part fi rs t. beneath the shade by le a fy network cast, where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek...


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Page 1: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …
Page 2: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …
Page 3: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …
Page 4: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …




111201312 Qa llth Methoh ists”

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Page 5: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …
Page 6: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …

at ? irsf .


A Summ e r Sun se t—A n Apost r op/z e to N! [at I n tr oducto rySce n e De scr z


b ed—T/ze Body Asle ep,t/ze Spz


r z'

t E n te r s t lze Br ig/at

Wo r ld to Com e—Fir st [n zpr e ss z'

o n s Gua rdz'

a n Se r ap/z I n vite st o tile Wo n de rful l ey Ta ke t/ze z



Page 7: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …
Page 8: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …



BENEATH the shade by l e a fy network cast,

Where sighi ng gal es soft fanned the cheek of eve ,

A l av ing stream danced sp a rk l i n g wate rs past,

Cooled by the ai r that eagle pinions cl eave .

From hence,aw ay along the eastern sky,

Where b r ight Hyperion l ights the l amp of day,

I n lofty peaks and pyramids on h igh ,

A bank of cloud i n angry spl endor lay,

Tinge d with a go lden shade of solar paint,

Which m e l l ow penci ls drew upon i ts flank !

I ts pitchy sk i rt i n fringe,and scal lops faint


Dragged on the earth a trai l of queen ly rank.

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NOW drove the sun his burn ing chario t down ,

And weeping skie s rained on th e l ap of earth !

A rai nbow smi led upon the sul l en frown ,

A s gems ado r n th e sons of giant b irth .

From waving boughs th e even ing voices rang !

The katydid fr om o ff the garden rose !

The firefly joined th e evanescent gang,

And bo r e i ts torch o’e r nature’s so ft r epose .

Night,sable goddess

,too k h e r ebon th r on e


And o’e r the earth her du sky mantl e spread

I n noisel ess wave , as when the m o ther l on e

Her gauzy vei l throws on her i nfant’s bed .

Shou ld thoughts of death d istract th is sacred hour,

Or dest in i es awake reflection sad ?

Must somber gl o om l ife ’s pl easu res al l devour,

And se i z e the fleet ing comfor ts that w e had ?

I s sabl e night a foe,who o’er us throws

Her star-enameled vei l to guard our sl eep

A foe to us i nvi ted to repose

Upon her ba lmy l ap in slumbers deep ?

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\Vh y then wi th her associ ate al l our grief

By h e r emblematiz e al l human woe ?

Why make h e r,th e n

,accompl ice to the th i e f

T h e fr i e nd o f s i n ,and c r ime pr ote ction show ?

Not she th e m o th e r v i l e of human i l l

N o r human ev i l scr e e ns,by ju s t i ce sought !

Ye t from h e r pr e se nce dar k sh e do th dis t i l l

A sacr e dness w e give to solemn thought .

So Isaac fe l t— the so n o f p r o mis e d gr ace,

An unbo rn nati o n’s p r i nc e o f r i s ing fame,

In l ife ’s vast gal axy h e own e d a plac e,

And on i t po u r ed the luster of h is name .

His r aven cu r l s i n b re e zy dal l iance playe d,

His ste p elas t i c on the flowery field,

Whil e tho ughts of goo d,i n m e ntal balance weighed


Assurance gav e o f bl i ss i n futu r e sealed .

Submissi o n sweet to wedl o ck’s ho ly law

Claimed so l i tude and balmy eventide !

And r oaming thus,he i n th e d istance s aw

The gr aceful form ass igned h is angel bride .

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OR I A .

In mod e sty re served sh e v e i l ed her face ,

While maiden blushes paint the rose-t in t fair !

F r o m ce remony fr ee , they now embrace ,

And to thei r tente d home in l ove repair .

O’e r aw e d by n ight , the ancient sh e phe rds , too ,

T o so b e r thought the i r l e i sure m oments gave

A wre ath of wisd o m wove of fadel ess hue ,

And hung i t h igh f o r those who knowledge crave .

The spi r e of gr ass n ippe d by th e i r t inkl i ng fold,

Th e honeyed bloom inwrought on velvet so d,

S e rve d to conduct th e i r minds,i n raptures bold


Upward from natu r e unto natu r e’s God .

I nu r e d to ri sk , to danger oft exposed ,’Twas thus of old that J esse’s sh e pherd so n

Obtained his help,the doubtful confl i c t closed


His foe subdued and royal honors won !

As though a te nder l amb,i n combat d ire


Should bow the l ion’s head in deep d isgrace,

And on h is '

b o dy huge should stand ent i re ,

And stamp the fal l e n mo nster in the face .

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’Twas not C immeri a’s l and,where poppies grow


And darkn e ss dense and d r ear i s day and night !

Wh e re Somnus l i es upon the ground below,

The l ion hugs , and holds i nve r ted l ight.

Norye t that region black of spiri ts lo st,Where deadly upas l ives

,and poi soned air


And death and hel l unchained i n turn are tossed,

And furi es cl o thed i n flames howl keen despair.

But graves w e r e there, sad ci ty of the dead

Enclosed by rugged wal l of shapeless stone !

The nat ive oak reared the r e i ts lofty head,

And night b irds sang a re quiem alone .

L ike ghosts i n whi te,one -half to sight revealed


The other half low hid i n fragrant bloom !

S o marble gleamed , by wind and weather peeled ,

To mark the place of many a lowly tomb .

’Twas here,from labor free

,I sank to s leep !

That omino us bird,the plai nt ive whippoorwil l ,

Last to my heavy ear did mourn and weep ,

And with h is wai l the ech o ing val l eys fi l l .


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As dies the wave al o ng the pe ace fu l sho re ,

\Vh e n ho ly calm holds sto rm and bi l low bound !

As distant thunders gr ow in grandeu r m o re ,

Wh e n sinking bl

ack beyond the blu e pr ofo und !

So,o f f from conscio usness , th e wo r ld r e ti re d


I lay alone ! h o w l ong , unkn own to me,

But al l was l ight wi thi n ! th e so ul , i nspi r ed ,

Communed with wor lds beyon d i n ecstasy .

Light shone ar o und that se t the w o r ld agl ow,

And tu r n e d e vents i n pan o ramic vi ew !

Th e histo ry of t ime passe d by me so ,

I saw things made,then al l th ings made anew .

High r eaching to th e throne , O wondro us height !

Ete rnity’s gr and ar ch ! Expans e subl ime !

Swift-winged through v iewless space,the seraph’s fl igh t

Ranged upward thro ugh the b r ight cel est i al cl ime .

A pathway gil t w ith l ight and go rgeous hues

Whose l ength i n var i egated beauty r uns,

Mirro re d as when the crystal str eam renews

The burning lu ster of ten tho usand suns .

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Sweet cadences of di stant angel choi rs,

Whose ful l er chords eternal shores resound,

Strayed wande r i ng forth l ike stranger com e t fi res,

And,l ingering l o ng, fi l l ed al l th e vast p r ofound .

R e tu r ning strain s , w o k e i n the co nscious r ealm,

By touch ing ski l lfu l ly th e harp of soul,

B re athed so fte s t ch o r al n o te s to o ve rwh e lm,


i th magic ch a r m ,th e o n e unbo und e d whole .

h l i l l io n s of gleaming wings of snowy plume

In fr iendly gro ups co nvened , o r bathed i n l ight !

Or,spr e ad o

’e r heavenly fields of sw e e t per fume


R e gal ed the day to unive r sal s ight

As when the peaceful star s , f a r , f a r away ,

Reflect thei r image fai r upo n th e deep,

And gem both lake and sky i n bright ar ray ,

While h idd e n suns th e i r n ightly vigi l s ke e p

Archange l s thus with an ge l s l ed th e van,

And cherubim burned i n the di z zy fl ight !

Lo ! seraphs b r ight elysi an z e ph vr s f a n ,

And proud domin ions scal e the wondrous height .

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Like marshaled hosts of flame on dress parade,

’Mid dazzl ing worlds and systems undescried,

Th e y sped the ir way, a heavenly caval cade

And circl i ng round infin ity suppl i ed .

“ Hai l ! s i ster spiri t, hai l ! Behold thy home !

Thou nursl ing from the storm,approach thee near !

S tar o f eternal ski es ! Speed upward , come !

Thou hei r of hope,disdain thy fo rmer fear !

Claim now thine own,possess thy Savior’s joy


Thou chi ld of fame and immortal i ty !

Thy destiny behold— thy loved employ !

Thy Father’s House,i ts many mansions , see !

So cri ed a flame of fi re,for thus i t seemed ,

As guardian seraph spoke in sparkl ing rays

So l ike the Midian bush,that burning gleamed ,

Ye t unconsumed amid the curl ing blaze,

A tongue of fi r e — the dialect d iv ine,

Whose heavenly speech no Babe l had confused

My l isten ing spiri t heard,embraced the s ign


And took to fl ight as from its bo dy l o osed .

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art praa b .


I n vo ca t io n —Guiding Se r agb lz Ref e r s to t/ze Fl ig/zt fr om Ba r t/z

to Ma r s—Ma r s De scr ib ed—Tizem e a n d Pla ce Sta ted—Tim e a n d

E! iste n ce -Ea r t/z—He r Fir s t In /za b z'ta n ts—T/ze Mo r n ing Sta r s .

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And spi r i ts pure love ’s labyrinth shal l know,

And,laure l-cr owned , dwel l i n immortal youth .

“ Hark,ch i ld of earth ! thy distant nat ive lands ,

Thine oceans b r oad,with busy commerce whi te ,

Thy fie lds o f summer gr een and bu r ning sands,

Shine as a star upo n the br ow of night !

So to thy dazzl ed eye thi s mans ion shone,

When once on ear th thy soul d id starwar d gaz e,

As,on th e nightly blue , l ights one by one

Cam e for th to smil e and through the i r orbits bl aze .

So spake my seraph gu ide,as wonders rose ,

By harp unsung,unseen by mortal eye !

His speech pursued,th e h idden to d i sclose


And al l the shoreless seas of truth d e scry .

Uncursed by s i n and death’s despot ic reign ,

D r ead pesti l e nce unheard and cruel wars

No blasting evi l spread nor deadly pain

Invades , perchance , th i s heavenly mansion , Mars .

Lo ! these red banks,washed by the l impid stream ,

By laurel fringed,and never fading flo w ers,

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With gold a n d ‘

pr e c io us stones forever gl eam ,

Beneath the shade s of fresh and fragr ant bowers.

T h e atmospheri c sheens , th i s l and o’e r spr e ad,

Unl ike the arch of earth’s expans ive blue,

Combine the sunri se blush w ith sardine red,

And tinge the l andscape wide with ruby hue .

Proud bi rds of paradi se , by natu r e bold ,

Fli t th rough these heav e nly groves i n t i rel ess fl ight !

Thei r s i lver wings and plumes of shining gold

Dart spl e ndors down from o f f thei r flowery height .

Thei r stra ins,i nspired , i n concert far and near,

Like holy bands pour forth immortal l ays !

They greet the day, and nature’s God revere


And fi l l th is s inl es s cl ime wi th sound ing praise .

Here nature weaves her gay and vi rgin robe

And from her queenly th ro ne her gifts bestows !

Her wonder sights be g i rt th i s heavenly globe ,

And al l her treasu red weal th her charms di sclos e .

In amber clouds along the peaceful sky,

Or when they weep upon the thi rs ty plain,

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2 0 COSM OS’


OR I A .

Or,lured away

,on whisperi ng breezes fly


Her glori es smi le , and blush ing beaut ies re ign .

To search for truth , and God and nature know,

To contemplate the past and future store,

E tern i ty and time,and s i n and woe,

Embrace the theme , with l ife forever more .

Ye a , and redeeming love , and endless bl i ss,

And destiny,i ntrude among the rest .

0 ,sacred task ! The wondrous theme be th is !

The pl ace to sing,th i s mans ion of the blest.

A ge of the ancient age ! Hoar monarch Time !

Born when first moved the al l-creat ive rod

T i l l th i s undated morn the years subl ime

Were l ost i n the e tern ity of God .

This awful depth,unfanned by angel wing,

Beyond the natal cry of infant t ime,

Dates that “ Begin n ing when o m n iflc Spring

F irst moved the nothingness of empty cl ime .

Existence i s to consciousness brought home ,

A lways i t must have been , as truth behooves !

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S ince so m e th ing out o f noth ing cannot come

Existence now ex is te nce always pr o v e s .

N o w ,mat te r i s in e r t— thus re s t ing

,res ts


Or m o ving, mo v e s, by p r o pe r ty i ts o w n,

N o r do th inh e r e a l aw that i t i nv e sts

With power to change i ts state wh e n left alone .

C r e at ive fo r ce by n o n e can b e d e nie d,

In acts unspe nt , i n un ive r sa l r e ign !

I n matte r thus, th i s for ce doth n o t re s ide,

And must be sought upo n a h igher plane .

Etern ity ! The l ife of Go d i s meant !

Mind Infin ite ! Of m o t ion,Cause subl ime !

Great Spi r i t Sou r ce of e n e rgies unspent !

What wondr ous depths be yo nd the b irth of t ime !

Tim e i s ete rnity t o th ings create,

T o al l der ived ex istence hence appl ied !

Duration fixed and measu r ed o ff by date,

To su i t the march of the cr e at ive t ide .

To blaz ing suns,to stars that ever rol l ,

R e vo l vm g worlds , and systems undescried ,

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The universe of mind , the bo undless whol e

Time l ives to al l,and eve r must ab ide .

Like a stupe ndous clo ck al l natu r e stands,

And rol l ing sphe r es upo n the d istant sky,

A s on h e r figu r e d face , tu r n l ike the hands

To mark the pass ing mom e nts as they fly .

By mind ungr aspe d , th e uncompute d year s ,

Since th e be ginn ing was , th i s clock has to ld !

S o distant, that the wing an angel bear s

Would reach it n o t through years a thousandfold .

Twin off spring struggl ing, i n creation’s - womb ,

Young Time and Nature v ie the right of birth,

Til l equal-born to blush in youthful bloom,

When the C r eato r made the heavens and earth .

Th e n first the morning stars together sang,

The sons of God rejoi ced to l isten ing ear s

A s wider far the so ng through nature rang,

And blende d with the music of the spheres .

In rank of march ing wo r lds e ar th took her place,

And to indemnify contingent loss,

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Whil e atmo spher i c blue thus v e i l ed h e r face,

Upon h e r j ewe l ed breast sh e wo re a C r oss .

Twice curse d by s in and de ath’s d e vour ing pains !

Twic e cause d to weep h e r ch ildre n’s fad ing charms !

One o rde r d o om e d , re se rve d i n darkn e ss’ cha ins


Anothe r,d e ad

,l i e hugged with in her arms .

Br ight morning star s , the firstborn sons of l ight,

Next to th e Throne Supre me,d e scent divine !

F i r s t to possess the e arth by native r ight,

And thus fulfi l l the Mak e r ’s prim e des ign

Chief excel l ence to know and God adore,

And on creation dwel l w i th holyjoy,

I n endless pr ogress ri s ing mo r e and more,

Thei r peerless Spiri ts v ie i n rapt employ .

I n be ing’s chain a l ink by nature true

A finished l ight of love’s immor tal fi re,

Each morning star than God n o parent knew !

No chi ld to im itate i ts holy S i r e !

No wooing words of l ov e,i n cou rtship sweet


The ear of Cupid caught on evening gales !

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N o marriage bel ls,the bridal morn to greet


Rang through the spicy groves and echoing va les !

As star to star,so each to other stood

Parental bonds unknown and fi l i al t i es !

A commune pure,i n wh ich the h ighest good

Conserved the realm by l aw supremely wise .

As di ff ers star from star by Sh e en o’e r sp r e ad,

So rank shone through the host from gr eat to smal l ,

And glowed i n fire upon thei r peer l ess head,

Grand Autocrat starl ike chief of al l .

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laws immutabl e, one Sovereign W i l l

The realm of matter rul es by fixed control

A singl e drop , the floods that ocean fi l l,

A rol l ing world , the univer sal whol e .

All motion Springs from wil l— self-acting cause,

Just as by wil l appl ied a watch keeps t ime !

Wil l,matter rul es by universal l aws ,

As secondary force— the wi l l,the prime .

The world of mind mounts up on higher planes,

The Sovere ign’s wi l l the subj ect’s too involves !

In harmony eternal v i rtue re igns,

The l aw o f b l iss’

a n d l i fe’s deep probl em solves.

Vice poss ibl e,and virtu e then may be !

The heights of bl iss expose the depths of woe

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Love here i s law,not force ! the subjects , free

To summer far on high o r S i nk below .

God reigns o’e r al l— theocracy subl ime !

In al l the Father ’s Hous e one law obtains !

In ev e ry mansion bright and s inl ess cl ime ,

Om n ific l ov e ete rnal l ife ordains .

Thus s inless e arth,grasped by the wondrous pl an


In trembl ing stood on time’s eventful s tage ,

F r om the beginning ti l l the bir th of man,

Embraced with in the ante-human age .

B right morning stars possessed the mans ion fai r,

A land unknown to s in or death’s d ismay,

I ts stores were the irs , i ts t reasures al l to Share !

Whil e ho ly raptures thri l l ed the hear t o f day .

Ambrosial fru its they ate,from pe ndant boughs


And cull e d the roses o f immo rtal youth !

Love’s wre ath th e y wove,begemmed with holy vows


And drank the spark l i ng fount of sacr e d tru th .

At blush of morn,thei r songs divinely r o se


A s


ch o i r to choi r rehearsed the i r Maker’s prai se !

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Then dreaming nature w o ke from sweet repose,

And,j oi n ing notes

,returned the j o yful lays .

Things glor i ous,by mo r tal eye unse e n ,

By e a r unheard,which h e ar t could n e ’er conce ive


With l avi sh weal th smil e d o’e r the golden Sheen


S e r ene as suns e t gl ow o n sabbath e v e .

Thei r star l ike Chi e f, Ar change l to th e re st,

Than whom n one h igh e r sa t of al l the host

D o minion held by r ight,that no ne dar e tes t !

Such sce ptered might n o o th e r star could boast.

E ach‘

i n h i s pl ace a wi l l ing service gave,

Of al l the countl e ss armie s of th e l and

No i l l had they to d r e ad , no goo d to cr av e ,

For al l was si ngly m e rge d i n h is command .

As l ightn ing from the summer dropping cloud

Darts to the earth in momentary glare !

A S darkness comes departe d day to shroud

A n d hide i t i n the tomb of night’s despai r !

So fel l the Autocrat,bright Morning Star


As thunders peal ed the torture of h is pains !

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So pitchy clouds , encircl ing from afar

Forever bound h im fast in darkness’ chains .

As when a chi ld beholds the“

l ightning’s flash,

And trembl ing with alarm conce al s its face

O r,fle e ing from the dre ade d thunder’s crash ,

Seeks fancied re fuge i n some covert place !

S o subject morning stars , at fi r s t al arm ,

Fled the change d pr esence of the i r m ighty Chief!

Til l then they had not known approach ing harm,

Or once co nceived the nee d of such re l ief .

To mountain peaks some to o k thei r speedy fl ight,

And some to groves wher e musi c had been hushed !

Some hid in caves where once they took del ight,

And sighed as if the i r spiri ts had be en crushed .

An awful s i l e nce reigned— suspense of song

Nor to ngues nor hands to heed love’s l e ast demand !

A l l natu r e wore a consciousness of wrong,

And rayless darkness settl ed o’er the land .

Example i s infect ious— si n wil l Spr ead !

Influence l ends the wings to aid i ts fl ight !

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Thus e vi l , from th e i nflu e nt ial head ,

S o o n bound o n e -th i rd th e s tar s i n cha ins o f night .

Th e y l e ft th e i r fi r s t es tate i n tru th b e gun

Fi r s t fo untainh e ad wh e r e s i n’s dark str e am a r o se,

I ts infinite and wid e ning cou r s e t o run ,

Til l e mptie d i n th e pit o f e ndl e ss wo e s .

For e v e r do o m e d , the state o f tr i a l pas t,

By S i n co nfi rm e d i n midnight’s darkness r i fe !

Lik e so u l s of m e n i n oute r darkn e ss cas t,

Who pr o v e unwo r thy of e te r nal l ife .

For each who fe l l , as for the race o f man,

Ste rn just ice would have asked atonement done !

For finishe d work w a s each in natu r e’s pl an,

Just as the human race i s counted one .

They each b y nature had a t r i al fai r !

And by redempti o n’s pl an , the human race

L ike tri al i s ordained th rough l ife to Share

They tr i e d by nature ’s tes t , and man by grace.

The moral confli ct waged and war decl ared’


Thei r eyes l ike globes of fi r e peered thro’ the n ight !

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They clanked the i r burn ished steel , as i f prepared

To crown the ir a rms with ch ival ry of m ight .

W i th change of state there came a change of name,

And Morning Star to Satan now gave place

H is fi e ry minions fe l t and owned the same,

And bore an equal part of h is d isgrace .

A dreadful voice,as though the thunders Spoke


R e sounded far and echoed o verhead,

To fi l l the earth,the ai r and ether choke


With cl o uds of ange ls’ wings,as Satan said

“ Ye bannered hosts,prime dwel lers o n the earth ,

My voice i n counsel h e ar,I now entreat !

Remember whence you came,your nobl e b i rth

None higher know— and never know defeat.

Lay deep your pl ans and keep them wel l‘

conceal ed !

Act once,but once

,and l et that always be !

To none the palm of perseverance yield !

Yourselves disgu ise that none your presence se e

E ternal v igi lance your cause r equi r es,

That eve ry fo r ce may yie ld to your employ

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And stormy winds drove on the chario t cloud,

While nature groaned i n bi tterness of soul .

Thei r horrid breath , with blue and sulphur fi red ,

In darkness gl eamed l ike c ircl ing meteor’s l ight !

A sul len frown with menaces conspi red

To spread despai r and fi l l the wo r ld with fright.

G r eat wall s of cloud pil ed up for the i r defense,

Ti l l deep-l a id hel l i sh plans naught more could bring !

The fatal moment came ! i n dread suspe nse

They poised aloft and hung on tempest wing .

G rand Michae l now appeared with sunl ike mien,

And s i lvery stars glowed i n his radiant crown !

A rainbow gl i ttered on h is amber sheen ,

As sun gi l t chario t clouds d rove earthward down .

His cohorts burned l ike comets through the sky,

And empyrean plains flanked i n the i r course !

T hey came, a marshal ed host from ma ns ions high ,

Unfal len morning stars to reinforce .

The two-edged sword they bo re,and burn ished sh ield ,

And al l the panoply of God complete !

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On anx ious wing they paused to take the field,

An d drive thei r mighty foe in ful l retreat .

Sweet marti al musi c piped from host to host,

Commingled wi th the roar of thunders l oud,

And , echo ing far around from coast to coast,

Sang l ike o l ia n stra ins through harps of cloud .

Then came a sudden crash,and devi l s screamed


And louder st i l l the deafening thunders rol l ed !

Upon the d ismal n ight the l ightnings gleamed,

And played upon the brow of heroes bold .

Wide Open to the core earth burst i n twain,

And tossed i n ai r her magaz ines of fi re !

The raging tempest swept the burning main,

And wrapped i n Spiry“

flames her funeral pyre .

W i th panic sei zed,the ocean l eft h e r bed

And rol led in bi l lows mad from po l e to pol e !

The earthquake ’s shock the desolat ion Spread ,

And mountains pl unged the dark dissolving whole !

Black pyramids of smoke by storm-wings wrung ,

Joined w i th the lowering clouds i n vengefu l i re !

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Ti l l ruined earth in shapel e ss chaos hung,

Mid upper,nether

,and surrounding fire .

Above chaoti c earth b v S i n destroyed ,

On ai ry plai ns the angel battl e rage d

Michae l a n dSatan fought , thei r hosts empl oyed ,

And al l the i r deadly armory engaged .

As Satan saw h is earthly home in flame,

And heard the di stant roar and wai l of doom,

In wrath he fought to hold his native cl aim

And save h imself from everlasting gloom .

So then— as on that wel l-remembered night,

When meteors flashed thro’ heaven i n grand array,

In ai ry l ines,and crossed in mart ial m ight


And wildly swarmed be fore th e gates of day !

,Like coruscations grand the confl ict waged ,

As angels sped along the i r starry path,

And rustl ing wings and clash ing arms engaged ,

To execute the cl a ims of righteous wrath .

As by the driving sto rm the fo rests tal l,

Wrung by resistless force the compass round ,

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An d i nter locked i n wi ld confus ion fal l ,

And pi le i n tangled heaps upon the ground !

So bowed the haughty hosts and Prince of Night,

By numbers flanked and every part assai led !

While val i ant Shouts proclaimed v ictorious might,

Resound ing when the sons of God prevai led !

The battl e won,the d i e forever cast ,

The chains of darkness fast, now faster drew !

Whil e o’e r them hung eternal m idnight’s blast


And darts of keen despai r p ierced through and

through .

At Michael’s bo ld command i n holy i re ,

The sons of God none of the vanquished spared,

But thrust them into everl ast ing fire,

For Satan and his angels now prepared .

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Page 40: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …

art nurt


Fa t/ze r ’s Ho use , t/ze I nfi n ite U n ive r se—Tlze Ma ny M a n

s io n s , t/ze Num e r o us Wo r lds of w /z ic/z i t is Compo sed— Tile L a w

of L ife o ve r Gr a v i ta t zo n ,a Co n dit io n of t/ze Futur e Sta te

M ic/me l’s Tr zumplza n t Re tu r n to o t/ze r M a n s io n s

,w i t/“t il e M o r n

i ng Sta r s t/za t I r e l l n o t—Ea r tlz le f t “ l'

t/zo ut Fo r m ,a n d Vo id.

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Page 43: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …


In al l th is glorious House l ife’s rul ing law

O’er gr av itat ion holds super io r sway.

The bl e s t inhabi tants at wi l l w ithdraw,

And vis i t shin ing mansions fa r away !F r om world to w o r ld , advancing evermore ,

Approach the Infini te wi th rapt d e l ight,

Employ e te rnal year s , and God adore ,

And eager co ntemplate the wo ndr ous s ight .

They wil l .to move,and gravi tation y ields !

With th o ugh t l ike speed , by distance unde terred ,o l

Each e v o l ut l o n mounts to grande r fields,

From room to room in the g r eat House tr ansferred.

F r o m ea r th destroyed,a mansion o nce so fair,

To sinless cl im e s,great Michae l l e d the fl ight !

Unfal l e n mo r ning stars glanced thro ugh th e\

a i r,

And joined the hos ts r e tur n i n g 'f r o m th e fight .

Triumphant host ! to native sk ies return e d ,

Th e y hailed with j oyful song the i r happy home !

Immor tal fam e they shar ed , by service earned ,

And heard the welcome Shout , “ They come ! they

come ! ”

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The groves thei r Spices lent,and gold the m ine


Thei r tr iumph to enrich to wi ldering v iew !

Rar e beauties gr aced th e i r victory d ivine,

And costly gems displayed the rainbow hue .

Th e i r star-paved path through many mansions l e d,

And th r ongs re newed the victors’ high renown !

Fi r st battl e won , proph et ic luster shed !

Its heroes reckoned wo r thy o f a crown .

From j o yous harp and tongu e,enraptur ed song

Rang fo rth i n praise , and waste d o n th e plains !

The freighted winds the musi c bo r e along,

And ebbi n g gales returned th e cho r al s tr a ins !

All glo ry be to God,whose mighty name

Hath gotten Him the v ictory,again !

His worthy praise His wond rous wo rks procla im !

Al l Allelu ia cry,Amen ! Amen ! ”

Lone world , accurs e d to wild chaoti c waste ,

In darkness gloomed,not hav ing form

,and vo id


I ts parad is i c beauty al l eff aced

F irst monument of wrath,a world destroyed .

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Once happy family,the mo rning stars


To al l e terni ty d ivided now !

Fi xed gu lf, impassabl e , for ever bars

Reunio n,which the i r natu r es d isal low.

Hast thou not seen that melancholy spot,

Where fal len wal l s in utter ru i n l ie

Where moss-grown roofs and b r oken pi l lars rot,

While o’er the scene the d ismal n ight winds sigh ?

Unearthly spooks there take the i r steal thy walk ,

Or ci r cl i ng dance at n ight’s awe-freighted noon !

Perched at a di stance round,owls n ightly talk ,

To haunt the pl ace and mock the sh immering moon .

Dese r ted home ! there on ce the merry la ugh

Of happy soul s rang through the spacious hal ls,

A n d hal cyon angels kept on thei r behalf

Extended wing to s e rve dependent cal ls .

There once with t rust ing hear ts the bridal pair

Drank at the fountainh e ad of nuptia l bl i ss .

There romping ch i ld r en playe d ti l l even ing prayer,

Then wi th the i r good-night ” gave the nectar k iss.

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There modest pansies grew upon the lawn ,

! i ssed by the butterfl i e s o f golden wing.

And warbl ing birds there hai led the waking dawn,

And made the grov e s w ith untaught prai se s r i ng.

Fro m blush ing ro se to honeysuckl e sweet,

The humming-bird buzzed l ike an arrow shot !

The,humble-bee , with pol len-fr eighted fe e t ,

Hid there i n hol lyh o ck and touch -me-not .

There o nce the lo rdly cock,with cl arion sound


Responsive chal l enge gave to kindr ed b r eed !

And well-grazed herds came there,thei r n ightly round ,

While at the gate oft stood the tr amping steed .

Q u e en Happin e ss there once her scepter swayed ,

And bless ings by her came l ike chi ldren born !

E ternal weal th of love her hands d i splayed ,

And l ife and bl iss bestow ed fr om morn to morn .

Forever gone ! the loss , how sadly keen !

For good once lost i s worse than ne’er possessed

What i s,compared with what i t m i ght have been ,

Oft darts the sharpest pang through soul s distressed

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Just so the earth , once beautifu l and bright,

A paradise o f f l i f e S i nce time began !

Then cursed by s i n to empti ness of n ight,

Wi th in the age beyond the birth of man.

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art ift


A tm o splze r e—Ea r t lz Re co n st r uct edfr om t lze Cur se o f

t ile A n t e -Hum a n Ag e—M a n t/ze Se co n d Or de r of Ea r tlz

’s I n lza b

i ta n ts—Vir tue , A b so lute a n d Co nfi r m e d V ir tue n o t t lze Obje ctof Pbys ica l Powe r—M a n a Fr e e Mo r a l Age n t—His Dign ityAdam

’s Dr e a m of Be a ut iful Wom a n (1 Re a lity—Fir st Sun r is e

i n Ede n —By Min d I llum in a t io n S e e t/ze I n vis i b l e—God ’s

Pr e se n ce .

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Page 51: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …

50 co smo sr o m A .

To waters gave thei r bounds, and mountains reared ,

As fast pursued the reconstructing Cause .

Reclaimed from Satan’s curse, from s i n restrained,

Prepared for l ife to grow and mind to dwell,

Earth warmed again , a paradi se regained ,

More glori ous than the fi rst where Satan fel l .

From very naught below immortal mind ,

By nature’s law the chain of being grew !

And ris ing orders sprang, by force i ncl ined ,

To pl anes above , evolving something new.

Immortal man,lord of creation born,

Sol e sovere ign of the reconstructed earth !

For him its weal th unfolds, i t s gems adorn ,

And al l i ts good descends to h im by birth .

The greatest wonder of cr eat ion , man ,

Of mother earth a ch ild,a so n of God ,

A microcosmi c part i n be ing’s plan ,

Bequeathed a home by al i en feet untrod .

The Triune council,cal l ed when fi rst began

The scheme to re inhabi t earth so fair,

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In God l ike wisdom said , “ ‘Let us make man ! ’

An d l et h im evermor e our image bear.

Like us i n nature , l et h im rul e the l and ,

I n r i ghteousness and hol iness combined

Let h im abide, and dwel l i n l ove’s command !

God absolute , and man by bounds confined .

One only Absolute, al l el se above ,

Whose good i s i n fi n i te — vice cannot be

No evi l there i nvades e ternal l ove,

N o r mars the perfect bl i ss , fr om su f f ering free.

Descending next i s vi rtue wel l confi rmed,

Impossibl e to si n as Satan fel l !

S ince trial -proved,and by vol i ti on germed


Probation past , i n bl iss they sa fely dwel l .

Unfal len stars,made pure , wil led to remain !

E ach act impar t ing strength ti l l sealed at last,

Si n po ssibl e no more,no r err or ’s stain !

That once they could have sinned forever past .

As qual it ies of acts both good and s i n,

From ample knowledge spring, and wi l l and powe i

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One cannot be,might other not have been

As sweetness dwell s within the poison flower ?

Force physical hath ampl e bounds ass igned !

What man can do an angel can do more .

Omnipotence ef f ects what Go d d e signed

The huge volcano’s mouth or ocean shore ,

The nightingale’s sweet song,the seraph’s fl i ght ,

The blooming rose,the blue and star ry plane

Al l th ings p r oduced by His creative m ight ,

From gorgeous un iverse to t iny gr ain .

Thus v i rtue nev e r i s produced by fo rce ,

Nor yet transfer r ed at wil l fr om God to man

By nature pure, man took his wil l ing course

A character t o make, which choice began .

No t human strength , nor stronger o nes on h igh ,

Nor God Himself,can force the human wil l !

Man ’s free,m ade


so , may sin , and S i nn ing d ie ,

And dying,bound

,i s free i n bondage st i l l .

Of highest moral caste,man took his place

To be a sub -creator under God

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Repeopl e earth with a n i im m o r ta l race,

And rul e at wi l l al l th ings on s e a and so d !

To be a fini te god i n oneness bo und

With God,as Man— the Infinite above !

To reign i n bl iss through the eternal round,

And,dwel l ing i n each other

,dwel l i n love .

B ehold recl in i ng man,whom angel s guard

I n soft repose ! for pure immo r tal s S l eep !

His prostrate form upon the downy sward

From God unconsc ious lay in slumbers deep.

To pleasi ng dreamland , where the fairies dwel l,

His Spi r i t passed,to bask in golden beams


That fri endly spi r i ts might to h im fo retel l

H is gre atest fortune , sent i n pleasant dreams .

He saw—O wondrous sight ! unseen before

A n image of h imself i n grace ar i s e,

Of finer mold by far,and beauty more


Whom he i n love r e ce ived with r apt surpri se .

Pure angel s with i nqu iri ng wonder gazed

On beauteous woman,l ate by heaven pri zed



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When first they saw— and by the ir s ight amazed

The beautiful by God ideal i zed

In l ovel iness that d id al l e l se excel,

Most exqu is i te of nature’s gifts refined ,

On whom fr om heaven rich clustering vi rtu es fe l l,

And with thei r sweetness rare her brow entwined

Naught to compare are roses on the lea ,

Nor in the val l ey wide the l i ly wh i te !

Aurora’s charms,nor gems fr om land and se a ,

Nor nature’s wealth,could furnish such de l ight.

The smil ing dreamer heard a bridal strain,

Far o ff at first, and then approach ing near !

I t ra ng aloft , and fi l l ed i n sweet refrain,

With melodie s of love , h is l i stening ear.

I n reveries of bl iss the nuptial chord

Begu iled h i s n ature’s want,now sat isfied .

To that fair beauty he was chosen lord,

And Sh e to h im ass igned,h is loving bride .

His manly nature th ri l l ed with pleasures new ,

A n d, bath e d in bl i ss befo re her yieldi ng charms ,

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Love’s nectar streams ran al l h i s be ing through,

As gently she reposed wi thi n h is arms

No higher boo n to give , nor he re ce ive ,

Naught half so sweet, nor blooms of lovel ie r hue

I n ecstasy he cal led her l i v i n g ,Eve


And woke—i t was no dream ! he found i t true .

0 matchl ess dawn ! along the o r i ent

Aurora mar ched i n fl owing saff ron robe,

And dewdrops w e pt adown the fi rm am e n t

Like trickl i ng te ars that sparkle on the globe .

Her r ose-hued finge rs touched the gate s of l ight,

And,breathing balmy gal e s of fragr ant daw 'n


Her th r one asce nding high,she loom e d i n sight


And smile d i n sunshine bright o ’e r l and and lawn .

At first drear darkness h id in lowest val es,

No r stay ing here,sped to the distant west !

The sabl e goddes s winged on fle e t ing gal es ,

To fad ing sunset bound th e star-crowned guest.

The infant day,born from the womb of morn


In spices rock e d,and nursed by rosy l ight,

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N ow uttered cri es through nature’s breath ing-horn,

To sound th e fast retreat of vanqu ished night.

The sun’s bright po rtal s flew ajar and wide,

And streams of golde n rays flowed widely down”

Then royal day stro de forth with sceptered pride,

Til l queenly evening came with starry crown .

First sunr ise thus in lovely Eden spread

On al l the prospect wide a gl immer i ng sheen !

Awe-struck with n e w su rprise , the par ent head

Beheld w ith watchful eye the Open ing scene .

The fresh e nchantment now to wi lderi ng vi ew ,

Like o dor breath , through grove and garden stol e,

While zephyr l ips bathed up the pear ly dew,

And ge ntly kissed the nectar -breathing whole .

Th e bow of p eace by busy angel s seen

A jew e l wo rn i n al l th e House of God

An i ris cast upo n th e velvet green,

And tinge d with heave nly shade the vi rgin sod.

I ts hal lowed l ight awok e t h e pleasing smile,

Or settled o n the ir b r o w the rad iant glow

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His presence fi l l s immensi ty of space,

And equal i n His heavenly House res ides .

Th e uncreated Mind pe rvad e s the whole,

Thus v ital i zes l aw and l ives i n fo r ce

To b o dy'

m o t io n giv e s , to l ife the sou l !

Low murmu r s i n the broo k , and guides i ts course !

In the archangel s i ngs , and wings h is fl ight !

To stars the i r l uster y i e lds,and stays th e i r bounds !

The val l ey clothes,and bl e aks th e m o untain’s height !

In ocean roars,and i n the ho l l ow sounds !

In grand V e suviu s burns ! chi l l s arcti c snow !

Sahara fi res,and paints Arabian bloom !

The tropic warms,and makes the diamond glow !

Smi les on l ife’s weary path,and l ights the tomb.

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Noo n day i n Ede n —Re st un de r t/ze Alm o n d Tr e e—Ada m Fa llsi n to t/ze A r m s (f Sle ep -Eve Go e s to t ile Rive r t/za t Wa t e r ed t/ze

Ga r de n —Tile Pa l /n Tr e e—Tl i e Sce n e—Size Sle eps u n de r t/ze

E n clza n tm e n t—Ada m,A r o use d

,Sta n ds n e a r lie r i n a Re ve ry

His So liloquy T zey Se e k t/ze i r N zg/zt ly Bowe r —Pr aye r .

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Page 62: PART FI RS T. BENEATH the shade by le a fy network cast, Where sighing gales soft fanned the cheek of eve, A laving stream danced spa r …


WAS bril l i ant noon , the first by man fo regone,

As now disclosed and seen by human eyes !

Ti l l then such zen ith rays,such matchless dawn


Had never fi l l ed the l and nor swept the skies .

A lonely st i l l ness re igned— no fann ing b r eeze,

No trembl ing bough nor swel l of nature’s song !

A holy calm ,enthroned amongst the trees


Begui l ed to noonday rest the active throng .

Decadence sweet , as when fr om mart ial band

Ful l music d i es away to breath ings low,

Where val i ant armies march at quick command,

And thus pursue thei r fast-retreat i n g foe .

So,sweetly lul l ed to m o mentary r est ,

Surrounding nature donned her balm iest charms !

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L ike harmless b irds snug in thei r l i tt l e nest,

Or smi l ing b a b e sa f e i n i ts mother’s arms .

’T was here, beneath the whi tened almond shade ,

Where incense-fr eighted ai r perfumed the sward,

That reveries of bl iss,by love d ispl ayed


Engaged anew the h e ar t o f Eden’s lord.

For woman,now so beautifu l and pure


In heavenly pastime drew close b y h is s id e !

He r ge ntle touch divine be gan to lure

T o higher bl iss , which angel s a r e denied .

N ow ange l eyes gazed on the loving pai r,

A S with a lo ok akin to bl iss above !

A wish subdu e d,th e i r actio ns see m e d to wear


That they might once enjoy pure woman’s love .

S ly Morpheus , unseen , with no isel ess tread ,

Beh ind the ros e and thro ugh the th i cket crept !

C harmed by his lul l ing touch , on flowery bed

The lord of Eden lay,and calmly S l ept .

S trange v isi tors,so l ate from distant worlds

, [bough ,

Thronged th ick th e plain and fi l l ed the almond

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As beauteous woman rose,with auburn curl s


And orange blossoms w r eath e d upon h e r brow .

She gathere d fru i ts and flow e r s r ar e abov e,

And at her fe et,as of h e r hear t’s acco rd


Her eye/

S with dal ly ing l o ok o f t dance d wi th love ,

And oft gazed backward on her s le e ping l o rd .

With l ei sure step,adown the gl immering l awn

Her heart i nspi red to love,and mind to th ink

She took her way,by wooi ng angel drawn


Through laure l clumps that fr i nged the river’s brink .

Beneath a stately palm , whose cool ing shade

A strong enti cement gave to sooth ing re st,

She soft recl ined,as flowing tresses swayed

About her shoulders fai r and on h e r bre ast .

The crystal r iver l aved her fee t that day ,

And in i ts bosom cl ear her picture dr ew !

While waterl i l i e s drank the rising Spray,

And rich enchantment l ent the pl easing view.

Magno l i as whitened th i ck the farther shore

And hyac inths l i ke j ewel s clothed the h i l l !

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P roud birds of Parad ise, whose plumage wore

A splendo r Shine,oft dipped the threaded r i l l !

The mode st v iole t low,and l o fty tree,

As if by nature s trung to constant tune,

Sang to the gauze-winged touch of humming bee ,

As now on some sweet-scented morn in June .

Enamore d by the scene , pure Ed e n’s pri ze

Th e Maker pr a ise d'

a n d sank to sweet repose,

As the n o’e r sp r e ad with curls her azu r e eyes

Retired as soft as shutti ng flowers close .

Like wavel ets ri s i ng on the pe aceful l ake ,

O’e r that fai r beauty played th e hopeful smile ,

As tho ugh some angel d id her Spiri t take

To see l ife’s path and sketch i ts d im profi l e .

From slumbers roused,th e lord of Paradise

Went forth to seek and tas te of nature’s good !

He r charms he fel t by aura sweet ent ice ,

As near her flowery couch the monarch stood !

In contempl at ion deep h is m ind was fixed ,

And dwel t on sleeping Eve,by angel s prized .

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All worlds i l lume,through gl i ttering mansions go ,

And fi l l immens itywi th dazz l ing l ight.

As sparkl ing dewdro ps waste i n balmy ai r,

From o f f th e wee ping eyel ids of the morn

As vapors di sappear,or fr agrance rare

Die s on th e golden sh e en by zephyrs Worn !

So early beauti es fade in v i rgin smiles,

Wh e n mo r tal touch the bl ight ing chi l l imparts ,

Soft whispe r s st i l l— immortal l ife begu i les,

And breaks a l ink i n fri endsh ip’s chain of hearts .

By sorrows oft endeared,th is mysti c t ie,

In dying,l ives— b inds on eternal shores

I s sanctified by grace,a n d rai sed on high

L ives i n etern ity,and God adores .

Pure as a beam of l i ght is ho ly love ,

The magnet l aw of hearts that may be riven !

I t gu ides to peace below,i ncl ines above


Of al l , the greatest owned— and re igns i n heaven .

Half prophecy, and half by human ken ,

Much told unseen,and much i n sight unto ld ,

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He bowed himself l ike angels pure , or when

The y hide th e i r face beh ind th e i r p in ion fold .

Close s ide by s ide they now together walked,

To search the i r n ightly bower— the day far spent !

They dwel t on love,of wondrous nature talked ,

Discou r sed of God and of His goodness l ent .

On hal ting step oft did they starward gaze ,

And pe netrate the vast ce rulean height !

Oft watch the planets through the i r orb its b laze,

Or gl i tte r o n the crown of queenly night .

How o f t o’e r Eden saw a splendo r run !

I ts cause beheld— ten mil l ion angel s fly

Acr oss th e purpl e rim of sett ing sun ,

Or busy speed along the reddened sky.

They drowsy natu re heard her Lord revere,

I n songs com bi ned with chorus from the deep,

And watched her artful ways to soothe her ear

And st i r the winds to rock h e rsel f to sl eep .

So passed the day,the fi rst to Eden love


When wooed aloft to wonder and adore,

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As gleaming on th e way th e Heavenly Dove

A solemn Splendor spread th e l andscape o’e r .

On bended knee,with eyes to heaven upturned

And hands together j o ined,the happy pai r

Fel t God was near ! the ir hear ts withi n th e m burned

As the y communed with Him in ev e n ing p r ayer.

Their sweet devotions ope’d the heavenly sto r es !

As incense rose from l ips untaught to p r ay,

And altar l ights,that bu r ned on ear thly shores


Combined wi th suns of the eternal day .

T h e great C reator sm iled and cal l ed i t good,

R ece iv ed thei r than kful p r aise and holy vows !

Whi l e earth,so l ate restored

,before H im stood ,

A mansion i n the Heaven ly Father’s House .

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art st rut


Da nge r N g /i Happin e ss—Lapse of Tim e fr om t lze Fa ll ofM o r n ing Sta r s to ! li e Fa ll of Al a n — I n b e r e n t Elem e n ts of Fa lle njVa tur e Cla ssed a s Tlir o n e s

,a n d Pe r so n zfi ed—M ode s of Ope r a t io n

of t/ze s e Elem e n ts Cla ss ed a s Dom in io n s,a n d Pe r so n ified—Spe e clz

of Re ve nge—Spe e clz of En vy—M a l zce Dum b wit/z Rage—Spe ed!of Sa ta n —He Ackn owledge s Am b zt zo n ’

s Sile n t Influe n ce—He Sun zs

up t/ze Gr o u n d of t/z e Tempta t io n o f Dom in io n sto Adva n ce .

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HE realm of l ight near that of darkness is,

The piercing thorn bes ide the fragrant rose,

T h e gulf of woe yawns by the mount of bl iss ,

And close to death’s dark se a l ife’s river flows .

Distresses and del ights string th ick the l ine

Between the storm a n d'

i n ce n se -fre ighted breeze !

P roud ships o’e r r ide th e grav e of ocean brine


And pleasure i sl es are washed by th r eaten ing seas .

The crown of peace by lovely Eden worn,

And studded th i ck with many a dazzl i ng star,

M ight soon be crushe d and leave h e r b r ow forlorn,

And Paradise become the scene of war .

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O happiness,thou widen ing stream subl ime !

Inef f able and wondro u s i s the nam e !

Ete rn ity thyself impar ts , and t ime !

Thy source immense , thy te rminus the same !

How spi rits pu r e upon thy bosom gl ide,

And navigate the re gions of the blest !

How sons of God drink of thy crysta l t ide,

And angel s bathe thy shoreless seas of rest.

When time began,and in the depths before


Thou always wast,and ever mo r e shal l be !

Fed from e xhaustless source,back shal t thou pour

Thy cease less stream in great e te rn i ty .

T h e s e a of years lash e d the eternal Shore,

And surging cycles fi l l e d the darkening void !

Perhaps an age,perhaps ten thousand more


S ince Satan s i nned and e ar th had been destroyed .

Rebel l io n crush e d,the sound o f ho ly wars

Had n o t b e e n h e ard,unti l o u r nature’s b i r th

S ince Michae l fo ught t h e fal l en m o rn ing stars,

And conquered pe ace o n ante-human earth .

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Well known i t i s,that age s long ago

We l o s t ou r ear thly ho me and we re expel led,

And t o th is mom e nt h e ld i n chains o f woe,

B e caus e,fo rsooth ,

’t was said we had rebel led !

Lo ! Ed e n se e mo r e lo vely than befor e,

And in i t pl ace d a n e w,i ncipi e nt race

No il l to these I owe,but hav e in sto re

Defeat when Michael fought us fac e to face .

Now crush th is ris ing hope,th e e arth despoil ,

And thwar t th e plans the D e i ty has laid !

And I shal l re i nfo r ce,and onwar d foi l

T h e fast unfo ld ing works H is hands have made .

He,saying thus

,excitedly sa t down ,

A rigid look,with bitterness e nrage d ,

And knitted brow,made th e dete rm ined fr own ,

'Which frant i c minions to h is cause engaged .

P r oud Envy n e xt arose,with w i ld appl ause ,

And for th e whi le the gr im confusion broke !

With p r in cipl e d ist inct, b u t co mm o n cause ,

He urged the h e l l ish sch e me as thus he spoke

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“ Most honor ed Chief,of al l the hosts supreme


And comrade thrones,yo ur wisdom wil l fo resee

My pass ion wi l l eff ect thi s horrid scheme,

And with Revenge a tr ue al ly wi l l be .

A nothe r’s good to me is constant pain !

Another’s happine ss,my misery !

I canno t pass ive bear another’s gain ,

Nor quietly another’s pl easures se e .

With thr one Revenge , do min ions I command ,

And in this hel l-bo rn sch e me wil l naught d issent .

With Cov e tousness,a throne

,w e often band


To stench the stream of bl iss from glory lent .

N aught profi ts me while here be fo re m e ri se

Fai r Eden’s beauteous pair,with star l ike crown !

I may not soar on wings to sunny ski e s,

But I wil l eager pluck the b r ight ones d own .

Then writh ing thund e rs groaned as he essayed

To fai r d e sc r ibe the i ssue and th e doom !

A n d hiss ing tongues l ike forked l ightning played ,

And e yes pe ere d forth l ike headl ights through the

gloom .

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Next Mali ce rose, a throne of ghastly mien ,

Whil e myriad furies thronged his cr imson path !


,with wild contor t io ns vent h i s Spleen ,

And fo aming blood hal loed h is fre nz ied wrath .

“ Hail ! thrones , do minions b r av e , my hosts !” he said

As Satan sat i n tripl e darkness bound ,

And far and wide th r ough al l h i s k ingd o m spread

The fi r e of eyes and vo ice of ear thquake sound

To propagate i ts Specie s and increase,

In nature is a change l ess l aw ,we know !

An empi r e must advance,o r soon wil l cease

Non -enterprise wil l p rove i ts overth row .

I therefore owe to throne Ambition much,

Whose pol icy i s o n e of subti l e pl an !

Though speaking not,I own h is qu icken ing touch ,

To inst igate the fal l of prist ine man .

The sum i s th is ! to test Ambitio n’s wor th ,

In gain ing rul e o’e r Eden’s newborn race !

To seek revenge,for lo ss of primal ear th


On those whom God hath made to fi l l our place !

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TO gratify a burning, env ious mind ,

That finds unrest when h appiness i s n igh !

With ru in’s wai l to sat iate mal ice bl ind

O mighty hosts,these at the bas i s l i e .

When Satan ceased to spe ak,a m o m e nt’s spel l

Of hideous S i l e nce h e ld the bl inding gloom !

Th e n fr ightful sounds and Shower s of cu r s e s fel l ,

T o ce l e b r ate the jubi l ee Of doo m .

A stern command went forth from Satan’s seat,


And th rones,domin ion s bold and hosts appeared .

They now r ece iv e d wi th rage hi s plans di screet,

And with su spense h i s marching orders heard .

Dominion dark , Decept ion , hear d the charge ,

Fo r first of al l the pl an was to dece ive !

Then Lying nex t , with suasive po wers large ,

TO make the infant race h i s w o rds bel ieve .

Against the i r innocence to guard i n time,

Dominion Cru e l ty avai l e d the chance .

All po ised on wait ing wing,the di smal ch ime

Of thunder sounds as S ignal to advance .

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De sir e Ge n e a logy of Si n —De a t lz by Pr o ce ss io nof of Wo e i n Co un cil Hosts Cr o ssa n d Pa ss t lze Doo r of Ho ve r a r o u n d Ede n .

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Inseparably one,i n un io n twin e d


Myster i ou s l ife and pass ing strange desi re

As wel l i n God,the uncreated Mind


As down th e creature ranks of low att ire .

Desi re inv i tes to good in future stored,

And eage r fi l l s the infini te des ign !

I t promises new raptures unexplored,

And sighs for possibi l i t i es d iv ine !

Lends aspi rat io ns str o ng to battl ing fame,

Crav e s e qual,whether granted or den ied !

Unfueled,burns an unextingu ish e d flame


Con suming evermore, yet unsuppl ied .

In instin ct’s realm , where senseless pass ion reigns,

And moral obl igation unappl ied,

I t to enj o yment y ields i ts fu l lest gains

Through appeti te and pass ion grat ified .

In thi s l ow grad e,devoid of wisdom meet,

It oft conce ives an o ff spring s trangely twain

I s mother to the race of pl easure s swee t

And to the savage tribes of i l l-born pain .

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With mind i t weds a parenthood complete,

That qu ickly forth both s i n and vi rtue brings !

Capacity to know i s thus the seat

Where moral natu re fi r s t to being Spr ings .

For lofty Ego , then , was law ordai ned ,

To know and do what i n the law i s found !

That l ife , imperi l ed thus , might be maintained ,

And h o t desi re to beari ng vi rtue bound .

Desi r e i s moth e r i n thi s par ent head ,

And subject thus with l ord ly Ego mates !

I tsel f i s by insatiate cravings led ,

And ’l one conceives what Ego generates

If Ego wi l l the law , Desi re conce ive s ,

And bears a v irtuous brood that l ife adorn ’

Or l aw disdain,then forth a monster heaves

To horrid view,and hideous 5m i s born .

’Twas so in pr i s t in e earth when Satan fel l ,

Beyond the yawning chasm of years unknown ,

A monste r born , hei r of the Chief of hel l ,

And i n h i s realm a partner to the throne .

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The law is l ife,i ts fai thful guardian been


But melts l ike snow at wil l’s determ i ned breath !

Hence l ife i s lost where Satan re igns,and s i n


Of nature o ne,and

,by pr ocess ion

,death .

Thus Satan,chief i n uni ty o f aim


With S in and Death jo int rules the world be low !

Of power one , whose substance i s the same ,

And these compr i se the trin ity of woe .

Ten thousand peals of thunders u ttered loud,

And blasphem ies the stormy realm de fi l e d,

A n d clos ing round vast mountain heaps of c loud,

Like Pel io n grand on ancient Ossa pil ed !

S o midst the gloom hel l’s trini ty withdrew,

Where l i stl e ss stre ams of si lent Lethe lave

The m idnight throne,beyo nd the hazy view,

More d ismal than the dark Trophon ian cave.

As when on some dark night, i n whispering tone,

Assass ins coo l rev iew the ir bloody plot,

Surv e y the whole,and try each part alone


Then caut iously approach the fatal spot !

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O r when that monster vi l e i n human shape,

The meanest beast beneath the frowns of Jove,

I n so l i tude conce ives accu r sed rape

On v i r tuous beauty and defenseless lo ve

S O caut iously the tri n i ty o f h e l l

Reviewed the deep-l a id scheme and every part,

Resolved in force to execute it w e l l,

And,wai ting not , to try the tempter

’s art.

The s ignal order came as Satan l e d,

And Sin and Death , the fiery hosts O f doom !

A crown of ebony they wore O’e rsp r e ad,

With cypress l eaves and sad nar cissus’ bloom.

O’er noisel e ss Acheron th e y paused in fl i ght,

And prone i ntent i n bold defiance gazed,

Whil e hoary Mino s stood appal l ed in S ight,

And,helpless struck

,with indignat ion blazed .

Now bounding far,they through the e ther sped


As crouch ing Cerberus,with fr ight aghast


Like l ightn ing flashed h is eyes , by fury red ,

And hideous grow led l ike thunder as they passed.

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As crouching low , the ravenous l ion grows,

As near h is v i ctim comes, i n hunger more,

SO Satan fel t at Eden’s near expose ,

And S in d rew nigh and Death was at the

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art in t


Ede n o n t/ze Mo r n ing of t lze Tr a n sgr e ssio n —m e He a ve n lyDo ve a n d A nge ls se em t o In dica t e Appr o a clz i ng -Tr oub le —Ada m

a n d Eve Com e to t/ze Tr e e of ! n owle dge of Go od a n d EvilTb ey Tur n Away—Ada m Go e s to Dr e ss ing t/1e Ga r de n —Eve is

Accosted, fi r st by De cept io n ,

t lze n by Lying—Ho ur of He s ita t io nS716 Ta t e s t/ze Fa ta l Fr u zt

,He a r s Ada m Appr o a clz i ng ,

a n d Run s

t o Izim f o r Pr o te ct io n —He r Spe e c/z—Ada m f ie lds a n d Ea ts tb eFr uzt fr om lie r Ha n d—Tr ib a te to Wom a n —C/z e r ub im Sta t io n ed—Hope , t/ze He a ve n ly Virgin ,

Appe a r s TlzeyEm b r a ce t/ze Pr om iseSta r

,a n d Re t ir e to t/i e i r Nzg/zt ly Bowe r —Ada m ’

s Spe e cl i of Pe n it e n ce a n d Hope —La st 0 Day of Tr a n sg r e ss io n .

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Luxu r i ance wild upo n h e r bo som gleamed,

And s trung with co s tly ge ms h e r j ewe l e d arms

M o st e xqu i s i te h e r garb ! f o r Ed e n se e me d ,

That balmy m o rn,to we ar d iv in e s t charms .

D e l i c i o us fru i ts hung th i ck , l i ke angels’ food


On garde n tr ees,f o r Adam and his wife !

And in th e midst the tr ee of knowledge stood,

And n e ar to i t was there the tr e e of l ife .

Now o’er th e m waved the Spotless v e i l of love,

And on the peace ful crown of ge ntle 'Eve

Ther e sat i n snowy plume the Heavenly Dove,

And,restl ess

,tu r n e d a s though.! about to leave .

A special charge the ange l s seem e d to fe el

And clustering nigh , th e i r busy pin ions spread,

TO guard the day,and human l ife to seal

And on th e i r path a s o l e mn Spl e ndor shed .

Lo ! now th e y stoo d near by th e fatal tr ee,

And w ond e r e d at the richness of i ts fru it !

A godl ike consciousness that they w e r e fr ee,

They fel t, and turned to s eek the i r fond pursu it,

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Wh e n sly Deception rose , as fro m the ground ,

Who steal thi ly had into Eden cr e pt,

And lain unseen in secrecy pr ofo und,

At midnight,wh e n unconsci o us natur e sl ept

As,l ow conceal ed

,the deadly s e rpent l i e s

Beneath th e gard e n sh rub,wh e r e v irgin s come


And strikes with poisonous fangs the hand that tr ies

To pluck the rose for an immortal home .

He spoke,l ike to an ange l clothed in l ight


And thus h is sentence ran 5 “ ‘Yea,hath God said ’?

O gentl e Ev e , tho u canst not deem i t r ight

TO keep these l onging app e t i tes unfe d .

T h o u maye st not know the breadth o f His command,

Fo r fini te minds may f ai l th e whole to know,

And cre atures soo ner far m isund e rstand

H is r ighteous l aw,than Go d should tre at them so .

Then Lying fi rst appeared in heavenly guise,

As though he f a r on fr i e ndly wing had Sped

To bear the t id ings of some sweet surp r i se !

But 10 ! what fearful speech,a s thus he said

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“ ‘Ye shal l not d ie ! ’ O lovely Eve and fr ee,

Fo r God doth kno w that th is shal l Ope your eyes,

And in the day ye eat ye then shal l b e

As go ds to know,and l ike the gods be wise .

O fatal hour,when thi s death sentence closed !

To h e s i tate i s to be certa i n lost

The fragi l e flower of Eden left exposed

To storms of s i n and death’s cold bl ight ing frost.

Immorta l moment,when the gateway wide


And broad the road of dread destruction seemed ,

In vis ion range almost to be descried ,

And thronging with unnumbered mi l l ions teemed .

W i th motion hes i tant,her waxen hand

Stretched forth to'

to uch the test-forbidden tree .’T i s done ! and instantly the ambushed band

Renewed the shout of hel l ish jubi lee .

A shadow passed o’er al l the sh in ing sward ,

As when a cl oud obscu res the sunny sky !

And , pal e with fear, sh e turned to se e h e r lord ,

Whose sounding steps sh e heard approach ing nigh .

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Then,as a chi ld in doubt its moth e r see ks ,

Half recogniz e d,commingl ing love and fear


She halt ing sought h is hand,with moistened cheeks

That bore i n pain the fi rst sad human tear .

Around h is neck She cl aspe d her snowy arms,

As though her h e ar t d id br e ak ben e ath the stroke,

And then imploringly her wife ly charms

Entwined h is heart, as thus she so bbing spoke

O husband dear , whom there i s no ne above !

My happiness to do thy lordly wi l l,

Sole obj ect of my heart’s unfal te ring love !

Canst thou protect,and wil t thou love me st i l l ?

My highest bl i ss to be thy loving wife,

And pay to thee a tribute of del ight !

And through the day to hang upon thy l ife,

And nestl e i n thy bosom during n ight .

Whi l st thou wast near,i n dres s ing trees employed ,

A n d l one intent in ke eping Parad ise,

Some enemy of good hath me decoyed,

And by his cunning did my soul entice .

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I thought i t was a friendly angel Spoke,

And,l i sten ing to h is words

,at l ength bel ieved,

N o r better knew til l I had fel t the stroke,

And learned,al as ! that I had been dece ived .

Al o ne in grief, must I from thee depart ?

And on thy wife alone be sorrow laid ?

O clasp m e near thy warm and bounding heart !

Embrace me close,for I am so r e afraid .

O trust me sti l l,for s ince the deed i s done

The angel s keep at d istance and are sh y!

Eat thi s ! and as i n l ife we have been one

W e st i l l wi l l be , and undivided d ie .”

Then weeping loud,i n gr eat commotion Sh e

Gave h im the fru i t . He took i t , greatly moved ,


,he freely ate ! f o r he

The creature more than the Creator loved.

Fai r woman , thou art i n thy ru ins grand !

And,l ike the au tumn leaf

,art lovely st i l l

Though changed ! thy very we akness doth command

Thy lord’s d iv inest love,and ru les hi s wi l l .

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Unseen,though fel t

,the scepter of thy power

Rules, as i t i s , the world , or might have been !

Thy gal lant husband owned i t i n the hou r,

When f o r thy sake alone he dared to s i n .

Thrones weake n at thy love’s bewitch ing art,

And conquer ing armies march i n thy employ !

Bathsheba’s charms impri soned David’s heart,

And Helen’s beauty caused the fal l of Troy .

In secret power thy fingers touch the spring

That bar es the treasured weal th of mammon’s store !

Thy graces to the hal l s of pleasure bring

The sol e resi stl ess charm of value more .

For thee thy smitten lo rds al l fears d i sm iss,

And pour the crimso n flood i n deadly strife,

That some strong l o ver might, i n nuptial bl i ss,

Embrace thy charming hand , and cal l thee wife .

The stalwart arm its ready strength expends ,

From dewy morn ti l l star ry eve, for thee !

And mighty m ind i ts wi l l ing tribute l ends ,

And at thy feet bestows i ts homage free .

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A l l oceans have for thee b e e n bravely sail ed ,

Nor pi lgrimage of pe ri l deemed too great !

The dangers of al l mountains have been scaled

To witness to thy worth and on thee wa it.

Abo ut thy husband’s care thou dost entwine ,

As l ike a cheer ful wre ath o f evergreen !

And in his househo ld art a f ru itfu l v in e ,

Whose branches cluster i n a l iv ing s creen .

When tri al s th i cken on his weary path,

Thy strong devotion strengthens with each stroke !

And fi e r c e r blasts of the devou r ing wrath

I nspire thy zeal and new thy aid i nvoke .

Thy gent l e hand soft sooth e s h is fevered brow,

Nor tires beneath the languid fl ight of years !

As fragrant bloom adorns the thorny bough,

Thy presence sweet h i s wast ing s ickness cheers !

T h y touches warm m e l t o ff th e gathering frost,

And k i sses mark h is slow receding breath .

Thy flow ing tears embalm the tre asure los t,

And , true in l ife, thou l o ve stl

h im i n death .

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The f earfu l pair from secret thickets came ,

And,trembl ing with al arm as ne’er before


Both bondage-yoke received,i n naked shame


And hail ed the promise-star the Virgin wore .

In plaintive mood , beneath thei r nightly bower,

Where oft their songs had furn ished such del ight,

They now in s i l ence sa t , for one sad hour,

And watched the shadows blacken into n ight

L ike that lone emptiness that sti l ly reigns

Where crue l death has left a vacant chair,

And naught the si l ence breaks but low refrains,

Which make dul l musi c in the ambient a ir.

Just as the su n the d im horizon b lushed,

From musings deep the si l ence Adam broke

Emotions l ike a storm his nature crushed,

And , weeping tears of peni tence, he spoke

0 what a mighty change, i n t ime so brief!

In orphanage, our S i n h a s made u s so !

What wondrous love ! our sentence and rel ief,

In time the same, from the Creato r flow .

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Fai r daughter of the skies i s v i rgin Hope ,

Whose chain of love d iv ine regains our loss !

I t gi r ts the world with in i ts ample scope,

And round God’s throne i s f a stened by the Cross .

His sacred pr omise i s the star we saw, [head !

That woman’s See d Sho uld br u ise the serpent’s

This preci ous ransom stays the broken law,

Gives r i ches to‘

the poor,and l i fe the dead !

Its glowing l ight our weary fee t shal l gu ide,

And its eternal truth shal l be our trust !

In busy l ife our way shal l not d iv ide,

And,dy ing one

,wil l jo in appointed dust .”

First day of s i n i n sepul ture was la id ,

And dreary night-winds w ai l ed i ts funeral d i rge !

The star-sown fields i ts l engthened corpse displ ayed ,

And as a cortege m ar ch e d night’s solemn verge .

! ind angel s,n e ar

,the i r friendly pinions Spread


To guard the pai r,and n ightly v igi l s keep !

Then , couched upon the ir rose-enameled bed ,

The i r troub les soon were lost i n balmy sl e e p .

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ETURN ING from the scene, the dark-w i n g’d


The tr iune head,and thrones

,domin ions

,al l

In hel l i sh glee made the i r satan ic boas t,

And ghastly grinned o’e r Eden’s sudden fal l .

On Satan’s ebo n crown a bel t of gloom ,

I n bold re l ief,announced hi s conquest new ,

A n d s ign ified the strengthen ing bands of doom ,

Which spread with S in’s advance,arid tighter drew.

Vexatio n sett l e d on his massive face,

And anx ious furrows plow e d his V i sage broad !

For more than al l d id he d iscern the place

! That faith ass igned the promise-star of God.

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Thi s unexpected move of heavenly plan

H is counsel foi led , and sprung a dre ad surprise !

For he had vainly thought that fal l e n man,

Like si nni ng mo rn ing stars,could never ri se .

Then fi l l ed with rage,the hope ful scheme mal igned,

And new devices pl anned to thwart the move,

To dim the hope that man Should mercy find,

And check the k ingdom of redeeming love .

Idolatry went forth from Satan’s seat,

Clothed wi th a throne’s authori ty and rank ,

That he the plans of wisdom might de feat,

D e spo i l the church,and al l her armies flank .

Lo ! natio ns at hi s sh rine submiss ive kneel ,

While ignorance and clouds h is throne o’e r spre ad,

Dark sup e r s t i tion aids to brui se the heel

Of woman’s Son,who bru ises Satan’s head .

Of r e aso n pr o ud,gr and natur e some adore


And fr om Hi s o w n domain the Lord expel !

And some of weaker m inds,and bl indness more ,

To , works of human art the i r praises swel l .

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In fame’s gil t templ e,wh e re

,with empty heart,

Rapt votari es bestow th e i r anxious p r aise,

Some bow,to fe e l a t l ast the conscious smart

That th e y have vainly waste d al l the ir days .

O gr im Ido l at ry ! where God i s known,

In lands enl ighte ned by eternal truth,

Po o r'b l i n de d sou ls , tho u holdest as thine o w n ,

Of age exp e rience - tried,and heedless youth !

Nor shal l th ine al tar fal l n o r stand alone,

Nor human voices of thy p r aise s t i re,

Til l power d iv ine shal l hu r l thee fr om thy throne ,

And fix thy changeless doom in quenchl ess fi r e .

The vi ctory ach iev e d in Eden’s fal l

T o Envy did such fresh dist i nction yie ld ,

That fo remost,none more e ag e r was o f al l

The fi e ry hosts to occupy the fi eld .

Thus , when f o r s i n to ear ly sacr ifice

T h e sons o f Adam w e nt,with gifts prepared ,

From fru its o f fi e ld and flock did of f e r i ngs r ise !

But,wanting faith

,Cain no acce ptance shared .

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COSM OSTOR I A . 1 0 7

Here Envy ro se,i nsat iate Murde r cal led


And struck with reeking club the deadly wound !

The shocking scen e the un iverse appal led,

A s fr atricidal bl ood cri e d fr o m the ground .

Eccl e si ast i cs with unblushing shame

Oft yi e ld to Envy’s yok e , and l iv ing, die

T hey hate the man who wins a higher name,

And fi l l s a place that they would fain supply .

O f t nations draw the sword by Envy lent,

And dye with human gore the peaceful crown,

Be cause,forsooth

,th e y dw e l l i n d iscontent


And have unrest to bring another down .

A most atrocious Show,a horrid scene


First d imly seen,th e n to ful l v is ion grew !

An amphitheater graspe d th e te r r e n e,

And human l ife surveyed in s ingl e vi ew .

A pale and mangl ed form,i n purpl e gow n


Lay w e pt— a woman’s love,a nation’s pr ide

The head blood -bathed that wore of right the crown

Now made to fi t a hear tl e ss regic ide .

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1 0 8 COSM OSTOR I A .


,and by his s ide h i s wife


And near to these did ghastly ch i ldre n l i e !

For cursed gold they had been ro bbed of l ife,

And some because th e d e ad n e ’e r testify .

I n early l ife ano ther had been sla in

And thus,Adonis-l ike

,untim e ly slept

The pr i ce of honor paid in d e adly pain,

While , statu e - l i ke,a v i rgin o

’e r h i m wept .

A strangled ch i ld e xpo sed infanti cide !

The fru i t of s i n ,i tsel f d e void of blame


Thus sacrificed by cruel hands , to h ide

I ts fal l en moth e r’s u n a ffi a n ce d shame .

A cann ibal i n fr ightful aud ie nce stood,

And at h is fe et l ay one of human kind !

His ree king club he h e ld,besm e ar ed with blood


And on his v ict im,l ike fou l harpies

,dined .

Another sti l l , bereft of reason’s r eign


Had to himse lf th e fatal kn ife appl ied !

The saddest winds d id o’er h is corpse complain,

For he had d ied unwept— a su icide .

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From dawn to dusk,th rough l i fe ’s unfold ing way


He feasts with greed , and gloats h i s ravenous maw,

As wel l with spiteful boys at idl e pl ay ,

As naughtier m e n contending at the l aw.

As smoldering fires,to wanton ruin prone


With tongues of flame oft l ick the heated ai r,

'Or oft with in th e huge vo l cano groan ,

Or hu r tl e o’er the plain i n wild despai r

S o Mal ice fi l l s the land wi th dev i l i sh woes,

And human passion se ts on fire of hel l,

W i th angry wo rds,and o f t with deadly blows


He se rves h is cause and most d e l ights to dwel l .

B eside al l sou ls h i s thorny pathway l ies,

And l eads wi th in the fo r t the hel l i sh crew !

I ts ways d iv ide the dearest social t i es,

And lose, i n s in’s dark wilds, hearts once so true .

B ehold Ambit ion,now

,th e race inspi re !

Who se secr et fo r ces urged the guil ty fal l

The sons of men a r e sei z ed with rank desi re

To rule and h o ld the re in,or ru in al l .

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Unbound by l aws of nature , God or men ,

N o ri ght,no wrong does pro ud Ambition know !

By bribes,and b ids

,and ways of hel l i sh ken


He even dare s to crush bo th fri end and foe .

H i s de votees , to h igh adventures l ed ,

Regar d not mer i t’s cl aim,nor human good


But tempt insat iate thirst,by havoc f e d


To keener want and darker deeds of blood .

How th ick they crowd the gates of pr omised fame,

And long for weal th and greatn e ss unpossessed !

Hope fancy-gi lds thei r d istant , gl i tfe r in g aim ,

And leaves the i r soul s forevermore unblest .

Who cl im b s th is m o unt , i n h Op e to gain the top ,

Wil l vi ew ascending heights , a n d st i l l aspire !

And w hen l ife’s wheel s stand sti l l , wil l w e a rv drop

The withered palm,and of ambit ion t i re .

Among the thrones who fi l l the earth with woe,

And press the cause of Satan , Sin and Death ,

Disda inful P ride appeared in haughty Show,

To w i l t the rose of love with arcti c breath .

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C o ld a s the mountains of eternal snows,

And hard e r far than adamant ine sto ne,

The mien o f P r ide congeal s where’er i t goes,

And r eigns upon a self-erected throne .

The p r o ud are cannibal s— o n se lf they feed ,

Fo r no th ing else w il l sate thei r crav ing maw !

The vanity of praise conceal s th e deed,

And makes of real l ife a man of straw .

Like creatures sl eek i n a museum found,

That seem , unwarmed by l ife , contently grave,

And stare with s ightless eyes on al l around

Not sought f o r what th e y are,but se e m to have

The pr oud , wel l stu ff e d , Show more of brass than brains ,

And , bl ind to others’ good

, se e not the i r s i n !

They work for Show,and seek where honor re igns !

They herald self,and drink i ts praises in .

’T is Covetousness,arrayed in purple gown ,

That craves unlawful ly another’s right !

Luxuriate s upon a bed of down ,

And plans to gain possess ion,day and night.

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E xposure the occas ion o ft suppl ies,

As,want ing


modesty,fai r D inah must

Walk forth,to see and to be seen of eyes


And thus a victim fal ls to S h e ch e m ’s l ust.

Such chal l enges of beauty publ i sh much,

And bar te r pri celess virtue for a price !

They advertise, by wanton v iew or touch ,

What lewd ones count a premium on vice .

By weal th’s support,and u rged by human pride


The gay and gaudy robe,through fash ion’s door


The myst ic key displ ays at fash ion’s s ide,

That locks and Opens half of v i rtue’s store .

Adul tery thus uses fash ion’s sway ,

Pure nature to inflame and lure to s in

By nude expose and half obscene display

To win attent ion first,then further win .

To passion’s torrent course, unchecked , suppl ied ,

The crown of se lf-control i s rudely cast !

Sw eet vi rtue s inks beneath the swell ing tide,

And wan Adultery prevai l s at l ast .

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O busy throne of hel l ! thy footp r i nts mark

The gi lded parlors where the r i ch and great

C o nvene to S ip the wine , and idly spark

And diss ipate i n pleasu re’s ri ch estate .

Thy scant r eward for sto l e n pl easure i s

A conscience al l de fi l e d,and blasted name


And o’er the corpse of dead domesti c bl i ss,

And ru ined hopes,to spr ead the pal l of shame .

To hes i tate one sadly fatal hour,

And al l ’s to v irtu e lost— thy tr i umph won !

What happ iness despoi l ed of human dower,

What deeds of v ice f o r Satan thou hast done !

Another ! Legions come ! for who can tel l

What good thi s throne engages to destroy ?

His batt l e ground the earth,h is pr i son h e l l


And misery and death h i s v i l e employ .

I ntemperance to every vice i s fr iend,

The fi l thy boon compan ion to al l crime !

Awards a drunkard’s grave to gloom l ife’s end,

The shame of hoary age and youthful pr im e .

1 15

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In ru ins,man— no longer man

,but brute

Reduced t o poverty and haggard want,

Lies foul and fast,whi le hel l’s dark

,dismal su it

Scare in h is dr eams and through h is vis ions haunt.

To fools a vulgar fun, to wise disgust,

He reel s from side to s ide,or hugs a po st !

Like wal lowing swine, he mouths the fi l thy dust

Abandoned to di sgrace,fore ver l o st !

Vice tra in i ng al l,by every ev i l trained


Intemperance i s crowned man’s d i r est foe !

A nnex ing earth to h e l l by conquest gai ne d ,

And feed ing fresh the flames o f endl ess woe .

Lo ! dark dominions speed from l ine to l ine ,

And swarm the l andscape over far and wide !

Witchcraft and Blasphemy thei r strength‘ combine,

And Jealousy and Str ife go side by s ide .

Deception s ly, and Lying, hand i n hand ,

With sneaki n g Theft thei r forces oft unite,

In ambuscade to occupy the land,

And take by fel l surpr i se the sons of l ight.

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art l at en t


t/za t b e a r Re co r d i n Fo r t]! Pe stile n ce, Wa r , Fa m in e

[Mo r a l Ha r m o ny ,t/ze Safegua r d t o Life —Na tur a l Evil—Pr o vi

de n ce—Co n ce a lm e n t —Dom in io n i n tb c Re a lm of Na tur a l EvilA nge lic Age n cy Impo r ta n t i n t/ze E ! e cut io n of Divin e Pr ovide n ce—]lI i n d o ve r Ma t te r —Pe st ile n ce a n Age n t of Na tur a lEvilWa r un de r t/ze Gove r n m e n t of Pr ovide n ce—Fa m in e ’s Re co r d.

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1 2 2 COSM OSTOR I A .

Thus agents natu r e wi e lds,by heav e n lent

To favo r l i fe,may wo rk i ts ru in

,to o .

’T i s n o t that natu r e’s l aws in Wisdo m’s plan

A r e age nts o f d e s truct io n s e t i n fo rce !

O r that th e i l l s e ntail ed on h e lpl e ss man

A r e ju stly r e ckon e d part o f natu r e ’s cou r se !

But r ath e r s i n h a s shifted man to place,

Wh e r e natu re’s l aws adverse ly Ope rate !

And man’s re l at ions,changed

,expose the race

T o i l l s unfel t w ith in the pri s t ine state .

The essence of the curse,the ground rece ived

For Adam’s s i n , i s i l l i n nature bound !

Not that al l nature changed,as is bel i eved


But man by s i n displaced , the curse is found .

Thus natu r e’s evi l i s the one eff ect

Of natu r e ’s agents unifo rmly good,

But op e rat ing al l unchanged,di r e ct

On o bj ects changed from wh e re at fi rst they stood .

So l ightn ing cl o uds,and wate r fr om the spring


Ordained of God to perfect nature’s co urse,

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T o the harmonious whole ri ch bless i ngs bring,

And i l l to those who contr avene thei r force .

! no wn or unknown , well chosen or unwi l l ed ,

Ste r n nature’s broken law no pardon sai th !

I ts penal ty i s sure , at once fulfi l l ed !

P r oportio n just, i t graduate s i n death .


T is Providenc e that ru les with si l ent voi ce

Thi s re alm,to crippl e v i ce and vi rtue mend !

No t punishment , so much , of pleasure’s choice


As h i gher aims of profi t in the end .

Tho ugh chast i sement i s gri evous , and withstood ,

And Providence i s blamed for plans devised,

Ye t heaven works for al l the h ighest good ,

And leaves the ir w isdom b afll e d and surpri sed .

Lo n c e a l m e n t dark is glory oft despised ,

For mystery enwraps the ways of God ,

A n d oft H is bless ings come to us di sgu ised,

And mercies bud the dry chasti s i ng rod .

Th o ’ clouds and darkness th i ck His throne o ’e rw h e lm ,

Ye t righteo usness and love i nvest H is reign !

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The path of su ff e r i ng gains th e glor i o us realm

And close by pl e asu r e l i es seve r e st pain .

He nature rul es by l aws His wisdom cho se !’Like changeless bo th to sa vage and to sage


As wel l th e beas t that bre ath e s,the grass that grows


T h e re alm of b u t a day , or o f an age .

No e v i'l He b e gins , and ye t pr es ides !

N o l aw annu l s,n o r penal sanct ion d rops !

But guardian ange l o f t fr o m suff eri ng hid e s

The her o bo ld,the spar ro w in the copse .

What wisdom sees is best,i s we l l s e cu r ed !

His pro vidence commands,and angel s move

Is penal ty ? then su f f e r i ng i s endured !

E scaping thi s,i t i s amaz ing love .

A gener al good may work a,sp e c ia l harm ,

And good and ev i l thus have common cause

The body gain the goo d,bu t i l l th e arm


And both resu l t from universal l aws .

From o f f th e m o un ta i n’S b r ow the loosened stone

Leaps reckl ess down upon the val e beneath !

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1 2 6 COSM OSTOR I A .

Which gems in lay , and bri l l i ant corals pave,

And wher e the winged steed of l ightn ing fl i es,

Sent w i th the speed of thought where su n and moon

I l lume th e land,and stars their l ight di ffuse !

That friend with distan t fri e nd may far commune ,

And al l the world may have the dai ly news .

Or s e e i n rapt surprise the ponderous train ,

By mind conducted,and fo rbid to roam


Which nature’s fo r ce s drive across the plain,

And other l aw s of natu r e overcome !

Can human mind the world with wonde r s fi l l,

And nature’s forces rule with magic r o d?

And hav e not angel m inds the strength and sk il l

T o execute the prov idence o f Go d ?

Or wil l they cond e scend to th ings so smal l ?

Or, what i s vastly stranger, can i t be

The great Creator has complete d al l,

Wound up the universe, a n d lost the key ?

Or has He locked in j ai l the world of mind ,

And left Hims e l f no m e ans to d isenth r al l ?

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Views in tel l ect ensl aved to matter,bl ind


Himself the greatest P risoner o f al l ?

Behold that gal lan t ship d isplay her for ce,

Unwrecked by storm , unbroken by the tide !

A l e ver touched , at o nce turns back her course,

And proves her pass ive to her ski l lful guide .

And shal l not He who l aunched the Ship create

To navigate, untried , eternal seas ,

By agenci es at w il l di rect her fate,

And b r i ng her to the haven He may please ?

The mighty Sovere ign re igns ! yea, sooner far

Than al l commit to chance of forces bl ind !

He nature rul e s by law from Sprig to sta r,

And law,by l aw

,subjects to sent ient m ind .

What though dread Pesti l ence the land invade ,

And march w i th bl ighting scourge the ci rcu i t round !

Hale human forms l ike autumn verdure fade ,

And strew l ike fo rest leave s the V i rg in ground

What though consumption wither youthful pride ,

An d crape in place o f orange blossoms give !

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W i th ruthl ess a im the stricken fo ld divide,

To mo urn ing some,and some forbid to l ive

’T is but a par t of the sad record born e

In earth , where rests the curse upon the so d,

And where the bitte r speech of those w h o mourn

W i l l v indicate the providence of God .

Behold that helpless ch ild,impatient


Amidst the ro ar and rum ble of the car !

I ts struggl ing sl e e p , o f t broke n by a s igh,

D e notes i t born be neath a luckless star.

Ye t who,that strives f o r truth

,but se e s i t plain


That i l l s must b e endured or ov e r come ,

And these appendages are of the train

That qu ick conveys i t to i ts qu iet home ?

So,fr etful man

,forever cease thy strife !

Thy Maker trust, who gu ide s thee for the best !

And il l s,which throng the burdened train of l ife


Will h e lp to sweeten thy eternal rest .

Aloud th e tocs in sounds the wail s of str ife !

Tattoo alarms ! the t ide rol l s h igh and fast !

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In mourn ing at her window si ts and weeps,

And vacant, cal ls her ch i ldren to her side .

O crue l War ! thy record on the earth ,

The flames of envy,kindles w i th thy breath !

Thy pains del iver nat ions at thei r b irth,

And consti tute the i r agony in death .

To bondage and Oppression’s gal l ing yoke

Thy vanquished are consigned,l ike gal ley s laves !

Thy v ictors,too

,i n turn rece ive the stroke


For equal over both thy banner waves .

In yo u lone garret pl ace , where vermin Swarm ,

And mammon’s v ice the starvi n g poor obey,

There Famine S i ts,a l ank and haggard form ,

Whil e plenty ru les scarce s ixty fe et away .

His pinch in blasted lands,th e rich by fl ight

E scape i n time,and l eave the helpless poor !

H i s presence.

fi l l s the dark and d ismal n ight,

That brings the wolf to the i r defense less doo r.

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art fi tn rtft


A Lege n d—Tb e Rede em e r,t/z e Supr em e Gif t , A n n o un ced

T/ze Cr o ss t/ze So le [Mo r a l n lzt (f t lze Fa t/ze r ’s Ho us e—Tb c

Miss ing Gila r d—Pr o b a t io n Se cu r ed to t b e Ea r tb by t/z e Cr o ssHum a n ity We ep i ng o ve r t lze Wo r les of De a t/z—Glim m e r ings o f

Hope upo n t lze Tom b -Re sur r e ctio n —~Hz n ts of rVa tu i e Tb e

Re sur r e ct io n of C/z r i st—Tr iumpb of Hum a n ity o ve r De a t/z

C lz i ld/i o od Glo r ified—Br ide of t ile La m b .

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Alarmed at selfish cla ims wh ich foster si n ,

The calum e t refuse,with aim to fight

Whil e they i n w e akness strive the pri ze to win,

In strength divine the angel takes h is fl ight.

So heavenly gifts on golden wings descend,

Of value vast , to man devoid of cost !

Men cu r i ous gaze unti l thei r wrangl ings end

The gift departs, a n d l eaves the gazers lost.

Of every bless ing blest,hail Gift supreme !

Adored by angel song s ince time began,

Eternal ! i ng of the redemptive scheme,

Conserving al l by saving fal l en m a n .

Judean plains returned His natal song,

As angels swept the stars,the sun and moon ,

Entranced the world o f mind wi th hall owed tongue ,

And fi l l ed the Father’s House with joyful tun e .

Foremost d id Adam l e ad,and Eve along,

Red e emed from earth to grace,the sacred va n ,

T i l l e very mans io n rang wi th holy song

“ To God be glory,and good wil l to man ! ”

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His k ingdom i ntroduced,i ncarnate ! ing !

To conquer and inde mnify al l lo ss ,

Til l earth shal l bl o sso m in e te rnal spring,

And to al l mans ions ra ise th e wo ndrous Cross .

A dis tant realm may be,whe re solar l ight

In o uter darkness fad e s,and disappears ,

Beyond the re gio n where far Neptune’s fl ight

C o mmingl e s an etern ity of years ,

B e yond the gulf unl i t by comet’s fi r e

A path untrave l e d by the w i nge’d ray !

Wh e r e und iscove r e d suns wi th o urs conspi re

To te l l the watches of eternal day .

But 10 ! there i s no place i n ange l’s fl ight

The Cro ss d o e s n o t i l l um e,b e neath

,above !

Etern ity i t floods wi th m o r al l ight,

And fi l ls i nfini ty wi th sacre d lo v e !

T h e highway paves acro ss t h e darken ing void,

Which gives to systems vast a boundary l ine !

Destroys the works of S i n,that earth destroyed


And vi r tue f o r t ifie s by love d iv ine .


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First to recover earth and rescue man,

H i s body w r est from death , fro m si n his sou l !

Then with its l ight infinity to Span

In every part,and to conserve th e whol e .

In nature’s fin ished harp a m i ssm g chord

Now mars the pe r fect mus i c of the spheres,

That sweetly rang when the o m n ific word

Attun e d the earth to universal ear s .

This harmony to gain,by ev i l spent


And natu re’s moral melodies restr ing,

On miss ion blest the Cross of Christ i s sent

To make,with praise

,the heavenly arches ring.

Probation , bought for man with pr i ce of blood ,

Insures a vi rtuous tes t by moral strife !

The Cross d isdained,and cal l s of gr ace withstood


P r ov e soul s unworthy of e ternal l ife .

Th r ough ample years earth’s trial shal l endure,

T l l l grace Shal l rise supreme to nature’s l o ss !

And character confirmed shal l bl iss insure

To faithful man,and glory to the Cross. .

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Upon th is gorgeous tomb,i n fadel e ss hue


Eternal spring puts forth the promise-flo w e r

Immo r tal ple dge that , i n the great r evi ew ,

T h e dead shal l fe e l the resurr ect io n power.

H e r e , to o , acacia grows i n weal th o f gr e en,

Unchange d by winte r’s snow or summe r’s sand !

To fai th assuring l ife be yond the scr een,

That h ides fr om S ight the undiscovered l and .

T o l ive always,yea

,shal l the de ad arise


And immortal i ty hold se a and Shore !

Subdue the grave,i nvest bo th earth and Skies


And Death cons ign to death forevermore .

O witn e ss nature’s pl ea i n balmy spring !

When wal l s of snow are melte d to the ground !

The s i l ent groves with m e f‘ry voices ring,

And dawn and dusk respond with echoing sound .

See matchless bloom evo lve fr om winter ’s brown,

W hen vernal r ays have b r oke the icy cha ins,

And fri endly cl o uds po ur ampl e bl e ssings down,

And bath e from heavenly founts th e smil ing plains .

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H e re nature whispe r s “ Immortal i ty ! ”

And samples be aute o us robe s,th e blest shal l have !

Procl aims i n breath per fumed what the y shal l b e

In the bright summe r -l and beyond th e grave .

Ten thousand ange l s fly , te n tho usand more

I l lume the early m o rn with heavenly l ight !

From distant pole to pole , from shore to sho r e ,

The y throng the ear th to hai l the wondro us s ight .

To e a r th del ightful,

calm ! a dawn se r ene !

Wh e n holy charms that mans ions fair adorn,

Desce nd ing,cluster on the glowing scene


And wrap in purple robes the ri s ing morn .

A holy tre mor thr i l l s the Father ’s th rone

As D e ath l ie s dy1n g ,1n eternal gloom ,

And ce ase l e ss fi r es i rradiate th e sto ne,

T r ansfe rre d as fr o m the templ e to th e tomb .

Lo ! the bl ack seal s that clos e d the grave are broke !

T h e to mb is empti e d by e te rnal pow e r !

Th e monarch Death l ies sm itten by th e stroke ,

A n d'

Go d’s eternal Son has won the hour.

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On al l the dead He breathes immortal breath,

And plucks eternal gain from transi ent loss !

The sce pter se izes from the hand of Death,

And sh ivers i t to waste upon the Cross .

The d e ad tur n o ver i n thei r pri son cl ay,

And clank th e i r fr o sty fe tte r s to be fre e !

Some br e aking through to gre e t the welcome day,

And with th e l iv ing Shout th e j ub i l ee .

Death’s i r o n doo r fo r e ve r stands aj ar !

The mass ive k ey hangs at the Conqueror’s s ide !

The news on comet wings h a s flown afar,

And swell s and fi l l s th e heavenly palace wide .

Humanity ascends on ange l wing,

And back to heaven bears l ove’s golden chain .

The minstrel sy d iv i ne the triumph sing

Imm o r tal pledge that man shal l l ive again .

S e e vanquish e d D e ath in ago ny expire ,

As w r onged accusers thro ng h is crue l path !

Now left to be cremated in the fi r e

Consum i ng earth i n the great day of wrath .

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Chi ldhood,immortal ized through death , i s given

A fl e eting swe etness l ife could never hold

I t must be bo r n and sent as such to heaven ,

A jewel n o t obtained fr om other mold .

Som e flowers bloom upo n the morning’s breath

And must be gathered the n,or e ver l o st !

So chi ldhood has been seiz e d,through ruthless death


To save i ts swe e tne ss from l ife ’s bl ighting frost.

Humanity, the Lamb’s untarnishe d B ride


N o w dons immo rtal garb for bl issful march,

The eve r last ing do ors to open wide,

And pass beneath the grand triumphal arch .

Her jewel e d pr ese nce charms the sons of l ight !

Her glory fi l l s the mansions of the bl e st !

S e cu r e from harm, sh e dw e l l s of gracious right,

In bl i ss supr eme,upo n the Br ide groom’s br east .

The crystal s tre ams o f l ife h e r r apture s l av e

And songs o f tr iumph th r ough th e mansions r ing.

VVh e r e n o w thy victory,O cruel grave ?

And where,O m o narch D e ath

,thy dre aded sting ?

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art 6 irtrrn t


S‘Jzudde r i ng Na tur e a t t lze Appr o a ck of th e La s t Day—Do om

A n n o u n ced—Ea r t/z Bur n ed up t lze Se co n d Tim e,a s t lze Re sult of

Hum a n S i n —Ea r t lz Cr e a ted a n ew is tb us a Br ig/it [Ma n s io n i n

t /ze Fa tke r ’s Ho use—Guiding S cr ap/z Implo r e d to Co n duct Ike

Spir it fr om t/ze M a r t ia n b a ck to tile Ea r t/z ly [11 a n sio u—S i ! Ho ur s’

Fl ig /zt—Tb e A ut b o r ’s Sle ep ,A sce n t to M a r s a n d Re tur n to Ea r /ll,

Repr e s e n t t/ze Ckr is tia n ’s De a tk—IIis Spir it ’s A b ode i n som e

He a ve n ly M a n s io n,a n d Re tur n to Be /zo ld, a n d Dwe ll i n


“N ew

He a ve n s a n d a n ew Ea r l /z l i e e zu Dw e l l e t/t R ig/zt e o us n e ss .

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As myriad angel s swarm the di stant ai r,

And to and fro the rad iant pathway run .

The su n ,ecl ipsed , appo i n ts to earth a Shroud

As black as E rebus,a rayless gloom !

The thunder hu r tl es i n the angry cloud,

To adverti se th e n e ar impending d o o m .

Trophonian r e e fs the str engthl e ss m o untains Cho k e ,

And muff l e d ear thquak e s gr o an fr o m pole to po l e'


A deadly ch il l runs th r ough the dismal smoke,

And wildly mocks the anguish-str i cken whol e.

Loud blasts of angel trumps , a deafening sound ,

Break th r o’ th e sky and thro’ the darkness roar


To tol l the knel l of earth afar a n d’round


And swear in wrath that t ime shal l be no more .

Vesuv iu s bel ches forth a fiery stream,

And Cotopax i l ifts a Shaft on high .

The leaping l ightnings th rough the midnight gl eam,

And mingl ing nat ive flame s,i l l ume the sky.

Respl endent meteors cross the heated a i r,

And shoot and sparkl e through th e stormy doom !

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Touch o ff the l atent stores of keen despair,

And d isappear beyond the depths of gloom .

To earthquake Shock the thunder pea l repl ies,

And cloud and flame i n wild confus ion rol l !

The heavens of air, forsaking native skies,

Depart,l ike as a dark and fiery scrol l .

The elements d issolve with fervent heat,

And Alps and Andes sink to molten seas !

Spitzbergen’s s nows and fr osts from Shetland meet,

And scald ing torrents pour upon the leas .

No w c lass i c ci t i es , lost, to s ight appear,

And feed with foss i l weal th the burn ing void !

Whil e those famil iar plunge the mol ten sphere ,

A n d cast the i r art and store to earth destroyed .

Sahara’s barren plai ns, and ferti l e Nil e,

By earthquake raised,i n l iqu id ru ins fal l


As gems unmined on h idden d iamonds pi l e,

Or sk im on vortex wing the flu id bal l.

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From distant mansions,l o ! the heavenly throng

Peer forth to . se e the world again on fi r e !

The fr agr ant groves of bl i ss resound wi th song,

As angel s strike anew the golden lyre .

Earth twice destroyed— a t first when Satan fel l

And now for human s i n burned up again,

The mora l l eprosy cons igned to h e l l ,

As angel hosts proclaim the loud amen !

Omnipote nce procl aims , Behold I make

Al l th ings i n heav e n and ear th cal cined,anew !

Then heavenly charms from blackened ru ins wake5

And al l the land w i th lavish beauty strew .

Hail,l ovely earth , where righteousness abides,

Recl aimed from S i n by everlasting love

A mansion where the Prince of L ife presides,

As in the Fath e r ’s House,l ike those above !

Her pl ain s impurpl ed w ith ce l estial bloom,

Her gr oves r e sound ing with the Sweetest song,

And gleaming wings bathe i n the ri ch perfum e,

An d f a n th e breezes as th e v pass along .

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As long as ages fi l l etern i ty,

Or he irs of bl iss i n heavenly past imes roam ,

E arth,made anew, i s thus prepared to be

A mansion i n the Chri st ian’s heave nly home.

0 seraph guide , conduct me back to earth !

Leave th i s red a i r of Mars,and distant soar !

0 let me view the land that gave me b i r th ,

And wander o’er my ch i ldhood’s scenes once more.

What precious memo r i es e ngage my bre ast,

Whil e passi ng through the da z z l ihg gates of l ight !

What raptures fi l l the r egions o f the bl e st,

And l ine with flower and song th e wondr ous height !

Admitted now through earth’s ethereal blue,

0 what a mighty change my eye s behold !

New splendors gi ld the ri ch , enchanti ng vi ew,

Like burn ing rays upon a se a o f gold .

Six holy hours of v iewless angel fl ight

Divide the neare st mansions i n th e Skies,

Fo r so the angel came to Daniel’s s ight

I n that Sweet hour when even ing prayers a r i se .

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So sp i ri ts from probationary earth

Ascend to other mansions and awai t

Some at advanced old age , and some at

Ti l l God shal l speak and al l th ings new create.

Here I awoke to find my peaceful sl eep,

So calm and sweet,was death in Jesus’ name !

First fru its of creatures bl est who never weep,

My triumph sang, for they had fel t the same.

In the Great Father’s House may I ab ide,

And ever through i t s sh ining mansions roam ,

To drink the fount of l ife at Jesus’ s ide,

And share the honors o f the Christ ian’s home.

Hai l bl est abode ! bright l and of flowers and song !

Al l hail sweet home,through everlast ing days !

0 Son of God,through end less ages long

May th is my portion be,and Thine the praise !