Презентация водки белый орёл англ

Return of the legend!

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Post on 06-Aug-2015




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Return of the legend!

Page 2: Презентация водки белый орёл англ

About the brand


Trademark «Belyi Oryol» is legendary vodka which was made since 1990.

This product has the traditional taste caused by a compounding by a principle – only the best alcohol luxury and the purest water.

Vodka «White Eagle» in Russia of the 90th years was the most popular strong alcoholic drink that confirms the general circulation of release for all the time of sales of 60 million dal.

The history of trademark began in 1994 when experts created the unique production technology that provided extraordinary softness of vodka.

Vodka «White eagle» is positioned in a segment "subbonus" and is one of the all-federal Russian brands holding strong positions for loyalty of consumers throughout 10 years.

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The history of trademark


In 1994 the first production of vodka «White Eagle» which was accompanied by the aggressive federal advertizing company directed on direct consumers of vodka was started. Thanks to that, vodka «White eagle» till today remains popular vodka brand among million inhabitants of Russia, because in the nineties the Russian law on advertizing didn't forbid to advertize hard alcoholic beverages in mass media (TV advertizing, radio advertizing).

The combination «Vodka the White Eagle» took roots in consciousness of consumers that guarantees recognition of a product and associates with high quality and reasonable price of vodka.

In some months from the moment of the beginning sales of vodka «White Eagle», it became the most sold, popular and recognizable vodka brand in Russia, because of the active advertizing company.

The vodka trademark by right became all Russia most recognizable and sold in the territory, because TV commercial of vodka «White Eagle» was

developed by the media holding of Premier SV largest at that time and was broadcast on federal central TV channels each 30 minutes for 5 years .

In 2010 trademark rebranding «the White Eagle» then it found a new look was carried out. A stylish and strict bottle in a form with the relief

image of an eagle in the flight, a new label in black – gold scale which got an elite color in black-gold scale. Invariable there was only a taste of vodka,

and also recognition by means of the image of an eagle remained.

19945000000 dal

19956000000 dal

19968000000 da.

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Trademark «White Eagle» is the registered trademark, the certificate No. 357740 from August 19, 2008. The owner is JSC Bely Oryol.

Intellectual property

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The new design is developed by the design company STUDION in 2010. The new form of a bottle with the relief image of an eagle was offered. The label is completely updated, has an original form. Color scale: black – gold for one ruler also it is white – silvery for another.

The firm disperser with trademark «White Eagle» is developed.

The transport box on which lateral surface the TM logo

«White eagle» is represented is created.

At the JSC Velikodvorsky stekolny zavod enterprise compression molds are designed and made on: 0.25, 0.5, 1 liter.


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Feature of design

The inscription «A white eagle»

is put on disperser of each battle

The relief image of an eagle in flight is located On the obverse

surface of a bottle

Trademark production «White eagle» is presented in original packing with exclusive a form of set.

The inscription a white eagle is put on a back surface

When opening a bottle integrity of a disperser

is broken, illegal repeated pouring of production thus

is prevented

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The public scientific institute «All-Russia research institute of food biotechnology of the Russian academy of agricultural sciences» developed a vodka compounding on on two types of a product – «White Eagle GOLD» and «White Eagle SILVER».

«White Eagle of Gold» it consists from water drinking corrected, alcohol ethyl "Luxury" from food raw materials, the sugar syrup, infusion spirit wheat, glucose, infusion the spirit linden flower.

The composition of vodka «White Eagle SILVER» includes water drinking corrected alcohol ethyl «Luxury» from food raw materials, a sugar syrup, sodium two-carbonic (soda food), acid acetic food, juniper extract «Relict».

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?The line of TM «White Eagle» is presented by two popular tastes:

«White Eagle Gold» possesses pleasant aroma and classical vodka taste

«White Eagle Silver» is a sample of classical vodka with the unique additives what gives to

vodka original relish

There are three capacities 0,25 l, 0,5 l, and 1 l. It is convenient for buyers because they have an opportunity to choose optimum capacity for a concrete case. They can take 0,25 l if it would be desirable to talk "heart-to-heart" to the close friend, and time just barely enough. 0,5 l – it is ideal to sit three together with companions and to discuss vital subjects. 1,0 l – optimum capacity for a cheerful friendly sit-round gathering and celebrations.

«White Eagle Gold» 0.25 ë «White Eagle Silver» 0.25 ë«White Eagle Gold» 0.5 ë «White Eagle Silver» 0.5 ë«White Eagle Gold» 1.0 ë «White Eagle Silver» 1,0 ë

The Range

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Market and competition

Volume of the russian production of vodka will increases for 12,2 % in 2011.

Requirements of the market of vodka are almost completely provided with domestic producers,because vodka is traditional russian drink. Market segmentation to tastes of vodka revealed that classical vodka is most demanded by 75 % of consumers while an import is completely presented by flavoring vodka. Among a large number of versions of flavoring vodka of the most popular is cedar. The volume of its consumption makes 6,4 %.

Rise in prices for vodka is in the nearest future predicted and it will lead to increase in consumption in a srednetsenovy segment (150-250 rub).

Since 2007 in the market it is not noted a gain. The market went to growth and only in 2009, the increase in production considerably grew: growth rates in 2009 for 14% are higher, than in 2008.

In 2010 the volume of the Russian production of vodka made 130,8 million gave. Following the results of January-September, 2011 this indicator increased by 12,2 % from what follows that the increase in volume of production of vodka in the Russian market is expected.

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Market and competition

In May, 2012 the marketing agency ZOOM MARKET carried market research among consumers of vodka in Moscow (men from 27 to 60 years using vodka) out . During research 4000 respondents of various social groups were interrogated.

Research showed that today vodka «White eagle» still enters in top-5 the most famous vodka brands of Russia. Poll showed that the majority of respondents (44 %) well remember the television commercial of vodka «White eagle». The majority of respondents are ready to buy vodka «White eagle» at the price from 200 to 260 rubles.

In Russian's territory the majority of men take hard alcoholic beverages (vodka). By results of carried-out poll it became clear that the main criteria of influencing purchase that or other brand of vodka are: popularity of a trademark (42 %), price (30 %) and quality (22 %).

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Market and competition

At carrying out polls, to respondents suggested to choose from several vodka brands the most famous and popular brands of vodka. There were brands such as Parliament, Stolichnaya, Pyat ozyor, Zelyonaya marka, Medal, Eastok, Baikal, Juravli, Myagkov, Putinka, Staraya Moskva, White eagle.

By results of poll vodka «White eagle» entered in top-10 the most popular vodka brands. Thus research confirmed that demand for vodka «White eagle» will grow at the expense of recognition of brand.

Consumers prefer to buy vodka of known trademarks including vodka «White Eagle».

The carried-out market research in the consumer market of vodka gave a clear understanding about a share of the market of each producer of vodka.

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Market and competition

Results of a share of the market:

Vodka «Parliament» occupies 10 % of the marketVodka «Putinka» occupies 9 % of the marketVodka «Stolichnaya» occupies 8 % of the marketVodka «Zelyonaya Marka» occupies 8 % of the marketVodka «Eastok» occupies 7 % of the marketVodka «Pyat Ozer» occupies 7 % of the marketVodka «Medal» occupies 7 % of the marketVodka «Staraya Moskva» occupies 7 % of the marketVodka «Na beryozovih brunkah» occupies 7 % of the marketVodka «Baikal» occupies 6 % of the marketVodka «Myagkov» occupies 6 % of the marketVodka «White eagle» occupies 11 % of the marketVodka «Juravli occupies 4 % of the market

On forecasts of the representative marketing agency carrying out market research after emergence of vodka «White eagle» on retail the share of the market of vodka will increase a minimum to 15%.

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Besides excellent taste, quality, history, the trademark «White eagle» possesses a number of commercial advantages. The trademark «White eagle» got broad trading support in all available communicative channels such as television, press, points of sale. Researches of brand show high level of recognition of a trademark «White eagle»:

1. Knowledge of brand remains ,because a trademark «White eagle» enter into 10 most popular brands of vodka which is called by consumers, answering a question «What brands of vodka you know?»

2. Consumers highly appreciate advertizing efficiency a trademark «White eagle» that proves to be true that remembers it nearly a quarter of target audience and óçíþò two from three remembered.

3. Consumption of «White Eagle» is the stably high.

From the moment of the beginning of production of vodka «White Eagle» since 1994 it was in total sold not less than 60 000000 gave vodka that speaks about popularity of a trademark.

Vodka «White Eagle» was on sale across all Russia in large and less large grocery shops, the markets, cafe and restaurants. Both in the capital and in various regions of Russia was in demand.

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Price positioning

Prices for brands of vodka of competitors (0.5 liters):

Vodka «Parliament» 230 rub.Vodka «Putinka»180 rub.Vodka «Stolichnaya» 150 rub.Vodka «Zelyonaya Marka» 119 rub.Vodka «Eastok» 145 rub.Vodka «Pyat Ozer» 170 rub.Vodka «Medal» 120 rub.Vodka «Staraya Moskva» 170 rub.Vodka «Na beryozovih brunkah» 210 rub.Vodka «Baikal» 230 rub.Vodka «Myagkov» 210 rub.Vodka «Juravli» 135 rub.

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Recommendations and forecast

Representatives of marketing agency ZOOM MARKET, after renewal of production of vodka suggest to adhere to the producer of the following marketing and advertizing policy.

Marketing policyTo position a product as average on price category (200-270 rubles for a bottle). At

emergence of vodka on counters of shops to hold competition with a prize fund that will draw attention of consumers. Also it is meaningful to create besides the Internet of representation of a trademark vodka club «White eagle» in which it is possible to arrange a photo competitions, draws that will draw attention of consumers.

Advertizing policy To accompany a vodka exit a slogan «Vodka the White eagle - the Return of the legend».

To place outdoor advertizing.

Sales channelsObligatory presence of vodka at large network supermarkets such as: Auchan, Sedmoi

continent, Kopeika, Monetka, Pyaterochka etc.