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3 The Eurasian Youth Economic Forum is a stepping stone for career and personality growth of the young and talented. The idea for the First Eurasian Youth Economic Forum entitled «Dialogue of Civilizations» was born in 2009 in the course of the International Business Game «SCO-2039» which brought together students from 11 countries belonging to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. During the foresight game, the participants professed their vision of global processes in the social sphere, politics, and economics; they contemplated global challenges the world is likely to face by the year 2039. The game resulted in adopting the SCO-2039 Declaration, i.e. young people’s address to the heads of states taking far-reaching political decisions. The final document was sent to the Chairman of the SCO Summit Organizing Committee. The First Eurasian Youth Economic Forum took place in 2010, its general theme being «Dialogue of Civilizations: Humanization of the World Economy». The Forum theme panels included Business Eurasia – Future Standards, Eurasia Green, Dialogue of Civilizations, Models of Post-Crisis Development, Eurasia Arena Multimedia 2010.ru, and Mono-cities of Eurasia. The first forum determined the EYEF structure and development trends; it was seen as a cyclic annual programme including a wide range of scientific and applied competitions, large-scale congress events, and the cultural part with its exciting highlight – the Friendship Balle. In 2011, the Second Eurasian Youth Economic Forum was held under the title «Dialogue of Civilizations: Way up North». It was dedicated to up-to-date issues of social and economic development of northern territories, with the continental resource base shrinking. The forum’s opening event was the festival «Northern Bridge» which brought together representatives of the Russian North and the Arctic belt. In 2012, the Third Eurasian Youth Economic Forum had a motto»Dialogue of Civilizations: Meeting Halfway». Since then the congress has become the forum’s basic structural unit. It includes competitions and events grouped together according to the nature of research projects being carried out (scientific research, innovations, creativity, etc.). The 2012 forum included 4 congresses: Congress of young economists, Congress of young innovators, Expo 2020 Congress, and Social&Cultural Congress. About 3000 young people from 30 countries of the world and 40 Russian regions participated in the final events at the USUE. The congresses which took place on 17-19 May 2012 included over 50 scientific sessions, presentations of youth projects, start-ups, and flash mobs. The guests appreciated the exposition «Student today – EXPO participant tomorrow!» promoting Ekaterinburg’s bid to host World EXPO 2020. The third forum’s novelty was the Youth Prize of 1 million roubles – the award of the Astana Club of Nobel Prize Laureates to the author of the best work in Economics. Among the prize establishers are the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association, the Astana Club of Nobel Prize Laureates, the EYEF Directorate and the Club de Madrid. The first laureate of the prize was young Oxford professor Kirill Zavodov awarded for his work on financial bubbles in the global economy. The structure of the IV EYEF «Dialogue of Civilizations.Youth Global Mind» will include four traditional congresses: Congress of young economists, Congress of young innovators, Congress of civil initiatives, and the World Festival of Young Intellectuals «Youth Global Mind» promoting the Ekaterinburg bid to host the World EXPO 2020.

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The Eurasian Youth Economic Forum is a stepping stone for career and personality growth of the young and talented.

The idea for the First Eurasian Youth Economic Forum entitled «Dialogue of Civilizations» was born in 2009 in the course of the International Business Game «SCO-2039» which brought together students from 11 countries belonging to the Shanghai Cooperation Organization. During the foresight game, the participants professed their vision of global processes in the social sphere, politics, and economics; they contemplated global challenges the world is likely to face by the year 2039. The game resulted in adopting the SCO-2039 Declaration, i.e. young people’s address to the heads of states taking far-reaching political decisions. The final document was sent to the Chairman of the SCO Summit Organizing Committee.

The First Eurasian Youth Economic Forum took place in 2010, its general theme being «Dialogue of Civilizations: Humanization of the World Economy». The Forum theme panels included Business Eurasia – Future Standards, Eurasia Green, Dialogue of Civilizations, Models of Post-Crisis Development, Eurasia Arena Multimedia 2010.ru, and Mono-cities of Eurasia. The first forum determined the EYEF structure and development trends; it was seen as a cyclic annual programme including a wide range of scientific and applied competitions, large-scale congress events, and the cultural part with its exciting highlight – the Friendship Balle.

In 2011, the Second Eurasian Youth Economic Forum was held under the title «Dialogue of Civilizations: Way up North». It was dedicated to up-to-date issues of social and economic development of northern territories, with the continental resource base shrinking. The forum’s opening event was the festival «Northern Bridge» which brought together representatives of the Russian North and the Arctic belt.

In 2012, the Third Eurasian Youth Economic Forum had a motto»Dialogue of Civilizations: Meeting Halfway». Since then the congress has become the forum’s basic structural unit. It includes competitions and events grouped together according to the nature of research projects being carried out (scientific research, innovations, creativity, etc.). The 2012 forum included 4 congresses: Congress of young economists, Congress of young innovators, Expo 2020 Congress, and Social&Cultural Congress.

About 3000 young people from 30 countries of the world and 40 Russian regions participated in the final events at the USUE. The congresses which took place on 17-19 May 2012 included over 50 scientific sessions, presentations of youth projects, start-ups, and flash mobs. The guests appreciated the exposition «Student today – EXPO participant tomorrow!» promoting Ekaterinburg’s bid to host World EXPO 2020.

The third forum’s novelty was the Youth Prize of 1 million roubles – the award of the Astana Club of Nobel Prize Laureates to the author of the best work in Economics. Among the prize establishers are the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association, the Astana Club of Nobel Prize Laureates, the EYEF Directorate and the Club de Madrid. The first laureate of the prize was young Oxford professor Kirill Zavodov awarded for his work on financial bubbles in the global economy.

The structure of the IV EYEF «Dialogue of Civilizations.Youth Global Mind» will include four traditional congresses: Congress of young economists, Congress of young innovators, Congress of civil initiatives, and the World Festival of Young Intellectuals «Youth Global Mind» promoting the Ekaterinburg bid to host the World EXPO 2020.

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On 17 May, the III EYEF opening ceremony and delegations parade took place in front of the USUE.

Mikhail Fedorov, Rector of the USUE, Chairman of the EYEF Organizing Committee:

– We regard the EYEF as a factory of ideas. It is a supra-regional, supra-national discussion platform for people aiming to make the world better. It brings together schoolchildren and students from all over Russia and the world.

Kochofa, member of the Sverdlovsk oblast Legislative Assembly Alexey Korobeynikov, Chairman of the Eurasian youth movement «Molodaya Evrazia» (MGIMO) Yuri Kofner, Vice-Rector of the Institute of the CIS Nazirzhon Abduganiyev, etc.

Representatives of Ekaterinburg administration and Sverdlovsk oblast government participated in the ceremony. The forum was supported by Assistant to the Presidential Envoy in the Ural federal district Viktor Guz, Minister of international and external economic affairs of the Sverdlovsk oblast Alexander Kharlov, Minister of physical culture, sport and youth policy of the Sverdlovsk oblast Leonid Rappoport, Minister of economy and regional development of the Sverdlovsk oblast Dmitriy Nozhenko, Deputy Director General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov, Co-chairman of the Sverdlovsk oblast Legislative Assembly Viktor Yakimov, President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association and Ambassador of Benin to Russia Anisette Gabriel

III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum Opening

The factory of Ideas has opened

Viktor Guz, Assistant to the Presidential Envoy in the Ural federal district:

– Young people are supposed to be involved in solving economic issues of the state. The EYEF demonstrates our country’s openness on the global arena.

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The forum events brought together over 3,500 participants from Austria, Armenia, Afghanistan, Bashkortostan, Belorussia, Bulgaria, Bolivia, Great Britain, Vietnam, Guatemala, Germany, Italy, Kazakhstan, Latvia, Peru, Poland, Moldavia, China, the USA, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan, Czech Republic, Benin, Hungary, Switzerland, South Ossetia, Slovakia, Finland, and regions of the Russian Federation.

Vladimir Vlasov, First Deputy Chairman of the Sverdlovsk oblast government:

– Our region is known not only as an old industrial one. It is also a major logistics and science centre. After Moscow and St. Petersburg we are the third region with dynamic diplomatic missions. In this context, the forum makes a valuable contribution to the development of the oblast’s international relations.

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Marina Vshivtseva, Executive Director of the Sverdlovsk Oblast Union of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs:

– Large-scale investment projects such as the Titan Valley, the 2018 World Cup and the World EXPO 2020 definitely require youth participation.

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Yuri Kofner, Chairman of the Eurasian youth movement «Molodaya Evrazia» (MGIMO):

– Ekaterinburg has every chance to become a centre of the youth movement and Eurasian Union. It is thanks to the city’s unique geographical position of a major transport and logistics centre, rich deposits of natural resources, and powerful production facilities. I am convinced that the Eurasian Union having its centre in Ekaterinburg will prosper.

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The eventful day of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum opening climaxed in the exciting Friendship Ball at the USUE Culture Centre.

Friendship Ballе

The eventful day of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum opening climaxed in the exciting Friendship Ball at the USUE Culture Centre.

The experts, participants and guests enjoyed a terrific concert with performances made by the university’s amateur groups and the forum participants from different countries. Among the highlights were an acrobatic dance on canvases, singing by Diana Yudina (USUE) and Ajamal (Afghanistan), South American and Tartar national dances, a performance by show ballet «Moloko», and joint performances by the USUE students and overseas guests.

In conclusion, choreographer Alexander Taskaev taught the guests a dance to the EYEF anthem. The dance was

intended for a mega flash mob which took place on 19 May on the Europe-Asia frontier. The EYEF experts and participants made this show absolutely unforgettable.

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CONGRESS OF YOUNG ECONOMISTSThe new time sets new goals. The only way to stay on top is to think globally, continent-wise and world-wise. Shall we be able to meet the challenges the world economy has for us? The answer is only together! The Congress of Young Economists is meeting halfway, a step towards cooperation and prosperity.

Our mission is to achieve harmony in social and economic development of Eurasian countries through revealing young people’s entrepreneurial and scientific potential.

About a thousand people from over 40 Russian regions and foreign countries (the Czech Republic, France, Great Britain, Switzerland, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Tajikistan, Belarus, etc.) participated in the congress final events (8 research competitions finals and 13 congress events).

The congress’ best projects aspiring to the Youth Prize of the Astana Club of Nobel Laureates

Ayur Ayurzanine, project theme: «Financial institutions as a basis for economic 1. growth in the XXI century» (Ulan-Ude, Buryat Republic)

Artyom Bolshakov, project theme: «Research into the support of clusters 2. in the Sverdlovsk oblast» (Ekaterinburg, Russia)

Mariam Voskanyan, Ani Avetisyan, and David Manukyan, project theme: 3. «Developing institutional environment for the financial intermediation system in the countries with developing and transit economies: problems and prospects» (Yerevan, Armenia)

Kirill Zavodov, project theme: «Bubbles in the open economy: theory and empiric 4. evidence» (Cambridge, the UK)

Timur Iskakov and Alexey Pankov, project theme: «Realization of the continuous 5. learning strategy on the Eurasian territory» (France-Russia)

Anna Pakhomova, project theme: «Metamorphosis of an average city into 6. an eco-city» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

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The event attracted students and postgraduates from China, Vietnam, Azerbaijan, the Czech Republic, and Russia.

International Youth Business Game Model of the WTO


to communicate with colleagues and maintain a constructive dialogue. The subject of the training was a default (imaginary and, on the other hand, potential) of the world’s largest economy, i.e. US, and a subsequent recovery of the world economy. The participants came up with non-trivial solutions, such as using the Catarrh real as the world’s reserve currency.

The opening ceremony was followed with negotiations training provided by the committees’ chairpersons and youth experts. The audience familiarized themselves with specifics of a negotiation process at the meetings of the WTO committees. Irina Gruzdova, Coordinator of the Tyumen model of the UN, spoke about the delegates’ diplomatic etiquette. The resolution drawing-up principles were presented by Secretary General of Eurasian MUN Group Marat Shafigullin.

For more successful modeling of the WTO committees work, more training on rules of procedure was offered by Alexey Ponomaryov (Transbaikal model of the UN) and Alexander Sergeyev (Chief Coordinator of the WTO modelling) who taught the delegates the right ways

Deputy press-attaché of the US Embassy in Russia Sofia Budai spoke about her participation in international students’ business games in Russia, international programs of the US diplomatic missions, and the USA role in the global economy.

The participants met Pavel Kalina, Consul for trade and economic cooperation of the Czech Republic. The subject of the talk was the development of Czech economy and the two countries’ cooperation. Mr. Kalina told the audience about activities of Czech companies in Russia and characteristic features of Czech culture. In addition, he shared his personal experience of organizing EXPO in Shanghai.

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Eurasian social and economic space development prospects


of macro- and micro-economics at the University of Žilina Jan Podgorski (Slovakia), Head of Chair at the Russian-Armenian (Slavonic) University Mariam Voskanyan, Professor Richard Pomfret (UK).

Legal, scientific and educational aspects were in focus. Other hotly debated issues were the formation of civic institutions and youth participation in Eurasia’s life.

Reports were made by Chairman of the MGIMO Eurasian Club Yuri Kofner, Vice-Rector of the Centre for social and conservative politics Andrei Vinokurov, Vice-Rector of the Institute of the CIS Nazirzhon Abduganiyev, President of the foundation «Eurasianism – New Wave» and Director of the Centre for social and conservative politics in the Ural federal district Vladimir Mashkov, Associated Professor of the Higher School of Economics and Culture Elena Ermolayeva (Latvia), Director of the International Institute of Retail Bernd Hallier, Head of the Department

Lyudmila Shuvalova, Director of the Centre for social and conservative politics, member of the RF Civic Chamber:

– At present, the society is concerned about the global agenda issues. I am convinced that conservatism may become a basis for Eurasian integration. Searching for new ideology and determining new social and economic principles of development are in progress. A big role in this process belongs to the young. I do hope that Ural will become one of the centres of the Eurasian territory.

The expert session participants discussed the main problems facing the Eurasian Economic Union.

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The global issues of food supply security and acquiring new resources are becoming more and more acute.

Round-table discussion «Village in the XXI century»


Rural territories occupy two thirds of Russia, with the population of 39, 2 million people (27% of the total population). The project aims to develop an optimal model of infrastructural development of the rural territories in order to ensure food supply security and increase competitiveness of agricultural produce within the Customs Union.

On 4 May 2011, at the IV Astana Economic Forum, Jacques Diouf, Director-General of the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) of the UN, and Mikhail Fedorov, Vice President of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association and Rector of the USUE, agreed to cooperate in the field of food supply security.

In order to make a contribution to village economics, the USUE and the Ural State Agricultural Academy set up the Institute of Food Supply Security headed by corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences Alexander Semin. For over a year, the institute scientists have been working on innovations for the development of rural territories within the Customs Union. They focus on three villages located in Kazakhstan, Russia, and Belarus.

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«Eurasia – Territory of Law» Competition Final


All the proposals in the fields of economic, international and youth policies of Eurasia were made as drafts of laws and international treaties.

The competition final was a business game («Laws: from drafting to adopting»), with the upper and lower chambers represented by the finalists in different categories. In particular, the role of the lower chamber belonged to the finalists in the category «Lawmaking initiatives of Eurasian youth»; whereas the finalists in the category «Social and economic efficiency of Eurasian legislation» represented the upper chamber of the lawmaking body. The former were subjects of law proposing lawmaking initiatives. The latter provided social and economic expert evaluation of the drafts presented for discussion. In the course of the game, both «chambers» carried out the procedure of adopting a statutory act.

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The International Research Competition «EURASIA GREEN» has been included in the List of Olympiads and other competitions of the RF Ministry of Education and Science. Furthermore, it is supported by enterprises of the Sverdlovsk oblast.

«Eurasia Green» Competition Final


The competition has been organized by the USUE since 2009 jointly with the Ministry of natural resources of the Sverdlovsk oblast, ENVIRO-CHEMIE GmbH (Germany), The Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter, the Ural Association of eco-responsible enterprises and other scientific and environmental organizations.

Over 100 were presented for participation. Authors of 35 projects got to the final. The grand prize (60 thousand roubles and the Star of Eurasia) was won in the category «Clean water of Eurasia» by a group of young scientists representing the Russian Research Institute of Water Management. USUE Master student S. A. Shakhnazaryan was the winner in the category «Wastes turned into profits». A. I. Pakhomova, a student of the South-Russian University of Economics and Service, presented the best project in the category «Models of rational resources management».

A team of USUE students under the supervision of N. Stozhko was awarded a special prize of the Sredneuralsk Copper Smelter for their project on drinking water.

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«Territorial Competitiveness» Competition Final


The competition has been included in the List of Olympiads and other competitions of the RF Ministry of Education and Science.

Research projects were presented for participation in the following themes: mini-economics (functioning of individual economic agents), micro-economics (enterprises and organizations), meso-economics (institutions of the regional and industry level), and macro-economics (national economies).

Winner Artyom Bolshakov was awarded 60 thousand rubles for his work «Research into the support of clusters in the Sverdlovsk oblast»..

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The competition categories included «A new business», «Young professionals», «Socially responsible business», and «Innovative research in economics».

«Young Professionals of Eurasia» Competition Final


The competition was intended for undergraduates, Master students, young scientists, and entrepreneurs searching for ways to improve entrepreneurial climate, to reveal and overcome barriers hindering the development of small and middle-size business.

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«Innovative Eurasia» Competition Final


The participants’ research papers focused on innovations in economics, politics and education.

In particular, the chosen themes included:

Promising areas of innovation- •driven economy in Eurasian countries,

Efficient intellectual property •management,

Organization forms for innovative •infrastructure,

Public-private partnership as •a tool for setting up innovative businesses;

International cooperation as joint •effort in Eurasia’s innovative development;

Development of regional •innovative infrastructure.

Winner Artyom Polushin was awarded the grand prix Star of Eurasia and money prize of 60 thousand rubles for his work «Improving a mechanism used for assessing innovative activities at the companies of the Chelyabinsk oblast».

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Managers Expert League Set Up in Ekaterinburg


The Agency of Strategic Initiatives established by Russian President Vladimir Putin is known to support the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum. Furthermore, a number of important projects on managers’ certification have been carried out at the USUE.

A number of important projects on international certification of managers have been carried out at the USUE.

The success is proved by the fact that five experts in management were granted certificates after going through certification by European standards. They were First Vice-Rector of the USUE Maksim Maramygin, Director of the Department of Economics of the USUE Svetlana Giniyeva, Executive Director of the Ural regional agency for qualifications development (URARK) Vladislav Kamskiy, Director of the Institute of Nutrition and Food Biotechnology of the USUE Gennadiy Pishchikov, and Director of the Institute of Service and Hospitality of the USUE Elena Kurilova.

In addition, the experts received 21 thousand pounds as a grant for doctoral training at the British Academy of Business.

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Original solutions

The research projects presented in the final were intended to improve entrepreneurial climate, support entrepreneurship and develop professional competences.

The management competences competition «Business Skills» revealed the participants’ business communication and leadership skills, determination and strategic thinking.

The participants of the intellectual battle «Ecologists - Industrialists vs Industrialists – Ecologists» presented innovative solutions for ecological entrepreneurship. The issues in focus were eco-management and marketing, unique eco-projects, etc.

Intellectual battles enabled the EYEF participants to find non-trivial solutions to economic problems.


The all-Russia research competition «History of the region’s economic achievements».

Academician Alexander Tatarkin suggested that the competition category «Careers made in the Ural» should become traditional and the best works in economics should be published in an encyclopedia. He said, «The Ural is proud of many scientists who deserve to be well known».

The competition «Young professionals of Eurasia» aims to develop a complex approach to harmonious social and economic development of Eurasian countries.

The works presented for the final were aimed at improving entrepreneurial climate, promoting the best practices for supporting entrepreneurship, strategic management and marketing, development of professional competences.

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Highly topical issues of Russia’s innovative development and intellectual property commercialization were on the agenda of the Congress of young economists.

Round-table discussions for economists


Round-table discussion «Financial centres: new economic prospects»

The discussion focused on the functioning of financial centres in a changing economy.

The event was organized by the Department of financial markets and banking of the USUE in cooperation with the regional branch of the Federal service for financial markets of Ekaterinburg. The participants met top experts in the field of financial markets and banking.

The following issues were addressed: the population’s financial literacy, the world financial centre development prospects, the present state of the stock market, and integration of the national financial market into the world financial market.

The authors of the project «Econophysics of financial pyramids» (Т. Ledneva and her research advisors T. V. Reshetnikova and A. V. Tselishcheva) received a certificate for 10 thousand rubles from Sberbank of Russia.

Round-table discussion «Efficient intellectual property management»

The participants discussed the issues of intellectual property management, protection, commercialization, and support by the state. They stressed the importance of legal regulation, raising awareness of intellectual property protection, and systematic analysis of Russia’s intellectual potential.

Three most competent and strategically thinking participants received certificates of the World Organization of Intellectual Property.

International round-table discussion «Adaptation of small and middle-size business to the WTO requirements», a joint project of the Department of Financial Management (USUE), the Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov (Kazakhstan), and the University of Žilina (Slovakia).

The participants analyzed the existing problems and prospects of Russian small and middle-size business development in the context of the WTO membership. They determined priority measures of state support for making small and middle-size business more competitive on the national and international markets.

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Apart from the competitions and round-table discussions, there were different conferences with foreign participation and a visit to the well-known technopark.

Meeting Halfway

A visit to the Technopark

On 17 May, the congress participants from Rostov-on-Don, Minsk, Kazan, Samara, Ekaterinburg, etc. visited the technopark «Technomet».

A tour of the premises was guided by Director-General Vasiliy Mironenko and Director for economy and production Andrei Kurbatov.

The visitors were shown the metalworking shop, a new shop for the production of engineering devices, and a big shop for casting metalwork.

Speakers at the conference on urban development issues «Eurasia Urban» were Professor Trevisan Italo (the University of Trento, Italy) and Martin Valtiner, owner of Architectural Bureau of Civil Engineering «Valtiner» (Vienna, Austria).

International conference «Competitive environment for the international business»

Among the participants were students, postgraduates, lecturers, specialists, representatives of the executive and legislative bodies, and business community.

In the course of the plenary session, the participants made reports on the following issues: influence of transnational corporations on competitive potential of regions and industries, regional integration, synchronizing the industrial and educational policies in order to increase competitiveness of countries and regions. A master class on company reputation was provided by a member of the Strategic and Competitive Intelligence Professionals (SCIP).

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CONGRESS OF YOUNG INNOVATORSThe III EYEF most massive congress brought together over 600 participants from Russia, Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Kirghizia, and many other countries.

Top managers of large companies commented on the projects’ practical relevance and investment attractiveness.

It was suggested that the USUE should host the IT business incubator and headquarters of cyber sport. The experts and participants proposed holding Start in Garage by RIS Ventures and major Web2Win events on a regular basis at the USUE. Holding regional SIEMENS competition of innovative projects carried out by senior schoolchildren is being considered.

Congress WinnersAndrei Matveyev (IT-STARTUP EURASIA)1.

Dmitriy Kislenko («Eurasia: technology of the future», «The best innovative project. 2. Technology 2012»)

Anna Linnik (Morozova) («Eurasia: technology of the future», «The best innovative 3. eco project. Green project 2012»)

Yevgeniy Smykov («Eurasia: technology of the future», «The best social innovative 4. project. Social Future 2012»)

Kirill Kulzhanov («Eurasia: technology of the future», «The best IT-research project»)5.

Sergei Novoselov («Noosphere in the XXI century», «The best futuristic work»)6.

Anastasia Kurinova («Noosphere in the XXI century», «The best foresight ideas»)7.

Yevgeniy Yeltyshev (International Web Olympiad on programming and information 8. protection)

Elena Shuiskova, Vitaliy Vedernikov, Andrei Lopin («New business of Eurasia»)9.

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The spring time of Business has started at USUE

The forum «Business Vesna 2012» was held within the framework of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum.

Young Entrepreneurs in Russia Forum «Business Vesna 2012»


Some ideas presented for the show of business projects were of particular interest: a project for hotel business in the budget segment, logistics for perishable foodstuffs, automated bicycle parking, LED lighting, and a system for identifying socially dangerous citizens without touch.

The forum experts were Chairman of the Young Entrepreneurs in Russia Association and Director of the company «Rosinvest» Konstantin Mochalov, member of the Legislative Assembly of the Sverdlovsk oblast Aleksei Korobeinikov, owner and chief of the Internet bank «Inbank» and founder of the network structure of the bank «Severnaya Kazna» Vladimir Frolov, and many other representatives of the Ural business community.

Vladimir Frolov spoke about opportunities to make a banking business more manageable. President of the company «Penetron-Rossia» Igor Chernogolov warned about pitfalls any businessman is certain to face.

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The basic concept is noosphere as the high-tech (intellectual) development stage of human civilization and the Earth..

Foresight Analytics Competition «Noosphere in the XXI century»


The foresight analytics competition focuses on issues of strategic forecasting, its subject matter and methodology.

The competition included two categories – «The best foresight ideas» and «The best futuristic works», the latter intended for fiction, science-fiction, and experimental works.

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Business Projects Competition «New Business of Eurasia»


The competition aims to establish an international communication platform for youth entrepreneurship, development of markets in Russia, the CIS and foreign countries, investment projects development and assessment.

The result was the establishment of the Eurasian Association of Young Entrepreneurs «Business Eurasia». Its mission is to involve young entrepreneurs in the discussion of issues concerning small and middle-size business; to organize regular contacts with representatives of federal, regional and local bodies of the executive and legislature; to consolidate regional and local youth entrepreneurship communities in Russia and the CIS.

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Another highlight was Eurasia Cybersport tournament in 4 disciplines: StarCraft II: Wings of Liberty, Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit, Civilization V FFA and Mortal Kombat (xBox360). It was a qualifying competition for the Russian Cup 2012.

In the «IT-Research Eurasia» competition final, young intellectuals offered original solutions in 2D-graphics, flash-animation, and web sites. The winning projects were: first place - «E-university» (Astana), second place - «UTOS» (Ekaterinburg), and third place - «Funny Fitness» (Ekaterinburg).

Over 50 projects were presented in the final of the traditional competition «IT-Startup Eurasia». As a comparison, similar events in the capital cities have the average of 50-80 projects.

EYEF Startups Attract Investment

The top ten «IT Startup Eurasia 2012» projects were presented at the III International exhibition and forum of industries and innovations INNOPROM 2012. Three winners were selected by the investment fund «RedButton Capital» to participate in the international startup projects conference and exhibition «42» in Moscow.

Runet gurus who had come up with a lot of successful projects chose the best. Last year, project «Viki-CRM Jetka» by Vadim Tarasov (Togliatti) was given a high rating by the II EYEF expert community. Later, the jury of the Forbes Startup Competition 2011 acknowledged this project as a must-have system for commercial service of any organization.

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EXPO CONGRESSRussia is a regular EXPO participant; in 2020 it has a chance to host the exhibition for the first time.

The V Astana Economic Forum 2012 and III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum organized by the Ural State University of Economics in Ekaterinburg and Astana will help to raise awareness of Ekaterinburg and win the bid to host the EXPO 2020 defeating such strong competitors as Izmir (Turkey), São Paulo (Brazil), Dubai (the UAE).

If the World EXPO 2017 is held in Astana, the next one is supposed to take place in Ekaterinburg under the brand Global Mind.

This is important for Russia, Ural, and Ekaterinburg. If the decision is made in our favour, the Ural capital will change beyond recognition by 2020.

EXPO Congress WinnersFirst place

Ekaterina Trenina, Nina Luri (competition «EXPO: countries, facts, reflections»)Eduard Udalov (culinary competition «Gastroburg»)Alexander Rud, Stanislav Rud (competition «EXPO-UNION»)Чан Ан Тхи Лонг (медиа-презентация «Суве_Мир»)

Second place

Natalia Grigorenko (competition «EXPO: countries, facts, reflections»)Vyacheslav Filimonov (culinary competition «Gastroburg»)Taisia Galina, Yulia Mironova, Ekaterina Danilova (competition «EXPO-UNION»)Rustam Musin, Mizhgona Nozumbekova, Seitmurat Annamuradov (media presentation «Souve Mir»)Rustam Musin, Mizhgona Nozumbekova, Seitmurat Annamuradov (media presentation «Souve Mir»)

Third place

ГDaria Garkusha, Viktoria Egorova (competition «EXPO: countries, facts, reflections»)Adila Diachenko (culinary competition «Gastroburg»)Daria Vyrvich, Oleg Myslinskiy, Yan Lukash (competition «EXPO-UNION»)Elizaveta Mochalova («The jewel of the region»)

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The exhibition demonstrated young people’s achievements in scientific and technical creativity, culture, and design.

Exhibition «Student Today –EXPO Participant Tomorrow»


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From the laft to the right: Viktor Guz, Assistant to the RF Presidential Envoy in the Ural federal district Michail Fedorov, Rector of the USUE, Ivan Ulanov, Deputy Director-General of the Expo-2020 Bid Committee

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The forum participants met with Deputy Director-General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov.

Looking Forward to EXPO

Ivan Ulanov, Deputy Director-General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee:

– The forum is a platform for new ideas and technologies which actually make the mankind move forward. It is also a zone of trust. Here we find new contacts and friends.

It is important that international partners, both actual and potential, belong to this zone of trust. It is a place to voice your opinion, speak your mind and find answers to questions facing the country.

I do hope that in 2020 we will be answering questions facing the whole mankind. Ekaterinburg has proved itself as a venue for large-scale events. Importantly, the forum is strengthening Russia’s international position.


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First Vice-Rector of the USUE Maksim Maramygin showed his unique collection of coins and banknotes.

A Penny Saved Is a Penny Earned

Maksim Maramygin, First Vice-Rector of the USUE:

– I have been collecting and classifying coins and banknotes for thirty years now. I have got some really rare ones. In particular, the 300-year-old gold coin which was minted by Catherine the Great to thank the guardsmen who helped her come to the throne. Each soldier received a gold coin weighing 12 grams, whereas each officer got a money bag with these coins. I have coins belonging to the times of Nero, Caracalla, Mark Aurelius, and the Kingdom of Bosporus minted before Christ.


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All-Russia Convention of the Foreign Students in Russia Association


Ekaterinburg branch of the FSR began to operate at the Bolshoy Eurasian University Complex on 17 February 2012. Its mission is professional training assistance, defense of the rights and legitimate interests, providing legal and financial support as well as granting the Association scholarships.

The event was one of the III EYEF highlights. The All-Russia Convention «Youth Global Mind» of the Foreign Students in Russia Association was attended by 200 students from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, China, Sudan, Guinea, Hungary, Turkmenistan, Angola, the Czech Republic, Bangladesh, Nepal, Mexico, Laos, Peru, Columbia, the UK, Germany, Latvia, and Russia.

In the course of the event, FSR branches in Moscow, Chelyabinsk, Omsk, and Ekaterinburg made presentations. The meeting was concluded with the signing of the FSR Declaration.

Anisette Gabriel Kochofa, President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association:

– Ekaterinburg is a large modern city. Involved in the globalization, it brings together people of different nationalities and confessions. What attracts them is the atmosphere, big money and large-scale projects. With every coming year, the city appeals to more foreign students. That is why we are holding our convention in Ekaterinburg. Congratulations!

The All-Russia Convention of the Foreign Students in Russia Association was attended by 200 students of different nationalities from Russia and foreign countries.

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Ekaterinburg universities students from Tajikistan, Uzbekistan, Kazakhstan, Ukraine, Azerbaijan, China, Sudan, Guinea, etc. attended the opening of the FSR branch and signed a memorandum of the university community in Ekaterinburg. The memorandum is preceded with a letter from Gavriil Popov, President of the International Union of Economists. According to Mr. Popov, Russia is a centre of the Eurasian youth movement, with Ekaterinburg having every right to be the Eurasian youth capital.

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Vladimir Solovarov, Deputy Minister for international and external economic affairs of the Sverdlovsk oblast:

– It is pleasant to realize that such an important event is held in Ekaterinburg, at the Ural State University of Economics. I believe that the ideals of peace and humanism must be constant regardless of the political situation in the country. The Sverdlovsk oblast authorities make every effort to provide foreign students with comfortable accommodation. The projects supported by the USUE Rector Mikhail Fedorov are of great help.

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On 18 May, culinary show and competition «Gastroburg» was held at the USUE as part of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum.

Competition for Ekaterinburg’s Speciality Dessert


«Little dessert» by Mikhail Bannov •(USUE Department of Food Technology); Wine-based dessert by Margarita •Medvedeva (USUE); Edible miniatures of the USUE •buildings by Galina Chernyadieva (USUE food production facility); Muffins «E-burzhiki» by Oksana •Beldina and Olga Beldina, etc.

The contestants were to create a culinary masterpiece which would become part of Ekaterinburg’s brand identity. The following are creations which claimed to be the best desserts of the Ural capital:

Cake «Malivar» by Dmitriy Zinoviev •(«Sushkoff»); Dessert «Vesseniy» («Springtime») •by Adila Diachenko and Yevgenia Igosheva (Ekaterinburg college of trade and economics); Dessert «Demidovskiy soblazn» •(«Demidov’s temptation») (ЕТЭТ); Dessert «EXPOnent» by Viacheslav •Filimonov (USUE Department of Food Technology); «Bazhov’s tales» by Eduard Udalov •(USUE Department of Food Technology);

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The competition jury included:

Chairman of the III EYEF Organizing •Committee, Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov,

President of the Foreign Students •in Russia Association and Ambassador of Benin to Russia Anisette Gabriel Kochofa,

Deputy Director-General of the •EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov,

representative of the consulate •general of the Czech Republic Peter Svitek,

Head of the USUE Department •of Food Technology Svetlana Pimenova,

Deputy Director of the canteen •Vladimir Evdokimov,

marketing and branding specialist •Tatiana Reshetilo,

Director of the USUE International •Culinary School Inna Vekshina.

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On 19 May, a unique culinary exhibition took place within framework of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum, ЕХРО 2020 Congress and international Night of Museums 2012.

Night of Museums 2012 in Ekaterinburg


At the same time, there was an interactive exhibition of unusual bicycles a creativity project of the NGO Velo-Gorod headed by Konstantin Mochalov.

The venue for the exhibition was a specially built pavilion and designed to look like a tavern. The visitors were treated with exquisite dishes of Russian cuisine cooked by the 19th century recipes. There was an opportunity to be photographed wearing historical costumes of seminarians and learn to cook popular dishes of the time. Merry peddlers treated the guests with pretzels and sweets.

The project participants learnt what dishes were popular in Ekaterinburg in the 19th-early 20th century, familiarized themselves with history of the first higher education institution in the city Ekaterinburg religious school. Everyone interested participated in cooking master classes.

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«Expo-Union» Competition Final

The event aimed to develop young people’s creative and scientific approach to organizing global exhibitions. The participants came up with their own EXPO projects.

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On 19 May, a mass bike ride took place as part of the III EYEF in support of Ekaterinburg bid to host the World ЕХРО-2020.

Sport Events

Bike Ride «In Support of ЕХРО–2020»

The forum opened with a kids’ symbolic bike ride. Three to five-year-olds on tricycles covered the distance of 20 meters and 20 centimeters.


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The event attracted over a thousand people, both professional sportsmen and amateurs concerned about the city’s future.

The line was headed by Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov, Minister of physical culture, sport and youth policy of the Sverdlovsk oblast Leonid Rappoport, Deputy Director-General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov, President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association Anisette Gabriel Kochofa, Vice-Rector of the Institute of the CIS Nazirzhon Abduganiyev, Press-Attaché of the Ecuador Embassy in Russia Miguel de la Cruz Salcedo, President of the Advisory Board at the Peru Embassy in Russia and founder of the project «Velo-Gorod» Konstantin Mochalov.

The adult participants rode a symbolic distance of 20 kilometers and 20 meters. The bike ride itinerary went through Ekaterinburg’s most beautiful, inspiring and meaningful places.


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On 18 May, the Eurasian Gorodki Sport Tournament was opened at the USUE sports complex as part of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum.

Sport Events

Eurasian Gorodki Sport Tournament

Eurasian national sports competitions have become traditional part of the economic forum.

In 2010, there was a tournament in Turk wrestling; in 2011, a tournament in Yakut mas-wrestling (pulling of a pole). The competitions brought together top-class sportsmen from Tatarstan, Bashkiria, Yakutia, Moscow, St. Petersburg, and oblasts of Russia (Kurganskaya, Tyumenskaya, Chelyabinskaya, and Sverdlovskaya).

In 2012, Russia is celebrating 200th anniversary of the 1812 Patriotic War. For this reason, it has been decided to choose a traditional Russian sport, i.e. gorodki, for the tournament.

The first throws were made by Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov, Ambassador of Benin to Russia Anisette Gabriel Kochofa, and Deputy Director-General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov.


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The competition opening was attended by honored veterans and sportsmen, repeat winners of the Russian Cup, World Cup, and Euro Cup: Abtylkhai Mullagaliyev, Vyacheslav Vorozheikin, Alexander Vernikov, Leonid Nemchikov, and Dmitriy Menshchikov.


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On 19 May, the «Europe-Asia» stele in the vicinity of Ekaterinburg witnessed an exciting flash mob by the EYEF participants.

The Forum up the sky

Star Flash Mob on the Europe – Asia Frontier

At the previous forum, the participants went skating with Alexey Yagudin. The third forum participants had a chance to fly a hot-air balloon

Форум для молодых,смелых, передовых,Форум – старт для мечты,Вместе мы, я и ты.

There was a khorovod (circle dance) around the stele. The participants were met by Malachite Lady with bread and salt of hospitality. Then it was time to return to Ekaterinburg for the awarding ceremony.

At the previous forum, the participants went skating with Alexey Yagudin. The third forum participants had a chance to fly a hot-air balloon


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The guests were greeted by Vice-President of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association and Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov, USUE Vice-Rector for youth programs Elena Godovykh, EYEF Executive Director Anna Polyakova, Deputy Director-General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov, President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association and Ambassador of Benin to Russia Anisette Gabriel Kochofa, Ambassador of Ecuador to Russia Patricio Chavez Zavala, Vice-Rector of the Institute of the CIS Nazirzhon Abduganiyev, Head of the EYEF Directorate Ivan Vozmilov, wunderkind Dmitriy Sadkovoy, and persons in charge of theme congresses.


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SOCIAL & CULTURAL CONGRESSThe congress mission is similar to that of the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum, i.e. consolidating young people and promoting friendship among nations.

The congress winners:Artyom Goot (competition «Responsible consumption in the XXI century», category 1.

«Innovative technologies in up-to-date commerce»)Anastasia Belevskaya (International children’s drawing competition «Green planet»)2. Andrei Kuznetsov (competition «Multimedia Eurasia 2012», category «The best 3.

theme web site»)Anastasia Moskvina (photography projects competition «Meeting halfway»)4. Daria Rodionova (competition «The golden pen of Eurasia», category «The best lyric 5.

work»)Ekaterina Galieva (competition «The golden pen of Eurasia», category «The best 6.

philosophical work»)Svetlana Grebenyuk (competition «The golden pen of Eurasia», category «The best 7.

amatory work»)Vyacheslav Zakharov (social advertising competition, category «The best web page 8.

on healthy living «Healthy equals happy»)Alexander Yarchikhin (social advertising competition, category «The best web page 9.

on healthy living «Healthy equals happy»)Ekaterina Klysa (social advertising competition, category «Social/environmental 10. poster»)Veronika Istomina (competition «Education initiatives in the XXI century»)11. Ksenia Mukhlynina (competition & exhibition «Technograd», category «From idea 12. to invention»)Yuri Surkin (competition & exhibition «Technograd», category «Proposing a 13. solution»)Artyom Gavrilov (competition «Science debut», category «Be healthy»)14. Alexander Kozyar, Sergei Bochkarev, Sergei Podkin (competition «Education 15. initiatives in the XXI century»)Elizaveta Pochka (competition «Science debut», category «Travelers’’ Club»)16. Bogdan Khomyak (competition «Science debut», category «Economic casket»)17. Daria Nikulina (competition «Science debut», category «Humanities»)18. Dmitriy Konovalov (competition «Science debut», category «Eco»)19. Lyubov Neustroyeva (competition «Science debut», category «Art-gallery»)20. Anna Andreyevskikh, Maria Kochneva (competition «Science debut», category 21. «Welcome»)Artyom Goot (competition «Innovative technologies in up-to-date commerce»)22. USUE food production facility (GRAND-PRIX in the competition «Gastroburg», 23. category «Historic buildings of the beloved city»)

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«Technograd» for 5-formers

International Competition & Exhibition «Technograd» Final


Within the framework of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum, there was held the final of the international science and technical creativity and youth initiatives competition & exhibition «Technograd» (ЕХРО). The children presented ambitious and creative projects and defended them successfully. With great enthusiasm and belief in their brainchildren, the participants were confident when answering the experts’ questions. The young innovators’ works were assessed by professionals in the field of innovative technologies and developments. After the presentations, the professionals gave the young a lot of useful advice. Once again, the «Technograd» Organizing Committee ascertained that such competitions are useful and necessary for young people today.

The competition experts and participants are convinced that the World ЕХРО 2020 will enable Russia and Ekaterinburg to move to a new stage of development. The world exposition is a supra-national tool which triggers drastic and positive changes.

«EXPO: countries, facts, reflections» competition final. The contestants made reports referring to the history of world exhibitions or reflecting upon the future. They all are looking forward to ЕХРО 2020 Ekaterinburg.

Interestingly, the competition participants were schoolchildren (forms 5-11).

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The event involving the Eurasian Union representatives

The citizen of Eurasia – what is he?

The participants of the round-table discussion «Ontological and cultural bases of the Eurasian Union: the Eurasian subject» arrived at the conclusion that a new Eurasian entity is being formed within the framework of the present world geopolitical situation.

This entity is based on the unity of the three: West, East and Russia. According to the experts, Russia and other geopolitical subjects are moving to the era when new ideals come into being.

The participants’ manifesto focuses on the necessity to form a new subject, i.e. the citizen of Eurasia who is able to balance the antagonisms or, as the experts put it, to accommodate and harmoniously combine the worlds of the technologist and architect.

The experts from Ekaterinburg, Moscow and Astana arrived at the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum in order to identify what is the citizen of Eurasia at present.

Russia – Kazakhstan «Ontological and cultural bases of the Eurasian Union: the Eurasian subject»

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The competition aims to unite international youth communities through artistic creativity.

«Meeting Halfway» Photography Competition


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«Eurasia: education of the future»

Report by Dmitriy Sadkovoy

Dmitriy Sadkovoy, a participant of the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum, a 10-grade schoolboy from Petrozavodsk, the total winner of the All-Russia scientific forum «Step into the future» and holder of a special prize in the category «The best presentation of a scientific work in the English language», made a report entitled «The conventionalism of using linguistic means of political persuasion and correctness in public speaking».

The report was aimed at revealing specific linguistic means of argumentation, persuasion as well as linguistic sense in political speeches. The wunderkind from Petrozavodsk demonstrated unprecedented skills public speaking skills.

Holding events with the participation of outstanding contemporaries and world-known scientists is a must have for any advanced education institution.

Lecture by Stuart Umpleby

As part of the III EYEF Social & Cultural Congress, Professor of the George Washington University (USA) Stuart Umpleby informed schoolchildren of Ekaterinburg and the oblast how they can apply for international grants to study at overseas universities right after finishing schools.

The professor’s public lecture «The main trends in the modern world development» touched upon the influence of up-to-date means of communication on increasing the quality of education.

In his lecture, Stuart Umpleby dwelled upon effective teaching methods in the United States of America.

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International literature competition «The golden pen of Eurasia»

The first Eurasian competition «The golden pen of Eurasia» is intended for poets of all ages enabling them to familiarize the world with results of their poetic and prosaic work. It also aims to develop Eurasian poetry as a social and cultural phenomenon.


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Students’ research competition «Responsible consumption in the XXI century»The competition aims to reveal research potential of students and young scientists, including those who major in commodity science and, to assist in their personal and professional growth.

The third forum participants competed in the following categories: «Quality and competitiveness of consumer goods», «Regional consumer market of goods and services», «Innovative technologies for merchandizing and expert appraisal of consumer goods», «New technologies of consumer goods production», «Functional foodstuffs», «Consumer goods safety», «Present state and development prospects of expert activities», «Specifics of expert appraisal for export-import operations», «Trade in Russia today: problems and solutions», «Innovative technologies for modern trade».

Social advertising competitionThe competition aimed at designing and developing web pages, video films, and posters included three main categories: «The best eco-social advertising», «The best social advertising in support of healthy living «Healthy equals happy»», and «The best social advertising «New managers’ generation»».


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On 19 May, there was held an awarding ceremony of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum finalists.

III EYEF awarding ceremony

to Russia Anisette Gabriel Kochofa, Deputy Director-General of the EXPO 2020 Bid Committee Ivan Ulanov, and all the representatives of the experts community.

The whole year of hard work and effort, new discoveries and successful realization of ideas came to an end. The awarding ceremony opened with an unforgettable laser show. The hall of the USUE Culture Centre was full, the audience waiting to hear the much-anticipated results. The participants received well-deserved awards. The main result achieved was new friends, exchange of experience and a great deal of impressions.

The participants were greeted and congratulated by Chairman of the EYEF and Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov, Vice-Rector for youth programmes and the forum’s chief organizer Elena Godovykh, President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association and Ambassador of Benin

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On 20 May, winners of the III Eurasian Youth Economic Forum set off to Astana by special Youth Express in order to participate in the V Astana Economic Forum.

Eurasian Youth Express bound for Astana

The EYEF finalists were seen off with live music. An orchestra was playing on the railway platform. The departing passengers and their farewellers were dancing, singing and having fun.

On the way to Astana, the Eurasian Youth Express passengers sang the EYEF anthem to the guitars.

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For the first time, I World Youth Economic Forum (WYEF) has been held as an autonomous youth forum and integral part of the V Astana Economic Forum.

I World Youth Economic Forum Opening


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6. To accept the proposal to hold the World Youth Festival «Youth Global Mind» in the spheres of culture, art and sport in May 2013 in Ekaterinburg.

7. To approve of the concept of the IV Eurasian Youth Economic Forum: Congress of young economists, Congress of young innovators, Congress of youth initiatives, and the World Youth Festival «Youth Global Mind».

8. To support the initiative of establishing the Eurasian Youth Parliament with the headquarters in Ekaterinburg and to hold the International conference of youth parliaments.

9. To set up the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum Association.

10. To set up the Stars of Eurasia Club consisting of the holders of the named award.

11. To adopt the Declaration of the Foreign Students in Russia Association of 17 May 2012

The WYEF founders are the Ural State University of Economics, Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov and Kazakh Institute of Economics and Finance.

At the forum opening, Head of the EYEF Youth Directorate Ivan Vozmilov presented the resolution of the III EYEF. In the course of the competitions and congress events, the participants of the Eurasian Economic Youth Forum from over 110 countries of the world agreed:

1. To promote the idea of Astana’s brand as the world’s intellectual capital.

2. To acknowledge Ekaterinburg the world’s youth capital.

3. Supporting the ideas of L. Gumilyov, to acknowledge the Eurasian Youth Economic forum as an open discussion platform for the dialogue of civilizations.

4. To support and promote the holding of the EXPO 2017 in Astana and the EXPO 2020 in Ekaterinburg.

5. To support the initiative of establishing the International Economist Day on 12 October.

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Robert Aumann, Nobel Prize winner in Economics in 2005, Professor of the Hebrew University of Jerusalem:

– The youth forum is a great initiative which requires support and development. When I was young, my teachers did not prophesy my success in science and teaching, but I loved it and moved towards my dream. Young people should do what they really want to do and love doing and, thus contribute to their own countries’ development instead of emigrating.

Berndt Hallier, Director of the International Institute of Retail, President of the European Association of Retail:

– Young scientists ought to communicate and share experience. Backpacks on, they must move towards unattainable goals. They are able to change the world drastically. Future is in their hands. Lomonosov himself would be delighted about the Eurasian Youth Economic Forum!

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Gabriel Anisette Kochofa, President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association and Ambassador of Benin to Russia:

– Our world is ever-changing. We need new ideas, successful initiatives and research. It is up to the young entirely. It is wonderful that young people get together at the forum and participate in discussing global issues.

Patricio Alberto Chavez Zavala, Ambassador of Ecuador to Russia:

– When I was younger, my senior leaders told me that the young are the future of Motherland. It filled us with hope that in the future we shall become the present of Motherland. Today, thanks to the Internet young people have more opportunities to make the world better and create unique things.

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Russia and Kazakhstan are ready to host the EXPO

On the opening day of the I World Youth Economic Forum, there was held a presentation session «Russia – Kazakhstan. Student today – EXPO participant tomorrow» at the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov.

Presentation session «Student today – EXPO participant tomorrow»


Mikhail Fedorov spoke about the massive work being done in Ekaterinburg to help the city win the bid. In this context, cooperation with Astana is becoming even more important. The Eurasian and World Economic Forums make a great number of people all over the world (students, experts, politicians, economists, etc.) more aware of Astana and Ekaterinburg. The role of the young in this process is hard to overestimate.

During his speech, Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov pointed out that both Russia and Kazakhstan are deeply interested in hosting the World EXPO. It is known that Kazakhstan aims to host the specialized exhibition in 2017, whereas Russia – the universal one in 2020). The USUE Rector stressed the issues of migration: it is estimated that by the year 2025, there will be a billion migrants in the world. Besides, both countries attract the world’s interest as clusters able to contribute to the world community development. Hosting the EXPOs will play an important role in achieving this goal.

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In conclusion of his speech, Mikhail Fedorov presented a designer T-shirt with a logo of EXPO 2020 to Aidar Kazybayev, Chairman of the Committee for trade under the Ministry of economic development and trade of Kazakhstan. Mr. Kazybayev thanked the rector for the present. In his report, he dwelled upon the most advanced eco-friendly power generation technologies. It is known that Kazakhstan announced the theme «Energy of the Future» for the EXPO 2017. Besides, the audience received a lot of information on the holding of the EXPO by different countries.

The session experts were President of the Foreign Students in Russia Association Anisette Gabriel Kochofa, Vice-Rector of the Institute of the CIS Nazirzhon Abduganiyev, Ambassador

of Ecuador to Russia and Kazakhstan Patricio Chavez Zavala, President of the European Association of Retail Berndt Hallier, and Director-General of the company «Eco-Energomash» Albert Bolotov.

Anna Polyakova, Executive Director of the III Eurasian Economic Youth Forum, pointed out that the EXPO Congress – one of the forum’s four pillars – has proved to be the most significant and effective.

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The speakers and experts of the session «Student today – EXPO participant tomorrow» as well as students from dozens of countries participated in a flash mob to support Astana and Ekaterinburg in their fight for the bids to host the EXPOs in 2017 and 2020.

Flash mob in Astana


The flash mob took place in front of the entrance to the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov and one of the university’s enclosed courts designed in Oriental style. The concluding event showed that young people of both countries support each other. This helps us tackle our common tasks effectively..

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Awarding the Youth Nobel Prize of the Astana Club of Nobel Laureates

A Cambridge lecturer has become a holder of the Youth Nobel Prize

The prize nominees list included the winners in the competitions of the Congress of young economists as well as the persons nominated by the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists. As a result of the expert commission session, six projects carried out by students and young scientists from foreign countries (France, Armenia, and Great Britain) and Russian cities (Ulan-Ude, Rostov-on-Don, Ekaterinburg) were selected.

The young scientists presented their

research results in front of the world scientific community. By the defense results, the winner of the Youth Nobel Prize was Kirill Zavodov, a young lecturer from the University of Cambridge (UK). He received an award and a money prize.

On 22 May, Cambridge lecturer Kirill Zavodov (UK) was awarded a prize of the Astana Club of Nobel Laureates – 1 million roubles – from the hands of Robert Aumann, Nobel Prize winner in Economics (2005).

Kirill Zavodov received the prize for his economic research «Bubbles in open economies: theory and empirical evidence» following the results of the WYEF at the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov.

The idea to set up a youth equivalent of the Nobel Prize belongs to the Coordination Council of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists Association (EECSA) and the Scientific Board of the Ural State University of Economics.

Kirill Zavodov: «I have often received prizes, but this is the biggest one ever!»

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In 2012, the Astana Economic Forum was dedicated to challenges and prospects of the world economy development in the context of global transformation.

V Astana Economic Forum


Within the framework of the V AEF, there was a total of 57 events. The participants were leading scientists from all over the world, experts in economics, finance, private entrepreneurship, Nobel Prize laureates, and prominent politicians. In total, over 8 thousand people attended.

The main topics discussed were the issues of global economic development: present-day financial and economic disturbances, the euro zone crisis, recession in the USA, China’s economy overheating, G-20 financial regulatory commitments. Establishing a global currency to replace the dollar and euro was the subject of the briefing «Leaders in dialogue: the new financial and economic policy» which concluded the economic forum’s program.

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The essential part of the V Astana Economic Forum is G-Global, a new online communication platform designed for discussing and working out mechanisms of overcoming the world financial crisis.

Panel discussion «Young people’s recommendations for the G-20»


The platform has replaced the behind-the-scenes format of the G8 and G20. It aims to enable any citizen of the planet to contribute to the search of anti-crisis solutions to global issues. The project’s idea belongs to President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev.

According to Director of the Institute of Economics and Management Khanon Barabaner (Estonia), the G-Global platform is an attempt to wind down acute social and economic issues.

On 25 May 2012, closing the Astana Economic Forum, Vice-President of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists and Chairman of the World Youth Economic Forum Organizing Committee Mikhail Fedorov announced the winners whose recommendations for the G-20 were the best. The proposals became

integral part of the Astana Forum recommendations. The first place was taken by the Group of Five which included five representatives from Russia and Kazakhstan (S. Glaziev, S. Baizakov, М. Ershov, D. Mityayev, G. Fetisov). Evgeniy Tishchenko (Russia) took the second place; Nurfia Kuchukova (Kazakhstan) was the third.

Apropos, Young Global, a youth platform of the International Innovations Centre is now being formed in Ekaterinburg at the USUE as part of the G-Global system.

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The new financial and economic policy, restructuring of the world financial system– these were issues on the agenda of the briefing «Leaders in dialogue: the new financial and economic policy» completing the 5th Astana Economic Forum.

V Astana Economic Forum Adjourned


Top economists, businessmen, politicians and media representatives got together to discuss global issues: financial and economic disturbances, euro zone crisis and recession in the USA, China’s economy overheating, and G20 financial regulatory commitments.

The debates involved Nobel Prize winners in Economics: «euro’s father» Robert Mundell, head of the Game Theory Society Robert Aumann, macroeconomics specialists Christopher Pissarides and Edward Prescott; prominent politicians and political experts: Tony Blair, ex Prime Minister of the UK, Romano Prodi, ex Prime Minister of Italy, Sergei Glaziev, deputy Secretary General of the Eurasian Economic Community, ex-minister for external economic affairs,

member of Duma, academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Karim Masimov, Prime Minister of Kazakhstan, Wim Kok, President of the Club de Madrid and ex Prime Minister of the Netherlands (1994-2002), Ted Menzies, Canada’s minister of finance, Mikhail Khazin, Russian economist, political writer, TV and radio presenter; business representatives: Chris Gibson Smith, Chairman of the London Stock Exchange, Jacob Frenkel, Chairman of JPMorgan Chase International and other influential politicians and economists.

Rector of the USUE Mikhail Fedorov enjoyed the privilege of summing up the results of the V Astana Economic Forum.

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In spite of various viewpoints and certain reservations it was generally agreed that the world community «urgently needs a new financial and economic policy» and its principles must be worked out as soon as possible.

The debate and the Astana Economic Forum were summed up by Mikhail Fedorov, Vice President of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists, Chairman of the World Economic Youth Forum organizing committee, Doctor of Economic Sciences, Rector of the Ural State University of Economics:

Mikhail Fedorov, Rector of the USUE, Vice President of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists,:

– In the course of three days, agreements amounting to one and a half billion dollars were made at the forum. A lot of important initiatives have arisen. One of the forum’s biggest achievements is the First World Youth Economic Forum. Within the framework of the V AEF, it was decided to hold the World Anti-Crisis Conference the following year. Co-founders of this conference are the Eurasian Club of Scientists and the Eurasian Astana Club of Nobel Prize Laureates. The presidential administration of Kazakhstan has approved of the initiative.

The speed of decision-taking at the forum is worth admiring. Yesterday, Nursultan Nazarbayev approved of the idea to set up an Institute of forecasting under the auspices of the Eurasian Economic Club of Scientists. The decision to establish such an institute was made the following day.

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On completion of the I World Youth Economic Forum and V Astana Economic Forum, the young participants went back to Ekaterinburg to start opining the EYEF missions on other continents of the planet.

Return to Ekaterinburg


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EYEF and Adore Creative joint project «Ekaterinburg – a youth capital of the world»

Mikhail Fedorov, EYEF Organizing Committee Chairman and Rector of the USUE, and Rupert Wainwright, a world-known Hollywood director and general producer of Adore Creative, agreed to organize a special project «Ekaterinburg – a youth capital of the world» within the EYEF framework.

194 students from 12 universities of Ekaterinburg attended the casting. As a result, 17 people were selected. In summer 2012, they are to open the EYEF missions on every continent raising awareness of the youth forum in Ekaterinburg.

In June, the young missionaries did a training course in first aid and received certificates of the international organization «Red Cross».

The project will result in a documentary «Ekaterinburg – a youth capital of the world» presenting the city and its young citizens to the world community at a number of prestigious forums and film festivals in 2012-2013.

Rupert Wainwright instructs the «Ekaterinburg – a youth capital of the world» project participants

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