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    Gods Model for Workplace Relationships

    Presented by

    Lori Yingling, SPHR, Associate Director

    General Conference of SDA Human Resources

    Pune, India ARM International Conference

    February 2014

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    People, its often been said.

    ! The world would be a better place if we didnt have to deal with people

    ! Life would be so much easier if there were no difficult people to spoil things

    ! The only problem with people is that they are human!

    Relationships . . . The Meaning?

    ! The state of being related or interrelated

    ! The relations connecting or binding participants in a relationship: as kinship or a specific instance or type of kinship

    ! A state of affairs existing between those having relations or dealings

    Merriam-Webster Dictionary

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    Words of Wisdom

    Gods servants are to labor in perfect harmony. Contention brings alienation and strife and discord. . . When a spirit of contention struggles for the supremacy, call a halt, and make things right. . . Let the Spirit of God search through mind and heart, and cleanse away all that hinders the needed reformation. Until this is done, God can not bestow on us His power and grace. And while we are without His power and grace, men [and women] will stumble and fall, and will not know at what they stumble. The love of Christ is the bond that is to unite believers heart to heart and mind to mind.Review and Herald, August 20, 1903.

    Food for thought. . .

    Why do we need effective workplace relationships?

    How will we know an effective workplace relationship when we see it?

    As church leaders how do we make workplace relationships work?

    How do we build effective workplace relationships?

    How do we blend our workplace & church relationships?

    Are there things we should or should not do in building effective workplace relationships?

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    Why build effective workplace relationships?

    ! The conference/church/union operates best with the co-operation of everyone

    ! We can have a profound effect on our constituents and communities

    ! In order to meet and foster the needs of our constituents and communities

    ! In order to do our part in fulfilling the gospel commission given in Matthew 28:19,20

    What is an effective workplace relationship?

    !Listening so we can understand others reasoning and feelings, without judging

    !Being able to openly express our positions and feelings, without anger

    !Treating ourselves and each other with genuine respect, no pretenses

    !Discussing our different points of view directly, without resentment

    !Working towards solutions where both parties win, without competing

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    What can get in the way of effective workplace relationships?

    ! History of mistrust or stereotyping

    ! Blaming the other party for a difficult relationship

    ! Focusing on the task and excluding the feelings and needs of others

    ! Unclear objectives, roles and expectations of each other

    How do we develop effective workplace relationships?

    ! Always put forth your best effort ! Keep your promises, to the best of your ability ! Be upfront, dont play games, be professional ! Just because you occupy the position of greater authority doesnt

    mean we cant learn from those who work for us

    ! Resolve any conflicts or disputes at the earliest opportunity ! Never back-stab or blind-side ! It takes time, effort, commitment and compromise to build an

    effective relationship, put in the time!

    ! Communicate, communicate, communicate

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    How can we have smooth workplace relationships?

    !Highlight departmental accomplishments !Encourage your employees to compliment each

    others accomplishments !Compliment all staff members, dont consistently

    single out certain employees !Celebrate your diversity/Be intentional about

    inclusion !Give back to your community

    Key Words

    ! Ongoing two-way communication

    ! Trust

    ! Ethics

    ! Fairness

    ! Feelings

    ! Perceptions

    ! Expectations

    ! Prompt conciliation & dispute resolution

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    Who are the happy & motivated employees? Employees who receive:

    ! Acknowledgement ! Care ! Equity ! Forgiveness ! Feedback ! Honesty ! Involvement opportunities ! Are listened to ! Managed effectively

    ! A nudge ! Opportunities ! Question ! Reward ! Shared information ! Are included/talked with ! Time ! Allowed to Q Why ! Zest

    Communicate, Communicate, Communicate

    ! Keep people informed, even if the news is not good ! Use multiple communication methods ! Seek input from coworkers ! Safeguard your credibility ! Be a morale booster ! Dont neglect ongoing communication ! Conflict arises when the relationship focuses on the differences ! Common ground reduces conflict and builds relationships ! Success with communication depends upon finding common


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    !Tell me, I forget !Show me, I remember !Involve me, I understand

    !The single biggest problem in communication is the illusion that it has taken place.

    George Bernard Shaw

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    Easier said than done!

    A Key Ingredient for Effective Communication & Finding Common Ground

    !Listen with attentiveness !Mirror behavior !Clarify meaning and intent !Ask questions then wait for the answers !Summarize what you hear !Meet on a regular basis !Give the benefit of the doubt !Appreciate criticism

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    Do you Act as you tell others to act?

    ! Do your actions match your words? ! Do you say what you mean and mean what you say? ! Are the ideas youre promoting in line with your core beliefs

    and values?

    ! People dont care how much you know, until they know how much you care

    ! Lets examine ourselves..

    Understanding yourself & others

    ! How do people perceive you? ! How do you perceive yourself? ! How do you want people to perceive you? ! How do you think people perceive you?

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    How do you want people to perceive you?

    ! Do you want to be liked? ! Do you want to be regarded as strong? ! Always right????? ! In charge???? ! Got it all together, dont need anything, anyone ! Authentic, genuine ! Spiritual

    Tips on following your own counsel

    !Model the behavior you want to see from others

    !If you make a rule/process, follow it, until you decide to change it

    !Act as if you are part of the team, not always the head of it

    !Help others to grow professionally !Do what you say youre going to do !Build commitment to the organizations

    goals !Make sure expectations and directions are


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    Tips on defusing conflict in the office

    ! Prayer with, for, about, always ! Operate from biblical principles ! Be positive ! Be respectful ! Be patient ! Breathe & step back and look at it from all angles

    Top 10 dos & donts for building effective workplace relationships

    10. Bring suggested solutions with the problems to the meeting table

    9. Dont ever play the blame game

    8. Your verbal and nonverbal communication does matter

    7. Never blind side a coworker, boss, or reporting staff person

    6. Share credit for ideas, accomplishments, and contributions

    5. Help others to grow and develop

    4. Do take a sincere interest in your coworkers

    3. Express appreciation for a job well done

    2. Keep your commitments

    1. Tell the truth, in love

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    Summary . . .

    ! Building effective workplace relationships aims to bring you and your coworker or staff member together!

    ! Building effective workplace relationships will usually involve you working as part of a team to complete a task.

    ! Building effective workplace relationships means utilizing your strengths and improving your weaknesses.

    ! Building effective workplace relationships can increase employee productivity and organizational efficiency.

    Building effective workplace relationships can improve the way coworkers interact, improve support and trust levels in the workplace, reduce stress, and develop healthy inter-group relations.

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    In closing . . .

    By our unity we are to bear strong, indisputable evidence that Christ came to this world to save sinners. Satan works with all his ingenuity to prevent human begins from bearing this evidence. He wants them to develop an unsanctified individuality so that they shall not love one another. Too often professing Christians yield to him, and then the merest trifle causes a difference to spring up among them. Men and women professing godliness build walls of separation between them and their fellow workers, because not all think in exactly the same way or follow exactly the same methods. Those who stand apart, refusing to harmonize, dishonor God before the world. Christ prayed for unity. It is His will that His followers shall labor together in Christian fellowship.The Upward Look, p. 271.

    Thank you!

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