אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to...

Tuesday, כ“א חשון-Nov. 3 No ERCSD Transportation Regular RCSD Transportation Friday-Sunday, כ“ו חשון-כ“ד-Nov. 6-8 Kinus Hashluchim - No Sessions Wednesday, כ“ט חשון-Nov. 11 No ERCSD and RCSD Transportation Mazel Tov to Zalmy Hirsch upon his Bar Mitzvah! Mazel Tov Efi Siklos upon his Bar Mitzvah! Mazel Tov to Mendel Gancz upon the birth of his baby sister! May we continue to share in each others sim- chos! פרשת וירא י ז חשון תשע ו הדלקת נרות5:37 WRONG TIMES IN CHEDER CALEN- DAR FOR Z’MAN ON EREV PESACH. PLEASE CORRECT THE TIMES IN YOUR CHEDER CALENDAR AS FOLLOWS: Finish eating the Chametz at 10:38 Sell and burn the Chametz at 11:46 We apologize for the error. Mrs. Braun Second Grade - General Studies If you pass by our classroom you will notice a big tree with many colorful leaves hanging on the bulletin board. Each boy wrote his own creative writing piece on the topic of Fall, on different colored leaves. The boys came up with many great and original ideas and wrote beautiful paragraphs. They worked very hard on their writing skills and utilized proper punctuation throughout their writings. We posted all the excel- lent writings to create a beautiful Fall tree. We went outside to pick some nice shaped leaves. Then we stuck them on the back of a paper and traced the leaves with crayons, by coloring on top. We cut them out and decorated our bulletin board to create the effect of many leaves falling. Here are some excerpts from our best writers: In the Fall I saw a tree full of red and orange leaves. - Mendel SIrota It is fun to jump into the leaves. When I go in I take out all the twigs. - Yehuda Goldin In the Fall I collect leaves and then I ask someone to cover us with leaves. - Yisroel Dovid Kohn Avos U'bonim starting IY”H this Mot- zoai Shabbos at Tzemach Tzedek 7:30 pm - pizza special prizes Special raffle for early birds (arriving in first 10 min.)

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Page 1: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion

Tuesday, כ“א חשון-Nov. 3 No ERCSD Transportation

Regular RCSD Transportation

Friday-Sunday, כ“ד-כ“ו חשון-Nov. 6-8 Kinus Hashluchim - No Sessions

Wednesday, כ“ט חשון-Nov. 11

No ERCSD and RCSD Transportation

Mazel Tov to Zalmy Hirsch upon his Bar Mitzvah!

Mazel Tov Efi Siklos upon his Bar Mitzvah! Mazel Tov to Mendel Gancz upon the birth of his baby sister! May we continue to share in each others sim-chos!

פרשת וירא ו“ז חשון תשע“י 5:37הדלקת נרות


PLEASE CORRECT THE TIMES IN YOUR CHEDER CALENDAR AS FOLLOWS: Finish eating the Chametz at 10:38 Sell and burn the Chametz at 11:46 We apologize for the error.

Mrs. Braun

Second Grade - General Studies If you pass by our classroom you will notice a big tree with many colorful leaves hanging on the bulletin board. Each boy wrote his own creative writing piece on the topic of Fall, on different colored leaves. The boys came up with many great and original ideas and wrote beautiful paragraphs. They worked very hard on their writing skills and utilized proper punctuation throughout their writings. We posted all the excel-lent writings to create a beautiful Fall tree. We went outside to pick some nice shaped leaves. Then we stuck them on the back of a paper and traced the leaves with crayons, by coloring on top. We cut them out and decorated our bulletin board to create the effect of many leaves falling. Here are some excerpts from our best writers: In the Fall I saw a tree full of red and orange leaves. - Mendel SIrota It is fun to jump into the leaves. When I go in I take out all the twigs. - Yehuda Goldin In the Fall I collect leaves and then I ask someone to cover us with leaves. - Yisroel Dovid Kohn

Avos U'bonim starting IY”H this Mot-zoai Shabbos at Tzemach Tzedek 7:30 pm - pizza special prizes Special raffle for early birds (arriving in first 10 min.)

Page 2: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion

Rabbi Blotner Seventh Grade - Limudei Kodesh In Gemarah, we are learning about dam-ages caused by someone or his animal. It talks about cases when an owner locks up his animal but it escapes and does damage. Rabbi Yehoshua brings four different cases where a person is exempt from paying (for the damage) by the law of man, and obli-gated to pay by the law of heaven. The Ge-marah also talks about a case where the animal dug a hole under the fence (which is unusual), and whether it was talking about a strong wall or a weak wall. In class we demonstrated a few skits when someone comes to beis din , when damages some-body else In Mishnayos, we are learning about four different types of damages. Damage done by eating, walking, a pit, and fire. It talks about different cases when an animal gores another animal or a person, and if he has to pay and if yes how much does he have to pay. It also talks about cases where one person damages someone else by either breaking something or leaving something in public that will be considered “bor” (damage by a pit). In Chumash, we are learning about korbanos such as a Korban Mincha. We are also learning how they made it in the Beis Hamikdash, what types of birds are brought and how they slaughtered it. In class, rabbi blotner gave everyone some wheat and we grinded all of the kernels and made flour. We then added oil and prac-ticed taking a full fist of the “Mincha”. We also got a copy of part of parshas Vayeirah, we had to highlight all of the words that showed the good deeds of Avraham. Every-one got a paper and each time we see someone do a good deed we write it down, and when we fill out the entire page we will bring it into the rebbi .

Page 3: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion


Dear Parents,

The Cheder Chabad Boys PTA is excited to offer a series of after school Sunday

music classes by a professionally trained music therapist and musician. The boys

will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. The cost is $150 for ten

sessions and the teacher will give instruction in percussion and melodica.

Percussion Instruction Class Description Learn the name, history, function, and basic playing technique of various percussion instruments including the conga, djembe, tambourine, guiro, maracas, and claves. Students will learn six different hand positions including the palm, tip, slap, bass, and open tones on the djembe (hand drum). Students will learn how to count in time, play a steady rhythm, follow a pattern, musically call and respond, solo and improvise. Students will learn how to rhythmically accompany on percussion instruments various Jewish melodies. Melodica Instruction Class Description

Students will learn a basic introduction to music theory and ear training through

the melodica. Students will be able to name the notes on the keyboard and learn

major and minor scales. Students will learn the relationship between melody,

harmony and rhythm. Students will learn how to recognize musical intervals

within in an octave and be able to name which nigun contains which interval.

Students will learn simple Jewish melodies on the melodica and be able to play

as a group in unison, harmony, and rhythm!

This is a rare opportunity and the price is greatly discounted. If you are interested

in signing your son/s up please email [email protected]

Page 4: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion

P.O. Box 1164 Monsey, NY 10952 (845) 356-1213 [email protected] www.chedermonsey.org Boys’ Elementary School 15 Widman Court Spring Valley, NY 10977 Fax (845) 290-9616 [email protected] Rabbi Avrohom Wolowik Principal

Rabbi Avi Frank Associate Principal for General Studies

Girls’ Elementary School 25 South Monsey Rd. Airmont, NY 10952 Fax (845) 262-1523 [email protected] Mrs. Chaya Rosenbluh Principal

Mrs. Chana Phillip, MA Associate Principal for General Studies

Pre-School Mrs. Yona Lazarus, MEd Early Childhood Director

Va’ad HaChinuch Rabbi Baruch D. Lesches Rabbi Chaim D. Kagan Rabbi Zalman L. Markowitz

Board of Directors Rabbi Yeruchem Cohen President Avraham Hayman Yosef Light Mordechai Litzman Trustees

Rabbi Yisroel Shusterman Dean

Mrs. Yitty Gutner Administrative Director

Cheder Chabad of Monsey is an officially registered 501 (c) (3) non-profit organization. Tax ID number: 13-4073308


Dear Parents, שי'

We are once again looking for parents to help out with the lunch program at both schools. This is a great opportunity for mom’s to observe their child in their educational environment. We count on your help to make lunch a smooth and pleasant experience for all the children. Please consider helping out one day a week or even one day a month. Even if you have never done this before, it is not a difficult task and your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Moms are asked to stay till 1:30 in the girls building to serve and help clean up. Lunch duty may help you acquire Tuition Support Points. Which must be arranged ahead of time. We are now working on the November schedule. Please try to help out. The hours of arrival are as follows: Girls Building Monday-thru- Thursday 11:45-1:30 Boys Building Sunday 11:00 – 1:00 Monday-thru- Thursday 11:30-1:00 If you are interested in volunteering your time, please email me at [email protected] or call me at (845) 362-1510 or (347) 403-1216 or text to be added to the schedule (e-mail is best).

Looking forward to hearing from you. Bayla Keller

Page 5: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion
Page 6: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion
Page 7: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion

מרכז אנ״שMerkaz anash

Rabbi Shimon Hellinger - Editor


Lma'an Yishme'u Shabbos Table Companion ב"ה

Positive Thinking What is the definition of bitachon? Rabbeinu Bechaye writes in Chovas HaLevavos that bitachon is complete peace of mind, a state in which a person is fully calm, knowing that he can rely on HaShem and trust in Him. When a person contemplates how HaShem loves him, cares for him, is able to fill his needs, and knows what is best for him; when he considers how HaShem alone monitors his life, and always does good even to those who are undeserving; – he will then feel full bitachon in Him.

Such trust can be found only in HaShem, for any other option, such as mortal benefactors or financial security, can fail or discontinue.

)חובת הלבבות שער הבטחון פרק א(

When the revered mashpia, Reb Michoel Beliner (better known as Reb Michoel der Alter), was still a young man, his son fell deathly ill, and the doctors said that there was nothing they could do. Reb Michoel went to the local beis midrash and shared his bitter news with the chassidim who were there at the time. Doing their best to encourage him, they assured him that HaShem would surely have rachmonus, and advised him to travel immediately to the Rebbe, the Tzemach Tzedek. Reb Michoel began to weep, saying that he would strongly like to go, but the doctors said that it was only a matter of hours, so why should he set out on the road? One of the older chassidim berated him. He quoted from the Gemara that one should never despair of being granted HaShem's mercy, and added that surely the good malochim would succeed in having the Heavenly verdict postponed until he reached the Rebbe. One of those chassidishe yungeleit, a tailor, offered to join Reb Michoel on his trip, and together they set out on foot, here and there hitching a cheap wagonride.

Arriving at last in Lubavitch, Reb Michoel was fortunately able to be received for yechidus immediately.

He later related: "When I entered the Rebbe's room and handed him my pidyon nefesh for my son, I thought to myself, 'Who knows what has meanwhile happened with him? The doctors said it's only a few hours…,' and I began to weep. The Rebbe read the note and said, 'Don't

cry. You must have bitachon in HaShem with simple emunah that He will save your son. Tracht gut vet zien gut. (Think good and things will be good.) You will yet celebrate the bar-mitzvas of your grandsons!' "

Soon after, the boy recovered completely. From then on, whenever Reb Michoel experienced difficulty he would bring to mind the luminous face of the Rebbe as he spoke those words, and the situation would change for the better.

)לקו"ד ח"א ע' קנט, אג"ק ריי"צ ח"ז ע' קצז(

The Rebbe explains that when a person places his full trust in HaShem, feeling fully at ease with complete bitachon, that is enough for him to merit HaShem's salvation. This is true even for someone who is seemingly undeserving, for this avodah of bitachon alone gives him the merit to be helped. That is the deeper message of the words of the Tzemach Tzedek, "Tracht gut" – "Think good and things will be good."

)לקו"ש חל"ו ע' 4(

Unwavering FaithReb Shaul Ber Kobakov, a successful lumber merchant from Minsk, a chossid of the Rebbe Maharash and later of the Rebbe Rashab. Once, when on a business trip, as he waited on the railway platform, he heard an announcement that his train would be delayed, so he went to wash his hands and daven Maariv. Another Yiddishe merchant present, knowing that this chossid was not one to rush through his davening, went over and warned him that his train would probably arrive before he finished Shemoneh Esreh.

"That's of no interest to me," replied the chossid. "Now is the time for Maariv, so I'll daven now."

While he stood in a quiet corner and davened for a full hour, the train came and left. When he finished, he waited for the next train and repeated to the other merchant that nothing mattered to him, even his business, when it was time to daven.

Just then the next train clattered to a halt, but before the chossid climbed on, whom did he see, stepping down from the train? It was the

owner of the forests to whom he was about to travel! That man came over and greeted him, explaining that he had waited for him at his station as they had planned, but when the Yid had not shown up, he had decided to travel to see him. From this, Reb Shaul Ber understood that he must be desperate to sell his forests, and was thus able to strike a good bargain.

On another occasion, this same Reb Shaul Ber went to toivel before davening, with a few thousand rubles in his pocket. In the midst of his davening, he suddenly realized that his pocket was not as heavy as it had been before, yet he did not rush to finish. He continued davening at his accustomed leisurely pace, then put on Rabbeinu Tam's tefillin, and at about two o'clock, when he was ready, he went back to the river where he had toiveled. There, at the place he had put his clothing down, he found his money – covered with sand that had been blown by the wind!

)לקוטי סיפורים ע' שמא(

In response to a man who was troubled and downcast because of his many debts, the Rebbe wrote that his biggest trouble was his lack of bitachon in HaShem, for that is the key to everything. The Rebbe encouraged the writer to toil in strengthening his certain belief that even if there seems to be no way for matters to work out, he should nevertheless trust in HaShem – for He works above nature, and thus all can be good. When a person lifts himself out of his worldly mindset to the point that he appreciates that there is no power over him except HaShem, he is then able to cause everything to be good in actuality.

)אג"ק ח"ו ע' קמז(

TrusTing HasHem

פרשת וירא תשע"ו

Consider This! J Did the mashpia Reb Michoel not know that HaShem could heal his son? What did the Tzemach Tzedek teach him?

J Was Reb Shaul Ber obligated to neglect the train or his wallet? Was he allowed to? Why?

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Page 8: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion

A Broader ObjectiveThe Yom Kippur War raged in Eretz Yisroel through the winter of 5734 (1973), costing many lives. In 770, the Rebbe constantly spoke of the power of the tefillin campaign, as well as the security gained by having seforim and a tzedaka pushke in the home.

During the farbrengen of Yud Shevat, the Rebbe surprised the chassidim with a new campaign: mivtzah mezuzah. Aside from the physical protection the mezuzah will provide, the Rebbe explained that it will protect the dwellers from the negative influences of the street.

Anash and bochurim spread the message, educating and encouraging Yidden to put up a mezuzah, and often subsidizing the costs.

When the campaign first began, the bochurim of the Lubavitch yeshiva of Miami proudly reported to the Rebbe that they had already put up mezuzos in forty homes throughout Miami.

The Rebbe was not satisfied and replied in writing: In a city of forty-thousand Yidden?!

Our HerOes

Reb Akiva EigerReb Akiva Eiger was born on Yud Daled Cheshvan, תקכ"ב (1761). After relocating several times, he was appointed as the Rav and Rosh Yeshivah of Poznan. He was one of the outstanding acharonim, and left a strong impact on the study of Gemara and Halacha. He was known to be very modest and exceptionally humble. He passed away on the Yud Gimmel Tishrei, תקצ"ח (1837).


In the summer of תקפ"ה (1815) the Mitteler Rebbe traveled to the health spas in Karlsbad at the instruction of his doctors. On his way there, he stopped in Poznan and met with Reb Akiva Eiger. In a letter to his son-in-law, the Tzemach Tzedek, he reports his impression of him:

“In Poznan I visited the elder gaon Reb Akiva whose last name is Eiger. He is a genuine person and knows nothing of worldly matters, wearing a simple kapota and torn shtreimel (though his wife and children are surprisingly dressed like the German Jews). He greeted us with great honor as he is humble and unpretentious with all people.

“I asked him for a bracha. He shared a thought on a possuk and I shared with him its kabbalistic meaning that I had heard from my father [the Alter Rebbe]. He enjoyed what I said, but had a hard time hearing.

“He asked me to tell him about my father, since he had heard of him. I gave him two volumes of my father’s Shulchan Aruch, Tanya, and my seforim. He accepted them gratefully and we parted with great honors.”


When Reb Akiva Eiger came to the city of Poznan to become Rav, he was brought in a chariot, harnessed to strong stallions. With him, sat his son-in-law, the Chasam Sofer, who had married his daughter two years prior. The entire city came out to great them and stood cheering at the sides of the road.

The Chasam Sofer, who understood that this entire honor was meant for his father-in-law, on his appointment as Rov, climbed down the chariot and joined the crowds at the road side. But after a bit of time, he looked up at the other side of the wagon and to his astonishment saw his father-in-law, Reb Akiva Eiger also walking at the side of the now empty wagon, convinced that all this honor was being given to his illustrious son-in-law…

A MoMent with the Rebbe

A WAy of LifeWeapons on ShabbosWhen may Jewish security personnel carry weapons on Shabbos?

J In places without an eruv carrying a weapon is forbidden due to carrying. Even in times and places where it is common to wear a gun in its holster, it is not a “garment” but a carried object.1

J However, it is self-understood that if there is reasonable concern of life threatening danger, it is permissible to break Shabbos.2 In a case of reasonable doubt one must follow pikuach nefesh, yet try to minimize chilul Shabbos that isn’t necessary.3 Each situation must be evaluated individually as to whether there is a real need (and whether a non-Jew could do the same job) and to what extent (how many personnel are needed).4

What is considered a reasonable doubt?5

J Some poskim6 write that the danger is defined by common response, and if locals feel a serious threat it is safek pikuach nefesh. One way to gauge this is by how much they invest during the week to protect themselves. (The same rule applies to driving to the hospital on Shabbos in case of a health predicament).

J Others argue that feelings are not a fair indication since people tend to overreact, and a proper evaluation is needed.7 Some state that a chance of less than 1/1,000 it is not a reasonable safek.8 (Some point out that the evaluation must include the total day, not a specific moment.9) One who protects others is evaluated based on the collective chance of danger for all those under his protection.10

J Whenever there is no immediate danger it is not considered sakonas nefashos. For example, desecrating Shabbos to take preventative medication11 or study medicine12 is not permissible, since there is no danger at hand.13

J In practice, one must consult a competent halachic authority to decide on every individual situation.

ש"א סי' או"ח שוע"ר ע"א, ס"ג שבת .1ש"א סי' בערוה"ש מש"כ ובנוגע ס"ג. רצ"ה הע' ח"ג שבת ארחות ראה סנ"א,

ובקובץ תשובות ח"ג סי' נ"א.2. ראה שוע"ר סי' שכ"ט ס"ו, וראה שש"כ

סוף פמ"א.3. שש"כ פל"ב סכ"ח ופמ"א סל"א.

4. שו"ת כמראה הבזק ח"ו סי ל"ז.5. ראה תחומין כרך כ"ט מאמר גדרי פיק"נ

ציבורי מאת הרב יצחק ברט.6. ראה מנחת שלמה תנינא סי' ל"ז, שבט

מיהודה ח"א יט,ב.7. שו"ת ציץ אליעזר ח"ט סי' י"ז ס"ק כב סכנה אין ולדעתו שכאשר ט"ו, סי' וח"ח

מוחשית הולכים לפי רוב.8. ראה תחומין שם ע"פ רעק"א ח"א סי ס', ועיי"ש שלדעתו אין זה הגדרה מדויקת רק לרופאים תורה שיעורי וראה כללי. כיוון

סי' צ"ו שפחות מחמש אחוז סיכוי נחשב ברופא מדובר )שם מצוי שאינו מיעוט שבת יחלל האם בשבת תורנות לו שיש או זמן עוד ולהרויח רפואה לבית לנסוע

ללכת ברגל(.9. הגר"ש ישראלי בס' עמוד הימני סי' י"ז

אות ח'.10. התורה המשמחת עמ' 168.

שכח סי' או"ח אברהם נשמת ראה .11התעמלות סוגי על צ"ד צ"ג אותיות

ופיזיותרפיה בשבת.12. ראה ס' נשמת אברהם סי' ש"ז סק"ו

האם מותר ללמוד בלי חילול שבת.ר"י שו"ת סי' יו"ד נו"ב מהדו"ת ראה .13חת"ס יור"ד סי' שלו שו"ת בנין ציון ח"א חשש רק יש שכאשר )ועיי"ש קל"ז סי'

לסכנה הבאה אזלינן בתר רובא(.

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Page 9: אריו תשרפ ו“עשת ןושח ז“י 5:37 תורנ תקלדה · will the learn how to follow beats and play the melodica. ... and basic playing technique of various percussion


Smoothie Sunday!!

Parent volunteers needed. This is

an e-credit opportunity.

PTA Boys is excited to announce, This Sunday

ט חשון"י -November 1 is

Watch for upcoming dates IY”H,

December 27

January 24

March 6

May 15

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May they have lots of nachas from

their entire family