- 8th quality conference - roadmap & content eupan hrwg/ipsg meeting riga, 20th march 2015

- 8th Quality Conference - Roadmap & Content EUPAN HRWG/IPSG Meeting RIGA, 20th March 2015

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Page 1: - 8th Quality Conference - Roadmap & Content EUPAN HRWG/IPSG Meeting RIGA, 20th March 2015

- 8th Quality Conference - Roadmap & Content


RIGA, 20th March 2015

Page 2: - 8th Quality Conference - Roadmap & Content EUPAN HRWG/IPSG Meeting RIGA, 20th March 2015

1st & 2nd October 2015 Conference at “Cité des Sciences” in Esch-Belval 220 EU participants 80 LUX participants Social dinner at “Tramsschapp” in Luxembourg-City

8th Quality Conference

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“Strengthening the capacity of public administration in tackling current and future challenges” 5 themes

1. Public administration in the cycle of policy design, implementation and evaluation

2. Strategic thinking in a future-oriented and innovative public administration

3. Strengthening professionalism in building an innovative public administration

4. Innovative service provisions through stakeholders and citizen/user involvement

5. Enhancing societal responsible public administration


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Roadmap (I)


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Nr. Timing Activity1. Beginning of November

2014 Elaboration Proposal 8QC (content & roadmap & date)

2. 14th November 2014 Presentation and discussion: roadmap & content – DG Troïka meeting

3. 04th December 2014 Announcement – DG meeting

4. 19th February 2015 Presentation and discussion: roadmap & content – DG Troïka meeting

5. 19th & 20th March 2015 Presentation & discussion of the theme (topics / themes / subthemes + how to market) EUPAN HRWG / IPSG meeting

6. April – May 2015Pre-announcement /communication of the conference on European / national / regional / local levels in the MSs (Aim: collecting potential interest) & Call for applications

7. Deadline: Beginning of May 2015

IPSG members looking for potential cases / keynotes and sending to EIPA proposals for cases / keynotes& Volunteers to moderate the 8QC GP case sessions

8. May 2015 Selection of the cases & keynotes9. End of May 2015 MSs round-up of collected expressions for interest

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Roadmap (II)

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Nr. Timing Activity10. First half of June 2015 Finalisation of the programme11. June – Mid July 2015 Contact and briefing cases / keynotes12. Mid June 2015 Start (targeted) marketing on the basis of full programme13. Month of June 2015 Composition of the national delegations (by EUPAN members)

14. Beginning of July 2015 Analysis of the total number of participants and spreading among the MSs

15. Mid July 2015 Confirmation of participants by conference organisers16. Mid July 2015 Start registration by the participants

17. Beginning September 2015 Sending in presentations

18. Mid September 2015 Feedback and finalisation of presentations / material


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Theme 1: Public administration in the cycle of policy design, implementation & evaluation

How is policy designed in practice? What instruments are available? How can more creative solutions be found.

Potential core areas for cases: Forward planning and scenario writing Elements of proactivity in policy making Inter-institutional collaboration in policy design and implementation Co-design, co-production, co-evaluation Outcome mapping Network governance …


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Theme 2: Strategic thinking in a future-oriented and innovative public administration

Organisational strategies start from mission and vision development, the definition of strategic objectives, and cascading them down into operational goals and actions that can be monitored and measured. Implementation means making choices about the ‘way forward’, in the context of the policy framework, available resources, and beneficiaries’ needs and expectations.

Potential core areas for cases: Vision-based strategies Result-orientation: strategic and operational objectives/measurements Targeted ways of reporting/accountability (different target groups,

different media, …) Triggering innovation in the strategic process … 7

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Theme 3: Strengthening professionalism in building an innovative public administration

The critical importance of well-performing public institutions. Well-run institutions can lead to better policies, increased investment, and an increase in the social capital stock of a community. This theme focus on how organisations engage in creating and strengthening a professional and well performing public administration.

Potential core areas for cases: Leadership development Staff development and involvement Knowledge management Quality management …


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Theme 4: Innovative service provisions through stakeholders and citizen/user involvementThis theme explores how administrations can better understand needs and expectations, improve processes and simplify administration, ease access to services through one-stop shops or multi-channel delivery, exploit the advantages of e-Government.

Potential core areas for cases: Multi-channel Digital agenda One-stop shops, administrative burden reduction, … Innovative thinking The role of leaders Process management Public servants & citizens working together in building trust and transparency ... 9

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Theme 5: Enhancing societal responsible public administrations

Beyond its main mission, a public sector institution should adopt responsible behaviour in order to contribute to sustainable development in its economic, social and environmental components.

Potential core areas for cases: Environmental behaviour Societal behaviour Anti-corruption/ethical behaviour strategies Diversity and anti-discrimination strategies


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Good Practice Cases - Proceedings

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Applicants: Public administration organisations (public sector) from all levels (European, national, regional & local)

National good practice cases: Up to 2 from each MS can be submitted

Application form: National good practice cases from the MS should apply using the application form

Selection procedure:

• Corresponding to one of the themes

• General criteria: useful, innovative, integral, sustainable, transferable

Programme 8QC:Good practice cases that correspond best to the one of the themes and general criteria will be integrated into the programme of the 8QC.

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Practical Information

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Category of participants Free access Travel Accommodation

Key-note speakers


+ +

Case presenters (speakers) - +

Facilitators - +

Regular participants - -

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