صيانة نظام التشغيل رسائل الخطأ لنظام ويندوز error messages

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صيانة نظام التشغيل رسائل الخطأ لنظام ويندوز Error Messages. عملي. أولا : فشل الإقلاع Failure to boot. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


  • Error Messages. *


  • : Failure to boot POST . NTLDR,NTDETECT,BOOT.INI C: :

    No boot device present

    NTLDR bad or missing

    Invalid BOOT.INI - . *


  • Recovery ConsoleRecovery Console : . Recovery Console :

    1- Recovery Console Repair R.

    2- Recovery Console .. *


  • Recovery Console XP run D:\i386\winnt32 /cmdcons D .

    . *


  • Recovery Console . *


  • Recovery Console . *


  • Recovery Console . *


  • Recovery Console Recovery Console :

    . *


  • Recovery Console 1 Enter Administrator :. *


  • Recovery Console Recovery Console :chkdsk: .Fixboot: .Listsvc: .enable: .Disable: .Fixmbr: .Logon: .Diskpart: Fdisk .Copy: .Systemroot : .Type: .. *


  • Recovery Console Recovery Console : 1- MBR2- NTLDR, NTDETECT.COM.3- BOOT.INI. *


  • Recovery Console No BOOT Device fixmbr y n :

    . *


  • Recovery Console NTLDR bad or missing NTLDR ntdetect.com i386 c: :Copy d:\i386\ntldr c: Copy d:\i386\ntdetect.com c: d .

    . *


  • Recovery Console : ntdetect.com, ntldr :

    . *


  • Recovery Console Invalid BOOT.INI Recovery Console :

    \:>Bootcfg /rebuild


    . *


  • Windows Vista & 7. * 7 xp/2000 BOOTMGR 7 :


  • Windows Vista & 7 7 Recovery console Repair your computer. *


  • Windows Vista & 7 Repair my computer :

    . *


  • Windows Vista & 7Startup repair: .System Restore: .Windows complete pc restore: .Windows memory diagnostic tools: .Command prompt:

    . *


  • : GUI . . . .. *


  • vista/xp/2000 . system kernel F8 .

    . *


  • Safe Mode: Drivers Windows GUISafe Mode with Networking: Drivers .Safe Mode with command prompt: Drivers Windows GUI command prompt .Enable Boot Logging: . ntbtlog.txt . .

    . *


  • F8 . *


  • Enable VGA mode: VGA .Last known good configuration: .Directory services restore mode: .Debugging mode: . .Disable automatic restart: . .

    . *


  • Safe Mode with command prompt C:\>%systemroot%\system32\restore\rstrui.exe

    %systemroot% .

  • BSoDBlue screen of death. *
