Διαγωνίσματα Αγγλικών Γυμνασίου 2014-15

α’ Γυμνασίου Διαγώνισμα β’ τριμήνου στο μάθημα των Αγγλικών Ημερομηνία: ________________________________________________ Ονοματεπώνυμο: _____________________________________________ Reading comprehension Laura Haley answers our friends' letters. Read her advice. Well, first you should start by smiling. It makes you look friendly and people want to be around you. A very good idea is to do something you enjoy. What about a sports activity? Or you could join an after-school club. This way, you can meet people who have similar interests to you and have something to chat about right away. Why don't you talk to your mum about your problem? She might come up with some wonderful ideas. You shouldn't feel nervous about making new mates. Just relax, be yourself and you'll be fine. Read the above text and answer the following questions. (8 points) 1. What does Laura advise? Put a tick (ν) next to the advice. It can be more than one. taking up a new activity talking to her teachers organizing a party talking to her mother smiling taking up a new sport 2. Use expressions from the text to give the following advice:

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διαγωνίσματα β τριμήνου γυμνασίου στο μάθημα των αγγλικών


: ________________________________________________: _____________________________________________

Reading comprehensionLaura Haley answers our friends' letters. Read her advice.Well, first you should start by smiling. It makes you look friendly and people want to be around you. A very good idea is to do something you enjoy. What about a sports activity? Or you could join an after-school club. This way, you can meet people who have similar interests to you and have something to chat about right away. Why don't you talk to your mum about your problem? She might come up with some wonderful ideas. You shouldn't feel nervous about making new mates. Just relax, be yourself and you'll be fine.Read the above text and answer the following questions. (8 points)1. What does Laura advise? Put a tick () next to the advice. It can be more than one.

taking up a new activity talking to her teachersorganizing a partytalking to her mothersmilingtaking up a new sport2. Use expressions from the text to give the following advice: a. invite your classmates over b. discuss it with the counselora._________________________________________________________________________ b._________________________________________________________________________3. Read the letter and match the advice (a-d) to the reason (1-4) for following it.

a. tell your mumb. put on a smilec. join a clubd. relax1. you ll meet people who like the same things as you2. she can give you an advice3. you will look good4. you ll be yourself

4. Which one of the following could be the letter that Laura is replying to? Circle the right one.

a. Dear Laura,I m in the last grade of high school and Im also an athlete. I have always been a good student but , this year, everything seems so difficult. I have a lot of practice and Ive got so little time. What can I do to become better?Love,b. Dear Laura,I need your advice! I just moved here and everything looks so strange I cant get used to my new room and I cant find anyone to hang out with. I want to make new friends so badly but it is impossible!Bye, Lonelyc. Dear Laura,I dont know what to do. I have met a boy that I like very much. We hang out together, we study together but he sees me as a good friend. Should I tell him Im in love?Love,XSporty

Grammar and vocabulary1. Circle the right answer. (1.5 points)

1. May I have a _____ of water, please?a. bagb. glassc. kilogram2. Id like a _____ of eggs.a. pieceb. dozenc. pinch3. I think it needs a _____ of salt.a. spoonb. slicec. pinch4. Why not buy a _____ of potato chips?a. bagb. boxc. bunch5. This cake needs a whole _____ of milk.a. jarb. packetc. carton6. Could I have a _____ of coffee?a. glassb. cupc. bottle

2. a. Fill in the gaps with words from the box. (3 points) salt whole-grain healthy doctor fizzy caloriesIf you want to be healthy, you should eat healthy food. First of all, you shouldnt eat fatty food because it is high in ____________. That means no potato chips! Chips have a lot of _________ and they are very unhealthy. Also, you should cut down on __________ drinks. They are fatty, too. Instead, drink mineral water. Why not eat ___________ bread? Its much better than white bread. And do not forget! Eat plenty of fruits! You know what they say An apple a day, keeps the ___________ away! b. Label the Food Guide Pyramid. (3 points)

D________ products M_______ , fish and p___________

V___________________ F_______________


3. Circle the correct answer. (2 points)

a. There arent many / much oranges left.b. Have you got many / much sisters?c. I only ate a few / a little rice for dinner.d. Im afraid there isnt much / many milk in the fridge.e. We dont have to / must go to school today. Its Sunday.f. You might / should exercise, if you want to be fit.g. Im not sure but there are clouds. It must / may rain.h. Oh, hes crying. He must / might be very sad.

4. Write the adjectives in the correct form. (2 points)a. This activity is ______________(easy) than the previous one.b. Awful! It really was the _____________ (bad) film of all!c. Who is your ____________ (good) friend?d. His book is _________________ (interesting) than the Flower on top.

Good luck!!! : ________________________________________________: _____________________________________________

A. Read the following letter and answer do the activities.Dear _________ or Madam, I recently bought a new DVD player which your ____________ told me was the best on the market and excellent value for money. But when I brought it home and plugged it in, it didn't work. When I took it back to your shop, your assistant told me that there was no guarantee with this model and that there was nothing he could do. Obviously, I feel very angry with this situation and I would like an explanation. I believe that it is your responsibility to refund my money or to replace the faulty DVD with a new one. I look forward to hearing from you. Yours ___________, May NichollsA.1. Fill in the gaps in the letter with words from the box. Three are not needed. (1,5) faithfully Sir Mister play sincerely assistantA.2. What did they tell her about the DVD player, when she bought it? Circle the correct answer. (1)a. It was the cheapest DVD player.b. It was the best and the most expensive DVD player.c. It was the best DVD player for that money.A.3. What is the problem of May Nicholls? Circle the correct answer. (1)a. She bought a DVD player and the buttons stick.b. She bought a DVD player but the screen is not clear.c. She bought a DVD player but it doesnt work.A.4. Why did they tell her at the shop that there was nothing they could do? (1,5) _______________________________________________________________________________________________A.5. What does she propose? Tick the right box/boxes. (1)

to get a new DVD playerto change the plug of the DVD playerto get her money backto get a gift check

B. Grammar and vocabularyB1. Match the words/phrases with the pictures. (3)Im angry.

Oh, look at how shes gazing at him!

Im excited.

Why do you point your finger?

Im so bored.

In the summer I always squint.

B2. Circle the right modal verb. (3)

a. He can / may run very fast. He is a great athlete.b. I think you should / cant eat more stop smoking.c. If you dont help me, I will / must tell mum!d. You can / have to be 18, to get a drivers license.e. I cant / might not swim. I dont know how to!f. Its so cold. You may / ought to wear a jacket.

B2. Complete the sentences with the right form of the adjectives in brackets. (3)a. This car is a lot _______________________ (beautiful) than your fathers.b. Who is _______________________ (good) player in the team?c. This was _____________________ (bad) play I have seen in my life!d. Betty is ____________________ (tall) than George.e. Tom can run ___________________ (fast) than his brother.f. Ill buy the black one. Its ____________________ (cheap).

B3. Complete the conversation by choosing the correct phrase from the box. (3) Uh, I see. Have a look at this one. It has got a long-lasting battery, a very large memory and it costs 70 euros. Well, I would like an mp3 player. That sounds nice. Ill take this one! Thank you! Hello, how can I help you? What about that one, then? It costs 40 euros and the battery can last up to 16 hours of music. I dont mind. I just want something that is value for money.Sales assistant: _________________________________________________________________________________Costumer: _____________________________________________________________________________________Sales assistant: There are a lot of new models! Have you got a specific brand in mind?Costumer: _____________________________________________________________________________________Sales assistant: _________________________________________________________________________________Costumer: Thats too expensive for an mp3 player, dont you think?Sales assistant: __________________________________________________________________________________Costumer: ______________________________________________________________________________________Sales assistant: Thank you, sir. Bye bye!

C. Dictation (2)___________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Good luck!!!

: ________________________________________________: _____________________________________________

A. Read the following text and do the activities.

Ancient EpidaurusBeing the most important port of thePeloponnese in the Saronic Gulf, Epidaurus isbelieved to be the birthplace of Apollo's son,Asclepius the healer.

Modern EpidaurusEpidaurus does not merely stand for ancienthistory, drama and culture, it is also the placewhere the first Greek Constitution was signed in1822. Today it is a resort offering different kindsof recreational holidays. For example, agro-tourism reaches its peak during the agriculturalsummer bazaar that has been held in AncientEpidaurus since 1988.

Things to seeVisit the site of Hera (at the 'Cultural Centre') orwonder at the statue of Artemis (at the top ofthe hill in the village) or gaze at Dimitra (at 'StMarina'). The sanctuary of Apollo Maleatas andalso the sanctuary of Asclepius are also worthseeing.

How to get thereWe are situated midway along the east coast ofthe Argolis district. It is easy to reach by road viaAthens-Corinth Canal if you take the mainhighway or the scenic routes from Nafplion orErmioni-Kranidi. You can also get here by ferry or Flying Dolphin from Piraeus.

1. Name three important sights of Epidaurus. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. Epidaurus is famous fora. historical reasons and entertainment.b. its history and culture.c. being a historical, cultural and recreational destination.3. Write two lines maximum to best advertise Epidaurus, based on what you read about it. What you write should be appropriate for a touristic leaflet.______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________4. Use your pen to draw on the map the four possible routes you can take from Athens to Ancient Epidaurus.

B. Grammar and vocabulary

1. Match the words to the pictures. (3) guard oraclelighteningcuriousfortunepercentage

2.a. Complete the sentences with words/phrases from the box. (3) from start to finish pleased titanic from morning to night fed up gratefulHe really did make a ____________ effort to win this competition. He even went to another country to train. He was so ____________________ with the poor conditions at the stadium that he decided to move to Belgium with his coach. So, after training for five long months, ______________________, he was finally ready to compete. The results proved him right and we were all more than ____________________ to see him win the gold medal. At the end, he thanked his funs. He also said how _________________ he was to his family for supporting him ______________________ and promised to do his best to prepare for the next Championship.2.b. Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in brackets. (2.5)a. According to mythology, gods are ________________ (mortal).b. He seeks _________________ (employ) in the private sector.c. Theo claims to have ____________________ (telepath) powers.d. She has an ________________ (artist) nature. Not only she draws wonderfully but she is a great dancer as well. e. We need to find a ______________ (solve) to this problem as soon as possible.

3. Match to complete the sentences. (2)

If you come tomorrowId really feel disappointedWhether you feel like it or not,What would you do ifyou need to attend the meeting.if you didnt show up.you were the mayor of this town?can you bring me my book back?

4. Put the verbs in the Present Perfect Simple or the Present perfect Continuous. (1.5)a. They _______________________ (play) football all morning. Hence, they are so tired.b. I _________________________ (work) for this company in the past but I really wouldnt advise you to go there.c. It ____________________ (rain) so much that several houses flooded.

C. Dictation (2)_____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Good luck!!!