oliver brown was an african american railroad worker who had a daughter. she wanted to go to school...

BROWN VS. BOARD OF EDUCATION BY: Jenna Carswell and Julianna Goodrich

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Post on 24-Dec-2015




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BY: Jenna Carswell and Julianna Goodrich

How did this happen?

Oliver Brown was an African American railroad worker who had a daughter. She wanted to go to school but the school closest to them was for only white children and did not accept her in.

Brown sued the Board of Education.

Brown’s case Part 1

Brown’s case was set in 1954 decided by the Supreme court of the United States.

His trial took place in Shawnee County,


Brown’s case Part 2

The case was declared racial segregation in public schools to be unconstitutional.

Many areas of the U.S, especially in the South were racially segregated.

Thurgood Marshall

Thurgood Marshall attacked the “ separate but equal” rule by arguing that segregation harms minority students by making them feel inferior and this inferring with their ability to learn.

The court agreed with Marshall and declared that separate educational facilities could never be equal.


By 1960, several Southern states still had no black students enrolled in public white schools.

Some progress was made in the late 1960’s

In the 1970’s, courts in the united states ordered many cities to begin busing students between neighborhoods to integrate public schools.


More Pictures

White school

Black school


State laws called Jim Crow Laws required or permitted such separation between black and whites.

Some black students still go to segregated schools.

Our Opinion

Our opinion is that there is no difference between blacks and whites beside their skin color so they should be aloud to go to the same school.

Where We Got This Information

Worldbook 2002 Pictures from Google images Clip art

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