
Gemini Zoey Wu 1

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Zoey Wu 1 Author’s Note 4 Words Checked: 2418 Words in Oxford 3000: 93% 2 C hapter 6 Grandma’s Visit 29 C hapter 7 An Unexpected Strike 32 C hapter 3 Grown Up in the Fort 16 Acknowledgement C hapter 2 The Cusacks at a Glance 13 C hapter 1 Delivery Boy’s Message 7 3


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Zoey Wu


Page 2: ZoeyWu_Gemini

Words Checked: 2418

Words in Oxford 3000: 93%

Content Author’s Note 4

Synopsis 6


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Chapter 1 Delivery Boy’s Message 7

Chapter 2 The Cusacks at a Glance 13

Chapter 3 Grown Up in the Fort 16

Chapter 4 Secretly Compete 22

Chapter 5 Triple 25

Chapter 6 Grandma’s Visit 29

Chapter 7 An Unexpected Strike 32

Chapter 8 Gemini 34



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Author’s Note

Zoey Wu | 1990 February born in

Kaohsiung , Taiwan. I spent almost 5 years in Indonesia and half a year in China due to my dad’s work. Currently a 4th year student from English Department class B at Wenzao Ursuline College of Languages. In my leisure time, I am crazy about movies and music. Another interesting fact is that I enjoy my time observing living things.


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Synopsis A delivery boy accidentally revealed the

Cusack twins’ birth. To the villagers, the

Cusacks’ was a mystery. Everyone hoped to

have a peep at the Cusack twin’s life. Giselle

and Keira, the twin angels, had been living in

their isolated two-man world until Luke


Gemini couldn't be apart…


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“When I look in the mirror, I see you Giselle… I

would give anything just for you to come

back…Sister please!! Come back to me…”

Chapter 1 Delivery Boy’s Message

It was a breezy day in early June.

There were lively discussions on the street.

“Did you know that the baby of the

Cusack family would be born today?” a

villager said. “I’ve heard that they are

having twin girls,” others added. The

Cusack family had two cute twin sisters,

one named Giselle, another named Keira.


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Giselle was the older sister who had come

out a bit earlier to say hello to the world.

And Keira was her younger twin sister.

Mr. and Mrs. Cusack had little

contact with the other villagers. All the

villagers knew only that Mr. Cusack was

seldom at home and his occupation was a

lawyer. What about Mrs. Cusack? No idea

at all! She never appeared on the street or

in the market. Basically, you saw her

nowhere. They lived in a mansion at the

end of the main street running through the


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village. They lived on Kiev Street. The

Cusack family had a bushy front yard

which isolated them from the outside

world. The villagers hardly ever looked

through the yard to see the whole picture

of the family. They were so mysterious.

The villagers all wanted to have a peep at

the family. However, the Cusacks’ failed

everyone’s attempt by their closely


The Cusack family’s world was

revealed when the twin baby’s birthday


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came. The maids were busily rushing in

and out the house and through the yard.

Though Mr. Cusack was dealing with a

lawsuit in court out of the village, he was

hurrying back home as well. All this was

for the birth of the Cusack twins.

The twins were born in the early

morning of June 10th. A delivery boy was

delivering the daily newspaper in the early

morning. When he arrived in front of the

Cusack family’s fence and called at the

door, nobody answered. He kept yelling


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but it was still not working. So he rang the

doorbell. Once..Twice…When he was

about to ring it for the third time, a maid

came to the gate hastily to take the

newspaper. She murmured something

while she was walking back to the house,

“The lady of the house is giving birth to

the babies. I should be around to

accompany her. They are twins…twins.

Oh my goodness!”

The delivery boy overheard what the

maid had murmured. Later, he decided to


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play his role of his job well and

announced this news to everyone in the

village. That was his mission. “Breaking

news, breaking news… The mysterious

Cusack family got

twins.” The delivery

boy rode his bike to

every little corner of

the village and tried

his best to deliver this message until there

was no one didn’t know that new lives has

came to the Cusacks.


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Chapter 2 The Cusacks at a Glance

Ever since Mrs. Cusack had given

birth to the twins, her health had gotten

worse. She even experienced postpartum

depression due to the fact that Mr. Cusack

didn’t often stay with her. She was having

a big problem without a sense of security.

Her faithful maid suggested her to hire a

nanny to take care of her two “angels”.


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Mrs. Cusack had doubt about it at the very

beginning. She just couldn’t trust anyone

with her newborns. After urging the idea

over and over again, Mrs. Cusack finally


Soon after, the announcement of the

Cusacks hiring a nanny widely spread

through every street and alley. Certainly,

villagers wouldn’t give up this great

opportunity to have a close look at the




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family. A lot of women applied for

the position and lined up in front of the

Cusack mansion. That was truly like an

audition. And Mrs. Cusack interviewed

them one by one. She had always been

cautious, not even to mention this was for

her dear babies. At last, a forty-five year

old experienced woman was ultimately


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hired to take care of the twin sisters. This

event was the only and the last chance for

the villagers to have contact with the


Chapter 3 Grown up in the Fort

Day by day, the Cusacks’ twins have

grown up. Indeed they were adorable and

innocent, just like two angels. The two

little girls had everything in common,

except for eyes color. Giselle, the older

one, had blue eyes while Keira, the


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younger sister, had green eyes. Although

twins shared many things in common,

they were still two individuals. The

differences between them were not

obvious when the twins were about three.

Only the one who had the closest

relationship with the girls could recognize

the differences. Patty, the nanny,

discovered that Giselle was a quiet kid.

She seldom annoyed people and mostly

enjoyed her time playing with anyone.

Unlike Giselle, Keira was a troublesome


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kid. She is talkative and always bugged

everybody as possible as she can. She just

wanted to make sure that everybody knew

that she was around. She wanted to grasp

people’s full attention. Since their anxious

mom had treasured them so much and

tried hard to keep them both away from

harm, the twins

had never

stepped out of

their front yard. It was hard to believe that

the Cusack twins had grown up in a fort.


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As they grew older, Keira started to

act curiously toward the outside world.

She was really eager to know what exactly

happened in the village. Without Mrs.

Cusack’s permission, no one dared to

open the gate of the Cusack mansion.

However, the little cute girls begged the

nanny to take them out of this fort. They

got bored with everything around them.

Patty felt pity for them because they

hadn’t had the chance to see the wonderful

world outside. As a result, she made a


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bold decision; that is to bring the twins

into the real world. It was a risky

movement and unfortunately the trouble

maker, Keira was missing in the play yard.

Patty searched everywhere for her for

several hours but she still wasn’t found. In

fact, Keira was too young to recognize the

road and she was so unfamiliar with the

environment. She got lost. She wandered

around the village. It was the police

officer who finally drove her home. For

her, the experience was so adventurous


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but for the nanny, the experience was the

biggest mistake that she ever made of her

life. Patty got fired from the Cusacks

because she took the twins out without

permission. Mrs. Cusack was furious

about this and she now couldn’t fully trust

any other maids anymore. She decided to

take care of the twins by herself. The

Cusacks were back into their isolated life

again in a fort.


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Chapter 4 Secretly Compete

The Cusack twins were almost

seven and it reached the age of going to

school. Mrs. Cusack asked her only and

best friend Ms. Haley to home-school her

children. Ms. Haley was glad to help and

she came regularly to tutor them. Ms.


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Haley wasn’t surprised to find out that

both of the twins were intelligent. Giselle

followed the pace of her teaching and

improved gradually. She handed in her

homework on time. She had remarkable

results in learning. Mr. and Mrs.Cusack

were satisfied with Giselle’s performance.

They always congratulated her in front of

Keira. Keira wasn’t bad either, just she

wasn’t active enough. She thought more

beyond the textbook. Again and again,

Keira’s confidence was knocked down by


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her sister’s terrific performance. She often

received less attention than her sister did

and she couldn’t accept that. She felt

jealous even though she regarded Giselle

as her role model.

“We are supposed to

be treated the same

because we look the same and we are

twins,” Keira grumbled.


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Chapter 5 Triple

Although sometimes Keira competed

with her sister secretly, this had nothing to

do with their relationship. Giselle and

Keira were like Adam and Eva. They were

parts from each other. They reflected and

depended on each other.


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Ms. Haley had a son named Luke.

Luke was a warm-hearted boy who was

two years older than the Cusack twins. He

was easy to get along with. He often

followed his mother to the Cusack’s.

Mostly he stayed aside and played by

himself. Luke, Giselle and Keira became

friends. Gradually the twins couldn’t live

without Luke. He was the only companion

in twin’s childhood, since the twins didn’t

attend school and had no classmates. Luke,

Giselle, and Keira had a wonderful time.


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Things were simple at the very beginning,

but they were different when the third

person gets involved in two-man’s life.

Chemistry was in the air…..


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Keira had a crush on Luke since she

first met him. Keira was more boyish than

her sister. She was good at getting along

with boys. So basically, Luke and Keira

were closer because they shared similar

interests. Or

we could

say, Keira


she was interested in particular stuff

because of Luke. Then she had an

excuse to spend time with him. However,


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Luke treated both of the twins equally.

Keira couldn’t distinguish which one he

liked more. She was so afraid that Giselle

would win Luke’s heart even though

Giselle had made no attempt to do so.

Luke’s favorite was never revealed.


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Chapter 6 Grandma’s Visit

The Cusack twins were no longer

children. In the summer they turned

fifteen, their parents got divorced. This

was quite big news in the village because

it explained that the Cusack family

weren’t as happy as it appeared to be.

Mr. Cusack was broke and he couldn’t

stand his wife’s mental status anymore, so

he decided to get a divorce. Mrs. Cusack

was desperate after the divorce. She


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couldn’t raise her kids all alone, so she

asked her mother for help. Josephine

considered this was a serious matter so she

hurried on to pay a visit. Grandma

Josephine spent a few days there with the

girls. She discovered that Keira wasn’t an

easy-going girl. She was brilliant and

ambitious. It would be a waste if she

stayed in this unknown village. She then

enquired about taking Keira back to

Australia. Giselle volunteered to stay and

take care of their mother. Keira was


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thrilled that she was given the opportunity

to develop herself. This was the first time

feeling she had something different and

valuable compared to her dear sister. She

couldn’t wait for her success to come.


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Chapter 7 An Unexpected Strike

It had already been six years since

the Cusack twins were separated. Life

surely had changed a lot. Keira had

finished her education in Australia. She

lived a quality life and she was satisfied

with all the things she had now. One day,

she was informed that Luke was getting

married. Keira was stunned when she

noticed that Luke was marrying her sister,

Giselle. When she went back to the village,


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she asked Luke, “When did my sister and

you start dating? I didn’t know that at all.”

Luke laughed and said, “We’ve been in

love for more than ten years.” That

means…Luke and Giselle were in love

when three of them were playing around

together. Keira felt humiliated and she felt

that her sister betrayed her. “After all

these years, I still couldn’t defeat Giselle.

I had a perfect job, quality life, but I lost

at the very beginning. How pathetic! I

want revenge….” This was Keira’s


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thought after they reunited.

Chapter 8 Gemini

A year after Luke and Giselle got

married, Giselle was about to give birth

for their first child.

The day came but

Luke was away

from home on a

business trip. It was a stormy night.

Giselle had a difficult delivery.

The situation was severe. The doctor

needed her family to decide whom to keep


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in this childbirth. One would die. “Keep

the child!” Keira bawled out. “This is the

time that I could replace Giselle and be

exactly her.” She reckoned that was the

best way to take revenge and she thought

that she really wanted to do this. However,

as she saw the baby safely delivered yet

Giselle was suffering and almost dying

pale. She soon regretted for her decision

and behaviors, but it was too late. All she

could do was keep telling herself, “Sister

would do the same thing. She would make


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exactly the same decision to keep the child

alive. That is their baby, from Giselle and

Luke…yeah …And we are twins, we

know exactly what each other thinks. We

have telepathy… I didn’t do anything

wrong. Luke will be grateful!”

Now, Giselle has disappeared in

Keira’s world but Luke still doesn’t

belong to her. Luke won’t let Keira to

touch their child. Keira would never

substitute for Giselle, no matter how

similar they looked like in appearance.


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Keira realized that this had been such a

deep pain and she couldn’t live without

her sister.

“When I look in the mirror, I see you

Giselle… I would give anything just for

you to come back…Sister please!! Come

back to me….” Keira is kneeling on the

ground wailing for Giselle’s return with

broken pieces of glass scattered all over

the floor. They shared the same soul. They

are Gemini.


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s Pictures reference:



Delivery boy


Queue picture


Olsen twins






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About the story…

A delivery boy accidentally revealed the

Cusack twins’ birth. To the villagers, the

Cusacks’ was a mystery. Everyone hoped to

have a peep at the Cusack twin’s life. Giselle

and Keira, the twin angels, had been living in

their isolated two-man world until Luke


Gemini couldn't be apart…


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