zte kpi optimization analysis guide v1 1 1

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  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI OptimizationAnalysis Guide


  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only


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  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    !e$ision %isto&y

    P&odu't Ve&sion (o'ument Ve&sion Se&ial Num)e& !eason *o& !e$ision

    -1)0 .irst pu/lis+ed

    -1)1 #ontent modi$iation


    (ate (o'ument Ve&sionP&epa&ed

    )y!e$ie,ed )y App&o$ed )y

    &001&&8 -1)0 2in3ian+an

    4an* !+en+aiand 3in !+en*tuan

    3in !+en*tuan

    &01001& -1)14an* #un

    4an* !+en+aiand 3in !+en*tuan

    3in !+en*tuan

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) II

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    Key -o&ds

    KPI 67ey per$ormane indiator indiator de$inition $ormula KPI monitorin* $lo9 KPI

    optimization KPI lassi$iation


    T+is *uide mainly desri/es t+e $ormulae KPI lassi$iation KPI monitorin* met+ods and

    $lo9s and KPI optimization met+ods)


    A))&e$iation ull name

    ATM Asyn+ronous Trans$er Mode#:' #all :rop 'ate

    #" #+annel "lement

    #( #ore (et9or7

    #PI#; #ommon Pilot #+annel

    #2I #+annel 2uality Indiator

    #2T #all 2uality Test

    :T :ri,e Test

    ":#; "n+aned uplin7 :ediated #+annel

    ;S:PA ;i*+ Speed :o9nlin7 Pa7et Aess

    ;S:S#; ;i*+ Speed :o9nlin7 S+ared #+annel

    ;SS##; ;i*+ Speed S+ared #ontrol #+annel

    ;SUPA ;i*+ Speed Uplin7 Pa7et Aess

    I#MP Internet #ontrol Messa*e Protool

    IP Internet Protools

    IPoA Internet Protools O,er ATM

    KPI Key Per$ormane IndeMS Multimedia >roadast and MultiastSer,ie

    (ode> (ode >

    OM# Operation ? maintenane #entre

    P:P Pa7et data protool

    PI Per$ormane Indeearer

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) III

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    A))&e$iation ull name

    '. 'adio .re@ueny

    '(# 'adio (et9or7 #ontroller

    ''# 'adio 'esoure #ontrol

    ''U 'adio 'emote Unit

    'S#P 'eei,ed Si*nal #ode Po9er

    'T4P 'eei,ed Total 4ide/and Po9er

    SAA= Si*nalin* ATM Adaptation =ayer

    S##P Si*nalin* #onnetion #ontrol Part

    S(' Si*nal to (oise 'atio

    T> Transport >lo7

    T#P Trans$er #ontrol Protool

    U:P User :ata*ram ProtoolU" User "@uipment

    -IP -ery Important People

    -P -ideo P+one

    4A( 4ide Area (et9or7

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) I-

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    A)out T+is (o'ument


    #+apte& (es'&iption

    1 O,er,ie9 >rie$ introdution to KPI optimization

    & KPI Monitorin* Proess KPI monitorin* proess

    KPI Analysis Met+ods #ommon KPI analysis met+ods /asi KPI analysis s7illsand *eneral proess $or KPI optimization analysis

    B KPI Optimization Analysis KPI Optimization Analysison #S all drops PS all dropsaessi/ility indiators mo/ility indiators and resoureindiators

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) -

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    TA>=" O. #O(T"(TS

    1 O$e&$ie, 1

    / KPI Monito&in0 P&o'ess ................................................................................................/&)1 KPI Monitorin* Proess ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))&&)& 'outine KPI Monitorin* Proess ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))&&) KPI Monitorin* Proess :urin* Parameter Modi$iation )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))B&)B KPI Monitorin* :urin* '(# or (ode> -ersion Up*rade ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5&)5 KPI Monitorin* :urin* #uto,er ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))C

    KPI Analysis Met+ods ...................................................................................................2)1 KPI Analysis Met+ods ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))C)1)1 TOP ( 4orst #ells Met+od ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))& >asi KPI Analysis S7ills ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))10)&)1 KPI Monitorin* Tools )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))11)&)& KPI Analysis Tools )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))11) General Proess o$ KPI Optimization Analysis ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1&

    3 KPI Optimization Analysis ..........................................................................................12B)1 #S #all :rop Optimization ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1CB)1)1 :e$inition o$ #all :rop ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1CB)1)& #S #all :rop Analysis .lo9+art))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1

    B)& PS #all :rop Optimization ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1DB)&)1 Optimization .lo9+art))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))1DB) Optimization o$ Aessi/ility Indiators ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))&1B))1 :e$inition o$ Aess .ailure )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))&1B))& Analysis on ''# #onnetion .ailures ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))&&B)) Analysis on 'A>E'> Setup .ailures )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))&B)B Optimization o$ Mo/ility Indiators )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))B)B)1 Optimization o$ So$t ;ando,ers ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))B)B)& Optimization o$ ;ard ;ando,ers )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))DB)B) Optimization o$ Inter'AT ;ando,ers )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))BBB)5 Optimization o$ 'esoure Indiators ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))B8B)5)1 'esoure Indiator Optimization .lo9+art))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))BD

    B)5)& #ode 'esoure Optimization ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))51B)5) Monitorin* #" 'esoure )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))51B)5)B Optimization o$ Po9er #ontrol))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5&B)5)5 Speedin* up 'ate :o9n*rade ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5&B)5)C Monitorin* and Optimizin* Uplin7 #apaity ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5&B)5) Optimization o$ Uplin7 #apaity at t+e 4+ole (et9or7 =e,el ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5B)5)8 Optimization o$ Uplin7 #apaity $or a Sin*le #ell )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))5

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) -I

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only


    i0u&e 141 5oint KPI analysis...........................................................................................1

    i0u&e /4/ !outine KPI monito&in0 p&o'ess.................................................................../

    i0u&e /4 KPI monito&in0 p&o'ess du&in0 pa&amete& modi*i'ation.............................3

    i0u&e /43 KPI monito&in0 ,o&6*lo, du&in0 !N# o& Node7 $e&sion up0&ade............ .8

    i0u&e 48 ! 'on*i0u&ation at %I# site...........................................................................9

    i0u&e 42 Antenna ene&0y dist&i)ution at %I# site........................................................9

    i0u&e 4: KPI optimization analysis p&o'ess .............................................................18

    i0u&e 349 #S 'all d&op analysis *lo,'+a&t...................................................................1:

    i0u&e 34; PS 'all d&op optimization *lo,'+a&t............................................................1;

    i0u&e 341< Analysis *lo,'+a&t o* !!# 'onne'tion setup *ailu&es............................./

    i0u&e 3411 Analysis *lo,'+a&t o* !A7 setup *ailu&es................................................./9

    i0u&e 341/ So*t +ando$e& optimization *lo,'+a&t.......................................................3

    i0u&e 341 %a&d +ando$e& optimization *lo,'+a&t......................................................31

    i0u&e 3413 Inte&4!AT +ando$e& optimization *lo,'+a&t..............................................32

    i0u&e 3418 !esou&'e indi'ato& optimization *lo,'+a&t...............................................3;


    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) -II

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    Ta)le 41 List o* #S TOP N -o&st #ells..........................................................................:

    Ta)le 4/ Indi'ato&s !elated ,it+ #S #all (&op..............................................................;

    Ta)le 34 Pa&amete&s T+at /G S+all P&o$ide to G......................................................33

    Ta)le 343 Pa&amete&s T+at G S+all P&o$ide to /G......................................................33

    Ta)le 348 !esou&'e KPIs and Ala&m T+&es+olds..........................................................39

    Ta)le 342 Ad=ustin0 #ode !esou&'e Allo'ation............................................................81

    Ta)le 34: E>ample o* Pa&amete& Modi*i'ation *o& !ate (o,n0&ade...........................8/

    Ta)le 349 E>ample o* Po,e& #ont&ol Pa&amete& Modi*i'ation.....................................8

    Ta)le 34; E>ample o* Po,e& #ont&ol Pa&amete& Modi*i'ation *o& %ea$y4T&a**i' #ell 8

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) -III

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    1 O$e&$ie,

    T+e radio net9or7 KPIs diretly re$let t+e net9or7 @uality and KPI monitorin* is an

    important means to loate t+e $aults) KPI monitorin* and optimization are mostly

    per$ormed durin* t+e net9or7 operation and maintenane sta*e) A/normal e,ents are

    supposed to /e deteted as early as possi/le and +andled 9it+ proper solutions so t+at

    sound ,oie and data ser,ies an /e ensured $or t+e su/sri/ers)

    At t+e /e*innin* o$ t+e net9or7 onstrution t+e optimization team s+ould put more

    emp+asis on t+e '. adFustment rat+er t+an t+e optimization o$ KPIs e

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    / KPI Monito&in0 P&o'ess

    T+e purpose o$ KPI monitorin* is to $ind out a/normal e,ents t+at a$$et ser,ies as 9ell

    as su/sri/ers pereption and sol,e t+e pro/lems as early as possi/le) .or instane i$t+e all drop rate at a ertain site *oes o,er 50H 9e need to $ind t+e pro/lem and 9or7

    out t+e solution in t+e earliest time)

    As it is ,ery ur*ent and important to loate KPI pro/lems 9e need a 9+ole set o$ sienti$i

    KPI monitorin* me+anism and pro/lem s+ootin* proess as 9ell as appropriate

    monitorin* tool and analysis tool to +elp us $ind t+e all drops aused /y transmission

    pro/lems resoure on*estion ells ser,ie interruption serious inter$erene +ard9are

    $ault 9it+ (ode> 9ron* on$i*uration o$ '(# parameters in time)

    4e lassi$y KPI monitorin* into $our ate*ories routine KPI monitorin* KPI monitorin*

    durin* t+e proess o$ parameter modi$iation KPI monitorin* durin* t+e '(# or (ode>,ersion up*rade and KPI monitorin* durin* t+e proess o$ uto,er) 'outine KPI

    monitorin* s+ould /e per$ormed e,ery day and /e reorded in a KPI daily report 9+i+

    s+ould in,ol,e t+e 9orst #S ell t+e 9orst PS ell t+e ell 9it+ t+e lo9est ''#

    onnetion rate t+e ell 9it+ t+e most serious resoure limit and so on)

    /.1 KPI Monito&in0 P&o'ess

    KPI monitorin* $alls into $our ate*ories routine KPI monitorin* KPI monitorin* durin* t+e

    proess o$ parameter modi$iation KPI monitorin* durin* t+e ,ersion up*rade o$ '(# or

    (ode> and KPI monitorin* durin* t+e proess o$ uto,er) "a+ type o$ monitorin* +as its

    o9n monitorin* items and output $orm) .or instane t+e output o$ t+e routine KPI

    monitorin* s+ould /e a daily report 9+ile t+e output o$ ot+er KPI monitorin* types s+ould

    /e a KPI omparison report) :i$$erent types o$ KPI monitorin* s+ould +a,e di$$erent time

    *ranularities aordin* to t+e re@uirement o$ pro/lem loation)

    'outine KPI monitorin* s+ould /e done persistently and /e reorded in a daily report

    9+i+ s+ould inlude a olletion o$ t+e ells 9orst in di$$erent aspets and /e sent to

    rele,ant person /y email)

    /./ !outine KPI Monito&in0 P&o'ess

    .i*ure && 'outine KPI monitorin* proess

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) &

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    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed)

    Parameter pro/lem

    ;and to t+e plannin*personnel

    #lassi$iation o$ t+e

    9orst ells

    Pro/lem +andlin*team lassi$ies

    ollets and loatest+e 9orst ells

    ;and to t+enet9or7


    ;and to

    '?: dept) orustomer

    ser,ie dept)

    Send email in $i

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    /. KPI Monito&in0 P&o'ess (u&in0 Pa&amete&Modi*i'ation

    .i*ure & KPI monitorin* proess durin* parameter modi$iation

    Old parameter0on$i*uration

    #on$i*ure data

    a00ordin* to t+e


    (et9or7 KPImonitorin* 615

    minute *ranularity8

    4+et+er t+eKPIs at t+e

    '(# le,el arenormal)

    Keep onmonitorin* 615

    minute *ranularity8

    Output a report in4ord 6+ourly

    *ranularity KPIs/e$ore and a$tert+e parametermodi$i0ation8



    (oti$y t+e person

    in 0+ar*e /y mailor p+one

    'oll/a07 ornot

    =o0ate t+e 9orst

    0ells and 0+e07 i$t+ey are 0aused

    /y t+e parametermodi$i0ation)




    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) B

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    /.3 KPI Monito&in0 (u&in0 !N# o& Node7 Ve&sionUp0&ade

    .i*ure &B KPI monitorin* 9or7$lo9 durin* '(# or (ode> ,ersion up*rade

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) 5





    =oate t+e 9orstells) :etermine9+et+er t+ey arerelated 9it+ t+e,ersion update)


    (et9or7 KPImonitorin*

    15 minutes time*ranularity


  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    /.8 KPI Monito&in0 (u&in0 #uto$e&

    .or t+e net9or7 on 9+i+ t+e e@uipment needs to /e replaed 6$or instane ;on*Kon*

    #S= net9or7 $or 9+i+ 9e replaed (o7ias e@uipment 9it+ !T"s a$ter t+e net9or7optimization is ompleted t+e su/sri/ers on t+e ey omparin* t+e net9or7 per$ormane indiators /e$ore and a$ter t+e

    +an*e 9e an mar7 out t+e station or t+e setor 9it+ t+e *reatest indiator +an*e on an

    eletroni map and ta7e t+ese pro/lem re*ions as t+e analysis $ous)

    #omparison met+od A sin*le tra$$i statistis indiator may /e a$$eted /y many $ators)

    4+ile some $ators +an*e ot+ers may not) #+oose a proper o/Fet $or omparison to

    on$irm t+e e

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    .1.1 TOP N -o&st #ells Met+od

    :urin* t+e 9+ole proess o$ KPI optimization analysis TOP ( 9orst ells analysis met+od

    is t+e most e$$eti,e one 9+i+ an /e used t+rou*+out t+e 9+ole optimization p+ase) >y

    $ousin* on t+e TOP ( 9orst ells you an sol,e t+e maFor pro/lems 9it+ t+e net9or7)

    A/normal all drop e,ents may +appen e,ery day and t+ese e,ents may represent

    pro/lems o$ a 7ind) A$ter sol,in* t+e pro/lems 9it+ TOP ( ells you an sol,e t+e

    pro/lems o$ t+e same 7ind) T+ere$ore $ousin* on TOP ( ells is one o$ t+e most

    e$$eti,e 9ays to sol,e pro/lems)

    TOP ( 9orst ells analysis met+od is applia/le to t+e optimization analysis o$ all t+e

    indiators) #+oose TOP ( 9orst ells aordin* to a ertain t+res+old 9+i+ ,aries

    dependin* on di$$erent indiators) ( stands $or t+e num/er o$ t+e 9orst ells) 4+en t+e

    9orst ells are too many to /e 9or7ed on t+e num/er o$ t+e 9orst ells an /e dereased

    so t+at you an $ous on t+em) TOP ( ells analysis met+od inludes t+e $ollo9in* steps

    Step 1 Sreen out TOP ( ells aordin* to t+e ondition o$ t+e indiators you are


    Step & #ondut a +ealt+ +e7 $or TOP ( ells) #+e7 9+et+er t+ere are any pro/lems

    9it+ transmission or /oards and +e7 9+et+er t+e 9orst ells are aused /y e

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    Inde> #ell !NS su)net I( #ell I(#all d&op

    &ate? #S AM!Num)e& o* 'all

    d&op? $oi'e



    6&0 0BC 15)81H C0


    6&0& 110C )DH &8&

    C ;I#1UD'1 '(#1016101 108D1 &)&CH &1C


    6&0& 110C1 &)BDH &15


    '(#1016101 1&8& &)0H &05



    1&0D1 )D&H 1CD


    '(#10S=610& &0C1 )B1H 1C

    Step & #+e7 t+e transmission and +ard9areo$ t+e TOP ( ells and +e7 9+et+er t+ey

    are aused /y eP# /oard pro/lems) 4e $ound t+ere 9ere /ro7en assoiations in some ;K" sites)

    Step #+e7 t+e radio parameters on$i*uration o$ t+ese ells t+e radius o$ t+ese ells

    and t+eir nei*+/orin* ells and ompare t+em 9it+ t+e normal ells)

    61Pro/lem 9it+ t+e ell radius A$ter t+e +e7 9e $ound t+e ell radius o$ t+e =AK site

    9as &)5 7m) >eause t+e =AK site 9as situated /y t+e sea and t+e antenna 9as plaed

    ,ery +i*+ t+e radius o$ &)5 7m 9as $ar $rom enou*+) So 9e +an*ed t+e ell radius to 10

    7m and t+e pro/lem o$ +i*+ all drop rate 9as t+us sol,ed)

    6&Pro/lem 9it+ on$i*uration ;I# site is an indoor POI site) T+e ''U '

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    Step B "=1UAI1

    B8& B 0 &D 10B)1

    & !>=1UAI B B0 0 10B)1&5


    BC 1C 0 8 105)D08


    0 18 0 1 10C)0


    CD 1DC 0 18 10)1D0C


    100 100 0 1C 101)5B0B

    =AK1U CB 11 0 &0 10)1DB

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) D

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    Inde> #ell

    !A7 &eleasenum)e& *o& Iu'onne'tion

    &elease &e@uest)y UT!AN *oS domain in

    'ell? &adio'onne'tion,it+ UE lost

    !A7 &eleasenum)e& *o& Iu'onne'tion

    &elease &e@uest)y UT!AN *oS domain in'ell? *ailu&e in

    t+e &adioInte&*a'e


    !A7 &eleasenum)e& *o& Iu'onne'tion


    &e@uest )yUT!AN *o& #S

    domain in'ell? &elease

    due too$e&load'ont&ol

    !A7 &eleasenum)e& *o& Iu'onne'tion

    &elease&e@uest )yUT!AN *o& #S

    domain in'ell?


    A$e&a0e'ell *&e@!T-Pd)mB



    D8 D0 0 1 101)B1


    8 5D 0 && 10B)5&8


    B& 111 0 1 10&)CD

    ./ 7asi' KPI Analysis S6ills

    >e a/le to use t+e KPI statistis tool and t+e analysis tool

    Use tools to learn a/out t+e runnin* state o$ t+e 9+ole net9or7 @ui7ly and sreen

    out TOP ( 9orst ells @ui7ly)

    Use di$$erent analysis tools to $ind pro/lems $rom di$$erent aspets and loate t+e

    pro/lem @ui7ly)

    Understand t+e si*nalin* proess and /asi priniple

    In t+e proess o$ a/normity loation 7eep a lear aim in mind and /e a/le to apply t+e

    proess and /asi priniple to +e7 t+e ot+er rele,ant indiators rapidly to $ailitate t+e


    >e $amiliar 9it+ t+e proess and /asi priniple and /e a/le to ma7e lo*ial assoiation

    /et9een a/normal KPI pro/lems and net9or7 pro/lems 6su+ as t+e o,era*e pro/lem

    and t+e inter$erene pro/lem) >e a/le to determine t+e pro/lem nature aordin* to t+e

    a/normal KPI and t+en +oose t+e appropriate tool to analyze t+e pro/lem in dept+)

    Per$ormane analysis re@uires en*ineers to understand /asi si*nalin* proess /e

    $amiliar 9it+ t+e protool sta7s o$ standard inter$aes and 7no9 rele,ant al*orit+ms to

    realize t+e produt $untions) "n*ineers s+ould at least +a,e a onept a/out t+e ,arious

    al*orit+ms) I$ t+e analysis o$ a ommerial net9or7 in,ol,es some al*orit+ms en*ineers

    s+ould study t+ese al*orit+ms in dept+)

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    ./.1 KPI Monito&in0 Tools

    (et9or7 mana*ement tool (et(umenT1 ount KPI ori*inal data alarm data

    radio parameter on$i*uration in ells and parameter on$i*uration on t+e eart+)

    KPI daily report *eneratin* tool lassi$y 7ey indiators aordin* to a ertain

    ondition and sreen out t+e 9orst ells)

    ././ KPI Analysis Tools

    #NO Tool #(O tool +as t+e KPI analysis $untion) So usin* it you an sreen

    out t+e 9orst ells aordin* to ,arious onditions and point out t+e

    orrespondin* ounter o$ an indiator)

    Si0nalT&a'eTrae t+e si*nalin* 6'(= si*nalin* and '(= si*nalin* o$ '(#

    inter$aes 9+i+ inludes t+e Iu inter$ae t+e Iur inter$ae t+e Iu/ inter$ae

    and t+e Uu inter$ae 6t+e si*nalin* $lo9 /et9een '(# and U" at ''# layer)

    And '(= si*nalin* trae is a ommon 9ay $or loatin* t+e KPI pro/lem) >ein*

    a/le to trae t+e '(# si*nalin* is a /asi re@uirement $or t+e onsite KPI

    optimization en*ineers and t+e net9or7 optimization and maintenane

    en*ineers) T+is si*nalin* train* tool is ,ery po9er$ul 9+i+ an trae si*nalin*

    aordin* to t+e U" ell and IMSI in t+e KPI analysis) Aordin* to t+e U" ell

    it an trae t+e si*nalin* o$ multiple su/sri/ers 9+ile aordin* to IMSI it an

    trae t+e si*nalin* o$ only one su/sri/er) ;o9e,er i$ t+e ''# onnetion is

    not esta/lis+ed yet si*nalin* annot /e traed) T+at is /eause only 9+en

    ''# onnetion +as /een esta/lis+ed an t+e '(# o/tain t+e su/sri/ers

    IMSI $rom t+e #()

    !N# ASS Lo0ASS lo* is usually applied 9+en t+ere is a/normity and '(#

    si*nalin* is out o$ trae) In t+is ase use ASS lo* to analyze t+e si*nalin*

    /e$ore and a$ter t+e a/normity ours) A/normity an /e @ueried aordin* to

    IMSI or ell I:) ASS lo* an /e also used to ollet ,arious a/normities)

    Node7 LMT(ode> loal operation and maintenane tool) Apart $rom all t+e

    operation $untions o$ t+e OM#> t+is tool an ollet more detailed in$ormation

    a/out ells and U") (ode> loal maintenane terminals inlude "OMS ".MS:MS and PMS)

    Node7 A)no&mity P&o)eOn t+e site o$ 4#:MA ommerial o$$ie (ode>

    a/normity pro/e is an e$$eti,e tool to monitor t+e runnin* state o$ t+e (ode>)

    ",ery module o$ (ode> an reord t+e a/normal in$ormation automatially

    9+i+ ma7es it easy to loate pro/lems) ;o9e,er t+is met+od re@uires

    pro$essional 7no9led*e su+ as 7no9led*e a/out t+e $untion and inter$ae o$

    ea+ module or /oard) I$ t+e onsite en*ineers annot ma7e t+e simple

    analysis t+ey an Fust o/tain t+e a/normity pro/e and send it to t+e '?:

    en*ineers at t+e rear side) T+e a/normities reported on t+e (ode> 9ill /e

    stored at t+e OM#> ser,er aordin* to di$$erent '(#s) To ondut (ode>

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    a/normity pro/e analysis you need to do9nload a/normity pro/e $iles $rom

    di$$erent OM#> ser,ers and t+en use t+e a/normity pro/e tool to ma7e a

    ompre+ensi,e analysis)

    #TS Tool #TS is a tool de,eloped /y t+e #( department 9+i+ an trae

    si*nalin* in dept+ aordin* to IMSI and trae si*nalin* aross '(#s) So t+is

    is partiularly suita/le to trae -IP su/sri/ers) In t+is ase #TS is easier to

    use t+an Si*nalTrae 9+i+ an only trae si*nalin* o$ '(#s one /y one) #TS

    an trae t+e interati,e si*nalin* /et9een net9or7 elements 6("s 9it+in t+e

    #( as 9ell as t+e si*nalin* o$ t+e Iu inter$ae and t+e Uu inter$ae) T+is 7ind o$

    si*nalin* train* is 9+at 9e alled indept+ train*) T+e 9or7 priniple o$ #TS is

    to set up an IMSI tas7 on t+e #TS ser,er and send it to t+e #( $ront side 9+i+

    9ill t+en send t+is tas7 to ea+ #( module ,ia t+e inter$aes dediated to t+e

    #( modules and t+e '(# and t+en ea+ module a$ter reei,in* t+e si*nalin*

    related to t+e IMSI tas7 9ill send t+e si*nalin* /a7 to t+e #TS ser,er ,ia t+e#( $ront side) T+e inter$aes mentioned a/o,e are pri,ate inter$aes so t+is

    tool an only support our o9n #( and '(#) #TS si*nalin* an /e +e7ed and

    analyzed 9it+ an o$$line tool /ut t+e o$$line tool does not 9or7 ,ery 9ell

    /eause o$ t+e la7 o$ ontinuous optimization and per$etion)

    UE lo0:T test is also an important au

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    pro/lem Fust i*nore t+em) Ot+er9ise try to loate t+e '(# (" t+at +as t+e pro/lem)

    Step & Analyze t+e indiators o$ t+e orrespondin* '(# to $ind out t+e '(# 9+ose

    indiators +a,e t+e pro/lem)

    Step Analyze t+e indiators o$ t+e ell under t+e pro/lem '(# to $ind out t+e 9orst ells

    or TOP ( ells) I$ t+e indiators o$ all t+e ells under t+e '(# are tend to /e lo9 it is a

    ommon pro/lem pro/a/ly aused /y parameter on$i*uration) And t+en +e7 9+et+er

    t+e radio parameter on$i*uration in t+e ells under t+is '(# is t+e same as t+at in t+e

    ells under t+e normal '(#s)

    Step B Ma7e a ompre+ensi,e analysis on t+e KPIs alarms :T test data and ustomer

    omplains o$ t+e 9orst ells to $ind out a solution)

    Analysis met+od

    A$ter learnin* t+e KPI analysis ideas 9e must 7no9 some ommon KPI analysis met+ods

    to rule out auses o$ pro/lems $rom t+e o/,ious ones to t+e +idden ones)

    .or e

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    met+ods 6li7e Met+od One at t+e $irst /rus+ may /e ma7in* a detour)


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    .i*ure KPI optimization analysis proess

    StartPi7 out



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    3 KPI Optimization Analysis

    T+is +apter mainly demonstrates +o9 to analyze t+e indiator pro/lems $rom t+e aspet

    o$ OM# data and pro,ides $lo9+arts $or KPI optimization) T+e detailed analyzin* met+odand ases o$ e,ery speial su/Fet an /e +e7ed in t+e optimization *uides o$ all t+e


    3.1 #S #all (&op Optimization

    T+e #S all drop rate is t+e most important indiator in KPI optimization)

    3.1.1 (e*inition o* #all (&op

    A$ter +e7in* t+e si*nalin* on t+e Uu inter$ae at t+e U" side t+e en*ineer an Fud*e t+e

    situation a all drop i$ t+e Uu inter$ae messa*e satis$ies one o$ t+e $ollo9in* t+ree

    onditions durin* t+e allin* proess 6in onnetion)

    RNC Releaseis not reei,ed /ut t+e U" ondition +an*es $rom #"==:#; to I:=")

    RRC Release is reei,ed and t+e released ause ,alue is Not Normal.

    One o$ t+e $ollo9in* t+ree messa*es CC DisconnectCC Release Complete and CC

    Release is reei,ed and t+e released ause ,alue is Not Normal Clearing or Not

    Normal, Unspecified)

    In a /oard sense t+e all drop inludes t+e all drop rates o$ #( and UT'A() T+e all

    drop o$ UT'A( inludes t+e $ollo9in* t9o aspets

    A$ter t+e suess$ul ser,ie esta/lis+ment '(# sends t+eRAB Release Requestto #()

    A$ter t+e suess$ul ser,ie esta/lis+ment '(# sends t+e IU Release Request to #()

    =ater '(# reei,es t+e IU Release Command$rom #()

    (ote t+at 'A( all drop statistis 9+i+ is de$ined $rom t+e aspet o$ lu inter$ae

    si*nalin* means t+e laun+in* times o$ RAB Release Requestand lu Release Requesto$

    '(#) And t+e :T all drop statistis is de$ined $rom t+e aspets o$ t+e Uu inter$ae

    messa*e nonaess stratum messa*e and ause ,alue) 'A( all drop statistis and :T

    all drop statistis are not e

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


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    3.1./ #S #all (&op Analysis lo,'+a&t

    .i*ure B8 #S all drop analysis $lo9+art

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    3./ PS #all (&op Optimization

    3./.1 Optimization lo,'+a&t

    .i*ure BD PS all drop optimization $lo9+art

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    3. Optimization o* A''essi)ility Indi'ato&s

    Aessi/ility per$ormane inludes t+e suess rate o$ ''# onnetion setup and t+e

    suess rate o$ #SEPS 'A> assi*nment) T+ese t9o 7inds o$ KPIs play important roles int+e net9or7 optimization and diretly in$luene t+e suess rate o$ #SEPS ser,ie

    esta/lis+ment) In t+is doument t+is 7ind o$ pro/lems are $ound $rom t+e aspet o$ OM#

    data and sol,ed t+rou*+ parameter optimization)

    3..1 (e*inition o* A''ess ailu&e

    .or t+e mo/ile ori*inated all in t+e #S domain t+e aess $ailure e,ent means t+at t+e

    U" sends RRC REQUE!, and I" esta/lis+ ause is Ori*inatin* #on,ersational #all /ut

    alertin* o$ t+e diret trans$er messa*e is not reei,ed)

    T+e rele,ant e,ents are de$ined as $ollo9s in t+e aess $ailure sta*e)

    ''# onnetion setup $ailure A$ter onsiderin* t+e resendin* times and t+e 9aitin* time

    t+e U" sends RRC C"NNEC!I"N REQUE!, and does not reei,e t+e response $rom

    '(# or RRC C"NNEC!I"N RE#EC! deli,ered /y '(#)

    Initial diret trans$er and seurity mode esta/lis+ment $ailure A$ter sendin* RRC

    C"NNEC!I"N E!U$ C"%$&E!E t+e U" does not send NA E!U$)

    'A> assi*nment $ailure A$ter reei,in*CA&& $R"CEEDIN' t+e U" does not reei,e

    RB E!U$deli,ered /y '(#) Or t+e U" replies 9it+ RB E!U$ (AI&a$ter reei,in* RB

    E!U$) Or t+e U" reei,es DIC"NNEC! 9it+ t+e ause ,alue not /ein* Normal

    Release a$ter reei,in* RB E!U$) At t+is time t+e U" +as not reported RB E!U$


    .ailure a$ter 'A> assi*nment A$ter t+e U" sends RB E!U$ C"%$&E!E t+e ori*inatin*

    U" reei,es DIC"NNEC!)RE&EAE $rom #() Or t+e U" 9aits C"NNEC! or

    A&ER!IN' o,ertime and laun+es t+e #all #learin* proessR Or t+e U" /eomes I:="

    /e$ore reei,in*Alerting and starts to reei,e t+e system messa*e)

    .or t+e mo/ile terminated in t+e #S domain t+e aess $ailure e,ent means t+at t+e

    terminatin* U" reei,es t+e pa*in* o$ pa*in* type 1 and does not send RRC

    C"NNEC!I"N REQUE! 9it+ t+e ause ,alue /ein* Terminatin* #on,ersational #all)

    Or t+e U" does not send t+e alertin* o$ diret trans$er messa*e to #( a$ter sendin* RRC


    T+e rele,ant e,ents are de$ined as $ollo9s in t+e aess $ailure sta*e)

    ''# onnetion setup $ailure A$ter sendin* RRC C"NNEC!I"N REQUE! t+e U"

    does not reei,e t+e response $rom '(# or RRC C"NNEC!I"N RE#EC! deli,ered /y


    Initial diret trans$er and seurity mode esta/lis+ment $ailure A$ter sendin* RRC

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) &1

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    C"NNEC!I"N E!U$ C"%$&E!E t+e U" does not reei,e t+e E!U$diret trans$er

    messa*e) Or t+e U" sends RE&EAE C"%$&E!E) Or t+e U" reei,es DIC"NNEC!

    $rom #()

    'A> assi*nment $ailure T+e U" does not reei,e RB E!U$deli,ered /y '(# a$ter

    sendin* CA&& C"N(IR%) Or t+e U" replies 9it+ RB E!U$ (AI& a$ter reei,in* RB

    E!U$) Or t+e U" reei,es DIC"NNEC! 9it+ t+e ause ,alue not /ein* (ormal

    'elease a$ter reei,in* RB E!U$) At t+is time t+e U" +as not reported RB E!U$


    .ailure a$ter 'A> assi*nment A$ter t+e U" sends RB E!U$ C"%$&E!E, t+e

    terminatin* U" reei,es DIC"NNEC!)RE&EAE $rom #()

    3../ Analysis on !!# #onne'tion ailu&es

    T+e pro/lem o$ ''# onnetion setup $ailure an /e analyzed t+rou*+ t+e U" si*nalin*

    $lo9 and '(# sin*leuser train*) T+e ''# onnetion setup inludes t+e $ollo9in* steps

    T+e U" sends RRC Connection Requestt+rou*+ t+e 'A#; +annel)

    '(# sends RRC Connection etup t+rou*+ t+e .A#; +annel)

    T+e U" sends RRC Connection etup Completet+rou*+ t+e dediated uplin7 +annel

    a$ter t+e do9nlin7 dediated +annel is esta/lis+ed and syn+ronized)

    ''# onnetion setup $ailures are al9ays aused /y $ollo9in* issues

    Uplin7 'A#; pro/lem

    Pro/lem a/out do9nlin7 .A#; po9er alloation proportion

    Parameter reseletion pro/lem o$ t+e ell

    =o9 do9nlin7 dediated initial transmittin* po9er

    Uplin7 initial po9er ontrol pro/lem


    "@uipment mal$untions

    Amon* t+ese issues t+e pro/lems o$ uplin7 'A#; do9nlin7 .A#; po9er alloation

    proportion parameter reseletion o$ t+e ell and e@uipment mal$untions appear more


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    3../.1 Analysis lo,'+a&t o* !!# #onne'tion Setup ailu&es

    .i*ure B10 Analysis $lo9+art o$ ''# onnetion setup $ailures

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    3.././ UE sends RRC Connection Request,)ut !N# does not &e'ei$e it

    I$ t+e "EIo o$ do9nlin7 #PI#; is relati,ely lo9 it is t+e pro/lem o$ o,era*e)

    I$ t+e "EIo o$ do9nlin7 #PI#; is not ,ery lo9 6$or e) Usually it is t+e pro/lem o$ 'A#; and t+e $ollo9in* issues may ause t+e


    T+e po9er o$ Pream/le does not rise to a re@uired ,alue and t+e risin* times o$

    Pream/le s+ould /e inreased)

    T+e output po9er o$ U" is lo9er t+an t+e re@uired ,alue 9+i+ is aused /y

    poor U" per$ormane) In t+is ase t+e U" s+ould /e +an*ed)

    T+e (ode> e@uipment +as a standin* 9a,e and t+e en*ineer s+ould +e7

    9+et+er (ode> +as any S4' alarm)

    T+e radius o$ t+e ell is set improperly) I$ t+e radius parameter o$ t+e ell is set

    too small t+e (ode> an not syn+ronize t+e U" /eyond t+e ran*e o$ t+e

    radius and t+e aess $ails) T+is pro/lem o$ten +appens in t+e plaes 9it+

    lar*e o,era*e su+ as t+e rural areas and t+e su/ur/s)

    3../. !N# deli$e&s !!# #onne'tion !e=e't a*te& &e'ei$in0 !!# Setup !e@uest.

    4+enRRC Connection Re*ectappears t+e en*ineer s+ould +e7 t+e spei$i reFet

    ause ,alue) Usually t+ere are t9o 7inds o$ auses

    T+e #PU load o$ '(# ontrol plane /oard is too +ea,y and more /oards s+ould /e


    :#; and .A#; admission is reFeted) ;o9e,er t+is situation does not al9ays +appen)

    3../.3 UE does not &e'ei$e RRC Connection Setupdeli$e&ed )y !N#

    T+is pro/lem may /e aused /y t+e $ollo9in* reasons

    Poor o,era*e

    Improper parameters o$ ell seletion and reseletion

    #+e7in* met+od T+e en*ineer s+ould +e7 t+e "EIo o$ #PI#;) I$ t+e ,alue is lo9er

    t+an 1& d> 6"EIo is 1& d> /y de$ault and t+ere is no ell o$ /etter @uality in t+e monitor

    set t+e ause o$ t+is pro/lem is poor o,era*e) I$ t+ere is /etter ell in t+e monitor set ell

    reseletion may ause t+is pro/lem)

    Poor o,era*e an /e impro,ed /y o,era*e en+anement su+ as addin* some sites to

    o,er t+e plaes 9it+out si*nal o,era*e and adFustin* t+e en*ineerin* parameters) I$ t+e

    o,era*e an not /e impro,ed t+e en*ineer an en+ane t+e .A#; po9er aordin* to

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) &5

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    t+e P#PI#; "EIo o,era*e o$ t+e urrent net9or7) .or e) And so t+e suess rate o$ t+e idle U" assessment an /e ensured)

    As $or t+e aess pro/lem aused /y ell seletion and reseletion t+e en*ineer an

    speed up t+e ell seletion and reseletion /y adFustin* t+e ell seletion and reseletion

    parameters and t+e pro/lem o$ ''# onnetion setup $ailure aused /y improper ell

    seletion and reseletion parameters an /e sol,ed)


    T+e ''# #onnetion Setup messa*e is /orne /y .A#;) RRC Connection Request sent

    /y t+e U" is reei,ed /y UT'A( at t+e pream/le o$ P'A#; and t+en it is sent $rom t+e'A#; +annel /ased on t+e urrent pream/le po9er) And t+e transmit po9er o$ pream/le

    an rise all t+e time until t+e response is reei,ed 6T+ere is a limitation $or t+e maeause t+e uplin7 initial po9er ontrol may inrease t+e U" transmit po9er t+is 7ind o$

    pro/lem seldom appears) I$ it appears t+e en*ineer an inrease t+e #onstant -alue o$t+e dediated +annel properly to raise t+e uplin7 :P##; initial transmission po9er o$ t+e


    At t+e same time t+is pro/lem is also rele,ant 9it+ t+e uplin7 SI' initial tar*et ,alue

    on$i*uration /eause t+is ,alue may a$$et t+e uplin7 initial syn+ronization at t+e initial

    sta*e o$ lin7 setup) I$ t+e ,alue o$ t+e parameter is set too lar*e t+ere 9ill /e too mu+

    uplin7 in$erene /rou*+t /y t+e initial setup o$ t+e lin7) I$ t+e ,alue is set too small t+e

    uplin7 syn+ronization 9ill ta7e lon*er time and t+e initial syn+ronization may e,en $ail)

    T+is parameter is an '(#le,el parameter 9+i+ +as a *reat in$luene on net9or7

    per$ormane) T+ere$ore t+e en*ineer s+ould /e autious 9+ile adFustin* t+is parameter)

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    RRC Connection etup Complete is sent t+rou*+ uplin7 :P#; and t+e U" alulates t+einitial po9er o$ uplin7 :P##; aordin* to t+e reei,ed I":P##;Po9ero$$set and

    t+e measured #PI#;'S#P ,alue)

    :P##;Initialpo9er :P##;Po9ero$$set #PI#;'S#P

    :P##;Po9ero$$set Primary #PI#; := TN Po9er Q U= Inter$erene Q #onstant

    -alue) T+e #onstant -alue an /e on$i*ured in t+e OM#) I$ t+is ,alue is set too small t+e

    U" may not +a,e enou*+ po9er to send RRC Connection etup Complete.

    3.. Analysis on !A7C!7 Setup ailu&es

    4+en 'A> or '> setup $ails '(# 9ill send RAB Assignment (ailin t+e 'A> Assi*nment

    'esponse si*nalin*) T+e en*ineer an $ind out t+e spei$i $ailure reason $rom t+e $ailure

    ause ,alue arried in rele,ant ells) T+e reasons $or ommon 'A>E'> setup $ailures


    '(# diretly reFetin* RAB etup Request /eause o$ 9ron* parameter


    Admission reFet

    'A> setup $ailure /eause t+e U" $ails to respond to RB etup Request

    'A> setup $ailure /eause t+e Uu inter$ae $ails to set up '>

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) &

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    3...1 Analysis lo,'+a&t o* !A7 Setup ailu&es

    .i*ure B11 Analysis $lo9+art o$ 'A> setup $ailures

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) &8

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    3.../ !N# (i&e'tly !e=e'tin0 RAB Setup Request 7e'ause O* -&on0 Pa&amete&


    T+e ase t+at '(# responds 9it+ RAB etup (ailurediretly is seldom aused /y in,alidparameter on$i*uration in t+e /usiness net9or7) Usually t+is ase is aused /y speial

    operations o$ t+e speial users)

    T+e main senario is t+at t+e su/sription in$ormation o$ t+e users PS ser,ie is /eyond

    t+e apa/ility o$ t+e U" 9+i+ leads to t+e diret re$usal $rom '(#) .or e setup $ails /eause t+e parameter on$i*uration is /eyond t+e U"s

    apa/ility SGS( 9ill ne*otiate a*ain to laun+ t+e ne9 'A> assi*nment until t+e U" +as

    t+e apa/ility to support t+e assi*nment and t+e 'A> assi*nment is $inis+ed) .or t+e

    users t+e P:P ati,ation is still suess$ul and t+e atual ma

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    T+e admission ontrol o$ t+e (ode> #redit resoure is similar to t+e po9er admission

    ontrol) 4+et+er t+e remainin* #redit an support t+e urrently re@uested ser,ie or not

    an /e Fud*ed aordin* to t+e spetrum spreadin* $ator o$ t+e ne9 aess user)

    Aordin* to t+e ondition o$ t+e 'A> :o9nsizin* S9it+ '(# 9ill deal 9it+ t+e issue in

    t+e orrespondin* 9ay)

    .or t+e ;S:PA user in t+e dynami po9er alloation mode /esides t+e mentioned

    system resoures su+ as t+e po9er +annel ode lu/ transmission resoure and #"

    t+e admission reFet s+ould ta7e into onsideration 9+et+er t+e num/er o$ ; users

    supported /y (ode> and t+e num/er o$ ; users supported /y t+e ell are o,er t+e

    re*ulated t+res+old or not into onsideration)

    .or t+e ;S:PA user 9+en t+e /and9idt+ on$i*uration on lu/ inter$ae is insu$$iient t+e

    admission reFet 9ill not +appen /ut t+e rate 9ill /e redued) 4+at is more t+e

    AA=&PAT;s o$ ;S:PA and 'DD are on$i*ured respeti,ely and t+e ;S:PA AA=&PAT;

    must /e on$i*ured to t+e ;S:PA'T or ;S:PA('T type) I$ t+e ;S:PA AA=&PAT; is

    on$i*ured to 'T or ('T o$ 'DD AA=&PAT; type t+e 'A> assi*nment $ailure 9ill not

    +appen /ut '(# 9ill esta/lis+ t+e ;S:PA ser,ie as 'DD 8B K/ps)

    .or t+e do9nlin7 po9er admission

    >esides 9+et+er t+e 'DD ser,ie load is o,er t+e non;S:PA ser,ie t+res+old :#;

    ser,ie s+ould ta7e into onsideration 9+et+er non;S:PA po9er and ;S:PA G>P 6t+e

    minimum po9er needed $or t+e *uaranteed /it rate are o,er t+e *eneral po9er t+res+old

    o$ t+e ell)

    .or t+e ;S:PA ser,ie it is neessary to +e7 9+et+er t+e t+rou*+put rate pro,ided /y

    t+e ell is o,er t+e sum o$ all t+e users G>' t+res+olds or 9+et+er t+e G>Ps o$ t+e

    stream ser,ie and t+e /a7*round ser,ie are o,er t+e ;S:PA po9er o$ t+e ell) At t+e

    same time 9+et+er t+e non;S:PA po9er and t+e ;S:PA G>P 6t+e minimum po9er

    needed $or t+e *uaranteed /it rate are o,er t+e o,erall po9er t+res+old o$ t+e ell s+ould

    /e also ta7en into onsideration)

    .or t+e lu/ admission

    .or t+e :#; ser,ie t+e admission is made aordin* to t+e multipliation o$ t+e pea7

    rate and t+e ser,ie ati,ation $ator)

    .or ;S:PA ser,ie t+e admission is made aordin* to t+e G>')

    I$ t+e lu/ e

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    3...3 !A7 Setup ailu&e 7e'ause t+e UE ails to !espond to !7 Setup

    T+e U" $ails to respond to '> setup mainly /eause o$ t+e users operation)

    Ta7e t+e $ollo9in* ases as eeause t+e U" does not support t+e -P and

    +i*+speed PS ser,ie in t+e do9nlin7 at t+e same time it diretly replies 9it+RB

    etup (ailure and t+e ause ,alue is unsupported configuration)

    #ompared 9it+ t+e 4#:MA su/sri/er ori*inatin* t+e -P ser,ie t+e terminatin*

    su/sri/er resides in t+e GSM net9or7 and so it does not support t+e -P ser,ie)

    A$ter '(# reei,es RAB Assignment Request t+e ore net9or7 9ill deli,er t+e

    :isonnet ommand ri*+t a$ter all proeedin* and t+e ause ,alue is Bearer

    capa+ilit not aut-oried) At t+is time t+e U" +as Fust reei,ed t+e '> S"TUP

    ommand and +as no enou*+ time to $inis+ t+e '> setup) So t+e U" 9ill reply 9it+

    RB etup (ailure a$ter it reei,es t+e :isonnet ommand and t+e '(# 9ill reply

    9it+ RAB etup (ailure 9it+ t+e ause ,alue /ein* failure in radio interface


    3...8 !A7 Setup ailu&e 7e'ause t+e Uu Inte&*a'e ails to Set Up !7

    '(# sends t+e 'adio >earer Setup ommand to t+e U" /ut $ails to reei,e Radio Bearer

    etup Compete) T+is 7ind o$ situation 6'> setup $ailure o$ten appears in t+e ells 9it+

    9ea7 si*nals) T+ere are t9o auses o$ 9ea7 si*nals one is t+at t+e U" does not reside int+e /est ser,er to laun+ t+e aess and t+e ot+er is poor o,era*e)

    I$ t+e U" does not reside in t+e /est ser,er to laun+ t+e aess it 9ill +ope to enter

    t+e /est ser,er t+rou*+ ati,e set update in t+e '> setup proess 6At t+e same time

    t+e $ast si*nal +an*e 9ill drastially 9ea7en t+e si*nals in t+e ell /ut t+e ati,e

    set update an only /e proessed a$ter t+e '> setup is ompleted /eause t+e

    proedures an not /e proessed alternately 6(eit+er t+e net9or7 nor t+e terminal

    supports it) T+ere$ore '> an only /e set up in t+e ell 9it+ 9ea7 si*nals and t+e

    setup is easy to $ail) As $or t+is situation t+e startin* t+res+old and speed o$ o

    $re@ueny ell reseletion s+ould /e inreased to ma7e t+e U" reside in t+e /est

    ser,er and laun+ t+e aess as soon as possi/le)

    '> setup $ailure may /e aused /y t+e poor do9nlin7Euplin7 o,era*e) I$ t+e $ailure is

    aused /y do9nlin7 o,era*e t+e U" an not reei,e t+e 'adio >earer Setup

    ommand 9+i+ may /e aused /y t+e uplin7 inter$erene and t+is an /e $i

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    3.3 Optimization o* Mo)ility Indi'ato&s

    Mo/ility indiators mainly $all into t+ree ate*ories so$t +ando,ers +ard +ando,ers and

    inter'AT +ando,ers) T+e +ando,er pro/lems usually +appen in t+e $ollo9in* ases)

    T+e /est ser,er +an*es too $ast or t+ere is no /est ser,er due to pilot pollution)

    T+e +ando,er is not prompt or t+ere are pin*pon* +ando,ers due to improper

    parameter on$i*uration)

    AdFust t+e en*ineerin* parameters $or antennas in areas 9it+ se,ere pilot pollution) And

    adFust t+e +ando,er parameters su+ as t+e ,alues o$ 1A 1> #IO TTT 6time to tri**er

    ;ysteresis and so on to sol,e t+e pro/lem t+at t+e +ando,er is not prompt or t+ere are

    pin*pon* +ando,ers) T+is setion tries to sol,e t+is 7ind o$ pro/lems t+rou*+ OM# data

    analysis and parameter optimization)

    3.3.1 Optimization o* So*t %ando$e&s

    Missed nei*+/orin* ell on$i*uration pilot pollution improper so$t +ando,er parameter

    on$i*uration and e@uipment mal$untions are t+e maFor auses o$ so$t +ando,er $ailures)

    To on$irm t+e pro/lems t+e $ield :Ts are re@uired)

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed)

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    .i*ure B1& So$t +ando,er optimization $lo9+art

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) B

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    3.3.1./ #+e'6in0 Missed Nei0+)o&in0 #ell #on*i0u&ation

    Generally spea7in* most o$ t+e all drops at t+e /e*innin* o$ t+e optimization are aused

    /y missed nei*+/orin* ell on$i*uration) T+e $ollo9in* met+ods are o$ten used to Fud*e

    9+et+er t+e all drops are aused /y missed on$i*uration o$ o$re@ueny nei*+/orin*


    O/ser,e t+e ati,e set Ec)Ioin$ormation reorded /y t+e U" and t+eBest er/er

    Ec)Ioin$ormation reorded /y t+e Sanner /e$ore t+e all drop) I$ t+e $ormer reord is

    ,ery /ad /ut t+e latter reord is ,ery *ood t+en +e7 9+et+er t+e Best er/er

    sram/lin* ode reorded /y t+e Sanner appears in t+e latest list o$ t+e nei*+/orin*

    ells under intra$re@ueny measurement ontrol) I$ it does not t+en t+e all drop is

    aused /y missed nei*+/orin* ell on$i*uration)

    I$ t+e U" reaesses immediately a$ter t+e all drop and t+e ell sram/lin* odesdurin* t+e U" reaess and t+ose durin* t+e all drop are di$$erent t+en t+e all drop

    may also /e aused /y missed nei*+/orin* ell on$i*uration) Jou an on$irm it

    t+rou*+ measurement ontrol 6loo7 /a79ards $rom t+e messa*e o$ t+e all drop

    e,ent $or t+e latest intra$re@ueny measurement ontrol messa*e and +e7 t+e

    nei*+/orin* ell list o$ t+is messa*e)

    Some U" may report t+e Detected etin$ormation) I$ t+e orrespondin* sram/lin*

    ode appears in t+e Detected etin$ormation /e$ore t+e all drop t+en t+e all drop

    is aused /y missed nei*+/orin* ell on$i*uration)

    3.3.1. #+e'6in0 Pilot Pollution

    (e*inition o* pilot pollution"

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    stron*est pilot si*nal and t+at o$ t+e )1( +NTh stron*est pilot si*nal at t+is point is

    less t+an a t+res+old it is re*arded t+at t+ere is no pilot si*nal stron* enou*+ to /e

    t+e /est ser,er at t+is point) T+e $ormula is


    N Re_)1( )__(

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    #orner e$$et "EIo o$ t+e soure ell dereases drastially and "EIo o$ t+e

    tar*et ell inreases s+arply 6,ery +i*+ 9+en it appears)

    .ast $adin* "EIo o$ t+e soure ell dereases @ui7ly $or a 9+ile and t+en

    inreases and "EIo o$ t+e tar*et ell inreases $or a s+ort 9+ile)

    &) Pin*pon* +ando,ers) T+e $ollo9in* p+enomena may aompany t+is pro/lem)

    T+e /est ser,er +an*es @ui7ly T9o or more ells ta7e turns to /e t+e /est ser,er)

    >ut as t+e /est ser,er none o$ t+e ells an last lon* t+ou*+ t+ey +as *ood 'S#Ps

    and "EIos)

    T+ere is no /est ser,er T+ere are multiple ells) T+eir 'S#Ps are normal and similar

    to ea+ ot+er) >ut "EIo o$ e,ery ell is ,ery /ad)

    .rom t+e perspeti,e o$ t+e si*nalin* $lo9 ",ent 1A is reported immediately a$ter one ell

    is deleted) >eause t+e U" annot reei,eActi/e et Update$rom t+e '(# t+e +ando,er

    $ails) E@uipment Mal*un'tions

    .irst +e7 t+e alarm onsole to see 9+et+er t+ere are a/normal alarms and analyze t+e

    messa*e traes at t+e same time) .ind out in 9+i+ step t+e so$t +ando,er $ails) #+e7

    t+e $ailure messa*e and ontat t+e loal produt maintainin* en*ineer to on$irm

    9+et+er t+e e@uipment +as mal$untions) Solutions

    #orrespondin* adFustments s+ould /e ta7en $or t+e on$irmed pro/lems)

    ;ando,er $ailures aused /y pilot pollution AdFust t+e en*ineerin* parameters o$ a

    ertain antenna to set t+is antenna as t+e /est ser,er in t+is inter$ered loation) I$ t+e

    po9er o$ one o$ its setors is redued t+en Io o$ t+e pilot pollution area 9ill dereaseR

    e,en i$ t+e po9ers o$ ot+er pilots are not adFusted "EIo 9ill also inrease) T+ere/y

    t+e "EIo di$$erenes 9it+ ot+er sram/lin* odes in t+e ati,e set 9ill /eome lar*er

    and pilot pollution 9ill /e eliminated) T+rou*+ a lot o$ resear+ !T" +as pro,ed t+at

    t+e redution in t+e pilot transmit po9er 9ill not +an*e ell apaity *reatly) I$

    ondition allo9s ne9 /ase stations an /e added to o,er t+is area)

    "@uipment mal$untions #onsult t+e ustomer ser,ie en*ineers and as7 t+em to

    +elp +e7 9+et+er t+ere are alarms and 9+et+er t+e transport layer is a/normal) I$

    t+ere are alarms oordinate 9it+ t+e ustomer ser,ie en*ineers and t+e

    en*ineerin* personnel to sol,e t+e pro/lems)

    #all drops /eause t+e +ando,ers are not prompt

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) 8

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    AdFust t+e antenna to e is @uite *ood $or eliminatin* t+e $ast $adin* and

    t+e orner e$$et /ut t+is on$i*uration +as some side e$$ets su+ as t+e

    inrease o$ +ando,er proportion)

    #all drops aused /y pin*pon* +ando,ers AdFust t+e antenna to $orm a /est ser,er

    in its o,era*e zone or set t+e ",ent 0B +ando,er parameters 6inrease t+e

    t+res+old o$ ",ent 0B t+e ",ent 0B+ysteresis or t+e time to tri**er ",ent 0B to

    inrease t+e di$$iulty in deletin* t+e ati,e set)

    3.3./ Optimization o* %a&d %ando$e&s

    3.3./.1 #lassi*i'ation o* %a&d +ando$e&s

    ;ard +ando,ers mainly $all into t9o lassi$iations

    Int&a4*&e@uen'y +a&d +ando$e&sT+e intra$re@ueny +ard +ando,er is tri**ered

    only 9+en t+e intra$re@ueny so$tEso$ter +ando,er annot /e per$ormed and it is

    applia/le to t+e $ollo9in* irumstanes)

    Inter'(# intra$re@ueny ell +ando,ers 9+en t+ere is no Iur inter$ae)

    Insu$$iient Iur inter$ae resoures t+ou*+ t+ere is t+e Iur inter$ae)

    ;ando,ers ontrolled /y t+e t+res+old o$ t+e PS ser,ie rate in t+e +ando,er


    T+e intra$re@ueny so$tEso$ter +ando,ers an not /e per$ormed 6intra$re@ueny +ard

    +ando,er s+ould /e tri**ered in t+e $ollo9in* senarios)

    4+en t+e intra$re@ueny +ando,er +appens t+e U" is usin* t+e transmit

    di,ersity in t+e ati,e set ell /ut t+e tar*et ell does not support t+e transmit


    T+e intra$re@ueny measurement report does not ontain O.. and TM o$ t+e

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) D

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    tar*et ell)

    4+en t+e intra$re@ueny +ando,er +appens /et9een '(#s t+e Iur inter$ae is


    T+e U" per$orms t+e multiuser detetion in t+e ati,e set ell /ut t+e tar*et ell

    does not support t+e multiuser detetion)

    T+e tar*et ell and t+e ori*inal ell /elon* to di$$erent lassi$iations 6T+e ells

    o$ 'DD '5Q'DD and 'CQ'5Q'DD /elon* to t+e same lassi$iation 9+ile t+e

    ells o$ '5 and 'CQ'5 /elon* to anot+er lassi$iation)

    Inte&4*&e@uen'y +a&d +ando$e&s T+e inter$re@ueny +ard +ando,er means a U"

    onnetion is +anded o,er $rom a ell o$ a UT'A( $re@ueny to a ell o$ anot+er

    $re@ueny) Many $ators inludin* t+e radio @uality t+e load and t+e speed o$ t+e

    mo,in* U" may tri**er inter$re@ueny +ard +ando,ers)

    .or e

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    3.3././ %a&d %ando$e& Optimization lo,'+a&t

    .i*ure B1 ;ard +ando,er optimization $lo9+art

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) B1

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    3.3./. %a&d %ando$e& Optimization Met+ods

    T+e optimization $lo9 $or t+e +ard +ando,er is similar to t+at o$ t+e so$t +ando,er) T+e

    maFor di$$erenes are in t+e parameter optimization) To optimize intra$re@ueny +ard

    +ando,ers you an properly redue t+e ",ent 0D+ysteresis and t+e time to tri**er ",ent

    0Daordin* to t+e real radio en,ironment to ensure timely +ando,ers)

    Inter$re@ueny o,era*e is o$ten applied to some speial senarios su+ as indoor

    o,era*e and tested t+rou*+ #2T) T+e met+od o$ Fud*in* 9+et+er t+ere is missed

    on$i*uration o$ t+e inter$re@ueny nei*+/orin* ell is almost t+e same as t+at o$ t+e o

    $re@ueny nei*+/orin* ell 9+en a all drop ours t+e U" $ails to measure or report t+e

    inter$re@ueny nei*+/orin* ellR a$ter t+e all drop t+e U" resides in t+e inter$re@ueny

    nei*+/orin* ell a*ain)

    T+e ommon +ard +ando,er pro/lems are

    1) T+e +ando,er is not prompt) T+e ommon symptoms are $re@uent all drops in t+e

    +ard +ando,ers 9+en t+e U" mo,es)


    Inrease t+e t+res+old o$ ati,atin* t+e ompressin* mode) T+e ompressin* mode

    is usually ati,ated /e$ore t+e inter$re@ueny +ando,er or t+e inter'AT +ando,er

    and it is used to measure t+e @uality o$ t+e inter$re@ueny or inter'AT ell) Jou an

    set a t+res+old o$ t+e #PI#; 'S#P or "EIo to ati,ate t+e ompressin* mode) And

    t+e 'S#P is 9idely used)

    'e@uirements on settin* t+e t+res+old o$ ati,atin* t+e ompressin* mode

    >e$ore t+e ell @uality /eomes lo9 enou*+ to ause a all drop t+e si*nal o$

    t+e tar*et ell s+ould /e measured and reported and t+e +ando,er s+ould /e


    'e@uirement on settin* t+e t+res+old o$ deati,atin* t+e ompression mode

    .re@uent ati,ationEdeati,ation o$ t+e ompression mode s+ould /e a,oided)

    Inrease #IOs o$ t+e inter$re@ueny ell pair)

    'edue t+e t+res+old o$ tri**erin* t+e tar*et $re@ueny +ando,er under t+e inter

    $re@ueny o,era*e)

    &) T+ere are pin*pon* +ando,ers)

    SolutionInrease t+e +ard +ando,er +ysteresis and t+e time to tri**er t+e e,ent)

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) B

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    3.3. Optimization o* Inte&4!AT %ando$e&s

    3.3..1 #on*i0u&in0 7asi' Inte&4!AT Pa&amete&s

    Most o$ t+e inter'AT +ando,er $ailures are aused /y inomplete parameter

    on$i*uration) T+e $ollo9in* parameters need speial attention)

    #omplete '(# parameter on$i*uration $or t+e GSM nei*+/orin* ell T+e &G

    system s+all pro,ide t+e G system 9it+ t+e orret radio parameters /ased on

    ne*otiation M## M(# =A# I: 6#I (## >## $re@ueny /and indiator 6D00

    or 1800 and >##;)

    Ta/le B Parameters T+at &G S+all Pro,ide to G

    M## MN# LA#I(

    #IN## 7##



    BC0 & &0& 1D 0 0 D00 10&

    #omplete GSM >S# parameter on$i*uration $or t+e 4#:MA nei*+/orin* ell T+e

    G system s+all pro,ide t+e &G system 9it+ t+e orret radio parameters /ased on

    ne*otiation M## M(# =A# '(# I: ell I: 6#I: do9nlin7 $re@ueny

    sram/lin* ode and 'A#)

    Ta/le BB Parameters T+at G S+all Pro,ide to &G

    M## MN# LA#!N#


    #ell I(





    BC0 &0 18 51 108 51 &0

    Aordin* to t+e urrent strate*y o$ one9ay inter'AT +ando,ers i$ t+e parameter

    on$i*uration is omplete one pro/a/le ause o$ t+e inter'AT +ando,er $ailure is t+at t+e

    +ando,er is not prompt) T+e ommon parameter adFustment is to inrease #IO t+e

    t+res+old to ati,ateEdeati,ate t+e ompressin* mode and t+e t+res+old to tri**er t+e

    4#:MAtoGSM +ando,er at t+e same time)

    #all drops durin* t+e inter'AT +ando,ers /et9een 4#:MA and GSM may /e aused


    Inonsistent data on$i*uration at t+e GSM side and t+e 4#:MA side a$ter

    GSM modi$ies t+e on$i*uration data /ut does not in$orm 4#:MA)

    Missed on$i*uration o$ nei*+/orin* ells 9+i+ an /e sol,ed /y t+e orret

    on$i*uration o$ nei*+/orin* ells)

    Too $ast si*nal +an*es)

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) BB

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    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    Pin*pon* reseletion)

    .aults 9it+ t+e U" $or e

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    3.3../ Inte&4!AT %ando$e& Optimization lo,'+a&t

    .i*ure B1B Inter'AT +ando,er optimization $lo9+art

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) BC

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  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


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    3.8 Optimization o* !esou&'e Indi'ato&s

    T+e resoure indiators diretly re$let t+e system apaity) Inreasin* su/sri/ers 9ill

    onsume more system resoures and some resoures may /e limitedR $or e #"


    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) B8

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


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    3.8.1 !esou&'e Indi'ato& Optimization lo,'+a&t

    .i*ure B15 'esoure indiator optimization $lo9+art

    !T" #on$idential Proprietary % &01& !T" #O'PO'ATIO() All ri*+ts reser,ed) BD

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  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


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    3.8./ #ode !esou&'e Optimization

    T+e statistis o$ (um/er o$ reFeted ser,ies and :#; no ode t+e a,era*e ode

    resoure usa*e rate and t+e num/er o$ t+e ;S:PA su/sri/ers an /e used to Fud*e

    9+et+er t+e ode resoure in a ell is limited) I$ t+e ode resoure is limited you an

    adFust t+e ode resoure alloation to alle,iate t+e situation)

    >ased on t+e system al*orit+m 9+en .ormula 1 is satis$ied you an add an ;SP:S#;R

    9+en .ormula & is satis$ied t+en an ;SP:S#; is deleted)

    .ormula 1 Ou'ate(o;spds+ Q Ou'ate;spds+ Q Dpc-Code1Q & 51&

    .ormula & Ou'ate(o;spds+ Q Ou'ate;spds+ Q CodeUpt1A 51&

    Ou'ate;spds+;SP:S#; means t+e num/er o$ t+e odes o$ S.51& /lo7ed /y t+e

    ;SP:S#; Ou'ate(o;spds+ means t+e num/er o$ odes o$ S.51& /lo7ed /yot+er +annels :p+#ode;y means t+e num/er o$ odes o$ S.51& reser,ed $or t+e

    :P#; and #odeUpt;yA is t+e t+res+old to deide 9+et+er to delete t+e ;SP:S#;)

    T+ere$ore to ensure t+e aess o$ t+e 'DD su/sri/ers you an ma7e some adFustment

    aordin* to Ta/le BC 9+en t+e ode resoure is limited t+ou*+ t+e ;S:PA rate may


    Ta/le BC AdFustin* #ode 'esoure Alloation



    and step#u&&ent$alue

    Update$alue !ema&6

    :p+#ode;y:P#; #ode;ysteresis

    0))51& 1C &8

    To derease t+enum/er o$ reFetedser,ies $or :#; noode

    #odeUpt;yA#odeUpdate;ysteresis A

    0))51& 1C &8

    To derease t+enum/er o$ reFetedser,ies $or :#; noode

    3.8. Monito&in0 #E !esou&'e

    T+e #" resoure is mainly monitored t+rou*+ t+e ma

  • 8/9/2019 ZTE KPI Optimization Analysis Guide V1 1 1


    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    3.8.3 Optimization o* Po,e& #ont&ol Monito&in0 and Optimizin0 (o,nlin6 Po,e& #ont&ol

    =imited T#P in /usy +ours 9ill not only inrease aess $ailures and all drops in t+e loal

    ell /ut also inrease so$t +ando,er $ailures and all drops in t+e nei*+/orin* ells)

    (um/er o$ reFeted ser,ies and :#; do9nlin7 T#P limit are intuiti,e KPIs to Fud*e

    9+et+er T#P is limited) Alt+ou*+ limited uplin7 apaity and massi,e U" mo,es in t+e

    rus+ +ours may also ause all drops t+e limited T#P is a/solutely a 7ey $ator)

    >ased on t+e system al*orit+m Min;sdpaPo9er 6Min;spaP9r'to Q (o;sPo9er (ode

    > i$ t+e sa$ety t+res+old is used 6Min;sdpaPo9er means t+e po9er reser,ed $or ;SPA

    t+en it 9ill ati,ate t+e do9nlin7 rate do9n*rade al*orit+m $lo9 $or t+e on*estion 6lo9er

    t+e do9nlin7 :#; rate) Alt+ou*+ t+e rate do9n*rade an ensure aess o$ some

    su/sri/ers it is an irre*ular ation and 9ill de*rade t+e per$ormane)

    3.8.8 Speedin0 up !ate (o,n0&ade

    #onsiderin* t+at t+e ells 9it+ +ea,y load reFet more aess re@uests you an speed up

    t+e rate do9n*rade durin* t+e resoure on*estion to release t+e resoures as soon as

    possi/le and a,oid all drops aused /y aess $ailures 6t+is met+od is only applia/le to

    t+e ells 9it+ many PS ser,ie users /ut not t+ose 9it+ only #S ser,ie users) Ta/le B

    is an e

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    UMTS KPI Optimization Analysis Guide Internal Use Only

    3.8.: Optimization o* Uplin6 #apa'ity at t+e -+ole Net,o&6 Le$el

    #aseT+e uplin7 apaity 9as limited in a lar*e num/er o$ sites a$ter t+e uto,er and t+e

    symptoms are a s+arp rise o$ 'T4P and a +i*+ all drop rate durin* t+e rus+ +ours)

    A$ter t+e $ollo9in* parameters 9ere modi$ied as s+o9n in Ta/le B8 t+e pro/lem 9as


    Ta/le B8 "

    U= )B KE1)C Ksi*nalin* U= 1&)& KAM'

    B5 )5
