
The purpose of this book is to give you enough information to be able to use this  process on your own and begin the task of freeing yourself from the bondage of these unconscious  patterns. And once you begin deleting patterns, you will find it easier and easier to be focused in the  present moment and to make choices based on what y ou want, what serves you and what feels good, rather than following the “needs” of the pattern and mindlessly repeating past anger, pain, disappointment, shame and blame over and over again. You will be free The Zoint rocess itself is !uite simple. "n fact, you need concern yourself with only three aspects# $. The first is to install the healing or clearing program, which is a simple one%time  process. &. The second is to choose a cue word to “activate” the healing program. '. The third is to focus your awareness on an issue, feeling or memory and clear it. " hereby set a powerful intention within you, my subconscious mind, to effect the best of all possible outcomes by this clearing, and that each time " notice a pattern or patterns " wish to eliminate, as " say or think my cue word, you will eliminate all such patterns and components of patterns completely and safely, and each time " repeat my cue word in se!uence, you will access deeper and deeper layers and all parts and all aspects of my  being. And, each and every time " draw a (ircle and place within that (ircle whatever thoughts, memories, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, assumptions, conclusions and associated energy patterns " intend to release, you will release all of these and bring me to a place of peace and balance. Basic ZPoint - A Three-Step Process  )ow you are ready to put Zoint to use. *ust focus on an area where you are having difficulty and say the following three statements aloud or to yourself. At the end of each statement, repeat your cue word + aloud or silently + as if it were a mantra, until you eperience a shift. A “shift” feels like a sense of release or relaing of the body. This usually occurs within ten to fifteen seconds. Step 1. " clear all the ways that -" feel depressed, angry, resentful, ealous, etc./. 0repeat your cue word 1

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The purpose of this book is to give you enough information to be able to use this

 process on

your own and begin the task of freeing yourself from the bondage of these unconscious


And once you begin deleting patterns, you will find it easier and easier to be focused in

the present moment and to make choices based on what you want, what serves you and

what feels

good, rather than following the “needs” of the pattern and mindlessly repeating past

anger, pain,

disappointment, shame and blame over and over again. You will be free

The Zoint rocess itself is !uite simple. "n fact, you need concern yourself with only



$. The first is to install the healing or clearing program, which is a simple one%time

 process.&. The second is to choose a cue word to “activate” the healing program.

'. The third is to focus your awareness on an issue, feeling or memory and clear it.

" hereby set a powerful intention within you, my subconscious mind, to effect the best


all possible outcomes by this clearing, and that each time " notice a pattern or patterns "

wish to eliminate, as " say or think my cue word, you will eliminate all such patterns


components of patterns completely and safely, and each time " repeat my cue word in

se!uence, you will access deeper and deeper layers and all parts and all aspects of my

 being. And, each and every time " draw a (ircle and place within that (ircle whatever 

thoughts, memories, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, assumptions, conclusions and

associated energy patterns " intend to release, you will release all of these and bring me

to a place of peace and balance.

Basic ZPoint - A Three-Step Process )ow you are ready to put Zoint to use. *ust focus on an area where you are having


and say the following three statements aloud or to yourself. At the end of each

statement, repeat

your cue word + aloud or silently + as if it were a mantra, until you eperience a shift. A


feels like a sense of release or relaing of the body. This usually occurs within ten to



Step 1. " clear all the ways that -" feel depressed, angry, resentful, ealous, etc./.

0repeatyour cue word 1

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Step 2. " clear all the patterns connected to all of these ways. 0cue1

Step 3. " clear all the emotions2 connected to all of these patterns. 0cue1

Note: 3or the sake of convenience, throughout the rest of this book we will usually

replace thewords “I clear all the ways” with “ICATW .” 4henever you see these letters, simply


“" clear all the ways.”

" clear all the ways " feel angry whenever... 0cue1

• "(AT4 " feel angry because... 0cue1

• "(AT4 " feel angry if... 0cue1

 )ow, please repeat the following statements to yourself and following each statement,repeat

your cue word silently to yourself for $5 to $6 seconds#

● I clear all the ways " feel this anger. 0cue1

3or now, simply focus on such area7s and continue with the statements.


● "(AT4 this anger is epressing itself through my 9part of body:. 0cue1

● "(AT4 " feel this anger whenever... 0cue1

● "(AT4 " feel this anger because... 0cue1

● "(AT4 this anger is connected to patterns of energy stored in my body. 0cue1● "(AT4 this anger may be connected to other strong feelings within me. 0cue1

 )ow, to finish we always complete a series of statements by saying statements & and '

like this#

● " clear all the patterns connected to all of these ways. 0cue1

● " clear all the emotions connected to all of these patterns. 0cue1

At this point it would be good to check in ust to see where that anger is now. ;stimate


<.=.>.s to see if the anger has been completely released. "f it has, you simply won7t feel

it either 

as an emotion within you, or as a pain being manifested in your body. "f your <.=.>.s is

at 5 youare finished. "f not, repeat the statements above like this#

● "(AT4 " feel this remaining anger. 0cue1Por ahora, simplemente se centran en la zona, y continuar con las declaraciones.19● ICATW este enojo se está epresando a tra!"s de mi #parte del cuerpo$.%cue&● ICATW me siento ra'ia cada !ez (ue ... %cue&● ICATW me siento ira, por(ue ... %cue&● ICATW este enojo está conectada a los patrones de ener)*a almacenada enmi cuerpo. %cue&● ICATW esta ira se puede conectar a otros sentimientos +uertes dentro de m*.%cue&

 Ahora, para terminar siempre realizar una serie de declaraciones diciendo (uelos estados y - de esta manera● puedo 'orrar todos los patrones conectado a todas estas +ormas. %cue&● puedo 'orrar todas las emociones conectadas con todos estos patrones.%cue&/n este punto ser*a 'ueno hacer el chec0 in para !er en (ue la ira es ahora.estimar suTC para !er si la ira se ha li'erado por completo. i es as*, simplemente nose siente 'iencomo una emoci2n dentro de ti, o como un dolor (ue se mani+iesta en su cuerpo. i su .3.4.s está a 5 (ueterminado. i no es as*, repita las declaraciones anteriores de esta manera● ICATW me siento ira restantes. %cue&

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● "(AT4 this remaining anger is epressing itself through my 9part of body:. 0cue1

● "(AT4 " feel this remaining anger whenever... 0cue1

● "(AT4 " feel this remaining anger because... 0cue1

● "(AT4 this remaining anger is connected to patterns of energy stored in my body.

0cue1● "(AT4 this remaining anger may be connected to other strong feelings within me.


Again, to finish we always complete a series of statements by saying statements & and '



● " clear all the remaining  patterns connected to all of these ways. 0cue1

● " clear all the remaining emotions connected to all of these patterns. 0cue1

At this point it is likely that your anger will be completely released. You will feel


centred and relaed. "f you try to access your anger you will find in its place an emptyfeeling or 

a feeling of neutrality. Your anger will be gone. ermanently.


Then, two weeks later, " had the conversation with <tar. As he told the story, " started


goosebumps on my arms and immediately remembered my dream# “=se Zoint to


memories of past events.”

And that is essentially what ;TT does. "t changes memories of past events by releasing

all of thethoughts, memories, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, assumptions and conclusions

surrounding a

current condition or feeling in one?s life. "n a very magical way, it releases everything

of any

emotional conse!uence that causes us to get locked into patterns of behavior that are


"t changes memories of past events by changing our perception of those events and, by

changing our perceptions, it changes the events themselves.

ETT StepsThe ;rase the Tape @ethod relies heavily on the power of intention to effect positive


within the subconscious mind. 4ith the ;TT @ethod, we specifically use intention in a


direct way. 4e intend to release every thought, memory, belief, attitude,

emotion, assumption

and conclusion that does not serve our highest good as it relates to the area we

are focusing on.

To do this, we simply count backwards from ten to ero, with ten representing this

moment in

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time and ero representing the moment of our conception. 4e erase the tape of

everything in

 between as it relates to the area we are focusing on.

This Zoint ;TT method is simple yet incredibly effective. 4e are clearing “all the


memories, beliefs, attitudes, emotions, assumptions and conclusions” about a conditionin our 

lives that seems to have us stuck. Bere?s how it works#

Focus your Awareness on an Area of oncernCegin by focusing your awareness on an area of concern. This could be a relationship, a


condition, a negative belief system, an addiction + anything you want to work on.


there are no limitations on areas to work on. Dpen your mind and allow yourself the


 possible latitude. You can use ;TT on everything.Cefore we begin, you may find it useful to take a piece of paper and draw a large circle

upon it.

!raw a circleTake a piece of paper and draw a large circle. Traditionally, circles represent wholeness


completion and as we all know, our subconscious mind is powerfully affected by

symbols such

as this.

The idea is to write within your circle every limiting thought, memory, belief, attitude,

emotion,assumption and conclusion that comes to mind about that topic. Ce creative and allow

your mind

to bring up everything you believe would have an impact on your situation.

Everything you wish

to release goes into the circle.

You now have a “bundle” of information, which helps to clarify many the negative

 patterns your 

subconscious mind may be running about the topic. Your circle represents your

connection to

the infinite within you. 4hen you place items into the circle for clearing, you are

making acontract with yourself to release everything even remotely associated with


Set your intention to release e"erythin#Bere7s the really beautiful thing about this process# you don7t need to know eactly how

to do

whatever it is you want to do. You are not in chargeE Your subconscious mind is. "f you

want to

 pick up a glass of water from a table, you only need to have the thought that you7d like

to take a

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drink. Your mind and your muscles are very aware of what steps need to be taken to


this. Your hand will reach out, grasp the glass and raise it to your lips to take a drink. "t


happens !uite automatically and seems independent of your conscious awareness.

"n a similar way, you need only set your intention to clear whatever you?ve written orimagined

within your circle. "n other words, ust setting your intention to release whatever you

write or 

 place within the circle sets off a series of events within your subconscious mind that

results in

your releasing whatever you7ve placed within the circle. The ;TT process itself takes

over and

completes the task for you. You need only trust that it will be so, ust like you trust your


and arm to bring that glass of water to your lips.

ount it $own )ow, having set your intention to clear everything you?ve placed in your circle, you

will simply

count down from ten to zero, repeating your cue word for a comfortable period of time


each number. Femember that ten represents this moment in time and ero represents the

moment of your conception, and that in a very real way you are ;rasing the Tape on


eperience, memory, emotion, and intention in between.

Again, the trick here is to allow$5 the process to work. All you need do is simply count

down and

repeat your cue. ;verything else is automatic. "f you become aware of uncomfortable or


thoughts, feelings or memories, ust allow yourself to be aware of them and do nothing


than continue repeating your cue and counting down. ;perience has shown that the

 process will

manage itself !uite nicely and will release anything that needs to be released.

hec%in# in>o you feel completely peacefulG "f not, count down again, this time mentally placing

everything from your first circle into a new one, and setting the intention that anythingremaining will be released. ay attention to any memories, feelings, body sensations or


else that enters your mind during the countdown. @any people report remembering

events from

childhood in vivid detail. <ome also report past life memories or feelings. Again, don?t

try to

change anything. *ust allow the process to release and balance whatever needs to be

released.$5 Zoint

Summin# &p Erase The TapeHet?s review the steps#

Step 1 + 3ocus on an issue or feeling you wish to release.

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Step 2 + >raw a circle on a sheet of paper and list all of your thoughts, beliefs,


situations, fears, imaginings, negative thoughts, relationships, decisions, upsets, dreams,

affirmations, desires, personal goals, professional goals and so on concerning the issue.


down anything you can think of, both positive and negative, that touches on the issue.Step 3 + <et your intention to release everything.

Step ' + (ount down from ten and to ero, repeating your cue word between the


Step ( + 3inish by repeating statements & and '.

hec% in + >o you feel completely peacefulG "f not, repeat the process and don?t forget

to finish

your clearing session by drinking a drink of water.

<o, let7s begin...

4hen " think about how " allow others to take away my power, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.



" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about how " shy away from epressing my true feelings, " feel...


" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about how " can7t say what " really want to say, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

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" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

 )ow we7ll use the word “imagine” to add power to the statement...

4henever " imagine myself speaking up for myself, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...

0cue1" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " imagine myself doing the things " really want to do, " feel ... 0cue1


" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about trusting my own thoughts and feelings, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about epressing my wants and needs to others, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

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" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about beating myself up over my own mistakes, " feel ...

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1


" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about being a perfectionist, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " imagine myself acting in ways that make me look good to others, " feel ...


" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

 )ow take a breath...and we7ll continue.

4henever " think about how much " really don7t like myself, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

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" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about how " am affected by the opinions of others, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1


" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

 )ow, we7ll finish as we always do by saying statements & and '...

" clear all the patterns connected to all of these ways. 0cue1

" clear all the emotions and feelings connected to all of these patterns. 0cue1


hapter )otes

hapter Four* The +penin# Techni,ue"n early <eptember of &55J " created a new statement that is proving to be very effective

in a

number of important ways. This deceptively simple statement is “4henever " think


0blank1, " feel ... This is followed by a $5 to $6 second repetition of the cue word.

3or eample, “whenever " think about my father, " feel ...”, or “whenever " think about

my ob, "

feel...”, or “whenever " think about my mother7s death, " feel ...”. Kuite literally you can

 pluganything you wish into the statement and your subconscious mind will dutifully respond


allowing you to access your true feelings concerning whatever it is you wish to focus


onnectin# to our Personal Power "n the following eample, we will use the Dpening Techni!ue to better connect you to

your own

sense of personal power. You7ll note that " use a new approach where you can literally

 plug inyour own particular areas of concern and create your own Dpening <tatements.

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4e7ll begin by repeating the Dpening <tatement and follow up by saying very general


statements that will have the effect of clearing any feelings that the Dpening <tatement

stirs up

within you. lease note how general the clearing statements are. 4hile each Dpening

<tatementwill change to reflect the focus of the clearing, the additional clearing statements can be

identical for every clearing. This simplifies the rocess enormously and adds to its



<o, let7s begin...

4hen " think about how " allow others to take away my power, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.0cue1


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about how " shy away from epressing my true feelings, " feel...


" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about how " can7t say what " really want to say, " feel ... 0cue1" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1 )ow we7ll use the word “imagine” to add power to the statement...

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4henever " imagine myself speaking up for myself, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " imagine myself doing the things " really want to do, " feel ... 0cue1


" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about trusting my own thoughts and feelings, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about epressing my wants and needs to others, " feel ... 0cue1" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue14henever " think about beating myself up over my own mistakes, " feel ...

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" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.

0cue1" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1


" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " think about being a perfectionist, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

4henever " imagine myself acting in ways that make me look good to others, " feel ...


" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

 )ow take a breath...and we7ll continue.4henever " think about how much " really don7t like myself, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

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4henever " think about how " am affected by the opinions of others, " feel ... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings because... 0cue1

" clear all the ways " feel these feelings whenever ... 0cue1


" clear all the ways " may feel these feelings if ... 0cue1" clear all the ways any parts of me may not want to let these and similar feelings go.


" clear all the ways these parts of me may not want to release these feelings because ...


" clear all the ways parts of me may benefit from holding onto these feelings. 0cue1

" clear all the ways parts of me wouldn7t feel safe by releasing these feelings now 0cue1

" clear all the ways these parts wouldn7t feel safe because ... 0cue1

 )ow, we7ll finish as we always do by saying statements & and '...

" clear all the patterns connected to all of these ways. 0cue1

" clear all the emotions and feelings connected to all of these patterns. 0cue1


<ome of the statements we used were#

o " clear all the ways there may be parts of me unwilling to give up

overeating because... 0cue1

o "(AT4 parts of me benefit from overeating. 0cue1

o "(AT4 parts of me wouldn7t feel safe releasing this issue because...

0cue1o "(AT4 " need to bond with food because... 0cue1

o "(AT4 " need to eat compulsively because... 0cue1

o "(AT4 " can7t stop eating compulsivelyL 0cue1

o "(AT4 " need more and more food. 0cue1

o "(AT4 " use ecess weight to set boundaries with others. 0cue1

o "(AT4 " am safer at this weight because... 0cue1

o "(AT4 " use ecess weight to protect myself from... 0cue1

o " clear all the origins and core issues why " have etra weight. 0cue1

o "(AT4 " use food for anything other than nourishment for my body.


o "(AT4 circumstances trigger my unhealthy eating habits. 0cue1

o "(AT4 " need to be protected by a layer of fat. 0