mondays, tuesdays,wednesdays= mrs dix thursdays,fridays= mrs wesson learning assistant= mrs...


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Page 1: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=
Page 2: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix

Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson

Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell

French= Madame Smith

Music= Miss Ramsey

Page 3: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Topics for Year 3

Autumn 1

Into the Jungle (Rainforest emphasis)

Autumn 2 Into the Jungle (South America and River Amazon emphasis)

Spring 1 Glorious Greece (Ancient Greece)

Spring 2 Glorious Greece (Greece today)

Summer 1

Tomb Raiders (Ancient Egypt)

Summer 2

Revealing Rugby (Cawston local study)

Page 4: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Within these topics we cover: 5 core subjects

Foundation subjects

English Maths Science ICT RE

History Geography PE PSHE

Music French Art DT

All of these are taught in a cross-curricular way, connecting ideas and learning wherever possible.

Page 5: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=




Page 6: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

The children have different seating positions for:


Maths MusicICT

The children have personalised learning groups which are utilised in different ways depending on the learning intention.

Sometimes we even let them choose where they want to sit!

Page 7: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

The children have different talking partners every week.

This way they get to work with lots of different people and in lots of different positions in the class.

Page 8: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Every other week, for a morning, we will have Big Write where most of the morning is spent on improving and developing our writing. After a variety of activities based on Vocabuary/Connectives/Openers/Punctuation, the children go outside to discuss their ideas, then come back in for 45mins of independent writing.

You can support them in this because on the day before, they may have Talking Homework.

Page 9: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

PE days – there will be two sessions a week. The days for these will be announced early on in the new term.

The children will need both outdoor and indoor kits in school at all times.

We advise that they bring them both and leave them at school for the whole half term.

We will be going out throughout the winter months too, so please provide appropriate clothing.

Outdoor = Tracksuit bottoms, trainers, plain white T-shirt and a suitable fleece/sweatshirt.

Indoor = Plain white T-shirt, navy or black shorts and black plimsolls.

Please ensure all kit is named. Earrings and jewellery must be removed. Swimming is in the Spring Term.

Page 10: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Art shirts- Please provide your child with a named one.

Tights- If your child struggles with tights, please make sure they don’t wear them on PE days.

Laces- If your child has shoes or trainers with laces, please make sure they can tie them themselves.

Page 11: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

To start with, we will provide your child with a pencil and a ruler. A handwriting pen will be provided if they have achieved a neat, even joined style.

In addition to this the following things would be useful:• A small set of coloured pencils• Spare handwriting pens and pencils.• You are permitted one small pencil case.

These should all be named .


Page 12: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

The home learning system is staying the same as it has been this year. The children will have a maths task each week, given out on the Wednesday and due in the following Monday. The project task will be given out in the first week and the children will have the whole half term to complete it, usually bringing it in on the final Friday afternoon to share with their class. Any problems, please pop in and see us or write a little note in their book.The presentation of home learning tasks is expected to be of an equal standard to work done in class.

Page 13: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=
Page 14: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Your child will have a reading book from school on a level which is appropriate for them. They can change their book whenever they need to.

We want to stress how vital it is that you still continue to hear your child read aloud. This will help develop their expression and comprehension skills too.

They will also have a reading log book, in which the books they read are recorded. Please fill it in when you hear them at home.

Your child will be heard once a week by the teacher in a Guided reading session.

Page 15: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Your child will receive a list of 10 words to learn weekly. Please ensure they understand the meanings and can use the words within a sentence.

We will use ‘Facts at their

Fingertips’ in school to enable children to learn their times tables. Children will need to be supported at home to practise their times tables.

Page 16: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Trips may include: BEC, Gurdwara and Conkers.

Visitors- Buddhist, Oxfam/SEWA, Ancient

Greek Day/School nurse.

Outdoor Classroom- We will utilise the outdoor space whenever we can for all subjects.

Page 17: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Your child will have their own Brown Bears passport, in which they collect stickers and stamps for achievements through the year.

We also have a colour system, in which your child will start off in green at the beginning of each day.

Page 18: Mondays, Tuesdays,Wednesdays= Mrs Dix  Thursdays,Fridays= Mrs Wesson  Learning Assistant= Mrs Moriarty/Mrs Satchwell  French= Madame Smith  Music=

Our door is always open.

You are more than welcome to pop in for a quick word first thing in the morning but if you would like a longer chat, after school is probably better.

Any issues you need to make us aware of can be dealt with more quickly if you come and see us as soon as they arise.