
Faint Tappings Heard From 18 Trapped Miners 5^1* Presidential Race Rise After East’s Vote I.nnA.V. W. V., Mai'ch !I (UI’l)— KaitiMappitiK's conii fnim a voiililal iiij: sliufl fiv.. tiiiU-s from Ihi- |iit luwl |x ;-ihiy iiiiiicalni tndav tiiat nr alhif IS mimirs tr'ipp in a mine hm- siiUT rarly ycsI.Tday wmi sli!l ali' TIr' iapiiiiiKs wriT n.iii irtm'.l l.v I.iiizii> :l T nirv 1‘ark', r,f noai--I.5iKai nidciUificcl buy reporlnl liiM the v.'iililatiiij; .“hart. Tilt'1 of Iho ni MANfliKSTKK, N. i!,. Mardi I) f/P)-S<‘n. John I'. K.'tin.'.iy's i-.-i-.v •kolrrj-td iii'w hi^h.t Inday us a re.suU of liis rocuni-inpplinj: )>crfoi- hire primary. \'ice Prc.sidcnt Uichni-<i -M. Ni.^oii, iiiiiipiKi.sfd-i ..... . nlstt smashoii tlu-COP rw n i.'U ’ith tlio slate's rntirn ;;)io ],n-(-ii Mini riiclwii'i;sluniuy’.H.})rimary. tlii.-,\!asrachiisctts Rcnnmr iinllr(!'.12.!i(:i! votrs-: ivi-.stiKaicdiprcferc'iUial poll. This imirL'than limibk'il tlic total an.v oth.'r Dcmkm >1 Ilai Benson Giyes His Version of Latest Row, Raps Court .initial’^ockskv- iiaiico in the Niiw n llie Ucpiihlicaii cts roporti'd/ronv n-thr-Dcmd'ralif dcntiallJnshcd the Idaii iti the Timps-News liew tic Ally.' (?cii. Frank L. Bcii.-!un Kave 1 ’ itii-i(lfnl itT'tiis offirt- Tiifsiliiy invoh .siipronn-' coiirl and .‘<tato (»im Tiie.sday niuht. Uciisi •s fir.-jL imliiic p.\p!aiialion of ft “let- iiK -William -U. ra< imd laily iiew.-^iiapcrs in an interview in Twiir Falls bn'ilfly while cn mscif tho latcsl leual bat- tle launched Tiic.-iday in ' ;n Pailffctt filed an Willl the KtlltD «u- irt demanding doc- appcal of a Rins- 'ilKtiway condemnn* \vlll ht : nr Jlnr. I iijpemlrrt t.'ndrd luck wticn Ih 111 II-:iliosc simirlicadliiR the rc.’< jin;U*|wi:re ortlcretl lo Inll buck. • I"” ! WUnoii llie men could lift > . '"e Mirvlvfd II ihpy hurt built n bn 'rirr of coni lo iirolrcl (llcm^r^ p.'.sr nlliTrdh- «in-ilrK-■ tr„in cns mid fire (jv ills licinii' xvuh j„u u.jg „ y„itrOny, 01 on I-.-b, :s wlira kv , -nir mliicr.t were ealombrd ' le children drieclccl hh ftci bcluiv ilie .Mirfiict— nboiil nnd rpftincmo ■nticwimriiiiit* jfom imc pitiif;ia --tne-tU.rnonKrTIlr-coMii)Ul:irfdF ^ LsJiiciirs,so'B nrrc.M wn.i slRiicd by Slicrifr Jnmes I)ui Vem O. Tljomft.v 18. 100 Duch- nnnn xtreel, \>i)« flnc<l tl3 nnd CMU nnd cuulRned SS demerits TuL'Jay nflernooti by. Tv,ln Fnlla Police Judge J. O. Pimiphrcy foi (ipecdlne. TUomu wm cited TJiur*. day on Olua UHcen bouIcvArd for KtKcdlnR 30 miles nn liour in a 35- mile zone. JnmM p. Dcllevllle. IS, routo 3, TR'ln.I'all3...Kaa died .lar. -fftUurc ro yield Uic rlclit of wny nfier t Uvo-cw colll.ilou III 3;<8 pjn.Tuci' — (tTTln the COO block of Sho.%hone streel vine collided wUh h 1959 pickup truck driven by Henry W. Hile- iiinnn. 37, OoodlnfT. pollcp report- ed. Audrey Tlilemivnn. 7. llil mnnn’j duUKhief. nnd a pd-wnci . Incurred it bririv:d knee, but did not rc<]ulre trpntmcnl, Pt>Ilce Mid ncllcvllle-* Ford tn- _t<Tfd Kha^lione filrcfl from nn n!- )ry and drove In (ronl of the pick- up,. DamnRe to the truck wiw csil- innlfd nt »200. no ft.illnintc wm msde on diwinRe to the I-'ord. nilfnmnn’s wife wm not Injured, didn't idlneM m the mine but ordcliUs Mid that iwn ft iJilnB." A iihort dlatance ftwoy, mining company store, i men And' women — rcla frlcnd.1 .of the tropped miners— had apcnt most of Uie nlnlit nnd lornlne awaltlnir word of theli jv'cd onej>- Rupert Drain Svstem Filled To Overflow Ilin>ERT. March 8— Coklnue<l iln.1 nnd melllnR iinow cnustd by armer weather caused drali from the Nortlulde projict overflow In low places nartl licrc Tuesday, rcjultlns. ln .washed out road.1 and bridges and nece: ItattnR detours for school buse.v Kest of the arcii.i where use hns ben lo concentrn laiural driUnftse ayatcm.i Wife Replaces Clmrcli Meet SpealvCT'Hcre 'Hie Rev. DoiiftW L, nioUman| announced V/ednesday Uiat Mrs.' j. warren lluUnta of WasliInR* Ion, D. C.. will replace'her hus* ban4 lu one or the principal apeakera at the (list stale convcn- Uon o< ChrUUan churches to b held at Uie local chtireh this week end. Dr. HasUnes'wlll bo unabli to attend. Mrs, KadUne.1 was reared In i parsonaRe In ij-neh&urg. Va,.and ■arned a ma.iier’s degree In Chi' In education at Yale unl<(cntt she apent 12S years a.i director It youth actlvltlu at Savanna) ]a„ nnd the University of Wash WashlnRton DlKlples of Christ Mr.v Ha.itlnRS has been a it tured speaker at Die Internationa) nventloa of Disciples of Christ id a niimber of slate conven' in.\ the United Church Womei imclL% in several slalcJ, youU Rroiips In d)urchcs and on cani' puses, and at prenchlnR inlwlom of Uie National Council o Churches In several cUIm. Slie la acrvlnc cuhenUy on" Ihi Rtneral board of the National Connell of cmirches of Chrlai said two Moroccans were found in the rubble of the native district of the city. It h»8 been cstlmRledtihal up to 12,000 persons lost thtirllm when ARadlr was struclc by two giant earthquakes around mld- nlRht Monday. Feb, 28. ' Idaho A ttoner Ceneni Fnnk L. B«ns«D and Mr*. Benton (topped la Twla FUit Tneadtr nlcb. their WS7 to Malad in (he wika of the latest round between Benson and M’Ullaa B. radntt. lairyer rejirtseallnr the Idaho hJfhway comiolisleB. The lateit row erupted fa Boise Tseedar when rad^eK tried to get from Benson s«mo papen needed lo prepar« « court ease. (Olaff phote-engravlnr)' Senator Neuberger, 47, Oregon, Is Dead NcuberKcr, ‘I' iflcr ft )^rc.,_JIflrc)i-Q-(UEl)— Scn,-Jljcliard-L, •.-who-won'ft hnllle with cfuicer, died lotliiy . NeiiberKcr only a week hro filed na n candidate to Huccced himself and no rtiajor onpo- •lition wa.s in-flight. He was elected in 1954 ns the first Democratic senator from OrcRon in 40 ycar.s. The rov- ernora' office in Salem said memorial services are sched- uled for 2 p.m. Suntlny at the Temple Beth. Israel here ■lt>''bc"precedca"by private 8crvice.<«. It was not Immedi- ately known if a stale funer- al also -would be held. Mciibcrccr's dcnLh cnme Indonesians’ Chief Strafed Attorney Benson to Seek Dworshak Post —P-OCATEI,LO,-March-9— I<!Rho-Attorney-Genernl-Frank L. Ben.son, a controversial public fijrure since he took office in 1959, announced today his canilidncy for the Democratic nomination for United States senator. Gen-son launched his campaign with a*nt the “Smylie-Dwor.shak team,” and commented on j\.myriad of topics, he considers relevant to the political campaign. The attorney general conferretl' with members of the Teacher’s guild and Pocatcllo Educa- tion association toilay bb'fore the announcement. He ■ was in Twin FallH last n iith t .qe^'pn snliOnVrort. of Hohler eomlnif aftrr the dowmenla rnd- - RCtt came, lo Denson's office and demanded Ihcrn. 'As I did not consider him as tiMlstiuit attorney Rcncral. 1 would tuni them over to lUin,” Ben- --I-HvUl.-I.:would— luraithcm over lo llolilcr." who visibly showed an- t told of the incident TuesUay night, said, ••IIe_ flashed in enve)ope and 1 sald.I dldn^tvant It. 'Die 011^ thing I saw waa •hlRhwuy cfeparlmenf stamped on Lhe ouiilde" • Dcn^n Mid he did not read tlie contonla of the envelope, which was a letter denmndlng the docu* menIs. —'rhe-ftttomey general «Mort«d-h»— - tried io Rivc’ the'envrlope'bacls lo' ■■ Padgett alter liking them, but Paditett would not accept the en< vclopc. • 1 Just tore It In a couple of p)accs 0Od thnw Jt In the vut« basket.” Benson siJd, He «ut«d he talked out of the office and cams back later and the enrelope WM not In t)ie wastebisket, •'He (Padgett) must ^ave picked It up." Bcnsoa added. , T])e controversial Benson de- nied runnlHR from hit office "in jursult” ofPadHclI. ' ....... ..... - •■ I did not consider I was pur- lulng him and 1 would not pursue him under any circumstances," he aid. Ife admitted that hU action* f"Tnifkini[ fruii! tnir~cfftce and h r o w in g the envelope in the •aslebaakel mlRht have given Pad- ett "the wrong ldea.“ 'Benson anllmaledl; demon- Indian Says jGhina to Set ^•here ho commented o Help for Red Gross Efforts Being Sought HIGHLIGMTSin Today's Tifncs-Ncws TBTv ■FTTlw:- row nnd annbunce.% he’ll seek elfctlon lo U. S. wnalr. Kennedy and Nixon hoo.itcci in New Ilanifuhlrc vote. Senator Neuberger dlM .at oro of <7, latin American r.e)aLl<y\s "Slirr rase 5 — H n lle y national rtiard.nmm tise howiirer lo -pre- enf.mow slide nt Idaho plnnt. aplftt I drive rise 13— Prlnce^s MarRnrct *et,^ wedding dnlp for May fi. I'ite H — Idalio Sl.ite wal- loped by California, , Pile IS—Cln.M AAA ba.ikel- .iiftil. iniirn,<‘y.,rMnmc3. loniclii. Salmon rc.wrvoir ir.ish. fish eradication plails outlined. I’aje 17—Tttln I’nlls FFA team wln.i, • 3iir mllM north of Ilup<;rt, Ttie bureau nf rcclamaUon said 'nie(Klny-lhe-wnlei‘.-hna-oTerflow- ^ onto farm land and. water lit rnded triivel on some roads, Tli bureau Is'maklnR an effort to hold . .) areas where It docs "TtW“hai Churches, national capital aslilngton, • D. C.; University Tnysion~tenm“ ot— t7iB~wtnonnii council of Churches; board <" irusteea of Lynchburg collegi commliulon on chrlstltfn educatic -But-Not Hiu-t JAKARTA, Indonesia. March tCPD-A MIO-n Jet plloUd by dlagrunttcd Indonwlan air fOKC shock and left Uie contest for his le scftt wide open. No Demo- ..... had filed ngalnst lita_forjh( Xlny 20 pfimarj'■(»nd'’liepu6licon: liad not been nble to select a serl- 15 contender. Neubertter.' also' a nationally- Off A-Blast iiienL Hcnson‘1 HEW DEUU,India, March B HTJ •A member of the ruling congrc.u arty has sUrtled India's parlla- icnt by declaring communist China-' , "Tlie communlly must gtT be- , , I hind the Iocs! Red Croa chapter." ntry In lt;e_g'£<U^;istatcd-J^».->t*at)-0’Coonorr^-in funds drive chair- . t directors meeting Tuesday, adding that t)ie chapter verj- precarious financial • . Kcniwrtrasf.rffcrr delourcd around Uie area some .wall bridges over Ir lion strrams were reported w fd out. Tlie bureau reported some farms cut off from cntranci main roads and farmers using tractors to leave Iheir property. At thf r-i)inlii drain alx miles north of here, tlie bureau noted cubic second feel of water going UiroUEh ihp drain, Robert Welbel. watermasier o the east district to the Norihsldi project, said, VTIiLs Ts not sSme thing that happens every year and Is certainly unu.iual,“ CSirlsirbonrcl of .nRton. D. c,. Bible joclfiy, anc he board of directors of the cap. Ul area council of ChrlsUar rlujrches. ce'rr,ildCTce In Jakarta and fired n hLi, simimer palace at-BoRor. Sukarno and his family escaped Our>- when the Soviet-built MIQ »ooped low ovei'Tile)Wek(i (Pref ■dom) palace In the heart ef ji ......., nt noon and fired a single burst of machinegun bullels tlmt ercd three crystal chjndellen and pockmftrkcd the building. Reports said two or Uiree pei ons were Injured. IncludlnR a irmy jtuard aliof 'ln the shoulder ind a jjainter alruck in the thlnh Limit on Rights Debate Due Vote WASIflNOTON. March 9 OTI.- Tlie senate agreed formaDy today lo vole at 3 p. m. JESTJ tomorrov on a move to limit debate in thi civil rlshts fight. hou-'.e overwhelmingly approved bills auDiorlzlng sDcadlng .ol_morc than two billion dollars o(i mllllarj- •ccn.ilructlon and apace agency prnjrcl.'i. By a roll call vole of 308 tb 10. the house paa.ied a bill to author- Ul the national aeronautic.^ and space administration (NASA) t< w n d 015 mIDlon dollars In thi fl'cftl year beginning July 1. The house then approved. HOT ti *. a Kcond bill to pemUt Uie arm _idJarces in ■ military con.itrucUon proJectsThl the coming year. '• IS FOir id a iio WASHINGTON, -March 0 m - ,Rtp. Jlamer Budge. R.. Ida., . today Uiejirmed services cowli Hon (he house contained }OSO,000 for Idaho, He Mid the bill ouUiorlied IGD5.000 tor construction Of opi atlonal arid admlnl«rallve fncl lies at Mountain Home nir foi T^iree Idahoans Obtain Petitions BOISE. March 9 t?V-Three po- lltlcal asplranta obUlnrd peUUons from Die sLit< auditor's ofdce yes- lenlay. F^nk^L!^Bctwon.°who^«s°MW wh^waslirng tlie' lumber of times he mlfilit run for They were taken to a J.S, senator, ftobcrl McUunlilin.l 'or treatment. Mountain Home, who previou.ilyl No Injuries or damage vil\re- announced he would -leek Uie'ported at Sukarno's summer re- Democratic senatorial nomlnaUon,' ircat at Bogor, abbul 40 miles from, and Justice Jo.'ieph McKadden. who; JakartA and only a few sfcondsi obulned peUtlons -for-Uie.-non-! Ulghl. for.U>e.JtLJHic pIlQtjn_a4L partisan election as Justice of Die only .lupreme court. the most rcccnt of which !ml vlnis attncks nnd a boul'wHh ho shlnglc.i. He flew home from Washington. D. C-, more Uun a WionUi ago to rest. He was fatiilly stricken at t pm. esterday. Tlie Junior senator from Oregon i]>.^ed Into a coma shortly after Li arrlviil nt Good Samarl llo.splial and died at 1:30 .a PST) wlUiout -regaining ^ <loianes3. H 1.1 wife nnd j» IllL .. eammatc hnd remained hi~iiis bedside iinDI II pin. Gov, Mark Hatfield announced that flags would be flown at half iff on ai; aUite bulldlnRS today. •Senator Neubcrgcr gave his lift public .service,- Hatfield said, e gained a national reputation idded to his auture ---- bwnb at B In Slnklang, Tliere was no other support for and Uic Indlai ind Robert McL-iughlln. Mountoli lanu J , Homi I after jmy» nent said U hnd i Dr. RaRhuvlra, a noted li student who has visited Ch Tibet In recent years. ide the In Uie McFadden wns appolnlKi (f court lo complete the term of C>~S Justice James W. Portci rd last December. d m lM d the palace. Air Marshal Sur>'adarma uld Die pilot of the plane wa.< an alt force lleutenanL but he did noi disclose his name. Ike Says U.S. Relations With Latin Americans at Peak, Asks Firmer Tie WASIHNOTON. March P «\— - - _i»»»-, -' pronounced United States rt)a. Ions with Uie nations of LaUr imerleii'a'l an all-time high. Yet le called for an even firmer parl- .eralUp. ___ In a report lb the nation carried’ by radio and television. ELsenhow- fr said Diere are noUble',' but very, few. eicepUons to the triendly fetllngs between this country and Its nelRhbori to the touUi, He made direct reference lo the deter- iorating Cuban-U. S. Uea. Elscn- •'gQQd--. vlll Journey to Brazil, Argtntlna, Chile apd Uru^ay Irom which he relumed Monday, He said the 15.- Live and rewarding experience," It was a strenuou-s, grueling Jour, ney (hat Uxed the Prrildent's en- durance at limes. But lie showed little trace of wearlne.u when he walked fnlo his White House office a few minutes before he went on (he air. Ills face was rosy from several days of Puerto Rican »un- ahlne. he got jtarled on (he speech, he delWercd It' with few ihat he had Ulked an extra mln- bobi it the rnrt. 1 snld. “Oarn It. I ihousht 1 Shortening U .". El-ienhower said Ihat-on hl.i Ifip fff' hnd found "a vast reservoir ol respect, admiration and alfectlbn for Die United SUtles of America. - But if Uie naUons of Latin Amer- ica were expecting any concrete ptaas for aaslstance or specific of* fers of XI. 8. )ielp, now Uiat Elsen* howcr has- acen their Immenje problems first hand, the speech was a disappointment. Elsenhower ....... .' -“ -■■y-many "sliilii lUHlKliUunind ber of the Unlled States senate,” Formerly » controversial, highly partivin figure, Neubcrgcr mel- lowed as he gnlned maturity Tn the te anil newspaper editors and rs who had fought him bllterlj- . ,. » budget deball upper house. sald-wllhout giving i. lurce for his Infonnatlon — that (he da(e had been chosen communist Chinese Premier Cliou En-lal a posUlon of strength /or, his projected talks in April with 'idlan Premier Jawaliala) Nehru. Raghuvlra told United pre.w In- :matlona) he was not at liberty > dLscIase his sources. "It's a very difficult situation.’ esald.. ____ WOOL PftlCE WONT CHANGE WASniNGTON, March 9 Ifl- The agricultural aald today wool prices for the next few months are expected ^t, current levels. of monUily bills, a bank bal- Innce of less than JSO wli! remain t< Obtained nominating-pp-'” " y cimpter until lOCO fund: Utloni from the secretary of slate's'*’''®^® nvall.ible. yesterday and earlier spccu-1 "T»>e blood prosram I Dial he . llher Uie senate seal of _ ............ on the Idaho supreme court. ■ "We can't move the Smylle mcm- icr of the Snjyllc-Dworshak team mtll 1BC2, so I have decided to do vhatl can lo move Dworshak," the enatorlol hop<;fui said. He commcifted on federal aid to education, saying, "If we could gel the aid wltliout dlcLHlon fnjm Washington II would be fine, bui I :crialnly don’t want our schools operated by a bunch of burc :iie way our highway depi ,“I want the people of IdiOio to Ifnow I'm not in any way oppoai lo building highways. But the wi. the Dw-orshak-Smylle rrRlme Is op- aih Dworshak' ' ' ' bureaucrats working hand In haii wlU> Smylle's highway board thei .« rif« i. Ctlxmn I) Atlas Successful, Titan Fails Again rieS In flight yesterday In lauDChlhR thnt porUnt-affcct Uie:« two'Int' ml.vtles. Tire'Atta.i raced 5.000 ml ocean Wrgct nnd tested site's ultlmikt« Inertial ould hav in :the ..fuiui ontlnental i systi 1 for t permit salvo flrti from one Fivrhoura later the Titan soared NEWS BULLETINS RARA. Morocco. March 9 t ^ F a t n t ealli for help have been heard In the ruins of Agadir's Hotel Saada where about 60 foreign tourlals were ilaylng when (he coastal resort was smashed by an ear(hqi ' U»t-w««k.-K««ea>-t»aon-(ora->t-tb»-wlii»-of-ilie-he(tl-teday-l desperate hunt for more survivon. -WASHINGTON,:March-e.079—PresldcilL.EI«nti0wer. (oday studied surprise personal message from Soviet Premier Nlklla S. Khruahchcv, There «-as speculation It dealt wltlr-i;iieohos'er's planned trip to LOUISVILLE. Kj„ March » OTt^or. Bert T. Combs dMUred Ute of emerieney In Kentucky today at'a new slora piled up to 18 aches of tnow on the sUte. anarUng•(ransportadon and atran" lore thsa 1.000 western Kentucky SUte eollegt basketball fan (owns alojiflfhlfEway . ; ed -BACINE>.Wls..M»rch 8 llTD-A.iUik».ot-lW4;nltM-Au(»AVorker» legan today-at the two J. L Case'company farm hnpleaeat plaata alone hns more than . . . and It Just doesn't ipake seme tlmt the com- . ':y cannot support Die diap- itntcd O'Connor, urged bu-ilneunicn and real- dnts to "give serious thought'* to Increasing Uielr fled Cross dona- :lons,. Solicitors mil canvass the ju-ilness dLslHct this week and ao- IlcllnllDn'in ihc'mldentlardlstrict ’ win begin Monday, Any chib, church troup'or. organ., Iwtlon Uiat has mrmbers who can help with the business and resi- dential district wllclUUon were urgei* lo contact Rulon Schwcndl-. mnn,-who-|j in-d)iitKc'6f Die resi-” deutlal soliciting, or O’Connor, at the chapter olflce. REdwood O'Connor added. "The blggeat problem Ls In gtttlng enough rc. crults to engage In the business re.sldentlal solicitation.” .. was announced that the next bloodmoblle visit to Twin Falla will be from 2 to 8 pjn Monday, it the American Legion March 21. I Tlic . conducted by Louis MclRs in Difc absence of A. P. Nelson, chairman. Free Nations to . Draft Aid Plans WASHING-TON. March 9 if»— Nine of the free world's wealthier naUons began today to dr&ft a act of informal pound rules timed to step up economic ftld to lesa developed naUons. , U d by .Uic United SUtcs. Brit-.. .. In and France, Uie allles't&eUetl-- ^ le problem at a special meeting e*Ued-t»-^evUe-beU«f-ir»yi-fo--- offiet the goNet Union'i mount- iof-Xordsn economlo ofieutfv. mm i

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Faint Tappings Heard From 18 Trapped Miners

5 1* Presidential Race Rise After East’s Vote

I.nnA .V . W. V., Mai'ch !I (U I’l ) — KaitiMappitiK's conii fnim a voiililal iiij: s liu f l fiv.. tiiiU-s from Ihi- |iit luw l |x

;-ihiy iiiiiicaln i tndav tiiat nr a lh if IS mimirs tr'ipp in a mine hm- siiUT rarly ycsI.Tday w m i s li!l ali'

TIr ' iapiiiiiKs wriT n .iii irtm'.l l.v I.iiizii>:l Tn irv 1‘ark', r,f noai--I.5iKai

nidciUificcl buy reporlnl liiMthe v.'iilila tiiij; .“hart. Tilt' 1

of Iho ni

M AN fliK ST K K , N. i!,. M ard i I) f/P)-S<‘n. John I'. K.'tin.'.iy's i-.-i-.v

•kolrrj-td iii'w hi^h.t Inday us a re.suU o f liis rocuni-inpplinj: )>crfoi- hire primary. \'ice Prc.sidcnt Uichni-<i -M. Ni.^oii, iiiiiipiKi.sfd-i

..... . nlstt smashoii tlu-COP r w n i . 'U ’ith tlio slate's rntirn ;;)io ],n-(-iiM ini riic lw ii'i;slun iuy ’.H.})rimary. tlii.-,\!asrachiisctts Rcnnmr iinllr(!'.12.!i(:i! votrs-: ivi-.stiKaicdiprcferc'iUial poll. This imirL'than limibk'il tlic total an.v oth.'r Dcmkm

>1 Ilai

Benson Giyes His Version of Latest Row, Raps Court. in i t ia l ’^ockskv-

iiaiico in the Niiw n llie Ucpiihlicaii

cts roporti'd/ronv n-thr-Dcmd'ralif

dcntiallJnshcd the Idaii

iti the Timps-News liew

tic A lly .' (?cii. Frank L. Bcii.-!un Kave 1 ’ itii-i(lfnl itT'tiis offirt- Tiifsiliiy invoh

.siipronn-' coiirl and .‘<tato (»im Tiie.sday niuht. Uciisi

•s fir.-jL imliiic p.\p!aiialion of ft “ let- iiK -William -U. ra< imd

laily iiew.-^iiapcrs in an interview in Twiir Falls bn'ilfly while cn

m scif tho latcsl leual bat­

t le launched Tiic.-iday in ' ;n Pailffctt filed an Willl the KtlltD «u-

irt demanding doc- appcal of a Rins-'ilKtiway condemnn*

\vlll ht : nr Jlnr. I iijpemlrrt

t.'ndrd luck wticn Ih 111 II-:iliosc simirlicadliiR the rc.’< jin;U*|wi:re ortlcretl lo Inll buck.• I"” ! WUnoii llie men could lift >. '"e Mirvlvfd II ihpy hurt built n bn

'rirr of coni lo iirolrcl (llcm^r^ p.'.sr nlliTrdh- «in-ilrK-■ tr„in cns mid fire (jvills licinii' xvuh j„u u.jg „ y„itrOny,01 on I-.-b, :s wlira k v , -nir mliicr.t were ealombrd ' le children drieclccl hh ftci bcluiv ilie .Mirfiict— nboiil nnd rpftincmo ■nticwimriiiiit* jfom imc pitiif;ia

--tne-tU.rnonKrTIlr-coMii)Ul:irfdF ^LsJiiciirs,so'B nrrc.M wn.i slRiicd ‘by Slicrifr Jnmes I)ui

Vem O. Tljomft.v 18. 100 Duch- nnnn xtreel, \>i)« flnc<l tl3 nnd CMU nnd cuulRned SS demerits TuL'Jay nflernooti by. Tv,ln Fnlla Police Judge J. O. Pimiphrcy foi (ipecdlne. TUomu w m cited TJiur*. day on Olua UHcen bouIcvArd for KtKcdlnR 30 miles nn liour in a 35- mile zone.

JnmM p. Dcllevllle. IS, routo 3, TR'ln.I'all3...Kaa died .lar. -fftUurc ro yield Uic rlclit of wny nfier t Uvo-cw colll.ilou III 3;<8 pjn.Tuci'

—(tTTln the COO block of Sho.%hone streel

vine collided wUh h 1959 pickup truck driven by Henry W. Hile- iiinnn. 37, OoodlnfT. pollcp report­ed. Audrey Tlilemivnn. 7. ll il mnnn’j duUKhief. nnd a pd-wnci . Incurred it bririv:d knee, but did not rc<]ulre trpntmcnl,

Pt>Ilce Mid ncllcvllle-* Ford tn- _t<Tfd Kha lione filrcfl from nn n!-

)ry and drove In (ronl of the pick­up,. DamnRe to the truck wiw csil- innlfd nt »200. no ft.illnintc wm msde on diwinRe to the I-'ord.

nilfnmnn’s wife wm not Injured,

didn'tidlneM m the mine

but ordcliUs Mid that iwn ft iJilnB."A iihort dlatance ftwoy,

mining company store, i men And' women —rcla frlcnd.1 .of the tropped miners— had apcnt most of Uie nlnlit nnd lornlne awaltlnir word of theli jv'cd onej>-

Rupert Drain Svstem FilledTo Overflow

Ilin>ERT. March 8 — Coklnue<l iln.1 nnd melllnR iinow cnustd by armer weather caused drali

from the Nortlulde projict overflow In low places nartl licrc Tuesday, rcjultlns. ln .washed out road.1 and bridges and nece: ItattnR detours for school buse.v

Kest of the arcii.i where use hns ben lo concentrn laiural driUnftse ayatcm.i

Wife Replaces Clmrcli Meet SpealvCT'Hcre'Hie Rev. DoiiftW L, nioUman|

announced V/ednesday Uiat Mrs.' j . warren lluUnta of WasliInR* Ion, D. C.. will replace'her hus* ban4 lu one or the principal apeakera at the (list stale convcn- Uon o< ChrUUan churches to b held at Uie local chtireh this week end. Dr. HasUnes'wlll bo unabli to attend.

Mrs, KadUne.1 was reared In i parsonaRe In ij-neh&urg. Va,.and ■arned a ma.iier’s degree In Chi'In education at Yale unl<(cntt she apent 12S years a.i director

It youth actlvltlu at Savanna) ]a„ nnd the University of Wash

WashlnRton DlKlples of Christ Mr.v Ha.itlnRS has been a it

tured speaker at Die Internationa) nventloa of Disciples of Christ id a niimber of slate conven' in.\ the United Church Womei imclL% in several slalcJ, youU

Rroiips In d)urchcs and on cani' puses, and at prenchlnR inlwlom of Uie National Council o Churches In several cUIm.

Slie la acrvlnc cuhenUy on" Ihi Rtneral board of the National Connell of cmirches of Chrlai

said two Moroccans were found in the rubble of the native district of the city.

It h»8 been cstlmRledtihal up to 12,000 persons lost thtirllm when ARadlr was struclc by two giant earthquakes around mld- nlRht Monday. Feb, 28.

' Idaho A ttoner Ceneni Fnnk L. B«ns«D and Mr*. Benton (topped la Twla FUit Tneadtr nlcb. their WS7 to Malad in (he wika of the latest round between Benson and M’Ullaa B. radntt. lairyer rejirtseallnr the Idaho hJfhway comiolisleB. The lateit row erupted fa Boise Tseedar when rad^eK tried to get from Benson s«mo papen needed lo prepar« « court ease. (Olaff phote-engravlnr)'

S e n a to r N eu b erg er, 4 7 , Oregon, I s D ead

NcuberKcr, ‘I' iflc r ft

)^rc .,_JIflrc )i-Q - (U E l)— Scn,-Jljcliard-L,

•.-who-won'ft hnllle w ith cfuicer, died lotliiy

. NeiiberKcr only a week hro

filed na n candidate to Huccced himself and no rtiajor onpo- •lition wa.s in-flight. He was elected in 1954 ns the first

Democratic senator from OrcRon in 40 ycar.s. The rov- ernora' office in Salem said memorial services are sched­uled fo r 2 p.m. Suntlny at the Temple B eth . Israel here

■ lt>''bc"precedca"by private 8crvice.<«. I t was not Immedi­ately know n if a sta le funer­al also -would be held.

Mciibcrccr's dcnLh cnme

Indonesians’ Chief Strafed

Attorney Benson to Seek Dworshak Post

— P-OCATEI,LO,-March-9— I<!Rho-Attorney-Genernl-Frank L. Ben.son, a controversial public fijrure since he took office in 1959, announced today his canilidncy for the Democratic

nomination for United States senator. Gen-son launched his campaign with a*nt the “Smylie-Dwor.shak team ,” and commented on j\.myriad of topics, he considers relevant to the political campaign. The attorney general conferretl' w ith members of the Teacher’s guild and Pocatcllo Educa­

tion association toilay bb'fore the announcement. He ■ was in Twin FallH l a s t n i i t h t

.qe^'pn snliOnVrort. of Hohler eomlnif aftrr the dowmenla rnd- - RCtt came, lo Denson's office and demanded Ihcrn.

'As I did not consider him as tiMlstiuit attorney Rcncral. 1 would

tuni them over to lUin,” Ben---I-HvUl.-I.:would—

luraithcm over lo llolilcr."who visibly showed an- t told of the incident

TuesUay night, said, ••IIe_ flashed in enve)ope and 1 sald.I dldn^tvant It. 'Die 011 thing I saw waa •hlRhwuy cfeparlmenf stamped on Lhe ouiilde" •

Dcn^n Mid he did not read tlie contonla of the envelope, which was a letter denmndlng the docu* men Is.—'rhe-ftttomey general «Mort«d-h»— - tried io Rivc’ the'envrlope'bacls lo' ■■ Padgett alter liking them, but Paditett would not accept the en< vclopc.• 1 Just tore It In a couple of p)accs 0Od thnw Jt In the vu t« basket.” Benson siJd, He «ut«d he talked out of the office and cams back later and the enrelope WM not In t)ie wastebisket,

•'He (Padgett) must ^ave picked It up." Bcnsoa added., T])e controversial Benson de­nied runnlHR from hit office "injursult” ofPadHclI. ' ....... .....-•■I did not consider I was pur-

lulng him and 1 would not pursue him under any circumstances," he aid. Ife admitted that hU action* f"Tnifkini[ fruii! tnir~cfftce and hr ow ing the envelope in the •aslebaakel mlRht have given Pad- ett "the wrong ldea.“'Benson anllmaledl; demon-

Indian Says jGhina to Set

•here ho commented o

Help for Red Gross Efforts Being Sought

HIGHLIGMTSinT o d a y ' s T i f n c s - N c w s

TBTv ■ row nnd annbunce.% he’ll seek elfctlon lo U. S. wnalr. Kennedy and Nixon hoo.itcci in New Ilanifuhlrc vote. Senator Neuberger oro of <7, latin American r.e)aLl<y\s


rase 5 — H n lle y national rtiard.nmm tise howiirer lo -pre- enf.mow slide nt Idaho plnnt.

aplftt I drive

rise 13 — Prlnce^s MarRnrct *et, wedding dnlp for May fi.

I'ite H — Idalio Sl.ite wal- loped by California, ,

Pile IS—Cln.M AAA ba.ikel- .iiftil. iniirn,<‘y.,rMnmc3. loniclii. Salmon rc.wrvoir ir.ish. fish eradication plails outlined.

I’aje 17—Tttln I’nlls FFA team wln.i, •

3iir mllM north of Ilup<;rt,Ttie bureau nf rcclamaUon said

'nie(Klny-lhe-wnlei‘.-hna-oTerflow- ^ onto farm land and. water lit rnded triivel on some roads, Tli bureau Is'maklnR an effort to hold

. .) areas where It docs"TtW“hai

Churches, national capital aslilngton, • D. C.; University

Tnysion~tenm“ ot—t7iB~wtnonnii council of Churches; board < " irusteea of Lynchburg collegi commliulon on chrlstltfn educatic

-But-Not Hiu-tJAKARTA, Indonesia. March

tCPD-A MIO-n Jet plloUd by dlagrunttcd Indonwlan air fOKC

shock and left Uie contest for his le scftt wide open. No Demo-

..... had filed ngalnst lita_forjh(Xlny 20 pfimarj'■(»nd'’liepu6licon: liad not been nble to select a serl- 15 contender.Neubertter.' also' a nationally-

Off A-BlastiiienLHcnson‘1

HEW DEUU,India, March B HTJ •A member of the ruling congrc.u arty has sUrtled India's parlla- icnt by declaring communist


, "Tlie communlly must gtT be- , , • I hind the Iocs! Red Croa chapter."

ntry In lt;e_g'£<U^;istatcd-J^».->t*at)-0’Coonorr^-infunds drive chair-

. t directors meeting Tuesday, adding that t)ie chapter

verj- precarious financial •

. Kcniwrtrasf.rffcrr delourcd around Uie area some .wall bridges over Ir lion strrams were reported w fd out. Tlie bureau reported some farms cut off from cntranci main roads and farmers using tractors to leave Iheir property.

At thf r-i)inlii drain alx miles north of here, tlie bureau noted cubic second feel of water going UiroUEh ihp drain,

Robert Welbel. watermasier o the east district to the Norihsldi project, said, VTIiLs Ts not sSme thing that happens every year and Is certainly unu.iual,“

CSirlsirbonrcl of .nRton. D. c,. Bible joclfiy, anc he board of directors of the cap. Ul area council of ChrlsUar rlujrches.

ce'rr,ildCTce In Jakarta and fired n hLi, simimer palace at-BoRor. Sukarno and his family escaped Our>- when the Soviet-built MIQ »ooped low ovei'Tile)Wek(i (Pref

■dom) palace In the heart ef ji......., nt noon and fired a singleburst of machinegun bullels tlmt

ercd three crystal chjndellen and pockmftrkcd the building.

Reports said two or Uiree pei ons were Injured. IncludlnR a irmy jtuard aliof 'ln the shoulder ind a jjainter alruck in the thlnh

Limit on Rights Debate Due Vote

WASIflNOTON. March 9 OTI.- Tlie senate agreed formaDy today lo vole at 3 p. m. JESTJ tomorrov on a move to limit debate in thi civil rlshts fight.

hou-'.e overwhelmingly approved bills auDiorlzlng sDcadlng .ol_morc than two billion dollars o(i mllllarj-

•ccn.ilructlon and apace agency prnjrcl.'i.

By a roll call vole of 308 tb 10. the house paa.ied a bill to author- Ul the national aeronautic. and space administration (NASA) t< w nd 015 mIDlon dollars In thi fl'cftl year beginning July 1.

The house then approved. HOT ti *. a Kcond bill to pemUt Uie arm

_idJarces in ■ipmd-tl.lfl.l.icajaa.pnmilitary con.itrucUon proJectsThl the coming year.

'• IS FOir id a iio WASHINGTON, -March 0 m -

,Rtp. Jlamer Budge. R.. Ida., . today Uiejirmed services cowli Hon (he house contained }OSO,000 for Idaho, He Mid the bill ouUiorlied IGD5.000 tor construction Of opi atlonal arid admlnl«rallve fncl lies at Mountain Home nir foi

T iree Idahoans Obtain Petitions

BOISE. March 9 t?V-Three po- lltlcal asplranta obUlnrd peUUons from Die sLit< auditor's ofdce yes- lenlay.

F^nk^L!^Bctwon.°who^«s°MW wh^waslirng tlie'lumber of times he mlfilit run for They were taken to aJ.S, senator, ftobcrl McUunlilin.l 'or treatment.

Mountain Home, who previou.ilyl No Injuries or damage vil\ re- announced he would -leek Uie'ported at Sukarno's summer re- Democratic senatorial nomlnaUon,' ircat at Bogor, abbul 40 miles from,and Justice Jo.'ieph McKadden. who; JakartA and only a few sfcondsi obulned peUtlons -for-Uie.-non-! Ulghl. for.U>e.JtLJHic pIlQtjn_a4L partisan election as Justice of Die only .lupreme court.

the most rcccnt of which !ml vlnis attncks nnd a boul'wHh ho shlnglc.i. He flew home from Washington. D. C-, more Uun a WionUi ago to rest.

He was fatiilly stricken at t pm. esterday.Tlie Junior senator from Oregon i]>. ed Into a coma shortly after Li arrlviil nt Good Samarl

llo.splial and died at 1:30 .a PST) wlUiout - regaining ^ <loianes3. H1.1 wife nnd j» IllL .. eammatc hnd remained hi~iiis

bedside iinDI I I pin.Gov, Mark Hatfield announced

that flags would be flown at half iff on ai; aUite bulldlnRS today. •Senator Neubcrgcr gave his lift public .service,- Hatfield said,

e gained a national reputation idded to his auture

---- bwnb at BIn Slnklang,

Tliere was no other support for ■ and Uic Indlai

ind Robert McL-iughlln. Mountolilanu J , Homi

I after jmy»

nent said U hnd i

Dr. RaRhuvlra, a noted li student who has visited Ch Tibet In recent years. ide the

In Uie

McFadden wns appolnlKi (f court lo complete the term of C>~S Justice James W. Portci

rd last December.

d mlMd the palace.Air Marshal Sur>'adarma uld

Die pilot of the plane wa.< an alt force lleutenanL but he did noi disclose his name.

Ike Says U.S. Relations With Latin Americans at Peak, Asks Firmer Tie

WASIHNOTON. March P «\—• - — - _i»»»-, - '

pronounced United States rt)a. Ions with Uie nations of LaUr imerleii'a'l an all-time high. Yet le called for an even firmer parl-.eralUp. ___In a report lb the nation carried’

by radio and television. ELsenhow- fr said Diere are noUble',' but very, few. eicepUons to the triendly fetllngs between this country and Its nelRhbori to the touUi, He made

direct reference lo the deter­iorating Cuban-U. S. Uea. Elscn- •'gQQd--. vlll Journey to Brazil, Argtntlna, Chile apd Uru^ay Irom which he

relumed Monday, He said the 15.-

Live and rewarding experience,"It was a strenuou-s, grueling Jour,

ney (hat Uxed the Prrildent's en­durance at limes. But lie showed little trace of wearlne.u when he walked fnlo his White House office a few minutes before he went on (he air. Ills face was rosy from several days of Puerto Rican »un- ahlne.

he got jtarled on (he speech, he delWercd It' with few

ihat he had Ulked an extra mln-

bobi it the rnrt. 1

snld. “Oarn It. I ihousht 1 Shortening U.".

El-ienhower said Ihat-on hl.i Ifip fff' hnd found "a vast reservoir ol respect, admiration and alfectlbn for Die United SUtles of America.- But if Uie naUons of Latin Amer­ica were expecting any concrete ptaas for aaslstance or specific of* fers of XI. 8. )ielp, now Uiat Elsen* howcr has- acen their Immenje problems first hand, the speech was a disappointment. Elsenhower ....... .' -“ -■■y-many

"sliilii lUHlKliUunind ber of the Unlled States senate,”

Formerly » controversial, highly partivin figure, Neubcrgcr mel­lowed as he gnlned maturity Tn the

te anil newspaper editors and rs who had fought him bllterlj-

. ,. » budget deball upper house.sald-wllhout giving i.

lurce for his Infonnatlon — that (he da(e had been chosen communist Chinese Premier Cliou En-lal a posUlon of strength /or, his projected talks in April with 'idlan Premier Jawaliala) Nehru.

Raghuvlra told United pre.w In- :matlona) he was not at liberty > dLscIase his sources."It's a very difficult situation.’ esald.. ____


The agriculturalaald today wool prices for the

next few months are expected ^t, current levels.

of monUily bills, a bank bal- Innce of less than JSO wli! remain t<

Obtained nominating-pp-'” "y cimpter until lOCO fund: Utloni from the secretary of slate's'*’''®^® nvall.ible.

yesterday and earlier spccu-1 "T»>e blood prosramI Dial he

. llher Uie senate seal of _ ............on the Idaho supreme court. ■

"We can't move the Smylle mcm- icr of the Snjyllc-Dworshak team mtll 1BC2, so I have decided to do vhatl can lo move Dworshak," the enatorlol hop<;fui said.He commcifted on federal aid to

education, saying, "If we could gel the aid wltliout dlcLHlon fnjm Washington II would be fine, bui I :crialnly don’t want our schools operated by a bunch of burc :iie way our highway depi

,“I want the people of IdiOio to Ifnow I'm not in any way oppoai lo building highways. But the wi. the Dw-orshak-Smylle rrRlme Is op- — aih Dworshak' ' ' 'bureaucrats working hand In haii wlU> Smylle's highway board thei

.« rif« i. Ctlxmn I)

Atlas Successful, Titan Fails Again

rieS In flight yesterday In lauDChlhR thnt porUnt-affcct Uie:« two'Int' ml.vtles.

Tire'Atta.i raced 5.000 ml ocean Wrgct nnd tested site's ultlmikt« Inertial

ould hav in :the ..fuiui ontlnental i

systi 1 for t

permit salvo flrti from one

Fivrhoura later the Titan soared

NEWS BULLETINSRARA. Morocco. March 9 t^F a tn t ealli for help have been heard

In the ruins of Agadir's Hotel Saada where about 60 foreign tourlals were ilaylng when (he coastal resort was smashed by an ear(hqi ' U»t-w««k.-K««ea>-t»aon-(ora->t-tb»-wlii»-of-ilie-he(tl-teday-l desperate hunt for more survivon.

-WASHINGTON,:March-e.079—PresldcilL.EI«nti0wer. (oday studied surprise personal message from Soviet Premier Nlklla S. Khruahchcv,

There «-as speculation It dealt wltlr-i;iieohos'er's planned trip to

LOUISVILLE. Kj„ March » OTt^or. Bert T. Combs dMUred Ute of emerieney In Kentucky today at'a new slora piled up to 18 aches of tnow on the sUte. anarUng• (ransportadon and atran" lore thsa 1.000 western Kentucky SUte eollegt basketball fan

(owns alojiflfhlfEway . ;

ed -BACINE>.Wls..M»rch 8 llTD-A.iUik».ot-lW4;nltM-Au(»AVorker» legan today-at the two J . L Case'company farm hnpleaeat plaata

alone hns more than

. . . and It Just doesn't ipake seme tlmt the com- .

':y cannot support Die diap- itntcd O'Connor, urged bu-ilneunicn and real-

dnts to "give serious thought'* to Increasing Uielr fled Cross dona- :lons,. Solicitors mil canvass the ju-ilness dLslHct this week and ao-IlcllnllDn'in ihc'mldentlardlstrict ’win begin Monday,

Any chib, church troup'or. organ., Iwtlon Uiat has mrmbers who can help with the business and resi­dential district wllclUUon were urgei* lo contact Rulon Schwcndl-. mnn,-who-|j in-d)iitKc'6f Die resi-” deutlal soliciting, or O’Connor, at the chapter olflce. REdwood

O'Connor added. "The blggeat problem Ls In gtttlng enough rc. crults to engage In the business

re.sldentlal solicitation.”.. was announced that the next

bloodmoblle visit to Twin Falla will be from 2 to 8 pjn Monday,

it the American LegionMarch 21. I

Tlic . conducted by Louis MclRs in Difc absence of A. P. Nelson, chairman.

Free Nations to . Draft Aid PlansWASHING-TON. March 9 if»—

Nine of the free world's wealthier naUons began today to dr&ft a act of informal pound rules timed to step up economic ftld to lesa developed naUons. ,

U d by .Uic United SUtcs. Brit-.. ..In and France, Uie allles't&eUetl-- ^le problem at a special meeting

e*Ued-t»-^evUe-beU«f-ir»yi-fo---offiet the goNet Union'i mount- iof-Xordsn economlo ofieutfv.

mm i


; I^enson Gives

His Story for Latest ‘Battle’

■ B’r.ttr<l In llic •niiics-Ncwi r.ffi^hoiT hf nf, «.ilkrcl from liu olflrr.

Weather, Temperatures’ Bus Driver’s Fine in Tipsy Case Is SlOO

Twin Falls Ne^s in BriefI i’arty I UummateiKc mecUne st H pjnJ A "Udlt iMture a SC. Pjirlck'sjls pbnnci r. nnd Mr». Glen Dni-i b:ikfrx f:( and Mr*. Elmrr Jto-llo 4 pm.

Benson Says He Will Seel.

Seen Today

Klclrd thill 1

c 100 biwk ot Tti!. :— Tvn raw rninue-

(iruvii by , 430 Q.,:rn

........... LnnKlcy nnd Jojfph 1!

Senate Office !S;=«”;=i;;'£i:“ .i:Uirc criiv.llii(; u!i hanch and biru

____ luiiilvr » to find pencil Mieipix'il . John Iloprr talklnj

liiHl hull,

[on" turn r 'll 'lfroiii oppuMie (llrecilonj

tran-iialn- md.O'Dell Bdmonhluiij; . Ko Mnml on h « hrnci K.\ her ;noihrr to buy

:e al a local Kroceri- "'•••• -- iUln«

n Mam*e «f|ii

wikinK «-lth youiic wllh cane hurrying

cspc cold wind . . . iK tvirka on Srcoiid . . Man umble to . Uoy»

-I r<fust£l :

A', ihe con(

lati appeared hcforc }:’U (1;iiikikc.liri'V laiil plc.idrd no!, ---->i;jl':;Ull-Of. ihr |)!iK)d.Cm!ilU('-‘JlJ!*Uurlca.

rut/lc’, . Hho*

i;il tl(i;.pll.ll WrillliJ-U'CJlllCit.•niry M(T<- injuu'd' n lUSi; IJUlclt GofJ'iir Civil Cjs

‘LtJiuiicsUctt^,..'‘.iiii: ii( Lluiu tiul) nivcUnt; Iti iuo»- 'llliirry .' . . And ovcrlirwtl: •Tim .Mirn k;ui u brlcl fprln; se liud."

■ BciL- ;iid. -I I

: now nih I ' Hr did ni>l kh> ; «0ill(l lakf in I •bcfnrp' the

llio (Ici

rnl ;.tM Am

vrir O. Slrphrnfl innl$:ui>Iii,vcoiI.i I’ulici: Jiiiliic Iln

’im; 4j itillis |«T li

,» WiaUiii.I lxi:ird



^'t{«iitln« .'Mrrlliit

•purl-N Hnynion^l Tm (liiiliihtriili)r- C. Ii;>n of ihf piibhi ri'Lillniix

the II

Magic Valley Funeralsc:;ui(3<- IJiirlinnninp. Missoula,

Moil!., Ilnrd il5 nnd,■I'llcMlay by KikT Police JudRC V. A. Alli.'.tin Inr riinnlnK li slop .-.Urn at Klttli and Yakima alrccl.v lie

Ini; ullli ihu Chamber of Cuai' tniTci'. John Bri-ckriirlduc report Vd on uork of the building niu jTound coninilllei'.'llic ncxi iiurl- inif \»'ill be held nt S p. ni, Aprl

wa.i ttllhrirawn Iniincdlnlrly.

lllrtli RrporleilA d,iut:ht.T «.i,-bft?}i Moiui.i

Dr. and Mi/<. 11. !>. PnUer. Jr.. • Ijirth, i-a. Mr.v Potlrr Ij tlir for Dfverlcy AT.ii liond. Oi.iiKlitci ir. and Mr.i. WalJacc Bund,

Itarlfr NIeht Setnie Sntikc niver. Lions, club

hold lu flrr,i cjnricr mcetlnf 7:30, Saturday nt the t Falls Moniu^-hall. All Maclc '

pondln • «.r trr-brnchi'i. a: li liistl -ir Idaho lilc fifth ol llie r.

vjr ^dlooI p •••Ili-n.'.in MIho Ih'DpIC

Poivin Likes Spud Raiser Bid on Price


llLTnilT. Mflrctl » W - Slal rp. Cifl'HK I'otvin, D., lM nli:hl lie Is "pleawd and fr

;cd by the ucllon of poll r,s” In nrKoUiitlnit tin Apiid prtcc9,

'Thl. U nn afflrmall


• brill,, I'by Jar : parity of Inc

be> ulnttd to tliroueh


wlU be held at'"l'> liHi lit tlir WliUc! !'<■

: Hev. Lee Car- ^;oncUidinir n t . ' ................the Twin l--nlLi


CiOODINO-fMncral J.crvicr.i for Mr-AMtiie'BrTAinc'tt'nnjc'iicidftt 2 pill, Saturday al llic Tlioinpson Inner;.; cliiipcl with tlie Ilcv. I*aiil

Dt lllC N:irj; riclutlnx. 2'inal tht Hiiprrl cni

Dy 'll<•. Alll.'on hour 11

riteil by Pollcenii

I, Bean, Lyman, Wy< }10 and co.\w ■nie.sdi .Mice of the Peace V. .

Dean■rlU. llo died by

ith 111” l{rv' .lohn a taic I'atrolnifiii Rldiord J3ujn.s.Ic JCalljflctKh, Filer, wa. t fined ind w .1.1 ’I'ur.idny by Jii-Mlce

Senator From Oregon Dead At Age of 47


Naomi clrclc. of the Church o the BrcUiren will meet nl a pn' Thursday nl ihi- church to plai

I'crniK Ilequenled

.they would knr claimed.

If he.,

■ I »


ucclujt public nflle^:. November elecilon he ."iil . would not hiive ilir 5ii,i[xirt of . many Idnho dully i ;. he hns «o:np r.iipiwi- nnv-spaper field.'

Tlie nttornry Krneral obt;ilned -" tiommntlnc iiellUon.1 froni thp7rc'-

rclftry of Jllaic'. cfrice Tuc.vlay .• nnd lliere wns /ippculniloi '

would be a Democratic i : for United Stntcs . enaIor

A decUlon is expeeled thU wet* from Benson on whether he wll neelc lhe of nepubllcan Sen

; Ifenry D 'orslmlc In Ntn'cmber. SecreUiry of state Arnold wil'

llwns reported enrller Tue.ulaj Denson roI <0 petltlonj but did

• not Indicate whnt office he would

- jor Ine nennto It.would lncrea.w• the Democrntlc field to five,. • Earlier Tuesday Denson declined- eemment on nnother devebpnieni . ho reftfiirmeU "no conimtnV ' Tiie.iday nJRht.

District Judffo Gllberl Norrl.-. Mid nt CftldwcII he has decided Uint on the ba. l.i of the suprenii

. court's nillnir PndKCtt Is the lecal• representative of-the hlchway : bonrd. Kerr(.i anld he hnd ajiked . PadRett to file n brief In n hlRh-

xray cm# wlflch U pending nnd on . which action hnd been stalled be- ; cause of the PadRett-Benion feud.

In severnl InstancM when caies have come up In retent

r Bensonhas had

; to reprfcsent Ute board,Contneled before he left Dnl-.r

-Tuesdny, Denson replied, "I ‘ know- when n.iked whethei planneil to contlmie that prt

‘ ure,. The case Involved ■<Jer Is an appeal K

-tcouniy-dlsirlei cou.• hlRhway board'.i dech ' IJon of the IntfUie Eden and Hazellf.......

;rielal» of Eden nnd Jlnrelmn fllei , the null ftskhii; the court lo over'

II Norrli'

e hlKhwny Ir

' jii diiiCTflurt flrfrWthe fire *lHir. (iay of Joe Wllllnm-s. ntaie audllor

• Still pendlnc before the court PadRetf* molloij nsklnc tu,u «f wn nnd Wllllnrpx br ci;.ed fnr r«i

Magic Yalley HospitalsMagic Valley Memorial

Vhlllnc hours In the inntcriilt. ward arr from 2 to 4 nnd 7 ti fi p.m.;.ln.uU.oUicr..warda. iruli 11 nm-tc.B P.m. . ,

AU.'MITTEI)Bnrbarn Joan Carr, Madce

DourIm , Mn, Gordon Curtis, Mi Kmmctt Spencer and Carolli Slohler. nil 'IVln Pulls; Mr.i. Rob-

l llolloway. Anltiv Jnne Field.- Id Mrs, Lyle Mv.ters. nil Dnhl;

Kent Piper. Richfield; Stephcr Holland, nier: Mrs, I-rnnk F Lundy nnd Wesley M. Arnold, both Kimberly; Mrs, John BiKhcr. H;in. sen, and James C. Dordon, Pocn- laio;— " j : ~■ :

nisMisi^p.n Mrs, J . It. Breedlove, James

Loren Nelson. Mwi.. Cnrb

nc’rtha Wilson ivnil fl c n 11 ■ / Flcteher. nil -nviti l\ilb; Mrs. Wil lard nimelc nnd ,'.on. Mra, Illcli ird DIcc and win. Mr.i, Mauric

Erlcsnn nnd Sainiicl Hondcrlcl ill Flier; David ' W.ii.son, Mr.- lone L. Ilopkhi,-?? and r.on. Am

Orlffin.-, Mell:.',a Krklns. Anlli Fields nnd Mrs. J. Ilnhcrt , nil Buhl, nnd Keith Ben

dele, niipert.niKTlIS

A dauuhler born Wedne.-;dai I Mrs. Liiccltla Clark. Flier, mu .iQll_»'iL3 borji...TiiesUai-—tu-ilr ■Id Mrs, L,-, Janifi. Kouinlk. Twli

I'MlLs. ^Minidoka Coimly

VlsiilnK hour-1 nt Minldokr ;ounly lift,-!pltnl are from 10 n, in ) 7 p. m.

A D M inri)Ch.irlta . Vlbbcrl, - nujii'i I ; Ko vh axinn. neclo, and Mrs. Nuriniii

Selbold. Paul.’

Cottajre, Hurley


lloffbuhr, JaiiiM .Slatm larle Peterson, and Mr ' Strplii'n.Mni. .ill Ilurlrv ne.M Hale. Oakley, and Mr;

' .St. JJcncdicls, JeromeVl.-,ltlnR hours at .St. Hcnedict:

ho.'.plinl arc fiiiiii 2 lo 4 nnd fion

r Ph ilcc. Mr,i. Her- .Mr. , W. Unin

Clifford HanctH-k, H;.li.'.cn and Mrs.

. Mr.t, Udiiic nard Sclwc IllekelM. Mrs.Mrs, llrtiviird

li. Kc.Mie, nil Jerome. DISMI.S.SKII

ITed Plbnt. Wendell; Mrs Earl Scott and daudiltr. and Pa. rlcla Stiuulirp, boiii Jerome.

niim is A ,\on wa.1 barn to Mr. nnil Mrs

^..ry D. 0.',b..rn, Hai;miian..imJ. I dauulitcr wiu born to Mr..nnd Ir.i. Allred li. Covey, Jerome.

Goodin^: MemorialVtMlllig hour-s al Onodlni: Mr

morbl hor.pltnl nre Irom n;3i)a.ii 10 (1:30 juii,

An.MiTTi:it Mr,«. MnrciM CiilKl)row, Mr;

JnmM T’rrrln nnd Dciihe Picrct ill GoodhiF;.

iiisMi->isi:iiMrs.' Richard Mae.M.n nnd ffii

of nier. He received i;oi 7ie citation was l.v.i :itrolmnn 11, E, C.irr.


< filedI for I built

Safety Movie Is Shown for Clul) Meeting

Meut. Cl;irk -flitnd, Idnho state jiolii-e, llo•.v (T n film on safety for ihe -nun Falb Rotnry club Wed- nc.-:(I.iy noon nl tiie Amerlenn Le-

rial Ia

i.iiKciiiTrnnMmirnrnwiH^iier: tlve . . . old iintnKonlsiiis liide away. I nn longer con Ir.inslnrm polltlcftl dii:iRrei'rnent-i Inio any teelinM of piTionnl malice. When orjr Is crateliil :o be alive, it Is <111-■ licult -to-dhllkc-.a. .fellow, human!

Tuc.sdny by Dr. .f, I'orse.i. Pocatello, to remodel the Iruiil and Interior of Lloyd'.-

iJta:dry_4lorc mid-Countrv'-Cobblcr [shoe .store. 130 and 14U Main av<


aacf Kei; rleil

I lie Mill foiiuhl for li Hlevfd In, 'Iliev Inclui

:y Inerewil nu-dle.


.■>ful n arlne writer

indind Dar

Cause for Tooth Cavities Outlined

bclniT Rotarlan from th f :reale.'.t dlitanee from Tv,-ln Pall.i. A banner will bo presented enoh week to n vlslllnR RoUrlan from n

luiable dlhlance. Other wests • n. K, Houj;h. Pot.-vtello, n t of GforKc Frllr, nnd Bui z .ird. Salt I.ake City. of Power. Sludent

were Brent Jacotw and Six-nccr l*arl:er, IV ln F.ill.i lilfch .-chnol «tu. (Icnii. Parker r.pokc briefly on M-hor>l ncllviilc.i, and'nientinnrd ihi- hi;:h .school track and ba.icball traws will turn out .Mondqy.

W'lllliim Kcarth n. ked nicmbcM to lu-Ip noy Scouls of Anicrlca In the t>ni<ke River council nioiirv to buy iralnlms kits. War- i'<-n Biiiry,- -iii'MlfIcntr"i>:.i;fd” rnr voluntn rs to help !,ollclt for the Aincflc;m Red Crov. fund drive.

•nil- I?ev. Normim Slockwrll fiii:- iie. ied n proRrain for April ]3 for litrliiljeia to nttcnd Ilolv Week MTviccs llie Pre.-;bytcrlnnrhiiri'li prior to thn regular liinch-

. at the Uii e rs lty of Orei;on. Ncubcrci irntd out . eure.s of pieces l.i -ar which Apread widely ihc sio: ■ OreRon's centennial

r.atlon In Ausjiul. 1D58. and.fdt well enouRh Mnrch I to ^nnounc hs would seek a ccond term In tti senate. He noted he had gone too Iasi ft pace" for several yeai but that his doclora told him tiici was 111) reason lo retire,

NeuberKcr'R death e.-une onlv t« d.iys before the 5 p. deadline for filing for .Oreson'.t primary ballot, lUi

erm expires next Januarj- iiml ■mor Hatfield, a Hepubllc;

U required by n lO.W jtale Inw- nanie n pcMon of NeubcrRCr'.-i po lltical party to fill the vacancy.

. Friday

Lincoln Sheriff Issues Warning

Carol nillrr lemln-r,' li>

Children.' Ben.

I He .lalif one pari cltandhc. bciiu: .-Kjld 1

111 co.MliiR iilmul four jthan comparable nam

:on .itrert north, aad Con riiiun. J7. 3G0 FJllmor'e'ilr they foliuicd Wedne.Mlay

.itleel norlh and Second a

Car naniaseJAbout $40 damase w'ns reported

lo a la,’,!) Dt«lRe driven by Mi John P. Kyner.M.n.4l. fio3 Jeffcrwin ,'.treet, when II collided Wedne.-.dny In front of 353 Van Duren si witn-a-I534“ Chevro:i-l-driier I>on O. Heter.-4'J, -Hansen.- Chevrolet not dninRRCd.

,'ln* Tumlitlns Medal Joseph W. Mar.-ihtill. IIL M ir. nnd Mr.i, Joirpli W. Mar?.Win r.ilLi. won a Kold medal i.'Icrn InlercolleKluti- Rymnn.itlc leit trophy for tumblhn

Temple unlverr.ltv In Phllndelpli .MUbhlpinnn Marshall. In hb third year at Annapolis, will jiartlc

;he national meet at Pcnp £UW, Pllt.-.burKh, In two wet' '

illl coBnliOTi'njJj 111 .M e w;,s a.''htant atlor

le to Idalio from CO;f;v d Rrew up un a farm n

Burley, where he allended nr ind hli;h schools. He n.ti admit 0 iho Idaho bar In 1D3J. . .

Death Claims Mrs.Horn, 77IlUPrJlT.-M«rdi Bertliirii, ;j, died lit Minidoka cOunt spltid^at 7;li a, m. today nfte


illdate torlheDem- ailun lor United

ni:>- before

1 bill.

procedure would b :itional matkctliiit 01 [iiinodity area.s.In conjunctnun all

:e beUiK

Y.ikin . WilMi .Cliri.'II(in

rnnper»llt)n HIm-usiwJ ’ 'Twin Falls county and elly Isfl

enforcement officer.i met Wtdnej. d.iy nt the eourthoune with Com- ml.'.'loner of I,aw Eenfnrceim R. Harper nnd.Warner MIIU, of the liquor law enforcemeiilJl

rtmiint. both Bol;.e, to .dl>eu ibleiiis confrontlni: o ff ic e r

Wierlff James II. Benham report.


-d the Rof c

ed Tatliiiu


Rotarian Film Is —Shown-atBurley

BUIILLT. Mnrch 0-"Tlle Qreat

Tlre.-Wheel SloleiiO, R, J»hn.'on, M2 Flflh .ivenii'

north. reiHirted lo -rwln Kails po Ilec Tue.vlav arternoon that aspar lire and whtrfl were slolrn fron Ihe trunk ot his 1053 Ca<li;iac J'ri

du>ri!isl-mor<>-(liftii-(.:<>r hal would ordlnaril> lian $50,Similar -roof palnl

I was parked al Flft 'north and hi- dautiliter had been: ;iiiliiK'lire~Hulo7‘ 5Iie'1.7t-niFTti

11)03.Idaho in IDUO. hume.’ tcadini: f

.Subleti wliere ilie.v lived until ili death of Mr, Horn In 1035.

Mi.'.. Hum moved lo Rupert th followlni; year. She was n nieml;i Ilf the .MelhwlLM church nnd Hi VFW nuxillary.

:d.UtlJ;iLll"- Idaho Wheat le.iRUi id the fcMMi for peuce propoul. I> rty nieiuiuie lo both ndwiualo rm Income and the ultimate to- lion ot the .lurplu.s problem."

I I’olvtn, In a .-.pi-ccIi prepared for ^ rncetim; of Ihe .Mlnldokn county •;DPmocrntic ceniral commlltei)-- iiierc. ^nld "thf recent IS per cent idrop in larin Income Is the mtx't I wlde.- prrad problem In Idaho,'"

Inch six. Shuihone; We;.ley

Horn. Haii.'.cn; Charles Horn, ' ' air lorce tn Parl.i. l^mice: II 7Ii)iii:Uol.-:cl~Cliestef'norn; peri. iiiKl Luther Horn,- Nnf; three dauRhtcn, Mrs, Deuliih Smltl. Ani;elc.i; Mrs, BcrthiC LJsh,- Ru­pert, nnd Mr.^r Dorothy Smllh, Rlver*lde, Cullf.; :o Rrandchildren nnd 17 Rri-at-Rrandchildren.

IMneral services will be nounccd by McCulloch' funeral hoiiie. Burley.

Claude D. Watson Claimed by DeathCla’ud* D. Walson, 81. died

his home at Cll Second avci wcst-nt l i j o n.m, W.ednwdny IlowInK a brief lilne.M.. _____

was horn Aur. 30. 1678, In Black Httwk county. ]owa. He i<i.Twin FalLi from Kaiii.^i in

• was n member of the First illnn church here. lie marrle m Blocher In Morrowvilli 1., April :o. 11)02, Mr. Watsn a retired dray nnd triinsfe

In wldlth

Six to Compete In Oratory Meet

KIMBERLY, Mnrdi 0 — BIx MnRic Vnlley hliih school youths will compete for. lionors In tlio flfth-'-flmrlcl - Amerlc!in~L-esifln- orfltorlcftl-fontcat lo..bc hcld.*i._ 7:30 p.m. *HiUMaity n>, Kimberly

•llic ■Inner will repre.ienl Ihn In the sinto contesl »t

school. Boise, ondlaUlcl .Borah h Mardi Hi,

Speakers from Twin Falls, RU' pert. Burli-y, Buhl, Filer nnd Kim. ■ -ly will t-tlk on Uio topic, -Tlii

ht.i nnd duties of American elt' tzens under the coiistttullon.''


-Most nfflee worker al«e (0 t ike a r t of Ihe lncrtk»* nt enst of eotfee bre.kfc

'gala •'foURht to collect ht

«upportlnR the mo .lion, PadRctt Mid Wtllianu- refu-.-il to Issue hLi j.nlan- w.imni wn.

‘done ‘ riellbemtely. wlilf»nj-, ,vnn- .tonly nnd maliciously for the sole purpose of ciiu-slnR him tnib.i.-.

' ' It anil finan-


»lr,i, Pat Mai nnd Dicky Rorci

ra.«ment. hnr... clnl rinmaRe.”

; Wllllani.i. in a .statement reh by his office In DoL-e. Mid P.n“know.' r ihn thli ,

. —■ knows that I na: “Ctins.onli'.ln Uie.cap.idtv of »«. rewrj- of the board of examiner nnd could net only nn their mo­tion until Instructed by tlie eourl

The It Rild niirtlto;ifflcc nccorded PadRei

courtesy" l:u mnklnR avnllablr ti, —him-iramu- nwded in'- preparliii;'

lUs case. '•Tliose courtesies," P.ulKctt ri

piled. ••con.sUted of deprlvint m' •self and my family of my 'recui: .jalnrj- for seven n.ontIi.i arid fon .inR me to ro U> the eipeiue ot ,temptlnR lo collect,

nt $500,":pcru(

“Girl of Month” Chosen by Club

Kathrj-n -Jone.i, rt.tiiRhter nf Mr, ml Mr.v K. E, Glh.snn nnd n .-a-n- ■r nl Twin Fnlls hli:h -ichool. was.

i.iel<'cted Altru.w rlrt nf the i inl-lhe fhib-s luncheon Tues Wray's cafe

Lions Club Told Of Banquet Date•re.Mdi-nt J»r.ejin H I.-ill;iior,- lounced lit Ihe \Vedn«ii.,v

|meetin« of the- 'IVin Falls I.;..n). ‘chib that thr ne-.v Sii.i);r l-ver iclub will hold It,-; Charter ti;;-li!i Itatlduet nt 7:30 p. m..S;i:uraa> ;il! I the .Moose hall. I

md O. Daiiee, general man of New York Life In.stiranc

lan.v. HoI.m', will r.jieiik to Ih

MI-.1 Is it.Miindlntthe Girl.-

d tionoreil p.i.-.t fine I. 43. Job's DaURhle ib/ as new of

fnr-the comlnR—yearr Mr.i. Jewell, priMldent: Mary Jo Cnhlll

pre.sidrnt; Nan .Moon, record- ecn-laryi'ilrs. Donald Krclt-

Keep the While Fine

of &ifeiy Fiylng

ms were completed for 11 •r,tylini: show at B p.m. Marc

l!< In the itoRerson hotel Roiindii Iroom. Prokccds ro Into 11 I dub's sc lio ln rsh rp 'fund , Tlie f.cholnr.ihip Is nwardcd nnn ' , i to IV Twin Fulls hish sdiool senior ;£!d._________ _________

Official NamedEIJ3A, March 0-Ether Pnrlu lalin. wa.i elected w-ntermiL«er for Isirict No. 8. Ca.«la creek. VotlnR :a.s held In the Elba .vhoolhou-n

Now six daj/s wltht a~traffio-d«alh-in-t-vr- Magie Valleu.

EXCLUSIVE DEALERla Mario Valler for ‘


-WHITENS -M U S t«eN T E I:U1 M*la Ave. Eait

iitf ihtTiinncTinirorEniiunal foreM m.inai;r wiiiicjlide.vof the S.i'.M

CHIX»:SE WO.MAX I.S i? TAH’EI. Kornio'a, M.ircli ■<

Mme. Chl.iin: Kal-shek ci-lebm

lO'Iool hiRh ceremuntiil

Promotedllt;i’f:ilT. March O - C o iin ty

Uipenisor Robert J. HarrI.-.on, of he Ka.'i .NflnUlokn comiiv fiirmerr, iiitiii' ndinlnLMrallon olflce iiere, I imri.v that Frank R. Dallas, lus- i .iant county .■•upervLwr for the o:.l .liiri:c..ytJiri.._li;is. iKca pro- lotid lo coiiniy .supervl.sor of the;alm..ii oiyci'...... ..

Dallas In Rupert W .lea,III-\v. Kohl, wliu ha.i be.-n .•orkiit< 111 farmcM home iidmlhLi- ratitiii ofiu-e.% In Idaho Falls nnd (cMljiL-i;, Kohl is a native of S.i[- 1011, mill II Kraduale nf the Unl- ,<T. ;:y of Idahn,where he majored ;i ila rr'.M-ieiice.

n nil which U Inflammable, riff said. ...3od pracilcr to follow,- ilic -said, "is-to check with loeul nis recnrdlnR the fair prlcu

Shah’r W i f r i sExpecting Baby

TEHERAN, Iran, Mnrch 0 I' n olllclat of the royal household nnouneed today thnt queen yn

r.ih. third wife of Uie Shah o nn. b cxpectlnR a baby In .Vo- •mbcr. '

Best Cfub Loser Of Weight Noted First Meet Held

- Hal . Han;.(honored ns "be.M

line nf Ihe-Nlx.on-Plx Ftei TOl’S club (Take Olf Pou

HaVry Harry^ Memor!nl’'parK

c 4-H club w r home-of Ji ho called Ihe

I hall. Mrsthe II

•d' by'Mr" 11 Cox

I I.’ikc

1 elected

rrled the former; '■ December »lier

Sornya becaiissl r hlm.^h.Jieir l!,;

TJie Shnh r Farnh Dlbn Ii divorelnR. Que she did not b< the Uirohe.'

HiJ ftr.'t ninrrinRe. lo Prjncp'.il nwrla. Ecypt. ended In dl-' JTce. with one daURhter born nf| , Only males can succeed to ti

Iranian throne. -i

■•hen she be r president At .the prevlou

meetinR. Mrs. H. J, Zllllox. Kim berly. appointed parllamcn tarlim,

Mrs. F.lver Tell wa.i appointed Pf0j;r;iui. C‘>*ehalrmim to _ » ' Mrs. aeoriie Mitchell, - •-Meinber.1 .of the club have Ic a total of 4111 iKiunds since ll

,rlubii (iriiimlziition lit-Novcmbi.. I'niey lo.ii.tlB pounds'ln flie past >eek but Rained 17 i>uund.i.

Vcllle »l;ick. leader. :eiv muteriiiLi. ’llie ne viU be held March 26 a if ML-J Dean.

ha.1 been exlermlrj<tlnR lunmaLi at the rate of a year since lOOO.

^END FLOWERS b y W ir e

Delivery nnd Quality

' . Guaran teed

by tho world's m oit


Look In Yellow Ptget


Te l e g r a p h ■<

D e l iv e r y /jifi

■ g g

1 '■ No I


No Extra Chorgo


1 / Wonderful0 .Sclcction

RE 3-2674

4'W IN Carpet

Your Homo

W all to W all!

Lwqc Sclcetion


For Sale-Real EstateFarms — .Homes — Acreages

~130 rtrw-Jctome Area-All vcry.ROod productive land, no snnd on this one. Two Rood home.s. machine shed. aiiraRB and plenty of other buildlnRs. w-tU fenced, nnd for only

M3,000.00 and very llbernl terms.

An older home onli- 0 blocks from Ihe center of town on Second Avemie Norlh made tn» two npartmcnu. renUU Of

-<a5J0-enchr-Bt-onlT-$lt>300m------------ ^--------


MAURICE KLAAS.Offlea_PhDn«..RE_3.3SS3__________ ____

Couberly Rei, Thone RE 1-5118 KUu Rei. phone RE l-MJ#


' Cuba Attache:;) Quits Due to

Fidel CastronOOOTA. Colonibi#. March 9 m

—C.ipl. KfUpe' Vidsl Siintluzo Uii ............ -t-TtiiniuLuLDirian.'—_£!Uche 111 Vciiciufl.-i bccause lie

rrsiird* Piciiilrt-'Flclcl Castro' ciuiimuiilJt dictator who betrnycd ilic men tind ,tto:iien who Mied ihclr blood lo put him In power.

Vldil dljmLwd is "riaiculous"

Sintrs wni to bbine for the explo- Mr.n of tlif tYfiich inunllions »hlp Uv Coubrc In llnraiia inti uctk. lie Mid the bba[ waa eilniMl cenalnly caused by ovcthtaUd wntcr In the duck where.'Uie ship wm unload- Itiv'.

••'Hie cooling jiystem of the tli^ -vann citctrtc plnht cmjiiiM lintVi*- Jrr nlonMlde Ilic TalUpledra pier, to ttlilcli Die U Coubre iiioo:cd.“ iho naval of- itcer said.

"Wlicfi I KU cJilcI ot martUnic potice In llnvima. 1 would allow no Ship carrytnn nnununltlon lo un­load At the Tallapiedfii pier."

Viffiir«ald he beltcvrs the present iii:irltliiie police clilef Is one o( C.islro's MeL^ «7io hM no ffcJini; cal QUalUlcntlonj for the Job and n ho nccordinsly may not have fee- osnl/ed the tlanRer.

Tlie former navivl Attache said he wnt In hU rtslRnatlon Sunday frntn Cuciila. Colombia, where lit Was epcndint: » ftw days' leave, nfwr hearlni: that hli moilitr and hrotlier* had betn arrested by Cas­tro's pollcc. •

— BfecHWarket-in— Babies Located

JERSEY Clry, March 0 flTp- Autliorldex My it 40-year-oId wnm-! nti mny have sold li many m 15 »inwantcd new-bom bnbiM for]

____ M.OOO tach In Ihe pnst four years. ITlia black marktt baby opera-1

lion WM uncovered yutcrday wlUij the of Mrs, Fne Wa.wrnian.

/ police imld. A Newark couple seek-1 Itie to adopt n baby liclped sprlnit! « trap ffwt «Ti.i baKcfJ !«.« fafl.l ncconllnR lo }{ud.ion. c o u ii t yi

- Pro.wutor Lawrence A. U’hlppie.t Mr.i, WtLMermnn ins 'charcedj

»lih placing or olferlnc In place* n child for adoption without prop­er niilhority. SliP wn.i /rerd in *15,000 IwII by Mnsliitralfl Rolwl Wall. Two 'fiihpr women were booked-Bs material ujtneiws.

Police ssld they pic'ked up Mrs. Wa.wernian's trail lant September when «n iinltlenllllcd Newark Miiple. ttha hacf been iirtKiccc.w- rm In adopilnc « child throiiRh i stalfl Bgcnry. Intorined the prose fliior'n office that they linrt been contacted by Mrs. Wn.vsfnnan.


LAllRY STEVENS . . .to n o t Mr. »nd Mr». Robert

L. .Stevcni, UecJo. «lll be hon- nrcd al • farewell (otlmnnlat al ,7:30 ji,p>, Sunday »( Ihe Decio l.ns>hapel «llh niihop J.H ar­ry lUrrlMitan conducting. Kiev* ena nill enter Uie mlulon borne lit Silt Uk'e a i r .'fareJj 22 prJor lo leaving on > mluton to Sa­moa. with headquarleri « l V*la (Ipnlu. lie ua» Ersduateii from llie Deelo hUh kIiooI In ISSR and hax aUendrd Utah SUte unlver- (Ity, Lofan, where he wan major* Inc In education. (Staff engrav- Ingl

Record— WA8HJNGTONrM«i\'ll —Sen, Rotxn c. flyrd, o.. W. Va., set an endurance rccord for prc.nldlnn over the senate yc.i- icnlay by rciniilnlnR on the rostrum 31 hours and cIkIiI mlnute.i. Democratic Len de r Lyndon Q. Johnson announced.

JohuMin Informed the senate ttf5 :«a .m , lhiil Dyr(J,-a-42- jcnr-oM. Irr.shman lawmnkrr. had been Iti the chair for nearly ]i hours. ■

•nic Democratic leader noted J.irtJy Umt It na.i the coMlUu- tlonal duty of Viet President nichard M. Nixon to preside 'OviTtnti Mniitr. It lr<u.ilomnrr for a .vnalorto act' a.vpres!dlni: olflccr when tha vice president Is absent.

4 Americans ArelCilledin Earthquakes

HADAT. Morocco. March 9 i.P— Tlie number of known American

rose in four today Kith the death of-Norrne Unuer.-l6.-PlBconUa, Calif. Tlie lota! demh toll has been catlmalfd Bj hlKh as 12,000,

She was with htr parents, Mr. and Mrs- Werner Bauer, on Ihe


mcnts when Ihe qunke struck, de- molLsliInk’ Ihe biilldJnk',' , .

Hauer and'the Rirl were pulled alive from the wrcckaKC. "ml ‘he body of MfJ. B;iiirr wm JnumiMarch 2. . ----

lie fnthcr. nml daughter in to the U. S. naval hoi.plial Pori“ L «utt-\'-\viierp • tnc; pin d, hoj,i)ll.iI auliiontlc.? wid.

Death was by n I'crcbml blood clot.

Djuer Is an rxrcutlve of Loctn Iniernalloiial coruurallun. {•■ranch-co. wlilcli operated fruit- Juice concentratc and plam.< m Airaair. • -

Trouble at BYU Campus Is Over

quiet last niitliti folIowhiK .tralcht nljhl.'v of .itudriit rowdy- .',m. Police reported no dl.sturb- ince at all.

Sunday nlsht. Kevrriil hundred ■liana.ued the camjius po llcc I dropped cherry bombs and rlpptU

■ ITC} . r. n look ollicrra .. an hour to quiet ihhiRS down, nficr city police were called.

Monday n I c li t another 100 youths (lathered, threatcnlnE lo raid a Kiris’ dormitory-. BYU Presi­dent Emesl L. Wilkinson, appear- Inc before lliem. .ilircalencd ex- :puWon for anyone carryliie out the raid. Jle nUo threatened to order a fire Iwe (o dbperne ' youths, but ihcy left of ihelr accord, ‘ ~

Trade Grows__

„NewiDSJMIssloiiL — Forms in Britain

• 6ALT-LAKE CtTy. March S in ■; —Tlie LD3 church hw formed a . new north DrIUsli mission tind Bppolnted Bernard P. Drockbank M liji first prealdcnt, U nnnouneed yesttrday.

In telllns of ih# move, Henry D. Moyle, Mcond counselor In the church'* flrit prtildency, »ald the i»rea lbs new mission will cover hai liot yel been determined. Nel- ~ ther hill th# mlMlon’s headquar* lers. altliouKh Ifoyle Mid Liver- pool 1* A elronBpoMlbllliy.

Brockbank is ■ Salt Lake con­tractor, real estate broker and a ntmlier ot Uta Cranlte fehoel ■ hoard. President Moyle aatd he will leave soon for Emfland. in company with Harold B. Lee. a member of th# Mormon church'* council of twelve aposUe.v

Vacancies Noted In Federal Jobs

Vacancies are available for *t«n- ORrapher and typist pasUion.i an* nally pavlnc «,255 lo »3.1S5: .■'pe­dal aKciiU H J80, and cnRlnccrinc draJtAinen. »325i W M.OfSO, with various federal acencle.s.

Applications and, further Infor­mation may be obtained at nm l. poslof fleers. nn(l-Ui»-clevc'nUuU>5. civil service rtslonal office, lederaJ office buildin'R. ScBtlle;-'

. -MOSCOW..March.fl.lin— Soviet. iPorelKn Trade Mlhlstrr NikoW ;Pnlollchev reported today the So­viet Union's forclRn trade nrew more Hian :o per cent In WS. He predicted It would ko hlBher, ihLs year.. In a Ion* irilcl# In' the fiovlet Coinmunl.sV parly orsan Pr.avda. Patollchev claimed Ihe Soviet Un- lion’s trade Krowth rate was fur lilRher iMl year than Uiat in Ihe leadlns InduUrlal nations of the capitalist world.

Pomona Chief Is Guest for Buhl ChambernUML. March 9-C«lt Calhoun,

mnaliT of the TaIii i-\ills' ’ouniy Pon>nlU_Ora»£r.-WWJilir‘L?i'ra,li-

ni_crcr__nirriiii'i: Mi»imAy_'llie II .-ihd Jt liiff. '

Dl.^c^^ ln IcaMiii: cf atc-a fann land m hLilui to ciut-of-statc htinllnK, Rroiip.N, hr pointed out

W. II. (nil.l.) TIIAII,. . . farmer In tlie I'as^drna

Valley area near'Clrnln IVrry ubi> has annnuKcfil lili raiiilldA- ry fn r Ihr pnst nf slate rrpre- senlallve from Ulmofe county im the Demncratle ticket. He hai farmed In llie enunly fur nine jears and lived In Idilio Ic.r 30 }>eari. |SUft entravlnt)

If. >f *

Elmore Rancher Seeks Demo Post

GLENNS PEimy, March O-W. H. <nilli Trail. « . a farmer and riinchcr from Pa.sadena Valley, iinnouhces ' lor-atnte Ttprejentatl) Drrnocfollc lickcl.

Trail, who has farmed in ..lore county for Ihe past nine years, has been a resident of Idaho for 36 year.i. He attended hlrh Mhool in -CnldwTll-and Link'! School (rf DiMlnf.'J, Boise,

TakInK an nctivc Interest Jn <-IIwork'Trmi’ tl'currcntlnnTsidcnt of the 5'lmore County Youth coiin-

of 4-H lc:idcra

lint bitMkliiii 1-uis KcUnK tlir.'C n:ivilri;c> by lr;i\lns liindj. He atated idaliu advtlllies a hunter

I Il ht•rnlpn■. par.ifll.'c.Klni{ iiiW'irnble lor tuchcroups;

lo .H-ei: pjlvlleses: callioun-sliitcd he fell It would

iin'iitnl 11

tmviliur:. ii» no l.iws coulfl be lit million til exclude any ouI.Mdc* orsaniijiiitins lo.^cck ^pe lal liunt- Jri; and /i'hJHj Iral'es on privatt, lirniKTly.

Calhoun nbo urjed close coop- rrniion between the sportsmcnnnd' Iiirnicr.s. He urted sportamen Jiot lo u i• iirlvatc lands before secur-, Ins lM'rmt .■■.ton and pointed out cnu:,t fnrmers arc wllllni; to Kraiit pcrinl\''lon If It Is touKhl.

st:itc 'scn. QeorBC Bhck spoke on Idaho flshhis nnd hunilnehlMS,

U wa.s announced the next meet- Jim m Marri) H will be devoted to miirhiR reporus from membersl who had attended the Alrcade In' Uol-se laNt week.

i Sttit Sih pr-ingdale-Ward- Leaders Changed

In the cnunty. lie Is supervisor on he Elmore noil con.wrvatlon dis­

trict and hn.i been a member ot Elmore Memorial hospital

board of dlrettors for-the-jiiuit

Trail married Rose Jlmerson, Wii.'.hlnRlon county. In 1930 and lla. two children, a dauchter, Mrs, llcrnian Orochler. Boise, ami n

,-Carl,-ft-Junlor-at.lhe-01cuil3 Ferry hlKh school.

Tlie modern nail manufacturlnc machine U a development nf n wincbJuo Invented by E?,eklel Reed


SPaiNODALB, March 0-Tlic, SprtnKdide LDS ward btslioprlcl was reorcanlzed al gacramentl .lervlccs Sunday night. I

New olfleers arc Noel Boweut.j blitliop.-wlth.roiy.ZollUiscr-aiJlrat, coun.^clor. and Robert Christensen n.1 second counselor.

Retained as o f f lc e r i ,wcre| Gcoriic D. Johnson, Sieve ElllSi niid JJnJph K. West. Newel Baker, Dundcll Curtls and Haney Steel, Xrom tljc-Burlej'.stakc prcsldcncy, nnd several-high couucilman at­tended.


Harold £.,I''enows CO, president of the National Association of Broad- CMlers (NAB) and chairman of the board of dlrector.i, died yesterday on the eve of' what officials de- Rcrlbed cwt an "Important" board meeting. “


— . ONLY!

- ^ ^ E E K E N C r S P K I A L

-------Unbreakable— Boilproof - -PLASTIC




25c Ea.




: Benson Gives His Story lor

Weather, Temperatures

Latest ‘Battlc’ii 'mS DAY I'OIIKCA.ST. TIIL'H.SIJAV TllllOirf

US Driver’s Fine in Tipsy Case Is SlOO

Twin Falls News ill Brief(iran{r rUas I ' l r l f 11lummace .SaV

Knull GraiiKc mccUnc at fl pjnJ A ••ladles hr Frtilay \*ill fcaiurc » St. l».itricfc-»: U phmicd ni (by, parly. Mr. KtiJ MrS. Glen Dos- Irikrry /rotn 9 n !l iind Mr, and Mrs. Eliiipr lo < i>m ' '

Benson Says He WiU Seek

O f T w * ! '

Seen TodayI LnnKlty and Jaippij h . convcraliiff in tlty lu l l , . . n clottiitoui'Q bu^eu of-

hand! and b iru (Ind ptndl (tie

-• _ « iio Mcks-ft public offife In Ih November .cJocllon--lie jnlrt li would not hiive thr Aii|ii>orl (i

, ninny Idnlio rinlly ncw.'-inpfr:;, bii- Jie Ims sonip Miiipon In ilie wcfkly

liftt-spnper flrlrt,Tlife nttornc:? crnrrnl otjt;iiiinl

. nomlniMlnffjirilllor ;. relnry of sialc’s offlrr 'nir.tda}-

nnd Uicre wm Rprciiliiilnn timi ' woiilrt be n Deniocrnllc concIU!:

. for United SlntM licimlor,'■ A de«l;.lon J.i MjH-cted tliH u’ci*

from Benson on u'liptlitr lio alll- neelc th# post of Rcpiibllcan Sen.- Henry-Dtt-orslifilc In Novtmbci

6ecrctar>- of-Stnte Arnold Wll- ' llwns reported enrller Tii

Denson got 40 pclUlons but dirt.--noi-tn(tlonto-wliftt-offl«-ht-Trot!ld

eeelc. II Benson entcrA (lie mcc for me wnntc It would Inerew

• the Dcmocrfttlc fleltl lo five,. Earlier Tuc-ndiiy Deawn declined '-eommert on nnolher dcvtlopmeni . »nd he rentflrmeU "no eommenV ' Tiie.irifty niRhl.; Dbitrlet Jiidcft- Ollljert Norrl,-

said «t Ci>lrin-ell he liss decided thnt on the bMi.i of the supn

. court-* ruling PndRctt Is the lecnl• reprc.ien(«tlv8 of the IiIrIiwov ; board. florTl.n Mid lie Imd nskcd . PndBett to file n brief In k Jiicij.; wny ctuiB which U pcndlni; iwd on' . which flcUon had been swiled be- ‘ cause of the PndRett-Bcn.wn feud.

rnl Instnncej when caws have come up In recent months

: ^ n w n has. hnd an n.«l.<iant on T lianJlo^ftllenRe PndRetfs rlsht• to represent the bonrd.. Contacted before he left Boise _ Tuesday, Denson replied. -T don't , know" when a.' lteil whellifr he planned lo continue tftit proceri-

. The cn. e Involved In Nnrrli.' or- ' aer I.i an appeal to the Jerome i county district court from the• hlKh?'ay board's decblon nn loca- ; tion of Uie Interstftte hl;:hwny Intlie Eden and Hnreltn:, nrens. Of-

;flel8l!i of Edrn nnd Jlnrrlloii filrd , the suit (isklnc the ecu ‘ rule the board.

fitatements made by • befor

Mnpic Valley MemorialVl.'.ltlii(: hours In tlie malcmliy

ivard art- from ;• to 4 and all.Oilier .wards,

St. Benedict’s, .leromeVhliliiB Jioiir. lit St. Unicdicf;

n ai.MlTTi:i>

nucb.itra Joan Car Dounlw, Mrs. Gordon C

ilirnccr and Slolilcr. all -IVln Pnlls:

Jlolloway. Anitn Jane ridils ... Mr.i, Lyle Ma. ter.i. all Buhl;

Kent Piper, nichfleld: Slephcn Holland, nier; Mrs. Fr.inlc T. I.iuuly and Wesley M. Arnold, Imth Kimberly; Mrs. John Diishpr. H.m- r)irnllU“*-C.~I3ofduli7Tul«- Clio.

niSMissKt)Mrs. J. H. Breedlove, James

^nse. Mrs. Loren Nelson, Mward Carlson. Mrs. Andrew Clilmenll

Dertlin Wil’son n nd 'S c o tt A I'lelclirr, nil 'IVln KalLi; Mrs, Wir nrd Tliai'ic nnd ;.on. Mm, llirh. ird DIcc nnd win. Mrj, M.iurici •:rlr.iou nnd Siiniiicl Honderldi ill Kilcr; Davlil \Vii|,v.n. Mm lene L. Hopklnfi nnd ^on. Ann

Orlffln, Mellwn tCrklns. Aull.-v neld.i nnd Mrs, J, Hohert

111 lJuhl, and Kcllh Ben-

Mr,i, Jfomr ijchrr Mr.i.

•I'd lint


RlckeH.1. Mrs. CItlli -Mni, Uow.ird ll:in.-.iTi nnil .Mr.i

lllam JI. Krv.ile. all i)is ’inssi:i»

Irs. I'Ycd Pliant. Wrndrll; Mr.T •I Scott nnd dftURhler. nnd Pa la Sinndlce. boih Jcrnmc. .

nniT iis ,'on y:M born lo Mr. i\nd Mr.i

r.irr}'T3.'T3.i!jom; -Itaci (lauphler was bori ■

.Jrs. Allred K. Covey, Jerome.

GoodinK MemorialvmiiiK lirnirs nt C.oolllnK M

nnrl:il hiv-pllnl nre from H;30 ii-

■1 rrrrln niu all CoodtnK.

V nichard ^

Safely Movie'Is Sliowii for CIul) Meeting

Mcut. qi.irk Ifimd, Idnho stali poMce. ^ho vcd n film on safety lo Ihe -ivm Fnll^ Rotary club Wed nc.-:day noon at the American Le Klon h.-ili.

Hand statrd tlio film will bi available for MiowliiB In Twin K.-iIL only liboiit n week.

.-.aum.noUirlnn_amnt.I>ousalL HdI:.p. w.1, presented a- banner for bchiK Rotarlnn kuc-H from the

Ibtanco from Twin Pall.v ■ will bo pre.’iented, each

wrck It* a vlsltlnd notarlan from rcMonabte dlr.tnnce. Other tues

It. E. U(>ui;h. Potaieim, c! OcntRC 1-Tllr, and Uu

ri!. fi:tlt l^tkc Cliy. RUfst i m Pone;. Student Ilrent Jarob.'. and Spencer' '' r,’nvln Palls liiKh .•■chool.

IMrkcT .-.pokf brielly ■ncilviilc.1. nnd nienilonrd,

i;h , chonl track nnd b.iseb: will tiiru out Monday, liim Kcarih ii.'iked niciiibcrs

bcRun lo prn!.«e Mm. incer operation com -llowlni: proccs.v In i

ilL'palcli wrlltcn for Unllfd Prr.'. ltilcrnalliiii;il last year, Nriilx-ri:c •■Cild, "A briinh wiih ciuicrr lends li place many thhiKs In true pcr.-.ptc tlvr . . -. old nnl tKonl'mri fan aniiy, I no louRcr con iMiwforn pollikjil dlsiKrrcnifnt,i Into nn' fri'llmr.n of piTsnnal

le Is I iiciUt_

:icc. When ........ o be alive. Ills dll-

fi fi»!Trut' huTTinn

lut hr Sim fouKht for Ihe thin believed In. They Included va.-. Inrrexvd niedlMl re.'c.nch wl' .r.'.lv,' Koveriimrnl stipiwt, |iu

lie pDwer, nnd his bi'lovrd OrcKO A succe.v.ful maKarlne writer ev

hli sludeni dnys at the Un i l ly of OrcROii. NcubcTKer d out .scorcs‘of pIcccs which .spread widely ilie ;

of OrcKori j ccntcnnlal year. ■N.'ui>cf«cr'ftufvlvcd'ft''ciui'«r ration In Autjast, 1D5B, ami felt .ell enouKh Miucb 1 to annoiir IB woiilil seek a second irrni In t

r.enate. lie noted be had Ronc ' loo fast a pace- lor several yei but that bis doclora told him th<

J.icton .Mri'i't immiraTlil 'Cun.17, 3W Plllmnrc sin c'dllikd Wc'dnnday

Klfllislrn-t niirlli nnd Second ft 1UC-. A.vlell un.i ilrlvln;: a l.Inr nd Elincrmon a 1050 Clievroli DamaeedAbout $iO damaKP wss reponcu............

[) n 1356 Dodiir drlvrn by Mrs. SurvU nhii P., fioiJefftrson Gi-orce tre.!t, when II collldci> Wednesday I Horn. II

Jn_Irant-Ot-3i3..Van_BUI£Il_slr/'Pt.'nlr fnm

Ihe 5 p.le only l» ni, Fridn

. balln!.* e term expires ntxi’January ui nvcmor Hatfield, ft Uepubjlcn required by a I95J stnte law

n person nf-K pnrly lo fill ihe v

Permit nequwledAn oppheatlon for a bulldhi

permit kius Illed Tue.Miay by Di M. Porce.s, Pocatello, lo remod. Ihe Iroiii and liilerior of Uoyd' Jewelry store and Country Cobble [ihQC.aiore.J3D aad.HO.Maln avc mie north. Cavt I.' .vi nt »:0,000,

Death Claims Mrs. Horn, 77

Davllli-d to

n Ofl. M, 18H3, nt

AuRr=i:r Wa,%h, -niev cnni.

3, huine-stcadlnR nl hry lived imlll tin urn hi 1U35, ivrd lo Rupert tht

I, a candidate for IheDcm- numliiailon for United

.. .. i('nntnr.'“ Mld the “PoaR« bill, prr.senllj' before

ih.H liiw procedure would be lied 10 iialloniil marketing or*II all commodity area.s. - lb bill, in coiijiinclnon with inis Midi n.s tlio'e belnic cnr- n by the Idaho Wheat IcnKU# lie lootl'Ior piaee proponal. Is ’ niea.sure .to botli ndequato Inciiiiie iinii the ultlniale to­ol the surjilw problem."

L’lii, In a speech prepared for :Una-nLUie-MIiiIilak,a rnnniy—

iihe: Mid "the r.niral c ^ ilti

8 per Cl

« problem In Jdnho."

X IIISI Chevrolet. <lrlven O, lleter. « . Uan.-,rn. •;

vrolfl w.-us not damncrd.

It Tumlilhis Mrdal iseph W. Mar.shall, HI. r.on .. nnd Mrs. Joseph W. Marshall, n IMILS, wou II Kold medal am crn IntercollftMato symnnatli I lh)phy for tumbling n iple unlversltv In Pbll.sdclphia shlpmiin Mnr.slinll. hriiLs third ■ nl Annap<ilb. will p:irllclpal(

• Penn

jrn, Shu-,hone; We.-.ley •.en; Charlrs Horn, with 1 rnri'-., n-an«;-Harlcy

; Chester Horn, m

Aniielw: Mrs, Bertha Usli. Ri nnd Mrs, Dorothy Smll..,

Illvcr.slde, Cullf,; 20 Rrnndchlldren »nd n Rrcal-crandchlldrri

I-'uneral servlets will louneed by McCulIoeh luiimil loine, Burley.

Six to Compete In Oratory Meet

KI.MBERLY. March 9 — 8lx Mn«lc Valley hlKh school youih.i wUl_CDmpeii!_ior-li9nor»^lfi=:llie=: fifth diMrlct American LcrIoo oratorical contest lo be held at 7:30 p.m. 'niur.sdny ai Kimberly hlch .school,

'ilie wmner will repre.sent thn district In Ilic Mato contest »t Borah hiKh tchool, Boise, onM;ir I IB.

Claude D. W<ilson Claimed by Death

Speaker* from Twin Fnlla. Hu- pert. Burley. Jhihl, Filer nnd Kim­berly will wik on tli.0 topic, -nie rlqhts nnd duties of American ell-

indrr the constitution.''


Cuba Attache Quits Due to Fidel Castro

Missionary 4 Americans Candidate

ja-VcnrrufM Kcnuse Ue rrsiirds Prtnilrr FIdfl Castro coiiimuiibl (llclator v,hci bcirnyed ilis fn«ii mid women »lio ihed tlirlr blood lo pul him lii po»cr.

Vldil dlsml& (d u ' rtdlculous'

Stsifs B'M lo l)bine for Uie explo- i lcti of (he Prriich munltiona ship L:i Cot/brd Jn /fawna i'ns£ k«Jc, lie

ihe bb.1t WM BlmMi ccrialnlj'___ fiiUMrt by nvprMc.iltd.Viftter in the _

--- diK'ti-K'hcrc-ilis «}ilp-«k’u-unlu3^ —JllK,

'Tlie coollnR .lyjtcm of tlic Hi\- ' valid tleclrlc pliuil cmpiita hot wi».

icf BibiiMlde llic Tiilliipicdra piiT,.• to nhlcU Uie La Coubre uw

inoorfd," tlie 3<-> naval of-fietr MlcL__________ _____

'"Will'll 1 unA cliijf of marllliirc police In }lnvajia, 1 would allow no ship MiDinic fttimmiiition to un- load m ihf TsUnptcdrn pltr,"

Vidnl >al(t ht bcllcvp.i the pr«ciit niwitlnie pollcc chlcf » one of Cniiro'5 rcbtU who hiui no ttchnl- cnl (juaiKlcatloriii (or Uie Job and wtift nccordlnKly may not |i osniKd the dunner.

Tile formtr naval ailache said he wnl In hla rcslRniiUon Sunduy Xrtirn Cuciiln, Colombia, where he was jpendlni; % fe'v dayV nft«r hearlnR that hLi mother nnd brotiipr-1 hud been arreited by C: irori police. - ■

t _J.JRHV STEVEN'S , . . «on a( Mr. and Mrs. Itoberl

‘ rrKlcfSETJecli; will be lion- <irr<l 01 I tareirrll (enclmoiilat at ‘liJO p.m. Sundajr at the Decto L!>S rliapel ulth lllilinp J. liar, rx Ilarrlnslnn conductlnc. Slev> eni nlll enter the mltilon home In Salt Uke Cltr March 21 prior lo leavliic nn a mlulon to Ma> mna. Kllb heatliiuarleri at Yila t>rolu. lie uai crailu'ateil Irom Ihn llcclo hlfh kchool In 1DJ8 and lia< allelidtd Utah State unlver- titr, Locan. oliere he wax majnr- ine In education. (Staff en{rar> Inti

Tlie lallirf'llnit-diiiKhlt riown In the U. S. iiaviil hnr.iuinl at Port Lynutcy \llcrc the girl dlcdl 'ho.mJUl" ftUlhnntle. s.ild. Death WM cnuscd by a ccrebral blood clot.

Daiicr Is on cxccullve of Lojlii IiitcrnallDiiaI_con>“r;'l!"n,_ Sal mnclKo, which opffnicd Iriiit- Jtilce conccnirnte and lithnu-al plant.i m Afindlr.

Black Market in Babies Located

JERSEY crry. March 0 171)- Authorllle.iMy a ^S-ycnf-old worn- nn may hni-e sold a.'i many w IS iinft'nnted new-born bnblM far S3.M0'encirin Uie four ycar.i.

'Hie black market b. by opera* lion wiw'lerdny wltl> the arrf.'t of Mrs, Fao Wa.«crman. police Mid. A Newark couple Keck- liifi lo adopt a baby helped sprint; ft Imp that was balled Inst fall, nccordlnif to- Hutlson co iin t> Prowcuior I^ttT«nce-A..WJ)lpole.

Mr.s. \Va.vermBn waa chnrKcC wlih plftclni: or olfcrlni; to place n child for adoption without prop-

Wftli, T»i> olhrr women w< booifrf S'H/jmW,

rollce said they picked up-Mr.i 'Va.\.MTOian's trail Insl Gepteniber v.hfn «n unlileiitlfled Newark rniilile, who hnd bcrn unsucce.w- fill In fldoiilint: a child through a stnlf ftKPiiey. Informed the prose, fiitor'* office that they hart been eoiilicted by Mrs. WaMpmian.

-New tDS Minion- Forms in BritainSALT LAKE CITy. March S Ifl

—Tlie LDS church hiw formed n new north British mlulon and nppolnled Bcmnrd P. JJrockbank cui Itji Jirst prealdent, It announced yesterday.

In telllnB of Uio move. Ifenry D. toyle. tecond counselor In tho chtirth'* first presidency, imld Ujc (irea tha new mL-ulon will cover lias not je i been determined. Nei­ther hiN the mls.i|on‘s hendaimr- ten. aJthOHRlt Jfoylo S4[<t Liver­pool U ft «troni: poMlblllty,

Srockbank 1> a Sail Lake eon- tr*ctor,-«aI eslAte broker and ii member of tlie Granlie iichool bonrd. President Moyle *ald he will leave soon for DiBlntid, In company with JJarold D. Lee. i member of Iha Mormon church' council t>{ twelve aposHo.


temporary extension ha* been mnted VIcken Kelsht Llne. Inc,, Twin Falls, on lUi IPUC permit by the Idaho public utllltle.v comml.v alon. Ilifl commlulon also nllow- fiJ 20 day.i for objections to be filed flKalnst KrantlnR tlie.firm n per­manent extension of ILs permit.

RecordWASIIINGTON. March g m

—Sen, Robert C. flyrd, D.. W. Va.. set an endurance rceord for prc.ildhiK over the senate yes­terday by retnj\lnln(! on the

.ro.>trum 21 hours and elKht mlnute.f, Demoeratlc Lender D'udou 0, Johnson announced.

Johawn Infonned tlie senate (It 5:4S a.m. that Byrd, a 43> ycnr-old Jrc.Miniftn launiakrr. been In the chair for nearly 15 hours,

Tlie Democratic leader noted tartly that U wa.i the constitu­tional duty of Vice President

:nich3td„M- Nhon lo preside over the senn'le. It is cu-itoiniiry' for n senator lo act a.» prcr.ldlnu' olflccr when the vice prcsldcni Is ab.'cnl.

Trouble at BYU Campus Is Over

' PROVO. March fl '.n—The Rrlr- hanrVmniK university cnmpiu «,is’ quiet la. t nlsht, lullowlnc two i.trnlchl nlshls oT .'tutlent rowdy-

m. Pollcc rciwrtcd no cliMurb- nee nt all.Sunday jiIrJiI. setwil JiDJHJred the crvmpus po lle r , dropped chcrr>’ bomtis an(l”rlpi)cil js'lrlnc from Uie campus police p.i-

il c.7r. J£ look Dlllcrts nboni hiilf hour to ()ulet thinss down, nfier

city police wete cnlli'ii.Monday n lR lit another ino

youths Rathered. thrcatenlni; to « elrl-i' (Icrmltor)'. BYV Presl- (lent Ernest L. Wilkinson, nppcar- Ini: before them, threatened puLilon for anyone carrylnR the rnld. lie aLio threatened to order a fire hwe lo dbperse the youths, but they left of their accord.

Vacancies Noted In Federal Jobs

Vacande.i arc available for sten- CKropher and typist pftiltlnn.s an- nally paying «.!55 lo spe­cial acenls }4,D80. and enRlncerlnt; dnvft«nrn, isltts to M.080, with variou.i frderaJ BRfJicles.

Mlcatlons and further ii...... jri-msy be.obiaincd.flt m«’tpojlofflcers and the elevenUi U. 8, civil service rcdonni office, {edcra2 office bulldlnK. Seattle.

Trade Grows.MOSCOW,-March D ‘.V>— Bnvlct

ForelKn Trade Mhilsler NlkoW Palollchev report)^ today the So­viet ■ Union's forelsn trade nrrw .uiore.Uuuu2lJ.ptr. lie prcdlctcd It would co hlcher UiLi year.

In a InnR article In the Soviet Cotnminilst party orjian Pravda, Patollchev claimed thc.Sovlct Un- Ion's trade Rrowtlt rate was far lilRhcr year than Uiat In Ihe lendlnir indu^trlnl nsllons of the world.

W. II. In iu . ) TIIAII,. . . farmer In the r*fcidr»*

Valley’ area near Glenn* frirr nb(i has annnunced hit candid;!- CT f<>r‘(he pii»l of lUte repre- tentative from Kimore county cm IliP Drmucratic ticket, lie has farmed iti thr county for nine yrarn and lived fn Idaho for JC jrani. (Staff encravlns)

♦ V ¥ ¥

Elmore Rancher Seeks Demo Post

GLENNS FERRY. March O-W, A. iBlII) Troll, 48. n ftirmer nnil rancher from ’ Pa.wdeiia Valley, :announces lie will be a candidate ,for state repre.scntallve on tin Democrntlc ticket.

Trull, who has funned In El­more county for Hie past nine lycar.i. has been ji resident of Idaho I for 30 yonrs, .lie attended hiKh school In CnIdwcU and Link's School of Duslner.i, BbLw.

Tnklns nn ivctlve Interest wor): Troll la currently pre.'ldent of the Elmore County Youth coun­cil, an orKnnlrjitlon of 4-H Ic.idcrt In the county. lie Is supcrvl.',or on the Elmore soil con.wn'atlon dls- ■trlcl. nnd hns been n member of the Elmore Meinorlnl hospllAl board of directors for the paalclKhfj’eiirs. — -----

Trail married Rose Jimetxon. Wii.-.hliiRton county, in 1038 and has two’children, a dnuRhter. Mrs,■ lifrman Groehlcr. Bobe, and n rxin. Carl, iv junior nt the Olcnns Ferry WbIi school.

Tlie modern nail manufnclurlnK mai'lilne Is a development ot ii macnino Invented by Keklel Reed In 1788.

Pomona Chief Is Guest for

ChamberBUHL. March D-Cccl) Callioun.

master of the"-lvin I'alls county romcaia;t.Mx: . —

merce- tnrelinp•• .Mundsy- noo the R and K caft.,

Di4cu.v.lnK li'a:.ui(: iif area farm land 4n Idaho lo out-ol-state hunting Kroups. he pointed out

Pi-r.i Innl brriilclnR la ^ sceklni; th»e prlvllcRc-s by.-lcaMn« hlnd . He jtafccl Klitlio a IsuiMrand Jlrhcrnien’,' piiradlNr. tlius maklm; It drMrnble for Mich iiroupsto n rk urivllrRry _____________

Cnllioun slivtcd he felt 11 would be ili'lnnicntal If crxnnUcd Ktoups fihould naitt rohtrol of «pecinl prjvilt'::r;. llc> law.i could be tel nrmotlnn' to exclude any outiide nri:«iii?atlnns lo feek special hunt- ins and IbhhiE lea.'es on privatepiopcriy. ....................

Calhoun aL'O'urstd cloie coop­eration belwcpii the sportsmen and farmers. He urced sportsmi to private lands before ins ixrnilsslon nnd pointed out; mo.a larmert arc ujjlijij lo jraJit: pcrml:.'.loi> If U Is soushl. I

State Sen, OeorRC Bllck spoke' u Idiiho fl&hUis and hunllns

U WM announced the next mect- iK un .March 14 will be devoted

hciirliiK reporu Irom members' who had attended the Alfcade in Inst week.

Springdale Ward Leaders ChangedSPRINGDALE. JJnrch O-Tlte

SprlnRdalc .LDS ward blslioprle «R5 reorfiflnlsed nt aiwanifnl services Sunday niRht.

New oiricerB we Noel Bowcut. blJlfop. wIUj Roy ZoUlnRcr'is first coun.-;elor. nnd nobert Christensen

I second counselor. neUlncd ns o f f lc e r i

GeorRC D. Johnson. Steve Ellis, and llftlph K, West. Newel Baker, Bundell curtl.i atid Hnr\’cy Stecl.l /rom the Hurley slake presldenci', and-several' iw i .coiiudluuiti nl: tendrd.


Harold E. t'caowi, CO. president of the National AMoclnUon of Broad* ca.itcr» (NAB) and chairman ofJheI bo.ird ot directors, died yesterday I on the eve oC what offlelnU de-| scribed M an •'Important- board! meetlnR.

i^S O O P E R ^D O O P E R



WEEKEND SPECIAL- -- —-- - • ------ ;--- -----------Unbreakable - Boilproof





- PAGE FOUR_ T D IES-N EW S , T W IN F A L L S , ID A H O ^ 'E D N ESD A Y , M ARCH 9, 1960


W H T R T .T n T O


PEGLER’S ANGLEU. s. Dream Is for Paii-s of

Things; Hal Wants 2 DeskslO-pennjr lycooM i

O»7 HAL nOVLE, I Tilt

NEW YORK, M»fch » '.f—TIic My ulut we ~or else" metni. But- drtain todivy iKo.lhe Implied ihrenl Is lh»t If you

-rjlhln'K- ; don't iMtanily make your desltsuccf n tinlcA.i you look i.i elcan as a bAptlsmil font

,c<lj In your bedrooiii.:vuii jiU _br «trun» up by your - iiiflSsTdniiiiinttroill at the reel.


lias .shown itM'lf 111stanrcs, n ii:lu now...........................ccnUT of the Ea.M-Wc.sI. iifKumciu lii

. iifVii over ;i jw.-JSlble mii-lcar lest ban.Wc believe tlKil only by chcukliiK all .mi;

plcloiii? .sel-smlf: (earllujuakc-llkc)-dlslui banccs could wu hope to brlim .small nutlet proimd miclrar icM.s iiiulcr control. So w favor cxdiulliiK .small tc.sta from an

Tlic nn.wlaii.'i want them Includrcl. Tlicy siiy v,'n can clii-ck any .suLsinIc dlslvirbanccs provldcd-wc-nprcc'to-an finmiai llm ll oi the number of .siicli chccks w ithin tlic SO' vlet Union or ol.sinvluTc.

Diit they won't tell na how many Iiisjjcc- lions they would allow, nor agree that tlic number .should be .determined on^ti, sclei; tUlc ratljcr Uian-a pollLical biuls. So we’re' 'back to the same old. brick wall.

In the matter of Berlin, wc arc deter mined as alway.^ to as.surc Its freedom from CommunLst control. The Russians want our

-Tirriied-forces.out.of thcrc..-• As n ijre.'isiirc devlcc, .they continue to

threaten the slpninK n t rin early date of a separate peace treaty w ith Germany, whose soli cncompa.sses Berlin. Tljey would then arpiic that our rlBhl.-? there had been extinguished.

So far the Soviet Union lin.s .sliown no slight disposition to accept any compromLse propo.sal. The reason Is .simple: Every West-

.. ,cn:i.Plftii.l9.5ccu.ns incvltaWy .w»kci)l!>K the Communist hold on Germany, Thus all siigge.stlons- Xfir fairly conducted all-Germhn electlon.f-or plcblscitc.s-are In every Instance rejected.

One can find little hope for summit suc­cess In the unchanRlnf: words of Soviet Pre m ier IChrushchcv as lie marches around'the world; I f there Is any such hope; It must surely rest .in the pressures that world opinion puts upon him.

For It he grasp.s anythtnR a t all. he must ~uivacr.staTicl-thnt-thc-R'orld-ls-wean“of*Com-

munlst-lnsplred tensions. I t wants peace, nuclear and general disarmament, .and a settlement of such crucial te iics as Berlin. He daro not be totally deaf to those de-

_nm nds , , j

I'KNT.AOON lNV<)i,Vi;i> i.v l-Ol.iTii;s-Proni llie HIM (Urecllve. 11 iii)ju'ar.% Uinl. rentsROi lii be dcploycil lo inrt In a toiiir t.-. potlilnil uvcrtoiu';., IniLsmiich ns lOCO

ilrntlniyiMr.IMrintr accretnry nobpri A. !.ovctl. New York ;iiil:cT wIili no iwltUcnl nxn to Kriiul. Im» lold wniite iiiuiiUlrM llial. in iil. opUDoii. mllll.iry officer; lul even PcntuKiiii cU'illnii oriiclnH Ahnulii not bi

pprmutoiI-to-p‘ini(ilprnfi-in“ siicn-ni;i:(itM, rormei •Iiirlrr. Jlrtiry L, Stlnv.on nmi Genrse C. Mnr-


AMKUICAN POLIT ICS Lately t!ic American political system

• been-coinhiR under considerable fire-: some thoughtful men.

Some say the whole carnival, from marles through conventions to election < paigns, Is. a travesty on good sense. Others say that the net of it a il Is that we don't c manage to put np our ablest men for the ' presidency.

Few would deny that these criticisms a t least partly true. The camijalgn procc.s.-, j In this country lias always been heavily in- terlardcd with hokum. And from 'time • to i' time men of douHTfiil RovcrnJnK Lalcntnia

, election ballot.-I--Mnvprthplftce p rmptip

—-bo-fiflld-alwiit. ■

potltlclni polemics. iiriicierl.MIc Elncnliower performance (ion of ncw*pnper reporilnR of tlie ^muaiotvi for reorKtinlMlloii of tlie irc. When qiie.iiloncd nbout ilie Pre. ' It,- I-ovctt said thni the newspspei

Of nis tmirnony lind been ‘•accurate."- ••

AUMY. NAVV. A Ill FOItCK OKFICEKS COM. ri.AI.V—prcMilent El.ienMower's indlRnnnt renctlon Aoiild not caii*e »o much concern nnd piiulemeni 11 OOP clitlM, it crItlcLws iinti b«u voiced jnly-by-.-'iieh ndmllted pnrtL^nns-ns tile Tf D.-iiiocf:illc proslrlrnilnl ctvndldnles,

iiuf rlmiT!!-.'. 1)1 nililtnry BiiortcomlnR linve been nilKcil liy nriiiy. nir and imvy officers who imvi laa much iiiDrv i-xpcrlrncc III tlie field n:id uithpa^t ■vnr wcapono' limn the Pre.ildenl im» lind. Tlie; lavc bcc!i iimde by former members of liie Join :hl(.'f.i of slaff ui ApcectiM. innRHtlncs nnd boolcv Conservnllve bunine.-Jincii. bankers nnd iiidustrlRl'

.sU have oiie.itloiietl the very ba.sls of our economic sy.-,lcni, dlrt'cllon mid i)ro>:rc;-?, Tliev linve exprc.wd oiirn cHiiccTii thiit ^u^Jila^vlll eveimi.illy ovtrlnke u; in llie rnee for Itidbtrlul Biipcrlority, ta iUiMtti mil' nry nncl ( nclvniiees.Ailtioui:h licnvlly burdcjied with taxes today, both

Indlvldunl nnd corporate, they liave said lhat, in thrir opinion, tlie American peoi^ woi)Id wlUlnRly underKi) even Rre:\tcr Bncntlccs to InsiirB survlvt' Suiiio liiive c.vtJjimlcJ the’. Inereutt In k <

c to ranire from five in 10 bliiion dollars inoi n the iflfil prMldenlInt budBci.

lll.V-.r.! br ilcCIi.r. .V.KilHp.f Srndlrtlr)


l>crTinp.s lia;nircic'1}ten Krcnlcr riVcir'?( ie tiuih about ilie J.inner. nnd never probably 1im mt truth brin more elusive nnd obscurnl.One c;ul^c of this obfti.sciiilnn niny be tlwt. I ,

nppnrent i>crlo<l of trftiultlon with lia trend, to- nnd blpRrr fRfnui, more and

'I know what rom on down on

nmple Ju-ittfieallon. conct I Ilf report.'! of cnunnous

Mirplu-M'. of prlcP-Mipported (i»rin crops, rmiT all loo often Li reRarded m tii« "

/•nntt. I.v ll<n nilrt Iniri

looks fine In n :lenn de;sk In an

: hIdM more from Uie boMi isn It tells him. A smnrt boss Is itplclous—or r.lioulde t>e—of nn iiploye ttho rpcndi too nuicli me pollililnR applr.i. hid dcik or

ijtltullon provided th r union slioiild "con.ii; ilonai executive office

ill but one of whom had be rk'ctcd by the olhrr.i wllhout vrif the rank «Hrt lllc or nny del. ..................................:nlM. In pf<■lllc ^ords the con.|I nskKl whai lecnl dulle.i he per ..tltiiiion f.ild they «cre qunll- formed on llil.i purely joclnl nn

•ylfled to net in tiie union, ‘'inde-llionorary mt.'-.slon to Bristol. Ill,f pendent of Its componeni pnrU,"| mnjejt.v ua.i furllier ruffled wiien l[EYBi;flN. Murcli 8—Mr, »nn

Tills obvlntfd n Kood deM of;l n^ked ivliethcr the route hc'took Mrs, John Drew. Emcnwn. jmvo bookkeeplnR iind Irreverence fromllrom New York In Ilrislol nns thCjrelurned from vialtlnfi rclntlres In the loft'cr orders. shorlesl nnd ie.isl extrivv«Rnnt|Pomonft nnd Enn Fmncisco. Calif,


Trips Noted«rnlTn»r __i.

only to Irritate my lrrll.1t who bent.'i

p.iper-evcrj’-i open ftl whni llirouRh.

I mnke (julli tho pnprr In •lio paRM (]U inooilj'the pa

before sMrilnt it Koe.i on »n.

What cwi n Id to thU si

Pot Sliou note: You mlRht «ln ieavlns the top oft the tooilipu


■ FAMOUS T.,\STI,lNt: ' • ' . . . SIiB dropped & tmi

fortune In the market wtien b thepplnc b»c broke."


LOltd .lQ build n ___________liil in the Intc. laineiifed Pre.ildcnt

'Dnmlnfck {('Aliwatiriro, Q tiiricy . M:iv, UniBru',1 frirnd nnd,piitrnii. Miter, they apnroved n "report on expenditures" for this. but-xiiii-nQ.dciallJrlinaiiciaL or.:u llstlc nr otiier. McRnwhlle Ihi

,, could have chosrn. | Mr. nnd Mrs, Fred Sclfsddc. JudBe BroKna l.'i 7:, n native ofjEiner.ion, ’wid Mr. nnd Mrs. John

Italy, a Dcmncrai from Ihc oldiMafiln, Psui; left Sunilny for Port* Curlry circle, a p.ijial kiiljht nnd’lanri to visit Mx*. WWlnjjj fJejre a very fine niun. ............... ” 'I nnd WlllUm Mnr

.Dr. Fen H. CovingtonANNOUNCES

The Reopening of His Office


676 Shoupe Ave. West(Directly behind Mogic VolleyMemofiol Hospital)

Twin F o lli Phono RE 3 - 4 6 8 9

^You.wili find if .in tho GOURMET BAR —


You uill find n complete line of the flne-M qunllty Dietetic foodi In the Gourmet Dnr.

Cheem Cracktri nreulnta Chocnitte Hirs Jellies .

Cbme In «nd Browse Around

‘' i f a g ie 'T S le y 's M obJ , ' I hieresUh^^^

KRENGEL'S Hardware

D o n 't m iss th is big P r e - s e a s o n E v e n t . . . Tru< kloads o f S p r in g M e r c h a n d i s e . . .T o p Q u a l i t y . . .L o w P r ice s !

7 < p « s t o n eSpring Super Vafues

u S U J Yours for the Asking Burpee's

GIANT ZINNIAStkry (o vclicit' coCati [

i/t/ nujdiU(/> i

No cost or obiigafion ^

1 lia.<; overFor'oiie, llte U. S,-j>ysti Insi several decades produced an nm.izlngiy good crop or pre.-;ldciitlai nominee.':. A sys­tem which turn.? up men of .such ciiiwclty as Tlieodorc Roosevelt. Woodrow Wilson, ChnrlCi^Evnn.-i Hugiies, John W . Dnvls, Her­

bert Hoover. Franklin D . Roosevelt. Wendell W lllklc nnd Adlai Stcvcn.soii i.'5 li.irdly n total failure.

Admittedly the w ill not alway; work well. Voter.'?, even convention dele­gates. cannot alw.-iys nyiko .^ure JiiclKmcnU on the ba.sls of a man'.<; abl!ltle.s. Most of them cannot iiopc to know the candldate.s lh a t well. They must Judge by broad evi­dences, flnd sDmclimcs ihcsc arc raJsJcad- Ing. ' ..

Obviously, n man could have an I,Q . of --250-riftd-get nowhere, unless he were alilc

somehow to pro jcct. h im self on a broad •.^-and-l.trusLwDrUiy^Thc

winners, Inevitably, w ill be chosen from among thwe who “projecr'*

A sccond thing Is th a t our political sys- tfcm docs not operate In n vacuum.' It.s flaws

• and pccullftrltlc.s arc not ncce.s.sarlly special lo Itself. They rcflcct the whole context ofAmerican lijfe. ______ •

Not many Amcrlc.alis arc dedicated fitu- dents of men and i.-aucs In politics. take politics ratlier lightly, cxcept in crise;

y ff><nl.bii:.i,farmrr.s nre livlni; h life of luxury —

;)orl.i nrc biiyliiR them Cadlllnc.i. Fact: -om'-.' aro dechnlnis: fannerj arc en- re of the frult.s of ilie than city res*

:drni.v nnd nicin- often n rooiI de:il IfM, i’roliy obvirm.'.ly. the Iiirmcr ftt<vnd.i In f.erlous need

:o(liiy lor better public rflnllon.v On hW own nccouni. he can help



lU nerd tlculslI conipeteiil nnd

atlon of nerybody ei'e 1 ! fiw-nier' c»se n ihusmil not be preJutlKed, t... .........Ilk nnli of hivlf-baked lde»s.~Bolse

MI.4.NK I.OOK AT TIIK KHASt;IV franc, worth IW of the old ones, was on circulation In m nce with ttie eonilns new year. It nirendy had been Riven n dry R Paru suburb to show people liow it would

.Many «n <toushboy of World w»r I who erved wlih the AKP \till remember he wn*

p.iid In frnncs worth npproximntely 20 cents each. lucces. lve devaluations since then brousiit the old ranc down to nn cxchnncc rate, by the end of l»D. If about one-fifth of ix cent-or one one-hundredth If Its value of <0 years nco.So once nRain. Frwice has'n 30-cent frsnc, after

four decndM,- Dcfcire wif smile, however, let lU re- iber Uiat our own dollar lin.V lo,it more (lian hilf

iw value in Just about half that time, and Uie end ; be.-Columbu.'i. O , Ex-enlnit DLtpdtch.

rraclleta 21” Table Mndd TKI.EVISION (1 Only) .... ..- 189.95Phllfo 21" (!nn«1e TKLKVISIOS (1 Only) .......... 199 .9^Flrr.tone I'ortal.le BTEItEO 11 Only! ............... 6 9 9 5Flreilone Table MckIfI - RADIO (1 Onlyi. ' ............... 13.30

I’hllco I'ortable TKLEVISIOS iLiecl) .......... . 99 .99

_ ... ilJiAnywh»r»oWaiH»rWiIIrush-liutton water selectors for lint, warm or cold wn cr. Specul dry M tting for Wash 'n Vt'car. Aulo- mnlicjowcr soak, DftrrRont nnd blcflch d^or.

‘ iprikers anil bfiutifol fold , and ivorycabincLWriiiu just

^m ib*.

1 3 : 9 9

TlltrilARDEn TO KXri.AtV

dent KI.IJ ihowi •ntlon leiideiOf a show. And making It th a t rosulLs in dragging'In all kinds o f distortion, trivia

— and-downrlBht-wnstcful"nonsonsc. ■ • " — Yet to change It Into a serious, dcdicatetl

business you. would first have tb.changc Americans, and their Interest.? and values. We’re not Hkely to manage th a t with the iUck o l ft 5wl(ch.

And besides, as we have seen, the system; works far better than perhaps It hns any r ig h t U). Tlm t oueht lo count. In Ih t bM-

ilsewhere—that more :io moon U the fdct that-the American -iUpcrlor-to-Uia-Sdvlol-fcystem. - uncLs logical. Dut Li It? loiild the Miperlority 0? our «y teTn .Ith failure to achieve the spectacular

suits ihnt the ItavUAru liavcv In sn.ic;?It Is Hire saylne thnt becnuso Jolm Li such a.cood.

U(i«andJnff lior It tiocMfi make any <lirie:ence that ‘ e nunked nlfjebra.

Indeed, the fact that our system Ii superior InsEard role in spnce all the harder.

— ......... Pi

■KiUttaiitc# j

18" Thrifty-Cot 1 R o t a r y M o w e r

3 6 ® ®1T°..A W e e k

Lchum t 'V hices

E tm ^f

71r e d o n e


RuKsed. economieally priced mnwfB Dependable Clinton 2'-.*' (nfl>na with ir>iitanl-ar<i»n .

ijilarier. LonR-la*tin|fini»h.

6.70-15 Black Tu^lyp*

n«M lox and rKoppebia Ilf*

M a d o a n d S o ld b y A m e r lo a 's M ost

I * E x p o r lo n o e d N y lo n T ire S p e o la l ls ts

• FirwioneRiiblxrr-XfotJemief-Jift.....TT ' ' ■____1"

As little as $1 a week per tiroALL SIZES . . . LOWEST PRICE EVER


2-Got. Gas Can

■ Only 8 9 cComplelB with aeif.itnrinc flexible ipouL Vented for fatt, «a«y pourinf.

2-Cell flashlight!

- Only boUerUitxira

.naiher iwiich, T-|




^T :DN ESD A Y , MARCH-9,' 19Gp;_,

liigliei’ U. S.Sugar Quota Is Supported

■ HOMSd a LE,. Mnrch 0 WWAn

bed quoU tfu advocnlcd Here -iMUnlKlitby-A-W.BmnU-Idaho.

FfllU. Dcmocraile Mnalorlal didftte. •. Brunt epoke «l ft public RAiher- IfiK lirrejiponsorcd by the Ou-yhce

mlttre.Brunt called for tlie Incrcaxe "In

vira- ot the .dtWJorniJnj: Cuban Bliuillon."

wlio tald he »1h) oaw fnnnli)R Iniid In Bonneville county, nald Cubiv lia-1 lorlcltrcl lUs rlchu to preferential ircilnient In .view of the hosllle ctiargra of Cnxtro,• SpenltlnK of Incrciulnir the quota lie n.ilcl "this mcnn.1 nn

_ In the jiuKnr beet ncreoBc ftnil pro-"diiclicn UrrjfttlO . ---------

"I believe ii'a our fnrmera that tiJiould be lielpccl, nuher than nn unfriendly countO'"


YoutliTiu'iis Jimk to Big School Prize

WASIIINOTON. March 0 UTIi- A modest Mlnnesolft farm boy haa turned S5 worth of Jimk. IneludlnK A float from a pis watcrlntc troURh nnd n ClirUtmAA oninment, Into $7^00 colIcgc tcliolarshlp.

The Mholarslilp. Uie nation'.. (iclence prl7£ for rh'Kli school istudciiti. wft-n awarded yea- terday by the WestliiRhouse Edu- callonnl founUntlon at n banquet here marklnR the end of llio 1060 science talent #carch.

ropr oUicr :<holarshlp3. ranKlnR. ' Jrom J8.000 to S3,000, wcro award­

ed to other hiKli flclioor f.enloM. the cream of i crop of-<0 flnall.ita who Rpent five days In Wnahlns- ton while JudRCj chose Uie top winners,

TTrst-placg Mnner Jernmf Q. 6pll7,;ier, n-year-old son of Mr, nnd Mrs. R. C. Sptoner. St. James, Minn., took top Iionors with a spherical Ion- Bcceleralor. an elab* ornie devlco used. In utomle search,

••I tried an far'aji pos.Mbl'e”to keep costs doB-o." 8pltzner Mid, Bcr.ltlc-1 Use float -and ornament, lie used part,'? of old cars nnd oth­er Junk he found oti his Inlhcr's 200-acre farm In southern Mlnnc-

77ie Jon necflerfttor Is onl/In a series of projects the husky blond has built. InchidlnR rockcts. nn aerial camera with a parachute

. .release .Jr)KKWd.Irom-thC-sround nnd a disltnl computer he U co stfucUnB In n dlwnrdcd drcaser.

New Budget to Up U.S. Payroll

WASiriNCTON. ifwch 0 —Ben, Harry K. Byrd, D.. .Vn.. »ald today President Cbcnbowcr's new budget would boost federal employment by 30,«4 and Increajie the Rovcrnment

.BBiToJi.hy.two.mllUoa dollara.____Byrd, chairman of the tenat«-

hoate committee on reduction of non-e.uentlal (ederal expcodltures, said the budRct for the fiscal year starling July j called for an nver- ARe of 2JSSJS9 federal workers to be paid $12,800,000,000.

He said In n statement that this meant an Incre.ise over the current fiscal year of <5,M0 workers nnd three million doUara In salaries'lor clvlllsn nRcncitJ,"

■ ThL« boost, he said, would____than offset » drop of 15J00 workers nnd one million dolla^g In pay foi civilian employe* of the defens( department.

Wide Margin Is Noted in Ballol

D0I6E. March 5 «WSen. Frank Church. D.. Ids.. a.\ld yesterday

—thnt-ldiihonnr7nTor*nirTiropow<r Sawtooth national park study nnd

__the mare than BOOQ noat f arri___plies to his questionnaire fnvor tht eawiootli sttidy. He s.ild 88,00 per cent ‘’approve my Salmon rlvtJ bill."


Tlie Democrsilc party plans to solicit Ideas from rank and flic members on what should bo In­cluded In Its 1J60, campalRn plaU fonn. ----


FOR 9ALK W.vnrn SnALKD DlDSiTtVIII »Uh H I Uixlil

I.W UToumf»u Crrr.ll. C<»<1 »ndl- .ubmlttfj for C«rir^

unlu. nitli mui( l« rr:«lffd br Ucrth "

Secret Police Data Is Kept From Leader

' ClirCAOO. Mafcli 8 ^7P-Clllc^- RD'j new -police •superlnlcndcnt won’t Ret ft look at sccret slate data on corruption nmonR’ the city’s cops.

Slate’s Attorney Benji.....■;1 said yesterday he

ibri'DUlriti; 1°WtrhlnffT IneiUd V:» Norih. SO# >Uii, tluiHfl. Miho. Th« Oiitrkt r«-

li >t hi. «lfl^.lIUxmi.t».

.i r~4,.«i Dm *1lUuhrrr, llaornMii. Ii U inibllclr or*l<nl t!m» iiiKl pUc».

JoTtri tiallnr conjhloiii tnuil rurtvl Ufor* kldHlni. -Hin* » • at

TI3) cnutcn

Tublliht JURl) 1.

Jlddiqtofs^NEW USED

Service h Repairs

Phone RE 3-«080AD^TTpM—KlBda


RadUtora Ara Oar BbsIdm^■ ~ Nel iTBHdlrii------

Magazine’s Man Meets Boy. Scout Leaders Ai-ouiid .Ai ea

Uoyd 8. Eberharl. New Bruns­wick. N, J , clrculiilon msnsger of Boys' Life magazine, h&s been in Tviln Falls to-dlscun purpos'es' of

make uie oI Itpmffflm __

Eberhart srrlved Monday morn- inc and left Wednewlay niornlnR for Pocatello. •

tion of about two million. One Is- annually is illustrated by Nor

___1 Rockwell, famed artist. Hock-•ffeilTrroriiirr'Tirnilfcclor unii'i mnKiiilne. Illchard Deal, executive dlrvctor of the Snake River council of Boy Scouts of America. Mid the mapazlne Li not a monty-maklng production.

Eberhart met Monday cvtnlne Kllli Snake River council commis­sioners at the nosersoii hotel dlscus.vthe--m«»r*tln« ftnd-U>ofc_a f(eld trip ».1tli Dcil Tucitloy alter- noon to lnler%’ltw ScouU In the council. He met with members ot the Wood niver dblricl committee at 8 p, m, Tuesday at the Hailey high school. He also met with Uoyd Smith. Hailey, council chair- man. Tuesday afiemoon.

Eberlmrl li a mllVB of Topfka. Kans.. and has eaRle rank. He was ft member of the national Se.i Scout slilp, "KaMan," and earned the (juartermaster rank. He later served as assistant Scoulma-itcr. Scouunnster, nclxhborhood mlMloner and Is now Scouimnster of fi larsc troop near New Bruiw- wick. He a Rradunte of the S9th national tratnlns Khool for pro- fcsslonal leaders In scouKnR. He became clrculntlon mansRcr of Boy*’ Life magailne In 1953 whenthe circulation v

doubts Supt..OrlamlQ W..\Vlison clean up Uic scandal.tcarrccl police force,

Aeecss nioekcd Tlierefore, Adamowskl told

men. he Ls blocklnR Wilson’s access to the sLate's confidential files al- leffcdTy namlnR policemen take.

Adamon'skl. a Republican nnd of the city’s Dcmocraile ad­ministration’s ■fevere.1t crllles, rc- ef'ntiy-lIlM-four-sulu.cMUcnKlns Wilson’s right to the top police post. • "■

Wilson, brought In last week to clean up the force, limored Adam* oKskl's statements while teninR newsmen he plans n one million 'dollar rcmodellnB Job on ChlcsRO’* 'bulKlnR at the seams" police head­quarters.

Tettimony to Be Heard Mennwhllc, crand Jurors Investl-

mtlng the police burjtlary scanda' were to hear testimony by two members of-*-buncl»ry-gang whO' chanted several policemen with Uklng briltft and fccdvine eUrlen loot.

The grand Jurors,spent yesterday way from the courtroom studying

records from the office of the city commls.sloner of'lnmtlRatlons.

But William Cclley, 22, nnd Wil­liam Blahn, were to resume tes­timony today on charRes that'have shaken Uie police force from the' lop brass to its roots.

o t l h a O U W e s t

Blaine Guard Using Gun to Prevent Slide

^rONTPELlER, March C Ml — . Idaho national Ruardsnicn from Hailey ftrcd 10 round] of 10 mllU- mctcr shells Into a snow drift yc.itcrdny und prevented a poalble snpw sllile from roarinR down on-

) n fcrilllier plant in OeorRC- iwn canyon near this southcast- •n Idaho community.The employes ol the plant had

„3ne home. It was about 5 o’clock. Tlie nhoollnB could either have caused n slide or"pfeventcd It by poundlBK the Iomc snow Into a lorc compact ma.w. ,The personnel mnnaRer ot the'

CcntrnJ Farmer* FerUllier com­pany plnnt, Robert John.ion, said. "What wn did was compact the

low. by hlttlnK Into it,"••We had to take Ihc chance of:

.It coming down on (he bulltllns,sj whllo the people were tliere.' or take this preventive m easure where you either start the slide—, while nobody U in Uie plant — or you compacl it.

"Wc were fortunate enough tocompact U.“ _______ _

Tlie flrlntt by the 105 millimeter as done by a national ituard

Rroup from Hailey, tlie same Rroup which docs similar slide preventive | work nt Sun Valley. Tlie Dfl, scrvlce supcn'lsed.

Tlio snow was atop-the wall of the canyon, half H' mile nbove the plant bulIdJnRs. A| winter’s nccumulalion of snow hadi become loosened of re­cent.-warm-weather/ -------

7-Year-Old Utah Girl Gets Polio

TXX)ELB, Utah. March 9 WWA r-ycnr-old slrl wlioie doctor snya she never not s polio shot Is In nn Iron lune nt Tooele Valley hospitni. nfflictcd by bulbw end paralytic polio. ^ .

The child Is SherrirKnlsht. Uie dttushtcT“Of-Mrs,-Vlvlnn-Shermnn. Omntsvllle. She attended second Rmde classes In amalsvllle Mon­day, her doctor said. Her Illness as dlacmued yesterday.Her condlllotf was rated serious. Dr. Oeonte W. Botfe. s ta le

health director, said the case points up liie need for nil to take the vncclne—Inclurtlnj subsequent booster shots.



^ : 7.95


SAVE 28“ onCraftsm an Accra-Atm




Build, repair, rcmodei-olinotf anything mode «f

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1 1 9InduttrSol'floor type drill p re ii 65V4 inehei high,' 100 *q. in. toble.'Drilli

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9 9 ’-Sows itralght, curved o i

well a* irroguler linet.

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2 - 1 - i n * ' 4 - i v h e e l K i d c r M o v e r

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R o t a r y M o w e r l i a s , S e l f - S t a r t e r

:it-in. cut — ______69‘»Smooth-roUInc on 10-lncli x 3.75 rubber-tlrea ball-bcarlns whceli. 1-pc. tray.

Powerful 4-JlP. 4-cyeIe en- Klne. Easy wheel adJuiUnent Xor 4 cutting helghta..

SHOP 'til 9 p.m. FRIDAY FREE! Hand ToqI Book




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o t h e r b o t u b o n t ''v



d key chuck






C hoice of plitolo r taw-<_np

“ C large, ' r

m U BDiBU cwin.umcnin]ai • lornian incumnimRaD • Mtw

' 'S a a 's f a c b 'o n .fS i 'r iM tc i jd o r Y O iir 'in o n e y '


Mrs. C. Pence Elected Head OfBuhlPTA

aU!!L, .Mnrrh D-Mr.i. Ctif.trr t’riirc wa--. fli-i'trd prcjldtnl of llir \

—Biild—KrA-UJUf«i«_Uio —rcMoUr ■ mcc::i::-Montlaj-cTcninrrBt.-..l!!s:

cliool. Mr.v. Allji-rt


l>7D Kll»ereln)

11 O' Morn(.|

Olll Is ttic reltrlnB prr;.


K B A R(lUD KllocTCln)

K E K P( I t » KllbrjclN)

K L I X(1310 KllocjelM)

K T F I(1210 RUoe7ele«>


Latin America Feelings Flue, ‘Ike’ Declares

hand of this country In cooper*' Uoo. .Bill tia .tpcilcd out no.KUltUpf detnlls,-- :---

Eijenhowcr wM warmly rceclTrd by tremcRdous uowcU In ftll the four countrle.1 he visited—Brnill. Arsentlns. Chile and Uruguay. And he wild his first words must be

ilc lL j I of prmliudi-for the friendly reception* wher­ever he went.

■Millions endured hot summer lun-nnd occaslonaJIy n ln—to lei

Idaho and Forest Service Planning Attacks on Fires

SPOKANE. MureJi » '*i - Tv.'o r.ofUirjiiLfftl, Idaiui.itlvc Kroups, the stotc oJ Idiiho the U. S. forot service pli!i learn, up.ioT-A. couutlcd. Allack.. on forMt. IirrA withchrnilcaJ rctanlcnu, A. B, Curtis. Oroflno, laid here yejlerday.

Curtl.% reflected for llic 33rd time \ chief fire warden for Uic Clear- ater niid Poil.uch Tltnlicr Pro-

tecUve imaclftilon.v ?ald plans ar<

WASIUNOTON. M.vch 9 aTS- Sccrctary of 6t.ile Christian A. H»rt«ir—i4l«l—todiiy_Uio—United— fiuies eKDluftlly miKlil .have lo consider brcnklnc relations with Cuba, but that he hope« things ,ouId new: eomr to that etage. llie stste dcpartinent Li draftlns iterli note lo Cuba to proleil

belt>e 1ft ftre>retardlni; chemical produced In CalKomla. stored at aranccvllli Coeur d’Alene and Lewiston for u.i

Herter States Cuban, U. S. Break Looms

Dr.-\fiiii(: of iMe noic was held Up ycsterdny when radio reporU said

na expected mcmiciitarily f;U fcIiitloiLi with this coun-

Iniiiii: ihc hiiiorv ..m I niiiif. of Ihr lliilil r rnn:;ii:;lul In lui.;. A liiK wa!v.Ln)!gi.--

Mrs, PrtlCfl coiidiir'n 111;; «llti H:>rl Alkn nv

Ihclr homeland, Thry diicli'fl n .lUi'Mloii i.cTi.iil,Wallii-r ni:i<lr llu- mir<nl

i{clr.-;.lmifnb were th<- !.lMh pnulr rnoiii ii- tivr.-: «llh .\lr Krtli",! li rli:ilrmnii, nM'.stnl by Mi l-.iUTcll, .Mr.. C;irl DiiliiN, Mr;.. Bill

.Mr.v tlUv.i.,ol (li'coarrli'il o r thi-ni of I -o

dn.v. _____Teamsters in 4' Utah Cities Hold Electionf!AI.T l.AKE CITY. March D l.fl

—Mrinbcr.s of Utahji 'I'camslcrK union Incnl 2:2. ot» Ihe loMK -riinc back from a ninrnlhon trunlre ahlp. volisl In (oiir Utah cIllM lO' dny on officers ;vho will operate the local,

nljle ti e for. . . . ,r;ir.i. i;niii-r• tlie tni-it4-f.ililp Mnt<i-v nil lornl of., Jlccrii wcro niipoliit<-U by Team, ilrr lirndquarters.

In the ballotiMR. there were con­tests Inr all ixxiis Init Ihe one hchl by Fullmer if. Ijiltcr. ivlio U thi local's sccri'tary-lren.Mircr am who jcek.i election. Volts xvere be Jnu ca.'t In fiall Uike CII}\ Provo, Cedar City and Vernal.

OeorKe J. Abrani.i, repre.ientlnt; Uie Honest UaIIoi n.voclatlon, New York. *ald ncenla or his eroup would siipen-Lic the fJectlon.

Ite said the ballot iKixes would be sealed and brousht her countinis l itiurrou.' inQrnliifc,

Sevtn, School Cliildren and Woman Dead

HCItLIN. Conn, March 0 i.H — Seven iclioof eliiltlrcn iinti ix fcwler mother were killed ycAicrday hy pa.vcrincT train that hurled tin

wagon Into an lee-coveredIKlIlll.

The sma.'he<l automobile turn, 'hied Irom Ihe unprotected rAllrpad erawlni; d( an enibankim Into the ftve-fooL*di-ep wii the pond.

llie lnn>.ict'loMcd four of ihr younKslers from the velilclc. One l)o(ly wa.i fnund on the embank, meni, 'Jliree other,' jkldded ovci tlic Ice on the pund.

Kklii divers recovered the foui occu|>;int.i of the Matlol. from the ponrt’s icy wnlcr.-!

.. viclliiu were .Mrs. Knilly Whliakcr. 57, ivho with luT hiw-

nd had devnled tihiiiisi 15 yej

t> rhniiM cihow

<licn:of iinf<ir • chir

Her coilchild;:irds who llvril t;i the Wlilt 'inf, Mr.i. \Vhit.iker and her vi-re Ninroc.v crne4>r Connrthciit' arddtnl ivns lliii-rrd with ch6c)n;<)olc.’iT Imich “-boxi

bodies, and scraps of wreckase.

Scotsmeri Feted By Area Woman

KETCUUM, March 0-Mrs, Jun- el Brown, at her "Wco Scollnnrt’ home, enterialiied vl.iltors who nl. so clillni fientlnnd nn their ances­tral homes over the weefc-eml,

RetumlnK from tJie Oljmplc Squaw..Yallcj. la UQVh Beotia, a couple cItilmlnB Pcrih. tililre. Scotland. a.i the place of Uielr births, stopped

An elderly ScoWwoman cried when the talked of the Isle of Biteye. the place, of her birth, which she left wlien 17-years old to come to Uie U. “

■Tvo traveled the wide worldover and never have i ...............lel to equM that of the Isle.” she itated.

A Scotwnnn from Montrei wrote "Loch Loinnnrt” m the Mrs. Charles Bliich. Btirli-y, place of hl.< btrtJi In .Mr.s. Brown's memory book. Another fronj Van. emiver. D. C, Jolne<l In the rem|. nlwlnR. which wss of "larlans anc pleldlcs and the Clans."

AJrs, Brown was pr«ent«t t token for kecplric her lierltaRe

■ alive,

Declo Residents Report Journeys

DECIX5. March 0-Mr. and Mrs. tliirl Osterhout have tetunied Home from California where they vl.'illcd tlielr son-in-law and dauRhler, Mr. and Mrs, Orover Daviclnnn. Itlverslde, and Ihclr son an<l daiiKhli'r-ln-l,iiv, .Mr, and Mr.i. Dalr Oslrrhout, San Ulepo,

K;irrn Walker. dauKliler of .Mr, and Mf,s, Auill!i,\Valkrr, will com- plcrle her eoiiwe at T>’ln l-'alls colleRO tlils-weck.

nd Mrs, Winfield llurst and tlauKhier. lielva Hum. visited

son-lit-Iaw and dauchtcr, nd Mr.v Donald Andenon.

Blackfool, lliey alw) attended the chi'lslcnlni; of ihclr- Krund:.on, Winfield Hurst Anderson.

Mr.i, Jack Blach and son have returned to their home at MUsou- la. Mont.. alter vL»ltlnB her par­ents, Mr. and Mrs. Wayne O, Lewl.i, and his parents. Mi

Thi« dally ■rhrUule of trletislon and raillii prncrams U preieoled a» a »er*lce (u readeri of the Tlmes-Nciiii. I.Minr* are fumlsbrd by llie slatlonr Any errori or ebanirt iliuuld be reported lo the tUUoD Itself and not the Tlmn-NcHt.

,* * * * * * * ' *

Television LogKLIX-TV

(Channel 11) llu Wor)d Turnt

Rescue Team Reaches Site Of Air Crash is

Charges Planned For Death Crash

DLACKFOOT. March fl (/H - Prn.\rcuUni? Attoniey Dean Wl|.■ m.i .'.aid yiMlerday he still plans

file charpes in connection ' accident which killed

CHANADA. Spain. March 9 „|.i, n>.nr ninrtfont- A Sp.-uil.ih rescue team io<i,y | K^s near Blnckfootreached the rupped Sl^rre Nevada 1 moiintjiln site where a navy tmn.i-| port'-plane.-carrj-hip-Aa ,.lU-iU»r service basketball lenm lo a tour­nament cra.ih-landed yesterday.

All 24 persons aboard the plane Includlnp the elphleen team mem. bera und.crew, of sU. «ur>'lved tin lanUlnp. but five were reported

itlcal.V injured. U. 8. llellcoph tennis were alleinplhn; to rcac

ici-ne with medical liHp but hinde.'til by fop and .inim\

It word nt the aecUlL-nt came yesterday when t»o o(-lhc-!'urvlv- ors made their wayMnlo the town ofOuadlJ: after a ,'.ix-hour trek.

Accordinp lo. r.idlo reports frnin the Spanl.ih rescue team, the plane, ft four-enplne n-5-D, navy vcMlon of Uie DC-4, scraiH'd the .ilde 0! a mountain peak after ninnlnp Into foul weather and linmedlatelv cra.ih-landtd.

Last Honor Paid ^William—CufriIIAGERMAN. Mnrcli B-Puneri

sen'Ices for William Oarrle wei. held at 2 n.m, Mondav at the Methodist church with the Ret

by SUnley penlold.Mrs. W. E, Berry played prelude

•nd postlude music and accom­panied n quartet, Mrs, Kred Rob­erts, Mr*. . WUIlam Baker, Mrs. Alfred Bandy,’ and Mrs. S, 8, Tliompson. who sans two numbers.

Pallbearers were Lopnn Pope, Joe Howard. Wesley Wiorton, Dana Gilmore. Wood nnd Chnrles Skinner. .

Orftveslde Jcrvlces were under direction of the Hamman lOOP lodpc No, 57 at the Olcnn Rest cemetery, Glenns Kerry. '

North Gets SnowIly United 1‘rta InUrnatlnnal

"■ A snow.itomi dumped a new of wiow nnd Ice on north Idaho

. hiRhways durlnp llje nlRht and more «i6w was reported falllnu In that part of the .liate thU mornlns.

Slaio police s ild lhat roads In other orcM'of the state, mean-

' while, were In fairly Ko<id .ihape for trarel today. ’

Juvenile Division For Court MovedThe Juvenile dUUlon of Twin

FiilLi prob.ite court move<l into Its nc»v office Tuciday allernoon »tthe courlhouJe,--- ^

Mrs. Kenneth Henderson, county welfare Investigator, and .Mrs.

WlNNKIt SKI.Ktm:i> LE^VIS■rON, March B Lil-Wftl- r Dlthell, 17. Blackfocrt, nnd Mary

Jano Ballerton, 17. Clarksion. Wa.Mi.. were named statewide wln-

yeslcrdny of the Idi youth leadership coutr.M, Unnncr.i- jp ore Phil' HcbcrRfr,- Caldwell, md Lee Anna Ruttnian, Cr.ince-

pher. will occupy the office. Probate Judpe J. Dean MMhe;

said a partition was built lo make separate office for Mrs, Hender-

office and'ituialllnp B phone Pin In connect the department ■llh the probate court office,Tlie room formerly housed the

county ft-w.wor’s office.

Bids OpenedBOISE, March 9 tfl-Tlie M ... khway department opened three Ids yesterday for fnrnLihlnc

cru.ihcd Kravel surfaclns and covcr coat material.

Twin I'lilli Construction com- . [»ny submitted the apparent lo'v btd of $I2.«0 forwort from st<>ck-: plle.i near Ilock crcek in Power county. ElRht bUU-»ere received.

TKtCKKIt KIXKI)PILEH, March 9 — Hnrold C.

Ocluuier, Twin t^lli. was fined MO and cost* Tues<liiy by Justice of Peave .V. A. Allbon for wclehl on his truck. He wiC.1 cited by SUt« Pfllrolmiin Elvln Albliton.



Free Pick-up A Delivery '

Time ShopOrpheum Blilr. RK 3-14:» A.F. Davli I t D. ?ounc

bound from Naples to the naval base of Rota on .Spain's

Mediterranean coast.

Williams said he had been nr nbli' yet to confer with officers wh. invr.’:tH:niert '1116 ' ncciaent." Carol Hellen Klnp, IS. and Slilrley Mac Mon.ion. 17. Goodlnn. died In the crash.

Tlie KlnR BlrVa brother, Robert. 17, rvnntnitrt In crlUcal w dlth in an American Pnila hotpllSl. T driver of ihc car, Orftham Way Jlalterman, 23. was reported In fnlrly pood condition.

Three Firesides Held for Oakley

OAKLKY. March 9-Three flre- .ilde chats wCre held #t Onkley's and second ward.i Sunday nlKht with ftiJproxlmately 35 per- noiu attendlnp.

Mr. nnd Mrs, John A, Clark hnsLs lo the first ward proup with nWiop Merrill Warr conducllnj the dlr.cusslon.

At Ihe M'cond ward. Laurels and En.iiRns met with Mr. and -Mrs, Almy Pehlman. Rnlph GorrlnRc.nductc'il. Mia


Maids nnd Explorers met Ihe home of Bishop nnd Mrs.

Elk.i Joi'l E, Rasmu-Mcn. with Mrs. Clif­ford Burch. clAM leader, and Mr. and .Mr.i. Glen Tolman. eoiinsclor.i, attendlnp. Bishop Hasmusr.en led


Jayeees Give Contest Talk For Meeting

JEHO.ME. March B — Bcvpr.i) member. of the Jerome Jayci p resented their Introductory speediM for "Speak up Jnycet" n tlie repular meetlnp of the Jeromi Jayeees Monday cvcnlnc at Woods cafe.

Glvlnc tlu-ee-mlnule talks Don Crisp. Wllllam WolfinbiirRer, Hal Walker. LeRoy Uevcrw. Gra- hajn Stewart, Dr. John Sutherland; Lloyd Small, Rolce Abernathy, Man-ln Cope, .Michael J’iLski'tt ■Jwiine South and Fn-d Burkhall r. Don CrL'p Is chairman of the irojecl.Leftoy Craic pre.-vcntcd a lalk or

leadership iralnins. -Mwibers de­cided lo donate to the Hoy ScouLi for a leader IrilnhiK kll.

FcrKUsoii Camp nnd Dr. Suther. nd were nomiimted for directors Members dlscu-vird the stall

convemlon; which will be held Ir Twin Kalla. LeRoy Crnlp volunleer-

brlnK a ve.M. as a ,iU[:i:i'Mlon Costume, to the next nieetli

Tlio proup decided lo re.irve caucus room. CrU HernInK wa.i Ruest.

LeRoy Cralp wa.i named Jaycee ' the month for Kcbruan-, Dur-

Inp the month he recrullerf 13 nes members,-He hn.i been a member of the Jerome club for six years and has held ^ le olfices of dl-

1 flccond vlc5

will they have for the povcmmeni nnrt people of ihe united Stoics.” tlie PreslElent said.

“In the nationi of Uiiln Amer- ..:a I visited—Indeed, In all of thf IB countries I hare vlslled on m> trips of recent montlu—there Is ti vast reservoir of respect, admira­tion and affection for the United SUtes-of Ainerlcl.

'Tlie exptevilons'of this ntlltude by peoples and their Itaders '

itluul.-Mtlc and so often pealed Bj to admit no possibility of mistake,"

Rcfcrrlnp to drmonsirailons in which police iitrd tear pas nni' fire hoses in Montevideo. Urupu.iy. Kljcnhower said the exceptions insdc tJiD headlines. But lie dis- mLued them us minor Incidents. Iwt In tlie mni^cd welcome.

8U1I. he came back repeatlnR whnt he $.ild before hs left and ci: ils four-nation s'vinp—that prob­

lems and serious mlsundcrstand- InRs still exist In the relations of the United Stntei and Ils nelphbors > the south.He repeated sn assurance thi;

country- stands firmly by its com- mltmcnt under the Rio treaty 01 1947 lo reKard #n on orx American republic as an' attack

trol of fires..The borate Is mixed with «ater

and sprayed by lank truck or from Uie air on Uie fire.

scn'lce alio are coii-NldcrliK; the pa-ajble u.ic of bcntfnlle. another flre-relardlnp chcmlc il produced In Colorado, for u.m? in the ^utr.

Burley Group Fetes WomenBURLEY, March 0 - Women

;ere piest-i at the Monday cvcninK mecllnR of ihc Burlry

club nt Ihe Natloniil

tire callfil in OS. Charpc de AI- fiirx Daniel Braddock and In effect. . . used Herter of havinn person­ally Iruulted Patterson.

Herter meanwhile cchoed Presl- dfnt Kl.icnhower's declaration Uiat Ihe Prcsirtfnt's lO-day Latin Amcr-

n trip was an unequalled brliik-iiu U.S,-South American siioni lo Ik new lilch. Herter 0 paid Rrowinp irlbuie to what

itiilird Elsenhower's amar.Uip Knelie (lunlity Uiat seemed lo

evuiie tremendous crowda every- lierc to preat enthaiia.wis.On olher matters of Internallon-

1 interest, Herter Mid:-The United Slate.i decided yei.

Irrday. altrr White Hou.ic consul- l.itliinn. Hut there Is no operallon- nl ncci'?.'lly nt present to resume the hirh altitude fllKhts In Uie corridor llnklni; West Qennany wllh Berlin.

I all;

hotel.Joe R. Varela received the blue

pencil for hts speech, '’Pollllc.i should be honest," He pointed out that (he complacency and lack of Interest In pullilcs contributes lo dishonest politicians,'

RfcJiurd Smith spoke on .“Our

ihl:e us dl.ijiani'sl." n ie three '‘s'pcakcrs wer

final contestants In Uie club’s Im-

Appears in Court

Memorial Rite Is Set for Gihring

CLOVER, March,9 ~'MemorinI ■rvlces for R.ilph T. Olhrlnp, who led recently at Honp Konp, will : held nt 10:30 a.m. Ituirsdn/ at

IhB C lo ve r Trlnlly Lutheran church.

Dr. Oliver'Harm.'. St. Louis,-Mo.. first vice president of llie Luther- in church, Missouri synod, will ipeak. • • .

Dr, Hnmi.1 visited Mr. OlhrlnR uid his fa.iilly at Hone Kons sev­eral dnys prior lo hL .llhieM.

.Memorials may be made to a Lutheran memorial fund. Hone Konp, by cnntnctlns Huso Meyer

KclUi StieKmcler. bolh Clover.

promptu speech contest. Varela 111 rcprcsent-Uie Burley club at :ie area conlest lo be held at

Rupert In April.Wallace Sharpten. (able topics

chairman, cave each member and Ruest a different topic on which > K|>eak for two minutes.Les MorKan chief cvalual*

and Jack Holland was toaslntasK CIco Crltchfleld.was Imrodiiccd 1


Uic Okay Pood center, 143 South !Park avenue, for concuiltn^ two spools of thread.

She appeared before Twin P»IU Police JudRC J. O.' Pumphrey 'I'ucsday afternoon and was assess­ed costs and plven n five-day J»IJ

Isfntence which was wlUiheld for I six montlis pcndinR pood behavior. I Police reported the woman was observed by the manaper « id po- 'llce were smiimoned.

president..•o married

pany since IH53. He served with the army for two years in Texas. HU hobbx Is politlc.1. and he U Un chnlrmnn-of-the-Yiiumr-Republl.

for Jetvme county.

14 InjuredLYON, France. March D i.fl —

Fourteen persons were Injured early today when six car*, parts lo Marseille* pa.isenper

ere derailed nt Sererln du Rhon ear Lyon.TliB accident occurred shortly

after tnidnlpht. Railroad traffic was saipended until llie Irncts could be cleared.

DisappearsHA.MBURG, Germnny. Mnrch. 0

■jT'—M il Werner Lnnuon; ft-9wed- isji cnK'Iiieer who claimed lost week to-.have InformaUon on a new BoTlef atom-powered rocket, was ropoHed jesterdaj to...hftvo Ula- .appwired.. Hcnrt Nannen. editor of the mapazlne Der Stem, who set up

•s conference wlUi the enttl- sald I^rsson suddenly left

Ifamburj; after talking to two American IntelliRcnco officials.


Rock Hudson and Doris Day were named the ''world’s favorite actor and actress" last night at the Hol­lywood Forclpn Press associaUon annual Globe Awards profiram.

Guests Reported In Valley Areas

HAGERMAN. March 9-VlSlllns Mr.i, Dorothy Dunker were her jroUier nnd sLiler-ln-lnr, Mr, and Mrs, Harvey Bloom, McCiill: her broiher-ln-law. Waller Dunker. nnd his son-in-law and dnuphlrr, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd IlobcrLs. all Henry. Nebr.

Mr. and .Mm, Carl Peterson vlsll­ed John Brown, on uncle of Mrs, Pettrson. at St. Anthony... . „ ,

Marine Sfit. James Norwood, -amp Pendleton, Calif, is vWtlnp Ils parenU, Mr. and-Mrs. VlrsH Norwood.

■ BROTii'ea.'iDiES CAffTLEFORD, March 0—David

Reese. 78. died of a heart attack Monday nt Port Mntlldi, Pa. He was a brother of Waller Reese. C:a.itlcford.


River Center Gr.inse will meet at n:3Cl p.m. Saturday nt Uie OronRg ‘ sll. Juvenile officers will be In-


Q S B iH H i .' COMING—


Pnl Boone . James Mn-wn Arlene Dahl . Dlanc Baker



Jo«ph Si Levine Prcsenlt







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CHANNtt. :


Huntley-Brlnkley News price Is Riclit WIchlla Town WaRon Train

CHANNEL 7 Perry Como Ernie Pord (Vnrleiy)

Eleclric Tlit.ilcr

Plus a "arid}/ of alternoon children's shows, and of

coursc a choice of movies on the laic shows.

Less Than 17c a Day! RE 3-2234






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"SAM SON"420 J^o in Ave. South RE ^ 2 2 3 3

------- -^nofity-El^ronlC'Servlce-for-'26-Years-------


FeudJBetweeii Oregon’s Two

' ‘ Soloxis 1 0IciWASIUNQTON. March 9 m -

-- — orrKomrtTtrDtnrocraticTenaWM.......... -WnjTie Morse nnd the !»le Rich'

' nrd L. Neubrrver, feuded bitterly over the years.

Tlielr d!f(erencM first came (o llBht In the summer of 1DS7 when the Partlitnd Orejionian {lubllshed

•'ieudlnj privntely."Rtporl Slid Nonsense

^^o^se branded the report

•■pollileal opportunl ti|)0iulble for the story. He crlt- Iclzcd the "hypocrltlc.-vl Inmenla- tlon.i" of "eertivln partJsarj polltl- clnns" who expected him and Morse to be "enrbon copies of each other."

But It wiu not Ions before the two members of the aenate'* liberal bloc were e ze h k n s ln bnrbed accu.intlori*. ' '

CliarcrsMorse luild NeuberRer « b

•'j.ucked In" lo support the 1057 civil riKhts bill, Netiberser retorted that Morse aided w.1th llie souther- jier.'» In »hat he termed five of aevrn "key” roll call votca.

The two (cnalora later feuded over NeuberRcr’* jupport of hlRher postAl rntes. Morse said Uie »up' port ftmountcd to the •'moat ab- nurd non scquKur I have erci

■ llMened to In my 13 years In the Rcnnte."

souRht no npolotiy. Mor.%e u id he MW nO' reason lo apoloRlze. ' lisve-never ^caKcd in lea party IniiKunRe In *ehnte ’ debate and never will." he declared,

.Feud SUrtPd Acain Neubcrser said •The-prlc8'l* loo

hlRh" If he had to "supprcM" his convlellons in order lo Ret nlons with Morse,

Tlie feud blnwd up i year In nn cxehanRe of letter*. The corrc.ipdndcnce wna lenkcd lo reporter.i and publl.thed.

At one time Morse promised campaign acalnst Neubergcr's i. elecUon thU year. Aforse (uiU he would base his ca. e on what hs termed Neuberger'a "sorry. record . . . on iMue lUler iMue."

Papiers Fijed feaUiiitByAi'

BOISE. March fi H^-Artleles of Incorporation were filed yesterday In the ofliee of Seeretary of State. Arnold Wllllnms by the Fourth District Tuberculosis association,' Inc.

Purpose of the non-profit cor­poration III to lurihe^'imd safe-

.. cuard.publlc health In ilic coimtlej of DIalne, Cassia, Goodins, Je­rome. Lincoln, Minidoka and Tvi-m FalU.

Incorpomtlon paper* atate the orR&nlullon Is specifically Inter­ested In eradication of tubercu- losli In. these counUes,

The coiTwratlon u ld tt« office would b« In the “ ■ “ " ' ball.

'Incorporator* who were bUo list- _.ed_u..dlrceton. are..Mra.. Jelly.

Street. Ketchurh; Mrs. Pjrry II. Dlnsmore. Shosh'onei'Mrs, Harold Biitler. Biba; Mn, Kenneth flus- sell. Jerome county; Mra, Mary ZIemelz. n u p e r t ,. Mra, Gladys Mannlnr. aurley. and Mra. C. 611- ser, Tftln Fulls countyr

De Gaulle Tours Algeria i

French President Charles de Gaalle faiteni hli ufety belt In helleepter before taking off from Telercma. Alferla, for Balria dur- Inr recent laspecllon tour of military campi In Alctrla. (AP wire- photo)

New Hampsliii-e Vote Boosts Nixon, Kennedy in ’60 Race

WASHJNOTON. March BdTP—INew Hamp.shlre vole wa.i not eal* New Jlampshlrc'.i presidential prl- culatcd to damage his position oi mary relurnji atrenRthened Vleei the current pacesctler amonB can- Presldent Richard M- Nixon’s grip dldatcs for the Democratic nomi-

Seen Light?SALT LAKE ClTi'. Ulah.

March 0 i^ — llepubllcau Guv. OeorRe D. Clyde, UUih. in- vlied to be ihe principal »prsl[fr»t the anuua n iirr In Seallle on M;iy B.-lie accepted wiih dfllghi. *sy-

in irtnB ‘inu.'tt-mp3n-tnir\Va5n»- InKton state Ocuiocrats and for­mer PrMldcnl Uarrj' 8. Truman •'liave .ven the pnlltlc:il llRhl."

In a rnier of acceptance jrs. Icrday Clyde jald he woutil (peak on the p[inctple of Abrs-

Hcrberi Iloovfr and DalRht D. EWenhower, w h ich he s.ild, “must KUlde U9 ihrouKh llie critical day.i alirnd."

— Bui—in-BfulUe:—Drmm'raito- Statc Rep, Juii Marvin Jon^son, who exleiided the invii.iilon to Clyde In » letter, s.iul a|>p:irrni- ly his ' sent ihr mm.i- tlon ihroURh "an unaccouai-'ible

Mother Kills Son With‘Empty’ Gun

brother yi'atiTcl;i> b<ijs bcRiin lo uiT . ,,

- *Tirlr mn’Hrr • I*'- <-picked up n 22 c.illbcr ritle-poM thr f,vn txiys tipnrt.----

llie rldr ftrni t\nil Ihe biillfl st/iifk U')J)l;.j)). jj f i)jr,r)nl.T )i> tlir rniiTKi'iicy room m University hospital. Jlll•k^^n. Miv,.

IIL I- ' ■she thouKhi t is rnipiy.

FALSE TEETH—That-iooscn________

Boycotts AskedJOIIANNESDURG. South AfrI

March 0 arp-An ontanlwtlon represenllnR non-white polUlcal

"jirol^ iiicctUiKi counter the Kovcrifhirnt's secrc- Enttnn.ppllclc},


N'orwofld, dauRhler of Mr, and Mra., I Norwood, has been inlllalrd

inio the Tlieta Tau eliapler of Delta Della Delta sorority at r Unlvfr?lly of Idaho. Ma%ci

ha.1 been initiated Into ’Cnppa Phi, the niitlonaj Methodist woman'* sorority.

uhcre she is a irc.Mimati. b

cclrd the f , . . ___ .. .called "first day coven" by phllft»

f-nf-thc- isrcu .movcmuiL appealed lur

$2,800,000 In roiitributluns to fi­nance llie antl-sfi:rcKiitlon cnm- palRn, nfilch li llmrd to roliiclcte wltli the niiiniry's fr.Mlvtil cclr- bmtlons.

JiNXV\\\V\\\N\W\\\\V y

^ Boiler & Furnocc ^


N e e d N o t E m b a r r a s s

TZie «-orld’* JrtrfMJ nottieii’s uk/- remlty Is Ewha university in b<hmiI. Korea, with an enrollment of U]p.S.BOa.

MM at Hut lllf vronc tlmr. IX) imt trar of llili Ji»iipfnmeto»nu.

Just iiiiliitlo » mile KASTKI.Tll. ini atkyllne (non->rldl poirittr.nii j'uur plates. >loli| falu tcetli inoM nnui;-. M ttiry rrri moro eamrort-

on:* cr Ijrriltr'.


JOHN LAIB. J^ Scrvlccman ^

^ Phono RE 3-4466 i

:i Vern ThomasI ? ' P lum b ing 'i’ HEATING 5,


Maytag "Automatic Laundry~

(coin opcfctcd)

" I n Okay Shopping Center

Friday, Snturda/, Sunday^; M itc h n , ' l 2 , T3

the' OOP nomination today and Rave an expected lift to Sen. John P. Kennedy in the Democratic

unlmprfci.tlve wrlle-ln 'vote for Oov. Nelson A. Rockefeller, New York, save little encouraue- menl to iilj acfmlrera -who had hopetJ he miRht.still be a *leeper candldatr'to'cnmicncc Nixon at the Republican national conven­tion.

Incomplete return. from 'the nation’s lenit>off prcsldenilnl pri­maries In. New Hampshire yester­day showed that Nixon and Ken­nedy ttere'_runaway vlclor.i. Any- ihlns .clse would have been set.

Nixon '

Kennedy had only nominal compe­tition, In the scparivte election of natlonnl convention deleitates. there were candldaicA' who favored other presidential aspirants but they trailed the pro-ICcnnedy and pro-Nlxon slates.

Prom the national Mandpolnt, Republluns wore particularly In­terested' In the- write-in vole for Rockefeller as evidence of the strength of OOP opposition lo Nixon, Rockefeller decided In De­cember against' trying for the

Morse Taking on. Kennedy in East

ANNAPOLIS, Md,. March S Sen. Wayne Morse. D.. Ore.. has taken up Sen, John P. Kennedy’s challenRo and filed aftnlnst the younB Ma.SMchu.uelU Democrat In Mno’land's May 17 pre.'Identli prlmnry.

Tlje former University of Ore- con. law profeasor motored here from hts cattle farm near Pooles- vllle. Md., to post a $190 fee and Me hli papers with'the aecretary

nation.■Kennedy viewed his showlns ....

ft "vote of confidence" which uouJd mean much In his bid at the Democratic convenllon In Loj AnRcles next July.

Sen. Tliursion B, Morton. R,. N. y„ chnlrmnn of »;e OOP nat/onnJ commlllee. and Sen. Norris Cot­ton. R.. N.H.. both hailed Uie Nlx-i on vote, Tlicy were cheered by. early returns lndlcalln(( that Nix­on mlRht poll a Inrcer vote than' Uie 56.«4 Riven to President El­senhower In less.

Kennedy wm taklnR no breather, after New Hampshire. He wa.i scheduled lo sUirt another swlns today throumi Wisconsin, where he faces a more severe test April S In his head'On pre.sldentlal prl*' mary with Sen. Hubert H. Humphrey, D.. Minn. '

Even before Ihe polls closed In New Hampshfre. ft was learned that Nixon rcRarded Kennedy aa Uie probable .winner, of . Uie Demo­cratic tiominallon;

Tlie vice pre.sldcnt was aald to, believe that Kennedy probably, would have Uie nomination dewed up If he ahould win by a decisive marsln In Wisconsin.

NewsKINO HILL. March S—Mr. and

Mrs. Max Clark and family. Swan fall%:;>fsltcd Jier parenla..Mr. and ^Jrs, Lee Tttill, and family. _ _

Mr. and Xtn. Claude Hopkins received word fheir ^ n . Pfc. Tlioma.t Hopkins, leh'lntr with the U. S. ftnny In Orleans, France, has been chosen soldier of the month in January. He Is with tiie slRnat service corps.

Results from more than t< thirds of tha precincts Rave Rock- efellec-iboul..3,000 - writc-Jn 'Olcs apalnst <0,000 lor Nixon. who.i6 natne-w-M on the-bnlIotrTn-lfl52, when Cen. OwfRht O. Elsenhow­er. Sen. Robert A. Taft and Har­old E. Stassfn were on the OOP ballot, Gen, Douslas MncArlhur received 3,2?? wTlte-ln ran fourlh.

Kennedy "partlsani cheered the New Hampshire re.iults because their candlilaie ran stronger thanany previous Democrat In a con- : j --- - ---tested or uncontcsted presidential |5 u s i n o tOO m U c h prlmarj- In the normally Republl-!? « 5 'n g TOO m u c n can Slate, In 1052 and IflSfl, the ?Republican vote exceeded that cast! 4.In the Democratic primary by * lore llian 2 to 1, tTralllnR Nixon by n tnarcln of * llian 2 to 1. Kennedy could be showln* Rreaier nppeal to the vot .)• era In hi* neljthborlnff stole or he +eoultl be demon.itratlnR that he .J A . •had a stronRer orRanlsitUonMhanlT - A l J i O R e D G i r earlier candldiiles, 1+ “

Is your Car

GAS?Have it funcd br> our


RE 3-4645


Assistance Slated On State Returns

R. E. Browne, field auditor for the state Income tax dlvLilon. has ,1 fichedutcd.dnte.5 around Magic Val- ' Jcy to ai.tlst taxpayers In flllnj 1D5D iWle Income Ux returns,

A field man will be at tJ>e Lin­coln hotel, OoodlnR. March 16; North Side inn. Jerome, March 17 nnd IH; R. E. Browne rwldence, Buhl, March 34 and 25: Hiawatha hotel, Bailey, March 30 and 31, and McFall hotel, Shoshone, April


Have you Jiscoverei llie wonJerful feeling of skoes tliat f i t as lliougli maJc for •your foot alope?.

Pledge Kept: PIEDMONT, W. V«., March- . l.1>—Harold Hamlltmris'The kind of feljaw who keeps a promise, 60 hd ^ ’alhed 11 miles yesterday to make (to< on his vow to Ulbuie a pint of blood.• Hamlllcn lives 'at Chestnut Grove. Md., and a Red Cro.ts bloodmobllR wad vlsltlnR this area.

• He eicplalned hi* car broke down, so he walked.


alde neetlnKs for ' the married study group.-the-E3tplorera-«nd MIA Malda Md the LaureU and EnslRiu of the MIA Were held after the LOS wrrlces Sunday nlRhU


Colonial Concreta

Phone RE 3-5500H Green Slampt




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_EY£RXDAY_SALE PRICESJ-TATE'S crerydfly^low pricei Inyjta-com^omon.

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Easter Seals Trustee Here

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Boy Scouts Assist Red Cross Drive C h in a Takes 'Milner, Murtaugh | Burley, ahoB'cd Illms nnd fjwke]

i.pildi, liiMIK H.iiirJ . for

Lions Cliarler NigJil’sEveiits

—Being ChartctlMriiil;rr« of the rcci-nlJy fortiif^

Sii.iUc lilvcr IJo:in cliib'dKcu.wcl fln.ll pl;iiix for ilir fliili clinricr

■ Tiu’mIjiv rvpninK M Koio'scafr.

The fli.'l Hiimin! rliiiilor iiIkIiI Is M'licdtili'il lor 7:3t) pin. SnlimUy Rl llic Twill I''.ill'. Moom- Imll.

Mcinlyrx nl.'t) ilKcimtil Uir pw- (illjlllly of Kil'viird Jln-.siird, n iiirm- l)tr of llic Ttt'ln l.loji'; fliit),brcomltii: nil lioiioniry cliarUT nirmbrr ot Ihc Siiukf Ulvcr club. Uo-.:.;ir(l ]icl|icil In orKiiiilr.lii); llic nrw uroup.

Tivo ni'W mi'mbiTr. wclniim-d ni T iil'»day nUlll'.' mcctiiiK wrrr Jllctisrrt Ktinklp itiid Clnfrni (Nick) MiU/iiiT. Ijolli 'IMlii l\i\f

r.ild.'lJ wiTi' KdhiTt Hakrr Ji; Dll.' a^d. bolli iiu'iiibvr.i of 11il-’1\I falls Uoiw rliil). ■ '

All llivllatloll wa.i r.xlclldrd I Lions clubs In Mai:ln V;xi;rj’ lu al- knil tlic Saliinlay rliarliT nirr!lii;:.

Tlie mci'lliii: wan roiiiliicli'd by Lc\lcr E. nouih, prr.Mdmt.

12,000-Milc — Indit»«-Area

Elcctidn Set4-H C l u b s M « r g e d : i « a i ? -^IILhiCH. Mftrclj {I — Muriau|?h jcad tho^c from Coulft couiilj’.

t.n l!.l!o„ .l .1 ih , l.on ,,'" 'l>t T .'n FaUJ oonm,- M r imdircii 9 Mr. nnd Mfii. rarnum Warr.. jW irr.w ll. attend tlie_ C iula fair, ottr.

il. ( Chlnu lincl takrn over i:.- |SH .uaU-L5ua:t.:nllci.Ql.ljidM:.c2iiMeil.^ li'irdiT ['■rrijnrj' but h;id niaOr n ri'i 'Tt advances Into Jndl;ni tci

Tlir rilH'Iiriirr of llir fxtcm of tin- iniioaL-iiiriiTTIimT

Hf>vir( rtlp!f>mnt-istjrlrd-t

n'lmr- M I n I I c r J., Ni'lirui li;ir!t;iitirniiirv ; S idiilll All. KMnn. iolil iiirm tliiii ":hr nira ijro. rn-d l)v Chim-i- iiniiv. nboiit IJ.WjO ;i]iiarr inllffi

It v;i;. Ijrlli'tcd lo be

■If Clu .f:.c cilcioaL-limcni,' ;'iiii::..liiaiuMrola- nll.iinir Inw nnd incrrast |t.\ iltfdise

•liltli-liai tioii;. lo r. u (■d ind. bu(lj;>'l. •

I3ul .Vcliru luld ilin Icgljlators lHat the cuiiiniuiiLsl.i hiive nindc

iifw advaiici'.'. into Indian- ilnirti icrrilory diinnK Ilir [lust

licvcn 111 righi ninmii.-..Chinr.T rl.iiin .'n.fWttj ijnmre i>f l.-n iliity New Udiil con-

Mclrrs Indian.

College Work Bids Reported

A Mns-

Jerome Notes Census Taker

JEflONIE. March 0—Guy Simons ulll bn In cliorge of ffnsu-s UW /or Jcromp counly. .Sliiion.s, w dlrcclfd tlif' fiirni cemtu last fall.' will ncfd 11 to 13 rnumrri\lor.'< a.wut lilm In the work whlcli w bCRin April 1.

■— ~AnyoiiP Intcrrztcrt-trr'nr.-’tottnr —*liouW-»u;}mtl-Jjli-appllwUon_i

W. D. Cliurchmnti nt the .Irron: Chamber of Cnnimrrcc oflicc r •oon ii.s j)o«s1blr. 'nils Invltnllnn b MtendM to the cnllrc counly. Simons .'.-lid.

EnuniernlorA will be clui'cn from Uie ivrc'M or preclncw'whlcli will bo Inbulatfd n.s iv ucncral policy Each cnumcrntnr wilt coniiict

AssMiiis n llli llir KrU (;r<>«« <iinils drive »rr tlirfp nirnilicrs of lliiy Scuiit trmiii Nci. K:i, friim IrJi.'.sirvp Troiil. Jdlin tlrll and CharlM I’erry. wlin id.icrd on Ilslil piilrs aliins .Main aTrnur anil Sliotlmnp mrppt Tuesday aflrrnonn, Mrniliers of imop No. fi.'. plarfil sllilier. on liu.Inm dUtrlcl iluor* utsliiff local nhopiirr' «<> "punli" or "jiuH" f«r tlie Kfd Cross. (Stulf pholii.eiiRravino________________

^f0.4C0U•, . f.urJi ivv firm clilcred llic

ninoiiR ID offerji for tlie baMc con- tnict on 11 new inlnM biiildtiiK nl tlie Unlvtr.ilty of Idaho.

Conimerelsl Builder.-, cfl Mo.row un low nl $3:j ,4G4.Thr bulldliii: will be fiiiaiicea by

$2rin,0f)ii aiiiif'>;irlnt«l by Itic .1557 li-i:i.'.Iaiuri' anil S .'iiinc'n donated

mliiliiK Inilu-viry of thestate.'— ___

TIk; low bld'fortnpoluiilcal work rrcclvcd by unlverriiiy Mnnnitcr Kenneth Du yi-Merday

as from C. M. Wlldi-fman, Mo.v jw. i<( S103,0(»;Tlie low bill on Itie eleclrical

contr.ict, saa.CHS. was cntrreil by UrlKK:i KIcctrtc. Kpokitn.'. ;

Tlie Ihrcf-.viory. bricl:-.faced j j.triicltirr will rcpUnf iln- J)rr. enl! colU'ne nf mine-. »n,i i;r..lo,:” biillii-! 'liiir nl the iiiiiiit.'iiv. I

.$2,000 Ring Is I Finally Locatedi

NEW YOUK. March !) '.l'-Last| Sunday durlnu ii lover's niiarrel, iMe. fliince of Juyce .Mulhin hurled her] $3,000 cnKflccmcnt rtnK Into ii uioivj

Red Cross Fund Drive Starts This Week in Business Area

Pall O'Connor, -nvln JMll' nrrt Juiiil;: (*.:ivc chaliiiiiui aniimincc<l •IMi'Miay'thnt Ilu- I3(i0 funds ilnvp mil bejiln llils wn-k I Ihr rloiviilimn dlstrtct.

chaiitfT Is In "ii very p'recnrlotw 'ffii;'iii(l.'i1v.!ni:iUon“'nn[l-iirT:pdthp roinniiintiy in back Ihc local itcd

Archie UroivnSroiiIina:lcr. s|ii)n: <iied by the Klr’.t Hajili.'.t Llnitch,

O Connnr said 'Ilie'.day llip blit­hest |)iol)Ic'!n Is ncitini: riioiiiTh cll- l7rn«_jo ;.<iUcli Hi the buMticss nnd te.iltlrn'tlal '

•A115—rl{iB.-rhurch-j:miip'~or-nr- i;anl;,ation’ that has nieniber;; who can help wllh the .sollcllliii; wiw

i'olicltor.s «tll hi'sln canva^.liic coiilact Union Scluvciull-

ImproveslU.IS-S, March D-Ptcd Huff Is

reported IniprovliiK nl his home here nfur n ^h;ht stroke while ihc nnd Mr.s. Huff were vacnllonlnR ' In Cnllfornln.

A !Oii, linbiTl IPitf. AnchornKC. Alajkii. went to Cnllfornla to brine Ilieiu hniiip. lie lin returned to-

.•.McCnulpy, 33, nnd Joyce,! 21. forgot Uiclr «pnt niiU weiiil frnntlcully scarchlnK for the rlng.l

Police f.prnyed hot wnler on the] snow, but no rhit;. I

I t finally wa.s found ye.Merdsy In .. subway fro ling In front of Joyce's Brooklyn home,


tlip ilbttlcl.i Mimdny.Mcnilicr.'i of nny 'Kcoui iroo

No. i;d and No. C.',. ii'.slstnl thr lo­cal ihapl<T 'IMc.Mlay aflcmooii bypr.icltiic sli:iis oil UkIh pnlc.s nlnn^

, who Is hi charge ot the rc.1l- dentlixl ilrlvo. or O'Connor nt the chapter ollke, nKdwootl

Mr. nnd Mrs. John Huff, .mother . nn nnil (liuiRhtcr-lii-lftw.;HIirc ifcitil.-iiI.M) vMleJ 1irrc,'“TIicI•Hiiffn-vbtl«i-lhe!r-M>n-ln-lnsT'nlia' d'lUKliter. Mr. and Mrs. Alton' Wood, Rodondo Ufach, while. Sn California.

lhat_found blurry to ynuj Yon miiy nee'a an AVou^ncah TTear-

■inr Aid. We (n l iiearlne-KnEK! Acoustieon'Hcarinq Center 130 Main Saiilli- . UK 3-3H8

w o r ld ly

n e w lo o k o f

H a r t

S c h a ffn e r

. .& M a rx .

proxlnmtely 1,200 'peoj.le. It ‘»'<l SlitishiSiko about three ireLs lo coni.|‘'““ pleia ttie'canva.vihii:. I

Simons ' Bttcndrd a Iialnltin jichool In Pocatello Moniliiy."i'ralii-'Inp cin.vic.s for ihr nitineriilor.s will ‘ be conducted after they are cliascn. 1

Fomi-s will be ninllcil In hou'c-i holder.1 Inte In March fioni ihci nnlloniil hfadquarler.s. Tlii-.'.r. loi iii:,; l-'i''anunl Hiirne.'.'' U Scouliii.vMcr will be collected by Uie woikcrs,|"'-” "‘'1' No. i;r., which Ir. j.poii.sorid who will Bbo leiive i\ niofe dciail-1 ed forjn nt cvcq- fourlh contnct.

-Leaders Sewing- Course Is Noted

Qlalne county RlrLs

four plifi.'.es of .-iewlnt: aiul llic u\f■ of v,irlou.s .-lettlni: innchlne utiach- nicnl.', nl a Iwo-day .vhool held at Hip nrinory ! week,

Ivainu Dorn. 'IVln Ka l. n't the educfttlonal department, of Ihc Slnwr Scwlns Maclitfie' eonipanv, wiu Instructor nnd Shartm Schiild- bcrc. home deniboiistratlon n;;cni- oMsrcc, ftllcnded.

Leaders who look the cmir-'o in­cluded Mr.v Oliver Adiini.', .Mr.'. Lf.Mcr Droadlc. Mr.v Lloyd I;, fimllh. Mrs. WlllLs C.utle. Mr.'. CarlyUe C.i.Mle. Mrs, Eii;:enc

—sxentr Mrs.—wiltiari-Mol.viictiTr' ' Mrs. Vnldo 13eru.on,- . tr. Elmer DyinBion and Mr.-.. Vcrnllc Uyinj:-

■ ■I'iir.'.r leaders will leacli nieni- ber-vof tiiclr v.i.-ioiu i;roii[iv of

' ^IrU what thi'y tcariiiil diJnnR coniUiK iTionih.v . -

HeybuniXitizcns Report' ActivitiesIIEVBURN. .March n-Mr. and

Mrs. D.ile B.ilrd and n>n chiltTiin, Arco, vb.ltc.1 his parent. ,'Mr. ;i Mrs. Sclli Baird. While here 13

. partlclpalcd in Uie natiuiial tlonal putol .'.hDOi ai niihl where, he won r .trpphy. He is.wiiii the, JLili and came dep.irtmeijt. i Uoned nt Arco. - ..

---Mrs. EU;aljeUuStor;n_tt:hi>-hccn n patient for the pn.-.i th ... wecfo'.flf)h6 JiojiJlLnl Ui Pocniello.| w.ia brought to the home of her I (Jnughtitr, Mr«. Jack Dudley, Stin-' day.-' ■ ; . I

Vearl Taylor 1im Kone to n .i Ord, Cnllf., whtrc he will Uc;lji; trtlBlng In Che nftUonal cunrd.

Rug and Furnit'urc Cleaning

TROY NATIONALLoundry & Dry CIconcrs

the new spring look in

MEN'S NEW SPRING SUITSHcrt-Schoffncr & Morx

Caribbean worstecls, "R tvaT f'tT em pow eiti.^

W orsteds

75 .Q 0_

Newest m uted “ Tcmpowoie~cl^ecks“

.pnd ovcrp lo ids


D cou lifu l new ~FQtijfO” de op to no ~

plo ids

85.00Ktngsridgc Suits _____D eluxe K ingsfidgc Custom fobrics in o co llcc tio n of Ihc m ost ho'ndsomc and oppcaling styles and.colors


CAMPUS TOGS especially ta ilo red fo r t l ie "Y ou ng In Build’' w ith w ide r sliou l- - dors end narrow waist ond hips.

tVY MODEL in your choice of Hopsacking chccks ond the popular O live Grech. H opsacking, fine all wool fobrics C O C Aono 659o wool and 359b orlon moferiols............. J w » w V to w 7 i . W W


ENTALS newest dorktone h igh ligh ted worsfeds.. 59.50 end

Every feature of our.'QSSOCiotlorri?~dc?tgncd----

w ith so fc ty , increosed eorhings and convenicnco- fo r y o u .in m in d r T o r your convenience:"o Sove- fay.M oil plan, easy-to'serve-you o ffice fo c ilitic s , fosr service, f r t c pork ing . Come in!


"Investigate before uoxi invest"

w.tH:, on a liecUto-loc

• cushion of fiir . . . for the

solid as.'^uninca of hcing


Tfie. ONLY F#»liiii and Loan 1 1 AuocUUon In Matio Valley I . wboie AeeoDnts ars INSURED

. by a Federal Acency.

MANCHESTER IVY MODELA ll woohH opsocking in C iiarcoal and O live Green ............ ONLY,

MANCHESTER all woo! worsted foUrics,■ton-mode)»-in-5mort-new-stripe&-ond-chGCk5-.T,i.......................

65 0037.9550.00


H ATS11.95-»25


H ATS8.95



— BOYS'TqEWSPRING SUITSFine o il w ool ond orlon ond wpol fabricrs in chorcools, olives and browns.


11.95 to 14.9517.95-19.95

W e have ju if received

21795:25:95 ~ ~K95I big new shipment of boyi' Sport Coott, Slocks and Shirts




m 2nd St. NoV— »‘The SavinRs Corrier"--REJ-;1222^

MPiKS 1 ^If It’s From ROPER’S . . . It’s Bight ‘ IB M



DRESS RIGHT WCEK>March 7 to 13,1960


14 Grangei's Given DegreeAt Bliss Meet i;

f (int dc- sr«o wns e«nipl!fltd by Hit Or- fhnrri VallPT Grnncf for H new

"lucnibcr's- nr tfic' mfcrinfr of-th'e UllKi Grsnct *;ui ucfk.

----■nio-can(Jl(UlP*-liiclu<V'!- cicht• from Orchnrd Vullcy, Joijr frwn WcMpolni and luo from lluticr*

Im KlUler, GoodlnR si«ke V’lIVy

<-:l, iiiiicli Js devcloplnK the rccrci. Donal nrrn atNlaRiir.i .'prlncj.

J-'iIiy Orr'iiEt mrmbcr.i Ironi the .county iillcinltd ulih nil GfuOKM la the cpunty reprcsuitML.. .. n i c nilM Gr.inse viin put ...

I lie M'coiid ilfK'fi'e tor caiidhlntcs si me Wrndfll GranRC meclinf Mi.fch 15.. n io next mcctliiB or tlie BlUi OraiiKO «'I1I be nn opfii intellnit u itii Ji potlucl: diniicr st 7:30 pin. ,... , „

Delegate Amateurs ,VnndsI* wlv> entered n Iioa\e

betnR constructed on Lawnd.ile drive »onietlme Mondny nlRht #mL Nne.tred ever^-thlni: uiUj paint were dcicrlbed Tuesday mornliiK by Deputy- Btierllf Lnrry PIoli m brliis "strictly amnteur pamicrs." , —--

Tlie deputy rcMrtf4 thejnn. 'dtilatTiieiW~i5n-uhl<K'K>y-«I(>iiP and U5ed n Ruitnn ol paint to decorate the wall.vtools.'tloDrs.' ll^ it bultjs mid other nrtlcles in the nc»' constrxictlon. Plou said ttic vandiiM didn't quit iiiilll they hud u>rd the Kallon of

McLcmore toUcjst National Weed Event oh Front Lawn

r have

Dy IIEMIV McU:MOIIE Tlie National Weed *how ulll be eld on my fronUaun AjnJl 15-32.

•—Mr lii'in chown W llie niunber* oC tlic

UticcUm^_ ire”Koriwt'fdr ... liour-wliui.anl>' aa or 40 fed irom ni)- front door.

When rescued, lliey ttcre treinen-. dna ly eiilhuala>«!

»iiy Kfounitv

•'Had you cr lic.ird the ouj rifle." "Hr nirnibcr ^alcl. "I brllve Me Moulil li,v\r piTi.-,hrd out

0 dh;ri\

niie flrrd-ls Infmilely more cor. SKcoua lliaii the flotfcr. siirt »o much slroiiKcr. Wlujrvcr h;id lo ko

lout in It »rrd carilrn anil pull out r fl;irc\!the flimcrs lo t tile JlOAcrs kill the . lu>:l of wreds?

flower ft p.';j atxcrd. I \Mll Hand

Miirch 18.Tfd hy

and Mr.v Mnnln 8Iane iiiirt Mrs. Harvey Slilrk. RV.htcd by Mr. and Mr.v John Aycfj and Mrs, Jay Cutrlslil.

Cosmetologisls Choose Leaders

BOISE. March 8 aW-Mn, Eble ni.NC. Boise. WM Installed lut nlRht as the new prt.ildent of tiie Idaho Co.wietoToKl.its n.woclallon at con- clii.ilon of the Rroiip's meeilnc here.

Mrs. lUlft Leivls. Tain Kalla. Ij first vice prrjldent: Alice Ander- r.nn, Pocatello, second vicc prcsl- (JiTit; Mrs. Mililred Filer.»’eil. third vice president; Worth Ci>nip- bri?. Emmett, fourth vice preslt tlcnt, and Mr*. Ann Dudenake, Po- c.Hello, Is mill vice prtildtnt.

Mm , Evelyn Mntlieus Is secretor)- nnd Mrs. Irene HnRar Is treasurer, noth nre from BoL e, Other of- fleers are Mrj. Domile AppIeR.ite. Nfttnpa, flnancln! jecrelary. nnU Betty K.-U14C1I. Ttt'lo Falls, lilstor- iivn.


JUDV 8MITII . . . daughter of Mr. ind Mn.

Thurlow Smith, Junior al Oskley *t»k«>ch 0 I. - b M. b « n _ chosen. (Icle^le (o .Syrlnca Olrli’ Hate al the Collete of Idaho, CaU- .vell, June 5 to II. Mrs. Cranl Sullivan, of fli« American Le- Klon ■uxlllary. »ay» Cherryl Hardy, dauchter of Mr. and Mn. Ariel Hardy, Is allernale. (SWfl nuravlnc)____________________

4-H at Hagerman To Hold ProgramHAOEnMAN. Me •ch 0—4-H

weelt will be obser ’cd at UtiKcr- man by the dl.'plfty In a. down­town window of club work and by

flcWcvtwcnt prPitrw)) lo be . , nl fl pjn. I'Vldny nc the OninKC hall.

Tlior.e who took part in the 4-H proRriitn the past year and ftit plannlnR to do so this year nre Invited to Attend and brlnt: Uielr parent-i. Individual tickets and seaU won the past, year will be. Riven nl thl.i meetlni; and a Him will be r.hown,

Joe Hnll. Ooodlntc county us- Bistant.nBrlculturo leader, will be In chnrge of the proRram,

Cancer Topic rU^cai*yClub

A proernm was uivcii on canccr at the rcKUlar mretlni; of the IVIn Palls ExchnnRC cluD'Tuc.wIny noc al the American Lecinn hall.

Paul Dull, Twin l-'alLi. allowed cancer film. I’rc.'ent lo explain nbaut.canccrjiiiJvnj'vcr.aueslloi'v after the film wrK Arthur C. Jac- oltion, Doise. ejAutlve director of the Amertct*n Cancer society, Idii-, ho dlvWon. and Dr. Kcii H, Cov- incton. Twin t’nlls, cb. tetrlclan and; BynccoloRlst.

Jneob^on pointed out (he cancer -loclety has two- puniosr.v id lives and cradlcatc the ilLiea; UiroURh rcse.irch. 2Ic stressed many tjpcs of cancer can be cured If found I13 time. About 23,000 women die. of canccr each year.

Members dccldrd to hold their st.iK party on a Friday nlRht.

Mack Dodson dislrlbiited n slieet for membJr.'i to sign if they want to help with the American lied Cros.1 /uiid driie. He pointed out the Twin Falls chapter Jiad a deflcll In 10S3 ot'about 800 pints of whole blood and was shori JO.OOO.

that not In all of Uietr ycflfs of socLillon.w lU i weed shoR's and uccd iudnlntr had they seen a 1 fulon, such n

fljniennr—jt*!:—Mr:—Mct-rmnrcr when I f;iy Ilt.ll you nrr l.i br.con- Cialui.ilnl oil «h;il vou me iloinc lor the weeds of ihl.i couiilry."

Ilir Kalloiiai Weed hov■ Ij not Me.irly m5 mcII kncmn nr pubhcl/c'd us me Kimer Nhnw,

rmhL-up'-ajid iiiiack the Ha-icrn»r\v'iiuki'r.cTfri»-nfiirirti/rot> a ucrd of 11s iklitful water and fiKXl, iiiu| llje Iloui r will urt puiu-h (in •111 pretty .'r.iie siiuut wii: not MHiii JorKCl.

\V<T(ll i>

peo« would curl up like cow* antx, Dut ft Rwd tt'ill litMd'And krrp flchtlnK and Krow- liiK in weiitlier that would a1mo t niiike a poatmtm forget his nioiio and run for ;ihcller.

\Veed.i arc tliouchlful of a man's irsr. too, Vou don't j; lUicl buy wee4see<ls. or lay out

tmmey for delicate Ittile clippiiiKs which have lo t>e wrapped in Asvadtlimc.clQtlica.Aud tauclil howto-Tmlt-jrdtaltr-----------

Diirlnc Ihe-Nnllnnn! Weed shoiv r ueed luver.% arc KOlnK to dr.w l) a petition iisklns; floriMs (n •nd lived.' by.wlie. A bouquei ol

iitll outla.',! a bouquet of 50 I. •

hardy tnough to spoil the ef* /« t ol our Bred cardeni and our weed lown.1,

nemember the dale of the Weed sliow-Apni is-22. If you liare any weeils of which you are proud, send Uii'iii, atonK. lliere will also be prlje.< for li'eed irrunKlnt:,

JiLst be nure to brlns your own lunch. ,

.<lfN«u5hl S>nai»4l»)

’pluiiu iMiinnlnR it vlslllnn rel> ativr\ 111 OrcKon and plans to vhlt In calllornla al.vti.


11 111!.vpriid trc'incn. culllvatlon and

Jiaiidful of . us arc 1.1 .ind their dcvcU

dljpoy. only devcT.TU to tjpmeiil..

nio,ve of III who love weeds con­sider till] nn unfortunate stato of

ay. Kvi try licenifiii iTm.-k?-KnT iry lo ma Kwci-l pcu to fitilit It out with Tt>ck.s. clay. sun. battrrins rain and whlstllni: KiUcs?

You needn't either, hebu'e the

We“ iiirmlc:il companies of the] country 10 a.i'iKn soine ol their lop, tcUntUU to thu taii: of duvcToplcsii a floivcr killer Uml will not hurt' weeAv We are sick and llred of having to Rcl up In the mornlnc' and pull up the few flowers'whtchi


RE 3-7371 for Quolify

X arbbn King Coal'Utah Slack— O il Treated $14.75 per ton— Delivered

chic bulky-knit cotton

- C A JtD JjG A JiS

— -SU-aighL-from-Uic-licart h i n t . . . she'd -

love one of these flaltcrinp, ffishion-new

bulky knit cottons for Valentine ’s Dayl

Classic carclignn-ncclc or collar styles in

white, black, red, aqua, beige, pink,

maize, light blue. In sizes 34 to 40.

CANDY SPECIAL-lt'i New— Strctched 'a A c



Imported 3-eyelet tie M oxford with ■ cunlilon err pa • oin, wodRo - J hecl.6^4-ia. '• ■

k .9 9


7ctttitvdfal>>. H C Y ricf onriareh. 1 » / mcnt. Whiln; IU ' t o l O * . I


1 5 9 5■ ^ ^ R c g . 24.95

So allnullre! nUck and while enamel, with braa cimler and tips. 3 lUbU In brau or brown. Adjusta from 7' to rg*.


with now tw6- way ttrotch ,Ban-loa tops.,' BeiEotone, jni8tone.SUe* R»g.79t SH to ll. valu»

Open Daily 9:

, ftlday 't 'til

':30 to 5 :30 ^






mineralsfor Super Nutrition!b o t t l e o f

When You urchase

THE 5 S 5 5 b h S S v S TODAY'S

"°°°° HB?SilSpRE™ NOLD B R ia M M B p p i r p


In the old doyi, when you wtri hit with a iiileui Illneti, you might spend only a dollar for a priutlpKsn . yt buf{ you wtrt llkaly In btd lor lhr*« toitly hod lU vliHi frim ih* doclor, loil a month’swog*i, look a whoU ottoilmenl sf <^«r medlclnei, too. Wes thot cheop? Todoy, thonkt le n«w drug dit(ovfiU<, you niad paihopi on* vlilt from lha dodor, favtr'i dawn In Houti, you're oul ef btd In a reupl* of dayiy bock on Ih* job In a week. Todoy’s prete;lpllon coiJ* you more, yes . . . ond lin'l II fLbofgaint

T O D A Y 'S PRESCRIPTION D R U G S ----------------------S A V E IIV E S , S AVE M O N E Y

Reg. 85e- -


Oral or rcetal typo........49c■ Reg. 79c


Mouth weth and garglo 59c........ ..............Rog..9Bc______ ____

Po-Do Shave

with Lanolin. 10 ox... - 49cReg. 1 .67— 2 q u a r t i l i«


Reg. 59c — A ll metal

Adj. SHOETREES... 3 9 C


.Bu\i it by the case!

159.c=„ 18 .00


plui 2 packi of clgarottos .... - 98c Hillrose K LOTION

(Save 20c.) Nono like in for hondt........ 49c

Asaorted Chocotatos

t lb, h»< I lb. b»<

the fincjt, frejhest CAndiej you can buy . . . exdujivcly 0

Gc[ Acquainted Offcr!

DOLPH ~Mofh Proofor Spray

Guordt wooleni 1 full year.

Perfection — 1 lb. jor V

HAND CREAM................ 1 .1 9

Dubarry Dry Skin ^ ,


J . 5 0 l

Dubarry — reg. 1.75 size ■


W MAIN so.-







82.50 Z O 5 . 5 O

3 2 . 5 0

7 4 . 5 0

8 7 - ^ 5 0

13 1.506 1 . 5 0

. 275.001 0 6 . 5 0

85.00 6 Z . 5 O

4 9 . 5 0

. 1 1 4 . 5 0

6 9 . 5 0

1 6 5 . 0 0

. 1 4 2 . 5 0

2 9 9 . 5 0

1 3 3 . 5 0

marnond Kami «-lift. JtS-SO - O M .V .......................DiinioiKl i;njasemr»l Set —II dlamondv rrf. <15.00 — O.Vt.V.......Ilbnioni) llnjasrmcnl Sfl — bolHirr. rri. 6H.H - O.M.V ... lHamoiiil KiijJ»rnirnt S tt—10 (lianionrii, Itff. HH.OO — OM.V .....DUmond «tiil I’rarl Olnntr flint —Ifl dlamonJi. Iltc. i:5.D0............. .... .])lamc>nil )V«ldlne llanil g-30 diamond!, llec. 265.S0 — ONLY ....

Diamond Hand —S (llamondi, nf£. IZJ.OO — ONLV ......Diamond \V(ddlnc ilanil — UdIo'.10 larce diamondt. lire. SI7.S0 — ........

Ocnl'i Diamond Illnr —Ilrt. 213.00 - OM.V ......... .............

' Diamond Knt*c(tneni Set—10 dUmnndi. Iter. 193.00 — ONl.V .... Diamond Eii*»£ftnfnl Sfl —Sfllll.rc, n tj. J25.50 - ONXY ............Diamond Ent»itenitnt Bet —B diamond., tltr 09.50 — O.SLY .......-ticnl'i DUmoRd n ln j —


34.5034.7537.5029.7537 ;50

2 7 . 5 0





lift. G3.10 — CIM.Y ............................

I.idlr»- i;ifln S|iiirl Watch —, Htt. C0.50 — ONLY ............ ...............

Udr KItIn DrfM-%Valtrj>roofIttf. 50,50 — ONI.Y , ............

I.adle>- Clcln Watrh-llrarrlctlift. S9J0 — ONLY ............................

Gent's Kl(ln — ■Kcf. 7J.J0 — O M ,r ............................

U d l»' Kl{ln —Ktr. 53.00 — O.V'LV .............................

llrnrux Aulotttalle. Walcritronf,Shock proof, Itej. 7D,50 — O.M.Y ..........

LadiM’ .Jlenrus. 2 «llamnnd» —Itrj. 1IJ0 — O M .V .............................

6-dlamond*. Hfc. IW.OO — ONLY---DUmond Dinner lUnc — 3 lartedUmondi, Itff. 230.00 — ONLY______Cent'* DIamonil Rlnf — Jj earattotal welchl, llec- 295-W — ONLV........Diamond EnraKcment Set — »i carattotal weljhl. llec- 509.50 — ONLV .....Diamond Kolltare —J/3 ear*!. Ret. 200JO — ONLY.........

. Lord i:uin — Mk coldIlet. 1:5,00 — ONLV...............

Kljln, Ijd lf*' — 15 Jcnel Itrtular 63.00 — ONLY .

Henniti AVrlst Alarm'—Itff. 59.50 — ONXV .................

Ijdlea' nmriis Kmbraceihle —Her. 71.50 — O.NLV ..............

I-ord Kliln — 21 JewelKfS. 71J0 — ONLV .................

52.50 - 32.50 . 22.5029.5042.50

Udiei' Itut)y fellow cotil . Ue*. 3L75— NOW



' Appearance. . .

BUT. . .





------- C A L L -----RE 3-7551 ^MRrKREFT"

Fine Imported CHINA!

W edding Bands!.... ...... LO.WES-T.PRICES.EVER .

~L-Q-di«'-^d“ 6 c S f i 'n rE i:L o w o rw H iT E "G a tD “


Dountlful _____A■ n ti. 20.00 - NOW _— ............... ...................- y »

Atitlonell« mHer. 17,00 - NOW --- :....—----------------- i «Charlene jdJltt. ILOO - NOW ----------------- ------ -

-- - _________ ; • _ 4 ,- s o w ■

. 7 7

. 7 2


- Flatlnum Iland lUf. I0J)5 — NOW _

—Bira-Cafe--------nef. 19J5 — NOW ...SU rDuit.Kei, 33.50 — NOW .


»-riece SeU Rer. 24^3 - ONXY - M-Piece 'Rer. 30.95 - ONXY - 6J.rieee SeU Ref. 53.50 - ONLY - 03-riece Seta

Ladles- rer. 7.50 — NOW ONLV -.............. .30Genl'i rer. 12JW — NOW ONLY______________ ______ ___ 6J:5

• u d iw rtr.^s.30’= NOW ONLY ..... ".75Genl'a rer. 17i0 — NOW ONLY ............... B.75

• Ladle*- rer. 19.3S — NOW ONLV .OHGenl’* rer. 24-95 — NOW ONn ..... .......12,47Udlea- rer. 27i>5 — NOW ONLV.............. .... ......... .......... _.13.00Genl-I rer. 2BJIS — NOW ONLY ................... ...................... i4.ns

I.adle>' rer. 3t.!15 — NOW ONLY ......................... ......:......17.48Cenfi rer. 30.95 — NOW ONLY ........... ....... ......... ........... .„19.9R

— Udlei’ r»r. 42 JO — NO\V ONLV-...::;.„u.-v-..r-;:.--- •.;-r.ri-..:...;;_-..J1.25-o tn fi ref. 40i0 — NOW ONLY .................... •4.73Ladle*’ rer. 50.50 — NOW ONLY... ........ . .■:3Gent-* Rer. C5.00 — NOW ONLV .................. ’ JOSpeeUI Ladlea- Group, tererat color* atid dcilri11. 29JK, NOW 14.93Wtddlnr Band SeL Rer. 39J0................... ______ NOW 23.95


Dealers Are Not Eligible. GET THIS FOR DAD

Ilell * Howell 8tnm Motle Camera 4ym Rer. 49J5 - NOW ............ ....................... ......... X

To Purchase Merchandise'

editor Tlewer and aplieer. Kec. 174.50 — NOW _ •


-4 4 .5 0-62.95

154.75 _ 24.95

Silverware and Stainless. S teel


Gent'i Dlmond Band. ltee. C5.00 .....l.adt<a' Flortotlos Band. Iter 49.50 - 109.95


59.10 69.6059.10

1.95r31^25- 34.50-

IRU Roten "Rememtiranee" 52-rc. »et.__Se^lce for S. Iter. 89J0 — NOW',........

CommunltyV-Hallad' 52-l’c. .ft.Service for S. Iter. A9J0 — NOW .......1RI7 KoRcr* •'llcfllase'' 52-I'c. » for K. Itej. R3.50 — NOW..........Silver Salt and I’epper'ShakenNow ONLV ........................................

_Q n tlda!i- "Finlandia" 5:-rc.


Rei. 9240 — ONLY _CompJele Open Slt>ck


792 3


XERM5J T J J tM iU iR M S L Nothing Down-2 Years To Pay!

Sltverplated Candy Dlili'-fimlfdRe*. 10.95 — NOW...........................silver BuUer diali witli erjKlnl |n«ctRet 12.93 NOW .. ........

_ln(HiJilURLC«!!iUcJllfil(lcrijcU_______Rer. 7J5 — NOW ..................... .....

7.756 . 7 0

Radios and Appliances!


4-PC. PLACE SETTINGUlr of the Valler (Cul)Rer. 12.15 — NOW _________;

Canterbury—Rer. 43o~Now.:,.:::;.” "“

Ulr of Uie Valler (rialn)Rer. OJS — NOW .................Chsntlllj • -Rer. I2J0 — NOW .............IMeuRej. 10.70 — NO^V_______ _SUrllfhtXUg. 15.75 — NOW _



- 4 . 5 0

. 6 . 2 5

- 4 ^ 8



Gonts' (hoekprooF, waterproof, dut^

proof, onfimognctle watch. 17 jew*

el. Two year guarantee.



Complete Eastman

Kodak Movie Kit8mm movie etimerft wlUt three liirrel lew and- electric eye meter, plus 8mm pro- peclor .twin llRlil Rndcei baR, 400'

■-refl. 22")c30’‘ bended urcen and roll of

Stashed to go o t .... *99.50

Ju ft o few of these:


Stainless Steel

DINNERWARE, 42 Picccs — Service for 8

* 9 , 9 5Cut to

S P E C I A LCafaloguo Depaftmenf

If Lloyd's hare sold our o f the ifcni or

items you desire, they will order it for you o t . . .



'^ranilftur ultti carr^lnj cau and earjilioCUT TO ............................ ........ .......Bulora Tuih Dutton radioCUT TO .............................................WeillnctiOQie I'artableCUT TO .......... ....... ................. .........

' Bulova a-Wa; rortafale radioCVT TO ..............................................llulova table model radioCUT TO .............................................Oulovtt M—4 ipeaktn.CUT TO ......... ................- .......... ......

_Lltg.Wel«ht-electrre toffemaktr ’

l im it e d q u a n t it v



_£u IL icn ficfi_fo r_a:^_G uQ iantccd_


Fine Imported

Swedish'^ysi;al.Service f o r 6 includct:. Goblcf,


Huge Selection

Jo=.” :’l 1 9 .9 5 ' 'nII *12 .9 5 ■ 66«

CUT TO .^Hunbeam Frjpan-yello.r, 10 Inch

CUT TO .............................. ..........Sunbeam (team or dr; IronCUT,TO ......^........................... ...Sunbeam controlled heal uucepan CUT TO ......... ...... ... ................ ...

19.50 - 41.50

-.19.95 ..28.50- 2 4 . 5 0

. 104.908j95

n Sllxmatler blender

n, ADlenatie p«p*up toaiter


j : 6 . 0 0

- 9 .9 72 1 . 5 0


W ED N ESD A Y , MARCH 9, I960 ~ T IM E S - - N E W S rT W IN ^A L L S r ID A - H O - - .^PAGB-ELEVEN.

AT LAST! to Twin Falls' modeling held us up ! In fact we're s till in the midst of rem ode ling .. .b u t we are tired o f

~wuiliiig . . . 0 i f ydtrcon put up w ith the noise and confHstc

Ihgs of 0 life tim e on the fam ily's fines t footweor. You 'll save 50% and more dur-

ing our big . . .

•C <1

- M a n ^

What BUYS!


Men's Dress Shoes-Every pair by e

~ fom oui“nioker. —

VoluM to 14.95........ 9o90

Men's Work Boots

• No better volus in town —


We Can't WaitTo Show You The Values!

This is NOT our Grand Openings . . . W E’RE S T IL L ^E *

M O D E L IN G THE STORE. B ut, wc were so anxious to get

acquainted wc are offering FAN T AST IC SHOE PRICES. So,

i f jou_<an j»ut_ujpjvith the noise and confusion comc in now for

shoe savings of a l i f c t l i n ^ A v i uP 'T O '50% r


SHOESChoose from

Boys’ and Girls*

dress and play shoes




Values to 6.95




high an d Illutlon h iil .

VALUES to 14.95


6" Boots6 inch Patrol boot. Oil tonned Uothor, vet cork to ll. 1,000 milet guarontetd wear. Valuaf

1 .9 0

6 ; 9 0and

9 , 9 0


Eatory p a ir a fremen.

dout value. Roguforly

’ „^rlc«d to 8.95.

. 9 0



Futry or Terry C lo th scuff. Ideal 'for the teoton' ohead. VALUES TO 4.99


Cowboy BootsInfontt' i!xet 6 to 8 Chlldren'a

•Isei 8Vi-3. Big values to 4.99

^90Come SEE... Come SAVE!W omen's WEDGIES and WALKING SHOES,

voluci to 10.95......;.ji......................... .............


values to 4.|^9.....................................


Limjted Selection of '

Boys'Press OXFORDSN ^ fo-Llayd's Jewelers- 138 Maiii-Ave.-No.;


Couple Goes Ahead Willi Gift of Bahy

Ltrro.v. M;irrli !>TJiP rxi)icllnK MoortJ Imil ii biu.y tlay toilay.

Yvoiinu Moon- wai fnrdepariiirc loiilclil fnr llio United Stnic.i, when- .■•lie pbiu to Klve Jirr unborn ctilltfto a Soulli Caro- Jlna coupIc. I«r niiniitiiin--

Lrlti-n "Abii»lvr" 'LfO Moore, llie hlislcini), w

out in the back >nr<l burnInK Mconct dny’n licnp of wlinl he enlltil “nbiislvc, ni'uiiyn

The Jcttcrd were icvcrely critical of tlie Moores' dccWon to rIvo thtlr first baby lo Wilbur nnd BllKe Prc-vTott, North Charleston, 6. C.

Mrs; Moore. 33. l.i expcetlnc the bnby April 17.-6he Illrji toiilKia to New York by Iceland nlHliir.i nnt' throiich ihe courtesy of tlic Prci'C0tt4.

New Life WantedMoore. -iO. Mid he hnd Jiui

about hnd cnoiich of Luton.He unnoimecd ho wanla t

hLi two-bedroom bunKnIow, follow hla wife to America, and "start life ftBiiln."

• people who erltlclre “ »aId'Moorcr"dom‘unaerMftnd-oiir

' t of view. Wo are not behic

Aiiliolincrmcnt-w.n Uuii-d frmi Claienco llOll^c, Miirj:.iri'l’.i rc:.l- dcncc.

'■Die niarrlncc of her royal hli;lt'the I'rJnci'.ss IcvrKari't vtili. rvcut viuiaiK*-' m**'

Mr. Antony Arhi.'.tronK-Joni'.i willjr.inns to and from the onclcnt Ijo BolmnlM'tl nt Westminster Ab- l^y.

.......... ...I.I........... icarntd that Queen


polnt of V henrtles.1 .’'

dren, hn.-» pleaded In vain with her sen nnd dmliter-ln-law nnd with the PTMCotla BBalnst bnby clvenwny. •

Residents Leave For Golden-Fete

nEYBURN. March 9—Mr«. Denn Wilcox. Emerson,- left today for Zewa, with Mr. nnd Mrs, ClUford 6utton. Ocelo, lo attend the Ro1d> tn weddlnc annlversarj- of the women's parenta.

Carol Leo Moncur. who nttends BYU Bt Provo, vLilted her pnrenta, Mr, and Mrs, Msrinn Atoncur, Emerson. Sho nttended funeral tervlccs' of her B ftndfathcr. Z. L.

. Whlttflker.-Mr. and Mrs. Lee need Mid two

ehlldrtn. iind Mr.i. Orln Cheney end dAUBhter. Vicki. DoL-ie. were Sundftjr vi5ltora of Mr. tiRd Mrs. Charles Moncur. Enieraon. Tliey visited their grandmoUier. Mrs, Julia Dennlns, who Li seriously 111 ftt tlio hoApllAl In Rupert.

-Three-ereek-441-— -ClubHas^Election

CASTLEFOIU5, March D — Ruby Brackett \'ns elected president of Uio Tlirec Creek 4-H club Monday »t the home of Roiiand P.Mrlck.

pre.\ident: Shero' Clark, fccretary; Bert Drnckett. reporter; Dee Pat­rick. treasurer: Beilieno P;»Vrlck. parnamentnUnn; JeAn Brackett, song leader; Jo.m Bmcliett. his­torian. wid Judy Clark,

Offlcers will be Installed nt the April JO mcetlnK at the Ilrnckett home. Members were nwarded BChiereinent scnln nnd ceciidcaies earned for lust yrjir’n 4-H work. I

Detheno Patrick. retirliiK presi-1 dent, was In charce.of the rieet-| Inpr, Sherrj’ Clark led llic pIcdKc' of olJeRinnce and Ruby Drackett,! the M l pledKe.

Iloir tlin free world Kbrhi u|i arilnst the rnmniiinM li.-ilf in tcrmn ot mineral rro<luct[nn li rcTtal- rd In plr^liartx nliiivr. Tlir I'.S, niMUiuinl In trad tlir uurld in tnlal mineral output in 195lt. althouch llUMiia linil llin.atcilllri made xuliManlial calnn. Amrrifa retained Itx lead In the proJuetlon of oil and »trrl, while Km'ila rcplarrd Ihli rountry ax the prime eiial and Iron ore producer. Tbo t occountrd for half the wcirld'x riul iiutput nnd nrarly one>(hird Itii Iran ore In 195R.

KITCHENS, A T T IC B EDROOM S, anti R EC R EA T IO N ROOM S are about the same priceTange. FR EE Estimates.



Princess Margaret’s Wedding Scheduled for Friday, May 6LONDON. March 0 dW—l’rlnnv.S'w;i.i nnnounced only 12 days nso.

MarKiiret nnd Antony Annslront;-! althouuli Miiruaret-and the former .Jones will be nmrrli'd In Wr.'iiniln- i.ocltly nlio[ot;rapher havu known

Abbey Miiy 0. It nounctd offlically today.

Prince Philip will kIvo Hip prin- ;si nway nnd the nrchbKhnp. ol

Canterbury- wUl coiiduct.Uic icrv- Ice,

i.ocli'ly nlio[ot;rapher havu known c:ich other for two years.

Plans nlrea<iy arc bi'lnc nnde for Ihc creale. t Influx of lo Urltaln for a royni event dim Queen Kllmijclh II. Mnrraret's

was croivneci in the Abbey

Sources close to Ihe palace eald "It .'.eenis n certainty" the weddlni; woulii be Ik niaKnIfieent. colorful evtnt with royal carrlane pr<ic-s*

rOiort cnKaRcment. *llie betrothal

Limits ChangedJJOISK. March 0 nf'D — Tlilriy- !ven sep.irnto chnnnes nn v;irlou<

fcdcr.ii and sliite highway />peeil and load restrictions to lake effect

departjncnl of hli!hwiy,< twiay.Tile chanKes were Kenerally due weatlicr conditions In the .stale d are put In forcc annually In

tlie late winter.


Elir.ibcih dlscluscd the w«UllnK .latt-iilRht-lo-Prtme-MUiislcr

Harold Macmillan nt Uucklngliam palare.

Her receptinn of Mncmillnn hi'r" tir.'t offlclnl cnKaRemcnt ulncc the birth' of her Uitrd child nearly Uireo weeks nno,

Noiv that the ilate has been set, pl:ins for Ihc wcddlnc will no wiiril with KrtiaM)ced nt UiicklnK- hani palace. Clarence house nnd the office of the Lord Chnmber- laln. who Is riapaiuibln to - theouciiivJor-xoyaLccrciiiffiilc!,____'

Arjn.Mronn-Jone.s Is livlnc In suite of rooms nt the palace. He moved in nt the Invitation of the (luern nnd Prince Philip no he cwild be near MnrKarcfs re.sldenee i Clarence house.One London new.spaper. Uie Dal-


12:00 Thursday, March 10

_________ WEISER, IDAHO ,

1,800 Mixed Weoner Colvcs ond Light- Yearlings

T10 Stock Cows (some with cdivcs)

HSIG fclED_CAmE____________


Phono 29, Wciscr

ly Mirror, reported, Arm.strqng' Jones Is dcsiRnini; Mftilfnrct’* wed' dlhK drew He onco deslimcd worn' cn’5 clotlKs as n sideline to his cnnimerclal phntogrnphy but they did not Mil well,

As.ioclates of Nonnan Jfartnell. one of the queen's dreMmakerji, vl:;lled Clarence home yesterday but the purpo,« ofUie vWi wn.i not revealed nnd they refused to comment on the report.


A u c t i o n


ConCAct Uie Times • N m Farm Sivlc department for eom'plete ttdvcrtlslns coveraso of your farm sale: hnnd bills. Dcwspaper coverAKe (over :0,000), ndrance billins. Ail at ono «p#:lal low mtc. D'cry sale tlsted In thu Farm Cilendnr for 10 days be­fore sale time at no cMt.

Ma S 10Emeit and EutenU McNee Admtisement, Afareh 8-9 Meuenmith nnd Werl—

Auclloneert ■

, MARCH 12Goodinr Community Salt

AdTcrtliemenl. ^lareh lO-ll KdlnboroBch and Larun —

M ARCH 16-Lauli J. naie

Adrfrll»rin»nt. anarch 13-H Klaai and Klaaa—Auellontcri

• MARCH 17Jerome Annual Slachlnery

AdTrrlliement March fl, II and~T3 KIa«» and Klaa»-Auellonetr»

MARCH 18 C. 0. VanWlnkle and NeUbbon

Joe Duffrk—AucllnneerAdTerilitment. March 16-17

Infants Blessed At LDS Service I

• SHOSHON'E, March 0-Daptis- mal confirmntloas nnd Infnnt bleutnRS were Riven nt the Sun- doy testimony meetinic of the LDS church.

The conflrmatlon.s were ttlven to Julie Anne Cope anil Dalllfi E. Toleman, nnd the biby ble.winKs to Karle Lynn PcURh, dauKhter of Mr. nnd Mrs. Vernon PeuRh. nnri Wnyns Douglas Buhler. ton of Mr. and Mrs. Memld Duhlcr.

Burton Tliome was fuiialncd ns v&rd musle committee chnirninn, replncing-Hnrrell Thonie who Is the nev U’nrd atatlatlcnl clerk.


ORDER-GRAMPIcoio-Uso Pencil— ink will blot!

M A IL THIS ORDERto the Tlmes-Newi Cloulfled Ad de- porimcni, P.O. Dox- 800, Twin Falls. IdaJio. Ads may be cancelled m toon Bi rc.'.ults nre secured. You pay only for nctuni number of days ad Is pub* llihed.

Troops TrainBALBOA. CanaJ Zone. Mnrch D

(nt ■— Amertcm paratroopen and soldiers from five Latin American nations t«cuned up today in ma-

—neurers-lo-provldc-trftlnlng for de­fense of the Panama canal tlirouRh Joint action of the hemisphere forces.

The maneuver* were in their ond day. at the hot dusty Rio. Untotraining wron In PtJOO-miles west of the canal. I t ir the first time tliat os many os slz DaUoos'parUcipated.

] Day5e prtJWTtl— ■

pfrday J

1 MonrR2c per word

per day ’

Olasalflcatloo Of Ad - -- - -

Pleoso run above Classified Ad for— _d»ya

la Uie Tlmes-News hff^mning ’ _ triatrt

1 eoeloso t ___________in full payment.

O Please -Sent} ^tement- Mi

_W M

*Contecutlv« Diyi


Karh sroup el BamtMrt or laiKrt

*Ji1rn» *nd/of rhoni ntir^r u jour .rtjjBl.i.

_ TOWN .

Foldine-typo doors 4n lund-maich- ed. factory-flrUshed panclv Solve all types of openlns problems. Nctr

'advance type Imrdwware. Nylon rollers. All complete packtRe. ready to InaUll. ■



G U A R A N TEED RE 3-5212




Music Clubs.Are: Women_Discuss April Meeting of Idaho Music Clubs

Schedi^ling State

Convention HereTlic pl.iiinlii; coiiinilliM-the

Fotirrstlon of Mvulc'cli/bj iiiri. Turfdny nltrrnooj) lo dl^cuu

Anrll :u, 20 niiil 3U nt Turn Kiilla, -•mr-coinmltt?r-mf!-«t the-horoc

o: Mr*. -Robert Cnrlc&on, dlitrlct live president c( the niwle club.

Mttnbrr* cl tlir Burlfy Muatc rlul) iincl tlir Twill J'fllLi Muile

J, UUUl »fUl UlUlllt UUU, t ' t the ciiMvciilInn lu be'held

use rioseusn lioiel, Mrs. Eli Wes- . Ion. BnLif, vW prcildmt iiationalTcdcniiioii, wUrreprricnt the NnilonnI Kcdrrntlon of Musicclub.1 III Uic cunvi'iilloli,

Mrji. nobtrl C.irrlcr, Burley. (Jiitc prc.'ildciit ol the Idaho (cd> rrution, MM prcKiii ivt tlie kibcI- iiit:.

■Jlie conirtillon coiimiltlce In- cliidM Mrs, Jamej S. Kinney, T»vln 1‘Slli, di.''lnunii;_Mri. Paul Iteus^

■ ion, Twn J 'alls, co-eliaifnmh: Mrn. Doiinlil Youtz. Tttln Talli, prcaS (lent of (he T«ln l-nlLi Maile club; Mr^. Marsh.itt LrBnrnn, cunveii- (1011 prosrnm ch»lrmnn rind st.nte parltamentirian; Mr?, R C.irlf.ion. fifth district pre.'ldrni; Mr-i. Willorrt Harpiltr. Burley. prr.Mclnit nf ilie niirlfy MiL lc club: .Mrr Briicf ElltnbrrKer, Burley, riiiiveiitldii chntrmiiii,

Addltlonril commlltee mcmb

rnll.v rechtrnllnti snd crrrientlAls; Mr.i. Mownnl Wt-.Piimii, T«ln KnILs, choral /Mllvr.l rhalnnnn; Mrs, Dounliu Ttnll. Twin Fnlb. junior liny chnlnnnn: Mrs. Olrim'Voyles, teinpe ncholarihlp chalrmoji. nrid Mr.'. Nornmn Slockwell, finance chnlnnnn.

Other TVlii Falls Mitflc club itiember.-! aul.Miitg with convention plans nre Mrs. Fred Brallnfortl. nuhl: Mr.i. Ilobtft Denton, Kim- l>erly: Mrs. Irvinr McDonald. i:arii: m« , wiuiam w,itt. Buhi, find Mr.*!, Dyrle Cftrr. .Mr«. T. O. Oray, Mr?. A,-D, -Nye, .Mr«, Her- innn Sianimerjoliii. Mrs. R. A, aulcllff. Mr*. W. B. Wllkljon. Mr.i, Joel Tnte. Mr.i, Diilc R. fltronc nnd Mr.i. L'dwarU a Smith.

UlRhllHht of the C0nv(ntl0n.,wlll be wortihnp.i prc.ichted by nil stale ch.ilrmfii. All ciiiiven- tlon scMloai ulll be held lu Bbihop llhe.i nudltorluui of the Episcopal church, A fprcint fc.iturr Kill be n *trlnk' quartet from JJolic Junior follriic ihst wilt play orlKliliil 3iln- ho foik . oni;:! nrwiiiicd by 0, Ortf- JItli Briitt from orlKliiiil folk toni: Hiu.ilc found In the Idaho lilator- leal society museum,. Bol.te, All Idnhn niuile elubi will present miLilc during the three dny» of Hie convention.

Stnte delecntM will be spcclal RuesLi of the 'I'whi FJ"

Mn. Jamef Kinney, Twin Falli, rliht. ccneral cbBlrmsn of Ihe tdaho Federation n( Muilc clubi eon. ventlon, dlicuurt the ereni wltli Mn. Bbbert Carrier, Rurlry. neated, itatr pre«ldenl; Mn. Robert Carle»on, Twin Falli. itandlnc lefl, pretldent of diiJrlct five of the munlc cinb. and Mr», Dnnnld Vnuli, center itnndlni. Twin Falli. president of the Twin Knll.i Music eUib, Tlie Biirley Mimle cl*h and the Twin Falli Music eluli. both fifth district clutn. will be h>»( clubt lor the runvciillon l» be held April 2R. 20 and 30 i l Ihe I{o|er»nn-hotel. (Staff photn.enjravlne) ~_________ .

Pinochle Played.HEYBURN, March 0—Mr, nnd

Mr.\ John Ulanketwhip ifere hojt.i to ri’buffet supptr and plnochli- |);ii ty lit Ihelr home Saturday cve- iilni;.

Four UbliM nf enrcLi were hi play wlUi prUcs Kulnn lu Mrs. Darrell McFnrliiid. Dale Stoller, Mrs, Dale. Stoller and F.irrell McFarlivnd.

Protection Study

Given a t Oakley',®;OAKLEY, M arch D — "Alils. ” ,

.nchtnii:.i utid key.i for. prolicllnir' wn.1 llie ipMon for tlie Home Ini: ^rovemenl club Inst at th( LDS stnkehousG Scout room.

Mrs, Lclnnd Pcler.wn. pri'.ildcnl, n.i In chnrK« ot tlic mectlnic nnd

orche.itr« •niurs'’-.y evcnlni;. April _.28,.nt the_last_c,nncerl.of.lhl3.ECn*.

r.on. The nymphony 1a nn asjoclnte Rroup nf the Idaho federated muilc clubs. Mrs. Tenia BcUlnl. planbt. u-lll be Buial (irtlsl,

A chorat fesllval will be featured April JO with fetlemled chorus Rroups throur;hout Idnho perfonn- Inc Rcpnrntcly then Jointly under the direction of C. Qrlfflih Brnu. Dolse. Mr*. Howard Wliemnn l.i ehnlnnan ot the choral fe.itlvnl, aa-

. . *lat«l..bjr_l)j8 - Twin. rail* -i!uslcclub ehonu, •__________

April 30. Saturday, Is Junior day of the convention, hlchllehled by nuditlons for the tempe scholar- »hip to be awarded at the conclu­sion nf the convention.

Marion Martin


Care of Your ChildrenBrA N G ELO PATRI—

Mnrjoric .CIIIIii|)le presented theIC'.VMIil,

Mr.i. Vrrn PcterAon, setrelary, .trlbiited new yearbooks, Tlie

cnken-nltc-WM won-by Mn, WII- Wells.

Ktlreshniriit.i were served by Mr.i, Llln Gold, Mrs. Hny Bedkc and Mm , Wrils.

Tl58 child who moves with tleM- bernte exa-iperntes those who move swiftly nnd arrive promptly on lime. Such a child la n clas.iroom makes things difficult for him. hl.1 claMmntcs and lil» tenclicr. He Is the ln«l one to stop work, nbo Uie last lo storl. He Is Uio Inst one, lo take n direction. UeJa'aJill.pen- ell nnd huid In his pflpcrs when UiB~cInM~in2no»:-our“or-ttie

live with people usefully nnd hap­pily. He will Always be ilellbcrntr, but he need not always be la^t, behind time, late.

Three Advance’Tiirec, members -of the Tinker

Belt Blue Bird croup will Ily-up In May, They nre CynUiin Puce. Nnrtlnc ncems nnd Su.ian Jacobs.

•I1i6 Kroup met lust wccK nt the home of Mrs. Archie Turner, lend-

to iniilte Mnp doss lo display 1 n downtown store wliidow. Mr*.

Lynn Goodman l.i n-vilstftnt leader,

VAIITV lli;i.l> AT MILNf.K •MILNER, March Edivln

Relnbom entrrUlned friends nt n p.irly nt her home. First prizes went to Mrs. Ted Wren, Mrs, rnr- num Wnrr, Mr.i, Harold Randall

-and MrA.-Relnbold.- -

9222SIZES *9-17 •'



The beautiful "poured'' »heaUi takes (I wide, vide eape {nr a col­lar — nnd Uie result Is drunntic. dashinB, provocnUve. HlRh-plnced

nphn.ilKS»letkwftljl. Choosetow I

Printed P»liem 0M3: Junior -..Mlsa Stut-S. U, Ij,::s..l7. si2fi.ia • take* 3U yards 35-lnch.

Bend 60 centa (coins) for this pkttem*— add 10 cents for each

•pattern for ilrst-claii .-■nnlllnc. Bend lo Marian Mnitlii.c/0 Times- News, Pattern- Dcportmtni. 233:

■ West IBUi street. New York 11, N. Y. Print plainly same, addrcu U'itli zone, size and ityle number.

JUst oull Dl« new lOfiO Sprlns

vivid, full-color. Over 100 smart siyle.i . , , all sUm . . *il occ.i- tlono. Sciut Dowl ooly 2S centa.j

tvhnt is said, lie knows whnl to d .. ftnd he intends lo do it, but he; cannot-move with the speed Uiat; the others t»e. and it doesji’t occur i lo him that he should. Nnture tct| him In a slow rhythm,

m is would not mnlter so much' ir the rest of the community did............... ;lih tlie clock. Tliey dand If he Is to work In hiuroot with them he will have to Ralhcr. enoush speed lo at least, catch ihe end of the tine. He must nt lenAt; bo nble (0 ciitch n train or pmne:

time, nnd keep his appoint-1 ment.1 on time. We have to help: him to learn that and do II. But; how? nis.moiher has been aft-r; him since he wns beRinninRi. to ,

■ ■ jind &bf still hn.i to I hnnd him Ills IlilnRs

nnywhere near lime. ]

A few UilnRS help. Set nn nlarm ■ clock to waken him and .let the; lime well forward lo allow for hbi stownr.1.1. Tlicii call him nnd keep him movinK until he geLi swrtcd! for Mhool. I!> minutes oheaii ofj lime U he walks, A smart tune on' Uic phohocrnph while he Ia maklnR i hti preparations Is a (treat hctp.|

I be able lo slow down too: much wUh the beat In his sum, lo BU!p up his movement. A clock

whero he can easily see Its face, where he can't escape seelnR It, helps; antlsomfbody rcmlnillni! him.

He will do one problem while the does sevfrnl, if llie tc.itflier

ration hii time sjiylnc r thlnff-lHrerTour mltiates-for tnis. problem. John' and lime him. atop him nt the end of Uie fouri minutes'whether he has finished.

)t. If Klie continuM to do this durlni; the period of the lesson.; she will make him con,wlous of his failure nnd maybe. In time, speed him a mile. ,

ft fftsier.movinr chlld-not I . . . Is (uisljned as his "pBrtncr to help him btf more expeditious. U»nt help*. Bui the two must like each othfr or the plan won't work. Wo don't want to nas thU child but. Eood'humoredly, make him


Methodists Host


Lincoln WomenSHOSHONE, Mnrrh S _ World

Day of I»rnyrr senu-f.\ nrrc helil Friday nt the local Mnlioilhl church _ with “0;)>i'ii ehUrchrV of'fhr-nrntf.imiiy parti-clpatlng In ihi“ jirngri'tPi__,

Thrnie of thf krrUce was "L borcrs toxclhrr «;:h Ciixl" a: dealt with KriiKurr nnd hvmn.i give em|)h;uls to lirtpiiiK im other. .Mrs, P. H. Dln ^Tln f. Mrlh-

rmrrranRcmenls ihL .vrai

Mr.i, Oeort;<‘ Ki'nprelufle miiMc nuil » ___________bit for cohRrrRatioiia; .MiiRinc with Mrs. J. Hoivntil Maiinlni; as chorister,

■nie lntro«UicUon and Invocation ere Riven by Mrs. John Tlioni:i.v Other churclifj rfiirfsciiird In

the wrvlcp Frlclsy wore (hr AJsein- bly of God. Dapilit. Episcopal and LDS.

Narrators wen- Mrs: John Shii-.v. Assembly ■ of Ood; 'Mrs,' 0\M-n Pletcher, Baptbl; Mr.'. Jim Mr- Ooldrlck. EpLicopsl;- Mrs. V. I', Perron, LD8. and Mrs, Pele Bord- 1. Methodist.Special musical selections were

presented by Mrs. Sheldon Cslll«i< tr. nccompr.iiird by Mr.i. Mannins. nnd Earlcnc Elitm, nccompanlrd by Janet Croft. Mri.. Hill 1-iniliert.M-ii,

ho Is dtilliR Evancrllsilc wnik; nil hrr htt baiid, un.', Ir;iturcd In■ pt*r<»il tnin ____

The olfrrliiK was Inkrii by Mn; Ralph lj>wrcncD ;u:d .Mrs: Charlrs[ W. Oht.iby. I

After tile .servlc's rrfirshninit.', were tervcd by minibrrs of tlir' MeUiodLM churcli.

ProRrnm material for tlie Wnrlil Day of Prayer a;;vlce» li prepiirrd each year Uirough the Nntlon;iI Council of Ihe Churches nf Chri. t. Thin Is the 74th year of Us obs;-rv.

King Hill Holds

“Day for 'PrayerKINO HILL. Mnrch O-Worlil

Dny of Prnycr wr.r, observed Fri­day afternoon at the Uiilte<i Prc.i- byterlnn church hero with Mrs, R, I, Bnrne.i ns leader.• The Iheme. "Livborcrs toRelhpr with Ood" and llie enll In’ worship were presented by Mrs. Dick Rolce.' Olliers partlclpallni: wrre Mrs, Frank Jone.i, Mrs. Mildred Carna- linii. Mr.i. Jack Cralc. Mr.<. Arthur Greer, Mrs, C. E, Spence. Nnncv Rolce. Donna Rolco &ml Rulh CraiR.

Tlie Qlcnns Ferry churche.i were rcpre.icnted by members from Uie Methodist church. A sembly of.Ood church nnd the t^Lieops; church,

Mrs, KarrAnaerson'w.-is'plnnlsl, Tlie Rev. R. •!. Barnes led the benediction.

. if If tf.

Cirls ElectedJnye Prilh wm. elected, presld<

. the. Wnuotnhyft .Camp Fire Rroup nt ft nieetlna Tuesday,

Other officers are Mary Vlrslnla Mlnito, vice president; - Becky Brown, itecrelnry; Carolyn Chellne, treasurer, and Jncquellne ' Ann Powlu.1, reporter.

Observe Golden Anniversary Service in Buhl

Observes World

Day for PrayerBlJllL, March 0—A community

wide World Day of Prnycr service wns coiii1i;cted at the Firat Presby- lerlnn rlmrrh_hfrc, Friday •fler»...... Tlirnir oi the proKmm waa


. Cllatlr. Buvnann. chtlr- lur the fieiit, led the call 10

wnr.'hin, Mrs, Al Karaloff. repre- srnliiii; the FitM M e th o d U l churdi. iirefeiitcd the worship " ••v;cc~ wllli .Mrs! ■WIIII«'m"Wnft

d Mi-1. Driiiiy Patiick slnRlng aduel.

(>rrvier w;ii iiiiiler direction of the Baiiti>l ulutrcli with Mrs. A, V. Smith n* le.ider. Mr.i. Che.iler Peiirr and Mrs. Ivan Bonnr played an orsnn and plntio duet,

•Hie Nii:;irciic church presenlfd the drdlratlcm r.en'lce under dl- rertloii of Mr*. F:ed Rciidla with Mn. M. M, Mntlock siURltiE n m Io,

•llic K.iM CiirKiinn church con-.. dueled the hiicrce.vilon with Mrs.II. \v. Ooff as Iciider. 'riio.te par* ticlimtinii included Mr^. Blanche . Smttli, Mr.s. Karl AUen. Mrs. DlUy Taylur nnd Mr.i. Don Miller. Mrs. . ] Robert Meiiler Mns a solo.

dranintle presentation. (

Dietrich Couple

To Observe'Day i';-;;;

A t Open House:IJlfrm iCll, M .t.11 »-Mr. „ i t d .o briia mate “ r! ™ £ :

Mr.-.. Chrl.s H. I-rre.i will I;- hnii- |[,. Hrsrivallons iniiy be made byi,, Mrs C Cred in ob-.orv.ince ol (heir SOlh ,„.<,ui,;« Mr.s, W. Crui« OuiyUlll.;

^cdUUi« an:,lverwy.aVuptiUum^.,,bdsv«<id 3-*S05-— --------- filanlev-WebI— M.K, J Ohmsnrkfrr-bumby at llielr home._ _ ^ ^ | ^ HardlnR and Mr*.

Fifth ward Relief socle y viork.^^, ^ n„rJmR. Mrs. Leonard niretliiK will besln nt, lu njn.'Thur.'day ivltii plastic flowers.

IS nnd dautfliiersof the couple II h(i.'t thr rvnit nnd all Irlentls r invKrd to call brtwcrii 2 nnd

hanKcri, and jieedlework featured, Wrndl niid Ciiiti H. |>,muck luncheon will be i.erved nt

t'rrrs iirj-r »t«rded Sfiitrli » , At I pm. A. U- J'nrkcr willthe honircif Mr.niul Mr.'. Ktiitik; n hair fttylUiR cLemonjtrailoii,


Wrndl. pnrrnlfl of the bridr,Irwin. In.. by n inlnh.ter nl the Liitheriui church,• They came to this .cnmiiiunily nn .Mnrrh 20. inio, hvliii! on s fnrm for 3J yenis. They have lived Jn fJlelrlch the Id ynir.i.

!(■ V- If

Local W oman Is

Feted a t DinnerMrs. Liiura SpellerbctTt not j f honor in ob crvance of er enii blrlhdiiy Annlvertary al

recent dinner nl the home of Mr, nnd Mrs. W. C. Holman,

Prc.irnt were three of her chil­dren, .Mrn, Mae MilltT . nnd" Mrs. Enrl J’olin.ion. both 'IVin l^lti. and Ruy SpellerbcrK. Jeioine: tlirce liriindchlldrcn, Juck. ..SpelierbcrK nnd Mrs. Kenneth DouRhly, bolh Jerome, and Mrs„Wllllani llolmnn, Twin Kalis, ALio present were Mrs. Ray SpellerberR, Earl John­son, Kenneth .DouRliiy, Ray liar- ri.i nnd Wllllnm Holmnn.

>{■ * *

Luncheon HeldPnnhellenlc luncheon

Saturdny nt ■ tn(.- -rurf club wert Mrs, F.ilwivrd Bnbcock. Mrs. Doro> Oiy HolllnRsworth and Mrs, Ace JohiiAon.

Tlie business meetlnK wss con­ducted by Mr.i, Charles Kelly, pre.v Jdent. BrldRC Ii IrIi scorers were Mr.i. Joe McCollum, and Mm , Fmnk Feldtmnn, second.

DUHI, - Annunl BUest- da) luncheon of tlie United Presbyle-rlan Women will be Held at 1 pm. . . ----- ----- -Thursday nt the church, Resen’a- mls.ilon work Uiroush the divisions

; will be provided.

Lflh wns orranlhl.•me bciicdlctlmi was present

by the Rev. Warren McConnell, pastor of the Methodist church, Mrs. Durnard AlherlMn. Mrs, An­na K. Lelh nnd Mrs, Nannh Dar­ker smcd ns Rreetern. Mr*. Bill Robtrls, .Mrs. Busmann u id .Mrs. Voellfr were whcrs, .

A silver offerlnR wa.i taken to be used for Inlt

lioas may be mnde with Mrs. Jonh Coates, 5M-M or Mrn, John Mac­intosh, 775.

♦ ¥ ¥Dorcas socicly of Our Savior Lu­

theran church will meet nt 8 p.m. ■niursdav nl the chucch. 'llie pro- Rrnm will be about New Guinea with Mrs. Wilbur VulRnmor- charge,

HANSEN — Womnn'fi floclcty of chrl-nisn Service will not hold lls rtnilnr meetlnR ucheduled this week. The nent meetlnR will be held M.irch 24 nt the home of Mrs, cnrroircinrke.

of Home and Porelsn missions ofthe NsUoual Council of ChufChei,___nfier cost of promotion nnd exten­sion has been met.

Durinj the lea hour after the MH'Ice Mrs, Hftrdlnn and Mr*. Hesselholt poured. Mrs, Vaushn Shrlver wns in charge of tea ar- . mnRemenia, ^ •

♦ V »

Shower Is Held

-;For New MotherBURI£Y, Mnrch 9— Mrs. Phil­

lip Nelson and ■ Infant' daughter were honored at a pink and blue sliowcr Friday la the Christian

Ciuo wui meet on March n » ;,> Mrs Everett.r ,1.1. . « k . n . . m ccun, . n i b; o i S Mr. a o r a » i l S ” d

Mrs. Otto Vnnek. .

JE310ME—Jerome Ladle.s of Hks !k1U aitft (It 8 pm. Tlnirsday to elect olflcera. Cards will be played nnd refrw'hment* sen-ed. •

DINNER nErORTED MILNER. March 0 — Mr. ar

Mrs. Dill Sarsent entertained at family dinner honorlns Robert Bnj-Bent, AnehoraRC. A^rska, the

of Mr. ud.Mrs. £st«l-Sarcenr.|

The p i presented b;


^ir^, Clarence Nelwcrt and Mrs. Donovan Webster. It Included a readlnu by Mrs. Nclwert, -What- la a Qlrl?"; a tontf, “Daddy's Little OIrl" by Mrs, David Babin, ac- compnnled by Mra Mark McKin­ney,-and a poem, "Uttle Olrl," by Mrs, JnmesEssrtJn.'''-

Refreshments were served to JO Rtusls.


N O W . nt THllEE-0-CLEANERS’ your draperies

bcnutifiilly clcuncd w ith n sunrnRtcc of no ehrinkaso

plus —

accurntcly replnccd from heading (o liem with

the finiflh so" set th a t these folds will acutally Inst

longer than the folds orifflnnlly put Into your drflperlcs

by the.innl<cr:~--------------- -------- ■ ■— -------

Also, with our Draper-Form finish we put this

wanted detailing ihto draperies not originally

utylcd with Dccorator Folds. In addition, you ara

assured the precision details of accurately squared

comers, even han jiing hems, no sagging, bulglns 1

liningB. Only Draper-Form process combines th is :

accurate detailing w ith Decorator Fold F inishing.


" S k i l l Er C a r e B e y o n d C o m p a r e ' '

Aciovi F«om The Tiii'tilionc BuiiJ-n.j



Bears Jump Away to 34-11 LeM Late in First Half,

Real Pain iii Neck

---}CAN-KUAN<-ISCbr~\hiiu:luaJJ’i>-C;ilifu!iiia.'.s.ild:ciiditii:-t:ullomtC'^a.'i]ii:LbalLdiaiil[liiiiis. imccil l>y All AitH'i'ir;i Im liuff, Ijicfizcil Idaiio Stiitu 71-11 Tin.'s<l;iyDijrlit In win ;i iil;ici’ in N'CAA u r s lm i rcirimt;il |iIiiyolfs. The li-fiiot, ]0.iticli imhol'f

ID jHiinl.' Ijfl'ni.' Ir:ivin;f tin- }'•!■"<' ivilli lij'lil tninulfs rcin:iitiiti>r ».'< couch I’citr Ni wVll Mili.stiliili’il ri'ccly. ANu lutiiiinr Dili'c.irly was fn iw ard Ifill ,\Ii'(,'litit()ck, '

w iix - ii I ' l iiH thiiCulirorni won lliifir IClli i

vaiiic and rati tli

ViH'iini t<i 11*1-1.Coaches Dub ‘Big 0’Nation’s Top Flayer

.M iNNKAPOI.IS, Minn.. .Maicli !> ( I. 'I 'D — O^'ar Kdl.crt- siin (if C iiiciiinali. ctill. jr,' l,;i.-.ii,'tlia[rs liijrlic.' l all-1 inic .' cor- cr. loiiay was voted Hi--iiaiiiin’.'Xo . 1 iilaycr for the sccoinl

Klraif'til vraf in liiv all-Anu-i'it a ••cli'ctions <if tlic N'alioiial i ralo Ifa.^iii'll.a'll Coachf.-* a-^«oci;iii..ii. .Irrry U'csl (if UVsl

n 1-0 Icinl ll'c HocHy M'ii;iit:iiii i-iii-c ii!i(l il)riKillril hv (iiilv ••f, cjrly i;.iiiic, C.illl'iiiilii KHin iiMcad to ~

:l ln>ti.-r of nlKiiil 5iOO ••p'-c- lii llifl UiilK-r.slty of S.m

I'mnclwi) fIclilhdiiM' f.\w llir Ilrjr.s



Clullriisrr LrjcueSrcpn on

Drok.n JicM, -l-n; Mike'/ CoM StoMKC (IcJcalril I(Iili<Foixl, HO; lliTllO I'mil McNMlmll :•Iriirt CrfjiiiKT)- tlnl Huod l‘l|icllnr.

.HlKll Imllvldiinl Kaiiip, O.

Mcl(xly. ::5; lilsli liullvulil:il mt.O. R. MrlfKly. ITO; «n>lt<'snt Kiiii'p, Si-ip;* Hcalliiir Oil, B89; Mnti liHiKllroi) iMtn

. Brnu on, nif,. iiiciiJinlidlcnp Irani .'JTlfs, Scrpa Ui’iil-

. ini: Oil. 2.7<n: liiKh .vmicli rciiiii Scrpa Hc.illiiR Oil. isnn.

HldillKliis: Bowler of ivcfk O. n. Mtlcxly, C03.

Karly IHril i.MKurMnumltiic Dovr.% dpfriitrd Hum-

- rnluB Blnin, 3-1: Moclclny nir<i*.<lo-• fMthI Plnwilv 3-l: Koo K0(\■ «lc.

fralcd K(X)1 JU'iui. 3-1: llmmlcr ainLi defeated Blue Birds.

inch Indtvldunl cnmc, Liicllb Rouih ivntl Del’ Wnlion. 101: liich Indlvldiwl (icrlcs. Luclik Rmilli.

• hlEh wrnlch Ipam Ramr, Moumlni^ DovM. « il; lilch linndl- cup lenm Rninc. Pin I'lilU. 510; JilKli linniiiMp tcnm «rlM, Mocl:-

. InR Dlrd. , 1.408; Iilcli ^crniclt .. scflUi Mouritliit; Doves aud Hum*; mlng Birds, 1,208.

Coftw Ilnur I.facueEucar BuiL drfralcd Unby Dnll. ,

„ 3-1: Suenr Lump* tltd Cotfre CakcJ. 2-2; 3 SlooRM dtfcated Coffpu Bcniu, 3-1; Stlfiir CuIjm dc- fenird Old Dolls. 4-0.

Hleli lndlvl(]iinl Rnnir. Kny Bnrl- Ictl. 1.'i7; hlch Indlvliliml «erliM, Kny Bnrtlett. 423; lilsh ecrnlcli

-Sufrnr-Cubcsr-hlfiS: _hl£lijmn(llci'pjrnm• Bun.% C52; hlRh lintidlcnp tcrun

eeriM. SuRftr Ciibf.i. 1,725: hUli• remWh team Mrlc.i, Surm Buai,

DaiTalilm iio if ofCaii-| >-onli..mi.iy .In-ry i

c;l-; ol' Ohio JiliiU; Ti'iid Tom .Slilh of SI. BoiiiiVciiliiro alsu •*ii<',.!uiiiK-d lo Ilir All.AiiUTlra

t.-;iiii rhOMii 111 a imll ofiiiiiiibfi.'. of Uif cuaclu'V lu.

. 403.HlRhllRhLs! D o r l* Knsrmnn

boultr of month. Ffbruarj'. Dowlcr of week Kny BnrtlctU

Itrddr Klltmatl UacuA 4 Reddys defeated 4 Mo.U, 4-0:

! nopefuLs defentM SHimblP Bums.• 2‘>-l'4: Murderers Bow defcnted ' Fireflies, 3-1; Plnbiuicrs lied *

8p11U>, 2-2.Men's hlKlJ Indivldunl Rnme. Bob

. nynn. 201: Men'* hlRlv individual■ aerlpj<. Mniiry Hnrlnill. 523: hlKli . scrfltch tcftm pnmc. Stumble Bumr.• 63(1: hlRh hnndlcnp.tcam sai

neddys, All; Ivlsh Immllenp• r.erlM. 4 Beddy.i. 2J3I; hlRli■ flcratch tcrun scries, 4 Bcddys. i.- . 857,

MAfilC HOWI, fitarllchl I.rapie

Tnln Falbi Trftclor defeated

tied Fox.nornl. 2-2; Hudson Shoe* dclcated Y6unt» Dnlr)'. 3-1; Wyl-

■ lies T. P, >tnlor <lpfpnl(><l RlnllnR . jewrlr}’. 4-0; Hie Stylists defeated

LofT Tiivem, 3-1.JllRh Individual Ramc. Vlrslnla

Undlijim, J32; Ii IkIi Itnllvidunl nrrles. VlrRlnla UndliJIm, .'i83: hlRh ftcrfttch team Ramc, ilir Slylut Beauty Snlon. 701; liiKh handicap

, teiim pfuiie. the Brnuty Salon, 070: hlRh hnndlcnp tcinm writs, Tivln Falls Tmeior. 2.621; hlch .scrntcli team strlM, Twin I'MIU Tmeior. 2,275.

-- BIchllKhU: Irfti^ DockMnder• plekcd 5-10 split. Mary Lou Tovin-

send picked 3-fl-lO spill, Bowler of tlifl month. M.ary Stephenson, 471,

rtnneerBoyd's Cotfec spill Mar!lnl.-lnK

Clenncr.s, 2-2: Curl MamifnclurlnK spilt Texaco, 2-2: Arctic Circle de-

-- tcaled C.- C. Ande.'son. 4-0: May- fair Shop dcfented Bank ami Trust. 4-0: LanRdon’.t StrclerfT cle fcalt(i Meadow Oold. 4-0,

HlRh Indlvldun! K«me, Harel BurrouRlis, 214: hlsh Iriillvidual ^erlfs. Hw.el BurroUKlw, SCO; hlRh MHlch team Kame, Marttnl.-lnc Cle.iners. 832; hlRh handicap team KiUTif, MartlplilnK Cleaner.i. 028; hlRh handicap team niTle.\ Lain;, don Steelers, 2.639: hlRh scrntch team serleii: MnrtlnlzlnR Cleaners, 2J12.

VH-.-.l. il0.W, I.UI'4“;

lx-t()(il-flve- lliclt li}irllom vhii (ntitt 13 col-, Icitiair MiirliiK K'Cdril'. rcceh'cd

lolal of pmiit;U' i.i.sti'Ml iisrU |iy llic coiiclif.s.

hiid 2.-.’fll iHilnls, Iitlhoff 2,-: O.’iii, I.ucii.i 2,0l0 anil Slllh 574. Ho-

and Wr'l are KiieiUer.'p I year's,

mil WHS «li(v.i-n by Nie tl(ln', CDiiflics for llie Wliealirs r.|)<>rls fisU'niIloii aiuI (llr.Irlliiiled rj;rlu>ln'ly by Utillcd Iiiitr* national,

Cnie coaches' lilenllcat to the U!>I illl-Ai;i pichrd In a poll of 33A ni'u.'.piiper writers nnd radlo-'lV bi(nidc;iM-

Ilnberl.snn ciirrciitly leads- the major.colluk;ps In Korlns a record third slraliclit si-a on. Ite lias nlllll '.('d II loiiil tif 2.K51 Inthree ell. ons and lias iiviT;ii:L'd 35 points per >;ami' tliln fc.iwrn.

•nie six-foot, lltrre-lncli Wi-M, nil ft L’B-polnt avcraw. 1* a i.u-

prrl) twrkcouri ninn. He U an ex- cellent Jump frhooler, iil.iymakcr nnd delen.Mvc uiinnl.

Imhuff. slx-fei'l. lO-liiclic', and Lucas, lx•^cel. nine Inclie.i. are uniuiiR Uln naUun'«. Jeidiiii; rr> bouiuV'rs. ImhoftH scoring aver-

Is only 13 5 poinU'. but tio Ik a dout learn player and the key In CHlitornl.i'ii ' '

3 \Irfi 111 ihir fir.

I'livc the floor at Ilir Inti wllli a 34-15 btlliie.

Iilalio Stiitc pru»cil . . foctivc In Ihe srcoiid'lialf,

California ttnu M«n (lie rlKlit 1i meet .Sanl.i Clara at Si'iiltlir Krl- day In llu' cpenliii: acu«n of i' ur.'.li'jn rcKlnjial lnuni.n/m-ni. tn Clarn beat Loyola of Los An- Kclcs .'iO-53 liere .Monday nlnht-to wlti ttielr .ipoi In tlie toiiriiiiment.

Ciillfornia Jill 55 jier cent of 11;; field roal attempts In the hiiir lus .McCItntock scored nine ixjlnts, imhoif seven and Tandy Glllls nnd Boljby Wendell r.U e;icli,

Idaho siiilr, imablc to M'lve .. eiosr (hmwn tip hy tlir Bciiis, connected for only fiic field Koah lii 18 allempls fur .

ent avernst In ilie open- UiK period, when lliev scored feiv- - polnls than any Bear fpc this

Idtilio Slate center Homer War- klns. who fcnred Hirer potnis In the first lialf, nnd collected liLs fourth prr-sonal Jniil early In llir

. flnl.^hrd as the Bencals' hlnir M'orer iJlli 13 iniinls, Mvrl OoodwUi tallied 13 for the Bi'U- CkLi .

Iinhoff proved tlHj -blR dlffcr- icK In the early Riilnj:, iislni; hU

)wh:>n to nili-nninur In Kortiii; tl;i- Ins nnd KrabbinR llie b ill off the baeklxiard,

Ciillfornln finl.slird nlih n 51 . -r cciit i.tiootini; avci.iKe froiii tin; tinor while iIib Ilensals Imd but 31J per cent.

(-•lirorRli Ti. tiiM <ii>« << 'J.: fi i-r

li lops In.lho counlry,'Lucas has nvrrased 27 points per Rame.

fillUi, n six-fool, flve-lncli Jun Inr. 1» s<vond to .nolwrl.son In .scorlns ft 32-polnt ftver,n:e. He excrpllonally spefily on drives nnd

Rood reboiinder. in the contcnilon for places

the first team. Sllth beat nut Tony■Jiic&dii o rs i. ■aolm’.riKT^'.nry''mafcln of 70 polnt.s. JncL'on headed Uie coaches' second I which Bl.'.o wns mnds up of Bradley player.'. Hobby Joe Ma­in and Cfiester Wntker.BoRcr Kaiser of Georgia Tech

and Terry DIschHiRcr of Purdue :omp1ete(l Uie sccond team,

. A third lenm was comprUed of: Ron Johnson of Minnesota, York l.ire.w of North Carolina, Bill Me-

of Utah, Jim Darrow of BowllnR Oreen nnil Tom Mescli- ery of St. Mary's (Calif.)


Won’t Become Mat Villain

ibcatwi In .tf.^eHsou

Lesha Biddle, 438 scries.

SI. Edward'* iM iuiFour Yank* defeated Ic

—Bou’Iers, 4-0; Ro.-id Buuners de­feated Flrebalbi. 3-1: Alley Caw defeated Guttcrballs. 3-1: S.Ulke OuM defeated Striker*. 3-1.

HIcli Individual pame, Rlehnrd lllrirc, 147: high Individual eerles, W llllm Blftke. 300; hiRh Bcratch

' ( (Time, noad Ruanera/.483: hlRh.handicap team fame, Hoad

—nunnprsr^4|-hl|ih-handlcap4«jun- r.erles. Road Runners. 1.530; hlRh Bcrntch teain scries. Road Runners. IJ34.

lUgtiilsliLi: lllcb team cirU,

Roo<1nalurcd, peace-lovliii; Ruy If they ever try to mnkc a villain

■ ■ le. I'll quit pro ttrwillnR.1 mustncliloed Ornr inic Llp.^comb fpeaklng.

. -Incti 2-j7-pnuml tac . the B.nltlmnro Colts Is unbcali J7 matches In hU occupation as a mat moii.i>ter;

■■'s manaRfr. John Snen^kl, niK Daddy Is wrr.'tllnK about times a urclt. r«'cflve.» elclit

per cent of tht> ncl cnte and roiild mnkc more than JGO.OOO Ihls.^car,

BIr Dnddy was in toun wormlni; up publicity drums for his Clil cneo stadium wrejtllnff deUil Sat­urday nlRht. JTe meets Cowboy OToolc and Rocky Lrc. taktnR them on one after tho nlhfr. _31C-D_liow-Coms-}-ou-aro uu braten but. hav# been wrr.'sUlnR only since Jan. 23? Aro the mnichcs-rlRRtd?-

‘Tve learned a lot from Don Joyce Oils Colt leammnte who has bcrn a pro matmnn since 1950>, I JiL'l Ro out thiTO and do my best. All I'm told Is to RO out and win. When they tell me to.RO out Uiere aud KOUKP out ffimebody's eyes or slick my fisi into somebody'* tepih.;Ml finlt,"

"Bli! I), lire you the Rood Ruy or' bad Riiy?"• "I don't know wiiftt you mean, rxcppi If ihcv ever try to make ~e a villain, i l l (jult.V

■'BIr D, do yCTHiive nny favoriteholiLs?"-

"Not e.'peclally. Oue.y I like IP Ik-.u huR be.M of all.- 'hlK U wliat do tlie Colts lay

LAKELAND. Ra., Mnrcn 0 '.r~ “Jusl look nt the r«;ord," .',il<l '1 n;n Ferrick today, ‘The Chlc;u;u While

»n 35 fcMfjn-.? l/y tile iiuiraiti ■ run. Tliat's because llicy

had Gerry Staley nnd 'Hirk I.o«n." Tlie Detroit TlKors, on llic oilier

■ nAntl.-jea^ lcafu« m - tnunes—lost—b r ‘Onr-nm.— They

dropped 27 of tliem brciiife tlieir bullpen, from stun to linl-Ji. w.i.-i a major head.ielie.

r'crrlckwllie Tlxeri" nrw piirhlns eoacli. Is tcouliiu'. the Di’tuiii IralninR camp for a toiulitr bull­pen, .Tlierc nrc a dn/cu cnndldan-s, to back up the stnrtlnK corp.i. :

•'We nerd a hp

Rupert Takes Win jlrilT-Men'rourneyI JEROME, March 1>—Rupert fUst I wurd Juni|>rd off to a blR lead luid IhUMK on to outlast Oakley first 'H'.irtl 47-44 In Die dWrtrt .M-Men ■hoop tournament Tueiday niRhU I Tlie Rupcrl t()und held i' IJ- I pAlntj^ndvantaRC Rolnj Into tho i final' nunrtcr, O.ikley'# Frank KOl ;i4 points and scorlnff‘honmrjiKt“ one moru than Rupcrt'4 Walton lilt,.

relief man and a euuple of shor: .rcllcfrnt-Kuys ulin can RO in Uii;re|wlnncr to ro on to the flnalr and .stop n tcnm for an InnlnR iirjn(;ahiM Hurley Tliuriday nlRhl. - •two, \Vc cun't be a contender u n t i t j __________________we find them,- s-ild I'Vrrlck, [READ 'nMES-NEWB WANT AD3

First nieetlnK of the ncwry orxanlrrd Twin Falb county Lnndhoiders • Sport.viien com­mittee will be conducted nt 8 p.m. Thni.\d.'iy at Twin Kails cJiv JinJJ.

The commlllcp. composed of representutlvcs Irom .'portamm clubs nnd fann orRunlratlons. Is dctllcritca "to promotlni:' rela* lions bel»t«ri the twoRfoupi.--

All Intcre.' ied pcrjons are urRed lo attend. ^

Oliver Is LeaderDENVKll, .March 9 U'-BoL'C calf

ro]H-r UiMii Oliver has tnkcii the load amouR eontesinnts in event, the nideo information (

mltlee ,vild Ttlr.'dny.Oliver, national ropine champ In

1955 nnd 19M. look over the lead for the 19G0 .season when he the ffousion Stock sfiow ropluR. Oliver won »3,018.

But the .show's blj winner Bob A. Robinson of Rockland. Ida.. ,lio collected $3.4B5 wltli places I hiddle brone and bareback rid-

liiu.and steer wrc*tIlnK.. iloblnjan •••!>s 1937 rodeo rookie of the'year.

Roblruon's triple sliowlnR at Howton put him In second place behind Harry Tompkins of Dublin, Tex., for alj.around cowboy honora.



"niry s.iy I conllnue i!ic as I don't Ret hurt.'" - "IllR D. do you iuve nny rIiii-

mlcks, nice wearinit a,.leopard ikln?-

■'I havrn't any Rlmmlcks.^Vhe'n I Ret In the rinR t Juil wea Coif football Jacket,"

Patty Mendlola, la , HIsh series Rlrl',, Patty Mendlola, 3?9, Stormy C/akc picked up 5-8-10 split.

—Two-ffitmer-Vtirmet In Kan-vts Cily a-heii

GeorKe Selkirk. Kaiuaiv City play- >cr personnel dlroctor, signed Hank I Bauer to a I960 Athietlo conlrac'i.

I m il SniimnfT cntnr nlong.,nol>o<ly liad ever tr ir ii .nilding vodk.i lo< ira ii"r juicc. In fn c L l l t v rn r* ago,

.. .only-1 Amorican-out- of.lOOO.Jiad ever tric ilvodkn 'n ta il!Tod.ny, the Scrcwdrivcr~is onr o f A m e rica 's most po p iiln r d r in k s . Made ;vi(h smooth SmirnolT Vodk

iV fm ivs yon prctu/iieis



FOURTH DISTRICT AAA TOURNEY RESUMES PLAY TONIGHT Gooding, Burley to Vie Three Teams AreFor State Tourney Berth; ETirtiinatel in

O u t la :^ -T ^ im © yFILI3R, M arch 0— T)iroc ti’am« were ilmiijicd from thc

.n(irtl_auuual-^Iaf;ic--V;illey_OutUiiv-4«uniiitnont-T-««>mlayRUPKRT, Marcli ^ — A berth in the Hlalc tourniinicnl plus a Rianf.step toward thi*

—<ii*;trict-clHtmi)iotiKhii>-jiiitK-fjticp-int(i tho-foiirlli-K*'h»;itni-<if-tl»o f«nrll»-<lwtrict-AA/V ............................... ,liaMk'etball tourniuiicnt lit Minico hig ii hchiiol Wednesday ni>:ht. The Gooil-liiiRhl'while (k'fcndiiiK ciiiuniiioii Faux ClK'ar Sion-. Buhl,in;: ScnatorH and I5urloy Bobcats, who iiavc advanced wilWn one Rimio of the po'al. nnil Valley Sporting' (.Inoilsi 'I'wiii Falls, consplcted the first

inuel at 7:00 p.m. w ilh the winner ;<ettink'itH .si>thl.H on bi^iyer Ihinps and the losera'Iround with victories. P lav 'w ill continue Wednesilay and

•■^checlun^' in their .siiit?i the next day. But in the l)it: Kanie from the .''pectators' standpoint w ill be the meet- iiiK of the undefeaied Min*

---- ico-spartnrj-fina-lJiim-nnilinnrr

AlUinuEJi boUi n lrendy linvc[ cliichpd male lourtmiiiciil licrllis.r n Wcdiic.'tlny' vlclory uoiild rut llie ttlnnrr ft bis cdcc toward clip tlMrlcl lllle, -

Wlili the Sparlniix rrliirntne to llic lionic floor wllli nn iiiide- It-nlet! rrcord. tlip Mlnlco MocK .-.liould rul^c tu 111) odd -ull Icvi-I. ‘nic fipnrlaiis entered (lie Itiuriin* iiii'iit lui “liDnie courL" fiivorltu but bcc.ime lull fnvoflttj wtirn Twin KnlU ln.H U.i tnllrsl man nlld *t'cimcl IrndUiK KiiriT. ,

In Uuhl, the Sparianii host n wJlli R iiilMlnn. Tllcf IiidliUiS

Bolstering Confidence Does More For Pitchers Than Pouring It on

5IESA, Ariz., March 0 (UP I)— It was in 102G' th a t Joe McCarthy, iron*fifltc il man- -iiKer o f the ChicaKo Cubs, widked over to a corner o f liie duKotit o|i the second day

knocked off iv u i Tails nnii Qood-jof llio .- ejison and twisted n rookie's cap sideways. “W hy are you lookiriic so white?" pbvJnff wJl o» i)jc irtnr* flnd /ig jt.sict’d fob.icco-citfu'ififr C/tnWic iJoot, " I ’m not Jookinff whi£e,” Hoot nnsu'crcd in

n problnc olleaUve Kumc. Deter­mined Uulil playcrn mitde Clic brcnks i;o with ihtm luid tmve been KUiinlnK wllh wmttlmea ftniftslns perecntnRc,

Tlie la(]lnn.t are rxpeeted (o jitkk In Uielr,7Qiic dcleiwc. wtilcli Kave Mlnlco tfouble In the l<

'non meetlncii. Tlie SparinnA uill rcullftle with the nioal evenly bal- nncod offense team In the district plus a stlshl helKlit ndvaiunuc.

Goodlnu ■ Mid Burley flKUic to nlflKC n ••back to the wall" battre tor IhM third berth In the toumwnent, the Inst berlli open In the IC-tcfim event.

llott-cver, the Senators will hav tn^ntch both tile DobealA hud th' lalE of ftverncel Tlie Senators have beaten Curley In thclr Iiwl Jour Ma-ion meetinKs. Last Year , the two tciuiu tre.Med the tournament crowd to a briillarit sharpshnotlni: duel wlUt Burley cotnlnc

prise. “Well, you outla be," Marse Joe .snapijed. ‘‘You're

top.Wcd«p.-.<lfty',t meclluK nsaln

urcs to be an ofJennlve b.Mtlp the Senator.-i carryins In a *liKlilly better point nvernBe,

Mctish Says “ ■National Loop Is Tough

TAlLfPA, Fla, ^^arell p 0,TJ — After 10 ye*rs in profe.«lona1

. bueball. Cal McLUh b rlcht baek •• whcro he Jiuirted-ln the NatlmiAl

Icoffue—and he knowa "11 will be liarder for me-lo-*ln-over-here'' Uian 11 wai la the American lenRue,

UcsUntr for a moment bench In the bu llp en , MeLWi trnced hU biuicball start with Brooklyn In )014 up to ht.i recrnt •move from Cleveliind to Cliwlii* nail In n four-player Inter-leaBue deal.

•Xiwt lime I WAS In the Nntlonnl leacue I was Jmt a Uirower, not n plMher." mid tJie 34-ywr-old rlBlilhnnder who won 10 ciunes for the Indlaai last teafon.

Tlie time RJcLlah re/enefi to was 1051. a year lie spent wlUi Uie Cubs. Ttiey didn't think much of his 4-10 rccord thnt season and when It wax over, Itiey tent him to Uie Pnclfle Cowl leaijue where lie remained u n t i l Cleveland bouRht him In October. 1055.

■■I learned n lot In the PncIJlc COMC icnrtic." lie said. "Durtnc

=nHc-l!iir5-r'wn*‘4lirTe-«fc-eUlUaad- n lot of M-mnJor lesK'itf.'. fellow.i 'like AInx West. Jade Ornlmm. Walt iJutJnlch nnd loU of others. Tliose suys could still hit and It

__^»iis like ..btlne. 1ii_U ib blilensur. when you had to pitch to Uicm.“

Oradimlly. McLliJi worked ht-i way Into Cleveland's startlni; rou- lion. He won 10 names In 195B and topticd Hint by three .senMn.

McLlr.h. who beat the Yankec.i alx times last scawn. says If lie had to be Iraded nnd If |ie couldn't be Witt) anoUier team In the Atnerlcnn leaffue where he knows all the'hitters, he's Imppj- thnt he landed wlUi the neds.

'Tills club Mores runs and has a Kood defense," he oUserved. "Every pitcher prclers to be on a club like tlmt. When you,cel rlRht down to It, I couldn’t ask for n beUcr club to come to ,"..........

Big lOii Only Wants to Play Full Season

SARASOTA, nn., March 9 W- Bl;i Ti'd ICUisicwskl who eiidenrrd hlmsctf to Chlcaco White Sox fans In the last world scries. Isn't fooled by those three Jiomeruns he hit n;; the L<xi AnReli's DodRcr:!i« fall.The nui:.cular first ba.iemnn feels

he sUII li.isn't proved. esjiecUlly hlm.^elf, thnt he !.■< capable playhiK In top form over a f

Tlie former terror of NatlonQl leacue pitchers mnde biick with the White tiox Inst yenr after rldliiR the bench for twon hnlf y»‘nrs with Cincinnati .....Pltt.iburKh of ti chronic b;iek cundltlnn.

In 31 unmi's'wltli the Sox, fot. lowlni; l is imrchiine from Pltt-v biir'Kli iii AUffUst BIk' Klu''l)attcd 201 nnd followed It tip with a siJtctacular baltlnK show In the world f crle.i, Uo not only slammed three honicmiw otf Doducr pitch- Ini; but tied a Aeries record by drlvliiK In 10 runs,

"1 wn.i Kratlfied with my play In ChlcaKO," snld KluV "but im sen­sible enouRh to Jtnow thnt you don't prove nnylhlns playlnc for one month. By the time the series cuuA-oround-I waa-ln-mr-natunil liroove.

“\Vlien I caroc to the White Sox. was woeXully out of.sliape from

nistlnc on the bench. AJy llmlnc was Kone nnd I wna overwelnht. A month of .steady piny put me in slmiw. Tlic rest came jmturally enoufih. I kept hltllns ihe ball bct- tcr'nnd better eaclj day.,

"Dut I ;von'l prove to myself wheUier I'm my old self analn un. Ill I've played ft full season, R ’er since I've slopped plnylnjf reiailttr- ly. I've felt I could return to my old form If Riven Ihe chance. I tlJoiiRht I'd It In Plti but I /aiould hnve seen the wrltlnK on tlie wnll when''they brmiRht up Dick Stunrt.

'flic 35-year-o1d BlUBRcr said his back no lancer gave lilm any trou­ble nnd he felt confident he could play ft full Kason with the excep­tion of doublehendera.j

"My nlm Is to hit JOO," he said.I can hit 00, Uie other Ihluts

will bkc care of Hiemselves.-


(0.) ;C. rilKliurc

• A ll to:. Ml<r>.r.l>r>i (Tn.)

Oiklind Cilr (Ind.) t

NCA.V TrttlBKAMENT iM Nr» Ywkl

y«rk 11. **. r.<mnmlcut 1»A'xi VIralnli »l.

'ay some mannfrers . it on Iheir kiiLs ;10 years ajio

to test the ir couraRc, nnd it’.t nil out of date as fa r as Uoot is concerned.

Tliat was the way some mnn. accrs'poured it'on Uielr kids 30 years aRo to test their couniRe, and it's nil out of date Boot Ls concerned.

Not thnt McCnrthy upsrt him nny. Root went on to become one of the srcftt rishUinnders In Ciib Iibtoo'. slepplnif out after 10 i.en- sonli where he compiled a club rccurd of 201 uln.i and ICO laua.

Still enjoylni; Jils tobacco, which f conllnuoiBly squirt* Into "

nearest wnstcbnsket If not on Rtound. Clmrlle Root is bnck coach to help turn the Cubs' youni; pltchlns staff Into a winner.

He hns problems, but don't tool: for him to kIvc the Joe McCnrthy trcntment to the Ilkc;i of Moe Drabowiky, Dick Drott, IcfUiander Dick Ellsworth nntl Imrd-throw- InK Olen Hobble, ’llils fjroup craKes 2< years In rrc. Not co' inir“Ellre-ortli;--who -hiia-a- lO-H record nt Fort Worth, the ntatf compiled a 22-25 marjc setuon, And that wns Umnk.i lo the 16-13 showlnR by Hobble. ChlcnKo'. big wlhner.

"Alwnys Klve pitcher Uie bnck." Root said 'today. "And I also Uilnk kld« should be nl- lowed lo work their wny out Uielr own Jnm.t."Tills sentiment has been echoed

by Charlie-'OrlmnC’ who' in jackwith thr riilM for Mic tlilrHmannRer and was Root's teammate and plft}'c»-manftRer In days..

"Nowndays a pitcher starts look­ing to Uie bullpen wi soon as he has a couple of men on hiuie." Root continued. "Tlicy flRure they'll be taken out nnd want to ;e who's comlns In.“He wishes there were more men

around like Lew Burdette. Wlien Root coached the Braves in J057. former mnnnRer Pred Hnney se him out to the mound one day yank L «r..

"Burdette looked At tne and said, "But you can't t.ike me out. Who in eoitie in who's ns Rood?” 'It's this power of posllive think­

ing Uiat Charlie wants to Impart lo Drnbowsfcy nnd Drott in par- tlculor.

Ohio Couple-eat

TOLEDO. O, Alardi 9 LJWBob Wheeler and FTan lannflrelll, Isnd. O.. mdve<l Into first place in the <toul}Ic.s division of the American Bowling conprcjw diain- plonship* Tuesday wiUi iv i,287 series, ■

TVheeler, 32-year-old bowllns ftlley msnager. paced the duo wlUj 655, Oeorge BolIinKcr nnd Bob Weller, McShcrrj-stown. Pa., dropped Into second place wllh Uie IJM Uiey rolled Sunday.

Phil Cnporusjo. JJew York. .. .. tlnued to dominate the ftlUcvents wim 1JI5. • Charley Orossehn. Wooiiter, O., took cecond place In the dll CTtnla Tuesday with I.63S.

Tlie best slnfllcs wns ei 033 scries rolled by Gene Wtslock. Saginaw. Midi.. Rlrlng him Uie No. 8 «loU Singles leader Sts MonlovanI, New York, shot 074 Sunday.

Trash Fish Eradication Program Eyed For Headwaters of Salmon Reservoir

Tlie state fish and game depart­ment. in coopcrnUon wlUi the Ne­vada depftrtment. leuldUvcly plans

*a partinl eradication program In the streams feeding Salmon res' erVolr.

Slacy'Oeblmrd, district fish bl' ologlst. ipeakins nt Uic monthly meeting of liie Southetn Idalio Fish and- Game aMoclatlon. Mid

t for toUl eradication, Incjml'

- .lie *ald.lLwou!d.cast-fj-am-»lO, to 112.000 to treat Uie rc.wolr wllh rotenone. It is hoped aclienp- cr toxicnnt, cosUng about 1/M' as much, will prove satisfactory In studies for use at a later dale.

However. Uie deparUnent 1 okayed trcotmeni o Salmon 'Pniti and Shoslione creeki'within-Uie stale boundaries. Gebhtrd said Uie Nevada department tUU must okny the plan officially.

n three to five year 'trciitmenl .. iho creeks will help control return of trash fish fry Into the reser* voir. The plan calli for the proj­ect to be e.irrled out In August, calciilnR most of the small fish aftrr belns hatched but before they return to the Impoundment.

Charles Blake, district bird bl' oIoRUt. said the department plan: ) study SiiRg nrouM* In 8

Idaho beginning this year, ndded two or three study areas

■■ 'icdJa.the ifagleValley area.

Other department.personnel ported poor weather la curtailing! the nnnual big game census. Pred Edwards. Kimberly, coaiervatlon officer, said hellcopt«r checks in the Cassia dfvlsion »re not com* pitted yeu.nowcver, there.seimt to be an eutvard. movement of the deer, believed cauj;d by the

wsrd trend. Indlcnling the. big Rftmo populaUon may have In. creased since last year. He. can- Uoned Hist complete study may m'crse the early opinion.

Hawley Hill. Jerome, district supervisor for the stale fish and game department, cauUoned the recent news release on abolition of

limits meant only thaL The___ ‘egulaUon applies to watersgoverned by regular.opening and. closing dates. He urged fishermen lo diack-on-whelher the-watcr he chooses to fish Is open under gen- ral.reitulaUons. also unanlmovisl}'vot' ed to renew ft lease wlUi tiie Mil-

Lowllft company wiilch will allow tlie ,assodatlon to maintain Its recreation area on the west end of Murtaugh lake..

ilchin^' today!” That was the

Robinson Sets Tune-up Boxit At Baltimore

BALTIMORE. M nrc li 0 (fl — SURar Hay Robln.son will try to shuriKii his ai;tiiK reflexes against Tony DiUilonl In. the Baltimore Coliseum April 2 before taking nn- oUirr crack 'at an abbreviated share of the mIddlewelRht chani- ploiuhlp.

Robinson U scheduled for n .. turn bout April 20 nicnlnHt Pnul Pender In Boston. Pender lilted the New Yark-Miiisachusetta ver­sion of the title from Robinson In

split decision in Boston Jan. 22. llie National Boxing a.\socla-

llon earlier had deprived Robln.son of Its recognized chnmplonslilp lor failure lo defend six montlu after beating Carmen Bnslilo In Chi-

iRO March 25. 1058. 'Robln-ion had no fights between

BaiiIlo-and4’«ndBr______________Now 39, Robinson Li scheduled

for 10 rounds nKnlnsl Bnldonl. n 2B-year.o:il who litis won 21 and drew one of his 30 prole.ulonal fights.


0 M>-rnflelder Tony Kubek signed hi* contmct T uesday , leaving Mickey Mantle ns the lono hold­out of Uie New York Yankees, Kubek nfflxisyTiTii nnmc'tdlTpnpcr" rcporlcdly calllnB for I18.000._tt. »3.000 rtilse..

Tlntrsdny iiiKhts before coii'

chxiinK nn lil ne.Yt Monday.

The feature jiame o f the iiiKht .>iaw Telephone com­pany defeat the , Goodinjr ■ Outlnirs—35'33—In— orentmrT—tn othrr action. Faux drnpped the ttler Avengers 51-13,-Circle Bar, lilliji, downed Troop 1. Ooo<linK nntlonnl Ruiird. 30-30. snd KInas nrTd KUas rented Twin Pnlls Busl- tu's.'s CUIICRC 57-27. All lo.'crs but Uir AvfURi'rn were ellnilniitcd,

Vnllo' Sporting Goods took Its first victory by forfeit.

Piny win beh'ln nl 0 pjxi. Wed- nr.iil:iy nnd a five-gnme proRram' 1) planned. Feature of Uic cvcnlug Is cx|>fclrd to be the Valley Sport* iiiR aoo(Is-l lux gojnc, which will be played at 10 pjn.

The Wcdncjiday slate Includes nountree's Koodllner vs. Harpers; 7 p.m.. Easlalde market vs. As-

'croii'; a p.m.. OK Rubber U'cJders vs. We.M Five I’olntji Mobile, nnd tlic Valley-P'aux Rame.

'• lUr 31, Trix>» I

;TSS ‘

X|||>.X|1» S7. IlDtlfiMi Ctllxr :>

S.eeks_Sanction„LOS ANGELES. March

D.illn.% Long's 03-foot. 7-lnch shot- put Uirow of last Saturday will be submitted for recognition world record.

ll ie Unlverlsty of SouUiem Cali­fornia sophomore mode the heave at the Southern Pacific AAU relays. The recognized record is Pany O'Brien's 03 feet. 3 Indies.

ralhcrST^IndiinftUI'TMr'sea'sorig-nn nlni»f Irut night ntirf IX/amcs for Uie Oub*.

Here’s How, Roy Cincinnati Is ’60Champion-

Kennetli and MelbyFire Mat Melee

. .. Melby had a sore neck nnd Ken Kenneth hnd a knot on his head but neither was Uie winner of Uie "title" match at tlie Radio Rondevoo Tu 'lday night.

1110 no-declslon bout occurred nfter each had taken a fall. Dur­ing tile rest period, Kenneth sud­denly went benerk. dashlntt acroju the ring to pound Melby vlUt his fists nnd knee him in the back several times. Tlien lie picked up llie "stunned" Melby «nd crri.-ilied him to the floor three Ume,<i with "plledrlvcrs," Referee Jerry Allken nislied to separate the two, but Kenneth "Irish-whipped'* him In­to the crowd.

Dnnno McDonald then stepped In and dropped Kenneth wiUi n drop kick. As McDonald tried to help Melby to liis feel. Kenneth chnrged the pnlr. McDonald Jerked off Ills cowboy boot nnduiMrr?minr-cmnc“ ------

In the seml-flnal. ncwcomer Red Donovan defeated OorRcous George Grant with a. halt crab, George Ko.-sU nnd McDonald Rrnp-

in the opener.


fish and game department has Is­sued a rertlTnder to commercial flshenncn that llcen.ies for while- Tlsli a'ndTjIueback salmon 7tsHfiig

nngllne expire March 31.

If you’re going to buy a lowpricecar...l)esurel you M the better one!

.Jilany ixsoplo (iduro tliat sinco tlio <

n "low-prico" nar

a low-price cnr.

Thtf, at one tin

Iho nn'mpfl of a

I .it must be. in fact.

£, wa.i Iruc. But today ns you may know, have

vrrj' little lo <io with Uieir pricoa. Many

cam with low-pricft nartiw coat mnro than Mercury—a nnino you havo

always RRsocialcd with hiRlicr priec cars. Our point Li this: •

' A M e r c u r y M o n lere y , w itb d e lu x e a p p o i o t r i s now

priced $31 to $66 le s i '-th a o any

o f !h e b est selling Fords, Cbev- ro lels, and Plym ci'tbs (th e V >8

po>v'ered G alaijiest Im palas, and

Furyi). Y e t'M ercu ry o ffers you fa r m ore o f ev ery liin g you w ant

Some now-cnf buyers are skc()tIcAl when .w

roarosomo o

tho'qucstioib they ask—and our answers

price car? Did you rcducc prices?’’.

A “ycsi Ji'Iontcrpy prices arc now $174

lower, and include many cxlrjui that

arc nowBUndnrtl equipment."

Q "But in your prico comparison, aren't

• you lalkinfj about! ’stripped’ Mercury

—with rubber mats, plain inlcrioni,

no, equipment, no glamour?”

A ' ’No, we're talkinK about, a deluxe-

appointed' Monterey vith beautifuj

• - nylon interior and deep, Ihick carpct- Ing. The comparison is/air.'’

Q “Do all Monterey models havo os good • a prico story?” '

A "Yes, within a few dollar*. I l ’» tha

most amaxinKvaluostory ever offered. Just read below."

Tlie rookie of the year In the Texas league far 1059 was A1 Nagel of Amarillo.

Gn AP RatingIly Tlie AMoclaled rreu

Clnciminii's ilick Bearcats wen the nation's Uu, 1 college basket*

iliW-l«.- The *s.vKlated Press' final poll of the season Tuevlay had the Os- car.llob»rlsoii.lcd.ll««rcaU-pcrch— rd 111 the toil M'nl-just wlier# thi-yvf been »liue (he first poll wus taken in Dicember.

Now It's to the Ohio five lo prove its merit In Uic NCAA' cliiiniploiishlps nirnlnst a talented field that Incluilr.i Callfomls's do- JriidliiR fli;inip^ llie No. 3 team' l_n the poll.’ Since Thr'A f b.iVketball. pollW uT T T :riO W riT xo ri] irft^~tei.s clifuen for the No. I rating crowncd tiielr ranipalgtu with NCAA titles,

A year ago. however. Kansan suite wns named the top ttain and Uien wns upset In Uie early NCAA ellinUmtloiis. California, ranked, 11th, bent CincltUiaU In the semi-finals and tlien edged West Virginia for the UUe,

Another meeling between Clney and Cal would set up the game of the year for the hardrood sport.

ClncinnaU wound Up Its retul>r senson Monday night with a 25-1 record.

In Ihe final poll, the Bearcats collected n first place volu from the 104 cast by sporU wrlUrs and sportscaslers.


' i / iPs



to 8 inch lonRcr than Galaxie, Impala, and P’u iy + 289 to 4M pounds

more wciRht -f np to 23% more in.tulation + more spacious pa.<i.>!cnscr com part •


ler ior + liner quality (every ivicrcury is«d before it [s shipped, not just

. apot:chcckcd aa a/i otiier low.pricc care) s Sm oother ride, extra satisfaction.

MERCURY-the better low price Ccff— ll's PDQ tioM si ywr Mtm^ 0»iltf’s-S« Urn t*itf W a Bdtof Prie*. s B«tmD«iluia B«««f Quslitf. - ^



~86TO}0F^C'AflCI£|jrA8E’plSr.CQi:flW IU


Crossword- PuzzleHOUNPU»T>« OlTCN-V.'EU START TU’WAOOMS TO SUPPV-TW MCN• - AREtfT NseeeoAs c» iver«



MARKETS AND FINANCETwin Falls FFA Team Wins Regional Cdntest

Stocks _ Livestock■ M XRK FPATA 'G tAT^Cr_Nh\y. V(il<h. H-rrh; . . . .





miO WrslIiKliuiu

•n «vn in T«u lii>

1 ItKliutrlpi. JUyilira 1 Mim and rnrnlnei p .lock Jumjird miirf :i«M» <i(lv»iif<r) In

il!' H* w''vorrc'ciilriiV

otlrrM to hiiy III i : milJton <lnll>i

^NKW VnnK 8

i:\ O Millilrnrn * j;«e 0 A: K 6

i;'4,J’nriunoiinl *

H (14—

'i lUullo Cp

1* IlfputTHl/^

. »i' Hlicll Oil

• «ou *1 Wl S0%


His,r> I)rn»mlr« 4«ii Thloknl

u U glU> H.15; U, S. 1.5 195 I: r'v Darriiwi >ml Kill* I7.J0; U M :

l« Ik •<»!^r.

-LallU-11.11110;. uJva

Butter and Eggs

'ciiic.M:n, >i>r<iii »

U\ r»l»ui'


Ar/ J'un,lil ............ ».»0

T.lrrlilon H)«l:

-Parking-Finesbonds with Tuin Ta\ls police Wtii- netdnr were Lany Hovty, Paul R. Tftber. Jr., R. Bcvan, Lli Peler- nrn, Andy ROKcnon. JnmtA J. Byrnes. KnU)r}'n McCltlD. BcUi Ncttcoiner. E.' W, WaddcH. ClPc Weld). Mcrvlii Joiica. Mrs, Darrell Ileldcr, Mrs. Hftrland Allred. Edilh Aafetl. Doug Erlcluon. L«e-WoKe' man. Mrs. Joe Keller. X/O]# WII' Hnms, Roy Coxen and Bcrl Swett, Jr. ^

• PresltUnl ElMtihowert tour of —Europe.-•Aaa-tnd-AWea-toote-blnt _loJnncla.ln-!S’hlcl» live «i»ui SJ.ptr

ccDt ot the worldl populftUon.

Last Rites Held For Everett Dix

CAflEY. Mftrcli 0-P-;irrnl Ice.i lor Everett Fnnncr Dlx held Sntiirdny ftftenioon in Cnrey LDS clinpel ulili Bishop Vrrl \V: Slmjiion oiricliitinK.

Iiivocnlloii wii.i Riven by \V. L. Ad.muii) ntid Uic obituary viiit

by Ernm Phlppen. Music uiui provided by,» mftle qiinrlet eoni- poicd of Allen Pj-mli, Oolden Dar* low, Ronald Peck and Berle Cam* cron, and m Io-i by Mr«. Barbara Peek and Pyrnli. •

Oencdlctloii k m Riven by.OMiop Enw l W. Ilnrpcr. Po.itlude and prelude miwlc were played by Mm. Verd Murdock. Floral arrnnKC- mcnLs were directed by Mr.t. Alfred Aibreiliscn.'

Pallbfiirer.'j were Pnmk Sian- ford, CHarle.1 Stnhford. Lorln Pal- lerjon, Ralph Pnltcrr.oii, Alton pattenion and Keith Patter.ion.

nie Rrave at ihe Carey cemetery wa* iltdlcatfd by W. O. Pntterson.

MINK DIVIDEND DKCL'aIIEI) ■ WALLACE. Mftrch B aTD-Dlrec- tor.s o( OoIcondA Lead mine yes­terday ftnnounced a one-cent-per- .■hare dividend payable May 4 Ic mockliolden of record'April 15. riic pft)-rtienl totftllnR *30,000 will be tlie seventh consecuUve anc« cent dividend announced tince 1057.


Clm. ITCr,,..

A'';. ‘

rOim.A.S'D. M«rth V

• mirkX. :M«r


in Vrd i: M. n,ln.., M■,•5.on; It

"rrl-« iV'k^mrr.: . .1 irro«.

iis r.U;".:

<'IIICAC(ISlsrrh > fUPI)'

• MmiI'i”

rii~ Jishi':*'-niund itikbI ; ruiti.u'.'iM'ir"

"’"I'V'lU. . u.s ■


’Surrt ••In : Horlcl. ,.„inV rJO

’ inl..'r.i; Arl U.cV i:

s.'rV« '.‘I;;; ;‘'*M»V!Voirton ■C jloylo1 J.OO; wlilt nip-l 0; I,l>ha :.U-3.tl0 i» mntium !so.

4.131 )>1ld»r«t Itin in-I.K:

mf-llum 3

bI'iIw mnll WlM-oniln :;wi.i1___. 4. . 1.

Ukhlitn :.oo•' ■______' ■

-n>r followl

Three memben e( the Twin FalU hich lehoet FFA patllamenlarr «penkinc team po<« nltl> (heir Initruclor. Itlcliard 1). Flynn, to dli- ptoy tlie award preienled Ihrm for winnlni H>e rtjlonal conlril Torsdjiy aflrrnoon a( Valle/ hljfh »choo1. ftom left are Fl.vnn;. Jim Jnhn»i»n,' preiiilent; Tom Bandy, >entlnel. and Darld KImpton,

Corn Belt in U. S. Turned To Snow Belt

Ity imllrd I’rtM Inleriinlfi Mucli of llie corn belt turned ito n rjinw bi'll loilsy niid travul- -.1. .'clii)ol chllilrcn. I.iclory work- •j and even coiil miners were

forced to M»y home.Miow blanket, of record deptl)

for the month In. aonie arcn-i, jiprend from the MUthcrn borcliTrs of.Tcm,ciiee.andMli5Qurnmo.thc.J.O-. f'f'4 >»' ««■“ cciilrnl MlNslMlppl valU'y nn«l]l'«>» produclns faslcr lhan thuii ROiitbcrn OtilQ valley states. iLs touthcrn edsM.bnre frluKc. of (ileet and frrer.lnR rnln. Jiidlimnp- olls had hall.

St. Lotjl*, Mo,; Dfs Molnci, In.:Evnnsvtllp. .IniU and NB. Ilvlllc,Tonn.. were ftmonclhe cities where Uie mo;.l recciit lilaM.r of tlie Inte- nlartlnR Hlnlcr crfutcd traffic Iin7.ard5, nlOHcd molothil.t niid, m-cnrorkrd— street—erews;— De;Moine.-:, with ilx Inchcs of nev nnnw, reported tho Krcntesi snow-1 Inll for any wliilfr In 31 yeiir*.

Shurtly after dawn, n fool of now wM pllfd on uslially busy.

Industrial i- annvllle. Tliousnncl: of .izhoul children and factory workers stayed home. Bowline Oreen. Kyn reported nii Incredible 16 Inchr.i of nnov In the Intest atorni; London, Ky> had M Jnchea,Eiiduc.ih Mid Mayfield n .foot,.

Two dcaUis were blamed on ioi-.slickvd ■ hlshwnyd !ii bOuth- *n Illinois. At least three conl ilnc.i, around Elkvllle and Inter- laiiRc, In toulhrrn Illinois, closed

for tlie day because drifts k<?pl the dlSRCr.i ftway.

Tiee prtilcSent. ill lenlnrt. Other memben ef the ieam, net ihoirn. are Cary Janiri. David iloyer and Norman Sclmltker. all Junlnn. and twn allrrnilri. Kaymnnd I'oe and John \Ve1|f..ho(h MphDmoici. The Twill Kalli tram will rpiirpiifnt the area -al the atate conteil at I'ocalrllu frnm March 30 throuth April 2, (Staff photo-cntrarlni)

T. F. Team Wins Region FFA Parliamentary Speceli Event

A team of FFA »ludenls from Twln'F.ilLs hl;:li fchool won the rcRlotial Fi'-A p.irllnmrntar}' . I) ak- iM); contcM 'iSicsday ufieruoon al Viilley hlnh 6rliiii)l,

Member. of the wlnnlnc team were Jim Jnhn. inn, Tom Bariily

Shoshone Has Active, Strong

Sales of Stock6H0SII0SB. M

Moiulay sale ivt the Sho-'lione ile note,, lhal coordination br-Sale.-; Yard. Inc was rcportc,

iwcen Mock‘market trends • and w y active nmi Mrniii:, by u«n (tenernl buslneu trends nlwnys Is er-ManaRcr Orville Harrl.'. flectlnc. especially over a mouth! ll ie nvernRe price on hOR.-i wa.

two. "Put over a period of r.lx JI5.01. with the top price M SHJO

NEW VOnK, MARCH 9 m - lll rceiH atfks we appear to hnvc

been In one of tha e periods when the stock market has been In- fluenclnjt buslneM more than bu l- iies.f has been infhtenclnR the stock market, notes Lucleh O. Hooper of W. E. Jlutlon nnd company.

Tlie invfiiment community, rlnht or wroni!, he points out. npparcntlv Uilnkii' that both Uie MefI

•rkets will accept their product; "There L\ no question but tha

tha behavior of stocks has lind a damperlnit Influence over Rcneral husliicM expect.Hlon.s/’ Hooper

to liin'c'nionllii lhe market and bitflneM oro moro likely to be InBCar."

Unuehe and company sukrcMs

l ic r l iuHolstein hellers sold »lp to $2155

per hunriredwelKht: llolMeln nteuri went up to sa.'iO per hundred'

Mocks welKhl; llolsielu heifer baby

and David Klmpton. ftlt seniors; Gary Jame.s. David IJoyer and Nor.

Schnltkcr, nil Juniors, and nhrrn.ite.s, Rnymond Poe nnd

John WelU. bith Mpltomore.i, Ad- .•L'rr fur the Rroup Is Rldi.ird D Flynn,

leixnw piirllclpntlmt In the rcRlonal contest , were Valley high school and Hurley, They placcd tcond and third respectively.Twln.Palb will repre.ienl tU<

Uaslc Valley arcn In tlic stnte.con- to be held Miirch 30 throu«h April 2 at Pocatello.

Purpo.« of Uie contest U ti encouraRe.the effective use of thi ritual In opening nnd clo.slni; meet. lURs nnd encouMKC proficient par tlclpatlou ln the conduct of tin bu-sim-.’s oC nn orRnnlr.-tilon am

provide ten<ler. hlp tralnlne larKe numbers wlihin the chapicr Flynn repori.s.

•for—the—pnTllainentnrr eonte.Nt were Jame.s Corbelt. farm

In the Vnllcy 1, aRrlcuUure imrucior

Kimberly, nnd Clyde Wordle. Decswlichlns out of slocks welKhl; llolsielu heifer »■ a 0 V ‘Vwhich IMled to make alunlllciini cnlvr.,. mn«rd.lrt.m Ml to J30 p e r , J ‘J" ‘ 'J,p r 5 „ , „ « r ,n , I..c S'V“ “ ™‘ S , , S frally, and to nialntaln n KeiUTallyifo J240 per Hobteln cautious attitude toward the whole *M up to lIC.CO per hundred-

I'clKht; ivhltefiKo steers. BOO iound.s, »24; larse. fat whlteface lelfer.s. from I20.25 to J2U0. and

bulLvfrom SIS JO IIO.CO..............


, M.rth 1 (n-\Vo..l

•I. tsi'sii; bff. i;:,sii;

Wool lop. fal

Juir i:i.on,

HZWue^l'o!.} crnt.

Twin FallsTMarkets

Ottm iMUn <«eu<) (la* 4Ml«n

Jerome Sales Stronger for Cattle, Hogs

JEROME. Match 0-The market, nt the Jerome Livestock ConunL', jilon company sale Tiie.vlay w.i ftrontier on all cla/.ves of entile nnd

Rufus Ilfll.ilead. Jerome, lopped Ihe hoR market nt S17.5D with the hulk of the lop Iiors srIllnR at $15 to tlC.liQ. The Quarter Circle S rnnch, f evnda, cnn.'iKned n load of fcit' cows that sold for J15S0 to *17,00,

H, O. Butcher. Jerome. eoiwiRned Io<k1 of fed Holstein sleer.s from .0 to $:'l,*o. Bean brothers.>me. cotvMRiied a trucklcmd

rood nnd clinlce steer.i Umt Mid from *23 lo *25.10, I-Q, Pre.scott, Twin Fa:i.s, sold a lo:id of hei

■eOcr .steefs al *28.00.Klla Norris, 'I ltlle, sold n load

of he.ivy feeder steers nt *2C,'0 and Georse Strlnser. Dulil. cou.sIri ' a lond of feeder heifers nt *21,,. nnd »27.'0. A slrlnR of c.ilvcs from Wlnnemueea, Nev.. sold for *27.50 nnd *28.20 on heifers and *108 p< head on jteers,

A strlnR of horned sloclT.'^w.’i from Bruneau sold from *135 lo *102,50 per head.

Standard ca*f. tl6-*ie: merclal cow.s; iis-*lo.50: uiilUy COW.S, *H-»15iO: canner and cut- lets. *10-*1J: cmnmerclnl bull.s, $lfi-*2O.S0: IiRhi bulls, *IG-$1{|; Rood nnd choice steers. *23>»25.&0; Rood and cliotce heifers. *21-*24.SO; fnt, HoLsteln .itce:», tlB.50-*2I.70; heavy while face feeder sieer.s, *23- *25; llichtslcers, »24-*27.70; heavy heifers. *20-»22.

IJRht heifers, »22-*2C.50: white face steer calves, t2S*t33: white fncc heifer calve.s, |26.*28.50: heavy Holstein steer.s, (i7-tia.S0: IlRht Holstein iteers, IIB-JIO.75: Hoi- stein steer calvej, »19**23: Hol­stein heifer cnlve.s, *18-*23; Hol­stein milk cows, *UO-*1SO . per hend. ______ :

TTTsorTititvjTawr-tii^i^strr feeder pIrj, *M-*1(1J 0! llshl wean- er.i. *5-*7 per head, nnd hetvy wenne«.-»7-»U per head. .

PTA to MeetJEROME, March S-Ciirl Moorc.

RUldancB instructor of the Jerome Junior hlRb school, will be the featured speaker nt the recular meeting ofthe Lincoln PTA to be held 8 p, rh. Mondny In room 20 of the Lincoln school,


nnrkel“Even thoUR i tlRht money may

be. around, {or a ,wlille, yet. before It yields lo lliB increnslnR pressure ncnl’r«rit.'tnerc-iir«‘ fithcr'fKtors at work." says Mitchell of Cnn.tdn. Tlic public, he nnle.s. Is pIlhiR up fiinds nR.-dn and Is about In t position to RCt back Into (tie mar' ket when the deals are ready.

The Fitch survey says Ihe pm- rnt Investor should protect p.iM

of his profits available on equlttei purcha.sed some time aRO. and K place these funds Into hlnh yield- InB bonds or preferreds, or the rel­atively stable and secure utilities, "Cash reserves sliouiri be held fo nn eventual rebound pendluK som evidence tliat the mnrket's proces of dolertnratlon has been arrested.

30 Acres Are Annexed Into Burley Area

. BURLEY,. Mnrcli 0 — An ordi­nance wa.s pa.s*e(J by the Burley city council Monday eveninR nexlns 30 more nere.s Into Uie of Burley, Tills land U ndjftcenl

Cas.sla County .Memorialhftspiial.

An ordinance wn.s read for the fln l time to leave an area of the city open for imller parkins, U will be read three succoislvo times before final approval be made by the council.

Permanent trailer house parklncs will be allowed on the north side of (he railroad tracks In fire zone Uiree. Many trnller homes parked on re.sldenllal lots as pcrm(vnent dwelllnss have not conformed u-lth cxtsttnR city codes on bulIdlnRS nnd sAiiltatlon.

Bld.< were called for drllllnB, furnbhlnt; and Insialllns a do­mestic water well to supplement “ ie city water sy.stem.

EsUmaled cost of the entire project Is *30,000. Bids will be

ed April Tlie project will ide the well, control tQulpinent

and wnler'Ueat^enl apparatus.Lloyd C. Douslos for Standard

Oil company was the low bidder out of seven for supplylni; the cltys IDOO (m.1 anif oil nced.s.

An engineer for Standard Oil company presented plan.s lor new Cherron servlce^Utlon ... Overlnnd avenue near, the new ahopplnR center. He wa* referred UJ- lh*-clty-buUdlna-ltupe«lor-for final approval of ,the plans. The company enRlneersald wnsmictlon W'ould start Immedlaft^',

Bulldlns permits were Rranted ,) Ruth Marshal). H.DOti to remodel business: Hubert Andrew, *10.000 new home: Alfred N. KnlRht. *15,- 000 new home: Dfmald Freemnn, *3,000. new hbme, and Lloyd Cox, *14,000 new home.- ,.Two - -


OOODINQ. March O-Fhml ... inlr.nlon mecttnR of the Ooodlnit trnp club will be held at B r Tliursday nt ihe trnp clubli one and n half rnlle.s east of OoodlnR. Tlircc directors will be' elected.

ut for the parllnmcntnry coiileat, wlilch was a even:; and the speecfi conte:t, ah individual

Winners of the speoUnR contest were Marvin McCall. Decio, first, vho AjKlke on- “Di'f.ssinc up Uie

• •• •i-.-VaJ-ley, second, on "Effect of vertical IntrRrnllon on fannhiK." and Lloyd Uodson, Kimberly, third, "BocMn- Insft youHR farmer."

JudRes for tlie fpeakinj; conlest ere Kenneth Hnasen. assistant

state supervUor; Charles Clark, aKriculture Instructor, Burley, aud Flynn,





CHIROPRACTORSs'kuvt, ........... .. Aimriu' y;

lit n ;« i. .


: nOY lurnllurt m l joo

-MW"l,Vutor,'w , , Iliilb ;«hn.lon. UK »-

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CirJntr. KR 1-7001.


- To Get"

.,P A S H !-Thst's a - problem - for ereryonfl - - .at thia time of the year. But » problem that is easily solved by sellinR tho«e ‘'don't needs* around the house with a fast aetms ■ Tlmet-Newi Want-Ad.

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Tlmt Can Be Converted'

Into Caah?

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and you will get the

lielp you need to w lte a Want-Ad for


UjRlj W a i t ?LET ANDERS ON lU M B E R 'S "H O W ETEA M "









o r .

Any Other Improvement

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Dstlgned to help you hiw#th« homo you want .

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Y o u r h o m e i s y o u r n u m b e r o n e

I n v e s t m e n t t o d a y . . .

P r o t e c t Y o u r I n v e a t n i in l ' . . . A d d V a lu a l


A D D A R O O M ?


A n d e r s o n



Market Place


Magic Valley


( g i L i S . ® ® H I F l I i r o M & 6 fk :,rtc


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" ' s it u a t io n s w a n t e d |,s ‘ ----------j . '. j.d i i '. : : ; : ------------------------ -^ I ; ; . ' ' ; ' — —........ .................................................................................................................................................................

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iimii nutMii/^ l/'V'

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Market Place BENEATH THIS BANNER ARE THE WORLD'S BEST BARGAINS:p l d > ‘1 . R E 3 - 0 9 3 1


1 .Nt Ml .I<fi>...> »»!.>•of

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