( buteo jamaicensis

Vital Stats Weight: 2-4 lbs. Length: 22" Wing Span: 56 inches" Sexual Maturity: 3 yrs. Mating Season: spring Incubation: 28-32 days No. of Eggs: 1-3 Birth Interval: year Lifespan: 10-21 yrs. Typical diet: small rodents, snakes

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Post on 23-Feb-2016




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Vital Stats Weight: 2-4 lbs. Length: 22" Wing Span: 56 inches" Sexual Maturity: 3 yrs. Mating Season: spring Incubation: 28-32 days No. of Eggs: 1-3 Birth Interval: year Lifespan: 10-21 yrs. Typical diet: small rodents, snakes. ( Buteo jamaicensis. Bute jamaicensis / Red T ail H awk. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Vital Stats

Weight: 2-4 lbs.Length: 22"Wing Span: 56 inches"Sexual Maturity: 3 yrs.Mating Season: springIncubation: 28-32 daysNo. of Eggs: 1-3Birth Interval: yearLifespan: 10-21 yrs.Typical diet: small rodents, snakes

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(Buteo jamaicensis

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{It caches food with it’s talons and it eats meet and it has a vary sharp beak to tare the food

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It is an enormous size for a hawk. Its length is 22``and its weight is 2-4lbs

,the win

The wait of the red tailed hawk is2-4lbs ,the length is 22`

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The red tailed hawk will usually have a habitat in large trees. They will live in north America.

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{It will hunt during the day. It eats mice, squirrels and Rabbits. when it spots something it will dive strate down

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{The female lays 2 dull white eggs . They breed in the early spring. From march to may they mate. When the egg haches they are white top to bottem.

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The predators of the Red Tailed Hawk is

Raccoon, Great Horned Owl and the Red Fox.

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DDT will kill bird by disrupting its nervous system. It will kill birds such as peregrine Falcons, sharp-shinned Hawk , cooper’s Hawk , Eurasian sparrow hawks , Osprey , Bold Eagles , and White tailed Eagles

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{The red tailed hawk is doing fine in the world it is not endangered.