zhou wen wang’s development of yijing (book of changes) 64 hexagrams

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An exploration of Leibniz' unrequited effort to unlock the 64 Hexagrams binary code. By using binary number theory this paper demonstrates how this can be done and what it means for us now in the West and the East.


  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Zhou Wen Wangs Development of Yijing (Book of Changes) 64 Hexagrams AN INDUCTIVE RECREATION OF BINARY EXTRAPOLATIVE OPERATIONS


    By Kevin Mequet 2013

    The Master said, Reviewing the old as a means of realizing the new

    such a person can be considered a teacher.

    Confucius, Analects (2, 11)


    Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz (1646 1716) spent a significant amount of his time and creative

    intellect upon the subject of China.1 While not the first western sinologistthat singular

    distinction went to Li Madou/Matteo Ricci (1552 1610) a century before2he was

    certainly an ardent sinophile. Whether in conversations and studies in Western Europe or

    extensive correspondences with Roman Catholic missionaries in China, he investigated a

    broad range of subjects from natural philosophy, theology, philosophy, politics or as is the

    focus of this essay upon mathematics. As the popularizer of a base-2 binary number and

    arithmetic applications system in Europe, he was intrigued and transfixed by his vicarious

    encounter with the very real possibility of ancient Chinas invention and use of this very

    same systemliterally several thousand years before its (re)invention in Western Europe.

    Unfortunately Leibniz had two liabilities operating against him. First, unbeknownst to

    him, the materials made available to him in Western Europe and the correspondences with

    which he prolifically participated were teleological and imprudent by todays standards of

    scholarship and academic practice. Second, also unbeknownst to him, the first emperor of

    unified China in 221 BCE, Qin Shihuangdi (259 210 BCE), destroyed practically all

    mathematical and literary materials in a systematic consolidation of power disrupting a long-

    1 Michela Fontana, Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Ming Court, Rowmann & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,

    (2011), p. 290 2 Ibid, p. 264

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    lived continuity of rich intellectual provenance.3 The importance of this cannot be overstated

    as we will see.

    A workable base-2 binary system was extant in Western Europe with which Leibniz was

    fascinated and conversant such that Roman Catholic Church Reverend Father Joachim

    Bouvet (1656 1730), a Jesuit missionary to the Imperial Capitol in Beijing for most of his

    life, corresponded with him about coincident resonances with the 64 Hexagram matrix he

    erroneously associated with Fu Xi First of The Three Sovereigns of Ancient China 30th

    century BCE.4 The first iteration of the Yijing (Book of Changes) by Wen Wang of Zhou

    occurred in late 12th century BCE. The hexagrams they were looking at were Wen Wangs

    and not Fu Xis. Due to the loss of continuity precipitated by Qin Shihuangdi an inferior

    turn-of-the-eras reconstruction of Wen Wangs Yijing was reformed by Shao Yung (1011

    1077 CE) during the great intellectual renaissance of the Song Dynasty.5 The Jin northern

    insurrection and Mongol invasion brought the Song dynasty to an end in the Late 13th

    century CE. Mongol Khan successors were assimilated and alloyed into Chinese culture

    founding the Yuan Dynasty that lasted into the Late 14th century CE. The collapse of the

    Yuan gave birth to a golden period of civil society valorizing Confucius and ushering in Neo

    Confucianism under the Ming Dynasty that lasted until 1644 CE, two years shy of Leibniz

    birth. The venerated Li Madou/Matteo Ricci, a Roman Catholic Church Jesuit missionary,

    opened the doors to a broader relationship between China and Western Europe at the

    decline of the Ming Dynasty. It is during the advent of the turbulent and truncated

    Manchurian insurrection that gave rise to the last dynastic Empire of the Great Qing. By the

    3 Ibid, pp. 255 6

    4 Daniel J. Cook and Henry Rosemont, Jr., Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz: Writings on China, Open Court

    Publishing Co., Chicago (1994), p. 63 [from Leibniz autograph, On the Civil Cult of Confucius, (1700/1701)] 5 James A. Ryan, Leibniz Binary System and Shao Yongs Yijing, University of Hawaii Philosophy East

    & West Volume 46 (1996), pp 67 73

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    late 18th century Imperial China had closed its doors to Western European meddling in its

    internal affairs of state.6 This was the context that influenced Leibniz sinology.

    Fu Xi never formulated nor knew of the 64 Hexagrams in 30th century BCE China. He

    formulated the 8 Trigrams of Harmony Between Heaven and Earth. Leibniz worked out a

    sufficient documentation of the binary system in his seminal short autograph Explication de

    lArithmtique Binaire (1703Published Memoires de lAcademie Royale des Sciences) or Explanation

    of Binary Arithmetic, and later recapitulated it in Remarks on Chinese Rites and Religion (1708)by

    which he attempted unsuccessfully to translate Fu Xis trigrams into binary numerals.

    Leibniz project was to legitimize the superiority of mathematics as the only authoritative

    system of reconciliation between the Roman Catholic Church of Europe and the Natural

    Philosophy and Theology of China thereby not only positioning himself as a leading

    authority in the burgeoning East/West relationship but also forging a durable

    accommodation between Reformation Protestantism and the same Roman Catholic Church.

    It was perhaps too grand and self-congratulatory. He quite possibly was unaware of this

    being Li Madou/Matteo Riccis very same project in China by then in decline and outright

    repudiation by Pope Clement XI and eventually long after Leibniz death strident

    nonaccommodation was permanently institutionalized as Church policy by Clement XIV.7

    Leibniz thesis was that Fu Xis trigrams were binary in another format in the following

    way. He took the trigrams three horizontal lines, solid signifying unity or (1) and broken or

    gapped signifying aught or (0) giving 2 options for each line position to be 23 = 8 total

    unique configurations: 010 (0002), 110 (0012), 210 (0102), 310 (0112), 410 (1002), 510 (1012), 610

    (1102), and 710 (1112).

    He committed two foundational errors that had Leibniz traveled to China would have

    been revealed to him. First, there has never been, nor is there, in traditional Chinese

    6 Michela Fontana, Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Ming Court, Rowmann & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,

    (2011), p. 294 7 Ibid, p. 294

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    pictography a numeric representation for zero (0), which leads to the second error. The Fu

    Xi 8 Trigram Sequence was numeral characters 1 8, and not 0 7. Consequently, Chinese

    binary numerology could never be directly reconciled, but only tangentially analogized,

    because it followed binary rules using 1, 2, and the doubling principle or 2x. The numeral

    character for 1 at the beginning of the sequence as (12) stood symbolically for Harmony and

    Heaven, and 10002 ended the series as 8 for Disharmony and Earth. Thus the series should

    be represented as 11 = 110 = 12, 21 = 210 = 102, 310 = 112, 2

    2 = 410 = 1002, 510 = 1012, 610 =

    1102, 710 = 1112, and 23 = 810 = 10002. As we now can see, Leibniz could never make the Fu

    Xi Trigrams sequential character line position options obey a doctrinaire adherence to solid

    unity for 1 and broken/gapped aught for 0 in the Western representational binary numeral

    sequence. The Fu Xi Trigram Sequence follows binary extrapolative rules, is pictographic,

    but are not binary numerals in the Western sense, nor are they sequenced as such. We will

    return to this line of inquiry below. QED

    Why would anyone want to translate Arabic/Hindus numeralslet alone Chinese

    pictographic trigrams and hexagramsinto binary in the first place? Because the binary

    arithmetic system becomes advantageous in the simplification of handling large number

    manipulation and also provides for the elimination of multiplication and division. 0 X 0 = 0,

    0 X 1 = 0, 1 X 1 = 1; 0 / 1 = 0, 1 / 1 = 1; therefore, these two operations are rendered void.

    Addition and subtraction are the only operations required as long as a durable and reliable

    system for conversion from base-10 to base-2 and back is used and one makes no

    computational errors. Multiplication and division are accomplished by specialized rules of

    addition and subtraction, respectively. This will become important below.

    Fu Xi was erroneously associated with the Yijing (Book of Changes)s 64 Hexagrams by the

    Roman Catholic Church Jesuit missionaries in the 17th and 18th centuries CE. At the time, it

    was impossible for Leibniz to know that Wen Wang of the 12th century BCE invented the 64


  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Leibniz takes up the Fu Xi [Wen Wang] Hexagram Matrix in the fourth section of

    Discourse on the Natural Theology of the Chinese (1715/1716) Concerning the Characters of Fohi,

    Founder of the Chinese Empire, Used in His Writings, and Binary Arithmetic. There is

    some progress made between 1708 and 1716 from his earlier work. Now he attempts to

    conform the Fu Xi Trigrams into a systematic method for combining them by stacking two

    at time into the Wen Wang Hexagrams. As we will see he came so very tantalizingly close to

    solving it. But it seems as though he had given up any attempt at reconciliation.

    Unfortunately, while it might be reasonable to extrapolate the remainder of this autograph

    from Explanation of Binary Arithmetic (1703), this cant be done because it cannot be

    postulated how Leibniz would have reworked it for the missing remainder ending with

    than the natural numbers themselves which are their roots The documentation of this

    autograph is disrupted, jarringly so, and ends here. Would Leibniz have figured out the Wen

    Wang Hexagram Matrix? Would he have made a leap of logic to postulate an ancient

    Chinese binary number system?

    Posterity records no resolution to this conundrum because sadly Leibniz did not finish

    this last work before his death.


    It is extremely difficult to precisely establish provenances in Before Common Era China,

    principally though not exclusively due to the actions taken by Qin Shihuangdi. At some

    point in the late 12th century BCE Zhou Wen Wang (1152 1056 BCE), born Ji Chang,

    King Wen Wang of Zhou, honored by his son Wu as the founder of the Zhou Dynasty after

    the overthrow of the Shang Dynasty, extrapolated the 64 Hexagrams while he was

    imprisoned as a rival political dissident by King Zhou of Shang during which he composed

    the first iteration of the Yijing (Book of Changes). It is impossible to know with certainty his

    was the first iteration. We can only know his was the earliest written iteration that has

    survived. Hence forth we will refer to them as the Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix or 64

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Hexagrams. For this essay we will use the traditionally accepted Yijing (Book of Changes) 64

    Hexagrams format which we will see is the very matrix created by Wen Wang thirty-one-

    hundred years or so ago.

    Fig. 1 Credit: Wen Wang 64 Hexagrams Yijing, Late 12th Century BCE

    At bottom right we find the Yijing interpretive hexagram for Heaven or the numeral 1

    in the beginning position which is interestingly known as the seed position. There is a very

    surprising reason why it became known as the Heaven hexagram as we will soon see. In the

    top left we find the Yijing interpretive hexagram for Earth or the numeral 64 in the

    completion position which is also interestingly known as the exhaustion position. Let us at

    this point dispense with the extant methods of divination, its manifold iterations of evolved

    prophetic, divine and/or theological interpretations, and proceed only with mathematical

    designations. Once we have performed this recreation we will then return to some

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    observations on divination. From this point forward each of the 64 pictograms will be

    identified with a single base-10 and base-2 numeral. While not the original purpose of the

    matrix, it is my contention that it also serves an unexpected ancillary purpose. One that

    might very well explain why it was invented in the first place.

    The key to deciphering this arrangement requires two postulates. Postulate One: the

    pictograms are idiomatic and not numerals as westerners would attempt to read them.

    Postulate Two: this arrangement is not a binary number system, but a rudimentary doubling

    number system rigorously following binary rules which provides for the ancillary benefit of

    functioning as a rudimentary digital binary calculator for the performance of the simple

    operations of addition, subtraction, multiplication and division, analogous to the binary

    arithmetic system without employing binary numerals.

    Each character consists of 6 horizontal lines. Let us now dispense with Leibniz

    interpretive symbolic terminology and return to traditional Chinese Yijing interpretive

    symbolic terminology. The lines can be either solid symbolizing harmony 1 or

    broken/gapped symbolizing disharmony 2. Since there are two options for each position of

    a hexagrams 6 lines, this gives us 26 number of combinations totaling 64 individually unique

    pictograms. So hence forth we will refer to each hexagram in a specific sequential position 1

    64, right to left (left-reading), bottom to top, and its line positions as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and

    6th, from bottom to top. All the other characters are extrapolated from the beginning seed


    The formatting rules of the matrix are derived from the first hexagrams formatting rules.

    It makes no difference at all the manner in which you chose the formatting convention of

    the final matrix. There are 8 possibilities; left-reading, up; up-reading, right; right-reading,

    down; down-reading, left; left-reading, down; up-reading, left; right-reading, up; and down-

    reading, right. Once chosen, one cannot deviate from the chosen convention. One must

    apply the rules to the chosen convention until the matrix is completely extrapolated. One

    can easily understand why the beginning hexagram is associated with Heaven. It is

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    embryonic. It gives full bloom to the final matrix of characters. The following binary

    extrapolative rules open the seed hexagrams iterative developmental potential until the

    exhaustion hexagram is reached completing the matrix.

    The first binary extrapolative rule of the hexagrams is that there are 7 exponent numeral

    character hexagrams in 7 specific locations that graphically denote periodic doubling, and

    establish the matrixs geometry.

    Therefore: 11 =110, 21 = 210, 2

    2 = 410, 23 = 810, 2

    4 = 1610, 25 = 3210, and 2

    6 = 6410. In binary

    the following series is true: 12 = 110, 102 = 210, 1002 = 410, 10002 = 810, 100002 = 1610, 1000002

    = 3210, and 10000002 = 6410. Now that we have a beginning theoretical series we can

    examine the matrix for synchronicity.

    810/23/10002 410/2

    2/1002 210/21/102 110/1


    Fig. 2 Credit: Wen Wang 64 Hexagrams Yijing, Late 12th Century BCE Row 1 (bottom) Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix

    The 1st character at the lower right of the first row bottom is 6 solid 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th &

    6th lines depicting the numerals 110 or 12. The 2nd character to the left is 5 solid 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th

    & 5th lines under 1 broken/gapped disharmony 6th line depicting the numerals 210 or 102. The

    4th character to the left is 4 solid harmony 1st, 2nd, 3rd & 4th lines under 2 broken/gapped

    disharmony 5th & 6th lines depicting the numerals 410 or 1002. The 8th character to the left end

    completing the row 1 bottom is 3 solid harmony 1st, 2nd & 3rd lines under 3 broken/gapped

    disharmony 4th, 5th & 6th lines depicting 810 or 10002 [Fig. 2].


    Fig. 3 Credit: Wen Wang 64 Hexagrams Yijing, Late 12th Century BCE Rows 1 & 2 (from bottom) Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead



    Fig. 4 Wen Wang 64 Hexagrams Yijing, Late 12th Century BCE Rows 1 4 (from bottom) Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix

    Now we must move to the second row from the bottom and to the eighth character to

    the left end or the 16th character in the numeral series which is 2 solid harmony 1st & 2nd lines

    over 4 broken/gapped disharmony 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th lines depicting 1610 or 100002 [Fig. 3].

    Next we go 2 more rows up to the 4th row from the bottom over to the eighth character to

    the left end or the 32nd character in the numeral series which is 1 solid harmony 1st line under

    5 broken/gapped disharmony 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th lines depicting 3210 or 1000002 [Fig. 4].

    Lastly, we now go up another 4 rows to the 8th row to the 8th character to the left end or the

    64th character in the numeral series which is no solid harmony lines at all and only 6

    broken/gapped disharmony 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th & 6th lines depicting 6410 or 10000002 [Fig. 5].


  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead



    Fig. 5 Credit: Wen Wang 64 Hexagrams Yijing, Late 12th Century BCE Rows 1 8 (from bottom) Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix

    The doubling periodicity becomes obvious in the graphic design of the Wen Wang

    Hexagram Matrix. Row 1 at the right beginning position depicts 11, double it to the left for

    21, double it to the left for 22, and double it to the left end of row 1 for 23. Double row 1 to

    the left end of row 2 for 24. Double these 2 rows to the left end of row 4 for 25. And finally

    double these 4 rows to the left end of row 8 for 26 [Fig. 6]. QED

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead



    64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57

    1000000 111111 111110 111101 111100 111011 111010 111001

    56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

    111000 110111 110110 110101 110100 110011 110010 110001

    48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

    110000 101111 101110 101101 101100 101011 101010 101001

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

    101000 100111 100110 100101 100100 100011 100010 100001


    32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

    100000 11111 11110 11101 11100 11011 11010 11001

    24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

    11000 10111 10110 10101 10100 10011 10010 10001


    16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

    10000 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5 23

    4 3 21

    2 11


    1000 111 110 101 100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 6 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by binary number theory First binary extrapolative ruleExponent Numerals

    The second binary extrapolative rule of the hexagrams is that there are exactly 32 of the

    same feature common to the first 1 32 numerals that must be the exact opposite for the

    remaining 32 numerals 33 64, and that this feature must follow the binary principle that all

    odd numerals in base-10 will end with 1 in base-2 and all even numerals will end with 0 in

    base-2. The only feature common to all the numeral hexagrams 1 32 is that every

    characters 1st line is solid harmony denoting 1 in binary base-2 and therefore 1 in Chinese

    numerology. We will now denote the first rows 1 4, numerals 1 32 as register 1. The only

    exact opposite feature common to all numerals 33 64 is that every character 1st line is

    broken/gapped disharmony denoting 10 in binary base-2 and therefore 2 in Chinese

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    numerology. We will now denote the second rows 5 8, numerals 33 64 as register 2 [Fig.

    7]. QED


    64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57

    1000000 111111 111110 111101 111100 111011 111010 111001

    56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

    111000 110111 110110 110101 110100 110011 110010 110001

    48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

    110000 101111 101110 101101 101100 101011 101010 101001

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

    101000 100111 100110 100101 100100 100011 100010 100001


    32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

    100000 11111 11110 11101 11100 11011 11010 11001

    24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

    11000 10111 10110 10101 10100 10011 10010 10001


    16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

    10000 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5 23

    4 3 21

    2 11


    1000 111 110 101 100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 7 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by binary number theory Second binary extrapolative ruleRegister Residency

    The third binary extrapolative rule of the hexagrams is that there are exactly 32 odd and

    32 even hexagram numerals, that the feature common to all odd numerals will follow the

    binary principle above, and that the exact opposite feature common to all even numerals will

    do the same. All 64 hexagrams 6th line follows this rule. There are 32 alternating 6th line solid

    harmony 1 hexagrams in columns 1, 3, 5 & 7. Therefore columns 1, 3, 5 & 7 are odd

    hexagram numerals. There are 32 alternating 6th line broken/gapped disharmony 2

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    hexagrams in columns 2, 4, 6 & 8. Therefore columns 2, 4, 6 & 8 are even hexagram

    numerals [Fig. 8]. QED


    64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57

    1000000 111111 111110 111101 111100 111011 111010 111001

    56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

    111000 110111 110110 110101 110100 110011 110010 110001

    48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

    110000 101111 101110 101101 101100 101011 101010 101001

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

    101000 100111 100110 100101 100100 100011 100010 100001


    32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

    100000 11111 11110 11101 11100 11011 11010 11001

    24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

    11000 10111 10110 10101 10100 10011 10010 10001


    16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

    10000 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5 23

    4 3 21

    2 11


    1000 111 110 101 100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 8 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by binary number theory Third binary extrapolative ruleOdd/Even Numeral Columns

    Now that we understand the overall distribution of the hexagrams we can correctly

    interpret the non-exponent numerals. The 1st lines of all the hexagrams denote register

    residency 1 or 2. The 6th lines of all the hexagrams denote odd or even numerals. The first

    cardinal group of characters is the exponent hexagrams whose unique designs begin with the

    first numeral 1 odd character, the remaining 5 are all even characters and self-organized by

    the doubling principle into a total of 6 residing in register 1 with 1st lines solid harmony 1,

    and 6th lines solid harmony for the first numeral 1 character and broken/gapped

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    disharmony 2 for the remainder, and a single numeral character residing in register 2 with

    1st & 6th lines broken/gapped disharmony 2. The second ordinal group of hexagrams is

    actually comprised of 16 distinct quadragrams sandwiched between 1st line register residency

    and 6th line odd or even numeral designation.

    The fourth binary extrapolative rule of the hexagrams is that all the numerals have

    quadragrams sandwiched between 1st & 6th line positions, thusly: 2nd, 3rd, 4th & 5th lines gives

    us 4 line positions to make 24 = 16. That means 16 different quadragrams are possible. There

    are 32 hexagrams in a register. There are 16 odd/even pairs, so 1 quadragram can be used

    for each odd/even pair. Then we will repeat exactly for register 2 because register 1 is 1st

    solid harmony line, and register 2 is 1st broken/gapped disharmony line.

    Reusing our previous binary extrapolative rules let us now extrapolate the 16

    quadragrams, only now in a 4 by 4 matrix because the exhaustion character is the 16th.

    Similarly to the hexagrams the beginning seed quadragram has 4 solid harmony lines. The

    end exhaustion character is 4 broken/gapped disharmony lines. The first character in the

    series denotes 11 = 1 and the last denotes 24 = 16. Naturally, in a 4 X 4 matrix this must

    mean the first binary extrapolative rule of exponent characters makes the second character 3

    solid harmony lines under 1 broken/gapped disharmony line or 21 = 2. The fourth character

    therefore is 2 solid harmony lines under 2 broken/gapped disharmony lines or 22 = 4. Next

    the eighth character will be 1 solid harmony line under 3 broken/gapped disharmony lines.

    As we have already seen the exhaustion end character must therefore be 4 broken/gapped

    disharmony lines or 24 = 16 [Fig. 9].

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead



    16 15 14 13

    10000 1111 1110 1101

    12 11 10 9

    1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5

    1000 111 110 101


    4 3 21

    2 11


    100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 9 Wen Wang Quadragram Matrix by binary number theory First binary extrapolative ruleExponent Numerals

    The second binary extrapolative rule dictates that characters 1 8 are register 1

    characters with bottom line position solid harmony lines. Therefore characters 9 16 are

    register 2 characters with bottom line position broken/gapped disharmony lines [Fig. 10].


    16 15 14 13

    10000 1111 1110 1101

    12 11 10 9

    1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5

    1000 111 110 101


    4 3 21

    2 11


    100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 10 Wen Wang Quadragram Matrix by binary number theory Second binary extrapolative ruleRegister Residency

    The third binary extrapolative rule dictates that the first and third columns of characters

    must have top line position solid harmony lines denoting odd numeral characters. Therefore

    the second and fourth columns of characters must have top line position broken/gapped

    disharmony lines denoting even numeral characters [Fig. 11].

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead



    16 15 14 13

    10000 1111 1110 1101

    12 11 10 9

    1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5

    1000 111 110 101


    4 3 21

    2 11


    100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 11 Wen Wang Quadragram Matrix by binary number theory Third binary extrapolative ruleOdd/Even Numeral Columns

    Using a variation on the fourth binary extrapolative rule we can complete the

    quadragram matrix. The middle two line positions must follow the exponent characters lead

    and have one configuration that applies to each odd/even pair of numeral characters, thusly:

    numerals 1 & 2 have both middle line positions solid harmony lines, numerals 3 & 4 have 2nd

    line position solid harmony lines under 3rd line position broken/gapped disharmony lines,

    numerals 5 & 6 have 2nd line position broken/gapped disharmony lines under 3rd line

    position solid harmony lines, and numerals 7 & 8 must therefore end the series at exhaustion

    both middle lines broken/gapped disharmony line, completing the register 1 numerals 1 8.

    Repeat exactly for register 2 numerals 9 16 [Fig. 12].


    16 15 14 13

    10000 1111 1110 1101

    12 11 10 9

    1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5

    1000 111 110 101


    4 3 21

    2 11


    100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Fig. 12 Wen Wang Quadragram Matrix by binary number theory Fourth binary extrapolative rule16 Quadragrams Sandwiched & Completion

    Now we can confidently complete the Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix. Insert sequentially

    each quadragram between each hexagram bottom and top lines, 1 quadragram for every

    odd/even numeral pair to complete the register 1 numerals 1 32; then repeat exactly for

    the register 2 numerals 33 64 [Fig. 13].

    We have now correctly derived the Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix using binary number



    64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57

    1000000 111111 111110 111101 111100 111011 111010 111001

    56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

    111000 110111 110110 110101 110100 110011 110010 110001

    48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

    110000 101111 101110 101101 101100 101011 101010 101001

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

    101000 100111 100110 100101 100100 100011 100010 100001


    32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

    100000 11111 11110 11101 11100 11011 11010 11001

    24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

    11000 10111 10110 10101 10100 10011 10010 10001


    16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

    10000 1111 1110 1101 1100 1011 1010 1001


    8 7 6 5 23

    4 3 21

    2 11


    1000 111 110 101 100 11 10 1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 13 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by binary number theory Fourth binary extrapolative rule16 Quadragrams Sandwiched & Completion

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead



    As compelling and beautiful as this recreation of the Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by

    extrapolation from binary number theory is, regretfully, it is not how he devised his matrix

    from Fu Xis trigrams. Now using our new eyes developed from extrapolating the matrix

    from binary number theory lets recreate what Wen Wang did some thirty-one-hundred or so

    years ago.

    At the beginning of this essay I said we would return to the Fu Xi Trigram Sequence. Let

    us use the same formatting rules and conventions as we did for the Wen Wang Hexagram

    Matrix. Therefore, each trigram consists of 3 line positions with 2 line options for each

    giving 23 = 8 total distinct characters in this sequence. Using our binary extrapolative rules

    we have 4 exponent characters 11 = 1, 21 = 2, 22 = 4 and 23 = 8. So the beginning first

    trigram seed character is 3 solid harmony lines, the second trigram character is 2 solid

    harmony lines under 1 broken/gapped disharmony line, the fourth character is 1 solid

    harmony line under 2 broken/gapped disharmony lines, and the ending final exhaustion

    character is 3 broken/gapped disharmony lines. The register 1 characters consist of numerals

    1 4 with bottom solid harmony lines, and the register 2 characters consist of the numerals

    5 8 with broken/gapped disharmony lines. The odd numeral characters have top solid

    harmony lines, and the even numeral characters have broken/gapped disharmony lines.

    Therefore, the middle line position binary extrapolative rule must give the third character to

    be bottom solid harmony line, middle broken/gapped disharmony line, and top solid

    harmony line; the fifth character must be bottom broken/gapped disharmony line, middle

    solid harmony line, and top solid harmony line; the sixth character must be bottom

    broken/gapped disharmony line, middle solid harmony line, and top broken/gapped

    disharmony line; and the seventh character must be bottom broken/gapped disharmony line,

    middle broken/gapped disharmony line, and top solid harmony line [Fig. 14]. QED





    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Fig. 14 Fu Xi Trigram Sequence by binary number theory First Fourth binary extrapolative rulesComplete Sequence

    Wen Wang had this much venerated and valorized sequence to mediate Between Heaven

    and Earth in his mind as he worked. Having extrapolated his matrix from binary number

    theory we can see how easily he extrapolated from the Fu Xi Trigram Sequence to make a

    more compelling matrix matching the complexities of Heaven and Earth that would be the

    most rational arrangement of character divination. All he didliterallywas multiply the 8

    characters by the 8 characters to make a graphic depiction of that multiplication in an 8 X 8

    = 64 character matrix.

    This is where Leibniz was truly and tragically blind. Had he eschewed a default

    hierarchical Western colonial overlay upon the East he could have seen that the characters

    could never give themselves to a Western representationalist binary numeral systembut

    were instead, hidden plainly in sight, the pictographic depiction of 8 X 8 = 64. If you take

    every character and divide it into a lower and upper trigram then the operation becomes

    glaringly obvious. The lower trigram for all 8 characters in the bottom first row is the first

    Fu Xi Trigram Sequence character. Then the second character for all 8 characters in the

    second row, and so on through the top eighth row [Fig. 15].

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead




    64 23

    63 23

    62 23

    61 23

    60 23

    59 23

    58 23


    8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x 8x

    56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

    7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x 7x

    48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

    6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x 6x

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

    5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x 5x



    32 22

    31 22

    30 22

    29 22

    28 22

    27 22

    26 22


    4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x 4x

    24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

    3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x 3x



    16 21

    15 21

    14 21

    13 21

    12 21

    11 21

    10 21


    2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x 2x



    8 11

    7 11

    6 11

    5 11

    4 11

    3 11

    2 11


    1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 15 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by Fu Xi Trigram Sequence Lower Half of HexagramsTrigram the same for each character in a row

    Every single characters upper trigram in all 8 rows is the same Fu Xi Trigram Sequence

    character distributed sequentially left-reading [Fig. 16]. Or congruently put another way, each

    column of characters has the same upper trigram.

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead






    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    64 63 62 61 22

    60 59 21

    58 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    56 55 54 53 22

    52 51 21

    50 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    48 47 46 45 22

    44 43 21

    42 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    40 39 38 37 22

    36 35 21

    34 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    32 31 30 29 22

    28 27 21

    26 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    24 23 22 21 22

    20 19 21

    18 17

    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    16 15 14 13 22

    12 11 21

    10 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1


    8 7 6 5 22

    4 3 21

    2 11


    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 16 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by Fu Xi Trigram Sequence Upper Half of HexagramsTrigram the same for each character in a column

    A pictographic depiction of 8 X 8 = 64 [Fig. 17]. QED

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead






    x8 x7 x6 x5 x4 x3 x2 x1



    64 63 62 61 60 59 58 57

    8x 8x8 8x7 8x6 8x5 8x4 8x3 8x2 8x1

    56 55 54 53 52 51 50 49

    7x 7x8 7x7 7x6 7x5 7x4 7x3 7x2 7x1

    48 47 46 45 44 43 42 41

    6x 6x8 6x7 6x6 6x5 6x4 6x3 6x2 6x1

    40 39 38 37 36 35 34 33

    5x 5x8 5x7 5x6 5x5 5x4 5x3 5x2 5x1



    32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25

    4x 4x8 4x7 4x6 4x5 4x4 4x3 4x2 4x1

    24 23 22 21 20 19 18 17

    3x 3x8 3x7 3x6 3x5 3x4 3x3 3x2 3x1



    16 15 14 13 12 11 10 9

    2x 2x8 2x7 2x6 2x5 2x4 2x3 2x2 2x1



    8 7 6 5 23

    4 3 21

    2 11


    1x 1x8 1x7 1x6 1x5 1x4 1x3 1x2 1x1 Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 17 Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix by Fu Xi Trigram Sequence Lower Half & Upper Half of HexagramsLower Trigram by Upper Trigram gives 64 unique hexagrams by pictographic depiction

    Now anyone can easily extrapolate the Wen Wang 64 Hexagrams Yijing (Book of Changes)

    matrix as was done some thirty-one-hundred or so years ago.


    Did you by any chance notice the characters in the Wen Wang Hexagram Matrix that are red

    on the bias from character position 1 through 64? At numerals 1, 10, 19, 28, 37, 46,

    55, and 64 [Fig. 1]? As Western sequential numerals they make no sense. But as a

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    pictographic depiction of numeral operations they do. Look closely at each character. Notice

    anything distinctive? If youre paying attention to this essay it should now stand out for you.

    Each character is a graphic depiction of Fu Xi Trigram Sequence numeral character squares

    or x2. Each one has a lower and upper trigram that is the same.

    This is graphic depiction of Fu Xi Trigram Sequence numerals 1 X 1 = 1 giving a single

    hexagram character, the seed hexagram symbolizing Heaven. Fu Xi Trigram Sequence

    numerals 2 X 2 = 4 giving a 2 X 2 hexagram matrix comprising 4 characters. Fu Xi Trigram

    Sequence numerals 3 X 3 = 9 giving a 3 X 3 hexagram matrix comprising 9 characters. Fu Xi

    Trigram Sequence numerals 4 X 4 = 16 giving a 4 X 4 hexagram matrix comprising 16

    characters. Fu Xi Trigram Sequence numerals 5 X 5 = 25 giving a 5 X 5 hexagram matrix

    comprising 25 characters. Fu Xi Trigram Sequence numerals 6 X 6 = 36 giving a 6 X 6

    hexagram matrix comprising 36 characters. Fu Xi Trigram Sequence numerals 7 X 7 = 49

    giving a 7 X 7 hexagram matrix comprising 49 characters. And finally, Fu Xi Trigram

    Sequence numerals 8 X 8 = 64 giving an 8 X 8 hexagram matrix comprising 64 characters

    and the last exhaustion character symbolizing Earth [Fig. 17].

    The appropriate convention is to refer to these combinations relationally as lower

    trigram by upper trigram, not arithmetically as lower trigram times upper trigram. In the

    figure diagrams the convention used is lower trigram 1 8 by upper trigram 1 8. So the

    hexagram 3 X 7 = 21 denotes the sequential 23rd hexagram with lower 3rd trigram by the

    upper 7th trigram delineating a matrix of 21 characters bounded 3 up by 7 across to the left.


    To my western eyes this matrix at first looked like a digital binary calculator because I saw

    the characters sequentially, not as Wen Wang or his contemporaries would have seen them. I

    now understand this was a serendipitous happenstance of its simultaneity with binary

    number theory. While not intended as its primary function, because it follows binary number

    theory laws, it can be used as a sequential digital binary calculator in the following way.

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    If we exchange sequential Arabic/Hindus numerals for the hexagram characters we get 1

    64 in an 8 X 8 numeral matrix. Now lets flip and rotate this matrix for western convention

    upper left corner start position, right reading top to bottom. You manipulate this manual

    calculator digitally using your index finger following binary arithmetic operations [Fig. 18].

    1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

    9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16

    17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24

    25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32

    33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40

    41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48

    49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56

    57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64

    Credit: Kevin Mequet

    Fig. 18 Wen Wang Yijing Digital Binary Calculator (Patent Pending) Interpretive info: right-reading; red, exponent numerals; blue, odd numerals; black, even numerals; yellow, register 1 numerals; and green, register 2 numerals.

    Place your finger or a stylus on the character that you wish to begin the calculation, and

    then count sequentially to get the result. If adding, count forward to the right from the first

    addend numeral the number of the second addend to achieve the sum. If subtracting, count

    backward to the left from the first subtractend numeral the number of the second

    subtractend to achieve the resultant subtend. If the second subtractend is larger when you

    reach numeral 1 tap your figure or stylus again, count once againbecause there is no (0) in

    this calculatorand continue counting backward to the left, the resultant subtend is a

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    negative number or a deficit. If multiplying, count the multiple forward to the right, such as

    4 X 5, start at numeral 1 and count 5 sets of 4 characters till you reach numeral 20. The

    answer is 20. You could also correctly count 4 (5s) forward to the left. If dividing, do the

    reverse of multiplying, such as 20 / 5, start at the numeral 20 count the divisor 5 backwards

    to the left, thats 1 (5), another 5, thats 2 (5s), count another 5, thats 3 (5s), another 5 which

    brings us to numeral 1, thats 4 (5s), the answer is 4 with no remainder. If theres a remainder

    note it with the resultant dividend.

    What happens if your calculation exceeds 64? Start adding or subtracting (64s). Lets

    suppose an answer of 103 wants to be obtained. How do you deal with it? You count to 64

    and then start from the beginning numeral 1 again and keep going, such as 64 and 39. The

    answer is 64 and 39. So running debt or surplus totals would be formatted in multiples of 64

    and a remainder under 64, if any. Extraordinarily large numberswith carecan be


    Conveniently, the numerals and design tells you what to do; its self-embodied and

    complete. By using very simple rules it does the work of addition, subtraction, multiplication

    and division very similar to the binary numeral system. But this isnt what Wen Wang

    invented his matrix to do in his time. He invent this singular matrix to produce what he said

    would become the most rational system of divination.


    Lets now turn to an important consideration. Why do human beings regardless of disparate

    evolutionary cultural development strive to embody existence into systematic mathematical

    objects? The posing of this question seems to be at the heart of this essay and might provide

    a methodology for finding common ground cross-culturally for promoting profound dialog

    and mutually illuminating inquiry.

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Leibniz and Western Europe held the view that mathematics is at the heart of all

    creation and human endeavor. It is the perfect unchanging language of G-d in Western

    Europe and of the Son of Heaven in China. Through ancient antecedents, both in the

    European and East Asian continents, Li Madou reintroduced China to this view

    reinvigorated and exhorted by Christopher Clavius, Matteo Riccis mathematics teacher at


    As was noted at the beginning of this essay Qin Shihuangdi precipitated a titanic

    discontinuity in Chinas intellectual continuum. It was a breach so vast that it could not be

    mitigated internally, but awaited a chance encounter from outside her borders in the late 16th

    century Ming Dynasty by Li Madou from the Great West. That chance encounter would set

    in motion events of unforeseen consequence. Until Li Madou wrote in Mandarin a treatise

    on mathematics translating Euclids Elements into Jihe yuanben (1607)literally translated as

    the origin of quantity but more-widely known as Elementary Treatise on Geometrya

    small rivulet of reconnection could not develop into a flood of reclaimed arithmetic

    expertise. Lauded by the Chinese literati as an exemplary homage to Confucius Li Madous

    preface quoted from Christopher Clavius translation of Euclids Elements. It was an oversell

    of mathematics to the Chinese to bolster a skeptical Chinese Imperium of its value and

    virtue. Ironically it was the same oversell as was Clavius preface to bolster a skeptical

    Roman Catholic Church of the integral value and virtue of arithmetic in the syllabuses of

    their universities. Clavius compared mathematics to a fountain from which the other

    branches of science gush; Ricci compared it to a ladder leading up to the peaks of

    knowledge.8 After an arithmetic drought of 1,800 years the importance of mathematics to

    Chinas well-being and promotion of good societal order fell upon receptive ears.

    The downside is that this view falls prey to an overdominant condition, whereby creative

    speculation, language and the arts become secondary endeavors. One can so easily mistake

    8 Ibid, p. 254

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    mathematical objects as interchangeable, even replaceable, with reality. Unfortunately, this is

    not so.

    We have reached a philosophical and scientific impasse that must be surmounted. The

    case is laid out quite clearly and succinctly by Lee Smolin in his latest book, Time Reborn

    (2013), where we must accept the reality of time suffusing the universe, events as real in the

    moment, time as the passage of successive moments with directionality, novelty and change

    in an unbounded, open-ended, evolving Leibnizian Universe of relationality, fundamentally

    unpredictable and uncertain, but extravagantly diverse and unique. He says Leibnizian

    because he takes as a given two important principles of Leibniz: The Principles of Sufficient

    Reason and Identity of the Indiscernibles,9 or Univocity of Singular Uniqueness.10

    The problem to be mitigated is summed up quite nicely by Smolin:

    Mathematics will continue to be a handmaiden to science, but she can no longer be

    the Queen.11

    Mathematics and sciencethe same as the arts/humanities and the sciencesmust be

    interrelated and interplayed the way Deleuze formatted his two numerical series interacting

    in intensity and extensity giving rise to his formulation of the virtual and actual, both/and,

    neither preferenced or annihilated, distinguishable but indivisible.12

    And so the same must be said of this extrapolation of Wen Wangs Yijing Hexagrams

    which culminates Leibniz unrequited inquiry begun three centuries ago.

    9 Lee Smolin, Time Reborn, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Boston, NYC (2103), pp. 114 - 7

    10 Gilles Deleuze, Difference & Repetition, Columbia University Press (1968 French, 1994 English), p. 37;

    the author is synthesizing Deleuzes thought which he synthesized from Leibniz and Spinoza. 11

    Lee Smolin, Time Reborn, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Boston, NYC (2103), p. 251 12

    Clayton Crockett, Deleuze Beyond Badiou, Columbia University Press, NYC (2103), p. 40

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Li Madou had no patience, let alone a spirit of accommodation, with what he termed the

    several thousands of charlatans peddling false fortune-telling in the Imperial Capitol.13 He

    was undoubtedly referring to Yijing divination. This was an unfortunate colonial

    misunderstanding. I would desire correcting it and welcome an open dialog to deepen my

    understanding of this long-beloved Chinese tradition in the Confucian ideal:

    The Master said, Reviewing the old as a means of realizing the newsuch a

    person can be considered a teacher. 14

    We seem, regardless of differing evolutionary cultural development, to be extraordinarily

    concerned with the avoidance of risk and detriment by attempting to transform unruly,

    unpredictable, uncertain existence into orderly, controllable life with the benefit of certainty.

    This is at root a zero-sum game. We must eschew this illusory wish for an authentic

    relationship with reality that includes time and acclimatizes us to becoming comfortable with

    uncertainty. Wishing mathematics to remain the Queen of science in the West is not so

    dissimilar with wishing the Yijing to give some certainty in an uncertain world. Mathematical

    objects can only approximate processes in time in the world and never perfectly model or

    replace them. I could confidently say Heideggers Being the World would fit nicely here. So

    like everything else the interpretive project must extend to mathematical objects: useful

    handmaidens but never Queens, as is demonstrated in this essay. We must come to a place

    where we realize that to live fully we must live joyfully into uncertainty. Perhaps we can

    more effectively connect with each other cross-culturally if we share our mutuality in

    certainty and together venture beyond it?

    Coming full circle, lets reconsider Wen Wangs Hexagrams. If we perform the same

    operation upon the 8 X 8 = 64 matrix as we did to produce the Yijing Digital Binary

    Calculator we get a relational matrix of Fu Xi trigrams multiplied by themselves [Fig. 19].

    13 Michela Fontana, Matteo Ricci: A Jesuit in the Ming Court, Rowmann & Littlefield Publishers, Inc.,

    (2011), p. 262 14

    Ibid, p. 243; Confucius, Analects (2, 11)

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    1x1 1x2 1x3 1x4 1x5 1x6 1x7 1x8

    2x1 2x2 2x3 2x4 2x5 2x6 2x7 2x8

    3x1 3x2 3x3 3x4 3x5 3x6 3x7 3x8

    4x1 4x2 4x3 4x4 4x5 4x6 4x7 7x8

    5x1 5x2 5x3 5x4 5x5 5x6 5x7 5x8

    6x1 6x2 6x3 6x4 6x5 6x6 6x7 6x8

    7x1 7x2 7x3 7x4 7x5 7x6 7x7 7x8

    8x1 8x2 8x3 8x4 8x5 8x6 8x7 8x8

    Credit: Kevin Mequet Fig. 19 Relational Wen Wang Yijing Hexagrams from Fu Xis Trigrams Interpretive info: right-reading; red, x2 characters; blue, odd column characters; black, even column characters; yellow, register 1 characters; and green, register 2 characters.

    We cannot know with certainty how Wen Wang used his Yijing Hexagram Matrix for the

    most rational method of divination. It is lost to us now by the actions commanded by Qin

    Shihuangdi. But just as we have reconstructed here how the matrix was originally created, it

    might be possible to inductively reason how the methodology of divination might have been

    conceived by Wen Wang. An idea of Stuart Kaufmanns might help us here. It posits that in

    a relational world one must look for what can happen next, or the processes of the world

    follow the Principle of the Adjacent Possible.15 In a relational Yijing Hexagram Matrix

    devised from multiplying Fu Xis Trigrams by themselves relationally, might we look for

    relational operations of divination based upon Kaufmanns Principle of the Adjacent

    Possible? I would like very much to investigate this further with Chinese scholars.

    15 Lee Smolin, Time Reborn, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Boston, NYC (2103), p. xvi

  • kevin dobson mequet 605 WATKINS STREET CONWAY, ARKANSAS 72034 501-327-9470 [email protected]

    Never doubt that a small group of committed citizens can change the world: indeed its the only thing that ever has. Margaret Mead


    Copyright 2013 Kevin Dobson Mequet; Zhou Wen Wangs Development of Yijing (Book Of Changes) 64 Hexagrams: An Inductive Recreation of Binary Extrapolative Operations. It is intended for strictly individual personal use. All rights are reserved. It may not be reprinted without obtaining prior written permission from Kevin Mequet. It may not be altered, misquoted, truncated, misattributed or plagiarized. Please adhere strictly to competent academic citation and attribution.