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  • 7/29/2019 zemoga-case-study.pdf


    Taming complexity

    oday, mulidevice markeing campaigns are he norm, no he excepion. Buwhen cliens reques campaigns encompassing he web, as well as ables andsmarphones, ron-end web designers and developers oen, undersandably,suppress heir exasperaion. Why? Unil recenly, hey had o design, develop,preview, and debug in he manual, old-ashioned waydevice by device. Inan eor o speed his QA process, digial design and developmen agencyZemoga ried a new approach.

    Working wih creaive agency Baron F. Gra 9000 on a naional adverisingcampaign or Litle Caesars, Zemoga used Adobe Edge Inspec, an applicaionor Mac, Microso Windows, Android, and iOS devices ha makes i easiero preview, inspec, and cusomize web conen or muliple devices. Te resul:delivery o a seamless and consisen experience ha was key o mainainingengagemen reinorcing he brand value.

    Adobe Cusomer Snapsho

    Adobe Edge Inspec& Zemoga: Litle Caesars

  • 7/29/2019 zemoga-case-study.pdf


    Adobe Systems Incorporated

    345 Park AvenueSan Jose, CA 95110-2704USAwww.adobe.com

    Multidevice mission control

    Te clever campaign kicks o wih a myserious radio ad admonishing liseners:Do No Call 1-800-rylitlec. When curiosiy wins ou and people make hecall, heyre insruced no o visi a websie, and hen no o ener heir address.Aer disobeying all o he warnings, an embedded map shows he neares LitleCaesars locaion. Te message is all abou immediacy and convenience: youdon need o call or visi he websie o place an order; insead, simply drop byor a HO-N-READY pizza.

    Knowing ha mos people would make he call rom a smarphone and hen

    go o he websie rom he same device, i was imporan o deliver a awlessbrand experience across plaorms and devices. Te design eam creaedasses and designs in Adobe Phooshop CS6 and he UI eam hen usedAdobe Fireworks CS6 o opimize and expor images and generae mobilelayous using he jQuery Mobile Command.

    When i came ime o es he responsive design experience, Adobe Edge Inspecdidn disappoin. Te eam was impressed wih how easy i was o se-up anduse, as well as how well i inegraed wih he agencys exising QA process.Using Adobe Edge Inspec quickly became second naure and shaved a leas30% o o our core esing and developmen ime, says DJ Edgeron, CEO oZemoga.

    Te rapid-fre launch iming or he Litle Caesars projec le no room orerror. We spen only 10% o he overall projec ime on QA wih Adobe Edge

    Inspec, and he abiliy o view, debug, and code in one brushsroke cameclose o cuting ha in hal, says Edgeron.

    In addiion o scoring a happy clien, Zemoga eecively ook is mulidevicedevelopmen o he nex level. Adobe Edge Inspec le eam members workwih a ull device view, collaborae, and see heir eors beyond emulaion,says Edgeron. From now on Adobe Edge Inspec is our mission-conrolcener or developing, esing, and debugging across all argeed devices.

    Using Adobe Edge Inspect quickly became second nature and

    shaved at least 30% of o our core testing and development time.

    Adobe, the Adobe logo, Photoshop, and Fireworks are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Adobe Systems Incorporated in the United States and/or other countries. Android is a registered trademark of Google Inc. Mac is a trademark ofApple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. Microsoft and Windows are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other trademarks are the property of theirrespective owners.

    2012 Adobe Systems Incorporated. All rights reserved.


    For more information

