-jsquj:iiejs·t-l bros.,·· . ·who...

. ; l -- · t,. cuatomet· ll· W1d ! • YOL ') [E XX.X V. .... (T ir \1 l)()l.I.AII :' J't : ll ( .. . HARBpR GRACE, 'NFLD., FRIDA )·;· NOVEm lF.H 3l l, . . " -----· -,- NUMBER. O'J -J SQUJ:IiEJS ·t -l MUN·N BR Os., ·· . · whO W:ill · I Ma rry ? '· =::e NEW G OODS @JI: __, . ' Clothing, Hosiery, Fancy B9ots, Shoes, . A Book of Fate w hi_ch you wh o _\'Oil will llt:\IT \' . . H I - . \T .TilE:- . Chettp Grocery Store., Water S tre·e · t, H ar bor Crace. . . , \,ill crea te lots or fun fnmily cirele, nllll e ntert:ri;, yutll' , G rac e H ardware Cepot. I friends. Or !\ Renutirul Drenm Book, ,i u:-1 out. l •l l _ . ----· · l -- . ......... these. Books cnn be luu\;Ly purchasing j Ha.n h·; :" ' pri- c- es- .- ,- \' U _i_c _h ..: ........ ....... n ... . , . . ,. . 1 nr•l.fu, ·cmh'a' li ucrnscys, \ Vonl Squarrt, nuttl •r, Tea , ' M: mtlo•, Fur-t.:..I):C Cn}>t.! l', \\' volh·u (l<·nts' & A Cake of . Paste Sto'te Pol ish ·, cu· rLER V, PA INTS, O I LS, VARNISHES, . . . 1 ,m!?•'. f n_all , Sult)lua, ]..(' mon ·"" 1- ' A:St:Y ut :P.o\ltl'Mr::ST. -.... j - . ·' !' mtk\, Nu l!, Cracl:ncle, Iced·! n.i bhon, , l.llcl'll. St mw 1\ ml li nts ::loarf•, Am .. r i•·nn Coll•r · em -A- b '· b 1 · k f 1 p )' L . . .. i F' c t\Lher&, iJ:e, &c. Wltih > >Inti Futicy Ureu Jo'r onle VI. - ot.u, y two cn OS 0 t le 0 1:1 I. . _., I!'- 0 u R G LAs SWA R E+ : · .\ nd :l Few Hn1rcls WntcrprOuf Clotlti ng. U!o,·c 4 in c ,·cr yti ty loand colo --No Dus t! No Dirt !· No L1LI10l' ! l'ri ce , 111 ·· ··n l:<.-- ! · , · Table :tll( l Cooking .AP PLES. . . .... ., · · 1 1 l 1 1 On t) cnses .Lau it•s' nnfl f: c llt!1 ' n o?tt! nna Shoes. our Wmaow for 1\ lvt ol Chvnp l'hotiJ Fr:llliCr< , IS l l! le t·. :I ll <.(' I C:a pe r-t I fi ll Glns:l Tea Se ts bnl y 40 cts. ; 1 \ 1 .. \tl l Sttp(ll\' of (' n . l I . I . -d F·. Gl . e ). 1'\ be. le I t I ' ll•t l!l l loi'II.:C GO l' l..'ll l :-1. . An II llll!II !:!C v:u· jc ty of , rr(!nt nrgams to ·b<; . 1\H m .t 1 1s hu e. nn nncy t\SSW!\ l' ; !"". c nrcl 011 . ·' •. "'- · ·, '• " "' · ) 'I Ne w Cn Lbage, Potatoes, Cheap Sa le uf Wi uu.:r Guotls will commence on mnke room for Chrisl mtl!! .Good:<. I l'Vf PS from the famous " Kat'" l 'um ii V', Ca t-rots: Beet , &c. Y ne xt , and wi ll con tin 11e ti ll r: uu of December. -1 f i. J.:. :L · t th L · E I.e 1 .;.>. Gc l)cra l Groccri e:<, P1 ·9 visions, · M. J. JONES, . 93 W at er Street. . . 0 e arge . Confect ionery, Io _,r uit, &c. · . AN D COTHIC CRAT S NONE. 0 N OC R A pH ! --'-'ust ar ge sto ck of - .,: ( ·\·,. , . to n :\hvnys ou hand. Lat-est lmpro,·ed . ... A . i ..... s.QOiFR .. E ... S.... Pl,Jhlic or Pri>nle l'hon ogrnphic.. I::n ll'rt:tillltl (' lll,; cnn, be gh·en bv Men 's, Wome n's a . ncl 6bUdr cu 's L. 1 L! 5 the undersigned at l' hort nutic!'. llf iO piece:', inclu<f- I ing Forcij: fl nnd Loca l :-io) •• ('h orii -IC:I ; hy R u b be r's a -n · d 0 ve ' I" s ll 0 e ]- - . . - . -. - Y. Mili tary Unlh! . In:<t num· ntnl l' it·••l••. (' ornc t. Unnjo, Hccitn· U: ::, ' o a c ltofrl'. :o;acrcd h•. , ,JJ' .. n [II ' ro ce rt es llc1·. Pn •. Cnrm:m nn• l \\' it hnHI '. nQ<I L. !' uni !-. H .. \ .. lfvmns - '7 0 D i! 1:1 ftom C'nn ndia n :I I III ,# 2oomu N 'V I ! ID ; a \ ( II <• t l . l . d \\':lh'r Str eet. Har bo r Grncc. 'EMPOR.I U'M T here nrc 21\ hcttri 11 !-: Tu l•c il witl.t the CJl· bo• es e\l: a en c a \ ' ll . ,) Ol' \ ,I lls ·rcccn·e nt . .... nhling that nmulocr of t •l h rar r 1·c rf pfN·e di ,.; tinc:tl v. witho nt ' '"" "' t (" . . ! ':. I A. RS ONS t he Horn, Fu1 · puhlic Ent crt ai n1n "nt:>. th e i !! attnche•l 111 the H Hill - \/ t =..:9 Bright, New Goods. Ju•t rf'• •eh·cd per !lc h r. Elt'no, fmm l>o:> ton, n splendid :l!sortment uf P ,MtlnO J:Tllph lty 11 wire t uhc "'It kit n pcrf•••· tl .j lnuu ;ll\ tono S ELLJ N C C HE AP. . • -L -· · \' Oi ce. i:; ,.pJc ndhlly n.laptc for Fai r:! or ' . . .,.. ............. . .... .. .... ....... - .... .... ..... . ... .. .L ... - .. :lnd tan be t11:11 le n great mc:lns of r:li - ing Now l.mulllg fr j> m schuun 'r .·. I I. [. ;I n f1J ll'5} -all lmwd s :lt hJ tt um pric es; 5 RoRee' FANCY GOODS WI L LIS DAVIS, H ARBOR G RACE. ASII · , ' Children's Suits. er orce 'Bl ue Grap es,4 lb basKets Ocsk:<, \ .4 o c . \\' ardru.l. (' :', J•Chor cu Applus at a uri. L l! lll (IIIS , ,Oc. lluz. nrc !ri ·", Choil'O Fl ori da Or all ;.!l'S t'lll':t}' . .. 1 Antmnls Clwir·c \ ':dcncia Or:tu •ro:; 3lk. doz. - } ant' \' \\ r 111ng Pnpcr. F.n ,·elupes. Cl · · ':' · ') ) < .3.\ \0 ::. ...;- U, •n:ln ta. Kak clon. Ec kla , w c<•t ( •rucn ( •llljH.::< _( c pe r 1 b. Mat: fl. I i trJ,J !b ee:<, .. .... :. ., C!toil'l.! Apph:s :11 Hh·. 1 ·- >c : 111!1 pe dozen . l iu .i.- I in)!. l 'ith h nn•l JI .. Jd. 8 lb QN!QNS F QR 2Q t ..,..- f.: 1a r- und :'t rit ·"'· tl Litt le . , C S, ,\ l 'rt••r I \u lolle''i T ·q•t" " '·w Yur k. n .. ukuy Hut·" A.,- •QS EPH R OSS' \fl'lr i ,I IY l. t ulol<•J •. ll nlmu, ' I U ' '!'·•y :-),,., •. Th e :-'t tr lf · Chnse. H b C 1 : •••• J.,. ,, :"·" t::wkg nwut un. W ater Street., ar or race. 1Jk;;<'" "· • u ci ·•: Th oug ht:' ,, \ ui:n: !ls 300 Pin afor es l - .\ 1ul .\ to 'tel eel _ ,, 'l·. -- .\ Fl 1.1. t •F F.t.J r niture, < JI< i..tt> 1. "'"I o frrrcd at J 1. , .. . a t•:d I. E. PA RS ONS, \r;,· · ...... . · ·. - Il .. 1 d•u r I :rat.. '. :-L• 1·-"1 , .J,, ! \ \'o··l uf tbr· Old . , 'l:\ll .l. -------- J UST RECEI VEB & FOR ALE - II\'- J. J. HENNESSY. \Vc rww lfl l lt a 1HI a full :<lu k ot S tapleand Fan cy Gr oc e ries whid1 ha\' l' I.oc11 (• vr sult :dly r<l· lcd l'd , :u11 l wlt ich cannot be l: ca t\ '11 fo r C and \!11 :di t _\ ·. ('all aml 111 1r !.d'"rl' elsewhere. Hcmembor, we .:al l :dl .\ I (;.,od.-<. Silver Qua rter. - 1 50 TONS BEST lfORT ll SYD T EY i.:·. "';l Sta .. Rose, Our Cou ntry, · ·=1·:·: · . II ,,, '. ,,c. Cu:<i llll tcrs wnuting their wint er stock P ·a, F -. o '1 .,..,/ .- · ,. ,. ·:,! d • ,t·ll to o1:r aterson · ost r B o . .. ..; •· ...... \ 1 1 ' 'L ' ' .. •- ' u i .·!. ··· 1 • •• :t :t!'j.!• ' :-l.<w ;; of . ca and Coffee just nrrivod from . _ _JE==· , . : .. ' , , 1 l: will In: :><. •Ill at a low price. See the stoclc Phenix Fire I nsu ran ce Coo Of Broo kl;Y:n , Ne v.t ,, .. or ·k. ------.c.-,1. - - --· - -·---·- .. I C:1sh <.:apit:tl... ........... ........ ..... ...... IJ 'IHI .It fll l .lll l H ct'er\'e Fu nd for J.;t;;;;.·•. , u;l Hcseri'C fur Unpaid n!l \lth or Ln>·t'" Nc\ SnrJJius..................... . ... .......... .............. IHI .- ::.!•i.7-i .. ". .. ---- ·- - Total Ma rket · •n tue .... . ... . ..... $.iJiH7.-J. )O.i'• !) - ---- ---- -........... -- .. -·- ·-- - le-The \T ndou ignccl apoointcd n::;cnl f,,r . 4nd i ll cm)JlWcreu lo elrect. on ll<':'l rl;: al l u( l' r<I( •Crt y nt cu rrent rntes of prc1niums. Cln iuhl :r rr:wf!'cd a nd p:d.J wit It J•l •• tut A. 0. ][ ,\ Y\\'AJ:n . . :.,( . x, .. ; .. . ,... fi.r,HI .. itude nnd liiJcdli ty. ,.; W. H. .. ... ;,. ·I HI, J[ ,,l .. r l .' nr<'<'. To the Pub lic! 'Vo bnve on exhibition n splendid ::.:<sun mcrd ol - Oller Bo:rnt· 'L'titllllt··tl. 'Dr ess Twe eds-fro m 20c. to per ."·" ·. 1. Londolt·Tri mmcd Ha ts. Fl nnm1h:tt..:, f•'l•!u ;c. ·' :ll'd . Ulstorings for Latlies' & T wl• l' d s--: \' 1·r y ,·arid y. Boots arid S ho e 8 : . ll i. it :. l,- !'ru;H I !Jc ( .• l In t ile -- ------.. -- - -- - --.-- --- V ' CiTO::{. J? ARS ONS, Water St., Ha1 : bor, Grace. .... _.._ . .... - .. -- ...... - __ -- ----- - -- -" Office : 19 Lomba rd Sueet. -- -- L ondon. The (lr the rx i:i OII C of tho largest in the " "rhlt-hc nllllltal pt'c Utium income exceeding ONE MILLION p.,,. :- ,,, xc;. · ' I •. l·y Fll n; nrc cfT_ <·ct c_ d hy th is Jon ·estnblishctl · on .dl of J!f"l 10 on the moet .:·;,, rn l t>; Jl ,··. Cia i 111:1 ,.,: :lcd 1' 1!(1:\! P'l' L\' . an.l Ll i3E RAI.LY. 1 •• & C: . ST .. full :'\·:<, .rl !Je nl s tor Netr.} oundland. \. p

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Post on 04-Jan-2020




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Page 1: -JSQUJ:IiEJS·t-l BROs.,·· . ·whO W:ill·collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...I I t / ''Germ a Syrup" For children n medl· A Cough cme should be abso-lutely

. ~-.

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· t,.

cuatomet·ll· W1d

! •

YOL ' ) [E XX.XV. ....

(Tir \1 l)()l.I.AII:' J't:ll \"}:At~ .)

( ... HARBpR GRACE, 'NFLD., FRIDA)·;· NOVEm lF.H 3ll, I S~)..t. . . " -----· -,-


-JSQUJ:IiEJS·t-l MUN·N BROs.,·· . ·whO W:ill· I Marry ? '·=::eNEW G OODS@JI:__, . ' Clothing, Hosiery, Fancy G~ods, B9ots, Shoes, . A Book of Fate whi_ch tell~; you who _\'Oil wi ll llt:\IT \ ' . . HI - .\T .TilE:- • .

Chettp Grocery Store. , Water Stre·e·t, H arbor Crace. . . , \,ill create lots or fun ~li:. tbe fnmily cirele, nllll entert:ri;, yutll' , :-~e;·bd t· G race H ardware Cepot. I friends. Or !\ Renutirul Drenm Book, ,i u:-1 out. J~ i t~1 c<: l•l l _ . ----· ·

langJ~s 1Pl~l~ ~F:~1tyen~i;~u its l -- - ~;~;;~;;~;-~~~r:~~;;,;~~r .......... ··. ;;<) :;;.~~::-;;~~- these. Books cnn be luu\;Ly purchasing j Fim·,-~ Ha.n h·;:" ' ~>clli ng ~'l t pri-c-es-.-,-\'U_i_c_h..: ........ ~-~-u-lo_t_be--bc-ate ....... n ... . , . . ,. . 1 ~ltn's, Uo~·,.! nr••l.fu,·cm h'a' Clothw~:. C'uNit~:an:<, liucrnscys, \Vonl Squarrt, • Co1!1l'~~lrt,l;;-lllo.t, ~~· nuttl•r, Tea , ' M:mtlo•, Ulst ~tll. Fur-t.:..I):C Cn}>t.!l', \\'volh·u ll t~t<i•·r\·, (l<·nts' Hhir~ & P~t· A Cake of. M~a.aic Past e Sto'te Polish ·, c u ·rLER V, PAINTS, O ILS, VARNISHES, ~o . . . 1 ,m!?•'. :-o•~11r, f n_all, Sult)lua, ]..('mon ·"" 1-' A:St:Y ut:P.o\ltl'Mr::ST. OUT!>Trl'I~U lJE!,'AUTME~T. -.... ~ j -. ·' !' mtk\, vu'~:~r Nul!, Cracl:ncle, Iced·! n.ibhon, , l.llcl'll. St mw 1\ml F<' l~ lints Gf·ul~' ::loarf•, Am .. r i•·nn Coll•r· em -A- b ' · b 1 · k f 1 p )' L •

. . ~lll;l'r .. . · i F'ct\Lher&, ~,.n,~·~. ~ iJ:e, &c. Wltih> >Inti Futicy Ureu Jo' ronle VI.- ot.u, y ~HI,Ylng two cn OS 0 t le 0 1:1 I. . _.,I!'- 0 u R G LAs SWA R E+ : · .\ nd :l Few Hn1rcls WntcrprOuf Clotlting. U!o,·c4 in c ,·crytityloand colo --No Dust! No Dirt !· No L1LI10l' ! l'rice , 111 ····nl:<.-- ! ~fiY~ · , ·

Table :tll(l Cooking .AP PLES. . . .... ., · · 1 1 l 1 1 On Cout~ igmnent , t) cnses .Lau it•s' nnfl f:c llt!1' n o?tt! nna Shoes. ~See our Wmaow for 1\ lvt ol Chvnp l'hotiJ Fr:llliCr< , IS l l! l e t·. :I ll<.(' IC:aper-t I fi ll O \:~··· Glns:l Tea Sets bnly 40 cts. ;

1\ 1 .. \tl l Sttp(ll \' of • ( ' n . l I . I . -d F· . Gl . e ).1'\ be. l e I t ,. , . ~-~· \\' J~ I 'I ' I ' ll •tl!l l loi'II.:C GO l' l..'ll l :-1. . An II llll!II !:!C v:u·jcty of , rr(!nt nrgams to ·b<; . 1\ H m .t 11s hue. nn nncy t\ SSW!\l' ; !"". c nrc l 011 . ·' •. "'- · ·, '• " " ' · ) 'I

New CnLbage, ~ew Potatoes, ~Specia l Cheap Sale uf Wiuu.:r Guotls will commence on mnke room for Chris lmtl!!.Good:<. ~ I ~ l'VfPS from the famous " Kat'" ~"dJ.: l 'umiiV', Cat-rots: Beet, &c. MO~DA Y next, and will con tin11e ti ll r:uu of December. -1 f i.J.:.:L · t th L · E I.e 1


Gcl)cral Groccrie:<, P1·9visions, ~ · M. J. JONES, . 93 W ater Street. . ~ . 0 e arge xte.,&l~ . Confect ionery, Io_,ruit, &c. · . 8'fCV i;!~ AND COTHIC CRAT S

p~,F.S "ECe.t~TO NONE. ~pH 0 N OCR A pH ! --'-'ust A,.rrived,~ arge stock of- .,: (·\·,., . ." ~~~·,.::rip: ton :\hvnys ou hand. Lat-est lmpro,·ed ~'ools . ... A. i ..... s.QOiFR .. E ... S.... Pl,Jhlic or Pri>nle l'honogrnphic.. I::nll'rt:tillltl('lll,; cnn, be gh·en bv Men's, Women's a. ncl 6bUdrcu's I ~ . L. ~'\ ENN'E.ng , 1L! 5 ~~;.E'R ST~~-~T.

the undersigned at l'ho rt nutic !'. T'rn~ru 111 ''"""i ~l l' llf iO piece:', inclu<f- I ing Forcij:fl nnd Local :-io) •• ~ . Duct ~ . Quarldl~·~. ( 'horii-IC:I ; ~fnrehe:> hy R u b be r's a-n· d 0 v e' I" s ll 0 e ]- - . . - . -. -~- Y. Military Unlh! . I n:<t num·ntnl ~~ol " '"· l'it·••l••. ('ornct. Unnjo, Hccitn· • ~ - · • U:::,' o a c • ltofrl'. Rpcc<:'h~'"· Oi:llt~~U('< , :o;acrcd l'ru~r:tlll r•mlrnt(·~-!'JJCCChC:.i h}· •. .::~-~-:,~·1..'~0_-__ , ,JJ' .. r(oa~, ~I] n ~- [II A'"tiiV'~ ~and ' ro ce rt es llc1·. Pn•. Cnrm:m nn•l \\' it hnHI' . nQ<I L . ! 'uni!-. H .. \ .. lfvmns ~clcctt<l - ~ '7 0 ~~ D ~· i! 1:1 ~ ftom C'nnndian JJ ~·mn:ll :I I III ~:tnl;cy. ,# • 2oomu N 'V I ! ID ; a \ ( II <• t l . l . d

\\':lh'r Street. Harbor Grncc.


'EMPOR.I U'M T here nrc 21\ hcttri 11 !-: Tul•c il ('l)lli~ CI'l l't l witl.t the Tn~trumrnl . CJl· bo• es e\l: a en c ~ a \ ~ ~ sa n s ' ll .,) Ol' \ ,I lls ·rcccn ·e nt . .... nhling that nmulocr of J'<'l'~un,... t•l hrar r 1·c rf pfN·e d i,.; tinc:tl v. withont ' '""" ' t (". . ! ':. ~U e I • ·;.~:~·.;-- · li~ A.R S ONS the Horn, Fu1· puhlic Entcrtai n1n"nt:>. the lar~::•: ll ~>m i!! attnche•l 111 the H Hill - \/ t =..:9

Bright, New Goods. J u•t rf'••eh·cd per !lch r. Elt'no, fmm l>o:>ton, n s plendid :l!sortment uf

P,MtlnOJ:Tllph lty 11 ~ih·rr wire tuhc "'It kit ~h·c~ n pcrf•••·tl.j lnuu;ll\ tono S ELLJ N C C HEA P . . • -L ~ -· · t.~JC \'Oice. ~Thn fn~trutu~ut i:; ,.pJcndhlly n.laptc for Fai r:! or ' . . .,.. ............................... - .............. ..... .L ... - .. 13nz:~nrs, :lnd tan be t11:11le n great mc:lns of r:li - ing rc1:~'.P· Now l.mulllg frj>m schuun 'r . ·. I I. ~ f .,r,.,•,

~ [. ;I ~~ ~ n f1J ll'5} -all lmwds :lt hJ ttum prices; 5 RoRee'


ASII · , '

Children's Suits. e r orce 'Blue Grapes,4 lb basKets L:!tuulry~"' s, Uureau~. Ocsk:<, \ 'Perfe~t~y Sound , _C:~ ! y .4 o c . eac,h.~

:-<i·l. ch(lar<l~. \\'ardru.l.(':', ('J,ai r~ . J•Chorcu Applus at ::-: ~. .>IJ a uri. Ll!lll(IIIS ,,Oc. lluz. Hc~:'tC:I\1:<., \\'m•h~_eu._Pict nrc l.~ooks !ri ·", Choil'O Flor ida O rall;.!l'S t'lll':t}' . ~~mnmh-.. 1 .f~·y~. ::-o.~ tJOnal Antmnls Clwir·c \ ':d cncia Or:tu•ro :; 3lk. doz. -} ant' \' \\ r 111n g Pnpcr. F.n,·elupes. ~ Cl · • · ':' ·') ) <.3.\ \ 0::....;- U,•n:ln ta. Kak clon. Eckla, ~U!:! 101 ~·c w c<•t ( •rucn ( •llljH.::< _( c pe r 1 b. Mat: fl. I i "" I'~- trJ,J ~l :.i• l. !b ee:<, u~och ...... :. ., C!toil'l.! Apph:s :11 Hh·. 1·->c :111!1 ~Oc pe t· dozen . l iu .i.- I in)!. l'ith h nn•l JI .. Jd. ~ 8 lb QN!QNS F QR 2 Q t ..,..-f.: 1a r- und :'t rit·"'· Tu.•~. tl " · Little . , C S, Mord~aut <, ,\ uthor~. l'rt••r I \ulolle''i •

T·q•t" " '·w Yurk. n .. ukuy Hut·" A.,- •QSEPH R OSS' \fl'lr i ,IIY l.tulol<•J •. llnlmu, llir.l~ ' I U ' '!'·•y :-),,., •. The :-'tt·tr •lf· Ch nse. H b C 1 : •••• J.,. ,, :"·" t::wkgnwutun. W ater Street., ar or race. 1Jk;;<'""· • u ci ·•: Thought:',,\ ui :n:!ls

,\ (~.

300 Pinafores ~-:.· · l - .\ 1ul .\ l' l:o:S~ to 'tel eel f~,.m .

_ , , 'l·. - -.\ Fl 1.1. ~T\H' i\ t •F

F.t.J r niture, <JI< i..tt> 1. " ' "I o frrrcd at I •• \\' f'~ t J 1. , .. . ~-l.i'h<: u~ a t•:d I.

E. PA R S ONS, \r;,· · ...... . · ·. - Il .. 1d•ur I :rac· t..' .

:-L• 1·-"1 , .J,, ! \ \'o··l uf tbr · Old . ,'l:\ll.l. --------



\Vc han~ rww lfl l lta1HI a full :<lu k ot

Stapleand F ancy Groceries whid1 ha\' l' I.oc11 (•vrsult :dly r<l· lcdl'd , :u11l wlt ich cannot be l:ca t\'11 fo r C ' hl·:tjlllc,..~ a nd \!11:di t _\· .

( 'all aml ~or 1111r pri•·,· :-~ !.d'"rl' p: 1 rd1a~iu~ elsewhere. Hcmembor, we .:al l :dl .\ I ( ;.,od.-<. J.~~lnoko Silver Quarter.

- 150 TONS BEST lfORTll SYD?·TEY COAL~~ - --- ~ i.:·."';l ~; ~~ tr~. Stat· .. \yr:~hir·c Rose, Our Country, --------··---•~- · ~· ·=1·:·: · . II ,,, '. ,,c. Cu:<i lllltcrs wnuting t heir winter stock

P ·a, F ~; -. o '1 .,..,/ .- · ,.,. ·:,! d • ,;· t·ll to J!~ l o1: r price:-~. aterson · ost r B o •. ::--~·;,J~ o .. ~ .. ; •· ...... c· ~. \ 1 1 ' 'L' ' .. ~ • - ' ~ ' u ~ i .·!. ··· 1 • •• :t :t!'j.!• ' :-l.<w ;; of . ca and Coffee just nrrivod from

. _ _JE==· , . : .. ' , , 1 l : will In: :><.•Ill at a low price. See the stoclc

Phenix Fire Insurance Coo O f Brookl;Y:n , Nev.t ,, .. or·k.

------.c.-,1. - - --· - -·---·-.. ~TA1'EMEN'ji,- JANl~A l~Y l ~t. I ~!'I.

C:1s h <.:apit:tl... ........... ~ ;~: ........ ..... ...... ~ IJ 'IHI .Itfll l .lll l Hct'er\'e Fund for Unl,':rrr~cntinut •.... .. .. ..... ~ J.;t;;;;.· •. , u;l Hcseri'C fur Unpaid J.oss·'il~d n!l \lthor Ln>· t'" ./r:!.·l7:1.~l Nc\ SnrJJius..................... ........ .. .... .............. IHI.-::.!•i.7-i

.. " . .. ----·--Total A~,\.. Ma rket · •ntue.... . ... . ..... $.iJiH7.-J.)O.i'•!) - ---------........... -- .. -·- ·---

le-The \Tndou ignccl haa~ltl apoointcd n::;cnl f,,r . '<.>~fn11 tHlla a<l , 4nd ill cm)J•lWcreu lo elrect. in~ncc.!i' on ll<':'lrl;: al l kind~ u( l'r<I(•Crty nt current rntes of prc1niums. Clniuhl :rrr:wf!'cd and p:d.J wit It J•l •• tut•t·

A. 0. ][,\ Y\\'AJ:n . . :.,( . x, .. ; ... , ... fi.r,HI .. itude nnd liiJcdli ty . ,.;

W. H. 'l'JJ~)LP.-:o:-; . .... ;,. ·I;· HI, J[ ,,l .. r l .' nr<'<'.

To the Public! 'Vo bnve on exhibition n splendid ::.:<sun mcrd ol -Mantles-very'Fas~ ionnlll e, Oller ~mtl Bo:rnt· 'L'titllllt··tl.

'Dress T w eeds- from 20c. to ~ l. liO per ."·" ·. 1. Londolt·Trimmcd Hats. Flnnm1h:tt..:, f•'l•!u ;c. p~·r· ·' :ll'd . Ulstorings for Latlies' & Get~ tl <.! lllC il. T wl•l'ds--: \'1·r y ,·arid y.

Boots a rid Shoe8 : . ll i. it:.l,- !'ru;H I!Jc ( 'l n·,q~. · .• l In t ile lh.::~ l.

- - ------.. --- --- --.-----V 'CiTO::{. J? ARSONS, Water St., Ha1:bor, Grace.

...._.._ . .... - .. --......-__ ----------~ESTABLISHED 1782.~


H~ad Office : 19 Lombard Sueet. - - -- London.

T he hu~i ill' .''; (lr the PIHl·:~ rx i:i OII C of tho largest in the " "rhlt-hc nllllltal pt'cUtium income exceeding ONE M ILLION p.,,. :- ,,, ~n:1tu xc;. ·

' I rn~un_.n •. ,.~ :1~nii_H.I<'.7~ l ·y Flln; nrc cfT_<·ctc_d hy this Jon ·estnblishctl ~ · ·• IJ•.tt :~ on .dl •k.·crq•ttun~ of J!f"l ~·rty 10 r\cwtoundlpn~ on the moet .:·;,, rn '· '~ l t>; Jl ,··.

Ciai 111:1 ,.,: :lcd 1'1!(1:\! P'l' L\' .an.l Ll i3ERAI.LY.

• 1•• & C: . t: F:~DELL, ST . . full :'\·:<, .rl!Jenls t or Netr.}oundland.



Page 2: -JSQUJ:IiEJS·t-l BROs.,·· . ·whO W:ill·collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...I I t / ''Germ a Syrup" For children n medl· A Cough cme should be abso-lutely




''Germ a Syrup"

For children n medl· A Cough cme should be abso-

lu tely r e !Jnb lp. A o ndtCroup mother must be . ble to Medic ine. ptn her faith to st ns to

her D1ble. It must conl:lm nothmg ,·,otent': uuccrl:lin, or d:Uigerous It must be standard iu mate rial and m:muf:~cture. It

• ·JUust.be pl.lln an~ Simple to admin­Ister-; easy and plcas:~nt to take:. The cbs\d nsust !Ike 1t. It must be p rompt in action, 1{1\'lng immedi­ate relieC, as childr~us' t roubles come quick. gro'' ftlSt , and · end f:lt.ally or Qll1cm 1$<: m a ycry short time It nrust not only rchc\ e quscl: 'llut bnug them :~round qu1ck , ns c1 ··~a. chafe aud fret and spoil t i .r conststuttons under long con­fi, . ment. It must do sts work: in

'-m oderate doses A brgc qu:lDtity of uledicinj>'~ ~ ch1ld is not <lcsm1:

'blc It must ' not mtcrfcrc with the chiid':> sp1r~, :\ppcl1tc or general h.calth Thl'SC thmgil su1 t old ns ,~ell as }01111& folk -;, and 1:s:~ke Do llclscc's Germ. n S) rup t he f:n·ori te f.:uuily mcd:cmc. ~

aptnd•nf your money for worth

len m.d1C1nu and buy a bottle or


T H .At·~-..

Wllf jtrOYa or lhCSt lm~bJe Y.l.Jue ,

~~. at Ia almost (Ort~•n to cure

at onco that aevoro and rasp•nC'

ouNeedlt! ! The .. D.&t::­- Emulsion. !

lt\ViU · .,. · 1

Curc'fhe.tCc.ug h, 1 llca!Your!.:rng-.s, It Ptti r:~·sh o r: ,. l. r 1\on~~ I

Pn:~H.: n ~ C u .:: .

----- ---Northern

Assurance Co. _..__ .lalnhllsh~.:tl



I:SCO)fJ; ASll Fl.'~ OS ( 1S8i )

l StiJ

El r'l Premiums... . . £fli7,0(111 Life )' rcmiums. .. ... 197,0fl0 Iaw rr!t ..... .. .. . . 143,000 ..lccumnhll!!d f untie £ 8, 121,000

Tho Undoresgncd nrc !'ln1V"''" tl to etTec~ tnenranoce on nil lunda ol J ro­p~rty in ~ewfouodl \ntl at current r .. t l'& • f l' rr m1um8

The niiOH Comp11ny '" 1u•ll ·kno"'n for h a libcr111ity and promptnc-aa tn acttlinl! loll! ea.

l'nlltpcctuaca, Forms o ( apphcallon for Firo and Life h 111urnn<'o, and al elher tnformnuon can t,e obtJu ncd a~ the omcc of.

Carriages, Sleighs, ·carts, &c. JAMES WARREN.

-OAR RIA GE&.: tnEJGH BUILDER • .,..,..~ to eJCMOt. &II worlr In bl• line wtUI ·deeall&kb. o-1 ant! fallbtul work panDINcl.

A II k iDda otbpalriDI40ne at obort DOUet aDd a& moelmOI<I JKkll.

V1hkl8 bcrU. In a-1 alJI .. ADd )D llr"-" ei-IIDII b.

.-Satie(Action guaranteed - . WATER 8TREET, HARBOR GRACE

JrBLANK foRMS or ~ery de­acripUon printed .tthe&ruouo omc.-ne.a' aod c.heap • .,.a

" Anti accn the fne.: where utmoet p it) bl.:o•l• •l

Wah cn1 h r<l•u\.:o " I YON '-'. 1 would lun o l, ft ~~~~ 1.1111.:1', ~ntl

lct.' lllll'\1, Ami follo11 C1l11 1th tl1141 throng

" I( I hnu been the llnughtcr, glnllcd,

O!aomc n ch rnbbt there, S..-cwg thll &le i.:, lllluil, lmlt, Ill)

hi\J cunllc.l At esgll t ot' an<'h .Jcap:11r.

"AnJ 1 hnd "nnchcd the a.1 ppl11r<'l! (mm my llllll,

:\or It t one a1u r l.: r t m oin , Sn'lt<'hctl up my l)"l•l, nnwl th e CIO'K<l

t(l ~)Jl ll 11 , F ur J111~ of tlh 1r 1 n111

" I "WoulJ li tH c llunj: 11l>nX1tl t.cr, re 111m,

Ami in Ill) hH• Iun c llcln Fira~ {In the tlH• bho t.l , t'ng• r to ft•! un•

lhm, And cra\c Hu cnlranco in I"

Ah, " uuhl) oueo! \\ 11.hout" rC'crogm · l ll ll

Y 11 p 1 ~·•d lhan )l•ttt.ln~ Jo, tl• ol ntlt , n.•'h.:lpt••l, llta mute f;l tl

.... u, • A 11,1, l)ruh \II n t ' • u r '1\ R\

" \\'Jth "'•rrn lh nml '' 1n•••rt ~:nrmcnC\.d """ J;lf•lh "· ~ n. ,, r . ~ r•ur II llhl•·'l\ ~ I II

S\\ccp hcnrt J!lc\.: Cro\\ds -nml ... ,,~· l-3 ', ... :lt''

y ll \\Uif .. .... J• '\ • IIIII


I '"' Ill• r. tl lt 1.•111 fll 1 rt(Jt Il l l\L tho mun1~ 1 pnl hosplln l 1 ~~~ ha 111 1111 t UIMII tl with t he nl'\1 nmHuun rrrm·l~, thJ'II 11. nllu• l•r L Ultt l1eln r , 1 ff•f, ~,c· •r ,., ''" I\ •tt: r "'""' ' ' l•fJ<•I , ,f \lt~lu lil t Ill '\t t1 \ , rJ, \ h" 1111 \J()ml\) nu\lhl hl<t

II •J • •II• 1 • ••f tht• ~~ rt'll l, ' ut r rol•t} aft• r "'~ n n5•~>11 al llr \\ dch , dad ph) ftl· t l n ll nt the h• ~Ill 1!, In l nucUIMtiOJ:: n11

1,:! 1 '' nr ,,f,IJ,,., I he lnd hAil n \ Cr) "''" .J! Iu k ,( •llphlh<rln, \\ htchhc con i r:-u tt .1 •I ~ .IJi'"' a.~~-.

l h tl annl:t s tl .. ~· '""" Otpersmrnt Willi llu I o II H f lllll Ill 11118 r lt)-t\w nnh t.llltl\ .... l tlr:tA '-:nt )v.iO, t.h uL hal\ • ,,1,.. '' t•l<~r o 111 t lll8 co 11111: . nml tluorl.'­h r ttl I UlhJUHI l lltf'r' 1111 J lu fiut Il l ,.. pllt 11 .. 11, In II h:tll' ,.Ill 1114-<'IIIU t(•d I•) I ll< f r•ll• an.l \\,•~llurl ~L lluttr rC'up "''II"•" t nllll I"''" •h•l nvt ruult In , ""' L111~ th e <ha• ... ~. >~ luch aaa 1n l h<' , 8t •I•;:~ • , no! 1 r,,. / ' u :1 ~~~ du•ll ·nu•

tlltl,. prl llltiCul tl'" nt the 'llhiC tJmc I•• Jr< \I Ill llolltJt:IUn olid r OI , )ud••(l the •lt•• M• •• tnd 11 no" p<rfC'ctl) ,. ~IJ

Of the t\\O lill ie pallcnta 1nocnlnto'll Il l the mum••p:~l hoa p1taJ Jut Frida~ . " "e nf th•· tll v-.)'r u r ul•l ~: lrl•, ~< hn hllrl 1hc dl81'1l!ll t " o '1")1!, hn1 much l mpru\· cll 11n..J u nl11tr01t \\('II. 'fl1o olhl'r cht hl lA Jn a cruJ~:u l c:oniliuon. \\hen &hi' "ne tl1()('11 1 1tt'tl tire lllse iUO ' ' 11 111 a \lntl,nt rurm :\nd h~l a 1tron~-: hol1l on the rhtld !'h i' la11d h I'll Jllfi('II!Rio'O.I four llllll ~-on< c on f'riuny, Wl~h lJn r­m;t'~ al'rnrn , 1111 Mon•lay 1.>• Vr. l<' l8ht•r, 1111h ,\ NMnn'l ~· rnm, \\luch 1• •• uti to l,c atn.ur.:rr tlu111 lJII rt lll:'ft, nntl once 111cla 1111 llauratlt.y an1l )<etl."rtlny, 11 rt h lh rwg't el'rl,l.ll• Alllauus,:h lho httlc 1 nth n t AflpC'anr f]Ull<' •troc1g, r.ntl I he ••l'llltblccdu J.! hns etnr('ll"d, ) t' L It 10111 t.c han.Jh J.)wrt nr mlmculuue If 1lw re­ef•' l'r~. ··h hrr l'st rt'rnlllt'll hAV<' Locn l'uhl fr.r ,..111113 d11y, , untl hf'r l•lllftc le aimply a tluttc r a nJ haruly nottcCAblc

A colored Loy of thii'UI'Jt anti n httle l.oy or htr, who1 10c r c lnoculAtc.l on !llondn) , 11 rc rt'Cnt c n njt.

nr W JJ Ford, pl'f'lltiJ.,nt or the bo:srd of ht'llh h , Raul j )r. ~\'elch . erutl yut•·r­d~ty th•~ nv eonclu•Jon nato tht ret<nlla 6f t h t. tau could oo m,w,, n11 \ " ' . '01n board hru tcl~>graphcd !o llcrl(n fvr, IOO Wtorlh or thO -' rlllll , r\nJ t h ll l h lrty Ool•l ciOil• ll \Yl llch th1•v I'XItt r t 111 rrc« 1\ C llf'Jtl

-.fecit ••II bo uecc.l 1n m nklnJ.! 1110 r ka•• .A ("'l tcful Hoconl 11f car.h cnee h l u•ln~; ma•ll', aJsol wh<!n tho enJoply which iJ oon11ng h11 been C11UIIII I!'<l the tt 111 JUde Will demonstrate tbo u tUit1 of thu now umulv,

Tho lllJf«.IIOn o<,aerum hu no e(Jnat.i· t.otlon11J l'fr. c~ on patl~ nt.t, ftt Ia the\ caee wHb tuberculin 1111d other hypoder­mic remtdice. 'fhe pulse rentalne ~~~ the tRme posu~ and there 111 no reaction whntevt'r fro01 liS !nl\uencc. It ia cla1mcd thi\L .. •uhin t h ree daya a(t.er In· Jectiun Llto l <'fllln will cauae tho m l'm branoue affection o( the throat to die· 10ln• And d ltappoar. Dr. \V('Icb etatc:t that lao hu ruado a COillJ'IIInllifo es­aminatloo of tho Lhi'Oa4 aDd pondiuon of the colored Lo1 who wu fno.ul&tod, and three other Cfttee ol &he um11 type tha~ are bcinrc treated in tbe ardJn&l)' manner, and could lind no dill'~.

The .up_pl1 ol1m1m held br the On­man hoepttal Ia DHI'IJ uhaual.fd, and it. Ia DOt. probAble tjla' anJ mOft lnocu· latfoae will bo macle wujl &he bou-d'• • uppiJ arrlYN Ctom <ltnlluf , Pnlftl c:u~• 4eYeJop whicb ,til ~ IlOilo dJiJ0111 faYOIU14t lO • IUt _,_flilla. dei,P1lS•&eooid.

........ ~


" Marvelou$ MediclpJJ r-4"1'T"'r":t

··,,cnevcr Given a Fair Trial Hood's Proves 11s Merit.

• , ' 1.· •lin:; l.!~ttr IJ frnm lfr J . A:kl4e 1 • • o:.r J.•, ~ l.ll• l r. •l ll'm~yor, No. 1~ llbaw

"- )~t , • .~1. r :u:.. ~:: l. f,,, , , t; , • ., , I 11tll, ~,_,

•, ,:, •;-l:i! -I l..:<o ~~n bklq B004.'t ~•· ~f,·r~<~Hl%tli0Dlbs an4 am llt4 ' ~~! !., !J I '!:. ~:l«r"e31.tte:.lof poi(.

:'1'~: ;":'Ct.•~tWM J.G: pOUDcta.but~

-=:i! ~ OD'S

- Tiao follvw1ng csrcul11r has l>ccn laL.-Jy f, eu('t). A co1•Y or l l l·11• IJccn &t nt to I he TA!'WAI: O \\ t (.>Ul•hlh II lor the ht'n('lit or lla rtr.tl. r8. It 1~ oa foiiO'II'I-

Tlte 11111 lt!fa t o t he Churda 111 :\.:w· rouudJ~nd, 11r 1ho C•1thr1lru l <:burch of ~ J ohn tho Uat1tiet, 111 the gn 1\lllfC ot 18!12, ie \.:uown 1u iho world

Dy tho g1•ncl'tll!ily uf frirudJ 111 111! parts 1•f the 1w rld, in rcapon• o to the "Jltwnl eof our beiO\ CII Bi8llllp, thoCh<tlr end tn~narpl 1 of l ho Calht'drt~ l haH• l•ecn m t.orcd at a coel or $.:):!,000 (.£10,-400 aterhnld·

'l'hc rc > c~ t rJIAtns in ruiru, t h ll ori~:t· n11l Nal'l', built I•> t he dc \'Oted ~ntrgy uf 1Jialaop F l'tld. 'II•• nftlla u c e tand ing and lo "gllOII at11tc or pr<'aen auoo; lht foumlatiOilJ 1100 l'fYJ>Lilfl' uuilljnrl'd. Thue arc nht~d a tllli(•UL J5<l,(l(lo (.£10,· OOOel~:.); anti an C'IT•lft ie n11w to beti•:ad.­to l'lliee an fficlcnt furltlt to Jlr~~'O and rtetc.rre tl•e Cllllrc ?<;av<>, a~ a eotL of allout fiO,OOO, (~lif,® aterlinll·

'l'htro are maoy wlto ''f" rc1..'1aU w"ith thankful loYo tho iltvoc on of •lJiaiJop FeUd, many who eympatbiae w1th Oltr prntnL Blebop in ll•e conduct of thia poornt Dloeao: n1any n1oro to "hom the dignity of }:,ll!ltln{l't Churclt I• al­way• a maUer of loving co11eem ; to lh.-.e ool! ppd pll » ll wun!d addl'ftl OUrtt'lfi.'J.

Our Pi•hop ba~ etJabliehed a Qoild; aalled &he Sc~CieS1 ol ¥. John !.be &pUla,

Ill. \\' t•T,\1.'• 0 \I .~ 1'1 0 1 \\ Il l' I I' I I \ h 'II t .. mloitul llull 111111 r .. r•u II I. 1 I fur IH•.•hnj:' lit h ! tllrllll: 1hsa "~' ~ ul l.u

1 th r .. rt, h1111:1 ""' ' t lllet. h r u r"' ' COUj:h hy IOOIItlllrtj: <111<1 <'hllll i n; l ltt J,u•t:•. nntl nllll) IUJ:: Jrrlta u un, tlru • r. ·1 1110 \111)! the CRURI', tn~h'll• l l•r dn lilt: IIJ•

tlw 1 oush nnd lcaYIII); th,• •h•• ••· I.e· I' luud.

- ·1110 town nuthorlu ca of llrn llloc-1.:, ' • 1111, h;w e pa•srd an onli11.uh'" '"' p<~lllJ: a hnc of fii' t centa lor"' ' n pr • lnltO '1\ 0I\1 lldl'U by nny penum "" 11tc 'treo ta of the town. Jr ench ft l11\ 1\<!rc put in fore~ lll &IIDIO Caur~di rm IO\\ na 1t I wouhl nplcnlah tho Cti'IC trt!l~n r\' h• 'uch nn extent aa 10 p ermit of tl 'CQ' nal4 rml dpcrcAllll of LRXRliiJn.

When tho eyatcm 11 Rll nm .1" " n, l'nclno hope Of obt..111111g IHH1r1shn11 IlL hy ~he ordiqary foo.l 8111>JIIy , th l'n t 1k0 "Mtller'~ ~;mulaion, lho ,:reRt lli'ah uml ltlootl tn11k.r, " tho land t ltnt t ' lll'\8 ' cnltl1 ,cougha, broncb1111 nn1lnll•liat nat s of lhront and lungt Jo:Hry bnlllu \\llr rnnt1 tl No Oi l) tnate hko nth t'rd In b1g botthe, OOc. 11111.1 fl 00, aL Jrug,14lo!

\\ l i l T A W osot:Rn:L D1,:coH n Y u Perry Dn\1&' P\I:S K ILLt:lt' It nnt o 11l) curre I h e lila or t he humlln faunh, hut is aho a aure r~medy for hol'i!<:S tllnl CIIUie. It h" n oYer been l:unwn In fftll sn • curo oqbc wordL ctttet of bo•H:I complaint • anti /or apl'lllna, JZ" II', , t~, H never calla-try It 0 0 (!(' llireCIIOI)$ a.:comp11ny each bottle. & hl h) olru~­~}•t. gene rally for 2.ic. A hvtt h·, I • 'l;c Ill().

Pll.t:S J r!Lt:S! ITCIII!"O I'll f:i!,

1111 ',.. ..... ' I

.. .

.... ·;l'HE'I ere ll•o R.:;r • .If I hat th• \' bJ~o•nr.::Jus hand oJf nature /u, ,

"· IJr/dcd {" J/1 dlse!I&B3 ar/$/t.a fr-o,. l l:fFURE BLOOD.---- --.....,

•• >" • ~ Morse 'S an • '""' ~ ..... t or DILr.

Ot ,. :~; l-">1. U£A.UAt . .. 1:<~: uu. O.Tio~. l.l t'at•

Pl'lls tf.t~'ci.~.·~~- an ...... l'o6 ~AU lr JtL llAtt.llf

W. H. OOIISTOCK, l ltJttr7•£U, OlfT,



TUISFOOt:rm Or RRV DA\!15•

MDTll£ CURbr.•lllf SUDDUI YW Til£ CHill ..... - ....--·

\ ;


SVMI'TOMa-Moleturc: lntc nac ilclun~ a nil atlngipJ 'il'!lott at night; worn h) ~cratchlnlf. f allowed to cont inut~ tumora rorm which oRen l>lec.l nnd ul­cerate, beeornina ''cry eoro. SW.\Y!II •., Ollo'T!ollt"'T etove tho llohing ll llll 1·1· col· lng, heala ulceration, and In m•:c~ t CMNI remove. the t umora. At llrugg11t11, o r by mall, for ISO cent.. Dr Sway ne & Son, Phlladelpbia.

" '· J . HU SELL, Ho~se, Sign!'~~eral PClin~tF \'~tll"1 i>lltl>ll1tU. lllftti(', rcn ttu l 1\llll \'Co

/ 110\ll t l'\1.

Grnini~ nnd in~i1lr• ti'Cirk nt:ltly dt•nc. Lcont•rsn~ 11n1~Stf:n l'uiuting ~ S(>CC'illh>,

Dlaeuea or the Lift!' • )'ou IP'1 alw&)'f know hMl your

liver ie out or order, or wl.tm )•ou ~~ro what la called bjlloua, lly auy or the follo1flor a:rmploma ; Pain in tho as.te and h11ck, diploe., dull headache. a IJad lAtte lo ' he moutJt In the monain~t. eallow colOftd e« mplulon, yellowi•lt tint In tbo eyt'l, COiti'l'enr• or dillrrhMU

1 or elimy dark color low eplrh 111111 dl•mal forebodln&•· it l~taoknolfletll(t'f! I•Y a ll pbraloialllaod otbera, 'll'ho h rl tt> Men l h l!ir ac:Lioo, tha' Or. Mon.c.''" ll)(lian ~ Pilla are a ~rfrc& cure fur aU blli_!l~ a!fect!(!al, Dr. l loree'a Indilsn ~ an told .,, all mo'dlclno

r :S:tts.fACIII)n ~·tnmntc ~1. R~>a iJcnctl- t .


;; ~ad,or ~r;;n ~hm'b~ -J.lfi)-

CONCEM'IOX lJ.\. \' .\ U\' Cl T~'ER 1• J>ri&LN a11d pol•ll•h..t ""'1 'I'~ uu1

trrl~ n•nloc, a&,.,. 81allhl\l ~.VI .. tori a ~rt't1, uars.ora~. h .W,\1111'1 • u~ fl~l'TlOS'a I!ATUl-f2 ~ ... _..

fl llti t>"r bait ~n.r ; to r~,.•c• •·•*'llllr lite ,. ... wlll 1M! ' Silo).

Page 3: -JSQUJ:IiEJS·t-l BROs.,·· . ·whO W:ill·collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...I I t / ''Germ a Syrup" For children n medl· A Cough cme should be abso-lutely

, ..


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' \ l1 [ ............


~ ' \ .

.- ~

I . ._.../' .

· THE· HARBOR GRACE STANDARD \ . .. . ~ - '.

poes YOU.R



l'r1•tn the 0 h 'tlll Qn DRily N""''· .f~llll .. \l\'b. Tex., Oct. G.-J\131.­

UHI~tcr \', ,,1, ufthis phlcc, h t\8 fo r­w:lrci col· thc r •• uowiug teller to the l l' .. ,tn.:\t. l. ·r (.' cnornl: ~

F .\IUt .. \:-on, 'l'Gx., Oct. o.

" 7;, r! I !I . 1. 11'11' rtj\ I ' , /li !!Jl(il, l'o .. l•

I •:·t•' l'· u', ,., ,ltl, ll'ttd riuylrAI, D .{.,'.:

IF she docs cce th:r.t ·-.Dt·· \u :-:.tu-A& yuu well knvl\'' t he \\';\$!: ~ m:ldc Eas anc I t'~l 'll l Hflid.\1 p;q ••'r~ l~lcol i n the <,I.Q;

. . · Y :•a nr .wn:, 1 :\ Ill hc!ptng you carry ~~';'~b)~ J{N~sn_~ her .. u th e p•Htnl .~ •· r\'i_ce 111fdor .the SU~L!GtM SOAP, J•H--cttt .\d:uinHmtwn. r ~otwlo

D which dccs a w:ty \\'ith the t ld ~ t .u~illc·~ durin~ .Juhn \\"nmut-. 0 H IR Qllt~,\1 'terrors of w:tsh-day. ma '..:t•r '.,. :c•tJn :•,. l'u;<tfna:<lor General

W\f ~lr. \ \ ':llsn:, ·: la k c r w;~s su busy with ·· • Experience ,,;n con\'incc her that hi.!\ !'-ll uo1.cy·•chool •lut ir !', ex[!.~tin-

WA. OUINC :». it PAYS !:> usc this soap. in1: ,, :,ttnt .\[u 8C.'I and~r1:f'=Gm · ~ ru~h('r~:· :111d with hi!! clry gootl:!

~-~,...,..~""""!--!'!'W~-~-....,..--..,-----.,...----- t!ut it·.•. t 1·~· i 11g t" wnrk o ~ou1e all ·

L ~ til I ' . ~

- '~ ""I :0:.·,•1 \!h tt\·,crcu:ITS (mn•IC at 11 a da•n!':u ·k. ::\. J .. nf st rict goud ~~rdiu:lr\' cvliOII :111•l guat hair),thnt hc ,•.,ul;luot w(lll get al uu g with­" '\t 111c, "'" T c·• •u~cntcd to n •is~


hi lll . ..

iMEIU[ ~N N. ET fWI t . · · \\'h··~ · , ... 11. :\l r . Hi s~cl.n·sumc·l ,--

1 . & f . r~ _.~! Lq~.- t ln·d nti c,. ·,,r.h c <·tlicc.heing a ue l\' _ hauol nt th,• hu~i ues:! ,·ourself. anti

nt•t• , \i u~ the· aid ,,r th·o~o !\lure e x· 1 "ri'' '"''' ' l in the husincl;~ your~cl f,

I awl 1.d !•li n g- tl1c· nid ul those m••re , t'Xl'cricn(·cd in the business, l felt

... _ .. _ ..... -----... --~---.. .-. .....

34 Cominerciru ~~~~~% Bo:_~~, Mass. :\IANUFAC'l'URET:::i 01~

COD, ...


~­. CAPLI .

~nuwil!in)! t•• de~crt you. hence I l ll ' l!la i su•d, and )u\\'e c~ontinued !•I' 1 tn : !t i~ tituc tu remain at Ill )' po~t

nt' <lUI\'. <'•>lm·icnticJU:<ly tel lin~ lltC 1•''")111.' til:~l tltc clcmnncti:r.atiun of •rl '(t•r ~r.\, 1 thl' i~~u:mco tti t. .. nls in a 1in1c .,( 1·:·• •litlllh l peace arc th<' fl' ''"" tts tl tt•y ti n nul hl.'ar protll i'tly i 1'11:U thc·i r k in ~f· ;lk.:~ in b~'\nl Cuun·

- - )\T.SO- - ~ ~-. . \ rk ; :'ll :l<'ullpin t\lllnl ,\', 111., · 'HI• I < ~nd• ; u~l'l 1 <t~C Ptlri~h . 1 .. 1 .. a !'

Cod Trap and Hei"'rl·1.' o · '"Tets th•·\· .I itt m .. t.·r the Blan.t Law. r ) ... .! b ..1. ~ 1 lw\:,. C\'cr d i-eh aq;c•d the ,)utics of

! l lw ,•flic· o· f., isl .•·. ~t vi ll[! the JtCOJ'Ie All of the V c r \' Bc:<t Q)l!tlit ,. n1111 ~Ia<!..: vf Out· :> I I .t l.:· hlailm.•llcr <luc ' he tu , ex-

• 1 ' , !•l.tlll11<;.( that tlH: l'•lll llty 1\CWS·

M d 1 TWINES i !•:q ('>' ttlii · ,. had i'icd a funn when

Shepard - Gold - e a - -l I llw l·IJ•I•r f:lilc<l !•).show up. keep· 1 l in!! a lo wk,•ul f,>r ~tray cattl e [t:l ;j~·

of whic:h wo :uc the 011l v ul:1nuf:1 d nre r,.:. ,,_;r t)n!er, !.\··l<'ttCr or \drc it•! lht"l.t .!h the ~tnl i wkk_. atnl promt;tly ami ~ati• f:u· t 11ri l \' cx<>culcol.' t n ;ark ~ :1111! hm1"b ,,f S:1.1!1C Jo;r .the

· l l tc rli' !Jt-; 111 t !te pntron:1 ol th< othcc. '··· ·- - - - · - , .. Tlw pn~t;ll service i ;~ :111 i nqutr· ll i!!ltcst 11Ward:~nt B o ,..hl ll \ t'(;~ l : l ' h il :l.fo ·lt·iti:o, l blti Loudon l. l .. l ;,r;1, til' the l im·ernmcnt, and

'" 1 l :o<• l'.lili.tll•l ( 'v~t Ofli('" i~ t\ llCCe!!· ~·is!t.·ri..:~ l·:.x!. i I ol; io ot , ) I'\~ ;{. I ' ; I .' ' jcoil.l i ' •:tiol !11'111 hl !!'11:\ r:tntec

Send fm· 1111:• 11":1: · ·•! t ' a l.d••!!tk. , lt .• rtl 1411li uu:<:;ctlullcct i~n•to the : ·• • .1 puiol i•· 11 iII. ()f c•llll'~e.::ren u·

R ~"' · --o 1 • r · · ·- · l:cc·ti.on only applies properly to

I :• { .' \; ·r,~ ··· '. ~~ · ~ 1 • : .... k: ..:1'. l•ut I writ(' hurricdlv nnd ~:{ e"'· '' " . \ i t •;.:.~ I .. ; • • • , • ii! A ~ \<:..Iii ,• :: ~' J.; ' . · .. ' ' · ~ !". I''" 1 ! •t ' ! I ~" ~~·l it h air:< <Wc r (nnn~

IIWI!Alt;t \ .:i!I; :;:F : :ITi"F~ ~~:; . ·' ., u ( ~ , ,.,.,.J. . l•':tirl nwl ill !or ated ';,!~ 1:1 5i!:l~ !?. 1; · .• <: ::::-: 1 • ,._j l1·•·:11 ' t ill' ~rmtl:'t hin~t h merit! inn,

w;;n "•l ; ' \ ., ,, - - . · . :; :' ; f. l ~t <·.n:.\· { .-otA.l ;',•cl :;uc•,·c the scr. level -'lilil!' TK! L . . .. .• .. . . • . l i il l it e , h ,•al'l , ,( Tcxl\!l :11111 in tho

·- --- f d< , ,j 'hC' ,\ u .~lin and r.;orthwcs· . . - - Ill.' \ 1 '1' 11 J.'() 1' \ 1 J 1 1 : '.•·ru lbi_l r•),Lcl , :tiN n ot _far fr•' lll the

'· ' • 1 · • ' · · II •! I:.- n , 1nc erc('k. 1-io y ou cnn

,..._Hoi.,. away's P'1ll s 1). n d 0 =1 ntn1ent: ~::~~t·c ~~:7. 1 ~tv.~ ~~~~\t'hrtt~:;i~~~ ~~~.N~~ _ UA ' 1,,., ,.. 1. ~.rn Clllli!•OileJ fur o n o _ .,... th iuj!, to hatHllc anrl recMd all tho

T E P 6 t . l..... ~ 1 . .t. •il rei'i$tr.r t'<l ll lllllOr going to l'urii\' u 1c 1;( ... .,1. ,.,.,r···l ,, ; , p ; ... , lt•r• . • ;' thr· :n . . 11 '·" th 1• l•u!t ullice o f ~lucl ,

[ 1\' FH S~I'U:\1 \ I ' l l. Klll:"\EY;-; .\\1> BO\\'I·: t.:'. ~ ~ ~ .n. ':i."' ';!~:lll. Bloll'out, _Tiger, • · · · . , . • . . :\!t . !.;mot lt~cr :11111 other tmpor·

'fl. ~ ' ;,. ,·i ... r.1te :uHI re•lnr·· 1" h··.t tth ll,·1·t .t1:11 L·•l l " " ·I :t ilt \";' "· a n•l arc . t · 1 · 1 1 c·l A •1,.1A . 1

i u •·11lun\.l ~ su nl! C·•~ll l•.l :u t: t• ~ 1~· ·~·. "" 1 1~ . . t:• ,' '':"-':' ~;~ · ~'; 1 a :1:!<'" · ' l )r wa tl•·r .i• ••ftr :1 11f g rc:at vnlue,oither · · · · 1 1 I' • · 11 I'


.t•o i tU • . lllll !'U 1 r"g . .. rcu

111111lrcn ,,H,I ll• • ·1- 1 '1 l h ~ .t rc 111 " · i t.ttin t.· nd <:e, a~ nwncy, gems, T H E 0 I l"J T i'JI E N T •·:1· .. "r ... ,, l iHH!ut:d vnluc. such u.s

]e 11 11 i ,.f.d l i l ol e re mt'•h· f,.r 11 . ..1 1.('!!". J::\1! l : r.,a-t~ . t\), \ \\',, 11!1.!• . ;o;u res bet! •tui l: ' · baldy dothes, piano a u tl I to t r:1. h i • illllll;\1. fur I;, .,\ :lltd H h h 11tt:\li·Hll . r: .. r ,)i ••• .-.lc ril or ~ , ,,. ) .. ···.,· .. kept IIi! hcirlonms nnd

th•' l 'hc·l it hn• ll•' ('• tttal. tr:t n~miucol frhlll plncc to pl11ec

II , • 1 · ( I '(' 11 • ( ·o 1 D · under ou r :t rl'tlt rcf!istry system (l)r F 1)l: :--oRbA,'fi! HOATS, filti J ~(' I I :--. ( ' J ' :--. J ' ·"'· -att·t ·:. 1 1d il ~:ty lllat myflurglnr·

<; 1,11 ,<1 uinr :-: ,n·l 1 in;.:". and nil :-:1; i it lli-•·:1·•-- i 1 h :t" un ri •·a I ; n n d I '~'"· ,f •llk :or ~w·h mailer consists (ur rtllltracte~l nn.l • ti fTJ•>iut• i• :wl, liko•:: •·ltan :s. .,f a lnrl'c .t ry gond:1 box, sided ll p

- a u.t >huh ·.:,l. Cll llhonrd style, nnrl . ~t.umftu·turt"t..l t.ml~· rtRIIU;"I .\ -4 ···~l.I (JW ,\ \ ' .. ..: .. : uhlh h'l i•' UI, I t . r I ~~. ~f.\\' u:-.: FOI{I) STHEE i!at" : •. c: I•\F<~I:Il :-' l'l ll·: ..: r •. 1.' •\'l li l\'. 11l i •tol • :1111)• o pru cctton or t •c

· ' ~h) t, rtt .nhl at l -'· J!d . , ~. l)d .. ..... rf.t. : · ' "'· .!!:A • n n •l ::,., • 1:1·1· \ LII '\ Ht (l'u l , -!l td JU 'I _\' 1-.. · ~Hut u( nil u ~ U:t l rn u ~Jf nsaJ tcr. )l t:otUt•lrh· \ ' t uJn r"' lhrou~hunl tlw • ttr l, l. •

111:'.)... l ~nr, hns• r• !houl<l 11w•k to 111.- l..a t ... l " " ltto· u. .. ,, ~ uL.t I'•: •. 1i d 11· n,lrlro e• i• .. Hut la~t yc:tr some of our poo-!\o. 633. Oxf.ml ' t rcl'l. v ·till""· tl~<) l• r•· •J·Uri•mi!. 1·k· '-" mtmctc.J th e hnoit ;;f Rending

l'l'<':tll nuts lm•l uut kernels in cloth

For that:Cough of Yours~


l•aJ!l' I•)' rc~i,tcrcd mail. The rc~ull 11 :1~ l11al when such mnltor TCIIIIIillC'ti li\'Or nigh~ i n ffiy 81\ fC, tl llln _d l · C•!IIl'O from tho burglnr ;~u• l the ·ture h>:tfer, tho mice hod Il l • TI'' I" 'C\ for the ~cal or the Unitetl

A~ :l Preventive nml Cure 6f !\ll T llruat 1111J Lung Disc:tscs. ~l :t t1·• . l•ut proccedo•l to gnaw and !·••rt:ornl•' . l o:11·k nntl lill, Qr fill nnd



I a,·k. u t. l il thg J':lckag$ IO<lked like i 1 ltn ol l·•·•·n t hr,•ugh n rag m ill or 11

l'"l'ul i' l utinpaig n, .. T ho peq.'\n >:c•~i o•\ i~ just nhout

tu opcu a~ain, nud f<Jr the prtttcc· ti uu of u u r (•C••plc wft,, geucrally patrc111i1.C •lit:' IIW II po~t :tl !yl'IOm in prefl.'rctwc t" that uf ~•unc other ~uuutr~· . I \\'•1uld a~k you (!t issue

-MICII a- n ruli r:~ that wlren J•Cttlll8, nut. Sick Headache. Constipation, kcrncl -1, J,!'!ll'hur peaR. orr,thor gl.lnd


W e Stom-ach,T .;.....pal'"re .. d- D·l·gest.ion l i o.l oh·tu Ju .. u;;n..: c in tmnsi turereg· .u.u \l:n•d, tltc wni li u~ I'Ofll.mnttter l')r

Disorderea--:--.Liver. -:- an'd7 F emale -- Aflments. "Uu• l~· r I.e rnquir('ll lo rcgio;ter n ~·'l•Jil li \'ll l'•l t with u:lch package

--.. ___ ~- -THE SA LF. T.' NOW Sl Xj1(.11LLIO:\ BOXES YEARLY. fl)r lt(Oiecti.,n to t!:lnHl "" r'b11to,

Medical ].[en.

Pa1ne's Celery Compound Does ~lore Life· Saving \Vork. - - - -- -

Mrs. Curr ier says: " I Ow~ my L i fcl to i t .' '

~lRS. CURlUEll. ~ FlJl.I. DJRECTIO)jS W!Tn EACif nox . . -&1 rfl\0 CLII C\JIJ)d be 1

franltod 1

back. n'l oll1cinl mntt~r And tt!ed intlefl-

.... P a EPAllED osr.Y nv TilE Pnorm£TOJt- nHcly t {lr the anmo purpose. This " I take g rent plo:l.Snro in 111)1,<\.·' (~trrler'11 11np1oy rolon:qo from

THov AS BEECHAM. St. Helens, Lancashire. would nnt only 111\\'e '·al un.ble mot- ing: you n. te!limonl\~ f~r ~iue1:~j Sllll'Nin ~; nn•l dnager; they know .W.A ~ ler from lho inron.ds or predn.tory Celery C<\mpountl ; I certninly woll nr her mnny fnilmes lo Oo·

Sold by a ll Drusg~.ls and Pulen~.\l ed i cine Oc:llcrs, e,·crywhere.' mice and rnlq,but i n ndd i.tton would owe my life tl) it. I mny at11to thnt tnin henhh by 0tt1cr 11\1'-~ll$ nnd

C. K No. W Ll N·C-, ~t. J ohn's, Agent fo r Ncwfoun:llnnd. c rcntc n Gl•vcrnmont d~mrmd f<tr 1 wua s ick o,·or a year with pic,, ri lly : lllorlh:inM in tho pni'il 1 nn<llo them

. en~ Qf the h~~~ !'trains tmd grently lnllnmmntion, nnfl gi\'Ol\ up t,o tHo ll11iqo'.a C,,Jory- C'ompr~un<l i s l'.ow . , ____ 5 imprnvo the prostTm

1tod Cl\t market! by three doctqr6~nd ;\lll'f\Y friosuls, tho itlenl renw.Jy ror thQ cure of .. -

Sld.iiner's Ma:rble W k of the counl ry . ten, itisten.d 0 when 1 'fl\8 fe~OOlll\Ol\dC<\ to try diiiO.ISO. or s being Ol~rried ofT in n gu~ny-snck Pl\ine'a Oel~ry Oompound. Arter ~Q productinn or iiiOIIical ·cionco nnd !e~t. lll tho ~fOO(ls ln a~nrve. the usi11g seven bOttles of t he wonder- h M o,·er ntt••iMrl sm~h .ro~•ut:tti~n del!orvt ng_ o.nt wo" d be '" l' nea~. rul medloloeJ l am all right ngain." nnd populm:nrity 1ts ~··lil)o's Colery Duckworth S t reet , St. John's .

-----------:.~_,.,... ____ .. ,_.,. ............ .,. ,._,. ..,._

Monument& He1ulatoncs. t\ncl nll otbcr work in his line ~xeeuted in' fintrcla88 style, of good mntcrinl . nt l ow price

o.nd wit h oil possi blc' despatch. -..out])Ort ordert siVilD prompt a ttenllllll. Pricoll,

mailed on ~pplicntion.

clenn Uruted Stat-es mall pouch This brie1 testimony or cure by 1 Cornpounq · , nr1 hlher 1\"('ncy ill w!lh n. rcgist~r tng ~ied on fta neck Paine'• Celery Com pound comes l metholne' h~ \ over 1!<\Votl

0so mnny

l'f l (h bh!c nbbon nnd numbered from l\ln. Currier1 or Uradrord, poopto thnt wo~o p;ivcn up t.Q d it>. C?M~cutl\:ely . from one up, · be· On~ .• a ht~Y well know in thRL Lot lt e \•or Ito romembereJ that g•~.mng .wttls ench q u11rter, etc . town, ant\)li~hly •~pokon of by Alr. ' Paino's Celery Compoul)d !Jives th o

your n pi'OVI\1 n~ reiU ••n 4 mue ' Jar 'dfUJI~ of i\8 emcaoy t hnn CAn be dono by catalO~\.ICS., ~o. nt~n;; thcsedvlel'f•). ~11 meeht w. rJ. Campbell, Dradfortl•ll popu- pqblio h&Uor-nnd stronger p'rl)ut

• nrodc rerorm m tho ~stal ~er- 1'~!1 g!XKI peovle·af .nradfotd tm d any other nlodiolno mnde in Ute _.....~_._...,...._;-.. \•Icc, I Jemtun youl'll ver'f trql7, eqpoqncliq ooqqtry apeak witb l "·orld ; \\. nlwnyt1 " makes pooplo

• .P,ROFRI.ETOR.- . ·0,1\. Wooo, P.M. pl .. ure and deli&Jl' &bout ·•b•. well., ' '

- .. .. ... <; " • > ' • •. r ••


Wi.ll ~a:~ranlco Fit, Wurkmnnabi•J I nn•l ~1vlc. · ru~l llhl wrotk of nil kind~ performed

n.t llt\l'<'dL prier~ 1incl with t!cspntch. On~p trt 11r•h're reed Yo prompt nltonl il.l':l

Uh·c u" n •~•II.

\\'.\'flo: H FiT.. II A fi BOn G IM CJ.i . .. _ --- -PuS r O'li•,ICE NOTICE.

Labrador Winter Sorviqe. -o-

~(1\i . ~ will uo dl'$J'lllched. from I It iR ()/lice, \'i:l Q uohcc, ror, tho Ln­hr•\,Jor u ll:tl't., on or :\hout hl Novemoer, 18!).1, Allnn sto:uaor

<:nrllln~enitm 1 12th l)ecembl'r, 189-1, Allan stoat'Oer

C:trthn~::ou i :m, · oth J rtny., h UJ. at&tuner St. P ierro,

l :~t. Fob,, l~. . · F111ly pnitl l eltPrs will oe (or ·

wnrdcd, bnl no pnpers or porcels. Return m nils willl04\'e Blano & · blon on Doc, ~h, . l 94, 2111' J tm­U!\!f• 2.0th Feby.,· and 20l.b M'areb , 1500, ros~ctivoly. ·

J . 0 . FUASER, P.lltl.G. General Po~t Office, 1

Sept. 12, 1su.J. . r

·Easy to And Perled In Tbek Acliolt,

A VER!S PILLS Never filii to nllevo Dyspepaia,

Qnstlp:aUon, and Headadae. · ·

•· J l.:t\'<' pro;;ltltr \':tlue of o ,\\'('t':-1 !'i ll~ ilt n'liC\' iltl! tl\'FPI'Jl- 0 ~l:a nsul lll':u :tC'I1{', wit h 'which o rmuplaints I was soJoH~ I rou\tled th:ll tu•lthl1r tho doetor uor. m ' !;toll' ~11Pl•OSCII f !<1Hllll<l C\ '('r 1n·ll a~utt. '1'111 on~:h lltc 11 t h<' nh•"·c surolidhc I nt . ttr th:u• I h:wo 11(·1.'11 fM i':tni." ­A. <;A~ 1;'1t.t.,\ r·n;a!lh•;<, 'Jll.

" I ha\·o usNI ,\~· ··r' ~< l ' ills for ]5 vcnrs n.~ n ralhurtic in' liver cnu'lt•l:tiut. :tnt! nlw:n . with C:"t- 0 t n•1111.'h ' l tCul'lkiul t•ltr't'l, uc,·cr h:l\'iu;f h:ul twrcl c•f nllt(·r mccii­C'in•·· I ::!. 1 f"i\' f' A' ••r' s I' ills to tih' c-ltillirc·u, '" h'·:t 'thc•y .rC\·/uiro mi :tl'l.'ricont. 1111\l thl'l r<'"lllt sal-\\':t\' !1 must ~:ll il'fart ftr-·.'' - A . ,\ . 1·:.\n•:-.-. Centro t'oii\\Jiy,:X. lJ .

"I !:I •·iu;: II('<' II St'\'Cro·ly nflllctctl with ro~th·c·nt<". I wa* hulllced ( , , tf\' ,\H•r's !'ill~. 'J heir tfllC htlll c·ii•-ilt•ol ' a c·nt•11'ld<' l'llrl'. 111111 1 l'au c·••nlitl('nth· n c•u1nrn<'th l them t o~ all 'huilarh tlllliCll~l ."- <.:. ~ \\'111 nt.\ :\', };)p .. uno. Cal . .. ~

AVER ' S PILLS Rocolvcd Hlgho~>t Awards

AT THE W OR LD'S FAIR 0 ~go~~oooooooooooooooooo

The Best Medicine.

Makes th~ Wea~ ~trong .

$541,000 J OHN CORMACK.

Agent, St. John'•· A. T. DRYSDALE, Agent,llarl.or Grnce.

r:~· ~ccor<l ti!ICC with No. t ,:l!!ll l , tbs ••pliCJll tl pJlllmtus cxhibitl-d on this Ia· u\n-t '"Ill t.tccn.remon-.t. 1u it• pt"coM A TROTTER LINDBERG APPARATUS uf th<:' ·hh M•IH lsn!! uccn illetallcd, and i~ now in operation •

IL i<l nccultlng, worked Ly tho beat or tho lt1111p, r~ml t>hOWfl re-I ntul . whit.s nll(lrll:\l t•l \·, in quick ~cCCIIIIion. :Mor tnnlly it i111\kC!I ec•V('fl re,·olu~ions· ~r minute, four lloahcs in each revolution.

:\o ult<'Tl\lic111 lms uNm mnt.lc to tbe MJtUHO wo.lll houso1 from tho centre of which the lnntr rn r1sctQ.

' I ho eiJcs of the hot'Jt. nro wurn:-rouf 1 a:u. (Uy order),

OEO. W. MEW~. Secretary.

ll<.timl of Work'a Office, St. John's, Ju lr 10, 1~1.

REMOVAL NOTICE ! -Dr. uONES hns removed to Salmon Cove, Rar bor Mn.in DistricL. • •

Pel'llollt wiahin(t_lO conant him in Diae¥cs ofthe Jt..)'o aud EaT cau reach him by m~il or Ltlegraph.e

J. W. KENNEDY. JJoot and Shoe - Maker, J


(opp;>alte the Slip.) -'Cftt74-'pUOil ., .._'rBDW.&.all . .....a..-cr~NCI

Kicknpoo Won'lt KtLL'ER for cbdLdren. ·

· -..llaDcl-.ewed Wart oC all iiDrk a ,eclaJtJ.

· Kiok~poo CouGJI Ouu for col~ &o. .

Page 4: -JSQUJ:IiEJS·t-l BROs.,·· . ·whO W:ill·collections.mun.ca/PDFs/hgstandard/HarborGraceStandard...I I t / ''Germ a Syrup" For children n medl· A Cough cme should be abso-lutely

I .



THE I ' I •

MASSES. ~Our Annual Stock-Taki~g is NoW -~n, and will ~ontinue till end ~f Year.~ Our sw~t'ofTProgt•;s, with our Equitable Prill{)iple ofUpright Dc~ling·, p;;~des

· , -'>-THE GREATEST BARGAINS-IN THE TO FOR THE PEOPJ.~E. + "' · Ladies' Tllree-Qunrter Jackets from S L np; L:ulic:s' Ul!!tCr:i fa em $l.o0; Ladies' Uubbcr "Cloaks fro:n SOt·. ; Children·~ Rubber Cloab GOc.; L:ttlie;; HI ark aml Colored Cloaks ; Chi ltl n•n'~:~ Ul .,tcr.o~. ( 'hu ks tLI!ti Pdii'~C.\ Onr Stock of DRES,' MATEitlAL:-; t'v111pri:-o all the Newest' ~Ianclos nnd Make~:~ 1mit:ll,le lo r lo't~ll a!tcl Wintc1· we.tr, rnng ing in price fro :tt lie. to S L pe t· ,rani;- Black \J.t~h111cr• la u tn l ' l'.; l>rc.•s ('lul b. ~t: •· .l or~, from 9c • • Cream nml White };atthlo itlmcrl Hubcs. 'All shat.l~1i in PLU::)JlES l'rom -10c. p e a· ynrtl. A :~pt• ·ial Liu.: ol' PONQEH S /J.-1\".•:i h ·or· t !!It·.; l~ L:ulics' :111cl Chiltlrcn':~ White .11ul C11!qn·ll PJ .... '.I 1 ', ·• ::J.:'l' a:11 l .APRONS· Ll}llies' Under-,·usts, <.:or::cl Cuve'l":<, Night-J)rcssc::, ~kirls, &c., &c. lllcacltcd <.::dil·•:r fhuu ;\ .. , ~lolt•:<kiu , L-jc:.; Hluc ::)c rg c, l .i t• ; ."u,1c tall!!.' I I..:. ! b'l:lund, lie.; Flanllc lctlo . ;)\· : Bctlti1·k~k : lt••:! ;t t·•. li• :.\leu':~ Tweed Suits from $2.50; Dlnck Suit~, $1 .;O ; G lniz?tl Peak C;'ps. 2'jc,; W hi ~c • ihit·ts, _flOc. ; ' l;i r t s nut! V n111. Cl'" . :.liic: ;, ~-yd . wide <.:an , ·,ts, ~:jl·. ; , ' tn 11 L:·t.".' ·'"·_De.: Do~ I' ~l:tl,..;W_l e,nl'tlt ltu:.;". C_'.tn \ ', l..'i .U:tls: ,\ 'htt·: •. j l),• : ',': .•,, li !1:• Rings S2 up Looking Gla~cs 12c., MUFl~~ only ;:>0 cents, I owels from <>C. pet· pn11·. FLll UOLL.I It'·\ U.IJlJ~f:J, JJO.JS, A s trac ha11 a nti Uca \' l'l' l 1 WlllltiiC)"· , t raw .anti } cit. lla t.•. \\ uul ll ~Ju<l l'. ( ·'l ''' a:~tl Da· ·.·l· •. &r·. Colored Ribbons from 3c. per ynrtl. Cor,.ets from 25c. L ttt.lic:s' nnd Childrotj'li Uuttonctl, L:t<'CU !)JH.l El.t:.it.:-~i'dc.J:!00 1S. Splc11did 'fcrt 25 ,. pet I h. Hc:-1 Hruwn. ' u:;at· 'c. per lb. l". ~- :uu l <'·111. tno:;cy t:tkcu :tl f.t!l ,·,due.

··· It i:s our inteution to cfl'cct tl complete clcttrtlllCC hy the cud of the yca~~;~~lfamkCThis Gre.tt O camurc , 'ale n t hing t o he remcmbe n :cl \\'c \\ illrcfu:-~c no ofl'ct·, e very artidc m _u ::<t !!II. :t'!d ;!•J •tn i~kl.'' · ••••••••'•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••~o•••••••••Q•~$~~~•••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ~~•••~•••••••••••••••~~~·••~o~ .. ~o~•.o4~~~~~•

;a:: . * * * ~ M. ~- ~ONES, 93 ·wATER STREET, HA~BOR GRACE. ~ =!~ ~;E $ · =i~ 2 \

- HARBOR GRACE STANDARD ~~lCII<lc1 l on fcnce:1 il~ tlli ~ nci ghbo~·ltbrf'c co'nturil'11 ·1~n '·.th.lt t ~• ·· liahnric• 10ocl ulone, :unount111g, an author!· 111 tht .. o witlc l'll CO!'IIItue-1 ru·ht:r IN-ta·

" -A!ID- • ty on the mnttor t<'lls 118, to about nr.s ;.t~lan the 1111n~ or . ltcxH."O nncl COliCBPTIO.ll BAY ADVBRTISER. I third of the nlue of tho !anti ! r,~ It~~~ tnto. nn,l 1\pphc.tlJlc t<HI~y We do not bold ou....,tve• •~•ponllblc Cor • orlnlon• upre3Rd b7 our c:orl"l.'tpou•J·

an~,J'C'O~ nn an11ult)ee~ orr.rener•l l nt.eretL lnYII~~ I"'"'" or no•• from lltf.1 pia~ .. •lll be U>aflkOIIIy ~I Yeti. TrafllltD~ adY~riWDit p:oyablo In atlvnnn. Sou.,... or lllrlh•, lh.rrta:rr• !lll<.l I ... Rth•,

tn~rtnt tree c>t eluu··srf". v .. ~·~omp:\ll)lnt dt"t•th nuucu wlll w d mr;et.l tor At r.-;:ulllt rakl.

FRIDAY, ~OVJ::MDEil 30, 1 )!)4.

n. • . :u at \\'&IIIII tho anbnt altg•·s or thu th•· \\ c arc so nccul!tou~ecl to th~ _thm:; CO\ cry nnJ ~loniution . of tho c .. rui· thnt 1\0 soltlom Pcnously n~k _our· ncnt. A n:hn\Jlu nuthnn t1· pl•cce the ~ch·e~-b nil this \'1\SL o:cpcnd1ture RSJ::rctlllto nnnnnl t• rtdl ol <'•-..1 "lnrw, nccc:tsnn·. t.1· throo n••titm 1litic•._ Uri ti4h, French

\\'hence this 1\ n;.to l>ul f11r wh!t:h ,.;,.1 Am~rh:lln in :\t•rth ,\uH•ric.lu 111nnv pl••t~ of l.uHI would he culti· •ul.<'r~~ •lllll' llrl)" f111ar milliun quin(,• l~. \':ttcil th:tL ,, .. . 11. lie voitl. nnd must tho " ''Inc <•f wl11ch woultl ho 1l•tlltl

,...._ liltcon rn illi .. n tlu!l.ll'l! Clnet:l)' J.!c•nll· pieces uf gro u'ntl t\lre.uly lllltle·r lwtlns this im.tuatr~ i~ \\ilh :hr. f':tpnrt c11ltin1tion, yidrhng pot>r return:! lrttlu t·l F:nroiJ'I<'. tu th•' l!'t'\1•11, '""I ur cu~tiug m ore t.J nurlu r~ than S.111Lh .\mcric11 the arnpnrt"ncc nf pru·

The Orcatest Oood to the Oreatest thcv nrc \\ Oath. wouhl Le inrrrl'etl tnmw:;: ml"nsu:ra c•~Snrul$: the :~,tav•·•· Number. nt :i pr<•fit '! \\'hent•o th is wnsto to l¥111 ohntl-lcrn meth(J(Is ol hru~lhu;:nn,l

I I t r 1 k of f ? t-l1rin .. nml of tr"n~ll'ln•llt>n 'lo.l· n enm We need not wnslO' time in tn·iu0,. t H· man\· 111 wr I ;c Q:l · o n e" . "

- • 1 f 1 II uf thll gr.·.ll •tnpl~ r 111 h.or llr bu ol·,·r to enfor("e the dc~irahility of ttnw;; At pr~scnll 10 ' 111 nc r '1 .uH .1:13 ~0 , ~t arn 1 t~l The imp 111~ ' "our export everyth ing pi>Sllihlc tr• cnc<lllr[I)O f~1~cc It Ill <lr•lcr to k <'C )• frum lt hi:! 111t••h o"i"J: t.• 1lw n 111•1\'il u( ·lntacs the e ulti\'lll i•Hi lll th'C snll. \\'o all 1\Cij!l•hnr'• l'•'"· ~her:(•. I''~ or ~~t. tnthi.'Spruuh \\';~t l n·h•~ ul •) r<'•ltlln· know thnt ill"' rrHunly to tht• ' nllniiCII 1•1 r .. 1.1111l i.•rt:••. :It II~ u i ·l~ ll<!expt:ct.•liL•IIonn.:toHl.. thuvlJ han c~t of tho lntul that our pe<>plo I c>Wn ~IH•et 1\lll ' • . ttnr" eur In tlu' ~t· •r··• • 1 I "n till' must look more a m! 111oro 111 the It W•>u lci \•e 1'11 ~tl 1· mnro latr .. "l"'n·.·~ nlun~: th o• h.rl•tlr rw 11 In future to m nkc II[) it~r the de~.: rca~· ~cn•a ltlc. nu I t" th\' l.!•'ll\lr.d g•>ull. at pll e f\( sa~ "r' H:ht -~ '·' "' •r< th.• future·

1 1 1 t•• ththlh'll u( thu \\'ut l uc ia • nwl ing yiefli . :111d l e~~ TCIIIUIICflltl\'e 1 ~ hf' J:l I\ ll' t'H" : 11' I :llh do). I\ I llll;l · :-.o11th A nh'rH'I\11 tmcl" IMibt L11 u rl1•t•l results. from the ll'~rl'<l"l of tho 4~:.1/ l·lt·rc.l. th.ll II 1 1~~"1,:1 "' 1~hc• l . tu ,.f twrc\l ur thrcu tull• • ' '"' uumhcr ply·

\\'Julst not IIIHntn•ltul tof 11 hn~ l.e~•p Ja, c •I ••· k he ll'"trl•l hi" !lt~lll· r .·~: r•·::nl •rl) '" nn.J frc11n Llu" 1111 r1~ h:l!l been llnaw 111 tho p;l•t tn :uri' )!C' IIll .1: Tl'lu:re•l to h:~ ~·.,~ud~ 1\lth· "lllllh h"~·· b •• n tho .. '•J••c!JI uf •m·r· the hu l•.uHIIIl'\11. If!" t:lll't :~.11 ac-j111 •llltahh· c.ld••::-nnH ••r 111 the l•••ac f••r l111hf.•x '11a.·rch~<ntll trom us knowledge that '""' h rcm.tiiiS tu


. J.:ul!e .,f ·' hcr.l .1j 41111lC lll)rl • ar.ic•L ''"s br tlnnc. l'ul,hc 1'!'11"'111 11' '1'•1.:! t" 1•e :~rou i· - PA 111 ~. ~ .. ~·. £5.-'l'hc lii!Jlliry

[r l'rvtcci l•1:1 I< .1··-r r:lhle :1• n C'•l un tha • ' lllf'·llun ( lur thNc .Ire into the c11~o 111' <.:!ll•l.ll n Al!.urt ·.~ epur 10 any ut Ctn r lndu;tri P~ 11 11"' INI' 1111" 1 1111111al•, 11 hc n " 0 l>royfn~. IIO\I' Cun lin('.l lllllllllttarv

l! llrt'l I' I ~ l'\IJ.:,I f,or Ill tla c C l~ t· HI J,• II(' u •tt th t• ~r('.lt lllllllfl<'r that pri4<lll •Ill a Churge 11i htf!h trc.l"llll furmln~ l ·•r•• l;!'pt lol' llrf'r r 011' ncr• 11 I th an 111 h .\\ tng st•ld infurtnllll lll cun·

A ! 11 t•. th o ' ' '" •trr .1t l •rg•'· l:tt•• r " " 11 :.:r·•n•t·l• ), !In that the I~ \\' I'Crlllng fromier fr.rt~ t u the l t.llinn with tB 2t MI·~~~ " ' rnh li.Ht:.an~-. i '' n • I•HI,.:••r lil•lll ('t l to tyrnnnl•c ~m·crmnent nnd h.lllllt; uthcnYI~e tn••o tl.l I'Q<>r, 1:11 · n' --• lt L<"•I ln 1111• 1 '11•·r I he 111111"' Thi' g rN tc•t !!'''"' loctr.wctl tut lillHI' •Ccre:s of tilt' p 1•1 :m •l Qllll .. u!•·•· lr:, .. • ~rt.1111l"· I' 11 ... l.!rl'.ll<""1 H 11111 '._.r • lwn lcl he ~.,1·ernmen1. hn~ ~h $cl<h!·c l tho <':<:· cnl m:~nuf •<·tnrt'"' .1 'I .1• n , ..•. •• ,.. tla •' " ' •: I' \\ '' 1'1\'tlll rh ~cu3 ,tun Ptcrwo of n 11 i•le •j'"'a I >! 1'~11! 111 "' qucncc J•:ll'" hlt:l,.• r l•r ct·rt aru 1 ul the ·11

1')1' ' ' •pyiug with 11lrw 1 l.q•' Drc.l lU•

arll cle> ot d.ll lv ll·• th , ., 1: 1\ ollthl l -----~ w.1'1 c•muocte.l. 'l'hrcc 1111•re arrl'•t.; othcn~ ISC du.-'all f., r the lot'lldit of :-,•1rr.1l rar.:••c• .. i:\cl\'f•lllll1llnnd lni\'O bcun m!ltlc a:a a result ,,f lht• n I CI\ c.1pitallsts :1ud .1 fo•\1 h un· 1 fi•h ( :'.:1·-.1 !Itt• lllltll h<•rol' thc (\tpe l'll•tlliry. the por••m:! :1 rro1•tud hoin!: d rcdd of f-llnr!' ti <•JH'r ll l\r• chll'fl~ l.\ nn . t./udt•t t) hal ('h\'!'11 un lulld Ctl twu ,(.ierllllliiS n.IIIICII \'1111 C:~~h cl l inug 111 fn"u col ' I J .. Jr u'• - a I ••II tl ~t· ll al11 1X tunrkct. ·· Theoe and SchoenlJcch, a nd tLI·'rc tH·hm:lll po la<'.Y of 1rh tch ll rn 11 h~ nlruu~l li·h .t rt• ... ,; ~urtnl,ll' holii CI'Cr, for who~c name the nutJa.,ritio~ lt nvo rcgartl crl n~ h<'rc•1· t•• ~111 th:1t .• t ' t .. , .d t r.11h·. ),.,in .!' It tnl driNl hi not g il·cn. Gc u. ~lercicr. tninis tor time~ '-Iron).! .t .. u lJt~ 1 r .. -~ une • I ~u11 .1 \l,truh•r t•l uuatf· 'l'lrcy wall ul W!lr, ordere 11 :t I!C.uch of their 1111 ml n~ t" it, f.11rnc~- .tnd IVI·•I"m I" n•-•lllf' l'e.J ""'lth . hu~ tlt uir ru· ll( I:J rtmenH, 1dth the result of lind-

In tlrl:! tOIII,..dlnH " " wuul•l '"'I: h.1• lorur~ht ll•twn tho prh:o iug :t , nuanbor of incriminatio::; sug~el't ns n ~ uloJert for the l ucnl ul .\ tl'l :""c•Jtl 1 1b lt t.•r tho ~a :no ,JooumonLi ro1•eahng a pl <lluf wide cnrt.Joni st an n•lapt:llloon of t h .11 1 ••rkt•l1 .' r:~mificntion::~. ft is oxpocto•l llu1t wcll-knnwn picture atlvu, nllllg the I n t l 11~ (lc,lluBI!Ii•ln the foll uwin~ 11 numhcr of arro~h iu connoctlon v irtue II( " ittdge'~ Food HI \\' hlch :~rtidc frr•m n Inti! 11 11111hCr of tho thercwilh will llo<ln he nlnolc. 11 plump,o1 crg rown " lun1p of& lJ••y ' l 'nnath :lll ( rrnc·u 1• pu•~o~"t"l of .Q.J)d - - --is represente.Jnslookingdownupon wal l ue rc11 l wrth 1nlcrc..;l by our -.'frl t ~. s. 1,\1'•11-"•·• '"· :i. :;, l.\· a tiny "youngflter." nnd anying . re:1den : FL~SI>KE.-tno Uh;cf J11slll'tl .1;-hva•ro•tl .. If oo eat Ridge'!' F ood. oo would ·r h P nrmod In nur port rf.!rrntll· of 11 tlu• Jncl_~:mrn~ of tho Ciun. au lll i~ <:llBI'

be :ubi~; a.' me ·· Doul>tl c:!s tf the ~l l'nnol'r iru 11 • 1 Juhn'A, :\'Ill; ~j~h on S:llurolav l.l•l. o h 1 .I 1 ll will t.'e r.·m~nr'•rr .J tlr •I, in l),k poor nnymnn 11 crc !\S muc pcttc• "'cr 1-1~•~ quaruda uf J!n'C'n cuu Ish

and feu :t. h1• " rethren ,.,f the .1u1rh tllla.tr.•t•'l lh" ,·h~ll.:in..: c•m· r .. mbt>r l~t, Q ,.,,lh·hm tur,k p!a<·o 1' "" - 1 1 11'Ccn th~o t\\'o 5l< ' ""lei••• uhoout ti(1 Cnplt.nl. ho wo uld ho n., II ell ofT ahu.u•s tu whach o ar t•ha.·f IL•·m " t'l· rnill't u f1' 1.'.1pt' lt..•c••, IVlwn the Oyl'r•'" ' ..

HoWC\'er I OUc h th13 ntl\\' !Je d ld· f"f1 II j.:r '' 11" ·1111>1 fot•llf;: 111" '

1'' anl·j··~ ti s mk with ll ltJII c •r.t•l or COIL•III-t h•J Putell. It l .... · ck fi(>Wf .. , ) , •c~ l 1>~ nll t haa Leuu wit ·~ m my I'S(II rt• nee. I . I I 1 t I • "~"'' ""'> _,_, ~ '" Ill< r1 han18 In th~ Julh lr.tol thi\L etc.tm· 8 lll' an.. C!l~ll 1" nc• '1 11 ;uu. '"""'''" " • that. COfflJ•n rut•rrlrl •t>enkin~. l itt le , ~ W£1'<' m aull t'o.! lor tho the tmus· 'Jhc J .J\ Plulnlro w~• •••rauualy d~rl)· hns been <lnne t•• i •rnnwtc the cu iLi · fHlrt.allnn•)fs11ch "pr>rl1 ln•hloc•>l/lfiiO•h· n;.ooe«, h<•r t!:<pt•nac8 roJi in!l llll•ut$•l0r' vntion uf the lnnt! - n. lh 111~ 111 I) ~~ drll'll 11111 p.1 rt i••lly <'llrr.t tl~h. !Jut IJUO. Tlou I~'\ t-'lruulro J!li,Jntoothls purl, wh1ch the ~rent mass of th7e1J f>lo tlrt• JIII'X••r.ll•le l11~1c ot fe~ cts 1~ ~-: r·•'tn· 1•ringlt1;: hr ro tJr .. Cl.lpt~iu ~n l rttJW of

I I I 1 h•• l '1 piOntAo. l'f'I'Wt'l.lin)(s were taken ha,·o a \'I ta tnterest •lly • ~•dupJn::: " C'"nl• <'I•· r •. ,.,, uttun ' " lhr .\dmir.tlt~ O.•n~t C.: ~In• C.•lnny,

Grnnted thnt •omelh ing, ~ny. for :·.~:~:~:r~:~t::~,'t1::~:~~~l'd~·1~j'l,~';:.",~; :1ntl the L• Flnn1lro arn$!c;l al u'l t::.u.il nrgument's ll!lk!', e \'ell n grcal deal ~L••nm ''<'ts~la frum t. l 'r.·rr<' antl at>nH• of tho own!'n! <)f llu• Cqcr,•nra h :lil been dono 111 tlrti! direction. of the outporL• 0 11 tho W••lt rn CSHat uf l'Jlu ~rjal of thl! nr tl•m lo~.~~t c..l eol c1'3l gcnernlly, howe1·er, 1n t\n inter- ~ewfoundJaml for aome rime put ami lFe<''-' • thor<liJCJil8 •!lr:•IL f• t(IY·Iiv" 11nli· mitleot, hnph rv.:~.rJ sort of 1\ay, it Ia un•l(•ratool lhnt tnc r<'aulta have nuy 'llilnt"'IU!! exarnincd, luJ ~.;n;ider· "'et it is clc:~r that, \vhcn 1\'e 1m(urt IJe<'n cnlirt.'l~ rat1sf"ctory tc conea)(neca lli.Jll' c• porl ~timony nutluced on bvth ,~ 1 1 ... ti i,J~. such >ery l11rgc nut\ntttics o all ~~~A rule ' IH IC ah putl'nl8 cn\'\1 .,~en

., • · t 1 a. k ' " 0 Tho el•idt nco Wl\8 of n l'c,..., contra-kinds o f ordinary ,·ogetablcs-oats. mnu!' an snme an• ani!< • n .. :oa ·u.., a . ., h t t I I

rnllccl or whl\t m:ty he dreorit.41d lfl Jaet<Jry char~~olcr, nnd tl.o coun,cl on ny, po n oe.,, etc.,-ns 11'0 < o, t 1cro hnJ.!u hnrnp.-r~ or m"lllng or hllggin~e !1oth eltles were ~"lt·'~e'l for many dnya

bas not been nea rly enough •\o ne wlrilo •1.,ccially con&truct•'ll CIIA( .. of 111 Cl\l"~.e;l\rnln a11;: un Lho mnny >,C'ch·

And yet if the country raised nil wood "' lh huntlh'll of mp<' hM•u alo10 nit·al ll(rlnll of II!JI'i,;alion and seam:>n· of these arti cles thnt 1t requirctl, Let'n us~d In ordf.r tn 11ccnmpliwh the elup. TLc couna~l Clllll~l wore Mr. the grent bulk of tho people. c~- J ·urpoto~f promptrl€'lhtt r) 10 all went-. \lorill')n anti Mr. Orl'cm;, (!. 0,. for tiJO P ecially the inhnhitnnt..• ,,f the Out · rn~. Tho •· cmpue<~" ltrtl rrturr1od 1111J Cf pr,•nre, "ntl Mr. Bmert~on, Q C., and

~ . , hi 0 I ~ r. n .. rwUOll, fM tho ·~ ~o·l:wtlrc. port!, wouhl beucfit , for nlmost nu1 o nv111 a o 1n t ucc<'ea ve voy•IC•'• · 1 1 1 1 , 1· h' Hi1 JAr•l lup tho Chid Jnadce pr•"­evcryhouy could engngo in raising ~'1" ""rl! rf'llul ta vary ng " 1f"·-~1 •.: • 11\lu l over tho eor1rt. awtsll.oJ t,,· two •• le•at ft'l TliUCil fta 1a needed '·•r • cgree rom t re COII\ 'I')IIIlCC o o.-.. 0.11ry . 1 ,, I 1• - "" u . ·~ o ' " non periahalole artick't! The curgo o/ O'*UIIIl4 a.u~asor11, v..pt.• Ill ~· • And his own immedinto wnnts. the " ~irnrod ,. rcf~>rn~l to j, in bulk W:t t.h, two f XtJCriellced 1\lltl rcli~t.ole

\Ve hnvo sometime'! thnugllJ th 11t t.ot~•o\'l'r, &rld j, .lt'llis:ncd for lrt:'atrncnt m.tttor anulncn . Conliclerable dt>lay if we hnd chnrgo of nfTnirs for n I y tho' Jll'tl<'<"" lu uao 11t tho Fi8h Dry- was occMiorll'd In urrlvlnJ: IlL Cl lirml while, wo should like to try ns nn I ll)( J-:, tathliahrnenl of Ucasra . Whitman ju.lgmcnL ia1 Lito 11111tter, owing lo tl1u

Li I 'vh r 0 tl r tl "loa ·nee (or eomc time, of c.,.tttin Ash, experiment, for nt le:urt n few ''CnrR, nt n•rt oo 11r.. pera oue o 111 .I • 11 · f h ' h rJ • nl\ture ~tro enceeufully carriloJ on ill lUlu tho IJreu of lm•ane..s in ~he court,

ae puttang o n ag t:1x on aore1gn Fr.u•ce, uoll•llly at the ai'Cht riea in nor- 1=-l'llJSe•Jucot on tho J::Jeeuon Tri.•l.s tlur­ngriculturnl products, so ns to give •le.ux and other ecAJ>orta 111 tbat Jng tbu IIUI)'snmmer. the great body of tho people en· country,and therl' is 110 reaaon to doolot Aft.er oo01idcr..U•m uf tho "olurnin· cour:agomcnL to cuhi\'1\te the soal . the mcth(•da ompllrycd wall be Cllllltlly oua at"kl oonflictlu,; t tin;our, q.nJ csm.'-11' nothing elAe, s uch would be p. proolueth•c of gon:.l r~ulta lrf'rc. Jt ful c:onaull4tion with thu 1\lauitime recognition of tho fnc' thnt tbe accm• uhvJnuw lhl\t the d•·• ~<l•lt•lll rfll of Au...,, ra, Ilia V..rtlahip, on S.tnni"Y1 • · l " clcli\·~c.J a minute 01 has jntlgment, ami m 11iorit.y of tho p<~oplo ht\\'C 118 much a eyet~m which wall om• •lc Lim uaue,- \ 1 l'r 1 1 ~ th Le · 1 1 men to proeeente hla ulling nwre vl~:or- PI'OfjOUI)CC\ tro •. ~1 prcnea w •ol,ly to o ~tm . on e gte nhare ns I to ouely nntl conLi nunmly,lu "ina the tlrf'· lolnll)e for I !O CIQIII•IIln• mtnortty. ing nnd curing to experta 01111 h•rd y Tt.ia ia the Lll');t1L an1J I))~ iu!r"r·

f11 11 to be of lhc greatCAL poulblfl bc110. !~11~ adoair.aliy aull Ol'et trir:..l bu(•lr.l But our object to-dlly ia to direet ti~ to "" oonc~ned 1n thle ~treat Indue· the 8upre1Jl• t.)()~,Jrl of thia C.1lony1 in·

attention to a drawback under try. ln meaL c.r the <•ld caLabliahod lhu- Yol•ln~r, u iL did, 80 IOIJ!f • period In ita which the owner or a field, ~rarden, erita ol Jo!urope " complete •ubdi•lai•m trial, aod oYer h•lf a nnllic.r1 duJI•I'lo or f'arm labors through hnvin_g to of .lahnr i• the ruiD, the rl•h folk doli•er· ~he part\e. lnt~re.tet.I.-Tc..IQirilm, keep up fence.' afound it. Jo n ing the Jiah to-cu.ren whq~e 1018 bmi· -Qrdt'n"r{. cromnt1'on haa .. o. ne.a Ia lO prepAro tho article lo, IJl&r· •• u couratry whue lhe cultivated lnnd kN. n 18 unrl•a.lljltl 10~rforily ol pt>lJ)e Camil ar enough, but there is poueeeed lo ao small lou, as is Seot.eh Flnqen Had•lle., and nt ~o ttfll r•ll)&iD many poas ibili tiea in the ease in this country1 euch i.1 J1 Du4:b Herring_ an f•mou• thro111houL ttlt 'IIIJ,Y of inter,e$tii)J ynriations. TOry burdenel)me inlliction on the Europt~ for lht'lr fluor: are rem~rkable Lady 80ol)e6eld cOQSJb ot tbe Ea•l tiller or the ground. J<~ery owner IMt.aMM of the reanlt. poulblo or at.- of Po!UQIOII~h 1 was Qromaled • 00 of a little plot of lnnd hM not only ~:h'!ft.'hb! ::_~:C:..:fbl!'a~:~~~: Monday at Wo'klog1 ('1 , a .. nnd, bJ t.o compete, if he cntc.rs the mnrltet, are taken. )Jature b~--11ned Halt· will, her ashes .werf! tnlcen w WaiOJ with couotri .. so htg ll_ly favored fax ua•reai CW!Olft ofl.h.e lllblllf trade and aeatt.ered m the Rower Jllrden by Nature u Pr}'!ce Edward h · which hu been &n lmport.ao' reC4«~o of per home in Pembroltesb1re. lud, but, ln addttaon to the very our pnperity aioee Itt Mrll«wt e:r -large ex penN incurred for neces- • mfGI, and eYerJ\hllll ooanN&ed Jb 4 OIJiftQ ~JOYIJ eary manure, hu to bur an addi- • the m~mG~ll'm Ntd impro•ed medaoda T)le P.,_..nt IJaYOT ceo&le~tion and \ional esc.eedin~ly heny coai Cor of foeuri .. Ule peAt lnduatry Ia a aoo&lit .. '"'-""' ofiltrnp of '~· •"~'f mahdainiog eneloauru. No won- maun of defl) ••...,.I.!> al! 'liNII't of In need oh luailw•1 en4 j L~u '""" der •• ban 10 many complaints the eommunhJ. Vane<~ ~ ~r M- or m,_ber be e~.eu.~a en bihowr1 l))o

aou~ •no. ..... pmra ,._, ~r • moei p&ilfiDf "'ulle follow ILl ua" 1 that farming in Newfou~lantl doe11 fleh.,tfN •n. car. and .,.1 the DtOI' fliat f:llk 11 "'" btw& fat~~ity n!medJ not pay! Loolc, lor antrtance1 at ~nc. o1 out ~loaa, aod Jbe deo- 1 ... ..,..Nl' flllll111abould ba•• a

,the many &bo1111\Dd8 of dollara ~ I **'-ioo ct UN area& Lri a.cc. uu1t o ......, · .. •

NOT-1-:;--FI~u.'\~ THE CAPITAL ~-o_c~l_!:~Oth~r . It-e~s~ By Tel~~raph:' 'Ren'l~V. a!~· e It i• p:tinfnl tu rc.:llrcl tho rnvugc:1 -Till' lorr ~:t Tru·t~ l\ 11s I•HI •• I •'"~ or l lT.\1 . 1 ~".\X, l'\ o,·. 2"\ - T IH•t·c nt\!

u£ that inueh rl n!atlc,l ~cour).!c, pnrl th1~. rurornu•.: It~· 11"' ,.. ::.. l . hl) !'lrn111e•l rellltionsbctiiCCII Et:::lan<l - - 1 !t. t\1! l'l"· tli1•htlrN i:1, :It a ::ctt lomcn t not fnr Ul '~<!r !I.e l ru"1

' 1" 1'"" 11'1 f,•r nra: al. anal r\icnmgun over tho ~l u•'JIIII•I --IIIII\ t.!tl tltc

tlt stnnt f: .... llll" city. -Early on -Tnl' ~lt':llll•'r n .... : .r. ., O~pt ctctl l t ll:l~l '1lfestion . STOVE AND TINWARE \l•mol .\,1' lin· IIC \\:1 lilt::! hn talgll l • her•• 10 ~I· sr•. J 11t111 ~'" "" .~ I'·•· nn htuth•JIIn~cs \\ere feh an ~c1cr.d I li luWil tlrnttlit,htherin h:1ll tnnUC it.! ' nJ,. ,· 1\llh "lfl .. ul uf cu •l from \\'.dcd. "eCliOil :i .,f Itn}v }'Cllterd:l\'. nppc.1ra.l•.•' :1t lh y Bulls. nnd thnt ...: '~he French t'·hamlrcr ol' ll t: t"'llc:l I ~BUSINESS__.?> •c1·ond :'.u~rlllt.'• lr:t•l tho disease' in - Tho trust<'<·~ nftlll' l ''"""•·nt r:, tnte mllfictllho C.llll\thnll treat\ 1 cotcr· lhru· h•llllc~ . The authorities o n of ~[,•Mr~ 1'. ~~ L T. un•r lnl' c ,J,·chan~l dnv. . • into tlto ncw--thl~ ..... l'lh l\111 !IO: tl~~~ Clllickl", nnd &tliLhJi ""'' of lWIIJI••r Ct'lll. OI " ruunt~ {> ia 0'8 n· k d ' I t 1 I . I ··--·< ·" due. 'l'h ra i~ tho lhlr,ll"''' lll t!l II•· the r •c ~ lsmnr lr t yew c r• ay <.'!ilahli l'llll rt cllt~ loy 1101111\ Dr. 1'1ko aml>ie'MM'tw .. :~sil! · 11, 10 • ' ' Jap:Ln consent~ to con• a•lcr the t.urt• wcr<J •Hith<l ro:a•l for thu nlJOI'e J!Cnce prop•.,l!nls uf 'hina through Water S tre~t East l'l.lcc At riVIIII) I here. tho doctor -I.C •IIII:It.-~t.~us II nil nn.., I RI'C tho .\IIICrlcllll minis tt:r,. IHIIIIll thnt the tli ~.:~ c h:11l nlro:uh· rccch c-.1 " l•ll or .tr•'ll!c•l wch hul\nl British protectorate uf t'J;:t iiii.L <·ntcrNI 110 lc·s th.u1 fifteen huuscs, by trutu from \\'lutlonnru,•. :\h~r:\. hne been clcc lnrcd.

vppuloi tc ~l cs:~r•. ('. \\ ..._Bu•s , · <.:o.ll

JOlt~ I " L'B.\ '1'111 E. ,111.t tht• pc l)•h' were terribly fright· ll:~llantc:~tl Lu Jc1ll 1n thiS lane of tl'l\Jo No\·. 2'J -The prO!<pects nf pence cnc,L ~., uld ·h li:t), in fact. that 111 fuL,ln' LC'twccn J :lpun«nd Chinn ur~ ~uod. Wanted L\1.\IELH:\TELY,

h~· :\ family or tltrl•r, i n~!. J uhn'l', A <..J :~ !-:ItA I. ~Elt\' .\ ~T. 1 ioooll \l'!l gt.'~ .atHI a comf;1rtnltlc IH>Iur to n :m it d olo pcr•fl ll , AJrply al :O:rAIJ· o 11111 Olltco.

thoo~c 1\h11 h~.t nut tho d1~cnso in 'houltl tho \Hir continue, Jnj •:\11 -~ll'fAI'l! ~l•tnll llr•>S. ~ol,l 11 IRI'l:t:l lllt tht•tr h t••t···• ll•>alol not J;l \ ' 0 111m ()( tl:lnu.:.:l'·l h ' Y h) R<h:taon 1.,.,1"~· pl:111s tn c.t)'lurc Pekin. ( Dr. l ' ) ,, .:•HIIIIHHintion, or C\ Cil l'racu <llotont ~~.-, Jll'r tun The E111pcrur Willinm i.i ill. A lui h '" i t.r.o tlr•"tr h c)use~. llc rc· :\(r A Hntlwr1t1nl wall IKlll Kun.lry GovcmtiiCill cris is is cx \rcctcll . turuc I 1 • t •I\ h on Tuc~tlny morn· arllch-s h) <~m·tiun t•r nl·•rr.,w The <.:Lar hn:. ncceplet n ct~luncl -lll", an I <~.,II 1: • ngnm n~ soon M -.1-- - cy o f tiro ~cots' Greys. 'l'ht• C.:z.tr the :na·J.nntic~ prol'ide n smtnhlc -Giouccftt•·r. Xrwt IIi _.:,·hr. 'fhNie, tltnetl fo rtv thousand puor in :O:t. l•lncl· 1•\T ln:.u It 1-1 t o he hoped wln• lc Mril .. l lrom Gr.tn•l JJ..nks to·day, f'cter~huri in honor of Iris wcthlllw. l?'c·ooA.\L r.S~

reporl.ll the tlrownin,: uf l>.:m s Quinn, <>I ~ " thiil 11 til I •• •lunc 111thout delay, C.•pc llr..t .. n, nn•l J1uuce Lurnon, or He 11nlks tbe s treets withuut nn nll•l Cl'cn • tf•••t tuno lc to check the :\owfotuhlh,11,1. 1nc>mLc1'11 of tho crew, escort

'-'C 0 A L S ' E..LLl~ (; AT '· .

pr· •,:rc•~ ·.,ltlri, tlan,:crou'! mnlntly. h~· l'llf\'idnb of n .Jor) ,,hal<! nttcndan~; ;\II sug:~.r refineries in the Unit<'d tr.awl,. ~talc!! hn1·e closed. Fafty thuu·


RUTHERFORD's I In :-- .m•i 111 ni ).(ht nn<l ~torulny l:t-t 1\t' lt.t•l :1 Alight fn ll of RIIO\\ ll' lth < .on•t.!<lr~blc fnH t . On TliC3· •l.r1· tlH· mi' •l tnru mndc it very hnrl 1\.!ll\ln;::, 111 l th:.trly C\'Or} body is ,.,,:"\'l., it llll ~ ·•f l\!'1 fccl , ns scnrcely .111y 11Nt~ "ill keep fl lll th1s ~now­w:li\Jr.

l u my !n·\ [ mcn ti1>ncJ n stcnmcr th'lt )'lit t n J,,.rc ~hort of coal. :;illt·c then liP lr •\\' l' h:11l two other •t!'am•ltltJ•·-onc .1 licrrnn11 nntl ""'' E11~lt3h -put in fur the same purpv·c J am :tfrai\1 coni will bo $~ .arcn 1lti• 11iutcr owins; to the t;:reat ~ lcm:lrt•l f, ,r tlml urltclc One tluo ( 111 rhi; cn•lnot·tion i! h:~rdly 1.r1r 1•1 the ''l' l:•lo " ' this city. II 1; that th·~ l.•ml wh1ch our towns· pl·••plc hn.l 111 i''Y "1..)0 pel' l•m f,,r ' " ~1\'t:ll tl.c-i! -h pit for about s;;.r.o. Of cu·t~c tl>i'l ii tiro conl-tlcnlcr's hu•i ua.,, l~ut [ rx pcct thnt when lito ir-IJIJ•IY hogio'l lQ run low1 tho price wall ri •r •vnwwhnt, nnd tqcn IIUT JIC•I)I!cl II Ill 110 lli ii<IU tO pay Ill ·

directl y f,•r t!tc cheap coni s upplied the•c a~lr.wl!'r.; . •

)'IJ l'rO is no•hing t•ul itical to re· Jl"rt ju- t n·r~ . 'fh" Gondrid~e a•l 111iui-!r .• u •ll .~rr. 1r••rkln~ inthctr ollit'C• tH tft<• (',,(flll itll J1niJtling , day nutl t,i :l•t 1hin,! up 1111ttcr:~ pro· par:1ton· I•• : .111n i ll'.{ t!;c: rcig ni nf lt<I\'Crni'H'•.t ·n cr t•l t he j)arty lu tr;ly r6l\jruj)tl 1 ~· t!IO ucop c. Rulll•>r hn~ it . tt..1t nttor the qc foat •Jf ~rc•~r,f: t: rlr\·c nud ~lonnru, i.hlJ <.i•lollrirl:,:c l':uty wn!'to1l to put thc,c ~l'nt!I'IIICII bat·k 111 the I.egls­l:l u \., I'• '"'cil, hu t thnt tho (.;o,·er· nor llhJr:,'tutl, un7;-;,, thor" nrc two e.•t~ 1'ac.mt in tho CpJle r Ho u. " · On "0\'<'ml <ICcn.:~ion.:~ recenllv I

au<'uti''""'l ul••lllt tho inferior pack­in..; ni fiUr lob·tcr,. ~<l ll/1,' luw Mhottld he ut.Hic to compel peo pl41 tu 1.1 hol tltdr tjna, pnd then. and not ti ll thou, will 11 0 have$ U!!e~f!l nrtidc. The loiJstor n lwn pro purl y hnntll crl. 1~ a'< fine n dish 1\11 n por­'"" ctnJit) ,Jc•irc )iow, it so hnp· (>t:llet! lllul J 11 ~~~ in n );rnccrv s to re n few Cl cnin;;d ~nc.c n lton n womnn came in nnd vn{l l 2J cenu fnr n t in or lol.,; tor for her h usbnncl's t tl:~. I I'!(?OII t11lking lo lhe clerk for n few ml notQI! ZJnd t he poor wut11111\ toturncd wilh tbe t-'iq, •ttY· In!! It WtlS not tit to enl i and neitlier wa:s It, fC!r It wn.a ach1111ly rt>lten. Of cour~c tho clerk would not giv• tho woannn b:tck· h~ mon~y ; ho sai~l they bQu~ht it for 11 genuine nrt1cle, J.:c., l~C., nntl 110 t he poor wo mon \r~'\.9 n1inus 25 cent.s. 1 d on' t exnr lly lont>w tho onuio of Lhi!l, but I s urmise thi\t lhe }lllnnl) who put up thnt fleh did not lcno.,. nn,Ything nbouL it. The only rtllhGt.ly for this is to compel all pncl:eri:l tQ lnbcl lhoir 1jne1 nnd put their n1unc on them; 1 donlt L~inf t ho prinLing would he an enorrqoos nmount, end then the man wtjo d~ good work wlll rp'p ~qe ~ warcl, ancl o&he rs who don't under­s lnnd tho busi ness will be com­pe lloa to lcaro lobstor-pnclclng nlonc. . CH.AIN ROOK.

. t. J ohn111, Nov: ~. 1~1J.f ·

-Tho l(ic(apc» In1fan Yl!llleloe Co. ie now A~ Trinlt)': ll .. !Olf Cr<JHlicl q~er from tho eouth,.Jrr eiJe or the Bay lut wtck. Thf'l tmupo it to •lalt lf'¥tlral

~&OM lu Dorl1l1'Ut.a Bay, befote IL ro­r•lll· In ft('art't Ounu.-, and nelrh­'i"t; plaen ~hp j:f'JIIal Dr. and hla aa·

ti.-ta~otlf wbn tbe r~~~ and ~·'nJ of bil ~tlitlJ•·nC!I', ah~ m•ule ma~l •?tntle.

.·r--:--The Qreentand left h•rt117~r­

dy &o so, on dock a~ 8&. lobo 'a. ·

-The .teauwr Cullan, Capt. Ft!ll!t'r, llrrll'•'tl hNo on Ttn•a•lll) ntgh~ (nun :st Juhn'~ :-hu h •·I 11 p n L CM):•• fur ~les~l'll . Juhn ~In n.: ~~ (;. , , <'•runt to llUOIIL 3000 llllrrda Thrs lalhloJ, ~hc took lrr r . .t.-pMturo for ::!ytlney ) C1tcr· tl:<y IIIOrllln;.;-.

-Till: \\'t:ITIU" Cu~'TISt;._, II 1110.­Du:in;; th\l 1\t'l'k We h \\'C " ·"' t\ scncml !L.'HOrtlllt'IIL or conchthlll!t- 1\ lui, mill, SOOIV An J fr I J',, j hiJ.;'•l fnllll lltt• prl'l!cn~ outlook, the clrnrlct>ll ur.• th:ll tho en<ow luis come to 8t·t~, !Ill• I tlr11t we ahalllnll • c11rly 11 tnl•·r wcrtthn

snntl hnn•ls 1dle. ~ .. ,. 30.-'l'ho Japnne; o ( ;.,,·ern­

mont rt'fu~cd to rccci\·c tir e (;Jriuo,;e -.\'1'-('ommi•~i oncr bccnu:oc he 11 a~ tw'l> $ S . PER appointed Ly the Goi'CIIItncnt nt TON. l'ekm. x .. ,;!:p

Tho C'tar·~ proclamuliun reduces =--"-:':-:------,-===o---=::> by one-th ird nil iiii)Jri••mlllent .... For sale cheap. nn.lmitigato~ nil ~iheraau Houtcnco.; _,.-nn<l !:r:tllts favor to Fiulnu<l A YOUNG PONY

The Fnmch ncc usc Lla11 L:cru1an :r ' Emha~syntPnrisofbeangtheccntre .lhuut .') ycnr.i "hl ,~<'ll t le nnd fwe of IIIli'" ".Ystom. 1nn1 d e(' Apply .It thc:-l r,\."'DA.RO

" Otlicc. u:?t>t f Hyrne, specin l Trcn~11 ry Oni t·e r. -----·

report!! t hnt mos t ,,r the fish 1111 · . ' Crl u·r.-Thc ~clr r. l'rmc.l, JIOrtcLI into l •llllll"C:!ler h v A111~'ri o 111

(\\h' I J:lll &Jtlwro Ill th ... l:lle llrCt Z•·nn•l \'Ci•OI~ . cnu,.ht hv ~C\\'.Ifllll o t liamt -, 1\'ol!l ft.:rwlll'\1~ gllt uti 1111.! )lilt nn the o • :ihp), wa~:oQ:.I to-•lny h>· )(r Hullwrful\1, cr~. and purchased by Auwncan ~c•·rdnn· ••f tlao t'lul· au 'Lh.clr ah•• "'.1@ IT:~hcrmu n. shoul tl pny duty

l\ !11\\ Oi l Fur uU h.1ud--. •• ,·;~at• :!.i c•·ut- ~~ ~ al1 Jl .• p t h.

ineurrJ.' 1.:111•1 \\' . llutt, Jr , t;.,n;IIL !nf• ! ....- - -hull lur tho aum " ' ~.!!- l l•J'' ;me.·. Lettor from Dr. W . T. Grenfell I -::c-:".,.---=------~-~-..-

-Thc Wt·ll knn\\n 1\lt r.\ll i••n \\'lud1 Gui'~'<T llo(·,c. 11

lis:I.L hue for ltdh h.1.~ inthtct tl lfiJ.:•'II I•!Il" ~t. Julm·~. ~v\ . :!G, '!I 1. rash•t:llHJII til ullhzt•lhe 1•!. • trr. h~ht ·~ IT•> Till. &IIITOtt o~· Till: ,TI'-'IJII ,, 1 I} IMJL. 14th! Jl 1 ~ ~.qf til •• '"'~ II •1.-r I ()t Ill :-JII,­r!' H• Ill lann).; I<Y~!·Ih··· l . t!:o' ~ ..... lib .,f .-\\. " lrtr~ h(otll IHIIIIj.:IIL l fllll) l1 lac, hllh, Whi ch &I\ lUI 1'11111 lt ' t• I!IHIIIIII•It I I hell nr1 II [lUll) IIIUII& p llll '!loio 1, , ult · glob ·, rwtl nrc enall~ <'a11,;h1 . fi11l" .1 au P.n;:l.uul. C•>utni r:w•: ,,, ;lt,h

-The l .. .,ty <Jf tl .. • unf•·ri'IIIIIU nun, T honatt" l::·oul, hi :-\,• t HI:.&:•I'"' IJ .y, w~s c<•n"•) tot! lu St. .J .. hu'!l l'<'r M IIIH'r ln ul.'ll•nt); am \l .ono l t~ l•~o.t. l k)! ·~ hu (O(•L '"''I h·~ l t .l ('l•t rttl t,,. ultt u! t1u­Jt lihu>' c.trrl •>.:·"~ In \ l:>nl r• '\I, nnl olictl r,...m tlcc .. u ..• I "' lho• lUI It\'. IIi~ r .. n,.ur~ h~n·' 1. ,.~. ::• u' t , :"' t • ~ " ' Lr,r~ U.l) fu r wl,·rtrh'lll

FUH . ·AL L:: Ar 'fll.;

- F Jnc,y i.lmJ Toy Bazaar, -\'li' IUIU'.. "'ll.r:r.:.

l'.q·l'r ~l.u:ho Br11t:!·•·h, C:1nl antl l 'an 1'1 ay•. I .ctter t:al·k<>.

.j <r\l•wl, 'l'<•J 'l'ra\'11. T t•a l'a•lllic:t (.'rurn l• l:t,t·lt nntl 'l'rtty. tiln\'c nnd

llaiHikt·tt·htt•f J:, r)tc:', Tal.lc :tfnts \\'•1rk (' 1'''i, ,\,·., ,\:(' .

.\ 1 •t ,,f t 't.l.'.lp T. l, ~. &c., for (' h ri:. t ""'' 'l' rcc:. :u~tl B:tl:l.u -.

.\ . 1\:.\ nttr~u:F~.

' f qn UIIITI•IJ Cul t. \IUtA.-Thr<'• 1 .. uu-: lbrl!ur Or<~rlll <• l•h·:y lt•ft hue ' " TliUtu 1•1 llrllhh l...'<~hlllthl l \II:• ~~~~ ) l!lk-ml to en~; •,;•· 111 the Ill" 11 •i•lwr~ One nf tl1e I' 1rty- Jvnn Jl"il•lp-h •• J.,c.,z; r;ut wut for aomc ~ ,. ard nut! laM dono well .. , t jlo ;l'·'' ' ll&hen ·. '1 lie mhcrtmro John lfcnnr»'•'y. (•nn•Jf Cupl , W, Hennre'e~ ) nnd \\'m Keele, (~on lll the hate C• pt. J 111 1. Ko:.:lc) w, wieh tile youug ,.,e;: {lcwr.lll \tJ -.ork Ill the nc \\ eotfntry '(o ~ 11o;h ll~c~· ~·•

!111•1 llltlCCUruttl ftla to' IIICI\1~ CUIIt!t'TII I II" the Lal;r.hlolr, Ill l ~t•ang circul111" l , ~~ ho r.: .11111 ia nttrillul<'t.l I•J 111 , h ' lf I •hunlol h·• IIIU{'h ohlig.-llf )'•Ill w.•·ll·l ~t lull) Ill•• rt tl:is lett< r. I eh.,ullli ,. r., ~I} tu ''"''!>:1111 pht. t,a~tlt·le 111 ' " " ' ' l' 'l" r~. ur h ll••r h.\8 c•··r cm.lllo\11··1 rl'tl:u ruy p• It •·.XC\•I't 0\ l ' r tur tU\"U t~i~U t,lttr•\ l tll lll• olrnt•.J.• nn ti l o•in.; till' jorllll f•ldt•l In 'I'" ,u•nl, I ~C'nt II It) th • II •• ulllih I' J,r 1 cc \J I~ion 11.1 1{••1' .,,. , Fr~!u·r.u, .r ----' " I m lnu, N')uesllr.;: lhrnl 111 1 1~ 1• TO ARRIVE SilQRTLV ~ucn ~~~ I'~ us .. hiJitl·l l.:.ul ti"""' r1 ,. ·•II· 4

-T~c lftlll of th;• wr~cl:.·.l achooncr J)~~rhng It as gouc 1\t pjccCt<1- tl.c fll&n!, rlg¥i111[, &:c., wcro •:u ctl an•l IJFI>Ur:;lr~ into port, and -.·Ill rr11.1y l(r. M<1l~c for bts outl~y. limt. r onlinary weather circumaLanC('jllhc achr wouiJ lune bCfn J:04 ~. b'!~ Ill! I l:;Utl\l")"a IICI\ and wind eellled tlie ch'kuth• " ' 1.c. l;e;n: 11o.atctl oft'. Capl. Karty and four of I ne '01'11" lett here y.-st~rday by tho B. S. C{)IJnh for Sydney, t'n route for ~heir home In P,unen,burr1?i, ~-·-- · -~1.\R.IS£ NoiUJ.·.::Tbo A. ~J. ~run·

drh, C.ptaiq Antle, loft hcio 'fhn't'fd")' morning for B11y Uullerta1 .-here tl)e balance of her e&lllO will be aul·l liy Meura. E. & W. 04wc, the cnterprialu![ owncrr.

Tite brig!.. Tn11ly, Capt. llferdon, lioitbMl loodln~ laet night, 11ml ia ready 10 p•jl for Brdtl. 8he hu A full cari(O or Oddllab in dr:ul)l, , 1,800 drurna anti 1226 half'1.1ruma...!.iri 11!1 abouL 2Giq_ljtlc.

The echr. Flyln~t Foam, Catpt. ~od, ia now loading with bulk tl1b for the Uedherranean market. She wHl be Jiady W aaiJ alep,~ "eflk, 1

~·nuiiiHgt. Qinfe!l'l'J-J.e, OaU;. 4114u, i• i.o loacl ' w~h bll, ~ .. fot'l:.obd6o; when~ Lhe v el '{1'111 llo aotd. ., -11~• let ~94 !s o~ dock aqd

expected hero iborU)' ,

London, No•. 16.-Timca aaya to-day In eummlng up rceulta or Newfound· land elect lone : "The governor'• rofnaal to dllfl•lill Wltlltununt lru t..een fully jnatiill!d. ' •rfl~·r+•uat of l.iul)iOllJI]lt jay be 'upta'nod lfy ''-u'mt~~i6b that · ~ elecLon ~najql!l'l til'al unfairaddn E bad boeQ a.• en of technical polnLI n the new ael oo l eOUH Jt'Oem uneeati of the Wbltcwayltte. We feel tbal &bit Goodridge Oovemment, which le an ernbodlmtnl of COI'IItltu~lonal purilJ' or nolhlor, ousbt to juelifly Ita own -6~ en~ by 141' f~r~e &. ~ for coh-• ~tlO!W ~u • ol &~ I rfC:h P•'rb•Pf ' t e :tJrb,~~ .,tJl:!Jt OOull8 WOuld lltlQ ,.;tfti !JP.m~t;r

••l•lu fur ita IS,Ue to accuro it• MIJ•I:r. s· _, ..... Hd l··•c mo tn be ' our~ ltuh·.

\\'1 LI-"HIW 1'. G JC I-:X n: l.l~ ::!npl. ~l D .... F

The Gtrl ·or '.ro-dny.

~ft dear ~rr. EJitor, 1 lmvo aomcthang tuan~,

On thtl suhJCCt !'1st opcnc.l, 'OuuL the " Garl of tho' Dl\)' ."

I "unfi• s I am 'tql\rricJ . .\nJ rcol quite jn l)ncl To hoi"' tlrat•lll(irlt

0( l Ill dll)' aro ltko ruino, I •!{reo with the writer

::iaxntoJ Portia, 'lwaa lioiJ ; fL ;holfa there i• aomeonc Tllo'\lknae-to up/lol~.

Tho glrle oC lno <I"Y• M r11r aa I kuow,

Are u wiac; met'k and moJeeL ' 41 zt century ago.

T£ t\le young mon don't marry, 'l'ia th4!i rloiia 1 cbntcod ; ' ,

JJ'!.',' lj~e tho from el}OC', 110me are we o!J «ll')itRd.

I'll bet If they marry A girl of the day,

You'll hear them uniting In eborua anti aay :

n know not the want Ot my buttons, aod feel

ft!at J now oan enJqy In fny JOOd booio a meal,

That Ia cooked b)' my wife ; Whu more can we aay

J'~ praiaeoll.hupcue~ Onoe • ~\of ~e 9~1 .''

To\b- un ed \nan, I would 'pojdL ouC Uieee f"cta,

41\d th.nk jc!Q (or 1pace1 ' Your l.oflllf fdcqd-:;:


- \Vr;ootNo B£U&-The Oag. diaplay­ed to-day on lhe · leading mercanJild

r;mleee, u weU u many oftbe pnnte 'J cpc o( 1.o , bcto ~ lh4 ovebt~r ~rrufl~ftl~ tb i:me b•ppy

00('.8 ...... bappemnc eome.rere. . Thia proyed to be lhe qupUala ollfr. Duaald Kunn, refe."ted l.o ld a 'la~ la.uc!. 'nte barrY e•enl took place al Rurlderafteld

1 to-day, wbm our youns friMtl Jlledreo bla troth to lllai Shaw ol tbe abOTo place. The happJ oouple havo Neetvcd tho wann oooptulaLI0111 •nd bo.el


Por ,ch r. f:. ty "'•ric. fnma l hn rlotte. to n n, 1'. E. [ . a cnrgu • r

P"R.IME OATS· AI.• 0 1

'Potatoes, Tur.nips, 'Parsnips, earrots,

Turkey& and Geese; \\'ill he !!Old nt h•wciH r:ttu!l. • ' Orders now bookctl for a lr<J\'C · 110 ·

cu~o your tack llttW qud hnyo 1tlit

gntn or lull' prices. A~DHE\\' P.HtSO~S.

novl G

:qr.. ItEHR,. Dentist.

Offico nncl Re!lidunc"-" LTON'1 HOt'~N

W;uer Street , ITnrbQr (iru~p1 PROF~IOAL CARD.

r\lltl ,

ROBER'J; J. PARSONS, B(lrNlcr·lll·L'Ito. Nt.J(ITI/ Public( - nn<f I hft I'6Vtitl«l"t ~ , .. .. t

O"r ..... •· n i1 • " ,_ J ' • IC&o. v CK\~ l:iT,ST. Olflll·~

.-Probat<'tl, Wil!a,..Adminulr.alioa, and lntol•tnci~ •11\1 all ht,-.1 bn•Jntfl prompety and ~l!f•ctorilr attcridet.l Pli n201m ·

10 cents Sond Ill 10 eetlll r: ·O..h or&ampe ancl

"!'o wiiJ aend 10 your ,adtln't13 an)' where ln tho 1Jorld a copy, rJt>pntJy Lnu~ ancl priuted, of 000I"JJO Ellloc.'a famoua noyeJ,

Mr. GJLFJT.'S [,f)VJl S7!()Rf. .Now edition; W!)~b A J:l't'lll ·l~~ money. Ad!ln'lf, IRVJ~O J . KJI.~SII It eo., oo F•ir•l\•w &mlt., \\'llu·rbilrrr Conn., U.S.A. ni!Qhn 1

WANTED! ---A Good Goooral 8f'rnnt. ., \he STiNDAR.D omo ••

~or~«J, l~ ...

