› files ›...

Twin Falls, Idal G<X)DMCmNII W eather Scattered n showers. H 41,Iow33. Pag B ye bye babh Mlnldoia Memorial Hospital says "no" to births. Pag V atican MYSTERY? • Some hope release of p< would-be assassin will s new light on cold case. Pag< L iving histo Couple has made histo part of.their Uves. Pagi ......... tiE jW lNdS? Demoerats'piess AKto a! wfaetiier he^ ideologica] tOtcdto the right ■f'- . .- ■ Pagi OVERGROWDII ^Tfte'lifeglslature needs u(ic6 nvaiti 6 nal Ideas I p r^n populations, idc . editorial says. Pa© CO M IN G U ] Eat cheap A tour of under-$7 restaurant meals in Bt and Hagerman. Wednesday In The Tline&^ews' I ndex Buslnesses/Seivices......... dassJffed.................... .C Comics .......... ............ Community..................... ' Crossword..................... j Dear Abby....................... Horoscope ................. ,. Jumble ........................... ' Magfc Wiley..................... Money ..................... .... .1 Movies........................... Nation....................... Obituaries ...................... i Opinion. ........................... Random f a c ts ................. I Suldoiku......................... ' Sports ..................... Weather................. .' ____ Vfest............ ...............J VtoW.............................. ..V 6P i B134»0905(? Th iaho/lOlst year. No. SBNC \ W Kerapthc >3. ByJobnMlDer ’age A2 /UsoctatadPr—t i (IKS Kedipthomcwimt I a thlid of Idaho's budget siuplua t ® state resident $50 h i ^ c n c iw costs. *age B l m his ^ tc of I dross to lawmok I ' ni^t, hc also bi tcachcis almost cv arc asking Tor, stopped ^ort 0 many property some hove domo carika’thisycac. InoOcdngatot lion to help resida crgy bills, Kcti knovrfcdged ihatji have fiiccd a trip Power, (hc state's I has raised rates, ) mountain Gas. Dr paying hJchcrgaso ih/ciy Idaho rcsli 2004 state incomt f D ope’s would rat (he one- ^ _ "I think this ener age is going to resona pic." K ^ p t h o m c ORY Heart medals Story a wounded in Iiaa Mcmbcis of (nc age C l tuxc, who opened Monday, still mus: Kianpthoine'sprof The govemor. In in ofllcc. promised the Seiulc and Ho get (o u ^ on Clime proposals to stiffen gong mcmbcis as: mat would put in; methomphetamixi ^ pharmacy countet m some other state viScu sex offyider, wtth killing tfiree 0 about the Giocne iiunlly icatty. d’Ak»e, allegedly obduatwoaiUdic Kempthomc b agff M > bUng maximum s some scx-rclatcd )ING ments for convlcto Ja • cretofourtiniesay isfnr onccf\ow -You can cither t^>oa/s rules, or live be Kcmplhome said. JP Idaho WM The Awctatod Pn MOSCOW, Idahi aS turned out to be 01 ■U for Idaho farmers i H fl . throe decadcs. ac repon released b> H n at the University c lege ofAgriculture cnccs. Adjusted for ii put In 1997 dollars, .$7 as the best for gro 1Buhl rccdpts since I97«! cash recdpts arc V make before subt I costs. Last year also nu IS - Birdi .B4-5 Endence suj .. .Cl The A»*octeted Pfi .. .C6 05 CHICAGO * * eases rise at a dls . .04 in Turkey, new rea . . .C6 bit of hope — it n.4 many people wht • • become seriously: • -D4 lyrocovcr . .JV4 Althoi^ not'd j^c ntJwstutfyBUggcsi morevkridispreadt .. .B2 But It also ptobab .. A6 half its victims, j pe scleiy oh flu cast ’ ■ been ofndaDy con ,. .C5 -Tlio' results suj ,. ,01 wmptoms most o ttvcly mild and th • • tnct la needed fbr ,.£3 to humans,” WTO . .02 Ihoison of KoroU B . sity Hospital In Sti k T 3.10 . S iA ii lome plans td us MWTttef Gov. . Dlik ints to use about o's $214 mUUon s to give cvciy ^ to help with of (he State ad- lakcrs Monday backed giving tcvctythlngthcy )r, thoum hc : of endorsing y tax reforms TIOrod for since total of $63 mil- dents dcfiaycn- onpthomc ac- Ujdaho families liplc hit: Idaho :'s l a i ^ t utility, s, as nos Inter- Drivers are also asolino prices. csldcnt listed on ime tax returns ne-tlme money. tit. for instance, \ \ Oche^ tiergy assistance inatc with pco- nc said alter his cch, which hc four Purple to soldiers L zooglc^ -: cd their session lust sim off on reposals. , In his Qnol year icd members of House that he'd me, introdudxtg fen penalties for oswcQasaplon' ingredients for nine' .behind,, Iters, as Is done ^ atea. ■' ssed sex dimes, , jped Idaho cc. member} ol^-, iHy near Coetir 'i ^ ^^^^^l Qy so hc could i^forsoL ' U P H HHII backed dou- •; ^ scntencw for , ed crimes and ®®Yt radon require- . l^fatur# on a e d sex offend-' >.not M ektngn ayear,Iromjust, ■/'. Ho wants, I ler live by our prison beds, behind bars." bed treaunen d. addicted inm: 0 farming Press________ ^ doiinxs, as tb inHatioh-adju aho—Lastyear come >durin joncofthcbcst falling behinc irs in more than incomc is wi according to a after subtiactJ by economists The report y of Idaho Col- dldon bt Id ore and life Sd- 2005 Projcctl farmers bc<^ - inOation and <iz^ as gross { ais,20a‘>nmkcd rose 4 percer gross farm cash because of ir 974. Gross farm fertilizer costs rc vrfiai farmers fell 4 percent jbtractlng their In actual d farm cosh n ranked. In 1997 were $45 bill flu might luggests it could be mi Pfeti _________ ____________ -Asbudnu dlsmrblngpace Omdalsropo research oflers a two in Asia.> • lt!5 likely (hat . moro wktosp vho get 1( don't ... .bosod&olbly llyllKmdqulck. , 1 deflnltivc, the , psts thd vims is ldthanthou^t.^ , tably doesrrt ™ , . '• > '.‘i ’ i. 8 'fear based/'.',', aises that havBjVr'i.'V.' ' ‘ ’v onOrmed. • ■•^•Or»ba^‘ juraest that the •OnodB«t^ t often aro rela- _____ that dose con- ••ggnflrmod or transmission - mote Dr. Anna iSotaS 555== I conducted tho Sofiui'the UiahedlnMon- lUikcylirai ^Arehlvesofln- , I n g w tm d ^ . . r,. . ’ii,u..novir llIK QFTF use som e o f su r Dtrfc on' ts'to blind'700'hew. partof ds, including-a'400- hikoih lent £ndUtyTot drug, toncai unatcs. The money is In a ; i^eipts j the seo^-bcst.for inawn< idjustcd'itct form'in- . John iring that period, ty’s de iin d ‘2004. Net £irm sented wiiat farmers make Idaho actingcosti the sta lort ‘Financial Con- fbr the Idaho Agriculture: "In 2 colons," ^ d Idaiio and fci »»m c more spcdal- monltc >S9 &iim cosh receipts mate a cent from 2004.. But culture f increased fuel and said. form income cohtlni ;nt produc d dollars, 2005 gross cy Qf t 1 receipts in Idaho crease bUiibp, and net farm , Accc tnotbes( more common than c people reported opbrtod flvQ more human cases; a. Howovof, a now study euggos osprood than thought, may hot I Ibly on nu cases that havo bo(^ )d htirnan blnl^ sni Iv-'.-' Mtth ' t t U Ss i»dby'r,r'' MtJon.V ; ] v m M*in OrQwltUKxv of M the bird Cii dcatiu in. 45,47i volved cMdrcn ploy-: dehts leadchldxns. - ' bird. evf study hwolvcd ; i. p ira-P inuary 10, 2006 aES'D irplus to pay ea state ol the State address K«D^orns'» last State o bfaproposcd 13.1 patent I in fimding for public sofct); I mdy S220 mllUon. i alC Kemptliomc alms to increased [ncwasSL4blUk)n. " ' t in Hammd. the unlvend- c dean of agriculture, pre- i xi the report rcccntjy to I 0 icgisialors working on i itate’s revenue projections lerurw fiscal year. t 1 2006 , wc will watdi fuel c rcnllizci' prices dosely a n d . 2 Itor the cnandng trade di- c ^ and tlieir cffccts on agri- I ual producers," Hammei T h e college’s efforts will t Inue to seek ways to help c uc^rs increase the cfOden- 1 f their operations and In- c Mthcircompetitivencss." 2 cording to the report, S 0 deadly originally thought |(>have bird flu is^o< b l ^ Hu In Turt(oy and ost»thot.the virus, probably n Hn han rts victims, a foar i^'oiriclalty cbnflrmod. mil.<ieath9 : ■ i I I 8 ^#$ 8 ® n Mony'MKW.APr«(»tlna ^ 176 randomly selected resi- lts of a rxinu region where 1 flu Is rampant among : P le^ see Btro n u . Page A2 Nev :ach resident $5 n s before a joint the e of the StatA aditr«M-8teo-)|ie'i boost Idaho^ fiscal year 2i budget expenditures by 5.9 p cent. IO S231 billion. Brad In Please see SESSION, Page d last yeai m udi of the Increase lii i ceipts came from increas' L r dairy products, cattle aj powtocs. Dairy receipts rose 7 pcrcc to nearly $1.5 blUloii. Cattle ai calf sales wero up 8 percent S1.I4 billion, while soles other livestock dipped S2 m lion fiom 2004 to S li 1 miUio: For crops, cash receipts t taled $1.79 billion in 2005, drop of 4 percent from 20( That^ despite an increase cash rccclpts for notatoes 2005 of 6 pcrcent, whldi rose S535 million. H owma By Molly SeM a Loa Anptee Tlmee . "Why ore lawyers bur feet underground? Bet deep c^jvm, they're rcaU ^^jS:cs like that have around forever, but lawyt . buzzing about a new b w argues they are not i • barometer ofthe public ; ing abotit the legm profc ' but also are an escape va: . thistraied attorneys. ‘ ■""Most lawyers actual] lawyer jokes," said Galantcr. a University o consln law professor an lhorof"LowiaingtheDai Satiric gripes about a lonce-chaMrs and unc criminal, defenders whc P on (heir dlents' m ls^. [. oldasImltseU; n What^ new, Galantcr s g that since (he 19TOS. the V 2 regulations (iia( gover mixed AI5C H^o r.t,/ 0 ;;o 1 1 ton iICROFIL WWVft^GICVAl CS/ student a Number of bol^ poit-tlr llmo students rcglsterci semestof since 1997. I - : - 6300 ......... ■HB 8.400 .......................... &000 ............ ^ BMO / ' E.3X *M0 ............ I Presic I pushe ■ CSI SI 1 form Beck’s remai during State i College addn By Joshua Palmar Tlme»Now8 writer IWIN FALLS — I day Gov. Uirk Kem out Ills vLsinn for I dent lerry Deck l;ii< sion for tlie CoUet’i! Idalio. llie two visions Ii in common: tlic- in community college Qcck praised on faculty and staff of I ing the sdiool roicv ^Walking throu(! Ingstodayyouciui ore jast eiiinty shul to the staff. "You that make dils schi ally. Is. You are tl moke this i>chooIg Ll Um ki!,( thfco slrugglLHltorecnvx ingenroUmcntnnc nandal reserves.. did. not meet its i ■■■ for year. It luxs dMPm iaivcr than Nortli I th, (Nia — tiie only o w , niiy coUc.'gc H Idi iiasconciiiiiedlob pram oireriiiys ;ls\v iccs on satclljte r 2007 ItivastliaiexjKiiK 1.9 p e r- that earned rneiii d I^lt- niglil in Keniptlioi Ige A2 ll'c Siaie addrejw. ihe Kovcmor vvii ' a staimide .coinmi system, and calk y p North IdaluiCoUcgi "■llicse cornniiii In . re- have alre.idy l>cgui eased t^’clr services Io nm prices io Ihe Miiil-Cas 2 and . •l>‘-‘ Silver ViUley. ai othcre, ' he said. "Aii 'iceni community culleg [eand willgrtnvascnroUjn CM to this ray, mpii.. prof es of sclf-suslaming ;uid y mil- '"K ior individuals ilion better jobs, a belle andabciierquality HriroUmeni. and 2004 iind fees come , ■ become lncrca.sint^ ^ rj.. at CSi ever since tlu Please sec AN YLAW YEI ________ Throwlngth burtcd 25 3t la Because, Among the mofe lh coQy nice lawyer jokes died Galontcr's book 'L IVC been Bor’ aromcso; wymare • How msny tawye book that mkc to change a 1 uallv like demands arc ;^M are holl start roloasl.^ yofW is- ^0"°^ andau- • Why *>«• Callfo. Bar." tho most lawyers i It ambu- Jersey tho most to incthlcal dumps? New Jers< vho picy choice. lyoreas ________________ ,. , lives of ordinary CTsaliis has become a th the’ rowingP^PJptol Please'swlAWY ALm^COM 50 ccnis enrollment :-tlmo and lutl- •redtof spring • 7. ST o W i'-uj A •( t dent es staff lore ark.s come : of the ires.s r____________ - On llic siinie mpthiime laid r Ididux i’resi- laid out hls vi- «LM)fS<Hitheni shad one llilnj; iniportance of ges. >11 Monday the :ifCSIforkeep- evant and vital. URli the build- iui see tliat they lelLs.” Bcck said ’ u lire die ones ' ±oolwliat it rc- tlie ones who I great" so>-car5.CSIhtts jvxT frmn decliii- mddxvindllngli- 5 . Although CSI 5 revenue goals a-s n o w n m u d i II Idaiio CoUet^e ; otlier aiinmu- daho. And CSI dqiandiLspro- . well a s iLs -serv- indedpresence niion Monday lonies Siaie of. .vants to creale intiniiy college illcd CSI and .■Ke"greatinod- unity colleges ^ n lo ex|i:uid tnil aiminuni- ^ssla area and among many y\nd these tnic ege programs ment grows, hi ograms will Ik* id life-siLsiain- als who want tier Lxlucatibn. tyoflife." id the tuition ne with it. has if^y liniHinaiii llie stale Lej^s- ! of ihe school’s ee CSI. Page A2 'R S ... :he (Joke) lawyers Ihon 200 :d In Marc 'Lowerlnfi the ryen docs It Qlight bulb? fOu afford? hat Saddam hundred I and sold that aren't met iing them ono «>mUh8ve sand New toxic wssto rscy had first , ry Americans thicket oftcxi D hire lawyers VYERS.Pa£0A2 '

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Page 1: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

Twin Falls, Idal


W e a t h e r

Scattered n showers. H 41,Iow33.


B y e b y e b a b hM lnldoia Memorial Hospital says "no" to births.


V a t ic a n

MYSTERY? •Some hope release of p< would-be assassin will s new light on cold case.


L iv in g h is t oCouple has m ade histo part of.their Uves.



t i E j W l N d S ?

Demoerats'piess AKto a! wfaetiier he^ ideologica] tOtcdto the right

■f'- . .- ■ Pagi

OVERGROWDII^Tfte'lifeglslature needs u(ic6 nvaiti6nal Ideas I p r ^ n populations, idc

. editorial says.P a ©

C O M I N G U ]

Eat cheapA tour of under-$7

restaurant meals in Bt and Hagerman. Wednesday In

The Tline&^ews'

I n d exBuslnesses/Seivices.........dassJffed.................... .CComics .......... ............Community.....................'Crossword.....................jDear Abby.......................Horoscope .................,.Jumble ........................... 'Magfc Wiley.....................Money ..................... .... .1Movies...........................Nation.......................Obituaries ...................... iOpinion. ...........................Random facts ................. ISuldoiku......................... 'Sports .....................Weather..................'____Vfest...........................JVtoW .............................. ..V

6 P i B 1 3 4 » 0 9 0 5 ( ?

T hiaho/lOlst year. No.



Kerapthc>3. ByJobnMlDer’a g e A 2 /Usoctatad P r—t i

( I K S Kedipthom cwim tI a th lid of Idaho's• budget siuplua t ® state resident $50

h i ^ c n c iw costs. *age B l m his ^ t c of I

dross to lawmok

I' n i ^ t , h c also bi

tcachcis alm ost cv arc asking Tor, stopped ^ o r t 0 m any property som e hove dom o carika’thisycac.

In o O c d n g a to t lion to help resida crgy bills, Kc t i knovrfcdged ihatji have fiiccd a trip Power, (hc state's I has raised rates, ) m ountain Gas. Dr paying hJchcrgaso

ih/ciy Idaho rcsli 2004 state incomt

f D ope’s would ra t (he one-

^ _ "I think this ener a g e is going to resona

pic." K ^ p th o m c

ORYHeart m edals

S to ry a w ounded in I ia a M cm bcis of (nc

a g e C l tuxc, w ho opened Monday, still mus: K ianpthoine'sprof

The govemor. In in ofllcc. promised the S eiu lc a n d Ho get ( o u ^ o n Clime proposals to stiffen gong m cm bcis a s : m at would p u t in; m ethomphetamixi

^pharm acy countet m som e o ther state

v iS cu sex offyider, w tth killing tfiree

0 a b o u t the G iocne iiunlly icatty. d ’Ak»e, allegedly

o b d u a tw o a iU d ic K em pthom c b

a g f f M > bUng m axim um s som e scx-rclatcd

)ING m ents for convlcto Ja • c re to fou rtin iesayi s f n r onccf\ow

-You can cither t^ > o a /s rules, o r live be

K cm plhom e said.

JP IdahoW M The A w c ta to d Pn

MOSCOW, Idahi a S turned out to be 01 ■ U for Idaho farm ers i H f l . throe decadcs. ac

repon released b> H n a t the University c

lege o f Agriculture cnccs.

A djusted for ii p u t In 1997 dollars,

.$ 7 • as the b est for gro1 B u h l rccdpts since I97«!

cash recdp ts arc V m ake before subt

I costs.Last year also nu


- Birdi.B4-5 Endence suj

. . .C l The A»*octeted Pfi

. . .C605 CHICAGO —

* * eases rise a t a dls. .04 in Turkey, new rea

. . .C6 b it o f ho p e — itn.4 m any people wht

• • becom e seriously : ■ • -D4 lyrocovcr. .JV 4 A l t h o i ^ n o t 'dj ^ c ntJwstutfyBUggcsi

morevkridispreadt. . .B2 But It also p tobab. . A6 half its victim s, j

pe scleiy o h flu cast ’ ■ been ofndaDy con, . .C5 -Tlio' results s u j, . ,0 1 w m p to m s m o st o

ttvcly m ild a n d th• • tnct la needed fbr , .£ 3 to humans,” WTO . .02 Ihoison of KoroU

B. sity Hospital In Sti

tl colleagues w ho cc study: It w as puMk doy% ed idon o f Al

[j^ tem a lM e d ld n a

•f [ . ,

k T3.10 .

S i A i ilome plans td usMWTttef

Gov. . D lik in ts to use about o's $214 mUUon s to give cvciy ^ to help w ith

of (he State ad- lakcrs M onday

backed giving tcvctythlngthcy )r, th o u m hc : o f endorsing y tax reforms TIO rod for since

total o f $63 mil- dents dcfiaycn- onpthom c ac- U jdaho families lip lc hit: Idaho :'s l a i ^ t utility, s, as nos Inter- Drivers are also asolino prices. csldcnt listed on ime tax returns ne-tlme money.tit. for instance, \ \ •O c h e ^tiergy assistance inatc with pco- nc said alter his cch, w hich hc

four Purple to soldiers

L zooglc^ - :cd their session lust s im off on reposals., In his Qnol year icd members of House that he'd me, introdudxtg fen penalties for osw cQ asaplon ' ingredients for

n in e ' .behind,,Iters, as Is d one ^ atea. ■'ssed sex d im es, ,jp ed Idaho

cc. mem ber} ol^-,iHy near Coetir ' i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ lQy so hc couldi ^ f o r s o L ' U P H H H I I

backed dou- •;^ scntencw for , ed crimes and ®®Ytradon require- . l ^ f a t u r # on a e d sex offend-' > .not M ek tn g n ayear,Irom just, ■ /'.

H o w ants, I le r live by ou r prison beds, beh ind bars." bed treaunen d. addicted inm:

0 farmingPress________ doiinxs, as t b

inHatioh-adju a h o — Lastyear co m e > durin jo n c o fth c b c s t falling behinc irs in more than incom c is w i according to a after subtiactJ by economists The repo rt

y o f Idaho Col- d ld o n b t Id ore and life S d - 2005 Projcctl

farm ers bc<^- inOation and < iz ^ as gross { ais,20a‘>nmkcd rose 4 percer gross farm cash because o f ir 974. Gross farm fertilizer costs rc vrfiai farmers fell 4 pe rcen t jbtractlng their In actual d

farm cosh n ranked. In 1997 w ere $45 b ill

flu mightluggests it could be miP fe ti_________ ____________

- A s b u d n udlsm rb lngpace Omdalsroporesearch oflers a two in Asia.>• lt!5 likely (hat . moro wktosp vho get 1( don 't ... .bosod&olblyllyllK m dqulck. • ,

1 deflnltivc, th e , p s ts thd vim s is ld th a n th o u ^ t .^ ,tably doesrrt ™ , . '• > '.‘i ’ i. 8 ' fear based/'.',', aises tha t havBjVr'i.'V.' ' ‘ ’v onOrmed. • ■ •^ •O r» b a ^ ‘ ju raest tha t th e •O nodB«t^t often aro rela- _____th a t d o se c on- ••ggnflrm od o r transm ission - mote Dr. A nna

i S o t a S 5 5 5 = =I conducted tho S o fiu i'th eU iahedlnM on- lU ik c y l i r a i^A rehlvesofln- , I n g w t m d ^

. . r , . . ’ii,u ..nov ir

llIK■ Q FTFu s e s o m e o f s u r


t s 'to b lin d '700'hew . p a rto fds, including-a'400- hikoihle n t £ndUtyTot drug, tonca iunatcs. The money is In a

; i^eipts jth e s e o ^ -b c s t . fo r inawn<

idjustcd'itct form'in- . Johniring th a t period, ty’s dei in d ‘2004. Net £irm sentedw iiat farmers make Idaho

a c tin g c o s ti the stalo rt ‘Financial Con- fbr the

Idaho Agriculture: "In 2colons," ^ d Idaiio and fci» » m c m ore spcdal- monltc>S9 &iim cosh receipts m ate ac e n t from 2004.. But culturef increased fuel and form income cohtlni; n t producd dollars, 2005 gross cy Qf t1 receipts in Idaho creasebUiibp, an d net farm , Accc

tnotbes(more common than c

people reportedopbrtod flvQ more human cases; a . Howovof, a now study euggos osprood than thought, may hot I Ibly on nu cases that havo b o (^ )d h tirn a n blnl f t u . c a ^ sni

I v- ' . - '

Mtth ' t t U S si » d b y 'r , r ' '

MtJon.V ; ]

v m M*in OrQwltUKxv of M the bird Cii dcatiu in. 45,47ivolved cMdrcn ploy-: dehtsleadchldxns. - ' bird.evf study hwolvcd ; i. p

ira-Pinuary 10, 2006

a E S 'Di r p l u s to p a y ea

s ta te ol the S tate address K «D ^orns'» last S tate o

b fap ro p o scd 13.1 p a te n t I in fimding for public sofct); Imdy S220 mllUon. i alC Kemptliomc alms to

increased[ncwasSL4blUk)n. " ' tin H am m d. the unlvend- cdean o f agriculture, pre- ix i th e report rcccntjy to I0 icgisialors working o n i itate’s revenue projections lerurw fiscal year. t1 200 6 , w c will w atd i fuel c rcnllizci' prices dosely a n d . 2 Itor th e cnandng trade d i- c a nd tlieir cffccts o n agri- I

ual producers," Hammei T h e college’s efforts will t

Inue to seek ways to help c uc^rs increase the cfOden- 1 f their operations and In- c Mthcircompetitivencss." 2 co rd ing to th e report, S

0 deadlyoriginally thought

|(> have bird fluis^o< b l^ Hu In Turt(oy and ost»thot.the virus, probably n Hn han rts victims, a foar i^'oiriclalty cbnflrmod. m il.<ieath9

: ■■

i I I ■

8 ^ # $ 8 ® nMony'MKW.APr«(»tlna ^ 176 random ly selected resi­lts o f a rxinu region w here1 flu Is ram p an t am ong : P l e ^ see Btro n u . Page A2

N ev

:ach resident $5

n s before a joint the e of the StatA aditr«M-8teo-)|ie'i

boost Idaho^ fiscal year 2i budget expenditures by 5.9 p cent. IO S231 billion. Brad In

Please see SESSION, Page

d last yeaim u d i o f the Increase lii i ceipts cam e from increas'

L r dairy products, cattle aj powtocs.

Dairy receipts rose 7 pcrcc to nearly $1.5 blUloii. Cattle ai calf sales wero u p 8 percent S1.I4 billion, while soles other livestock dipped S2 m lion fiom 2004 to S l i 1 miUio:

For crops, cash receipts t taled $1.79 billion in 2005, d rop of 4 percent from 20( T hat^ despite an increase cash rccclpts for notatoes 2005 of 6 pcrcent, w hld i rose S535 million.

H o w m a

By Molly SeMa Loa A nptee Tlmee .

"Why ore lawyers bu r feet underground? Bet deep c^jvm, they're rcaU

^^jS :cs like th a t have around forever, but lawyt

. buzzing about a new b w argues they are n o t i

• barom eter o f th e public ; ing abotit th e legm profc ' b u t also are a n escape va: . thistraied attorneys.‘ ■ ""Most lawyers actual] lawyer jokes," said Galantcr. a University o consln law professor an

• lhorof"Low iaingtheD ai Satiric gripes about a

lonce-chaM rs an d unc — criminal, defenders whc P o n (heir d len ts ' m l s ^ . [. o ldasIm ltseU ; n W hat^ new, Galantcr s g tha t since (he 19TOS. the V 2 regulations (iia( gover

m i x e d AI5C H ^ o r . t , / 0 ;;o 1 1 t o n

i I C R O F I L

W W V ft^G IC V A l

C S / s t u d e n t aNumber of bol poit-tlr llmo students rcglsterci semestof since 1997.

I - : -

6300 .........■ H B 8.400 ..........................

&000 ............ ^BMO /

' E.3X *M0


I Presic I pushe ■ CSI SI1 form

Beck’s remai during State i College addnBy Joshua Palmar Tlme»Now8 writer

IWIN FALLS — I day Gov. Uirk Kem out Ills vLsinn for I dent lerry Deck l;ii< sion for tlie CoUet’i! Idalio.

l l i e two visions Ii in common: tlic- in community college

Qcck praised on faculty and staff o f I ing the sdiool roicv

^Walking throu(! Ingstodayyouciui ore jast eiiinty shul to the staff. "You that make dils schi ally. Is. You are tl moke this i>chooIg

Ll Um ki!,( thfco slrugglLHltorecnvx ingenroUmcntnnc nandal reserves.. did. not meet its i

■ ■ ■ for year. It luxs dM Pm iaivcr than Nortli I th , (N ia — tiie only ow , niiy coUc.'gc H Idi

iiasconciiiiied lob pram oireriiiys ;ls \v iccs on satclljte

r 2007 ItivastliaiexjKiiK1.9 per- that earned rneiii d I^ lt- niglil in Keniptlioi Ige A2 ll'c Siaie addrejw.

ih e Kovcmor vvii ' a sta im ide .coinmi

system, and calk y p North IdaluiCoUcgi

"■llicse cornniiii In . re- have alre.idy l>cgui eased t ’clr services Io nm prices io Ihe Miiil-Cas2 and . •l>‘-‘ Silver ViUley. ai

othcre, ' h e said. "Aii 'icen i com m unity culleg [eand willgrtnvascnroUjn CM to th is r a y , mpii.. p ro f es o f sclf-suslaming ;uid y mil- '"K ior individuals ilion better jobs, a belle

andabciierquality HriroUmeni. and

2004 iind fees come , ■ become lncrca.sint^

^ r j . . at CSi ever since tlu

Please sec


________ T h r o w l n g t h

burtcd 25 3 t l aBecause, Among the mofe lh coQy nice lawyer jokes died

Galontcr's book 'L IVC b een Bor’ aromcso; w y m a re • How msny tawye book tha t mkc to change a 1

uallv like demands arc ; ^ M a r e holl start roloasl.^y o fW is - ^ 0 " ° ^a n d a u - • Why *>«• Callfo.

Bar." tho most lawyers iIt am bu- Jersey tho most toin c th lca l dumps? New Jers<vho picy choice.l y o r e a s ________________

, . , lives of ordinaryC T sa liis has becom e a t h

t h e ’ ro w in g P ^ P Jp to l Please'swlAWY

A L m ^ C O M

50 ccnis

e n r o l l m e n t:-tlmo and lutl- •redtof spring •7. •

ST o W i'-uj A •( t

dentesstaffloreark.s come : of the ires.s•r____________

- On llic siinie m pthiim e laid r Ididux i’resi- laid out hls vi- «LM)fS<Hitheni

shad one llilnj; iniportance of

ges.>11 M onday the :ifCSIforkeep- evant and vital. URli the build- iui see tliat they lelLs.” Bcck said ’ u lire die ones ' ±oo lw lia t it rc- tlie ones who

I great"so>-car5.CSIhtts jvxT frmn decliii- mddxvindllngli- 5. Although CSI 5 revenue goals a-s n o w n m u d iII Idaiio CoUet^e ; otlier a iinm u- daho. And CSI dqiandiLspro- . well as iLs -serv-

indedpresence niion Monday lonies Siaie of.

.vants to creale intiniiy college illcd CSI and .■Ke"greatinod-

unity colleges ^ n lo ex|i:uid tnil aim inuni- ^ssla area and am ong many

y\nd these tnic ege program s m ent grows, hi ograms will Ik* id life-siLsiain- als who want tier Lxlucatibn. tyoflife." id the tuition ne with it. has if^y liniHinaiii llie stale Lej^s- ! of ihe school’s ee CSI. Page A2

'RS . ..

:h e ( J o k e )

l a w y e r sIhon 200

:d In Marc 'Lowerlnfi the

ryen docs It Q light bulb? fOu afford? hat Saddam hundred I and sold that aren't met iing them ono

«>mUh8ve sand New toxic wssto

rscy had first ,

ry A m ericans th icke t oftcxi D hire lawyers VYERS.Pa£0A2 '

Page 2: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

Tbdqr: Scanorod rain shm . IbnlflMrArain/enowmh't

low 30a.IbnorrawRoinlifcoty- Ar noo/40. ' "V ■

IM^rtCloudy. Choncoofi HiQhs uppof 30s to low 40t Tbcilfiht: Windy wnh mi»od Lown low 30s.Tbmorrevn Rain moot liket) Of olocl con not bo dtamlss

^ E a SUN VALL6cattsr«d VKX

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TheTline8 *few!P u b l i s h e rBrad H u r d ................ 735-334

N e w sEditorQ iris Stoinbadi . . . .735-32£ Com m unliy desk . . .735-32EC ity d e s k .............. ‘..735-323Letters toIhe e d ito r ..................735-32e

A d v e r t is in gAdvertising director Janet G oflin ............ .735-32fC la s s if ie dCustom crscrvlco

........................ 733-0931,>rmg»»r

Deby Jolin.son......735 -332O n lin eO nline m anager GrcRTayJor.............. 735-320

C irc u la t io n c u s t o m e r s e r v ic eiW in Falls and olhcra r e a s .......... ;.73:J-01)31,extBuricy-Rupcrt*PauJ-Oakley............(577-104

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• tions about your delivery, ii eluding new subscriptions, v cation stops, and other que tion-s.

If you do not receive yoi paper Ity G;30 a.m.. call ll num ber for your an;a bcfo 10 a m . for redelivery.

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Simday, per week: Satu day and Simday only, S2.50 p week. Mail subscriptions mu l>e paid in advance and a available only where delive is not maintained. Mail rate All Idalio mies: doily and Suj day Sf» p er week, daily on ly : per week. Saturday and Suj day only S3 per week. Out sta te mtes; daily and Sundi S7 p er week, tlaily only ^ p week. Saturday and Sund; only S3.50 per week. Sales t. included in all above rates. SIS d ia rge will be levied for i retun ied chcck.<i.

M a ll In fo rm a tio nTlie H m cs-Ncws (UPS 63

OBO] Is published dally a l i: R iirfidd S t W., TWin Falls, I Lee Publications In c . a su sldlory o f Lee Enterprises.

Periodicals paid a t TWin Fa b y The Tlmes-Ncwa. OfDd city a n d county ncv;rspap pursuont to Scction 6C-108 the Idaho Code. Thursday hereby designated os the dj o f th e week on w hich legal n tices win be published

PostDiastcr, please set chongc o f address fotm to: R< Box 548. Twin Falls. Idol 83303.

. M ' T W I m ,T * .W k l» iK

ihomcg. Hlohofaw40o. nh'poealbto. o t h o ^ roWnfl, Lowt

A rolrVonbw mbc pottiblo. K>o''*

A of rr^ o d rain and anew ohoworg. (408.ixod rain and anow ahoworo UKoly.

likety, FMwovor o low potlodg ol enow Tilsaod. Hlgrts low 40s.

\LLEf, 8URB0UNDCN0 UT8.inow »noww oeBv«y *iffl bd aliwnon lor rsldey*. Mono wtm trw vww oomM aocr «* ol tMwIno anow w «ij>octod. WhiMr nawomwciut

SE 0»tr«otfylofB(>«>npand«lndy poriad ol wcattMT. Rtlnthowtn will b« oMoiptMd «nd lr*4u«nt loi irw n«it l»w A rkfaViflOO mb

. l.po**iOUtlnisht. .

■ NORTHERN UTAM A ch«r^e« el rain will

amaro* t0d«y and contlrwo s t a rsln/anc mix on WadnvMay. 0 «r«ain«r wtn man llrtit

ina waak.

am w 49«>MMr Umr. .lIMGUrMv«ne» >*y« Kw

DinmUFF’SQUOIEOFrTtlU»gr<>«tkiak.*«Taa4*3««ar-A Itira U f a l a ■

W8 I Bird flu2 ^ 2 Contteued from Al

pou ltry— HaTtoypro ofH anoL M orethim l lived in households poulfry and onc-quj

•3255 In hom es reporting sl 3288 fow l3234 A total o f 8,149 re |

like Illness v^th a 32GG ' cough, and residents

direct contact w ith d« poultry w ere 73 pen likely to have cx]

.3254 ,iliosesym piom sihar iw ithout d ire a contac

T h e researchera tw oo n -6 5 0 ^ d 75

ext. 2 cases could be altribi rec t contact with sic

'3326 birds. W hile m ost pai the ir sym ptom s had 1 o u l of'^work o r sdio* nesses were mostly i Ing about three days.

u y c o n u o s tm o s to than MO cases linked a n d repo rted to tl H ealth O rganization uory 2004 liave been killing morc than ha

‘ tients.Dr. Frederick Hayd

flu specialist a t tlie i rs are o f v i r ^ l a . said the uidG useful for hypothesl 11. on ,jon" b u t liigliliglits lues- for w idespread blood y, in- Asia to determ ine ihc d e n c e o fb ird f lu in p i [jues- T he study authors i

w ith o u t any blood your dence lo prove that

11 the nam csc residents liai icfore tlie results arc only :

and far from condusl Still, o tlier Qu cxp<

, tlie s tudy compelling

- CSI__Continued fiom Al

' “ntJ key nnrenue sources:>alur- taxes.iOper “W hat this meanmust num bers do truly m ad on: sa idlivery . Beck callcd on the Irates: stafl to take a role In. Sun- ' a n d eiirollincnt a t CSilyM tie hopes the school cSun- uc to improve and rd

>ut of nandalreserves.H ealindnv sd ioo l will address Is3 as coUcTO testing, Erindav langimge co

Ia i re-authorizatlonA grants and loam by i

77<e Associated contributed to thisnrp

5 631- 1----------------------------132 T h e T im e s -N

sub- ^1. y 'l a L C c r y a n du p c r In f o r m n h108 o f j u s t a p h o n e1 ^ is c day Lottel in o - Informi

send -a :R a

. . . o r chcck oi

i -


• ScatMfwlraH Aalvwara

High 41__________I

^PT tm perattir*

B -------------8 . 'S B S S E b b S M S m

s r *- © c cV JM1« Jm a MmaIt lor tmu


TAHrill •

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r . r ^ n . , 1 G 3 3 M IF THE DAY ^ j;S S S S w ^ M

u _ _ ____“I w ould call

itovinccw rat InK g u n . ' sa ltm BO perccnt Poland, a MnyoIds Umt kept dolist.-A lloru3quarter lived cem ed a n d ha\R sick o r dead the d a ta w e h.

been the d p o f treported nu- The h u m an caa fever and f » Ukcly ho™ n ts w ho had . severely 111 p ad1 d r nd o r sick tnajor hospitals,ic tc c m m o n : . "In theexperienced know tha l th is hla n residents ring".Wo, andilac t tha l th ers said be- pretty high." h e 7S0- fiamk®-- U «*uoblok»gUrib u ted to d i- w ^ d have expsick o r dead The rescarehipatien ts said tain tha t d ie b lid k ept them study tiad b<hool. the 111- H S N lv in iso rihly mild, last- hum an Illnessesys. m ost likely expito flh em o re the o n g ^ g eplix l to bird flu poultry, Thorsoi

th e World “T h e d o s e r t ljn since Jan- sick o r dead p o i•en severe— ‘I'c risk fo r flihalf d ie pa- Thorson said .

'sp eak s s tron ilyden, a blid being a c ircu rle University InR-"h e study “Is Tlie H5N1 s iricsb genera- flocks in a t leits th e need Aslan countriesK>d testing in and is s tan in gthe true ind* birds in EasternI people. Tlie new s w o■rs no ted d ia l edged if th e res<o d-test evl- d o n s are co n wla t d ie Viet- While m orc wldiiad bird flu, lence o f b irdly suggestive would be worrisluslve. news w ould b e Ixperts called ofihcscw erem iIng. everybody survl

x s ; propeny B y t h O f CSI's budget for

:ans Is tha t about $29.2 ml matter.* Bede where thot mon

le faculty Jmd In rccnilting CSI. He sold

opproprlatr a S S ld i iS es Usucs such Property ta* S S i S a Out of district tu c o u ^ and '"vcntory tox phi ' n ^ e d ^ Intorost on Invor ly lh e e n d o t OtHot sources

__________ SoufCfc- Co/.ted Press Wa^o, t e report ______________

N e w s # i ^ j ^ y l n f o r m a

’^ 3 5 - 3 3 5 0 ,n d W eatheration are ^le call away!

Itery I I W ^ lm ation InformP re s s

: o u t o u r website: m ag icv


T o n ig h t W M n e s

Anhandanow F M MnApoaaU* nIrWanowi

poaaMLow » __________ 40/ a

P rec Ip ltaU o nm B s t m m n m B m m m

son Mad timtfi B pm« s e «

FmQ>. ■ ■ ■ ! ■

r r ; B - w . f t

S E Z Z a n ^ ]

D 7^ j^3^ or*«

r r r - n i , r i -

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i i iS iS S ii£ £ iii i iS iiB ...... IM ■31 M ■ a 77 «

Ses-nil ihls the smok- Contlnuwsaid Dr. Gregory m an. dieayo a in i c flu spe- director.:us have been con- keeps 1have guessed diat dirougli5 have so for has iCcmp:o f th e Iccbcrg." boosdngn cases counted so tion forVC been th e m ost Idaho rc3atients treated at own hontals. Poland sold. Still hlUy n in il areas, wc proposalis nod to be occur- ertytaxci d th e ptudy sug- the sumh e p rv v n lo i^ 'i s ongi^ofh e sold. *The data shouldei

ogicallyAt w w ^ w c rax^pgntExpected It t a ' }ust45prchers can't b e ccr- :Kranp• b irds reported in d^tuswtJb een fe lled b y th c g r t h frir tha t it caused tbe andd id isses, b u t tha t is the b q d x dexplanation f^vcn em ptiorep idem ic in Asian p ercen trsonsald . T h a tf■r th e contact w ith duding!poultry, the h igher Kctchun' flu-l& e Illness,’* o f n o t‘It:ld. T h a t n nd lng Evenong ly against it kwmakicum slan tla l And- Kcmpthi

-Youlstrain lias ravaged reprcsei

: least 16 m osdy stronglyries slncc late 2003 H oused[ing to spread to R-Buric)c m Europe. a lot mow ould bo double- pates."researchers' suspi- Maril;rrect. Poland' sd d . schoolsw idespread preva- lone stard flu in peop le rat. praiirTisome.“diCB«>od to boo:b e tha t virtually aU budget; iidld illnesses and just $11irvived." he said. quest e;

d u d es a bcglnnli annualh

--------------------------- “Ifs

B numbers tfor fiscal 2006 Is l - i d

2 million. Hero's . .. money comes from: Cocrtmtw

just to hirc« Percent ol busincs:

total budsot Lawyer scntm cr

)rlatlons 43.7% At die cos . 28 .2% o f law 1

15.04% d u o a l a n tuition 6.7% partnen : phasoout 2.2% surcd to nvoatments 1.05% generati IS 3% ncy jok t

those nCoHc^ofSoul/icm Thlcsdu

I, fJsca/ 2006 budSBt sen io r \ h e lp Juj

....................... J steam .________ :_______ O ne j

n a t i o n L in epartner,

MaUssepaintcraparm erjassoda t

dayJnaie a * “ a * c e kr m a t i o n o n d '

. c r ' S^ ^ jo k e ,' 8T ^ I W hocdl


ittf. A U h ih M rMmbc ■ctfvOy i p aciadtM

H u m id ity

M o o n rfM a n d M o o n » e t

Tsdtv ToMorreo Tadd

a W S o t U l bv.iwto«pjn.todi>

ission___iedfrofliAl ■iie state's execudvc budget g 3r. sakl tlic spending plan I

die budget balanced ;li2010.iptltom csaidhe'dsupport j ng a property tax cxemp- v or seniors an d disabled » residents who own th d r

omcs. - to. he didn't menUon m ost sals from an interim prop- x commtace lhat m et over m m er in response to the ofhotncownciB, w iio now Icr two-thlrtls o f Idaho's

[p O T ^tw ^ iecaS csag d T npdiome said If Idaho resi- wont lax rclief. they should from local governments. R

idn’t mention a lawmaker- p d plan to boost a tax ex- |, on for homeovmers by 50 I t *t prom pted Democrats In* ., lg Sen. u in t S tennctt &om 11m, to accuse the governor “leading” o n d ic ia x ls su a . n some R ^ub licans said . ikers will want m orc than thom eproposcd. ■u know there are a lot of KntaUves here tha t feel , ^y in d ial regard,’ sold ! Speaker Bruce Ncvrcomb, ,, lcy."SoldiinkdicrcwiDbe note acdon d ian he an tid - j.

rilyn Howard, Idaho's , b superintendent a nd the itatexvlde-dected Democ- raised Kemptjiomc’s p lan ^ lost d ie public sd io o ls _ rt to S135 billion. T hat^ " 11 million shon of her rc- carlier this year an d In- j

J a plan to boost salaries for ning leadicrs to $30,000 illylrom$27.50a

a hopefid budget.*

iwyers___□od from Al a> h d p them navigate their scss and personal affaire. °;r Jokes h d p diffuse rc- 0 len thcsam ctim c,thcp rac tlce f'/ has bccom e m orc cut- g: and oU-consimiing, w ldi Pers and ossoda tes pres- s- to work longer hburs andate morc business. Alior- Likes have begun to reflect Crealities, G alantcr sold, tl

lhat p o te fun a t pom pous Pr partners, fo r exam ple, « junior associates le t off s

! joke Galantcr d ie s In-I an associate, invited to S□mc of a n august senior »cr, who is avved by th e a o l paintings by P icassa . (|se and o tlie r fam ous hOTOndiowaIl3.Thesciilor h!T puts his turn a round th e ®iatc's ahoulder a n d soys: '''fyouvvotfclongandhard. E 1 day o u t _ seven daysk I could buy anod ie r Jl

no u rd rd es .tio th in g isb e t- Ca n a really good lawyer ^

sold Bobln S parkm an, •d itsC orporatcC 9 u n sd ,.a ' cml mogssino for th e t<^ crs a t corporatlona. " T h a o u

R rtd a y S a f tn t

Ctoud)i<MnM0f ' ChMan , mttKiar«Mra M pm

a a / a i aei:



■ ■ M l

w . T O

^ ,0 0 ,0 n . j y t f r

(MiCnranM: Vy~V.

Rop. Poter NIeUen, ieft-center, Paul StiephenI, R-ni££lns. In th bers on Monday aftornoon ot tl slon of (he 68th Le^tlsture be

1 loward sa id “Tlic governor rt ognized our priorities."

Kcmptliome also alms to fui a new statewide commimlty a Iem system \vitli W million 1 sd d will make education mc alTordable to Idalio residents utilizing existing public buil Ings.

Currently, only 443 perccnt Idalio l i i ^ sdiooleis go dircc to a college — die fourth-wo rau: In die United States.

'S tudents might expect lo j tend classcs at d ie local hi school, a corporate conferen room, or a room in a d ty lia! Kcmptliome sa id "Tlic comm nlty collcgc o f the 2 lst ccntu w ith all o f our tedinologjcol i sets and existing in f iv tiu a u docs not require a bricks a

He’d transfer another S6' million from the budget surpl to Idaho's permanent buiW

arc certainly a lot o f sensitive sues w ldiln the profession a any tidng tha t m akes fim th e m ... m ts a good laugh."

An a rtuJc o n Galontcrb bo for the magazine's Januaiy iss g enerated a n outpouring posldve e-m alls. Sparkm sa id

D onld Grunfdd. president Los A ngdcs-based Pub Counsel, a nonproGt low oH lh a t is d ie nation's largi provider o f pro-bono legal sc Ices, said he starts ncany evi speech Kc gives to you lawyers d i a Joke.

g eneral^ of being In it for I Bottom line a n d n o t carl about jusdce,* he sa id Slncc I jokes ploy u p those steicotyp h e said, they send a messz bo th about the dangers o f I com ing loo sclf-ccntered a “th e povrer o f lawyers lo good.^

Som e lawyers arc touch th an o thers about b d n g i h u tt o f jokes. In July 1993, the Califbrida Bju: Picsidi Harvey Saferstdn callcd fb] ‘‘ccase-Qit^ on lawyer baahii claim ing tho jokes m ay hr contiibm ed to a deadly abt> ing a t a San E^atuisco 1 ^ oS

. A

u n l a y " S L —

earned J S n h m m b m m

. M a S u n r l« a a n dS u n s e t


Do/JWeather, I xVw SSSSSSlmZ

g ' T s y c c . T O r ,

rr ZZZT.^ »

ape W3»ce I W M i»«i »

s n r M FS|M '

|h | |u n n B«M

ler, R-Mountain Home, Ulks wtth 1 tho hallway outslds of the Hout It the s ta te Capitol. The thre^fix ) began Monday In Boise.

)r rt‘C- fu n d in part lo fund i lion in improvements

>fund paiks across the s ta talycol* Tliat would in d u dan he park in eastern Idaho,morc yetundisdosedtocatioIts by “We're a tourism subuild- ber one, and o u r pco{

go out and rcaeatc."cn t o f Dick Com pton. R-Ccircctly lene, reading warmly•worst posald iatw ouldsnruc

b um State Park In n is rto at- At the end o f h isI higli Kempthomc sa lu tn l n;rencc 2,500 Idaho N adoniliall," mcmbcrswho served!

tu n u - ay ca rln tia in ln g an d antmy, in Irar}. He aw arded foa l a s - H can medals to m cm llaurc, 116th Combat Brteodcs and dudingStaffSgtThon-

and spcdallsts JasoiS67.G Kenneth Parham an d

Luplus gram, who was w oundlildlng occasions last yean

ive Is- byad lsg ru n d ed d len tn a nd At the time, Safcrstun o f was greeted largely w

jokes — about la w wibook scnseo fhum oi:Inh in(Tissue said diis w c c t "Ing o f lawyers receive unfiiirk m an b u t I've becom e mon

o fth e Jokes."len to f PatricM .\fcrronchai^iblic bo th sides o f lawye:oIDce CUrrendy presldcm ol

orgcst OS Guild o f Am erica 1Iscrv- rone bc}{an his career 1every law in Florida a n d sw

iroung comedy, p en n ing j lohnny C arson .'T he 5

yers Is and "Futurama." o r d ie ' Carson was m ore thw in g to ten jokes about lawicedic rone sold, perhaps bc«itypes. Idea of a lawyer w asBsage Lrvwa:"o f be- Verrone agreed thatd and tell diese Jokes to c ato d o b u t sakl tfoit "lawyen

actually funny find t lich lc r w andnig todosom ethlg th e T to O D onneH at f ^ - sitcom w iittr an d pioi

s iden t' m ittcd b e h u also wf o r a shore of law yn iokcs

ahlng. d ie idea b d i l j u l G ^havo is Itself fimny: *A bq

ihoot- lawfyerjokealiyalttwy'ofBco likcajokeitselfl'*

JB PKH' — -

la 0.00"'

I* oocr

5 S ^

T, Inc

S e






Itw/Txn ii» IIth Rep.UM Ctian- month sev

1S 335 mil- i ts to state

ade a new ,0 , ot a n as- ion .state, num - !ople like to .- said Sen.C ocur d ‘A- ly to a pro- uceupH ey- s re^o n . i s address. ■I m oro than inol Guard dm orodion loctivcduty four Purple n b c rso fih c dc team , in- >mas Butler, o n Brasse. id Jesse In- idcdontw ro

n trstcin's plea w ldi m orc

e rs w ith n o in d s ig h th e I s tin feel l ir^ d d s x n .□ro tolerant

has been on ^ r hum oL ofdieW!rft- aWesCVfer- 7 practicing switched to

Jokes for iSlmpaons*

thonwHUog »vyen,V a:- iccausoThls ts a dtvoice

la flaw yciB cad i othcx ' srs w ho aiD thcm seh«s

th lngdsc ." a t£ v is lo n coducoiod- w ritten his

c s b u t said im tes^book book obetttvj^BO tinds

k ...

Page 3: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G


WASHINGrON “to d o equnl r l ^ nnH thw fi iHgJc said NfondiQr thi IO th e Simiciiic O ICq)GCt tho lulfi ol m inister justice wt to & peisoo^ Btsnd

In B deeply pc m en t c n the Ibstd before tb e Sent }r)TPinl>Tt<«», Alito

ImpcTtnnt expetia fifom h is immlgi s t i u g ^ to get I stndaopbqfwsati recrosagovcnum fed em lap p e^ co i

“N o p en o n ln lli m it t tc fh o w h l^ c above th e low, and this country Is ben AUusaldinostliTli statem ciu a t tho c doyofhlsconO nni to rcp^locc retiring J DayO'Connoi;

In h is lS y can o r phla>bas<:d ;fed£ c o u rt Alito said h<

■, w nylnw hlchn juc about th e work o w as a ‘big diong him . he sold, after lawyer in the Rea tra tlon and as prosecutor in New h e always sought 1 sired ic ^ tfb r1 m <

'A Judge c an t hx do. A J u d ^ car prefexTcd outcome ular case.” said A wife, M artha, two t d ren and other ion sitting behind him only ob llm tion - solcnut obligation rule of law."

Aiito's renuuks c publican and senators stoked ot

Chem for . . ^ 1


WASHINGTON- d en t Dick Cheney hotirs-in a hospits d ^ faiit VVlQilt? Hi o iiercd o n ^-tHni

■ O fD m is^sa iil^ 64 an d has su ffe r^

. tacks, experienced breath a s a rcaalc flamrnatory dnigs i to treat a '^prc-cxlst ditlon." H e was talc Vkfashington Univci in downtown Wasl a.m.

T he offldols sole ticed thal Cheney v fluid" a s Q'rcspons< Ication. H e was rele 7:30 a m . after ( scribed additional relieve th e fluid.

Tho vice prcsidci w ork in thcaftem o said he was feeling Inddent sparked rt lions alx>ut the heal o f th e m an who is succced President Ihe behind-the-sa o f Bush’s foreign em erged as one of t erful vicc president

W hile Wliite H< have roudnely qlTc Bush's m cdical cl even o f Cheney^ I tics, a n air o f mys over Monday’s ever

i 4

' w M

F l

0 pledge»_____________ _

ON — P led ^ n g r i ^ t to th e poor iidge Samuel Alito /thatifconO tm ed cC o u ith ew o u ld fi o f law a n d 'o d - .. s wlthoirt regard” jnding In 111c.' personal state* B l I ^ HBtdoyofbcaringBlenate Ju d ld a iyIto talked o f thealenceslnhlslifc.nlgrant paren ts 'e t a n educationottto h lso w n ca*unent lawyer and; court ) u d ^n th b c o u n tm n o SoprMMC!horp< i™ il(j.l3and no person In beneath th e law,"

S S —y n d je P h n a d d -

o p p ? ? ’ In Iho I BtpubUou

1 judge shouki go veor^Jd A k of judging" It Restrained ange in rolcr for faithfulhrai fler working a s a h ism odeS Reagan adm inis- him to the

as 0 federal jobsbigovi Jew Jersey, w here D {ht to get th e d e- politlcswit tilsdienta. "IfCiline t have any agen- tions,anor can t have any m attered I m e in any portic- would be d Alito, M th his mously." si VO teenaged dill* R-Tbtas. "B C u n ^ m em b ers how th e p r lim. T h e Judge’s ‘ Dem ocr n — a n d It’s o hand, p o rt Ion — is to Ihe servatiw 1

been too d< cs cam e after Re- dalpowera d D em ocradc would scali 1 ou t their posi- onddvilrif

ley hospit .^niethii

w ’t- ' ' ' I I P P V H

)N — ’ !la! Pxeslr:. ney spCTt 4 1/2;*: B f ■ > pital

isTCdfourheartat- H H H iccd shortness of . Chanoy £tion to and-in-igs he w as taking kistweefcTsdsting foot con- even Jokedtoken to George his foot pi

iverslty Hospital, the press niVasiiington. at 3 A spokes

president csaid doctors no- ulaiion, siey w as’’retaining doctorsluu)nse to th e m ed- agnosedihireleased ol about 'H e has c:r doctors pre- inflommatlnal m ed idnc to sometimes

has b een didcnt returned to tis, sometirmoon, an d aides big toe, whling Dna But the fliiilivclyd renewed ques- spokesworlealdi and Qmess McBride v) is Qrst in lirie to "Some docia it Bush and . as m i^ t be g•scenes architect sufferfromign policy, has lyassodateofthem ostpow - hchaverai;cnts In history. in his bloodHouse ofDdals ated with

olTcred detrUls o f have suggcr checkups and lis is the cai/s h ean ^ c u l - Gout Isaimystery hovered lion lhal surrtints. 'to e s and Cr


1 HOURM o u n tsWestOPTICAI

North College Road • 1734-3937

;es to re s

> Court nombiM StniM l AIKo, tig) tj, left, anil »1fe M trtba. took on i diy befora tbe Seiurto JtuHclary C

id sought to define th e riedco n the lrow n tc tm s.R e- goln)oils have show n th a t was ijo r te n of the American Corud th c r d o n o t know o f cridch a v c n o o p ^ n o f t i im . aQln0 op en in g sta tem ents. Oavot cans presented the 55- tion1 Alito os a careful a n d sepa; cd judge w ho vtrould gcn/e: | ^ p l ^ m e^iw ,^ ^ cs3lng ^ " T

the Ivy League and top Suprpvem m entservlco.’n ie y o thoI O em oonts o f playing D -mwith th e nomiruiUon. last imess. Integrity, qualiflca- ■ r l ^ t1 open m ind were on tha t Ind in th is p.'ocess, you tio abe confirm ed u nan l- work* said Sen. John Comyn. trail, “B u tw e k n o w th a tin o t ions proccss works." fcder

>crats, o n th e o th e r dicia o r t n r ^ Alito os a c on- Alien e ideologue w ho h as oplnl )defcrcnualtopn!sidcn- like a e r a n d v ^ a if confirm ed consi ca leb ack w o m en ^ri^ ts Sci I ri^ ts -T h ey sa ld h eca r- Alito

italized ging I

a'.M f h ^ ^ u s c

I S ' S 3 f H

.Ion repeatedly refused to rc- vc&l th e details o f thcfob tcon - dltion tha t b a d - 1 9 prom pted Ch- B A ' eney to w alk IS A w ith a canc

m du ring public a p p e a r a n c e s

tlh c v ic e p re s id e m lia d cd tha t th e mystery over

problem was "driving ^ ^ 2 s nuts." m Mkeswoman for the vicc It could only offer spec-

saying M onday tha t h o d n o tc o n d u s i^ ^ d l- I the problem. asoccasionolboutsvtritli lation in his left foot. ies in th e hccL w hich H I1 diagnosed as tendinl- ,____nim es in th e joint o fh is which has not been de- f diagnosed,"■romon Lea Arme i w ro te in a n e-malL loctors have suggested it c gout, b u t h e a oes not )m the acute pain usual- ated w ith gout, nor docs raised l e v ^ o f uric a d d xkL w hich is also ossod- ih gout. O ther doctors jgested that osteoarthri* cause."s o n arthritis-like condi- 1 strikes the joints o f the ICngcrs.

8 Bad





I• Tw|n Falls. '

spect ru

rK bt,a!on tw ttbU sil« ter on dtdog Us conflnnttlon tte«^ ry ConuBltteo on Ctpttoi Kill.

led a partkulaily high Inirdcn olng into the h e a r in g sincc he ras replacing the m oderate O’- tonnor. > ^o has provided the ridcal Qflh vote w ith liberals to fllTm the r i ^ t to a n obo rtlo a tvor tho use of afllrmativc ae­on and rrm intain tho i;paiation of church a n d sta te in ovemmentofialrs.“This vacancy is going to tip

10 scales of justicc o n the upremo Court ono w ay o r an- th o ; ' said S e a D id : D u ib la »-IlL *The Supreme C ourt Is the ist rcfugc in America for our

t s and liberties.'*the battle over tho no m iiu -

ail, with morc than 35§ o ^ n ^ ins from his ten u re o n the ^deral appeals c o u rt Senate Ju- iclary Com m ittee C hairm an rien Specter. R -f^, said those

Elnlons could h im seem ; a ’flamliw liberal o r a n arch- D nservatlvc’ read selectively. Scnotc Dcmocmts also said lico will be pressed to explain

BxkOaw. IU(kF.HoImstM().CM.CV Fnctnaw. Shmon Hvnman; Connl« I Net nctuml' iMlt* McCuniy, CPA: Jm

H o l m s

h a s c h a n g

T eam is d e

a ie lo o k in j

H C M ic c tm n c D FUBUi

Justam ere lim 401 G ooding:

ileofla^severo] docum ents from h as 0 lawyer In the Reagan ( istration. espedally turt m em os th a t reyeal n ls pt opposition to the landnu u Wodo dec isbn guanuiti womonb right to a n abon

In those memos, Aliti d 2s d Roe a n d suggested strategy for c h ^ l ^ awa protections. But he took t] sldon as an advocate, adv tho podtlon of the Reag ministration. His cuncnt o n th e case pre unknow liko previous nominees, h expected to his vi w hether h e would vote t tu m Roc or w hether he coi It settled low of the land.

" \b u have an obligidor swer questions on topii have w ritten about," Charles Schumer. E>-N.1 A llta 'O n the question of I

® for example, you've s ^ gtvcn tho suggestion o f pi J* m en t o n q question th w Ukelycoinebcroreihecoi to cannot use that as a basis

answering."Monday^ hearing hod

10 tlnctly polidcol cast. ^ Democrats focusing on

now in the headlines, inc the b road scopc of ew power thot President Bu

f*' asserted In f i t t in g the \ ^ tenorisni.That issue, alor ^ the quesdon of whethe “ 'f would vote to overturn :

lilccly to dom inate the q u ing ihat begins today.


I Magic Vsem /


OVA;KMidnLockwood,CM; 0<«RtM l«Box; tmhWMMw; Wini« S«nan«l; lMn«nt FfKUr, CM

s t e a d , H y a t t , <

ig e d o u r n a m e t o H

led /ca ted t p providing

n g fb rw a id t o vm iking


n( Stieet. Suite 201


Yatesple■ HOUSTON (AJ

Yates pleaded Inn . son ot insanity In

deaths of her chil I m w as she m ade h er l I T T peanuico sincc he

m urder convictku n h ls tim e turned, m adm in- Slate District J' nvo 1985 HiUsetaMardiZQ (persoruil Y Ues, 41, wiQ r m ark Roe custody of th e h u ited n g a onion.Uito crlti-

iway at its M r i S a i M aBHt

ent views xnvn and;J. he Is not 1 V illon

Ion to an-

; p ! = S - P ™ ™N.Y. lold ■ Kofchokx, ■ l a ^ V ^ E • already I '

cou rt You I , J i g A l s lsfo rno t i |

lad a dis-St. w ith Ion issues ■ ^ ^ ^ ^ 1induding |cxecudve . 'NooQitrBush has lUitosittsippIyle w ar onMS mniiinn Roc. is question-

Galley Resilti

Ican D re a m R ealty

v a lh y M

nM.Kyan.d>A; nouKyttt; Tnyt-U n«l; SuwnKlaln.CPA: SntwriaHowe;

, C o l e m a n & IV

H C M h o l m s t e '

lg you with continued

ng w ith you in th e fiitii

p a c , . , '

bndq ^ teM |1 0 ,2 0 0 0 X ^m nm

leads iimocent 1(AP) ~ Andrea* Sheilff^DiInnocent by rea* retziedfbr' In tho drowilTO h e r five dchildren M o n ^ G eorm Pailer first court ap- Y iitesbeMi her 2002 c ty iffJ p ita ltm d ltakm s wens over- D uring

found'KiteS Judge deaths o f :1 20 tm d dale. d row ned iiin rem ain bi the 7-year-olde H an is Coimty Jo n n o n d 6

y /A L O N l}fMsiiiotanpmdiKtsffhueEa$t *. TVvln Falls i

7 3 7 - 9 5 5 3

ianiiioH6 2 A n d O v a i

kVE BIG"t ^ A % o

A U D A Y . .

^ ‘l l|||jjii|7|T

tors Online

Jason McCurdyRed Door Realty

9 1 1 1 ' ^ t e T i I I l e s - ^

LU*ha*CM; C t « n d » J o t m A me; WvUm ArcbOMld; Scott E. Huam

M a h l k e , C P A ’!

'E A D , pLLc. O u r en tfrt

>d qualrty sefv ice a n d v


Phone (208

ie«*,1M nM ihlM » M

by insanityDepartment untQ she b l r the deaths o f three of chUdrcTL Her ftttomey, Sunham. had asked that sen t to Rusk State Hos- UthettewtrloL g h e r original tr ia l lies’ guilty for the 20Q1 if three of tbe children I in th e family bathtub: lid Noah, S-year-old 16-month-oIdMary

r a^ Sdiwuiltopf^ AVEDA.

r l B T r i i T r B T r i L i

« S : i

i r ;1O N . ;


9FF■VnTTHINO ■ ■ M T H in O U ,■

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N e w s O n l i n e





18) 734-2077

Page 4: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

N a t i o n

H ealtbc h u n kByMarcKauftnanto d R o b S te tnTho Wa»Mneton Pott

WASHINGTON — Ri health crirc costs, already ihi cn ing m any basic Inausu now constm ic 16 pcrccnt ol nation's econom ic o u tpu t— higlicst p roportion ever, cuvcm m cnt sold M onday li latest calculation.

Tlic nation’s health care continued to grow substont foster than Inilatlon and wa increasing by almost 8 pen in 2004, the m ost recent ] \vith ncar*{lnal numbers.

Spcndlns for physicians hospitals ^ o t up consider faster than in recent years, w drug costs grew a t a slower tium over th e past decade.

I-ven as health caic costs c tinuc to cscalatc, however, m Am ericans— especially min tics and Uie poor — don't higli-quallty caic, accordlnj two otlier federal reports M day. H ealth care quality im proving slowly a n d sc raoal dispariUes are narrow the reports found, b u t gaps j slst and Hlsponics appear tc falling even farther behind.

"We can do beUer," s Health a n d H um an Servl Secretary Mike Leavitt a W ashington conference racial and cthnlc disparltie: health. "Disparities and equities still exist. Outcor vary. Ih iatm cnts are not ccived etjually."

Surviving coal miner develops slight feveiThe-Assoclated Presa______

BUCKl lANNON, \W a . — die investigation into* the & Mine disaster took shape Mi day. tlic b esl^lopc for urethj details about thc o ^ lo slo n i its aftermath lay In critical ct dition, Ci^iting a fevcL

Doctors treating sole survi- llandai McCloy Jr. declined speciJatc o n w hen die 26-ye old \vuuld fully wake up Iron medically induced coma com m ent on die extent o f o bniin dam age he suffered In t tragedy diat killed 12 fellow a miners.

Dut physicians said McQc hniin stem appeared to be m mai. ajid Uuit a fever Is comm for patients in Intensive ca M cCoy was brcadilng oit I own, iiliiiougli lie remained cc nected to a ventiiator as pa-cautlon, andw asruspondl to stimuli, doctors said.

"I Ie is likely one of die longi survivors of ttiLs son of csqmsu not oniy carlioii monoxide, I the other ciraiinstances In t tnine. for about >12 hours," si Dr. Jiiiian UaiJes, a ncurosurgo at West Virginia Unlverslt Huby Memorial 1 lospltal In M( f’antown.

Ilie update's on McQoy’sco dition cam e as Uiree inc riiinilies held funerals Mond for the miners.

An overflowing crowd m ourners a t d ie Buckhaiuii Union Mission Q iurch listen its miner lim Bennett vras eu gbxHl ns a m an of tlcry Christ! faith. Ihe 61-year-old m an w openited die mine’s shuttle < wrote a no te while trapped ini eating he was still lu d d 10 hoi after the blast, liLs daugliter V said.

"I'm as sure as I’m standi here today. I Iwlleve diat down d ie pits o f Uwt Sago Mine, d« was one fella, not taD in statt perhaps, but was telling t boys. ’You better get reatfy. Wc going to meet lesas,"’ the R Dennis Estes said.

Y OU s h o u ld n e v e r }u d g e a b o o k b y I ts c o v c r o r i t s

c a rs . I a m B u b b a , a n d I a m a w o n d e r fu l d o g . G ive m e a h o m e , p ie a sa

'hviN FAUS ANUAL SHEUB 420 V ictory Avenue ^ 7 3 6 - 2 2 9 9

h c a re < i o f eco

Politico), medico] nom lc leaders and c long w arned tha t 1

---------- cost trends wJD gnicRising ‘Jw economy

'threat* com panies now cor lu u lo i. em ployee reU ito f th e costs are making Uia t — the petitive. M ondays re e r th e new reasons to w orr ly ’ln its H ie overall cost of

— cveiythingfrom h doctor dIDs to the a

antlally ' maceuticals,equipm ent. Insunmc

’ said (ho r ^ n fromJ13 and fo*' Mcdicoie and Mtderablv ^ 2004, the ns, while “l*"Ost $140 bllllorLTrmtr* health carc than the e In 1997, health cajits con- for 13.6 perccnt {r,m any dom estic productminori- “A m ericaru re]cDn’i get lo u d e r restrictions c

o can: in the late 199sM on- U ic y v ^ tn lU h c to ejlty Ij in m edical techno,

so m e. D r e w A l t ^ .non -partisan Kais<

5 5 ^ Foundation, which health issues. *Shi(

d, m cn t r e ^ t l o n of" said scrvlcesls n ot in thecrvices inevltablercsultishl{I a t a Thehealthcaielnc-e on percent in 2004 was a]ities in dm es greater dion theid in- inflation rate,com es 2.7 percen t The averlot rc- wageforworkersinpi

ponies was

L fli . 1 1

l: Mon-sdiand 'r ' 'm a n d ' *"ilcon - (- ,

trvivor , .led to^year-'jo m aaa orof anyin the

Clay’s c nor-nm on 1 ^ ^ ^ ^: can?;)n hLs dcon- as a


ingestosure. ~ ±le, but g c

^ ■ 1 4 ^ugcon B ' - n

To". . I . My SI»„d«y H v , T h e D inners,

«i o f ■ s ' C a t t ’in v lla v 3 ■ ^ a O n - : a t ; y , e

■ ' ^ O u r n e w l o i : tuvho H " ’aml,yeiyeo:

IS ; |;'.<#chamlpcrh a s ■ • ' e ^ f e S S O . f r

i.n„g ■;^:CT«e0:in» nvnin ■ :: - lo p a t lo n for.'

g Ihc B.v. tirtnK.''1',■ / ■ ,W e '^ l | l ) i a v ( ■ .\ ':reg u j$ > 1 lav c

I p ■-It vo'u’re tire■SK w a lo

^ 8v e r ^


is e l M y p y i IilCB g U

ttabo TbMk^iBHTfiaiOOS1

co sts ta )n o m icleal a n d cco - u ruhangcd thid c sp e itsh a v e to thoU 5.E )cpIt health ca ie A fte ra sh a riladuaDy over* care costs m y ,iu iam an y the health InOacomplain th a t tobeplo teau lnretiree hea lth The- b esth cm lessco m ' spend ing on} report added d n i ^ vvnich Iatiy. than lO perccn:o fh ea llh care b im o ie th a n an hospital a n d Cynthia Sml! cost o f phor- for M edicoie oi

m edical viccs. lead out]m ceondnurs- spending repo:ne-health care slower increase1993 to 2004, to creater use

m tho C enter and m ail onlcMedicaid Ser- sknvdown In th2 nation spen t costlynew m ec Ion m ore fo r iinpact o f h l ^ leyearbefbre. M aik M erritt care account- Pharmaceudca It o f th e gross m cn t Assoc

represents drv-eJccted th e ogers. sold theiso fm an ag ed resultoftheir'V990s, arul yet decade to d ia ritest advances sum ers. d lnology.' so ld purchasersthlnc s id e n to f th e d o n d r t i ^ ’oiser Fam ily WhUo th e fich researches spending in thilince govem - tracted greatof priccs a n d ' olH dab a n d h(he cards, th e perts. It rem ahigher costs." sm a llp a r to fd ilncreaseof7S — about lOpersa lm o s td u ee Defenders oltheovcroDna- spcndinghave<te, which w as (hose added average hourly people healthleip rira teco m - am ount spent <

essendally . doctors. I n e 20

[OB0 1

Bchm Hands On_______-

thoshone St. Iirs, Jeff and Terty Olson ar B; WU to. come see usi at oi f4fStio^oiiBStrMM.Ia

1,3 vary'diffe'tinii J; coz^and Inviting. Sit: v.\ ;.fabl6s onob.tha Ipnjoy'tffiilBSt •*,;;;*« Ifi-ozen'itiiiihSior

bifl.'itlb|a^nts,;caffelne-free; i' ' v r ' i ' ■ - ' iave.Mag|c Valley's largest' Iv o rs .

Ired ot the normal, come s look forward to serving yi


FOR A l6^P ub lished evei

R o ta te to g e t y o u r

S S S ^ ^ ^ ^ = S S = S S S S S B S

ake b ig : o u tp u t. that ypnr, q tWflpfD cportm em ofliibor a n in c rtiars jum p In health penxQi»nrilpr In fhp crcasonOatlon rale appears pereenlulnftoBldnhaddcd. sold this t new s involved assodao n pharm aceutical reim buA Inacased by less doctorscent for ihc Qrst tim e iqisivlnm adecade. new hoSmldi o f the C enuas ______re and Medicaid Ser-author of the health 9 ^eport attributed the I f j lH

i s a o f S S K n Sin ler phorm ades. a ISa u n the liuroduction of Pride medications, and the ' Jusl d ^ e r drug co -pa j^ y /QH Itt president o f the deal Care Manage- cnn- tsodadon. which «drug benefit man- ^mwm the trend was olso a ir'Vrorkovcrlhopast Ovon! iiange the way con-

d in ld an s , and ihlnkaboutpresoip-

e fast rise in drug 6 S SI the past decade ot- Cfiocj:at a tten tion from <d health policy ex- Fm w ttmains a relatively O mif die healdi care biU Yours; Ip e rcen t >s of increased drug Mamive often argued diat It1 costs would keepdiler and reduce die Crai mt o n hospitals and Hosle2 2004 statistics told KI:

i al i l O i

m T M

Ewjoy qtXDd espREsso, qood (XNVERSATlON ANO


All Day

M. (Next to HamI a n d t h e e m p lo y e e s o f t h t o u r n e w lo c a tlp n ib e h ln d . i B O U t T o w B B i m n f a

r$ n d f e a t l j r e > p ,e a 'r l5 ln e v\\\ ' '>■

is t 's e le li t io n 6 ) ,s u g a r f re e

le s e e u s a t o u r n e w lo c a l ) y o u a n d y o u rs .

OUR SALES mVE TODA ERTISE IN \L SECTION i w RATErery TUesday u r o w n w rite -u p >

S e s tte v e rleicm stoiy, however, with crease tn doctor costs o f 9 m t ovet 2003. and on in- e tn boq)ttol costs o f 8.6 m t H ie report's authors d ie j u n ^ tmpeored to be

inirsement rotes for some irs and. anecdotally, to on ring in tho construction o f liospitals.

jst Fftenlds (131 7jo-9:4s alk The Line ti« 7.0 0 -«J3 /Volf Creek tw t jo -m s )m iIyStor)eii» 7:15-«jo

Syriona w 7jo-9;4i

King Kong ns jm

Mpcr by Dozen r a m 5 -« is y^thPidc&Jorwiia 7H-»it

oyd;m U tt1o ia too wfftiO<ck&i3rwii}i ronidos Nomk] r a 4 43.9 4S s; Mine and Ours « i 7»»<5

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i t

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r iC J llh M is iy Idmphptor00RAPHYT)734«g223 ' '


ways, to figh t breast !

— Ha- six-week t re a tm e n t ', easier flvedays.fflTirw A m ajo rstu ity lsu ]amtar* to prove w hether t tn s just th m p v is es elliKthl o t the old-fashioned U n d -c usua l BO,vdu)^agoodcond


i J * } f i f «1


& H O S P I C E »

e fbr the TcnninaUy IU iscling • Spiritual Asiistance 24 Hour Care v/hctt approp/Yafe .urancc plans acccpled AST . TW lNFAtlSD 9 0

e iv e lr y

Jewelry in 1991, and bas ttUbing experience, fa kind Jewelry met & opal ivorywelry & make new pieces, es available toole. E. « 733-4552

Ily ow ned and family id cem ctcry combination, lies a year w ilh options to sim ple cremation.ooniGICVALLEY W HNFA1LS(B1EIE1HX-Twin Falls, ID 83301 / ! ? ■


DSl, Video provider - one price o x j ( Z 0 8 ) 3 2 « 1 9 0 _ ^

t dow n to

u n d e r w ayth a .

tive a s th e1 — a n d If uUdate.





Page 5: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

A nliegliis



I Not hoc9ssaroundyOu mOk this ¥ tn u n c tih ig k variethaofi

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s9ssarily th o s o u n d s y o u m rOur taJHo, b u t g iv e n th e f t w e e k e t S w o n s e n s Me g b u n a v o ld a b /e . S t o p b u y o fP o s tn n d K e O o g g s o e r o i

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in effect serving exem pt oiimdreds o f o thers oniers.luld face penalties' The so lo r refusing orders o f reservtctivoduty. served p«cd ings m ark o du ty b u t

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S m a cr w o u ld p f e f e r t o h e a r Jua9 p r ic e s o n c e rn a t a n d al,Mariceta, o c h o n t s o f a hu y a n d p i c k fro m s e l e c t suir o a l s a t t h e h o t p t k x o f sn .


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ens€le stores that feel Swehsen Gift Canls Nob


g p o in t In th e Army’s eljle to contact, tra in a n d a r’ thousands o f Individual NiReserve soldiers, nearly d i w hom have requested a

in returning, a s lM to b e tht o r sim ply ignored iheir Oc

soldiers in th is category diierve sta tu s , w ho havo wi1 prev iously o n acdve ca lut n o t com pleted d id r

r S l u

C k . . .J u s t $ 2 .0 0 a b o x . A n d w h en al, e n jo y a gaOon o f m O k a h e a d - s a t is fy th e u n lve su g a t'4 a c e d p u f f s o t p u r e t sm ile ) . S tu u ia u p l


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snsel like home ioWAv ilabie!i n i E a

c i ^ t 'W a r service obligaUo aro different than those in t N ational Guard or Reserve, oi d iey are rarely m obilized. .

tW Army oegon moblUzL th e m in th e sum m er o f2004. i fleeting th e enorm ous strain felt in providing enough s< d iers for Iraq a t a dm o vAien

early %dthdraworwas l i k ^ . So for, m oblUzatipn ortic

I P P r■

o n y o u b u y th r e e b o x e s o f Ik o n u s (w ith c o u p o n } ! j versa ! A csfibn fo r m o k 'c c i h e a v e n (a t a p r ic e t o m a k

W E S T E n n i


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lUon, have been issued f o nn th e 5,700 IRR soldiers siv en d 2004.

Tho Arm y ann o u i lizlng abou t 60 soldiers wi] v iew panels, loiiain it seporadon boards, alt]1 sol- num ber m ay grow. If Iten it m ined th a t they intia tn o failed to obey a mer. order, dicy w ould fairtiers three levels o f dischi


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or m oie than th e service: he3 sincc mid- oro ther-than-l

T hey d o nco w c c d th a t charges,will face re- “B ecause olknown as d isregard o fa ld io u ^ th e A rm y will ini: If It is deter- procccdbig^ oiintcndonaHy w ho fail (o olm obiilzadon orders,” th e i, face one o f sta tem en t exp•charge from slon to act.

rIMM «7 atw k M M MTiM.

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i.tM)Ms.ldito Mhonorable, generaln-honorable.n o t face crim inal

o f these soldiers’ tf the ir duty, th e n itiate sep ara tio n on all IRR soldiers obey m obiilzadon ! Army sa id in a xplaining its d e d -

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99I nrDnai

Page 6: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

Page A-6______

p D I T O R I A

Buying n Suffice fo

. ^ 1^ ow that I are doneW S L ^ -P .

^ ^ Bob Ged soda Springs, on< ^ p o s a l for sleep 5 Idaho prisons, mayfo CM provide a punch tfieirown.: .'What's the riddle, yc How should tdaho cut into — — fts booming n | | | i

. . prison popu-mtion? ri6ed:• Idaho h a s ___0;815 Inmates nOIX boused . in to IW jta te prisons . eompared to OT pH

W lKM th the addi- VVSVtlon of the .___Idaho Correc- tTOm tlional Ccnter anrif (a 2001, Idaho has few if any focandcs in the hoo hotel State correctio toctor Ibm Beaucl; Hiquesting $160 millioi A c Legislature (o buil prisons. In the meai the state sent 302 innu a;private Minnesota i tn October. More pri: (ire plaimed to be sent ture months.I :Under this cloud of costs for public safety, dcs proposed last wt Q>e Msociated Press U lure preview a “hot proposal. Prisons \

work facilities (Hiring the night for ii shifts. Prisoners who a{ steep days and vrork : would get preferable While smuing bunk fai With day shift inmates. •;:“The rest of the t Works in shifts," Gedde ‘Why do all prisoners i

; To avoid l i^ t i o n fk mates, the o u ^ vrauld p ^ n e r s who volume the night shift. “Thos< ore in short supply, be wc only use the fadlide Ing the day," Geddes sa

The proposal didn’t ; with Boudoir, who si has no more facility 5

F w r: Brad Hurd. . . . PutUthw

TbeimmfaenoitbBei Brad Hard, Chris

j __________ BillBtomhafg


It U hard io develop tr sym pathy forTom Dc w ho resigned last wet Republican m ajority lead th e Mouse, after his Indlc m en t In Texas on campal financc chargcs was folia by guiltypleos from lack A bram oir and M ichael S< Ion, two of his lobb^st

buddies w ho now tnrcat< blew th e whistle on cong slonol corruption.

DeLay's saga appears t ' Classic ease o f p m lc ra in : foic Q CoIL w ith a hord-cc ;ant>gant political opcratl ■tripped u p b y h iso w n ta i '.'fhe o n c-tim c p est cx tcn ;io r Is n o t som eone for wi ■Cne sheds tears.> ' B ut fo r so m e reason. I ; o p t escap e th e scnsatloa ; D e la y is 0 m an caugh t ii■ {6ne w arp, th e v ictim o f I ! far an teda ting ■coming to C c n g ie » In 1{ • : - I f lb m DeLny w m blln i :f f i y eril5 o f m ating m o n

■ 6 n u n en t, h e w as tru e to t : t& d ltlo n o f h is state,; (qng«domlnant Democn

A L _______________

more beds br Idaho pia t critics Infrastmctuiono laugh- monitor rotiat smte BcaudairsimiPtDlfem podty of pris. «ddes,R- CotiM anti ills .>>«« I>, sh t f ^ i n fac ilitie s fo r d ly b e th e y » m u s t,i ^ e o f h e a l th c a se s

sh o v e d o n to

"°;5rof.l,oser11. TIF»TW>.1 II t

ur v i e w ; Id a h o Will !

led m o r e c reaSvB a n d J

irH x in v e n tio n a l Id e a s e

rB d u c e o v B tc ro w d in g [

p r is o n s . >

f h a t do you t h i n k ? j

e w e lc o m e v ie w p o in ts (

i m o u r r s a d e i s o n t t i i s c

doSter issues. ” $

looscgow alteady being d lions di- As legislators ilclalr is lo P?y f” ' P*i Hon ta rn alsofintitogmc lu ild n e w c rim in a ls a eantime, slo" wiU Ind' m ia te s to m e a su re s fo r r ta p r iso n fe n d e rs , i n d i p riso n e rs life tim e a n d e n t l n f u - i n a n ^ t o i y s e n

th i s Is p u b lic o f r is in g ta lk in g a b o u t. It

e ty G ed - “ P *0=w eek a t A n d y e t. G e

sL eg is la - to ta l o f 2 .200 i h o t c o t" ^ e equ iv a len t i w o u ld H on s p e n t . If e s o p e n , d iro w in g m o re T in m a te p r is o n p o p u la tl 3 ag ree to lic e . Sen . rk n ig h ts D arrin g to n , R-1 b le jo b s , m a n o f d ie S er : f a d l i d e s - a n d R ules Con tcs. la s t w eek th a te n a t io n m e n t c e n te rs , id e s sa id , co u rts , a n d m o T s n e e d a b e p a r t o f t h e s t

He's p ro b ab ly 1 fro m in - b a la n c e d so l u ld go to w h e re w ill th e j n te e r for f ro m fo r th o s e Q lOse jo b s f ig u re th a t o u t b e c a u se h a v e to b e explc

idesdu ir- G ive G ed d es j s a i d le a s t s ta r tin g d n’t go fa r t lo n o f f w id i ) sa id h o b e s id e s a p u s ty space , m oney .

[unes-Newr CtvitSteinbK

IB editorial bosni and w ritsn 'd edh hris Sttinbach, S tm Cnmtp, Traci E lorg.' Ramona Jones and David Coo;

•eLay andp m uch [jB I DeLay, W ji w cekos A pe ad e ro f fidict- ^ipalgnollowed / ' /!>■ick ^:lScan-

e a ten toongres-

^ V ID

D D E RParty p lum bed al perm u tations o f i

________ conncctlon-T otako b u t one

ITS to be a c»nsidcr th e phojoingbc- tlon betw een Lyrl-cdgcd, Johnson a n d CJeoTatlve ch a lrm a n o f the IlUictlcs. Brown & Root, thtorm ina- Uon giant, o n Janrw h o m soon after Iohns<

president, a s c{uon .Ic a n - Ing Charge: The IIon lh a t H ouse Thpes, 19€U ln a As MicnaelDc;o f a era- ed ito r o f th e volutils r tz ed ih o co n v cnH1985. "Brown, o ne of JclU ndto est Q nandal b a dlo n w • asked h im o n b dan d g o v - e r o ld supporter,to th e Wtortham, a HouiMdiemtho once tycoon, and>ciBtic president o f th e 1

O{won’t m jirisonsl e o r s ta f f to o ta t in g sh ifts . y s exceeded ca- r iso n s is l ^ t a c c tio n o m c e rs

pay, tre a tm e n t r d n ig conv ic ts t , a n d m e n ta l e s h a v e b e e n to s ta te correc-

e n e e d s a rc cer- > t a 1 n I y

p re ss in g fo r Idaho , a n d if

tre a t- m e n t C entersa n d d ru g H R B R a Sc o u r ts a re In -th e w orks, te r- ....... "

t e s t e r s suSl T O Og o n o h in tsa b o u t w heiB ^fu n d in g w ill W i n g . Nc o m o fro m , k j Aslda n d d lls y ea r’s o f th e 12 ms u rp lu s o f Sago In Ups$200 m illion i s ' a n d aside &

g divvied u p . ed grief o f tlirsh u n tfo rv ra y s r e ^ ^ g a prisons, th e y te m o r e r e ^ n s t os a v r a y .T l i i s ^ - m it io n im ,ic lude. to u g h e r charactera. 1r rep ea t sex o f- portable, me lu d in g m o rc m orcpowc]\ d m in im u m data availate n ten ces . S incc a n d m ore ttIc sa fe ty w e ’rc vvithlt.t. It m akes se n se B uttheretincplnwu Uiese advan

0 m o rc b e d s is anplication«n t o f $450 m il- in e y h a v e t;If th a t 's tru e , entitled to il

re m o n e y a t th e Instant gra t io n w on 't su f- enem y of son. D e n to n Ing-Yetiiuu R-Declo, cha ir- ien a te Judiciary k)m m ittee, sa idlat m ore trea t- news. Our sirs, m o ro d ru g \^ th Inane cn o re b ed s m u s t "ncws-llavojso lu tio n . m otedbyIl\ij ly r ig h ta b o u ta unfoldlngtrso lu tio n . B u t ofcoveramte m o n e y c o m e rw e fixes? U nt^ w e)Ut, n ew Id eas dozens o f sap lored . people withcs p o in ts fo r a t apjKndagcs; th e conversa- a n d a lte r iu 'th s o m e d iin g ask lU-lnforru s h fo r m o re qucsUons-T

b ad namcx . Afewrepc

_______________ Interact in am edia hord(

SWS s spushback .1 dons off tlie

editorials are for safety, soci Bliss. ‘V- somctim

d the trad

) all possible Chronicle, tio f tha t Intim ate Kennedy's a

suspend imtane example. against a mihone conversa- ing betweenLyndonB. b anks.A aai^ t g c Brown. or. Johnsonl e b o ^ o f prom ise cco n stm c- C hro n ld ewJon.2,19G4, long as ho isnson become Brown t dIuotedin*Thk- bcrtT lio m a10 Johnson W hite congressraa1963-1964." vtrondngonBcschloss, th e t i u t th e deaolume. siunm a- w an ts I s 'twersatlon, a n d -ca rry d>f Johnson's earll- o f a t r a d a ...ackers, ...tias w d la s th c nbehalf of anoth- But Johnser.G us t e r r e d ' l f douston Insur- te ll m e th a tm d John Jones, in w rid n g ...leH ouston d o l ta s lo n j

>PINTuesday, Januar

0 much anetimos, I m iss icport-^ Not last week. J islde from the tmgedy2 m iners who died a t '-----UpshurCounty.WVa., gooIe from the com pound- s ta rof th d r families, good tho<g isIn c rea sin ^d ilD - andwdays. dewthink it would be easier so nm: We can beam Infor- ponaround like StarlYek to n33 . O ur tools are morc first

m orc dianble and repcrwcrfuL'liicic is more wro:liable 24 hours a day Bire toys on which to play with

. heajere Is a dark side lo port,vanccs.ThetwIncul- no tidevision and the a t rallthclrw ondious theliIons, com e with a price, woui^ ta u ^ tu s th a tw e o re instant gratification. haveitgnitiflcauonisthc gridif sound newsgoUicr- nerdnslant gratification is mizii ln g c h ^ a c r is t ic o f Uian d tlie Web. Our ted i- denin d marketing liave ofitj124-hour vacuum for vanijrsoc le ty fillsm osto fit info:nc chatter, so m uch crrovavorcd product," punc- ofaJyU vcrtm rtsfrom pos(igtragedies.TW stypc sageIge is cheap to pro- Havd rcp ca tlng ito ilday sprecheaper stllL portever tragedy occurs, scarifsatcllite trucks and sitio/ith Borg-like dectricol m lntgcs tear onto the sccne thos• iuT he worst o f tliem ing cformed or insensitive govts.Theygivccvcryonea Mlni(x istra[Cponeis can visit an d bothh ad vU izedw ay .B u ta ficesDrde ceases to be , rcpcIt becom es a pushy, -Gin lm al People are un- madlabty repulsed They cxp<J:.T hcS tatePollcecor- mentlie beast, sometimes in d t<i som etim es for priva- an dtlm esforsecrccy.but th e ]thgoodresuIls.A llre- secoJC herded together, tlic co rr

dition of'Tpwoii-— th a t

H Ictte” W an d22. ^ W widi

*0 X C unf c i i c d ie i

AndiV w&WM own

Tl\ i l T r n n f H l dom

cd U M id

Mo"an dRcnc

h a d____________________ I ly rae. to ask Robertr 'san d n u sto H Id a ls to ‘^on an titru st restrictions1 m erger they arc seek- W as e e n two H ouston jnen s a m aste r horse-trad- G an o n ...w an ts a written ^ d from Jones tha t thelevrill su p p o n h im OS p ea.10 b prcslaent." C oq iteQ sIohnsonthatA l-m as, tho HousUin steci im an w h o isa lso . o n tho merger, thinksdeal th e president f*“ *• to o m u ch ’o fa c a sh - thelj■y thing, ~ too m uch “ ere .... It’d h u rt you a s nvui Tcm."h n so n w on't b o d e - a n dIf they d o n t w an t to w mhattheyY em yfiiends^ .A sig.... I’m n o t h i n g to d iescrag os th e ir a tdm de's t ^

m tary 10. 2006

R d R S ftK W .W 5 M S E

< ■ ' V — ^

md too liD a w n M i l l e r

>od with the b a d When you're and lnsaro im d in a pack in 10 cd c f trying to fincl the news id report It. it's very easy to ?vdop a podcmentoUty, im ething I see In too m any rc- artcrs. Everyone b too eager I report the sam e tiling. Better ■st than sccond, 1 td l young porters, but better slow than rang.But for all the things wrong Idi the media, th b week's :a r tb rt:ak iii^ mistaken rc*)rt that 12 miners were alive b )t one of theriL Had reporters th e sccne been allowed to do elr Jobs property, the coverage 3uld have been m uch difTer- It. and the families would ive been spared a t least some iefl Instead, reporters were ;rded about in hopes of mini- izing their dam aga Understandable as this ten- ;ncy Is. it also robs the press its ability to be a public ser- inL You can physically see form ation s p n ^ th r o u ^ a owd. It creates a visible wave altcn.'d fa d d expressions and

jsturc. You can track the mes- gc like a weather front aving watchcxi this wildOrc ircaa. Charleston Gazette re- Jrter Dave CustalMn arched forsom eone in a po- io n to have seen those Iners o r know their status, but ose ofliciab vnae not answer- g questions. Meanwliile, tlie ivcm orw asconvincedU .S. • inc S a fe ^ a n d Health Ailmin-

jth West V lr^nia senator?’of- i s to convey the erroneous p o rtGazette staffers hastily rc- ade the papcu* and waited up pccting an o ffidd announce- enL Dedicated staff, d ud lng diose whose nam es id pictures you never see In e paper, remade the pages a conu tlm ew licn the norrible irrection finally came, so that

Texas de:a t w ay" "You get m e d iat Iter.” Johnson o rders."... id r u h ave th em sit down ,th th e C ontroller o f the jrrency a n d we'll ovenide c w hole goddam ned outflL id t l ic / I i do it, to hold their ifn jobs."Tliat b how business was in a Johnson himself Inherit- [ th e tradition, because, as ichacl Enrils ^ tc s In the irrent issue o fT helbcos ontlily. "die government — id Its ahrewtfcxploItaUon by neradons o f en terprbing xas (businessmen) — has id an c ssen tid role In llterd- rab tn g m odem Itexas up )m th e d i r t W h a t saved us )m a perm anent depression IS a powerful presence In ashington." e ^ o d l e d In e n like Vice President John im er, SpedcerSam Raybimi, id Jesse Jones, the H ouston inker w ho headed the New Ml’s ReeonstmcUon Financc i^oratio rLT hese m en and m any others jcred governm ent oontm cts id hugo projects to Tbxas. In m reap iru tho cam paign n d s tha t Qoanccd n o t only ehr own races b u t allowed em to becom e donors to any colleagues. That b how h n w n rose to leadership id also how he becam e p e r ; .

A sD c lay wm ild do la ter on . esc Tbxons placcd th d r is tedaidasm kcycorpcnatcs,'

{ i • T H C T '^ W K Y• . T H E Y C A a\lTASHWn

l»aJJS T te.w

ittle medi~ m osto fou rlocdsubscri]

reccbcd the accurate nei The Internet, cheap dl{

— > photography and cd l phi •ro leave people w ith the uni

sion tnat newsgatheringl ra som ethinganyoriecandi

tm e that anyone can wor ^equipm ent But as It tu m

■c- ’n o tju stanyonew ithace l phone b com jK tent to rc

cr the ncnvs. Not just a n y a n rdaUve can do it. d th e t

\ ju s tan y g o v em o rcan d o Had professlond nexvs

porters been allowed acca those In contact w ith the cuers, 1 doubt that the for

b vrould have suffered theo rs to rturctheyfd tW ednesd lo morning. Allcnvcd access ge source, Gustafson wouldr

have g ^ l c d the message would the AP's Allen G. Bi

e EvenA ndersonCooperw have gotten it r i ^ t , b u t hi

i . w o u lu h a v c h a d to tu m d cam era off for o while one spend som e tim e reportir

libnlcally. people in Uf County suffered from too m uch m edia a n d too lluli m edia dm ultoneously. Tl

e were too m any Geraldos id ting about jabbing mlkcs s- diefdcesofsuffcMingfrim

But no le^ tlm ate rcportc could get d o se e n o u ^ tc action to rcport d ie facts the benefit o f all.

Everyone herc b so rry : erroneous edition, b u t nc

u t can find anything diey Wl r- have done differently In t• sam e circumstances. T lu

small comfort, to u s as Wln- for readers. As long as o u

ety views the news m edi: r- so m e so rto fb e a s tth a tn i

to be penned — an d as Ic th e m ost vblble news me deserve that treatm ent —

p failures will continue.c- --------------------------------

Daiim Miller is an ediic ; writer fo r the Qiarieslon

(W.Va.) Gazette. 1001 W/j I St. East. Oiarieston, W.Va. e 25301, or via c-m all d t It daivn&

^al-makiitrade asso d ad o n a nd lol jobs, a nd buUt a network W ash lnpon lavwcrs wlic m oved Back a n a forth fr governm ent service to l i

L d ling m ergers a n d contn ir o n corporate rctafricrs. .

DeLay’s “K Street Projc moving Republican staff

It- into sim ilar positions I n ! firms an d lobbies w as nc novation; it vtros sim ply □ adap tadon o f d ie o ld pla

And lib fondness for e ly m arks In appropriadons

a s a way of securing th e I a n d votes o f h b m em bei

1- was. ogaln, sim ply m orc m odel tha t previous gen

IS dons of Tbcas polldclaiis n follow ed The redenUtrcj

w as their fcrmrite tool fo; building grass-roots poll suppon .

n, TTw caim sw IIlultlm ai d e d d e w hether DeLay h broken th e law in any of

X deaUngs.Tlmcs ch an g e ,: stxmdards change w im d

n But W ashington h as livn 8 an ln cesm ousrc ladonsh 1 tw een business and

gcnremment for m any dc — a n d th c T b c a sm o d d l p ly a n cjprem e exam ple < tamlUar pattern .

I It win take m uch moro . hound lngT bm D eliw ou

flco to citango th e culturc th b d ty .

1, .........................D avldBTodefte-m allc

' . T h e T in

TO Myi Sharo

Sf Peacen■FT* A sA rid S h a

- ^ i \ com estoo X A.w4dtewash under way. Litera how asbdnghaU ofcouragoandpi generated *hopc! reaching accord" doctoral campal{ “to eiu l conflict VI tlnlons."

S a r e e N

But even if end sessm ents ofrenc tm d d e v e n lf people fall for the about th e gruff ol

-------------- ' miraculously tu nJ * m an o f peace, die■ I Q m irades don't ha]

aU ^cTbera scpor bribers yavmlngabyss.

F ro m th e b e d n » c l^ td e n d o fh b c a n » r . phones bc}cnam anofm i impres- often gratuitous v n g b waypoints o f h b cn d a l t b drenched fri blooi Aforkthe m assacre h e dlrec um sout, I ^ o f Q i l ^ l n l ! I c d l h b m en dcstroyeis rcM rt esw id id ie frbccu i-aiudous m en, w om en and a Not still frislde, to d ie : d o i t s lo n o f le b a n o n i

\ ^ c h h b a r m y l a “ » s s t o B c ira tcu to ffw a t

a nd food supplies fiunllles ed d ie d t /s h a p le

lead d cd towecksoffricUsc t^sday bom bardm ent by ess to the jijj.

A sapu rclyg rat aRC.Nor S h a ro n a n d h b a r 1. Breed. Iw ted the m assac i r w u ld hu n d red so fP d es “ he rcfugcccam psof:

S h ^ a ,a n d ln a l l ■ people — alm ost.

dvUJons— w eiek I U pshur h b Lebanon advc

Sharon’s approc m aking in reccn t’

fT bero verydrnctem foui los suu t- p ro ad i to war. Exi kes Into a s ^ l n a t i o n s m;

dcm oU tio ta tiiec Jrtcis o flildeous barriei h to the population transf

anncxatioas — dl stock hi trade ns"i

rry forthe courage and peac tn o one Some m ay take /w o u ld the m yth that Slia m tlie transform ed In to ;

cr. b ut in fact lie r sw ellas f ro m h b o w n ia a i o ^ s o d - and grab as many ^ “ the occupied tcrri itnecds slb le .H b p lan for is longas tlie Pdestinians ir m edia blng large portion It — su d i Bank, ultimately o

tliem to b ra d , ani ,, . , d ie shauercd, enc

dltorial d isconnected .°!} , , fragments of tcrrii V i^ n ia h ind to w hat only VO- call a Palestinian f' Sliaron's “palnfi*• forpcac:emayha<

Lsiael keeping les.' ' m orc .o fth e te rriil Y l C T cap turcd violenth L t l ^ dungtoIUegaUyj! , . decades, b u t few; I l o b b ^ g nodced that It’s ni re rko f sacrifice to rcturn ■vlio tliat wasn’t yours iif ro m Hismucli-bally0 lian- d raw d from Gaza ntracts rnlllion Pdcstlniaj ■S' ^ essentially the wo roject’ o f prison, cu t off froi taffers d ie worid and os • fri law raeli power as bef

s n o In- terminateU th e pc ly an tw o-state solutloi: plan. D ictbycondem ni 3 rew - Palcstlrdansiowl; DnsblU^ theirU vcsfriascri h e loyalty nected Bantuston b ers . reservadons and s 3ro o f th e ham lets, en tlrdy J jenera- o fb ra d . a n sh ad That's n o t peaci trcasury -HonscorSittlngBi

11 . have recognized a jolltical an attem pt to nac

m jtd y I n K S i r a ™ " y h M • N oddn g slio rto ft^ofh ls c ide— forw hlchiK ^ h m f ^ n u l a was mere

Ivedw iih thoK ilcstln lanpe nsh ipbo- cdy acccpt such a

arrangem ent, o r r / d ^ d e s .fld v cs in so m o o d I d i s ^ - n o m a n e rw h ld il p ieo iu a cion now assume:

bloody m antle, su

au o o f ’ ____________ _. SarccM akdisili


i m c s - N c w s '

(Ih:onthemakertiaron^ career >’ J an end, the ishlng b already Tally CTVcmlghr . a ilcuas* 'am an ., peaces w ho h ad . K sfo ra fa r- d "w ithan algn prom ising t wldi d ie Pales- ■

M a k d i s i

nd-of-carecras- . n stretch the ilf fa r to o m a n y he old saw oldw arrlor im frigfritoa iie reality b th a t lappcn, and sw o rd san d rc - ' i t e d b y such a

^n n in g to th e x S h a ro n h a s rutlilessand 5 violence. T he • sca rec ra ro a ll , x)d, from th e rcctedatthevU - il9S3, fri w hich

whole hous-, cupants— • nd children — le ndnous inva- ifril9 8 2 ,fri Idd siege to

rater, d ec trid ty les and su b je a - iless residents Iscrimfriate by land, sea a n d -

atu itous bonus,-' arm y later fad l- a a c o flestlnlans a t t h e , □fSabraand ill about 20.000 . Stoll frinoccnt - skilled during venture, roachtopeace- it years vrasn't . o jn hfck - M •. ix tra jud idd

e construction iers and walls, isfersand illegal - th e sew crch b . s" a m a n o f ace."ke comfort in liaronwas o ap eaccm ak - inc-vcr deviated

cali to "run nyliilltops’ fri •- riito r ie sa sp o s - ' or peace vrith ■! involved grab- ons o fth e West , /annexing md turning over, nclided. bo lat- d and barren rritoiyleftbc- ; ily a foohvould n !iiatc.iiful sacriflct's” lavc Involved )

ratlier th an >

itly and lias ■; y for four -t w seem to have not really a • rn sometlilng rsio b e ^ w i t h . ; llyhooed wridi- • :iui left 1.4 ! Ians in w hat b ; voild's largest • rom tlie rest o f 1 s subjcct to Is- : leforc. It also posslb illtyofa ' o n to the con- ■ ningwhiling away .. cries of dlscon- : ms, ghettos, d s tra te^c I y at th e m ercy 1

icc.A sCrazy • :BuU would 1 J at a glance, it’s- ad fy an en d ro * jeonfrigdiem : in frrelevancc. ; ifa c tudgeno- ( h Sliaron's i JrcJyaU ndof | Julu persuade people to qul- lonrnegu te them - id ic rw ayA nd lib rad lpoU d- les Sharon^ such a n ap- Jw illa h m ^

ils a professor ompam tlve Uniuersityaf ■tn s c fe 'J .


Page 7: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

i O pin io n

i School ]b o u ^ som e vigor

I oigueothenvistvtl - L S O yeanw ereno ti

mlseify tu n e fbr public a : t In th e UOited States. Froi

untO now. q jend lna lor t schools Increased, In tod

I donors, from $3,500 a y e ■ I pu p a to m ore than $8,00 I sp c n d m o re o n o u rp itb l , schoob th an th e entire g

dom estic product o f aDl i nations w orldwida

Am ong o ther things, tl incieases led to better ed tion fbr disabled student h l g ^ teacher salaries 0] tcd in o lo ^ es in dossiooi Unlbitunotcly, this Inlho sources also M a b d ie ft th e public w d l Is bottom w4ien It com es to educat spending. N ot only b th l sum ption wrong, u ham]

I cfTortstolm provcpublic ; schools.I Education m atters m o

than ever to indhrlduol o; tun lw a n d America^ pla<

perform ance o f A m aica lie schoob rcm ains wild! u n cv ca M any sd io o b di cutstandlngjob, b u t ovei

, p oo r and m inority studc not well served.

O n average, minority s den ts trail w hite students four grade Icvcb in o d ile m ent by th e tim e they flu h l ^ school, and iho on-t

’ h im school giaduadon n m inority students hovers 50 pe rcen t Sodocconom parities are also sturuiing GO pcrccnt o f olDucnt s tu achieve a bachdor’s dcgn age 26. only 7 pcrccnt o f I com c students d a

Education spcdal intei groups say addressing th

Holidays had warm tidings In IMn Falls

I fcello o tprcss m y w a predation to all w hom I observed during (he dmc in TWin Falb on Friday, D Sometime after leaving t( the (bought cam e o f havi seen n o t o n e e x p re ^ o n i weariness o r disgust as w m inded , walking in the r waiting in Unc a t the che<

' ‘n teovde^a& dm oetlyiQow o f tmiflc was also im sive. T hank you all for su( p leasant shopping oqicri

Perhaps m any of us wc m em berlng the saying o( angcb OS (hey arm oim ca birth of Jesus ”... on earth pcacc. goodwill toward n ('W lsem en and w om en s seek him.-)


Eradication of woke chases tourists awa

Change o f plans. After I ing today (Jan. 4) o n two stations th e plans for the wolves in your state, w c h no choice bu t to changc ( plans to a sta te that b not to 'erad icate th e wolves b m eans neccssary." a s you

Thurs, Fri I



■ i ■

IpFoblemgorouslya th e lM A n d r i

R o t h eProm 1970br public I I(odoyb problems hingesI year p e r siv d y o n m o rem} ,0 0 0 .^ cv en lfm onm aliubllc sotvDtheproolei]cegross does not nave thiaDbut2S spendingourw o'

s»oo ls .ln stead .? .th e se — dcmogmphlcir echtca* cy andents. m ake leaner ds o n d n e w choices m ore likev o m a .. dnuing (ho fiscalIhbcofie- (hepast th ree d oie fth a t F u s to u rc o u n»m less ' dnganyyotm gectcation perccnt o f thejx )th b a s - over 65 in 1995, (]am pcrs rcau estim ates thblic percent will be b;

n o t a trivial chan;m ore funding. Most stta loppor- erty (axes for sen!place in provisions tha t ai)U( th e change. People a]ricanpub- as (hey o ^ , tu n hlldly states rd ian t o n sis d o a n And fewer peopI<3verall, direct stake in buid en tsc re a e a t in g a to u ^ c

property tax refeity stu - school bonds — ia its by of local sd ioo l fuhleve- A ^ng a b o incr^finish on state budgets.>n-time Mcdinald consunn ra te for pcrccnt o f s ta te bTIS near various health caitom icdb- aging populationling. W hile impact states. W lstudents not help m uch, eiegreeby federal level, varitoflow -in- m cnt programs w

constrain public interest areas such as edu{(hese populadon ages.

----- Letim L e^sla tu rehasstI, Word of (h b on

insUtcnceonkilliw a rm ap - m abhosouuagetral (0 see (hc wolvesim esp cm reason wc w ere py',Dcc.23. com c to Idaho ofligtow n. Dakota in AprlLVlaving spread fast o n thion of Wc Just cannottsw e place that rejcctsle m all o r and Wildlife tepo:iie c k o u t program has beeitly calm . ancftheroaionoi) Im pres- than n orr'S U (»a W lu tb n csa , aiperience. like that allowed Iiw erere- TEDCAI'TIYg o f th e Jacksonville. Fl iced th e

. Robertson i«r S I S ' black eye (or I

Pat Robertson ( "God says. 'No, th reeordtoA ridShj (0 b ring pcacc (o

Iv e s Palcstir^ans.

w a y spirit, fo i^v eh b ^ter hear* wrathful and rcveMTO radio godwho, t h r o u ^Ihe Jod. "makes it veitre have Ck>dhas<suni(yag e o u r w h o ‘divide m y lan o t going That idea po rtresb y an y m atcofevU — gn>Dur sta te cannot be pcacc (

i & S a t • Jan 12.

V P R ICN e w S t

ards • Digital

i l ili! '!

ns go well------------------------ 1 Second .1

'R E W j . i S J S S S

BERHAM S d S SI d tessto tet

^ almost exdu* cuts that oL!money:But nanccsonilalonewould poUdesthfllems, America shdsm asathelinairycf (hestructujwoytobetter many stateid. three factors likewlsecujlie dianges, poll- KovemmeiindpQlitua] shifts laininvcst Tdmcsondhord - Fhully,^likely than con* gapscanyica lt^ectoryof Thereareli

cal diange:untiybnotget- look outsldpa. While Just 13 mocraiicPiixmulationwas coalidon foJ, (he Census Bu* MeanwhileI (hat alm ost 20 provement, ; b y 2030. That b a re fa s tb ec a n i^ fo rsc h o o l providers© sta tes ease prop* d ties . Thes- cniors, sha tte r the t a r e h a rd to th a th assu ] e olso spend less funding for rther pressuring W hile sta m sales ■* govcm m en ip lew ilihavea p u t th d r fis public schoob. educators r ^ e r clim ate for respond to :fc rendaand graphic bui — th e lifeblood necessary t . funding. lem s, b u t (1 icreascs pressure no(aU tha t rts. Even now, though edu lu m e sa b o u tl? ln lensh« tli e budgets, and Gdds,scho< ca re c o s ts fo ra n resilient a g on will further prove prodi VWishingtoncan* peiform ant1 ,d thei:A tthc There are orious enUtle* stretch curr 3 will gimilnriy Policymakc lie resources for technology iduca tio n asth e thedassroc 2S. c rea se th ec

TERS------>s(ated. so long as I(o n o ganccand Robertson,,dlling these ani- cling to iheged us. Coming belief tha t o'csv ra sth em o in ^ u p b b l ec p la n n in g to is th e s e e d ia fterSouth w arw h lch l

LW ordwill earth sincethis. InNewY(lo t support a th e Statue c3sU ieU .S .F Ish (h e w a y to lp o rt(h a ((h e for all: that:een asu ccess arcecm alaiID m ore canlc sh ip tn d r aorm aL . B u ria l hunting d im m ed byx l in Alaska? w ho teach,

to g o d so fe.F lo . tilityam on(

Robertsoiem atk sa imio^mypi

radwhotaJII n u m a il i iy (O appease 1 tn c laim s that Union), the , d ib b mine,” in th e U nited I Sharon's eHorts o n insult to (o (he Israelites gcnce. It b i IS. M ay a loving against thei Tcaior. th e great lo v eo fab e i ib w o rsh lp o fa O h.great rvengeful false selibhfyfor 1 th e prophet for m e. 1 asi very d e a r t tu t h d p u s hon y against those est and Just. rlancL'" life, n ot ensl rtray sth eu ld - peaceful ani g i e ^ T h e r e ROYSLOT x o n th b e a r th INvlnFall!

2. 13 & 14 JttiC E S 1 |b Usedli Pianos • Con: iraiiid Pianos

W I S afevEigsa

ll(c'dn Saturda ( 2 0 8 ) 2 9 3 - 2 3 1

, ___]{

A beyondid. m ore tax cuts and d b taces are popular even as dat:a lau n tao p p ro ach cs . Ingiip a itb a n Center on mirjpnd Policy t’liorides inVIte tax cuts, federal tax Ing:it also im pact state fl* teacand outxuted state tax moith a t reducc piogres* schiis a primary cause o f cunc tu ru d e fld ts (hat Yetiate3& tcc.lbx cuts arc tionI curtallins federal ideenentlsabiB tytom ake vestvcstmenls In education, they. f a r in a achievement Tn y a political price. indications o f poUd- die iges as minority paren(s advtslde tho traditional De- thoicPorty-tcacheis un ion b an for political options. frorli i lc ,M th o u tn ^ im - sone n t o u r urban schoob meibecom ingeducadon acorso fla st resort in o u r soujhese issues threaten to fewthe polidcal coalidon allyI supported greater —;fo rpub llcschoob A! states and the federal rcctinent obviously m ust scnir fiscal houses in order, Pollirs m ust recognize and o ftiI to th e shifting dem o- lionburden. More m oney b ^ry (o solve som e prob- ^It (hc lack of f u n ^ g b Ghat a lb our schools. Al* ? ed u cad o n b more laborc th a n m a n y o th e r 0 :hoob are remarkablyagainst efforts to Im* 1 ^

roducUvityand _ _lanca P are good ideas to

n m en t dollars further, akcis can ensure (ha(3gy b used no( only In u m m but also to In- l e cfUdency of school

IS leaders, such asan, and dieir follovrersd ie greedy and deadlya t only their sdectblessed. Such atdtude

cd for (he culture ofch has ruled planetice (Tcatlon.nrYork harbor stancbJC o f Liberty, lightingto liberty a n d jusdcela t all hom o sapiensU an d a ro b ec to w o r-i r creator as they see fltleacon b repeated^ib y phony messiahs Lch, preach and appeal ■ ■oftoimity, kindling hos-:ong hum an beings.tson ’s statement, “w oeyrp rlm em inb tero fb -> takes a similar urseise th e EU (Europeanth e United Nadons ored States of America" bt(o hum an intelli*: b a declaration o f war h c fo i^v cn essan d benevolent creator,

c a t sp irit I pray not forvtrhatyoucando a s k W h a tc a n ld o to

lom o sapiens be hon* u s t so that virc can Uve enslaved, bu t a life ia n d fic a LOTIEN


r e

lay.> 1 6

fimdmg[strict operations by using Ota to iiiform dedslon-m ak- ig or through peifoim ance idlts, asGov. M aikW im cTdld iVlrglnla. A focus o n attract- tg and rewarding cjuallty lochciB, n o t sim ply hiring lore, would h d p ImpnTve i i o d perform ance within Ltirent resoiirec constraints, irt there b eno im ous opposi* on to these an d any oiner leas Uiat th reaten to dbplace » ted interests w ith a stake in le system.Tms resistance b dcbiUtat*

Ig. D ebadng ideas based on le policymaking environm ent livocatcs m ight w an t rather ion actual condldons a t hand a time-wasting distraction om real refoim . And w ithout )me reforms a n d improve- icnts. there will be even less of constituency (o dem and re* lurces for public sd io o b in a w years vm en (hc m oney re­ly does becom e scarccr.

Andrew RoiheHuim is co-di- ciorofEducation Sector, a ■niorfellow a t the Progrtssitv ollcy Institute a n d a member f the Wfg/nia Board o f Educa- on.

QUICKBOOKTSUPPORT 737-0087CaO it] for /o t i r2006 upgncfe

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D O U G P ^ Q t^ NIVvlnFalb

did I p B H I H H i

H u d s e i, in The Lyn


S a v e

II iiit^ > s h o e :

Tlic Mngic Valley Relay fo r : cordially invites you to jo in i

R elay f(/ l Ot h

2 0 0 6 KI Let’s ‘Take ciho

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m Cnplain Packct

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twi frwn reatJe . pU>Oolntefmt

bfoujM to our TWtn

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for Life Committee in us for the I6ih Anniiul

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Shauna Sutterricld at 7 3 3 - Lori Young at 73

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rtaU ,.kU > i A-7 -

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3ut ReI.iy co n tac t:

M 222 or 733-K239



Page 8: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

I 2 hi. (.K


f\P '. W«

P : Dear Ffp There’s or t e s ow n both 1

;J;i- in g c e n te ii'r is R obert ji,/2 an d ActivE

ing device;

§ ? f WHAT TH/ " You can hearing aie

;j.;f thousands g . ’:' • You can ?-v,.; quality. I’ll rv ' petitive prc fj?:? • You’ll ge

; : m onths. (1 com pany i

■ ca re of firs• Peace of tim es bettf any proble

' quality of your purct m ent, sw it

... i t ta k e s to i i : will also d(

• I will giv T hestanda

fj:;;-,' if you’re lu

: DO YOU A■ You ask• You havf

■ • You haver’i • You’re niK f • You beliefit:; a hearinf

Ji, ;’' • You’ve h rjS ; comfort

• You belif like an “

tj;.); '

K I can unde ^ chance, Ip ffiS; on your qu

open hous

A c

i ■; ; ' •PitenflacttMS

i ............... .

Till In til Iin iftgoofl


Weston HarrisInnovator & C£0 of Natioml AcVfEM L SportEAR brands

Friend,one m ore th ing you :h th e m anufacturing I te rs . My n a m e is irt Harris and w e own vEAR, th e m anufactu ces in th e w orld.

HAT MEANS TO YOL in save up to 5 0 % . Ii a ids for th e price of ( ds - up to six thousai an g et b e tter hearing ’11 p u t my H arris Heai product.get your new hearini (The n ice th ing aboi

y is th a t I can m ake i irs t.) ■of mind f ra m ^ ^ a r ^ i Itter th a n m ost compi jlem s w ith th e fit, c( )f ou r in strum en ts ai fchase, w e will refit vitch to any o th e r bra0 m ake su re you are t do it a t OUR EXPEN

give you FREE parts idard w arran ty in th e I lucky).

ANSWER YES TO Alik people to repea t of ave a hard tim e with ive a hard time unders not sure if you really

:lieve your hearing losi ing instrum ent

1 heard horror stories rt problem sslieve hearing a ids wi 1 “old geezer”

iderstand th a t. B ut i I prom ise th a t w e cai quality of life. I invite u se a t any of my Ac

c t i v E

i m miMSRP


l i iIARANTEE500?{

Robert HjrrlsBC-HIS Founder & Prtsldenl Harris Hearing Aid Centers

)U need to know. You lg com pany an d th e re s W e sto n H a rr is , m wn both H arris Hearinf turer of som e of th e fin

3U IS:In o ther w ords, you c

f one.* You could liter :and dollars in som e c< ng instantly w ith unsi sating aids up a g a in s t:

ing aids in days , not v lOut ow ning th e manui e su re m y custom ers £

r^ntee / w arran ty th a t’: ipetitors. I m e an it. I f ; com fort, technology, i anytim e w ith in six m

it you, ch a n g e o u t th irand n ec essa ry to do v e thrilled w ith your hea :NSE, no t yours, ts on your repairs for e industry is only oney

ANY OF THE FOLLOWoftenh background noise 5rstanding voices on the ily need a hearing aid jss is too small to be he

JS abou t fit and

will m ake you look

t if you’re willing to g :an m ake a trem endou te you to com e to a Ne ActivEAR C en ters on

■ A KE B i

KRvve3SF0R% better™

I J a m


aF R(w oyouit o s tspec

I a n daids, a m

ou see , w e hear retail hear- Aids m y f a th e r ab le ing C enters circ t finest hear- b e s t

Natu a COI

J can g e t 2 you lerally save th e i c a se s . you

nsurpassed w e c it any com - a pri

com;it w eeks or cally nufacturing expe s g e t taken sand

'li; •: th a n it’s a b o u t;5 ';,‘qnal If you have pare f, or sound m en m onths of j a n i th e instru- so c;0 w hatever e x a r learing. We

Sinceor 5 years, e year (two

W estJWING? Innov

Natio Sport

the phoneid RS. fhelped by

1. If you'll th e si

2 . I’ll

3 . Ifl1 give us a I’ll al ous im pact of yc New Year’s • cle in Monday,

Idaho F c

1 9 2 0 r tin n n in ; 2 0 8 -5 5 2 -0 ^

3 2 42


lu a ry 10th th ru Tues p o in tm en t any tim e c REE hearing te s t an o r th $ 2 4 9 .0 0 ) , s< ur o w n hearing situe s e t u p an appo ln tm i ^ciallsts and audio lo u h a v e a b o u t a n y d a n y th in g e l s e re Is. W hen you c o m e i la tio n a l consumer c aring aid b rands. Yo Is s c o r e v e ry w e ll i e. W e are directly c :u it an d co m p o n en t it quality & technoloc

rurally, o nce yo u r exi o u rse o f action. If yc J know. (After all, wi I exceptional pricing 1 som eth ing th a t doi c a n help, w e'll tell ; rice q u o te up to 50% n p a ra b le e q u lp m en ly fas te r than m o s t i )erience under o u r bi ids o f custom ers,i-nc in im proving yo u r tie ajity o f life. Remeijnl e d to th e com petitib n ts you can b u y Bi lu a r y 1 7 th to take call now to m ake yo im. I look for w ard to


>ton Harris, BC-HIS Dvator & CEO of ional ActivEAR & rtEAR brands

P lea se allow m e to

If you o p t fc r o u r A 'II g e t 3 years o f loss s ta n d a rd 1 yea r w ar

'U ailso include a yea

fyou buy th e AE Pren 3lso include FREE Ll ^o u r e a r s • rep ro g le a n in g , ad ju stm en t

alls B<n g W ^ 1 1 5 1 3 R

1 4 7 5 2 0 8 - 3

Nampa4 A C a l d w e U B l v < l .

2 0 8 ^ 3 r 0 1 3 3 ^


esday , January 17th. I I du ring th a t o p e n ho m d a FREE v id e o ex: s o y ou c a n s e e fo uation is. Ju s t call a m ent. While y o u ’re tt iloglsts w ill a n s w e r )y o f t h e I s s u e s mi re g a rd in g y o u r hea i ; in. I'll g ive you a spi

organ ization com pS You’ll see th a t o u r AiI a m o n g t h e to p in: ’ connec ted w ith th e I t m aker In th e w orld o gy available fo r th e I

!xam is c o m p le te w e you dor^t n e e d hearir Lvith th e ex trao rd inar ig I’m offering, I car loesn 't fill yo u r n ee dII you th a t t o a W e w 1% less th a n a n y Iocs :n t a n d a d e liv e ry ti t com petito rs. W ith < belts and hav ing ser\ n o th ing gives u s gre hearing to g ive y ou tl

ypu can save i ion on th e b e s t qualit But you m u s t a c t b ke a d v a n ta g e o f th rau r ap p o in tm e n t for to serv ing you soon.

S ' R obert Harris F ounder & Pi H arris H earir

o m ake th is offer eve

AE Prem ium 1 0 0 % ss and d am ag e insure arranty. •

3ar's w orth of FREE 1

Bmium m odel du rin g t LIFETIME SERVICE

o g ra m m in g o f you r n ts and m inor repair:

toiseFairviewAve.-3 2 3 -1 3 9 5


PocatcA. C o m i n g s

1. If you ’ll m ake an house. I’ll g ive you >xam o f y o u r e a rs fo r y o u rse lf w hat

any o f o u r stores I there, m y hearing er a n y q u e s t io n s m e n tio n e d a b o v e ;a ring , o r h ea rin g special rep o rt from piring th e to p 28 ActivEAR Hearing

in s tru m e n ts avail- he m ost advanced ;ld to bring yoii th e le bes t prices.

<e will recom m end iring help, w e'll let lary g u a ra n te e and :a n 't afford to sell, eds.) If w e believe I will a lso give you >cal co m p e tito r on tim eline draiinati-

ti over 48 years of s rv e d te n s o f th o u - jrea ter satisfaction i th e b e s t possible ! up to 50% com - ility hearing instru- : b e fo re T uesday , . th is special offei; o r a FREE hearing n.

rris, BC-HIS President

iring Aid C enters

ven better...

% Digital Model, urance; in s tead of ,


lg th e open house,;E OF; • retesting u r h e a r in g a id s lirs.

' Twin Falls148SFIi>leUiieRa.I

2 0 8 -735-1263(InsUUMa^c Valley MaU

t e l l o{ S o o n

. ^ J■ p ^


J !} / .

Page 9: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

TKe T im es-N e^ '

A r o u n d

T H E V A L L E Y; -------- - f t — — ---------^

: Video store clerk : robbed at gunpoliHj i S B s s f f i o g i r y U w M t i; le a • . ' v. ' /.,i-^ >\ • \ . TWto pdIl5itlite-.CBpt,‘MU

i 'w ttb Bik liftriosctf' ttin p u is c I ctiah after robbing a stor^ d er ! a t gunpoint a round 10-30 a j i

vidM M eadco fa located a t 196 < lOmbeityRoad.[ Police said th e m en m ad ; th^ lr m taw ay castb o u n d oi > fo o t one w as injured.; Detectives investigated th I sccne of th e robbery Monda I afternoon a n d questlone : worfcers a t nearby btialnftwa.

Hides sffid nationality c tho holdup m en is unloujwi

. because they w ore ski mask: ; Howevet a t least o ne o f then

spoke Spanish during the rota ! biay.

Police said bo th robbers wor ' b lack ski masks. O ne wore sun

passe s u ith red lenses, a a p I sweater a nd b rtn v n p o n t& m ; o ther wore black doth ing ani


: Last sentence Issued ! In Cassia meth casei POCATELLO — n iB last 0 t five people convicted in a Cas

8ia C ounw m etham phetam lni ! d rug (ralDcking case has beei

sen tenced to prison.Em m anuel Guzman-Valen

' d o , 26, was sen tenced to 12 i m onths in federal prisort afte ' p leading guilty to consplntc I to d is tn b u te m eth am p h cta I m ine.' Sentencing w as pronounce* I last week by Chief U.S.Dlstric

Judge B. Lynn W lnmlll a t th< ' federal co tirthouse in Pocatd . Io.

Guzman*VaIenda Joins fou ; others previously sen tenced ti '' p rison In tho case. Jesus Anto

n io Santiago waa sen tenced t ;; 25 years. G uadalupe K eyw .t I*’ 13 yeto B m l l o m tm tha, Dali !• • M aitince to 92 m o n th s am

M artin Bautista to 98 m onths.Investigation lead ing to th

I arrests was co n d u c ted by th> ' Cassia County S heriffs Oflic«

Idaho State , ra lice , th e Mini Cassia Drug Ih s k Force, tbi

' Bonneville County SherilTB 01 flee a n d U.S. Dru{ Enforcem ent Administration.

T.F. council approves flreflghter contract

TWIN FALLS — Q ty Cound approved a coUectivc bargain Ing agzeement M onday n l ^ w ith the dtyls firemen.

The annual agreem ent Is UttL : changed from previous year , w ith the exception th a t a ncv

provision allows TVvin Falls fire m en w ho are o n th e Idahi Hazardous Mateiiofa Responsi

"Ibam to be p aid industry sum dard wages w hen called out oi a state emergency.

U nder th e new contraci w hen TVvin Falls flreflghteis an called to a sta te team , they cai ea rn $60 a n h ou r a s a h aznu team leader, $50 p e r h our os i hazm at technician o r $40 pe h o u r as a n opera tio n s.te an membcn

In other business, th e cound passed a n o rd inance to vacati C o n ^ n Rim Road in th e north w est part o f th e d ty . The Issw w as previously con tested ir several residents w ho wante< th e rtMid preserved bccause 1

. offers a g t» d view o f th e Snoki Rtver CanyoiL Instead, the nwu will now becom e o f < Canyon View Properties devd opmenL

Public hearings o n th e issui w ere previously h e ^ befon

; .Q ty .O o u i^ a n d befoa ,^ C ^

W otanh^ i . i « V U m en i l 7 » BSKRgWted . 14M

. im itw te d 160% e nH g lM t lA M 63XU m iO tt lOCX . 4M H*«y»FWT^ 129% tO% U ppM tB iteB aalniasX 6M O A tn 1 4 M

: •tfmoa'mto ' ^ 9X» «A tn m m K ■

I M, A t toIj M.VRe o l i r t a i i m f o ^ he;

p .off -Trowrfiiw* wnMr,

clerk ‘ TW lN EfttLS — I h o jn . b ring tw o hospitals to 1960 create a regloiulhealtli

tem h as m oved anoi ruide fi3rward.1 o n TVvin RiQs County h

r o u ^ draft o f a l e ^ a th e th e o ttom cy wondnf

Boise-based nonprofit)nedes.ty o flown.asks.hemrob-

iivoresun-^ Mmm




afterracyicta* ^ H K U | K i’|B K

aced itrict : the a td -

four -s i ton to - ■'* -■ -I

r ' ^ ^> the ’ tho Bee,

Sharon Bryan, d«pu workftd In the dty't

an .^ When ilw B yT inySm ltli

Tlinfl>-Newi wrttor

uicU TWIN FALLS —C ^* a b o u t voting proc

d ty cmplOTces usi „ . to talk to Sharon al

T l i e j ^ rcferrini •cars Sharon Bryan, ge:

th e election guru 0 “ ®* T he recognitiolaho Bryan has been n anse tlo n sfo r2 8 y ears .l u u i' C o u n d l d c ^ n s f It on Issues.

Bryan has o ther ract, HaH Sho keeps trai jaiB d ty ’s bills a n d swe can ond elected ofOda

ro a t processvrtiereshel “ a p e r t per "Oh yes, w h en y

earn you have to know weU. o r a t least knc

uicU to bo oble to And cateirth- C om e d ec tion (ssue I by

I ‘E te riByJatnlWhHiKl-

ssue ------------------------------fore T V ^ FALLS — C O k . ' jd o o C V -ta a n

•‘3 . ‘W ^uiieariSrtal|fftMiaft ■ -ttattrMutkatftKan:, fe

h e WBS 11 years old an I s to w ork o d d jobs from MM ' h e w as a b o u t 12 to . •ok** fem lly lA/h l r h m n vprtm -geWwish..BOX *1 i e to ld m e ’about B7»' n td la ’ sa id his wife. B3K 'A nd ab<n;t th e first alt 49K saw in M onkata (te BOK am azed a t th e s ^ ~ i BM m o d C T c b r t w S ^ BtX. so co rtunon then."BW ■ He joined tha Navy ^ . and begaj) a 2 &-wai

Bervlogonmanysiibm U tf *nierebalotofcan H w on a submailttft" Don

*UmhBVBtat)eBcertaj persontoboablettdo

■ I - Tho 132*degtee hea

i r i i

T l

i r a e y si o n a

‘e a l t h „ . . ^ g S_ . j _ ‘ d u e f executive djIjV-.X '--, \ ‘-'’.aJW0 l ^ B c ia r tC

,• . • r • T i b e couixty^jw .. . . j . I / ‘ .'l(CM,Rerfcaolwna ' wtfliStLukBjiloi;

■I . . .al-h“ W ieaie'hci ’ '-!':* ''Tvu:w i)tddiriaudeSt.

Tho p ^ n'To In'M eridian (indl . together to Valiey as as ilth care sys- States T \unor In no thcr step the agreement. S

build 0 S IM miHk y has sent a assum e $22.7 mil Jco n trac tto hospital debt. Th ing for th e b e p u tto v o te rs lr iOt St. Lukeli ■ Also Monday,

E l e c

iptity d ty clerk for IVrtn Fills, balj ty'k finance d tptrfm snt for tnore t

it comes to vo“!__________ ___ M— If you need to know . ^

rocedures In TVvin Falls, gusually say: T ou'U have H1 about that.’ Hing to D eputy Clw Q crk W generally recognuuid asu a ta ty H a f l . ,tion Is well deserved, po™I running the d ty lj d ec - {"8 * s .1 h a ta d d 3 u p t o l 4 a t yis a n d a h a n d n i lo fb o n d ,

lybcle rresp o n sib ilid esa ta ty somtrack ofrecords, pays the 'wears in new employees 6° ^ftnlg. But itls th e clecdon ^ he^recognlzcdostheex-

It you are in this position , ^ JW the d ec tion laws very know w here you'h} going Ind the answers," Bryan

Brn time, Bryan gets calls

nai patr<

i , u i v t d 'h h / ’- •'

a n d h o h a d T -wn the tim e ^ M' ^ to . h d p th e ; / 7 I ii t o ^ A n - - J J L J L ^

)ut hfa flrst re. Dorothyia lip lan eh e food, few toUets,te was Just t<nnlng ond- A Q o fo u r could take Its toQces w eren't butX & unondli af

to ' h ^ o d ie t mesvy in 1939 .-withmDL'v a r careei;' H m J a h n s o n s ebmarines. w hen D iam o n d sarooraderie tJSS TQeSsh nnrforothystdd. h a d a d e e p dr ta ln typeo f younger«aQo& .d o th a t" 'H ew asvezykti leat, lack of. «dgeable^" Jom u

c; Vif Iiirn iiiii ' ' i m ' [ r I I I I

Tuesday, January 10,

ftmlfynfpr. tijilssibllicrn e m b d ie d c A n i- IdadcWtifm ts are moving two-year^ K e e .M ^ \A i l - BoardL-Medlcal Center’s ' •

■e nfllcer, at Mon- flro<luiin{ o ^Q ^eedn^ ' . ' ^MflsteeDt■ownetl Magic W - v ^ l n t e nbvonts te team u p pitalbhlstloi^rKildate^on* 'W H ^t^betw otk that'OlsQ . ouslyhcldjS ttak e ifed H ilw ^ ih ln kndtheV bodR h 'cr ls.‘'W r i^ iI as Its Mountain hcw ontet ‘ Institute. U nder adding th.t. S t Luke^ would a n InteresliUlon hospital and conununlmiDlon In exisdng R i^ h a v eThe ouestion will Steppln

rslnM ay. pital ^ aay, County Com- w ho serve

:U O N S

balsncM m art than 2 0 0 d ty cIh ir9 than 20 yeart.


| J f j ^a slice from loca l!

rom d ty dcrks t h ro u ^ o u t Ida rig her expertise. Typically, the q lave to do with po in ts o f W .

“They call in a panic," she sale / b ^ u s e thcy^re m issed a dci omething. As long as w c keep < he dection laws, th en your di ;olng to run pretty smoothly."

Sov>4iat docs it take to ru n an I ‘ I have to keep o n top o f the <

laies as rrumdated by codc." Br She has to m ake sure th e dt)^

ng predncts are u p a nd nm nln i o ^ and dcrics a n d rcglstrai hose predncts."

B r y ^ makes sure th e ballot! Igned and printed, care

ro lf Loca]^ Gall L DIamonij f - Bom Fob. 18,1915 m -. P l#*0ec.,29 .2005^.

n ; t i t i Bot>

• • le ttc r to tl

i f p ,T h e tv n

during thi " 4 0 y e a ra p

trockeddcets, n o alr-condl- m can tso i aaeod ed voyages Johnsoi toQ onthesaH on, .sailors le t Siafatude seam ed . ries, he r m en w ho served th d rf ile n

. ■ n’t cot ise rvedv rithh lm expetieno idwascfaicfofthe dldn m d hlfl guidance years late ) effect o n th e b ^ t h r o i •• . - s o ^ h l syU nd and knowl- Ih the bnson said In a m o n d wi

PlA0 , 2 0 0 6

t u n e 1;ierlbmMlkcsell swore in yc: ^ r i^ t a locd d en d s t to aa term on the Hospital uai

aniegolhgtbbi^itizeh im by otlingthenextfew m onths, Bu ] sold,'notin8 that it^ a ' in .ereslin g tim ein th ch o s- eviIstOtV' • (itw lUtake'thesem previ- intildbyD aveJohnsoa brink tljk^w hcrethetK tion S t ^ t sold w hen asked whyced to serve o n the b o a rd Luthat as a d entist h e h as Mirest in heahh care in tho ta>tnity.VAi3}it and hfa wife, Odve two young d a u ^ te rs . 1ling d o ^ &om th e Hos- booard fa Lee Odenwald, tioTed twoyeoiB o fa three- tes

>G U R l

:heckt In her omco Thursday a t

Siharon is thenotlccs, sets up

n p i t durcs, oversees 1 surconylooseei works w ith TVvin get the ballots a

f l f l U "On election dtom akesureeV i

1 ly,” she said. "It's11116 Bryan said h e

tlon w as a swir daho seek- several years ag i questions the first tim e an

pic o fd e c tio n s i lid, “usual- sa l± leadline o r O ne year thee p o n top of the pool vote, dection fa “T hat w as a r

d d c d w e ’dnevci n dection? Bryan w as bi le deadline likely stay b u s y : BryansaldL ting everything ty’s20vo t- library b o n d voi ilng."Ihire S h csec ra s to i rars for all "Yeah, it’s an L

"TTicrc' aren’t ai ots are de- fo rsu re - lf ld ld i ire o f legal here."

d sailor livendTMC(SS) S


tfati^tarslGoytoXCoty) '. ' onOMW rKa'aon^.Stevo , aj-,

«/steHtHaw, d q

leCWBndMjS^qv^ '. • >®{

I the family. T o u could- pet b u t like him and respcct *"8

ancwo m en were separated thd r service, an d a bou t I passed before Johnson ^ oow nthom anw ho-had o m u c h to h lm ..- ' ^ « n w rote th a t whilo «nd to teQ o ld sea s to - ^ : tecailed tha t early. In , * e n d s h ^ D iam ond did- o iruncn t . o n h is aces. ‘ ^lii’t know im til m a n y . * iter how m uch h e h ad ro u iJ ian d h o w 'v re llh o ifacountiw 'how rtjtt.« South Padflc , O U - ' w as f i t t i n g o n th e . .

LEYt i o s p i tyca rttn n .

"1 think tho entire hospital sh uation r i ^ t now fa moving alon a ru ll w ant to spertd m y t& ie o: o ther things liko th e Lund Buc^ptt>nam ,"O dc!T\y^dsai in a n b m ic iv ie w la tk In th

Odenwald said hc^ v a y m ud in stqjport o f the ogtecrnem I bring Magic V^Jldy Regional o n S t Luke^ together ’

"I tiiink the merger witit S Luke’s fa the best o p tio n fo Magic \M cy and 1 S p ^ f te th taxpayers, no t th e hospital, Odenwaldsold. • ' v.

In other action Monday, th board approved new notifloi tion guidelines for diagnosti test r ^ t s . One o f die m ost Ini


UlUf tatVTte

a t City Hall. Bryan hst

l e o n e t o s e e

u p absentee votirtg proce- es voter regfatration, m akes c ends are wrapped up. and vin Falls County oillciafa to s counted.n day, 1 run iiom poll to poll everything’s going sm ooth- It'sabusytim e." her m ost memorable d ec - Mmmlng pool bond issue ago. "It dldn^ go through

an d w e had to have a c ou ­ns to get thal through," she

le d ty used hand ballots for

a mess." she said. "We d e- v c rd o th a ta g a ia "

busy last \vcck, 'and will sy for Uie next m onth, get- n g in place for a Feb. 7 rt) enjoy the work, n Interesting job," she said, any dull moments, th a t’s

lldnt enjoy it. I wouldn’t b e '

' ed, and dieisurface w hen sh rapnd h it hin in tiic leg. Diuing the batde, h i executive officer was killed an< the sailors didn't have tim e ti g e th im b d c ^ . ,

•H e w r o r ^ Story a b o u t t ^ an d It was published In f t f a m D brotl^ . ssUd, refcTTinp'to' i ^in1^fhagazineI9rW uldW arI vctoiilfa. - • -■;'..WhJlo .serving e n ind>USJ Scorpion, Diamond h ad a fed Ing h e needed to transfer, ho dk and on the diesel boa t^ nex run, It sank wltii aQ h an d s lost Next, he w as . 'o n th e US! I\4Ubcc, had the som a fednj and Was fransferrcd again ftgala the subm arine w as I r a t

"Ho always felt som cthlru tiad saved hfa Ufc," Dorothy said

H e y w very proud o f h is ffov lea |h ashe b anuized a t ‘iioW m an; people rem em brt' g t t> r ^ ^ ,

W h d i she D lam ohd a tholU rf Chib In 1970, she said I ivas lovo a t first s l ^ t T hey wen nuuiled in 1 ^ 1 u rd .to o k a tzi|

Pleasa see DIAMOND, PsgaB

^.In s id e> r ^ f l 6 lluaries .................B2V :;Cooilcs ............... B4-5_ N a t i o n . . . ' . ..................B6


t a l d e £portant th in ^ the guid(

ilsit- Is spedflcaUy outline long com m tm icate test rest e o n D t John Cray, the hospit in rh o fs ta ftIsald ■ m e n som eone call i th o result. theyhavD the per

It b a d : to them." Grtw ss 11 trh Gray wpH hospital Tt to changes cen ter o n i a nd quality lirmrovement n

from the Joint Commit tl S t Accreditation of Health I for ganizations. r th e "I^ticn t safety fa an ItaLV huge emphasfa now," Gl

. the Tfmes-News writerflea- Miller ta n be rcachcdDstic 3264 o r by e-mt im - smlUer^magicvallcy.coi

Minidoki hospital out of bal businessBy U uile Welch For The Tlmeft-Nawa

RUPERT — As of M inidoka M emorial I will no longer deliver bt

I ccp tlnem crgendes.I Hospital AdminfatraI Hanson said the decfa I m ade a t the request o f t 1 tidng physicians at the I

"We didn’t like the first" Hanson said.

old C onmd and Keltli V previously practiced 0 a t the h osp ltd and an: three of them ddivere

I 100 to 130 babies a yeoi T he physicians’ ded;

I driven by bo th flnan I lifestyle, Hanson sold.I "For th e am ount oI they w ere m aking, I I w orth the time." he sai< I O ne of the .doctorsI that w hen he droppe- I ries, hfa malpractice L I d ro p p ed b y $ 10,0 0 0 a> • fa a lot o f m oney to i ‘ . w hen a physidan fa o

40 patients a year, Horu Tb keep up with the ri

o f m alpraracc Insuran tors m ust deliver m or each year. For rural doc a smaller patient base, possible to do. and tr opting out o f obstctrics

H anson said ihat o f ti 130 babies bom at the cach year, 78 perceni m others do n o i ^ v e ir o r arc on Medicaid. Fro m others, the hospital only 43 perccnt o f (he d

T he decision will spacc that will be used i thopedlc room for putle lilp o r knee implants.

Going out o f tiie bal ness afao \vill m ean tiic will cu t back o n otiicr i such as ultrasounds.

H anson said the hosp strongly encoiuages pa receive prenatal ca r physidans practicing a Ite^onal Medical Ccnte: ley o r Mogic Volley P Medical Comer in TVvin:

Laurie Welch writes South Idalto Press. Slu: readied a t 677-6767 orb atlweleh(^ut}iida}topr

ed, with hoihim

and c to

red-Idldnextlo s tussd n g


eiv-tha tlony

----------- ------------------

ildlt aaHDUiDond,lntboblae fortD.twSiliIsbrattMr.wl

^ WMdBCDteBOOd'lflttlM ;qB3 ' t o tht* 19401 pbob.

12S36 . 735-3234

:tioh B

aT[dellncs do 1C how to suits, said pitalb chief

ilfa a (test) ersonread said.tal policy

required m easures

nission on thcare Or-

in area of Gray sold.

er Sandy ■a a t 735- m a il a t


Df Ian. 1,1 Hospital babies ex-

ra to r Carl :ision vras iftheprac- e hospital LC idea at

:her, Don- i W ayment obstetrics

unong the :rcd about :ar.■dslon w as incL*s an d

of money it fa not

a idrs rcponed Jed obstet- ! insurance 1 year. That ) make up capped at

insonsaid.; rising cost ancc. doc- ore babies actors witlt e. It fa ini- mony are

cs.rthc 100 to le hospital !nl of the insurance

■rom tiiose al collects : charges.I free up d as an or- tientswiUi

laljy tiU'.1C hospital ir services.

spltal stall patients to are from : a t Cassia ter in Dur- R e^onal

es fo r the lie can Ix rby e-mail ' .



Page 10: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

M -T IM I ll.« ., T»>i B U I

M a g ig V a

F o ro b m a ry n tM n d M tfV pabO catioo.7toM I Mnfe* Wd CM t e ptiMw y ta m to d h rk ta io B a

INKDM — FatridaA t d l 62. wos greeted will onns a t the gates o f hea Monday, Jan. 2. 2006, H eaven^ Father: s o a H brother. David; and p I h d m a and BlntO.' left th is earthly worid h e r

She was b o m April Z in P rova Utah, to Roy I T h d m a a (Phelps) Birr was raised a n d educa IWin FaDs. Id ah a Patrii thercd h e r cducadbi achieved nn AA. in c jusUcc from th e Coil Southern Id a h a She moved to Boise, I^ah a I Ished her sdiooUng fyrc a B A in cducaUon mm Stale Univcrsitv. Patric m arried and dlvorccd First to Ride Robinson. OJ W dc the proud parents c Cory. She dien monied Woodbury, and they blessed w ith four moi dren. Melinda, UmotJi twin ris. Mmcic and M

I^ tridu dedicated he woridn^ h a rd Sh e was a oble in any cmploymer she held, from McDonj security ofQccr to dcalin Jackpot. Nev. tiowcverht

TWINFALLS — Royc aid Schwab. 78, passed Friday. Jan. 6 , 2006, I Vegas, Nev.

Hoyd vvas, bom D ec 7 In Eden. Id a h a to Hcnj Maiy Davis Sdiwab. H thf; youngest o f seven ch F lo ^ craduated from Higli in IMG. He began Ins in Eden and moiried ^ c e . After forming for yeais, they opened the Theater. ’ITien In 1966 purchased a service stal lUko, Nev. Tlien in 1971 purchased a motel and m cnts in Builey. Idaho rctirfrig in 1994. they me Hler, Idaho, for a shon Due to Floyd’s falling I they b te r m oved to Las

HAGERMAN — Opai Kirtland. 90, beloved n grandm other and p e a t i mother, went to be wl Lord on Satiuday. Ian. 7. with her immediate fan her side.

Pearl was bom Mar 1915. in Catoosa, Okli d a u ^ ite r o f lesse and Ruddles. In addldon to there vvas a sister. Rub brothers, Jesse lame! Robert Idaho Ruddle; ^miily moved to Huge Idaho, w hen O pal w a s ' old. She was raised c Buckeye Ranch and had fond m em ories o f grow and riding her horse. “1 O pal a tten d ed Ilagi schools.' w here s Uc |

ketball.On Oct. 6 . 1933, Opa

d e d Stanley L Kinla H agerm an. To this i th ree children were Betty (deceased), Jean aj Opal and Stanley. raise< family in the Hagerman living in town, on a far th en a t the Natlona

, Hatchery. Opal was a c the H agerm an Scliool P oral years. After Stanley from d ie hatchery, tlie; eled to thefr giandchi sporting and school (

SPOKANEW ash.~F Kusaba 'Rinaka. 87, |

• away Wednesday, Jon. 4 a t Sacred H eart Hosp ^wlcone, Wo-sii., from c cadons following a sue heart surgery to repafr j tic aneurysm.

— ■ -Fu m iw asb o m lu ly 1! fri Soge. W ya the eldest children b o m to Hanshl Naka I^ o s h i ta I Q i s ^ attended schools in WS and graduated as valedl o f h e r Cokevllle High d ass h i 1936. She furthc education by attendln m an Business Schc Spokane. W^ish^ an d a school fri Salt Lake Qty.

Fuml m onied Masao' on J a a 17,1941;lnM ah Id ah a She su p portodh band In lium ing all tl thefr m arried U v ^ Pros they raised (hdr.Qvo d in ^cO ey, Id a h a l b hel plem en i ihc lr fa n n Ir sho w orked fo r WWt Laundry as a seapistte

I---------- ---------- J.

h.mrn Vmi»nl"»mylD,2M

'alley/Id a h o

— O b i t ullriorm itk»,cifl73M 2fl8M ood HH d aM rw t lor oMnariM !• oU !iMdtflt9 4 p jn .m n P d q ii Tovl anOM e M tto e k . to wwnunai

P a t r i c i a A r

aA n n Bfr' with open heaven on 36. by her uHmothy;

poicnts. ca.wfaoaIl rid before

U22.1943.o y M .an dBlm!n.She

atrida fur* idbn1 criminal DoUegc of She laterlaan d O n - nrwarding ochleyrecehrfrig being a teacher,io m Boise happiest ond moitrida was aboutherw oricatcod twrlce. Juvenile Detentti.andthey reaching out to tli tso fa so a t / s troubled yoied Robert education. She whey w ere bcrcd by her famino te chll- for her quick senlothy, ond superb IntelUgeniIM am la som ew hat comiherself to loving heart, co

iscomfort- and wbrant spirit,nen t some yet bdiutiftan ^d ^ to loved her Gvc chllcaling 21 in great pride in b dfrherm ost no m atter w hat

F l o y d D . !

loyd Don- ised away 6 . in Los

•c 7.1927.Icnry and>. He was . A] d iild rea om Eden


the Eden 966, they station in 1978. diey md apart- [iha After moved to

tiort tfrne. Nev.. to be near dl Ig health. Floyd te survhro Las Vegas, Peggy; daughtt

O p a l P . K

)pal Peari i modier,^atgiond-wldi the ^

1.7 , 2006, ^family by

^a rd i 21,Dkla., d ie ■ | S J | | fmd Sadie W 5 1 to Opal.luby; and hI L tnes anddies. T he . lugerman,iB S y c M .d o n th e . i. i . i i- .aaahad m any Stanley was a n avrowing up pitdier, and togeL*. “Dime. tended toum am ilagerm on the sta te w herce played m any longtim e frj;d in bos- Opal especially

children. gr:Dpal mar* cam ping in d ie Iin lan d in tains and playin)is union, always b e ren:re born, a loving, caring p<n o n d jl ia her famous d n n alised dielr 1989 after Stanlilan Valley. Opal moved to Cfarm and to b e n ear h er da

m al Fish A few years later,?a cook at Gooding to b e nol for sev- Jim. T luee yearIcy retired moved back to tindiey trav* ley area, w hereIchUdren's before going inttol events. Carc C en te r in

F u m i k o K .

— Fumiko passed

n. 4.2006, ospital In m compll* successful afronoor*

y 15.1918. lest o f four ish lroand abo. Fuml Wyoming

iedictorian^ S dw ol I C o B w H K T r th ered h er H s n H I I n iLdli^ lOn* B S t t A U U f l Pchool in H U H j B B R f lla sew frig3ty. Utah. accoim tantforsciao lbnaka a M aiy Kay conclahoE^iDs. tlm e .an d fo rth c ld her hus* librarian imtil slQ I h io t ! ^ 1985. Masao pasi>rom 1949. 4 . 1986.0 cfaOdrcn She b survived help sup* (er, Lorraine Th:

1 Incom e, she Uved wldi fo /hfto S tar years in Moscow, stress a n d abosu rv tvodbyf

■ 7 '


0JARIES——Mday tttrouHi Sctardty; OHdllM to omiOm^lcvallcyxom. DMth mtf 6 vl«w or H teitt eMtusrtM ooOm. < H«|ovii(tyxoa n d eQck cn *Obttu

\nn Birrall

B5tancc3.S h c t a h ear tache 1 vailed, never ofimconditio

Patrido is children. Cot] a n d M am ie Shdble. Thyli n ife ran d M a aiffordEfrrcl

W idi motr ou r deepest 1( say.“Goodbyi m other, gnu an d frio id K i happy and v ways wanted and s o a Tin

hlevem ent was will always be er. She was die daily d iou^C most passionate look f b r w ^ :atdicTWlnKiUs w ew tllsccya endon facility, The funem 3 the cdmmunl- p m . Wcdncsi youdi dirough at St. Edward!

: wUl be rcmcm- 152 Seventh imilyandlHcnds Falls, Idaha ’ sense of humor, face Lautz. O: :encc. vivid and tw a t Sunset P micol memory, lowing th e ' coftipassionote diurch. Then

irit.andhcrw in- eonotSt.Edw itiful smile. She interm ent. A hlldren and took ' under (he din b d n g a m odier.. Fimeral Horn lat tn e drcum - Ave., Pocatdlc

S c h w a b

(Mott) Thha 0s o a Steven (SMurray. Utah;

and one step-

rdiefrdaughtcr. choice. Local 1 hred by Ills wife, under die di hter, Deanna Mortuary In T

K i r t l a n d

avid horseshoe m onths ago.igedier diey at- Opul was punen ts around by h er parentire they m ade brothers; herJ friends. Stanley: andilly enjoyed her Betty. Survivgrandchildren, dau^iter. Jeae Idaho m oun- her son. Jimrfng cards. She eiglit g randdrem em bered a s g randd iild re' person ond for grcat-grcat-rainam on rolls. In A gravesluimley’s passing, held at 2 p .n3 G arden Valley 2006, a t the Idaughter, Jean. tery. Arrangei em o v ed to diedfrcction<.* near her son. neral C hapelL'ars later, she d ie family retthe Garden Vai- tions be nre she resided m em ory ton to the Capital A lum ni Asscin Boise eight charityo fyo i

( . T a n a k a

I ^ I d ^ a an

^ondchU drc


Sene official r several years, as recepdon w x n sultant for a chuirh . Priva licN RTSsltcasa will b e held1 she retfred in F i c ld in g l^ Kissed away July teryt Anangc

th e dltccdor /cd by a d o u ^ - H o m a 1 Thnaka. w hom Falls, u ) 83< for d ie past I I (208) 522-27

3W,.Idaha She te m ay b e seiit >y four sons, Ken wwwiwoodfti

«to4pJn.fDV M x^ MICM tleM aroaftM Mn* ,ortop(aco*B »» GlovW a tr i f r day,' -------- can<


lie has survived m any PJ“ -he and stiO she pn>-ver lo lose d ie lesson Q “ :lidonoltove.1 te survhred by her “ O"'3otytMdindn. Monde 8*veide ; gnmdchildren. S o d[hylor, DcAnna. Jen- ,,AiMariah; and b ro th s; ^n d L Buri lany memories ands t loving d io u ^ ts w c AlVl Ibyc;" to our beautifulgrandmother, sister w o r C Knowing now she ted vAierc she has al- cronlied to be. widi God ^Tlmodiy. Mom you ^ jn .

5 be in our hearts and ^ts.W fc love you and ard to die dity when•youamfrL ____leral vm be h d d a t 1 nesd ay ,Jaa l! .2 0 0 6 .anla Cadiolic Church. Qndi Ave. E fri TWin funela widi Rither Boni- Magi GSR Interment wiD Buh Kt Memorial Park foi*he ' services a t th e Mhero WiD be a lunch* Rupsdwards foDowing die a t (L A nangem ents ore C hudirecdon of Colonial fricn

tome; 2005 S. Fourth d ie Itd la ld a l ia (Ras


la o f Las Vegas, Nev.; n(Staccy) Schwab of tah; diree grandchll- ^

w rvivedwoneslster, „ ,,t„ •ofTWin Falls, Idaho; e n d nieces and He was piTOXicd In

hte parents, two * nddiri.-sisters. iide service te sd ied- y.xm. Saturday, Ja a 14, inset MemoriaJ Paric Us, Idaha The family ona tionsbem adeto .

0 a charity of donor's cal arrangements are• dfrectlon of White ^ In T\vin Falls. 4 - ^



g * clS S M B r ID

work the I fort Labe

10. OfIS p receded in d eath jcc ti rents: her sister, two coni; her loving husband. d ie I and her daughter. rvivors in d u d e h e r than lean (Don) Brown; ploy

Jim (Jane) Kirtland. Th idchlldren: 21 great* btjyc dren; a n d seven salar i t - ^ a n d ^ d r ^ ^

p.m. Friday. J a a 13, said,le Hagerman Ceme- CVigem ents arc under nionionof D emaray’sF u- notepeLlnUeuofDowers. law lr requests d iat dona- after

m ade In O pal’s itsnito d ie H agerm an So

Association o r to a ees |your diolce. go b

ton, dlre( dios te55

n Richland. Wash..(Mindy) In Shelley, L ^ _ r y (Midiellc) In Bur*. and Layne in Boise, d by two sisters. Hi-I n o ^ o f Paul. Idaha H « •ko Hashim oto of. Utah. She has n ine g » iidren and 14 great* | H Idren. She was frid e a d ib y h e rh u s-1 a brother, Thkohoru f |

leral will be conduct* | b I JXL Saturday. J a a 14. th e Trirdty U nited v

It C hurch. 237 N. \ widi Pastor Brenda

dating . A luncheon J j ! I will follow a t (he IQ rivaie Burial Services cld a t 0 dote in i''- to n o r in lF ^ C e m e * . ngcm ents ore under cV don o f Wood Funeral ■'! a Box 51434, Idaho 83405-1434; phono ' ^

’-2751. Condolences 5 U3 i t (o the fimiOy a t n n

— Dllchael P. GloverM AUA — M ichael Philip lover, 47, o f Malta, died Mon* iy ,Joa 9 ,2 0 0 6 ,o th b b o m e of iicei:A vieiving for fidends a n d tnOy WiQ b e held from 3 to 6 QL W idnesdoy. J a a 11. 2006. d ie H ansen M ottuaiy Builey

lapeL Ammgements for Crc- a tton wiD foDow: In lieu of jwers, m em orials m ay bo km to the American Cancer •dety.Arrangements arc under the icction o f Hansen M oituaiy tliey C hapel

Ivin J. HepworthJEROME — Ahdn I. Hep- orth, 80. o f Jerome, d ied ondov J a a 9,2006, a t the Vet* ans Hospital in Bolsa The fimeial will be h d d a t U l a Thuisday, J a a 12,2006, a t

-----SeraQ odys E. Nylonder of Buhl, neral a t 11 a .m today a t the aglc \Wley Baptist Chureh in d d (Rirmer Funciol ChapeD.

M atthew Sean Rasmttssen of ipeit. funeral a t I I a .ia today

d ie Buriey Ffrst Bapdst lundi, 2262 Hiland Ave.; ends m ay caD one hour before e funeral today at d ie churd i asm ussen Funeral Home).

Selina Shaw Morrell o f TWfri lte and fonneriy of Burley, fu* la l a t I I o j a today a t-d ie iriey ID S West Stake Center. 20 Paike Ave.; burial at 2:30 n . today a t the Valley Vii metery in Malta. Friends m ay Q from 10 to 10:45 O Ja today d ie chureh (Payne Mortuary).

Levi N. VaujJit o f Shoshone, leral a t 2 a m . today at De­lray’s Shoshone ChopeL

k^endce DeNou^iel o f Buriey, leral a t 2 p i a Wednesdmr at ; Buriey LDS West Stake um *; 2420 Parke Ave.; friends may 11 from 6 to 8 p j a today at sm ussen Fimeral Home. 1350

Nearly 340 vorkers et go from NL waste leaniipIDAHO FALLS — Neariy 340 iikers ore being laid olf from 3 n udeo r waste deanup ef* rt a t (he Idaho National boratory.Offldate widi CWI. die pro* ;t’s contractor, said th e m pany’s new contract with s U S . D epartm ent o f Energy juires a smaller work force in th e 2,360 people now cm - jyed.The workers were offered a lyout o f S25.000 plus a week^ lory for every yeor worked, □st o f the departing workers II leave by J a a 30, officiate id.CWI officiate decUned to say if ore posidons would be eiiml- ted, b u t sold ony oddldonol roffs won't occur until 2007, e r the com pany reevaluates needs.Some of the younger employ- s p lan to use die p a c k a ^ to back to school, said BID Dal-

n. CWI h tunon resources reaor. But th e average age of ose w ho opted for the buyout


^EATHNO]th e H ove-R obertson F

. C hapd .A m n ob itu a ry wUl

B e t t y V b r t16 GOODING — Betty U >6. o f Gooding, d ied S u t td n ey ' 2006 . a t h e r h om e in c - following a long, coun o f battle w ith cancel: tw A m enio iial services 1 e r h e ld a tlla n L S a tu n ia y ,]

2006. a t Former Funeral < be fr) BuhL A fuD obituary V jy pear fri WMncsday% newt

A rrangem ents a n d crei are u n d e r th e dlrecd Farm er Funeral Chiq>d In

^ L u c lle O ls e n:t* RUPERT - - Ludle Ote-

o f R upert tm d foim e U Jerom e, d ied Simday, J a t 2006. a t Coimtryslde Ca

MCES ---111, E 16di SL fri Buriey, and I tie to 1:45 p m Wediwsday in church.

RutbLFInchofBuriey,of al a t I I a m W nlncsdayay Biuley LDS 2nd . 4di ani\3t W aid C hapd . 515 E. 16i.', friendsniaycallfrom lO ltrc a m ^tedrwsdoy a t th e c* (Payne Mortuary).

Iva I . Buigcss McCoy 0 In F c d ls .fu n en ila tlp m * n ii X- otW hlteM ortuaryinTW fr leX Elda Bigelow Bruvoldc 10 ley, m em orial servlco a t 1 \ i Saturday a t th e Buriey ly Stake Center, 2050 Norm; ly (Rasmussen Funeral Horn ’).

Lauretta E Q u ls ila n 0 :e. FaUs,mcmorialscrviceoi: c- Saturday 01 W hite Mortu


j; S o u lh e rn I 1- P r e f e r r e d I 5( S p ec ia l“ HEflf= inQ:COL

Call Todoyl 733-06

m n hjj No m atter whichf. service for your al Everyday living.

j'c Everyday Living i Lh dedicated to asds ^ with living day to (

“As far as I’m c a lot of dlffem ^ people and i rs friends.”lte

•ifd-^ "it’s a get-tog K leam about lii

different spealtoJ-cs

This very special i “ feel confident ont

ence os you go t

I Importantly, you

develop newfirlem

Please Join us d t m onth a t & 0 0 p.i 2466AddisonAve.

Everyone Is wel(» will be made to so!

T U e s d a! ConnfeV


I. 7>ri/a.satiptea,,v namalOncmiUintttr

2460ADDISONii I ' • WWWf

mcES — -I Funeral RdiabnitatitmfriB

A rrangem ents il l follow andw H lbeannou

m ussen Funeral Burlen /

, v e n , 63 . aeoige A .O b e ilay .JaaS . TWIN FALLS I (Soodfrig Arthur O ber^ 64.

S S I i S ^ ’Rc s w in b o IcalC enttcn y ,Jaa l4 . A nangem entsra lO ia p d ondw iD beannoiocyw illap- M ottuaryandC ic]

K e m a Y o ungBURIXV— Ken

dlnB uh l. o f Buriey. d ied Mt 2006 , atParicoVto habllltation Centei

O teea 91. A rrangem ents m erly o f and will be annou y, J a a S. m ussen Funeral Cans and Buriey.

(ct The Fannd frtjm 1 Roymoml a y o t lh e I oppieddtsi

f j UpiKRd to R

ley, funer- f l ^ a t d i e rmichfobmw

;0to 10:45 I a irtf. ilwoT. le church T call*, proolde lo

ft Bs.cnde$p6

jyofTWfri K P«T«sfl'w Thursday r amlet1.W ea W friM ls. JJ exprenourflnii

Id o f Bur* I. “ “ »"lalBllli u l l a m I Rav'*naIl«.T^ riey LDS / bdosthen

S * ’” S w en H

n o f TWin I

I Id a h o 's ; B I H e a r in g :luH ■ lists .3 U n 5 E L O ^ ^ ^fcll|»Ill|< l-i>tCar.-> ^

•060l'OT?ISl9t'ee 1 -8 0 fl

B ia™ ™is

versaL .Ich funeral home perfom ur loved one, you're weicV

S is a free monthly suppoi idstlng those of us v4to ai to day after losing a loved o:

n concerned, it’s help m ent ways. I’ve mi 1 made a couple a

Betty Bosh Hansen, U

ogether that's enjoy living on my own £n makers every month.”

Rosalie Gn llvin Falls,

al program Is designed to t and have a measure of Ini o through your dally tasi roll’ll gain mutual suppo lendshlps.

dn the second 'niesday c p,m. a t Reynolds Funeral


ilcome free of charge. No a > solicit funeral services.

sday bnuaryl0 *6:00 pjn.b W in d so r& V id d e S a ia is e nUttgCoUs&HuHaumlly

R ey n o l*puHen<U>

N A V E .B .,T IV IN (a U S < 7 3'ww.reynoldschapelcoip. : ■:



>Rt4 >ext s a ra pcn d lo g o tm cedbyR ss- ral H om e In

w rgS — G eorge 4, OfTWin A - kOL 7. 2006. a t ’ Regional N M *

s a rc pen d in g u n ced Sy W hite icxnotory.

a n u Y b u n ^ 89. Vfonday. J a a 9, lew C are & Re- te ts a re p en d ing auncedbyR os- rol H om o In

■im l l t f o ! A ndHahntsibecailflQ )nsuttaiRav V. It means to De ezleinted- irricstteseod

lood.olsUuIlb pcdoUy. (be Ipenlorctnr ^ solraiMiiKo raH(ad«fortbc lltfflhwala

Thank floo. Icr' erelorns. y

H ahn& /mlly


mied the Icome at

ort group are faced one.

ped in a le t new of new


lyable. I irom the

raves, ■Is, IdahoI help you ndepend' sVs. Most lo rt. and

’ of every aO topel,

I attempts


Id s

r s s - ^ M O '; ; .

Page 11: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

Ju s tic fL a w m a k e r s si

d o s e d c o n m

By CtuW oph6f SntftfiAwocUtod P r w WTttcf

BOISE — I f th e Id Suprem e C o iu t agrees wi( d is tric t ju d g e th a t th e s constitu tion docs n o t req pub lic access to l e ^ a com m ittee m eetings, d th wlU b e sh u t o u t o f th e fur

' m ental business o fd e m o a a n a tto rney for the S tatehc

lo ic th e s ta te n i ^ court.“T he Cramers (of th e cor

tu tlon ) to o k op en n ess seriously,” a tlo m e y Deb Kristensen said in asking ju sd ces to ov ertu rn a lo

t o

Notoriously w city closes in c rainy record

S E m i E (AP)— After 22 c secudve days o f m eosun min, Seattle Is in orecord so disrnal. even forec <38 In this d ty &UT10US for its] sides are com plaining — al politely.

With m ore w et w eather i dieted overthe new several a Seattle m ay soon biealc a rec set In 1953, w hen there 33 c secutlve days o f m easun p redpitadon — the m ost si the local National W eather: vice b ranch s tan ed tro d rainfall in 1931.

UsuoDy w c have a few da) ra in a n d o n e o r tvn> day; d o u d y an d dreary days and tl It rains again and that^ the v;r;

, goes." National W eather Ser Tneteorologist Johnny Burg t Monday. “Wtfre not getting dry days In betw een— just I ing one system follow anoth(

A trace o f rain fell o n D ec b u t th e real stuff started the lowing day

Rep. Bute housing d

EAGLE (AP) — Land ow by Rep. C L . -Butch- O tter id a h a could be (um ed inl high-dcnsity housing devd m cn t In th is fast>grovk southw estern Idaho dty.

The 41-acre parcel is ow by G.O. R anches Inc , a corr ny ow ned by Otter, v represents Idaho^ Is t Cong sional D istrict an d Is n m r

• forgovem or this year.The Eagle P lanning and Z

ing Com m ission an d d ty s arc recom m ending approvi th e project, w hich w ould li u p to 17 houses on each acr iditd.

Hawkins Ck)mpanles. th e veloper, vims scheduled to before th e E a ^ e Q ty Ck)u on lUesday. Hawkins is osi th e d ty for ormexatlon. zor to m u lti-u se a n d a devel m en t agreem ent. No spec

DiamondContlntied rromBl around th e U nited States. T stopped In Port Angeles to \ famUy a n d o n their w ay hoi he m entioned how m uch w anted to go back to Port An

Doro thy lilixd the area too w idiin a m ondi. they wcrc b inVfeshington.

While there. D iam ond w to coDege a t agc57 andw ori a t S e a ^ First Nadonal & tmtll retiring In 1975. The c pie started trovdlog again <

. ' Uved in a flfth-w hed tTBller about 12years.

"We w ere ’ full dm e D orothy chuckled.

Eventually, they settled b in IW in FaUs. It w as there 1995 h e received tho B ra Smi, Purple H e a rt D efcnx tho P hilipp ines a n d m m edals h e earned w hile In Navy. H£s h a d been d lsdu ri before he cotild recdve then

A l 80 years old, o fidi showed h im a a u v in g modi intorsla w o o d Ho w as f iu d i e d w ith tho craft a n d bega w oodworldng hobbj(

“ In those, 10 years, ] p robably m ad e a t least ^e c e s . Everybody In ou r fan huone,>"D orottv8ald . .. BuffijIo,' w oH lynx, caidln

s q u in d ^ s n d tnore w ere cn

y •

:e sh e a rsay they need

mttee deliberatcourt rtiljng th a t Idaho ConstituUoi only the Door sessi

Idaho ' sta te Senate a n d H w id i a be open to th e p i a s ta te com m ittee m eeting require’ lawmakera h ea r fro: islatlve es a n d d iscuss dtizciis le^sla tion in detaU f u n ^ ‘ closed a t any tim e f ocracy, son.ehouse T h e only pkice 1 daybe- rent Icdsladve p ro

the public h a s th e a constl- struct their le^sla tt s very business is in co m n 3 ebora K ristensen, represi Jig th e Idaho Press O uD in

fbwer appeal.

)AKING{wet I I on

22 con- lurable


A pedeitflan walks Inrecord in downtown Seattle (

i3con-luntble Since th e wcathcIt since "weather vca r ' begac r Ser- ber. Seattle has had■addng Indies of rain — abo

above normal anddays of this tim e last year, wllays o f hadieccK ed 11 inchciclthcn M udslides blockcovrayit tracksnorthofSeatUeSeiwce the weekend and a hi|ig s a id Port Orchard o n in g our Peninsula. State Routsthav- dosed indeilnitcty inJtheti" tlons early Suntmy>ec. 18, rtuidway dam age catdie foi- mudslide.

It was miserable In

tch Otter p developmeio%vned plats have yet bee rttcr, H- the to a In Eagle, new dc\

rvdop- in the past have featrowing ahalf-acreorlargcr,

latest p roposal, caow ned som e Dove, a» m p a- change., w ho 'I don't th ink oum gres- was to depart from vunning cessful in Eagle," B a

dircctor o f mnd dc,d Zon- for Hawkins H om esty staff m unlties, to ld T-oval o f S tatcsm aad have “Part o f it is ju st tJacre o f o f d ie land. Wc feel E

tifamily com poncjIhe de- com m unity is lackln

to go would be a ro o d ]:k)imdl serve som e o f theseasking don't necessarily waj

zordng take care of. T hey jirvclop- come hom e and livpeciuc space."

l _ _________________

cd by Diamondls h an j.T hey and hum m ingbird to visit cctvcd blue ribbons i hom e. Falls County Fair, ich hc "H ew asajack-of- tAnge- Dorothy sa id .'H e co

about anything h e sc too,so, to-' , ^s He enjoyed d an d i

up autom obiles and 1 w ent 0 ‘ subm arine orge vorkcd h u t m ost o f aU. ho I Bank M ends and espedall le cou- . .in and . And they low Her fo r, DoroUiy said. "H

strongth o f charactei jQCrs." fatalist quality, a n d \

around good man." d back His life a s a sailor lero in forgotten. H e didn 't i

S P S t S J S n g C S 'm o te oc Vihat D orodiy saIn th e rino wilora r e f a to a

hareed "Eternal Patrol"ttom. «®sy{ ^ n d m ond once said. *M] tad o o f G ojte w as 18 m o n tscinat- . f iu o I s a w h e tB u t l '« n m a to serve - p ro u d to

countre a n d proudIS, he^ v d th a lo to ff in e m e s8* 150 — --------— ■;— -fiunlly TUncs-News ' tvri

Whited can be readij in a b . 327B. or un ite ftI crcat- Jw hlted9jnaglaalley

r a r g u n

iBut th e attc ing lawm akers . sim ilar to a jud

ations- ' a n d n e e d to c

I t fo u n d th e m e e t in g w herJo n requ ires A nd su ch is s io n s o f th e been ran*, sail1 H ouse lieed ney G eneral Jajpublic v4iUe “We don't lu

[ngs — w herc au th o rity w hfrom 'w itness- Carlson, notlnj[S3 pen d in g focused o n |usiiU — can be tec m eetings tle for any rea- com pared to

w ercconductcX in. th e cur- Lawmakers Iirocess w here to go behindB ability to in- sue* bistanceslators in their discussing ponm lttee." sold attacks o n Idirse n U n g d ie pHcs o r setin d ie group's long-standing

p u te w ith d i e :


I In tho rain past a t lfn for tho Plii le on Monday.

th e r service's tains Monday,itgan in Octo- said heavy snctad nearly 18 gusty w inds irlbout 2 inches would condnuiid well above day, \vith aboiw hen d ie d ty every 12 hours,d ie s o f rain. The Olympic± e d railroad getting slammetd e fo rm osto f inchcs prcdicteiih i^ w o y n e a r th ro u ^ IU csd a1 th e Kitsap In the lowlartoute 166 was service said DocInbothdlrec- ble, b ut not Irm

ly becausc of In parts o f Westcaused by the ind u d ln g Pic

Lewis. Padflca;tln th e m o u n - counties.

plans Vetei ent jourr»;n Qled widi to spisaturcd lots ofcr, making the TWIN FALLS called Lone* nalist Chorlayr I significant will be d ie key

the first Hum ar o u r intention don Breakfast £ n w h a t is s u c - CoUegeofSoud Bart Longson. Hunlcr-Gauli d e i^ o p m c n t Johannesburg 1

ies a n ti Com- CNN. From 19 T he Idalio was the chicf o

Africa for N ado it the locadon and from 19831 !llil» d iem u l- nadonal corr n en t o f d ie ‘ The Ncwshc king, a nd so it Lehrcr." d product to Her topic wil esc folks who Global Dream; want a yard to Am erica to A] Y just w ant to Africa and Bcyo live in a nicc Brcakfiist bwf

theC SIStudcnt Hunccr-Gault's i 10:30 a.m . in d Auditorium.

Tickets will b< ------------------- doorandw lllcc

r tl . younger chlldrt1 . pcrvislon of the

! set his m ind hoodE duaillo t

idng , tradingn d b d i ig p a r t r i m. rm m lzadons, , C E N n iR f ho loved his I A B U R L E l la llyhlsfam i- .

^ hbn ,- I K I N G'H e h ad o ' tjocwirtcr. a sort o f | d w as a n all- v H C A l

b r w as never Q ih e imr t m ind shar- I ta o » t

S ' L t . S g I F U N

i D l M I

sy l i f e - D i n - . '

M ' S 't lw a s p r o t id I TiM«iiRUMontea- I

vriter Jam t i A U ttO O J‘chodpTSS- W d

to h er CU I t u n ■ , I 5 . ”

n e h ta jattom ey represent- he s a ide rs m alnlained tha t "T hejudge closing scnsi- s tan d s

proceedings, tho involveislaturo has a right w ould ito d o se com m ittee are a pjh e n it chooses. com ndih occasions have suM ectsaid D epuw Attor- T h e I1 James C a r ^ n . islaturct have abuse o f this meetinjwhatsoever," said tees, aidng tha t the appeal consdtijust seven com m it- ness ogs tha t were do sed law m aito thousands th a t d u c tedictcd openly. secret s:rs h ad good reason sivc rulnd closed doors In Kathryrices w hen they were term inipoten tia l te rrorist Idaho 'Idaho w ater sup* only thisc td em en t o f a H ouse i

n g w ater r i ^ t s dis* open , nh e Nez Perce Tribe, Ings.

E M = ^ d r

O f f i

t o p

WPiiPP ofa■i f a i i i t f BOism i Q Q Q B B j pic slgi

d rugco

PIKa Plaeo Matkat unable in time, dpient!

ay. to a Forecasters m edicasnow falling am id "The

s in the C:ascadcs a n d MInuc through Tbes- swamp<bo u t 1 foot falling prised iirs. a s ie ]pic Mountains were M edicaL m edw ithsix to 11 help pcIcted every 12 hours gram isday afternoon. ’IhriftSviands, the Viiyidicr JustgoLDooding was possi- Michimminent, for r iW s al spoVVcstcmWashington. for M ePierce, Thurston, vices, tcIc and Grays Harbor tha t th

being I

jran ■ ^Tialist ; peakLLS— Vclcranjour- layne Htuncr-Gault • J k ^ o t e speaker a t ' J nanR ighlsC debra- Mist on Jan. 21 at the outhcm Idaha ault is the former Jg bureau chief for I 1997 to 1999. she Ef correspondent In ; . idonal Public Radio .83 to 1997, d ie chicf o rrespondcn t for \ rshour with Jim :

will b e . ‘Making a im: From Jim Crow :I Apartheid South «yond." . : . a H begins at 9 a.m. In IcntUnionBuilding. . S B J t 's ta lk w lU b c ^ a tn the CSI Fine Arts :

II be available a t die UcostSSperpcrson ; mily. (Children age 5 ' le tin frcartivitics during the 'Ul be available for Idren under the su- •' the Boys and Girls 10 CSI Early Child- d o n program. •


G K O N G ; '

A P B i B Y I

D O Z E N 2 ' •a » aaa fft) |

N W I T H I f - "

[Mm'ncOosodcmoT I jEf

' l i e

9RHASIT' fS r 'L O R Y 2 ' f * - - .

g a in s t sIdle Legislature u nder- <Is a n d respects pub lic srem ent." Carlson said. "1 Ij subfid t those (dosures) < p ru d e n t use o f cxecudvenlttee to d iscuss scnsidve tcts." (: Press Q u b sued the Leg- tire in 2003 fo r closing cings o f ofBdal com m it- targu ing th a t th e s ta te I

l tu d o n re q u lrc s th c ‘ busl- co f c ach nouse" o f th e c aking body m ust b e con-;d ‘openly, a n d n o t In iI session." But in succcs- clUings, 4 th District Judge Iy n Stlcklen o f Boise dc- tined th e fram ers o f th e I) C onstitu tion in tended Ih e general sessions o f th e Ic o n d Senate always to be s , n o t d ie com m lnec hear-


ledicare’ rug progficials unable '

r t __ •process fluny ;applications ;ISE(AP) — So m any peo- 5igned u p for prescripdon ^covcmgetmdcrM edlcare's < jrogram d iat offldals wcrcle to process all d ie forms Ile, leaving som e Idaho rc- ‘Its paying m ore for their ‘cadons. tle Insurance com panies <M cdicarc have been so >ipcd tha t I 'm n o t a t all sur- (J there vras a glitch," said i

Belisic, a sen ior oncaro w ho volunteers to 'people eruoll In the pro- I

a t St. V incent d e Paul ‘[StorclnBolse."Peoplcarc 1 olng to have to b e p a tien t”d iae l M archand. a region- >okcsm an for the Centers >le ^ c a rc & Medlc:ald Scr- '. to ld The Idaho Statesm an Ith e enrollm ent forms are ' 5 processed as quickly as

^ b v i o i In 7Tii


Claudia Rea& Ourner

• Showcase yours online audience readers every d;

'E d it and answei pace.

■i-'TCfet prime expo iilihk on the mag

For mote infbrma advei;ti$ing repres ftO| S5'3205.

. 1 !" , *

M ack

se c re t IH er rulings rd y o n anod

co nsd tudonal provision d says a quorum m ust be presc before the Legislature can co duc t business.

Kristensen po in ted to t transcrip tions o f th e Ida! Consdtudonal C onvendon c bates of 1889 an d 1890 wh< delegates proclaimed th d r I ten t to have all business o f t Letislaturc open to the pubi adding "it doesn 't say wh only a ouorum is present."

Republican le ^ la d v e Ica e rs have argued d dosed-door com m ittee m e ings arc som etim es critical the le^sladve proccss so d lawmakers m ay openly d lsa Ideas o r proposals, o r conslc issues ofsccurity, llUgadon a sta te employee disdplinc.

M inority D em ocrats ho sided wldi the Idaho Press Q

i’s new pr ^am stai

possible.More dion 21 million scnli

and people w ldi disablliUes i domvlde signed up in time sta rt r e c e l^ g p re sa ip d drug coverage tm dcr Medicai new Part D program, accordi to CMS. \vlifch has not relcas statc-by-statc numbers. Peoj vdio s l^ e d up were to begin: cclving die covciagc Jan. 1.

UncTcr the program, those Medicaid or who Uve below certain Incomc Icvd can hi their copayments for prescr don drugs subsidized. The subsidies c an m ean no cop: mcnts. o r copayments of S I ; generic diugs to S3 for bra

But becausc not all the fon wcrc processed in time, soi people had to pay about 25 p cent o f the medication's tc pricc.

State Rep. Kadilc Garrett, Boise, hcaos Idaho’s coalitlor agencies and organlzatlc virorking to enroll seniors in i program . She said Idaho: w ho paid m orc than tl shoula have for mcdlcaUon i

usiy, ad^ ie Tim es# T h elumn W(I r e c e iv e qiI I o v e r t h e wI X th e A sk TI o n l h e T t m e s - hI I h ave recd vecI far aw ay as RussI I r e c e iv e quest!I fr o m a ll o v e r th

ter • 2nd Time Around Ar\

rself as an expert i ce of over 8,000 tn day^

er online question:

losure thKJUgh the igicvaileycom hb^


f m l h ]ttiT>feftsQn1hife

; i c V a l l e y A V

m eetin :lodicr in th e case and cridcI tha t leadersh ip for d ie secresent cy.icon* But Uicy have bailee

in g o n to a Republicano the fo ra 'l ln d te d d o s tu t; ''Idaho w ould k eep m ccdngsm dc* ccp t In ex tnwhere d rcum stanccs. vridi Id r ih- dc leaders saying thcjof the w ait for th e Supremelublic. rule in th e appeal bcfcw hen ing w h e th e r to sup

lim ited closure rule,lead- C h ief Justicetha t S d irocdcr gave no I

m eet- w hether th e hlgli cotcal to rule b efore d ie currcr0 that o f th e Legislature - Iscuss opcnc^d M onday— ac nslder la tcM orcho rcarlyA f m and H e e n d ed Monday L by saying th e jusUc

have issue a decisionsClub course."


get m oney back,cnlore "If they save the reciesna- can b e reim bursedm e to com pu ter system for iiptlon ancc com pany Is updil i ^ ' s said.irding Genii Hamilton, supleased the sta te Senior Heal!*eoplc ancc Benefits Advisgin re- low-lncome Medicare1. aries w ho d id not re3se on dlscotm ted rate shoul:low a SHIBA o r the Dcpar1 have Health a nd Welfare to scrip- burscd.Those In th e m candme,:opay- said .thoseseekingdicSI for d o n d rug copaym enbrand take their letter from i

Security A dm lnlstnforms Medicaid card lo d ie |some to show tha t dicy q

15pOr- low-lncome asslstanci3 total She sold many, bu

p h a rm a d e s will horett, R- docum ents,tion o f People can sign ua tions Part D program w d ioin d ie until M ay 15.

ihoans “B u tnow lsthe tim iI they research a n d louk on can H am ilton sa id

Ivertisir *.5 N e w s '! E x p e iorks!"q u e s t io n s fr o m w o r ld a s p e o p le fi T h e E x p e r t s e c t i

- N e w s w e b p age , e d q u e s t io n s from s s ia .O n a d ^ y b a ! s t io n s b y t e le p h o th e U n it e d S ta te s

Antique Mall • Twin Falls

tin your field to ai m a g i t v a l l e y A O i

)ns at your own

he A8K<^TheExpc ajnepage.

'Our Times-NewsII Greg Taylor at

niaZOOe Tta»>Hnn.1MaW>.

/E s r r

igsliclzcd GOP ecrccy p o li­

ked a t slgn- an proposal rc" rule that gs o p en ex­trao rd inary 1 D cm ocra- ley prefer to ne Court to cforodcxid- ip p o rt any

Gerald I IncUcadon :otut ^vould T nt session I — w hich ad journs in's hearing ices would I “in d ue

on)ise■ccclpt. they . d once the ir the insur* )dated," she

upcrvlsorat :alth Insur- dsors, said ire bcncQci- recelve the luld contact lartm ent of to get rcim*

Hamilton heprcscrip- :m t should n the Sodal tra tlon or c pharm acy qualify for

but not all. onor those

up for die lou t penalty .

m e to d o die ik Into It."


r t

I a ll fin d tio n

n asasis,o n e:s"f/s ..


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,hWn Itiwdeim eiiy 10,2006

P01H&. WHAr I f THEV'flWil •pesPlCWtTH I V CAR FWltJRTEpTOeS? ^ V__________

By Hector D. Cantu and

/ WGOW, s o c m c ! I ( K X g V. ura?_ y \ . ^

___ _ Cs*Pjs} J t r ' ^ ^ i


f ltta l;lflmBy Ptiil F

I l f In October o P 2 0 0 s ) \ Edna climbed a p ine {\

I ^ Tree and percfiedncxf )I ^ to htgh-Tcnfibrj wrres /I ^ -ft?getttose amazing)


I k n o v / H i S T o n y f t f / i m t - f , S l

K i 0 9 < 3 D , S T f iH T I I

S t o o

l k r \ rJ to P e A l f ]C O O E T CANPIC

, nv\K e s M y^ l o o p R s e e o t S E

s ' ^ I P f s o W e -fo j i * J I t h e I H A - S t p f e t

( J W i T W o p B /; 1 6 O 0 P

- n » 0 6 R I ' L u e e r I j u o i o jV O O C D liU P tJE T ? 60W

$ £ \/eR au HCNOREC? f \ J l ^ « R5LCAR5 FOB THEM, t 8

By Jim Borgft

/ ^ ^ r S T l <£^JCW5R7r-re / iJS n to i PE C w rep^nra ( ) i;iESPtKtt.Ni:?IEE



c T 7 ^


8y Johnny Kart Balgr

S^IHOolfiDTSf 1 iWrtTEt? ai& BS . I I

j i g r l

and Carlos Castellanos Brav!

-M U tm iB O K U S ^mTKSfwrrsrn J

saun&you. 7 A

r a

I \i

By Scott Adams Ooon



n I

nil Franl< aM Joo Tfciso For B

1 Acccpfir^s ^ ^f A e a w a ^ m

1 ib r Edna, wAo'5 I V w ria sfiH in rehaby J •

By Bob Thavcs Luanr--------------------------- 1 \ R m '

f t f f - e A T S „g u T i n j i ? L >T I N O T O j f t ^

U « A p ? ^ p

f IM O i ! 1_

2 -CK»»^y

By Bruce Tinsley Poari!

P IP A IE - . ' 4 f “ r ,

s m e l l y . I m i JUMP CFF j U*v« S S t^ P I P f f i . ' I X X i A Q u t t e I

■ j

By Brian Crano Roso

>iOA6oorr-THffff )| I iOWENt-VMV

ijrgman and Jerry Scott .

A l *\ s x m wTKSOCK

IF u----------

rm d th( v r t^ 2 contro2 ? v O hlf

ancc aV ' f{ n ^^ / / » notionI iWl y o u w■ — ^ V I Ihc mi

By John Deering «— W l ------- r r r mr f i n J I H ± J lu ly isi

- ^ H l projec<0^ | V l ship a

J heJp VI A way. Nn t tf] la te SV j maybfJ o • QiH Im h tions a^ ,jZgB£] bcoski^ M f r r r i a r dI I j I, Ughm

’ IfrVl ccu tiv. 'fl''; I' o thers

(l-l"*- gossip, volcc 1

^ Uttlcir C IS.

lA U- . Count

« cantili------ fo r a f c

lA \ > a fui oni 1 t l a n d m

rM w ^ l ^ . I m ents' ' V ^ i g en

A n in:

/ ^ T b p e a v i ^( S S )

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n ^ ^ m ^ z / w r x z / 1 " '« c n o tyex;/tuui}s/ixzpxwm lFMM0N6fen672*iS.J , g B ^ ta y ^ J efJTSU.j I

r Better or For Woru

s a ^ r s ;


15 scAs I'M -revius a new aitboaotA aS KSOUmONS. INStEAD OP A I

INOMftJVii. GCW.S. I'M GOWW tCV•s...coM aetE PEascmrrv tvre?

£ uts Before Swtne

Y. ?i«. IWC tAHH THe YbO HAJ KTYOf OmjiM&YOgR !; CAtfrtO** ftno Mti*16 {X' on e<»Y Pay -tum iVi j tj"»v spn.ft*f. -WAT -YOU'U UH'W BAYi ! , )

■rOA«iprtC. \

w Is Rose

ries: Wait bJAN. 10 IS YOUR B U m i-

; As 2006 unfolds you will tha t very little guioancc o r rol is needed tQ niaintain i l ^ standards o f perform- ‘ already established. Even m e o f your prcconcchwl ans arc chaUenmsl in Moy will still have tJinc d u rin g ' m onths ahead to com c to on your laurels and savor fruits o f your labors. Late Is (he best tim e to sUsxt new Krts, display your leader- abilities o r others to

' you in som o im portant M aintain a low profile in S ep tem ber w hen others b e m ore critical o f your ac- 3 a n d your judgm ent could skew.UES (March 21-Aptll 19): ming-fost reflexes and cx- ivc decisions m ay rub TS th e wrong way o r cause Ip. Count to 10 before you 0 a n opinion and donfl-let irritations rulQc any feaih-

LURUS (April 20-Moy 20}: n t to 10. Minor onnoyances trigger h o t tempers o r spats . few hours today Be as tact- ind diplom atic as possible ovoid entering into ogrcc- its o r sigoiilg contracts.EMINI (May 21-June 20): nadvcrtcnt vcrt)al liIundCT cause a shakcup and. os -


3W§" \ , iX

k t s W'TiONB IIWOCUY0lS>AU.NI6t{T. m B K tO SY tWTHaVBPIFfCR- . ' - I / - '—s u c p o c te s . 1

L r .£ S 5 {

>fMlSfiT ) ^CAMThWRABoyrfl

lA C H tO N E w il l tO M C C B O W ia j .l ■ A LIST OF y -O SEB FU L Of^lMI? n w o m / iKWJSOAYrr'S-SEi

OF U N flu tC O S E ' t l — 'U JV IN S FAMILY

'A - ' \ f l MEMeeu* ANO-wn O n . > ^ > ^ F U N 5 i r a -

f ill li n

HAJE AM •)(■ OWM sm oic t>AV.

~ T ~ \ '

S*C I f^ w n w i• ANWONfc

X s

I « Z 3

before spealH o r o s c o p e

Jeraldlne Saunders

you know, one dom ino that c a n eventually knock all others down. Steer away f Im portan t business neg( doits.

CANCER (June 21-July Som etim es sticking to safe ru ts is .the m ost comfort w ay to get ahead. A little a; tion . a surprise or uncxpccted obstacle con n you yearn briefly for an esi route.

LEO (July23-A ug.22):N a decision in haste and rq in lelstire. Controversies car u p em otions for a few tu Avoid participating In sens negotlaUond and don 't get v o i ^ in m lnpr feuds.

V lRtiO (Aug. 23-Sept. W atch your step. VertMil < frontadons tha t are appan m inor can ignite a heap o f t ble. Use your cxccss cnerg cxcrdsc o r take coro o f t th a t rcQUlre m anual

LIBRA ( ^ t . 23-Oct- C om o ,bock dow n to a Som eone m ay launch a bai rem ark ond p op ihc baQoo en joym ent th a t you ore

. - grossed in. It Isn't wise to d

By Rick Klrtonan sr

%■ I


P £ I^ •OESPJTSL you' ve ^

H r Your sorI n I ^JI__1 I f l ' OPPORTbN


_______________ By(

! s £ f r



U K | ! | SOW M AT'S \ / IK AV ■1MI5T.' j tH lS O » J£ -CBA -6 E £ k £ 8 t 'UAM£ I BM£D

t H 0 J K iE B ftC A D -V j e O T H MILV ---------- , r ^ ^--------•w tm ^i v ^ | « J T \ / a


t.ooKi (.ice V S £ 0>)C O f tH

r lf^ '&’/

iiking your n

in dream s an d forgeP olity.C* SCORPIO (O ct 2e r s Splnsom estraw intc

ing m oney m ay tx----------• pjSsion. Don't aha t falls tim e-wasting gamesall th e sm ansh lp vrith I

ly from com petcunfaiityw jlegotla- workers.

SAGITIARIUS (Nj | y 22 ): 21): TVcad lightly. Rsafe old p ie can c h a l lm ^ yofortable your best behavior.!cagita- lem ark can p u ty o u lor a n o r others m ^ take on m a k e cd suggestion a t faoI escape CAPRICORN (D<

19): O isdpllncd elTc]: M ake your b est traits. DoiI repent tracked by petty st;can stir stidden whlins. Anr hours, technologlca] advensltivc cause you m oro wo;get in- worth.

AQUARIUS (pm .:pt. 2 2 ): Ib m p es ts in tcq x rtsal cori- slop over a n d ma]latently Som e people chom ;o ftrau - an d su r things u p ctergy to boredom . TYy to nu}f tasks n lty in em o tlo n a ld tXerity; PISCES (M t. 19-CL 22): Dorft look a gifl hi

earth , m outh . Maybe therbarbed th ing wrong w ith ti

Qoon o f b tit d iscontent mayiro en - way. This Is n o t a gico dwell discuss Im portant p!

end Jeny Scott

fr'(TMKrw(i5»rrV rtO ju rrJ is■•TilCTWtTWe.

. f ^ j |By(^& R odd


...js i l i

y Garry Trudeau

IB latPKZ'

m so ftsPYMV

_a w . d

i Lynn Johnston

eeM seo le v i s e s .(.

«_ w Y % J ®

By Greg Evans


iStephan PasUs


V-sj -

By Pat Brady •

s r

mindget to face ic-

, 23-Now 21):

be a worthy : c a u ^ t u p In lesofone-up-

friends or w ith your co-

(Nou 22-Dec. Forceful peo- youtodlsjploy <1. An ofihand u in h o t water cailghtheort- ice value.D ec. 22-Jon. ffort is one of (on't get slde- stpinhblcs or in impressive Jvance m ay roik than it is

l 20-R1x 18):Its m ay briefly inVn a mcs3> nplonchongc I o u t o f sheer

9-Mfllch*20): horse In the

tero IsnTl any- tho w orld —

ay arise, ony- g o o d tim c to ; plena.

Page 13: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G


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I ^ CAKUSS ^ r a j T NTSSNBr

» £ X ^ 5 n *THOSeAK Q J \ m m N is -

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^ A f VOL) eTARTEt u r J R € . ) I VOcJff TAXeS I.S ' y v A L R C A P /7

S ir? ) 11 i d ^ D A N i c £ ( j mJ j / ABOUT DOW, ANOK0(^}^

I' ' ■ ---- >vWE WHEN PEACE A I0N THRCU6HCUT J ? t H I^ U > J ---------^

___________ ByHanhKalctiB

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« » M A B » K i5 rfe s W c iA m (W » “

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By Dean \^ n g & S ta n DrakeW ABOUT COm& OVER ) M3FDWJSTVB ^MCWa LkSHTsvnfe « « y v c « T ^ f aJ3CKWMEM


w<r-vooscAM.D y5t (^ teo i^ ftG o m K C ;

By Jim Davis

n e v OUST < ie N T A » )?EPeNPABLC A « C A T ^


By Chris Browne

/ ^ XCO U iPL 4^ V A c fir to N /

___________ ByChafW!» Browne

By Charles M. Schulz

By Branl Parker and Johnny Hart

^ I W J N 'T S E ^ H ^ A H Y ^ O e J

CTS B r BU K u n e

i t t o m ^ ^ a ^ h a him

Woman resents <

DEAR ABBY: I a m a fe Vi4io U a lm o st 36 years M ost o f m y ad u lt life has sp en t In s c h o o l worfcir tmvcllng. It Is only in thi two years (hot 1 hoTO m et & o ne a n d se ttled < som ewhat — n l th o u ^ w n o t m arried . W e arc artists, so m u ch o f o u r tii oned doing th e t h i n s t h love and believe in. Ndd; us feds a g ian t void in oui tlonshin o r o u r Ihres tha t i to b e lm c d b y a b a b y

In the past year o r s a s< o f m y co 'w orkers and i people I barely know keet Ing, "W hen arc you gou have a baby?" or. "You only a couple m ore years — . you m ing to hove a baby ‘ Dojti you w an t kids?"

Abby, m y fiunily doesn't ask m e these questions! I they are calrcm cly lude ar truslvc, a n d 1 resent sim ple-m inded assumj (hat just because o person ulcrus and ovaries she make a b aby How should spond (0 these questions?

- -C H IL D L ^ A N D HIN T

DEAR CHILDLESS HAPPY: There arc several (0 handle questions that ai body's business. O ne I d d lcc t the question by a ano th e r "Why do you ask "Why do you think that^ o your business?" Altemadv you really w an t the pcrsi

Whenpe air for wi

Millions o f years ago, I , o f penguins Oew high

h e a d Tney eventually gai flying os superfluous s in a h ad few natural enemle: sincc swim m ing was m or

V portant to the ir survival " Penguins now “fly" ihi

water, u sing th e sam e m t as other birds fly throug U nderw ater, th ey av

: about 8 m ph, w ith buri 3 speed u p to 25 m ph. "dol } ing" u p in to th e air

m inute o r tw o to breaihe.This d ay In h lsto iy : Jc

> w o s a d a y io ro llO n th lsd I, 1870.IohnD,RockefeIlerl I poraied S tandard Oil, a I the stage for a monopol] I would contro l m orc the

pcrccnt o f th e co im tr /s o: m ake Rockefeller tho ri m an in the wt>ri± O n (he day in 1901. drillers in 1 mont, Tbcas. h it th e state' oil gusher, revealing a store of petroleum unde state.

Fan auctBEVERiy HILLS, Calif.

— H undreds o f pieccs o f Presley m em orabilia were tionedoff over th e wcekeni longtime collector trying t back h b ^ If ir ie n d aftei w arned: "You leave tho dothes o r 1*0 leave you."

The item s auctioned in ed three Elvis concert suits o fw h ld t so ld for $125,00( $50,000, said Alan Lipkin. s vice president o f Regenc perior. w h ich organlzc<i online a u c tlo a T he third stin on the auction block.

Aim sold w ere liccklaccs gave to girlfriends a nd 61 cuflUnka n e received from Ident Nbcon a n d b d t buck] wore, Lipkin said.

The sdler, )lm Curtin, cc c d 600 ca rto n s of momnmMiii^ for m ore thi years and m e t th e s ta r st times. His im relentlng a tion eventually got (he attc

. o f Ehris, w ho persoruilly s ea ted C^irtin w ith a Jumpsuit he w ore in a Hoi

. concert b i 1974. occordb the Regency W eb site.

Tbtal auction sales woi b e tabulated im til today, bi ganizaets cstimxue th e take« read i $2 million.

R u n a w a y c o w m a y be s p a r e d U ie k l in n g f lm

1 GBEXrFAU&M onI.(A I A Spirited COW th a t Jum{ I sla ii^ ted io tlse . gate an d i f . e d cap ture fo r six houn

drawn dem ency pleas andnot h o Hnnmfirf

Appeals to qpaie the ll£e ( i.200-pound h r i f t r cam e

■ ftnrw5 tho ghiMickey's Packing Plam

H i m ^ a n d hodsevenil I d ea th o p e i ie n c e s b waildng in to a. makeshifr a itd d im a stock ctaOct

•Rpadn™*iy ff • ahe a lm ost drow nad <

cn»dtag th e M baouii Rive

T tm k

I content question!

I fem d e __ ____ars old. «lasbeen b j |N ) | | j j ^ H 1

th e last ^itsom e- f c f a f t S P M

1 we are

r tim e is '------------- --------------tha t w e back down, you ca;d(her o f were any of your busurrela- already know th e aiat needs question. Please d

again!'I. severald o ther DEAR ABBY: Myeep a ^ * diagnosed with col^ u ig to c e r th a tra ic a d to hn ly lw 'e th e last five years.— aren t u p a brave Dgliby?" or, t h r o u g her surgci

chcm o an d constaim t even doctors now say th<i! I (hlnk m ore they can di! and in- M om is a t hom e w:■nt th e I recently move<unptlon m y parents so I ao n t o a w ith Motherli cart1C m ust can take tim e offuid I re- quality tim e with tlIS? a n d love them both»HAPPY My concern b,4TEXAS rarely speaks about> AND ncss.V\fcjokcaboulrai ways avoid a sad, uncgnta re no- u a tio n .1 ^ dealing'c b (o m y dad docs. 1 nuc/a sk in g i(.a n d w h c n Id o ,I :isk?"Or, I have tried dlscussl

any o f w ith friends, b u t iitivdy, if tim e they stop me:rson to hard fo r (hem to 1

enguinsflc vater mil]i(□, flocks ------

ncc they Klies a n d c-ilo re im- H j l L f S l

through p^i m otionsl u ^ ail. •--------------------------average Moke o f th b wllurets o f b u t according tidolphin- Webster's online dlIr every 10 m ost looked-ihe. 2005 were; 1) 1: Jon. 10 refugee, 3) contcis date b l buster. 5) kislpld. €cr incor* pandem ic, 0) cond, setting 10) incpL)oly tha t O ne in fh « (da<th an 90 served worldwide Ii oil an d O ne in seven o

richcst cans arc 65 or oId(he sam e ore 75 o r older. Onen Beau- o r older. And one iite's first orolder.a huge N om atte rw h a t;

ider the reccss, no brand i dissolve a (ooth.

;tionsahui l l (AP) ofE M s

ere auc- cn d b y a g t o v w Iter she tic Etvb

: indud- lilts, tWTD 000 and n. senior aicy-Su- zed (he ilrd was

ccsEM sfriends,


Dltpiayed on Sunday •“ 5 ^ * ftnb tto tbeE dS ulII t h a n ^ Th. stub*, which Ml r Severn! to auctloa for $25,0 ( odora-ttention M ta B M B s a n M s

Odds&EHouston ---------------------------[ding to sho refused (o b e sti

tranquilizer darts, ivouldnt T he m anager i r. b u t or- Packing Plant said kecould h e dubbed Molly

win be spared froti floor. Employees

h n ^ t e d U b l t o k e c p l ^ A m S p o i n t . I h J

lOOr to s la u ^ te r hex;'' c, (AP)__ M o n b said. "If (him pcd a s is ts .I l lh a v e to td ] idevod- hersom ew^iereelst tirs h a s N to n b sa ld th e o m dm ay frig to se ll.M oll

rem ained a t th e pi Ib o fth e ' . a f te r h e r capture, o e fro m m ore th an th e estln she Ced sh e b v ro rth s lo u ^ i

‘Blgfbot'ftveri Malaysia an e ri


tm a n d ’ Jur^Jcs could be

w k n Jn an rlO ,» O e Vammm,

t to be chi IS about--------------------- also tried ta

r-k ‘ „ • with Dad. bD e a r m a k e h lm »

A ^ w ^ ,. every tlm e hABBY avoid the sui

1 don'( kni Sometimes I

PfduIpS (ry becaus change (he

--------------------- ' feelings are1 can reply, "If it whelming. <r business, you'd (hemouLCa eansyvcrtofliat — e doM ask m c

DEAROVn sorry your i

M ym o(hcrw as well. Hovwncolorectal can- presence b0 her liver. Over bothofyour us. she has put K b very ii Qght, smiling youandy^uj rg^es. years of let where It’s istant pola Thb your fccUnc r theres nothbig normal All1 d a Basically, painful, and • waiting to die. tea rscanbc jvcd back with ican Cane I can h d p D ad programs fo sue. I te glad I cer and (heir off an d spend excellent su h th c r tL la m 2 3 do n ot have K)tit. dlflicult (im'

b , m y father don 'tw alttoou t M other^ ill- a program ir>outit,mostlyto lngwivw.carw m fortable sit- In your ZIPing with tlib like c ^ : 600-ACarcly talk about also an oia lm a k e a jo k a w hcrcpeopliss ln g h o w lfed they feel tliut m ost o f the though It's im e because it!s network, fanto hear. I have to a You're in

lew: They t ions of yea-------------------1 Think (he

R/\ISJD0M belter than your mind.'


Jack Mingo b o w atn o o r

Erin Barrett------------------- ■ We love hI w h a t you will, (heir noses} to M erriam - them — Eriic dictionary, th e from th e t^d'Up w o r ^ in Carolina oi.) integrity, 2) from O n ^ntcm pt. 4) fill- the odor frod. 6) tsunam i, 7) not from i3nciavc,9)!cvec, no r oxygen,

compoimdadasscs o f w ine The E artldo b sake. tim e in rciatn o f all Ameri- 14.000 years3lder. 15 wasn't PolaiOne Ul 58 ore 85 pletcly diflne in 737 arc 95 Vega.

la t you heard a t Erin B am id o f soda can can be rea




Iday In B«v«ity HUb, Calif., ara tw iulltvsn show when EMt Presley i I come wtth the original ticket fol B.OOO.

tourbt draw

I Ends---------------------- Malaysianestillt^ by three gripped b y " Cs. sinccsom cfl!r o f M lckcy^ ported sec

the anim al tiuman-likc 1 Dy B. probably vem beratthi !rom (he killing Rotnpln Natl cs a t MlckeyS The work cphcraUvc. havo seen a Ihavenodesiro which they | ; 'n u u ia g c rD d gavctolocal (he ovmer in- N oplansb

td l him lo to th e elsa" tourists to thleow nerbw iQ - JabarIhhir. { lolly E , vAio theJohorTbi : packing p lan t d l But the t ire. b u t w an ts couldbendli stlnutt!d $1,140 ln d u ^ ,h e { U ttered . A twun fr'

tio ru l Park: ) r g r ip s w hich m ac

woIgHUngPUR, M alaysia to s U rw i td si^itinfis o f a beasts allegothem Malaysia^ second o p e ib e u sed a s a forFebiuary

^ T M n M b .k U » M .

C o m i c s ;

lildlesskidstalking about things b u t I d o n t w an t to sad. I start to lose it

rhe tears up. so now I iub jectoiow w ho to talk ( a s Ifed lt 'sp o ln tk » s (o u se talking viron't ic situation. But my ire becom ing over- . a n d I need to let ( im you help mc?— OVERWHELMED

IN ARIZONA IVERWHELMED: I'm r m other b n t doing rcvcr. I'm sure your is a great comfort to ur parents.r im portant lhat botli )ur lather find an out- it's safe to talk about igs becausc they arc U lhough it m ay be nd p r o b a ^ tearful, )c healing. The Amer- nccr Society has for people wldi can- cir families. Indudlng support ^ u p s . You VC to go through th b m c alone, so please (0 m ake con tact Find I in your area by visit- a n d typing IP code. (Or you can \CS-2345.) There Is on line com m unity pic can chat anytime th e need 24/7. Al-

} a cancer survivors’ iimilles arc welcome, in m y prayers.

tradedirsagoh e red M&Ms taste n tlic brown? It’s in I T he form ula for all 4& M sbexacdy alike.! stand ing o n ground, ibly w on i see a rain* on. T he su n has to be sky. a t your back and rou g h rain.! hav ing readers w ith ts to -the a ir ’I\vo of •ric “Aquaman" Henry University of North a n d M ike Hoiovri(z

[{on —r poin t ou t thal rom flatulence com cs1 n itrogen , m ethane :n, b u t from sulphur ds.rth'ij tilt changcs over lalion to the heavens; irs ago. th e North Star laris, it was a com- iffercnt s ta r callcd

m t t and Jack Mingo eachcd a t factm on- ^• .


■ fc»..iuin III niiiiii’r i a .

two ori^nai ticket ly appeared hi 1986. folder,Vera expected

aw. ofllclab said, as ned another cxpcdi- k Ihc mytliical bcasL m m edia iiavc been f "Birfool" fever ever2 fish uum workers re­ccing three giant e hairy beasts in No- thc ed ro o f the Endau atloruu Park forest, rkers also claim to a gigantic footprint.

y photographed and al newspapers.} hove been m ode yet le sto ry to a ttract th e state, said Abdul :. genexal m anager of b u iism Action u iim *

:m Malaysia^ tourism e s a k lfrom th e lohor Na*

tks C orporation — nf\ngp5 th e Endau serve— coitdu c ted o m edltion last in ah th ^ area w here the gedly w o e slgjited. A .v trifiTTi ww< ptnwTwi •


Page 14: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

M TtiillH w i.tiitoR aM d

N a t i o n

Doctorsnolong<pushingcoughsyrupO v e r - th e - c o u n te i

v a r i e ty d o e s

a n y th i n g , t h e y sa

CHICAGO (AP) — D( th e b illions o f dollars i every y ear in this coun t ovcr-lhe-co im ter c syrups, m ost such raedi a o lltdc if anything to r coughs, th e nation's p h j^ id an s say.

O vcr-thc-countcr c syrups generally c o n ta in ' In too low a closc to be e£Te o r con ta in com blnatloi d rugs th a t have never proven to treat coughs, sa Richard Irwln, chainnan cough guidelines com n for tho A m erican CoUe; Chest Physicians.

Drugstore shelves arc a cd w ith cough s] prom ising speedy, often drow sy relief wlthou prcscdptlon.

But ’'th e best studies th have to d a te w ould suj there's n o t a lot o f lustUlc for using these mcoicatlon causc they haven't b een sl to work." s d d Irwin, ap ro f o f m ed idne a t th e Univers M assachusetts Medical S< in Worcester, Mass.

The group’s new cough t m cn t gu iaellnes discou use o f over-the-coim ter ci m cdicincs. Invin sold thai only are such m cdicincs fcctivD a t treating c o u ^ to colds — th e m ost com cause of c o u n ts — they also can lead patients to < seeking treatm ent for m oi rlous coughs, inclu w hooping cough.

The giiidclines strongly om m end tha t adults rccc new adult vaccine for wh ing cough, approved last y

T he C onsum er Heoltf Products Assodadon, a i group for m akers o f over coim ter m edications, disp the giildelincs and sold < the-counter cougli medl( provide relief lo million p t ^ l e e a c h year.

T ne guidelines w ere | llshed in the January issi Chest, th e American CollC] Chest Physicians' journal leased Monday, rccom m endalions have I endorsed by th e college. American Thoracic Society tiie Canadian Thoracic Soc

Many po p u lar over- coun ter cough medic proudly advertise that don 't cause drovwlncss, IPivin sold that Is because dp n ot contain o lder antih m ine drugs (hat do help rc couglis that arc due to cold

Tliese antihistam ines, eluding dlphenhydram ini an accive in m d ie n t in nadryi — are also available tiie counter b u t arc n o t moj cd os cougli medicines, h c :

Som e over-the-cou cough syrups contain drugs that have b een show help relieve coughs cause

• colds — codclne and tro m etho rphan — generally tlie doses are small 10 be effective, Irw ln:

D ex trom etho rph^ is In b iiussln, a (op-se over-tlie-counter c o u ^ sj Il is am ong Robitussln ing en is that the Pood and I Adminisiration has found t safe and effective, said Fn Sullivan, a spokesm an Wyeth C onsum er Healdii which makes Robitussln.

Sullivan said Robiti "wouldn't b c a top brand If p ie d idn 't feel it efficadous."

Coughs can have num e u n ^ d ^ i ^ causcs, in d u

burn , postnasa l drip bronchitis.

Dr. ^ w a r d Schulm on American T h o m d c Sodety resentativc o n the guide panel, said p ad en ts shouli their doctors for coughs linger longer th an three u o r ore accom panied sl ness o f b rea th , w hich c indicate p neum on ia or c serious conditions.

Coughs d ue to colds m last less th a n th ree wi Drinking lots o f fluids can relieve these coughs, o n can chicken s o u n Schul

. said.


s U m;erg

■ M j H

i l e i f I M M

s a y

Despitersuntiy on

cough ■ icd idnes0 relieve i's chest

cough tin d m ra H s effective, H J lUons o f tc t b een i,saldE)r.[lan o f a m m ittee >Hege of

c crowd* l l l u l N | » l syrups

en non* W B ^ n n m m l f l a i B U l l l l l j M

ith a tw esuggest.

illcatlondons be- I M I M p i Hn shown irofessor 'crsityof1 School

gh treat* courage:r c o u ^ K ^ l j j ^ u ju j ju j i id ial notICS inCf-

“ C O Ihey canto delay Q R A Snorc se-eluding

c o n a l d M . twhoop- Nosiistenoiiyoif

styear. w n fc l In c flW <

rver-die- You see, yoir brake lispuied (x»Tipon«rt,BndthefE S l K'seasytoM, 5 o n T “ f ttiiataboutthereslol

Ourlns nonnfll, ever]

IBnal. re* ottttf fntemsl cofitami

/e b « 5 opwiffcoefjBflrfiSo,whenyou‘retB3

ic tyand ssnse to settle for les «*nfct,AH«jSch»

fer-the* w v v v w v w ;dlcines

they ;s9, b u tise they M JJ * M I itihlsla- M I m I3 relieve m . • J I 1 » . rolds. ■ ! ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ies, in*nine — ■ l l i j l j M u K f l l ^ in Be*

bleover H f f l T P T m iirn imarket* H M S p B Mh e sa l±counterin twoiow n to m f fejUused by

dex*b u t

are toovin said.s In Ro* J / n•selling BIBSPid Drug n d to b c Pnm ds

lan for ildicare,

B V h m p Mmtiitusslnd if peo* H m ^ — J t was

tmerousd u d in g ^c h c o n -Ip a n d

lan , anletyicp- H S l k k S L ^ ^ idellnes m id see ^ tha t e w eeks y short- 1 cotild )T Other


a n l ^ p a n d so

mv . l u s S o t iw a tJ .ca ii

ml llnripiimi nn llilit

latBuy! 5;IV E

itHlTfllMHLrjnti All Socr.on ■.• Vciilr.-y'',! I

: rIIVj

e = M

c y Travel Kils

an--------------------------- ------

I. F U L L P A R T S /C A 8 0 B VI

V C K S Bir w orn sh o c iis 8 s t ru ts ca ll re g u la r tire w ea r, p o o r hralii le r su s iie n s io n c a m n o n c n ts . om s. s lo p Hy today . W e 'll cti

Vffffl HE“ 2a-------- Q

’ a s


neWirranly »"«'ntill lUtI


I C A R S SEASED TRACTION >f biting edges provide exti !ee" action drastically redi id wet surface performanc OVED BRAKING ictlon means b e tte r brakin EASED TIRE LIFE GS run cooler & Iasi longci /T IR E BENEFITS YEAR ‘ROUI

A L L S . J E H O I V I E5 5 £ ; 3 2 * - l - U < ’» a O

m m


iIiH: nnil liiiU;. Him

WHILEV c 'v e m a d e e S p e c i a l f

t i r e s a n a w e ’r ei-s%MNr:in

fa g i

n©a]M®B A T T E R I E

l ^ 4 BZ T ' IR K ' W l O T I W


MljtijMM :) MunKTmJ t i S E E i S l r

m m ^11■ ■ l i p i l l l l l l l l pnrc

ypM I WaniM

MPMWR ^ w a ^ ^ t y I '

t S T R U ]a h re su lt in riile and tiandl a liin ii p e r lo rm a n c c . anil in Its . II you a re ex p e rien c in g c tieck il ou l FREE!


- d 3 iIVDCMH .“ IIMB •'il.OI '

B4i^RMM MOMOTUtll CAS SMOCKS . (mmmNm IU4 fMtai riHM I.l• Ohm »»4I >• 9f

a m • NBBi Miiilin *1 iMtit i*t tiriit. IlKI lM-fril«M«ll »■! <l| HIIIUIIIK

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;IVIAIMCI i m c ;& X R U C IHixtra grip on ice & snow, educes hydroplaning, for mce.

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E H A I L E VG y i n t - o o a a

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Page 15: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

T h e T im csfN tw

Ix^al historii^ Oib(b ‘ThoonllBals . T tnw Hmweoffopcndeni

■ J£R0M E>-^t3alr Rkketts iiove Uved ihek i ttie nilddto o f lo ad hbtbiy

!¥om t te i r din ins rora dow tn th e lovn rode hmc Ctolz^ £uher buUt ou t ol d e a ic d (io tn the fiunlly they w atch deer, foxes, c a n d o ther Ufe.braw th e draw to t t e ea s t I h e a: m eander in a tlnudcss m a s y theyV e w andered since area WQ3 settled. . Oaii;82. a i u l V I i i ^ e i

spent m any y c o n b r in ^ mstory to th e comxtnimty tory they know weD and ol they arc a p a i t l h e cov^de rotinded by history, and p it o n to otners bas been I job and a hobby for them.

d o lr^ paren ts luunesi the family £uin< toca led ; east o f Jerome o n the Ril IbMnslte, and d ea icd 'tb

O o ir served w ith (he Ari Corps in Warid W arn arid he returned, he a n d V i i^ th d r oldest so n — th cn ab moved back to the fiunll] and bcfpin to w oik the Inn

In its heyday aroiuid Foils Q ty o n the m ain rot tw een Shoshone to Shoshone BiQs Ferry, con a beat dum p, post olDce,: and general store. The pas! train stopped thcrc daily, both cast an d w est Q air &

d o i r a nd his s ib lin g z a s all three, o f his and Vli ch ild rca w ent to sdiooI Falls Q ty School buildli^

. StiD stands o n 500 East Boj • VliEinia hod giaduatcd Filer School As a Jl C ounty dq j'u ty clerk, th Jerome County Oeik, sht died historical document: in the pedbrm ance of hcr<

d a i r was active in Scou h d d every volilnteer pc

ping (arroM icad maUng).

p-SxOFMagic Valley Regl(

Medical CenteiAlex D anM D«ueL s

D enise Arm - a n d Ml Shane D euel oflVvln Fall bo m Tuesday, Dec. 20,2i

Scarlett Jane RuUen. d te r o f Kimbcriy Leeaiui and W ord Russell Ruli TVvin Rills, w as bom , Wc day. D c c 28.2005.

P a tr ld a Gisselle G< d a u ^ te r o f I^ ti id a He Hpt ^md Edilberto Goir Jerome, was' bo m Wedni Dcc.28.2005. . , .

K iystyne MiiR eem an . daughter o f N Rae a n d b e t t Loway^e m a il b f B u h l -was! Wednesday, D c c 23, 206

Axtpn Janies Howoid, I Kirsten D ow n and T ^ e r; Howard o f Jerome, was Fiido);Dcc.30,2005. .

A nna M arie Green,.d ter o f Susana Gerber anc Joe Groen o f IW in Foib bom Stinday, Jan. 1 ,200t . C le rra E lteabeth Ba

d i ^ ^ t e r o fM aegan Eliz {Uld Cody Wayne Bam G ooding, w as b o m Me Jan.2,2006.

K endal. EUs6 Ctav d a u f^ te r o f ^ c n d a K iiim t 4 n d Clity. AlaQ^t fortl o f Shp8hbn i;'w ai M o i y l n y . J a r t a ^ . ' - ' '



iv in I j ^r i i a n s i m i n e i ^ tl

td Vhtiriia'';'-

(Diy.o(»n win- ■' g . ' j M 'l u nd o d i a t . i ■ . y j B o M B to f r o c io ' ■ nlly £um .3, cc^ te ft nwsing in . ieanlmal$ sm o h n a ; red. thcrc led.Q.60,have'' igbg local S ty .a h b - dofw hich , q d eb su r- idpassing ^ e n b o th a

nesteaded e d south- RiSsCity

r th e land •

rArmyAirarid w hen Vc^nia and ilababy— mily fiumland. yind 1910, route be- to the

rantoined ce, school p o s s c n ^

p, as wcD ^ ^ H B K S liV to inb^

C M .m ,d y i,jln l.( Road. , Around 1981. Ued iioxn helped found the Jl a j e n m c Historlca] Sodety,, then as Strieker Ranch oi she han- Chapter o f the O

ents dally nialhtflsA ssodatl icr duties. Theyolsospent coutsand ing, researcl

position ,autheTUfcatlng4he [BBS thpir North Side

iht-kna[^ng). ^ , ..p lc was feiltu:

RK RePOK'S '" " * ' T o . n „ = „ n c .

Send a copy of I I son o f cortlflcato to: M ichacI Jam! Whitod

Falls, was Tho Community 0,2005. Tho Tlmos-Ncws n .d au j^ - P.O. Box 548 ^ Hafer iw in Falls. ID 83

O r to ( o :7 3 4 - S Domlllno;N<»n^ lor Sunday's p af

Hcm an- noon Friday fo r i Jomcz o f popor. xlncsday, Moro Informatic , , Call Jam! a t 73& M ichelle ]________________

V Jushn Morten Paj

U ^ u g H - 1 ^ 3 - 2 0 ^ ,flnrfRmv Danny Hector*

p ^ i S ho f Nivea M aria I

^ n d a v - : V ^ e z o f j e r o m TViwtlanJaa3,20i

»Bwfhrd . Ryan -Mchnef

THEIRt h e m s e l v e s . i n t h


la RIcketta are atiown at fiome In J 11. th e Ricketts . D ctxm ber 2 le Itrom e County D ust" the U :ty, th e Friends’of Orcgon-Calil . and th e ldaho ationNcwsIc : Orcgon-Califor- They got p Lotloa from , that pi!nt20ycaiswalk- that m any | jrchirut ' and p o o h ed 'tn c thovalidltyofthe bnm ch .b u t I. o b n u )(^ o f tho >■. 2 0 tl

U ^ ^ ' a d d do to9Is& 'niSdoi>*;;,M K ^vtar p r ( t u j ^ In ‘ the . d id no:

B PI a birth

Iho birth


83303t-5538. R H H I onTuosday)apor;nnd Pollen ClllrtJjrT uosdoya Bmlolt. ptM

.tlo n ? R«cojnlll«ni

Kincenzle JPoyne, . . lerl ly n n e and ..._ _ 1 *Payne o f Buhl. | i n | } | iay,Iaa3,200G.


g d t t a om i Ivonny K b ^ h a d b i i ^ w a a b o m g ,„

L o l ^ ’ ond u ic lm n sfo r0 ' A b o u to h i

bo m W n ln cs- . 'oime-.Io Kin‘ \ merchandise

• ' ■"•: : ' th o n .

msUpGopt■ j g i l j j M ' 'GOODING

jnh in tcer.cff

■ I ^ B H h . ^ t ^ t c r h• Roeds. vidunt

i ' buDdiftginOr..’':T W^

''.'Ba^:‘'Gbodij : & roud 'Ih l ‘ m u ch b d i^ '

'added 'X j ^

•'V-- ■■' '.•

■ . (

- T u e sd a y , J an u ii^

HISTCthe past of their



at dll

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t '! ' histo mt Data h.';; beco:

side I o f th been

r v ^ n ^ H dona Ov

' r iit.v ' .V r ^ H wrott local:

■rj!2j r ^ i..'. and Iand


the C and I

OatnCHUMMl/TWItaMM fojth

InJeromo. ientc•r 2005 issue of "TValle Idaho C hapter o f the ihn ciilifom ia Thills A ssod -. ih e bvslettet T},o t personal satisfaction pj^trc t p ro ject Viiginia saidry people had "^pooh- conuthe idea ofthe northern zinc^]ut she and d o ir spent docuI n th d c s p ^ t im e v u r i - . nmtcI d o c u tn m b ^ ltS h o lS ' TVnUr p roud df th e fiict that nownot listen to aH those b c ^

lef Jameflr R. Munn ir. and Klmbe: iresantarf Ceeta’Wlllaaghby the C en Award at Kimberly High Schtx

mberly te( lice liab aFALLS — O n Nov. 12. Us3ld Leeta W iU ou^by recofldng as a d c il: a t Klng^ to ld len t Store. Earlier In the ta n astomd* hod purchased anotlons for Christnias pres- Iicc,to u t 20 m inutes after le tiru ^ th e custonu3'rt^* e purchases from enoud been stolen from her d c liShe called ICng^ a n d ilcen;anployees to be aware^ Shismcone tried to rettm i to th<for cash, respc

ih o lf-hourb tcK am an idcntKing^'with the stolen wholdisc ahd tried to retum Thi


)ding SenioiNG ~ Thanks to tlie *Wi.cObrts o f Horiy and on boteed, t ^ Gooding Se- Ingwcr bad Q new look. The oddt^UQtct^rcd to pain t tl'g finishnO c*«)ct trim."aHy;apprcciato Harry Stro^ d ( ^ this for us> untecoding: M aw r H erb .'liat lh e . building looks paintcta -* l:‘ whenre % l t kwks grBat,T Stroutnuie,^2orbett. sen ior painiiisctO£< *1t n ia la s th e rest rid li i^ 'lo o k 'n ic o . a n d polesi

' predaOS to Hany, th e p to j- centti ? a » u t ; . je.hoUii' tt v bito

iV 'lO , 2 0 ,0 6 ,

m yir surroundings10 d o u b t^ Its catistence be- u seltbnow acccptcdoslact— mks p r im a ry to th d r efforts. n»tf1daho‘I& m a n d R anch ' iscum com e Into cadstcncc out 19d0, Iom ted no rth of in PaDs near Interstate 64 and S. Highway 93. I h e Hicketts i»rtcd local U.S. Btu:eau of nd Management o tridnh o n a ir ofthe m r th Side Thiil while the sam e tim e nrom otlng the omo County Historical Sod- rb drcam for a Uving museum , c BIM ofndals liked d ie Idea d m ad e arrangem ents for the lorical sodety to apply for a (ent on land for w hat w as to comeIEf\RM.Ihc historical society had to n p through se v e i^ legal ops, in m uch the sam e way It a hom esteader h ad to rove up* for a hom estead, be- D it could get the d eed to the 1 , the couple sa id *There has been a lot o f en- isiasm for the IFARM both in om o County, o n th e south Ic and around the s ta te M ost the w ork o n the IFARM has ttn completed through private nations.' V lr^nia s a l i Dvcr the years, Virginia also □tc a scries o f artidcs about al history forTheH m es-News d authored the boolcs, ~Thcn d Now in Southern Idaho," 1C History o f the Nonhside.: First 75 Years." and m ost rc- itly, “Shoshone Falls the igmflcent Spcctade.”)he also ta iim t local history at ! College o f Southern Idaho i conducted historical tours the coUega Vliginia is a rcd p • it o f the Idaho Smte Historical :iGty^ Esto P c ^ t u a Av/ard her work a nd nos served as

: state sodety’s chairm an of ! board of trustees, this fall, V i r ^ l a and Clair Jcetts d edded to donate Vlr- lia’s extensive reseaid i library, ntainlng books, maps, maga* ICS, iicld no tes and cumcntation for the northern itc o f the Oregon-Califomia lU to CSL Local hlsiorians win w have a -c e n u a l p h c e to

berly High School Principal > Ctiiers Partnership1X1.

;en helps I thiefLeeta assisted the m an and ognkcd the stolen items. She d him she needed to get assls- ICC with his returns. W hile other employee to call the po- !, the m an left the store, jeeta left, too, and crept be- id cars until she got d o se jugh to obtain the m an’s vchi-

location, descripdon and 31SC plate niirnbcc ihe relayed that information the polio: a nd w hen oUlcera ponded they w erc ab le to ntify the vehide and the m an o had die stolen property, fhe man, who also h ad a war- it for his orrcst. was anested.

3r Center^ p u t three coats o f paint bocauso m uch o f the build- was barc d n d c r block." he

‘*The senior ccn ter will sh the project by painting the l"troud said a lot o f people vol* cered tohdp.[{any Is. a .professional Iter so w e w ere very happy 31 he oflered to o o this,

"H** q Inr fifidng in tht) area. &om tho rooms a t tho mrfc to the

3 a t s d io c l l to really ap- -intn hltn do ing t ^ senior t a . y i c also { ^ tc ( ;la to the

.'doristod. thei t to th e ^ ro |e o t.V ./ . :


-CommAmetlcanJUeglon p meetSi for

(J Twil<l,FAUS — T h e ,^ con U rjlo n .P ost' Vc . A U d l l^ will m eet toe_ dirm cr a n d m eetings-

post hom e. .j j • K D oors op en '[a; w ithdirm bcat'6 :30p.m .o f Roast 'b ee f tm d freni1(1 sandw iches will b c , sIts G uests shou ld b rin go f d ish o r dessert. New |I a toys , and stuffed onim.He being collected for t h e :le tainStatesTU m orlnstitid- Bam . D onations can ben . a t the For m orc informatlol e H elen D om brovskls aa 1435.

toAmerican Heritage

^ Academy offers claay BURIEV — Tho Am to Heritage Academ jt I22( e- Ave., is offering several 1C m un ity classes d u rir

spring.n- "D ancing Dates," ba in dancing for couplcs, n d l o rslnglc.w iU behcIdfrc <il 7:15 p .m . Fridays, “ through Feb. 24. T lie i

S80 p e r couple (S4' montli).

" “NutriUon Nights," ii add licaldiy food to die

” b e licld from 7 to fl:3i •" Thursdays. Jan. 12 tli *• F c b .l6 .T h eco s tis$ 6 0 .

"C om puter Scrapboi will be he ld from 12 tc p.m . W ednesdays, bee Jan. IB. for 14 weeks. Tl is S125 p lus $25 lab fee,

_ includes softwarc, o r $ J, w cekplusS251abfce.^ For m ore informatioi ^1 register for any of tliesc

es. call 677-4524.

Benefit will help wl medical expenses

rJ PAUL — A benefit i a . he ld f(

Mculer R upert to p.]

4Q lirday ito Minicc

■ K 9 n | ^ H d I e

Kaomeuoman and ral^ be licld. Prizes include

5 ety o f gift baskets, half■ half a p ig and ovcmighi■ ages.H M culem an. wlio worlI cook a t West Minico, w:I ou.sly injured in a car acI in.Scpicm licr 2005. Ihc■ nt is to he lp w ith m■ expenses.■ i ^ r m ore Informatior I donate, call 430-5018.

Veterans officer vis BurUy on Friday

BUItLLT — MUt Sinll State veterans service

1 from Boise, will be at th I ley Veterans Office s

Burley Airport Friday.• For appointm ents, cal D alton a t 678-3599 oi 2565. If n o answer. Ic m essage a n d the call v

id rc tu m ed le.s- Baby sign language 3! class offered In Bui

BURinV — The CoUi c- Southern Idalio Mini-* X C enter is offering a Ttaci J- Baby to S im course fron id p;m. T\jtsday9, Jan. 10 tc

1600 Parke A7C. m Babies ages 6 to 24 it IS can lea rn to com m ui 10 using signs and slmpli in tu rcs. In structo r

A nderson will cover r- signs a nd techniques d i

h e lp rcduco frustratio paren ts a n d chUdrcn.

The cost is SIO. An / c on . Sign Language Begirmcrs class Is p lann

. Tuesdays in February.For m ore Informadon

„ r e n t e r by phone, call 5 1400: ■ •

° Hemstitching Etc. announces classes

1 BURLEY — HemSUt^ Etc.. l o ^ e d a t 123d,Ov(!• Avc..' h u annotm ced uf[ Ing dosses.3 Ion. 14 — IXunlng Tr, from 10 a.m . to 3 pjQ .: Jan. 2 8 — 7. 8. l a y 'r Straight firom 10a m to :» , Thcrc is Q $20 fee for

h u d iro m B c q R

■' ■ s

f U M T Y E V E ]

I P o s t '7 T h im b le Bcrr, suirt tm til I-ebru;■ ,IW W - v tlon is S20 and 1be Airi.crl- m onth.

71 .a n d For m ore info:today for Denise a t 878-02.' gs a t the

. „ ' Rupert Elks tl lamb feed eve

ren d ! dip R U PH rr — Ilu e, served, lo d g e will hold ig a side lam b feed Satu w games, lodge, 85 S. 200 limals arc D inner will be I h e M oun- p.m .. foilo^ved by stitutcTby 'IViple Shot from > be m ade ,a.m . Tlie cost is

son. ,itlon . call The m en u will I s a t 7 ^ - in gravy, notn

. beans, b read, soi dessert.

g fi ! ^ r m ore infoi

classesA m criom s.V. Center fo i

S S S offers lampwoiiring the KETCHUM—

ley C en te r forballroom h o ld inga cIilss i t :

>, m arried the opportun ityi from 6 to to learn and exp!ys, now old a rt o f f^uss I;le cost is Pendants, bcud.s.(S40 per penvciKhis. drin

and m orc can be," ideas to clas.s will be iielddiets, virlU p.m. Jan. 2H and 28:30 p.m. ter. ia i l i f th S f .

th rough Beginning withGO. o f glass, Ktudcniib o o k ln ^ hmv lo work dlti to 12:50 torch, to mcli, 1s e i n i n g shape rods of. The cost "We arc excited'’ee, w hich able to provide thir $10 per ty for locals to wo

W carosofortunaition o r to cess to tlie equlilese class- great local teachi

m an, w ho is pas.s glass and willing;

with fascination throu;said K aihryn Cro\

’S ler's program coo[it will be The class Is S8(J for Rae ley C cnter mcnilji lcm an of for non-m em berlert from 5 supply fee. Ret^sI p.m . Sat- line is Jan. 13 an<ay a t West 10 students. ■lico M id- For m orc iiifoi

School, rcgistcr. call 72G-S.600W . o rv is itth ecen le i

po tatobaked people for Pel

iTauciiori Mobile Pet AdlaHle will TWIN FALLS - d e a vari- I’cts-MaRlcValley alf a beef, clety will hold a ight pack- Adoption from I

p.m. Saturday at 1 ^rorks as a 2‘)G4 A ddison Ave , was scri- For m orc Infoi r accident tlie H um ane Soc Ihc bene- 2299.

m edicalOptimist club< poker tournaiT

. . , , JI-HOMli — Thi visits ' W endell Optimis

liavinga TexasUo T oum am cnt fron

mitli, tlie p.m. Saturday al cc oiRccr smiili UuildinK 01 I the Bur- County Fairgroun

a t th e Thcrc* is a S25 d a rc-buy-in for tin

call Dldc Proceeds will gI o r 878- local children \Wi . leave a various projectsII wUI be Conts fo r Kids.

H unts, Brc-akfasr the annua l caniivi

IgO For morc* Infor• Wayne B ohm at

Burley 732-0 967 .>)llegc ofn i-cossia CSI O ffe rs e n t i

“ m e r o ^ courses this s|B to 31, a t TWIN FALLS-

for zero-crcd it 1 m pnths classes oH'ered froi T iunlcale May tlirougli the ip le ges- Education Center

C^rol lege o f Sou therr c r 40-50 available for dLstri itha tw lll- The catalogues Ition for descriptio.ns, tir

cost, iristructor I n Amcri-' and m ore, ago for New classes th inncd for in d u d c 'B u y ln g a i

eBay," “BegUining io n o r 10 ing, “Russian C call 678r! Language.“ “Make

; shop fo r Women' Language." Popt

J . courscs s«idi as/ for Seniors," "Pt

93 'D o c Obedlcncc"Stitching fcrcd.Overland For m oro Infont I upcom r ccivc a catalogue c

' ■ call 732-6441. i TVventy.


n m e th y 6 .1^102IlM M m .G o o d b


Scction C

iNTS-rries will n o t ruary. R e j^ tra - i th en $10 per

form ation, call 1236. ,

to hold renth e R iipen Elks lid h s an n u a l . tu rday a t the W.e from 6:30 to 9 jy livem aslcby m 9 p.m. to I Is S20 per per­

il include lam b tatoes, green oup, .salad and

formation, call M>852.

or the Arts orklng class- Tlie Sun Vai- r th e Arts is it says provides y for siudcnt-s (plorc the Jige- ; lampuxirkiiig..s. marbles, p.v ink stir sticks )e created. The !ld from f) to (5 129 at the cen-

ith solid pieces inis will learn Jircctly over a , m ix and re- lass into art. ed about being thisoppnrtuni-. vork wilh glass, la te to haveac- ilpm enl iind a her. Mike Aus- issionale aboul i(; to share his ni(^i (eaching." owley. tlie cen- uordiiiator. iQOforSunViil- nbers andS130 lers, plus a Slf> ^stration dead- md is lim iied to

rormation o r to IG-9491. e x t 23. ler.

ets to hold !\doption; — People for eyIItm ianeSo-

a Mobile i’et 11 a.m . to I

I D & H Supply, ve. E.rormation. call kjciety a t 7.16-

bs to hold imenth e Jerom e and list Clubs are lo ld 'E m Poker Dm 7 IO 10:30 al th(? Me.sser- on the lerom e jnds.> d onation and he first hour, go to helping

.Wtll Ihe clubs : is including s, Easter Egg sr w ith Santa, ival and m orc. bm iaiion , call U 539-6.S26 or

i t l c h m e n tspring— Citalogiies t en rich m en t rom January to le Com m unity e r at the Col- xn Idaho are tribution.» featurc class lim es, dales, r In form ation

th is sem ester an d Selling on ig Irish Danc- C ulturc a n d

kc-OvcrWork- ui" and 'S ig n ' • pu lo r rep ea t s “Com puters • - Po ttery a n d c" also a rc of-

rm atton. to re- e o r to n ^ ls te r .

mamot/JektPUa- bcrwfl PrcUem , ' nhBfootPrebteiBiHososyDPM>dla]<»

Page 16: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

W o r l d

Bomb^29 are killed usu iddo bom bers dii^uist po lko LnCloated th e hcavll tilled In te r io r ' Mii com pound In B a g d a d blew thcmselvea u p Mo during cdcbrn tkuu o f Not PdUco Da}ildlllag29

Ttrft nttfir i 'WH rt bCBJTting near t t o XJS. otnbas and senior Iraqi ofildals i fcsttvitlcs, b u t (he blasts ca a particulaily deadly wcc

IAmgriean HbJCJ Im q lfom

' l i ^ l F also

J searching on Ame jotimoUst

M fera woskidna 5 | M Satiirday

gunm ennmhiKhrfcar and I

C«Toi h e r tnmi In B o ^ d a

llll Carton, a 28-year-old lonccr forT hc Chiution Sc Monitor, was seized In I dad^ predominantly Sunni al-Adcl neighborhood. F said she w ent there to f Sunni Arab poUtidarL

Tlie escalating violence the D cc 15 parflamentary tlons— at least 498 Iraqis aj U.S. forces have been killt cam c os Iraq's dcctoral con sion delayed rdeasln results o f the vote.

An Internet site know publishing extremist mai trom'al-Qoida in Iraq leadci M usab al-Zarqavvi cairit d a im o f responsibility for f day’s su lddc attack, saying i in revenge for tlie torlui Suruil Arab prisoners at (xvi tentlon facilities run by Sliiite-led Interior Ministry.

■'Ilie lions of al-Qaida in \srrc able to conduct a new on tlie Interior Ministry, ta revenge for Aliali's rd l^o n tlie Sunnis, who arc being tu a“d .in Uie ministry's cdJ tlie statem ent said.

Tlu* claim. \%1iidi could n< iiidciJcndently verified, refc to reports tliat more tlian abused prisoners were reo round Ll the jails — bolst( com plaints liy Sunni A al)out the ueauncnt ofdetai by Interior Ministry forces.

Anotlicr piuportedal-Zar statem ent rebuked Sunni / for partidpating In the pi m entary dections, saying had "llirown a rope" to save policy.

Meanwhile, die U.S. ml! said eif^it U.S. troops ~ in< ing four Alaska Army Nad Guard m em bers — and American civilians died abo U S. Army Black Hai.N»: h d i te r that crashed Saturda northern Iraq. T he mllltar> tioUy said only that < passengers and lour creNV alward.

Sunni Arabs also exprc anger over a raid Sunday by troops o n the Um in al-i mos({ue. Da(^idad headqus o f the As.sociallon of Mu

- Sdiolars. a Sunni derical a tliat Ls Iwiieved to liave tJ( som e iasurgent groups.

Tlie m osque Ls in the al- neightmrliOM. oneofBaghi


This fUo pilots thows ■ potu Infomutlon on ttaUiD teem s VMlcen entployee, benered ti leteon In Rome oa tone 32 ,i M ifpndalnted Udntppera ed the release ef the peps'e ;

1taee*ftim nrU .200S

. i '

i n suicide blasts) — iw ouised 'osovilyfbr-Ministry nB H B H B Hlad an dMondayMfirinnftl

bossador ils at Ihe

can and jicca.

m erican ' list who

cn v ^ o r?S aaB a i? te j-y.<Biiied herid killedim slatoridad . ’old free-I Sdenccn Bagh-riniArabL Police10 sec a

ice after ary d ec- is and 54 k i l l e d - zommis- islng the

own for material iderAbuirrled a S t i s S l m l S f l l b r Mon- ngitvvas rlure of(WO de-. 3% {i^ ^ ^ E n by tlie

f f l S S i H l i El i n l r a o lew raid f. taking ion and ins tor- cdiars,”

d n o tb e

» U 5 .m lllten r l. .llcilstering nialn entrance of the

Arabs car bomb and launchetainees

roughest and theZaiqawi w herc tlie Anujrlcanl Arabs was kidnapped.i parlia- A U 5. rnilitary o£ng tliey ing on condition oave U.S. bccausc o f the sens

situadon. said die ra;military cssary Immediate’ indud- tlic U dnapping basMadonal p ro v id e d ^ an Iraqind four m ilitary said Sundiboarda people were deUiinthdlcon- details vrerctdeasetrday in “Tlie violations oftary ini- tion forccs are cont eight theyarcendless.Thi.•w were U m al-Qura mosqui

rccent example,” sa:pressed H aritlial-D liaii,asp^byU.S. d ie derical 'i l ic su id d e att;quarters sprawlinglntcriorWMuslim pound came after aal ^ u p deadily four-dayL* tics to Americans, with 28

Tliursday, including• al-Add At least 498 Iraqiighdad's killed. Indudlng 3

> a u ! a l S d a J “-i»WfckU^

Ofter OQ the street* of Rome to tu f» t Emsmieti Orlandl, the dat Id te b m been iddnapped after 3 , 1SS3, wtien she was IB jrear 1 s t 4be tboe of ber dlssppesrar e ' s w o d ^ assassin.


tra tesects; authorities seai

llcopter p u s e s a spire s s It gives the Ministry of Interior complex or Khed two mortar shells there, Will

hc sam e area and 143 securican journalist U S. troops ha

Dcc.l5efccUo’ official, speak- military deadI of anonym ity U 5. service m:nsitivity o f the s incethew ars;ra idw asanec- cording to anle response to co u n tbased o n a dp T hebom bsiaq ld tizcn .T h c succcsslonabcm day tlia t six the parade bd n e d No odier U.S. Amba;s c d Khalllzad, liio ftheoccupa- Dayan Jabr, I» n d n u ln g and Sadoun al-DtThe raid on die drcdsofo thenque Is th e m ost' None of the' said M udiana andd iece iemispokesm anfor rupted, saidi. lonnson, aattack o n the spokesman.r Ministry com- sions "had n<;r a pardcularly ceremony ancy p eriod for anytxxfytotal28 Idllcd sincc ’Ih c first boi

ing 24 trcwps. thepollce,butaq b have been onated. A :I 355 civilians detonated hia


lease of dieT\] John Paul II m ciuartcr-centi th e clisappc teenage daug employee wh( kidnappers d seeking to w freedom.

E m anuda has asked pro: d ie case be< m ents" have warrant Invtsi l / s lawyer. Mo 'The Assodatc day.

w hether the r All Agca, wh

. M o m % from would affcct cautioned dia highly inconsi th e years.

'H e has sail O ne cannot t«mlrf

Another im

dsBtbter of a ' londi^ disapp ler a musio prosecutors u rso k L H er w hethertorcc

plcted h is I

curitycc:sarch for Id^ap]

ves sir surveillance support to It X on Monday In Baghdad. Insurg< killing a t least 29 people and In

curity forccs, and 54 bombc1 have died sincc the form o cd o n sW Id id ie lau s t d ie o d cadis, a t least 2,207 tenant : m em bers have died tha t i arsta rted ln2003 ,ac- . ihroug an Assodatcd Press d ie coi

Atlclbs exploded in c ^ c k and IGabout 1,500 feet Irom men,2 being w atched by ofOda] ibassador Zalm ay In p

In terior M inister ficialsr, Defense M inister cxinferl-Dtdalrrd a n d him -- hadhchers. Umlimthe officials was h urt they v■emony was n o t Inter- fiom aaid Ll Col. Barry vrante<

a .U.S. m ilitary a to n oL He said d ie cxplo- ElecI no Im pact o n th e leased and did n o t reqidrc Hussei > take cover." toral i bom ber w as shot by s(^conl

buthlscsqik}slvcsdet- poned \ sccond bom ber th e d e his explosives. O ne • group;

lease of ly shed 1vJCriYfAP)— There- W g S cT \u k > ^ o sh o tP o p e W f f nII m ay slicd light on a :ntury-old mystery: ppcarancc o f the a u ^ te r o f a Vadcon K B B j w h o w aso b d u acd b y iD j j l l s claiming (hey wcrc) w in the gunm an's

:1a O rlandl's familyprosecutors to reopen i because “new eie-

lave em erged th a t to sp cvesdgadon. tho la m l- , day thMassimo Krogh, told In TUr

iated Press o n Mon- the dr custoc

Ined to speculate o n salddile release o f M ehm et thatAjw ho tu rn ed 48 o n covcrrom a TUiklsh prison servedx t the c a sa But hc Thediat Agca has b een a Dcmliinsistent w itness over ly b o t

{^ o wsaid so m any t h l n ^ amOltot trust him.” Krogh medic

durc,invcsdgatoi; howev- *He

release can only turo ftnvcsdgatlon Into Or- forwaiippeaiance^ a lthough Dcmlirs haven't d e ^ e d P n ss II reopen the ease. Agoto b e freed o n parole in 200because h o has com - ycaisls p rison te rm fo r Ing m


s s s s s s = s s s s s ^ = s s s s s a B m

wnpSexSped American

) Iraqi police securing the rgents exploded a suicide Injutlng la .

ibcr was wearing the iml- lofanbaqipoU ce m ajor and other was c i r e s ^ a s a lieu- n t colonel BoUi had passes

enabled them to get ugh checkpoints and Into im p o u n d: least 29 people were killed 18 w ounded mostly police- 1, sold Ala'a Abid All. an lal a t al-Klndi hospiUiL , polldcal devdopm ents. of- Is canceled a news erence during w hich-they hoped to give ou t m orc pre- nory election results, saying • were still auditing returns 1 about 50 ballot boxes and ted to announce everythingICC.ecUon results will be rc- cd after Eid al-Adha. sold seln Hlndawi, o f Iraq's dec- l commission. It w as the tnd tim e they h ad post- ' cd idcasing InformaUon on decdon— which Sunrd Arab ips said was tainted by fraud

pope’s^lig h ten1 ^ 7 3 " ^ crim es com -

m iu ed in aT \iA -

ish m ilitary court ruled last week.

An official, speaking on condition a n o n y m i t y M onday be-

A0 ai causo h e was not authorized

[>cak to the press, said Mon- tha t Agca may still fnm trial Uikcy tor allegedly d od ^n g draft and escaping military ;ody. The Inm ates lawyer that was unllkdy, suggesting Agca'^ time in prison would ar the time hc would hove cd for diose crimes as wdL he lawyer, M ustafa alrtia^ siild Agca would IDce- D token u> a millmry station nving his ideaso and later toHftiry^fXTilfnl <f> fiprlicalcheefa, aroutirjeproce-iie has no plans for th e &i- fbr now, bu t be Is looktna

ra id to h is freedom ." airbag told T he Associated a by telephone, gca was extradited to TUtkcy 000 serving a lm ost 20 -s in prison In I t ^ Eor shoot- ^ wounding ihe.pope on


I JERUSAUM (AF) -B Sharon started hroithlI h b own Monday imd II his ri^ it ann »fwt legI qxmse to poln stlmuuiI wtiat his surgeon callcd II portont developmentI will be days beforodoctcI detennhie whether he II o r win t>e able to returnII *The p rim e mlnlsiI b r e u l^ s p o iu a n c o u s l]I D c Shlom o Mor-Yose( tI rector o f Hodossah HcI adding th a t th e nujvemiI SbattmlBaimandlegrTuuI s l^ h t b u t significant ImI m e n t’I 9 ia ro n b response is II Im portant” s l ^ and IndI his brain stem Is woiUnI h is ch ie f surgeon. Dr.I U m aiuky. briefing rej)I for th e first time.I I tb s tm to o c a i^ h o w cI assess w hat Impact th e nI bleeding h e n d fise d in hiI bralnw ouldhovoonhlsaI to thb ikandreosonoroniI 6kleofhi3bod);Umans]oI "We are Just a t d ie begI o favcay Ic^w ay ,'* thestI sa id * ln too earfy to talkI thecognlth«issUc.’'I A fmal medical analyI Sharon^ long-term pn>I would en d d ^ o f unccI over th e fate <if die 77-ycI prim e minister. hcrala<I m any a s th e best ho |I Mkleast peace. Doctors sI chanccs o f siuviva] areI buthcis& irfrom outofd jI Hc rem ains hooked ^I respirator and unconsdoiI guarded room wherc dI music is b d n g ployedI Moro d arity as to Sli

Kim leave intelligem

SEOUL. Soudi Korea (/ North ifc'rean leader Kin

I fi has traveled to China rare trip outside his com Soutii Korean mllltaiy I gence oflldal said T U e ^

The ofildal roldTheA ated Press h c jccdvc i inform adon from intdll inside Chino. The official o n condition h is n am e i used becausc o f the sen:

I o fthe information."We confirm ed he wi

, China." th e official said don't know w4iy."

[ Kim. w h o seldom t abroad, last visited Chi

, ^ r i l 2004 for a summi Chinese leaders. North and China, bodi comn

, countries, have traditii , had d o se des.

' Chinese President Hu visited N orth Korea In Oc

! South Korea's Yonhap I agencyrcportcdearilcrlr

patch o u t o f Bdjing d i ' ledusive N orth Korean k

train h ad crossed the I j into northcastem China ' dght security. Tlie agcni

no t say w here it got Its Inf don.

The visit com cs a t a SCI ‘ tlmefor.NorthKbrea.whi ' m ains oi odds widi d ie I

Stat es over stalled Intema

would-l I Vaticai- May 13. 1981, In St. Vt 1 Sqiiarc.

Ortandl, th e d a u ^ tc r ofa / lean m essenger, disappe t afier a m usic Icsscm In Itoir

June 22.1983. She was 15 a . tim a H er self-proclaimed I nappers d em an d ed A f release fo r h e r freedom, / t h o u ^ they never ofTered

prtw i they h a d the ^ or } shcwasoUve; t K ro ^ said th e Oriandl is

believes tha t Emanucla’s d 1 pearancc a n d th e attcmp ; John Paulb life w crc conru r and that th e kidnappers wa r to exthonge h e r tor Agca. { asked w h e th e r Agca's rd I tnigju also m ean &wxiomfa i landL Krogh responded

franldy canno t say."I However. J u d ^ Fcrdlni

Imposfanatft w ho oncc he; i the investlgadon Into du > tem pt o n jo h n Rmlb Uf& r A g aa& eed o m could'only

TrnpfHilmfttT% hiw rrmlnlfl■ Agca w as d liectod by Bulff I agents; a n d .b a d been

pro a titcd b jraS cK to g cD a 1 tho KGB b d b ie tho stootii

BuIgnilanrSovlet conncctkM f been suspected becou ) Soxaetalarm ovcrthopop^■ :po rt for th o Solidarity t 1 tto lan ln P o lan d . .

fi^ybrea< Wn after siiurI — ^ithlng o n H u b K <' - j ^ id moved ^Ik In re-- iiCmnn tnIcdanim - ' D j i n H H ^a t But It tux to rsco nle ls h id du m to th e

nls te r is ' Stmaa W ttsly,” said Oe ( th e d l - Sharon^aDyaodai Ho^pltoL unilateral wlthdn

cm cn tso f m oroM cstinian<l m aiked 'a — fascenasd iem c Improve- ThePalesdniani

ttoe, w hich was tb t is a "very Jan.- 25 pariiam er Indicated also appeared In lir idnft said Pole^lnlanleade Dr. Felix Abbas rdteroled ^ reporters the vote would ta

time. b u l.W e sd n M inister Nasser temassive w arned , h b s e a n h b r i ^ would n o t be ab l ib a b U i^ palling stations a ondujlcft m e a Some have i nsiy sald gongs from Abba^ beginning m ay attadc pollinj le surgeon Ritah appears lo J to D c a b ^ the Islamic mllit

part>(ulysis on Sharon has b e a prognosb Ically induced con nccitainty m a^lvc stroke Jan 7-ycar-old plan to continue I aided by Icvd o f s ed a th ts hope for ' over the noct seven n isak lh b Yoscfsaid uo bcttci; Sharon tias not Dfdanget h b eyes. His doca d iq> to a w illvm enthcscdat d o u s ln a lowered ftmiicr. die • cjasriml experts cautioned t

assurance h e wDul< I sharonJs alL

t es North K( ice agency sim ( A P ) - ta

ilna o n a oi»unuy, a ally intdll- "sday. Wlic /a so d - gr

td l^cnce m dolspokcoe n ot b e u

' Kkn ar

•w en t to (0 use its Icvcrag said 'W c Kbrea'sm aindlya?

n travelsChina in X r th K b rc a o n h

Its h i^icst-levd ^ih cnuclcarla lfam

S n o U y n!siim i;!^n .rcp<5 uiuoiiuuy

H ulin tao sanctions to end dl "Unde^ d ie presc

^ n c S i t b l l l ^ c a lu jd l s cj t i a d i s - U-S., d ie assailant.. (hat d ie dismantling th e nuIn leader's rent built u p by dile border self-defense," anlina arrdd Foreign M lnisuyjcncy did said in a su u an enlinforma- th e official K^re^

News Agency,isensitive DPRKrcfeistodiwhich rc- dc tu p le 's Republle United the com m unist s tsmatlonal name:.

be assas m mystei

Peter's But Italian Invest!] found any hard ev

ofa Vat- Jolm I^u l iilmscir ru ppeared ' Bulgarian role du ri^ tome on to d iat country, ded : I5 a tth e “never bdicved in d led Ud- Bulgarian connectii

Agca% of m y great esteem om. al- forthcpcople." ired any - Imposlmato told 1 or that ' news agency t l u t .

dom . and any po li iamlly testimony, "couU h 's disap- the mystery of t^:e m p t on anccoiE m onuelaQ nnected He adaioutedged iwanted view vridi th e A gca. But agency, iioivevci; thr release liEdy Italian investlg

nfbrO r- ever get a chance d e d - ' I Agca. "even If A r a l

cooperate after h b R ainando Agca spoke abo headed during a 1385 priso die a t- widi ltaly% RAT sta t

11&; sakl saying th e was a n ly h d p ' in d im g ecH cd en lo

knowledge o f h er fi In tahw l saying he h a d m ade utgoiian cal deductions.” en an - H e sokl th en thai s je n J ln shew ou ldbofiw d* ' toting, A prccondldon." tk m h a s T h e V iu k ^ mea cause o f lim ited Us reactkii pcAsup- pending release, Stic y trade d e fm to th eT tn U sh


ithesrgeryc o n d it io nml^Tt «»nnhb<fab o ev t cen­trist K odinu K u ty^ s d e c t a succcssof an d start com palgtdng f b r N te S T aeledkms. Act­ing Piim e M mbtcrEbud Olm ert — apropoiK m of d n iw w from rdabned lands n o stD kdybd t

poUdcal fii- O bedcdctedln lent electkins, lim baderM ahm oud 1 M onday diat take p l ^ on tinian Interior r Yousef d u t wurlty forces bk; to protect against gun-

B w on ieddu il a^FiUah Party ing stations if0 Be k)sing to ilitant Ham as

in a med- om a since h b on. 4. Doctors e; toweling die s i n h b b o c b 'oalday^M or-

ot yet opened ctors liope hc lad v e lcv ^are h o u ^ outside d there was no uid wake up at

brea,jaystalks aim ed at getting Py­ongyang to ab an d o n its n u c l e a r w eapons pro­gram.

Chlrui b u n d e r pres­sure fiom the Uoltcd Stoics, a n d other governm ents age a s North and aid donor ng for conccs-

1 M onday sent signal yet that areim iikdyto ^eating Its de- e U.S. drop the impasse, s e n t situation scuss widi the It, the issue of n udcar dctcr- dic DPRK for m unnam ed y spokesm an ent corrlcd by rean Central

thcDcmcxza- iblic o f Korea, state's ofikial

ssinj r yitigatoiB never c\Hdcncc and ruled om any in g a2 0 0 2 tr^ daring h e iu ^1 th e so-callcd :tlon bccause n a n d rc q ie c t

d tiie Apcom * t Agca^ free* posslWe new .^h^^rcsolve

K lin a n inter* ANSA news h a t it was tm- tlgotors would e to question a prornbed to irdcase .' txjut O ilandi ison interview

I olive a n d not ied oiiy direct ’ t h o u ^ d e 'so m e b g i-

u ttbo .w b iw d 1‘Vftthout Bxty

eanw4iik% has ion tO 'Agca^ ticsslngifaatit' A ju d i^ t iy s ^

■ S ' '

Page 17: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G




tdoho Storago U.C, 2< Idaho 63328 pursuant

. Idaho Codo; wo win col icr. 2006 thocontonto

Unit B-05 bolonglno to ' ie25Maplo St.. #32. Bi

UnJt C-26 twlonglng lo OazoUo Dr., Fort Moha'

PUBUSH: Janutuy 3 otx:

PUBUCActions plonnod ond to oro contxilnod In public your right to know and your govommont la do chojgoa aD dtizons io popor urgo3 ovory clU ttf030 noticoa. Wo ad' wok further Inforrrmtlor OCC030 pubDc rocordo a

IMPOF Plooso oddroso oU logoi


POB( TWin Pal


Doadlino for logat ods: tJon, rtoon on Wodnosd Ttiursday (or Monday, i day and Wodnooday, Thursday and noon on Saturday. Holiday doai havo any quoBtions a 20&-735-3324.




D O ES1-10

UNDER AND BY VIRTI Court for a Writ of APac dny of Docombor. 200 sool of tho obovo ontlllc od and roqulrod to pro\ mont of tho property d Attachment. saW propoi ly doscrtbod on Exhibit)


D.L. Bonk. 397 Norho;

Account #: 54377664100 Account #: 54377664100 Account f; 54177664100 Account #: 54177564100

D.L. Evans. 316 0nokla.11. Burley

Account*: 94106576 Account#:40016810 Account*: 40015816

Rrot Fodorol Savfngs Bo loy. Idoho:

Account 0:60056359

2.Personol Property Vohtelos:200SFord F350 (lost6dl 2001 GMC Track (lost 6 c 2004 Mazda RX8 (lost

116154 1093 NIsson Track

3S01S9)1086 Chovrolot Trick (Ii

114518)1069 Ford Trick (tost 6 dli ie88FordTraci( (lasted

Mlsc«llanoou9 Any ond oB W otw t ohan

ership vrhlch DefendoR Inc., on Idoho Coiponitli

Any and oil accounts and Edward D. Jones. Burie;

3. Rool Property1091 BooNvood 14x60

property sltuatodca 369 Cassia County. Idaho

1974 Concord 14x61 n»l orty sttuatsd at 249 VU Minidoka County. Idaho

Rool Property and Urpn nivar Run. Burley, Casa

NOTICE iS HERraV OP tho Defendants heroin daya alter the first postir Notloe, shall convnence presecuto to fhal ]u> aoalnst tha Defendant < w ^ the sttochlriB Defendants’ property w dent proceeds to pa: aoalrtstBwn..

Dated this 30th day Deoe Ct£RK OFTHE COURT DianaSmm . S w ^ O a iz B '

6 . 9

.•t“ ' •



F*, 2402 Jonton Lano, Filar. lont to Title 55. Chapter 25. “ I soil at auction oflor Jonuory ” mts of Botto CHARLES VOORHEES.

J.Buhl.lD63316 I to USA BARTSCH. 5960 3havo,AZ 86426

and 10.2006 .

UC NOTICEI token by your flovommont J * 3llc notlcoo. They aro part of and to bo Infomwd of what 1 doing. As solf-govommont

to bo Informod, Ihls nows- cltlzon to rood and study m odvlso thoso clilzorts who ;

Ition to oxordoe ihoir right to • m:lo ond public mootings. ___•ORTANT FOIgol odvertJoing to: gnADVERTISINQ W.nmea-NeWa 20>BoxS48 PQ.Falls. Idaho

■ Sds: 3 days prior to publica- q!'lOfiday for Sunday, noon on __ ;»y, noon on Friday FOI

on Tuesday for Fridoy ond ^ deadllnoa may voiy. If you s call Ruby, logoi cler1<, ol

. an


Plofntiff ^


Dofondonts ^

IRTUE Of en Order of this “ Pochmont Issued on tho SO"2005, out of and under tho S j itlllod Court, t am command-provldo notteo of tho attach- „ty described In said Writ of ,_ r£jporty bolr>g moro portkailor- eni Ibit attached hereto.■IIBrrONE prc

North Ovoriand. Burioy. Ida- gt.Ido

10014500 ___10044S06 CDF10038609 GC10025608 g

kla. Rupoit. Idaho or 127 E.loboki


I Bonk. 2059 Ovoriand. Bur- cet S0(

6dlgtt8orVinNo.:e35331) - 16 digits ol VIN No.: 106460 [lost e digits of VIN No.:

Oast 6 digits of VIN No:

K (last 6 digits of VIN No.

6 diglto of VIN No.: ES3351) 6dlgltsolVINNo.B166e5)

iharos of stock or other owrt- dants may hoU In Agra-Alr. iTBttoaand/or assets malntoinod al uriey offJco.

c60 mobile homo and reai 359 South 360 East. Burley, orrx>blle home ond real prcpr J West 200 South, Rupert, ahonprovements tocated a t 25 ^ Cassia County. Idoho "

GIVEN that any crodKor ’of " 'roln *rho, within thirty (30) **fBSttngondpubOcattonofthia Snceondthereofterdtlloently iJudgement his/her dalm a i

mt and shall shore pn> rata Af crodttor In the proceeds ofV wfwfd there Is not sufB- “pay tSS judgments m fU ^


), 9. 10. 11 .J2 . Imd 13*. E

m ilb n e


LEGAL NOrnCE South Locust Mini Storage, 197 S. Foils. Idaho 83301 wUI soD entire i storage units by aoaktd t>kls. I accopted 1/3/06 through 1/12/06: to bo removed 1/14A)6ty lOOl Pt.

Bob and Caaale Burfchanlt, Unit «i addross: OkJ Towno Lodgo. 247 Room 114. Twin FaUs. Idaho 63301

Lisa W hlt^ Unit #30, last known a Poplar. Twin Falls. Maho 63301

^ I l a Claxton, Unit #32. last knc 1992 Sherry Lone, Twin FoUo. IdoN

3avld Eaaterty and SUcl* Slojh #43. last known addross: 312 Hoi Twin Falls. Idaho 63301

lusUn Harmon, Unit #122, lost knc PO Bex 2101, Twin Foils. kJoho 63!

>UBUSH: Jonuory 3 and 10.2006

i b t f a i w F ^ I l - l b t t i m^OUND cal. fomole,

208-536-5670. LOST Bloc =OUND dog, fomolo,Border CoUlo, reddishbrown 4 white. Sat ^ynity 3<1/7 on Bluo Lakes N RoBlvd. MJs&es hor ovim- T n u a is or. CM 208.731^170

----------------------------- LOST Boi-OUND dog. Gorman fomolo. siShepherd. okJor, fo- collar. REmolo. On highwoy, 731-2093between Decto & Bur- 77= ----- ;loy. Hos chain collar and no tags. Con Bon 208-731-1186 or

^OUND dofl. male. '“«» whice/yenow with bluooyoa. broken chain. LOST CellFound In Buhl. Plooso Unrincod 206.543-4771. Lost

=OUND t » c , « K cWith nomo and en- -------------grnvlngs. found In CSI LOST dlopporidng k>t. CoQ to blue. In HIdentity 404-6618 or CoI1208-<543-5609IV. msg. (.OST dlgl

2 ° ^ “ 6 ^ 3 9 o r2 0 8 - 37,5 43 ^^3 7 0 .__________ forToylor^OUND kltton, 1.OST doedoroblo. groy. op Spflniel.oprox. 3 mos old. poringFound on Jolforson BristoloSt. In Klmberty. Call to wardl208Idontlfy at 423-5371 --------------

____________ LOST GotTtEE DOGS TO Pup.GOOD HOME brown spc9 Blade lab cross. Almo Avo puppies. 9 wooks old.One mole & 2 femolo or 206-671lob crosses, one yeor ■ q r t aimioW. Need homes im. ^mediatoty. duo to g, powrwni movo. Coll ^ . ght733-5238, 734-3087. tairceD 731-9920 or mos- Sn S 'sago at 324-8177. Call 208-4

D o - I t - Y o u r s e l f I

48-Hour AfghansYou woa'i believe bow Iku dme (lies « otmaew. 32t»«a (uUtbook, *-48-!Iou PetfearorwbetiyoQrUraeUllinited Oi tu ts 12 iTttun prajecu detJcBed to wori ■ •eekeod. E»;ti ptojoct Inciadei ■ m «te^-«tep lattnactloot «od (Ul-color p

(N aLA 36M ).,.»J3

AlkteBi in 1 D tr (No. ANI339). . . U

T»<*dd;cttcI«tteis(iX tleuobedip A (cad w/d)ed( to.' ladudajroi

V-BMrcatarM •ddtcMiBKmRaB«c33S3. tbknnnpKt

VnN0]«,CA9I4M lOwMkaftipr<«n(800) 82-U‘B n

^ 1 i j t o w C ^ c S i n i i M .

esNsivs I

B . •W m m am■ — ------------------

lire contonts^O PEOPLE FOP IS. Bkls will bo 420Vk1ory 06: Stored Items POBoxV

™-2S<247 Z “ Avo. W. Twin Falls; 1»01 FOUNDm addross: 1421 1.. Largo bt

S s S um,Homson Stroet. Moadowvlew

2. Tenter cro known addross: short halro

• 83303. male. Four^ 2SOO Eostil ------------------- 3. Shoggy

cross, tan

3 cot of keys In creme cokiID. Coll to Monti- mslo.0-438-5596. g. Short Block Lab mix, 1 Husky cros old, onswotTi to molo, tied 1 3y*. Weoring o shelter.XDDor. Lost 01/03 e_ Older Shy 302 washing- ,.JV?.R o « « M o I l o c o a935or731-0463------------r T r r ~ Toyota.

7 . B o x , r . m « l .

. nEWAHDI CMl■993or731-30S8 ' ” >**•----- --------------- tong holr,

cot largo Found on 26rod molo. de- -d. dark groy with ®-

sWpee. yeOow ■iche on whito Eoct on New tMor Burtey Air-206-676-0043. ADOPTIONSCell Phone, oil- 1- Tenter//Brizon LG modol. cross 4 momnear Twin Fans 2 •. 2 Bordery on 1/4AJ6. cross pups.0 coll 326-3473. 3, 2 ^ diaper bag, navy Spaniel pups In Hoytxim area. 4 . Lab//Ujssle 06<>6-O49e. pup. digital comotQ. 5. Onrfon

Cool Ph P2 holred, fomol■vhoro botween e Pit crossIon and Twin brindle and w,

Coll 206-734- , or 404-3040 oak ylor or Jomlo.--------------------- 8. Shorolo/Plt

dog. Brittonyol. on 1/5. Whis- jT jf ? ^ . r1 Pino ond „ . k ’lo Cono. Ro- 0. Ub, blad«.208-735-2422 old.Germon Short-pup. groy with MmycstwH;spo ts.on23"a forarfoptAvo. Burtey. Ro- www.mogfclinli

208-808-4218 wob/petsonllr1-678-1775. Houm:Mon sman dog. loot 10:00 am-5:3 on IS* Or. and Saturday 3f Rupert HospI- 10:00 om-2S) Short curiy an ciosaSunda

holr. toll curis upBd<. 8-10- tall.08-431-6204. W acanonfy

- animals 461 thay are thai

r I d e a s

8 chacltdal

PREGNANCY( Free Tests.

ConfkientiaL 7»



i n s Massage Thee*wl;bit>.hclp $46Aour.$66fl Hour AfsbMDM.- C>na08.73»i

f t r t u p i n l ^ W a a r a a ^ ■ ntteritUUM. asancy.Banl

, c K S ? 7 .Scaa i-«S M sa

.<&i5tl SSSSBESSC3&lfiobeB nto LOOKmO iiajpourusw, woman to aadibeonMLBf wondetfut aUem a a . AOaw -pla Uvlno ata ted d h n rji.. Cootd. imric Ir3ILD • .• \ emokar/non-dri

' - i f f ■. |dnd8 ,hon«l ^ s ^ s £ s • n m n o . 4Z

i f iI m m I a mI ■ Bu n i

HOKE Child Cate, openings. 2-6 y Ckiso to Ponino E

OnPETB ■ ™ «W 73M «8•va™ . m # ^ :v 1: ;r;-- ^ UBnplayment>; tdoho.' « f . e r e e e ♦ <

MEDICAL black & RN Homo Health, pj 'speckled tlnie nurse noedi red doo Flexible hours, pkii

^ otmoophoro.lo«al 1 yoM militl emorkjnce. C

soss red hom e HEAL Jrod fe- PROFESSIONALS. )und on ask for Mary or Dot

206-733-8600 f Torrlor ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ * «

Q unU on. »‘ , Conduct publicoter. fe- opinion pona qvo,

tho tolophono. hoirod /Vbaotutety

-OSS. fe- NO SALESItlJ outsWe Strictly research.

S7.00IO S9.00mour Casual work

Shepherd environmont. mle. gmy Roxlbki evening, -ound at doy. and wkrtd hrs a. 15-30 hours/wook.nla Greol part-timeardyColllo O' socond job.

Close 10 CSI campi ir1( faw. pof InformotlQ r. male. call 206-736-2853 2600 E.

red & lale. 2300

r/AIiedale3nths old. AUTOMOTIVE Jor Cottle Sawtooth Auto Solo

In Hailey. Idaho hi 1 holred oponin;1 notfeo for Part* Countei 'P* Porson. Wo offer ,tie cross benefit pkg. of

hoolth and donlat 1 short plans, plus 40tk. loIoDUD To bo considered

' Z forihisposiUon.fax resume to

J white. 8rodToothmonolCoiae 208-768-2280 or

tor pup. can 208-768-221C=n cross, ext. >44,ult male,

Jc avonr r O M » l « e r "3 year _ P r iv a te P a i ^ A ds

bIdtferM Requires pre-pay-pUonl ment prior to put>inkxom/ UcoUon, Majorpgipg credit/debit cords,

accepted. Chod« sao pm processing ovor^oy the phone..2« )p mday and 733-0931

'Rm Tlmes-Newa




f c m t s { a c c o u n t i n g

■ Q raatO ppottu iiptcyisive A ccounts Pay736-0699n Tn..r«« pOSHIOn Wtll h

m a lign ing Iho » W r s . ^y ro ll System. iM 82r . axtonslvo oxpor------------- Slate Payroll' IiM raM SaiesAJse Tax I >rti<ntF*cy. payroll, reconcOe

lodger accounts. OQO communlc attStudo, abtltty to

Seastfom has r

a benefits pacidtttycou- time off Is also Iniat homa. Send sppUcaDon t(

mto fuD- 4 8 0 8 M M ro m 8 t1 bo non- alwww.a*i

s r s i ,

i£ iI

iw » 'EmployiPWit^

2 BARTENDER ^ Port time Oortandar

must bo ftoxiblo, must bo 21 or older. Appty at 600 Mein Avo N .'

■, Twin FaUs, 4pm-6pmrtt - • -----------------------------= 1 CLERICAL e e Mujttuivo computer

skills, good phono communications, and

M ^d ^ >0 multi-task. S : rua-timo; M-F 5 ^ 7:00 lo 3:30. Wago Jrelno Benefit pock,

Cdl -WlK ESOP.^■ ru Send rosumo to IC PO Box 12s.Dobro Hazeiton, ID 83335.


* * CLERICALFun-Umo office position

, Isavollobtoforkx:oi trucking co.

Must hovo cdmputor skills. Sond rosumo '

to Box S3907 C/oPOBox548

* Tho TIme*-News TWin Falla, to 83303our ___________________


SiilkUikiFrui>0 hos on opening for a Ob. ClassKIed

Roproaentallvo/ Custom er

^ ServiceI FuU-Time. baso plus

_ _ _ pkg. commission.Mon-Fri, 8am-Spm.

^ Job Requirements: ‘H.S. Diploma roq-' ♦Minimum typing 6peod-45 wpm.

Sales •Excellent ) hos computer skins, ning •Accurate tpofllng. nter •Good communt- 'o /a cation skills.0 , •Abinty to hondio

multiple tosks. wotk In a high en- orgy onvlronment vihUo . monoglng ■.

’ multiple doodUnos. 'People sklUs Include:

2’® •Ability lo work • with 0 a variety of

555T customers.1 •Maintaining po-

ilonco and profes-s sionalism whne

provMing excelkjnl ^ customer sorvlco.

•Bilingual opiusi X •RollotJio trans-rds. portatlon.

A Pioaso mall yourur resume to:

Kim Patterson South Idaho Prasa 230 East Main SL

wa ButleyriP 63316 |

Ir H drjvehNoedod lo drtvo cattlo

:D truck. Some tocal,‘ mainly out ol state.

, ^ oxporionced livostoek VS drivers need only : n opply. FuB-tlme or : r i - Port-llme. Coll

208-731-0967 or 38 20&-320-1008

k a s t f o n f

tunity tor th e New Year

>ayab{a/Payroll Claric

HI havo tha rosponsiblUty of w Accounts Payable and n. Tho appUcani wIS have pertance in Federal and r laws. Stolo of Idaho X Regulations, processing ' d ie vajjous poyroU/generd its. Must havo abova aver- nlcallon akllls, posithw ' to maintain confldontlall^ s a wtth otnphasls In ©kkeeplng Is prefoiTOd. '} rocontty Implemented a )go Increase.pacfca^^ft generous paid

n to :S t , TM n o r onlin* sM stronH fifgxom ' 3H0NECALU »aWortcplac<.EOE

■ i b - d n l

d s9H

•i t m. . ^ j^ppioifnw n^v-'! :. /E

” CONSTRUCnm DRIVConcrete Foi«man Ex

„ and Laborer rMMdod. Dn” Pay DOE. HI ' 206-28(H>810 end I DRIVER— Truck Drtver positions

avoliaWo for tho Idoho Youth Ranch Wore- qrjv house. S6 por hour

j plus benents. Apply in fj,person ot Fja

377SN.3386E fo, Klmberty, idalto

EOE O Drug Free wotk p laca .'

I yoorDRIVERS woo

*’ o p G u nDRIVI

„ ■ Clasa-A-CDLInstruction P^.

. Uso Your Tax Return . gijTo start a now yoa

' CaroorlEarn $30,000 your Ag

1* Yearl «t 2I 735-6656r So Hobla Espaftot ORIVl

I I I I ImmoDRIVERS h*"-

aassACOL . .Wining to mn 6,400 l^ “ l

miles n month?Wont to moke

$40,000+ a yoor, O^u recolvocomponypokt

401k. holiday & J *vacation poy ond tw ;

homoonwookonds. ___ \Join our loom ORIV

Cell 800-635-6233 mte Noe

DRIVERS mitt Rad

IdoWost Transport, Wo<based In Rupert. HoliId. sooklng CDL poy.

drtvors to ran k)cai Insuond 5 states. Poy Sunr

Is by milo. HozMot. TV.tonkor and double ___rondorsomerrts ore noTi/; • cail208-436-7500 or ,, 206-312-4416.

DRIVERS VOttWonted for weekly 'ox<

dodicotod refrigerated cruns lo California. «

Wo offer:•HoaRh/liro Insurance 8•Company pokl A<rotiromont lOf•Poldvocatten W •Lato modoloquipmonl DRIVI•Home on overage Roo<2-3 doyso week oxj

Apply ol Drt>Dennla Clark Inc. 1

Track RL & Bireh SL racBuhl, ID 63316 be

------------ 40DRIVERS P

O S O 903TnntportMtlan o re

Servfc**- Soeklng quolilied ^

COL/A Drivere forOTR

Pay scale depends on experience end

! drtving record.Good bonoflto and T O

. . ' S S S "SSIequipment.ColtourRecraltorat

208434-48S1I II C U S ^ r a SERVICE

We aro cunonUy seeking a Custom ar S arv ica Perat our day-lo-day load plannlr This Indhrfduals will be n Identttylng and securing match load opportunttles; cost solutions, goneratlng Ing and revenue growth.

RosponsibtUtios: •Communlcata affecttvet) tomers, vendors, sales and Intomal associates. •Monitor and trace ordor &

' and follow up on ftndlng. S Identify c a p a ^ a)temath needed. Antidpata probter active rather ihan ra-acth soMng.'Rasponsible for 1 developfnent*Strong oral and written c skins Must have axoeOi sklQs.•Competitive aalaiy and t age Including 401k.Sand resunw and referenc

D 4 D T ta R a p o rtl P O D o x lie O o o d ln a l

! ' o r e m a n a tI dam tz«cl(B raR apoitt


yr-.-r-T.ra’Tj r.-ip,".:'* '

E w p to jfn w rt /

v i mExperioncod Fuel Driver wtth Class A

Hazmat & tanker indorsomonts. /Vppiy oU aC C ustom

97 Highland Ave E. mg Free Woritplaco IVERScperienced DrivornNeeded. Regional riatl>od company is looking for drfvore vith at least 2 yoars OTR experience.

Must be at least 23 lars old. Homo most ookonds. Great pay bonoflts. Fkiase cotl

800-453-2227 IVERSill-Ume year routtd lor Buriey & TNvin

’oils poloio haulers. :iassACDL with 2 ears oxp. proforrod.

Bonoflts. kg Expresa Itw..1208-676-4625 or win FaUs 733-6657 IVERSnodlato openings for iilMltno oxporionced

Drivera. uil worit tronspoiting uy, otrow arxl othor form cotrvnbditios. . oublo endorsomortts

proforrod. lackson Trucking

Jerome Idaho 208-324-3004

tIVERSrtermlltent Drivers ood Immodioto Intor- ilttont drivers, ladius of 500 mnes. /oeUy sottlomonts. lolidoy & Vacation oy. Paid HoaAh isuronco. 401k. tirisa Express, Inc. TWin Fells, Idaho 1-60»635-0a25

n/ERS JDHdskeil

la Hlrfng Local Delivery Drivers.

Class A COL 0or round position. Bxcollont Dorraflts.

groat wortdng environmont.

ovo rtime. stortSII/hour.

Appty In person.1999 Frontage N. Wendelt, Idaho lo phone caBa plea— IVERSMd Brothers noods 9xperioncod Truck irtvers for local and

regional. COL roqulrod. Excellont bonom package & 401k. Salary DOE.

Pioaso apply at 03 Elm. Buhl. Idaho r call 208-543-4306 UCAT10Niberty School District

looking for n V. BasebaU Coach, its position will nm ibtuary 24 through ay 13. 2006. >pUcatlono are 'allable at ’ Center a . W.

Kitnberfy by colling Cathy at i23-4170 ext 3308

ae o n to execute nlng.

responsible for ng capadty to » ; creating low ig superior eonv

efy wtth cus- ) representatlvo i.r and equlpmont SoOcit freight or

itlve c^Mkm es lems an be pro- Alve In problem r new businaaa

I coiTtnurdcation sOent computer

I benefits pack-

n cestota ttq n0ID833O3 ‘t . ttikxucom

TMiR3la,IMe 0 3

Page 18: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

I - M l(« l l Hl» l ,TW iai>

w w iI . CONSTRUCTION I r > « m f wmiad.I PsyDO&

C all2(»^10«139.

lELCcrraciAN Joum m m an Dm>- tild sn noobod tor Roberts ElaeWa. HHjheod retfd«nUal •

‘ & oonunoftifll con- <i struction in tha Sun' ' Valloy area. FuO-

llm«, yw r round wnpioymont Bano- nts [nducio vBca* tion, bonus & Instff* snos. Ptida in am* ptoyoo' ownorahlp.F u m ta n a to Howtfd Roys) at 20ft-T8<»-3273 Of csU 20S-78a-3238 for tnora into.

FARMBig Sky Kolfar Ranch In

O ocK ^. Idaho is ] currontiy looKinQ for q Cait Manaeer. Applicant must tusvo oxporionco witli colvos. ChitiosIndudod ovorsoolns aD opomtlons. 25 omployooo.' oquJp- mont and twni hootlh of 5,000 calvoo In tiutchos. Fox rotuono to 2O&-034-62fl7 or call 208-539-7443-

nSHLABOR A local nsti plant in

Buhl hao Iho foOowing posiUona ava!tal)lo: Pond Woritor (mu«- havo drtvcm Uconso. car nnd lift 75to#.). Flltot wortcor (oxp. 4 G montho), PsciUng (oxp. 2 montho, bilingual groot but not ’ oxpodod). Gmeral Labor (win train). Bonollia nvnllablo. Plooso coll Bobbio or Taro for moro Infor­moUon ot 733-9277

GENERAL•Producllon l^ochanlc. FT •Construction •COLA•Housakoopor?•Plastics Mfg.•Forklift•Fociory Vi/otkoro

Plumber•Scrvico Tochnldnn Porsonnoi P lus

733*7300 111 Filor Avo.

No AppUcanI Fee)

GENERALCollection poslUon

prior oxporionco a plus, good lolophono skill roqulrod. fuli^jmo Mon.-Fri. BlUnguol a plus. Hourly plus com­mission. WUl train 401l(, roliromont. in- ouranco. Apply Mon. -Fri. 6:30am-3:00pm

260 Bluo Lakos Blvd. GENERAL

Liconsod Industrial Joumoyman Ptumt>«r

.4 Sofvlco Tochnl- i clan. Full llmo. wago

OOE. Apply at Personnel Plus Twin

Falls, 20e-733*7300 GENERALLooking for a moctumi-

cally Inclined perwn with good poopto

skills, to work ot rontol storo. Punctuality and good driving rocord o musi. Must bo oblo to Ult 50-100 Iba,. Full- tlmo pay OOE. Bon- ofiisAvnilabio. Apply

01 Renter Center 851 Main Ave E.

TV»tn Foas GENERALNood (JOS? Uystery

Shoppers noodod in ' Buhl. Edon, Filor,

Gooding. Hanson, Holllsior and Wondolll Apply or\linoat

GENERAL Ports Person &Service Writer Expoiloncod in counlor,

ordOTing, & stocking. Musi hove tho ability to communicolo wtlti dhvors on sorvico ond ropnlf Moms.

Computor skills a must.• Wo provldo pold voco-

tions, hoatth Insur­ance and 401k rotlro- montplon.

Call 208-034-4451 for oppoinlmont. Or mall rosumo lo

DAO Transportation PO Box IIS

Gooding, IOB3330or email to



Roro Opportunity f Soostrom Is I P roduction (

Roquiros loaderahJp problem-solvo, priori posittvo toam atn knowlodgo of compi havo abovo avg. a bo detail oriontod oxcollont bonofits, training, PalcJ*'nmo-<

Sesstroi 456 S o u

TWin Fall*. O ropply

w w w .M u tro D ru g F rea^

^ --------------------

Sons benotts. Paid c tf- hoBdays. Exportenc* ------

aplus,butwair«lR. n y p

B - t f i a S n -22 S S h e* o M 8 L e . ^

.............. Hte]'OatERAL wo, Tho CRy ol NnitMriy t»

hlrlna lor our maM». ratknort» depoitm ant adc/^PdOcaam wta bo NXaooeptsd Friday Ow ____17* of January 2006. r —Applicants must hnvo UBh i ^ schod (flpiona Ida!and Valid Idaho HDitvera Uoanso. ccPleaso bring applcn- te tions to the Oty Oartc. IOmberty a ty HaD.132 Main Nortti, Wm- ■betty. No phone caB D

„ pkmae EEO. K<

I OENERAL ^r Woodwofklng Ua- ,-----1 china Operator In NElK Caroy Idaho. Reliable, Aaas fuo ttmo worfcar. CosQ Smoko froo ond data ThoI fno. $12/hour. C ^ Tri J. between 7 ond lOam fo* J, 20&-B23-4564_______ Cc" HVAC So

Noodod immodlatoly In seBellevue. HVAC th«

_ Journeyman. Full- wtimo pomuineni post* Thit

n tion. .Wages DOE visg Some benefits. CoD ofy 208-720-2640 a&k for etia- JR at Boulder m

Mountain Hooting • sU). ----------------------------- on4 INSTALLER clllo WtrelesaCabla/ an^ Intamst tnataUer, mt3t ’ Computor arxl wiring onn knowlodgo helpful. Aa] Mustbe motfvatod, bu)' porsonaMo, and Mus

hove curront MVR finr. Apply in person wKh t»

rosumo & MVR. to tot'- Tolon Wireless an

1162 Bluo LakasN. in{ Drug Froo Worttploco. Uoi


piuSatslllta Ao I

Technicians EnSooklng Individuals for

(0 Install soteaito Uoisystems In cor

Twin Fans A our- on<rounding aroaa. og<Must have doan yoiOMV. own tnjcfc. co\

and own tools. Must oalwork wookonds. In

Will train, oxcollont JoiII pay! 401k ovoilablo.® For moro infomiotion Cai0 cod e89-814-M02° ext112orfax / Co ® e n ^ l resume to

" LT. '* orB6e-S6S*6778

Equal opportunity ompkiyorand

drug froo work environment,

....................... ' Rr LABORER

Gonoral Latxsroro,1 PT/FT available for

Twin Falls. Joromo, TW I Filor. No oxporionco' necessary. m- Call 733-9277

; LAW ENFORCEMENT' Ttio Joromo County ,„ Shorlff'a Office has R'L immodiolo opotxingo 8€“ for Correctional pr, Deputies. Applicants E)’ must bo 21 yra. OW. Ci

havo a Hign sctiool j£ diploma or oqulvalont

' nnd bo ablo lo posa a «.sorlos ol pre- qomploymoni toste. *

_ Testing will bo holdFebruary 4. 2006 at O'

V lOom, Pick upn applications at S r, 300 N. Uncoln,V Jerome, ID. Or callIII . 324-6913.

n MECHANIC L- Shop Manager / M»-

chanic muat have fTTZ toola. Experiencewilh eioctiical try*

'• dmuiica gas and^ dlosol, wolding ond Oyi^ fabrication work. Exc. to

homo (or tight person. |n^ Bonofits Indude «

honlth. hoiidaya. mlt* rond roliromont Wage DOE. 20»-42(M3740

'*• MEDICAL P' CNAWA on Bhina. Full

time DleUry Cook. part lime Dlahwaah- er. Social Sorvlca

'' Assistant Ploaso caO Mountain View Caro Conlor 208-423-6501 or apply at 600 Polk

^ St.E. lamberly.tO.

Q I L— Seastrom'


Ity for the Now Yoor. ^ I Is looking for a)n S u p e r ^ r . ttihJp oxp., ability to ^iorltlze jobs, maintain a oatmosphere. WoilUng ^

mputers required. Must \. communlcotlon skids, dkL Seastrom provides ^its, compoWhw poy, ^lo-Off. Send reoume to: qt ro m llfg . Yw strom S t citl«. 10 83301 C9iy onllfw : , Titfonw n fg x o m , cMWorfcplac* TEOE J

■loot - -

M w i w d M iAIRY MCnCALiportancod • m in r WoWartmdatf. FT posUon. K m are aC tf aO»-7»-0982 Corttnadr

lEDICAL L p f i /WNAa and Dlivct C m agamoMStaff naedod woridno Bridge forwBh dtvalcpmetttaly wants youdbatiod poopla. Fun Our helgtiw o k anvlroomert & phaslaon.high staff to rasklent oea ts ovkratia AH stin> avalL now waoaApply fci person 1118 axcoBonl INUnoo(n,Jarome. ciuda h«i

r l“s s r s s 2 > ‘ s s r s

andaFuH tnw FallaMOFCNAforour C ontactJa

' HomoHoaRh orPatDhflston. Contact p<Karan 734*^1 for _________addUonaJ Into. EOE


lEWSPAPen CoordlUalatntControUar Tho CasGosper, Wyoming Tribunerho Casper Stor- MarketingTribune Is looking lor to wtfor an Assistant with theControPer. We aro loom toa 30.000« drcula* readorohiitton daBy newspaper enue. Outserving Casper ortd event mithe State of in-housoWyoming. in print (

rWs posSion super- brand m«vises the daily worit sales sheof tho accounting tlalng proistaff ond ovemoos coHatoralmontt>-end financinl mentstatements. bai* If you lhrt\once sheet rocon* energy atdilation, doily cosh onvironmiand bonk deposits, }ob is formonthly and year* successfiond journal entries. date wiU tAssists with annual Itivo, can-bodgotfng. ttnelbocc

Must havo betteringfinancial/accounting cotvos onbackground, strong nizoUon. (knowtedgo of Excel greo in Mand olhor account- Buslnosoing software appilca- loned willttons. excoHont com- of mortalmunkxatlon skills. ence. Pkond a lour yoor de- resume bgreo In account- January aIng. finance or ralot- HR Attod (lold. Publishing Casper Stioxporionco or CPA P.O. Bceniflcotlon wID bo a Casper, Uplus hr^ a member of Leo c««pt«s^ Entetprtscs, wo of-for career opportunl- ---------------lies as won os a OPERATOIIcompoWive s o l ^ wm opemtand bonofits pock- ^avo 2+nge. Ploaso send Oporolor ,your reoume with warehousecovor letter and blMo^ fuoaloiy roquiroments uon.M-F7In confidonM by Bonofits. 4Jonuary 16,2006. qqe

HR Attn: A C ,:^iperStar-Tr»une SMMai,

P.O. Box 60 Hazotion ICasper.WY.62602 | - eOEW


^ ^ S e a s tmRaro O pportunity fo r tho New

D atabase A dministratoi

This position will havo tho ros( of doslsnlng;)}rogramming ! Manufacturings internal and websites.Wo roqulro a 4-Voar dogroe in i sclonco with 1*2 yrs work ox Roquiros experience with Micro 8on/or database admb programming In Visual { Exchange 2003, Shoropoint Crystol Ropons, HTWJavascript. Photosnop. Droai and Rash. Knowloage ol Offlco Products and Quari( a pli Soostrom provides oxcollont competlllvo pay, and gonorous off.

Send opplicatlon to: 456 S casti TVvln Falla, o ro n lln o a

w w w .seastrom -m fg.con NO PHONE CALLS.

Dnig Free Worfcplace. E(


Dynomlc Not! co. spoclolizing tonk & pipe re n ta ls^ Io s h as ai in Paul for on oggresstvo Indivi sossing skills to oversee bmn< tions, Indudlng Inventory contrc ory/lnstoiiation of product. Stn munlcation skills rorqulrod. PC k prefoned. Excoltont comp I pockogo. To join a growing & o n to d ^ . sond/Fax your rosum

H.R. DEPT. Ref: O PS 9 Rain for R ent P.O. B ox 780

Paul, Idaho 83347 Fax:(208)438-G0G5

w v rw j^ EEO/AA Employer M/FAT

GENERALThe City of Twin Foils Is occeptir


Beginning hourly w age Is $12.4< the general direction df the Alr| Operations Supervisor; perfom e ^ of malntanonco, janltoriol, i equipment operation tasks a t h Valley Re>^onal Airport. High £ diploma or GEO equivalom req w oU asaC fass*6 ’ C.D.L Obt within ono year of hiring. You r obtain a Ctty omployment appli www.tlkl.ora ForaddKiona} Inf contact th e ^ r s o n n e l Offico lo City Hall, 321 2r> Avenue East,

- TVHn FaUs, o r phcme (208) 735 Closing dato Is 01/S&0e.TTie I Twin F ^ s Is an Equal Opportu E ^ io y e r . Drug Free Wori< Pla

B W :f0. MKHAMICwom veol . S S 2 2 1 '* *

s S S "-sssiflS T n ! n i , . D « - • « « » .■ 'Irt at Sun for Twin Fala

you to Join us. aA•ightanad om-onoufomptoy. .T W O T ^ A ovhlant byour c »rw c«m «

age acala. Our ml bonofits In-h«aBh dental u u rc e n su a

tfa hsuranco. (npreasec pfaa vaCTJton nowWting^ PSy.‘ Como I TImnn our onergetto » J«C tlT lm e

caro lamBy. A ideinperaon ai: U>oklngforidge for Twin dependal)le pt

Wo offer mot dental vWon

EOE ^ vaci- PkAup

PAPER VpOc^oralailtaUna Twin Falla C>ordlnMr CantorCasper Star- 874 Eaatland w soeks a ^

retail, worit aroctJy pirtributlonlli

forldahoY. Ranch TWm

warehouse, a Duties indude ooroxperioiwt

j s o ^ p S f f i snt and online. ^ A ^ S y ln ^

‘S Stral develop, q a if b

S 'slbiaties: Cond

MTW conoi- baaod domoo.

to “ 1‘a-IK.WT, and maintainX l h o S : Provld.dlonl,jn Colleao do- Roqulromonta: nMoricoUngoroso is ore- tropronouriol^ h one S a r FuP wloa eye rtwllng expert*

PkMiso Dond 5 o r g :^ t to f t,0 by Email Rosumoiy » .2006 lo ols21daOyaho t Attn: UCr Star-Trtbune ■ * n D. Box SOir .W . 82602 p — IrtM M il•t»trti>we.n*l MfWMoaat—EOE

roR H H Iiililerotor - Must2+ years. MUI B tfrW w liliM or oxportonce. B | | | | | | | | | | | j j H luso rosponsi-

Full-time posi- -F 7:00 to 3:30. a. 401k ESOP.DOE. Apply In

Main Sirool. on. ID 83335.IE M/F/DA/




in computoroxporionco. O H HHRaRS

Icrosoft SQL

Bo3lc.nQt. *nl Sonrices, fTML, XMU roomwoovor,3l Microsoft _DOl)U8 paid time | X * S

nstrom St.,n a t ___________com. *2600*2600'S. •2^0*2900 .EO E.

------- I TWIN|.120D -1«»

ng In pump, •1200*1400s a n oponlng •K lobarPnidivlduol pos* T l i l l l hranch opore- I W w i l l introl & doliv-Strong com- ]«400-600fi

P & bonofit •40(MOORcI & toom ori- m i i B ljum oto: TWINS 8 7 ,___________

• SubsUtulas wvttad«M

f. CflF/V/D '-----------------____________ U N sw P a it/

• SoutbPaife

T w m^ 4 6 . Under ___________Airport |*800«SOO]g f ^ a v a r l - .1 4 0 « 0 P «

^ S ^ o l KIMIrequired a s I

Obtained ___DU m ay C a l l HOipplicatlon at IlnformaUon o located In

735-7288. ho c ity of • ortunlty


'.MEINCAL vaniatL - ActivityAootstanl Mufcod. I partttma'20hr/Woek

.™ " S c r "n . ' PattyKutchtaon


. ^ Tochnldannoodod futHime.

a d ' QuaBled candktatoa far wDpoaaosa;

• IraWng.for •Stoadyemptoy.' potipio ment history,imtudes. •ExceOenlwortilodlcal othtoa3n401k Own hand tools.icaUoa WottffDroompetltM<p wagesbasedon>ns al oxpertenoa ojccal-> Car* lent benefits Indudiir untlomt3.bootol-nd Or. kiwanco, holldoy

pay, vacation pay. hoallh, dontal,

■ i.n .r r r vislcx) tnsuroTKo

tin Foils P*®"tco noetS- Sunrlao Expcoss S to u T 2518 Doo Taylor Dl S ^ K E . TWin Falla, filaho ■iMTm or fax roaumo

wlthwagohlatoryt Idaho 20&-738-6320.

Executive.loch CO. T honorgotJc WtRespon* ¥ ^ .

ndgctwob » . Qonor*S3ild n™ SooWng nn ossor in cUonto RaprosontaU voS s S s S : . l y n n w s w o r t eto: BA. In- As part of Loo En ?). En- potltlvo w agos, b I spirit this grov^ng, c Tcio oxp. To apply, stop b

Main SL. Hallei anal swifs. ^ ^ 1 rosumohoi).com ® L oo .nc t

A ygllafcl*—Twin fg ll» ^

a are currohtly a c c ^ ^to our customors. Aro yoi

Soo how much extra im

YOU LIVE NEJ S AN EASY Wi10 BU Avo. E. I I •300-500 Br tOBlzaliBthBlvd •ioo400R I

I FALLS 11 TWIN» EntgttenDr. | ■•130O-1BOO MHoItypr. •1300-1B00

& L s ] | j &Falls Are. W. I ■•300-9Q9M RosawDOdOr. • 100-200 Bi

1 FALLS I __ Blas and Carrlen •Sabstltutn •MotorRouts wtntsiI^H

MEY II BELIkfcre.SoMhr. I ■•700-SOQW

*E«JwlndC • SOChOOOh

« FALLS I I TWINottSLH. I |*eoo-ioooi Poiksiw. •sofreoon

»bebly It w intow for more In fan

H I"TTrT. BESTAimAKT $r t • ' Busy snack ber Mk. ' . PTOaysNftand- ton# PT avonings & .

• woricandsWfl •, . Applympofsoo •

„ CadarU no*4(SHwy90

------- RUf.ldahqSGFIWARE

uck ENGINEERGrowing tech 00 . noods

ojqyd 6r. Engineer. t. ResponslblDUes: Do- ate sign A author web

servkxs. Drtvo rt- pmjocts to compJo-

. tloa Support toom. lead doviW nenl

. piofoi^s & mon tor loss exp'd ct)tteague9. Ro- qi^m ents: Java & C (mln 3 -t- yrs). Unix & nolworit architochtfe. Abmty to wortt with

^ web devetopment Ut 2? a Ops. Groups. EmaD

resume:^ Bwe2kteOyahoo-com loy THERAPY TECH wy. F/r and P/T poslUons I, available. Day. swing » and grave, no expert- oria once necessary, c Must bo 10 years ot- I at oklor, volkl drtvors isa nconso. rxj iming ro- rDr. i;trictkNis and doan to background. Prtrmo- a tion from within and ryto bononts ovaBable.; Call BobWo or Tom at —^ 20S-733-0277.______

>umalsortivo ond dynamic S a lo s i/e tor an o x ^ d l n g w ook' basod in Halloy, Idaho. . Entorprlsos, wo offer com- i. bonofits & opportunity In

challonging martcet.I by our office at: 507 S. Key for on opplicatlon or 10 to: T roy.SpauldIng

He ^ E r t o n

ftibarif Iberls a wa OCttl le


ipQ c^ons for indopondont con' you availablo botwoon 3 ond 6 i incomo you could mako in lus


iRlsrAra. W. • 100-200 Ma

H FALLS I It w intoo BlSanool Or. 1 I* 500-700 RilOOTarBheeDr. •ParadUaP Boon*H FALLS I ITWINIM a ln '^ I ■•SOO-800N IBrookOr. .200-800W

8UHL 11 GOOitssasd C ^ a n I j*30^600ft • M o ts rR ^ •300-600ft

LLEWUE I KIWIiWeadallSL I (•350500B

NFALLS I Itwinoo EntltlHl Dr. n71 |*1100>130( ORlmlfwOr. •1700-im

NFALLS I ItWIWiimatlon about taut


■W H IUCDtCAL p u nPofM m R N orLPN ,1-Sisgwy.axporfenoa -i

■ pmtarroa SoSondfM unosto Ex

P .a B o x 4 ia . • vaiTWtn Fads. 10 83303 in

o r n B 7 3 4 ^ 1 . 2

“ iT he l lm e s - N e m & S ou th Id ah o P ir e tsCurrently taking appUcaUofi for th e M nl-Cassla area. C am m W an tM Jllll Adult and Junior routos.

liOTOR ROUTES RL641Tlmos-Nows 7 Day DoBvery Kosota oroa. Hazolton, anc

R t6 4 4Tlmo9-NowB 7 Day DoBvery Southeast Burtoy, S outh H ond Oakloy area

WALKING ROUTES R T .2S :B urfaySooth IdahoProM Burton Ave. to Overland Ai W ost 18" St. to W ost 2 1 - J

RT.210: BurieySouth Idaho P ross Ovorlond Avo. to H anson / E ast IS " St. to E ast 23'" Ol

RT. 220: BurieySoulh Idaho P ross Hanson Avo. to HUand Avo E a s t1 8 ''S t to E a s t2 2 « ’ &

RT. 223: BurieyItfflhQ Proaa .

H ^ s o n Avo. to Almo Avo. East 2 4 '’St. to E ast ?7 " SI

RT. 427: RupertTimos-News A SL to S hanon Heights Subdivision & 12*’SL to 1(

RT. 428: R upert

15" S t. to 20** St.

A lso carrie ra wantie< .H eybum are«

If you aro intorestod In belt corrlor or substitu

South Idaho P re ss & Thi P lo ase contB'

A m yat677-8< 230 E aat M ain. G

I D istrict S en rlcoM

»ntractore to d eIf^ :^W tirn 8 « d 6 a.m .. seven doys a weoit? lust 0 (ow hours ooch week.


I Duvall Courts I ■•1D0O-11O

N FALLS It WIWORosaSl. I |* io o « o o iMPtaceApts. •lOOSOOV

• 100-000^

IN FALLS I It w infO Montsoa 1 I •Motor Rl.«)Wj™mlnD

lODING GCMlOAilanaSt. j (•iprvflOOt tOAsbSLS •soo-oooi

HBEBLY __ f\lo BucUngbam 1 I-700-69SJ JOKnotUaatamDr. •70(MOOI

IN FALLS I ItWIMl^ B r a D d tQ a a n |»400-goo' IMOPommllaDr. • 4 0 0 « n i

IN FALLS I __ Butes amllablB Inyi

TTw t w TO

H iimoiNO: r> I

s « v £ ? P t a ^ . !ExoeOantpaywtn ] ncm ons. hoUdays.in8ursweA401k. .

a o » 3 a f r4 i» I

n d Edon

Hwy. 27

iAVO.& !“S t I

1 Avo. &Or. '

vo. &SL ;

0 .& i S t. . '

18 "S L ;

ied tn P aul a n d : ..«oa.alng a n ew sp ap e r ' tuto for the rho TTmos-Nows ta c t a 7 6 i , BurieyM anager_______ |




1? . ■ " i!

IO N S ? I S H .. .100 PartnwyDr."!200aadows Dr.

NFALLS I .OlVfer Street I I OVaoBumDKantsoo . i

li FALLS :1L609B5m Ilai/ I ! id iltvafyU na j 60avflry4weakt •

WOWS i0 » 8 L 1 1OVUlmaSL ;

FILEB I9teiiJaiiU cD t“ | I


N FALLSo T O u S n E 1

0 8 t t* r t . H,:


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Page 19: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

s u | d b |O puzdes.'ibyhpapi

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e iz l : :V. EASY

RII In the grid so th every 3x3 box cont That's all there Is tc The grid h as numb anything else. You and logic. Rnd the page 0 8 .

PROFESdiONAL = =Psycho-Sodol Rohobil- {

Ration SpodsIIsS In (Burtoy. Suit $14-$16 k

hour, BA dogma. intCaO 208-878-3350. (rc

WAREHOUSE Owwral WoTtthouu — DdOvery Driver. Musi havo a doan driving I- rocord & porfonn

numoroua dutloo, IIRlng roquJrod, pass drug &

ocroon. Apply tut]Iwtwowi fl8(n-3pfn at

167 Eftatland Or. An

' ^ “ wochonical I ™' ts now hWog In tho locoJ oroo for lonQ . tormwllhovcnlmo.

MUlwriohtond r — Welder posltlono. P Bonofttsavaltablo.Apply En person ol: r

400 W. 100 8.Hwy.24 Psul.10

208-4304108 AH Applicants Bubioct

toprMmploymoT« c drtJOtest c


to te k Nocthwo<rtja_ -

to W ^ f lo to iS S o r? '' 'i!NocertfflctttJoonooo®- " sary. but cooipctsnco ' ' l9rBQulfod.Pract(ctil \ weUingtestwlDbe

gVen. FuB>timo Insldo work & bonofUa pkg. ,,



Federal ;< }Empksymonl '

Information la froo. ~ ~

can promise you a .federal Job. For froo ' Infonnotlon obout

fodoraliobo. CColl Coreor Tn

America F)oConnection. Ci

478-7S7-3000 n<


It paya to road tho *—fho prtmi ▼

Coll Tho nmea-Newa q |toplocoyourad , 208-733-0031.

' A A A A A A A

I AU advwtlalnBla Bubjoet to tho a

rm npapci^aianOaniot |D F

acceptanco. Tho Tinoa-Nowa

n seivos tho right to r = edn, ahdtoviata P

aoeffno or property dttsaify any ttt£ I '■

Rocolptot copy via C romoto entry (fax. io-maO. otc.) dooa noi consUtuto tinat I ai aocaptancotvlhia not»*p«p«r. 7T»

aOvortlsor. not tho

asaumoa M l I nsponaiunty tor

thotrvthfuieontont \ of thoir athviVaer ;

moaaago. \tr

TIMES-NEWS [LThaTlmn^ewala iQS 3 S 2 K K i

SHOSHONE tuMOTOftROtnEeiT 3Sibttltuto ^ 3H hours 76 tnUoai-2d ty»av««k 32wopof«tey. 5 5

If you Uv^ln these areoaandam

IntatMlBdkibelnsa g

?Pl2SS?«ntart WS T r g S S I ' i

I ■'


' | 3 | I | <J_____ i

___ 7__—

Z— J-_____________ L

___________± 2 ^ J .

|6j) that every row. every coDntains the digits 1 throu^ s to it. T here's no math InTibers, but nothing has to 3U solve the puzzle with r he answers for todays pu

w a :7 T’ B u t l n e w \ 'H b m

OpportunltiM I,, r r , ------- -80VENOINQMA- brickCHINES wllh Primo nlonllylocations. Indudoa twoan

Invontory. MUST SoD Buriey-tntmodiatoryl$11.9d0 baUi. 11

InvoBtmonj garagoB0(WO-243O BlWtoniATTENTION Tbops

HAIRDRESSERS Call 2<a NAIL TECHS 208-43 Station for ront

Boautirul fun ootvfce HOME! ookin. Qroat birainoos

opportunity. BUI Bokt Arma'a Beauty Salon

TWIN FALLS Unique J?* up scalo gift shop inHistoric DlsUlct Busl- C£> 2<nosa only. 734-1604. 208-32


Big proftta usuaDymoon big risks. P O T ! Boforo you do

buslnooa with a KUIBEfcompony, check It 357out with tho Bcnor 23Business Bureau. 4 Bodr

For feo Infonnotlon F " • about avoiding

wTlta to tha Federal | Trade Commission.WaBhlngton, D.C. Gem St20580 or caO tho Watt K4 NatlorwU Froud

Information Center1 •800-876-7060 2 u r c


i Conw>cSwd;3 r ?g s


C O R P S ’. ‘CASH for Deeds of AC, no

Tnjst. Mortgagos and Insolall Roal Esialo Coatrocta Coll today for o quoto. porft.

(208)733-3821. olod m placo, I

M w liikn idon▼ T T T T T T M§"'CLASSIFIEDS ^

It pays to road Uw • rupetfine prim. • Nic<

Coll Tlmes-Nowa 2 betoptacoyourod j^ ^ e 208-733^1831.

▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ ▲ bulldk

I ' home,^ scape


Sening Property? P®rt-«Dont pay any feea ~ \

I until Ifo eoW. Forfrqd Information north’

about avoldlrfg timo and cI shore and real j FOR

cslote ecama, STOCwrite to: ^10^

Federal Trade I Commission,

Washington, D.C.20580orcaDlho I R q INatkinal Fraud J o i K

tnfonnatlon Center, 1-800-878-7060.

FILER ctosslo 2 story Qom fann home, 3JJ acres. • We rei3 bdmt, 2 fuD baJha, One Ushop, nica place. twpti

QOODtNG LocsUonl RasnLocstSonl LoeattonI mo.<N«ct to Oooding Goir oeOph Couroa. 4 -bdmi. 2batnon3 aeras.1.084 r ^

: aq. fl hom* bua.ln ,1099. $215,000. CaU 'Tarwaaie53«^04aof iSTATEg06-42»4a38. 20fi

JEROME Hum bedroom .wSh

--------- - . yard and

TFTI^ ' 208-324-6460

8 0 RtlPEHT For :

. ACan today 67B


1“ — — (3)Brandnewi ^ owner. Corta

$144.eoo-S16i— :-------------CaOBobSSfl

_ _ 4



bath, 1,869:—;---- 1-------- buDlln1095.

C room, formal

- 5 _______

8 731-1118or3: QITEaateata

I TWIN fa l l s '^ 3 2 Noipialtryi

3 bdmt. 2 battcolumn, and)Ugh 9 . adfl up to ___ :

h reasoningpuzzle on | k Sp I ^

---------------------- TWIN FALLS3 bdmt, 2 batt

"* ' tion. Appro*ELTON Country «!• Now el k homo conve-Illy located be- vinyl windowen Twin Falls ond ftoortng. A/Cley. 4 bedroom. 2 «>rinWer9. o:1, llroplacos,'2 car forced air tago, AC, cprtnWor 658 Callamtom, 8.25 acres by owner, $S I water ohorea, ps and corrals.I 208-431-5877 or TWIN FALLS :1-431-5888.______ 2 bath, 4 car

N^ILS'on'00 + Blncoie03 S142 000 By ^1208-328-5115 Cflil

3ME 3 bdmt, 1 tw in FALLs T1,1,388 sq. f t City bom. with offand quiol neigh- |g. family roorfwod. $92,500. n. In NO1 208-324-5499 or *210,000. Cl 1-324-6200 Jerty. 734-3233.

5 * " tw in FALLS 1M ’Sff 3 bath. 2,100

Condloridge. upgrades.

• $219,900.733S B B H S SSi TWIN FALLS

now homo InJERLY c ^ n 3 bdrmJ577 N 3230E SSh 2^ S S q .F t . Features vaul

odrooma, 2 Balhs i„g hi Bving rtF a m i l y ^ Wtchon. WouCovered Pallo q g^ot Inv

$275,000 b02 Callai

^ t h 'S t W tI Heoa - 737-3930 ------------------------------------------- TWtN FALLS C)ERLY Great upperl 3 bodiK/3 bdnn.. 2 boUi. both, good locar garoge in newer $84,500 208-4:division. Hord- ------)d and tile floors, place ond mony> extras. In pnsti- -------------------jaKlmberiy School TWIN FALL£trict. $159,000. Bhaip homoI 208-212-8409. Pierce St. All i----------------------- Stoot Siding,’vERT 5 bdnn., 3 dows, gas hot1, 2800 sq.ft. SfHIl auto sprinklon)l. Central heat, old <comp., now windows and bdnn. 1 bothilatkjn, lg. fenced bsml, familyk yord w/HV pod a plus n»m fcI run. Close to bedrooms,ools, across from f^y Sabalak. Newly romod- Realty) &39-X1 master boUi, flro- ------» , novrer caipet. 2 “ ■ garoge w/Ig. wori<-Jh. (JvoiM p««(i. * " " V °

Of storage, on>18. Incl. $189,500 ___I 18" S t Con I' ■ k312-«409.

PERT'Cco 1625 sq. ft.. o»wmuni

bdmi 2 bath equal HOU m eon6.7ecreo,ituro trees, out- ing b, this o wlldlnga, north of tubject to the Fswn.$150,000. tnoAct«iMchm<One level, 1462 isgsi to edvM

ft, country pretorenoe ilmliime. pretty lond- dacrim^xSon b<ipe, outbultdlnga, race, color, r«iiaiwell-kepL On 4.5 twtdicsp. ftmiiuros south of Ru- or nsuonel ortgl:rt. $225,000. IntBrtkn to m«3 bdnn, 2 both, eucT) pref«rw)c«D level. On Z5 uon or dlioinres, 10 mllaa -F«niii»l «tfu» 1rth of town. Bam ctiddron undw 1d corrals. IDEAL of IB Mng wtthIR SMALL or t«oal cuttO(}l«OCK OPERA- narfl womwi anc3N $147,500 MCuring cuttod)

V drwiundwlB,

Tht* n«w*p«p«rkW^ J ^ B L knowinohr too

Ifl edywCakn fortti* wfiiefi I* I

n C T f t e o n y tbn o< th» i«r33.Q4d4 g p " a

mmraNQOP M ikfiTS**BUILDINQ? opportsjryty ti

emStataflaalty. , SoS bS S ttt!"I repreeent many too m t»abu0dera.Ca9us mcnMr'brther plana and prtea* £np*ed is tI well help you find3urdream home. ■ . . . . _ ■C a a 7 ^ a L ^

aat737-3SQ0or I H B l a W Iphon«410-2fl07.


iu a ta M l2

I v m o v Bf. Usnad trout farm

«r aala by spring water. For I sy no down coB 208<733-4283.

avallaWa. ________________670.2863Bwwhomea. - . ,—k)rtazLoop BUHL Home, s $169,000. wArtows, 38 ac S3»«eie wtth extra wi------- --- ■ $160,000. 3 K

wtth troes, $40.C Both North of B Can 208-843-4238

ELKO (3) lota for s o Right ofl freeway (

W ao es and (2; acre lota, wm o C°°2<” -73t-16S7

yard, fully KOIBERLY (2) 1 $189,500. aen> lota In town. 1 or324-11te senricea plus w gate Dr. Shofoa. 208-731-5![5 -----------1 TWIN FALLS

$170,800 Neorty . bath 2 cor tiome. Shows prid arandnew ^roatfomPv ^“ k paUo, Mova ,ortx)od condlUon. Groat l< «4a-2eea.^ 1 Twin Falls. Can 10^ ------ 1 Partridge 737-3921

I Ron Freeman 7 aac^iitfW 3915 for more 1 r a ' 'H p l MLS#9a225093


s r n GEWml foundo- STATE REALTY. If xox. 1568 208-734-0400

JiSSS 'idowsand 5 ^

Frontage. Will cw'SO’i ‘town- '

l i y a . 2C».73,.,657 .S93.000

i l m ^ P n i w r


“?vs:s.7 r» s,o sssobo2 - 1 2 ^ no4».Succcfl8ful.b

__ os you want to3 4 bdrni, 3 Retail potential. Lc I of(k» nnd Uon, tocation. k)cal room, 2254 326-7238 or 316-1 NorthpoInt CoD 208-

__________ CommanJalProipa

TWIN FALLS 0^ boor bar and grill

* solo by owner. If It731.80=

drm.,2batha r garogo. SPORTSMAN RJ\ I^a.£^ coiK r e so r t oWer,

S S T 'S ? ™

t*®""55,600.206-837-6 Contact TWIN FALLS Fbd

20-0919. 1 baUl, 12'X51'. $6

f S K : 'M ^0-e2^0 m6vod.2tMW2T3 FALLS

LLS Very = = £ = =

™up“i l a ^ T ® m I p . ^ ° 'e r i S c“"Iri

__________ leave messogo.FALLS I U « — —jYour

.JS S e y

S T ATTENTION!oSS> LandlordsA>mor.K ng■UNmES FostCkie.

208-731-5745• FBlrHMj»-hmakoeBU- ................vsrtlw -any

WB9I00. atx, tr ' - ■ ■miuststus. Classified °52k.°'J^ Dopartmont«nca QmOo- Classified SolesaaimMiion. Representalivea alusmoudM avaiawefrom

8«0am-5:30pn-le<51^?^^^? ^ l^ay -F rid a ,i t n d p ^ e - Coll our officoUoetyorcwi- InTVrinFaHaIB, [ 733^»31 art. 2

HJ3 bedroom

5; ‘‘•tf’. moblJe home, peta, long term. $

= 2 2 ^ 5 month + depots. 1 3 im equiJ 208-543-8342.

FILER 3 bdmi., na r a ToU m tuxno, lg. co nutr«er at fencad lot, ca/pott

77. the deck, oomoa w/V oven, refrii A

i ■ S 5 S W B .B GOODINO 3 be

_rin ..mi:, plua. gas.heat, ti S R E g a ff l dry, Mtctdgan

$ ^ .4 -d ep .C an e 65230fS30-2261.

HAGERMAN 3 bdl I 1 bath mobfla he

* £ • on 6 acraa. Can hSS^SSS®, tw f"« «nd other ,

mate. 1550 mo.+ c C*Ug>»324.<747

■ .HANSEN 2 bdmt. 2 "**** bath, on acreaoe. Lg. Estab- yard. Dep. & refs. re<}. rm, 7 No pets. $500 mo.'-. Irtvote. Call 208-423-5177. '

K0LU8TER 4 bdrm. 1 , Into both, all aiecL home.S3 2388 Main SL , $ ^ -

mo. No pets. 208- S J iq 733-9658 or 731-2345 U ite JEROME 2 bdrm., — — $425 JEROME 3

tOoo bdmt, duplex, acraa 515 N. Fltmoro. $395. water. Call208-S39-78t1

JEROME 2 bdmt. 1 ^ bath. $450 mo. ♦dep.-

, ? * '• Or roommate for $225 '^ __ and half the utJBUea.rjaift. Call208<}16-2960. . '< J)2 JEROME 2 bedroom. 1 U; 1 bath, 1 U acres, $550

month + deposit.I ' ___ Avodoble Nowl Call

1 + 208-<21-0906. t a t y JEROME, smoll 2 water bdrm. house, extra •5588 storage, fenced yonJ-------- with trees In town.

New carpet, stove &. rofri^rator, $500 mo.

+ $450 deposit Can 20G ^M i6Q .

t loca- RUPERT Nice 3 bdnn, Wo of 2 both, garago, V//D, Kathy rarrge and rofrig. In- )20 or eluded. $500/mo. plua

737. dop. No pots. 208- I Info. 670-4051 or431-0312

SHOSHONE 2 W bdrm., carport, stor-lil Zr.rbi«So■':

■ I lMastmo.280-1025., INC. SHOSHONE 2 bdmi., 0 wim don, 2 bath on 5

c acres North of ri / Rrt Shoshone. Doublo car

garoge, $750 mo. 1- ^ tost ond dop. Con

208-B8&-710S______TWIN FALLS 1 bdrm.,

now remodel, stove, refrig., W/D. Smoll

■rtV ' yard. No smoklngy!pat3 — i— $400 mo. + security

Filer dep. 208-736-g730 r t o ^ TVrtN FALLS 1 bdrm.,

. with rongo ond refrig. No poui. Inquire ot 5033^ Ave East

iTVnN FALLS ^1M1 141011" Ave. E.

3 bdm)., 2 balh, - Btovo, refrig., W/D, bsml. single car garage & single

irotlna carport. No smok-

a l l550 Rota Orcle 3 bdnn., 2 boUi, 2<ar

gorogo, gas ^,'■•1 hoat/ceatrol AC, on

Utchon oppts.,—— hook-up Ior W/d, fOVER fonwd w/sprfnWor >r. 1 cyslem. No smok- week- lng or pets. S875 + si. In- $875 deposit B nm , veeh Property

^•^202 Lyle O 731-6SB0

5 ^ TWIN FALLS 2 bdmi. 1 S«5Ano. No

ouoi^ pots- 259 Phoasonl1 ortor ^ 571-8277

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm. -3498 Townhouse, W/D,

r-, small fenced back- ' i y o r t , $450 mo. +

MTWIN FALLS 2 bdmi.,

. , 1 both, W/0 hookups. ^QU. *^75 month + $300 r2 „ deposit. 734-5329 i,yor 512 5 -Ave. E

TWIN FALLS 2 bdmt, |000. 2 bath townhouso.

AC, WO hookup, DW, flroploco. No polsl *525 mo., $500 dep.

ii— 11 TWIN FALLS 2 bdrm., ~ -r .^ Cleon, carpeted, ap-

pis.. W/0 hook ups. m -V ; $450 mo. + dep. Can

208-733.6005.= = = . TWIN FALLS 3 bdmi, 2

bath opt w/garage. No „ pets, no smoking, 'f* vory nice! $600 per

mo. + doposlt. CoU208-490^3557.______

TWIN FALLS 3 bdmi.,1 both, hardwood flooni and now carpet, $700 month + deposit

, No smoWng/pets. CaU208-737-0876.

M i l TWIN FALLS 3 bdmt,1 bath, full basement,

= = i l aU oppls., W/0 1 hookup, 2 cor garage. I - By CSI. No smoking/

pets neg. $850 mo. ♦ dop. 208-420-9555.

I ore -----------------------------m TWIN FALLS 3 bdmt,

2 bath, over aOOO sq. P'" ft, 2 car gara^,

exc. k>catlon. $1,1000 -»dep. Call 280-3000.' 2 TWIN FALLS 525 Main J = J Ave. W. 2 bdrm., 1

bath cottage. No doga. $400 + $350 dep. 208-21fr2693

TWIN PALLS Classy 1 no historic home,

5500 $650 + deposit Sm1 caa pets ok. 731-0269_____ TWIN FALLS Countrynewer home 00. of TF. 3 comer bdrm.. 2 bath, 2 car 3it Ig. garage, all appls. No </W/D. smoking, pets nog.Avail $850Ano.'«- dep. AvaiL

r45 2/1. 208-539-2420

bdrm. I tWIN PALLS Im-I “ “S ' macuIeJe4b*m., 2 l

bbS " bath, newtr appla..! “ 837- <BL garage, fencedi

___ yard, near echoots.!

taq. $1,050 monthi ♦ deposit 1 yr. leaaa mln. CU JonI

•7- ' 20»733‘ I

1 S2 TWIN FALLS N.E., 3|. bdrm., 2 b baih, maa- -----h. ter ouBo, $1350 m a GOC >.', No cmokingWa. bdr

' Lease. 209-734-6785 she TWIN PALLS New 4 AC

*• bdmt, 2 bath. 1700 IngI* aq. fL AH appllancos, pet^ gas flroptoco, 3 car $51:5 pnrooo. auto sprin- -----

iders. $1,250 month.A No amoWng. Call 208-■* S3S-3e09.__________. TV«N FALLS nico 3 ,0 ,

bdrm.. 2 bath. An ap- ^r pla.,$695 + «OOdep. “, . No amoUng, peta neg. ™5 • 208-733-5172 ’ ef I. TWIN FALLS very nice ^

. 2 bdmt, 1 bath, r fenced bock yd..’ goroge, AC, no smok- Cl° Ing, pots nog. $600 f*; dep. Avon 2/01/06 I

Call 208-420-0061. L J f2 ^ --------1 JER'■rsn s6). EQUAL HOUSING t>drJI OPPORTUNITIES op(_ All real estate Mvcrti#- AC1 mg M trus new«p«p«r b not )' 8ub)ecl to Ihe Fair Hout- occ ^ Ing Ad «>tiknmak«s K S' IH/ ;0 legal to atfirenhe ’any Cin

prelerence IWUtlon of ~2 dlscrtmlnsUon based on JEB- mee. eotor. raUg«n. »c». b*

hondieso. fammoi etatus, S4tr- or naitonal origin or an Col y inlontloo to mako any + such proteranee Dmitt.i. tton or a.scrtmmatlon.- TamiBaJ statva Indudes 2 ?

ehlWron un<Jer the ao* _ ot IB Uvino with psfonu -nvu or tesal custocllan: profl- , 5

, nant women and people q „• cecuriooonuxjyorthil- nq

drenundflrie, no

r Thb newspaper wUI not TWII), knowmov accepi any 2jl actvertisino for real e*- p^,- tate wt icn is In vfoCa- u. ^ tton ol ine law. Ouf " V readon ore hofoby In- P'

k»med thal all- dwssino* advertued In------- O

mis newtpver are -----)■ available on on equal TWII« oppoftunliy basis. To 1

oomptaln ot diDalmlna-_ Uon caJ HUD TOD-Iree ?fi

telephone number al600009-9777. Tbo tWIIToll-tfmi lolephono 'V!'

• number for ir» hearing k ^ re d b 600-027-

= = = = = ^WHO can help VOU 2 I

ront your rental? omC la s s lf io d s

7*M 93".M .2sa

* 0 3 ■ SFuirt&lwdAptK ’ ™

: A n a P lijilex- I Co

BUHL Duplex, orw -----oxtremoty nico .3 TWI

. bdcm, 2 balh, 2 cor 1IQ sarego. W/D hook- o;

ups avail. $500 yoj, deposit, $700 mo. $5:_ 208-423-6449 Cc

>. H A N ^ n o w l bdmi 1<' boUi utUs/satollito/W/D '♦ indd. No pots/smok- Ill Ing. $400 mo. dop._ 208-423-5898I., I I. I I I TWII»• ' 20 neh

/ TWIN FALLS fum. hSJl ctudio opt., all utili- !>. tlos included, no 20(

omokingAJOts. $325 —- + dep. Call 308-

2491 or 324.7506.

^ W fiT - - : : - .: $«. ^2 L ' jAndDuptex- t>auo ■" ■ .....................• sprlJl - - H e a r t h e “p.S q u ie t ! ^

- Laurel Park ' TWII Apartmanta nov

176Mourk»St pot’• Tvrti Falls 734-4195. =

---------, TW^ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ ▼ TTT 6ie- TWIN FALLS 2 t

Brand now 3 bdmi. Mlt 2 both duplex. 2 car gc0 garogo, fenced. pi. >■ S900/mo.. $650 sr U dep. 539-1248 H* ▼ ▼ ♦ ▼ T T V V JEI

L . ^ r r r * 920~ BUHL 2 bdmi., ovait- 3 b

obk> now. Rent bosed Mlon Income. . Equol he

I: Housing Opportunity. Ini° Coll 208-S43-6a33. $Jjj* CASTLEFORD 2 bod-1 room. Ront based on l 0 income. Ectual Hous- I—0 Ing Opportunity. Call r—

208-543-6833. TW-1>, FAWNBROOK CEn APARTMENTS Un

o o M to ah o p p in a :- work, and moral ,

3 StuartSchool ®i ? Dlatrlct ^ P Call to lease your t. L _

2 or 3 Bedroom Apt —*■ TODAYI TVra


I- net734-1600 Col

647Fav.TibrookAva. HoncBcapaccesslbie

BwalHousIno 22

FO £n< |tjM «»o to actoota, lg. 2 bdm.ductax, big backyanl, TWO$680 month •» dep. no000206-643-8778 Inei

• ' Tominkam

tw in f,

shower, finished TWIN FAIgarage with opener, MlctowavAC. aU appls. Indtid- Call fIng W/D.>te smoking/ Nopeto.peta. $700 mo. ♦ S09-}$500 dep. 034-8355 ------------


$90 mova-ln affordaW

for harxjicoppod. ol- TWIN FA derty or disabled housing. 1 bedro6m opt oil oppls, prt-vote polk) and AC oOQ Induded. IHA ac-ceptod. Contoct **•Cindy at 324-0572. RLER dc

m b .■ ■■■Mi l l 111—J pets, ref.lEROME 2 bdrm., 1 JVVIN.FAbath apt. for rent Trailer C$325 mo. ♦ dep. Can newlyPom 208-308-7688. ohod. m.

lEROME Links Apt. 2 S, bdm.., 1 both, all .oppls., W/D hookups, WENOELIAC, high spoed inter- fr>g. 2 bnot & cable. Now trash/waorxopting appltoatkins a monthIHA occepted. Coil No pels.Cindy 208-324-0572 3084 8

lEROME nico. cloan 2 e 0 7bdrm., 1.5 bath. W/D • ,$485 month dop. ' OmCOJCall 208•420-1011. , R

nVIN FALLS 1 bdrm. twim applo. $395 ulUilioB Bd.Nop«ii*moklno M20a.735.Q473nWlN FALLS 2 bdrm., massagf1 balh, W/D hook ups. romodoliQrool noighbortiood. Ot14or:No smoMng. $500 Tunu cai mo. B01.5a"3034

IWIN FALLS 300-6,-2 bodroom. 1 bath. Several

PheatanlVlewTown HarHomea. $450 rrk>nlh Mansplus $400 deposit 208-<

No pels. AAA Call 208-048-9401

rWINFAU^-------------Tho Foils Apts. P n

1 & 2 bdmi,.$375-$475. —AC/No pets. 734-6800

rWlN FALLS (2) nico 3 WARbdrm.. 2 both, goroQO. 210$650/5690 $500 OroQldop. 208-901-0522 wllh

■ ' Goo<rWIN FALLS 1 bdmi., coU:2 boUi, on oppts. No smoking/no pots. . $395 mo. dop. CaU TWIN F/ 208-735-2283 Iv. msg North (

---------------------------- OllicrV/IN F/OLS 1 bdnn., Cau 20 oppts., somo utUs.,$295 dop. Studio r t - o -Apt, oppls., $250. -f _dep. 208-734-5325 S t

TWIN FALLS 2 bdrni.. Wfli1 both. $450 mo. ■S300 dep. No pots. STORAGCell 206-212-1678 P<

TWtN FALLS 2 bdrm., saio$eC1 hflih duolnir- new -----------nppllnncoG largo ^yard. 121 Brooklono. 2'®“ J $525 mo. ♦ S400 dop.Coll 208-736-0929. " ‘V " '__________________ overhoa

rWlN FALLS 2 bdrm., bo comt1 both, doan. No pots 3,900 e< or smoking. $450 o cotod S| month plus $350 do- owner » posit 206-423-5945 suit lonf

I onls 0rWIN FALLS 2 bdrni.. ample2 bath, W/D. oxc. accecalt nelghlwrhood. No 539-490 pots. $550 dop. andshoi Grog 206-2800000 .-- -------------------------- 6 1 4nWN FALLS 2 caipot, W/D WflnPIhookups. $400 month ■

$400 dopoiit CoU WANTED208-539-1463 • 2 or 3 b

rWIN FALLS 3 bdnn, 2 bath,nearCSI,now,2

$600 dop. 731-9269 . , "OWrwiN FALLS 3 bdnn., 2 ^balh duplex, DW,sprinWors, W/D hook-up. fenced yard, city ^ „ rr ; >.utlls. paid S700. mo. S®"0011208-316-0822rWIN FALLS 3 bdrm., 20new point/corpet. No Ftpots. $495.732-5408

TWIN FALLS I616 Rote SLN. p,2 bdnn., 2 both, all havo

Mtchon appls., W/0, kitchen, gas heat & flro- ino & Uvi ploce, olod. AC. No 4 tjothro smoking or peUt /omokinc S625 4-$625 d0p. S325mQ

JEROME 212-272020 E Main ------------3 bdmi., 1.5 bath, on TWIN Fi

Mtchan appb., W/D opt. with hook-up. No smok- CSI ca ing or pets. $540 4 month. $540 deposit shared.:

Ve«h Property or206-2i Manaoament

Lyta ® 731-6589 .JfUHW


CENTURY CHARMI rnouth c Uundrya storage.

Studio, 1 bdmi.aptt. from $375 -------------

833 Shoshone N. TWIN208-420-6650. LIVE

wnmmmiimHUimnn coMi

near CSI. $550 WadnaiCan 208-734-4120 * 100rwIN PALLS L a wquiat 2 bdmi., 1 bat^ ^appit. & W/D hook- •up. $47S m a -f $250 mtxedep. No pati/sm ^- soo-Ing. 206420-0555. ‘ at

[Wm FALLB studk>. 630 R tno amoUng. All utOo. TWIIndd. C95. 734-6463 aO»7

^ J.

m y l0 ,2 0 0 e TkB»Nm .tM an

FALLS dean Mtchea no pets, eek. 732-5408. ■ALLSave, refrigerator 11 for prices. to.CaprfMoM 9-733^4SZ

FALLS MOTEL and woekly Quiet, ckian.

ible. 733-8620. FALLS deoping kitchen ft taun-

Ivitoges, utiiitloo ed. 643-6130

iD e H b r iiw .j

doan & quiet 2 , 14' wide, good $375 m a No

ef. 326-5887 -ALLS CountiV r Court 2 bdmt.

remodeled, must see. $376 jp. No pots.B coll 735-8477 =U. Country liv- : bdnn, 1 balh, water paid. $475 ilh $475. dep. ts. 538-5455 ISISOOE

o A n d R ^ i R&ntate- •FALLS beauty for loose. Four

300 stoiions, 6 IS total + private ige room. Newly ' loled. 208-732- or 208-308-0490 ■ALLSceand ntall 6,400 aq. r t ral locations, lammaek inagement 8-73*^339


FALLSKREHOUSEItOOsqtt.BQt Locotkin ilh2 otflces Md Access Ul 736-8664

FALLShBlueLokos flico Spoco 208-309-0365

Btotagof ! fa re tiouM '

\GE CONTAIN- portable steel,

lockabto. For ;e00 280-1714

FALLS Tbroo ' oq. fl woro-

i/Tlex spaces 3f)k:os and high oad doors. Con mtjinod for up to

sq. tt. ol dodi- spoce. SulWIng r wlH remodel to

onger teem ten- Qreat locaUon. .

) parking, and slblo. Can Jeff 907 for prico flowing.

tedToReirtEO to rent nicoI bdnn. houso In 10 Immod. occu- ’. 208-324-6960.

Wanted / . ;•at t gn. 2 baui opt. CSI. Washer/ wireless coble

at. $27S/mo & M 208-599-0913 FALLS UncotnII area, 2 fur- I upstairs bod.'I for rent. AH util-paid. Renters

access to n, laundry, dln- ilving room, W/D iroom. No peta ing, drinking, mo, II intorostod 723 Iv. msg.FALLS Share-

1th glris, ctose to campus, $145 I. utuities3. 208-705-0736 I-201-222S.

P c M R p t^55 cross b i ^

1300 n>. smooth I cows brad to bulls. Start calv-, 'eb. thru April. 08-862-3490.

ON PALLS VE8T0CK iMMISSION t)MPANY 9d (X)nsignment wadayJan.11 X} head rumlnfl |o bred stocA IW*10 head 600Ixed cahna»-7D0l».atlOtOOam -RtOnwdAMVvlnFUa».73»7474,

nct,idriM c «

Page 20: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

•Q if.n m i h w ,n » M h . :

A V U F A mV/CAT- l

' . a « & 2 g 5 M o ^ ; "c o w s Broten J

mouttod tof vM it. nStart c iM n M l 18. (C i a 2 0 » ^ 2 4 0 a I

ntnuHMZimiM. Jt ty o u c n c t tM tw m n m oKt hav» thvm. |Cm206-41frB3t1. ,

WANTCO cMcken- '

J01V, cnlckon ooop or FIsonworatotMldonol «Can 2oe^4-e554, <

• |<ava matMpa. i WOfOONQ CHU1B J

laroa animal DvostDCk. FFAlso Powdar RN»r ccoHtBUo. 4234836 c

a; — — 7


YOUR 55I SERVICE 1I .'Advvfttoa In tha •>I Bualnaaaft q(I SarvieaOlractory pI 'Taa-QMiaxta ^


^ocaptlno nowdlonta HtWin trim mlnlsturps *

‘sndlsochhorBoato fi. pick up foot c‘tiravfaS3»>2812or .9.:V ala t53»1(a7 JJJ

BUFFALO Fresh Bufla- a(o calvos (or salo. *CaJI 20a*324-S12a _C

ORULLO Stud' 10 JAyaors old. . Oroat Rorandson of Poppy 1'Son BadQor. Sound, S:oosy to handlo and ^ oood confinnatlon. $4,000. Picture & vfdoo nvollabto. 208-


more. 13 yrs., goodmounting and hunting 7 7 : horao. SISOO/olfefQHl 20e-280-2062 gj

SORREL StaDlon 2 $4I S

Playtwy. out of .0 daughtof of Doc Oak.(doal ranch stud.Coll 208-324'6976 LAI

TftOROUQHBREOStalion $S00 Ouartar SStallion seco. Paint —StonionSISOO.All lor LAI52500 208-438-8516 ch

W aPayCaoh ^For Uaad Tack oV

Vfckor8 2309AddlBon zcAvo E. Twin Falla —

I &

ENQUSH SETTER '<L'puppios. AKC & ^FDSB fog. Champion ^podlgroosl Will bo miNgreai huntoro and efown bottor oxnpan- vo:Ions. Must coo. simply «3Bdorablo. Call Jonny cont208^1-6203. ----- • • * • • • » • POI

AUSTRAUANSHEPHERD pups. ^rog. Champion linos. S2aU 4 colors avail. —W7S. 206-886-2644. POI

B ^Q L E puppios, AKC $5Mglstafod. 1* shots. —wonnod nnd dow- POIctows romovod. $400. ro(Ploaso can 208-677. 1“4889, ask for Stovon. 2&

BORDER COLUE pup. pios. colorlul. 1- shots, Ftanch. show & pot prospocts. $40 C01I541-446-3519

BORDER COLUE/Rad HMlw croaa 7 wooks old. tallod I®" dockod. 1 • shots. $75 _1± ooch. Call 738-0362 SAII

BULLOOO. H English.14 raro Old English ® Bulldog puppios. 1 femak>. 2 molos. SHII $800. Win doilvor. Call umS03-481-6739,______

CALIFORNIA KINO Ch( SNAKE black comos ^ with all accessories and SS gallon tank. Makooftef.4M.6007

DACHSHUND LONG- HAIRED pups, ready gui, nowl Adorablo kjving |l»t8.20e-734.5060. ^

okcHSHUND Mlnia- 71( t r o mala puppy. 1-


= 5®Call208<J08-1009 <2),

--------------------------------- maFREE (1) St. Bomard/ for

Qraat Pyrartoos. (1) $S<eofdof CoBlo mte. — Naads room to run.Call 20a-326~*64^ ^

FREE Chasapaaka 20<croaa puppios. 6 vVEl

.waakaold,2 remalM. ^

.Raady now ca9 J.D. ^•206-306<»a0. 5 5

FREE Omgo/Kaalar X ^• pupplaa, 2 malaa. 8 ■waaksold. Ploaaocan I S 208-6&4-2388. ^

#REE MOar, CaBco In ; ma;oolor, lOwaakaotd. I w«.naad a good tnma. w/t■ C eaz»* ia^060 . $3t


dBIWanl odon. Cal rag..208-410011. and

FREE wuana, fluffy,WandV and oranga. B H SLB artxnM ned.C al f t S E20a-54»64ai. IJHW

FREE m y naads naw b5 t

73^6875: ________ UANt)FREB pupptoa. 7 “ JV

wooka old. Bordaf CoOla 1* ahota -225:2 anddowomwd. 208- PARU 324-S161 aam-6pm 8 m

F R t t p ^ l a s . rmloa ^ ond fomaios. vary i l f r cuta. Call 208-678- 7241 Of 206-312-4397

FREHHadHoolar.2yr.CU. spayad. Naad wofklf>g onvtfonmant •Sft''" Graat wRh Mds. Cur- rant on an shots. Edan eas-6120.

GOLDEN RETRIEVER walk 1 yaor old male. CoO MustJoo20a-731.6460. 08«1


fovor when you ooo I thoso boautlos. ' Hootihy ond Happy, WATE raady to )oln your fam- SHAF lly. $275. Call 208- comrr 436-5627 Of 431-4868 Sofl.:

HEDQEHOO boUos. 7 TOOT wks Old and voty cuto.Albinos, groat, oasy to »” *« ' caro fof pots. 733- 77^

.9072 Of 948-0989.------------------------------ balooHEELER puppios. Rod 208-4

and Bluo Hoolora, 2 431-8 weeks dd. AKC rog.Call 208-733-0712 D

JACK RUSSELL TER- $1^5 RIER pups, pufobrod. call 2 I" shots, r o i^ . $250- I— $3S0208-S39-1060 ty p p p

KnTENSAnuBing Klttanil Long hairod, baJas.

bluo oyos. bluo or h a y a seal point. Raised k -u .

with kids, dogs. Hooso breko, dowomiod A rnn w

vocclnalod. $100 oa.S43-6S24 or 487-2295 HAY 1

LAB chocolate pup- pios. 5 females. AKC.OFA, oxc. bloodllnos. HAY 2( $400.208-408-9305 Went I.

LAB puppios. yoUow.AKC roglstored. 7 wooks old. $300. Call 208-420-5352.

LAB pups. AKC rog..12 wooks old. black, male. $100 Can 825. S013ovesorwknda -? 2 2 :2

LAB purebred puppies, lonfy chocolate fomalo. iss'ij, $200. black fomalo & m „ m ^ s ,$ 1 5 a 8 w M k s oW. 1" shots. Coll YOUDll208-734-1870. ------- i-

LABS puppios 1 malo. « 1 fomalo. AKC n»g.. 'yotlow, 1“ shots, dow- ? “~®- claws romovod. $150 aai208<7iMi39a

MINI PISCHER 2 208-7^ fomaios, AKC rog., maY80 S350 oa. with cratos. hni Call 208-731-6886 qq ,0"

MINIATURE PINSCH- tonbaf ERS, AKC roglstorod, vory small. Malos,$300. Fomaios, $350. h a y Alf Call 208-678-1664. 1 - <^

POMERANIAN female. Srcrimo. S months oW.Loves people & othof HAY i pots. $500. C|>II 208- mbtod.736-9038.__________ small o

POMERANIAN malo, \ ,3"- vory culo. tan & black $500/offor. 410-9647 0073 01

POMERANIANS AKC HAY ai rog. 1 malo. 1 lomaio, P1“ ohob. $500. Coll 316-24

. 208-312.6776. ____POODLE puppios hay f mini, female blond, boJos. AKC rog.. shots. Par- 3471 01onts on slto, $400 00. ;TTr-----423-6290 or 733-1045........... — tons ot

RED N09E PIT BULL 3^ cutU purebred, Ig. brood. 2 ton. I fomaios. $250. Call Call20i 733-3173 or 948-0770

SAINT BERNARD pup. bales, pios, adorablo. males, Call 20i 6 weeks old. $400. ..Call208-320-2611. "

----------------------------- smon t3H1H TZU puppies. (3) ion. 2( liny adorablo malos. 6 -wks. AKC fog., vel STRAW chocked ond r shots. For sali $450 ea. Can 423- Ca" 9000 or 731.7347.

3HIH.-rau pupptes. (3) Ca mates. 8 wooka old, 208 $300 each, 886-7105

3HIH-T2U ^'pptos,AKC. Ready Jan. 25*. D. .WMTP $350-$400. Can 734 . P-:V?;:| 7163of306.6123.

3KIH-TZU/P000LE HANSEf mix, 1-2 yr. okl maJo, Pgood dbposttten. $20. yeanin( Ciai 208-431-8172.

MBERIAN HUSKIES (2). good with kMs. [ r t t i u i moki ond fomate, pro- for to samo hocno.$50oa. 733-2405.

WANTED TO BUY OIn- summo go/Hoeter Cross. 208-65- young. Pteoso can 313K17I 206-733-9597

IVE8TIE ptvploo, AKC Champion slrKl, flrsi { fm iW Shota, pota $600. CaD L ljiM ij208-543-0897.______ fi.Tm .T;:!rORXK malo. AKC I S reg. 14 motrths, must MS. S400A>ffar. Also SB 8MH.TZU puppy. ^ , mala. AKC « g .. 6 Ced WMka Ofl Jen 14, { tnWiota and exam, j $350.20»431-t113

woe__________ -

H K H IiRtOS mato. M ^ . l a A T W ^ i )g,0waeks.w/U»(a

S 2 o S S 3 u ? , f ”

BT s t u n s a ISOgular shares. Twin * 1 K S ~

«URB SPREADER>t>y.20 ',gaod00ndl- ifi, 6 yaara old. CaO» -2 i 2- i i to t’-^ 'iO O iin

Mt diggar. 6 row & varie tl^a i irowlMiBonplartar.bU 208-639-3943 or koys.flgurtr»-543-6294 plooWuodii

AIN BINS (8) Aft- Hovo you fo ■ftod sizes with cat to pickuj;

mt/06. CMKord.- Bs. 208-875-0789. pnotos WO 1

you donl» *0 toss. Thi

■ '.'W gitton 'i-:;: _bop»oc" -----» Tho Times

.TER . RIGHTS- ClasslHod (ARES Dalry-fami-mmorclal. Buy or ;:t; ifl. 208-312-1133.

V O l i l a & f i i r i : APPUAMCE■ '■ " -------- ALLTYI^ALFA 150 largo Parts avaUJoa high tost CoP Usodapptiane-436-6101 or 208- warranty. 7t11-6102. _ oisHWASHEf

DAIRY HAY poftablo. w*i183 RFV *y«r. $90 0

l1Si1on.700tons. 206-734-376'011208-300.1657. REFRIQERAT

DER HAY 300 ton W aS io r/d^los. Straw 300 ton $175MU1 solos. Can 260.1132. rato. 208-421' * STRAW Ton REFRIQERAT)

Amana skloiw, 120 dairy hay. iiko11208-543-6597. r« ,bo ! JZ n’ 1- 2« and 3-< W/D litoytoflPS i n f o2t hoy. abte. $300.731206-324-7588 REFRIQERAT!200 ton 3^ crop. J

nt Into stack greon, woJof 4 too dlI bud, balod right ^rain. $120rton. top $800/offer. 30

’ 93^2®m "- "Era'QEftATCI-934-4269.--------- Amona3 cuttings, good ft., sldo-by-si

lllty, doso to Twin. Ico and wotoony amount CaD door. $350 or

1-733-2520. for. 208-733-1STOVE QE. 4

y, bum stored, oioctric oolf <

45 10.1 now sood- 208-404-1240, R3V1W, small WASHER and90. $1oa*offor por whirlpool, 1.125tonofonthay Mt.whHo.sui1 now seeding. Big oloctric. $10<

$80/ton, COJI 879-8089 or 6t-736-6362. -------------------8 0 lons.1-cm p ,1 botes. $80 por ton.Ions. 3^ crop, iibales. $85 oor ton singio wosrvw o w u l K S : w«n.nty.736-5 or 431-4462. ,

Alfalfa 80 tons of ;• E lid r tjn lait. 70 tons of 2" ■ P P W P n JS r ^ o s , C o l l TELEVISION <

--------- screen MitsuiorfaMo. gross, wfth Sony dig

Bd. 2. siring, soli round sound. Ill amounts. I”. 2^ ienl condition r . Corrols avail- Call 2C8-734-(t. Can 208-308- --------------------3 or 324-5082 TELEVISIONS-----— z --------Sharp TV.

and Straw for $i29/offor 27.. Ptoaso c^l 208- TV S r $ 1-2444 ovonings. w/remotos 2t:

' r ' . r §s « r r j1 Of 208-734-3589 q, ^ 3 ,

small bolos, 40 208-735-8464.1 oat/hay. $65 ton. r m '- 'i— «tting.8tons,$85

Hanson area. ; ;H O t;lW A l208-423-6783. *■---- - — — ■“HAY mid-slxod '„ Ann Of bOSt OflOf, IiS. 100 ton, $75. , 1 1 ■

HAY, big and ________H bales. $75 par WP9\- vi ;.;;-;

208-886-9845 f - ! COm^Uti IW-------------------------------------- — salOfi ton bales. COMPUTERS :onM4.7148. ' blshod. from ----------------------- Call 208-732-0

la pto p to«,:

—E«c- conditio 208-212-3700.

JEN pasturo un- “ = r = = tpivot. 300-500 BAR Cherry

ling's. Profof dairy $250. Sawli>sirs, 423-9117. nat antk)uo



S T 'p fiS 'S S ™ .imof. Ploaso ciUI <9qq • r^n

j BEDROOM SEI 'A wood. 7 draw

P iW M W ^ <>'Bwer

Oueon size ba = = = = = COJI208-736-3

h o S gnlghtstand,

IwaW otalda with mirror. ch« yoMs c tptrieBCB | boxod. Woith

Sacrfflco S1.4B degvef. Can 42

S H H f H a c r cMMB B B - 1 Jason

6 P i l s o n g i i m i; 9 Kany I flEM B 14 Boyfili

-__ _ ISTVpei

S SS lSr Paik“ i17 Ruff 16 Reled 20 Occup

I 22 Leant .23 Wondi 24 Made

. 26 Pol so ' ' . 27 Actres

tt.1i«io5r horses jurlhw.-Pop- 3 2 __vero dishes ond 0 0 piowfii W-436-3670. ^

34 HaulrHDAYO T O S “O T O S c o s m o«, ^ t a n g g I

4 0 P A n u ,avo some aC C ldewo aro suro 4 1 Pulse I n i want us 4 2 Come

f H o m e s Hod Dept 45 Frozer

» 46 Ella’s f 48 Palindi

Inibn'u-'ii before " “ t r " 4 9 wide sICE REPAIR vulrffhTYPES. . W luin.vauabio. 50 Writer

52 Settledy. 734-3623

56 Sharpe 10 ooch. CaH wheeJ3761. 59 Perforr*ATOR fullgaii

*’25 60 Shun %oii sop” . 61 Yemen -«2t-034i. 62 The EnlATOR ' IslesWo-by-sklo. 5 3 L lpkS U mana. ttSO. ChfOROlytag stack- 64 Small

- salamatATOR Kon- 65 Bank (co by sMo.

DOWN• 3 0 9 ^ 9 0 ,1 Compe ATOR 2 Keep Ir

3 C rlm ln evotor In tho5 or bost of- jhifi7 :r:“ .r-.-T,-,.T

F in tilirtiC ar:. 4 burners, — '■ '■


_______ without bod $and DRYER 1949 radio re<

matched player in cot. super cap. $125.208-732-60!

WOT0.M14--------------- Pino wood wllh 1IRYER cot tresses. $375.

Excellent 208-734-7087.C” AIR open I $145 Quppn g

^ 4 8 0 5 . oxcouonl candi' $100 or best 0

'-I Call 208-733-0141 COMPUTER TAI

M 60- blft 2 plo.... coblnot and TV c

'S3o“r " w r « ^ p f

NS 27* sonablo offor. Mm V. nowor 206-735-1015 Iv. ^

[ i l ® :212 3497 orx>orakl green, g

» Platinum burgundy & bcontronors. $290 208-404-124.

?Mo'f- * S n COUCH Wilh hkJ,Conar)d cfoam col

■■TZ.TT'^ Vory nteo only 3 ■k'w t . l t . A . oW. Exc. cond. $ « * * 0 0 tt^ Call 208-404-1240

8 n.. $950 COUCH. bhJo & w or. Of trado chockod, matd room sot. floral tapostry ch

16-1432 Vory good cortdlt _____ $250. 208-738-83'

DINING room’ ti iUhM*:.,;';| newer fami s--------------- antkiuo wIS rofur- w/chalre. hanlw rom $150. top w/loaf. scats J2-051Z $395/offar. A

/?2H D . ^ Olltlon. Can FREEZER upright <roo. cond. $175. HW.-------bod couch. $75. t

r.-.r j wicker fumfturo. $1A 'C lR M Rocnnor. $45. 2. -k ' . 697-1944InWandi

• J L 'iS S i m a t r ess set~lop. with frt

^ A bedding. Liko n3 * ^ 2 $100^ffor■ 837-421 ick Iron 8L£iaH bED 0

mattross brond now,*»*• Lto*In piMtlc. . S249. Can doI

I. oacrlflco call 208-420-6350 in doDvar. «wt>- waM>j!>o.)50 SOFA w/matching I_ _ _ ----- soal, Indudlng oftd

^ wyiampa. Ma French , pio

Wl d > ^ 4 clal atyte. Uko n S a» .& ai 735-181

>6-3365 TEAK FURNITURE _ _ uklation, round

, “ T; 7 chalra. oval l u d o # ^ , chalra.' benchaa,

cBnof».206-7aW£chost. SUB _____ ___ . . . - ......Ith $4,000. WATERBEDS au 1,499. Can single end qua 1420-6350 $100.20S«4-2e4


l o s s ; h u j3in^scrafl" .3n q u e e rs ^ *

) of code 20" " ted 'South

ct 27 28 2

j p y t ^ l y 55---------I sharkderment jt " “ “ e a la p^urce 40)ss Jessica ^ ^ » ^g female

ful talk 60----------

I 66-------------ashletlc “t Fortas ------------luclearlent site *■■■ *■9 location e t o ajstlll 4 Indlgns esteaders 5 Reasoi9n rain 6 Sea es} forte 7 Idyll padromic 6 Fond de 9 TurnerI shoe ClantoiI 10 Good rir 11 Within3d old fifty}s 12 Scomfipening 13 Water:

19 Tabfewirmed a 21 Be obli!ainer 24 Eames

25 Commi3ni port tablesEmerald 27 Endure

28 Collegeup 29 Submls

lologlcally a nameI . candldelander 30 More rs(on) . 31 Levin o

GershwN -33 Trade'sletent cashin check 35 Slendeinal group woodwi

argrt , H ^ngand'^rJ : AIrCoi)dItiohlngi

A Una .............whito WOOD STOVE pollot$450 Ouadraflro Insert soil

. ploo» IgrWtlng with ttwrmo-$350. Stat 2 years old.

rocord $900. Ploaso coll 208-»blnol 678-0924.^ .....

1 mat* T ' 'Call ' • AUCTOnwfS ' !

4 ,. " • >^1GT10N SEFMCE

■ABLE (208)467-1712lloces, wMw.downuuctlon.comlorago Cornrrttttod to' cabl- Excatleneo!orago. ang. 1 ......... --------------1}oidon U p c o m i n g

'Ido-a- Chock Out Tho

forthoouctton SZ90 calondor, ovoryday

^0 and On Lino 24/7 at whtto "WW-n^Otertniyxom


5374 JIIIHoDon-------- 208-736-3222tabla lheoen«»Meima«r.<<>stylo ' '


Also. ----------^ 1hito 8.rtiolre. RING Must sell beautl-595^ ful dear cut 31/8 Dta-

t oxc. tfng total w t 5. Call Joseph 01404-9228


^ g s m atwin, ---------------------------------

fromo AB LOUNQER brand1 now. now, $50 or best offor. ♦299 Coll 734-2396.

solid BOWFLEX Unimate.w. stin now. $1500. Can9, son 208-324-4831 orolhfor. 208-731-0007.______

---- NORDIC TRACK2 lovo C1G00. quiet drtve nd treodmBl, groat cotnS* teuvo tion. 2 yoara oM, pakl •ovin- S900, win aeO $500

naw. Orm,. 208-637-4078 Of818 208-280-1677.

THEADIOLUII Pro-■ ^ torni T35. electric, to-

w/B caneaup(o10%ooea I, ro- 1-10 rr Jh. GoodMOO’ condition, $180. Also------- ---mulU-st&tkm weightaupar aym. LQco now S300.M«an. 280-2282 or 737-0800245. aakforKaylan.

' f " H |M b ' | b ' .17'> mmmm mm

’ 21 “ “

28 " " j B R ? “

•” “ “ “

“ " T j j | | l 3 a

;ig“ ^ —


^ ” j57 58

Kination Iw Ie It B son . Beagles pasture *J du Wl T E n [e er and | s | t | y | l ton h H H Ed name |w |A m ^ in one of a L A ri

nful look p l £ l X B)r: pref. [ S ^ A l s9ware I H H b tbligated to |S |T |E |Aest | o | r | a | tmunion Iw i Is Es L p p Lire I I 1^ 1 ge grad ilssion ofne for 36 Shed t«Idacy 38 Qrad. clrapid 42 Sl(m

I or 44 Of a COhwin culturalis without hdrftagi

45 Undersier 46 Epic tal:wind 47 Full of t

e S J T O I MI ‘ Unscramble thoso four Juml ^ onn lonor to cach squoro. lot to form tour ordinary words.



; I Hopuc^ i n h! MOYPLE

z m z ^BREEMM

: Lj I mP r in t a n » w r f ie ra

I * I

TOEADMIU Sooro Profomi XP-S428, — Ono of Soors bost. FRE nearly rww. usod 10 times. Paid $600. ask- cIng $500/offor. Call ___208-308-4247. HP

Jn BUNK BED rod motal, MO' ' oxc. cond.. $150/offor. rw J, 3 hp Qomofbher po— trolling motor. $1 ♦ $300/offer. 208-©34- 23 U- 5508 after 5350 pm. TW rt BUNKBED red motal. ^ 111 virtth desk undomoalh.

$150. EElptical axor- f ’, « elaa machlna. $300. | f ' ^ Mloc. ktdo toya. lego ^ ^ tabto. boat sand box.J etc. $20Wfor., Can 3 404-8335. ^a CANDLES Join tho 7-x f Candle Lovors Only co

Club arvl recolvo 4 aO ____ natural hand pourod te l B. 16 oz. soentod cart- |nc tn dios every othor eg, 3f month. Shipping and boi

hondUng Induded In ~ one low prfoe. For n «

Info can 20B-m-5042 *jl? h COUCH burgandy. vety d good cond. SlSO. ’'S*S‘ 0 Woshor, Maytag, now X n ^ . Dkonaw. S160.

TV 32*. Sony. $160.- Can aW-733-6684. *> QOLP UEMBERSKP 7 m Jofoma CC. $1,000.d Chalra (2) mauve o Wlngback. . $50 oa.It Twtn Bad, aond oak,). wAnoSrma & drawore. Cb 0 . S200. Can : 73S-6254 ( _ • ora08<M03aftar6pfn

” ” “* ”7 t ^ "**”

-------------- —

24 a “ ‘“ ■ ■ p B ”


i - = - P

Monday’s Puzzle Solved

no MecSa Setvkos. Inc. rvod.

i tears 49 Happei I. degrees . 51 Track ii

- 52.Once a common . 53 Pl$rce rai ■ ho ^ iage •........•'"• 84 \Afek&dsrstand 55 Galnsa tales 57 Light bi3f tums 58 Lyric p(

lumblos.0. C HodomnltotmloDerds. g — ^

X I*fvlc««. Inc.

I I WHEN TH E < S T E R m f> V

— I------ ' HE W SsF R O M -

1^ ^ Now arrange tho d I to form tho surprise

----- 1 suggested by tho ab<

■ - C X X 1 - Q(Answ

: PECAN OAKEN FAMOU A chef might do this on n busy r ■COOK* UP A PLAN

FREE piano, . you haul away.

Co. 208-3.2-4,«

HP PAVIUON laptop: 2 PIANO 0 gultare: Bridesmaid/ cortd.. flovw girt drosses. $3,500. Prteos nogotiablo.Call 208-420-2954

MOTOR 6 op. Evln- mdo. $450. Ught for pool table, 1 Minor.$150 00.237 Diamond Ave.Twin Falla. »«m-4pm UPRIG1

----------------------------- AntiquiSOFA/BED liko now. Sound $150. Alum. Dog box must for pkA-up, never $350a used, $ 3 ^ In Buhl. Suo2C cell 405-973-6395 .

BTORAGE CONTAIN--ER poftable stool. CLAS7'x7'. tockabte. $600 UpaysCall 208-280-1714 fb-

TELEVtSION GE 48 Inch. Must Solll Qood ’condlUon, $285 or 208- bo8toffer.73t.9424.

° I 5 ^

Uian*Btofny«rf/rt j TftaTtoaa »$ww d « . -

CteaaArada'•JenmfuB. , :

C la saoas«iod...Bwofk8l . '

Call ua today at E v e i 7 3 3 ^ » 3 1 c t2 , . • .

i“ Jr~

P 1^ 1^

i / i o m

)d_____ .


ening .: in fo ra g a i r t ' 1

a w^ith a \

« in '(^ • V5aybrownp o e m

DWORD GAME •ndUlkoArstrlon

tetouS'ow I


^ I: G A N & - . JAIUEP,^ T

drdod Icttors Iso answer, as abovo cartoon.

m ;jwore lomorrow) !)US POPLIN ' y n ig h t- J

Musical' , la tn im e n tt ; ! :

) 1904 Molstor ■M. Good candl- !$750 Ploaso can -735-8385 ;> oak pteyor, oxc. !

podal/auto, ')0. 733-3905

■ 1 ^GHT PtANO.quo* (1900). nds groot & - 1 oacrtfJco for - 00/of(or. Can 208-67»0892. •

'▼ ▼ ▼ T TISSIFIEDSlyo to rood ttw fino Fans lo placo '

yourod ‘ 18-733-0931.. A A . A A A '

j 5 !S S E B ^ ^ B IRATOR Qenarao I ;ooo. 10 hsp.. ;10. $400. 734- ! or048-067a.

»ad T h o i

is Q if le d s I

ary bay! I■' 1.'

V ;


I I l2 h 5 '1i \

Page 21: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

i THE ACEi"ABthexooriaiovesQgt


Sometimes one can ] away on a tide of eimhi

' &KVorabte lead and fiillt Iy on hov to take advon help given to you byn«»nt«i

At both tab les in motcfa the South plaj«

t o S S n c M n f f S S n cauction with a risl^ cs hearts. Their partners BeriouBly, ra ising th< gam e contract that hi more top lo s e ^ Howe\ tab les w e s t gave d

Whore T?ira*BDU^ tralian expert player t was at the helm, he pb top spades to discard then led the fourth sj dumn^y to pitch his last ruffing the club conthi guessed correctly to rui jack, thus holding 1: losers to one to moke iii

It may not look os I done anything clever, bi his line with what happt other table. There, de not play tho fourth spai o diamond to his ban West took his ace and Ic East’s king. That ploye the &iH of the queen an fully sw itched back t This promoted the heai tho defense’s sccond b — down one.

The technique of av trump promotion is Io loser-on-loser ploy and pear in many guises.

To ad v e rt is e call cla: 733-0931 ex t.


RoofupfajT»tnn1Ii’>nnTvnn1 Ranodt

TBzBKntnititn Ect. EmeriamriCPA

J«Man20frS39-lSSS= 4 CONS


TR K m knallM nbe fbrDedksiadArUita a tte Inttnaodjsb^Advimced

SnaHCtoHa fnuniAdiiovoMaBtay ^

atlbeArtfat^Atctkc o InTwiaM* 5*® ^

CBD825-tll9foryour CallBol fneinlbnnstkiul

K i i N p i^R S H S E

SERVICES Tcmp«7Loo£ ^O r l ^


Joba tabid for cOl F E Z]

Blueprint cci*-.

73«4 »LANCrea6) I

C A R F K N i l ^ ib o B

M sgfeToodi RsuaFor a J Your Home gtixis

738-74M Z80-10S1A *flw rLou I TTA>


Dally-wMUy-monthlv < Soil Comnyrclaiat R c ^ :

residcDOal.Banded & Insured.

733-7300 Twto X lA I>I &C1

C O M P U reR l a REPA IR Sc

la-bome Kpcdrosd


CON3IHlX7riONl F = =HA^


t^nOarinlDfatWotk. tpm iiCkaaau4M8ssor L r .r r :


■ A D ' ■ T lM E S rN E W S C L A S S IF IE D

OEPARTWBNT;2Q8-734*fiK afl |

2S0NBRIDG]:» g o o d lo ser.’'K in H u b p a rd

Ul g et carried phoxia after a WEI6T ill to focus fUl- 4 k i o 0 s rantageof the V Q 4 by th e oppo* ♦ A 6 7 2

♦ 9 6 4 3in a team s

ayers took an ssive position ir opponents*' call of threei n took themthem to the Vulnerable:t had four or Dealer Basvever. at both: d eclarer a The bidding

S f t n A u s - SO""* «!T and writer, p ™ « playedoffthe ^ ^ rd two clubs,I spade from ODeniaalea Qst club. Afterithiuation, he b id v run the heart i h is-trum p

L i f S n d:, but contrast ppened at tho declarer did

s « „ u . «d ledaclub to , v e r observed •

a n s w e r : , leart q;ueen to Pd trump trick "

nu^ors,opc avoiding tho still b e ne

i known as a know what md can reap- lead and yo

values are club and th partner mii the play. Ir live.



aartotoCobmrtB A N Dnfing ^ PftintictloddL AdditioM. JdTy^HecS S iF e n c to Air Conct,cleQn.&rrlinMn. Servico&lo

I c O N ^mntVlii, mWitinn H E l ^oCns. roofirpnir. g> d a .p « ^ » i> - conatniittowo*.Biduig, SmftUJohil ilrtingmnintfnnnrx'. Exterior. C<nminlngandCniA MiSicVnl

« n « tn r .bU>TdnDdlD<undBobOInncrSpMt . -paill <203336 h o b


iptmy-Pcnzumaat Tonjr'* H aa S^iarasfiloyna aod Load lookicgforwoik. Ptdntitw.d


w S o/ereSS o ■ = ' B V /

jV N D Y A ^ SERVIcWUhtChDicc 6AWTODocks, <cncM, SHEET MBlalrejwvBliQna, HeotinBBeraoTdbonbnw rppM .C ^

ANUYMAN I K r r c iaidonroytJjob A N D B

H & s i

S i»n d w ia n | | i.flimscC3LEANUPSaLoam



U n 73S-S841 . T n a A A x rrrt , nmavaLti

u a n M A N l ““ K ! W O R E mat<

o dIM M ,

S toS S S S * n M m a a tn U U K ln tk* .

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■ ■ EAST ■ ■ t 4 k J S 8 S 2

V A 82 ♦ J g 63 « A K J .

SO U TH♦ 4V J 10 0 5 2♦ K Q 5 4♦ Q 10 8

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W est . North Eost 1 *

2 * Pass Foss Pass 4 V AHposs

ead: Spade three


Ids:A A K Q 7V K 7 6 3♦ 10 3♦ 7 6 2

W est North East Pass Pass

I: Open one spade. Yes, I J play five-card majors,I if we played SIX-card ipcning one spade would nearly autom atic. You lat you want partner to you Imow where all your re, so do not open one then be surprified when nisjudges the bidding or Instead, bid where you

to to coauct Dabby WolO. »miiU hla •! toot. Uailttl rubtr* S)i>dlcata, tac

’f i e c t o n ^IPAIOTINGi


_____\ c«nBin2®® (20»3a4347BorRUCnON t20e)7a7.1287Crf

NDBX . —;^sacq PAINTINGbBZnScrior&Coveriasthe GoirViPBtntiniJolley and lotoiolEitsior

I JatiandLcfm 3 M E CoI1206-73CUm7U R S & -3CAPING r ^ S U S ^ S

Web And Desk

We do what D esigns

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kTAC aATEUJTE~ V IC E S SVSIEM3 _____ R F Sin J a t mf i S S i .

Hi ^xedlstcmd

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f S J S i .m aaiB



PlofacJtsuItilo1-W f t^

E tn eotimatEa snd («sovb}- competitivo nOM.jcictal&m -ooB O aP m eei

fcSbn^I TRF!R

'ity Nol SEHVICE9


FME rtbate. Inaun TlmAbbdtt 4 a o tr m /7 3 iJ m

w m g g i^mmTOMAIDmBny fWItHBIBCT -374097'14WOMS WEDXUNQSaOF

' RntiASelbDRWTscanleadto OdDCMan.CRIia (UlCBSura .nowarGirlDitMa


BUFFALO mud/ lor bulchar. All ratuml. Caa2t»«4-5129


Coin CoOecfiora.

Call Stu e34-S4S5. WANTED Any o(d 09- tolos. pottoiy. pic­tures, Indian ttams. L«vl^ hons todc. jowetry, quOto. tools, toys, and tokens. 208* 324-4721 Of S3»472t

WANTED FuO s l a bed. Indd. mattress and box aprtng not pl(- low top. 734-3711.

WANTED large deck mount bath tub. Sleek wedcfing dress, size 4-e. Oriental ctyie ruQS. 20a-a2&-5554.

WANTEDOld o*» pump* or g H stiUon Rem*.

Top money poU.Tony 208-666-0274

WANTED old mDllary ‘ medals, untfomn. In- signla, documents, & souvonlra. Paying hlgtiosl pricel Pmil NutUnfl733-1W1.

w m S e d t o b u y Older Kems, anUques,

estates and coOedibles.

Call 20a-324-4721 or20a-B3fr4721

WANTED TO BUY oir roofing noDor, Porter Coble or Bosch. Can 208-423-6181.

WANTED TO BUY Dodge <90 U ton 4x4 lor parts. Need aiito trons., with ovor drive. Coll 208-431-0207.

WANTED TO BUY . used platMS. CaD 68

Keye Plano Service 206-738-7001.

WANTED used conler--------- ence tobies. CoB 208-

431-2607__________WANTED: wood (oiMs.

table sow. platwr, miter sow. etc. Also Super Nintendo wont­ed. 208-539-1903

GUNS Browning 12 gauge pump. B.P.S. 3

r * ^ tt*. *450. Ruger 357,Jr & etolnloss steel. S400. r T . Monberg 12 q&uqo ^ pump,3*,S2Sa

237 Dtamond Ave. T»nnFdU.Oam^m

^ QUN3 Dan WesMn 3S7.4-Bw/caseS450. Argentlno 220 wtm scope, $350.Savage 270 w^copo,

S350. 237 Diamond I Avenuo. Twin Fatla

. 0anv4pmj r * I OLYMPIC ABMSAR16

■ Now, never flrod. 450 Ji23 sholls, fron

iting slglits. S7G0. 208- ior 034-4378. 208-691- cKo 2471 leave mosoogo. Team VVINCHESTER 270 “ WSM, now In box. >237 novor nred, bosea &------- * rings, *400 firm. 734-

I I 3728 or 731-0836.

Chevrolet Cadlllae ‘ ofTVrtr* Falla Re-

42 ooragosale-------- January 14" 8-2pm= ;— I otlSlOPolollne ^ Rood Import9 Center. All proceeds

wIS benefit the ' ODie Amertcon CarKor

Society. DonoUons aro wekximed. Any

I* questions, call Lofi™ CI3Q8-1B42.

® HONDA *01 Ronchof . 4x4, *2.700. SuBikl^ *96 QuadRunnor,I *1.200. Both in good

condition. Coll 208-lan) 431-8585._________b__I KAWASAKI '03 KS-= : F250, oxcelkint cor*df-

tion arxl low miles. i *2,600 or best offer. ! Call and 206-734- !

Je 8U2X»t^~t» 250<*r, ' OzaiK like now.

^ *2.600. Can 639-7113 ■

j YAMAHA VI YZ 250. less than 25 miles.

^ Ufca new. *4.600 Can208-a37-G:^

^ *~ni8ED 8HEUS— Quotty—Low Prices~ Selactloa »ia-tsa8

m AVKm 7 7 Alrstrstm, a . 29* good condBkm." . *2,700 or tMst oBer jQ p Call 208-^78-0263

S T REMEMBERM TTMtMriwadyoufiMS : Um •on»*r«ao>kt7nannM-

MMi7HMiiit»*naij r> w ecrtatfcfeupyeuriMMESJ Bttpwtiacu***

DAMON W Dsybnwk- ^ er. 30*. Class A. «xa ^

' cond.. 13.700 mDes.' Plesse COD & detaSs i f ’

423-0960 or 731-9144 ^ NEWMAR ‘90 Dutch- —

star, 38' diesel pusher motor homa. New 300 Cummin# turtx) diesel, marble noors, r tv t 64K aenerator. suto i t . transmission, air rido S2C

. suspension & broke. ^- *53.000.731-S092 ^ ' nEStOENCY *80 35' ^

wMSde, 51K miles *37.095. May take

: bumper pull travel troaor with port trade.

. Call 208-731-2121 or « » ] I 734-2121 evenings. [.

I ARCTIC CAT *03 U ?3C900 Mountain Cat. $1£

, 159 track, exc. shope TO ' *5,000 208-732-5407■ ARCTIC CAT •03 ', Mountain Cot 169, ffOO

900. Very nice. CaD208-431-a2S4_______

ARCTIC CAT •85 600 M j El-TJflro, good-condl-* —

' tion. now piston rtngs, KW*760. Call 208-260- AfX.

' 1033 or 208-654-2384 RTiI ofterspm. TS,

ARCTIC CATS '04 (2) ?2i'- 580 Mountain Cats,

1.5' new long trocks. hm ExcelletTt condition. $3.500A>Oth. Can 208-643-5538 or 731-6533 _

KIND CAT ’04 1M900,- 162x16x2.6 trock. r conlstor, reeds. Good r cond. *4,000 or trodeI . for Skl-<foo. 280-5296 I------ POLARIS'00 RKM800.

mint condSion. *3.200‘ or boat offer. Coll 208- C' 404-3039.__________’ POLARIS'00 RMK800.

151, many extras, light Ml. Sled that

1 -RIPS-, 53.500. Cod AI 20e-788-3957.or208- n ...

720-3596 Hdiley. ~ *****■ POLARIS '88 Troll 7

Indy, 94$ mUes. '86 -----. 81^133 tong trock.

1,900 mlleo. Both like now. Trailer. 2 placo.

I *3,500 or best offer =for all. 208-320-4605, J

POLARIS SLT, B f530, 139* track, 1 H KCloots,' *1800/orfor. ■

I Summit 'Q6 670. S S ■. *2000/offor. -BU Arctic t Cat, oomo woric.I *400. Can Joromo _ i2 :, 208-280-1125______ B gg' POLARIS *98 700RMK, E

PSI pipes, 2 inch | H Camoplast track.roods. 1,800 mikra, CHE

' *2.600 or best offer, pld, .Coll 20B-487-2777. 4.3 ' SKl-DOO '00 Summit’ 700, runs groot, mony m ib

extras. $3.S00/orfor. Im iI Coll 208-306-3139. **

SKI-DOO ’01 Summit -----HMX, 800,151*. Sim- CHE

- mons, Can. With 2 dut > placo Tflllon trolior. 4 ci . $4e00 208-431-6156 $1. I SKI-DOO ‘03 Summit CHE

600, 760 miles, lols of 4-noxtras. Exc. cond. 16

- *5,000 firm. 432-SS06 $3.'I ............. 43c, SNOWMOBILE 365, RENTALS Roasonablo '___. rates. 731-1009. CHE

STARLITE '04 onow. sport, onow moWlo & _12I2

cor trolior. S6,500AdI- CHEter. 208-732-5407 opd

YAMAHA '89 Phozer■ 4 Excitor. Arctic Cat ‘ 2:

VBPontom aJagand _£H?2 ptaco trailer. *3,000 H ifor all or wiO tmdo for H a rtflo. 208-654-9574.

^TravelTftforii 1 j | lMALLARD W i T

w/sUdo out, good am - . dMon. *7,300. Coil ,™“208-539-0795.______ >-S'^

SECURmr TRAILER, aUer 21 tt. tondem axio. sloops 6, tub & o i shower, fuHy recor>di- Honed, new tires.

. *4.500.208-654-9773 ------TERRY ■90 5* whool.

dual axle, fully corv- tained. Good cond.. Highjacker dbl. Pivot hitch w/mountlng " r ;

. brackets. 2600 wongenerotor Included.- iu|ii< ZOS-741-OW.^ 1)5,;

• H ^ A R K -g? on-ctosod trailer. Front Is a compor, back (or

' houllng motorcycles.*3500 208-837-4471 PORI

fronNOTICE jAKO aaalfM “ f lAdvartlawa ;

Ploaso check your ad for aocuracy the

first day It runs.Tho Tlmes-News win P |H

only be rasponsble foranyanors

repodad on tho first' ■ dayolpublfcatton

PteaaaCaB Sup733-0931 exL a sw

............................... » wh*MemUBotVcinla«ib liMO

.;oonfUalaaMak«KM __iMdacawilundwstand ' P l youradoonvMshr.Spal , , « BoutQaa*Kk73X«l ____

i ® S*■' j y c a l i l i l g g j DODGE NOW TIRES (4) stza 15,uaod2wirter8cn* ly. *250 Caa 208- 734-3669 afterflpm FORD 71 NOW TWES studded. X i i n ^

TVDDED TIRES (set ^ ^ i d S

s S o ' . 2 i ? ^ “ ' ^TUDDED TIRES sot cqoo 71 014 mounted on rims.Rts Honda car. Now cond., *160733-5163

_ _

HEVY "00 Comaro.9300 milos, SLP pkg.. FORD '8 *18,996. MUST SEE cob, 6.9 TO BEUEVEI Con milos. Haivoy at ‘nme Ma- Coil 206 chines 733-6330 208-280OOg-rr:"': '.'-'’; fo r d '8i

i M d iA iK lH n v y '

W 7 2 Clossk^ W9.400BC, 13 spoodRTO, 373 rear onds, ^ H E q ,TS. AC, oxcellOrttcorbdHkin. *10,000. Fruo-off '80 single Qaio f o r D 's sbelly dump, new cab,brakes ond dnims, 208-735*10.000. Coll 539- ------------4539 or 837-4532. FORD 't

KIOSTEERCAT pSSIi'rStRENTAL. Hourfy, gnjot.dally, weekly rates. must so!Call 208-731-1009. (or CaH 2


C U STO M ER S Soooi W H O N EED powot.

YOUR • S Jeo c SERV ICE caii2oe

Advertlaa In ttia ------------Suamaaaft Servica FORD'9J

OlwetoTy73343931 a r t .2 malr.tain

................................. . cond. S000 ■ 423-5271

- T ru ck s - FORD 'M = = • maiujol

XLT.• *18.300,

HEVROLET'OI S-10 oxt. cob. *1858.*10.968.324-3900 dir

HEVROLET -SO 1500 Rog. Cat pickup. lot>g bod. V6 outomoU4,3 Irtor, 5 Spood man- and ruol, 4W0. AC. bod lln- SIor, *1087. .

208-736-2460 -------^H E W ’ao (2)1 lora.dually flat bods, both nhn4 spoods, 350 er>glrw, „ c ci*1,500 00. 625-5018 *26,440HEVY ’84 M ion. 4x4. S2g.SOO4-spood. very good q^ c -flj16 Inch mud tiros, orloinalS2.000/offor. Coll 208- ,436-3884 or 208-431- s ^ M if3685. OSk lor Bort. "HEVY '84 pickup j a d f l 5400. Coll lor moro H H S S Infomialion 034-8313.HEVY •Ol S-10. 55fxJ., camper sholl, CMC •951runs & looks -great.203K miles *1,500/ Jaflor. Call 734-2099. cloan, ^


732-6099 IH 72 0

tnjck. Lc

208-TBa- wovy duty, quod cob NISSAN S, 4x4,6,0 L V8. pOW- compor i ir coat. 7K milos. Uko tiros, 2

now *25,950 *1.995.;

P R ^ ^ C A i :

ORD *00 Rar>gor i p i lKLT, 2 dr„ V6 ong, sLOl3.0L. Ilex luol, 4WD. ■ ■*4.025 miles. Run- 732-6099ling boords, ABS 4 TOYOTA

Must soil due lo death ^n family. 320-2831 *

FORD^SS2 vrheol

3RD •Ol F-150 super auto. OO :rew short tied, 4 only-208 loor, V8 5.4 liter. AT.J wD, AC. PS. p w * ; - ; . \M/FM steroo. dual . '-'SI rom oir bags. '1 . i i'. . (13,613 ■■■«■■

aoa-736-2480 | A | j j | j |

H c h e v r o iTahoe S door. V8 4 WD. I air, pow door tod cnise, c


(twals. tiras, leathar.Jlol truck fer *28,950

7aB-44»f ao»-7

TtM dnJm nrti).

m m m M .IE *83 2-wtieol), okno twt goM- p i V B H IUiQ 208-260-1I8-654-2394. I) 71 K ton, dean. Q i ^ H D i bed linor & point. CHEVROLET in onoiiw. *2,800. urban 4x4 I 208^6-4841 loodod. TV, CI 7 4 F-250, 4X4, ^ ' 97^ ^ I coodltion. 1.000 ^ | ^ _ I on ryjw molor.50/offer. Coll 3978 or 208-645- H l M l i I after 5:30pm. 732-6099 or 7 I 78 F-250 4x4,I shaprf. New ^ 1., i „ .. ^ and rims. *3500/. 208-735-8590 I *84 ti ton. iiliSI condition. Tohoo Sport208-731-6073. door. LT. AC---------------------- windows. do<I •Be F250, exL tilt, cruise, sin6.9L. 4x4. 157K pact disc,

>. *4300/offor. wheels. loaU208-324-7361 or rock. *12,886280-2570. W D D L C IWI •88. Rangor Su- | C 5 S 2 5» b . 2WD, oxcol- 208-736-2

corxlltlon. now ______ __ _. tiros *2695 neg. CHEVY 7 2 Si

d o d g e '04 SLT. 4x4, mlios. Exc. *20,000 or b<

r S s ^ O X ^ Call 208-423- cab. #334. *8988 M M IOTM M735-3900 dir.• F-250 4 H H i i i i i

black. 4X4. srStroko, nins

High miles.I sen. sio.soo/oi- all 208-731-1612

D *99 F-250 Lor-1 RodTSjlmlto 4x4. extended soot, rrwon

7.2 turtx> loolhor. Nov lei, king bod. aU S24.9S(mr. AT. loaded1 opltons.,600, Ploaso CAR SAl208-<84-3777 736-4481

■so F-250 XLT, u j S i i i a d crow cob. toadod Itching won

? *12,500. S 5278o r539-7804' '99 power stroke cruise, cosse)l, crow cob, 4 vrfieols. sllcjol tronsmisslon, window, t>oi

Nico Imck. towinapkn.S:300,539-0604, M ino lfeK jU


FORD'00 Expl K H H H i LTD. AWD, Cab, wtiito V8 , . roof, super moUc, 4*4. doon JT2Q70 Onty nd nk». Only


l A ^ C A t3AR M U S h A736-4481'04 Conyon 4W0,cob. AT, PW, PL, S U ^ B S e ipkg,. 9.380 milos, FORD '02 Excj

cond.. Priced 4x4. Umite440 now. Ashing miles, great500,308-6575, Local irado. 1

'68 pickup, alllal, good condi- TfoIuTff

runs good. |M A iMi/olfor. 3Q&-0491. 732-0099 or 7

Ranger, *1.1 Dodge D-Sl

95K1500exl truck S200/ol4x4. AT. 350. V8 . 208-733-5453

pkg.. super ^ ^ = = = n #T2 l MA

099 or 734-38002 6 yard dump. Looks artd runs ^ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1 I, S2.700, Coll788<1080. Whllo. V8 . 20*IN •OO with loaded*;

” r “ driv°:)5 .208-404-3358 73&Im 81IN •98 Fronllor q u c -Og Yuk< ■ ‘f ’- wwto 4 dr.^ lu s l inl Only

wheels, ner Exc. cor*d„ 0

y U |U j i j | | or. 131,000S8.800 or be

--------------------- C0II2O8 -731-!TA '87 4 wheel ixtra cab. chrome lls,- groon, 3* lift,>0 208-731-3112 l f e | ^

HONDA‘04 Pin C CettOfteS ; «121679A.

' '=■ Coll 208-324-; •95 F-150 rolled, - -

leol drive, 6 cyl.0 0 .. trans, ports 208-077-4099

■^'riiVa' JEEP ■« L*'*”4 door, V6 : = S S 5 5 S f AT. 4 WD. AC

windows, doc un. cnjise. c single compa leather, povn

power windowo.tocks, Ut wheel. 208-73#-2< ), cassette, slrvompoct disc. On FAX YO^ S S.. CLASSIF

. ABS 4whoeis. A D >r. dual oower. 7* aaat run- T IM E S 'N i i 5 S « u r S ^ C tA S S IF t f M W B O EPA R TV>»73»a4ao 2 0 a -7 3 4 - i

10 .» 0 6 ThM»«awt.TWBfa»,M

i l i ■

I LS. fugy ', DVD sys-:069. Orfly -

iT"99Wt utility^AC. powet. loor tocke.> jingtocom-.*. ABS 4J»'Other rooij 86 '•

t-2480 ■;Subuit)an>

4. V8, AT,-: M20-S504:>I Ouror>go>*1. 41,000. cc. cona:* t>09t offor;.


sM .on rool, ; low only ' .350

h c A L .*LSS81

Dakota IB 5.2 litv;>), AC. tm, setto, /^8S Hiding roof Md Undr,*3124, .

U J F T ^ ^ -

^2480 ' ,

D, leathoo «r clean. [1^11.999


m(curslon. lilod, kw- lat shapo.,I. fT20l8A'77. •;

S ■'r 734-38C>a.

Exptorer, ood shapo. r. •a? Ford 1.100/0f105.,•50 porta*/offer. Co l 153_____s0* whool*;?*26.488 '

ricAL \a L u . ' .Bi ;Likon SLE. dr., 4WO.

custom lerf boa.,

one owrv’M milos. bost offei 1-5549.

4-3900 ai?

Herty utility' ■ i 3.7 liter,’AC. powdf kMr lodto.

cassettd, pact dl?c^- wer soo^ roof, prtv^ jwing pkjj.

-2480 ^

B u R ? nIF IE D -,

MEWS?IFIED..1■m e n t ; ,I-5S38J

,IU »

Page 22: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

W ' 1 ^

f 5

r ' - f i i ' i

■ p%:::- lltnii$ u l d o l k u A n s w e r s

i 2 16 |7 |4 |3• 9 _ 1 : 1 J L Z .■ 1 5 9• l .L ± E l ! ® - 2 . £ ®_ 1_

: 7 _ ~ ±

: 8 7[2 9 5

■17 13 1512 16

I W E :DODQE '69 Dakota, p Jnt. and okL In good ,|cand.. runs good with ,pgbod luol oconomy, , *Muot soe $S760/Offor.

>3air 208-73M320 _

Ciniltod4x4,ouioniatlc, Ioathor (hoatod) with m moon roof, chromo

. whools. S17.05O _

P R ^ ^ C A L I

JDop ’03 Uborty Reno- I .Qodo. 4x4, 3.7 V6. light group. Loadod. Lj

.nlco. #T21S3 Only :81B.877

:732-8099 or 734-381)0 __

: ■ iW9iuiaiaHniBTaino&

m o im ons • n • ones u m

'2003 VOUSWiCM riSSAT ct > TUIM4 ouoD • jum • suinoi • lumi • UI

1 5 ,8 8 'W 9 5 M e r c u r y G ra«38a*,W8 SEATS, AmiYS,SH

.............................U s t ‘4 '

] 9 9 9 G M C J im m ytt13IU,FVni SEATS, O , MUYS

: . ................ Ust =91

i i o o i C h i y s ! e r 3 0 (S)g8IA,lEAIHB( BEAUTIFUL a

....... . . . . .U s t “9'

^ 0 4 T o y o ta C a ro ljB ij'A .A urci.K nK .aim ni

; : . . . . . . . .U s t '1 5 9 C

- ■■ fi

M i M * . n i n m i i q l u a

; fri

f e ^3 8 5 9 1 isuzi 7 6 4 8 2 c | 9_ 2 7 3 _6 Js® 2 _ 1 ' «l l l . L ±4 3 6 2 9A Z : ± ® 3 '' ■ e i ' i l g U l B l j

• ---------------------------------cofJdFORD '03 Expodllion. AC. I

EddIo Bauer, loadod, COow cond.. $18,000. Cali; Coll 208.543*6008.S i

JEEP-04 wrangler urv ““‘o- llmltod sport uUllty. 2 door, 6 cyllndor, 4.0lllor, AT, 4W0. AM/FM iifStoroo, dual front jjialrtMiBs. privacy glass. ■$19,M7 732-8

c ^ z ^ s s s s j s : ^ AWD,208-730-2480 local

------------------------------ «C15i

Larodo. V6 aulomallc, ^ doth. 21K mllos. H e


P R / S i f i C A L . j g


UBIOO 4X4 unn Ti*iuim*Q*uTQi*ii(T

8 0


i*ium v4«uum>sm«nminxK

80|.-^»«IS,115,9Iirond Marquis LS I,S£EAHBORIV£ 6

‘4990 Sale 4380 ly 4 d r SLE :L0VS,0HIY 78,000 MILEI 6

=9890 Sale 7980 lOOMIL GOLD MEIAIUCPAIHI VOY NICD (990 Sale %880

rolla l i !TinmW/IOaOOOMIWAKIAKTY ■(i98QSa(e ^14980


;2 0 0 t__________

J . i r o O F " ^i W V t . 1 t V g ^

UZU *86 Troopof,VC, 4W0. p o u ^ ■ r a m: d, cnjiae. 08K miles.>nly $4,700. Cal 404- t6eSor404<>290.UZU *90 Trooper. 3 ^ * * *Wle. AC. 4WD, PW.>U cruise. CO, 197K nISes. $4,700. Can 104-1665 or 404-3299__ ^ — ;— SEVaieotllEP '89 Cherokee bucket oonti 1x4. 4.0 mor. 6 cylln- whpol*. B lor. aulo. super dean, $128'N248^0nimW5

g M B32-aOOT Of 734-3800 ---------------------------------- DCDOE *99=RCUnV -03 Moun- 7 possongtlinear Premier, oxc. supor nlc«ondKlon, fully loadod, seats, low nC. PW. PU cruteo, 0 sool $0,6000 player. S21.500.---- 6343 or 208 all208-731-3t64 -----------------

- FORD *89 Ao

mllos, still now. $1600 324-7595 or


l l n i i a a °SS2°-™PLYMOUTH

a-B099pr 734-3600 102K

3AHU ‘6a outhack TSfroVssh^ VO, supor clean,» l trade. Loadod. "

e-8099 or 734-3800

lilt ta d B)im{


TrySoToTInTo EVHOLET -00 As- outomoWlo? CM .. oxt. LS. #1857. U*octa8#lflo<J#f 1,988. C:aD 208- >arB«« »«>ocUot ;4-3900dlr. Inyournfootoda

t maoH i , w sroB onptoaajM W

■BO! l»o«»$jraD»iium«mni«at

rS O 15,81

«A J003 TOYOTA JIDWAVJnxMK 7fiaa£a»DWin«(irnnm«/iD(


» 8 0 r m * 16,911 9 9 7 C ld s m o b n e 8 8 l6TIBIA,VOUHUSISEEHOWSKAI1PTI

...... . .. . .. .. . .. Ust =4990

2001 Saturn L-2006TD!IA, 4 CVUKDBi, CD, KEVIES Em

...... . .. . .. .. . ..Ust =9490

2 0 0 2 Pontiac G rand A1 6TT67lk,ECqH0MTai4OUIIDE(,l(r

........ .... .U s l= 9 9 9 0

2 0 0 4 Toyota Cam ry X6nt5A, CAMin'sior uooEi, sniiEi............. Ust =18990 S

* -r^


aBUICK '9 1 R « q «

paint. oxceUent - $1,900 a best Coll 208-S39-71

■ CKEVROLCT*OS leattwrouad ‘-T ^

tilt, cruteo. slriglof e a ;i l i K i " . traLtoother. $147!t . ____ pnP D t e i w p f•99 Rom Van,ingor, looded. 2C8-738-248I nk». toathornv miles. Must cHEVY *03 ImoaJi

playor, powor d 208-431-8153 oeat. PW. PL. c

S Ar a '^ ? c ' : K E ' SndlUoniruns " w w . Crager

“ s , s 3 7 r ; .ISS2:--------- 208-431-1221.

nOos. rebuilt local$950. Caa ®

i hr. msg. “o"- 2."'^ ®*” mltos. $3,100.436-1347 or 219-

LET ’04 AVOO4 door, gold, hoa

•3900 dir. Ioathor. moon ro , ___ _ chromo wheels. Wl

" S i S a Stoday. 73M031 738-4481

ffBi5i33s!i8qia S f f l H


intm n>a . 5ari«Eioausa<i],n

8 8 0


R/iH.wiui iiUDO*iKiiiDaemiifl

9 8 0 r ’" ’J^.n9,^ Jis 200irTHISOHEISI iTUSTA

90Sale^38O ...2001


)0Sale7 8 8 0 ...I A n i S E 4 d r 200LKEmSSEHITnsrOllB X397A,

90Sale^8980 ... X U 200i

I llE « ,A llim ,6 IB m u a .X3H,I

iSaleMMSO . ..


n ’J S S . a a i i l f l x ln t offer. P r iv a tf t 7113 P a r t y A d s

■ Require pr»-pay- ment prior to pub-

Bc«lon.MaWcrodlt/doblt cards,

ao & cosh accepted,edan, 4 Chock2.2 litar, pnxssslng ovortho

power phone.. l o ^Bto cam- 7*W»31ABS 4 Th« Tlme»4tawson con- i — — —

p i ' r ^ s : . ' S i$1495. 73S-2809 Iv

•®0 meg. H no onswor.

mJa. CD fo r d *91 Tompo QL ortvo™ exc, cond., 120K

i cnj?8®. mitoo. ’ $800/oft8i CaU 208-309-9281

■4319. FORD *98 Crown Vlcto---------- rto, LX 4 door, fufly

loadod, loaihor. key0 sman loao ontry. oflgltial '• owTw. well main- '• "ow talned. Good cond., SL now t 28K mOos. $2,800; h s l ^ offer. 208-733-6957

ll own- condl-



■ 4 door, silver, automat­ic, doth wilh moon roof.

Nlco cor for onlyl.

■ ■ 736-4481oatodroof,What a

HONDA'08 Accord EX. a * #I03447A. $23,980.

Call 208-324-3900 dir

nCAI4K4 l997OUVt0in$l 2SM4XU

],noiuia uiH«uu)n«a*imia

• 8 0 - - 3 ,


lonoor 4 iiM «»nfi0<

, 4 8 0 b , : ^ ' r i * 1 9 ,01 Ford Escort 4dr SETAUro,™iWIIII]OWS,SBAfflO,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . list =6990 Sci

00 Morcory Covgor4^ (HKKOUnKC VIHIOd, UN091

. . . . . . . . . . . . . .lisf?8990 So

00 Toyoto Camry IErA,Auor(iiAisiviiE d,nvivi

....... Ust =11990 S t

04 Toyota Avalon XIS,I377,#VTHEUI^(mHB)W /ll

.......... Ust >27990 S o il

b- GLC. f1788. $10,988ag4-3900dlr________

./AQUAR '02 X-Type, . AWD, In styte, off '

^ loaso, what o buyl#C1690ftjly$17|977 L

n^ 732-6099 or 734-3800.

UNCOUJ -00 Town jS n Car Cortlor.- 75,000

k, mOos and In good condition. $11,995.

:___ Call 208-643-S198. 7

^ UNCOLN '91 Conti- = nentol, front wheel SI drivo. Great car. / $1,600. Ca0404-e922 s

cio- iSB iUj; Ma5 a ? 4 H X 8 ^ ^ I, «t99978A. $26,988 ■I__ Call 208-735-3900 dir |

■ NISSAN *08 Altlma. 3.5 TOSE. sunroof. Bose, »

leather, 7,000 mlkia. 2ExceOent condltJon.. A

^ Must seol $24,000/ d■ offor. 208-421-0367 o I OLOSUOBILE '86 Re- d■ gency, bluo, 4 door s ■ i sedan, tots of mllos. n i

nmo. $900 734-7260 M x t. PONTIAC 'OS Grand

Am. factory warranty, =an power. 4 cyl. Gxc. Hgas mitoago. Must ■

i: Seel $10,996. Toyota B*01 c:amry LE, all tc

i bower, oxc. cond. o— Very SharpI $10,995. h

Call 208-431-4276. p PONTIAC '96 SunflroAuto trans., powor ® windows and tocks,good cond. $3,100 or £■

80. tx«t offer. 208-677- I ^ 4808 or 208-312-1427

HHtSUlUaiAN 19970nVItOLni (415nisonn*txB6i sjii«>uin3>uns

SKISTAHOfU4)(4 2 0 0 0 lin a s0 l

Eui*tuiu uimi«un00f«0Bi4 ■Buouni

9 ,9 8 0iE 2 0 0 0 Foouva sTOiSA,vASale *5880 ....:.

1 9 9 7 Ga 69,000 MIUS SI0S7A,SHSole 7980 ......

2 0 0 2 1IWIKDOWS,ABS 6H3!^AIfSale *9980 ......I S 2 0 0 2 l i»/ioo,(noiiiw«tMinY xm,iusnlie *26780

POKnAC •VT Bon- novUe, oxc. cond, nmlDi 116K. $3600Wfor. 324-7695 or 356-0526 call 2



SATURN'02 Wagon, Iright hand drivo. At- vSToStanOon Rural Car- #t86£rtonil In good con- 206-7dittoa wen kept. _____

• Servfcod reguloity, I——good tiros, 95K WHOmih».‘$7,00awr8r se

731-4785/643-4785 QI

SUBARU '02 Outback AWD, fuDy toaded, 5 733 s^o d ,^ moro^^wwor.

7 3 2 j S ^ i ^ O O

■ m s H B■ a ^ B |TOYOTA ■01 Camry LE

8odan4D, 4 cyllndor 2.2 mor. AT, FWD.AC, powor windows/door tocks. tDt wheel,crulso control, cos- 4 " 'sotio, singto compactdtec, ABS 4 wheels. P ^ ‘*9958 ^*5^

206-736-2480WMTOYOTA -04 Soiaro SE•coopp 2 Uo6'r;'4 djUm- M''0( der. 2 4 lllor. AT,FWD. AC, PS, PW/U olUlt. cruise, AM/FM miloostereo, duol front of «>■abbags. $16,532. Anj

E S O p A s i S t i S208-736-2480 L . _

iniAH0llI4X4 20WOIIVROin

unsmssauroiD uiT4>un*uuin

* 7 . 9 8 0


W 4 ^ n k o i in tujnraiunimiff

I 9 , 9 8 0 b ‘ n i » 2

1 Ford Ei^rsr XITVA «£ntss f c , mm, vm ma

... . . . . . .Ust 7990 Sale'GMC3/4TonXcab4;SHl£UIia,5JlV^,a),IEnBSBf............ Ust =9990 Sale2 Toyota Camry LE,Aura,'auista),iwVHDoys«(........ Ust =15990 Sale*t Toyota Somolo LTD 4;AS IT d l nam»ii?HEAtB) u«iiB s. . . . -list =29990 Sale*:

n u c 'M Bon- riDe, 4 doer, aU op­ts. olmost Eke new. II206-736-2964

OTA •93 ' Tercel. I. 5 spood, 160K es. $1,600. Con »-731-t009.______

168. $17,983. Call (-735-^900 dir

IO can help VOU SOB your car?C la s s tf le d s

C a n i33-0931 oxL 2

WARNINQlen purchasing o hide, mako suro it the tltlo Is In tho ime of tho solter. xler Idaho motor vohlclocodea ihicio cannot bo Id untoss tho tlUo t In tho namo of

tho seller ixcepUon: Idaho consoddoolor). rhe seller shan ivldo tho tho new rchosero signed I of sale showing « fonowlng: Fun tsolption of tho «hldo.vohfclo kfonllflcatkm

umtMr. amount tld ond nome{s) d address of tho V purchoser. Tho l'0( satomuetbo jnod, dotod arKl show actual

loago ot tho timo solo. If you have iny quosllons. ose contact your >cal assessor's


IL n iL A Z n iS 4 X 4


.* 8 ,4 8 0



2 2 .8 9 0ICD

e *67804x4B n n


la s jm jo T S .*14880




Page 23: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

r - ^ Coming W• Varsity hoops the area.

TThe Times-News

M orninglp

SpoKTsQuore6 i ' . „ - - -

Q ;’Il[^eendpft^l NFLieguJtf seaa means Jhe begiimi

of what?A: The New Yoi Je^’ annual eigh month vacation

?—F rom D avid L e tt e n n

• -IC now l C u rre n t Eve)

TriviaQ u E s n o N ;

since th e AFL-NFL m etg 1970, how m an y expan fmnchises hove b een oddc theNFLT

...answ erb

Today’s schedulHigh School

BOKBASKBIBAIL IW in . Foils a t Mir

7 3 0 p jn .Corey a t Bliss. 7 3 0 p m D edo a t Kimberly, 730 p C om m unity School

Shoshone, 7 3 0 p jn .G lenns F en y a t Va

7 3 0 p jn .^G m iSBASKETBAU

Castleford a t Raft R 73 0 p m

O unas County a t Richf 73 0 p m

Wbod River a t BuhJ. 730] D ed o a t Jerome, 7 3 0 p j r Kimbcriy a t Filer, 7 3 0 p ji Carey a t Bliss, 73 0 p m H agerm an a t Oal

7 3 0 p m H ansen a t M urtai

7 3 0 p m Lighthouse C hristian

M o ^ ■ - vnney ;• O isa i 7 3 0 p m

W R ESniN G Klmbetly Q tl\vin Rills, 6 1 B uhl/G ooding a t Va

530 p jn .Oaxley/ Raft River a t Dc

6 p m

In BRIEFU of I scholarshli fundralsisr plannc

TWIN FALLS — T he 2 W inter Fest cclebratlon Is se Feb. 3 ot tho lU rf Q u b In I Falls w ith cocktails oio a t 6 1 and dinnec starting |1 7 p ^

I h e e v ro t't? fl- n in a ta isp thoV&mdal Scholarship Fuh<

T h e .d in n e r Idtro u t.‘Idaho b 'a lc i^ ^ ta t i m ixed v e ^ ( » a n d ^sa Dessert w i l lb e auctioned after dinner. T he follov^ guests are expected: Preslc; Tim W hite, A thledc Dire« Rob ^>eor. Vandal Scholan F und D irector Rich D an a n d C oord inator Mahmi S h ld d t C osfls'S25tjierper

; ondU cketscnnbepurduaec contactlns Jeff Blicx a t 20^2

. 2800.,

tournaments slatedTW INFAU5 — O nSatun

Jan. 14, th e firet o f tw o dod bon to um am ents will b e hel th e Boys and Girls O ub, Frondcr Road in lW in Rills. * secorid tounuunen t Is Saturday, J a a 28 at FUer H SchooL

I h e cost Is $50 p e r team 0 1 o r m o rep lay o s for all boys, ( o r co-«<£ Liability w a lv m ni be signed by oU plmrers.

players u n d e r sgi 18, a p aren t o r guatdian iii «rim prior to InoivlcfaiBls be d S ^ t o p I a j i .

I h e touroam em sdiechil 09ifbOowK G r a d e s 9. aJiL; Grades 7*8, 1130 &: 1 3 0 H i ^ S ch o o l

4 :w p m tmtO i

For .ftta c t Toe M ^ n e y - (2 731-4932. . .

■nuvuAsswEn:: sislluisauasabmbi

' !■ ‘ WTf^ 'Pgy^

Mrtvffld'; T*aua». 'to '- 'W C k q « ^ B t o w n ^ f a i i a » ; l

W e d n w ^ , A

3 fh around

«ie Today nasonjjjjng 0116 m oi

until staf c r ic _

ght- OlympKon. The/U»ocl«fdPrei

TU RIN ,Italy— ! / / Piazza San Glcjvnrui

, b lestones tow anl 1 ****•*'» cathedral, hom o t w Y ottr Shroud, and chanc iv en ts" be greeted by Gino,

souvenir stan d ----------- arotm d o n his 1973

S caid i am ong t^ an d snow ^ o b e s I 2 0 0 6 tr in ls t,th o u ^

e n ~ r in ou t o f hick. In su a j S o n gladly offer a kcyc d d e d to

Cup. W hat a b o u t from th e upcom ing

rrbetow "Nothing," soys______ : w o ^ d ir t give h is m

thcrc^ s t ^ t im e i n U L K thing ih February."

Aside iro m pier . scaffolding, o ^ r fu ]

^ , plies o f d ir t It^j toug tn a m n n c r o tv r n i Gomes win b e con hom e o f b road Barocme archltectu mfljestic backdrop c

Valley, Signs o r m u games o ren i u p yet

1 are lag^n ft snow is p , ^ _ ItalianathTetcsarec

' openly abou t a lack th llc ld , .H ic re ’s a month

where arc th e Olym; 30 o m Beppe Fossatt cdlti

Cronaca, a local p m T l»e Olympic spirit ^ A dtyknow nm aLOakloy. Industry is

nujo rchongcsahca rtough, 10-26 Gomes in w h

a sa c h a n c c to beco on a t -destination. su tia jT r n o w ;' h o

Olympics a te o ne < kept secrets in spon

; 6 p m As o f lostVwcy, tickets h ad been sol

million available' o D cd ft cxnt w en t to fan

percent to sponso:_____ Olympic committi

federations a n d oti About215,000 were

k lM nearly half o f those 1 • l i p surrounding areas. H 0 | | But,soysCcsarcV

e 2006 A 1sse tfo r i X IInTWin / • • % It S p m

IdaHa- AmiItatoes, w iS ^ i in f y u n a n tai salad, to Tho A ssooatedled ofif All-Pro te a m footlow ing players cach fromcsidcnt leaders Indiaruipolidirector lie.lorshlp The .Chargers’ br»amelJ, end d rew all 50 votiim o o d ing by a ruuionwlcperson . q » n s w riters o n d bi t ^ b y - covcr th e N H .)&-2^ ' m ade tiic team Iasi

V ig b is Player sE atm The Scamp runnlru

e d also w on tho AP Gill c r o fU io Y ij i ro T ^ votes. A nd Chlcogo

Q s Brian U r ia d ie r !* e ,K 999 PlayeroflheYcor,aL Ila-TTie sen o n 49 ballots. Ited for x H lg h

n o fs txy s .8 l*


K s i ^ g r a M1 nm n Echvards waslocaoii c o ad i o f th e Kansas

L id a l- ' » fcu ith -io lm d d n 1 ^ 1 compensation. Ed>

had two years left 0 •; tmctwltbNewYbrk. n p m . At a news ooolej — —r, wards , Insisted hi . - r ' : i -Would Embody toam to ijd . a l ^ d

.’S iO iajod'

T d ig o o d to b e b i^

lin stimarks.3nth H H art of


— Stride across im lb large cob- d T\irin^ m ain0 to th e Holy . uiccs ore you'U no, w ho runs a

h e wheels >73scootcc ( tho postcards s for a Tbrino

a n d youYelead, Gino will • cychain o r fig- eT^1990W bdd

som eth ing Ing Olympics? ys Gino, w holast nam e. “But .r a h a v c s o m s - A Ien,ialvl«wf" ’ Tharsdfy. Alreate n ty o f steel „ f o ,g a„MrfiU a a n r a i ^ Tq h q C - - j h e

p n x»»d lngac!ck sth eW In m ‘^ A s o r la S w» m ln g to tills cen toftickets1 boulcTOT^. sVxlcton and cturo and th e for icc hocke ip o f th e A lp i tnm sla tca to n r a m p ^ t h c UckcK. an d yet. ticket jalM m edal gam e I f is scarce, a nd th an 2 0 0 tici re com ploining day before), oj ick o fln te rest Ajplne skiiig. n th to ro , p d percentagcv* pTOplcs? asked Jng, (86 ditor o f Tbrino speedskating ( l l new spaper. .-i-nierc s3 l] IritU missing.” pretty m uch la ln ly asacen - Gloiglo Lauiei is undergoing of ticketing. * leado ftheF eb . abou t the met pvhot locals see to reachourgc ^ m e a tourist tickets). U p ui

thegam es,peihowever,' 'th e c t i •'le o f the best- T he good n•orts — even in ta to rs couldv{eck, 585,000 security lines isold o f about 1 spo ts availablei only 40 per- sm te-of-die-ofans, w ith 60 o n cc loose visors, notionol away, arc ceruJttees, spo rts It could mokeo th e r ^ u p s . tab le a t resti

ire so ld ln Italy, P iedm ont sptseinT U rinand truflles o r bes. bold red wine;eVadogo,CEO less hassle fc

Paimolf * f A lexander •

tciam for the j i to n io G ^tcs whili%Udj;ichci nlm ous c h o l t e f o r A e t h t r ^ ' id Press 2005 F c}^o ri'N ^ 20tiu in g fou r All-Pro c^u^ei m conlcTcnce th ird straight i oils a n d Seat- 37 votes. & Vi

Colts ccn ter J brilliant tight fcnslvcendD v

'Otcs in ballot- safety Bob Son wide p a n d o f ' T h e o ther d brtudcasters, tockleWallcrJt H . Gates ' H utchinson 'idi last year, vrith Strong.

K o o th e tta a JFLttcwtVlduiiy 'tvni A ttiP n ^ tin AIoccindEC' ^bbrgE v.O nds i t u back, w ho Tbmpa' Bot, C M enaivePlay- New York Giar rd .reccivcd49 Carolina. Arizo iro linebacker England. Konsi the Defensive ton cach h ad i a lso w n sd io - kick returner,

w asth eo n ly rc

Chiefsra s h ired as o sQ ty O iIe lsa d n g th e re- ■snncU . and

•dw nrdsB tlU .^ o n 'h ls con-

i^ r a ic c , E d '

ainw pd» #ay^ i‘.-V , r d o ^ t Viiii - HawYorkJatibi

I S f T c W e l iWL-1990i also . Rood ’ to , be he g :;D orA . ta kJ fimUhc Axul ,vn4i w tedV duiing > NflwYbikstsysi u o tir xbjm In. w id . "So•i v V t^ '« ^ - .-> 'th W a b o « iw h 11 hom e. Mi td ly c u r lg b tn i

iFOFTuesday, January 1

ill a \E l l i *

law of Piazza VHtorlo tquara wtic Jready p ait due, tt won't be finisnlzing com m ittee rh e sale of tickets Is ; according to plan." tV \^ c s ( la y . 19per- £ ts hod been sola for n d luge, 46 peiccnt ckey (although tiiat. to m ore tlian 170,000 id th e ipen's gold ne Is sole! out. other tickets released the ). ond 71 percent for Inft The op sellers,

are Qgure skat- H K perccnt) and

ng(B2).still arc tickets for K S d ch everything," said iirctta,TOROC^hcad g. ‘I'h i n o t worried J H H &ct tha t \ve still have | | | | B i i irgoaKaboutSSO.OOO B B p g l I until the lost d m o f IBIh B , pcMgle w iU buy ti^- ™

d news? Fewer spec- A genei u ld m ean shorter c ran n les outside ond good t|)ig (id able inside spariding, le-ort orenos that, !“ e W itts a te tucked " > 5 * ' ertoin to draw rave& oke It easier to get a e s tau ran ts offering spedalties such as DolIed m eats ond ‘

ineslikeB orolaA nd ,: for shuttie buses Oiympl

iimces Acr • n iade t h e ^ . ^th e f l x s t ; t t m c . - B B M k | | iher'wos, c K b a d r i . ^ ^ ^ j ^ f l

la n n ^ .iv n s the l l u C I v Ilitetttack for the I J l J j j \ Jit time, getting Ie w as joined by TC Jeff Salurday, de- BcngaL IDwIghtFreeneyand- Tbckl Sanders. th c o tiier Scahawks' were T he O crJones^-RuaidStevo • iJujSict 1 'tldiu) l u l l o ^ Mack voles 'o

o thertadi& hadm orothan - Huxchii r i^ ' D en v * ; P itss-' ‘ m i l idno&ti. San D l e ^ '- whnfer- r, Q iicogo and the leoguc jiants each had tiva o ther n rizona. Buflolo, New Borbi in so sa tyondH ous- end Os ad one. The Ttocans' debu t o ler, Jerome Matiiis. Diego ' y rookie sdectcd. WUflara

shire I

1 b«ad cm M i t i n m E d m d i a t tba Dmvm e ro n e ^ tn Oaovar, bI here. 1 bdlevo in tha t fitn ,vn4iU h^)pcncd :tn house ,. $y3inNewVbik,The sw ay.". pou have any ernes-' . w m t w b a th a p p e m a T O , - .s a in s v It n o w h stays w ith playoOs

■ 1 0 , 2 0 0 6

i¥ork- T - ; —

rtiers a naw parking sroa Is und< ilstiod before the Olyraplcs, to d

leral view of the Ice stadium In ts and piles of dirt, It's tough to loms of brotd boulsvsrds, Bsroqgoting narrow, w inding 9 to venues in the Alps. ILretiredskilngstarAlbeno i ba. expectcd to be the flnal I ibcarer, ond som e current ] tes ore worried."b 0 rcol shome Uiat people i t talking about th e ' ipics enough." said Gloigio I

Ul-Pro. Panthers wide rccciv- 1

H c r Stcrve Smith, w ho f f l shored th e AP Com e-1 back Player o f the Year . IIhonorw lthP atrlo tsllne- t

( I backer Tbdy Bruschi, irccclvcd 44 votes. Tlie sother wldeout wos the i

ais 'C had Johnson. IJde Willie Anderson w as stiier Bengal o n the squad, tChle&’ Brian Waters and stedcrs'A lanlim cciagot 16 ..-’opiecc'-and tied for the <r guard spot b eh ind IW nsolf,.;. (1 Bortier o f tne Giants, the I er-up to Alexander for thetc rushing tide, w as th e rnm n ln g b ack . c>0^3 teammate, defensive t

3si Umenyiora. m ode his lto so n A U .P raS o d ld S a n i> defensive tockle Jamal rims, b u t tiic o ther tackle, t



UishotitslBstraetlotistotils ^ ; ta th ts K 9V.2 0 pboto. ^otnily _ It stays In tha t . qi !,. an d I th rew th e key

neQR!tlredaftcreolng44> irSveyeaxsbiitre ttfaeatbo . st£s only once a nd d id n o t n<


________ Sp orts-E iS tor J o f i

in pi

nder construction for the upcom:0 ditches win ba covered tempci

In l^jrin. Italy, Wedneiday.AsMe1 to tell that In a matter of week roqus arehKectora and the m«]e

Rocca. the hosts' top hope a n Alpine skiing m edal r event w asn t prom oted in best vray" he told radio stai KIL.

A p u b lid ty campaign cosi abou t $8.5 nillllon— one of victims of budget cuts, occt Ing to TOROC's market

teamRichard Seymour, was cho for th e tiiini succcsslve yca t

Urlacher^ M o w Bears U . backer Loncc Erigra m ade it the first time, v iM c the Buc n eers’ Derrick Brooks selected for the Qfth time, m ost o f any o f this year’s . Pros. D enveriA l Wilson was sccond inside linebacker t a lso m ade h is Qrst All-1 sciuad.

. Joining Sondeis in the s 0 Adary were S teders safety! Polamialu. Broncos comcrb; C ham p Bailey and Bucs corr back Ronde Bart)er, TUdH twl

O n special team s w record-setting kicker Nell Ra ers o f d ie Cardinals and E pim ter Btian Moorman, b< flrst-timers. Packers broke NFUs s in ^ -s e a s o n . Odd g record with 40. He missed J twicc all seoson.

ds' get post the flrst game.

Edworris.51. was 39-41 in f years vtrith the Jets, but mo th e playoffs th ree times, me than any previous Jets coai H e b egan h is NFL career Kansas City a s a p crsonnd i ecutlvo tuid then an coach un d e r M i ^ Schotte helmet.

O n D e a 31, w iicn 69-year-c Vcrm dl tcarlUQy told the tes ho vras stepping doxvrv Edwai wos stiU saying h e w anted co I m a ln ln N ew ra tk .

Days later, Peterson w dnm ping h ints tha t tie intend to .b e reuniosd w ith h is frla ond protege o f m ore d isn years, a n d th e ndatlooshlp b tvreen Echvards a n d tho le q idcily tum bdaouL , J

I hsvD w uited-ti^ . d o m any years," E^ctOBon said iin t i tiipn»nt (Inerws confercncei '

. In s id eNBA. NHU A l l e g e . . . .Scores and sta ts —

, M oney,.................. : .0

73S^23P (Hours:



;omIng Winter Otymplc Games In ipcrsrily and bulldozers hidden e\

iMe ftom plenty of eteel scaffold eeks the Winter Qsmes will be e isjestio backdrop of the Alps.ope for coordinator, Alberto L "This hasn'tcscactlyrcsultc in the about tiie O ^ p i c s I

station Organizers t h o u ^ relay v«)uld re t Italiii

costing W hen the rc ^ y bega : o fth e national soccer t iccord- Francesco TOtd dldn' f to ln g Please see TUR

Cowh( NFLj(

rs sectiri!le, ther ’s All- No otiicr NFL coacvas the acts like BUI Cowh:r and sideline. T hat’s w hy tUl-Pro spends so m uch tirr

tils mug.e sec- Even after 14ty ih jy Cowher’scjqircsslonsc rb a u tcatainiog, Itb a woncom er- doesn't tiove Its CAvnItV ^ - I ’ ' ' --------wete

That facc isn't wii go t th e Plttsburgli coursc, n o r w hy h e s : the sam e o ne lon rci other m em ber o f the n ity The t)est record 1

inflve since 1992, a strir mode specuible showing: m ote playofls ond a Supc:r

pcarance ore th e rex a in r i u tlelex- .Stffl. w ithout a n owr

potierU and loyal — Dtten- Rooneyl3both.alouK

, . — Cowher wouldn't ar-old conie the poster boi

job security, a TV Dxn ognlzable a s Hcmicr c£udkN oll.Cow herii

. . soc wasn't nearly as b u t w ith R o onc/s Ik stuck around fbr 23 «

N ot tha t any co ad com fbitab led tesoda;

'iim t* BSD. o n a day know n ® S d e s as "Black M on

coaches w ere f i r ^ b C g Z . d A t th e m im ber w

th u A suIax tt th e “^ e y r t i e i e . b u t ^

^ P lassasaalifK


. .0 3.0 4 6

rs: 2-11 pjn.)

ection D


I ' lr"'*;



In Turin, Italy, away.

)ldlng, colorful I coming to

IO A cdari — tcd in ch au e r sincmfes.

eUic torch 5 e x d ted gan in Romc.

team sear In'! botiier to URIN, Pose 02

er’sobtylach looks or .rher o n the the cam era

im e framing

4 seasons, n sa rc so e n - nder tils jaw n TV show.

J imL m c E

viiy Cowher Rll job, o f :s held o n to ;er thon ony icprofrater- d in tiie NFL ring o f rc- igs in the C7 Bowl ap- rcasons for

ivnicrwhois — and Don lo sttoaiiu ilt I't liavc be- Kjy for NFL m ir ro s re c - er Sinipson. r^preocces- xs tdegcnic, tw cting, ho seasons, ich gets too lays.A^veck m in le iK u e OQday,''four I M rK ing to ^^fco b ^ a n i In chw]gB

w o n t ■ be tKE,PasdD2

Page 24: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G


MaBOSTON CAP) — le n y Sts

Q bttsdlne luizi w tth a i seconds left to lilt D allas M oveilcia over i Boston C dtlcs 104>102 Mom

Tfcny h it seven 3-pol c rs an d finished w ith 30 p d an d Dirk Nowltzld SCOM26 th e Mavericks w on their t t straight goine:

Tniw Impioved to 13-5 o n i rood, best in tho W estern O ference.

Stockhouse m t th e baU .(ront o f the C ddcs b e n d i e drove th e r l ^ baseline bcf nulling u p ond nailing a foo te r over lUcky Da' Stackhouse flnished 20 poi a n d K dth Van H om h a d 12.

Paul Pierce led th e Cell w ith 32 points, tying It w ith c po in ter w ith 6.5 scconds to p! T he Celtics erased a 12-po deC dt in th e d o ^ 5:50.

76ere 107, Sonlcs 98PHILADELPHIA — All

h 'd s o n scoied 41 points. Jo Salmons h ad 18 an a K ^e Kor 17 to lead Philadelphia o- Scatlla

Iverson scored 40-plus pol for th e eighth tim e this seas as he d io ses Kobe Bryant for I league scoring title.

Jazz 97, Wizards 89■ WASHINGTON — M chn Okur had 19 points and 13 : bounds, and Utah moved abc .500 with a v iaory overWaj ington.

Andrei Kirilenko added poin ts for the Jazz, w ho us balanced s c o r i ^ and patie icam w oik to w in their seven

Mar<The VifglnIaf»PllQt__________

SUFFOLK. Va. — M arc Vick, the quarterback w ho w dism issed from th e Virgiii Ib c h football team last we after troubles on and off tl Geld..was arrested a nd charg M onday w ith th ree misd m eanor counts of brandlshinj Qicann.

The 21-ycar-old tiuned hii self in a t theSuHolk mogistnit ofDce M onday afternoon ai w as releosedon aSIO.OOO bor Vick's next scheduled court a pea ian ce is Thursday. 1 attorney said. If convicted. VI could face u p to a year in j an d a S2.500 One for eai diaiBc.

Sunday n i ^ t , shortly after p.m.. SulTolk police werc coUi by the m other o f a I7-ycar-o boy. She reported tliat Vick "hi po in ted a \vcapon a t her st and two otliers during an altc cation" in tlie paridng lot of McDonald's rcstaunuit said police spokeswoman. -

Vick was w ilh his girlfriend the restaurant and told polii she had an at^um ent \vitli tlir

h e confronted tlic about il, the trio said Vickpulli o u t a handgun, police said.

Litke___Continued from Dl a round for die next one. Thn o f tlicm m ade the playoffs year ago. w hich prom pu Co>vher to say during the we< leading up to the game. "You r alize we're in perform ance-now business."

But aficr Pittsl>urgli poundt AFC Nortli rival anc iru ia li 3 17 to w rap u p tlic wild-caj weekend, job security vras tl last tiling on his mind.

"There was a lot that w; being said leading up to th gam e, none o f wlilch 1 want get into. V»'e understood Cowher said, “dial diis was a i volrygame."

Sm all w onder th e Bcnga were so eager to m easure then selves ogaim t the Steelers. Tl rivals h ad m et 71 tim es sini th e NFL-AFL merger in 1970 d p o sited th em in th e san division, b u t never before in tl playoQ^ d u e to a postscast d r o u ^ t that s tre tchk l 15 yea in Cincinnati.

in o ne o f th e m ore Inteicsdi h istorical foo tnotes, om oi Cowhcr’s first h ires after he g th e Pittsburgh Job In 1992 w: M arvin L c v ^ h is countcrpa Sunday o n th e Benm ls’aldelin Cincinnati. colnckkntaDy, hr a n o p en ing t l u t sam e year ar h ired Itavld S h u b . H o s tm g ^ to w in n qua rte r o f h b ptmi: a n d B ruce C oslet a n d Die LeBcau. v th o l i e ^ th e J o b b. fore Lewis becam e th e Benffl] h ead coach h i 2009. dkbA l a nn,tch better.

A better attitude wosrA th

I Subsi

H tp T m m .im m n so .2 0 0 0

ivsnipStack- um per lift th e X th e [onday

point-* points 126 as r third

o n the 1 Con-

MD in rh a n dbefore I 4a 12- ,

th a 3 -

Alien I. John iCorvcr 1 over

points DsUm Mavartcks forw ■fason Boatofl Caltlca Deloirti fo rthe in c ig h tg am cs.lh ey l

o n rune of their first a n d began to pull av 14-2 run starting late

jhm et quarter.13 rc- The Jaz2 , who \von above in overtime on Sati Wash- ished with 28 assists <

goals an d have a cd 17 record for the first tin

used -ty two months, w hen aUenl 4-3 following a Nov. l: ven th C hicaga

reus Vick_____ Ehirlng an iniprviev

lice a t hls m other'a rcus hom e Sunday n l ^ t ,0 w as n ied having a gun. Pi rginla n o t recovered a »\-cap< week Larry Woodward. Vi ff th e ney,said. "I’m n o t argcd ansvrcranyquesdons lisde- nature o fth e ease." U nga R eachedbyphones

forc turning nimself him - response to questions

trate's in a d e n tw o s io h a n g t1 and Vick’s m other's hoi bond, unansvrered.J l ap- Tlie football coach 1, h is Tbch. Frank Bcamcr,LVlck u n iv e rs ity 's directiIn Jail W caver.dldnotlm m e'cach tu rn calls.

■The arrest Is the 1jficr 9 den t in a tum ultuousa ile d s trc ld i O n May 14, 200-1:"had charged ivith dirce <r s o n contributing to tlic d dalter- o f a m inor and scntert o f a days in jail, which hcaid a o n a p p ea l That charg

result o f a pany diat:nd a t th ree teenage girlsMlice w iiid j Vick provided aUiree 0n ju ly3 ,2004. aftei

pulled over on [ntersiUicm New Kent County for <lulled in a G5-mph zone,L chargcd w llh

only upgrade since 1rhree rival. Known for hi:)ffs a 'vays, C incinnati b(ip ted Bro\vn bornnved a pweek th e Rooney family ju re-- a n d plowed som e c

a lntothe£ranchise.Aftca." bilizinga-Oscasons,thnded w ere conducting dieli 31- like a itoU nrofessioni-card zation and playing is the stadium lo boot.

They kicked off 111was withfour-sunightwins

> this d ie Slcelers in early D mt to a win tliat all b ut lock ood." division.s a r i - It also prom pted C

receiver ch ad Johnsorngals "Tim es have chanthem - know? Like black-a1. Tlie TVs. and th en alonsincc color. It was Pittsbuiglirode- it'sClncinnatLsam e "Tliat's die way it’sIn the going 10 be for a whjason Johnson added, "so cyears just gel used 10 it"

Instead, llie Steelers d n g four straight wins to 1no n g w ild-card slot, a 1te got brought diem back tiI w as n a d os that rarest!rpart warriors — a 3-poinidine . T hen they cauglit a h■ h a d unfo rtiu iaie — brejr a ^ Bengals Pro Bowl qug ^ ed Carson Palmer w ent dones, a b a d knee o n d ie s a

o f th e game. But di> d ie lr ow n luck d ie rc

K " ? ^ d a » t l £ r d c f c tpunish ing running gar

t th e , m a r t s o f Cow her’s

scribe today. C , |brhoinede

} Celtic

)rwanl Dlik NowttzM dunka tho bai }iite West tn Boston Monday.e y h ^ a s ^ i s B u lls 1 1 3 , R is t I I baskets ru irA < rnmvnvvirithn CHICACKJ —

ts o n 3 7 field lO ^ o n d a v t^ g la w inning B i ^ ha

tim e In near- s t r a i^ t after djen Uiey were son-high eight/. 12w m ovcr have beaten thel

secutive times.

k arresteilew w ith po- marijuana. O ne 1ler's Suffolk pleaded n o comh t. Vick de- charge, recdved. Police have his operator’s Ucopon. cdandw asboo ti. Vick's altor- and off d ie food))t go ing to 2004 season,ins abou t d ie Under a last d

. ■ erancc agreemejlesho rtlybe . ifcch, y ick rcturelf in . Vicks and his team inin sab o u lth c As Uie quanciboig up .C alb lo , o ^ n - 2 rcconhom o w cm /ji.AHanllc Coa

S o r I t ar .c d la .d y .c ‘.'“ X w i n B t a' la t« f in d - scrutiny an d criti: i t w o . y S , Asschooloffic

•' es were trying to(Q.J. j,e punlslim ent, ite counts of *hat Vlidd lnqucncy PuHcd over intenced to 30 speeding a nd drihc avoided pcnded license 0

arge svas the ’Hiat was dielat Induded Virginia Tech, jIris, d u ring Q iaries Sieger ad alcohol. day afternoon 1fter Vick was been perm anerirsUile 61 in from d ie footballor driving U8 . lh a t nlglit. Vicle , h e was ginlan-Pilot d:s.scssion o f planning to turn

e Lctvis’ ar- PilLsburgh, d ie {his m iserly 27 unansw eredboss Mike scorc cam e o n a

I page from a direct snaply p laybook Antwaan Randli! cash back right and threw tIfter tw o sta- field to quarterbi,theB engals lisberger, w ho td ie ir affairs 43-yardTDstrikconal orgoiii- w ide-open Ccdric in a new cam era

zoomed in o n 1rills season sm ile ,iu s tasltd l

in s .an d b e .1

inged , you ^ o s t coaiiiesc-and-w hite Qmt only in d ie rong com es .situadons, afraidrs lian d n o w guessing diey ta

. . . leams. on the 01its probably ,heir cues frorrwhile novv. •n ,cynevcrploy!D everybody He's m ad e v

trademark o f h is ::lers tore off m uch so tha t ihto claim d ie seen enough to1 ru n thal iheir own hlghliiIc to C indn- to d ie bcjrinnln!st o f road tcnuic In ttsbu jlint favorjle. If t h e / r e smta huge — ff vrtio play host tireak w hen next week h i hitquarterback rewinding theirIt dow n wilh now. Cow her dsecond play anything spcdal,dicy m ade hlstoiy

! rest o f the "WtfrcJustgoL next gam o'wlien

ien sc and a and we're going 1gatnc,tradc- way to w in this 1t 's ru n in said

Call 733-0931 lelivery.

cs TlH M | | | | | a | | | | | ThaTtm



th ro w u over Co Glenns night In

C___8P<tim o ru burledc help me tho seas


Jans he sa id -T l hold. H Scott be pointcn

Hallle gome-hi of-11 I Scott fii 'nojans.

—ball atatnat the Crane's

hosts Va

R a p to r s 1 0 4I — Kitk H tarich S S l ” Ints a n d h ad 11 as- aD tam t D eng added 21 tho Chicago Bulls onto RaptoifS 113- k k x u n t^ g h t

have w on th ree Mittwliii r dropping a sea- ^ t In a row a n d {m o m the Raptors I I con- a<te«-ro»

S h o s h cIV v In R

✓ i l SHOSlat d ie fi

tie m onth later, h e Shoshon lOnlcst to the d n ig ond non /cd probadon. h ad season 0 } license suspend- lor varsi M tcdou tofschoo l night. 40 otball team for th e The B

headingit chance, zero-tol- after trai ment w ith Virginia half, n u m cd to school " iw in I In January 2005. fense an :rt)ack.heled1bch ih e e n d r cord and received diana Coast Conference chapm a

Jart2 's Gator Bovri • Louisville, Vick ,m opposing play- ^

illiclals an d couch- g to d cd d e on his '

it was revealed r n _ Vick h a d b een 1 1 | | in H am pton for I driving o n a sus- coitUm»i se o n Dec. 17. wnunuoch e final straw fortl. a n d President:r announced Fri-)n d ia t Vick h a d ”„ e n . „ s c d S p . 5

V lckto!dH ,eV ir- d ia l h e w as ^a Go

P™- • Miian-btrally pla o n page:

-------------------------- ad ozcn ialso con

le Steelers scored kctball. red points. O ne Refercnc n a flca-IUcker. off TVareni lap 10 receiver vvheih ndle EL w ho ran focus or rw back across d ie ibmball] irtjock Ben RocUi- pcndian0 th en heaved a n ins.

rcputatfcxlrickWIlson. i ^ d t e d lera predictably ihcrc'sa. •n .^w h e ^ s wltlc anddow It d id later in gam e 20h e coach's scowl mprchrn iriy high-risk trick d d o ^ near d ie ^ ^ I w spite the different1 plays shovrtid U-eamed comfort s ru n plays like q dc m ost desperate 0 6 l a id o fth e second- / invite. Cowhcr’s; other hand, take _______u m their coach. iayscared.} w acky calls a J I his gam e plans, so I 1t the Bengals had 1 to p iit together ( h l i^ t re d dating H | I n lng o f Cowherd ■ _ I i b u r ^ H _ l _ lsm art, th e Colts, H | | | | | st to th e Steelers Indianapolis, aro ^ M

leir version oven H r d idn 't p rom ise dal, b u t he’s got a

going to go to the' here they send us ng to try to find o lis next game,** h e

------------^1— 1

Irojansjlm >»M m s--------------------------^ ^

NDELL — Jad Im ioH ter w d u o u ^U g fo rV feo d eD .

ring In o last-second ficc- g't o v a u h th e h o s t lh ^ a t t s eCanyon Conleraice rival h is Feny, 55-44 MondayhiW enddL d

After !>elng t ,OCa l fouled o n on

o f f - b a l a n c e _p o r t s three-point at-- 2

;— te m p t w idi 2tunning d o w a Lancaster «d o n e o f three attem pts to * novethe 'Ih4anstoB -4onason.' Hjenns Ferry led m ost o f the - and pressed us harcL"Oro- [lead c o ad i Luke Kelstw I h e girls Just f o u ^ backHnllle Kdsey and Rylee Cboth m ade crudal t h ^ j SS to keep us in iL"Ue Kdsey finished widi a•W A 27 points and hit 7- L

three-point attem pts. Cfin lshea widi 13 for die Pis, while Lancoster CedinseveiL ^ ! Pilots were led by Alisha’s 1 B-polnt n ig h t Wbndell «VaUcyonThursday. sl

NMIHlCiMaFmU al' t i

TTmciinLi inriLiii ii*i>iii

n<lat«nllnMlfr«£lnMCta•o^MfTl«4r.MUrEaMrt«47.btjCaO >'>1liOilU SC9M-OmF«7l«Mptt:llinMIO pm7.lmaMUM-CmF>TrS Q

h o n e 4 0 , mf e l l s JV 3 4 S)SHONE — Consistency

fiec-throw line led the one Indians to their sec- onconfercncc victory dlls \ over the TWin Falls jun- rsity a t hom e Monday 40-34.Bruins w en t u p 25-22 t j

ig into the final quarterrailing by a bucket a t the M

in Falls plays great de- heand they led for almost thtire sccond half.” said In- o\

h ead coach Tim Di nan. “W hen we Dnaily got1C hum p, they had to foul ,Qi1 the ^ I s really stepped lc;i ic line. Kadc Strunk was piout o f four in the fotuth p<r.KaUCAxclsonJwasdmfc Hfour, and (Kbri) B in^iam AiX out o f e i^ L The ^ I s 10

i r i n _ : _____wdfromDl atip as armounccd.leV nm crO lym pIcsarcin °r ly, th a t i tha t will be

about." said TOROC's A«o f m edia rcladons, «

)pc G attina “In Italy, it'snL It’s a country where wa lot going on." mGazzetta dello Spon, a h:based sports daily, typi- toilaccs Olympic coverage It;c20 ,foU ov/i^m orcthan siin p agcsabou tsocccnbu t Vijm ing after cycling, bas- piI. tennis and voUcybalL s tnccs to the Olympics o n pirare. fo

;dicr it's bcrausc o f the wo n soccer, the lack o f a bi lUkc homegrown star, aan t for last-m lnutc plan- a

o r TUrln naUvcs’ Pitfon for b d n g reserved— thd b y T O R O C o O ld a ls— dia d (^ d e d la c k o fb u z z u p dinvn Italy^ boot. wn 2004, w hen Paris wasr a candidate for die 2012 triler Games, th e French suI was awash with banners wl

Invesecome a sponsor


squeakstep p ed u p a n d h it die. fr th r o w w h en w e needed, w on ft o t th e free-thiowllne.'

IhstanW D O dhottse posto g a m e - h l^ 17 po in ts for i Bnrftm| InHtimV Rfch a m p tt tu p l&

S hoshone (14-1. 5-1) ho th e C om m unity School Thursdays

iMin* r ^ T i* T * w j» ^ ■ M m 7 tl4 H -«Z ltlM O M I MaemiNKMIME

H vn 1M «. M M I H t TM

tal B M S l-a U.«M » IKi *1 MM M - BOMII (MK- 1MINMII, aM«aa I& FnM M - n i.M i

Boys basketl)all Camas County 6 1 , IM n l^ l s Christian 20

HURFIELD — B ehind d l l Lee’s g a m e -h i^ 13 points, f Cam as Coim ty M ushers roc past th e fivc-playcr TVvln C hristian W am ors 61-20 M onday n i ^ t

"TVvin Rills Christian play vrcll, b u t they only h ad five V sity players," M ushers he coach Jon Botz said. "We wi ab le to ru n the floor well a tire th em do w a"

Trevor D alin a d d ed n l po in ts for th e 6-3 (4-1 Non side) M ushers, w hile C Slew an ch ipped in e l ^ t Jes Killingcr scored a tcom-hi; seven poin ts for the Worrlo Cam os Coim ty travels to Bl Thursday

TTCA ' I 4 II -B

jRM K»«<> 3 r. Bumi i M I, Satfai n»i I ■] I. CMO DMM 2 r «. 1M) 7 »10 39. CMUSCOKTYir)Itwr Di*t« »l«. ZiOi tadw ] M r. Legal Ml X V Sm Ulirn 9 M i. Linm la w > 04 9. Jotfi ami« t <, Om tJ* « »113.6« Sawl ] M I. Ml M Iltea24IO.|}|1.x m M - TTU 9 U asm ft Ck«Cw«y 9 CMv w m tMl M - TTUI J. C«Ceinr M. r<UMM - C«a> Cdw« UrdB. Mna tu-C m C ter^K M r.

Lighthouse Christian IZ Murtaugh 40

MURTAUGH — Tho U gt house C hristian Lions roan their way to a 73-40 road vido over th e h o s t M urtaugh Ri Devils o n M onday n ig h t

T he Lions raccd out to a 20 flrst-quancr lead and built dii lead from there. Justin M anni p u m p e d In a gam e-high poin ts for th e Lions, while D« H ernandez added 14, Shav A ndrus 13, and Chris Bulch 10.

and bUlboards toudng die bic!W hy isn t TUrin similarly dc

orated now?"Thi^ will m ake you smili

Acciari said. "Ifyou p u t them i cariy, dicy’U get dirty."

There's w ork afoot ever w here. T h e m ain Olymr m erchand ise sto re — w hl h ad m ore w orkers than c t tom crs Saturday afternoon. 10 r e n t e r s idle a t o ne point sits near d ie Po River a t Piaz Viitorift w here an undcrgroui parking lot has been under co strucUon for 1J> years. A lr^i post due, 11 won't TO Cnlslied fa fore th e Olympics, so ditch wUl be covered temporarily ai buUdozers hidden away.

"There’s just a m onth left, b a lot o f work left," taxi driv Pieut> C ostanza said. "They s tha t for th e Olympics, evci thing wriU b e ‘bello’— d e a n ai d ea red u p — b u t wc’U have vrtiitandsec."

T he athletes' village a t Sc tricrc is filled w ith workers ai su rro u n d ed by trucks. Aski w hen it wUl b e finished. TORC

iSt in the ftor of Newspaper Tiffany at 735

tby Pilt}. free- ‘ *IbeyVe' m u ch li d . We M u x ta u ^ bead cood ne.” : ' m ander6akL *Iheyhi is ted a ond diey hove ehooi s r (be tough comMnatton." ’Btag- Tto3-7R edD evC ai

ing w ld iou t stando hpgia g t ^ Q t e p e S a u cedo

ol o n Mexico w id i famDy pfl»c<ng o fh ls gnuid£ Martinez finished w it h i ^ e ^ t points, u M artinez a n d Tliylo b o th chipped In six.

■mm' M u x ta u ^ travels to onThursdoy.


I , S i 'S S T J K J i S S S rdntiM ltaan tM tn•utrwwfa

2 0 S a S i S S .Chase H>«MpMi-l««aair«<nM

m eed

!o o n C a s t le f b r d 6 2 ,

R lc h f io ld 4 3m in i- CflSTLETORD — A h ead p l^g its season openi

• w ere R lchfidd 59-30 on 11 and Casdeford returned :

M ondw evening a t hc n in e h ig th e Tigers i

lorth- nonconfe/enccioss.Woh/cs sen ior Drei

Jesse snagged 23 rebounc -hiffh along w ith a team r r io a points. whUeZoch Mil

press and traps a n d d Hagerm an d id Oast : and diat% w hat they i Casdeford h ead coa G a s to a 'f t to o k u s a g a half to firuUIy get it r once w e d id it was p n

Bi«iM We played really han cna fcnscand 'TV erdyprot

the best gam e I've c h im play."

Harlle Amy rccordet 7 3 , high 21 po b its for I

Tbam m ate Shayne posted 19 points.

J ^ t - Casdeford (8-2, 6- Qorcd Magic Volley Chris Idory Thursday.1 Red

CMMarttMI43120-4 SSS,

nnlnglh IQ cunzrawn,11 19 SpvmV^vailMttaaTmdrTCjDCSihawn

bid. spokesm an Giorgioprdec- laughed and said;

finished."mile." The m ain Olympic ’:m up T\irin — pahitcd the

the Olympic rings, th e 1!vcry- vvUl b e sold by th e d n rmplc up about halfofTOROvhld i S97mUlionshortlaIl—

cus- lo d ic rc s to f th e d ty b j ,n oU trian bridge h d d upIn t__ “ d l . considered by s>inTTfi Olympics' m ost lastinj t)und 1 |» cb iid g e e n d 3 a b r^

alr,goingnow hctc— y Sana, m eta l s ta r

itchra spectators aw ait thel

y and Beside th e refurbish, . um in TUrin tha t willr t j iu t open ing a n d dosir

m onies, ficsh asphalt V^ s a y roUed last week,jvcry- Tbday, I'm very nn a n d ycor ago, 1 w as m u dive to said Sandro Fertile. <

tion m anager a t F[ Ses- “Athens gives u s a lots and derice. T'hey w ere iVskcd worse shape, a nd they)ROC o fH Ifd iey d id h ...."

future!i r in Education (N 15-3212.



id i, Bex Bo- hove height Mtera. M a

b w e i e p l ^ dout p o in t do^w hoisin ly after th e d f i^ te r jb d vltfaa team - vidiOe Juan

4o r W ilson

toRaflRiver .

■ n?ar n - «all4KaM «»s . ' s s r i ' s

After drop-'3ier against n Nov. 29,1 the favor home, deal-

a 62-43

rew TVerdy inds to go m - h l ^ 15 lin e p u t u p

rouble w ith that’s w hat

t Saturday) y did.’ sold oach ly ie r p im e a n d a t right, and )rcttygood. ard o n xle- o b a b ^ h a d

ever seen

led a gam e- : R lchfidd.: B uckner

6-1) hosts ristian o n

d43j i - aI1T-0


Ert'ssrrcM M -m

lo D elana "W hen it^

IcVlUageUi ic colors of icbulldinra ity to m ake tC>Cij about — Is linked b yapedes- p by a red r som e the Ing sym bo l uptly.aslab ded in the -y e tA tC c - ands for leir plasdc

ished stadl- ill host the sing ce re - 'It was being

relaxed. A id i worse,"I. com oed-

ot ofconJD- in m u ch

cyptiH edlt



Page 25: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

, WlfAT’S ON T. I BASKcram

• •Wisconsin at Minnesota. ' ESPNBpja.

• North CsnllnastVlrslnta Tedi.ESPN2S:30pA

•Vandert)inetKentucly.E Tjub.

m a•Detroit at Carolina. OIN,

Ba sketba h^ s sMTteun


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Dm M G M M. Oanr 14. Bad 01.

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OATTUmn u m > ^ I > *41VIM 4.1) M 14.

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S « U .I70 s I OW rnbt nd ln pea 4 10-71ktun(>35lnlb.l»(^ ’» a n Us. ISS ^ Hn-ril:

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• Itlfba* — Hu 5:4Ia : rtvfarBttUnrMM^IOMO: U •< II Iratf). :i BlJn. lOJt 10naHa.lal7lir>i.lUa-Fil;'

» D««f VdhT - MW ti

12. In* l< Fimwm: ii(Kaw»tiS4nn2nrcM» 0uMMMMn«M4>-e«e»4t(n nrcw m PMMWhi « (DMmM 11iBWi ?iiBiiH(fbao»t).t^*tttfi pwKxn TctKr<u»>4H»N.*T*<> 21. T«rnc»-MMKf«OitoMnn So«*-l9CaS|».t44^

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a n ^ r tW u w d ia p M M JS !

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•Ml. } <1 S Un. H*a-ftL 1|.4r Stt/UrMf.

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OT hWu ikUm iiioHd SI • SIWL 5 »l I hu u n i>n Hm. ncFil: U4,; : Scl/S»: S«/Sn;M|.

• HUIiRm —IU«];34i5ot tia 7 m rn^ii BuilM riM*^ i t ■ SI •lOIku ItulSilISlnlli. lOOSift*.!*!! 03t Kin. Un, lUa Fit Mr. Sti/Sn: fa-(f.Fit (i-(r; • JttltM HiU XC — Hm t.lit

M ill rn in wiUm |i«mu< n ■ )7 I t tw I Cin»ilB.»(«i>«i._______

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‘21« Golf,1 ,20 ---- pcTTowMoont**gr ~lanoca TtmtfiM.*" ® '1 , . s x1 , „ ■ : ! S Ss S s s s r ; g ; j s? »S«V0Cmu . I lUEO!' J " 7MilKrM I lUCCOi! I 2< 1 17100: s I Pmrlmfl 1 1tt0(0! J2? iaTBp«R>« I tsaceo 9 lOai iaw«,5h»tJ I IMCOO

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IIII.FndCacM 2<r7iri].UaaCM net}11 a wllAntUcrM »7ia>

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■ . - a s s»Li4*Dcn« Irg 4ljl” “ * » - U . 4 3PM ta ««iir I u n mw PM >» I n I.C«nltn9>wM Sa 1.4H4’d» ZPHilkCrw, H 1.1914370

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POA Ton tcb*«MVtaD«n

£ ’l><S-&nraannllMM.nMHCC.

Jn M - bo MiMl faf*r PtM■ .

fifc»a—«I*T MUa BiKli Monri Pt» Spn*-W OC. “

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■ -im n M .'42ma MMimp«nalplu»■• , » • ' s s a j g s i j f i

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m 44I rA oa-om O N K dT K inT ik^]td «a>MtoiriOrt(kaaVTiuca.t<a.

S R £ r . S 3 5 ^ ‘ “ “

IM iM -T»ruraOQ«(UW i

ss2 S 5 £ s r » - “ ' K S a * - 'S S I ^ ZTvnOUC. Hm Mm

WWu X »;2:^O ^ N « n O « ™ DIAi. tAarcu5mnnMt»<ic<s»ec

r - S S " —I tk u uwBa-r<ciaAdiCtaK.TPCi

2 s n s s s ; : - « u . «. .d -

J«e Z M -to Me Qh* T?C H

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i«;r«-USD.M.C7>n<>»r<i>iU M>*M. Drm Omt PM CCKZw «« M - Ik,cl IVna HM oia amBirc.uo«

IS* I)i-»0 *ei7»-W 0w»ti«i*»w.i

»l-4»; rraama(Sft«iCum<MvOrM Hwo.7ara ctMMtonui , OA&nmHn

aClM-OMKMKMOiCTOirtfidl1 • 10 TS^HmvUm11 (I ^> .18-.M C Ctom.

lOT rii^nxtC<MLr«mim n i t t W»44-v*raTniiC(inLjCm OC.imUtna •*" 8«»J4-IV)«ORKia«aCCH-SOt] ' S«tI»Ol.l-Sa«>n.r«mDM.Cb .51 iK.«mMuCCU>dictvU«i

, J a«»0itt-WGC4mwE«nB

5_ 0[lH-OrnMOa>cd(>Mraeora.r.MOMCC.G«-«».HC

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ttl» a --0l^CR»ftei1hBH«an


t*».l>.M-rWi«rt>T«.0*lrg».U •a-u u>Vi«nMn.itMr«nlir._ H»nl-i0»aCieei(O«tevutPCBj &nr«.u>v^ ^

nCCljaR>.Cdbac MO-• WKtetolsiNMj C« Th


% fStMS^fSoEWttolSct™

SSS5m Usman UCCt«MB»lfarMA

.•mi U»o%HfcCCrt*»h5ereTanwiwl Canal. fteiMlttapa, CM Krro W IM I—lPQ*Iali**Oaa»C,TNU»

5" S S S s S ^ ‘«'"*s s »*«7*> - r i ^ An»n»UMaa8aO«t»

Canal r»rU\ T«n . i m [gri'Vi* - y » » u.iMCt»\ nrg»i“S I g ^ ^sIS'^ W*Cc^ Obk, tonna

jM»-:>>X<1aLPGAClM«,£aM> i S ^ J^»Sp.(lWCana).Crt>M, 5“ A*nHI-UL0cm*<itPa»O«rTpen.m Min«iCCiimaQ>n.ui

JwjM-Wa7nMl«A.laijall«CC, •g*»MJ-OS WmarlOpnNnta

I p s p s :n^lj*MISiA>raa.l|Tvia«m>.

I nW|1Pinicra(<»t»0*

^ iMn.TMMr«iOCOitt\On

hci - ly * jy

JJ4 gWa(C4rpr.CanaLP*fiOM»l >90 Otl77.a-CJW»MaaaaBB.naCUi <4> ■NrtDntt*.JnuOe.Sai9iKn«-

>in HM.»t>-T>aUcMC<rmlP0A7af.areTtX NK.1>14-iWm»it»Ta«Oahrg>.ui>l i r LjiMwAnolliarancnNnE04I- lto<.tMI-lPaAF«^ainaM)T,Tv>eM0< RatTMcrXCCiVaatWDMOini a r xnfttf unss Hockey

EASTDWCOrOOtt• “ 'T 'L 'T S iO .a , ■r IKSi S,!!glSI3 !7£S. SJ!!S;,'!IS

fr LOTpa V w. . f f i S , ! ; S 1 5 ,S

" £ IliEil;

ieR T S 4 W D '0( * i

L Was *33^19 • ' P Save *4,063

,856 IIZOOOmlHrMrtyplMlM '

W LOTta CF (U k)i C4KM n ia 4 91191 in

Mra a ia « a i i i 19* Ttocieir 11 t* 1 «ii771» ■lTi»' 7Mi 17 a a 40119 10

« f tx ”“ *'^ i « n » iS in ^

D -rHIOA NaarMM M II J s a w 117

CMago 11 14 4 » I0» ICCAma 11 77 3 a n 190

•MOC a m a w * ^ « i i j t « rnnO . vnaJm a II HI iS IS

UOBI a 19 4 UI41 IB •mOC i ta M•ra ■ . m 10T(« V w

-■” ■ S r ii i ls irH ^ s s i » j i i s s i “ ,

rtaai4.wm yciil.80 MV» M siO anil


s f f i s r -M CcmDl.EtlM1

E s s s s s - a -CMaoialWW«9cn.9pm

■ ci*ev|taHTr^|Ba9pnP)O8nia(0em,!xpm

»rt»r CygKnUP&aijM Kpa

> Pecv;ni<Cou<Cu.spiii iCC P)iitttnaBOKago.l»pn

-ct TRANSACnON!nA Moalqr^ Sport! DattMcUoa » * tAasMiva taatnlJifa«TTC or7niik«M «m crim >I!l^a

1X1k» l03WiCtlESAN0tL5-«afT.a4ilinH»pBtn«ra d ra tam lM » UKMI nifwiai

M Cov EirMt 10V nac” c« nvxTc Cl .U. ura^nCMtmtUaoACMr iQs- aiS<MIMnCcmeEdicMigp0vg "a ly.flobPcoobicwflrteHfE^Sri'e D9 OMXM)rqcE>cMJCada>niCiSdr*«,r«. t»MSC *TWKt.~ arM BIanm« U

0>tn< Uq cx 4 mra <ona :ai 0«XUM>MKincS- iL7M4>)MnnMiVagat OnkseiKafrERicrarwcaVaa


onlv iSSaSt’DrVXWTS-JlwM C4« Akto. KdmxfnamalcrMcpanmv^uu UM TOnoftTQ n ut MrS-HOTtf Ita Ojcri Cnr NttraHaa*

0«C«X) CUOS-TMaJcJ^ Pia,™* SC. BMbB'cnOxanKaUKiii'XMnr

IWCittPmi>.ut4 cnCMunnto^-tuma^ncnMSiMn

*"* (X io n S iiv o a S w ^ B m ,T ^ OFEIUarnm^m l^iM na.i,T)i» TitmUlaicnicMMscma a UUWMEDRCtni«-Onir»)l#r«j^ S M l S Y S S S ^ » b «

n c a ccMoMaitr pMwi Kira] Oy

ru m sw u ^

JSli wyriw^<cwnS^Swg>»McJ

' r«wouoonMttona»vuwt-so«iM ontatfLX'OiwUmBnOs^oCl>nrS0i.fTHSH0ntrwtCAT5-y»rea;ll«>rn<M>u^j*oouuuEn5-&,«ifw>T,te MJiy^TfiC«tJ-5^ni«>0a». K w Q CClICWS-Syd Of ll«7

:,«M ... .a o ^ ..^ PHOCiaSll&-C9iMrM>Da.a>)»IO

^ tui»tans-c^o**o^wii»

.cc. Kn.-<ciadWW<93iSlun^llMXia fci «erg n T« lac* cf TcTfa Bt, RO UcMaicncMaTiociiGui-STMvmjmEVMURlItnmCMnSliKmOtn

_ wAjMRSOurxrlVMn ^ J40UOmuCMClMnS-SMOCW«la< ,Ct C-,.LS»«»«fcr<r™».0?&n»iK«l

ti) jarai uiiaf v«n c>«3 Omu. nn riMi< s;na,raiMWae«r<iwRUMiu«. IWaASOrfOtCrS-tunaaHarnanC*V NCWENG(AN0P*TROIS-na«*M90t

Dwiwi CtfVi tan M (laas i«a4 cga. K(VI rent jnS>S9MCO»iM UOM

4M DO>m tr,«> B IteunaTuM Cov

fi*i uworururrurc-STiST^svreM DreMaUOiCa. IiraUavaUAdOren

> OiCACOnmi-SiTadnilOBDtVcnr o>*«. Wl CS Uraa Um a4 01 a Jtfa r>K Uai

^ Ca0fW»CnulH-5gr«a(X0lC>»?H»^!S^MSn)0TERS-«owl007>n Hiu. OS CaU Jtfncn vd KibQ KMC o* CtC«Wrcna-5?raiJM100JaMMi. > m rrnui DawdiwiMananna)OmiU^M

^ MH3ASCirrDnQ«K-S9*)00SM“ l9J«Mero

^ »UiHYU£lOUS-Sw.dKTin,Oo»AnV U»iwUTO»aiai!Jwe«>IWh» a s 5 K s s s , “K w R fA 10ui-59»s null Oama*

uoouMQioN om ns-cvM 019<Mt< «Aa n Jaaa iMua. a U>M Caw. Dfr

SemcS « o f* * " » 5 2 ^ **"SOW r*u3 B T cnK ^ca Tw atinT qm nM ■

tCOlYC>«M10 KAC»i>»KS-AaM9 F PM CaOtWWAVAWCIt-nacJalHVai

1 6 F o r d E s c a p e» C ru ise * PwT M o o n R • A ir • A l lo y W h e e l *P W /P L

MSRP *27,05 ^ Save *3,862

209.73jSJ4S0 «

I— S poi0, Notre Dame's Fa !S to enter NFL dral!o SOUIH BEND. Ind

Darned Anthony Fa; o f th e nation’s ou

SJ t l^ it ends, win cntci 117 ' dmft a nd forgo his SI 190 son.’» Risano said hc mo<M m ind oAcr Ohio Stall !S Irish in the Fiesta Bo IB O iariicW ds m issed 10; news confcrcncc be ^ was c u t o f town, bu 110 ported Fosano'sdcds If; "Despite the foct'•* for Anthony to rctun

mka rccognlzc tha t hc h: opportun ity ahead Wcls sald inasta tem i

Fasano was one o: nallsts for the [ohri Award, given to a top He Is Just four hours ceiving his marketing

Hc was Notre Dat leading receiver in 2(X catches, for 576 ya school record for tigj 54 catches for 797 ya KenM acAfccinl977.

In three seasons Irish, Fasano had 92 c 1,112 yards. MacAfee career record at Not

IN S ■ w ith I2 8 fo rI.7 5 9 y ar

NFL a n d m a r k e t e o f L e v ttra p a r t m

NEWYORK— The ■a>« Football League and 1 2 2 kcters o f erectile dy: ^ d rug Lcvitra have i

bcnch the ir three-] 5“"“ sponsorship deal wh S"*«- pires in March.M Brian McCarthy,

spokesm an, said thi chose to end the rek

*•* bccausc "tlie ads shif a® men's health to e r f c

lifestyle Issue." The cl advertising stratcCT r NFL uncomfortable, h said.

Som e of Lcvitra's ^ been criiidzed for tl

content, along vrith o hA forcrectilcdysfunctioi

to the backlash again:

^ advertising. Acflertlsir <''** lines adopted by tl kmi com panies last year :

adsw ou ldbe ta i^e tcd ■M audiences tha t arc no ,»K. priatc for the message Siv-, w jdelyvlexvcdasanat ft lim it children's cxp(

erectUc dysfunction t H.nTg

udC u tis g iv e u p o n

r R a t to r a b n , t r a d e t™ CHICAGO — 0:

Corey Patterson, oncc ■ite ed as the Chicago Cut lav the future, was trade ,, Baltimore Orioles on

for a pair o f m inor 1 siiortstop Nate Spears

>»i» hander QulosPertiz.'T lic 26-year-old pj

hll,252ivilli70hom cn o f six m ajor league

,«o wilh Uic Cubs, appc;589 games. Hc was tl:

.1 Qrst-round pick and th SIv cr token overall in tl I ■ am ateur draft, wae. H csiorted 111 game: ^ ter field for d ie Cubs J;

sirugcling wilh .215 and Just 13 hom ers

I g:mics.ThcCubsdcmG ^ ro ’IWpIc-A Iowa to wor cn. Iwiling stroke, and hc

24 games in tlie m inor »» returning.

Patterson was booct and often at Wriglcy Fi

ijtfn becam e expendable a oflseason acquisitions

^ Pierre and Jacque Jone;

~ T ay lo r f in e d $ 1 7 ,0 1 f b r s p K t l n g a t P i t t i

ASHOURN. Va. — W ton Redskins safety Scaj

vnv was fined SI7,000 Mot the NFL for spitting ini

• oflhm paB ayB uccanei n lngback Michael Pittr

_ Tliylor was cjccted c Mt nailzcd for unsportsn ^ conduct forsplttlng a t I too. in the third quarter ol

d a y ^ p Ia y o ffg ^ a H ie vras considered so eg that Pittm an wasn't pe for slapping Thylor in t m et in retoljadon.

« Tlie am ount o fth e flr g playoff bonus cacti Ri

S6ile X L TI R o o f v i s

095133WS K A jjg g ^ ^ K aO » >00.47a 797 g a a p

• TMdq;

)RTS IN BR]F a s a n o recdvccI. , f . ro u n d game.li3 H Redskins won 1IndL:—N otic 'Hiylor cscapFasano, o ne for m s action, koutstand ing the active rostcj

nter the NFL gam e at Seattle,is senior sea- liiy lo r d id i

after d ie game,m a d e u p h ls edhlsihnoccncState beat the and assistantBowLCcach Williams.led M o n d a /s Tbylorhasbci

bccausc.he times in his tv«>b u t h c sup- a bevy of infract

edsion. $25,000 forict we'd love league's manetum , we symposium. Ho• has a gicat season Ones forad o f Wm." un ifonn vlolatlie m en t *5,000 for wee o f three ii- socks that rescnDhn Mackcy Pol? in this yeail o p t i ^ t e n d against PhiladcliL irsshyofrc- . He was invcstingdegree. league last sea.scDame’s third spitting at Cinei2005wlih47 l.J. Houshmand

yards. The fine was leviedtight ends is was no video evl’y a r ^ s e tb y _ ,)77. TVvlns a s k Ju( void Metrodofee holds th e MINNEAPOU Noire Dame , ™ “yanjs_ H ennepin Coi Judge on Mondj

tf a r e tlie team Isn't obi w n jjjjj M etrodomew a y s son.rhe National ^ ,n d the mar- ? ,dysfimetion

" e -^ e '^ o id

IV nn tviPT Sports FacUltlcs

" j K S o m V r

5FI^ .M ccarm y

f i h t '* '”'* eh long-teih other ads ,q j

M ctk ,/om eand l ainst d i ^ - on a yearm aceu iica i 2004 scisinggi^de- CorcyAyling,! tlie Metropolitan

a r s a y D T ^ tics Commlssic Jted to avoid ,cam has acted i I not appro- long-term tenar age, a move ,jajfy has op en "a ttem p t to 199^ ogrecmci ocposure to tlirougli 20a i. in com m er- "Conduct and

a lot louder tlian told tlic judge. -

n . ccpted all tiicste h im behaved cx


S S T o f NCAA l e t s B n ided to d ie D a k o ta k e e p ion M onday INDIANAI’OU ar leaguers: and Nortli Dakot are and left- to keep Uielr Am f- nicknames durin,I Patterson season play Oils le rs in p a rts still might lose til ue seasonsipcaring in H ic NCAAi cx

m ittec did not 1 decision regan

1 tho 1938 school’s appeal dl___ , ing Monday, allo'

to rem ain the North Dakota tok Ing Sioux nickni

imorcdlUmS a n o n d ,,

.oed loudly eliminated both !y Field and I'osUng postsea; c after theins of Juan Bradley and N tncs.

deem ed ijy the r' 0 0 0_ mascots o r logos tt t tm a n tUc or abusive" 1- Washing- Indians, and bothSeanTUylor pcaled.vionday by An NCAA staffin the face m ittec rejected b

m ecrsm n- schools to be reii t tm a a tlic Iht, so iheyjipit i and pe- executive commit)rtsmanllke ‘Nortli Dakotaa t Pittman harm less tlirougr of Satur- m eeting, and diil i e offense proach will be taktegtcgious because then; wajpenalized tocom plctctliedij

in tlie hei- a decision w asn NCAA president I

jf ln e is th e said.' H'»l»kins CaiTBedha

i W S E

■mMMJi •rrv*«H.aMk>M.ia.aa ■£QM^ (KaTOVffclaii <in«a4>^

4iqi<aanrl0,2006 TtewiW<i»,'T

JEF—tfd for th e first- le. w hich the 117-10.1 suspension .Keeping h im on ter for th is week’s le.I n o t co m m en t e. b u t h c protcst- iccto tcam iT u tcs It coach Gregg

icenflncd.scvcnil rt>-year carecr for

sU pping the nda to ry rookie io has several in - or illegal hits and itlons, including vearing s triped em blca a barber jar’s hom e gam e clphia.estigated liy the Lson for allegedly itcinnaii receiver ndzadeh, but no d because there evidence.

u d g e t o f e m e l e a s elUS — T heM ln- ns asked a :ounty District iday to rule that D bilgedtonlayin le after tills sca-

; Is stone-co ld 1 lawyer Roger d Judge Q iarlcs rring to a 1998- itfo rtJic rcam to ne.1C Metropolitan Ejs Commls-slon, he M etrodom e.IS liave a legal

rem ain in the ntil a new bali-

he'li rtdc in two ippealiscxpect- :t w hich side

con ten d they lerm agreem ent he 24-year-old d have operated ar-to-year basis season.I, tlic lawyer for an Sports Fncili- sion, said th e d as if it \vcre a an t and cssen- ;ra ted u n d e r a lent tlia t ran

id actions speak inwoid-s.’ Ayling , "Tlicy liave ac- ;sc ciieclcs and Qxacdy as if tliis I b w n signed."

Iradley, N.3 nicknamesu s — Bradley ;ota \vill be ubie m erican Indian Ing NCAA post­ils season, but tliem in tiie fu-

cxecutive com - t m ake a final urding either during a m eei- lowing Bradley e Braves an d J keep its Fighl- iname a t least s next m eeting

tlic postseason ivas to lake ef- ;o would have 1 schools from ;ason tou rna-

North Dakota IH schools

r NCAA in Au- ; nicknam es, s that arc "lios- ■ to American Ith scliooU ap-

ff n.’vie\v com - blds by botli

removed from ippealed to ilie littee.a will be held jgli th e April d ie sam e ap- tken to Bradley 'a.s an inability discussion and sn’t reached," t Myles Brand

!ro(n MrtrB raportsm- *516002


1,'lMaMa.ldsbo M

Page 26: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

S portts

M aBOSTON (AP) — fc n y S ta

ho u se m ade a ImseUne jiun] w ith a i sccond i left to lift I D allas M avm cks over l B oston CdtiCN 104-102 M omnteht.

I ^ n Ib n y h it seven 3-poi: CIS a n d finished w ith 30 p o l a n d Dlik NowUzU 80^ 26 th e Mavczldcs w on their th s tra i^ tg a m e .

T & y improved to 13-5 o n ( roaid. b est I n th e W estern Cc (dencc .

S tockhouse ro t th e boll front o f th e Celdcs b c n d i a drove th e r i ^ t b asd in e bcfi nulling u p a n d nailing a ; foo te r over Ricky Da> Stackhouse flnished 20 poL a n d i ^ t h Van H om hod 12.

Paul Piercc led th e Celt w ith 32 points, tying it vdlh a w in te r w ith 6 ^ scconds to pi T he Ccldcs erased a 12-po dcQ dt in th e dosing 550.

76ers 107, Sonlcs 98PHILADELPHIA — All

Iverson scored 41 points, Jo Salm ons hod 16 an a K>4e Kor 17 to lead P h llad d p h la o\ Seattle.

Ivcison scored 40-plus poL for th e eighth tim e this seas as h e chasc3 Kobe Biyont fort league scoring title.

Jazz 97, Wizards 89WASHINGTON — M chn

Okur h ad 19 points and 13 i boim ds. and U tah moved abo .500 w ilh a victoiy over Was ington.

Andrei Kirilenko added poinis for th e lazz, who us balanced scoring an d patlc team work to w in their seven

Mar<TIw Vlrgtnlai»f Hot__________

SUFFOLK. Va. — M arc Vick, the quanerbock w ho w d ism issed from th e Virgin Tbdi football team last w e after troubles on and oCf tl Odd, was arrested and diargi M onday w ith th ree m lsd m t:anor counts of brandishing Qrearm.

The 21-year-old tu rned hir self in a t the Suffolk magistrat ofllcc M onday afternoon ai w as rdeosed o n a SIO.OOO bor Vick’s next scheduled court a p corance is Thursday, 1 a ttorney sa id If convicted. VI could face u p to a year In J. a n d a $2,500 fine for eai charge.

Sunday n i ^ t , shortly after p.m., SuiToIk police w ere cailt by th e m other o f a 17-year-o boy. She rcponod that Vlck”hj po in ted a weapon a l her s( an d two o thers during a n altc cation" in tlie parking lot of M cDonald's restaurant sa id police spokeswoman.

Vick was with his girlfriend the rcstatm m t and told poll siie h ad an argum ent w ilh Uui people.

VN ien he confronted the about it, the trio saidVlckpuUi ou t a liandgun, pollcc said.

Litke____Continued from Dl a round for the next one. T lir o f tliem m ade the playoffs year ago. w hich prom pu Cowiier to say during the wci Icadingup to ihegame,"You r alize we'rc in performance-now business."

Bul after FltLibursii poundi AFC Nortli rival Cinciruiatl 3 17 to w rap up tiie wild-ca. w(K:kcnd, job .secu rin was tl last tiling on tils mind.

“Tliere was a lot tiiat w being said leading up lo tl: game, nonc of which 1 w ant get into. We undcrstooc Cowher said, "lliat this was a i vairygamc."

Small w onder th e Bcng: vrcre so eager to measure ther selves against the Steders. Tl rivals had m et 71 times sin th e NFL-AFL merger in 1970 d posited them in th e san division, but never before in t] playofls, due to a postseasi d r o u ^ t that s tretched 15 yc2 in Cincinnati.

I n o n e o f d iem oreintercsdj historical footnotes, am oi Cowher's first h ires after h e g d ie P itts b u rg Job in 1992 w Marvin L e v ^ his c o u n u ^ i

C in d r ^ I l . c o ^ S m a D y . hi a n o pening th a t sam e ycM ar hired David Shula. Ho stiuggli to w in a quarter o f h is eam i a n d B ruce Coslet o n d D t LeBeau. w h o l u ^ th e J o b b fore Lewis beo im e th e Bensn h ead coach Iri 20(3, d ld irt l a

better,A be tte r a ttitude w asn t tl


Tmu m — miftaooe

• o '

ITS nipStock- _ _ _ | | | | | | | | | | |un p e r if t ih e r th e onday

point- * points126 03: third

on the I Con-

»on h i fa andbefore Ja 12- ]Davis,

:d tic3lh a 3 -o p im


Corvcr I over

points DaDM Mavertcks forw) cason Boston CeWcs Delonti forthe in eight games. They 1

o n rune o f th d r first 1 and began to pull avi 14-2run starting latcl

:hm et quarter.13 re- The Jazz, virho \von abovo in overtime on Satu ■Vash- ished widi 28 assists c

goals a n d have a ;d 17 record for the Qrst tim used fy two mondis, w hen

aUent 4-3 following a Nov. li vendi Chlcaga

reus Vick_____ During an interview

lice a t n is m oiheria rcus hom e Sunday night,3 w as Mied having a g u a Pc:ginia no l recovered a weapcw eek Larry Woodward. ViiEf th e ney,said, “I'm not :argcd answcranyquesiionsilsde- nature o fthe case."lin g a Reachedbyphones:

forc turning n im sdfhim - responsetoquestions

traie's in ad en iw asto h an g u1 a n d Vick’s m other's horbond, unanswered,r t a p - Tlie football coach i

h is Tbch, Frank Bcamer,L Vick university's dlrectiIn Jail Weaver, d id not immcicach turn calls.

The ancst is the Infter 9 den t in a tum ultuousallied suetch for Vick,ir-old O n May 14, 2004,:“had chargcd vsdlh diree tr son con trib u tin g to th cd dalter- o f a m inor and scnien1 of a days in Jail, w liidi he a id a on anpeaL That d iarg

result o f a party dial :nd a l three teenage girls wUcc w hldiVickprovideda: d u ec 0nju ly3 .2004.afte i

pulled over on Intersi th em New Kent County for ( lulled in a 65-m ph zone, L charged w ith posse

only upgrade sincc Iriiree rival. Known for lih)ffs a ways. C incinnati Ikip icd Brown borrowed « pweek th e Rooney family :3urc- and plovi-ed som e e

a intothcfranchls&Aftc3." bilizingO-8seasons,dim dcd were conducting thed 31- like a real profession:•cord zation and playing iIS th e stadium lo boot.

They kicked oIT di: w as w idifourstraightw ins) dlls d ie S teders in early Dm l to a win lhat all b u t lockiood." division,s a r i - Il ako prom pted C

receiver cJiad loiinsorngals "Times have chan{hem - know? Like black-ai. T he TVs, ond then alonsince color. Il was Piltsbur^i^Ode- ii'sCindnnaO.sam e T l ia fs die way it'sin th e going to be for a whsason Johnson added, "so cyears just get used to it"

Instead, die Sleeler^ tin g four straight w im to in o n g wild-carcl slot, a itc g ot brought diem back ti2 w as nod as thot rarest !rpart warriors — a 3<polnl *fine. Then they c a u ^ t a h •, h a d im fortunate — brc) x i M Bengais Pro Bowl qu g8*«* Corson Palmer went d

a b ad knee o n the sec D i » o f the gnmc. But th

b b ^ th d r own luck the n

' ” ^ h i n d o stiff defer punishing running goi

t th e . niorfcs o f Cowher’s

scribe today. C , (br home de

t CeltiGi

rward Dirk NowHzM dunks th« bsl tirto We«t in Boston Monday.:yhadassists Bulls 113, R{s t II baskets n u i r ’A r ^

isr'Sort?B o n 37 O dd I M M o n i t o i ^a w inning T h e B l * ho

lime in near- s t r a i ^ t oflCT dicn diey were son-h igh eight

12w m over liovc beaten thel secutivc dmes.

k arresteeicnvwithpo- m arijuana. O ne ier's Suffolk pleaded n o comhi. Vick dc- charge, receivedPolice hove his operator’s lie

ipon. edan d w asb o o ti, Vick's ailor- and off d ie food)It going to 2004 season,ns about d ie U nder o last d

ic:shonlybc- i t c h , v ick remrclf in. Vicks jjjjd his icam inn saboul d ie the quarterbagup .C ails io t o a n U - 2 ie c o rm m c w ent coa

„ c d ,a ,c ly .-

s h ie s t Inci-,uslw n-ycar As school off,c

^ es w ere trying tcfM hr urxi pun ishm cn l, ite c o lS ts of Hriday d ia l Vi.delinquency over inlenced lo 30 sp e e ^ n g a nd d rh e avoided pended license c

irge was d ie Tliai was dielai in d u d ed Virginia Tcch, iiris, d u ring Charles Steger ad alcohol. d ay afternoonflerVickwas b een perm ancr•rslate 64 in from d ie footballor driving B8 l l i a t night. Vicle , lie w as ginlanrPiloi dssessioii o f p lanning to turn

e I jwis' ar- Pittsburgh, d ie !ills m iserly 27 unansw eredboss Mike scorc cam e o n a

I pace from a d irec t snaply playbook A ntw aan Randlit cash back r i^ ta n d th r e w lifter two sta- field to quaricrtj;die Bengais lisberger, v,ho t

d id r alTairs 43-yardTDsirikt□nal organi- ^vide-open CedriR in a new T h e camero

zoom ed in o n 'd lls season smile, just as ildi

I results, bo d i ]1 Cincinnati c j ^ h e r ’s wdl-c;sonloboasc. icvclon Ihcjob.m gcd. you M o stco a ih csc-and-w hite tha t orily in th e iong com es -siiundons. afiaidr^ ia n d n o w guessing diey b

, te a m s,.o n ih c o tUs probablj: , h d r cu es ftonwhile no^». T hey never play iD ovciybody H e’s m ade >

tradem ark o f his!lers tore off m uch so that dito claim d ie seen e n o u ^ tcI run tha t ihcir ow n highUk to C indn- lo th e berinnlnrst o f road te iiiue inP ittsbulint favorite. If t h e / r c sma huge — if w ho pU v host i>reak w hen next week In Inquarterback rew inding theirIt dow n with now. Cow her <1second play anything spcdaJthey m ode history.

: rcst o f th e 'WB'rc just goi next gom e'v ^ ^

Jense an d o a n d we'rc goinggam c,trade- w ay to w in.this i7 s ru n In so i±

C a l l 7 3 3 - 0 9 3 1

l e l i v e r y .

:s HTlfT lm i

■ th row tc o v a Ca G lenns n igh t In

“ ug p t

tim e nil b u itcd c h e ^ m o

^ th e se a s■ ^ -G len

g am e an h e

s a k L m ho ld . H Scott be po in ten

Hoilie gome-hl o M i 1 S c o tt Oi

- ^ IVojons,

ball against th* . Crane's : hostsVa

Raptors 104I — Kirk H lnrleh 2 3 , " ' inis a n d h ad 11 OS- antarvw D eng odded 21 d ie O iicago Bulls onto Raptors 113- «iauB>inight R|MScc««llhave w on three

r d roppbig o sea- ^ t in a row and h e R o p to rs llc o n -


^ 1 1 SHOSla t d ie C

n c m on th later, h e Shoshor on test to th e drug o n d non n d probadon, hod season c } license suspend- io r vars w ted o u to fsch o o l n l ^ i . 40 otball team for the T h e B

headingIt chance, zero-tol- after tral menl w ith Virginia half.' ^turned to sd ioo l “TVvin 1 in January 2005. fgnsc an :rb ack .h e led 1 tch ih e e n d r

Coast Conference ^ ^ x n a

Jan.2'sGatorBowi • Louisville. Vide u p a n h , im o pposing play- ^


iffidals and coach- g to d e d d e on his, it vras revealed r n *

Vick h ad been I 1 1 1 in H am pton for

1 driving o n o sus- cortlntwsc on D e a 17. »<«” « « « h e final suaw for h, a n d President :r announced Fri- m d ia l Vick hod n cn d y dism issedballte'am . . g S ,V iclto ldT l,eV lr.

th a t h e was La Gi M ilaii-b colly pk o n page

------------ -— -------- a dozena k o con

iie S teders scored kciball,ircd po in ts. O ne Rcferencin o Deo-flickcr. off TV are nnap 10 receiver vvhedndlc EL w ho ran focus oiL-w back across d ie ib m b a licrtw ckBcnRoeih- pcnchar10 th en heaved o n ing,rik eo fh iso w n to o rcDUtaUicdrickWilson. S f d t e dlera predictably there's aan Cowher’s wide a n d dov,ild id la ie r in g am c 20h e coach's scOwl mcrch^nJ y high-risk trick S S t e i»1 down n ^ the capital vsp ite th e different ^ h plays showed 11-eamcd com fon3bhes n m ploys like q he m ost desperoic D © [o idofihcsccond- y invite. Cowherd c o ther iiond, take rom th e ir coach. lay scored.c wacky colls a B i ■ his gom e plans, so It the Bcngals hod I to p tit tofKdier ghllght re d dodng, ■ | I irdng o f Cowherd _ I art, tho Colts, H | | W ist to th e Stcdera I Indianapolis, ore ^ J le lr vcirsion even H :r d idn 't p rom ise ^ ^ ^ B dol. b u t he^ got a

going to go to the ^ ^ ^ Bhero they send u s ^ ^ ^ BIng to tiy to find a ^ ^ ^ Btils next game.” h e ^ ^ ^ B

-------- . . . f r — I

Irojans!Im aaHtwi s----------------------- :------------ dN D E lL ^ I a d i i ih c s s tc r vt t h n n i ^ fisr VfenddL

ling in a lost-second bee- g’ to vouh tho host lh)Jans BCanyon Cotifieicnce itval h ts Feny. 55-44 M ondayInV touklL . dM B B M B After being j jOCal fo lded o n on

o f f - b a l a n c ep o r t s three-point at- J

te m p t w idi 2m im ing dow n. Lancasftr »<lo n e o f th ree attem pts to *navethc'D o}onsto& -4on t* ason.m n s R : ^ led m ost o f tbo - an d p i e s ^ u s harcL’ IVo- leod coach Luke Kdsey T h e girls Just f o u ^ bockHoiUe K ebey and R^eo G

both m ad e crucial diree- y a s to keep u s in i t ’ lie Kelsey finished w idi a■high 27 po in ts and hit 7- L

th ree -p o in t attem pts. Cflnished w idi 13 for die Pis. w hile Loncaster C ed inseven .I Pilots w ere led by Alisha■s 1 B-polnt n i ^ t Wendell wValleyonThursday. «

o»Min.OkmhnH Ol

' ' i S S l i i S t lnrrcM)> * IS C*« MM I»« 2 U t» HbMi 41-II.R«MM>«a9JIM&UMat>lt g|,Sl StArrlMr.MUcoarmr.baCaOlli>i«U scp3i»-Owr«f*rTl(Onn«»);»*n*IW _wrT.i«v»tm<bit-aaTCF«'rC:

hone 40, mFallsJV34 «)SHONE — Consistency

frcc-ihrow line led d ie i ,one Indians to th d r sec- J*onconfcrenccvirtorythis ui over th e T\vin Falls jun- ^js lty a t hom e M onday ca40-34. *“

Bruins wrcnt u p 25-22 i j lg inlo th e final quarterrailing by a bucket a t d ie tV!

in Falls ploys great dc- h<ond they led for almost thtire sccond hoU;'’ sold In- qi

h ead coach 71m d narL “W hen we finally gotle hum p, they h ad to foul Qji th e giris really stepped Icthe line, Kade Strunk was piout o f four in d ie fourth p<!r,KoIi(Axdson)wasthrcc Hfour, a nd (Kbri) Bingham Aiix o u t o f eight. The ^ I s I(

irin________ _________

JodfrotnDl aiup as announced,he W inter Olympics aro in oi ly. dioi^ oil that will beI obout." sold TOnOCs A

o f m ed ia reloiions, ci ppe G ottlna ‘ In Italy, it's:n t H i a couniry where wlo lo tgo ihgon ." trGazzelto dello Sport, a h•based spo rts doify. typl- tcplaccs O ^m pic coverage H^20.foU ow ingm oredian siin pages abou t socccr, bul Vom ing after cycling, bas- p1, term is and volleyball, stn ces to th e Olympics on p:rorc. fc2thcr it’s becausc of the wo n socccr, the lack of a b nUfep hom egrown star, alont for last-m inute plan- a

o r TYirin • nadvcs’ PlU onforbdngrescrved— d?d by TOROC ofHcials — dlad ed d cd lack o fb u zzu p d3wn Italy's boot. w 2004, w h en Paris was

a candidate for die 2012 trle r G om es, th e French si1 w as aw ash w idi banners w

Invese c o m e a sp o n so i

Call T

1 1 1

squeakfltfp p w l lip nfv^ h it the. Gr th r a m w e n e e d e d . ' w on It Bt th e free-thiowUne.'

IH stan Vl\foodbouse p a s ta g a m e -h lA 17 p o in ts fo r t Rtiitrn , lA Hit «hi» TnHtimV fMi h s m p u tu p lS .

S hoshone (14-1, 5-1) he th e C om m unity S ch o o l- T huredoy

sr „v.y:sM t tM n IM «. MM IM & M

M tM M ) 14 IQ 1*41«>fcR Ml - a s«m I vW& I- TMi r * II. SMMM la rr M ct*-tB»M

Boys basketball Camas County 61, IM n l^ l s Christian 20

RURFIELD — B ehhld O u Lee's g o m e -h l^ 13 points, t Comas County M ushere me past th e fhro-playcr TWin R (3 irisdon W arriors 61-20 Monday n i ^ t

TIVvin C hristian plo> w i^ b u t they only hod fh « v sity players," M ushers he coach Ion Bolz so ld “W e wi able to n m d ie floor well a d re th em down.’

IVevor J}olin a d d ed ni points for d ie 6-3 (4-1 Non side) M ushers, w hile C Stewart ch ipped in e i ^ Jes Killingcr scored a teom-hl, seven po in ts for th e Warrio Comas County travels to Bl Thursday.

C M 0m4 tt. T* M CMlin S TTU l4 IS -nCMCwtr i iT i is -c ii r u nAn* >»e> 3 M r, T|*i (M< i MI SWNfi Nti U I.C M U nrtlM tM irX O a

Mt»».OvittUm 9 M1 Urn MM 2 M t. 9nr«

HM1M gcM - TFas (J. Ck<gv. n; Cm Caor J M l. UkuM U < 1 W l - rrCA I S. Ca co> u rtxM om - Cm CoAn KrtK tkmbtu* - Ciras Ccif«|, IMv.

Ughthouse Christian 7c Murtaugh 40

M UKmUGH — The Ugl house Chrlsdan Lions roor dieir vray to a 73-40 road victc over th e host M urtaugh R Devils on Mondoy n ig h t

T he Lions raced o u t to a 2t Qrsl-quoner lead ond built th lead from there. Justin Mormi p u m ped in a gam e-high points for th e Lions, wiiile D« H ernandez added 14, Sha\ A ndrus 13, and Chris Bulch 10.

and billboards touUng th e bic Wiiy isn't Tbrin slmllariy dc

oraiccl noW7 T h is will make you smll

Acclari salcL “If you p u t them i eaiiy, d ie /U get dirty."

Tlicre's work afoot cvei w here. T he m ain Olymj m erchandise sto re — whi hod m ore workers d ian a tom ers Soturday afternoon, 10 rcT^icrs idle ol o n e point sits n ea r th e Po River a t Pio2 Vittorio, w here an undergrou porklng lot has been under cc strucdon for 1.5 years. Alrca past due, it won't be finished t forc th e Olympics, so d i id will be covered temporarily a

“There's just a m ondi left. I a lot o f work left,” toxi drii Pietro Costonza said. “They s d ial for th e Olympics, evci diingw H lbe'bcllo’— d e o n o d ea red u p — b u t we’ll have wait and see."

T he athletes' village a t S( trierc is QUed widi workers a su rro u n d ed by trucks. Ask w hen it will be finished. TOR(

iSt in th e fio r of N e w sp a p e r Tiffany a t 735

k A A M *

i by Pil<>. free* ’ “T h e /Ire m u c* li d . We M u n a u ^ h ead coac ne."; m ander8atd.*T tigyh

a n d they have sho« a r th e to u g h ccrmbinntioa." ’Bing- T teS -T R edD ev ib '

Ing w ith o u t stondc h osts g t ^ C h e p e S a u c ^

ol o n M exico w id i family passing o f his grtmdf M .utinez flnished wU h ig h points, v

•M ottlnez a n d Tbjdc b o th d ilp p e d ln sfx .

■ J S " M urtaugh travels to onThurscucy

HMttuwBiii ""rrf"^m*S

■ ■■ilfcilUltUT-—------OMCMOHlJgafifcOiiSKnM IM ttB B iilM in


1 Falls!o o n Castlefoid 62,

HlchfIoM43* var- CASTLEFORD — A heod Its season open

• w ere R ich fidd 59-30 on Q and Casdcford returned

MondOT evening ot h( n in e Tigers

Jorth- nonconfetenceloss. CW Wolves senior Dre

Jesse snagged 23 reboun l.hloh a lo n g w ith o teom

points, w hile Z ad i Kli 14 points.

“We've h ad real tro press a n d trops a n d tl

, H agerm an d id Oast a n d thatli w hat they C osdeford heod cw

0 G a s to a "Il took u s o gi h alf to finally get it i once w e d id it w as p r

fwiM We played really hai fensoondT verdypro l th e b est gam e IVe i h im play."

H arlle Amy rccordc' 7 3 , h igh 21 po in ts for :

Tbom m ote Shayne posted 19 points.

Ught- C asdcford (8-2. 6 oorcd Moglc Valley Chrlj Ictory Thursday.1 Red

CMMKIMMIC9 20-4tth c ir (Irm in g,1, IQ CASTiiraran^ 19 S(««»VUB.iSSllXltD..TMr7iD csihaw nJch c r

ftwwai - M M a CMM 40 (T.

ibid. spokesm an G io r^o ydcc- laughed a n d sold:

finished." mile," T h e m ain Olympic :m u p TUrin — pain ted the

d ie Olympic r i n ^ the n/ery- will be sold Iw th e d r miDic u p abou t halfofTORC !vhich S97 milUon shordbll - I cus- to th c re s to f th e d ty b ,n , all trion bridge h d d up

__ orch, considered byPiazza Olympics’ m ost b stin raund Tlie biidgo ends ohnn rc o n concictc suspcncl ireadv “ir-golngnovvhere— ;

sano , m etol stai spec ta to rs aw ait theItches

ly and Beside th e rcfuxblsl um in TUrln tha t wil

f t.b u t op en in g a n d d o s l driver m onies, fresh aspholt cysoy roUed last week, every- T bdoy. I 'm very i m ond year ogo, I w as m uc QVC to said Sandro Pertile,

Uon m anoger a t 1 t Ses- 'A thens jC^ves u s a lol r san d d ence. T hey w ere Asked w orse shape, a nd th e OROC o t t l f d i c y d l d h - . . ' '

future!3r in E d u ca tio n (N ) 5 - 3 2 1 2 .

improved.” ad i. Bex Ro- 'h o v e h d ^ aoteia. M a

bw ereplay- d o u t po in t d a who is in ly after th e d f i i th c t lo d ' vU hateam - while Juan

^ o r WUson -


n n ^ n

-After drop-' cnt7 against n Nov. 29, d the f m r home, deal-

a 62-43

»rcw Tverdy m ds to go im-high 15 Kline p u t up

m t^ Ie w ith Id ia tiw h a t it Samrday) y did.":oach Tyler ^gom eanda t l i ^ t . and pretty good, laid on de- robabtyhad i ever seen

jcdogom e- r RlchQdd. e Buckner

6-1) hosts iristion on

M49Q i-a« t7 -0

MTHILZMKk.S ' S i ”"


^0 Delano “W hen it’s

ilcVUlogein (le colors of he bu ild ing dty to make ROCi about I— is linked 'byopedes- ip by o red y some the ting sym bol rupdy.aslab ided in the -y e tA tC e - lands for heir plasdc

llshcd stadi- vill host the ising ccre- ilt was b d n g

’ relaxed. A uch worse," c, com ped-

P rogA ita lot orconfl- : in m uch icy pulled it


H M v .

■ 1

Page 27: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

What’s ON T.V,BASKEiam

• •Wbeorein el Minnesota. ESmSpiB.

•Ntxth Carolina at Vbsinta Tecfi.ESPN2S;30pin.

' *V&ndettOlQlKentucl9.ESm Tpjn.

r m• Detroit 81 Carelina.OUI,

S p a .

Basketballi f i r "

Mnwun“ S S S ”

ir 17 JCO U!S I! S ’J

um S IS “ ®oma S li <i» 1s s r ij 3 s ‘J

o « . *OMRj » II «0 «

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lM<r.«n>hroai<iPlitaiMMiCr,$MaaHDataWOoKniaOofflUIaWIMMmHLAlMaMTMMinOmDcaDiMUMi.9pii n

OiM Hh CHamit &»cm Ct|L f < Sei * « k *» P »

IMi« S n

S S fCMn«MMVMU}pm Saomais « Hgwan. UO p aOtM9BS«Mlpn . LA.UMnitPoUnllpm UitNDaaianU«.U3pp


iuwu^a VS ir. G*a 7»« t Ow»iii} 11. Oral * S M I. UX tal > • } 2 *. W^imUi} ICllVOixDMMWmV

Oijb «-1}» • >ei MOI IM i 4.S». H>rmM t-l »4 £ JattM 112-4 <Mn« »I7 M 14. DiraaasgMIS.IVx«»IMaTfrfcr»? BOO. E Ihcnai >J M t DttfB U »e J, f t* »I »11 Tam » U » TJ M y M S B 9-tr

I. tfcUctf IA Qmn fr 11 wm<0Bi > I UWicn 3-1 Am* 14. OAi ft U FoMTr iij r n[fi-Tn»i r—n nunrPmooSLWHfwaainiAmmT) tail *-ij.rs7

a>4i*atiMnwS I S S 7 . » 11 Ml n curck•i»l ■•ll,T«Tt}.i;MX.CMil'90«>.Deo MI} X Dn lUmt 0 S }4 SUhaat M] M 90. VW Han>tO »4 It WamOO »0 0. Mrmq 04 04 0. ItaV ] I 7i £ «001101(103)J*rB<]7Ul.P«a»ia 1M>».

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SLDgmStOnal) IcMFa*-OM». BaKn.ttittriM OiW 0*raw 7>m Storil Men Dtfmot ?>»• ScBtf A- ISXM(ILe<>

BA1U.»^«X tts*l 1M»SS«. PH«» M4 M a A««S44 04 ft J«M« 7-H 0414. &*«m » M ■ It. AiWMn 04 04 ft Fkat »l< M 3i CaUwx 0104 a Dm M 04 7. VIvun*M 04 3. Um>04 041 TcM 41« IM]<HCM10(1U)Dm »• 7«1, (ewverl* »’614. IWm»W W 3* ft 0»*n 714 > 111 Hn» M4»t».CMra*OI»3aHan»ll»4iaS » ^p *^ U ^O ^n^iP g^l

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Oit-tarar. rMoM»-toa« 31 (Uarain2 s . r s r a K " . s s r »S L ' s s s s s s e r **iwim.A-3i.iaai,nu

s z s T J ' " " * . , .l<M«4>3iaUnfr1>(4n.Un<M1 j «. v a n I j M1 Un>r 4-1] MI CL C<»■n 1-3 01L MIX 00 A tm M N Z.tM M O zraaa

U N Ift 0*»


• A a to m a tic

• A M /F M C D• A U oy W heels

M " ' H n i D L

Scoi" I


dnnn i **• U m .|nw>dUOOlfiii4^M «b].

. if 4 tta. I tn HiKJ • tchnllTMi S:44« tM« n i fm »«M M h

e UM»;ril:MRSttI^t|r;SM 1 « »TW M«Hk — IlM Si to«I li 6«n> ptWn« |r*(M2<9-Slku>l|{|;nih.MB 7lifn.7»*H*.a»tk:IJ0»4f.rrtZ UMKtttUtKSfcMr.« •iMVtBtT-lMl.lOtacUrl

\ U • 101 ttx fo •) to ndw It *> IItifti. I90S tr». K»-(ib UAr.

■* • T «m d - Hm U9i cWr n

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- UWlI >iUli —■nSJtelHwrCTfai) iii-iiik s* )it« iiitn iii.teni (fO. r *f 11 tta. HM-rib„ , SfiAwWMJer

4 4MKWn>RilH|rond77-;7s t(u»«r»bt2i.tgntftt.s«f$

’ • I lia Hid — au «• (U

e'i4 bkUm tntMd 77 • 17U •> SI Itilli. tfia. S li I

tin. H(»-Fil: fJ9i-4:30f;

• - Hn Mlt 7 uw iniu mUm trMBil Itl • 101 ku(t •( U inils. 11 Kiln. lOSa tnn.1 m tm. i •< 7 Ua, Ho-Fit tf-tK tttMKSncMr.

• Om VAf — Kn (« ni I

»fcrtCn> fii1i»3«HJ«BHI,U»T»U Ina 14. RMwnc I-71. ftMWh* >■^ lipW^»».ymfflFoi•*M >a FTMiM « RMmMI 10)

I i iAmu n. FtMtfa I i Mnmt) lariFa**«MhHn«anM 3l.Iirtnti< Mwtf pifcimnTlm Sacenl*-IS.Ca9Cft«44l

9e«Bio WMt AttiMio CcdmoM MM^BnkttbdiStwOBp '

Ttni0i»ji%Jnl CM M M I U H m ca 4 1 CO n 4 AmtlkllM 4 I Al] 14 3 m

■ StfUMCC 4 I eaa I) 2M7OwSta 3 } COQ 13 s rutMwiUW 3 3 4ca 10 9 e»SnMC(«(ei 0 3 coo a S McanDim o 3 xoa 4 i> ao' ScwkW**tAOMioC4Bf«nne«^ UtaBM BnkMbM 6tMdb«a

w L u « L ratal'sM 4 ?’S 13 IM

CsamtM I 4 ^ 10 4 »• S«.Cd!IS C 9 S J iS SFootball

2W5.AH^TMa 'trrnTTBtnn Ti«^a.M»iriTnilft«iriiilii i >jnlidtT4«*a<pir»irf

’ U.)iEMr«S«9»TV<W

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(km* ■

OtrnJ »fS«rtr»M«gt^



DhM FiMrat. M nm li Olt Uamvn, HY

0 ln.[r»W , . . . . . .tire* Di^ OogK o m IkM, tmn

* . .. . . .bwi MMi, Chdox M mnn, Dmw

». IM.eMbn««lkr.O«VlI^D«>' M*aT^IWe*. PBttiyt 6» Sew. I*

npM1 tanlfeeMi.lUMx

tnoojiw‘ Ienta».Nn&9M

'*** MMtatM U ^>aiw >t»»ipctt »««■■■ U;«t,

I ^ ' ^ s r *

< 0 6 H o i

mD L g C A l J F P H O r a M I

».7yOO > W B 4 ^ d 2 d O ,j

)RESANDS' M report

| n ^ UkiL ^ C irS n |d fa .m « H t.ll* (3 p i M4:ISk SA/Sac H-

y i E g i ^S B i l M H ^ t t - n i a ^ a f l J M ltik .IO n a M 7 alf lta .M P M

^ • to ra W ik -h iM ir iM. »a»*t—iha|rnw <M -tlte»51

I f •m kafe .lO natti.l^ i^D tF ii,i L i » M M14IA4Cht • i-vajt

awtoM dN^iiiUllM lllWta t l S iM J tiA tfll •!«. 1 al 11 Ha. m- ii*i)k»i.iJJK|k^i^iJO».; ] . ' '• Mtofa -A utl 7M4 1 anIk - iw Jn —ia»i»p«<l»-ID lhi4

. U«« l»^i.frf.k»*4B$€(A4cW».

• faaluii — HwHOan #»»i«ettU a|iw 4»iiI.« lle t«^ t«llnlb.lOni>n.4*l4Uti.H4*-

• Tta C«tr**i — I n 5;4li 4 » MW kH u >KUa* I»4«4 74 • II

ksiMl*«a.lU ^ tt Bln. Mm fit

IJ0^4».• «r*U M a«ttii-a.it4au l

] Bfti, Mat Fib ta fK Sit la-tf; S«a:

2 Wjwaio*t • Gm^tetWa — H4at:4SaIl

an»nJ«BKkM|ia«M4Iia-IIO lo* 71 ll 71 itUb. leOO «nn. 1001 •Ml. 5 ol J Un. Hia Pit «i-4|; S«tA*«: UA,.

<„ • M im Halt — Haa 4.{0r I n a t. H«"lr MtUia gr«»d IS ■ 10 h- k u fiiM lltitlb . loot a ia. Hal " 11 Un. UtaFtb fa-4f; WtAia: fa-lf.

„ •Sat«U tf~IU a7.C0altiw n rtwjti BitUai f taa d 10 ■ IS kna 11 r $ tf 11 frtia. I«» tpia. 417 4 Un. K*a-

FiblO»{|;li)/Sta: I0a-4f. lU • Smwt l o f t — Hat l:SSa 1 17 atw fttdii Btdiaa iratnl SI - Si I teu leOS afia Haa. na Fib ta-<r:

la; JaJAaeta-lf.• WUlan*a-iitaS:]<4}atw

•w tt(lWrt«J«Bt>Uta|.M«dSl-Sl na U a IS al IS niSi. 100S i ^ . 2 •> 1 It. tin. Kaa-Fib ta-(|: StI/Sn: ft-4 .»K • lad ittK tlaK —tUal.OI«

Mibl rtWa BtiUta |i«tMJ» • 11 1 C a l l 11b. 180«t|4a._________

'• “ ?S“UcMH Satfx. XT CM. 0«K> S i /^OMnl

« Tbw»Hjo»02R(WWiiwn.»a«iCw Xra. InSng^W rPm F«twtF>

I :»aiT>ian«i.UiwtiM(Wig\>caai«i ' lUM Vtm. Chugn o m OIM. Crcn

UMaIt 0>nn:f«;».Urra*aUU(tn«.ClK»n Pitai17 jw<Od>AT«tne>r1 Golf


! i ii^ tStgeCvoi I tlUOM> 7.JUaiLjcnM t tiUKD" I lin.CDO3 I tIUCDO S lanipwm: I 1IM.C0)o i3.ma9Di..t 1 (tsoon

l3.0<o>0;«iY I tlXJXa■ {.OaMlTaia I lljomauaraCamoM I »iio,aa]I OMOrm X »4K02 I fIctiMSmu J I IMKO

■ 1 o o o I w m1 5,’S

2I.MPu«r ’ Ul.oco»DndFuEn I 17J003SHuSiUan I Wteo

» 34,BwC<ir. I IHO®nSanOXM I tTjica37.Jnon(k>* I irscw

ZOOeRi^CapPoiot*W i *

j s r s t , ' S SJOnOlteai 4am«.«nF%ri« 4«l(»SOnaLMB titmftOrrtdTam 3t64177.Vmi^t«)« 3C0SJ}! ! S X ■ S iSISSmlCM KOZ77II.Fra4Ca«M 3477:7I3.UCMCIMV 334043II ta

? ! sa llirr* riaracn Sm !4447.PaiCarr Erg S7MftKinntfiFaria Efg 450aUMDcnM Erq. 4lil

(MMviayiunwDMriMims)I C«nkm}m« ia l.t44US»C.FUIkCmr m I.I3I.«%703 .S ^ 0 « a Sen l.tB.«7M40OIIIMI tng IXSliJin SJmUmOUoM Sen C4.ltO<3&Hn*£Mo> tm 7KXUM7.KvnMF«n« Erg 73IJ4937aPBiCiMi Cng taftlUH«X aO :u ^ Eng U4W04 ISUMDoraO Sen UaiSSII

POAToofSdiMM WInoan J n M - UacMH Oi«pcr«o |Sa«l V

J»)»a-D»Hn»0«wl»CHnr.hW ff DnM(OiM:Ca>«l.RWWM(i>m> "CeunAUaM>Rin9llMUiD>n«CC "laOACaa p Jn » 9 -IV c lM a> ra lb ^F ^

MkP«tiitaaOc(Ln>.Pmiaiird Sp)9MW0C.F'«aBMA.M g

m d a M d g e l i n e JR


STATS- Mw 0«v Maia'cc. Ptoii

D « g |^ La Caa dnaa aid «PK Cn»M. 0 «-On«a Ona; e( Tion T» nNMO«(lMTucBi.Ae. H»»M-lWOwyT*» M om. Os« IM »tl - rM Con) CU

S i S S S S S B rIW leB lI - W5«» C aae. tK ■

nrMM N«e*OC

M » a - M HmHoi Ctan. AMm OCS a ? - i = r » — » . » «


% " 3 H r z i r 'Seewd. U 2 "l'* "2 _*eiOC.Dut*vOr«jKia »l 1 - UMin CHaac. VMMW CC. H*nKn.Mir.

- LL& Op>\ WrgM F<d OC. U»j«i o e - W «wi Ce*. TPC «Ma »Mr I - Dm OMpcnrf*). rpc al nw ivanea. CionMl Con M M - OM VMIM Oon. Ccg lU UCC Lmar&nMr Utl-Mi OmOmc. T?C M Om

(M3 - Mm 0cm. non LMTOOL »>rkMEi^aul - e C Opvi E»Jm OC EaML

Hfc 0*CC.(>in)0Mnc.Ua<AA«»u-T)a nmcml Cnai Pna CCCoainxk.C<*>C7«Tv>>n7(L IMtfi CC.

FfnanCCISoACaMLM'mOno 'Sy*£tt C -v uma

UCC.VcaiW.aufl>HR 1417-M LuTtm Qmc. NraM wjottaacant). t«nii«cr.H MIV34 - VWRi tuM C(an. LjCvm CCStnMnbet 0 4 - IV9K Ckl lUM GICCU.

' S«tSO<l1-SaiMnr«mD>m>iO»kK »Oai-WCCAnwxm bptM Oww«^ !>• 0»»*. I Wi«rtih»*. Er»

«(£u CoSlSitt^HC.^™**^011M S - Ln V* v»«aacr«l. TPC ■ SumMK am TfC a <• Coim Vigil Oct 1K2-Fm CUac « ra voa Owtn WM HM Uj KU GC <M Pan CC LjUoa ChanvcR WMtn l>

Nk M - Thi Iw CMrw-M). EM LaM GCUniHk *7 •• OMn Q«a«<gi. Ci^IM l» 13 - • STvt U oM Ttww CC I2?S|4 - 1 Weefi McuOiilirga. LU* iJe tt™ fiwt HmdFiav Nnlax. t l - • Q« CipM Oalwgi. .T>C « M

IrtK SM Cam. Trt» g ^ u a j t t p g ^ Wi_UC...,Tl. CaretCU Cana. ttJm . DatSaoa

LmTborSotwAd*Jn 3UI - > vrawi WM) 0« a Cd.Ciri Rm Co>«¥ CIS. Si4> C»1 Soa Uv*FA 1» 11 - EOS Opw M T>/M Di Ta«rS aS i^O [« ito O i5 c t“

l»t>-UBii>Ctr4 Cttnc. Omm DMCCUnceCrrHk» t»ta-Mn>r MmacrM. £«n.KX UaMM UCC. bCMOKn Uwan. Ui IM 9M«lt 2 - Kna IIMB 0>TVM« IM» HM CC ItM a<cn IcuwTM Cam IMoUm Cia /HU 1>1i-LnuSiM CMM Tta IM Vi^CC.L«Vi^

. s s s i f f s i s r . .>m Knoi 4CU.CMMI9. FlaUtr M - Forax Airran Ung * D«’C» n v . Vmu Ijgvca CUi (VW Hgna CamLFm*vt«n -liar 1M4 - uma* MTIU Ocan. Krgimlnrai t :m. womcua v>1% tM1 - S|UM Omc. W,t«l CC. Hr*^ » a - |l W Ccmrg Ome. CemngJm 34 - SNtte IKA Cuoc. S*M«Tnnhp.liJ ■**J n »11-lUKnMfi IPOA O«f0Vv.DA ltx> (^ IM ai Oiac*. UIJ1r1a0 a-W17nK.JPQA.UM Ita CtPBtoiK*. Ac* 2»>Ur 1 - U £ nowl ftan. N«^ CCMn;al.niji«r M - Hsac ivswit vMi Utt» Ptrr opntfv. IWf«a.f ann cc. OMira.JJr tvil - JVM Fan Om CoTvg Ckix.

i a Anw. l|Mn Si Am.Hig 1»t3-CN CMaMT nMl CtM.LMji KH M ca IMn. 0«n

«>a M7 - w>wt owomrv to CM- ma Tmw FM OC CUibv CMtfsrrzroa M - Cm UiiM 0>araaw« TmU*W riMM« OC. IMa. liinlB oa tMI - Sirwq WoU C^a•vnrc. B«HCnH CC iCvrn Conti. PanOiwtoa - D Hr* »XQN Qaiac. T>» CLA H Hra IMm «v Do. SaA KOM •Mh. »« - luira Oaoc. KaiMqmt CC.Itoi.»13 - T>a UCMI Com LfYU Ta«- nrMM a OaRipcra. naail Mw CciWw.l»W-iWn -|>Tt>«Oaa-g».U«Wn-^l- IMAftort*!« T>a MIT. Twip



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•SS^«*S2^?p»>n<a>M a«C»a99.*XpmltoVM«Cc*nai7pnTransactions


OEVILANO #awC-*7~41> •»-» «®O'tost l«aratK>K ent lira Mojt cov naL0SWCEHSiWCIL5-<l«’«all'*M»m Sal UU a ra PO. Ifva £ii*n nao*5 Sffci LmST SS»?uS3 nw^?"njC^gGotaeaferggaaiaHwaClr

mmey # ra Anrtrii iie»» roe*.

LMeMTATWHS-Aewd U Wrt i«l l>»DMIAHO At 14 EncS-AffMd U wrm •«>Of DXt7 U*i on a entnafttroid ltATT\ £ UWUit n s - ^ B 1«™ «««(ip« m3 ra Imna Vna cnuSffi?i^Srs-4*iMCjw «»►

TC^ottl^wSttratf fta Otor

oeaoo CtJB5-TwJ«0?3»«» Ptrnmu ra e«m>* <Mn lo SS HM Staan «4 l>#C«WPm>OCtrutI ntDS-XjrMnc>w4 SIM tm

cawuoo"naxS-«»»3B k*a •*■ c- HCWIC»IA5™»355oiim.eiLHP lOWiME NF rv»WwSStW S tmU£-A^ B wna

BI a Icmrg M Jl FliMS B nngii.

rUtttaaLaa itPORT ST lUCE wn5-*4««l Oafr Ca» Cai»/aljamt HEW IWrtN cuntns-sijra etrewa

atf jrffruaigtavKCtr NiminLaa^. FMOOUXrtlEAOnEClKUmS-SAira ccrtnd a IKP ow/Um B ta Ou9>CiMQWf SOtmCKVa fWCATS-Airo/cig LhPTmAlrvit.JCXET J«nuin«ns-s9»i RW r,4« HAKSASorr T DC»iES-&tr«i ra«* Dw C»V G0lI>EYtS-S9«4 or Hut,Danu


n*5A(un>6^Sa<w?w*«'WMdOUaKiaxa• rocT&ijj. Itfl-FiadTiMin S S*r^«> S17AQ b verg n ra In a Tana Df; RS UcMC»C««T1 D(HC*15-6gr»4 ftfl Jaral basvt TE n m GMM S HKSwDtn Jm. 01 P«a LaOaM. t E Oam SiMmv 0 KM tllMI. Q &>Mn ivn ua*W«M M RB Oim waicnMCXSO»UE MGLMnS-Soad DC MCk Ctf- Li AW. r etrtwca. OC 0"wi HmtL9.!»» Knvn WA CM ONra. Wn FM M^PTY OctF5-«»Ta4 Hatnar. C»

N(W 1VK jn&~S9<M C OWW Ltaut M DO J«nn I>|«> B Rman*Tuw« Can- fKS /MnaP«*dljaait UWCrU RATTIE RS-S«aa7s U> vran Dw"an) Ol a It«oi Uatala WSni «1UH5l£nS-6 ra>l W1» LD IfcnafrOMCnOICACO njm~zv^ wn od OawFoatai. WH 00 Ua<a» Itoxi ana a 01 »ncacnuio cnusti-s9ad a a c»g i»Swiws OC5TnOr£RS..Ciiad 00 Tb.HOI. OS Cana jancn an] K Un Kaan UOnOMfCnCE-SvadVmDOJmnt lum vmu) DcntU imt ird wn (fl OiMittCslRWSW ctrr CRiOAO£-S,7»l 00 S»>.D*«1 M FSU) Ora Unn F\tM«d FD>IM (MUAD(ATDHS-Svad WR 00 An>HUJfTUZ MlS-S^ad K Tinr Oaaov F>LB jMtK l«nno m) K Jstfan (UkvRaanda-aAmi U£cnal msa DC ' JiilWl^VMOSOfrAMMOS pISimSm SOIA-Svad FDIB Oma SM xec SAOt ncATs-soad m 00 K«N<A>tM. 00 stnti Caaa and « jam G«M wumnFccealBOOUNOnX EXTREUC-Cvad a SMan WUa. n Jnua toam DC UxW Ccna. W- WflO»T«Otai.K5yanCanDimnitr|tC M w euF-j^w nia^^tt&OUX FAILS STO -C ad OO T«a Cr r MMTiimnana

wcMOOtJCTwio-J«uairPiw4 COOAWJO *VAl;LNC«-F»«a»id F ftad

H Ei F o r d E s c a p e ]ii u l s e • P w r M o o n R o t Hr • A U oy W h e e ls W /P L

MSRP *27,095 ^ Save *3,862

l * 2 3 p :I ? m o m J B i u

a08 .73 jS J4S 0 » »

— S pokiNotre Dame's l ^ n i to enter NFL draft

SOUTH BEND. Ind. ~ 1 Dome's Anthony Fosonoi o f th e nation's outsUu t l ^ t ends, win enter the draft a n d f o i ^ his senioiSOIL

l^san o said he m ode u m ind after Ohio State bci IrUh In the Fiesta BowL C Chaille Weis missed M or news .conference becam was o u t of town, b u t he ported Fosono's dcdslon.

“Despite the fact we’d for Anthony to return, wi lecognlzc that he has a opportun ity ahead o f 1 Wcls said in a sta tem ent

Fasano was one o f ihr nallsts for the John Mi

' Award, v e n to a top tight He is Just four hours shy i ceiving his marketing deg

He w as Ndtic Dame's leading receiver in 2005 w; catches, for 576 yards, school iccord'for tight ei 54 catches for 797 yartls s KcnM acAfceinl977.

In three seasons witl Irish, Fasano had 92 catch 1,112 yards. MacAfee hole career rccord at Notre I w ith 128forl.759yards.

NFL and marketers of Levttra part ways

NEWYORK — T hcN at Football League and the kcters of erectile dysfun drug Levitra have optc b cnch the ir three-year sponsorship dea] w hen i pW s in Maich.

Brian McCarthy, on spokesm an, said th e Ic chose to end the relatioi because “the ads shifted men's hcaltli to o p e ilb rm lifestyle issue." The chan, advertising stratcOT madi NFLimcomfortable, McC said.

Som e of Levitm's ads been critidzcd for their

, conlcnt, along with othe for erectile dysfunction, ac lo the backlash against d. to 'co n su m er pharm acei advertising. Aavertising g lines adopted by the com panies last year say ads w o u ld be taigeted toi audlcnces that are n o t a | priate for the message, a i

wjdely viewed as an atteiT lim it children's exposui eicctile dysfunction com dais.

Cubs give up on Patterson, trade him

CHICAGO — O uin Corey Patterson, oncc pn cd os the Chicago C^bs s the future, was traded t< Baltimore Orioles on Mo for a pair o f m inor Jeap shortslop Nate Spears anc hander Carlos Pcrez.

Tlie 26-year-old Paitc h it .252 vrilh 70 hom ers In o f six major league sea with tlie Cubs, appearir 589 games. He was the ( first-round pick and th ird ; er taken overall in the am ateur draft.

He started 111 games in ter field for the Cubs last strura^ling wilh .215 avc and just 13 .homers in gam es. The Cubs demolExi toTViple-A Iowa to work o batting stroke, and he nl 24 gam es in tlie m inors b' returning.

P a ite i^ n was booed Ic a nd often at Wrigley Field becam e expendable aflei ofbcoson acquisitions of Pierre and lacquc lones.

Taylor fined $17,000 fbr spitting at PIttma

ASHOUnN.Vil.— Wasl ton Redskins safety Sean T was Oned $17,000 Monda (he NFL for spitting bl the ofTiUnpa Day Buccsmeers n ing back MichacI Piltmaj

Thylor was cjccted and nalizied for unsportsm ai c o n d u a forspittm gat Pitt In the third quarter o f S day^ playoff game. The oil was considered so cgrcf that Pittman wasn't pena for slapping Tbylor in the m et in retaliation.

The am oim t o fth e fine 1 playoff bonus each Redf

S 5 i |X L T«X>f ^

;33*V■ B E ^ S F h»SOO.473.5797 (£axJU /aaa

• 1bMd inui

'TS IN BRIEQpO player received for

round gam e, w .Redskins w on 17-10

— N otic Ib ^ o r cscapcd sinok o ne for tils action. KccpI standing, the acttvc roster forth e NFL game a t Seattle,alor Eca- Tbylor d id n o t

after th e gonie. bu t!I c u p h ls edh ls iiu ioccnce to lb ea t th e and a ssistan t conI C o a c h Williams.^ o nda/3 Thylorhasbeenflia u se ne times in h is two-yeah e sup- a bevy of inlmctlons

Dn. $25,000 for skipve'd love league's m andatoi, vve also symposium. Ho hasI a great season Ones for iUcg}f m m ," uniform violations,n t $5,000 for w earinthree Q- “ cks that resem bleMackey ^ this year's hi

i^ te n c L .againstPhiladelphiah y o f re - . Ho lyos InvcsUgaidegree. league lost season fcle's third spitting a t C indmw5w ith47 H oushm andzad^ T he fine was leviedt ends Is no video cvidend s s e tb y _ , . . .

Twins ask judge S h L f o r voldMetrodome

MINNEAPOLIS- •e D am e neso ta IW ins l” . H ennepin C ount)

Judge on M onday ti .- the (cam Isn't oblige** the M etrodomc aftcys son.National .. " ™ ’ Is 'i ie m ar ^^ad, T\vins law fu n a lo n M»gnuson told ludj

S “ o!d•n^f ^ dome.

‘ llo^vever, d ie Me nn MBI Spotts FaciUUcs Co

w h ld i runs d ie M

S T r n S aBrccmcn( to remi ^ M etrodome until a

park is built. f f i i S Porter said he’ll r

. d s h a drh ^ r^ ,^ have no long-term i

L ? to play in d ie 2> M ctrodom eandhav

.t a l r« t- Qippp Qj, J, w a r .to .since the 2004 seaso

g guide- C orcyA yling,the tlie M etropolitan Sp

ia y D T ^ lies C om m ission! to avoid team has acted as i t appro- Jong.tcrm tenan t a .a m o v e naily has operatec tem pi to 1998 agreem ent )surc to througli 2003. »m m er- “Conduct a n d act

a lot louder tlian WOI told (he judge. “The ceptcd all (hcse cl

,1,1, (liey behaved cxacti agrrcm ent h ad bc^er


, a ^ S S B ra d ld to tlie Dakota keep nicM onday INDIANAPOUS * eaguers; and North D akota v an d left- to kc*ep (heir Amerii

nicknames during N aHcrson season play this se ; In parts still might lose them seasons ,un..

e Cubs niitice d id not m a decision regardin

lte 1990 school's appeal durli , ing Monday, allowir

. i lV rem ain th e Dr Nonli Dakota to keci

in ^ v f i ‘"8 Sioux nlcknam ..lldlllm ; ; r a l l .h o p a n d in o .

d loudly ‘ Ilniinated botli sd i le ld an d *>osting postseasor Lfler (heo f Juan Bradley an d Non

were am ong 10 deem ed l)y th e NQ

n n gust to have nl mascots or logos tlia

m a n tiie o r abu.sivc“ to /ashing- Indians, an d both sc inTbylor pcalecL nday by An NCAA staff re\ th e face mlttee rejeciEjd bldi e rs run- schools to be reme man. die list, so (hey appe; a n d p e - cxccutivc commiltee m anlike "Nortlt Dakota wl P ittm an harm less th rougli if Sattu-- m eeting, and d ie ; ; offense proach will be (aken p tg io u s because d iere w as a inalized to complete d ie disci d ie hel- a d cd slo n wasn't

NCAA president My n e ls th c saitL



naryl0,3006 TlnwiWw.TWtoRiF U s ,k i^ [W

^ -----------‘or (he flrst- which, the 10.1 suspension p in g h im on 3r this week's

It com m ent It h e protest*0 team m ates oach Gregg

fined several car carccr for ns. induding Jpping th e lory rookie as several bi- cgal hits and IS. induding 4ng striped lied a barber hom e game

lia.?aied by the for allegedly

na ti receiver idch. but no eca use there ence.

'e te le lease— The Min-

asked a )ty District r to rule dial ^cd i^^ iay in

stone-cold wycr Itogcr idge Q ianc's g to a 1998- <r theleaiTilo

vfetrapolitan ::ommI.«ion. M etrodome, lave a legal n a in in the a nc*w ball-

1 rule in tvra eal is expect- w hich side

n icn d they n agreement 24-ycar-oId

avc operated o-year basis son.-10 lawyer for sports Facill- 1. said (he s If i( were a

and essen- ed un d e r a [ (ha( ran

ictlons speak rtJrds.’ Ayiing hey have ac- checks and

cdy as if (his ■en signwl."

dley,N.ilcknames1 — Bradley I will b e able rican Indian ; NCAA pos(- season. but :m in d ie fu-

:cuiive com- lake a final ing either j ln g a m e e t- ving Bradley Braves and «:p lis Fight- m e a t least lext m eeting

I postseason s lo take ef- \vould have d ioo ls from on tourna-

3rtli Dakota 18 schools ICAA in Au- nlcknam es, :iatare"hos-0 American schools ap-

review com - ids by botli noved from lealed to Uie ee.will be held :i th e April1 sam e ap-:n (6 Bradley . an inability

^ s s lo n a n d t reached." .^yles Brand

Tl vrtro reports


Page 28: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

P ag cD -4

Market WaJaa9,2006

fX y liT O .LnuBluUn

N u d v i conpo«Re 2^1

St6cks of local (ITcloso

tdacorp $30.63 Con Agra $20.56 Dell Inc. $31.32 Micron $14.70



Oil. by barrel $63.50 ( l l^ t sweet crude)Uve cattle $96.47 Cheesebarrel ' $1.3400 no < blocks $1 .3675 no (

GoW(Apr((| $552.7P

Brieflyi n M q n e

Micron’s ventu with Intel seali

B O IS E -T h e deal Is d create IM Flash Ibchnolc jo in t venture by Boise- M icron Tbchnology, Ini Intel Corporation. Micro d a is o n M onday anno the closing th e d e a l Th com pany will monufi NAND flash m em ory for consum er electronics, r ab le storage a n d han com m uplcado iis devict dushrely for M icron and 1

M icron stock dosed cen ts on the New Voiic Stc change Monday, finish! $14.70.

Intel stock do sed up 16 o n th e New York Stoc change Monday. Qnishi $26.47.

Home Depot buys Utah business

ATLAWR — Tlic f Depot Inc., the nation^ k hom e improvement store c said Monday It has hnngt Chem-Diy carpet and u store deanlng provider to a its hom e installation busi Tferms o f the deal bctwee lanta-based Home Depot Logan. Utah-based Qicrr UTOTnotdisdoscd.

Chem-Dry will bccom e of H om e Depot's at-hom e ices division, which p ro InstallaUons o f flooring, ro- and cab ine try Chem-l leadership team will rema place, H ome Depot said.

NFL and marketeri of Levltra part way

NEWVOHK — The Natl Football Lcagiie and the i keters o f erectile dysftinc drug Levitra have optei b ench their three-year sponsorship deal w hen i( p lies in March. Brian McCa a n NFL spokesman, said league chose to end the : tlonsh ip because “the shifted from m en’s health perform ance, lifestyle iss The change in advertising s egy m ade th e uncomfortable. McCarthy i

Trade between Cub and China soars

MIAMI — A deluge of nese prtxiucts arc flooding C uban economy

R o m the export o f hou3d appUaiues to prom ised im m ents in Ctibab nickel an< industries, China Is mpldly com ing a b ig player in island— its second largest 0 p a rtn e r os o f September, from fourth pIocc In 2004, cording to Cuban F o rd ^ T t M inistry figures. Venezuela m ains Cuba^ m ost genet econom ic partner - - selUn up to 80XXW barrels o f oil o o n ea w financial terms.

In iwvem ber. C uban Dep PoTEign Mlnlstei Rnfad Da p u t the total bflateral trade V China fin-ZOOS a t$ l b illioa



a a s t e r - D o w J ow ia e o • ' j ^

a b o v e 1ByCM stophei

^ ■ 2 ^ A fo c te tad Prea

, , . NEWVQRK-' In tO reS t industrial avcn

ll,OOOMonday '■a before thr f * terrorist atjock>6 A .13 five-day rally )2 A .68 stocks soarings ro A .23 The average

p ^ D g stocks e nded ti ^ o r 0.48 perccr

T he last tim e tl J o s above 11,000 w.a w hen it do sed t50 .^ n g o M onday’s ad\ ‘0 ’ 241-polnnuige

vestors grew17 A .42

no change no change7 A 9.4 I

Pago D6

LY 1j E Y H B

i t u r e 9 | H

a l e ddone to .

lolodcs, a ilse-Bascd I n a and

[cron ofD- i n o u n o ^The new

nufacture fo ru se in

rcmov- handheld vices cx-

cd u p 23 Stock Ex.Ishlng a t

[shing at

ysThe Mazda Kab

! H om e attention of bai largest inlroauced Its I

iredialn. ,

Jfp'h'?,! M u s c l tto add to

S S g e n e r a lp o t and n « . - lem-Dry ByDoo-AnnDu

AMoclated Prem e p a nm eserv- DETROITprovides Chrysler are di ; roofing ous sedans a t tJ m -D rys American Intc im ain in Show. Ford Is < 1 cled new cross

hyping a subcc a r f t oge o f th e SU)

end in th e Uni f a y s - world’s autom

.division, said ij

S 't o e - ‘I

nicies b u t i Interior comfo

Automof Chi- •ling the g r o w m

iiseholdinvest- By Kan TTKXnasand olt Aaaoclated P mkflybe- -----------------------in th e D E r a o r r — 1

sttrode h l ^ gas pricesxr. u p dustry has facet>04, oc- selling large spcnTtode d e s lately. Buttela re- stfll h l ^ from fnerous Ing • p lenty^ninfi it . cannakers niayQ o o i^ dote: th e crosso

Crossovers suOepitty EscapeandH onDousa o n c a r platfon

jew tih motorists morenx ride, ore expt-a

r^ n r t* ^

Aockshf o n e s r S S f

r i a l s c l o s e nents Gen

1 1 , 0 0 0 S ^ T e

» .v tas "S K S ,.*rew m tter_______ cco n o m y :

pretty haiK— The Dow Jones past few ''crage dosed above months," ]iay lortheflrsttim e vestm entstheScpt. 11.2001, C a .s a ld o

tcks, boosted by a monLUy that has sen t Hogan s>g so for In 2006. (y aboutge o f 30 blue-chip tightening,I the day u p 52.59. and newx n t . at 11,011.90. from 4010cc the Dow Qnlshed have conu) w a s lu n c 7 .2001, ke tig a in slx ia t 11,090.74. -We proladvancc followed a i t . 'h e saidIge last week as in- companiesew increasingly weather thi


Kabura, on display at the North Am baby boomer# who are fuollng tho ts Dodfe Challenger concept beiec

l e c a r s t o s u b c o

a t i n g b u z z a t a u

burtin Motor C a vPress writer segm ent wl

crossover.— Lexus and The 2007

: debuting luxuri- boasts shaiIt this year’s North distinctive titem ational Auto the Ford F uis offering a chls- pected to hiossover. H onda is fall- Mark Bbcompact. As the d e n to f th e />UV comes to an vch ide wlUJnlted States, tlie crossover mDmakers ore en- ting morc c rrace to flgurc out "If you 1(trends. right no\v. Itn e of this year's lot o f vehliistomer choice." honest, are.hcadofH ytm doi descript." FiiNorth American But the tr

d in an interview vehldes a t thAssociated Press the m u sd e i

the success ivehicles — tang — ar

lower to the dom oring oI spon utility ve- — U.S. au

offer sim ilar back 40 yearnfon — arc cx- ration. Dalrr itseUSUVsinthe3 th ^ year. Ford Please si

makers pushin ing crossover sitas . traditional Sre ts wrtter theflrsttim c,

Automake — Dampened by ' several newCCS, the auto In- models, callticed tough limes North Amertiport utility vehi- al Auto Sho u t with dem and ' showcase stan fiunlllcs want- views Sunda/ o f space, the public Sailay have an anti- Dealershipjsover. have plentysuchastheFord crossover m

[ondaCR-V built w ith about 5b rm s that give able, analysts3IC o f a cor-llke irom411astyi« a e d to outsell adozen ln20 i

4 o iTuesday, Janua

iitpr(istic tha t the Federal Re- ativiU soon e nd Its string o f ro:t rate hikes. Investm ent mjpg radesofD ow com po- lir Seneial Mo tors Corp. andson Chase & C a h d p e d noth e index p ast 11,000 w tty os:nds a signal tha t th e U.S. quny has weathered so m e Imharsh storm s over th e cairw years' ond In reccn t at9," Art H o g aa chief In- Iiun t s t t a t e ^ t a t Jefferies gf 1Id o f the Dow% achlevc- als

Stain said h d ^ te n e d clori- roso u t th e Fed’s ra te 1.2lng, stabilizing oil p rices N anv Investm ent m oney 13.)100 and pension funds 2 3antributed to the m ar- 20.ins in the new year. Eprobably can hold on to ylelmid of the 2006 rally "If notnies can .co n tin u e to 4 3 'r this energy surge, oper- wa-


American International Auto Shi the reiurgonce of muscle cars II u e d on a 1970 model, and Qeni

: o m p a c t s ■

a u t o s h o w H

a wants to lead that with the Ford Edge

)07Fbrd Edge, which ihaip lines a n d the /e three-bar grille o f Fusion sedan, is cx>

} hit shovyrooms.this Ic Fldds, ^ rd !s p re^ - ncAmcricas, sold the kvlU stand o u t in a q, u i . r Ihal Is get-B crowded. tmvalllru look a t th e CUV tional/ V. it^ p opulated by a appeal chicles, that, q u ite are som ew hat n on - ■— 'F id d ssa ld .B truly drool-worthy It this year’s show are de cars. After seeing Auto » s of the Ford M us- inte

and hearing th e ■ ore g o f b a t^ boom ers oodi autom akers w en t a mi

'ears for som e inspi- 425 'oimlerChrysler AG's 200;

IS see AUTOS, Page D64,0(

mg into segment

a S uva in 200G for me. jLi.iikers arc toudng lew designs o f th e . . aiUed CUVs. a t the lerlcan Intem ation- Show. The Detroit started m edia prc- " "

iday and opens to S?®: Saturday. h lpsarecxpec ted toIty to ofTer in th e ----------

m arket in 2006. ^t% t i t 50 m odels avail* . decode, ysts sold. T hat^ u p . n e t.a n i s ty ea ran d iu sto v c r V\feridw 12000. Ford


NE\iary.10,2006emiate in a higher interest rate ciw ronm cnt and croate Jobs, tli market should be able to cor tinue this rise."

H ie m arix t faces key ect nomlc data o n retail sales an wholesale priccs later th is w ed as Vfcll as th e upcom ing fourtl: quarter earn ings s'casor Investors M t the ir first w hiff c :am ings from a p rofit shortfa It a lum inum p roducer AIco nc. after th e dose.

Broader stock Indicators wer ilso a t m ultiyear highs. Th Standard & Poor’s 500 Indc ose 4.70. o r 0 3 7 pcrcent. ti .290.15. a 4 1/2 year h i ^ ; (hi <Iasdaq com posite Index adde< 3.07. or. 0.57 percent, ti 1316.69. its best d o se sincc 0.2001.Bonds fell slightly, w ith thi

leld on Ihe 10-year Thiasur lote rising to 4 3 8 percent frori 3 7 perccnt Friday. H ie doUai ms h i ^ e r against m ost majoi

’ te

Show (n Detroit, Is a concept ve I like the Ford Mustang. Alto b1 meral Motors imvelled Its Chevt

UchaelQanalofBMWaddretsei lilnj tha MlnWoncept Oetrott t\ I Auto Show In Detroit. It's omo al to coRsumen Jittery abotit hi.

Vehicles gener

xtomaksr* are Introdiutnc 36 va itemotlonal Auto Show In Detroit re getting tho most buzz:>dg« Challenger concept mujcio car.bosod on o 1970 moc 2&^crsepow«r Homi onglno.M>7 Lexus L8 4608«Jon that brings Lexus to a newlg rear soots and a 19-8peakorso,000 songs. Tho so<ian goes on stry*)*r Impetlal concept1 eye<atc)ilng sodanthat looks sirhantom.*vrol«t Camaro conceptupdate of tho classic sports car.

Tglne.OTHondaFTtsutKompact hatchback for younge: ils spring for around $14,000. O rro rd E d ^entry for lha growing crossover m

o ^ lle of tha Ford Fusion. It goes • l y n u C Ns sedan Is the first vehicle by a C lar at the Detroit show. Qeely sayi ineraUon cf this car to tho U.S. m

} the sedan o f the next thtle.” said M ld u e l Robl- fern au to analyst w ith GSM “sh hvlde.•d M otor CO. u n v d le d Pl«

I marn w i- o m e n d e s . tm d golc

the c i t e d upw ird .con- Crude oil a n d n a tu n

tures ra ticatcd s s millcco- w eather pervaded theand A barrel o f Ught crudfreck, cents to $6330 o n th e irth* M ercantile Exchange,sotL natimtl gas slipped 27.2f fo f $ 9 3 6 0 p c rl.0 0 0 cu b ic ft£oD T he Dow cam e wlIcoa points o f 11.000 last N

b u t fell b ack am idvere about inflation a n d .h iThe prices, co n ccm s thatidex ih en m rk e tfo rm u ch o f. to "I ihb ik technicallythe day^ increase) could be

ded a s lo n g a sw c d o n 'tg c tiito nom lc surprises." sa

Feb. Groerweld. h ead tradci nance Investm ents. "Tl

the should support this Icvciury The b lue ch ips arc s t■om than 6 pcrccn t b d o w tllUar lim e high o f 11.722.90,1ijor Ian. 14, 2000. a s tho hi;

vehicle trying to a ttrac t tha ) a t the ihow, DalmlerChrytler levrolat Camara concept.

ises the media Monday while t a t Ihe North American Interna- tmong tha concepts'designed to I high fuel prices.

leratlng buzz

vehicles ol the North American 3lt Somo ofthe vehicles that

nodol, updated with a 6.1-llter,

«w level of luxury, with massag- -sound system that stores in sale In the fall.

' similar to tho Rolls Royce

ar. with a 400hor8epowef. V-a

Tger buyers that goos on sa le '

ir martat. wlUi sharp lines and oes on sale this ftil). '

a Chinese automater to op- tays tt plans to bring tha next .market In 2008 .—AP

th e 2007 Edge o n S u n d iv of. fe riiu 0 vehido It sold would “shato up r th e croaeover mar-

^leaso see CR0S30VEH. Rafis' D6

f -


T h e Tin

k Tho Dow Jones averaooaoesod for tho flrst timo e 2001 tonortstatl D ow Jonaaw M

jold prices ttooo

turalgasfu- ---------DiUd winter 11.000 - i-j—|- i iibis'sw N ew Y ork 10.0 0 0 M lig c . w h e re l li ]! ijfLl! 7 .2 c c n ts to IH':’’lie f e e t 0.000w itW n 16 P r ] [ 3 ] [ '

It M arch 7,id w o rr ie s e .000 -l.h ig h e r o il b J u I Ela t d o g g ^ ^ ^to f2 0 (^ WJ Bl tl2ally (M o n - •pfonminao>cakul«i b e so u n d , s o u r c e : xoi«»t«, p ta n y e c o -

sa lci Bill b o o m app ro a ch cidcr a t vFl- th e y h a v e recovi"T h e d a ta th e ir low o f 7 .2 8 a

level" O c t 9, 2002. \^4lc still m o rc w re s t le d w ith 1w th e ir a ll- s lo w d o w n spixm)0, r e a c h e d ta ck s o n th e WoriiJ h l ^ - t c c h a n d P e n ta g o n the

Aliti-tsentiiiholdsGAFIagreeiBy Evolyn (rttanl Los Angelas Times

Growing anti- m en t in seve American coun trie a trade agreem c United States that la tinch jan . I.

U nder the America Free Thidi Ihe U n a g re e d toi kets ftirtner to A m erican produc sugar a nd oppard while those counu to lower barriers 1 goods, high-tech p services. Central Al cm m en ts also sole Strengthen their lal

, ronm cntallaw sSom e experts s

” could pose probliCentral America d( rising skepdcism

I j H ' trad e across Latl CAFIA has bccomi in nex t m on th ’s d e c d o n in Costa R country tha t hasn't agreem ent, a n d an t lm en t is runn ir

^ several countries ti to com plete the Ic necessary to p u t th ___ in placc.

I Som e countries ath e requirem ent lb m ore teeth In th d r property lows. Hea say these changes,

I U .S .hlgh*techand|tlcal companies, w

, , harder to get low-<' m edicines needet

AIDS.U 3 . officials dowi

1 delay, saying such often take longer thi to com plete. The w hich in d u d es <

1 Hondtm is. NicarogVttdor, Costa Rlcz D om inican Rcpubil th e m ost complcx the U 3 . has tackled the num berofcouni sues InvoKred.

i- Given that the Uialready has one of m ost open markets, ad justm ents ore bi

Pleas© see TM


C A FT A U go , becom e a real

ju s t going to I a little bit me elementally

_ originally pkot-

9 9

D6 -DanMC

m i a 135-3259

im es-N c w s

asIndustrfaJ .9d 11,000 Monday0 slnco boforo tho attacks.M ld y Jan. 3 .2000 I1 ,522£6 ------

tan. 9 . 2 0 0 6 - ^ i i , o i i . « r - T - t

l i p S E '

K XJ3 W t»5 -oa ulsSona


h ed Its peak, b u t rvcred wcQ fram }&27, re a d ie d on ^4lilc th e nation1 a n econom ic irred b y th e at- ir id T h id e C ^ te r h e year before.



•M ____________

d-trad e sen ti- veral C entral ries h as h d d up nen t w ith th e at w as sla ted to

U .S .-Central ide A greem ent0 o p e n its m ar- • »1 Key Central (ucts. su ch os rd a n d textiles, itries prom ised s to U.S. fiihn I p roducts and A m erican gov- ild they w ould labor a n d cnvi-

1 so ld a delay b lem s fo r th e deal, given the m ab o u t free atln A m erica, m e a h o t issue B p residen tia l Rica, th e only

n 't ratlfled the ind -trade scn- ling h ig h In 1 tha t hove yet legal changes th e trade pact

9 are balking a t tha t they p u t

d r intellectual !ealth activists 3 , p u sh ed by dpnarm oceu-

m ake it kr<ost generic led to tre a t

iw nplayedthe h agreem ents ihancxpccted e ag re e m e n t

G uatem ala , agua. El Sal-, lea a n d th e biic. is o ne o f X trad e pacts ed b ecause o f m trle san d is -

U nited States jf th e w ojidb ts .th e b l g ^ being m ad e


j o i n g t o

ality; it’s :I happen lore in- y thanilanned [

o b w M ,>ln>tltut*

Page 29: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

W iU Jr r* f ie R /b a n o ld stock-

I sayJszA sJonuaiyf JL c p M s tt ie y c u

Let% h o p e 80. a s Ol staitedBtzong.

In (be last 55 y e a n , the oiyB aiom ctei” hassignii m lsffluged th e Stand P o d ^ ftiD-ycor results a tim es, according to a st YhloHintcfa. a u th o r o f th{ olStocklhtdcx^AInuuuu

I h e Qist flve tnidlRg d especially slgnlflcant: 1950, there have been 31 slons w h en th o se d ay i^ te te ie d a ea in Hot the S ln d (^ a nd m o se w ere fo by fuQ-yeor gains 30 tinu

Ih e re ore aQ ldnds o f t] for th e January eCCect F itb a aglf.ftilfllling prop w ith investoiB buying i stio n g s t a r t thereby b stock prices u p fUrthcL

O r m aybe January b a I f icsh nuuket analysis of distractions o f th e hollda

Wo Just d o n t k now But It^ n o t h a rd to

s ta n d Ib esd ay 's big Investors w ere thtillct

Trade__C«rtlnuedfto(nD4 sou th o f Its border.

“We’re basJcalJy wi w ith th e g avem m cn ts to sure th a t everything is Ur for tho og reem ra t to be lo go in to e ffe c t’ sa id 1 M oorianl. a spokesw om th e O m cc o f th e U.S. Representative.

O th e r ag reem en ts tolcen th is long a n d Ion take th e n ext s teps, an d going o n w ith CAFIA is m gunusuoL ''

I to d e experts expniss d en cc th a t th e dea l U serious dongei. C e n tra l/

Hot* DNUM Oig ote l a

MDUS -v1U9 OWju s a i _ itn -a ornttm . :Ul/C M « t) *33 DM* ,t<<O.Fta1« » « - a M m I«D :MDM _ Ul *17 DmtC 30 ium . a n (U cmctv ^ASALu n*i«os7 tM orar in :mTtcm n a *t» dm i ,tiMJCWoOOi tSH »se 0 1 ^

SS-.IS:M n _ su» OMCattat ;V<B9 Ouan *.tr ckMnnMu<0lni .tl ZU1 OuWimMM . .J? Dico. _ ;MnT « S n Ot eI S I ;

- a n - Dcco _Aiigjin ;«> -.o eooR«4i« ;AM«r)n a n -.i* omu a :

- TUI - a Com A3 : M mm - •.ti cdnMieei < MM IM 0 .1* r« o M > .le ‘ MM u> }«i« . a OvikuM .sn COO X IAnmn 2U 8I« ..jS Emfl I.m IN M in u n ti . « DM M ia:M A te tu i 4UI CniB -u r v .ii. -Nsa DMPmn <MiCc Aifiua «OI DCrai X <

t»n - a bm m tAo :tnium .to rn , t i tafW itai:Mwui - a « «n Cn«n*ti»:S S " S - S - ; S g s J S S n S S S S S ‘ '‘ l E3,'“SSJ! a>«acta 704 «ja •Mttir 2J0 « a EM» m e <4* - a s - a c»M( eMoon a4l£*17 03 m.C«ll42 *MDwiteUJwiii ,JB r«««ino4 ehJBOttM 4U7 -.U MtCO XK hH^n - KM «t« M I'S b m IW nHHtim ] *n»i ^ a r . « w e « JutTCbta <U9 tra «B»fgiM»ifMn - 4DJDiai a 9U1 -43 FatmftlM 7S I S 'S J K I a r s \ S5g!3SSS :1S » : !B«rr MUM 1*OnMIM tlM •« ■ H B IS I

:3 S S . S ’s s s r s s s t r .omofi* a «JD *n owiiii' -laHc t a a n o n m - «(M m a M -n OmOin i« it

B a »n Q ^ t » a

s a - ’" ^ i s S S . S ibdiih. _ tt7j •» 0 ^ l a *ta l uatiOM »ias o«aa« - aMl>0) l-U ZIH .» ObeO»^Jalter 'jo <ua «» 9cw».«» » CCaBn - a a o s Oxd/m -uiOOM ,» f114l -1* ^ •o r ts « pxi 07 Hu*ii « a cw ai.a i u ji OI « o(71 M din *.10 te o e te - <cwfti ,i» su* HilO.Ja « . a a *41 Mwego - ut'0«kf J l u a ^ 5 * 6 l« T.caaete n SUI *.U H i^ » 2CeWBAllTtX ( w e 124 aC M tk -S IM -.a I « z

^ s a - s » 3 . i s s f i s s s s ' & s :OMO) tJS tus oo HnMttLX

, g s : . £ a s » u » ; 3 S > , S S 3 l S m Ennaa - C

g i l l ^ 3

s s a £ s

orfii U l « n JCMWl - HIT * a fW . ’ * *S S f “'“ 5 S 3 S T " i ' SCMW j i lUl MM* - IS S t ; a ’3 ' S . . S 4 a . ^ 8 5 ' 3 S

S 3 ? ! miSB^M UI U <UI Ul ■

J a n u a iick-mmket ■iygoes.8o

th e .y ea r

th e ^ u iu * goiOcontly m dard it so n ly flv e1 s t u b b y '----- :-----------------ftheannu- m inutes from thmac. served Decemligdoysore suggest tho k)og int: Since est-m te hikes Is nia 35 occa- W byore low lnlays h i ^ good lor stocks?leS&PSOO F irst because IB followed consiuners and ilm & b o r r o w m o ie ,^of theories to spend. Ih a t dot R sh ap s prouts, driviiu surophccy - T he secondreaig alter a w ith the endless (y b idd ing tw een competliX. Investments suchs a t im o o f bonds. M any ini) after th e Investments such[Idoys. bank accounts t

Stocks often provto under- tu rns — but a t :}ig g a la risk,liled th a t Stocks, theref

ca is America^ si e x p o n m aik e tin l

w oridog after Mexico, and 3 to mnVn there oTO amdous s lined u p he lp th em com; b e rcacfy cheap Chinese im

Id Neena 'CAFIA Is goUu Oman for r e a l ly it% Just gol .S. Ih id o a little b it more i

th an originally pi Its have Daniel Griswold, i longer to a t tho free-mai ndwhat% C atoInstlm teinV i is no th- CAFIAsporiced

son battle in tho U ess confi- VVhlte House and 1 Un’t in c a n leadership a l Ameri- w ere forced to Io

ue o a -M jmoi.tziiTui «a Fb »• MU «7} KSHMnanj**^it rb- ■ S S !S E ,'S S S :S %. 37a o} K ^ ^ ia t 9UI «a _.!< toM t.11 m o t la u n a •» ■

IS 3i.ts 02 »nagi-«iaM - a ?X tt« .14 Kr«« l a «U3 S.. Mas »i» RM - Ma . a ujji a « . a KiKi a a ia -,13 ".11 IIJI •« iwiml _ &n •» ?

l a 7U7 -i» Kim* _ i&n >a ~uaauD .10 la Q _ l a «a ^IM «us >a ivsM - <ia •|.i» "l a « ir - a u«c<>pia aM *a *■tAt n a «a uctfw m au7 o r Sin u s n tjr m a nt3ia«i.i9 uin t7.n 17 i«iwA 44t aM .za u

_ MS . a urart _ aM «ia am- ua - UVU . 77» 01 9m- aio - a uha i n a a sa- tsa . u uiM a a a ..H »,

ill 7«.l« . a IMM ISftMU *17 En a s u t . t a LMiy a t t a . o t « .a a a -t» usraog - l a >a u n 4ua 01 UNM a u s a 01 Z a> <7 «a lo M tm u aa >43 ^ .11 u a >a ioMCeij4 n a 01 £ _ Ha -10 uort - t n .JU "*

m n a *« a K a 04 ”

^ In MXta.n 3U3 .11 B"t>o 4»a . a uocf ->an ^a >747 o s u9<rigi.u T«a ‘os tort« Mffl 07 tkgr* - UI >.13 tala ia in OD u > i« g ta a a o i asa 3sa >0 Mcaoiia <7a <i.s g».ra>an , a im m a s a . M t pmLII 7W -M liOMn - tSM .t4 M. tli; *.t3 IMS a 304S . a tMau tta - ikMCpuK a74 os »

» " 3 S 5 - - S s ;

i l l s ; s f f i . J s ; ! i g104 Ha ,S0 iuM i4a*(ia - a "at IU7 . a iiKixHh - n a .74 ^a TtTT (la MMM aussa »t3 3^a » r a -w tack i a 3us o4 na.n <wj .17 laCHe _ *.47 . a noa a a OI a t a a os ^a «s «.» UM SS tisi 04 iki- 4sa <M iftiMK a a a 03 1*1 M 77a . a u i 4ia -n t tm M a77 «M U n ^ W a il o s IM a a a oa U n ^ ia a n «a- n a »a m m .is »U3 •.!» tn- BV . a NCRCS - aTO «*1 S

Htm . 7?a Oi u HMOr ta MQ «a S a 3sa .11 MOHtTTi 4ta -a- 3sa .ts iM a ' - a a <a ^

.M i7a Ol WMKia* a a «a ™_ in <a H**i a to i i «a- e a . l a nmc^u* iu4 o> £ a i t t u •« mmqaw* isn o7 ^

aa sua o s wtam a a a .i4 m set «74 «a m i t a «ia >a t>« a aui «ta Miacs»Hi 77a . twLt 17a »n MSM» 44* IU3 04 TAa «U9 - MnMmia «W <a TMi_ aus «M MrKSs a 4za «a t«>

laiBn «a kjkw > u > - a itan u to t .ar wMecm n.u <a Ty.:w x d 01 ndOem a a o a 01 uqlaisaa . l a icrti^iMicaa o> ug,-u lta o} HM«d l a 3U1 o s ^a a n , i a mikmim n.i4 . a ^a aaa >.13 ma*i a i u 03 }Sa SU4 o s MM JU 1041 01 ?. o a . a obm u i sus >ia "fa aia o i o m - aia o4.uMM 01 a S t a a a a os ?a 7it7 02 o a t t t a «ta «aa ^a a n o s uaa a ts 00 Wfla n a o s rou{»iri a a o i imi_ *a «o Pfo t a S3a os ta*a HT7 01 p n ftiin sew •.» um_ n a - a iw»«i a 7ia «J7 u«a si0 o s M 4C ia SUI - la _a i a a os fmmt a a n »n ■IS S4a - a NBfCn Its a a 01 w.« « a o« IM a a 00 ^m. a a 01 taua a n74 os ^- 4ut 04 rm0B/t ^ wa - ^ a 4ia *tJ fmMMt i«U7 «tn S- n a .71 M M iJ iia n >a S B o a Oi Pttar a t a ia _ ~ _ o a o s n iu laviK a tin_ t»a *a M O a M oa «au37a 01 n>i a u r *a **a n a o B n « H u a a 3 7 o s ^Mvua 07 mw M a a Oi *aM 7a »tt ftaio .a>M4i - a M«I«1M 01 nW A in 41J7 03 «H>it tc a 01 PMQAta c a os MbWrtOM *m RM ttl IU7 O* w la a a -a h*n. aiMM o r mm a loa 04 h«aM«ua aus istma *a m m a i m« o r mut s ; s s i s : : s z--tus. oa W iiH ia M7 <i«’

s s s s S f s s u a. ' laa - . o a a a a a 'O i S ' n auD «a omcb _ u r «a *■» B n a 01 rfv a a » ■ ■ J g B H H i S S ^ a a Oi ^ aa e a o s 5 *S '£ S . ! £ M

r y p re dI harder timo

vestors ' dc b o n d s and


ny% eam lneIim 12 m on

* price-to-eajIho Federal Re- tlsU erthost

m b er m eetin g Riying$3JDg cyde o f inter- w ltb S lm c as near on end . r a t lo o f 3 a ir interest ta tes so bcpiefem blJ? fo ra P /B o flle low rates aQow T he samiid com panies to duce a stoclid v ^ them m ore 12 m onths' ib o o ^ corporate curren t p rla: stock p r lc » up. a33 3 p c rcc ireason h as to d o divided byS3 tug o f w ar be- sh a re a 10etlng types o f yield (S ldhrich os stocks a n d O lnlousl)in terest-bcarlns yield is betu

ic h a sb o n d sa n d cen ty idd .s are very safe. Earningsrovide h i ^ e r re- crease In that m uch greater tha t b likely

price upwanrefore, h av e a Anbivesto

s second-largest th e votes t o ;InLatinA m erica lastsum m cin d govcm m ents T he chleliusTor a dea l to sugar groweim pete aga in st ducers feariim ports. thc lr m arketiln g to b eco m ea o n d la lw ru igoing to h a p p e n ra ts push!

inaem entoU y protections!' p lanned.” sa id environm end. a trado expert Like Presnarke t-o rien ted trad e leadn W ashington. A m erica face d a b itte r parti- from oiganisB U 5 .. w here th e in d u s trfc , sin d th e Republi- sm all businip In C ongress vtdll be ciu:) lobby ha rd for U.S. compe

nxM uaiiua <iaRqOEMiaaaa «a(toiOpg - U l .11 M0*TACnV8<l

me2! _ V 2L H -KMCS auSSa 4ia Luonl 473707 Ufmi a a a >a OrUaa xejse

25 ^® *S£ * » : a a - ia ®«Cp 240«3 OMw.iitutua «a . rtin ' i.n n-n c« t jaMcia ^ a . .cSuOCRaJRSntM .>« IUS 03 I S h T M.i«a - ta 27.19”SHgnTauJza oo 6t»0«a 257S M ^ i.ia a a o4 swOsSf 22s 2 S ? ” aia : 5 ♦S52? £ « Scrt«3,n a.75 4

K l S ' S S . l S '^ t b s o o ( e <

S a . 2 S i ? ‘'S F « « f « « «OwM l a «U0 «a KilFnPil UJM - oamtn . o a - 8«aCcni 10.40

“15 F«coD»£ S 5 ,i_ '‘s7a ■CeMvssza a n « a rvanvcorttB ,w a u .1} Oww

£ 5 1 i'll M D«Sln*«>t e t e ' u t 'os Uncr>tnQ«]5 S n u n TotoltouMamo^ a a a . a NswHishsEMU -«tU3 . a N«wU>w*■T(M _<«B >a vwuras Z2 M ^ ajtfmui 27.10 «a ftfumgin « a os anss a a n - a e Wmk

a 1M9 .la w » io»

' i s i ' s E l " S j s ' s s s ^itgm a S4a >a <38.74 s a ; %u» m u n a .« M02Ji» M ai3 S J7 « ia i» 8 je i js uJS5L t2 *!2 ■'«S S .* * ^ *2 1.2W-0#*1; IS 700.44 570X ^ M vm *n 'I2.we.4e it.isuTiM .laiMtl 07 T#e S1H7J1 OS

i sTl^ a 3sa *10 AKsrtm .78 TtiMMia 17a .17 AEMEqy 1«M ra ii_ a sa « a a AOwnA T>i^ . IUS . a Anwc«as Jl tamn -v n n «a Acti Com .80s r ;i! s s S ’TCua .73 au l 03 RMAm 9 m

-2 m * ' s j j 3 •**s s - i i s s : a . » s s f i S a r * ? !

M » *.t3 mCrPr 1.88 u n i i a Till 03 Hsitg i.»s s r i ' s s s r s 5u n a i a asa o4 i»Mi< a «ia - la

<tMt< tn 4US «a ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ i-lAia o» HM«»ff«teS


M M ^a t ta 04

K . ' S i S . 3 S s S i S Si S ' t S " • ? -D fco S K S !!S l » ‘a S 5 : S “g j s s a *3Sw* J S a OwUaiaflM !

y w n a tm _ OMbMaM|it,ViS w a S S :S

M M M l- M OT 2 ? S S 2 £ HS S . . " ! S . S , « ~ S

MUMua 4U0 OS H S M y S S *S S i ^ a a ^M k a 4oa ..IS» ! 5 ^ : 5 ' S s S H

s s f i s s s

d ie t m simo com peting fo t in- shou

dollars Vi4ien safer choom d savln0 accoun ts interyUds. Tbif th e w i ^ o f gauging - earni0 ls to look o t ^ ratio insa:kb price to th e com pa- llQcii l n ^ per share for ^ e eamiionth& Tho h id ic r this aboxi-earnings r ^ o . th e ThLostock. and![S S O ashareforastock ratesn earnings m eans a P /E prob3a Obviously, it w ould Bunblo topoySIO ashare . thereloflO. ratesam e con jpro* m antodcb earnings y ld d — stodih s 'c o m in g divided by isdri)rlce .T h e» 0 8 h areh as Itbrccntcam lngsyield($l goodby a n d the $10 g ^10 percent earn ings good

dM dedbySlO ). O ie)usly, th e 10 perccnt chee)ettcr than the 33 per- more1 wiSb Igs represen t a n In-I the com pany^ value Jelcely to drive the stocks colutAraid. Inqucstorw ithaw odofcash brow

i to p o ss th e le ^ s la tlo n Donimer. cqjcihlef opponen ts w ere foguenvers and textile pro- ta n k :carful o f opening u p Inrkcts to cheap im ports C en tr un ions a n a D em oc- suffeiishlng for tougher brou]in sfo rw o ikcrsand the gotia[lent 2002^resident Bush, p ro - U.S.Ieaders in C entral o f iciface flerce c rid d sm feelli

an ized laborandsom e politJ3, such 03 fanning an d nowsincss. tha t fear they contlcrushed by powerful "ThDinpetition , explained scttln

ivs<ti«MM) UosTAcmmAtMa00} ta3 Chg Msmi VWfDO) ta t r07 2.73 -.04 SPOR 4IM0612177 M8 2L4W14I IShR<2000s2te»070«7 OT 8 « ♦.10. SPEiioy 152078 63.40 JS2 24.85 .. 8«i>lHTf 127S07 S3M 983 13.80 ..ts OJIAOln 80023 109M

O R V JS M - ^QM(eR9JtUKIfiWt ChQWaig Msmi t a t Chp 1 .19 *U6 42S.7 Ons-nvna X1S *1X0 ST *J0 *132 Su«hCon 14.80 «2.90 2S *£4 411.9 CuttlMSn 1t£8 41.89 S8 *4.78 *11A InttgBioPti SJO *J0.75 *107 *11.5 SIrmc 4.79 *tO( e o a m ) LX»BS'<l3'ai«a«a Ct»B %Chg Hw» t a t Ow 105 - « -«J AmOiSrl »M -1,06 00 -2.9S -5.4 Aomu 1301 -134 40 -.54 -4.9 RonCos Z20 -JO49 -.22 0.7 Cwdaraffi 3.48 -.2850 -1J0 -4.7 Ccrvsb 2.28 -.17

ARY DiaryZ23S AOnnM 1.101 OMM

149 Unauno«(j3.48S TbUltSMOS 1

377 NMrHghs 13 K«wLfi«n

2.297je7.CeO Vokm 3t3.C«

KLem Hum_____________. la ttMM OcwJsimMuttWa 1l.OI1.( 348J8 Doi>.*3nMTnnspala!tan 4.m:S217B OtrnJonaUOtes 4112M2.S1 KYSEConpota* 8.0S3.438137 AmiMa 1.80exS89S3 HaadaqCercposM 2JI&CI38.1S S4PBOO 1JSaiSTO 03 RuaslSaOO 708u.1932 miNreSOOO 12.963.C

VTOBh PB t a t ChQ%Cha Hsai.78 17 22.12 *.11 43J tJseOfp

1A5 33 20.78 -.19 42.8 kartmd- 17 7BS8 -22 *.9 K«io>p

.31 21 24i» *£S 4U LmEM

.80 18 37.31 *39 *3S taigvfI.74I 18 43.18 4J0 *7.9 UoonT

- - 422 4.00 *1i) OtScate 100 11 48.80 4.03 *ij) (toann 142 19 43« *Oi *1.4 8a*p» IM 14 20M *.13 *1.4 Ssnslsrt.48 23 SO.OS *20 *12 SkyVM.82 19 39d0 -23 42.8 TkKtyn

es» 18 3S.TS *.37 *7J) T l i ^aa '17 4721 *» *.7.31 38 40.40 *A3 *32 NW

1.88 24 Z7M *J9 *72 VMM120 17 34.17 *.4t *1J WatMJ3 37 30.82 4^8 *7jO WHtFrgo>40 18 40S2 444 *S ZkxiOcp

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3 lira Mid tiy

a rk e t?ould consider oD th is w hen oosing betweo i stocks a n d £nst*paying obetnatlves. Ibdoy, fbr example, o n s can m 4.3 percent to 4.8 percent safe two-TOir bonds a n d cer- icates o f d e p o s it A nd th e ming9 y idd o n tho SScP 500is out 5 5 percent (a P /B o f 18). Ihat>) not a bto dlfCcrencc. d investo 18 w ho tnb ik interest es wiD continue rising would sbably prefer sale bonds.Bm the Fed m lpiitM suggest :re1i now less risk o f h l^ ie r :es harm ing earn ings. So m y investors are Jum ping to KKs. and the greater dem and Irivlng shore prices up.[tb solo to say any new s that's od for coipom te earnings is od for stocK prices. W hen the od news com es a t th e sta rt o f> year, it pu ts investors in o eerful m ood — m aking it ire likely the January effect (I bo a suf-fiillUIlng prophecy.

^eff Bnwn is a business 'umnlst fbr The Philadelphia julrer. E’truiil h im at wnJ&

jiie l ErUcson, a C aribbean pen a t Inter-Am erican Dla- ;ue, a Latin A m erican think ik in Washington, n addition. E rikson sold, ntral American leaders are Terlng from “CAFIA fatigue" mght o n by th e lengthy ne- liatlons, w h ich b egan in )2 and w erc delayed by the >. presidential election. A lot leaders in Central Am erica 1 like Ihey have sp en t a lo t o f litical capital o n th is and w they 're b e ing asked to itlnue to do so . ' h e said, lore's a certa in exhausUon ling in."

»wcmi IIOSTAOTTVB(t1ciiBM}

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SOM)' Losers {S3, w w a )3 %CHg K«a» Lat CM %0»q6 -95 EtHSaU 257 -59 -17.14 -83 AoasMS 1T30 -2.17 -18.1 0 -83 ChsrnOnin 835 -1.15 -1538 -7fl Ptitt* 1035 -1.75 -1457 -8.9 Ef4CWn <L12 -JO -13.2

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1.049 IbUlbauM 3.1881U NarHlghs 24S

9 N«»Uma 23.C90578 VoluMo £004.198.140

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rro_____ Ot pg l a t O a WiQ> 120 IB 3053 444 *45 d _ 4.11 *21 -72 p 130 14 S4iS *54 435 t .72 22 36.99 -25 *2OB 40 20.97 -.10 *5T _ _ 14.70 *23 *104In 50 _ 2853 *58 0 5n 36 29 14.10 *56 *33■ 158* _ 3757 -52 *13nl 50 14 1S.« *a\ *3.1<1 .12 17 Z74S -34 *22n _ .. 1550 -51 *7,7« 58 IS 23.13 «.18 *33»p 1321. 13 3a7» *51 *35

,40 25 1S7e -55 *14It 50 18 4S.71- -.17 -23sd 50 15 2359 *.10 *35 ,tBO 256 14 8335 -51 *5 ,p 144 16 7756 -55 *3.1 (

ikSibcfcE)KMn^«ii»«Bnv«ta> • Mh« on AmMWn S W EaMne*. y d s ^ a w o a l n p t a . - , ; <

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Page 30: › files › Times-News_TN...Twin Falls, Idal G

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onh). Prtcaa guoM by Ltni OTikaa M Fctt. Prtcaa cwfiart on Jan. 4.POCATEUO (AP> - kS>n> Fami ChnK mixnain Qnin nioorl on MonUv POCATtlLO - wfiJi »f»« ZftJ (Maaa parcan wnar 3 «0 (OMin B); l4panM

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I AutosL^, ' C n t M t a a M .r . Quyslex is afaow I D odgB f ^ a r t m g py cc [ W U S b b sse d o a a iD o d ' . 1970. wbUe General i

. Coip. unveOed lh e Ch- ' ComfiTD iij tm', thot beloved m uscle cac.

^ d r a j t th ln k a m ^ V i owny O d u tc

I J tm SonflUrook w sn a ly Automotive M aitedng C

Lots o f people oiie also fQff a n n in d th e G e< ^ 71 sedan, th e f im v e ^ i CUDa to b e shown at th e : shOM It WBS o ne o f the fir

• daC hiyalerP iesidentB r Ib m LaSotda sa t in wher

analyBts say th e i o f th e Geely sedan {9 too

. down fiit American cons Geely s i ^ it plana to ma grades before it thw i Ul th e United S a tes in 20

‘I tb th e YVigo of 2006 Erich h foU e. on auto i w ith tho consulting fin In c

LaSorda w ouldn't ^ opinion o n th e cai; b u t sa ncse automakers win b e i com petition in afew year

*ItB a n absolute {ons

Reporter* and photc^rspfto crossover vehicle a t the No Detroit on Mottdsy. Crotsov ipoRse to coRSunMrs demt better gas efnolsncy than S

CrossoveiCoRtlmMd ftom D4

' fccL Tho Edge boasts pi > m ance w ith a 250-horsn

V-6 engine a n d is eiqKCtea t r a a fuel-consdous const, with mileM>er gallon In the 20s {br hJidiway driving.

Maxlc Helds, Foidb prc! o f the Americas, said the would anivc in showroom fiHLWldi aponom m ic glos arul three-bar grille, tho vi also offers o n opportunity tract consum ers v ^ o mav been less-than-M tisflea the styling o f post offering;

T f you look a t the CUV now, it^ populated by a i vehldes, that, quite hones •somewhat nondescript." 1 soidL

On Moruloy, the Ford dh that produces tho Liiu»In' Car an d th e Navigator im\ th e Lincoln MKX h crossover. H ie leners s tar

rVOFUMiC: Wwrfc—aW>fc

1 . i S H , ; “02 MCOFMD: JftW s S40 *04 IS taWarW; M n W7. * a

0arMiS4a9 *{8 RargafuMc33 Pli >ii<»Bl, Lanoaitsa *.IS- QrtM n.44 *a Fn«iuini2t *x?: r^rm m K ^ SaH 'US- WCOsZUS *SS Wnawhal*!;*IS FBrMCpCUS *.1S t l« a Ca4S tSi n WuiAp tsss *«1 OK«S 4S4S *21. ■SS,"SS'‘. » E S S S . aa PtfesFlaMaMr a » « sg O *.U3 s r ^ g - •» HSU’S . . .

S o S s 'u I S TSee^SSwsi. S S '.’S S S K ’T S - .^ C«BB 2172 * a ^ 21M *.nS CananXBS *.tl IIB *M- aa«<n2MS *n LHa tCS -O )S OiShn n a «M tOMMea:

tflMfn tS9 - CmriAiHOas _17 M M a tn .Ot WUn L49 _

- s - ® - S S sa kfeCvnBB.tS *31 taacouksisn *20 H kCcnUrALM *.t3 T l^ n tU 7 .«; M i ' S 3 . .

Rassa isss**ii CM4M1321 *w1 BtfDen ai7S *S7 teDDMrS7X7 *.11taCtSBi«(S3 *A tCODSri s r« »lts MMM«a<7*js Fne«wtt7t *ai .

s S tSn taS l *St et;>« ISSS *X7 .0 (M il iiai - u>M tssi \ a8 m an Hit *.19 n M SSS .8 hwbrCM a* SiiHaftiBih 14 ^tOU I7J9 * H MFM 4SS4 *.t7. r ^ l M s A l WM s « *£1 1. «M s 122 _ _1 *.M M *« ^

! Qss^sa^ t S ^ S s 'w S ’lsiOtMB UB '*M CMS<c8 n4S *X8 .

; s , ^ i 5 ’■ f f i f ' H i s f f i s H i - ” i. IMI»A»C.79 *32 A « 0 41SS *J1 i• i?£5‘b‘” S * " !

VMMp tl.l* *a OBUIAlStT«J7 I 1 Wyt» ttw egfliiitaTitm1 AfU^IrS^ '*,73 '

; I MM i t s t S leS » il* y * lu ‘ ti f s ^ : s !

i s a s s s i

iR i i W h i

• ic d a n e d w H f a a t low ing t h e , d e c a d e o r c a d y

c o r ic q r t , . L&Sozdasald. a o d d f r o m ■ - . O d ig a u tn m a fc at M o to r s .t io u s s e d a n s w in C h e v ro le t . eye. W b h i t s b a .u p d a te d f v e n e .h ln g e d ret a c . - h ig h sides, th e Qu tevdD w ulk c o n c e p t lo o k s a 1 latOk* s a id Royca P h a n to t la ly n w ith C h ry sle r AGb Q ig C o n su l* says i t w in d e d d

p ro d u co th s v d ili ils o p rm d * m g reac tio n a t the ^7151 C K M e rU e s a ld lh e t id e firom Im p eria l wHl b e p th e D e tro it so m ed riv ersw o n l s f i i s tv d i l - lo o L B u th e e tv e s ' i to n d C E O i t for d e s ig n in g ( h e n h e a r * s t a n d s o u t

•W la lo se o rd r heinieaior wirw riytrp,'* too p a red The 2007. L em onsumeis. latest incarnation m ake sed o a is onothet h e v e h ld e that will have a u t 12008. deescoo in ftT hel 006,* said luarseatsthatredi to o n ^ s t massaging option firm I ^ tem ttuu con stor

Olid a handsfree p ^ v e hla that puDs the car

tsa id C h l- It^ sdieduled to R be serious i<»r»a didn't q «ars. tho cunciu LS sm irns to b e $57,000.

pfto rt s e t a look s t th e Kla Soal1 North American Ititemstlonal Ai Lsover vehicles are the auto Indu mttnding vehicles with plenty ol in SUVs.

er_______a nd ore pronouni

) perfor* "Ihc vehide is slatrsepowcr sale in late 2006.te d to o t- H yundai M otoiinstimeiB cased its all-new !•tiiem id- update o f th e spo r{. cle m odel first InEnesidem 2000. The au to mthe Edge took cues Crco m siu sa crossovers such ajlassroo f RX.AcuraMDXanc0 vehicle “W ecaU ltSU Vlity to a t- call h kind o f aero:tuw hovo hasthotiamUyiuncled w ith also for people thiIngs. chUdrcn to b e obliUV r i ^ t active Ufestyie," sa’ a lo t o f nmi. Hyundai^ prnest, aro chlcf executive otDit." Fields Mazda M otor O:

Its aC’7 crossovei[division spedDcallyforthc]jInTbw n i ta n m arket. Chi(unveiled Hisolcazu Imaki saii

luxury would b e launcheditnnd for months.

k ttmAMBC SVttnlUl *(17SS Ml St17 »t4 Tta ISIS -

M 20UM>nptS44t» USMn 1142*01f. 20ICHHCpl049.a3 MaKaMrwSaA:.<8 aiM C pii.ts.o o«Mp ts34 *mMtaAp r*ll .SB eiJAS 4)«7 *22'S : | : s

» s ^ n i i i i S E . i r s s s s s f f i s f f ' s an n«c »4s - CM1 an *oi m mCXpKSB.JB n ib L lM C

« -sssfp’s i : *a* 2SS"ltia tom 2 S 2P1W ^ SfS 5 .'«& Im

: M f I s i |et S S P fJS! "2 0M*l«(llO39 _

2 w o? w : aS gSi a :^ BAUWPI7X4 *0 ~ ," K JS " ?2 *2 fS w S n S - :

IS TMOI 1241 .10 ~07 .TiMXt 1243 *.10 UfttMnta72 ~07 UBOat S3S ' - ICMMreU4*is

' SSL = sSisfs'*::n 5 2 L * S t* “ A*W rSu*«- QiUa'tatS *.(7 HSSaKES Z , a raftff n a t - n nnM niui , ’- nM*MMF«K snMtnlOU . - ,n i nSS *S7 ftiCMa«S13.27 ' H M m 'm t *S S5$rm ™ i5 I

° i g s s u a i a : s s " aa sffias T771 r s WMMieras .21” : W ! S i « . ,s s s r ^ a s ® . ^ : sl i [.aM Bum .M

r l - S s i i! g s s I» « a ™ u . S K SS : s ' k a s s S L - :

■ IK B i l i3 E ;S3':3 tavm 1

at t t e e ^ ' o f this y lie x t d e q ^ ' ’

m c a ^ t a ^ r f Ksqr s ta n o f t te *« a r d o o r s a n d S u y s le r Im p e r ia l a l o t Qke a RoDs fim : P a lm l e t - C h iy s le r G rotq> d d e u 4 ie th e r » htffa» a fte f gaug*. h e e h a w b e d e s ig n o f th e ! poldM zlnft a n d i r i t l ik e its n e a w n d u v s l e r c t e d - ; a v e h ic ie lh a t

d raw , th o y rea lty s ," h e s a ia . m s I S 4 6 0 . th o in o f th e fiill-size le r h m n y e n try u to sh o w atten* eL S 4 6 0 fiea tiu e s d i n e a n d h o v e a Ul, a s o u n d sys* o re 4 ,000 so n g s p a r id n g sy s te m o r in to a sp a ce .> TO o n sa le t h b ^ v e a p r ice , b u t iu m s a t a r tn m d


al concep t A uto Show In d u s try ^ rsK o l sp a ce , b a t

Lnced M a rk X.[ated to go o n

o r C o . sh o w - V S a n ta Fe. a n o r t u til i ty vchl> In tro d u c e d In r rrn k e r s o ld i t < t o m lu x u r y )

a s th o L exus n d V olvo XC90.

m a y b e e v e n rossover; It still n c t io n a l l ty b u t h f lt d o n 't h a v e b le to flt th e ir so ld B o b C o s- p re s id e n t a n d (fleer.C orp . u n v e iled nsr, d e v e lo p e d e N o rth A m er- l i c f E x ec u tiv e a id th e v e h id e e d w ith in fo u r

FneUSi>nMta.X3 Pmncntaas *J0SMatinlUB .JM(TTWIa a ts *SS BTKMiaiaS2 - sn ^ n KJ7 - SMEsnafi *.1t

usoon tsn .SS wwnn a ia *x< w arn n « * a

'«3b**^WS4^.4J OManSieOjr *j8 CM>UHnlOT4 o t OMK SU7 *.tSOMnnTS Za ORMinaU *.t] riMn lu riw Sr ^ *0toS " ^ *14 SnC«fl2BJ> *27iMC(ioniiira*.i7 awc0init,is .12 iniMA sa - T!«lll.iaS7 _VASA ISC8 *S1 M a ^ .U

bSSm S tt *a04aMftlSS4-«l bniwiasts itsU in 9U1 *2Shaanm a *.<1S S u ilS mNTDPuis7sa.n

SrK8*«Apiif7 *aS S S '1 £ .,S•am u t -tms s r s ' j laeltM iu a *<s . w«L ta> * a

5 3 1 ' S at g ' * ^

» l S 3

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