \. ) I r he/she does not allend t ,m.:v conseCllll vc meetl ng~ or the Advisory Board without c)btailling leave or absence

or the Guvernor or Goa:

(\. ) j f he/she cc:ases to haVl' the statu", Oil the- hasis of

which hc!she was nominated.

I X5. A/lowallces. - The memhc:'s oi"lhc Advisory Board shall

he'cntltled losuchlravcllingordailyallowances on parwith thc

lnwc:-..l' category of Group A Offcers or the Government.



I X6. Repen/ (~lothr::.r OI"l/ers.- Ail existing orders and circulars

shall be valid unless they arC inc(>r:sistcnt with these Rules.

/()lll'S : 11]( i I hl' [.llld"\,, ; 11 l' \ I '"~ \." II~ \,' pl·l\ 11' t,) [ill' ,LI

Rule", --:llilIC InLl 1·111,,'<': ... 11"11,, 1111l11lllL' tp r(:lllilil1 Ii'

hc dn'llh'd ttl h,\\l' :ll'l'll ,-rl::\ll'11 Llillil:r llil"'" R:IL,

on \\illCI11l11'\ lll!lll' :nl,) li)[",,'

.. 1.,

1:\0 (1J/1l1i1,1II1!10!/ {if !"c( Ii:';iillll!i! ,III/I( \('

pl'l'··prlllldi":. PrllllJI·: " .. 'i.'11IllLII: ilild f!1~hlT ,,), II,·

\\III,II .Irl' L'I:I,,,Jliu,1 ,lilt! l·l·'\l!~IlI"L'd h\ lil, ! I,;,

l:du,'aIIOll lIphl thl' dd\ prl\l: 1\1 Ihc ,·1111 II·l'\,.·11 !1. I', i i'!'."·

"hidl h..: (icCIIll'd 1\1 h<l\\,.' Ik'l'll, Id, .... "llil'd :tlld I·,', ·11!,,\.',1 lill>

"<1ll1l' ..... t,l~l' :lIld ~ [;1:-. ... ,>. undn Ilh'c...L' l{l::k .... ,lilt! ... il :111: .. il,d'],' i(l

l·(l]llph \\ !lllllh' P]"(\\ I '-II lib (,I"tll\,:';c Ruk,- 1;11 til, 'lit I'

I Ill' II" l"la~"'lril:at\lln <tlld rel(}~1l11iUI1.

i W) ('()1I11II!fllr/()1I (if /il/lfll( '}o! ({,I,ll \.,:(Ii/( (

(lIllply \\'Ilh the pl·ll\hl\lll'- ,\I i!H."'l· RLll'~,- I,"

I IIl~lIll'lill <t .... :-..I\UllCe «lid ~ran!c...

ll)() rill/( iUI!i{ 1(1 I/ll .Iii f ;{{ii.'!i I'! If 1 lii(

\ II . ii,

'Ill j :lii.l·

<ldnllnlc-;krln~! ~i:c rl""l~ill ... .:d ", !HI\l]..., "h,d: cllll~'n,,: :lk<l, \

lion \\ Ithin thrce uwntl: ... lrl)lll till' d;!\ \)11 \\'111.:11 Ill, ,,-' ]{uL .. '" ,

Into !'orc\'. 1(1 Illl'L't tilL' :l·ljllll..:ill,'JiI." laid d()\\11 h IIIL"< I{:i:,'"

191 Fin/( !illll' lUi U/I/i(!Ii/!I!/('ilT ('i \( I,,· Ii \/u;,

(·OIl//lUt/CCl. Till' \,'h,,',)1 \Lmaf!lllg C()llllliltl, ," 1\1:· ,:1

.... l·hool" '.\ I1lch \\C!"l' I'V~'\)!!lll'-l'd I,; till' j)il·l'(l1l1',:l \i hIL" ,I:·

llplO thc lid) ['nor l\l till' d~l: \11 ~'IlI\I]· .... 'l'llh'1l1 "i I!L.''-l' RlIi~'~, Ihi

whidl .II"C deemed \(l h<l\T hl','n rLY(l~lll.,-\"'d UIl,!,_I- till''-' ].(,Ik ....

frolll Ihl' day oj enr\1I"l·l'JIll'111 (\I tlll''''L·I<.ul,',-, ... 1i,li! I·h· :q'l','lllll'J'

rc,cIl!1.stlllltcd dS pC!" 1'\,.']n,1I11 )lj'()\ hlOllc... oj" till'>,' Ruk,-. \\ I!ilill

(hree 1l10llths rnllllli1l' da\ (lll \\ hich tl1l''';\.' Rule" ','unl\.' ill\(', I t'I·,'l'

Ill.'-,tlllllcd <lg-;Ulht ,llll'lllp)()}l'l' Dr ,IllY 1l011·,()()\,'llllllCllt ,-~'llll,.>1

prior t(Jlhed;l) Ull \\ hi, h the.,,!! !<UIc'-l·I)!lh' III Inll,' ... h;tll ~'(fIHI[llh,'

10 he L:()!\ductcd a~ pn re!c\;lIll iW()\ 1'i1()ll'- (1]" ord<-,[",- ,1" \\,\.'J,-' III

force. on thl' dav on \\ illl'il ... uch pr(;,'el'dln~~ \\\'1,,' Illl!i~lkd

IY3. 'Jell/llg HjJ /{{'I('J",'C i'linri ,\11 '-l'Ij(H11~ 'ihillild 1;\1:-.('

Rescrve hllld:-- spec I I"il'd ill ru k .25 ()I (he..;e 1< uie" \\ I, hi 11 \1 \ 1111 lllllh

frolll tile day un which tlll' .... ..: Ruk'i l'\HllL' Jiltn i(\I,-·~'

iY..f. POII·cn ol(jo; (Tilinelit /0 ISIII( Ur/lil/IU\!! (,ill ( oull,·,

The (iovcrnmcllt ,,11;111 ha\'l· I'(}\\L'J"." I,; 1.""lIl' ,ldllllnl~![illl\,'c'

ordeL'< III amend. Illodi!,). dckt\:, m :dlcr ,III:, pi likc...l' Ruk' ... ,llld:'

or all) 01' the arpendic..:s til li1l'''c Rule\ \)1· ({ll'II' i',) lilc'-L' RlIk~.

in part orinruIJ.a~llw~ hcdcL'lllcd IlC...:C .... ~;I!·\ Illl,l!hlill:lltlll1\\'llh

the School Educati(lll :\(1\ I .... or: 8()(lrd.

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.lLRII,S I No. 12

(l1·I'ICI/\L (;/\7.ETTF . C'O)/T. 01' C'O.\ (I 'XTRf\( JRIlINARY) '\//1 Ii \/ :fj(J"


FQrm of Application to open NevI School/Class/Division

(S""Rulcs 11.1 '& I~I

\ ole. -

Pan II or III or IV ~hal he filled in Illr pmpo:-..ds of Ilpcnlllg (If a new ",choo] or ~I Ill'\\' class or :1 new di\'isioll

fL'''11CL'\1 \'ct y.

". l)r,)pos<.11 of OpCIlll1g ui SId

prup()",dls for ()pcning new scllJ,'{)I.


I / Y / Y II [ / X I ,Inll he

(Information about the applicant Educatioral SocietyfTrLlst)

'\;tlllC and OITil'c aJdn::ss (\1 the applil'alll EduClll0lui


'\u!llhel' and date 01

l\s. It?"l:!,l::'lrilllon

r()lal numher of memhers

L'IlHI!!CU upln dale

-+ \111l111HllTl Ilumhcrofmcmhcr,

Pl'llposcd!O he enrolled dUrIn-!

lll''\l three Ilwnth:-.

\\'1 \ :llue of the UplO dale

d'>sds of the SOClety/Trus!

() '\l'l cost of immov';lhk propCI1)

.lL'qulrcd. If allY and details oj it., Me:l and location


(For opMlng a new school)

I, \all1c of the propo"ed schoo

8 Fuillocationa] aduress 01 the pr()p{)"ed SChIll)]

g :\c,luemic ye,\r from which tl.e

'>chuo] is to he opened

10 tvkdiUIll of instruction or the

pnlp{l"eJ sch{lol

II. CIa"" proposed 10 he started


j 2. (:1) Whether school has its 0\' n ht1ddin~ or hired huilding

ill I II ,Ill" bUlldl];." I' Iln~'d

.h~' lUI11-: ,11)(1 ,Iddl\''-'- ul

'ill' (1\\ ilc.'1

;V' \\ 11~'iIL': 11k il\\lh':~hli'

I!I Ie.' Ilj 11,,' h; Ii l'llll~'


I, \ l'i'II-I~'d :iihl !, 'L:II,I


'-ll\l\',li~i~ kllc..'lil ,llid \\Idlil

(lj 1:,Kil p\ tlll'lt)(ll1hl

1111 \)1"11::'11,111 ,Ii" lei: ,'\1,1], Ii-'

'-I.']W(lb \'.nl]IIl" ~il1'- Inll!',

the ProIJ()"cd ,-,llt1(,j :111c1 ::11\_':1,1\

havlIl,!,' Ilic S,Uli,' ,'[:1'-'>\"" ,["

pl"opnsl.'d im ti,l' Ill'\\ \L 11(l\li

\1'. \;IIlIC'S,: lull \kdiLi!:

\,J ,lddIL'\_~ (11

i he " ilu(I: jlHII""\'l' ,I~ ri"I'I",',' 'l'lhHll i" ' :h' "

I" II:hlrlll,ll1(:, 1,1 \,'\,'(111": ,,-IH1(lh \\\li1i'

il[( 'il\l,,, J ", i I( \{ d


tll~' 1'''/,', \lLJre\, ,1:

lI1l' Iccdlll!~ ~ch\ )(11

ilh' {li11 "l',1

" IH 'ui ,llId 1:111' c'dLil~'

:(l\\ ,'! c 1. ,,,,' ~', , (liTL'\ I ~(' i, II il;: \ I' \ 11(.)"" Il( 1~,>d

III 1 h,' :1:" ",-!1<11'

I(l The P(lpllbll\ll~ illlhL' \ :!I.I~C!TI'\\il

In \\l1ll11 tk_' PIUj'lO'-Ct! \L'llOIlII\ II'

he (lpcllcd

1)-" Tlh' !1l1:IIlCI:d !\'~ULlI'(','\ I:'('lll \\il!,'h

"\I\,'I1S,''- (Ire !'IIlPU\V,] \L\ :lV IllL'1

1111 the L'\I:\hll,llllktll ,lIhl rll!lJlII1:2

(ll till' prnpl),\<.J \('l1tH)1

II) C)U:UllllY (II IUfnllUl'<.' ::I:~':i,1\


I :\\\,lCll;\ 11:-.1 ;\\ itl~ Il<.'tll \\'I'-L'

Ilumher ()I' i'II,-:l!IUIl' jlllllll;N'd i

20 Del,1l1s uj Illlh'l llell\-.. dil-edd\


U\II:lCh a h\l 'h\l\\ Ill;! IlLlnli>el Il!

1i\I1~lla~C-\\ I~~' h)()I\~, "llbicC! -\\'1 ,t'

clldrl.'>. map".1 dhor:ll ()r~ 111 ,1\ e 1'\ it! c\( II rllrl'h;l~cd I

21. Givc name" ;md :lddl-l'\~L'\ \l] oll:t'l

rC(,()¥lllscd \!,"i1(l(lh Illlhl' St,lt.'

Il1:Ln(l~CU h I!ll..' :lppliclill StlClcly, 11' ;lIly

1< .. ,

Page 46: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,



(EXTRAORDINARY I lSF!! j' \/ "!(ill

PART III (For the opening of a highel class)

Y'J Enrolmcnt (It"thc Chl!'>SC,> already CXISt1l1g:.


~3 CI:.I.\~ propused 10 he added and fn')111 which acaucrl1lc year

2 ... J.. Acauc!lm: year III which the

clas" lower than the proposed cia",.,. \,'(lS added

2.~ RUOll1-\\'1SL' area of the "chon] huilding (Attach a sketch-plan sh()\vlIlg·

kn~tll and width of cxisting rooms):

2(). Whether ~l .-;.tandan.l-sized classroom is ~1\';lllab4? for the proposed hi~herclass

n. Enrolmcnt in the class corresponding to the proposed class of the school _"' I\ms <tWil;.' from the school 10 which

the proposed class IS III he added

n. Dctalb Dr furniture avallahle



~(). Del<ills 1)1 l he te<lching e4U1pment :\vi.lllab!c:

~-~~--~~~----~--- ---Quantity

30. Compliance urthe-conditions laid down !:1st tune fo'r opening of the cl<ls~ below the pHlposed clas:-;




(For the opening of an additional division)

.~ I. Class for which division is proposed to he opened

32. Numher of already existing division:-;

'and enrolment in the same

3.\. Numher 01 Q(llh.'l1IS in the class for whidl Jiyision is proposed-to be added


(I) h"0ll10Icl'"II'tHl11Ih' I\)\\'I.'I-'~I'.l'"

(It) dCl,Ullt'l''-

(111) IlC\\ ~ldllll\"I\lll'

,':q lkLlIh nl !"O(llll·\\ l'~' ~11-l':1

{,\llxh a 'KC!l'll pl;,lli

3:; IntorllWli()11 ()I <Jlhe:- 'l'huoh III llh'

.11'1.:,1 with l1ulllhcr oi di\ (,jOIl:- i(ll lil<.'

q,llltLJrd ror whidl addiljoll DI

dl\'I"l\l11 1\ pnl),(l,cd

SI ~<I \;Iilll: 01 lilL' >,clwol

1)1,\:Uh"<: Il'iHIl

IIJ~' ~lppll, ;1111


"lIlllhl'l <>,

"dl\ 1"1011'

3(). WIlCtlKI' scho()lll;l~ ;K,'()IllIll(l(i<Ill(11l 1m till' pmp()'ivd ~lddittoll;ll di\ tstOIl

11<:ll'h\ dCl"!;m: tlldlllll' In[(lI'11l,llIDllillrtlhilcd 11;. ;'1. 1:1 ;"~I"'""

p;msoilill.' proior!lw 1,IJ'Lll';lI1111 1\11(1\\ til;!! Ii ;1l1: (lllh~' ~,I!, iill!'!i'J, ,\':

I~ l(lund IIlC(lI"fccl. til: dppliC:III(lIlI'-. l1:1hk to hc I-CIl'l'h-",: I\'it!~\\ i~

( "11;111"111.111

'--i,"lh)I'] \Ltl1;I,!..'IIl~ (,.I!I !<lllll",'

\PPL:\I1I'\ '\\1

1)111111- !\.';ll'ilCi J~;ll,(l , )1' Pt\:-Ptllll;li"\ ,Illd 1>1'1111<11 \ ,,'1111\\1, SCl'Ruk,2(),,,,,--1,l.:'i I







("pIP ::tJ i"t-011l ~() 1(1 XO

h"OI1l XI I() 120

hUI1l 121 I" 160

FrUIll 161 IU 20U

For cV~'I'y next hind, III

pupil" nr p,lrl lilcreoj





II When [here arc "tll"plu\ lCdchcr:-. tile loll()\\ IIl~ pupd tC~I(lll'! ::lild

"h;lll he III i'orcc

Number of SltHJCllt~

11 t,'P[(I II)

:2) From:20 [0 6U

-J.) Fml1l 91 [0 121)

.:)) For t:vcry 11CXI bind, ;)1 ·-i-O pupils or pilrl IIll'rc()i

Thi" pupi I-Ieacher lAw "hidl he appii,:;!hll' \\"llhtll[k~ l( ,ui :-.;llll"ll( Hid

posts unci 110\ for cre;ll1011 III ext!".! PO<l.."

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(EXTRAORDINARY, 28TJf J{ .\!: 2(){}()


Form of Application for Recognition of a S·::;ilool

{ See Rule 2:; }

To be submitted in duplicate

1. \i~lIlh' III tlK' Educ;Ji1onai SOClcLyl1 :"u:-.l

')" RC~lstrat10n numher ,1IlJ dille or SOCiety/Trust

3. Name oj the school with ,loJrcss III lull

4. Dale oj openl1lg the s.:hool for whidl rccngnnion \\ sought

\0.: \ddrcs~:


5. (al Stage upto which ~llrcady rccogl11scd

(h) Slagl' for w"hich recognili<in is s()ught:

6. Stage-wise medium of"instl1!ctlOll

7. In C<1~e recognition lS rCljulred fort:le M jddle/Secondary/Higher Seconda!")' stage, wnte the subjects for which H.'C()gnltion is desired

~. GI\'c thc number of other schools '\>. ithjn :) kms. from this schooL

recognised for the stage of euucatluil f()r which recogllltion is .,ought for this ..,elmol

9. 0Jamc~, addresses and occupation of the members of the Schoo! M<lmlging Committee

10, t"';amc and full address of the MW1<.'gcr

11. Area oj" [he campus and t!lC huildil~g

(a) Has the school its own huildin·; O( renled building

(h) Total land area of the campus

(e) Total huilt area of the schno!

(ll) Give the area of each of the cl.lss-moms

ie) Area of Library and Rcading ROOlll

(0 Area of Labol"awry

(g) Area of Staffroom

(h) Area of Headmaster's room

(i) Area of Office room

(j) Area of Students' !'Ooin

(k) Area of schuol ground

i III i Wh(:llicl I'Lllldill~ I" cicclni"tl'd dllt! Llr \\';llel prm Idcti

i II ~lIl11lwr oj ruoh In the lihr,lr:

ICii\l~ numher Ilh::dillll\-\\'I\l' I

II) hn Tc"f:lCh-::r:-.

12) :\umhcr 01 ch:lrh

ICJj\C list "uh.il'ct-\\I\,'I

(31 '\umhcr oj \1<111" IGivc Ii,,! ~llhlL'Cl-\\'l'l')

l.t. (;i\'c':lcm-\\I~(, numher oj 11IrI1lllln::

(h) Name nr the Ban].., oj dCPO'>l1

Ie) A\'er(l:,!l' Illn!11I\j\ CA!lCndillirl'

I () Cl<h~-\VI~C 1l11lllhcl III \!UdClll\


! 7 Whelher any relrgroll' "hlnrc",," " Imparted and \\'hl~tIK'1 It j~

compulsory tor ,111

i::-;. State <IS to which cllrncuiu!l1 ,mel "y!lahi arc i"ollnwcd

19. CI<ls~-wlsc fates 01 Ivvs and utilel

rund~ to he charged lo "ludenh

20 InlormatlOn of the "un

s! N:Hlw '" J)"~lgll,III()1l DalL' 1)1' No full ,Ippotili'



qlwlifi· ' ~':I! II)Jl

21. Whether the school needs (JO\·ernmcnt

L ndertaking

TIJIIlIIl~ 1~"III,lrk,

q II ~tI i II' .11:01l

The M,magernenl herehy a~rees th,l! It IS Willing til ,llld skIll <lhide by tht.' proVIsions of Goa Sl'h()(I! EdllC<ltl(lll ."'l·t. 10S-1. ;illd R\lk~ made thercunder, the orders is.~ueu hy the Director<llC oj Lducation ill the past. present dnu rUlUr~ rcg,m1ini-! 1"f..'c02Illtioll OJ the sch(l(lj and conduct of its admlll1!-.tratlorl.

Certified that the !nfnnnal!()11 ~I\CllIS eon~el.


Datc' Ch.llI"!l1'lll (II the Sc!1\)oj \,Lmagll1g COllllllltkc

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OFFICIA~ GAZETTI;-- (;0\"1' OF (,0/\ (EXTRAORDINARY I }j.,"!//,/; \L :u!J(),

FOR~1 - It I

Form of Declaration of Date of Birth of the Pup I in the absence of Birth Certificate

i Sec Rule 56 '

,Vore This oeclaration shall he made toy the parCllti~lI,-m ian 0: the

pupil ~rH.; _~haU...nPt he altered or modified thereafter.


The Headmaster. Sdool


I. Shn/Smt. __________________ _ resilient (full name of declarant)

of __ ._' herehy suhm!! that (rull postal address)

I want tocnro! my _______________ ~_ .. ward (relationshIp \\"11h the pupd!

Mastcr/Miss _______________ 0. ___ •

( Full name or pUPJI. hegtnnlng- with SurnaJllc) yuur st.:hool in Std. I froJll June 1o __ _

( herehy solemnly affirm

that 1he hirth of Master/Miss (rull name of the pl pill

~ ________ \s not rcglslered in any orrin'.

2. 1h:11 the date of birth of Master/Miss (full name of the student)

______ IS ________ . __ (in w()nb ____ ~ __

as per the best of my knowledge, and the Si.lmc IS til he ac::eptcd for purpose of his/her enrolment in the school.

3, that neither I nor any other peL,on shall be evcrcntitl~d to'ieek :1Il)' change in the date of birth of the :--aid pupil. as dechll'ed i.lhovc

4. thai If the birth of this pupil rCfistereJ in any office in future, It

'will he regIstered ·as per date of birth declared herein w:thoul any alteration 111 the same.

5. Ihal It is broughllO my knowlcJge {hat no chang.e in the content -of this declaration will be permitted ill any later stage,

6. thm it is brought to my knowledge that if the binh of this l'hild is found to have been already registered hefore I make this .declaratIOn. L~hall be liable for action for dcceivi ng the authorities.

SQlemnly declared on this ________________ day 01' ______ 19 at _______ .

Accepted on



Signature of (he Declarant

Signature of the Head of the Sdnol

F()I<~1 - IV

Form of School LeavlngfTransfer Cel"\lflci1L~

The entries In this certificate must be as per the eni Ii;~; '1 tilf? General Register an'd in the manus\ i Ipt

\",lI1I<':: (>I tile SCHOOl 8 .. POST \L r\DDRESS

\i~ltnc nl t!IC pupil III tuli

\. Whether h\.'lnllg'"- Itl S.c .is.UO.H.C.

"L Placc oj I'irtl! . I\\md, tal\lka, St~ll~')

5 Datc ul hinl! ',Ill 11):l1l\;o..,)

I (Ll\', month &. :1.,11' III Chn,II<l11 ('1";11

(In w()rti:--)

6. ! .asl Scil()(,j dttcmkd

(11<1IT1C and adJ!'l""~

I () ('ondul"!

II. Odie of ka\ Ing !hi\ ~l"h()ol _

14. Rcmarb.

Certih~d th~\t \11l: ,Ih()\"(.~ Intormatlon 1\ III dl"l(ll"li<tnce \\!Ih till'

(Jellera] RC!:-!I,~tel" of lite pupil.




Signature (lIthe

tkad nf the Scho()1

Slgllature oj {Ill' ('Ij";Clai

l'I"t:paring this CCnllll~lk"

A change 1Il any entry illth!: .. , l'Crtlfi~',Ik' ~h,dl 0!OT hc made except hy thc <lulilorll;, lSSU11lf! 11 dlld (111~ infringcment 'oj

this requirement is li~lhlc for In1Illl.\Hi')11 (11 ~1'pen<11t) \lIcll:b rustIcation

This cer!lfic~ltc Ilced~ td he l{)Unh..'rslg-nl'd hy the A:-'ShLillt

Director oj Educatl()ll nr Deputy I:dlll'~lll(ln Officer 01 the Educatlulwl Z()IlC il tl1n pupil lk'-II\-'\ to l"olltinlll' ~tl1dil".\ ou{slde thl'"- St,ltc

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255 28"J I t II .VI: ](){j()


Form of Application fJr Building Grant

(See Ruk X7 I

To he suhmlLtCU in Chlplicalc

I. :\all1(: and full address

01 tile .'~chooJ

Whelhcr Primary/MidJlc / Sel'l ll1dary/H ighcr SCc(Hllbry Sdl(l()1

.. Cla~,,-wise divlSlon~ lor the currC!H aCadCIl1lC year

4. De\<llis of area of existIng


) Exad area proposeD to he hudl up/ acquired/already

dcquircd, for which huilding

griHll 1:-- required

(1. r\1ll011nt of building g:l"i.lnl


Tot~d estnnated cost of the proposeJ cnnstructlOll and the

proportion the grant amount

he,lrs to the 101<11 esumatcs.

;-.; (;1) Whethcr Ihe school ha:--ever received Building Grant


Ih) l(":--O,glvcdetailsufthc

,1I110unt anJ details of the

(onstructlOn for \vhich it

\Vas utilised.

1(" ) Whether final accounts are

\ubmlltcd to Directorate 01


l) i,ll \Vh':iLcrlll<--' 'Ill .. ' Ill!

prupo'icd \_'un~lnklldll l~ !IV, ned

hy the \.-Lllld,>el:ilIL'llli"j :llliL'd hy (3()\ crnllll_'lli

Ib'llflll\ m\llcd. \\ilClilcl

the l11k I" ("k:l\" dilL! ).Coud

it I 1 r ~r,lnl\.'d h: till' Cill\ nnllll'1l1

ihe nlllllhc: ,lml d;llc U( Ihl' (lrdcl

(PIc,!,-,: l'n',;l(l~l' d ,'(ll':-

10 \.\'hClhcl ,11<...' I ,I ,lI I'-. ,lIld ,'qll11:1\l"

()I pnlp()\cd ,()Il'lrLll'\1I111 .ill'

<1)lprU\'cJ hy llll' ,IU1J](l[llll'"

01 Puhli," \Vnrb [)cP<lrIJ1ll'lll _tilL!


II. Whether the :--tlc lu[' prl)p1l\cd

,-'llll:--trUC\IOn !" l'ull\,:rkd llltu

ntHI-agI"1ClIllll r,IIIJlld

12. Wiie\iLe['lile \Lllld~~'llll'll\ I~

\\ dlitlg ill eXl~(llk trw,t

d,:l'd ()r d.~:rl'Cllh.'llttlll';hl'

the hlnl(lll1g gl ~lll[ [, ~_lIklll)lled


The \'1dndg,:IlI~~lltllilden;lke~ that the l()I;~lll1l'll";! pr()j1I)'I.'d In bl 1111anced fro 111 tile Blllldl!lg Gr.lI11 \\11111111 he 1I111Lruk,'ll \\'ilholltll"\'Il~">

1]"()J1l IhL' ,11I\h()nlle~ <\:-- h reLjulred



'ii!;n,ltur'l' \ d

Ilk' Ch tlrtll;\ll oj Educatlill1; I ')()~'!"ty -rlt!. t oftJ1l'Sclw,,\

Form ofGcncl"<l1 Reglsici

See Rule 110 )

:Vllie >- In column No.2. the name hcgllll1ing with \UrllalllC Of house name. I"tr.\t name ,mu I"atlh:i \ 1l~ll111:j~eU)!HI n;lnll' ~I' 1ll'1 '\(!l·th Indt:1I1.\lYJe.

Christian \lylc or South Indian style .1S the case may tw.

Reg. No.


till' pupil 1tl full


Place of


Date elf Binh. mllmh

& yCJI"


Last school Dale attended .of admi-

to Chri~tian era both in

figures & words





III which ,Klmitlcd


Pn)grcs~ CI1]1dlll'l ])~ Ill' ')tand,lrd Remarks .'\11\'

ol"k;l\ In:.' III wllieh ,Ihout othef

the \~'11O()1 ,lud:- lilg I t.::~IS{)n fCIll,ll'kS

<II the t11nc ot Ic;l\'lllg 01 k'<\\'lng


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256 SERIES I NI!. 12



Qu;!li!i{ atlons for Direct RecrLlI:" Sr. \"(1 ,\iame ()f the Post


PrlfKlpa! n! 4:'i Hi2!hcr Seconclary <..;choollTraining Inst]{ut\:

Heddmaster 01

Sec'Jndary School

Assistanl Head­master of Secondary School

Heaumaslcr of

\1 iddlc School

I) lInd cJa~s ivi;ISIl'r\

Degree 1 rom a

recogll1scd l'I]1\'cr"ll\

III Dcgrcell1Euuc,llltlll(ll


lill 10ycars [cachilli1 expcncllcl' OUI of which at least) year" in ;-h. Svcond,lry School ,1."

TC.lChcr Graue I or In

Primary TC<Kilcl ',., Tra11111l~: Institute as Sr. InstrLlctOl". d:­

the case may he. ,lIlel rcm:I1!lII1[2

.) ~cars 111 CqUlv;llclll pmt

I) A Master's Degree from :1

n;cognlsed UIlI vcrs!t) :

II) Degree 111 Educ,ltlon/

/teaching from a n.'L'tlg­nised lJmvcrslty 01


11i) At Icaq.) years tcal'lling

experience.l f!\:r gradual I (In

III a Secondary Schuol m:l training institute out 01 whieil

al least 3 years teaching

expcnt:nceaftci tr,\ll1ln~:

No direct recruit

I) A graduate from a rcc()~ll\sed


()lI:lillll \Un!' .... !()I

1'["tllllUll·,· ....

.\ \1;: .... lcr .... !)c~rcc jj"()1l1

.1 1\', (1~1l1 ~<.·tI t. 111\'<..'I"Sll \ .

!I'c.:lh': \,

J\, I (-(It ,( I

Il' !kl2i·l·~'11l Lducll1(l1l

t":I"llIll~ 1 rom.1 1\.·('{ 'l!!l;,niUlli Ycr,:l \


ill\ ,llk.1q ,l'\Ctl \C,II'

\l'<l("hlll~ n. p~"I"ICIll'L' :1\ iC,ldl,,',

(ir,lde-J in til<.' Ilr. SCl"()llliar: Sl"il()ul ur ,I SI'. [n"lru('I()1 Ill:;

Prlll1ar~ TC<J,,'iwrs Tnllllln~ In\tll11tc. ,l.\ tile l"<I~C 111,1\' il('

'" 1!11 III cHI:ll,l~lCI ,d Sn·ullll.lr:­

Schoo] undci Inc .~'II11(: \1aIl'I)C~'

I11Ctll h:l\II).'-'.n kw;t 7 }c'lr~

~(:i"\ Il'l' (Hit oj \vhich ,II k<l~l

:' :l'ar~ l!l Higher SCl'lllldar: School ,IS Tc,lchcr C.;radc-l 01 I!~

Primary TWII11ng [nslilutc <i" Sr !n~trlll"l(lr as the l'a~c mil: I',

II -\ Ik,L'rcc Ii ('111 <l1\y()gnl,>eLi

I 11I\·n~l\\

II} -\ Degree 111 hllll'<lll(lni

ITe:IL·hlllg I rum a rCC()~ill \cd

l·lll\'cr"1\:. \\ nil 7 ~'c,lr'>

Il'.Khlllg expcnencL' ~;" <I TC:lvh' (il' 11 ill till' School a i'tc I gr:hllU110lh (lut ul \\",li\.'I: .'

)~';l!"'> ~Il()\lld hc pO ... 1 E,. Ed i!{ i

c\I',:nl'lll'c: j ,\1!ill~ \\ 1m· 11

III.' 1)11'1()l)ld 11\ LduCltl(El

I.~ \ C:II'\ COl1l·~c) oj ,\n~

rculglll,-cd I :I1l\'cr~l\y (11

d Dlpiol1ld \'lIh.'t]()11Cd

,!~ "'qu\\'akllt by tll1...' (;(1\ I

\\ lill () ~'r", ll'~it"hill~ \..'xpCrll·nl'~'

III lil..? Scil()(): :ll"tCI"

gr.H.Ju'\lIO\l {lilt or \\ Iw.'h :11

k,hl 7 ~ r:-. ~holiid ill' 11(\'''\

II :lIlllll~ C \ Ill' I"ICIll·t'

TIll' saille ,h l'rt'~l"1'lhcd 101 lile Ik:!dJ1lil\tL'1" oj Scc(lTl(br\ Scil(lPi

I) ,\ !)c.::rcc il"OIi1 it I"l'l"OgTlI' .... ·d




Ii) A Degrec in Education lCilching: II) A DC).!l"cc in LJUl'dtIUIl, L\I~'IIlII~:

and 01 \..·qU1 \ aknl \\ lth ~ y...-:I1· ...

C\jll'r\CllC<..' :Iltn 11":!lnlll,lC.t\:1

·I·c'lcilcr (il·ddc II. lll'

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,"lFN/L\ f No. J 2

r,.:al'll.:-r Grade-J \1". In"I!"Ul"\m

IcachcrCradc-11 Jr. In:-.lfuclor

'I'cacher Gracie-III


30 vrs

()FHCIAL r;AZI"iTE ,( ;OVT 01' COA


11i) ,lh'llil 5 ),(;11"" 1\'\I\.·hln~~ CXpCI"\­

cncc '11 a Sen lIllbli y Scholl) (Jtll ui "which ;Ih(llii ,< \'V'll>.

leaching: CXj1l'rICnn:: ~11 tet


I:' /\ ,\1;ISlcl" [k~n.·('

in tIll' '\UhjCl'l:


A Degrce III hhll',I! 'un/ Ilcat.:hing::

1,1 A Degree lrl1l11 a n.-'l ... )gl1h~·d


II Hr. Seconumy School ccruficatl' with Diploma !ll EducatlO11 (2 YC<lrs cOtlr~c) failing: which S.S.c. with Diploilla 1Il Education (2 yrs_ l'(lIli"Se)

II A Degree from il n:co!!ll1~cd

Ill) '\ !)lj,lum;llll Edlll'(lillln!

dUra\IOIl; \\'lth ,.,., ~.:.,,_ lC'ICi:!11'2

C\ i'l'rlCllll' ;11 tel" IL1111l11.t:

1) Tl'.~l'hcl (i:',llk 11/.11" 11l\\I'lI,'lil; 1< "'t" 'I1)i)!)

\\ 1111 ,-; ~ r ... po:--l lLlll1lllg: 'v~']"\ 1",

1[1 Ihe SchO(lllPry. Tr", Tt';ll;llil;

In'tlillil' ;l11d P() ... ~c.\sln~ lilLl1 iii

~':llllln.\ pl\' .... cnlwd I'oj" dia: I

ICl'nllh 111 Col. :'\\)_ I..J.J

I; Tl',IChcr(;r~ldc III \",()!tin~ IIi

d Sl'COl1d,II'Y Schulll havlll~

"\ yl'<lr~ "CI \'ICC II11hc ~r<llL

dnd P(L"""~\"'lng qU<lliri,',ltHlll\

prc~cnhl'd ror dircn J"ccnll\' 1:'

,'01, :\()_ (4). Failing which ,\ Teacher (,radc III P(),~\C~~ItH'.,

Lkgrl'c I film ,] rCl"(Ig:nl",cd

l'IlI\'cr~tl~ ,tIld ,I DqJI0Il1;1 111

hltlC(\tI()1l 12 yrs. C(Hlr"cl <llld

ILI\'IIlg:) :'1""'_ ':\IKrlcIK<.' (lU\ (,(

\\'Ilil"ll ill 1(.':1.'1 ,~yr"_ CXpl'I"Il'IH,'

,lIh'r oh\;lIlltng Diplolll,lll, EUll<.':111()!1

II; :\ /)C[,!J'l'C 1\1 EJUl":llIOIl/TC;Il'illi!'-'

lrnll1 a rCl:()gll1~cd l'nr\"cr~lt:

\01 applk;lhk Education T cach!..":r U1l!vcrsity

'J Dra\, ing: 30 v,.'ars T':,Kilcr

I (). 30 ycar~

II, Craft Teacher

Ii) A Diploma III Ph;Nc,ll EducatlOll

(Old Coursc) or Diploma III

PhYSical Education from (I

rccogmsed 1.11llvn~lty:

Bachelor's Dcgrce III Fine Art (B.F.A.) fWIll ,\

reCt)!!!11sed Lini\'l.'rslty: or

i) S.S.C'.or!..":qulvalcnt Ii} Diplmna/Ccrllficatc III

Art and Drawl11g from ,I rcco12nised in~!illlll()11 ,1flCI

~l full time coursc ()f less than

3 yrs duratIon, or <1 Pill'! llmc

Cow''iC of 5 YC<lI'S dur,llioll

Degrec III mll,~I(' rroll1 ,\ rccogl1lsed '\ ,\, university \\'ith 4 years coursc or a

Diploilla in musll' from a rccngmscd instHlition with 5 ycar~ course sunject!o 1l heing equivalent tn degrcecourse

Diplma or Na!ional certificate in the suhject with at Ic,\st

3 years po!'t S.S.c. fllll-!lI11C

training from a rcc()gniscd


Ie _.:;( HJ(J-,'\{ H){)

I~~ S(H)()-K()(J(j

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258 SERIES I No. 12

OFFICIAL GAZloTTE . (;()V r OF (;lM (EXTRAORDINARY I 281'11 ,( \1


Adrmssible Non-teaching stal r anti ! jhranan (I:'

Middle, Secondary and Higher Sccl'ndary Sch( '\lb.

a. \oll·\1illlsterial Stafr:

I) Schoob having pupiL ... upto 200

2) Schools hav!J1g puplis over 200 bUI UplP 600.

.~) Schools havlllg pupils over ()OO

hut upto 1200.

..J.) Sellon]." haVing pupils. over 1200.

I I., D.C. Cum­


, .D.C.

I L D.C. Cum­-ljhr'dlTdll

I '-k'ad Clerk I i'.D.C

I 1..1).c. Cum-


I I h:ml Clerk 2 I_~',D,C'~

I I..D.C I LD.c'Cum­~Lihnm,ln

(I\iorm;11Iy the next post shall be allowed wlh~n the enrolment exceeds hy 1 OO'over the minimum of the range pr(!scnhed)

h. Lihrarl<lll und Lihrary Attendant in Higher Sec. Schools.

I Lihnlrl<ln i,ihnlry ;\llcndatll

lel. Lahoratory AssI~tant :

I) SeconrJary school having 'itrcngih of 120 or marc II!

Std, VIII to X

~ I Higllcr SeconJary Schoob

11,1\ 11lg SCIence: faculty

lUi. \'kl11 <II Stafr

II School" lUI\'ing: upto 6 Classc .... (V-X)

.2, SdlOOIs haVIng: morc than () Classes

1 Llh. Asst. pr(" IJed the CO~1

or l.aboratory ,lpparalJS is illore than RS.7500/-

3 Llh. Asstt~, h II .~ L hora-


Lpto = 'f)" Group


I for every aJJi­

tional,~cl of 6 classt'~ and parI li1erc,)f

excludl ng the

first 6 l'lasses.

3) Schools haVing less than 100 pup:ls 1 Post

4) Each Higher Secondary School wtll have 1 Night Watchman and In addition. :; Lab. Allcndants where Science wing IS attached.


Form or Offer of Appo.inuHclll

( See Rule 15 'r ~~~-~-.

i\ o.






TI\\', hit~ n;kt-<'I\~'\: ((1 ,it": \lIbj", I ("ll jPP(lllllJ11l'll

mlill:-- ~~'h()\)i. h~ dire,,·t r""q,I;,li '!,\ I "d'i'

In this C(lI1tl(TtI(111 11 I~ h\ 1I11mm \\1 i Ihal Y(111 h:l\~'

the dPP()JlltmCI1! ,1:':.I]n~1 ;Ill' '<I!d 1'0';

~ It s!lai I he nil ,mil; Ii], 1i1 i il:- till' p'_': ]()" ,)1

d;lle ()! jOl!l1n~ dllt!,'~


,!~IL: I 1(111)('

,l';lOul lo(lw 1--lt~(ldnllheS~'i1",)1 ,~n,!,' "'1Iil !()I,I; :11:1) ','!'Ui'\ ,d\'I!~" :lh

(II 0I'12!11l,11 u~rtl(]l;(ik':-. Dr :!l";ldCIl1:l Illd 1'1'01'(>_ .li1<il i:1 JI!flL":llli'T1' ;(,

,HlcslCd l'l)PIC,~ or e:,<:h (11111--' ",'!'llil,,' 'k' ~,;dll';11 :'ill>,~ ,-eil:: :'tk

trom tile .V1cdicll/Hc,lilh 1!I-IIl'~'r II ',:;1 (~')\'Ci'l1Il1ell! 1111_"PIUlill,:,lith

CCIlI["(,' alld II\') l\~(ll'har:i('i\~r lC:'ll:'i, 1\;':' !!\)I)) 1\\0 PI"ll!l":II1Clll 1)(1~',)ll~

such as M L,-\s. i\'lPs. Hcadlll<1.\[CL\ il! f h," 1'1 :\(,!tu()1 s. Prllh'1 pals oj H i~her

Second,u\, Schnob/enl k_~!\>_ C;,IHI\('ti 01 fil'Cr". J)i<;[I'lCi \1 aglstl :Ile-.:-Il'

,-L YOII arc required II! ,:!li);;ilu1 ih' !k,ldnllilc SCil ,<,1. ytlll! 1'_'ilL'1

nfacl'ept,lllcc ()i"Ii1b otkr. ~o (\ .... 't(~ tC~ll'h tile, oillce ('I I' '\,'jlO{': I\L ;)1


5, In ("IS!: yOU!" k:t[cr ul ,j,' ,_Tpl<lnn' 1, l1(1t rcc":1\'t.~d \\ llli! 11'1 'k' ,1Ip([l,l(l'"

Ill11e a." abo\,t: aJ1u/oryol! Lil! iPi'epoI'i todul1c\ Oil th<..' d.\ ;l~ llldl,',lIl'd

<[hove, thi \ (ltTer of ,:PP(lln; men I (1lItOnlilllcall! q;ll1d .... l :Ii', ','I ied :m,1 '. ()u will h<lvC l1oluni1cr Cl<lllll 1-(11 the ,\dtlll'.


FOfm III Lc\!cr ()j '\PP()II1I111CIll

SCI' Ruic I,~l J

:\u. __ '" __ ~~_.

Name of the school &



S!lnlSml. _~_._~._


(Name oj the t~mpl()yec)


(JcslgnaIH}11 of the \'acanc\)

Page 53: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,




WlIhc:tfed from _______ ~ _____ _ ___________ F.!" .lA.r.,_ 1!l till'

.... <.::dl' of ______________ with bJ' I,,: pay of R ..

(full tlrne scak) fron: lile day of appo!l1tmcnr.

Thl' dppOlJl:rnent 01 Shri/Smt.

_______________ 10 . _______ " _,_.

(pel"lod to be defined with d'IY. IY:lllllh & ~~ Il'

__ " _______ / ,m

probatlOl1 for a peno(1 oC ________ . ,.years fr(lnllI1'~ (I;l>1 of apP(l1n\' m(;n! ane! i ... also subject to thl.' condition, of scn'lI.;e, llnder Goa, Daman dna Diu Schon] Education Act, 19X-~ awl Rules n1<\C,~ thcrell!1der as J)1a~

ht~ ,ll'lcwk:d from llme [0 time.

Till'> order I_~ Issued Wltll l'OlllllrrCl'CC ut Tile ~choo ~l"llaglng

C(lllllnlllt:C as pcr thell" ~CSO'\Jlhl]1 \J() III (Ill' Tl1e,~tlllg. !,leld on



I (h~ employee)


Form of Annual Performanet.: Report n! ElIljlloyl'l'.\ in R~cog!liseJ Scilu,)J.<.,

( See Ruk L-;-' \ ([1

i\:rlormal1ce Report for tile perl,)(1 rmlll ___ _

PART I { For all cl:lplnyees )

1. :"",jle of the employee _______ .

2 D..:"lgl1dtlon ____ _


( For tea~hin:: staff only)

I. Subj(x[ kmlwledge ______ . _ _____ ____ _ _ _________ _

{OutsT;.nding,Very good,C;o{),J.Fair.Poor)

.2 Prepmatiol1 of les~ul1s ~ ___ ..:..... __ . ____________ . ___ _

(OLJlsta:lding.V~ry GO()o.Good,Fair.Poor )

3. t '!'>t" of teaching aids ___________________________ _

(·Outstanding.Very Goud,Good. Fair.Poor ) 4. Class wnt!"O] anddisl'ipline ___________________ _

(OutstandingS .... ry Good, Gpod, fair.?oor )

). Power()fexprC-sslOll ___ " ___ .. ___ " _____________ "_

(Outstanding. Very Good,Gooc1.Fair.Poor )

6. Interest in fresh trends in teill::l,inp: 0 ____ .. _

(OUl!'il<lliding. Very GO(lJ,Ciuo(i,Fail.Poor 1

7 lnn(l\·duon.~· Jil 1C,lCilill!,!- 'il;,lntlllg :)1"( )l"C\"

IOI'i-unciir:.'-'.VC1) ~;)li( '\; 1.',:.1\(,.

x. Dc\;n~ (1]" lInpm\'1 ng: llw ~cl f ",kill _____ _

! ()II1:"','ciTldlllg.VCi\ ','J,C' 1':.! I·' P'i'l

t; QUdlit\ (1j 1l01:K d"'1!-!1lI1!~'n:~

()uI'l;lndlllp.VC;\ c; ):,d.C:I.,d F!:r I'· {';

II) nl'.~lg::l:n.~ lit E \ dlUJtll 111 i \'~h (lut ~tdndi Ilg:. V c]"\

II. Ij;IL'iC" ,ll~'\1- ·'I'·liClli:lr'l\.·ll\·lli.::\.

OUhl,ll1ding.\'cl\ (: "':U· 'ilJ 1:.1 rYI'(lr

1'.\1<"1' III

I. K lj()\\' I \;(ig:c tl r \\ (lrk :I.~"'l ~,ned

r ()lIht'lndjn~.\"<~r\ (; ,,',I.~j:l'i<,IJ· I, y( (11

Q\lalitv oi (OmillUJlICml(l1l , "

Sh.i i i ni ;ilt' w\ l[ f-. ,1._ 'igi :l'l! _

()llhl:mdln~,\'c,: (j: d (l·,\UJ.I '"" I)',ll"

- ..--"-

2 Punctllidit)

-;. E"\Jn~io,tI\".'lld:hcdlllIC'

I O\l!\t:mdlil-..!.vcr·\ e,i

-+. J<Cb11(1:1ship \\ 111 othe("_

Pb.;t· \),112

1}],lCt' .



[)~I!l' .

Cltl'[<llldinj,'..\ ~,.: (i" J.c J\1[>.l!_\·\III".P'\,H

StgILlllll,' ilj 11'..:

HCJd (I) li ,-" >;\ i11)(l1


!)c~Ig:Il(lti()n (\1 11ll'IZ, \ ',c\\-In)! :\lItiWl"lt.1


Fom) or" LL~! PH) /f)i\clnr~~' el ,!"! i 1:( .1!l·

! S'C(' Ru~c 17.~ 1 (Ill

Page 54: goaprintingpress.gov.ingoaprintingpress.gov.in/downloads/0001/0001-12-SI-EOG-1.pdf · /" RE(~D.(~()A" 5 Panaji, 28th June, 2009 (Ashada 7, 1922) SERl!>S I '\0. 12 ",,,-,,,,::01,,,\,

260 OFFICIAL GAZE!'!'I, (i( IVT (II',;C)\

'SERlt:S I No. I! (F.XrRACJ[{1 )IN,\[" " !

I. Full ~',Ill)l' (II the EmploYl'c ~ __ . __ .

lk"l~nall\)Jl _______________________________ ._ ... __

QIUIJI'M:dllllll at 1ile tlme or !c;.1V]ug


'" 'ill)

\Vh~lIILr temporary (II" pernWJl,'1l1 _______ . __ ._ .. ~ ____ -. ______ .

IrOll1 (II



'[ :Ilk ~clk' I: ll~'

k,11 lili' llh' ,,-111',,1

H,l~I', p~l:- ,:r<l\~il ,I .. ,! Ilk ,1,1\ il(lt1:

IA hll II dr,I',1 I:

\\ Ih'lliei du .. ' 1)(1'](.', 1,1' oj. \," 1\ Ill'lI :,'.]\ ':L'

Ille ~(:I(1\I:.' "hll'I' ",I; ih'- !11,"1I1'\

f'n)\ Idelll I Ulld 11\11 Illl': :1 Id n,lill,' lil

pirie'': 1I1<11l1i<lllll'l2-! t!l<.: 1'.1- ,I, dIUI):

I'll' \\ illd- l~'

!l'dU,I)II]1-.. "I',,' '

PH.lCE - Rs. 27.UO
