Разговорный Английский Для Начинающих

 Topic 1 FAMILY This is John Brown. He is thirty-nine years old; He is a teacher of literature. He lives and works in Liverpool. He is an Englishman. He isn't exactly a handsome man, but he is nice. He has a wife, whose name is Mary, and two children — Susan and George. Mary is thirty-four years old. She is a beautiful young Englishwoman. She is a designer, but she doesn't work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Their children are healthy and beautiful. The family is at home. John is reading a book and Mary is cooking. She is in the kitchen. Their children are watching video. George is fourteen years old and Susan is eight. They love each other very much and are fond of playing together. It is seven o'clock now. It is dark and gloomy outside, because it is late autumn now. It often rains and the air is cold and damp. The nights are long and the days are short. — What date is it today? — It is the 25 t h  of October. — What is the day today? — It is Friday. — What time is it? — It is seven o'clock. — Are the Browns at home? — Yes, they are. — What is John doing? — He is reading a book. — Is Mary playing with the children? — No, she is not. She is cooking. She is in the kitchen. — How old is John? — He is thirty-nine. — How old is Mary? — She is thirty-four. — Are John and Mary husband and wife? — Yes, they are. — Are they parents of Susan and George? — Yes, they are — What are the children doing? — They are watching video, — How old are the children? — George is fourteen and Susan is .eight years old. — Is George Susan's brother? — Yes, he is. — Is Susan George's sister? — Yes, she is. Susan and George are brother and sister. — Where are the Browns now? — The Browns are at home now.

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Разговорный Английский Для Начинающих. Для тех кто хочет выучить разговорный английский ! Good luck !


  • Topic 1 FAMILY

    This is John Brown. He is thirty-nine years old; He is a teacher of literature. He lives and works in Liverpool. He is an Englishman. He isn't exactly a handsome man, but he is nice. He has a wife, whose name is Mary, and two children Susan and George. Mary is thirty-four years old. She is a beautiful young Englishwoman. She is a designer, but she doesn't work now. She runs the house and looks after the children. Their children are healthy and beautiful.

    The family is at home. John is reading a book and Mary is cooking. She is in the kitchen. Their children are watching video. George is fourteen years old and Susan is eight. They love each other very much and are fond of playing together.

    It is seven o'clock now. It is dark and gloomy outside, because it is late autumn now. It often rains and the air is cold and damp. The nights are long and the days are short.

    What date is it today? It is the 25th of October. What is the day today? It is Friday. What time is it? It is seven o'clock. Are the Browns at home? Yes, they are. What is John doing? He is reading a book. Is Mary playing with the children? No, she is not. She is

    cooking. She is in the kitchen. How old is John? He is thirty-nine. How old is Mary? She is thirty-four. Are John and Mary husband and wife? Yes, they are. Are they parents of Susan and George? Yes, they are What are the children doing? They are watching video, How old are the children? George is fourteen and Susan is

    .eight years old. Is George Susan's brother? Yes, he is. Is Susan George's sister? Yes, she is. Susan and George

    are brother and sister. Where are the Browns now? The Browns are at home now.

  • 1

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    ? . ? . ? . ? , . ? . ? , . -


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    ? .


  • Nick's Birthday Nick is twenty-five on the third of February! Oh, is it his birthday on Wednesday? Yes, it is. All his friends and relatives are coming to see him.

    His uncle and aunt are coming from Glasgow. Fine! Let's give him some new computer discs as a present. That's a good idea!


    at home aunt birthday brother child children to cook () cousin , -

    damp , designer Englishman Englishwoman exactly first name to be fond of smth. -. gloomy grandfather grandmother handsome

    healthy husband kitchen late autumn name

    outside , parents relative to run the house -

    sister surname

    teacher of literature (biology, mathe-matics, chemistry etc.) - (, , ..)

    to play to watch video uncle wife


    1. It is Sunday today. It is Monday today. It is Tuesday today.






  • It is Wednesday today. It is Thursday today. It is Friday today. It is Saturday today.

    2. It is the third of January today. It is the first of September to-day. It is the twentieth of July to-day. It is the sixteenth of April to-day. It is the ninth of December today.

    3. I am a student. You are an engineer. He is a computer program-mer.

    She is a cook. They are schoolchildren. We are drivers. His uncle is a watchmaker.

    4. Is she an architect? Are you an actress? Is he a pilot? Are we tourists? Are they brokers? Is this man a journalist? Are these people policemen?

    5. It is not cold. I am not a psychologist. He is not a sailor. We are not doctors. He is not polite. I am not happy. She is not sorry. They are not hungry.


















    ? ? ? ? ? ? ?









  • 6. Give me a lift. Take him home. Watch your words. Help yourself. Meet the Browns.

    7. Don't write this. Don't be shy. Don't wait for her. Don't pay attention to him.

    8. I am listening to the radio. We are playing with the dog. She is speaking over the phone. He is sleeping. You are watching TV. They are swimming.

    9. Am I smiling? Are we playing chess? Are you eating? Is he running? Are they looking at us?

    10. I am not smoking. We are not talking. She is not studying. He is not joking. They are not drinking.



    , .

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    ? ? ? ? ?






    Exercises \

    1 Answer the questions to the text.

    1) Who is John Brown? 2) How old is Mary Brown? 3) Where are the Browns?


  • 4) What is John doing? 5) Where is Mary? What is she doing? 6) What are the names of the children? 7) Are the children healthy and beautiful?

    2 Complete sentences of contrast according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : I am a doctor. (My brother) My brother isn't a doctor.

    1) Peter is a student. (His younger sister) 2) My uncle is a teacher. (His wife) 3) My grandfather isn't an architect. (My aunt) 4) We are not surgeons. (Helen and John) _,

    3 Answer the questions. Use the words suggested.

    Example : Is Kate very busy just now? (cook) Yes, she is. She is cooking.

    1) Are the students very busy just now? (read) 2) Is Henry very busy just now? (wash up)

    . 3) What are you doing in this shop? (buy a pair of shoes) I 4) What is George doing in the kitchen? (cook supper)

    4 Read the text, translating the words in brackets and putting them into the correct form. r

    It is a fine day (). It is () and the sun (-). It is Mr Green's ( ) today. Mr Green is with his (). They () in the park now. Mr Green and his () are looking at their () and (). Mr Green's () Margaret and William () with the dog now.

    The keys: today; warm; is shining; birthday; family; are walking; wife; son; daughter; children; are playing


  • 5 Read and translate.

    1) What is your name? Are you a translator?

    How old are you? Is this your wife? What is her name? How old is she? Is she a teacher, too?

    2) ? ? ? ?

    ? ? ?

    3) Is it warm? Is it spring now? Are the days short? Is it raining outside?

    4) ?


    ? . ?


    5) Is it late now? What time is it? Is it dark outside? Is it cold and windy?


    , .


    42 . , .


    38 . , .

    My name is Robert Trench. No, I am not. I am a scientist. Yes, it is. He is fifteen years old, but he looks older. His name is Scott. Her name is Iris. She is at home with our daugh-ter.

    - .

    . .

    . .

    . .

    I am reading a newspaper and smoking. They are at home. She is watching TV.

    They are playing some new computer games. Yes, they do.

    , .

    ~~ .

    - .

    , .



  • 6) ?


    ? -


    7) What is the date today? What is the day today? Is it morning now?

    No, I am watching TV.

    No, they speak French.

    He is playing chess with his son.



    , .

    6 Test yourself. Translate the following:



    . ? (How do you do?) ^

    , ? 32 . ? , . ,


    . ? . .


    7 Say what you can.

    1) How old are you? . 2) How old are your parents? 3) What is the name of your wife (husband)? 4) How old are your children? 5) What are their names? 6) - How old is your friend? 7) What is his (her) name?

  • Topic 2 APARTMENT

    This is Mr Brown's new apartment. There are four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms in it. The Browns' new apartment is very comfortable.

    This is their living room. There is a window and a balcony in it. The floor is covered with a thick green carpet. The walls are light green. The ceiling is white and very high. There are some wall units in this room. Mr and Mrs Brown keep their music centre, TV set and video-recorder there. There is a divan-bed and a small table in front of the TV set. There is also a dining-table and a few chairs in this room. There is not very much furniture in the apart-ment, but the Browns have got everything they need. They are also planning to buy a dining set and two armchairs.

    Not long ago the Browns moved into a new apartment. Mr Dick, Mr Brown's friend and colleague, wants to know everything about it and he rings John up into his new apartment:

    Hello, my dear friend. I hear you moved to another apart-ment. Is it true? Yes, you are quite right.

    Is your apartment new? Yes, it is. Is your apartment comfortable? Yes, very. There are three rooms in your apartment, aren't there?

    No, there are four rooms, a kitchen and two bathrooms in it. What colour is the carpet on the floor? It is green. Where is the music centre? It is in the wall units. Where is the TV? It is in the living room. What is the colour of the walls? It's pale green. Is there a'dining-table in the living room? Yes, there is.

    . Is there a divan-bed and a small table in front of the TV set? Yes, there is.

    Are there many video-cassettes in your apartment? No, not many. All of them are on the shelf.

    Is there much furniture in the apartment? No, there is not, but we have got everything we need.

    How many windows are there in the living room? There is a window and a balcony in it.


  • I 2

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    , .

    , . , -

    . ? , . ,

    ? . ? . , ? ,

    , .'

    ? . , ? . ? . ? -. ? , . ?


    -? ,- . .

    ? , , .

    ? . 17

  • On what floor is your apartment? It is on the eighth floor. Is there an elevator in your house? Yes, there is. It works

    round-the-clock. Is your apartment far from the centre? Rather. It takes me

    thirty minutes to get to the centre. What are you doing? My wife and me are watching TV. What are your children doing? They are playing a new

    computer game.

    Where are my keys? They are on the TV set in the living room. Oh! They are not! Where are they? Look if they are on the kitchen table. They are not there. Please, help me to find them! Here they are, on the shelf! - W h e r e ? ! In the bathroom.

    Where Are the Keys?


    armchair balcony bathroom bedroom carpet

    also , apartment

    center colour comfortable dining set divan-bed

    elevator a few floor 1. ; 2. furniture - kitchen living room music centre rather - round-the-clock shelf thick , wall units


  • ? -. -

    ? . .

    ? - -. ,


    ? . ? -


    Key Structures

    1. How many rooms are there in the apartment? How many windows are there in the room? How many pencils are there on the desk? How many radio sets are there in his house?

    2. Whose car is this? Whose suitcases are those? Whose house is that one? Whose husband is George? Whose mother is Helen?

    3. Dick is John's son. Peter is Mary's brother. Jack is Helen's uncle. Susan is Mark's daughter.

    4. There is a table in the centre of the room. There is a fridge in the kit-chen.


    ? -

    ? -



    ? ? ? ? ?








  • There is a calendar on the wall. There are books on the shelf.

    5. There is some tea in the cup. There is some cheese in the fridge. There is some butter on the plate. There is some fruit in the basket.

    6. Is there a chair in this room? Is there a table near the window? Is there any news today? Is there any milk in the fridge?

    7. Are there any dictionaries in the library? Are there any dogs in the house? Are there any cars in the street? Are there any apples here?

    8. There is no medicine in the bottle.

    There is no water in the glass. There is no pen in my bag. There is no key in the lock.

    9. There isn't any juice in the cup. There isn't any ink in the pen. There isn't any meet at the market.




    ' -






    ? ?


    ? ?











  • There isn't any fish in this river,

    10. There aren't any toys in the box. There aren't any children there. There aren't any cats here. There aren't any flowers in the garden..

    11. There is one spoon there. There are four keys on the table. There are three boys here. There are six trees in the gar-den.

    12. The Cooks are their neigh-bours. The Bakers are English, The Carters are at home. The Springfields are playing tennis.

    ^ .















    1 Answer the questions to the text.

    1) Is the apartment new and comfortable? 2) Where is the divan-bed? 3) Is there a balcony in the living room? 4), What is the colour of the walls? 5) What is there on the floor? 6) Is there a music centre in the apartment? * 7) Where is the TV set? 8) Is there a dining table in the living room? 9) How many rooms are there in the apartment? 10) Is there much furniture in the apartment?


  • 2 Read the text, fill in the blanks with the words in the correct form.

    This is my room. a large window in my room. The ceiling is white, the floor is brown, _ _ _ _ _ are light blue. a writing-table near the window and an armchair near it. There are a telephone and a lamp on the . a bookcase to the right of the writing table. many books in the bookcase. There is a divan-bed in the of the room. There is a TV set it. My parents ' TV now. It's evening and it's

    ' outside.

    The keys: There is; the walls; There is; writing table; There is; There are; corner; in front of; are watching; dark

    3 Extend the statements according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : There are some cakes on the plate, (sweets) There are some cakes on the plate. There aren't any sweets there.

    1) There is a park near the lake, (houses) 2) There are ten girls in the group, (boys) 3) There is some water in the glass, (milk) 4) There are two beds in this room, (sofa)

    4 Read and translate.

    I) Is there any table in the room? Are there any chairs round the table? How many books are there on the shelf? Is there a tape recorder on the desk?

    Is there an elevator in .the house?







    , -



    , .



  • 2)ft'~ -? ? -


    3) What is the date today? Is it Sunday today? Are the children at school? Are they watching TV again?

    4) ?

    ? -

    ? -


    5) How many storeys are there in this house? Is there an elevator in this house? On what floor is your aunt's apartment? Is her apartment comfort-able?

    6) ? ? ,


    ? ? -


    It's Friday today.

    No, he is at home. He is ill, That's a good idea!

    28 . , .

    , , -



    . /

    Yes, it is. ,

    No, it is on the fifth floor.

    No, there is only one.

    Yes, there is.


    , .


    , .

    I It's my brother's house. No, he is a well-known doctor. Yes, he has a wife and two children. 'No, she is a teacher, His name is Jack Greenfield. Yes, they are. They are having dinner.


  • ?

    7) Whose friend is Lucy? Is Peter Gold her bro-ther? Who is his wife?

    How old are they?

    8) ? .

    ? ? ?

    9) Let's enter the house. Is there an elevator here? On what floor is Bill's apartment? Are his parents home?

    Are they waiting for us?

    No, they are watching video.


    , .



    32 , ' .

    No, it's very cold. Yes, I am waiting for you. She is at home. She is cooking. Yes, they are. They are sleep-ing.

    , .

    , .



    , .


    , .

    5 Test yourself. Translate the following:

    ? .

    ? , .

    ? , .

    ? , , .

    ? . .

    ? , .


  • Say what you can.

    1) When do people say "East or West, home is best"? 2) What makes a home comfortable? 3) What is better an apartment in a city or a larger

    house in the country? 4) Do you like everything about your apartment? What don't

    you like?

  • Topic 3 SHOPPING

    Mary Brown goes shopping almost every day. She likes fresh food. So do all the Browns. Every morning Mary makes her shop-ping list. John enters the kitchen and sees his wife writing some-thing.

    J.: What are you doing? M.: Making a shopping list for today. J.: Do we need so many things?

    M.: We haven't got much tea or coffee left, and we have run out of sugar and jam. So I must go to the grocer's.

    J.: What about vegetables? M.: I'll ask George to go to the greengrocer's after school. We

    haven't got many tomatoes. But we still have a lot of pota-toes. And I must go to the butcher's. We haven't got any meat at all.

    J.: Is there any beer and wine left? M.: No, there isn't. And I am not going to get any.

    J.: I hope we've got some money. M.: I haven't got much.

    J.: Well I.haven't got much either.

    Mary is going to buy some fresh meat. So she goes to the butcher's, which is just round the corner.

    .: Do you want any meat today, Mrs Brown? M.: Yes, please. .: Do you Whnt beef or lamb? The lamb is very good today.

    M.: Beef, please. I like lamb, but my husband doesn't. .: What about some steak? This is a very nice piece.

    M.: Give me this piece please. And a pountf of mince too. .: Do you want a chicken? They are fresh and nice. No fat at

    ail. M.: No, thank'you. My children don't like chicken.

    .: To tell you the truth, Mrs Brown, I don't like chicken either.


  • 3

    [ . [ . . .

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    .: ? .: . .

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    .: : *


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    : , ? : , .

    -: ? .

    .: , . , -


    -: ? . .: , . .

    -: ? . . .: , . .

    -: , .


  • At the Greengrocer's Will you show me these oranges? Where are they from? These are Spanish oranges. They are sweet and fresh. Yes, I see. I'll take three. Look at these dark grapes. They are very nice. We've got them

    today. Fine. I'll take a bunch of grapes. My children like grapes. What about some strawberry? Oh! I like it very much, but it's winter now. Strawberry is

    very expensive. Three oranges and a bunch of grapes. Is that all? Yes, thank you.


    a lot of almost beef beer butcher's chicken coffee enter fat grapes ! a bunch of grapes greengrocer's grocer's grocery jam

    lamb meat mince -orange potato to go shopping shopping list steak still strawberry sugar tea tomato vegetable wine

    List of Expressions

    Read and memorize.

    He appeared from round the cor- - , .


  • You can take a bus; the bus stop is just round the corner.

    The nearest bank is just roimd the corner.

    To tell you the truth, I didn't like the book.

    He didn't do it, to tell you the truth.

    To tell you the truth, Steve is not very clever.

    Mary likes fresh soup. So does her son.

    I like to go to the cinema. So does my husband.

    He went home early. So did I.


    ; . -












    . .

    Key Structures

    1. Tony saw him going away. I heard Don talking to him.

    Steve watched the car pass-ing by. They listened to her singing.

    2. I must go to the butcher's.

    Must he read it out loud? She must not come today.

    We must do it today.

    3. Oliver needs money. My brother needs new clo-thes.

    , .





    , .



    ? -







  • We need a large house. I need a dictionary.



    4. I have got a dog. Iris has got a new dress. We have got a car. They have got a tape re-corder.

    5. She has not got a TV set at home. I have not got a black hat. We have not got milk in the

    .." fridge. They have not got a grand-father.

    6. Have you got white bread? Has he got enough coffee? Has she got a cat?

    1 Have they got a room?

    7. I have got no spare time today. Have you? I have not got spare time either.

    They do not see the road. Do you? I do not see it either.


    , Steve is not going to the park on Sunday. What about you? I am not going to the park either

    8. I like lamb, but my husband doesn't.










    ? ? ? ?


    . ? -


    . ?



    . ?




  • My mother likes coffee, but Idon't. Ben sings well, but his bro-ther doesn't. You want to learn English, but your friend doesn't.

    9. I am going to buy a new dress. Is he going to make a shop-ping list? Are $iey going to get money?

    We are not going to use the computer.

    10. Have you got any coffee? I have got some.

    Have we got any milk left? No, we have not got any.

    Do you want any meat? Yes, I shall buy some.

    Have they got any fruit? No, they have not got any.






    , .



    ? -

    ? -


    ? ..

    ? , .

    ? , .

    ? . ,


    Answer the questions to the text.

    1) How often does Maiy Brown go shopping? > 2) What was she doing when her husband entered the kitch-

    en? 3) What do the Browns need? 4) Who must buy tomatoes?


  • 5) What meat did Mary choose and why? 6) Who doesn't like chicken?

    2 Respond to the sentences according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : We shall not come today, (she) She will not come either.

    1) They need not start so early, (we) 2) Bobby doesn't like bananas, (my daughter) 3) They don't know his address. (I) \ 4) I don't smoke, (my father) 5) They are not English, (we) 6) She did not invite me. (he)

    3 Make the statements negative.

    1) Jane has got a holiday in July. 2) She has got some good table games at home. 3) You have got an exam on Monday. 4) Jim has got some salad on his plate. 5) Joan has got a big family. 6) I have got some mistakes in my notes.

    4 Extend the statements according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : Fred is going to the theatre, (put on a white shirt) He must put on a white shirt.

    1) It is time for the boys to have dinner, (wash their hands) 2) Peter's hat is very old. (buy a new one) 3) They know this story very well (tell the story to the

    boys) 4) Don't come home late tonight, (do your homework well) 5) We have run out .of tea. (buy some today) 6) Don't cross the street now. (cross it when the light is

    green) 32

  • Read and translate.





    . -



    Do we have enough sugar?

    We haven't got any. I must buy some. Yes, we have got some. Did you find bread? Butter is in the fridge. Take some.

    We haven't got any bread. Did you buy any? I didn't buy it either. You promised to do it. Fine. And I'll make some hot coffee.



    , . -


    . ,

    . .



    Have you got any coffee? A cup of strong coffee is just what I need now.

    Do we need many things?

    Are you going to the bakery?

    I can buy some on my way home. There is a very good bakery just round the corner. , .

    ? ?

    , -



    , .





    Do you need my help?

    I'm going to the library. I shall bring them for you. Yes, I will. But to tell you the truth, I don't like to talk to him.

    - , .



  • Why? Don't you like it?

    Let's go to a cafe then. Do you know where there is a good cafe?







    . -

    , .

    Are you going to finish this work today? But you must finish it to-day! You have no time at all. We need these documents today.









    Have you got a dog?

    But I have got a dog. It's name is Lucky.






    That's why she buys two chickens every day. And I like beef. So does my husband. You eat a lot of fish then.

    But I saw your husband buying fish. I see.

    , -






    No. I shall buy some lamb instead. Fine. Shall we buy any vege-tables?

    Do we need milk?

    I like milk. So does Pen.

    . ,


    , , -



  • Lucky is quite a big dog, and it eats a lo t

    10) - -? ?


    . .



    . -

    ? .


    . -

    . .

    Yes, it is very nice.

    No, thanks. I need some rest and another cup of tea. It is really very good, but I like a drop of milk in my tea.

    No, thank you. I don't like my tea sweet.

    6 Test yourself. Translate the following: ? . .

    ? , .

    . . .

    . , ^,


    . -

    . .

    . ? . .

    7 Say what you can. 1) . Who does shopping in your family and why? 2) Do you enjoy shopping? 3) What do you usually buy at the butcher's? What meat does

    your family like? 4) Do you like self-service shops? 5) What will you do if, by mistake, you are given wrong


  • Topic 4 LUNCH TIME

    John Brown usually has his lunch at half past one. He comes home from college for it. Today he left for work without breakfast and by one o'clock he was already hungry. Children have their lunch at school; they do not come home till five o'clock.

    The Browns are now sitting at the table in their kitchen. They usually have their meals in the kitchen when there are no guests,

    M.: Some more soup, Johnny? J.: No, thanks. It's too salty today. Don't you know that I pre-

    fer salad to soup? M.: Sorry, dear. We have run out of vegetables.. I- am going to

    buy some for dinner. J.: Fine. Will you pass me some rye bread? You know, I like it

    with the meat course. Pork chops with roast, potatoes look = appetizing.

    M.; Here it is. Shall I switch off the radio? J.: Please, don't. Here is the weather forecast. Let's listen to it.

    M.: How do you like the chop? J.: Oh, it is delicious. Will you make some coffee? I have about

    five minutes to spare, M.: Yes, of course. But it's still early. J,: I have an appointment with the principal at half past two.

    M.: It takes -you only about fifteen minutes to get to the college. J.: Yes, but let me remind you that my car is not fixed yet. That

    is why I've got to go there by bus. Isn't it time for me to go? M.: Yes, it,is. Hurry up. Don't forget to lock the door of the

    garage. J.: Excuse me my haste, but I hate being late for an appoint-

    ment. M.: See you in the evening then. The children will be waiting for



  • 4

    ' -

    . .

    ' .

    ; - .


    , .

    .: , ? .: , . . -

    , ? ML: , ; .


    .: . . ,



    : . ? .: , . .


    .: ? .: .0, . ?


    .: , . .

    .: .

    .: , -


    .: , ,

    . -

    . ? .: , . . .

    .: , .

    .: . , .


  • Tea Time Ann: Would you like a cup of tea, Kate? Kate: Oh, yes. I am so thirsty. A.: How many lumps of sugar do you like in your tea? K.: Three will do. A.: I am sorry, there are only two lumps of sugar left. K.: That is all right. Two lumps are better than one.


    appointment , breakfast course delicious dinner early haste Hurry up! ! It takes you lump () -lunch meal , pork chop potato principal ,

    roast rye , salty supper

    That is why Three will do. (-

    ). to be going to be hungry to be thirsty to buy to have breakfast to have dinner to have lunch - to have supper to make haste , -

    to prefer to remind to spare to switch off to switch on usually weather forecast

    List of Expressions

    Read and memorize.

    I prefer mineral water to juice. | -I .


  • Children prefer chicken to meat.

    Ami prefers cherries to strawber-ries.

    She prefers milk to tea.

    He's got to go now. I've got to do it. , You've got to eat it all up. She's got to finish it in time.

    I am going to do it. He is going to find another way.

    Helen is going to wait for him.

    I am going to start the car.

    You look pale. The meat looks fresh. The furniture looks new. The floor looks dirty.

















    Key Structures

    1. Let's find the key. Let him wait for Tim. Let them go to a cafe. Let me listen to the music.

    2. Are you still ill? We are still at the office. Your brother is still waiting for you. He's still reading that book.







    ? .




  • Don't forget to buy some bread. Don't forget to pay the tax. Don't forget to switch off the computer. Don't forget to water the flowers.

    Isn't it time for us to have a rest? Isn't it time for children to go to bed? Isn't it time for you to switch on the computer? Isn't it time for them to come?

    I usually have breakfast at home. Do you always have lunch at the college canteen? She doesn't have supper so late. Steve sometimes has dinner at a cafe. 4

    Shall I bring you some cof-fee? Shall I find these books for your son? Shall I write? Shall I buy some fruit?

    I have run out of paper. Lucy has run out of chewing gum. We have run out of petrol. They have run out of ciga-rettes.

    He .

    He . -




    ? v -

    ? ?



    ? .




    ? ? ?







  • I have no cash to spare. Have you got. a pencil to 4 spare? He has no time to spare to-day. The secretary has a few sheets of paper to spare.

    The baby is thirsty. Steve is usually hungry by one o'clock. Is she hungry? Who is thirsty?









    ? ?


    Answer the questions to the text.

    1) Where are the Browns? 2) What are the Browns doing? 3) Where do the Browns have their meals? 4) At what time does John usually have his lunch? 5) Where do the children have their lunch? 6) Who has run out of vegetables?

    Who prefers salad to soup? When does John have the appointment? . Why does John have to go to the college by bus?

    10) What does John hate? - . 11) Who is going to wait for John in the evening?

    Fill in the blanks with prepositions and read the sentences out loud.

    1) Please come _ did! See you

    2) Don't let's go foot.

    3) Let's stay

    dinner _ dinner

    Wednesday. Splen-_ Wednesday then.

    bus, as usual. Let's go

    home 41


  • 4) Let's have lunch a little cafe next . , my place.

    The keys: 1) to; on; at; on 2) by; on 3) at; on 4) at; to

    3 Ask questions according to the pattern. Give short affirmative or negative answers.

    E x a m p l e : This dress is blue, (pretty) '

    ' Isn't it pretty? Yes, it is. (No, it isn't)

    1) This box is large, (heavy) 2) The dog is big. (young) 3) These buses are large, (quick) 4) These flowers are white, (fresh) 5) The writer is talented, (popular)

    4 Open the brackets, putting the pronouns into the correct form.

    1) Let (we) talk about it today. 2) Let (they) come to lunch in time: 3) Let (I) go and see him this evening. 4) . Let (she) drink the milk. 5) Let (he) wait for his friends.

    The keys: 1) us 2) them 3) me 4) her 5) him

    5 Read and translate.

    1) Where do you have break-fast? What do you have for lunch?

    Do you like meat?



    . --



  • What do you have for dessert? .


    ? ? .


    Why aren't you eating your soup? Some more bread?

    Do you have any time to spare? That's good. Where do you live? Do you usually go home by bus?

    - -

    ? . -


    . .

    ? .



    Do you remember that Steve is waiting for you?



    Please, don't. Let's have some coffee first. Yes, please. Fine. And no sugar, please.


    , .


    , -



    , ,



    . -


    At the fish market. And where do you buy fruit? Do you like to buy food there?

    Yes, let's. Here is a big super-market. It 's open round-the-clock. No, just round the corner. I'll be back in a minute.

    , ,- -



    . -


  • He has got to go. His wife is in hospital. He can't stay extra hours. Shall I call Steve?

    It took me an hour and a half to get to your service station. . Is my car fixed?

    That's too bad! Where is it? But it's too long. I brought it to you four days ago.




    ? -


    . -


    ! , -


    , .

    , . -



    . -


    ,- .





    Isn't it early? Sorry, I have forgotten about that. What time is it now?

    You have got a few minutes to spare. Let's make some colfee. Yes, please. Let's listen to the weather forecast.

    Test yourself. Translate the following:

    . .

    . ? . , -

    ? , . ? , . .

    ? . , . . ? . .




  • , . ? , .


    Say what you can.'

    1) Why are children taught not to eat between meals? Is it better to eat at regular intervals? Will a child eat his dinner with appetite if he eats something before usual dinnertime? Do sweets take our appetite away?

    2) Which comes earlier in the day, lunch or breakfast? What time do you have these meals?

    3) Suppose you find that the soup is too salty. What will you do to make it less salty? Will you add something to make it less salty?

    4) Before you order a meal at a restaurant, you will have a look at the menu. What two things will you try to find out first?


    Everyone has a favourite time of the year. In spring the air gets warmer and days longer. Flowers come out and green leaves appear on the trees.

    In autumn leaves go yellow, red and brown, and there are plenty of apples.

    In summer it is usually hot. Sometimes it rains, but the rain seldom lasts long. Children and their teachers have a holiday, and everybody tries to spend as much time as possible in the country.

    In winter the air gets frosty, it often snows, the temperature drops below zero and people go skiing and skating.

    John Brown has just come from a trip to Russia. His wife wants to know everything about the country and the people.

    M.: How did you like Russian winter? J.: Oh! It was so cold! You wouldn't believe it. The temperature

    dropped twenty degrees below zero when I came to Moscow. There was a lot of snow everywhere. The rivers were frozen.

    M.: Is their average winter so severe? J.: It depends... Sometimes winter months are rather mild and

    sometimes winter begins in October and lasts till April. M.: Did it snow often? J.: Yes. It snowed every day. People went skiing in the parks.

    Russians enjoy skiing and skating. Children prefer toboggan-ing.

    M.: Did you try to ski? J.: No, you know my hobby is fishing and gardening.

    M.: Do Russians know what is gardening at all in that cold cli-mate?

    J.: Actually everything is not so bad, though Russian climate is more severe than British. The spring is usually cool, but it's quite hot there in summer. People grow vegetables, berries and flowers.


  • 5

    . -

    , . -

    , .

    , -

    , .

    . , -

    . ,


    , ,





    .: ? .: , ! .


    . . .

    .: ? .: ... ,

    , , .

    .: ? .: , .

    . -

    . ^


    .: ? .: , ,


    .: , -

    ? * .: ,

    , . -

    , . -

    , .


  • Climate In Britain Linda: Where do you eome from? Ted: I come from England. L.: What is the climate like in your country? ' .: It's mild, but it's not always pleasant. The weather is often

    cold in the North and windy in the East. It's often wet in the West and sometimes warm in the South.

    L.: Do you like it in England? .: Yes, I do. Our climate is not very good, but it's certainly

    interesting. It's our favourite subject of conversation.


    above autumn average below climate conversation . cool to drop to enjoy favourite fishing to be frozen - gardening to go skating -


    to go skiing -

    to go tobogganing

    to have a holiday -,


    It depends ( )

    to last mild pleasant plenty to rain ( ) rather , river seldom severe to snow ( ) sometimes spring summer trip , usually weather wet , windy winter You wouldn't believe it!



  • Key Structures

    1. Did I read the book? Did you find the key at once? Did he take the car yester-day? Did they drink much?

    2. The child enjoyed the ice cream.

    It became colder yesterday. We went to the cinema on Sunday. -They went on a business trip.

    3. He didn't know your brother. I didn't see his parents. They didn't remind me about the appointment. You didn't see that tree.

    4. I was on a business trip last month. We were ready to start. Sally was tired yesterday. They were good skaters.

    5. Were you ill last week?

    Was it rainy last summer?

    Were they busy in the morn-ing? Was Tom at home last night?

    6. The baby was not hungry. I was not joking last night.

    ? ? ?








    . ,

    . -







    ? -

    ? ?






  • We were not skating this time yesterday. It was not wet in the forest.

    7. I shall write to him tomorrow. He will go skiing on Saturday.

    We will become students this year. It will be hot this summer.

    8. Will you wait for us? Will he go home on foot? Will it snow in winter?

    . Will the girl play for us?

    9. I shan't give you a lift. She won't eat this apple. It won't be windy today. My sister won't have sweets.

    10. It is Tuesday today. It was Monday yesterday. It will be Wednesday tomor-row.

    Was it Sunday yesterday?

    11 Today is the 3rd of April. Yesterday was the 2nd of April. It will be the 4th of April to-morrow.

    It will be the 7th of May the day after tomorrow. It will be the 9th of July next Friday. It will be the 20th of Decem-ber in three days.








    ? ? ? ?










    3 . 2 .

    4 .

    7 .

    9 . 20 -.

  • It will be the 7th of June when Simon comes.


    7 .








    1 Answer the questions to the text.

    What are four seasons of the year? What happens in spring? What is the weather like in summer? Is it very hot in autumn? Does it rain in winter? What is winter like in Russia? Does it often snow? Do Russians enjoy skiing and skating? Is Russian winter always severe? Do Russians know what gardening is?

    2 Disagree with the following remarks, according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : I am good at learning languages. Oh no, you are not. .

    He won't start reading the book tomorrow. Oh yes, he will.

    1) Steve lived here last year. 2) She went there by bus.

    , 3) You don't want any cigarettes. 51

    12. Hike autumn better. Today the weather is worse than yesterday. My son is taller than yours. The child likes fruit more than vegetables. Douglas is the best in his class.

    1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

  • 4) They do this work every week. 5) We shall cook a good breakfast in 20 minutes. 6) It didn't snow yesterday. 7) She is drinking her tea in the kitchen. 8) We shall do this trip in two hours. 9) Nick always listens to the latest news. 10) Fred likes to play a game of chess on Saturday. 11)- It is warm and sunny in winter.

    3 Open the brackets and give full answers to the questions according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : What were they doing at this time yesterday? (to fly to Edinburg) They were flying to Edinburg this time yesterday.

    1) What was James doing while Maggie was watching TV? (to cook)

    2) What did Jane do yesterday? (to have a rest) 3) What do your brothers do while you make tea? (to play

    chess) 4) What do you usually do in the evening? (to play computer

    games) 5) What will John do tomorrow evening? (to go for a walk) 6) What do children usually do in summer? (to have holi-

    days) 7) What will he be doing in college for five years? (to study

    chemistry) 8) What did you do on Sunday? (to be in the country)

    4 Read and translate.

    1) ? .

    . . ,



    I like spring.

    Why do you like it? Is it cold in winter in Moscow?

  • ,

    ; .

    2) What is the climate like in . Finland?

    What is the average tem-perature in winter? Do you like such cold weather?

    3) - ? . -


    , . -




    4) What day is it today?

    Tomorrow will be Thurs-day. Will you go to see your parents tomorrow?

    5) ?


    , -


    6) Isn't it time for you to go to bed? It is five minutes to ten.

    Why didn't yon do it ear-lier?




    15 .

    , -


    ) No, I didn't. And what about you? Let's go skating this winter.

    When are you going to start?



    . 15 -.

    . -


    No, I don't. I don't like hot weather. I prefer winter. I like skiing and skating.





  • 7) ? ?

    8) Is it windy?

    Is it raining?

    Is it really warm?

    9) Did you enjoy the film?

    What is it about? I'd like to watch it too.

    10) ? -


    11) What was the weather like on Saturday? Did it rain?

    Did you go swimming?

    It is the 21st of December. No, it is Monday. It will be Tuesday tomorrow,

    . ,


    . .

    . 20 .

    , -




    Yes, we did. It's better than ours.

    No. Next week we are going to our country house for holi-

    ! days.

    . -




    . -


    5 Test yourself. Translate the following:

    . He . , .



    . 15 . . , .

    , .





  • Say what you can.

    1) When are the leaves heavier: when they are still green or when they turn yellow in autumn?

    2) Why do we look for the shade in summer? 3) What do you do when you get caught in the rain? In what

    places do you usually find shelter from the rain? 4) Why is it darker outdoors on a cloudy day than on a

    sunny day? 5) Is a raincoat more convenient than an umbrella?


    "Medicines are not meant to live on," an English proverb says. That is true and we may add that good health is better than the best medicine. And if your health is good you are always in a good mood.

    George feels ill today. He has got a headache and a sore throat. John and Mary Brown have got no medicines at home and they are very nervous.

    J.: What's the matter with George? He looks ill. M-: He feels ill. I'll call a doctor.

    J.: Yes, let's phone him right now.

    Their family doctor Mr Middletone comes in an hour.

    D.: Good morning. What's wrong with George? What are his complaints?

    J.: He slept badly. He has a terrible headache and a sore throat. We are afraid he is starting a cold or flu.

    D.: Any cough? M.: No, not yet. D.: Let me examine the boy... Open your mouth, George. Show

    me your tongue. Say, "Ah." M.: What's the matter with him, doctor? D.: Just a moment... He has a bad cold, Mrs Brown, so he

    must stay in bed for a week. J.: That's good news for George.

    D.: Good news? Why? M.: Because he doesn't like school D.: I see. Don't give the boy rich food. He can drink warm milk

    and tea, and I suggest that you give him something for his headache and sore throat.

    J.: Will you write out a prescription? D.: Here it is. Let hiip take the medicine three times a day. You

    can buy it at the nearest chemist's. M.: Is that all?


  • 6

    , -

    . , , -

    , .

    , .

    . -

    . -

    , .

    .: ? . .: . .

    .: , .


    .: . ? -?

    .: . -

    . , .

    .: ? .: , ..

    .: .. . ,

    . . --....

    .: , ? .: ... , ,


    .: .

    .: ? ? .: .

    ' .: . .

    , -



    .: ? .: . - .


    , .: ? 57

  • D.: He is running a temperature. See that he doesn't go out at least for a week. I'll call on you in the evening. In case he feels worse, I'll make an injection.

    J.: Why can't you make it right now? D.: Let him take some medicine first. George: Is the injection very painful? D.: Not at all. You won't feel anything. If you follow my advice,

    you'll recover quite soon.

    At the Dentist's Good morning, Mr Baker. Good morning, nurse. I .want to see the dentist, please. Have you an appointment? No, I haven't. Is it urgent? Yes, it is very urgent. I have a terrible toothache. Can you come at 10 a.m. on Monday? I want to see the dentist now, nurse. The dentist is very busy at the moment. Can you wait till 2 p.m.? I can wait, but my toothache can't.


    a sore throat advice chemist's complaint cough dentist earache to examine flu to follow advice -

    headache health I see. . In case he feels worse

    injection Just a moment medicine nervous Not at all. . nurse .


  • .: . , .

    . ,


    .: ? .: . .: ? .: . .

    , .

    pain painful to recover rich food to run a temperature -

    terrible , tongue toothache urgent write out a prescription -

    List of Expressions

    Read and memorize.

    The nurse made an injection. 1 shall make some soup for you. You made a mistake. He will make a report.

    Steve has a toothache. I have a running nose. My daughter has a sore throat. Do you have a headache?









    Key Structures

    1. We have made a mistake. Mother has baked a cake. We have washed our hands.





  • They haven't tasted the food.

    2. Has he written his article? Have you used this sort of pencil? Have you cleaned the carpet already? Have they ever heard this song?

    3. Kate hasn't had her break-fast yet. You haven't passed your exam.

    We haven't finished our work yet. They haven't bought the car.

    4. Two years have passed since he took a holiday. Six months have passed since he recovered. Ten minutes have passed since he telephoned me.

    5. Nancy can help us today.

    You can sing this song. They can speak English.

    We can come home early.

    1 can do it better than you.

    6. Can I cross the street now? Can you buy some fruit for me? Can the child have an ice cream?



    ? -

    ? ?









    , .

    , .










    ? -


  • Can they wait for me? Can we go there by bus?

    7. I can't go to the doctor to-,day. You can't buy this TV set.

    We can't swim there. Peter can't unlock the door.

    They can't play tennis.

    8. I could take this medicine. You could make some tea for us. We could fly to Sheffild.

    Sally could meet her little sister after school.

    J 9. Could you paint the door

    green? Could give you a lift? Could Polly give the book back to you? Could we go shopping yester-day? Could they wait for the tea-cher?

    10. I couldn't eat the soup. You couldn't help him. We couldn't take our um-brellas. They couldn't start the car.

    She couldn't tell her friends about the pkn .









    , .






    ? ? -

    ? -

    ? -









  • 11. Let me go to the country on Sunday. Let's have a talk with Helen now.

    Let Steve choose a present for her. Let them translate the text.




    . #



    1 Answer the questions to the text.

    1) How does George feel today? What are his complaints? 2) Why are John and Mary so nervous? 3) What did the doctor ask George to do? ' 4) What's wrong with George? 5) What advice did the doctor give? 6) Where are the Browns going to buy the prescribed medi

    cine? 7) Why is George afraid of injections?

    2 Answer the questions according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : Shall I make coffee? (Peter) -No, thank you. Let Peter make coffee. Let him do it.

    1)> Shall I take the books to the library? (Helen) 2) Shall I translate the text? (Bella) 3) Shall I help you to cook the dinner? (Granny) 4) Shall we wash up the dishes? (My sister) 5) Shall I send Mike a telegram? (Ted)

    3 Open the brackets putting the verb into the correct form.

    1) We (to read) the latest novel by this writer yet. 2) We (to discuss) your mistakes at the next lesson. 3) Excuse me, I (to hear) the last word.


  • 4) Who (to tell) you this story? 5) We usually (to speak) English at the lesson. 6) What's the matter with the child? He (to look) pale. 7) I (to be going) for a walk now.

    4 Read and translate:

    1) Has Mary started the book? When did she start it? Will she finish it soon?

    2) ? ? ? -


    3) ?

    ? ?



    4) What's wrong with Simon? Has he ever been to a private doctor? I can recommend you a very good family doctor.

    5) ? , .

    , ' . .

    , .


    , .



    is forty-seven.

    Yes, he is. He is a cardiologist. Yes, I am. I am a surgeon. 1 enjoy it immensely.

    I have a sore throat, I am sleepy and have no appetite. Yes, a little. I feel dizzy. * I don't know. I haven't thought of it. Yes, please... Oh, it's pain-fid!


    . -




    No, there isn't. Shall I make you a cup of tea? - Shall I pour some cognac into your tea? How many lumps of sugar?

    i 63

  • .

    6) Have you ever been to Leeds? I have been there four times. A month ago. Yes, I am. My relatives live there. I usually go there by train. 4

    7) ?





    8) Why can't you come right into my office? When are you coming back? Can I see you now?


    9) .

    - .


    ? '. ?

    Your tea is ready.

    , .- ?


    ? ?


    No, thank you. My sister's house is round the corner. It is not heavy at all.

    That's a good idea! Let's put it in the back of your car.

    . -



    ... -


    Really? Why don't you go to the dentist? There isn't anything to be afraid of. ; Yes, of course. I can call him right now. Yes, he will. You won't feel anything.

    5 Test yourself. Translate the following:

    ? 64

  • , .

    ? , .

    , .

    . ,

    . . -


    , .


    Say what you can.

    1) Why do you wash your hands when you come home? How can you catch an infection?

    2) Why do people keep medicines in a place where small children can't get them? ,

    3) Do you know how not to miss lessons for reasons of health? 4) On what occasions did you have to see the doctor? 5) What do you know about the profession of nurse and doc-

    tor? .


    John Brown was lucky enough to get a new job in one of the big colleges in Sheffield. The whole family is going to pack up their things and move to Sheffield. John wants to rent a house there. He read a number of advertisements in Sheffield papers the other day. He rings up in answer to one of them.

    John: Good afternoon. Is that Mrs Hopkinson? Mrs Hopkinson: Yes, it's me. What can I do for you? J.: I am ringing up about the house you advertised to let.

    H.: Yes. J.: We are a large family and your house sounds the sort of place

    we need. Does it face a quiet street? H.: Yes, it does. The street is really very quiet. But how many

    are you in the family? J.: Four. We have two children, of the age of fourteen and eight.

    H.: That's wonderful. There is a big park two blocks away from the house with playgrounds for children and sport facilities.

    J.: Are there any schools in the neighborhood? H.: Yes, there is a private school and two comprehensive schools

    within fifteen minutes' walk from the house. There is a super-market just round the corner.

    J.: I'd like to see your house, but we are still in Glasgow. We are coming to Sheffield one of these days.

    H.: Don't bother about anything. The rooms are furnished. There is a good garage for your car behind the house; and the transportation is excellent. The house is airconditioned; there are lots of chests of drawers everywhere.

    J.: What about the kitchen? H.: It has all modern conveniences. There are three built-in cup-

    boards; the fridge and microwave are built in too. J.: Is the house very old?

    H.: I am afraid it's rather old, but it has just been redecorated. Do you know how much the rent is?

    J.: I think so. It was in your ad. I am going to sign a lease for four years.

    H.: You will have to pay a half-year deposit. 66

  • 7

    . -



    . .

    : . ? .: , . ? .: ,


    X.: . .: , , , ,

    . ? X.: . .

    ? .: . .

    X.: . - -


    .: ? X.: ,

    . -


    .: , .


    X.: . . - . -

    . -

    . .

    .: ? X.: . -

    . '


    .: ? X.: , , -

    . , ? 67

  • J. .

    J. .

    I'd like to see the house first. Is it on Church Street? Yes. It's Church Street, 86. Fine. We'll call on you as soon as we come to Sheffield. I'll expect you.

    A New Apartment I. hear you have rented a new apartment the other day. How do you like it? It is quite comfortable, but not very large. It is a one-bed-room apartment. On what floor is it? It's 011 the second floor. Good, you won't have to use the elevator then. There is no elevator in the house. So the rent must not be very high. It is not very high indeed.


    to advertise advertisement block to bother () chest of drawers , conveniences cupboard , deposit to face ... furnished I'd like to... ... indeed

    to let microwave need , -

    neighborhood playground private to rent (, ) to sign a lease -

    the other day unfurnished


  • .: . . -


    X.: . .: .

    -? X.: , , 86. .: . , .

    X.: .

    List of Expressions

    Read and memorize.

    I read a very interesting article the other day.

    We saw Ned the other day. He went skiing the other day.

    We are leaving Moscow one of these days.

    He will see his mother one of these days.

    One of these days Steve will buy a car.

    We'd like to see Mary. I'd like a cup of coffee. He'd like to meet you.

    They'd like to go there by bus.















    Key Structures

    1. You must ring her up. He must see the doctor.


    %. 69

  • I must tell you the news.

    We must cross the street now.

    2. Must you be there at eight? Must he buy some bread? Must I change my clothes? Must we be present?

    3. They must not show it to her.

    You must not go out at least for a week.

    He must not put all the eggs in one basket.

    4. I need a bigger flat.

    We need a lot of paper. The house needs a coat of paint. This coat is dirty. It needs cleaning.

    5. We don't need to bring the baby with us, do we? I am afraid you must.


    Must I drive so quickly?

    No, you needn't. Must he keep the door of the house locked? Yes, he must.

    6. If you say it again, we shall quarrel.




    ? ? ? ?










    . -



    ? , -


    ? , .


    ? , .



  • If they follow the instruc-tions, they will not get lost.

    If we take a taxi, we shall not be late. If you knock at the door, they will let you in.

    7. I shall go swimming, when I finish my work. When you have your break-fast, you will see her. They will bring the dog, when it feels better.

    You will feel better, when you start taking this medicine.

    8. I had to write to her at once.

    He had to help Nancy to cook dinner. Did they have to read this ' lesson for today? When do we have to take our umbrellas?

    9. I don't have to listen to you.

    Peter doesn't have to paint the ceiling. We didn't have to wait for the bus. They will not have to go to school.

    10. Shall we have to meet them . at the station? r


    , -






    , -


    , -









    . ?









    ? 71

  • Shall I have to write it all over again? Do you have to go there? Did they have to work on Sunday?

    ? ? -



    Answer the questions to the text.

    1) What are the Browns going to do and why? 2) What did John read the other day? 3) Whom did he ring up? 4) What is Church Street like? 5) Where is the park? What is there in the park? 6) Are there any schools in the neighborhood?

    What else did Mrs Hopkinson tell John? Is the house new? What is the kitchen like?

    10) Are the rooms furnished?

    Re-word the sentences according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : Turn over the page and you will see the exercise. If you turn over the page, you will see the exercise.

    1) Drive along this street and you will see the theatre to your tight.

    2) Listen to me carefully and you will understand it. 3) Give me your pen and I shall explain how to do it. 4) Switch on the radio and you will hear the news. '

    Answer the questions according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : Must I get up early tomorrow? No, you needn't.


  • Need I bring the book? Yes, I'm afraid you must.

    1) Must I show the paper to the teacher? 2) Need she go to see the doctor? 3) Must he make sandwiches for the picnic? 4) Need they trouble you again? 5) Must Steve ring you up before seven? 6) Need we keep the door shut?

    4 Fill in the blanks.

    1) Aren't you thirsty? I a cup of tea. 2) He likes the green colour. He paint his house green. 3) We hate to be late. We be there in time. 4) They are looking for an apartment for rent. They

    look at this one.

    The keys: l) 'd like 2) 'd like to 3) 'd like to 4) 'd like to

    5 Read and translate.

    1) When is Tom going to pay ,the rent? The landlady needs the money now. Does he have enough -money to pay her now?

    2) -. ?




    . -





    , -


    No; you needn't. I have plenty of paint in the garage. I can help you.

    I'd like to see my house painted blue.

  • You will have to rewrite this paper.

    You have made many mistakes and missed lots of things. You did not put in your address.

    ? -

    ? ? -


    I have come in answer to your ad. Yes. I'd like to see the apartment.

    Is this a quiet place?

    Where is the bedroom?

    Yes. What about the kit-chen?


    , .


    ? - ? -

    15, .





    - j . j , .

    It is at the end of the corridor. Yes, there are two built-in fridges and a gas stove. Yes, of course. No, it doesn't work at night, j

    , ?


    . -


    , -

    . - j .

    . - j .

    ? ,



    I'd like to rent it for a couple of years first. No it isn't. It's too far from j the centre.

    Shall I have to go by bus?

  • ,



    ? - ? .





    And the school is also too far.

    Yes, but if the rent is too high...

    Who are the neighbours?

    Fine. If my wife likes the apartment, we will pay a six months' deposit.

    Test yourself. Translate the following:

    ? , .

    . ? . .

    ? , .



    - (parking lot)? \

    , .

    Say what you can. 1) What will you take into consideration when choosing an

    apartment for rent? 2) What can you do to make a rented apartment home-like? 3) Is it important for you to live near your office, if the

    transportation is good? How much time are you ready to spend to get to work?


    George Brown and Margaret Snow are classmates. They are friends and have very much in common. They go to discotheques, theatres and skating-rinks together. Today George decided to invite Margaret to the cinema to see a new film. He rang her up.

    * * *

    G.: Hello! Is that you, Maggie? M.: Hello. Yes, it's me. G.: How are you? M.: Pretty much the same. What about you? G.: Can't complain. Listen, are you busy tomorrow evening? M.: Let me think... No, I am not. Why? G.; Let's go to the cinema. There's a new film with that Amer-

    ican actor... what's-his-name... M.: It would be great! But it will be awfully difficult to get the

    tickets. G.: We'll think of something. What time shall I call for you? M,: 6.30 would be fine. . G.: Tomorrow at 6.30 I'll be at your place,

    * * *

    G.: Hi, Maggie. M.: What's the matter with you? You don't look yourself. Has

    anything happened? G.: I have totally forgotten that today is my gramiy's birthday.\

    You have seen my grandmother, haven't you? M.: Yes, I know her. She is a nice old woman. She is well-read

    and wise, she has a keen sense of humour. It's a pleasure to talk to her.

    G.: You are quite right. My sister Susan and I must go and see her. She loves us very much. It would be awfully impolite of me not to come. I don't want her to be upset today.

    M.: But of course you must go. She has always been very kind to both of you.

    G. : Will you join us, Maggie? My granny would be delighted. She likes to be in company with young people.


  • 8


    , . -

    , .

    , . .

    * *

    .: ! , ? .: . , .

    .: ? .: . ? .: . , -

    ? .: ... . ? .: . -

    ... ...

    .: ! -.

    .: - . ? .: 6.30 . .: 6.30 .

    * - *

    .: , .

    .; ? . - ?

    .: ,

    . , ? .: , . .

    , . -


    .: .

    . . -

    . ,


    .: , .


    77 .

  • M.: I don't know if it is convenient. G.: She will be delighted, I swear. M.: All right, I'll go... It's a pity we'll miss the film. It is not on

    video. G.: Don't get upset about it. We might go to the cinema tomor-

    row. Tomorrow is Saturday, we have no classes. M.: Wonderful. Let's make it Saturday.

    Invitation Please come to tea on Tuesday and meet my Mum and my

    cousin. Tuesday... Let me see... I've got a busy day this Tuesday... Then come to lunch on Sunday, if it's convenient for you. On Sunday? Lovely! Yes! What time? Will 1.30 be all right? Wonderful. Till Sunday, then!


    awfully-- to be busy both , to call for -;


    cinema complain convenient delighted , -

    discotheque . granny = grandmother to have a keen sense of humour

    to have much in common - j

    impolite I swear! ! It's a pity It would be great!

    ! to make an appointment (date)

    (-; )

    to miss pleasure skating-rink theatre


  • .: , ? . .

    .: , .

    .: , ... , .


    .: - . -

    . , .

    .: . .

    totally upset , well-read

    what?s-his-name , , ...

    Why? ~ . ? wise

    List of Expressions

    Read and memorize.

    It's impolite of me.

    It's very nice of him.

    It's cruel of you.

    They have very much in com-mon.

    We have nothing in common. You and Betsy have something

    in common.

    Let's make it 6.30. Let's make it Sunday evening.

    f s make it Friday.









    - -

    . '.-"





  • Key Structures

    1. I don't want her to be upset.

    I want him to study well.

    He wants his wife to be nice with his friends. They want us to bring the money.

    2. The chair is in the room. Put it into the box. The plate is on the table. The garden is in front of the house. The shoes are behind the curtain.

    3. Give it to the boy. They dictated the letter to him. She wrote to her mother. I'll describe it to you.

    4. What other films did you see? What other books has she read? What other rooms are there in the house? What other exercises have you missed?

    5. Mary made a good film.

    You have made a lot of mis-takes.

    , -






    , -


















  • Steve made up his mind at last. Don made a list of names.

    6. Have you done the exercise already? It'll do you good. That won't do. Jane did her best to help him.

    7. She is upset. 1 am married. He is well prepared. Carol is tired.

    8. Tom got upset. Steve is getting married. Bill is getting prepared to the test. Carol got tired, she can't read any more.

    9. You don't look yourself. She did it herself. We'll find the book our-selves. He tried to open the bottle himself.

    10. I'll think of something. Do you think he is a nice man? I think this coat is worth buy-ing. Do you think this book is interesting?

    - .






    , .















    - .

    , -

    ? ,




    8 1

  • Exercises

    1 Answer the questions to the text.

    1) What are George and Margaret? 2) What do they do together? 3) Where did George decide to invite Margaret to?

    4) What time did he promise to come? 5) Why was George so upset? 6) What kind of person is his grandmother? 7) What did George suggest to do? .

    2 Complete the sentences according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : If you want something done, do it If you want something done, do it yourself

    1) He made a mistake, then he corrected it 2) They went swimming, but they didn't enjoy _ _ _ _ _ 3) I hope you didn't hurt 4) Did the boys build this boat ? 5) I never buy anything until I have seen it _ _ _ _ 6) They say John broke their table, but really they did


    Insert "do" or "make", read the sentences out loud.

    1) Shall I an exact list of names and dates? 2) Let him _ _ _ _ his lessons, not play. .3) Please it again and don't 1 mistakes! 4) Let me go home and a cake. 5) Let him his job in time! 6) "Shall I some tea?" "Yes, please !

    The keys: 1) make 2) do 3) do; make 4) make 5) do 6) make; do


  • 4 Read and translate.

    1) Where and when shall we meet?

    I'm afraid it's impossible. I 'm leaving for France on Thursday. No, I am not. I'll be at your office.on Wednesday. What time? Does 10.30 suit you all right?

    2) .

    - .

    ? . .


    3) Do you know Lester Young?

    Is he married? How old is he?

    I talked to him on Mon-day. He wanted me to be his secretary. I haven't made up my mind yet. Do you really think he is nice?

    4) . -







    . -


    . -

    . -


    I'm afraid we'll not get the tickets. 7 o'clock would be all right. Shall we walk to the cinema? Fine. But don't be late.

    . , -



    , ,

    32 . - .

    ? ?

    , -




    Yes, that's right. Both of them are doctors, both of them like ballet and they go to the same shaping club. I don't know. They will decide it by themselves.

  • , -



    , -

    , -


    5) Do you know my uncle?

    You are quite right. He is really very nice. But there is problem with him. He doesn't want me to help him. No. Uncle Matthew doesn't want anybody to help him. Yes. He is a man of prin-ciples. He even makes food all by himself. She can, but she doesn't want to make him angry. So she lets him do it himself.

    6) - ? ? -? -



    7) I am late for an appoint-ment. Can you give me a lift?

    Yes. They are very nice people indeed.


    . -



    ? ?




    I am afraid, not.

    Yes. I 'm getting prepared for the test. Tomorrow. The teacher is very strict. Are you joking? Sorry L can't go with you. It was very nice of you to invite me.

    , . -

    . ?


  • To the Green Street, please. My sister is waiting for me in front of the cafe.

    Yes, there is another one a few blocks down the street. Thank you very much. It was very kind of you to help me.

    , .

    ? .


    ? , . -


    3.30. ?

    Hallo, Mr. Hopkins. Al-fred Stock here. I tried to get you on the phone yester-day but you were out. I'd like to invite you to Covent Garden. Do you remember, I promised you to get tickets for a ballet? The performance starts at 7.30. Would you like me to call for you? - W i l l 7 o'clock be all right?

    Fine. At 6.45 I'll be at your place.


    . -


    ? ! -.



    . !

    Hallo, Frank. Pretty busy. And how are you? Glad to hear that. There is something I'd like to talk to you about. Sure, with pleasure. Can you come to my office, say, on Mon-day afternoon? Yes. That's fine.




    . .




    , . -


    . -



  • 10) .


    - .




    ? ,




    10 . -.

    What shall I do? :

    Can Dorothy help me?

    There were a lot of them.

    What time shall I come?

    Yes, sir.

    5 Test yourself, translate the following:

    ? ? -? . . .

    ? , ,


    , . ? ^, ? . .

    6 . , 6 . ' -

    6 Say what you can. ~

    1) Which theatre would you like to go to with a friend? How would you invite him (her)?


  • Have you ever been late for an appointment? What did you say? What would you say if you want to decline () an invitation?

  • Topic 9 IN THE BANK

    John and Mary Brown are not very rich people, but they try to do their best to save money. Mary Brown wants to open an account in the bank, but she doesn't know what is more profita-ble to start a savings account or a current account. She decides to speak to the clerk first.

    M.: May I open a Current account? C.: Yes, of course. Do you know that no interest is paid on a

    current account? M.: Really? I'd better start savings account then. Is it profitable?

    What is the highest interest? C.: Your interest will depend on the sum of money you deposit. M.: Fine. Must I fill in any paper? C.: Yes. Fill in this form, please. Do you have your passport on

    you? , M.: Here it is. Could I also start a credit card? C.: Suit yourself, Mrs... Brown. Sign here and put the date,

    please. M.: Shall I write out the amount in full? C.: By all means. Did you sign on the back? M.: Oh, no. I didn't know I must. Is that all? C.: Yes, it is. Anything else? M.: I'd like to cash the cheque. C.: The second window on your right, please. M.: Here is the cheque. May I cash it, please? - .: Will you produce your passport, please? M.: Here it is. C.: Sign this paper here, will you?.. Fine. Here is your money. M.: Could you break this into smaller notes? C.: Unfortunately we haven't got smaller notes left. M.: Oh, nothing to worry about. I'll pay my rent with the mon-

    ey. Thank you. And where is the currency exchange? C.: The third window on your right.

  • 9

    , -

    , , .

    , ,

    . -


    .: ? .: , . , -

    ? .: ? .

    ? ? ' .: ,


    .: . - ? .: . , . -

    ? .: . ? .: ... .

    , .

    .: ? .: . ? .: , . , . ? .: , . - ? .: .

    .: , .

    .: . ? .: , .

    .: .

    .: , :.. -

    ' . .

    .: ? .: , .

    , . -

    . . ? .: .


  • Is Anything Left? Excuse me, I'd like to take some money from my current

    account. They refused to take my credit card in the shop yesterday. Could you find out what's the matter?

    Just a moment... Do you have your passport on you? Yes, here it is. The matter is that there is no money left on your current

    account. Really? What shall I do? On the one hand I can't draw money

    from my savings account the interest will be lost; on the other hand I need money now. Are you sure nothing is left on my current account?

    Absolutely nothing, madam. .


    account amount (. ) to break a note -

    cash cheque to count credit card current to draw money from a bank

    to find out* form

    interest on the back - ,

    on the one hand - 1

    on the other hand - :'

    to pay profitable request savings to sign

    List of Expressions

    Read and memorize.

    Fd better go. You'd better start working.




  • .

    , -

    , -


    , -


    , ,


    Key Structures

    1. The money is in your pocket. There is no money on the table. Here is your money. Where was the money?

    2. The sun had set before I was ready to go. They went home after they had finished their work. He had finished his work be-fore I rang him up. She had made her decision by the time we came.

    3. Suit yourself, please. Follow suit, please.

    It's up to you. It depends on what you need.

    4. English is spoken all over the world.


    He'd better take this medicine.

    I tried, my best to learn the rule.

    He tries his best not to be late.

    We try our best to help him.











    , .

    , .

    , , -







  • This ring is made of gold!

    The shop is closed. The money is spent.

    5. The fruit was bought yester-day. This bridge was built last year.

    The light was left on all night.

    The dog was left in the gar-den.

    6. The dog will be well looked after. The money will be paid in time. They will be met at the sta-tion. Mary will be taught how to dance.

    7. A meeting is being held here. The tooth is being filled. The boy is being operated on. The students are being exa-mined in room 12.


    8. The train has already left. They have already done it. We haven't had our break-fast yet. Doris still hasn't packed her bag.

    9. What was lost? Who has just been examined?
























    ? , ?


  • Whose suitcase was being searched when the officer came? Whose house will be painted next summer?


    Answer the questions to the text.

    1) Are the Browns rich or poor? What do they try to do? 2) What is Mary Brown going to do?, 3) What is Mary going to speak with the clerk about? 4) Why is it more profitable to start a savings account? 5) Is it necessary to produce your passport in the bank? 6) What must you do to take money from your bank account

    or to put it on it?

    Respond to imperatives according to the pattern.

    E x a m p l e : Open the door! But I have already opened it.

    1) Ask him what he means! 2) Take the books to the library! 3) Water the flowers! 4) Dust the furniture! : 5) Drink some hot milk! 6) Cut the bread!

    Use the verbs in brackets in the appropriate form.

    1) The boy is not in town. He (to send) to the country. 2) The plan (not to discuss) yesterday. It (to discuss) to-


    3) You can't use the refrigerator at the moment, it (not to fix) by the mechanic yet.






  • 4) A new Metro line (to construct) now. One of its stations (to build) in our street.

    5) The tea (to sweeten) before I put sugar into it. 6) Everybody was busy as a party (to prepare).

    The keys: 1) has been sent 2) was not discussed; will be discussed 3) has not been fixed 4) is being constructed; will be built 5) had been j sweetened 6) was being prepared

    ' . ' \ A

    4 Read and translate: j 1) .




    2) You'd better take the bus.

    You will not be late, if you take the bus. Suit yourself. But don't forget you will be examined the last, if you come late.

    3) ? ,

    , -




    There is no money there. What shall I do? I lost it last week.



    , ; .



    . j

    I don't know yet.

    Yes, we shall lose our annual interest. -S

    No, but still it will be lost, t

    4) Who took my credit card? . j When? . It is lost then. What shall I do? .

    94 ' - -1

  • The bank will be closed in an hour.




    . -



    , -


    Was Peter still being ques-tioned when his mother came? I don't think so. Ann and Steve are still in the room. Where are their parents?






    ... . -

    , .

    I'd like to take some mo-ney from my current account . Must I fill in any form?


    20 minutes ago. Has the rent been paid al-ready?

    Let me pay it myself.

    Fine. I'll pay it today.

    . -




    . .

    Oh, no. Thank you for remin-ding me.

    I'd better take it in cash.

    It's none of your business. Where is my money?

    ' !:- '.! i. . V i 1 Thank you.

    , .


    , . -

    , -

    . ,



  • Here it is, I have a re-quest. Could you break this into smaller notes?








    What is the annual inte-rest rate in this bank?

    No, I'd like to start a current account. ' That's bad. Where can I cash the cheque?

    , .


    Are you a client of our bank?

    Fine. Fill in the number of your current account here. Will you produce your passport,^ please. i It is higher than in other banks, and will depend on the sum of money you deposit. If you do it before the end ol the year, you will lose your in-terest.

    ] . ^

    ? ,

    . :

    . J

    Test yourself. Translate the following:

    ? . . 9 ! . \ . , ; .

    . ? I .

    (to transfer) . } .

    , .

    , . , i 96 ' ' '

  • .

    . ? .

    Say what you can.

    1) Have you ever been to the bank? What did you do-there? 2) Do you have any sort of account in the bank? Is it profit-

    able? 3) When do you take a large sum of money from your ac-

    count? 4) Do you pay your rent from your bank account or do you

    come to the bank yourself?


    George Brown and Margaret Snow often go to the cinema together. It is Saturday today. They decided to see a new film, which is not yet on video.

    " -

    G.: It is the latest picture and it is considered the best of the year. There are a lot of people at the box-office. The film is playing to full houses. This cinema is always full though.

    M.: Shall we be able to get seats? G.: Unfortunately, it was impossible to reserve seats, but I am

    sure we'll be able to get in. M.: We'll have to wait for stall seats. G.: I wonder, are balcony seats still available? M.: Oh, no! They are usually too far from the screen. We won't

    see anything... G.: Oh! Here we are at last. Look! There are two vacant seats in

    the foyer. The film starts in fifteen minutes. Let's wait there and have a Pepsi.

    M.: It's an American film, isn't it? I am sure, nobody in our class has seen it.

    G.: You know Tom, he i