مراجعة ليلة الامتحان للصف الثالث الثانوى 2014

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Post on 14-Jun-2015




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  • 1. Rearranged By Mr. /Ahmed Saleh Very important vocabulary anniversary sculpture - distinctive =distinguished drill into 1

2. coronation bully - distinction - extract launch - combination - influence=effect paperbacks currently leak influential-effective hardpacks mission leaky evolve - assist=help escapism permanently evolution - appearance device temporarily certificate human nature alike=identical=similar recuperate licence average - locked admit/deny - degree theory ceremony profession(ally) - grade - object ( to ) bury - buried - respectable determine - envious (of) press bestseller hygiene specialize (in) pressure blackmail interrupt specialization capture conflict enthusiastic ( ) specialist ( ) procession disapprove - enthusiast specialised ( ) attachment ) ( recognize enthusiasm solo permit = allow recognizable bleach sting-stung-stung a variety - recognisation mixture - process vary-various - evil soak-be soaked - sensible - collection questionnaire inspired inexpensive pioneer-pioneering - geyser regard as available district - absorbent obvious availability confusing=confused - landmark gadget illuminate - amnesia landscape editor eliminate wounded drought established - destination agent phenomenon establishment - celebrate embarrassed phenomena appreciate musical instrument identity-identify - phenomenal enroll medical equipment invasion phenomenally celebrate harden spy (spies) power station celebrated ( ) commute (r) () overlook diabetes celebrity mass (ive) ( ) bang diabetic adviser colleagues