zlot technologiczny sap 2008 - enterprise architecture

Enterprise Architecture & SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework Driving and Governing Your Business Transformation Laurent Rieu Office of the CTO EMEA June 11, 2008

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Enterprise Architecture & SAP Enterprise ArchitectureFrameworkDriving and Governing Your Business Transformation

Laurent RieuOffice of the CTO EMEAJune 11, 2008

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1. Why Enterprise Architecture: Drivers, Benefits, Values2. Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise SOA3. SAP Delivering Enterprise Architecture


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Business Networks: How Do You Get There?How Do You Govern The Transformation?

You lack criticalmass to enter amarket alone

Complement anincumbent’soffer

Competition ispressuring margins

Divest non-core processes

Market rewardsrapid introduction ofnew products

Drive changesthrough brandpower

Customer problemrequires diversedisciplines to solve

Orchestrate astrusted advisor

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What is Enterprise Architecture?

Enterprise ArchitectureDefinition

The description of the current and future stateof an organization's business processes,

technology platforms and information systemsrequired to support the business strategy

How to get from the current architecture tofuture desired state

Enterprise ArchitectureGoal

Bring together Business and IT people in acommon understanding of how people,

process, data and technology must convergeto take the business strategy from vision to


Why Enterprise Architecture?

The successful businesstransformation supported by IT

requires Enterprise Architecture:

How do I get there? What are thebest practices?

How do I control and govern thetransformation?

How can I ensure that IT is aligned tothe business?

How do I integrate solutions acrossthe organisation?

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Enterprise Architecture Discipline

Key discipline facilitating a holistic view of anenterprise

Treats the entire enterprise as a System

Mechanism for enabling design, development,communication and understanding of the enterprise

Overarching goal is to manage the complexity of theenterprise

Align business strategies and implementations

Facilitate rapid change in order to maintain businessand technological advantages

Applicationand DataArchitecture









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Benefits of Enterprise Architecture to theBusiness

Achievement of a company’s business strategy or of externaldrivers

Without a full understanding of business, application and technicalarchitectures, a business doesn’t know what it has or doesn’t have

Business processes and information consistencyEA unlocks the power of information whilst unifying information silos thatinhibit business processesIdentify processes, applications and data that need to be consistent

More reliability and security, less riskEA provides clear traceability between business processes, data, userroles, applications and infrastructure

Faster time-to-marketIf IT can introduce new technologies and functionalities faster, theorganization can respond to competitive pressures fasterThese areas are most likely to be spotted when business and IT staffcollaborate closely in the EA process


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Benefits of Enterprise Architecture to IT

Lower IT costsFaster design and development due to standard designs andcomponentsIT procurement efficiencies due to economies of scale

Better traceability of IT costsGreater understanding of the interrelated nature of business,application and infrastructure assets

More manageable complexityClear vision of As-Is and To-Be architecture and migration planComprehensive view of apps, software, infrastructure and theirinterrelatedness diminishes duplication and overlap

Less IT riskDeveloping a managed transformation plan means IT is prepared todeliver new capabilities in a timely mannerIT effort is aligned with the strategy and expectations set at the rightlevel

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Components of Enterprise Architecture







Business Processes,Workflows, Transactions

and Collaboration


Technology ArchitectureTechnology Architecture Software, Hardware, Server, OS, Network


Systems, Services,Functional Use Cases

Data, Business Objects,Exchange Formats,

Security and Privacy

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1. Why Enterprise Architecture: Drivers, Benefits, Values2. Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise SOA3. SAP Delivering Enterprise Architecture


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What’s the difference between EA andEnterprise SOA?

Enterprise ArchitectureThe description of the current and futurestate of an organization's businessprocesses, technology platforms andinformation systems required to supportthe business strategy

Enterprise SOAAn application pattern that provides newtechnology and business capabilitywithin the boundaries set out byEnterprise Architecture Build











When a customer is considering Enterprise SOA, either there is already an EAin place or there is a need to develop one…

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The need for Enterprise Architecture in EnterpriseSOA

Effective management of SOA requires a more formalized understandingof the IT landscape with explicit links to the business it supports

Alignment between business and IT is the challenge facing SOA adoptersSignificant differences between an SOA landscape and a traditional IT landscapeNew points of stress and focus

Technology can address many of these stress points ; but not allKey Risks

Proliferation of misaligned services at inappropriate levels of granularityservice sprawl

Inability to do impact assessment and overspend on infrastructurepoor service quality

Multiple technology stacks that are costly to support and do not interoperatecostly services

“Islands of services” tied to implementation specificsServices are brittle and have high operational costs

Inability for potential service consumers to identify services for re-useDuplicate services

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Putting It Together - How EA can helpEnterprise SOA

Provides a set of tools and techniques to link Business-Led SOA to Developer-Led SOA

a robust and maintainable frameworkaddresses the non-technical challenges associated with SOA adoption

Defines structured traceable representations of business and technologylinks IT assets to the business they supportClear, maintainable and measurable

Supports impactassessment and portfoliomanagement

Provides a much richercontextImproves the ability tomanage change

Defines principles,constraints, frameworks,patterns and standards

Forms the basis of ongoinggovernance,Ensures aligned services,interoperability and re-use







Business Processes,Workflows, Transactions

and Collaboration


Technology ArchitectureTechnology Architecture Software, Hardware, Server, OS, Network


Systems, Services,Functional Use Cases

Data, Business Objects,Exchange Formats,

Security and Privacy







Business Processes,Workflows, Transactions

and Collaboration


Technology ArchitectureTechnology Architecture Software, Hardware, Server, OS, Network


Systems, Services,Functional Use Cases

Data, Business Objects,Exchange Formats,

Security and Privacy

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1. Why Enterprise Architecture: Drivers, Benefits, Values2. Enterprise Architecture and Enterprise SOA3. SAP Delivering Enterprise Architecture


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Why Enterprise Architecture is becomingprominent?

New External Pressures on customersCorporate Governance

Data Protection and Privacy

Increased Security Profile

The same old internal pressuresBusiness wants more from IT for less

IT wants to reduce complexity and cost

Increasing adoption of Enterprise SOANew issues for customers to handle

Specifically for SAPProduct Suite is richer: more components, moreoptions

SAP is developing its footprint in Industry Sectorswhere SAP is a secondary part of the Architecture

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Enterprise Architecture: Now a strategicinitiative for SAP

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SAP Enterprise ArchitectureFramework for Enterprise SOA

EAF available under RoadmapComposer and integrated withSAP other assets

Global Hubof Enterprise Architects

Dedicated training and certificationfor Enterprise Architects

Enterprise Architecture Service Portfolioand Enterprise SOA Services

SAP Enterprise Architecture initiative






Global EA Community, with user groupsnotably ASUG, customers and partners



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SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework:Leverage and Extends TOGAF…

Generic andapplicable to many types

of architectures Vendor-agnosticopen standard


development method

Can be usedacross a wide variety

of industry typesand geographies

Technology- andSolution-independent

Tailorable to meetdifferent organizations

and industry needs


Traditional EA Frameworks generate a wealth of benefits for the Enterprise

Avoids re-inventingthe wheel

Large adoptionin the market

Available under a freeperpetual license

Possibility to participatein the evolution

of the Framework


There is still a blackhole…

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SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework:Filling The Gaps With Extensive Content

Two critical features are missing intraditional Enterprise Architecture Frameworks




Accelerated timelines

A clear transitionbetween Enterprise

Architectureand Solution delivery

Practical guidance

Robust and maturereference models


Fully packaged toolsetincl. methodology

Templates, concreteexamples and an applied

case study

Best Practices

An explicitMetamodel

A clear definition of process

A completedelivery tool

A clear definition of terms

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SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework:Mission Statement

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SAP EAF is an extension of theTOGAF Enterprise ArchitectureFramework specificallydesigned to support theeffective adoption of packagedsolutions in the Service-Oriented Enterprise.

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SAP EAF Overview

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SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework for Enterprise SOA

TOGAF ArchitectureDevelopment Method

TOGAFResource Base

Resource BaseExtensions

SAP TechnologyReference Models

SAP BusinessReference Models

SAP Enterprise ArchitectureFramework extensions




Templates, Examples and CaseStudies

Usage Guidelines



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SAP ContentTools

SAP ImplementationTools EA Modeling Tools

SAP Tooling Extensions

SAP Mapping Extensions

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SAP EAF – Architecture Development Method

ArchitectureContext Iterations




SAP EAF Processfollows TOGAFADM….but with


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Master7+ years of experience in Enterprise ArchitectureIn- and externally recognized as an expert in his/her EnterpriseArchitecture fieldDeep practical EA experience, integration, optimization andarchitectural knowledgeAbility to provide strategic vision and realizationAbility to articulate EA at CxO levelLeading teams and projects

Associate1-3 years of experience in Enterprise ArchitectureHands-on skills to successfully implement ERP solutionsFoundation knowledge of at least one domain in EnterpriseArchitectureWorks in a mentored position within an experienced team

Professional3-7 years of experience in Enterprise ArchitectureProfessional ERP experience, advanced solution and processknowledge, industry expertiseDeep knowledge of at least 1-2 domains in EnterpriseArchitectureT-shaped: broad view across several dimensions, plus deepcapability to understand a specific areaWorks independently within teams to realize EA projects,capability of mentoring others

SAP Tiered Certification: New ProgramFramework

Master Level:Expert knowledgein EnterpriseArchitecture

ProfessionalLevel:Advancedknowledge inEnterpriseArchitecture

AssociateLevel:Foundation levelknowledge inEnterpriseArchitecture. Skillsto contribute to EAprojects.

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SAP Enterprise Architect Curriculum andCertification: Associate and Professional


SAP Enterprise ArchitectFramework Level I

5 DaysSOA100

Enterprise SOAFundamentals

2 Days SOA110

Enterprise SOARoadmap

2 Days


SAP Enterprise ArchitectFramework Level II

5 DaysSO220

TOGAF Training& Certification

4 DaysCertified ProfessionalSAP Enterprise Architect


Certified Associate SAPEnterprise Architect

SAP Certified AssociateEnterprise Architect

SAP Certified ProfessionalEnterprise Architect


Aris Toolset for SAPEnterprise ArchitectFramework

2 Days

Certified Associate SAPEnterprise Architect


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Enterprise Architecture and SAP EAF:The Methodology for Enterprise SOA Adoption

Business Network Transformation requires guidance and rigor in orderto ensure Business and IT alignment and to deliver on its full promises

Enterprise Architecture as a corporate discipline helps govern thesuccessful transformation of a company’s business and IT landscapes

The New SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework is based on openstandards and may be used free of charge by our customers andpartners

It is specifically designed to support the effective adoption ofpackaged solutions in an Enterprise SOA environment

The New SAP Enterprise Architecture Framework is holistic, practicaland agile

Education materials, certification and service offerings are available

A global Enterprise Architecture Community is already created – withuser groups, customers and partners

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