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The 24/7 Fat Loss Training Manual

Craig Ballantyne, CSCS, M.Sc.

with Joel Marion, CISSN, NSCA-CPT

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Click on the "bookmark" icon on the left of the document to display the navigation pane for the table of contents.

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Legal Disclaimer You must get your physician’s approval before beginning this exercise program. These

recommendations are not medical guidelines but are for educational purposes only. You must consult your physician prior to starting this program or if you have any medical condition or injury that contraindicates physical activity. This program is designed for healthy individuals 18 years and older only. The information in this report is meant to supplement, not replace, proper exercise training. All forms of exercise pose some inherent risks. The editors and publishers advise readers to take full responsibility for their safety and know their limits. Before practicing the exercises in this book, be sure that your equipment is well maintained, and do not take risks beyond your level of experience, aptitude, training and fitness. The exercises and dietary programs in this book are not intended as a substitute for any exercise routine or treatment or dietary regimen that may have been prescribed by your physician. Don’t lift heavy weights if you are alone, inexperienced, injured, or fatigued. Don’t perform any exercise unless you have been shown the proper technique by a certified personal trainer or certified strength and conditioning specialist. Always ask for instruction and assistance when lifting. Don’t perform any exercise without proper instruction. Always do a warm-up prior to strength training and interval training. See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. If you are taking any medications, you must talk to your physician before starting any exercise program, including this workout. If you experience any light-headedness, dizziness, or shortness of breath while exercising, stop the movement and consult a physician. You must have a complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with your physician or a registered dietician. If your physician recommends that you don’t use this workout, please follow your doctor’s orders. Copyright © 2011

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Welcome from Joel & Craig …

Congratulations and welcome to 247 Fat Loss, the ultimate fat burning nutrition

and workout guide to help you accelerate your all-day and all-night fat burning.

Let us be the first to congratulate you on your decision to get started with the

latest fat burning workout and diet plan based on the most recent fat burning

research published in world-renowned scientific journals. You are receiving the

absolute hottest fat loss advice – straight from the labs and gyms of the best

doctors and trainers around the world.

When we first identified the biggest problem in people’s fat burning programs

today, we knew that the latest fat loss science (in both diet and exercise) could

solve this issue and help tens of thousands of people overcome this obstacle.

But we also have one secret weapon that most programs neglect, and that is the

power of social support and an incredible fat loss community. By being part of the

247 Fat Loss community (hopefully you’re part of our 247 Insider’s Club) you’ll

have access to the positive support environment and accountability partners that

you need to continue burning fat 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. If you're not

already a member, you can join HERE for $1.

Your friends and coaches,

Joel Marion & Craig Ballantyne

PS – Don’t forget to be an active member of the 24-7 Fat Loss Community…

The 24-7 Fat Loss Community featuring a forum, exercise video clips, and

access to a new 24-7 fat burning workout every month. Join HERE for $1.

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10 Tips to Train SAFE!

It is very important for all of us to train conservatively and not overdo things.

1) Don't do any exercise that you aren't sure how to do. Always get personal

instruction from a certified trainer.

2) Don't do anything that hurts or "doesn't feel right". There are plenty of

alternative exercises for every movement. Just ask us on the 24-7 forum for


3) Whenever you start a NEW program, use lighter weights than normal, and

only 1 set per exercise. You must expect extra soreness when starting a new

program just because of the new exercises, so don't try to set world records in a

new program right away.

4) If you need extra recovery within the workout or between workouts, don't

hesitate to take it. Safety first.

5) Use a spotter if you are training with heavy weights. If you train alone at home,

follow my recommendations in the manual and do NOT train to failure.

6) Check your ego at the gym door and start with the easier alternative exercises

if appropriate, even if you have exercised in the past. The new exercises, and

new style of movements will cause muscle soreness even from workouts you

think "look easy".

7) Do NOT do interval training more than 4 times per week. Even pro athletes

don't play hard everyday, so why should we?

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 7

8) Never skip a warm-up. Use the general bodyweight warm-ups and the specific

warm-up sets in each workout.

9) If you want to start the program but you have an injury, get medical attention

and have a professional therapist rehabilitate your injury before starting an

exercise program.

10) Check with your doctor before starting any new exercise or diet program. All

together now, "Safety first!"

Bonus 11) If you decide to use running as your form of interval training, make

sure you have good running shoes, always do an extra thorough warm-up, and

choose a safe running surface (grass or trails rather than pavement/concrete). If

you use a treadmill, please operate it safely.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 8

The Secrets of Metabolic Resistance Training for 24-7 Fat Loss

The evolution of metabolic resistance training (MRT) has brought this powerful

form of fat loss workouts to the forefront of the fitness world today. You’re seeing

MRT being used in bootcamp workouts, by bodybuilders for fat loss in

transformation contests, and even in bodyweight exercise programs.

But to a lot of people new to MRT, many questions remain. For example, just

what is this fancy sounding way of exercise that millions of people are using

today for their fastest fat burning results ever?

MRT = “Metabolic” Resistance Training

To answer that question, we have to look at the evolution of metabolic resistance

training, and we need to look at what fitness experts mean when they use the

word, “metabolic”.

After all, resistance training is straightforward. That simply means strength

training, where you perform weighted or bodyweight exercises, generally within a

repetition range of 1-15 reps. However, adding in the word, “metabolic”

completely changes your definition – and the feel – of a traditional strength

training workout.

So I’ll grab some plutonium and then we’ll jump in our Strength-Training-Time-

Machine (it’s that car over there with the weird doors on it), and we’ll go back in

time to the late 1960’s and early 1970’s when resistance training was beginning

to get popular. At that time, researchers were focusing on strength gains from

resistance training.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 9

There were two popular beliefs. First, one researcher named Berger found that

doing three sets of six repetitions was the best way to build strength. But another

researcher named DeLorme found that three sets of ten was best.

Either way, the workouts weren’t much different, and neither would be classified

as metabolic resistance training because long rests were given between sets.

Plus, if you used this system for your workouts, you’d only build strength and

muscle, but it’s unlikely you’d burn enough calories to lose body fat. So you’d just

end up with a bigger version of your body now, which likely isn’t your goal.

Now you might have also noticed a clue I gave about MRT workouts. You see,

when we do metabolic resistance training, these workouts do not have long rest

periods between sets. In fact, the workouts are set up so that you can go from

exercise to exercise with as little rest as possible while still maintaining high-

intensity training.

It sounds simple, but believe me, as a fitness expert who has written for Men’s

Health magazine over 50 times, most people don’t know how to organize a

workout – especially a metabolic resistance training workout – for maximum

results. In fact, if you put the exercises in the wrong order, you could end up

hurting yourself or developing a long-term, chronic overuse injury. So read on to

find out the best way to design an MRT program.

Now let’s scoot forward about a decade to the late 1970’s and early 1980’s.

Arnold Schwarzenegger popularized bodybuilding with his multiple-set, heavy

weight, high-volume workouts. And yes, the way Arnold trained is closely related

to today’s MRT workouts, but there is one flaw in how Arnold trained compared

to how YOU want to train for maximum fat loss. More about that in a second.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 10

But it’s also worth mentioning another type of resistance training that was

beginning to get popular around this time. It is called High-Intensity Training, and

is characterized by doing only ONE set per exercise to failure with a heavy

weight. Again, there are similarities to MRT workouts, but it’s still not the method

we’re looking for.

So how do these two types of training differ from MRT workouts? Well, Arnold’s

program focused on doing one body part per day at such a high volume that only

two things were going to happen. First, if everything went according to plan, you’ll

build a massive amount of muscle. And second, what happened in most other

cases (i.e. in people who were NOT using steroids), was that the high volume of

chest exercises in one day would lead to shoulder injury. If it didn’t, then the high

volume of shoulder exercises or back exercises in the next two to three days

would cause shoulder injury.

The bottom line is that Arnold’s bodybuilding had too much bodybuilding volume

in it, and that’s not the way of MRT workouts. As you’ll soon see, MRT workouts

tend to be total-body resistance training workouts done with multiple sets of a

variety of exercises. That’s the similarity between MRT and High-Intensity

Training (bodybuilding version of HIT – this is different from HIIT which refers to

high-intensity interval training) from the early 1980’s.

Whereas Arnold would do only chest on Monday, back on Tuesday, legs on

Wednesday, etc., high-intensity workouts were total body, and done infrequently.

However, lifting heavy weights to failure is not part of the MRT plan.

So leaving that era of fitness, we take away two valuable factors that are now

part of the legendary fat burning MRT workouts used by men AND women all

over the world. First, the multiple sets done in a repetition range of 8-12 are used

because these activate the exact metabolic processes in the muscle that we

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 11

need in order to burn a maximum amount of calories and stimulate a maximum

amount of muscle – thus boosting post workout metabolism.

And second, the total body workout style done on a Monday, Wednesday, Friday

schedule used by the HIT gang was one of the best systems for setting up a fat

burning MRT workout schedule for busy people. However, there’s been another

advancement in MRT workouts that allows you to train 3 days per week with

MRT programs and bootcamp workouts, and this might be the best schedule to

give you the maximum combination of lean muscle building and fat burning for

that ultimate body transformation.

Strap on your seatbelt in the Strength-Training-Time-Machine and let’s journey

into the 1990’s where circuit training became popular once again (it was popular

in the 1970’s and 80’s as well, but the 90’s version is most applicable to what we

use in MRT workouts). Now you’ve probably seen the weight training circuits set

up in a gym. It’s a circle of weight machines that you rotate through on a timed

basis. That’s not bad, but it’s not exactly what you want to do in an MRT workout.

There’s an extra component of metabolic training that needs to be added, and we

can thank fat burning researchers from the University of Laval up in Canada for

bringing this to the world. In 1994, Drs. Tremblay and Bouchard published the

first study on interval training for fat loss. They found short, burst interval training

to be better than long, slow, boring cardio for fat loss. And now we need to take

that information and apply it to your MRT workout for even better fat burning


Now let’s take that information and skip forward to the turn of the century. All of

the sudden bodyweight training became very popular again in the year 2000, and

I’ve spent the last decade identify over 101 bodyweight exercises that can be

used in metabolic resistance training workouts.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 12

This knowledge allows you to burn fat with metabolic resistance training

bodyweight exercise workouts in the comfort of your own home, or while on

holiday, and even in your hotel room on business trips. Onwards…

Finally, one more jaunt in the time machine to take us back to present day and a

summary of the powerful metabolic resistance training methods.

By now, you know that a metabolic resistance training workout consists of hand-

picked exercises (using dumbbells, kettlebells, bodyweight and even barbell

movements) put together in supersets or circuit fashion. Each exercise is best

performed in the 8-12 repetition range and there is no rest, or minimal rest,

before moving on to a non-competing exercise in the superset or circuit.

You’ll start with the major muscle groups and work down to less complex

exercises. Of course, you’ll include new-school total body abdominal exercises in

the program as well, because MRT is great for building rock hard 6-pack abs.

You can include traditional interval training within the circuits, or use the futuristic

metabolic finishers that have become standard in my MRT programs and are

preferred by my clients because of the variety and because frankly, they are just

a heck of a lot of fun to do.

Metabolic Resistance Training Programs

Each total-body workout takes under 45 minutes and you’ll do three total-body

MRT workouts per week, using my latest version where you combine Metabolic

Resistance Training with Metabolic Conditioning Training in a single workout. Not

only are these workouts fun, fast, and effective, they are also addictive.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 13

Interval Training For 24-7 Fat Loss

The biggest secret in the fitness industry is that interval training burns fat faster

than long, slow, boring cardio. It’s unfortunate that interval training remains a

mysterious, often unknown training method, but too many personal trainers and

fitness magazines ignore the facts and have been sucked into the marathon


Let me explain. First, we need to take a look at the scientific research. Way back

in 1994, Canadian researchers published a study demonstrating the

effectiveness of interval training. Some trainers believe interval training works

9x’s better than long, slow aerobic workouts.

In addition, new interval training science has found that interval training works

better for losing belly fat even though the workouts are 50% shorter. Interval

workouts take only 20 minutes compared to 40-minute of 60-minute cardio

sessions, and will help you lose more fat in just a few short weeks.

Interval Training Fat Burning Research

For example, in one study from Australia, two groups of women were given either

a cardio program or interval training to burn belly fat. Each group exercised three

times per week, but the interval training group only did 20 minutes while the

cardio group did 40 minutes. At the end of the 12-week training study, only the

interval training group had lost belly fat – over 6 pounds on average. The long,

slow, boring cardio group didn’t lose any fat at all. Cardio was a failure.

That’s not the only place cardio has been a waste of time, so don’t be surprised

that you don’t have six pack abs even if you do an hour of cardio per day.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 14

In another study, subjects did one hour of cardio per day, six days per week for

an entire year, and the average weight loss was less than six pounds. If you do

the math, that’s 50 hours of cardio per pound of weight loss. That’s ridiculous.

There must be a better way.

And there’s even more good news. First, who gets the best results with interval

training workouts? The best results are achieved by people who are currently

frustrated by their slow results from doing cardio. When anyone who increases

their training intensity, they will have dramatic improvements in fat loss.

Here’s one of my favorite stories. Christine was your typical runner. She was 35

years old, ran four times per week (jogged is a better description), and struggled

to change her body and lose belly fat.

We switched her training to a combination of metabolic resistance training and

interval training, and within a few weeks her body started to change. Eventually

her body fat got low enough that she almost had six pack abs, which for a

woman doing workouts only three times per week is incredible.

And my second favorite story is about one male client, about 35 years old, who

did his first interval training session and then emailed me two days later to say

that he could already see a difference – after just one interval workout done 48

hours earlier. That’s how effective interval training can be for fat loss.

Interval training works best for men and women who are currently doing long,

slow, boring cardio. Whenever a client increases exercise intensity through

interval training or metabolic resistance training, that is when you will see the

greatest results. So this is great news if you are struggling to lose fat with your

current low-intensity cardio or weight training workout.

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But what is interval training? And how does it work to burn fat?

Interval training is also known as high-intensity interval training and people most

often think about sprinting or running hills as being the most common form of

interval training.

Now it’s somewhat true, because those are both relatively simple ways to do

interval training. Neither requires fancy equipment (unless you count a hill as

fancy equipment) and most fitness enthusiasts have experience with sprints one

way or another.

But it’s important to note that the fat burning research on interval training was

done with a stationary bicycle, so intervals on the bike work really well for interval

workouts. You can also use kettlebell swings, running in place, rowing, swimming

or even the elliptical machine. However, running sprints (and hill sprints) and

using the stationary bike have the most research and real world support.

However, what really matters with interval training workouts is that you have the

combination of a metabolic and cardiovascular response that occurs from doing

exercise at a much greater intensity than regular boring cardio.

I first discovered the power of interval training as a young trainer while still in

college. At the time I was training athletes for sports, and I knew from my

research that interval training was the best way to get fit fast.

Twice per week we would meet on the grassy fields behind the school gym and

do speed training followed by interval workouts. This went on for six weeks in the

spring as the athletes prepared for their summer season. Each week that went by

brought dramatic improvements in fitness, but just as dramatic – and much more

surprising – was the rapid loss in body fat among all of the athletes, both men

and women.

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I was amazed and immediately began using modified interval training workouts

with my regular fat loss personal training clients. Fortunately, they too got

amazing results and began to lose belly fat – no matter what their age.

When working with clients, I recommend doing interval training at an 8 or 9 out of

10 intensity level. But I don’t mean level 8 or 9 on a piece of equipment. Instead,

I mean 8 or 9 out of 10 on a subjective level of intensity. In comparison, cardio

would be performed at a 6/10 intensity level, and a slow-paced walk would be

done at 3/10 intensity level.

During an interval training workout you would alternate between high-intensity

(8/10) and low-intensity (3/10). For example, you would do at least 30 seconds

(and more likely closer to 60 seconds of work at an 8/10 intensity level followed

by 60 or 90 seconds of low-intensity exercise at a 3/10 intensity level.

For example, if you were on a bike you would do a warm-up and then increase

the resistance so that you could just keep an 80 RPM pace for 60 seconds.

When the interval ended, you would decrease the intensity to 3/10 (very easy

exercise) and go for 60 or 90 seconds before increasing the intensity again. You

would repeat this formula up to 10 times (beginners would do only 2-3). All of this

is followed by a cool-down session.

This will give you a fat burning interval training workout that should take just

under 20 minutes. When done three times per week along with metabolic

resistance training you should have six-pack abs in just a few short weeks.

So that’s how you do an interval training workout. But just how does this interval

training workout burn fat? Well, for that, we have to turn to the science. First, it

obviously burns calories, but certainly not more calories than what you would

burn from long, slow, cardio.

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For example, in the interval training study where the women lost more fat with

20-minutes of interval training compared to 40 minutes of cardio, I’d guess that

the cardio group burned an extra 100 calories per session compared the cardio

group. So why wouldn’t the cardio group lose fat?

To get the answer, we need to look at a cardio weight loss study performed in

Britain back in 2006. In this study, researchers found that some cardio subjects

ended up eating more food each day after cardio. So it’s possible that cardio

makes you hungry.

In contrast, interval training has been shown to increase a hormone called

adrenaline. This hormone is associated with a reduction in appetite, and

therefore interval training may lead to you eating less each day and therefore

losing belly fat to get your six-pack abs.

So interval workouts burn calories, reduce your appetite, and likely also increase

your post-workout calorie burning due to the turbulence put on the muscles

during the workout.

The combination of these three fat burning stimuli results in up to 9x’s more fat

burning power from interval training compared to long, slow, boring cardio.

And remember, interval training works best in men and women who are switching

over from cardio or low-intensity weight training.

If you want to lose belly fat fast, your best bet is to combine metabolic resistance

training with interval workouts three to four times per week.

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24-7 Fat Loss Workout Guidelines

Disclaimer: See your physician before starting any exercise or nutrition program. You must have a

complete physical examination if you are sedentary, if you have high cholesterol, high blood pressure, or

diabetes, if you are overweight, or if you are over 30 years old. Please discuss all nutritional changes with

your physician or a registered dietician.

Perform each Phase for 4 weeks and then transition to the next Phase of 24-7 Fat Loss. Morning workouts are recommended. If you are not currently following an exercise program or if you have a lot of weight to lose, you should start with the Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss program. Each phase of the Beginner Workout should be followed for 4-weeks. After completing both phases of the Beginner Workout, you will be ready to move to the Advanced Workouts. If you are at an Intermediate Level of fitness, you can perform Phase 2 of the Beginner Workouts for 4 weeks as a lead-in to the Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss workouts.

If there is a 3-digit number beside an exercise, it represents the lifting tempo. – I.e. DB Reverse Lunge from Workout A in Phases 1 of the Advanced

Program – The number is 2-0-1. Take 2 seconds to lower your body & without pausing, drive up to the start position in 1 second or less.

Start every workout with the warm-up circuit and specific warm-up sets if required.

Do not rest between exercises. Rest the recommended amount between circuits. You will find this rest time in the programs below.

Finish each workout with stretching for the tight muscle groups only if desired.

Please refer to the workout log sheets for more information.

For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 19

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Beginner Warm-up

Do this circuit once before EACH beginner workout.

1) Foam Rolling - 10 rolls per trouble spot

2) Hip Extension – 10 reps

3) Plank – 15 seconds

4) Stick-up – 10 reps

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this warm-

up, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 20

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Day 1 – Phase 1 – Workout A

1A) Hip Extension – 30 seconds

1B) Kneeling Push-up – 30 seconds

1C) DB Row – 30 seconds per side

1D) Plank – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) Ball Squat – 30 seconds

2B) Side Plank – 15 seconds per side

2C) Stability Ball Leg Curl – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below superset.

3A) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

3B) Mountain Climbers – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the superset. Repeat the superset once more for a total of 2 rounds,

resting 30 seconds between each. End workout.

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 21

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Day 2 – Interval Training

5 minute warm-up

4 intervals of 1 minute at 75% intensity followed by 1 minute at 30% intensity

5 minute cool-down

Day 3 – Rest day

Day 4 – Phase 1 – Workout B

1A) DB Step-up – 40 seconds

1B) Kneeling Close-Grip Push-up – 40 seconds

1C) 1-Leg Hip Extension – 40 seconds per side

1D) DB Chest Supported Row – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting

30 seconds between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds

2B) Push-up Plank – 30 seconds

2C) Stability Ball Leg Curl – 30 seconds

2D) Jumping Jack – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. End workout.

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 22

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Day 5 – Interval Training

5 minute warm-up

5 intervals of 30 seconds at 80% intensity followed by 1 minute at 30%


5 minute cool-down

Day 6 – Rest day

Day 7 – Rest day

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 23

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Beginner Program – Phase 2 – Warm-up

Do this circuit once before EACH beginner workout.

1) Foam Rolling - 10 rolls per trouble spot

2) Ball Squat – 10 reps

3) Plank – 30 seconds

4) Stick-up – 10 reps

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this warm-

up, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 24

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Phase 2 – Day 1 – Workout A

1A) DB Squat – 40 seconds

1B) DB Chest Press – 40 seconds

1C) DB Row – 40 seconds per side

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) Goblet Squat – 30 seconds

2B) Plank – 30 seconds

2C) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds

2D) Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below superset.

3A) Bodyweight Squat – 30 seconds

3B) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

Perform the above superset with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the superset. Repeat the superset once more for a total of 2 rounds,

resting 1 minute between each. End workout.

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this warm-

up and workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 25

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Day 2 – Interval Training

5 minute warm-up

4 intervals of 1 minute at 80% intensity followed by 1 minute at 30% intensity

5 minute cool-down

Day 3 – Rest day

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 26

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Phase 2 – Day 4 – Workout B

1A) 1-Leg Hip Extension – 30 seconds per side

1B) Push-up or Kneeling Push-up – 30 seconds

1C) DB Chest Supported Row – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting

30 seconds between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) Bodyweight Squat – 40 seconds

2B) Side Plank – 20 seconds per side

2C) DB Rear-Deltoid Raise – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

3A) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

3B) Goblet Step-ups – 30 seconds

3C) Stability Ball Rollout – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit once more for a total of 2 rounds, resting

30 seconds between each. End workout.

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 27

Beginner 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Day 5 – Interval Training

5 minute warm-up

6 intervals of 30 seconds at 85% intensity followed by 1 minute at 30%


5 minute cool-down

Day 6 – Rest day

Day 7 – Rest day

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 28

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts – Phase 1

Main Program – Phase 1 – Warm-up

Repeat twice before EACH workout

1) Foam Rolling – 10 rolls per trouble spot

2) Prisoner Squat – 10 repetitions

3) Push-up – 10 repetitions

4) Stick-up – 10 repetitions

5) Prisoner Lunge – 10 repetitions

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this warm-

up, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 29

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 1 – Workout A

Do 1 warm-up set with 50% of regular weight for exercises 1A-1C.

1A) DB Reverse Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1B) DB Chest Press – 8 reps (3-0-1)

1C) DB Row – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1D) Stability Ball Rollout – 12 reps (3-0-1)

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) DB Squat – 30 seconds

2B) Close-Grip Push-up – 30 seconds

2C) DB RDL – 30 seconds

2D) 1-Arm DB Squat & Press – 30 seconds per side

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

Workout A Continued on Next Page

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 30

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 1 – Workout A (continued)

3A) Burpees – 30 seconds

3B) Total Body Extension – 30 seconds

3C) Jumping Jacks – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting

30 seconds between each. End workout.


NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 31

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 2 – Interval Training Workout A

5 minute warm-up

6-10 intervals of 1 minute at 85% intensity followed by 1 minute at 30%


5 minute cool-down


© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 32

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 3 – Workout B

Do 1 warm-up set with 50% of regular weight for exercises 1A-1B.

1A) DB Push Press – 8 reps per side (2-0-X)

1B) DB Step-up – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1C) Stability Ball Jackknife – 15 reps (1-0-1)

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) DB Swing – 40 seconds

2B) DB Squeeze Press – 40 seconds

2C) Jumping Jacks – 40 seconds

2D) Mountain Climber – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

Workout B Continued on Next Page

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 33

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 3 – Workout B (continued)

3A) DB Goblet Squat – 40 seconds

3B) DB Renegade Row – 40 seconds

3C) Decline Close-Grip Push-ups – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. End workout.


NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 34

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 4 – Interval Training Workout B

5 minute warm-up

10 intervals of 30 seconds at 90% intensity followed by 45 seconds at 30%


5 minute cool-down

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 35

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 5 – Workout C

Do 1 warm-up set with 50% of regular weight for exercises 1A-1B.

1A) DB Incline Press – 8 reps (2-0-1)

1B) DB Split Squat – 8 reps per side (2-1-1)

1C) Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 12 reps per side (1-0-1)

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) DB Lunges – 40 seconds

2B) Spiderman Push-up – 40 seconds

2C) DB Chest-Supported Row – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

3A) DB Biceps Curls with Palms-up – 40 seconds

3B) DB Triceps Extensions – 40 seconds

3C) DB Rear Deltoid Raise – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting

30 seconds between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below exercise.

Workout C Continued on Next Page

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 36

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 1 – Day 5 – Workout C (continued)

4) Bodyweight Squat – 20 seconds squats followed by 10 seconds rest

Perform the above exercise for 20 seconds. Rest for 10 seconds. Repeat the

exercise eight more times for a total of 9 rounds. End workout.


NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

Day 6 - Long (60 minutes+) walk, hike, or bike ride at 5/10 intensity.

Day 7 - Short (30 minutes) walk, hike, or bike ride at 4/10 intensity.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 37

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts – Phase 2

Main Program – Phase 2 – Warm-up

Repeat twice before EACH workout

1) Foam Rolling – 10 rolls per trouble spot

2) Bodyweight Squat – 10 reps

3) Prisoner Diagonal Lunge – 10 reps per side

4) Close-Grip Push-up – 10 reps

5) Stick-up – 10 reps

NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this warm-

up, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 38

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 1 – Workout A

Do 1 warm-up set with 50% of regular weight for exercises 1A-1C.

1A) DB Bulgarian Split Squat 1 & ½ rep-style – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1B) DB Triple Press – 6 reps per position (2-0-1)

1C) DB Elbow-out Row – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) Goblet Squat – 40 seconds

2B) Renegade Crawl – 40 seconds

2C) DB Swing – 40 seconds

2D) Stability Ball Cross-Body Mountain Climber – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

Workout A Continued on Next Page

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 39

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 1 – Workout A (Continued)

3A) Prisoner Squat – 40 seconds

3B) Jumping Jacks – 40 seconds

3C) Prisoner Lunge – 40 seconds

3D) Run-in-Place – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 30 seconds after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting

30 seconds between each. End workout.


NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 40

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 2 – Interval Training Workout A

5 minute warm-up

12 intervals of 24 seconds at 85% intensity followed by 36 seconds at 30%


5 minute cool-down


© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 41

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 3 – Workout B

Do 1 warm-up set with 50% of regular weight for exercises 1A-1B.

1A) DB Walking Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1B) DB 1-Arm Overhead Press – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1C) Stability Ball Plank – 30 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) DB Squat and Calf Raise – 40 seconds

2B) T-Push-up – 40 seconds

2C) DB Chest Supported Row – 40 seconds

2D) Spiderman Climb – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

Workout B Continued on Next Page

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 42

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 3 – Workout B (continued)

3A) Burpees – 40 seconds

3B) Run-in-Place – 40 seconds

3C) Side-to-Side Jump – 40 seconds

3D) Mountain Climber – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. End workout.


NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 43

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – PHASE 3 – Day 4 – Interval Training Workout B

5 minute warm-up

8 intervals of 45 seconds at 80% intensity followed by 45 seconds at 30% intensity

5 minute cool-down

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 44

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 5 – Workout C

Do 1 warm-up set with 50% of regular weight for exercises 1A-1C.

1A) DB Reverse Lunge – 8 reps per side (2-0-1)

1B) DB Incline Squeeze Press – 8 reps (2-0-1)

1C) DB Bent-Over Row – 12 reps (2-0-1)

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

2A) Goblet Step-up – 40 seconds

2B) Decline Spiderman Push-up – 40 seconds

2C) DB Power Shrug – 40 seconds

2D) Stability Ball Rollout – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. After completing all rounds rest 1 minute and move on to

below circuit.

Workout C Continued on Next Page

© 2011 247FatLoss.com. All Rights Reserved. 45

Advanced 24-7 Fat Loss Workouts

Main Program – Phase 2 – Day 5 – Workout C (continued)

3A) Narrow-Stance Bodyweight Squat – 40 seconds

3B) Total Body Extensions – 40 seconds

3C) Split Shuffle – 40 seconds

3D) Jumping Jacks – 40 seconds

3E) Run-in-Place – 40 seconds

Perform the above circuit with no rest between exercises. Rest 1 minute after

completing the circuit. Repeat the circuit twice more for a total of 3 rounds, resting 1

minute between each. End workout.


NOTE: For a full description of how to perform any exercise in this

workout, please see the 24/7 Fat Loss Exercise Library Manual.

Day 6 - Long (60 minutes+) walk, hike, or bike ride at 5/10 intensity.

Day 7 - Short (30 minutes) walk, hike, or bike ride at 4/10 intensity.